MySQL Connector/Java 5.1.46 GA has been released

2018-03-12 Thread Hery Ramilison

Dear MySQL Users,

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.46, a maintenance release of the production 5.1
branch has been released. Connector/J is the Type-IV pure-Java JDBC
driver for MySQL.

MySQL Connector Java is available in source and binary form from the
Connector/J download pages at
and mirror sites as well as Maven-2 repositories.

MySQL Connector Java (Commercial) is already available for download on the
My Oracle Support (MOS) website. This release will shortly be available on
eDelivery (OSDC).

As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the
download archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect
your application.

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.46 includes the following general bug fixes and
improvements, also available in more detail on

Changes in MySQL Connector/J 5.1.46 (2018-03-12)

   Version 5.1.46 is a maintenance release of the production 5.1
   branch. It is suitable for use with MySQL Server versions
   5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0. It supports the Java Database
   Connectivity (JDBC) 4.2 API.

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Because Connector/J restricted TLS versions to v1.1 and
   below by default when connecting to MySQL Community
   Server 8.0 (which used to be compiled with yaSSL by
   default and thus supporting only TLS v1.1 and below), it
   failed to connect to to a MySQL 8.0.4 Community Server
   (which has been compiled with OpenSSL by default and thus
   supports TLS v1.2) that was configured to only allow TLS
   v1.2 connections. TLS v1.2 is now enabled for connections
   with MySQL Community Server 8.0.4 and later. (Bug

 * The bundle for Connector/J 5.1 delivered by Oracle now
   contains an additional jar package with the name
   (mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.ver.jar for
   commercial bundles). It is identical with the other jar
   package with the original package named
   (mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.ver-bin.jar for
   commercial bundles), except for its more Maven-friendly
   file name. (Bug #27231383)

 * The lower bound for the connection property
   packetDebugBufferSize has been changed to 1, to avoid the
   connection errors that occur when the value is set to 0.
   (Bug #26819691)

 * For multi-host connections, when a MySQL Server was
   configured with autocommit=0, Connection.getAutoCommit()
   did not return the correct value. This was because
   useLocalSessionState=true was assumed for multi-host
   connections, which might not be the case, resulting thus
   in inconsistent session states.
   With this fix, by default, Connector/J executes some
   extra queries in the connection synchronization process
   to guarantee consistent session states between the client
   and the server at any connection switch. This would mean,
   however, that when none of the hosts are available during
   an attempted server switch, an exception for closed
   connection will be thrown immediately while, in earlier
   Connector/J versions, there would be a connection error
   thrown first before a closed connection error. Error
   handling in some applications might need to be adjusted
   Applications can skip the new session state
   synchronization mechanism by having
   useLocalSessionState=true. (Bug #26314325, Bug #86741)

 * Connector/J now supports the new caching_sha2_password
   authentication plugin for MySQL 8.0, which is the default
   authentication plugin for MySQL 8.0.4 and later (see
   Caching SHA-2 Pluggable Authentication
   gable-authentication.html) for details).
   To authenticate accounts with the caching_sha2_password
   plugin, either a secure connection to the server using
   reference-using-ssl.html) or an unencrypted connection
   that supports password exchange using an RSA key pair
   (enabled by setting one or both of the connecting
   properties allowPublicKeyRetrieval and
   serverRSAPublicKeyFile) must be used.
   Because earlier versions of Connector/J 5.1 do not
   support the caching_sha2_password authentication plugin
   and therefore will not be able to connect to accounts
   that authenticate with the new plugin (which might
   include the root account created by default during a new
   installation of a MySQL 8.0 Server), it is highly
   recommended that you upgrade now to Connector/J 5.1.46,
   to help ensure that your applications continue to work
   smoothly with the latest

MySQL Connector/Java 8.0.9-rc has been released

2018-01-30 Thread Hery Ramilison

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Java 8.0.9-rc is the first Release Candidate
of the 8.0 branch of MySQL Connector/J, providing an insight into
upcoming features. It is suitable for use with MySQL Server versions
5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0. It supports the Java Database Connectivity
(JDBC) 4.2 API.

This release includes the following new features and changes, also
described in more detail on

MySQL Connectors and other MySQL client tools and applications now
synchronize the first digit of their version number with the (highest)
MySQL server version they support.
This change makes it easy and intuitive to decide which client version
to use for which server version.

As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the download
archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your 

To download MySQL Connector/Java 8.0.9-rc, see the "Development
Releases" tab at


Changes in MySQL Connector/J 8.0.9 (2018-01-30, Release

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * X DevAPI: In the process of refining the definition of
   the X DevAPI to cover the most relevant usage scenarios,
   the following API components have been removed from the X
   DevAPI implementation for Connector/J:

  + Components that support DDLs for views, including
the createView(), dropView(), and modifyView()

  + Components that support DDLS for tables, including
the createTable(), dropTable(), and modifyTable()

  + Components that support session configurations,
including the SessionConfig object, the
PersistenceHandler interface, the PasswordHandler
interface, and the SessionConfigManager class.

 * X DevAPI: Added the setSavepoint(), rollbackTo(), and
   releaseSavepoint() methods to the Session interface to
   support the SAVEPOINT
   statements. See MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference
   ( for more

 * X DevAPI: A new patch() function has been added to the
   ModifyStatement interface. The function accepts an
   JSON-like object describing document changes and applies
   them to documents matched by the modify() filter. See
   MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference
   ( for more

 * X DevAPI: The createIndex() method for the Collection
   interface now has a new syntax. See MySQL Connector/J X
   DevAPI Reference
   ( for more

 * X DevAPI: Added the following methods for single-document
   operations in the X DevAPI:

  + replaceOne()

  + addOrReplaceOne()

  + getOne()

  + removeOne()
   See MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference
   ( for more

 * X DevAPI: Setters and getters methods have been added for
   the configuration properties with the MysqlDataSource,
   MysqlXADataSource, and MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource

 * X DevAPI: The connection property enabledTLSProtocols can
   now be used to select the allowed TLS versions for an X
   Protocol connection to the server.

 * Connector/J now supports the new caching_sha2_password
   authentication plugin, which is the default
   authentication plugin for MySQL 8.0.4 and later (see
   Caching SHA-2 Pluggable Authentication
   gable-authentication.html) for details).
   To authenticate accounts with the caching_sha2_password
   plugin, either a secure connection to the server using
   or an unencrypted connection  that supports password exchange
   using an RSA key pair (enabled by setting one or both of the
   connecting properties allowPublicKeyRetrieval and
   serverRSAPublicKeyFile) must be used.
   Because earlier versions of Connector/J 8.0 do not
   support the caching_sha2_password authentication plugin
   and therefore will not be able to connect to accounts
   that authenticate with the new plugin (which might
   include the root account created by default during a new
   installation of a MySQL 8.0 Server), it is highly
   recommended that you upgrade now to Connector/J 8.0.9, to
   help ensure th

MySQL Connector/Java 8.0.8-dmr has been released

2017-09-28 Thread Balasubramanian Kandasamy

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/J 8.0.8 Development Release is a development milestone
release for the 8.0.x series.

This release includes the following new features and changes, also
described in more detail on

MySQL Connectors and other MySQL client tools and applications now
synchronize the first digit of their version number with the (highest)
MySQL server version they support.
This change makes it easy and intuitive to decide which client version
to use for which server version.

As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the download
archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your 

To download MySQL Connector/J 8.0.8 dmr, see the "Development
Releases" tab at


Changes in MySQL Connector/J 8.0.8 (2017-09-28, Development Milestone)

   Version 8.0.8 Development Milestone is the latest development
   release of the 8.0 branch of MySQL Connector/J, providing an
   insight into upcoming features. It is suitable for use with
   MySQL Server versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0. It supports the
   Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 4.2 API.

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Packaging: RPM and Debian packages for installing
   Connector/J are now available from the Connector/J
   Download page

 * X DevAPI: Connector/J has implemented a new interface of
   the X Dev API that allows the retrieving, adding,
   removing, and updating of persistent session continuation
   data. The implementation includes the following:

  + A SessionConfig object that holds the information
    for a session configuration data set.

  + A PersistenceHandler interface that allows custom
    implementations of persistence handlers.

  + A PasswordHandler interface that allows custom
    implementations of password handling code.

  + A SessionConfigManager class for editing and
    fetching Sessionconfig objects, and defining
    instances of the PersistenceHandler and
   See MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference
   ( for more

 * X DevAPI: A new connection property, xdevapi.auth, has
   been added for specifying the authentication mechanism
   for connections using the X Protocol. Allowed values are
   MYSQL41, PLAIN, and EXTERNAL. See the entry for the new
   property in Configuration Properties
   for details.

 * X DevAPI: To support row locks
   for the find() method of the X DevAPI, the
   FindStatement and the SelecStatement interfaces have been
   extended with the following methods:

  + lockExclusive(), which works like SELECT ... FOR
    UPDATE for relational tables.

  + lockShared(), which works like the SELECT ... LOCK
    IN SHARED MODE (for MySQL 5.7) or SELECT ... FOR
    SHARE (for MySQL 8.0) for relational tables.
   See MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference
   ( for more

 * X DevAPI: Connector/J now supports the expanded syntax
   for the IN and NOT IN operator, which can check if a
   sub-expression is contained inside another one; for
   // For documents
   coll.find("$.b IN [100,101,102]").execute();
   coll.find("'some text with 5432' in $.a").execute();
   coll.find("1 in [1, 2, 4]").execute();
   coll.find("{'a': 3} not in {'a': 1, 'b': 2}").execute();
   // For relational tables"3 not in [1, 2, 4]").execute();"'qqq' not in $.a").execute();"{'a': 1} in {'a': 1, 'b': 2}").execute();

 * X DevAPI: A number of changes have been implemented for
   the "drop" methods for the X DevAPI:

  + Removed dropCollection(schemaName, collectionName)
    and dropTable(schemaName, tableName) from Session.

  + Added dropCollection(collectionName) and
    dropTable(tableName) to Schema.

  + Schema.dropView() now executes immediately and
    returns void; also, the ViewDrop interface has been

  + Collection.dropIndex() now executes immediately and
    returns void; also the DropCollectionIndexStatement
    interface has been removed.

  + The "drop" methods now succeed even if the objects
    to be dropped do not exist.

 * Conversion from the MySQL TIME data to java.sql.Date is

MySQL Connector/Java 8.0.7-dmr has been released

2017-07-10 Thread Gipson Pulla
Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/J 8.0.7 Development Release is a development milestone
release for the 8.0.x series.
This release includes the following new features and changes, also described
in more detail on

MySQL Connectors and other MySQL client tools and applications now
synchronize the first digit of their version number with the (highest)
MySQL server version they support.
This change makes it easy and intuitive to decide which client version
to use for which server version.

Connector/J 8.0.7 is the first release to use the new numbering.
It is the successor to Connector/J 6.0.6

As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the download
archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your application.

To download MySQL Connector/J 8.0.7 dmr, see the "Development
Releases" tab at


Changes in MySQL Connector/J 8.0.7 (2017-07-10, Development Milestone)

   MySQL Connectors and other MySQL client tools and
   applications now synchronize the first digit of their version
   number with the (highest) MySQL server version they support.
   This change makes it easy and intuitive to decide which
   client version to use for which server version.

   Connector/J 8.0.7 is the first release to use the new
   numbering. It is the successor to Connector/J 6.0.6.

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * X DevAPI: There are changes to some methods related to
   the Result interface:

  + getLastDocumentId() and getLastDocumentIds() have
been replaced with getDocumentId() and
getDocumentIds(), which are put under a new
AddResult interface that extends Result.

  + A new getAutoIncrementValue() method is added to the
new InsertResult interface that extends Result.
   See MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference
   ( for more
   details. (Bug #25207784)

 * X DevAPI: It is no longer permitted to pass an empty
   search condition, such as the NULL value or an empty
   string, to the Collection.Modify() and
   Collection.Remove() methods.

 * X DevAPI: Connections using the X Protocol are now secure
   by default. Also, the xdevapi.ssl-enable connection
   option has been replaced by the xdevapi.ssl-mode option,
   which has DISABLED, REQUIRED (default), VERIFY_CA, and
   VERIFY_IDENTITY as its permitted values; see the
   description for the new option in Configuration
   for details.

 * X DevAPI: Consolidated the BaseSession, NodeSession, and
   XSession interfaces into a single
   com.mysql.cj.api.xdevapi.Session interface. The following
   related changes were also made:

  + Renamed XSessionFactory to SessionFactory.

  + Consolidated the AbstractSession, NodeSessionImpl,
and XSessionImpl classes into the
com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.SessionImpl class.

  + Removed the Session.bindToDefaultShard() method and
the VirtualNodeSession interface.

  + The mysqlx.getNodeSession() method has been renamed
to mysqlx.getSession() and it now returns a Session

  + The DatabaseObject.getSession() method now returns a
Session object (instead of the old Session
   See MySQL Connector/J X DevAPI Reference
   ( for more

 * To avoid using JDBC statements inside core Connector/J
   classes, the following changes have been implemented:

  + Created a new com.mysql.cj.api.Query interface,
which is implemented by StatementImpl.

  + Replaced the
tor interface with the

  + Added a new method, PacketPayload
preProcess(PacketPayload queryPacket), to

  + Renamed the connection property
statementInterceptors to queryInterceptors. See
Configuration Properties

for details.

 * Added Japanese collation for the utf8mb4 character set.

   Bugs Fixed

 * X DevAPI: createView() failed with a NullPointerException
   when there were null inputs to it. This fix adds checks
   for nulls, and makes Connector/J throw the proper errors
   for them. (Bug #25575156)

 * X DevAPI: createaTable() failed with a

MySQL Connector/Java 6.0.6-m5 has been released

2017-03-10 Thread Gipson Pulla
Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/J 6.0.6 m5 Development Release is a developer milestone
release for the 6.0.x series.
This release includes the following new features and changes, also described
in more detail on

As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the download
archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your application.

To download MySQL Connector/J 6.0.6 m5, see the "Development
Releases" tab at


Changes in MySQL Connector/J 6.0.6 (2017-03-10, Milestone 5)

   Version 6.0.6 Milestone is the fifth development release of
   the 6.0 branch of MySQL Connector/J, providing an insight
   into upcoming features. It is suitable for use with MySQL
   Server versions 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7. It supports the Java
   Database Connectivity (JDBC) 4.2 API.

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * X DevAPI: The getPluginVersion() method has been removed
   from Connector/J, as it is no longer supported by the X
   Protocol. (Bug #25056803)

 * IPv6 host addresses are now supported for connections
   using the X Protocol.

 * X DevAPI: The following new connection options have been
   added for SSL/TLS configuration:

  + xdevapi.ssl-enable

  + xdevapi.ssl-truststore

  + xdevapi.ssl-verify-server-certificate
   See Configuration Properties
   for details.

 * Connector/J now supports the new character set collations
   implemented in MySQL Server 8.0. See Unicode Character
   for details.

 * X DevAPI: DDL for views are now supported by the new
   methods createView(), dropView(), and alterView().
   However, the functions do not support partitioning in an
   InnoDB cluster or sharding.

 * X DevAPI: The Connector/J X Dev API has been reorganized:

  + All interfaces for public usage have been moved to
the com.mysql.cj.api.xdevapi package, and their
implementation classes to com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.

  + All Connector/J internal interfaces have been moved
to the com.mysql.cj.api.x.core and packages, and their
implementation classes to com.mysql.cj.x.core and

  + Protobuf generated classes have been moved to the
com.mysql.cj.x.protobuf package.

  + The MysqlxSessionFactory has been renamed

   Bugs Fixed

 * When Connector/J was reading a TIMESTAMP value into an
   instance of a JSR-310 data type, the reading was wrong
   when the time did not exist in the local time zone of the
   JVM due to a time change for Daylight Saving Time. It was
   because Connector/J created first a java.sql.Timestamp
   instance (which used the JVM's time zone) for the value
   and then converted it to, for example,
   java.time.LocalDateTime. With this fix, a JSR-310 object
   is created directly to avoid the conversion. (Bug
   #24658016, Bug #82964)

 * Query executions using prepared statements failed with
   the error "Unknown ProtocolEntity class null" when the
   connection property useCursorFetch was set to true. (Bug

 * When server-side prepared statements were used, updates
   to result sets failed in errors. (Bug #24525461)

 * The getString() method returned wrong millisecond values
   for the TIMESTAMP data type. (Bug #24512766, Bug #82707)

 * Updates to a document object of the Dbdoc type failed
   when the document contained an array. (Bug #24471057)

 * The method isNumberSigned() returned true for columns of
   type VARCHAR, which was wrong as it should return false
   for any non-numeric columns, according to the JDBC
   Specification. The behavior has now been corrected. (Bug

 * An IllegalArgumentException was thrown when lenient was
   false for a Calendar object and the hours, minutes, and
   seconds explicitly set via the Calendar constructor did
   not match the values resulted from the timezone
   conversion of the Calendar object's date value. (Bug
   #23702040, Bug #82005)

 * X DevAPI: The getLastDocumentIds() method only reported
   document IDs specified by users, but not those generated
   by Connector/J. With this fix, all IDs are now reported.
   (Bug #23519211)

 * A connection failed with IllegalStateException:
   TrustManagerFactoryImpl is not initialized after
   Connector/J set (Bug #23510894)

 * A NullPointerException was thrown 

MySQL Connector/Java 5.1.32 has been released

2014-08-11 Thread Sowmya Dass

Hello all,

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.32, a maintenance release of the production 5.1
branch has been released. Connector/J is the Type-IV pure-Java JDBC
driver for MySQL.

Version 5.1.32 is suitable for use with many MySQL server versions
5.5 and 5.6.

MySQL Connector Java is available in source and binary form from the
Connector/J download pages at

MySQL Connector Java (Commercial) is already available for download
on the My Oracle Support (MOS) website. This release will be available
on eDelivery (OSDC) in next month's upload cycle.

As always, we recommend that you check the CHANGES file in the
download archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect
your application.

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.32 includes the following general bug fixes and
improvements, also available in more detail on  :

Changes in MySQL Connector/J 5.1.32 (2014-08-11)

   Version 5.1.32 is a maintenance release of the production 5.1
   branch. It is suitable for use with MySQL server versions 5.5, and

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Connector/J used to always check every SQL statement in a
   server-side prepared statement to see whether it contained the
   ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause; but because the clause is only
   used with INSERT statements, the checks are unnecessary for
   other SQL statements while they reduce the performance of
   Connector/J. A new, boolean connection property
   avoidCheckOnDuplicateKeyUpdateInSQL has been added, by which
   the checks for the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause can be
   disabled. (Bug #18232840, Bug #71672)

 * Connector/J now supports Fabric 1.5. Older versions of Fabric
   are no longer supported.

   Bugs Fixed

 * A bug in the Linux kernel version 3.6 and earlier caused the
   MysqlIO.clearInputStream() method to enter an endless loop.
   This fix changes the way the looping condition is evaluated,
   in order to avoid the problem. (Bug #19022745, Bug #73053)

 * Preparing a call to a stored procedure with Fabric caused a
   null point exception to be thrown. (Bug #19034681, Bug #73070)

 * Connector/J returned the incorrect return code 0 for a
   thrown exception when the failure happened in the context of a
   global XA transaction. With this fix, Connector/J now wraps
   any unexpected exception in an XAException in that case and
   returns the error code XAER_RMFAIL. (Bug #18970520, Bug

 * The test testSha256PasswordPlugin failed when executed against
   a commercial version of the MySQL server. (Bug #18852682)

 * Connecting to a user on the server created using the
   sha256_password plugin failed when the password specified by
   the client was an empty string (or when no password was
   specified). This fix makes Connector/J allow an empty password
   in that case, sending it to the server without applying RSA
   encryption on it. (Bug #18852587)

 * Calling the changeUser method to switch to a user created
   using the sha256_password plugin would result in a null
   pointer exception. This was due to the fact that the
   fromServer buffer was unavailable when changeUser called the
   sha256_password plugin, and this fix makes the plugin
   accommodate to that. (Bug #18869381)

 * Trying to use any character sets other than UTF-8 for
   communications between client programs and the MySQL server
   caused Connector/J to perform extra queries after the initial
   connection, resulting in higher latency and overhead for the
   connection. To prevent extra queries, this fix eliminates the
   mechanism of setting the character set to values other than
   utf-8 by issuing a SET NAME statement to the server, and
   allows the use of the connection property characterEncoding to
   set the character set value in Connector/J's response packet
   during handshake. (Bug #18836319, Bug #72712)

 * A null pointer exception was thrown in isInterfaceJdbc()
   sometimes when load balancing was used and the application
   involved runtime instrumentations. (Bug #18691866, Bug #72502)

 * The keys generated by INSERT statements using the ON DUPLICATE
   KEY UPDATE clause were incorrect when the clause ON DUPLICATE
   KEY UPDATE was not written exactly as so (for example, when
   spaces or comments were inserted in between the words). (Bug
   #18344403, Bug #71923)

 * XA connections failed with a class cast exception for a
   load-balanced configuration with multiple hosts. This was
   because some XA-related classes used
   com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl in method parameters during
   calls. This fix makes the classes use

MySql, PostgreSQL, Java

2008-02-20 Thread Kent Larsson

We are developing a Java EE 5 based system in which we run our system using 
MySQL on our local test workstation machines. Each night our project is built 
and deployed on our test server, which is using PostgreSQL, it's the database 
we will be using in our production environment as well (for reasons other than 
MySQL being a bad technical choice).

We are wondering if the collator 'utf8_swedish_ci' is some kind of 
international standard. So that you can make MySQL, PostgreSQL and Java match 
a string using the same criteria while still considering, for example, that Ä 
is the capital version of the Swedish letter ä (for case in-sensitive matching).

Best regards,

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to shutdown mysql from Java

2006-03-21 Thread Rhino

- Original Message - 

To: MySql Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 2:58 AM
Subject: How to shutdown mysql from Java


my application starts mysqld (via Runtime.getRuntime().exec) and I would
like to stop it also from Java (because of technical reasons I cannot use

What is the best way stop shutdown mysqld?


2. Process.destroy()

3. kill PID auf Unix

What do you think?

Most database management systems, like MySQL and DB2, are designed to run 24 
X 7 with occasional breaks for maintenance like taking backups. Why do you 
want start and start MySQL from an application? Isn't this going to preclude 
most of the users from using it? After all, databases usually have large 
numbers of users, not just one.


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MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to shutdown mysql from Java

2006-03-21 Thread Alec . Cawley
Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 21/03/2006 13:41:49:

 - Original Message - 
 To: MySql Mailing List
 Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 2:58 AM
 Subject: How to shutdown mysql from Java
  my application starts mysqld (via Runtime.getRuntime().exec) and I 
  like to stop it also from Java (because of technical reasons I cannot 
  What is the best way stop shutdown mysqld?
  2. Process.destroy()
  3. kill PID auf Unix
  What do you think?
 Most database management systems, like MySQL and DB2, are designed to 
run 24 
 X 7 with occasional breaks for maintenance like taking backups. Why do 
 want start and start MySQL from an application? Isn't this going to 
 most of the users from using it? After all, databases usually have large 

 numbers of users, not just one.

Obviously not in this case. While MySQL can do many things, it also works 
perfectly well as a single user repository. It is perfectly reasonable for 
a sing user to regard it as part of a single application and start and 
stop it from the application.

However, the cost of an inactive MySQL running all the time is tiny. And 
treating MySQL like this would cause problems if, for example, you wanted 
to run two such applications, because they would fight over it. Or if your 
application wanted to run on a PC which already had MySQL running for some 
other purpose. 

So I would suggest that it would be wisest to do as Rhino implies and to 
install MySQL and leave it running all the time.


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to shutdown mysql from Java

2006-03-20 Thread Zsolt

my application starts mysqld (via Runtime.getRuntime().exec) and I would
like to stop it also from Java (because of technical reasons I cannot use

What is the best way stop shutdown mysqld?


2. Process.destroy()

3. kill PID auf Unix

What do you think?


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

SQLException in tomcat with mysql-connector-java-3.1.7

2005-03-27 Thread vladimir
Hi , I have the following problem. I run tomcat with
mysql-connector-java-3.1.7 for connecting to mysql server
4.1.10a-standard.When server just a little loaded I see a lot of
exceptions in tomcat log: 
java.sql.SQLException: ResultSet is from UPDATE. No Data. 

When I changed to older jdbc driver mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga there
was no exceptions. 
If you know something about this please tell me.

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Re: MySQL 4.1.3 Java/UTF8 support question

2004-11-26 Thread Gleb Paharenko

What output produced

  show variables like '%char%';

  show variables like '%colla%';

You should also set utf8 as server character set.


Ramesh Vadlapatla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 In my.cnf, I have:




 When I connect via mysql client and try to run a query which has a

 CONCAT string function, it works fine and I get the proper output.

 Example: SELECT CONCAT ('a', ' - ', 'b')  = a-b


 Now, I am trying to do make this work via Java and:

 I use this JDBC Driver: mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar

 Conn. String: 


 I get the same error as I would have without the above

 default-character-set=utf8, i.e:

 ERROR 1270 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations

 (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE),

 (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat'


 How do I fix this, so that even the Java Client understands to use the

 utf8 character set and I don't have to put the _utf8 in my sql



 Appreciate your help.





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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Re: MySQL 4.1.3 Java/UTF8 support question

2004-11-26 Thread Ramesh Vadlapatla
Hi Gleb,

The problem was with the JDBC Connect string, earlier it was;

I changed that to:

and it works now.


On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 13:53:43 +0200, Gleb Paharenko
 What output produced
   show variables like '%char%';
   show variables like '%colla%';
 You should also set utf8 as server character set.
 Ramesh Vadlapatla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In my.cnf, I have:
  When I connect via mysql client and try to run a query which has a
  CONCAT string function, it works fine and I get the proper output.
  Example: SELECT CONCAT ('a', ' - ', 'b')  = a-b
  Now, I am trying to do make this work via Java and:
  I use this JDBC Driver: mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar
  Conn. String: 
  I get the same error as I would have without the above
  default-character-set=utf8, i.e:
  ERROR 1270 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations
  (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE),
  (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat'
  How do I fix this, so that even the Java Client understands to use the
  utf8 character set and I don't have to put the _utf8 in my sql
  Appreciate your help.
 For technical support contracts, goto
 This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
__  ___ ___   __
   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
  / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
 MySQL General Mailing List
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MySQL 4.1.3 Java/UTF8 support question

2004-11-25 Thread Ramesh Vadlapatla

In my.cnf, I have:

When I connect via mysql client and try to run a query which has a
CONCAT string function, it works fine and I get the proper output.
Example: SELECT CONCAT ('a', ' - ', 'b')  = a-b

Now, I am trying to do make this work via Java and:
I use this JDBC Driver: mysql-connector-java-3.0.10-stable-bin.jar
Conn. String: 

I get the same error as I would have without the above
default-character-set=utf8, i.e:
ERROR 1270 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations
(utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE),
(utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat'

How do I fix this, so that even the Java Client understands to use the
utf8 character set and I don't have to put the _utf8 in my sql

Appreciate your help.


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using mysql 4.1.3-beta with mysql-connector-java-3.1.3-beta

2004-07-27 Thread mahaveer jain
I have installed mysql 4.1.3-beta and using the mysql-connector-java-3.1.3-beta.But 
the database is not getting connected.
Has somebody tried this ? or Do someone know which connector is compatible with mysql 
4.1.3 beta

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Re: Embeded MySQL for Java ???

2004-03-01 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

Victor Medina wrote:


 No there isn't

 Although, you can try bdb(, it comes with a java
 access class that will let you use bdb in a embeded environment, one
 thing i must say, is that it does not use jdbc, instead it uses it's own
 access methods, quite easy btw.

 GUYS!, it would be really nice to have an embeded access level trough
 java, think about it! ok? =)

It is being planned, however it's not as straightforward as one would
think if you still want to have JDBC-like access. There are also issues
with Java threads and 'native' threads co-existing on some platforms.



- --
Mr. Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager, J2EE and Windows Platforms
Office: +1 708 332 0507

Meet the MySQL Team! April 14-16, 2004
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Re: Embeded MySQL for Java ???

2004-03-01 Thread Santino
You can try with a JNI native class.


At 10:53 -0600 1-03-2004, Mark Matthews wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Victor Medina wrote:


 No there isn't

 Although, you can try bdb(, it comes with a java
 access class that will let you use bdb in a embeded environment, one
 thing i must say, is that it does not use jdbc, instead it uses it's own
 access methods, quite easy btw.
 GUYS!, it would be really nice to have an embeded access level trough
 java, think about it! ok? =)
It is being planned, however it's not as straightforward as one would
think if you still want to have JDBC-like access. There are also issues
with Java threads and 'native' threads co-existing on some platforms.


- --
Mr. Mark Matthews
MySQL AB, Software Development Manager, J2EE and Windows Platforms
Office: +1 708 332 0507
Meet the MySQL Team! April 14-16, 2004
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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Embeded MySQL for Java ???

2004-02-29 Thread Luis Duran
Can anyboby tell me wheter exists an embeded MySQL server JDBC
implementation ???


Luis Duran

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Embeded MySQL for Java ???

2004-02-29 Thread Victor Medina

No there isn't 

Although, you can try bdb(, it comes with a java
access class that will let you use bdb in a embeded environment, one
thing i must say, is that it does not use jdbc, instead it uses it's own
access methods, quite easy btw.

GUYS!, it would be really nice to have an embeded access level trough
java, think about it! ok? =)

Best Regards

Victor Medina
linux - java - mysql

On Sun, 2004-02-29 at 21:27, Luis Duran wrote:
 Can anyboby tell me wheter exists an embeded MySQL server JDBC
 implementation ???

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How to query mySQL in java without using actual column names? but using something like field(0),field(1) etc.,

2003-11-08 Thread karthikeyan
I have a table with about 100 column with different column name. It is
difficult to remember all the field
names. But I know the last few columns are very important for query and
used frequently.
For example:

Table with fields weight_42(double),width_43(double),height_44(double)
where the fields(42), field(43) and field(44) respectively

mysql select * from data_base where weight_42  45.23 or  width_43 
43.23 or height_44  43.23 ;

can i query using :

mysql select * from data_base where field(43)  45.23 and field(44) 
45.23 and field(45)  45.23;

or to use in java:
float j=43.25;
S1=select * from data_base where field(   + i +) + j;

Thank you

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Re: How to query mySQL in java without using actual column names? but using something like field(0),field(1) etc.,

2003-11-08 Thread Paul DuBois
At 10:38 -0500 11/8/03, karthikeyan wrote:
I have a table with about 100 column with different column name. It is
difficult to remember all the field
names. But I know the last few columns are very important for query and
used frequently.
You cannot perform comparisons on columns by using column positions.

If they're that important, why is it any more difficult to remember
their names than to remember their positions?
If you really want to use positions, you'll have to do something like
issuing a SHOW COLUMNS statement, read the result to see which columns
are at which positions. That will give you the appropriate column
names.  Seems like a lot of work just to avoid knowing the column
names. :-)

For example:

Table with fields weight_42(double),width_43(double),height_44(double)
where the fields(42), field(43) and field(44) respectively
mysql select * from data_base where weight_42  45.23 or  width_43 
43.23 or height_44  43.23 ;
can i query using :

mysql select * from data_base where field(43)  45.23 and field(44) 
45.23 and field(45)  45.23;
or to use in java:
float j=43.25;
S1=select * from data_base where field(   + i +) + j;

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: Problem compiling mysql-connector-java 3.1.0-alpha

2003-05-30 Thread Pierre
Mark Matthews wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Pierre wrote:


I try to compile mysql-connector-java-3.1.0-alpha on my GNU/Linux system
with gcc-3.2,
but for the make I got this :
# ant
Buildfile: build.xml
Overriding previous definition of reference to non.test.sources
  [delete] Deleting directory /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc
[copy] Copying 78 files to
[copy] Copied 2 empty directories to
[copy] Copying 3 files to
   [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover
   [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover/db
   [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover/report
   [javac] Compiling 72 source files to

package junit.framework does not exist
   [javac] import junit.framework.TestCase;

cannot resolve symbol
   [javac] symbol  : class TestCase
   [javac] location: class testsuite.BaseTestCase
   [javac] public abstract class BaseTestCase extends TestCase {

cannot resolve symbol
   [javac] symbol  : method fail ()
   [javac] location: class testsuite.BaseTestCase
   [javac] fail();
   [javac] ^

It would be great if you could help me with this !

Best regards,


We don't distribute the junit jar files. If you want to compile the
driver with the testsuite, then you need to get junit from
ok thank you, it was not clear that it was junit that was missing.

Is there a reason you're compiling the driver yourself? It does come
already compiled :)
I'm on LFS so I prefer to compile everything myself :)


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Problem compiling mysql-connector-java 3.1.0-alpha

2003-05-29 Thread Pierre

I try to compile mysql-connector-java-3.1.0-alpha on my GNU/Linux system 
with gcc-3.2,
but for the make I got this :

# ant
Buildfile: build.xml
Overriding previous definition of reference to non.test.sources
   [delete] Deleting directory /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc
 [copy] Copying 78 files to 
 [copy] Copied 2 empty directories to 
 [copy] Copying 3 files to 
[mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover
[mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover/db
[mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover/report

[javac] Compiling 72 source files to 
package junit.framework does not exist
[javac] import junit.framework.TestCase;
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class TestCase
[javac] location: class testsuite.BaseTestCase
[javac] public abstract class BaseTestCase extends TestCase {
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : method fail ()
[javac] location: class testsuite.BaseTestCase
[javac] fail();
[javac] ^


It would be great if you could help me with this !

Best regards,


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Re: Problem compiling mysql-connector-java 3.1.0-alpha

2003-05-29 Thread Mark Matthews
Hash: SHA1

Pierre wrote:


 I try to compile mysql-connector-java-3.1.0-alpha on my GNU/Linux system
 with gcc-3.2,
 but for the make I got this :

 # ant
 Buildfile: build.xml
 Overriding previous definition of reference to non.test.sources

[delete] Deleting directory /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc

  [copy] Copying 78 files to
  [copy] Copied 2 empty directories to
  [copy] Copying 3 files to
 [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover
 [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover/db
 [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/build-mysql-jdbc/clover/report

 [javac] Compiling 72 source files to

 package junit.framework does not exist
 [javac] import junit.framework.TestCase;

 cannot resolve symbol
 [javac] symbol  : class TestCase
 [javac] location: class testsuite.BaseTestCase
 [javac] public abstract class BaseTestCase extends TestCase {

 cannot resolve symbol
 [javac] symbol  : method fail ()
 [javac] location: class testsuite.BaseTestCase
 [javac] fail();
 [javac] ^


 It would be great if you could help me with this !

 Best regards,


We don't distribute the junit jar files. If you want to compile the
driver with the testsuite, then you need to get junit from

Is there a reason you're compiling the driver yourself? It does come
already compiled :)


- --
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__  ___ ___   __
   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /  Mark Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__ MySQL AB, SW Dev. Manager - J2EE/Windows
 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/ Flossmoor (Chicago), IL USA
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Connect to Mysql from java(linux)

2003-01-29 Thread Max Morawski
vim m wrote:

Hi: I am new to Mysql. I have installed mysql3.23.55
on linux RH7.1. Now mysql is running successfully on
my system. 
When I try connecting thru
java(mysql-connector-java-3.0.1) I am getting an
Access Denied error. It says mysql@machinename access
Now i tried from command line: mysql -u mysql -p -h
localhost. This works, but when i give:mysql -u mysql
-p -h machinename it doesnt work.
Why is that? The user mysql has all priviliges

You need to set proper hosts permissions for user.  RTFM section 4 :-)


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Connect to Mysql from java(linux)

2003-01-28 Thread vim m
Hi: I am new to Mysql. I have installed mysql3.23.55
on linux RH7.1. Now mysql is running successfully on
my system. 
When I try connecting thru
java(mysql-connector-java-3.0.1) I am getting an
Access Denied error. It says mysql@machinename access
Now i tried from command line: mysql -u mysql -p -h
localhost. This works, but when i give:mysql -u mysql
-p -h machinename it doesnt work.
Why is that? The user mysql has all priviliges
Thanks for any help on this.

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Unable to connect to MySQL using java

2002-10-20 Thread Muhammad Farhan
I am trying to connect to MySQL using java. I have placed mm.mysql drivers 
in jakarta-tomcat/lib folder. but whenever i try to connect to mysql, i 
receive this error:

Cannot connect to MySQL server on . Is there a MySQL server running on the 
machine/port you are trying to connect to? 

please note that i can connect to mysql using telnet and php script.

Please help me to overcome this error.


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Re: Unable to connect to MySQL using java

2002-10-20 Thread Max Morawski
Muhammad Farhan wrote:

I am trying to connect to MySQL using java. I have placed mm.mysql 
drivers in jakarta-tomcat/lib folder. but whenever i try to connect 
to mysql, i receive this error:

Cannot connect to MySQL server on . Is there a MySQL server running on 
the machine/port you are trying to connect to? 

It doesn't look like MySQL issue (JDBC issue neither). Are you sure the 
security exception is thrown from JDBC driver? Plus, the error message 
suggests that you're specifying invalid connection parameters or are 
blocked eg. by firewall or some other security manager.


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2002-04-08 Thread va ku


I don't know is this is the correct  form.  
I am looking for some help in developing report on Java. I am using 
MYSQL and Java for development.
I need to generate a formatted output which contains values from 
database, some paragraphs etc. I am expecting a report in  'doc' or 'rtf' or 'pdf' 
 Can you suggest any free software for this purpose. 


See Dave Matthews Band live or win a signed guitar

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mysql and java

2002-04-08 Thread Alex Behrens

Hey Guys,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but to be
honest I didn't know where else to turn since my script deals with mysql.
Here's my problem:
I am using stylesheets and javascript to display a small blurb about a
review on my site and it display is in a stylesheet which is only visible
when the mouse is over the link. The page is here for a reference: (The [Description] link is
where im using java script)

Here's my ordeal, this mysql script generates syntax that is hidden from the
viewer until they put their mouse over a review for a description, however
it has to store this lil bit of syntax 90 times (beacuse I have 90 reviews
listed on the page) and it starts to add up, my page is already 132K and I
need to make it smaller. Is it possible to somehow store these descriptions
in a mysql table or on another page and then have them linked to when you
put your mouse over the link?

Syntax for descriptions is here:

$db = mysql_connect(,  **,  ***);
mysql_select_db( net3dual_reviews,$db);
$search = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM hwureviews);
while($num=mysql_fetch_array($search)) {
printf (span id='%s' class='myStyle'table bgcolor='#025689' width='300'
style='border-style: ridge; border-color: #00314F'trtdfont
face='Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica' size='2' color='#FF'bp
align='center'Description for

Syntax for links, displaying the descriptions is here:

$db = mysql_connect(,  **,  ***);
mysql_select_db( net3dual_reviews,$db);
$r = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM hwureviews ORDER BY num DESC);
$max = mysql_query(select max(num) from hwureviews,$db);
while ($info = mysql_fetch_row($max)) {
printf (bfont color='#ff'Hardware Reviews - %s Articles
Total/b/fontbr, $info[0]);
while($a=mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
printf (- a href=\%s\%s/a (Written by: a
href=\mailto:%s\;%s/a) - [a href='%s' onMouseOver='if (window.event ||
document.layers) show(\%s\,event)'

I need to somehow have the ='if (window.event || document.layers)
show(\%s\,event)' onMouseOut='hide(\%s\)' syntax pull its data from a
mysql table or another page, how can I do this?


-Alex Big Al Behrens
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RE: mysql and java

2002-04-08 Thread Gregory Junker

this is actually OT, btw, but I'll try to answer...

 need to make it smaller. Is it possible to somehow store 
 these descriptions
 in a mysql table or on another page and then have them linked 
 to when you
 put your mouse over the link?


There are methods of accessing databases from the client-side in a
browser, such as MS's RDS, but that's beyond the scope of this mailing
list. It's actually beyond the scope of server-side programming in
general, as what you are interested in is a client-side problem.

Perhaps XML and XSLT might better help you solve your problem, but
again, that's beyond the scope of this list...

I'd be happy to help you work thru this problem if you want to contact
me off-list...


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Re: Reg MYSQL and JAVA

2002-04-08 Thread va ku

Thanks for the reply. I also need few 'doc' features such as
1. Bold letters
2. Formatted paragraphs

The document I want to take a report is a student declaration form
where on top it will display student details in the middle the declaration and at the 
end Signature.  The document consists of predefined declaration with bold and italics, 
Big text size etc

Any help is appreciated ?


On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 11:55:23   
 Christopher Thompson wrote:
On Monday 08 April 2002 11:22 am, va ku wrote:
 I don't know is this is the correct  form.

Not really.

 I am looking for some help in developing report on Java. I am using
 MYSQL and Java for development.
 I need to generate a formatted output which contains values from
 database, some paragraphs etc. I am expecting a report in  'doc' or 'rtf'
 or 'pdf' format. Can you suggest any free software for this purpose.

You will basically not be able to create any output in doc format, partly 
because it isn't a standard and partly because it isn't open.

That said, you could easily use Java and MySQL to query a database and 
present the output in some format, such as comma-delimited.  You wouldn't 
need anything other than Java and MySQL to do this.

See Dave Matthews Band live or win a signed guitar

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2002-04-08 Thread Gregory Junker

still OT, but here goes anyway...

you can in fact use PHP or ASP or whatever to generate PDFs. See

 -Original Message-
 From: va ku [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 5:04 PM
 To: Christopher Thompson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Reg MYSQL and JAVA
 Thanks for the reply. I also need few 'doc' features such as
 1. Bold letters
 2. Formatted paragraphs
 The document I want to take a report is a student declaration form
 where on top it will display student details in the middle 
 the declaration and at the end Signature.  The document 
 consists of predefined declaration with bold and italics, Big 
 text size etc
 Any help is appreciated ?
 On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 11:55:23   
  Christopher Thompson wrote:
 On Monday 08 April 2002 11:22 am, va ku wrote:
  I don't know is this is the correct  form.
 Not really.
  I am looking for some help in developing report on Java. I am using
  MYSQL and Java for development.
  I need to generate a formatted output which contains values from
  database, some paragraphs etc. I am expecting a report in  
 'doc' or 'rtf'
  or 'pdf' format. Can you suggest any free software for 
 this purpose.
 You will basically not be able to create any output in doc 
 format, partly 
 because it isn't a standard and partly because it isn't open.
 That said, you could easily use Java and MySQL to query a 
 database and 
 present the output in some format, such as comma-delimited.  
 You wouldn't 
 need anything other than Java and MySQL to do this.
 See Dave Matthews Band live or win a signed guitar

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Re: mysql with java

2002-03-12 Thread TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro

Denny wrote:
 Is there any examples on developing a java interface with mysql?

  Do you want to develope a JDBC API with MySQL?
  If no and you want to develope a Java Program using JDBC API with
JDBC Driver for MySQL, please see this web site.

  Developement with JDBC API dees not depend on RDBMS.



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mysql with java

2002-03-11 Thread Denny


Is there any examples on developing a java interface with mysql?


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Re: mysql with java

2002-03-11 Thread Vincent Stoessel

I have done some java/linux development using mysql and it works
fine using the jdbc api. I highly recommend using Mark Mathews' jdbc
driver in your java development area. It is licensed under GNU LGPL.
Be sure to join the  mysql-java mailing list for questions  to the java/mysql

Denny wrote:
 Is there any examples on developing a java interface with mysql?
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Vincent Stoessel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux and Java Application Developer
(301) 362-1750
AIM, MSN: xaymaca2020 , Yahoo Messenger: vks_jamaica

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mysql and java

2002-02-25 Thread Bill Fogarty


Does anyoone know how to connect to mysql from a Java application in windows 2k?
Any help would be greatly apppreciated. I may be writing to the wrong list, anyone got 
any suggestions of where i could get help with this online.


Re: mysql and java

2002-02-25 Thread Steve Suehring


You'd probably want JDBC.


On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 03:17:49PM +, Bill Fogarty wrote:
 Does anyoone know how to connect to mysql from a Java application in windows 2k?
 Any help would be greatly apppreciated. I may be writing to the wrong list, anyone 
got any suggestions of where i could get help with this online.

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Create Table error convert from DB2 to MySQL with Java?

2001-10-24 Thread jwubbel

Greeting! I am trying to convert an application from a DB2 based 
program to MySQL. We are still evaluating MySQL and learning. 
We are using Java and the JDBC driver mm.mysql.jdbc-1.2c to 
create the database. The Java version of this program using this 
driver is not creating some of the tables. The errors indicate a 
syntax problem in the prepare statement in the Java code. The 
original code ran on OS/2 and the sql was embedded something 
similar to the following sample:  

   EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE Patient_Info_Table
  (medical_record_#CHAR(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY 
   date_of_birth   CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
   patient_nameCHAR(48) NOT NULL,
   addr_line_one   CHAR(48),
   addr_line_two   CHAR(48),
   state   CHAR(2),
   telephone   CHAR(48),
   t_and_d_stamp   TIMESTAMP,
   previous_addr   INTEGER,
   guardian_info   INTEGER,
   emergency_info  INTEGER,
   total_hpps  INTEGER,
   supp_data   INTEGER,
   appt_time   TIME,
   appt_date   DATE,
   appt_location   CHAR(48),
   office_code CHAR(16),
   fsdstatus_flag  INTEGER,
   galaxy  VARCHAR(512)

This was rewritten in Java so that all tables for the application could 
be created and static data inserted for a customer. The Java 
program was tested on OS/2 and Windows some years ago using 
a driver from IBM and the DB2 product. The sample Java code to 
create the above table follows:  

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.sql.Types.*;

public class CreateDB
   public PreparedStatement createPITStmt;  /* 
Patient_Info_Table */

   public CreateDB()

 {  // lines below deliberately wrapped for this E-mail
 createPITStmt = con.prepareStatement(

medical_record_# CHAR(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY 
KEY,date_of_birth CHAR(10) NOT NULL, patient_name CHAR(48) 
NOT NULL,addr_line_one CHAR(48), addr_line_two CHAR(48),city 
CHAR(24),state CHAR(2), country_code CHAR(3),zip_code 
CHAR(10),telephone CHAR(48), t_and_d_stamp 
TIMESTAMP,comments CHAR(128),previous_addr
INTEGER,guardian_info INTEGER,emergency_info 
INTEGER,total_hpps INTEGER,supp_data INTEGER,appt_time 
TIME,appt_date DATE, appt_location CHAR(48),office_code 
CHAR(16),fsdstatus_flag INTEGER, galaxy VARCHAR(512))  );

 System.out.println(Try Creating Patient_Info_Table.);


 SQLWarning warning = createPITStmt.getWarnings();
 if ( warning != null )
System.out.println(Message:   + warning.getMessage());
System.out.println(SQLState:   + warning.getSQLState());
System.out.println(ErrorCode:   + 

 System.out.println(Patient_Info_Table creation successful.);

 }catch( SQLException e ) {
System.out.println(Creation of Patient_Info_Table failed.);
System.out.println(Message:   + e.getMessage() );
System.out.println(SQLState:   + e.getSQLState() );
System.out.println(ErrorCode:   + e.getErrorCode() );

   public static void main(String argv[])
  String url = jdbc:db2:PEDSHPP;
  con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
  CreateDB tc = new CreateDB();

The test program above ran perfectly and created the table on 
Win9x/NT/W2K on the DB2 installation. We modified the test 
program by commenting out the IBM specific import directives. 
And, of course changed/used the following:  


  String url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/PEDSHPP;

This was nothing fancy as far as MySQL installed as a standalone 
workstation configuration. Is my problem with some of the data 
types? If so, any comments would be appreciated with regard to 
interpretation of the definition of creating tables. The following 
output was captured from a Win2000 system:  

Try Creating Patient_Info_Table.
Creation of Patient_Info_Table failed.
Message:  Error during query: Unexpected Exception: 
message given: Syntax error or access violation: You have an error 
in your
SQL syntax near '' at line 1
SQLState:  S1000
ErrorCode:  0

If the 

Re: Create Table error convert from DB2 to MySQL with Java?

2001-10-24 Thread Paul DuBois

At 21:29 -0400 10/24/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Greeting! I am trying to convert an application from a DB2 based
program to MySQL. We are still evaluating MySQL and learning.
We are using Java and the JDBC driver mm.mysql.jdbc-1.2c to
create the database. The Java version of this program using this
driver is not creating some of the tables. The errors indicate a
syntax problem in the prepare statement in the Java code. The
original code ran on OS/2 and the sql was embedded something
similar to the following sample: 

   (medical_record_#CHAR(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY

# is not a legal character in a column name unless you enclose the
name in backquotes (`medical_record_#`).  Maybe use medical_record_no

date_of_birth   CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
patient_nameCHAR(48) NOT NULL,
addr_line_one   CHAR(48),
addr_line_two   CHAR(48),
state   CHAR(2),
telephone   CHAR(48),
t_and_d_stamp   TIMESTAMP,
previous_addr   INTEGER,
guardian_info   INTEGER,
emergency_info  INTEGER,
total_hpps  INTEGER,
supp_data   INTEGER,
appt_time   TIME,
appt_date   DATE,
appt_location   CHAR(48),
office_code CHAR(16),
fsdstatus_flag  INTEGER,
galaxy  VARCHAR(512)

Max varchar length is 255.  You can use TEXT instead, perhaps.



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connect mysql to java and/or asp

2001-07-18 Thread Hasan

anyone can give me a scoop on how to connect mysql to java and/or asp?


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Ynt: connect mysql to java and/or asp

2001-07-18 Thread Yusuf Incekara

For mysql and asp :

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:40 PM
Subject: connect mysql to java and/or asp

 anyone can give me a scoop on how to connect mysql to java and/or asp?


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connect MYSQL via java

2001-06-08 Thread Siomara Pantarotto

Hi all ,

I got a critical situation to solve and I wonder if you can help  me on 
that. I promise to be very specific on my questions once I know what need to 
be done, except that instead of Oracle I got to connect mySQL via java.

The first questions are:

1) Do I need to download a driver, and include it to my class path ???

2) Wich driver is the best ??? Where can I get it???

Many thanks


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Re: connect MYSQL via java

2001-06-08 Thread Siomara Pantarotto

I got it working

Thanks anyway


From: Siomara Pantarotto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: connect MYSQL via java
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 14:31:26 -0300

Hi all ,

I got a critical situation to solve and I wonder if you can help  me on
that. I promise to be very specific on my questions once I know what need 
be done, except that instead of Oracle I got to connect mySQL via java.

The first questions are:

1) Do I need to download a driver, and include it to my class path ???

2) Wich driver is the best ??? Where can I get it???

Many thanks


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Re: Help in mySql with Java Applet

2001-05-21 Thread Robert Vetter

Fayed Design wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Fayed Design
 Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 1:14 PM
 Hello to all of you,
 does anybody know how to connect an Java Applet with mySql.I am trying already since 
weeks,no success.
 It always response no suitable Driver although I uploaded the driver on the server.

... ON THE SERVER. And where are Java Applets usually execuded? ON THE
You probably will have to add the JDBC MySQL Driver to Applet, by
creating a JAR File.
Also: Make shure that MySQL Server allows connections from other hosts.


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Info on using MySQL with Java

2001-04-24 Thread Robert Alexander

Hi all,

I'm looking for some pointers towards some good information on accessing and using 
MySQL with Java/Javascript.

Can anyone point me towards a book you like, or some good web resources?

Thanks much,

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Re: Info on using MySQL with Java

2001-04-24 Thread Matt Yubin He

Professional JSP, by Wrox Press Ltd, is a quite good book.


- Original Message -
From: Robert Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 2:48 PM
Subject: Info on using MySQL with Java

 Hi all,

 I'm looking for some pointers towards some good information on accessing
and using MySQL with Java/Javascript.

 Can anyone point me towards a book you like, or some good web resources?

 Thanks much,

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Re: Info on using MySQL with Java

2001-04-24 Thread Steve Ruby

  Hi all,
  I'm looking for some pointers towards some good information on accessing
 and using MySQL with Java/Javascript.
  Can anyone point me towards a book you like, or some good web resources?
  Thanks much,

You'll need a servlet and/or JSP engine such as
listed here

I've used tomcat, resin and jetty with no problems with mysql, obviously
you will need a JDBC driver, the mm one seems to be the best available
see and then downloads and follow the links for JDBC.

You'll have to decide on JSP or servlets or some like template
systems best see:

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Connect mysql via java

2001-04-20 Thread Siomara Pantarotto

Hi everybody,

Can someone help me to ungently connect to a mySQL database via java.

All I need is a code as example to look at the sintax.

I am pretty familiar with Oracle but I need to implement something this 
weekend in Mysql as back end

Thks a lot


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MySQL and Java on HP-UX

2001-04-10 Thread Leon Zilber


It is my first time using MySQL on Unix system, and my
first time sending email to the mailing list. If the
question I am asking has been asked before - I am
sorry, I have just subscribed to MySQL mailing list.

Here is my question.

I have MySQL Server successfully installed on HP-UX
11i. Now, I wrote Java application that must be able
to accesss MySQL DB and retrieve, store, update data
in some tables.

I've done some ODBC:JDBC JAVA programming on WIN
platform, but never on UNIX OS.

Could you please tell me, how can I access MySQL DB
from Java application on Unix OS?

Basically, what driver to use, what would the URL to
the driver look like, where can I get HP-UX driver?

Thanks a lot,

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how to connect MySql with Java?

2001-04-09 Thread mario . lat

I'd like to use MySql with Java (under Linux) bu I can't be able to do that: 
how can I do?
Thank you in advance, Mario.

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Re: how to connect MySql with Java?

2001-04-09 Thread James Barwick


import java.sql.*;

// Only need to do this once when the program starts
try {
} catch (Exception DriverEx) {
try {
String dbc="jdbc:mysql://";
String dbu="databaseuser";
String dbp="password";
java.sql.Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(dbc,dbu,dbp);

//Do My Stuff Here

} catch (SQLException SQLEx) {

Download the driver for gjt driver for Linux.  If you have trouble 
compiling it, I'll post mine. (I can't now, I'm in Windows and the 
driver's on the other partition.

Good luck!!



 I'd like to use MySql with Java (under Linux) bu I can't be able to do that: 
 how can I do?
 Thank you in advance, Mario.
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