Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-12 Thread Dave

After reading through the MySQL manuals, as suggested here, I attempted 
to construct the following statement to copy data from the table 
members to the table forum_members:

INSERT INTO forum_members( MD5(passwd) , dateRegistered, realName, 
ID_MEMBER, memberName, emailAddress, active, keitai, number, admin, 
cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, 
websiteUrl ) VALUES ('temp', UNIX_TIMESTAMP( joindate ) , CONCAT_WS( ' 
', firstname, lastname ) , id, username, email, active, keitai, number, 
admin, cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, 
website)FROM members

However, I got the following error:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'MD5( passwd ) , dateRegistered, realName, ID_MEMBER, memberName,

It seems that MySQL does not like me putting in syntax to modify the 
fields within my INSERT command. Specifically, it objected to having 
MD5(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), and CONCAT_WS(). At least this is what is 
indicated to me within the phpMyAdmin interface, which highlights the 
erroneous sections of the statement in red.

Am I using the wrong statement? How do I take a value from one field, 
such as the date, and make it into a different format for inserting into 
another field if the INSERT command won't accept those modifications?


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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-12 Thread Johan Höök

Hi Dave,
I think your problem is that you're trying to call one of
your columns MD5(passwd) and my guess would be that you should do:

INSERT INTO forum_members( passwd, dateRegistered, realName,
 ID_MEMBER, memberName, emailAddress, active, keitai, number, admin,
 cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe,
 websiteUrl ) VALUES (MD5('temp'), UNIX_TIMESTAMP( joindate ) , 
CONCAT_WS( '  ', firstname, lastname ) , id, username, email, active, 
keitai, number,

 admin, cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe,
 website)FROM members


Dave wrote:

After reading through the MySQL manuals, as suggested here, I attempted 
to construct the following statement to copy data from the table 
members to the table forum_members:

INSERT INTO forum_members( MD5(passwd) , dateRegistered, realName, 
ID_MEMBER, memberName, emailAddress, active, keitai, number, admin, 
cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, 
websiteUrl ) VALUES ('temp', UNIX_TIMESTAMP( joindate ) , CONCAT_WS( ' 
', firstname, lastname ) , id, username, email, active, keitai, number, 
admin, cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, 
website)FROM members

However, I got the following error:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near 'MD5( passwd ) , dateRegistered, realName, ID_MEMBER, memberName,

It seems that MySQL does not like me putting in syntax to modify the 
fields within my INSERT command. Specifically, it objected to having 
MD5(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), and CONCAT_WS(). At least this is what is 
indicated to me within the phpMyAdmin interface, which highlights the 
erroneous sections of the statement in red.

Am I using the wrong statement? How do I take a value from one field, 
such as the date, and make it into a different format for inserting into 
another field if the INSERT command won't accept those modifications?


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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-12 Thread Dave

I think your problem is that you're trying to call one of your columns 

Thank you for pointing that out. I had the function in the wrong part of 
the statement. Actually, I've realized I'm probably best off to leave 
the passwords alone for now, and go ahead and copy the rest of the data.

However, I've encountered a new error which comes out of nowhwere.

This is my query:

INSERT INTO forum_members( dateRegistered, realName, ID_MEMBER, 
memberName, emailAddress, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, 
cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, websiteUrl )
SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP( joindate ) , CONCAT_WS( ' ', firstname, lastname 
) , id, username, email, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, 
cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, website)

FROM members
WHERE id 0

And this is the error returned:
#1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) and 
(utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat_ws'

So far as I know, I've attempted at every possible place to make all 
fields, tables, and settings in my database to be utf-8. I have double 
checked the source fields and table, and the destination fields and 
table, and in all cases the collation is marked as being utf8_general_ci.

Where could this latin1_swedish_ci collation be coming from?


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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-12 Thread Gleb Paharenko

After reading through the MySQL manuals, as suggested here, I attempted

to construct the following statement to copy data from the table members

to the table forum_members:

Please, keep your answers on the list. Use INSERT ... SELECT. Don't put

the functions in the column list. See one more time:


After reading through the MySQL manuals, as suggested here, I attempted to 
construct the following statement to copy data from the table members to the 
table forum_members:

INSERT INTO forum_members( MD5(passwd) , dateRegistered, realName, ID_MEMBER, 
memberName, emailAddress, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, cardbio, 
hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, websiteUrl ) VALUES ('temp', 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP( joindate ) , CONCAT_WS( ' ', firstname, lastname ) , id, 
username, email, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, cardbio, hofpic, 
hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, website)FROM members

However, I got the following error:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 
'MD5( passwd ) , dateRegistered, realName, ID_MEMBER, memberName,

It seems that MySQL does not like me putting in syntax to modify the fields 
within my INSERT command. Specifically, it objected to having MD5(), 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), and CONCAT_WS(). At least this is what is indicated to me 
within the phpMyAdmin interface, which highlights the erroneous sections of 
the statement in red.

Am I using the wrong statement? How do I take a value from one field, such as 
the date, and make it into a different format for inserting into another field 
if the INSERT command won't accept those modifications?

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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-12 Thread Johan Höök

I'm not that good when it comes to collations but latin1_swedish_ci is
normally the default collation for a MySQL installation. Have you
checked via SHOW VARIABLES that you don't have latin1_swedish_ci
lurking somewhere. My hunch here is that your ' ' in the CONCAT_WS
defaults to latin1_swedish_ci.

Hope this helps,

Dave wrote:

I think your problem is that you're trying to call one of your columns 

Thank you for pointing that out. I had the function in the wrong part of 
the statement. Actually, I've realized I'm probably best off to leave 
the passwords alone for now, and go ahead and copy the rest of the data.

However, I've encountered a new error which comes out of nowhwere.

This is my query:

INSERT INTO forum_members( dateRegistered, realName, ID_MEMBER, 
memberName, emailAddress, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, 
cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, websiteUrl )
SELECT (UNIX_TIMESTAMP( joindate ) , CONCAT_WS( ' ', firstname, lastname 
) , id, username, email, active, keitai, number, admin, cardpic, 
cardbio, hofpic, hofbio, nickname, contactMe, showMe, website)

FROM members
WHERE id 0

And this is the error returned:
#1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) and 
(utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat_ws'

So far as I know, I've attempted at every possible place to make all 
fields, tables, and settings in my database to be utf-8. I have double 
checked the source fields and table, and the destination fields and 
table, and in all cases the collation is marked as being utf8_general_ci.

Where could this latin1_swedish_ci collation be coming from?


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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-12 Thread Dave

My hunch here is that your ' ' in the CONCAT_WS defaults to 

It seems you're right. There are a few variables that are still in 
default mode which I discovered through the SHOW VARIABLES command. I've 
tried to switch them, but I'm obviously using the syntax incorrectly. I 
looked in the manual for variable settings, and it says to use the SET 
command. But none of these versions work:

SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci;   


SET collation_connection (utf8_general_ci);


SET collation_connection {utf8_general_ci};

What is the correct syntax for setting this kind of variable?


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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-12 Thread Johan Höök

I've tried
SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci;
on my server (4.1.14) and it seems to work so
I'm afraid I can't help you anymore there.


Dave wrote:

My hunch here is that your ' ' in the CONCAT_WS defaults to 

It seems you're right. There are a few variables that are still in 
default mode which I discovered through the SHOW VARIABLES command. I've 
tried to switch them, but I'm obviously using the syntax incorrectly. I 
looked in the manual for variable settings, and it says to use the SET 
command. But none of these versions work:

SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci;  

SET collation_connection (utf8_general_ci);


SET collation_connection {utf8_general_ci};

What is the correct syntax for setting this kind of variable?


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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-12 Thread Dave

SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci;
on my server (4.1.14) and it seems to work

I made a new Query, copying the text as you wrote it, and it still 
didn't work, but in a different way.

I type:
SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci;
... and I get the following returned to me:
Your SQL-query has been executed successfully (Query took 0.0002 sec)

But, when I type:
... it still shows:
collation_connection  latin1_swedish_ci

Am I perhaps setting the variable in the wrong place? Globally and not 
locally or something to that effect?


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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another [PARTIALLY SOLVED]

2005-09-12 Thread Dave

While the basic issue of correct syntax is still open, this issue has 
boiled down to a specific error message, so I've moved to a new thread 

Operand should contain 1 column error

However, for future reference, the issue of variables has been solved. I 
discovered that to make the changes to the variables that I wanted to 
take hold and not be temporary, I had to use SET GLOBAL instead of just SET.

Thank you everyone for your assistance.


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Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-08 Thread Dave

MySQL General List,

   Server specifications:
   MySQL 4.1.3-beta, phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1, PHP 4.3.8
   My specifications:
   MySQL beginner, PHP intermediate, HTML and CSS advanced.

   The situation:
   I have recently installed a forum ( ) 
on my web site. I already have about 150 users on my site, and I want to 
transplant their information from their current table into the members 
table used by the forum.
   With many of the necessary fields, this means I have to take the 
format of the current data and put it into a the new field with a 
different format.

   The Questions:
   In the following 5 cases, will it be safe to copy data directly, or 
will there be data loss or scrambling:

   1. In the first case, the id number for the original table is an 
INT, with a length of 11. In the target table, it's a MEDIUMINT with a 
length of 8. Since I only have 150 members starting at an id of 1, I'm 
assuming I can just copy the numbers without fear of truncation

   2. The username in the source table is a VARCHAR with a length of 
80, but the destination has a length of 16. What will happen to the data 
in the destination table if it's longer than 16? Will it be truncated or 

   3. The third case I'm a little confused about. In the source table, 
I have a field for recording the date that the member joined. This is 
stored in DATE format. The destination table uses a simple INT with a 
length of 10. I this is a Unix time stamp format, because according to 
the forum web site, you can access it from PHP using the time() 
function. So would the command be something like:
   COPY DATE(members.joindate) TO 


   4. For storing email addresses, the source table uses a VARCHAR 
field with a length of 100. In the destination it's a TINYTEXT. If I 
understand correctly, TINYTEXT should hold 256 characters, so there 
should be enough room.

   5. The last case I need to combine two fields into one. The source 
table uses seperate fields for first name and last name, and each is a 
VARCHAR with a length of 100. In the destination table, first and last 
names are stored in the same field, with a TINYTEXT format.
   However, despite the fact that I've looked up combine fields and 
concatenate fields on Google, I can't find instructions on how to do 
that in reference to merging two fields into one, or copying from one 
field to another. All the references I found are for querying the 
database, combining data at the point of user input. How do I combine 
two fields from one table, and put them into another?

   Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you.


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Re: Copying data stored in different field formats from one table to another

2005-09-08 Thread Gleb Paharenko

This is not a step by step instructions. But taking into an account

that you're a MySQL beginner, in my opinion, you should read some

parts of the manual:

I recommend you to upgrade your MySQL to the latest release (4.1.14

now). See:


 MySQL General List,


Server specifications:

MySQL 4.1.3-beta, phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1, PHP 4.3.8

My specifications:

MySQL beginner, PHP intermediate, HTML and CSS advanced.


The situation:

I have recently installed a forum ( ) 

 on my web site. I already have about 150 users on my site, and I want to 

 transplant their information from their current table into the members 

 table used by the forum.

With many of the necessary fields, this means I have to take the 

 format of the current data and put it into a the new field with a 

 different format.


The Questions:

In the following 5 cases, will it be safe to copy data directly, or 

 will there be data loss or scrambling:


1. In the first case, the id number for the original table is an 

 INT, with a length of 11. In the target table, it's a MEDIUMINT with a 

 length of 8. Since I only have 150 members starting at an id of 1, I'm 

 assuming I can just copy the numbers without fear of truncation


2. The username in the source table is a VARCHAR with a length of 

 80, but the destination has a length of 16. What will happen to the data 

 in the destination table if it's longer than 16? Will it be truncated or 



3. The third case I'm a little confused about. In the source table, 

 I have a field for recording the date that the member joined. This is 

 stored in DATE format. The destination table uses a simple INT with a 

 length of 10. I this is a Unix time stamp format, because according to 

 the forum web site, you can access it from PHP using the time() 

 function. So would the command be something like:

COPY DATE(members.joindate) TO 




4. For storing email addresses, the source table uses a VARCHAR 

 field with a length of 100. In the destination it's a TINYTEXT. If I 

 understand correctly, TINYTEXT should hold 256 characters, so there 

 should be enough room.


5. The last case I need to combine two fields into one. The source 

 table uses seperate fields for first name and last name, and each is a 

 VARCHAR with a length of 100. In the destination table, first and last 

 names are stored in the same field, with a TINYTEXT format.

However, despite the fact that I've looked up combine fields and 

 concatenate fields on Google, I can't find instructions on how to do 

 that in reference to merging two fields into one, or copying from one 

 field to another. All the references I found are for querying the 

 database, combining data at the point of user input. How do I combine 

 two fields from one table, and put them into another?


Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you.




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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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