Re: [mythtv-users] Slave backend screwing up master

2006-01-29 Thread johan Henæs
On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 16:33 -0800, Bruce Markey wrote:
> johan Henæs wrote:
> > Hi !
> > 
> > I have a weird problem in my setup. (0.18.1 running on Ubuntu) 
> > My Master Backend is running just fine as a "standalone". Due to lack of
> > PCI-slots i had to place my second PVR 350 in my frontend, configuring
> > it as a slave backend. Still everything looks fine, BUT - When starting
> > my slave, the master backend gets problems capturing video. 
> The fact that there is another machine out in the world shouldn't
> affect the ability of the existing card to read data. Something
> may have been inadvertently reconfigured in the process of adding
> the slave but I suspect this is a misperception of the cause.
> > When using only one capture-card the system consequently chooses the
> > capturecard from my slave backend. If both are needed, i get the
> Now this doesn't add up. If you left the original master card and
> input as is, it would be the first choice and the slave would only
> be used if there were two recordings at the same time. There is
> something that you didn't explain here.
Right now the tv is on in the living room. - This is the output of the
Backend status :
Encoder 1 is local on haukern and is not recording.
Encoder 2 is remote on frontend and is watching Live TV

> > 
> > Does anybody have an idea what is happening ??
> Nope. But this would provide more solid clues.
> $ mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
> mysql> select cardid,videodevice,cardtype,hostname from capturecard;
> mysql> select cardinputid,cardid,sourceid,inputname from cardinput;

mysql> select cardid,videodevice,cardtype,hostname from capturecard;
| cardid | videodevice | cardtype | hostname |
|  1 | /dev/video0 | MPEG | haukern  |
|  2 | /dev/video0 | MPEG | frontend |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select cardinputid,cardid,sourceid,inputname from cardinput;
| cardinputid | cardid | sourceid | inputname |
|   1 |  1 |1 | Tuner 0   |
|   2 |  2 |1 | Tuner 0   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Network Device Failure.....

2006-01-29 Thread Brian Wood

On Jan 28, 2006, at 11:29 PM, John Nelson wrote:

> Hail Fellow Myth-folk,
> I just finally got a system up and running.  I had some issues and  
> then
> ran out of time until Christmas holidays.
> I am not having problems, however, where the network card for the
> backend seems to cease working.  The lights on the switch it is
> connected to stop blinking or even being lit.  I can not hit the  
> outside
> world with the web browser or any other network tool.
> It seems to do this when I am streaming video.  It does not do it all
> the time, but more than enough to be a major nuisance.
> I am beginning to think I need a separate network card.  The  
> problem?  I
> have 3 Hauppage 150s for tuner cards, and only 3 PCI slots.
> If anyone has experienced this, or can point me in a good direction, I
> would appreciate any help.  I am wondering if I should look into
> alternatives to a pci network card -- maybe a USB or PCMCIA card?
> The network device I have is onboard the VIA motherboard.  (That Via
> board was cheap, so I got what I paid for ...)

Nothing inherently wrong with the Via Rhine network adapter, I'm  
using one with no problems. "lspci" will show you the precise type of  

Is it perhaps sharing an interrupt with something that it doesn't  
want to be? "Cat /proc/interrupts" will show you if this might be a  

Is your network device support modular or compiled in? I seem to  
recall I had some strangeness with the module and now have it  
compiled in.

I'd stay away from USB network adapters, and are you saying the mobo  
has PCMCIA support? That'd be unusual for a desktop motherboard.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Another small bug in mythweb (not)

2006-01-29 Thread Dag Nygren
> > Depending on the language you use, MythWeb has the ability to use 
> > different languages. If you use the English language prompts (located in 
> > the file /var/www/html/mythweb/languages/English.php in my own distro), 
> > you can change the displayed time by modifying the 'generic_time' line 
> > from the default 12-hour + AM/PM format ('%I:%M %p') to 24-hour time 
> > ('%H:%M). That's how I fixed my own French.php file.
> Thanks for the answer, but
> I knew about that setting and all the other time displays are fine. It is 
> only 
> the one in
> Upcoming recordings and showtime that is wrong

OK, no problem with mythweb, sorry Chris.

The problem was as Claude said:The settings:
Press toolbox -> session settings.

What confused me was that my PHP doesn't seem to
obey the %p time formatting for AM/PM, which led me to
believe that this didn't influence the time format at all.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What's the correct way to handle overlapping showtimes?

2006-01-29 Thread ffrr
Michael T. Dean wrote:

>On 01/27/2006 09:36 PM, ffrr wrote:
>>So, I then set the second show to start early by -5 minutes (that's 
>>negative 5) and this worked, allowing both shows to record, and missing 
>>the first 5 minutes of the second show.
>>Is there a better way to handle this, and/or did I go wrong somewhere?
>Nope.  You did it exactly right.  The only better way is to get another 
>capture card (or two or three or ...).

Thanks, much appreciated.   You are right, I am going to get an extra 
card, I run into too many conflicts :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] XP2100 outperforms my P4-3.2Ghz

2006-01-29 Thread Sonni Nørløv


I think I have see something similar, and it turned out to be related
to the opengl driver.

On my p3 733mhz, with a similar pvr250 and fx5200 running gentoo,
everything was running fine at ~25% idle when watching live tv.

Then after an update, including a new nvidia driver, I got prebuffering
pauses and 100% cpu usage.
After trying to go back to some of the old drivers+packages, which did
not change anything. I installed oprofiling and did a bit of profilling
I got the following output:
Profiling through timer interrupt
samples  cum. samples  %    cum. % app name
symbol name
4319 4319  41.6249  41.6249    (no
2193 6512  21.1353  62.7602
(no symbols)
1338 7850  12.8951  75.6554    (no
1002 8852   9.6569  85.3123    anon (tgid:6743
range:0xb7399000-0xb743c000) (no symbo
296  9148   2.8527  88.1650 (no symbols)
210  9358   2.0239  90.1889    nvidia   (no
159  9517   1.5324  91.7213    (no
44   9561   0.4241  92.1453    vmlinux 

Which lead me to the opengl driver, then after selecting xorg opengl
# opengl-update xorg-x11

Things was back to normal:
Profiling through timer interrupt
samples  cum. samples  %    cum. % app name
symbol name
7732 7732  39.6107  39.6107    vmlinux  default_idle
4841 12573 24.8002  64.4109
(no symbols)
2983 15556 15.2818  79.6926    anon (tgid:6743
range:0xb7399000-0xb743c000) (no symbo
810  16366  4.1496  83.8422 (no symbols)
377  16743  1.9314  85.7736    (no
296  17039  1.5164  87.2900    vmlinux 

going back to: 
# opengl-update nvidia
resulted in prebuffering to ocour again.

Just my 2 cent.



Aaron Aguilar wrote:
I had myth setup on a XP2100 processor system and
everything worked quite well.  Now that I have upgraded to a new
computer with a P4 3.2Ghz processor, during live TV, mythfrontend
actually uses more of my CPU.  Sometimes up to 99%.  When this happens
I get a prebuffering pause and the video kind of glitches.  Anybody
ever experience something like this?  I have tried changing most of the
settings in the setup and didn't see any improvement.  I was thinking
about trying another kernel or video card, but the video card doesn't
seem to be the problem.
Notable differences in systems:
AMD XP2100 proc
Nvidia FX5200
Fedora Core 3
2.6.10 kernel
Hauppauge PVR250
P4 3.2Ghz proc
ATI X300 
Fedora Core 4
2.6.14-SMP kernel
Hauppauge PVR250
Thanks for any help you can offer!

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] nuvexport error: ERROR: opening A/V streams (0/0)

2006-01-29 Thread Ajay Sharma

I'm running the latest version of nuvexport (nuvexport-0.2_pre20060118 
on Gentoo) and I'm getting an error when I try to do a MPEG2->MPEG2 
export.  I ran nuvexport with the debug flag and this is the command it 
told me to run manually:

$ mpeg2cut /mnt/store/1004_20060126213000_20060126215900.nuv './The 
Office - The Carpet.mpg' 53685 182-17625 21287-30180 37292-48045 53686-
tail: `-1' option is obsolete; use `-n 1' since this will be removed in 
the future
mpeg2cut v223-svn (c) 2005-2006 Gavin Hurlbut
Using mode Xvfb
Filename "/mnt/store/1004_20060126213000_20060126215900.nuv"
OutFile "./The Office - The Carpet.mpg"
Output Dir "."
Space needed: 1827864, Space available: 12451292
Last Frame 53685
Cutlist "182-17625 21287-30180 37292-48045 53686-"
Finding the AV Offset to use with lvemux: -10
Indexing the file with avidemux2
Cutting out commercials with avidemux2
Remultiplexing video
GOP timestamps will be rebuild
ERROR: opening A/V streams (0/0)
Cleaning up
rm: cannot remove 
`/mnt/store/1004_20060126213000_20060126215900.nuv.idx': No such file or 
rm: cannot remove `./1004_20060126213000_20060126215900.m2v': No such 
file or directory
rm: cannot remove `./1004_20060126213000_20060126215900.mp2': No such 
file or directory
rm: cannot remove `./1004_20060126213000_20060126215900.m2v.idx': No 
such file or directory

Any ideas?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] StreamTV

2006-01-29 Thread Phill Edwards
> Hello, I installed MythStream, installing all of the required
> dependencies via rpm.

Would you mind sharing where you got the RPMs from? I didn't think
there were any.

PS - I presume you mean MythStreamTV, not MythStream? They're 2 very
different things.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Finnish DVB EPG and PreferredLanguages (SVN regression)

2006-01-29 Thread Osma Ahvenlampi
Since switching from 0.18.x to SVN a few weeks ago, an old problem has
reappeared - the EPG keeps switching between Finnish and Swedish program
info (as both are broadcasted in the DVB stream). With 0.18 I found that
setting PreferredLanguages to 'fin' helped, but it doesn't any more.
Sometimes program info is in Finnish, sometimes in Swedish, and it keeps
changing for programs that have already been in the EPG as the data is

This also means that sometimes a program isn't recorded when it should
have been, and sometimes the box records a program twice(!) at the same
time due to having two entries for it in the EPG.

I've tried to dig around in the source, but since the differences
between 0.18 and SVN are huge, I'm getting nowhere. Anyone more clued to
what's the workaround now? The list archives weren't very helpful, but
then again, I can't find the 0.18 reference there any more either.



Osma Ahvenlampi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?

2006-01-29 Thread William Kenworthy
Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?
I have a more powerful machine than the backend one, which runs
mythfrontend fine.  However, when I try and use nuvexport I get:

Loading MythTV recording info.
This host not configured for myth.
(No RecordFilePrefix defined for rattus in the settings table.)

Needless to say nuvexport works fine on the backend.  This is a bit
weird as the backend mysql database does not have a RecordFilePrefix
column in the settings table.


William Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Soundblaster Live! PCI 7.1

2006-01-29 Thread Yalusa Jongihlati

Is this the 24-bit Live! ?

Is your sound into the SB through the AUX IN on the card?

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:45:02 -0500
From: Dave Bixler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Soundblaster Live! PCI 7.1
To: Discussion about mythtv 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I'm using a Hauppauge WinTV Go with the line out of that card into the
SB Live line in.

Thanks for the prompt response,

> The sound card is not used in the capture of the sound.
> What capture card do you have?  Have you tried to
> play a prerecorded mpg file from the command line
> with the same results?  The sound card is only for output.
> Paul
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/25/06 10:33 AM >>>

> I finally decided to ditch my Diamond Monster Sound card as I could not
> resolve the issues with the audio.  I dropped in a Sound Blaster Live
> PCI 7.1 card as a test.  I tried LiveTV and everything sounded great.
> When I watched TV, the sound would start right up and when I exited
> LiveTV, the sound would cease.  However, when I attempted to record a
> show, there was absolutely no sound :(.  Has anyone else experienced
> this problem?  I did notice on the ALSA page that supposedly, capture
> of
> sound is not supported, but I'm not even sure that MythTV is using
> ALSA.  Does anyone have any suggestions or comments about this sound
> card?
> Thanks,
> Dave
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes

2006-01-29 Thread Jens Baumeister
Hi all,

jus a quick update_

On 1/15/06, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> since the LiveTV changes seem to lead to questions again and again
> (and sometimes to flamewars), I volunteer to write an FAQ about it.

Thanks for all the info - urgent family matters have been keeping me
busy for the last couple of days, but I expect to be able to write
something up for the Wiki within the next 2 or 3 days. (Hopefully
before 0.19 comes out.)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] XP2100 outperforms my P4-3.2Ghz

2006-01-29 Thread Michael T. Dean
Sonni Nørløv wrote:

> I think I have see something similar, and it turned out to be related 
> to the opengl driver.


Yeah.  There's a known bug in the 8178 driver that results in 100% CPU 
usage when using OpenGL vsync.  So, either don't use 8178 (best bet) or 
turn off OpenGL vsync (which requires a re-compile for Myth 0.18.1 and 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] XP2100 outperforms my P4-3.2Ghz

2006-01-29 Thread Brian Wood

On Jan 29, 2006, at 6:38 AM, Michael T. Dean wrote:

> Sonni Nørløv wrote:
>> I think I have see something similar, and it turned out to be related
>> to the opengl driver.
> ...
> Yeah.  There's a known bug in the 8178 driver that results in 100% CPU
> usage when using OpenGL vsync.  So, either don't use 8178 (best  
> bet) or
> turn off OpenGL vsync (which requires a re-compile for Myth 0.18.1 and
> below).
Or just comment out "load glx" in your X config file, unless you have  
something else that needs it.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Lost MythVideo somehow

2006-01-29 Thread Jeff Clemens
It says it's trying to load a shared object called, which of course isn't there, but there is also no  My guess is that the error message is wrong, and its acutally looking for  Not sure what happened to that, but I'm trying to install mythvideo now.   
Looks like that did the trick, wonder why the error message said it was looking for  
On 1/27/06, Chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/27/06, Jeff Clemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Not sure when or why this happened, but I just noticed it upon returning
> from vacation.>> I no longer have access to Mythvideo at all.  When I select any of the> mythvideo options, either from the media menu, or the setup menu, the system> pauses for a second, then returns me to the main menu.  I've done a couple
> of upgrades lately, but the first upgrade was before I noticed the problem> (and I think I watched some videos after that upgrade), the second upgrade> that included mythTV pieces was after I noticed the change, and didn't seem
> to fix the change.  I'm sure it's probably a permissions issue, but I> haven't had a chance to dig in yet.  Seems to be affecting both my master> FC3 box, and my slave FC4 box.>> Any ideas?
>> Jeff> ___Launch 'mythfrontend mythvideo' from the command line, see if there isany output as to what's going on.___
mythtv-users mailing listmythtv-users@mythtv.org

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Yan Seiner
Michael T. Dean wrote:

>On 01/28/2006 08:44 PM, Yan Seiner wrote:
>>I've been using MythTV successfully for about a year...
>>But now I want to watch TV.
>patient man...  ;)
Well, I built MythTV as a means of keeping my kids from trashing tapes 
and DVDs.  It works so well I want more. :-)

>>My setup is as follows:
>>tooth - FC2 mythtv backend, mysql server, file server, and also houses 
>>the WinTV card.
>>hermes - KnoppMyth box.  Mounts files via NFS
>>I got everything set up, as per the docs.  I can click on WatchTV on 
>>hermes, and I get a mostly green window with a bar of black and color 
>>fuzz at the top.  This is the typical thing you see if the TV card is 
>>not set to the correct frequency/channel/standard.
>>After a while, the backend says: Couldn't read data from the capture 
>>card in 15 seconds. Stopping.
>>2006-01-28 16:30:08.176 NVR: Error, cannot open DSP '/dev/dsp'
>>open: No such device or address
>Fix your sound...
OK, how do I do that?  The backend sits in a room far away from the 
frontend.  I want sound with my TV  So how do I get mythtv to send 
the sound along with the video down the network pipe?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Laptop CPU in Desktop Mainboard

2006-01-29 Thread Michael Starks
John Andersen wrote:
\> In that case you are truly on a fools errand.
> You will NEVER save enough energy with this CPU to recover
> your costs.  Vastly more power could be saved by huge passive
> heat sinks and getting rid of fans.

That may be true, however I have observed (measured) that a modern CPU
under load will consume as much as 30 watts more than when it is idle.

> Running a computer headless saves well in excess of
> 80 percent of the power utilized by the typical desktop
> computer.  Finding the lowest consumption disk drives
> or running fewer of them will save more.  But chaseing
> after the miniscule savings on this CPU, especially
> since you will probably have to replace the mobo tu
> use it will save you nothing.

It's already headless.  Just doing my part to not use more resources
than are necessary.  Thanks.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] cutlist

2006-01-29 Thread Claude Gélinas agr.
I want to cut commercial and some other part of a recording

once I've recorded the film how can I produce the cut list

I can view the recording and edit it with my remote but do I need to
same some data to a cutlist.file to process it after with mythburn

Could someone explaine a little bit more about that process. My system
have no keyboard, just a pvr 350 remote.

Thank you
Claude Gélinas agr., dta
Phyto Ressources inc.
Varennes, Québec, Canada   Tél.: (450) 652 9764,   Fax.:(450) 652 6182
 Des questions sur les insectes et maladies des plantes ornementales ?
 Want to know more about ornamental plant pest ?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] AFD Error: Unknown decoding error

2006-01-29 Thread Osma Ahvenlampi
Another problem I've got since upgrading from 0.18 to SVN, is a
repeating "AFD Error: unknown decoding error" that seems to sometimes
crash mythbackend and sometimes cause mythtranscode to eat upwards of
half a gig of memory and throw my myth box into a swap hell.

I tried reporting this to Trac, but as I haven't been able to isolate a
video fragment that causes this (weak DVB antenna, random signal errors,
and this might happen for example 80 minutes into a three-hour recording
- I don't think anyone's interested in getting six gigs of video to
debug..), that bug was closed as invalid. It's

Has anyone else run into this? I'm thinking the only way I can eliminate
this is if I figure out a way to change the logging so that these
content related error messages contain the file and offset where the
error happened. Before I join the dev list, might someone be able to
help me with this?

A few example log fragments related to the situation:

[mpeg2video @ 0x104abc4]get_buffer() failed (stride changed)
2006-01-29 14:03:11.972 AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
[mpeg2video @ 0x104abc4]get_buffer() failed (stride changed)
2006-01-29 14:03:11.983 AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
[mpeg2video @ 0x104abc4]get_buffer() failed (stride changed)
2006-01-29 14:03:12.024 AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
[mpeg2video @ 0x104abc4]get_buffer() failed (stride changed)
2006-01-29 14:03:12.035 AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
2006-01-29 14:03:12.831 GetNextFreeFrame() unable to lock frame 100
times. Discarding Frames.

[mpeg2video @ 0x85cbc4]get_buffer() failed (stride changed)
2006-01-29 16:36:22.505 AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
[mpeg2video @ 0x85cbc4]get_buffer() failed (stride changed)
2006-01-29 16:36:22.545 AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
[mpeg2video @ 0x85cbc4]get_buffer() failed (stride changed)
2006-01-29 16:36:22.581 AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
[mpeg2video @ 0x85cbc4]get_buffer() failed (stride changed)
2006-01-29 16:36:22.617 AFD Error: Unknown decoding error
[mpeg2video @ 0x85cbc4]releasing zombie picture

[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]skipped MB in I frame at 1 21
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 0 22
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 1 23
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 0 24
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 0 25
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 0 26
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]skipped MB in I frame at 1 27
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 0 28
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]invalid mb type in I Frame at 0 29
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 0 30
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 2 31
[mpeg2video @ 0x11d2bc4]ac-tex damaged at 0 32

Osma Ahvenlampi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Niels Dybdahl
I've googled about and it seems that the solution is to manually enterthe frequency tables into mySQL... Before I go that route, I figured I'd
ask for advice.Any suggestions?
It is probably easier to enter the frequencies via MythWeb or via mythtvsetup.
Note that you can enter either the channel number or the frequency in kilohertz

Niels Dybdahl

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Should a SBE/FE be running mysqld?

2006-01-29 Thread Greg Estabrooks
> I recently noticed that my SBE/FE machine has a mysqld running.
> I'm guessing that there's no reason for this to be the case, since

 If the myth database is running on the master then no, you don't need
this second instance of mysqld running.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] cutlist

2006-01-29 Thread Osma Ahvenlampi
On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 09:40 -0500, Claude Gélinas agr. wrote:
> I can view the recording and edit it with my remote but do I need to
> same some data to a cutlist.file to process it after with mythburn

You create a cutlist for a transcoder by entering edit mode with 'e'
while viewing the recording, selecting where you want to insert a
cutpoint with space or enter, and then exiting with another 'e' press.
While in the edit mode, you can also load the pregenerated commercial
detector cutlist with 'z'.

Then you just transcode the recording. I don't use mythburn, maybe it
can transcode while burning, maybe you need to do that ahead of time.

I can routinely transcode an hour of DVB signal from 2 gigs to 1 of
MPEG-4 with the same resolution (720x576) and no noticeable loss of
quality, and lose the commercials while doing that. That doubles my
storage capacity on the box, so I haven't bothered burning anything to
disc since setting up the system a year ago.

> Could someone explaine a little bit more about that process. My system
> have no keyboard, just a pvr 350 remote.

Map the 'e' and 'z' keys somewhere to your remote. You probably have the
other keys required, ie cursor keys and either space or enter already
mapped there.

Osma Ahvenlampi   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Segfault when configured MythTV with XvMC

2006-01-29 Thread Jean-Yves Avenard
HelloThank you for this...I have tried several revision of nVidia before but it didn't make any difference.I'm now recompiling a kernel with a higher kernel frequency (1000Hz) and will downgrade the nvidia driver as well while I'm at it.
Will keep you posted. It seems that a few people have issues with XvMC but nobody seem to have found a unique solution to it.JYOn 1/29/06, 
Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Saturday 28 January 2006 01:49, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:> DVB-T (both SD and HD channels) doesn't play smoothly on my P4 3.4Ghz FC4> box.> I am running the latest nVidia driver (8178)>
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been trying to get smooth video> for over a week.I'd try yanking the nVidia 8178 driver and install 7676 instead. Lots of folkshave had issues w/the latest one. I haven't yet had a chance to see if its
simply a case of Myth needing to be rebuilt against the newer nVidia libs(which has been the case at least once in the past).
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] StreamTV

2006-01-29 Thread Jonathan Smith
I did mean MythStreamTV.  The rpm I was referring to was the rpm for
vlc, I had to install MythStreamTV via script.  There are some
dependencies that will need to be installed before you can install
vlc, at least on FC4, one of them being libmodplug, yum doesnt have
the rpm available, so had to go hunting for them.

I still have the video problem, will need to do some futher
troubleshooting.  I know my Windows machine has the wmv2 codec,
perhaps the vlc client on the myth box does not have that codec.

On 1/29/06, Phill Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello, I installed MythStream, installing all of the required
> > dependencies via rpm.
> Would you mind sharing where you got the RPMs from? I didn't think
> there were any.
> PS - I presume you mean MythStreamTV, not MythStream? They're 2 very
> different things.
> Regards,
> Phill
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Odd problem setting up Remote Frontend

2006-01-29 Thread Amankhan

 On 1/28/06, Chad  wrote: 

>I don't think you necessarily have to change the host IP, so for >testing, leave it at loopback.  
Ok, done.
>Make sure you have the correct internal IP for the backend: >/sbin/ifconfig  
Yes, I do.  I set all my IPs statically, just so I avoid any of those issues. 
>Restart your frontend, and see what happens.  
No luck, I got the exact error message described here:

"NOTE: If you modify the address and use a "real" IP
address, you must use real IP addresses in both fields, otherwise your
frontend machines will generate "Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION"
>Are you running a backend process on the frontend?  If so, you don't >need to be.. 
No, I'm not.

Thanks for the reply!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Odd problem setting up Remote Frontend

2006-01-29 Thread Amankhan

 On 1/28/06,  wrote: 

>Do you have the firewall enabled on the backend? 

No, its turned off and SELinux is disabled.

 On 1/28/06, Chad  wrote: 

>A quick last thought:  >>Are the backend and the frontend running the exact same version 
>(0.18.1, 0.18, SVN revision)?  >>They need to be.  Yes, they are.  Just checked it & both are the same.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] cutlist

2006-01-29 Thread Jens Baumeister

On 1/29/06, Claude Gélinas agr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can view the recording and edit it with my remote but do I need to
> same some data to a cutlist.file to process it after with mythburn

As far as I know, the mythburn scripts automatically use the mythtv
cutlist - at least they do with my setup (DVB-T with Nova-T). So if
you only nee it for mythburn, you shouldn't need to worry about
getting the cutlist data yourself.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Jens Baumeister
On 1/29/06, Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael T. Dean wrote:
> >>2006-01-28 16:30:08.176 NVR: Error, cannot open DSP '/dev/dsp'
> >>open: No such device or address
> >
> >Fix your sound...
> >
> >
> OK, how do I do that?  The backend sits in a room far away from the
> frontend.  I want sound with my TV  So how do I get mythtv to send
> the sound along with the video down the network pipe?

Myth sends everything it needs to send to any frontend. From my
(limited) understanding, there seems to be something wrong with your
backend configuration so there never is anything to send in the first

Did you try using the TV card with some other application outside of
MythTV to verify that it's working correctly?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] cutlist

2006-01-29 Thread Jonathan Smith
In my opinion it is essential to have a keyboard to edit the cutlist,
I have a knoppmyth boot cd that I use as a frontent to do this very
task.  The autogenerated cut list does a decent job, but never perfect
from my experience.

On 1/29/06, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> On 1/29/06, Claude Gélinas agr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can view the recording and edit it with my remote but do I need to
> > same some data to a cutlist.file to process it after with mythburn
> As far as I know, the mythburn scripts automatically use the mythtv
> cutlist - at least they do with my setup (DVB-T with Nova-T). So if
> you only nee it for mythburn, you shouldn't need to worry about
> getting the cutlist data yourself.
> Jens
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] cutlist

2006-01-29 Thread Jens Baumeister
On 1/29/06, Jonathan Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 1/29/06, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 1/29/06, Claude Gélinas agr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I can view the recording and edit it with my remote but do I need to
> > > same some data to a cutlist.file to process it after with mythburn
> >
> > As far as I know, the mythburn scripts automatically use the mythtv
> > cutlist
> The autogenerated cut list does a decent job, but never perfect
> from my experience.

The cutlist that commercial flagging produces needs some attention
before it's perfect. However the OP stated that he can use his remote
to edit the recording, so I figure he can correct those errors without
the need for a keyboard.

The original question, as I understood it, was not: "How can I cut my
recordings with a remote?" or "Do I need to manually edit
auto-generated cutlists?" but rather "How do I export myth cutlists
into a file to use with mythburn?" And if mythburn works the same on
analogue capture cards as it does on my DVB setup, the answer would
be: "You don't need to worry about it for mythburn as the scripts
already do it automatically."

(Examining mythburn's code should show how it does that, but I'm not
near my mythbox right now.)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] New Pundit?

2006-01-29 Thread Henry Fleischmann
George Landon wrote:

>It looks Asus has introduced a new Pundit model, the P1-PH1.  It is
>only listed on the Global site, so I'm not sure about availability. 
>Looks like they stuck with ATI for the chipset though.
>Anyone have more information on this from a Myth point of view?
>George V. Landon
>PhD Candidate, Computer Science
>Digital Media Networks Lab
>University of Kentucky
>mythtv-users mailing list

It looks like SDPIF out is still behind the door on the front which is a 
pain since you have to have the door closed to turn it on or off. Plus 
it looks like crap with the door open so connecting to a receiver or amp 
is sort of not an option. Also, if you ever want to upgrade the video, 
you are still stuck with PCI which seems to be getting harder to find on 
the newer cards. My pundit-r has been running great as a front end for 
almost a year but my next big purchase will be a replacement this system 
that gives me a few more options.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Double keystrokes problem in (some) frontend menus

2006-01-29 Thread kkitchen
Nope. The dehavior is only in mythfrontend menus. (so far)Ramon Redondo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Are you using a wireless keyboard?  I sometimes see this behavior whenmy batteries start to wear down.
		Bring words and photos together (easily) with 
PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.___
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] New Pundit?

2006-01-29 Thread Mark Knecht
On 1/29/06, Henry Fleischmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> George Landon wrote:
> >It looks Asus has introduced a new Pundit model, the P1-PH1.  It is
> >only listed on the Global site, so I'm not sure about availability.
> >Looks like they stuck with ATI for the chipset though.
> >
> >
> >
> >Anyone have more information on this from a Myth point of view?
> >
> >
> >--
> >George V. Landon
> >PhD Candidate, Computer Science
> >Digital Media Networks Lab
> >University of Kentucky
> >___
> >mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> It looks like SDPIF out is still behind the door on the front which is a
> pain since you have to have the door closed to turn it on or off. Plus
> it looks like crap with the door open so connecting to a receiver or amp
> is sort of not an option. Also, if you ever want to upgrade the video,
> you are still stuck with PCI which seems to be getting harder to find on
> the newer cards. My pundit-r has been running great as a front end for
> almost a year but my next big purchase will be a replacement this system
> that gives me a few more options.

Yeah, I agree. It also looks from the Asus spec that all the 1394
ports are on the front which is a drag if you want to use Firewire
hard drives, or possibly hook to a 1394 cable box...

Looks like a nice machine for a medium performance desktop machine though.

- Mark
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Delay with mplayer

2006-01-29 Thread Ronald Kohsman
I have  a delay when playback with mplayer. Playback of nuv is perfect.

I'm using twinview for the monitor and the ntsc-m.

I have the following detals

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800

nVidia 6600GT using svideo to ntsc


Myth 0.18.2 

nVidia 8178 drivers

Just point me in the right direction. It would greatly appreciated.



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] New Pundit?

2006-01-29 Thread Justin Hornsby
SPDIF, etc on the front panel?!?!?!?!

What _were_ they thinking?

That's the 'all purpose' aspect down the pan straight away.

Load of rubbish.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] cutlist

2006-01-29 Thread Jonathan Smith
As I read it the OP wanted some explanation about the cutlist process,
 then processing the video via mythburn.  Since Osama did such a good
job describing the editing process, I felt compelled to share some
additional information, an alternative to editing the cutlist should
the author find the need to have a keyboard, a second computer with a
bootable knoppmyth cd would be the only essentials.  The advantage to
this is that you arent using your TV and preventing others from
watching TV.

On 1/29/06, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/29/06, Jonathan Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 1/29/06, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > On 1/29/06, Claude Gélinas agr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > I can view the recording and edit it with my remote but do I need to
> > > > same some data to a cutlist.file to process it after with mythburn
> > >
> > > As far as I know, the mythburn scripts automatically use the mythtv
> > > cutlist
> >
> > The autogenerated cut list does a decent job, but never perfect
> > from my experience.
> The cutlist that commercial flagging produces needs some attention
> before it's perfect. However the OP stated that he can use his remote
> to edit the recording, so I figure he can correct those errors without
> the need for a keyboard.
> The original question, as I understood it, was not: "How can I cut my
> recordings with a remote?" or "Do I need to manually edit
> auto-generated cutlists?" but rather "How do I export myth cutlists
> into a file to use with mythburn?" And if mythburn works the same on
> analogue capture cards as it does on my DVB setup, the answer would
> be: "You don't need to worry about it for mythburn as the scripts
> already do it automatically."
> (Examining mythburn's code should show how it does that, but I'm not
> near my mythbox right now.)
> Jens
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Network Device Failure.....

2006-01-29 Thread John Nelson
Mr. Wood,

Well, I ran both lspci and the cat /proc/interrupts commands and the 
outputs are copied below.  I was thinking a USB ethernet adapter would 
be a bad idea.  As for PCMCIA, I have the ability to get an IDE adapter 
that goes into a 5.25 slot on a case.  I have no idea about its specs, 
if Linux wil leven see it, etc.  Plus, this would be a very certain kludge.

The First cut/paste is the thernet type.  The second is the interrupts.

I do notice there are quit a few on the 10: 499501 row.  Being a bit of 
a wet behind the ears Linux newbie, is the 10 or the 499501 the 
interrupt?  Or both?  The fact that there is one of my capture cards, 
two USB ports and my Ethernet on whatever that row, do you think that 
might be part of the problem?

As for whether my network device support is modular or compiled in, I 
will have to look into that.

Thank you for the help.  Looks like I will be learning more about 
modular versus compiled in support as well as Interrupt handling in 
Linux.  :-)   (And while new, I do know a bit of generalized stuff )

John Nelson

After running "lspci"
00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II] 
(rev 78)

Running cat /proc/interrupts

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mythtv]# cat /proc/interrupts
  0:2675869  XT-PIC  timer
  1:113  XT-PIC  i8042
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  7:  1  XT-PIC  parport0
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  9:  0  XT-PIC  acpi
 10: 499501  XT-PIC  ivtv0, uhci_hcd:usb2, uhci_hcd:usb3, eth0
 11:  11623  XT-PIC  libata, VIA8237, ivtv1, ivtv2, 
ehci_hcd:usb1, uhci_hcd:usb4, uhci_hcd:usb5
 12:   4061  XT-PIC  i8042
 14:   3755  XT-PIC  ide0
 15: 100673  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
ERR:  0

Brian Wood wrote:

>On Jan 28, 2006, at 11:29 PM, John Nelson wrote:
>>Hail Fellow Myth-folk,
>>I just finally got a system up and running.  I had some issues and  
>>ran out of time until Christmas holidays.
>>I am not having problems, however, where the network card for the
>>backend seems to cease working.  The lights on the switch it is
>>connected to stop blinking or even being lit.  I can not hit the  
>>world with the web browser or any other network tool.
>>It seems to do this when I am streaming video.  It does not do it all
>>the time, but more than enough to be a major nuisance.
>>I am beginning to think I need a separate network card.  The  
>>problem?  I
>>have 3 Hauppage 150s for tuner cards, and only 3 PCI slots.
>>If anyone has experienced this, or can point me in a good direction, I
>>would appreciate any help.  I am wondering if I should look into
>>alternatives to a pci network card -- maybe a USB or PCMCIA card?
>>The network device I have is onboard the VIA motherboard.  (That Via
>>board was cheap, so I got what I paid for ...)
>Nothing inherently wrong with the Via Rhine network adapter, I'm  
>using one with no problems. "lspci" will show you the precise type of  
>Is it perhaps sharing an interrupt with something that it doesn't  
>want to be? "Cat /proc/interrupts" will show you if this might be a  
>Is your network device support modular or compiled in? I seem to  
>recall I had some strangeness with the module and now have it  
>compiled in.
>I'd stay away from USB network adapters, and are you saying the mobo  
>has PCMCIA support? That'd be unusual for a desktop motherboard.
>mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] KDE logs out immediately after logging in

2006-01-29 Thread Derek Scollon
> On Jan 28, 2006, at 11:35 AM, Derek Scollon wrote:

>> I suspect this is a problem with KDE rather than Mythtv, but I was  
>> hoping maybe one of you could point me in the right direction to  
>> start debugging this.

>> I built a Mythtv box using FC3 about a year ago and followed the  
>> Fedora HOWTO, including the step to log into KDE and start the  
>> Mythtv frontend automatically after booting up. This worked  
>> faultlessly until I recently moved house. I've finally got around  
>> to setting the box up again (I believe) in the same way as before.  
>> Now after booting, I am presented with a KDE login screen. After  
>> entering the login, I am immediately thrown back to the login  
>> screen. I know the login details are correct because if I enter  
>> wrong details, I get a message telling me they're wrong.

>> Any idea what would be causing KDE to immediately log out after  
>> logging in like this? I haven't included many specifics here  
>> because I'm not sure what specifics are relevant to this problem,  
>> so just ask if you need more detail. I'm mystified what has  
>> happened when apparently nothing has changed except my home address.

> You obviously haven't been made aware of the "region locking" the  
> MPAA has imposed on KDE, since it has heard that KDE can play DVDs.

> Just kidding.

> Are you being presented with a graphical KDE login? If you can get  
> back to booting into text mode, then starting KDE with "startx", you  
> can then see what messages KDE is giving you when you try to start it.

> You could also check the appropriate log files, but the above method  
> is more likely to spot your problems.

> Normally if you start in text mode you would have a ".xinitrc" file  
> in your home directory, the contents of which is "exec startkde", I'm
> not sure how you are starting kde.

> You are correct, however, this is a kde or system problem, not a  
> MythTV one.

Had one of those DOH! moments today. Logged in as root to check a few things 
and as I usually do, started by typing df. Between dismantling the TV and 
switching off the box, the hard disk had filled to 100%. No wonder KDE couldn't 
start up. Deleted a few files and I'm up and running again.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Network Device Failure.....

2006-01-29 Thread Brian Wood

On Jan 29, 2006, at 9:33 AM, John Nelson wrote:

> Mr. Wood,

I'm Brian, BTW :-)
> Well, I ran both lspci and the cat /proc/interrupts commands and the
> outputs are copied below.  I was thinking a USB ethernet adapter would
> be a bad idea.  As for PCMCIA, I have the ability to get an IDE  
> adapter
> that goes into a 5.25 slot on a case.  I have no idea about its specs,
> if Linux wil leven see it, etc.  Plus, this would be a very certain  
> kludge.
> The First cut/paste is the thernet type.  The second is the  
> interrupts.
> I do notice there are quit a few on the 10: 499501 row.  Being a  
> bit of
> a wet behind the ears Linux newbie, is the 10 or the 499501 the
> interrupt?  Or both?  The fact that there is one of my capture cards,
> two USB ports and my Ethernet on whatever that row, do you think that
> might be part of the problem?

Absolutely. "10" is the interrupt BTW. I believe the second number is  
the activity.
> As for whether my network device support is modular or compiled in, I
> will have to look into that.
> Running cat /proc/interrupts
> _
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mythtv]# cat /proc/interrupts
>   0:2675869  XT-PIC  timer
>   1:113  XT-PIC  i8042
>   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
>   7:  1  XT-PIC  parport0
>   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
>   9:  0  XT-PIC  acpi
>  10: 499501  XT-PIC  ivtv0, uhci_hcd:usb2,  
> uhci_hcd:usb3, eth0
>  11:  11623  XT-PIC  libata, VIA8237, ivtv1, ivtv2,
> ehci_hcd:usb1, uhci_hcd:usb4, uhci_hcd:usb5
>  12:   4061  XT-PIC  i8042
>  14:   3755  XT-PIC  ide0
>  15: 100673  XT-PIC  ide1
> NMI:  0
> ERR:  0
> _
As you pointed out, INTs 10 and 11 are certainly busy, it would not  
surprise me if the sharing of the ethernet interrupt is helping to  
cause your problems.

If you're not using USB for anything I would not load those drivers,  
same for the parallel port. I don't know if ivtv and eth0 can share  
INTs well, but getting rid of as much conflict as possible certainly  
couldn't hurt.

There's not much you can do with moving PCI cards around, which is  
the traditional method of trying to arrange INTs in a better way. I  
don't know if your mobo has much if any control over INT assignment  
but the best solution would be to get the eth0 on an INT by itself in  
some way, or at least sharing with something little-used. I have the  
very same Rhine net interface but it has its very own INT.

I've never run into an IDE ethernet device. I do have a SCSI net  
device I used to use with a very old Mac and it worked OK, but as you  
pointed out I do not know if Linux would support such a thing. I  
suspect a USB "solution" would make matters here worse.

So get rid of the USB drivers if you can, also the parport (or go to  
a polling driver for it).

If you need help doing this feel free to mail me privately, we can  
post a summary to the list if we get it resolved but let's try to not  
bore the list with kernel config issues.

Meanwhile, if anyone else has any ideas they are most welcome :-)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] problem with Fusion 5 Gold

2006-01-29 Thread Mike VanderPloeg
Hi all,

I'm having a problem getting a Fusion 5 Gold card (OTA
& ATSC) to work with mythtv.  azap and test_dvr work
well, and I can capture ATSC video.  However, myth
just gives me static.

I recomplied FC4 2.6.16_1656 to be able to use the
latest v4l CVS modules using their instructions.  I
then modprobed cx8800 and cx88-dvb.  Was this correct?
 Here is the output of /sbin/lsmod | grep cx:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ /sbin/lsmod | grep cx
cx8800 34956  0
compat_ioctl32 10112  1 cx8800
v4l1_compat13316  1 cx8800
v4l2_common 9728  3
cx88_alsa  14560  0
cx88_dvb   15068  0
cx8802 12740  1 cx88_dvb
cx88xx 66084  4
ir_common  29700  1 cx88xx
btcx_risc   5448  4
tveeprom   17744  1 cx88xx
videodev   11712  2 cx8800,cx88xx
cx88_vp3054_i2c 5120  1 cx88_dvb
i2c_algo_bit9928  2 cx88xx,cx88_vp3054_i2c
mt352   7236  1 cx88_dvb
or5113210500  1 cx88_dvb
video_buf_dvb   6916  1 cx88_dvb
video_buf  24388  6
nxt200x14020  1 cx88_dvb
cx24123 9348  1 cx88_dvb
lgdt330x8476  1 cx88_dvb
cx22702 6916  1 cx88_dvb
i2c_core   24216  12
dvb_pll12740  4
snd_pcm93964  4
snd60480  10

And here is my /etc/modprobe.conf:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ more /etc/modprobe.conf
alias scsi_hostadapter sata_uli
alias eth0 tulip
#alias eth1 tulip
alias snd-card-0 snd-intel8x0
options snd-card-0 index=0
options snd-intel8x0 index=0
# added line below via myth on FC4 webpage
install snd-intel8x0 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install
snd-intel8x0 && /usr/sbin/alsactl restore >/dev/null
2>&1 || :
remove snd-intel8x0 { /usr/sbin/alsactl store
>/dev/null 2>&1 || : ; }; /sbin/modprobe -r
--ignore-remove snd-intel8x0
alias char-major-81 cx88-alsa
alias usb-controller ehci-hcd
alias usb-controller1 ohci-hcd
# nvidia kernel module
alias char-major-195 nvidia
#alias char-major-195 nvidia-1_0-8178
#alias nvidia nvidia-1_0-8178
alias dev20482 uli526x
#alias eth1 uli526x

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] mythfrontend freezes on first run

2006-01-29 Thread Stuart Moore
I'm trying to set up a mythtv system. mythfrontend always freezes: I get
a background come up, similar to that of mythtv-setup (but a slightly
different colour). Nothing happens from here in. sshing from another
machine and running top reveals "Xorg" is running at 95%+  processor
usage. Mythbackend occasionally does some processing, as does mysql and
"cx88[0] dvb", so it seems to be thinking about something, but there's
nothing obvious in the logs.

The system is a P3 800 with 256Mb ram. I'm using a WinTV Nova-T card,
and I've successfully watched tv off it using tzap and dvbstream. All
the channels seemed to be found. I'm using the latest ubuntu, all
packages obtained from them using aptitude. I'm using a PCI XFX GeForce
MX4000 64mb and the NVidia drivers, outputting to TV only.

Any suggestions? Unfortunately I don't have frequent physical access to
the machine (setting it up for parents) but I can log in remotely easily.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Seattle MUG -- Sunday Jan 29th

2006-01-29 Thread Blammo
On 1/27/06, Jeff Clemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm available, and in the U-District, but can travel anywhere... its my day
> off, so it worked out perfect.
> On 1/24/06, Chris Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A couple of people on the IRC channel have expressed an interest in
> > getting together (one of them is an out-of-towner who will be in Seattle
> > this weekend), so I'm calling for a Seattle MUG.  Location and time to
> > be determined based on who is interested (so let me know if you're under
> > 21 or it may end up being a bar/pub) and what time the most people are
> > available on on Sunday.
> >
> > -Chris

There's an "interesting" little mexican place called "Mama's Mexican
Kitchen" that, if you're never been, is a Seattle landmark.. (ok, not
like the underground, but you know what I mean)

Mama's Mexican Kitchen
2234 2nd Ave
Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 728-6262

I've been there quite a few times, and the pace can be slow enough
where we could sit and shoot the breeze a bit, and still enjoy the

Noonish on Sunday would be good for me.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Michael T. Dean
On 01/29/2006 10:45 AM, Jens Baumeister wrote:
> On 1/29/06, Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Michael T. Dean wrote:
 2006-01-28 16:30:08.176 NVR: Error, cannot open DSP '/dev/dsp'
 open: No such device or address
>>> Fix your sound...
>> OK, how do I do that?  The backend sits in a room far away from the
>> frontend.  I want sound with my TV  So how do I get mythtv to send
>> the sound along with the video down the network pipe?
> Myth sends everything it needs to send to any frontend. From my
> (limited) understanding, there seems to be something wrong with your
> backend configuration so there never is anything to send in the first
> place.
> Did you try using the TV card with some other application outside of
> MythTV to verify that it's working correctly?
But, the error message in his log output clearly states that his sound 
is configured incorrectly.  And, until the sound is fixed, he's unlikely 
to get any video playback (Myth expects the sound to be properly 
configured--even if you're not listening to it).

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Michael T. Dean
On 01/29/2006 09:26 AM, Yan Seiner wrote:
> Michael T. Dean wrote:
>> On 01/28/2006 08:44 PM, Yan Seiner wrote:
>>> My setup is as follows:
>>> tooth - FC2 mythtv backend, mysql server, file server, and also houses 
>>> the WinTV card.
>>> hermes - KnoppMyth box.  Mounts files via NFS
>>> I got everything set up, as per the docs.  I can click on WatchTV on 
>>> hermes, and I get a mostly green window with a bar of black and color 
>>> fuzz at the top.  This is the typical thing you see if the TV card is 
>>> not set to the correct frequency/channel/standard.
>>> After a while, the backend says: Couldn't read data from the capture 
>>> card in 15 seconds. Stopping.
>>> ...
>>> 2006-01-28 16:30:08.176 NVR: Error, cannot open DSP '/dev/dsp'
>>> open: No such device or address
>> Fix your sound...
> OK, how do I do that?  The backend sits in a room far away from the 
> frontend.  I want sound with my TV  So how do I get mythtv to send 
> the sound along with the video down the network pipe?
Well, it says /dev/dsp isn't there, so if you can play sound in other 
applications (i.e. xine or MPlayer), then you need to change the sound 
settings in Myth (from the default sound device--"/dev/dsp"--to the one 
your system is using, like "ALSA:default").  (And change your mixer to 

If you can't play sound elsewhere, check in on the Knopp fora for help 
setting it up.

Also, make sure you turn off any sound servers (esd, artsd, ...).

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Yan Seiner
Michael T. Dean wrote:

>Well, it says /dev/dsp isn't there, so if you can play sound in other 
>applications (i.e. xine or MPlayer), then you need to change the sound 
>settings in Myth (from the default sound device--"/dev/dsp"--to the one 
>your system is using, like "ALSA:default").  (And change your mixer to 
This is one of those 'DUH' solutions  I had never compiled sound 
support into the kernel for this particular machine.

New kernel being built, with ALSA and bt audio as we speak.  More later.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Guide data setup for mixed ATSC/QAM & NTSC backend? Multiple xmltv feeds needed?

2006-01-29 Thread Todd Ignasiak
I am trying to clean up my MythTV configuration a bit.  Part of that effort is to use a single Zap2it / xmltv guide account, so I can deal with the expiration less frequently (with two, it seems like it's always expiring).  I have four tuners, all hooked to my cable TV connection.  The two SD tuners (PVR-500 card) can record all the analog channels (2-63).  The two ATSC/QAM tuners can record the handful of HD channels (79,116,117;  which breaks out into five visible HD channels), and cannot do SD (at least not as I have it set up.  I wouldn't want them to do SD anyway, as they don't have MPEG encoders.)
But, with my config now, it seems that MythTV doesn't know the difference between the channel types, and tries to record SD with the HD tuner, and HD with the SD tuner.  I have the TV format set to ATSC on my HD channels, and I was hoping that would allow MythTV to associate those channels with the HD capable tuners.  
I'm sure others have this same setup.  What is the recommended "best practice" for associating channels/guide data with the best tuner card?   Must I go back to my config with two guide sources, each limited to the relevant stations the tuners can receive?
Thanks for any input.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mplayer delay

2006-01-29 Thread Ronald Kohsman
I have  a delay when playback with mplayer. Playback of nuv is perfect.

I'm using twinview for the monitor and the ntsc-m.

I have the following detals

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800

nVidia 6600GT using svideo to ntsc


Myth 0.18.2 

nVidia 8178 drivers

Just point me in the right direction. It would greatly appreciated.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] New Pundit?

2006-01-29 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Sunday 29 January 2006 08:30, Justin Hornsby wrote:
> SPDIF, etc on the front panel?!?!?!?!
> What _were_ they thinking?
> That's the 'all purpose' aspect down the pan straight away.
> Load of rubbish.

Indeed. However, someone posted a web page a while back detailing how they 
moved it to the rear... (Can't remember where I put that link now though).

Jarod Wilson

Description: PGP signature
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Guide data setup for mixed ATSC/QAM & NTSC backend? Multiple xmltv feeds needed?

2006-01-29 Thread Michael T. Dean
On 01/29/2006 01:59 PM, Todd Ignasiak wrote:
> I am trying to clean up my MythTV configuration a bit.  Part of that 
> effort is to use a single Zap2it / xmltv guide account, so I can deal 
> with the expiration less frequently (with two, it seems like it's 
> always expiring).  I have four tuners, all hooked to my cable TV 
> connection.  The two SD tuners (PVR-500 card) can record all the 
> analog channels (2-63).  The two ATSC/QAM tuners can record the 
> handful of HD channels (79,116,117;  which breaks out into five 
> visible HD channels), and cannot do SD (at least not as I have it set 
> up.  I wouldn't want them to do SD anyway, as they don't have MPEG 
> encoders.)
> But, with my config now, it seems that MythTV doesn't know the 
> difference between the channel types, and tries to record SD with the 
> HD tuner, and HD with the SD tuner.  I have the TV format set to ATSC 
> on my HD channels, and I was hoping that would allow MythTV to 
> associate those channels with the HD capable tuners. 
> I'm sure others have this same setup.  What is the recommended "best 
> practice" for associating channels/guide data with the best tuner 
> card?   Must I go back to my config with two guide sources, each 
> limited to the relevant stations the tuners can receive?

You have two Myth video sources, one for SDTV and one for HDTV channels?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mplayer delay

2006-01-29 Thread Michael T. Dean
On 01/29/2006 02:02 PM, Ronald Kohsman wrote:
> I have  a delay when playback with mplayer. Playback of nuv is perfect.
> I'm using twinview for the monitor and the ntsc-m.
> I have the following detals
> AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800
> nVidia 6600GT using svideo to ntsc
> FC4
> Myth 0.18.2
> nVidia 8178 drivers
> Just point me in the right direction. It would greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.

All three have come through:

and the one to which I'm replying.

If you're not seeing your own posts, check your SF list settings at the 
address below (the one at the bottom of every post on the list).

As far as MPlayer, what's a delay?  Audio and video out of sync?  If so, 
"man mplayer/sync" (make sure you read in between each 
"n").  Also, remember to use "-framedrop" and look at "-vo" (probably 
want something like "-vo xv"

With xine, you can easily and interactively adjust sync with "m" and "n".

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] limits.conf for realtime priority

2006-01-29 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Sunday 22 January 2006 13:16, Marius Schrecker wrote:
> >> I guess this is a typo in the docs, and the comment in the file is
> >> correct. Can someone confirm this?
> >
> > As of PAM 0.79, the name was changed to rtprio.  I've updated the
> > example in the HOWTO.
> running pam 0.79-3 (at least I have:
> I've changed my limits.conf to:
> # added by Marius for Mythfrontend:
> *-   rtprio0
> *-   nice0
> @mythtv  -   rtprio 50
> @mythtv  -   nice0
> # End of file
> but I'm still getting this when I run mythfrontend (as user mythtv):
> ...
> ...
> 2006-01-22 21:57:59.905 TV: Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
> 2006-01-22 21:57:59.942 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.
> 2006-01-22 21:57:59.961 Video timing method: RTC
> What have I misunderstood?
> Do I need more of PAM?

Did you also log out and log back in to make those new limits applicable to 
the user you're running as?

Jarod Wilson

Description: PGP signature
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Error when compiling SVN on XBOX?? any ideas?

2006-01-29 Thread A JM
Well I finally got over the hump of the build-deep problem with my XBOX
as it turns out I just had to use a more recent version of Xebian, I
was using 1.1.2 and didn't realize 1.1.4 was available. I ran 'apt-get build-dep mythtv' and all appeared to be fine and I was able to still boot Xebian. 

So, I've finally gotten to the point where I can try and compile Myth
and I get the follwoing error, hopefully someone can help me out.

xbox:/usr/src/mythtv# make
cd libs && make -f Makefile
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mythtv/libs'
cd libavutil && make -f Makefile
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mythtv/libs/libavutil'
distcc gcc -c -pipe -march=pentium3 -w -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386
-I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I.. -I../.. -o mathematics.o
distcc gcc -c -pipe -march=pentium3 -w -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386
-I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I.. -I../.. -o integer.o integer.c
distcc gcc -c -pipe -march=pentium3 -w -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386
-I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I.. -I../.. -o rational.o
distcc gcc -c -pipe -march=pentium3 -w -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386
-I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I.. -I../.. -o
intfloat_readwrite.o intfloat_readwrite.c
rm -f
distcc g++ -shared -Wl,-soname, -o mathematics.o integer.o rational.o
intfloat_readwrite.o    -lpthread
mathematics.o(.gnu.linkonce.t.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx+0x0): In function `__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx':
: multiple definition of `__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.5/crtbeginS.o(.gnu.linkonce.t.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx+0x0): first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
distcc[11058] ERROR: compile (null) on localhost failed
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mythtv/libs/libavutil'
make[1]: *** [sub-libavutil] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mythtv/libs'
make: *** [sub-libs] Error 2

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Schedule changes

2006-01-29 Thread Mike Richardson
On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 07:06:38PM +, Nick wrote:
> On 17/01/06, Mike Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 01:06:51AM +, Nick wrote:

> You can use the channel editor to individually turn off use of the EPG
> for DVB channels, or you could edit the DB directly (obviously more
> dangerous in case something goes wrong - backup, usual disclaimers


I've had a look at the channel editor in mythtv-setup and I can't see how
you'd turn off the DVB channels. The channel editor lists all the channels
available, and the source (RT for DVB and RT2 for the PVR-250, in my case).

There are no channels listed which aren't associated with RT or RT2. If I
remove a channel from here won't it remove it completely from Mythtv's

As far as I understand how MythTV works the channel number (channum) is
originally defined courtesy of the information provided by a scan of the DVB
card and thus is the key to any EPG updates from the DVB. If channel 14 (E4)
had its channel number changed to, say, 914, then the DVB card would no
longer know to update E4 but as long as the xmltvid was present the MFDB
would know to update it. 

Is this right? 

Thanks again


Mike Richardson
IT Services, University of Manchester
*Plain text only please - attachments stripped on arrival*
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian 'apt-get build-dep mythtv' problem?

2006-01-29 Thread A JM
Fianlly got past the errors I think by upgrading the version of Xebian to 1.1.4.Thanks for all the help and pointers they were very helpful.Can anyone shed some light on compiling with distcc??? I get the following errror, loosly "..failed to distribute mathematics, connection reset by peer" ?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mplayer delay

2006-01-29 Thread Ronald Kohsman
I did not bother with the mplayer.

xine seems to do the trick.


On 1/29/06, Michael T. Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 01/29/2006 02:02 PM, Ronald Kohsman wrote:> I have  a delay when playback with mplayer. Playback of nuv is perfect.>> I'm using twinview for the monitor and the ntsc-m.>> I have the following detals
>> AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800> nVidia 6600GT using svideo to ntsc> FC4> Myth 0.18.2> nVidia 8178 drivers>> Just point me in the right direction. It would greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks.All three have come through: the one to which I'm replying.If you're not seeing your own posts, check your SF list settings at theaddress below (the one at the bottom of every post on the list).
As far as MPlayer, what's a delay?  Audio and video out of sync?  If so,"man mplayer/sync" (make sure you read in between each"n").  Also, remember to use "-framedrop" and look at "-vo" (probably
want something like "-vo xv"With xine, you can easily and interactively adjust sync with "m" and "n".Mike___mythtv-users mailing list
-- Ronald KohsmanSecure Applications Group(614) 530-0911 Direct[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?

2006-01-29 Thread Chris Petersen
> Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?
> I have a more powerful machine than the backend one, which runs
> mythfrontend fine.  However, when I try and use nuvexport I get:
> Loading MythTV recording info.
> This host not configured for myth.
> (No RecordFilePrefix defined for rattus in the settings table.)
> Needless to say nuvexport works fine on the backend.  This is a bit
> weird as the backend mysql database does not have a RecordFilePrefix
> column in the settings table.

Install a frontend on your remote box, run it once to get things 
configured, then nuvexport will work.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [ATrpms-users] Mythtv 0.18.2

2006-01-29 Thread Phill Edwards
> A week or so ago an upgrade installed all the myth modules as 0.18.2
> etc.  Now if you try to upgrade we're back to 0.18.1.  What's up with
> that?  Hopefully a moot point in the next day or so.

There never was a 0.18.2 but some of the distros apparently bundled up
some code and released it as that. The latest official release is
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Guide data setup for mixed ATSC/QAM & NTSC backend? Multiple xmltv feeds needed?

2006-01-29 Thread Daniel Kristjansson
On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 14:19 -0500, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> On 01/29/2006 01:59 PM, Todd Ignasiak wrote:
> > I am trying to clean up my MythTV configuration a bit.  Part of that 
> > effort is to use a single Zap2it / xmltv guide account, so I can deal 
> You have two Myth video sources, one for SDTV and one for HDTV channels?

What most users do is set up several listings on the same zap2it account
with slightly different zip codes. So if your neighborhood is in 10023,
you can use the neighboring neighborhoods 10022, 10024, etc for
additional listings, since you probably get the same OTA/Cable signals
as your immediate neighbors.

-- Daniel

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Double keystrokes problem in (some) frontend menus

2006-01-29 Thread Terry Dawson
Hash: SHA1

> I have a very strange problem using the mythfrontend. I am getting double 
> keystrokes (keyboard only) navigating in the 3D, sub-menus. Example: System 
> Status. All QT style, 2D, menus are fine, only the 3D looking ones with the 
> boxes and shading are afflicted. That means the main menu, setup menus are 
> all fine. I have tried every theme available.

I've seen precisely the same problem occur. Particularly for the UP/DOWN

Sometimes it is fine, but other times, and I haven't yet found how to
reliably trigger it, each press of UP or DOWN appears to generate two

It makes navigating to a particular recorded show very difficult. The
only 'resolution' I've found is to quit mythfrontend and restart it.

Perhaps it has something to do with the Debian packages? I'm also using

It appears not to be hardware related as I've seen this problem occur on
three quite different machines. Like you I'm primarily navigating by


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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Second card needs to be initialized???

2006-01-29 Thread Brian Wood
Still trying to get a handle on inconsistent PiP results. This is  
getting stranger and stranger.

It turns out that trying to use PiP mode (via any method) will lock  
up the frontend.

UNLESS I have used the second card to make a recording first, then it  
seems to work OK.

So I must make a recording in a way that uses the second card (ie:  
not "watch while recording") before I can use the second card to view  
a PiP image.

The first card is a PVR-150, the second a PVR-350. There is an  
HD-3000 card but it's presently listed as "no input".

ivtv-detect see all three cards, and no errors on boot-up  

I'm considering trying reversing the card order, as I can't get CC  
out of the 150 anyway, but I really wonder what's going on.

Any ideas appreciated.

Brian Wood

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV SUSE 10.0 Howto guide

2006-01-29 Thread Cougar

On Mon, 23 Jan 2006, mike choy wrote:

> Cougar wrote:
> > On Sat, 31 Dec 2005, mike choy wrote:
> >
> >   
> > > Hi Team
> > >
> > > I wanted to announce my SUSE 10.0 MythTV howto guide
> > >
> > > Feedback welcomed
> > >
> > > enjoy
> > >
> > > Mike C
> > >
> > > The home of SUSE multimedia
> > > 
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I took PLD RPM spec file for MythTV and modified it so that it works under
> > SuSE now. I try to make SVN based RPMs as often as possible (new RPM after
> > 1-3 days usually) and make them are accessible via APT if you add these
> > lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
> >
> > rpm SuSE/10.0-i386 version6
> > rpm-src SuSE/10.0-i386 version6
> >
> > Right now this is pure SVN build without plugins but consists addional
> > Estonian language pack. I plan to integrate all SVN plugins and some popular
> > themes to it in the near future also.
> >
> > So, if anybody likes to test new SVN versions then enjoy it! :-)
> >
> > ---
> > Cougar
> >
> >   
> Cougar
> Any chance I can persuade you to do a 64bit version of your RPM's

As my coworker just upgraded his hardware to x86_64, I hope that 64 bit 
build are follow soon. I'll let you know.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Can't schedule recordings

2006-01-29 Thread Doug Hairfield
I am new to mythtv.  I have the latest mythtv version running on FC4 with almost everything working except I am not able to get my recording schedule to save.  It lets me go through the guide and pick the show and save settings, but when I goto upcoming recordings, it says I have nothing scheduled to record.  Doug  
		Do you Yahoo!? 
With a free 1 GB, there's more in store with Yahoo! Mail.___
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Is it possible to use nuvexport on a host remote from the backend?

2006-01-29 Thread Chris Petersen
> As mentioned, I have a fully working mythfrontend on the remote box.  It
> does not work.  "rattus" is the remote machine.

Sorry, missed that.

> Any ideas?

The only thing I can think of is that `hostname` returns a value 
different than the one mythfrontend finds.  What do you get from the 

SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value="RecordFilePrefix";

and what do you get when you run `hostname` on your remote machine?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] IVTV 0.4.2 and MythTV

2006-01-29 Thread Brian Fischer
> I edited the capturecard table. I made sure that the defaultinput
> column was "Tuner" instead of "Tuner 0". I actually had two extra rows
> that I had to delete.

I wiped the myth database and this seemed to work.  Thanks for the advice.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Recording MPEG-4 to DVD

2006-01-29 Thread Piers Kittel

Slightly offtopic I guess, but does anyone know of a Linux based 
software package that'd convert MPEG-4 video for recording onto a DVD 
video disc - so I can play it back in any DVD recorder?

Thanks very much for your help in advance!

Regards - Piers
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] External audio

2006-01-29 Thread Kevin Kuphal
Has anyone used any USB attached external audio devices like the Extigy 
or the Creative Live 24-bit External USB device?  I'm considering this 
as an option on my small form factor frontend.  I see that it has 
optical SPDIF out which I need but I'm not sure on the AC3 passthrough 
support in Linux of these devices.  I'd like to do this to remove the 
full height PCI audio card I have in the SFF case in order to make room 
for an AGP video card which that card blocks. 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Recording MPEG-4 to DVD

2006-01-29 Thread Brian Wood

On Jan 29, 2006, at 4:16 PM, Piers Kittel wrote:

> Hello,
> Slightly offtopic I guess, but does anyone know of a Linux based
> software package that'd convert MPEG-4 video for recording onto a DVD
> video disc - so I can play it back in any DVD recorder?
> Thanks very much for your help in advance!
ffmpeg should do it.

See section 5.1, file formats
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Recording MPEG-4 to DVD

2006-01-29 Thread Piers Kittel
Thanks very much for your quick reply!

So I encode the video into MPEG-2 following the standard resolution for 
PAL DVD, then use a DVD creator tool to make a DVD ISO and then burn it 
on DVD?  Will standard MPEG-2 be OK or is there some specific version of 
MPEG-2 I need to encode the video into?

Thanks very much again!

Regards - Piers

Brian Wood wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2006, at 4:16 PM, Piers Kittel wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Slightly offtopic I guess, but does anyone know of a Linux based
>> software package that'd convert MPEG-4 video for recording onto a DVD
>> video disc - so I can play it back in any DVD recorder?
>> Thanks very much for your help in advance!
> ffmpeg should do it.
> See section 5.1, file formats
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Recording MPEG-4 to DVD

2006-01-29 Thread Nick Rout
any2vob is great at turning anything other than the cat into a dvd
compliant vob file, which you can then use with an authoring program
like dvdstyler.

It is a shell script, and it has lots of dependencies, but the results
are good. The web page is not up to much, but it has a usage summary
which will give you a good idea of it's abilities.

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 23:16:31 +
Piers Kittel wrote:

> Hello,
> Slightly offtopic I guess, but does anyone know of a Linux based 
> software package that'd convert MPEG-4 video for recording onto a DVD 
> video disc - so I can play it back in any DVD recorder?
> Thanks very much for your help in advance!
> Regards - Piers
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] sound not encoding

2006-01-29 Thread mstrimel
I wrote earlier about this problem, thought I fixed it by changing to onboard 
sound, but I was wrong (onboard sound has constant popping so I really need the 
PCI to work)

* LiveTV has no sound.
* If I unmute "mic" while playing live TV, I can hear the audio a few seconds 
ahead of the video, so I know the sound is getting to the card.  It's just not 
encoding it.
* If I play back an old recording, I can hear sound.  So I know (?) it's not a 
playback problem.

running "mythbackend -v audio, recording" gives:  
2006-01-29 18:33:56.018 mythbackend version:
2006-01-29 18:33:56.019 Enabled verbose msgs : important general record audio
2006-01-29 18:33:58.017 Reschedule requested for id -1.
2006-01-29 18:33:58.339 Scheduled 4 items in 0.3 = 0.31 match + 0.01 place
2006-01-29 18:33:58.348 Seem to be woken up by USER
2006-01-29 18:34:06.024 New DB connection, total: 4
2006-01-29 18:34:08.302 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2006-01-29 18:34:08.302 adding: ubuntu as a client (events: 0)
2006-01-29 18:34:08.308 Getting next free recorder after : -1
2006-01-29 18:34:08.309 Card 1 is local.
2006-01-29 18:34:08.314 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2006-01-29 18:34:08.315 adding: ubuntu as a client (events: 1)
2006-01-29 18:34:08.324 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2006-01-29 18:34:08.324 adding: ubuntu as a client (events: 0)
2006-01-29 18:34:08.335 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2006-01-29 18:34:08.335 adding: ubuntu as a client (events: 0)
2006-01-29 18:34:08.340 adding: ubuntu as a remote ringbuffer
2006-01-29 18:34:08.347 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2006-01-29 18:34:08.355 Using profile 'Live TV' to record
strange error flushing buffer ...
2006-01-29 18:34:16.781 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None

running mythfrontend -v record,audio gives:

2006-01-29 18:34:08.292 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 
2006-01-29 18:34:08.298 Using protocol version 15
2006-01-29 18:34:08.319 Using protocol version 15
2006-01-29 18:34:08.480 Disable DPMS
2006-01-29 18:34:08.745 Opening audio device '/dev/dsp'.
2006-01-29 18:34:08.745 Opening OSS audio device '/dev/dsp'.
2006-01-29 18:34:08.755 Using XV port 146
X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
  Major opcode:  142
  Minor opcode:  14
  Resource id:  0x1ca
2006-01-29 18:34:08.760 Couldn't get the color key color, and we need it.
You likely won't get any video.
2006-01-29 18:34:09.001 Using realtime priority.
2006-01-29 18:34:09.028 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2006-01-29 18:34:09.102 Video timing method: RTC
X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
  Major opcode:  142
  Minor opcode:  14
  Resource id:  0x1ca
2006-01-29 18:34:16.715 Couldn't get the color key color, and we need it.
You likely won't get any video.
2006-01-29 18:34:17.055 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None
2006-01-29 18:34:17.058 Changing from None to None
2006-01-29 18:34:17.059 Enable DPMS

I've tried running the various messages thru google and the archives, but can't 
seem to find anything relevant.  [Video works just fine].  Is it a problem that 
the backend opens both a OSS and Alsa device?   Is there a manual record 
command I can try to check for other errors?

Thanks for any suggestions,
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Recording MPEG-4 to DVD

2006-01-29 Thread Nick Rout

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 23:43:22 +
Piers Kittel wrote:

> Thanks very much for your quick reply!
> So I encode the video into MPEG-2 following the standard resolution for 
> PAL DVD, then use a DVD creator tool to make a DVD ISO and then burn it 
> on DVD?  Will standard MPEG-2 be OK or is there some specific version of 
> MPEG-2 I need to encode the video into?
> Thanks very much again!
> Regards - Piers

Basically you have it right, but there are always a few tricks to
getting it DVD compliant. See my reply re any2vob, it will work it all
out for you and even make a 5.1 audio track from the stereo in your avi

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Recording MPEG-4 to DVD

2006-01-29 Thread Brian Wood

On Jan 29, 2006, at 4:43 PM, Piers Kittel wrote:

> Thanks very much for your quick reply!
> So I encode the video into MPEG-2 following the standard resolution  
> for
> PAL DVD, then use a DVD creator tool to make a DVD ISO and then  
> burn it
> on DVD?  Will standard MPEG-2 be OK or is there some specific  
> version of
> MPEG-2 I need to encode the video into?
The video needs to be 720x480 or 704x480 (assuming NTSC) and meet  
some other standards.

dvdstyler is a good option, as was pointed out, the other Linux  
option is dvdauthor and its graphical frontend qdvdauthor.

Personally I use my Mac to create DVDs, so I can't tell you much  
about the authoring apps.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Can't schedule

2006-01-29 Thread Doug Hairfield
 I am new to mythtv.  I have the latest mythtv version running on FC4 with almost everything working except I am not able to get my recording schedule to save.  It lets me go through the guide and pick the show and save settings, but when I goto upcoming recordings, it says I have nothing scheduled to record.Doug  
What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! Autos ___
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Should a SBE/FE be running mysqld?

2006-01-29 Thread Nick Rout

On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 23:34:47 -0500 (EST)
f-myth-users wrote:

> I recently noticed that my SBE/FE machine has a mysqld running.
> I'm guessing that there's no reason for this to be the case, since
> presumably the only place mysqld should be running is on the master
> backend, but I figured I'd check, just in case.  (I also assume I
> should just remove its startup script from /etc/init.d and call it
> a day if it's not supposed to be there.)

See the other replies, but don't just remove the script, use your
distro's tools to make sure it stops and won't start again. Deleting it
will work until your distro updates mysql and replaces the /etc/init.d
script. It will also create boot error messages as the bootup scripts
try to run /etc/init.d/mysql and cannot find it.

for example:

On gentoo:

/etc/init.d/mysql stop
rc-update del mysql default

on fedora I would guess (from my redhat days)

service mysql stop
chkconfig --del mysql

debian and relatives have a command update-rc.d which I don't know how
to use.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Scheduler issues related to plus one channels

2006-01-29 Thread Nick
On 28/01/06, Graeme Hilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> Perhaps this is one for the wish-list.
> Here in the UK (and probably everywhere else!) we have a few channels
> that follow another channel by one hour.  For example E4 and E4+1.
> Unfortunately when mythfilldatabase grabs new data from the Radio Times
> website there are often differences in title, subtitle and description
> between the two channels.  When there are scheduled recordings on these
> channels I often end up with several recordings of the same program, no
> matter the setting of the duplicate detection.
> Would it be useful to be able to define a channel as being a copy of
> another channel, plus an offset?  In this way Myth should be able to
> more effectively detect duplicate recordings.  It might also have the
> side-effect of making shorter download times for listings updates!
> Perhaps this could be incorporated into channel setup with a dialog to
> allow the user to select a channel and an offset.  This data can be
> stored in the database (channels table).  When Myth checks the schedules
> it can "create" a virtual channel to display in the epg, use when
> calculating conflicts etc


I've not posted on this particular topic before but have thought the
same for quite a while. it's another feature that mythfilldatabase
could certainly use (my real bugbear is the lack of an option to allow
a single source file to be used for mutliple sources in a single hit).
I think it would be extremely useful to be able to create and mark
channels as being timeshifted versions of existing ones (not just +1hr
as there is FX+2 for instance). As you suggest, you could reuse the
same listings for each 'copy' to negate the problems of the listings
providers having slightly differing descriptions, and also get faster
channel updates as a result. There is also the problem (I existed
until recently for More4+1 using uk_rt - I need to send the updates
for the grabber for the new channels just added!) that listings for +1
channels are not available - so this solution would have multiple

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythWeb + myth-remote-control

2006-01-29 Thread f-myth-users
I've been thinking a bit recently about a feature I mentioned a couple
months ago, and it seems more implementable now.  (Is MythWeb covered
by the current feature freeze? :)

The idea is to be able to browse recordings in MythWeb, but, if you
clicked on the image in any given row, to have the frontend play it
instead of having it streamed to the browser.  This is handy in
situations where you don't necessarily have a pre-established
playlist, and would like to start the next recording on the fly while
the previous one is still playing.  (Useful for VJ'ing, for meetings
in which you're presenting a bunch of short clips, for those of us who
find a browser on a close-up high-res screen much more readable than
the TV on the other side of the room, etc etc.)  Obviously, this would
be optional, so the existing behavior of streaming directly to the
browser still works for those who want it.

Originally, it looked like the way to do this was to send a different
URL to the browser such that the image link ran a cgi script that then
talked to the frontend (which might not be the same as the backend
machine), and which then ran mplayer right on top of the frontend GUI.
This is inelegant in a number of ways, though.

But with the recent work that went into SVN (courtesy of the bounty
that was paid for the added functionality) for remote-controlling the
frontend from elsewhere, this could be a lot easier:  Each of the rows
in MythWeb's recorded-programs page has a URL that runs a cgi script
that gets handed some ID for the program (whatever's easiest to put in
the URL and look up in the DB later), and the cgi script then commands
the frontend to play that recording directly, just as if the user
navigated there via the frontend's UI.  Seems very simple.

The clean way to implement this would be to augment MythWeb to run an
arbitrary script (e.g., the cgi script gets configured to call one of
potentially several scripts, and hands it the program ID), and the
first (but maybe not only) script to actually get written would be the
one that takes the program ID and tells the frontend remote-control to
play it.

MythWeb would need two additional configuration options somewhere:
o Whether to enable this behavior at all
o Which frontend to use, if there is more than one

How feasible does this sound?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Odd problem setting up Remote Frontend

2006-01-29 Thread Chad
On 1/29/06, Amankhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/28/06,  wrote:
> >Do you have the firewall enabled on the backend?
> No, its turned off and SELinux is disabled.
> On 1/28/06, Chad  wrote:
> >A quick last thought:
> >
> >Are the backend and the frontend running the exact same version
> >(0.18.1, 0.18, SVN revision)?
> >
> >They need to be.
> Yes, they are.  Just checked it & both are the same.
> Jonathan
> ___

So, if you take your 'new' frontend out of the equation, and just
change the loopback address on the single machine (the FE/BE combo) to
actual internal IP's (well, just 1 IP, the IP of the machine it's
running on should be in both fields), does this happen then too?  Is
there anything odd about your network setup that we should be thinking
about?  Is MySQL running on the backend or on another machine?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Should a SBE/FE be running mysqld?

2006-01-29 Thread f-myth-users
> Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 13:03:14 +1300
> From: Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> See the other replies, but don't just remove the script, use your
> distro's tools to make sure it stops and won't start again. 

Sure; I was speaking informally.  By "delete" I meant "use update-rc.d"
(Ubuntu's name for it) to remove the various symlinks---but your
explanation might be useful to somebody else who comes across this...
Tnx.  (I'm reasonably sure that mysqld was there in the first place
because I built the two machines by building one partway and then
essentially cloning its disk; obviously I missed a step in getting
its services customized.)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Issue with lirc...

2006-01-29 Thread John Brooks
Hey, guys. I'm having an issue getting lirc working on my box. I'm
running Ubuntu Breezy Badger with kernel 2.6.12-10-k7. I followed the
directions given here in order to get lirc up and running:

However, attempting "modprobe lirc_sir" gets me this:

FATAL: Error inserting lirc_sir
(/lib/modules/2.6.12-10-k7/misc/lirc_sir.ko): Unknown symbol in module,
or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

[4545990.816000] lirc_sir: Unknown symbol lirc_unregister_plugin
[4545990.816000] lirc_sir: Unknown symbol lirc_register_plugin

It appears this guy has seen this problem before and had some sort of patch to it; does anyone know about this?

The general consensus I've seen from my google fu seems to be that lirc
started having this issue around the time the 2.6.11 or 2.6.12 kernels
rolled out.

I'm so close to a fully functional death star^W^W MythTV machine! All I
need is to get lirc working, plus sound on the TV portion.

Thanks for everyone's insight and help so far!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Yan Seiner
Yan Seiner wrote:

>Michael T. Dean wrote:
>>Well, it says /dev/dsp isn't there, so if you can play sound in other 
>>applications (i.e. xine or MPlayer), then you need to change the sound 
>>settings in Myth (from the default sound device--"/dev/dsp"--to the one 
>>your system is using, like "ALSA:default").  (And change your mixer to 
>This is one of those 'DUH' solutions  I had never compiled sound 
>support into the kernel for this particular machine.
>New kernel being built, with ALSA and bt audio as we speak.  More later.
OK, I got my new kernel built, booted, and all that jazz.

Using, with bttv and btaudio based on some archives suggesting 
btaudio over alsa bt87xx.

I no longer get a segfault, but I still don't get a clear image on the 


First time around, the frontend connects, and gets a green screen with a 
horizontal fuzzy bar across the top, exactly as if there is no signal or 
wrong standard/frequency.

After 15 seconds, the display freezes, and the frontend displays an 
error about 'something went wrong' or similar.

After that the frontend can no longer connect to the backend when I 
click on Watch TV.

The logs for the backend are attached.  Basically it is getting no 
signal from the card.  I can bring up xawtv and pull in channel 28 fine.

The frontend and the backend are talking since I can pass channel 
information to the backend from the frontend, and I get a video image

Any suggestions?  Is it possible to turn on greater debugging so I can 
what standard/freq MythTV is setting the card for?  Is it possible the 
frontend is setting a different standard from the backend?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail]# /usr/bin/mythbackend -v all
2006-01-29 16:31:21.860 New DB connection, total: 1
Starting up as the master server.
2006-01-29 16:31:21.877 New DB connection, total: 2
2006-01-29 16:31:21.888 Channel(/dev/video0):SetFormat(): Probed input: 
0, name = Television
2006-01-29 16:31:21.888 Channel(/dev/video0):SetFormat(): Probed input: 
1, name = Composite1
2006-01-29 16:31:21.888 Channel(/dev/video0):SetFormat(): Probed input: 
2, name = S-Video
2006-01-29 16:31:21.888 Channel(/dev/video0):SetFormat(): Probed input: 
3, name = Composite3
2006-01-29 16:31:21.891 Channel(/dev/video0)::SwitchToInput(in 0)
2006-01-29 16:31:21.894 Channel(/dev/video0)::SwitchToInput() setting 
video mode to NTSC
2006-01-29 16:31:21.900 New DB connection, total: 3
2006-01-29 16:31:21.903 Channel(/dev/video0):SetFormat(): Probed input: 
0, name = Television
2006-01-29 16:31:21.904 Channel(/dev/video0):SetFormat(): Probed input: 
1, name = Composite1
2006-01-29 16:31:21.904 Channel(/dev/video0):SetFormat(): Probed input: 
2, name = S-Video
2006-01-29 16:31:21.904 Channel(/dev/video0):SetFormat(): Probed input: 
3, name = Composite3
2006-01-29 16:31:21.914 Channel(/dev/video0)::TuneTo(8): 
2006-01-29 16:31:21.914 Channel(/dev/video0)::TuneToFrequency(2900)
2006-01-29 16:31:21.928 New DB scheduler connection
2006-01-29 16:31:21.935 JobQueue::RecoverQueue: Checking for unfinished 
jobs to recover.
2006-01-29 16:31:21.939 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search 
bitmask 4, found 0 total jobs
2006-01-29 16:31:21.941 mythbackend version:
2006-01-29 16:31:21.942 Enabled verbose msgs :all
2006-01-29 16:31:23.937 Reschedule requested for id -1.
Query 0: / = 0 AND (record.recordid = -1 OR -1 = -1) AND 
program.manualid = 0 AND p rogram.title = record.title
2006-01-29 16:31:24.311  |-- Start DB Query 0...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.314  |-- 0 results in 0.002398 sec.
2006-01-29 16:31:24.314  +-- Done.
2006-01-29 16:31:24.319 PruneOldRecords...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.319 AddNewRecords...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.321  |-- Start DB Query...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.345  |-- 0 results in 0.024525 sec. Processing...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.346  +-- Cleanup...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.346 Sort by time...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.346 PruneOverlaps...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.346 Sort by priority...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.346 BuildListMaps...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.346 SchedNewRecords...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.346 Scheduling:
2006-01-29 16:31:24.347 Sort retrylist...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.347 MoveHigherRecords...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.347 Retrying:
2006-01-29 16:31:24.347 ClearListMaps...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.347 Sort by time...
2006-01-29 16:31:24.347 PruneRedundants...
--- print list start ---
Title - SubtitleChan ChID Day Start  End   S C I  T 
N Pri
---  print list end  ---
2006-01-29 16:31:24.347 Scheduled 0 items in 0.4 = 0.38 match + 0.03 place
2006-01-29 16:31:24.352 Seem to be woken up by USER
2006-01-29 16:31:31.942 JobQueue::ProcessQueue() started
2006-01-29 16:31:32.029 JobQueue::RecoverQueue: Checking for unfinished 
jobs to recover.
2006-01-29 16:31:32.031 New DB connection, total: 4
2006-01-29 16:31:32.035 JobQueue currently set at 1 job(s) max and to 
run n

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Chad

Glancing over your logs, it looks ok.  What kind of signal are you
using? analog cable TV, digital cable TV, Satellite, Rooftop

You can set both local and global settings from the frontend depending
on what you are trying to adjust.  At the top of the screen it
generally tells you if it's global options you are changing.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Segfault when configured MythTV with XvMC

2006-01-29 Thread Jean-Yves Avenard
Hi.I removed the 8178 driver and all references to it, installed 7676. Now XvMC works !!! coolThe interesting thing though, is that it plays HD channels fine with Software decoding too !This happens since I used a 1000Hz timer for the kernel instead of the default 250Hz ...
JYOn 1/30/06, Jean-Yves Avenard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/29/06, 
Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd try yanking the nVidia 8178 driver and install 7676 instead. Lots of folkshave had issues w/the latest one. I haven't yet had a chance to see if its
simply a case of Myth needing to be rebuilt against the newer nVidia libs(which has been the case at least once in the past).

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] LiveTV breaks LIRC

2006-01-29 Thread K Stanton
I've seen a few issues posted about LIRC (lircd) working and then 
stopping, but I haven't read about my problem, and certainly haven't 
seen any fixes.  I have a SilverStone HTPC case with a Soundgraph iMON 
LCD/IR receiver built in.  I have LIRC running, and using IRW, can poke 
and see my all my remote commands over and over.  I can also navigate 
around mythfrontend.  But when I go to LiveTV, sometimes the remote 
stops functioning immediately, sometimes after up to 10 presses.

After the remote stops responding, dmesg shows nothing wrong, 
/var/log/lircd using debug level 2 shows all the events up to the time 
it stops, and no sign of a problem. irw stays working, but no longer 
shows activity.  In order to get lircd working again, I have to kill 
lircd and rmmod lirc_imon and lirc_dev (and restart them).

The only other issue/clue I can think of is that if I run  lircd -D  
with anything higher than 2, I get a seg fault.

Help!  I've been troubleshooting for days, and my friend google is 
staying quiet on this one.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] LiveTV breaks LIRC

2006-01-29 Thread Chad
On 1/29/06, K Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've seen a few issues posted about LIRC (lircd) working and then
> stopping, but I haven't read about my problem, and certainly haven't
> seen any fixes.  I have a SilverStone HTPC case with a Soundgraph iMON
> LCD/IR receiver built in.  I have LIRC running, and using IRW, can poke
> and see my all my remote commands over and over.  I can also navigate
> around mythfrontend.  But when I go to LiveTV, sometimes the remote
> stops functioning immediately, sometimes after up to 10 presses.
> After the remote stops responding, dmesg shows nothing wrong,
> /var/log/lircd using debug level 2 shows all the events up to the time
> it stops, and no sign of a problem. irw stays working, but no longer
> shows activity.  In order to get lircd working again, I have to kill
> lircd and rmmod lirc_imon and lirc_dev (and restart them).
> The only other issue/clue I can think of is that if I run  lircd -D
> with anything higher than 2, I get a seg fault.
> Help!  I've been troubleshooting for days, and my friend google is
> staying quiet on this one.
> ___

IRQ conflict with your tuner card?  Heat?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Yan Seiner
Chad wrote:

>Glancing over your logs, it looks ok.  What kind of signal are you
>using? analog cable TV, digital cable TV, Satellite, Rooftop
Broadcast antenna...  Is it possible that MythTV is setting the card for 
Composite rather than antenna in?  Any way to test / log that?

>You can set both local and global settings from the frontend depending
>on what you are trying to adjust.  At the top of the screen it
>generally tells you if it's global options you are changing.
I've been all through the frontend and I can't find anywhere where I 
would set NTSC/PAL or anything like that...

I've tried this on both frontends now with the identical result...


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Chad
On 1/29/06, Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chad wrote:
> >
> >Glancing over your logs, it looks ok.  What kind of signal are you
> >using? analog cable TV, digital cable TV, Satellite, Rooftop
> >Antenna..?
> >
> >
> Broadcast antenna...  Is it possible that MythTV is setting the card for
> Composite rather than antenna in?  Any way to test / log that?
> >You can set both local and global settings from the frontend depending
> >on what you are trying to adjust.  At the top of the screen it
> >generally tells you if it's global options you are changing.
> >
> >
> I've been all through the frontend and I can't find anywhere where I
> would set NTSC/PAL or anything like that...
> I've tried this on both frontends now with the identical result...
> --Yan
> ___

When you run mythtv-setup from the backend, you should be able to set
NTSC/PAL, as well as set the Video Source to pair with your Television
input (after you setup your Video Source of course).


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Segfault when configured MythTV with XvMC

2006-01-29 Thread Brad Fuller
Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
> Hi.
> I removed the 8178 driver and all references to it, installed 7676.
> Now XvMC works !!! cool
> The interesting thing though, is that it plays HD channels fine with 
> Software decoding too !
> This happens since I used a 1000Hz timer for the kernel instead of the 
> default 250Hz ...
I've tried this before, and had disasterious results with FC2. Now I'm 
on FC4 and the 7676 driver.
Do you have to do anything else (like a xorg.conf setting) other than 
the switch in the Mythtv setup?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can't schedule recordings

2006-01-29 Thread Bruce Markey
Doug Hairfield wrote:
> I am new to mythtv.  I have the latest mythtv version running on FC4 
> with almost everything working except I am not able to get my recording 
> schedule to save.  It lets me go through the guide and pick the show and 
> save settings, but when I goto upcoming recordings, it says I have 
> nothing scheduled to record.

One possibility is that in mythtv-setup, you may not have set up
the "Input connections". You can have a set of channels and grab
TV listings but if there are no inputs for those channels, nothing
would be scheduled. You can look in the Recording Priorities page
to see the rules that have been created.

--  bjm
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] imedia Mythtv linux

2006-01-29 Thread Nick Rout
Yes their support takes a number of days to get back to you.

Their bibaries are i686 so are unsuitable for my i586/M9000/Ezra board.

So no experience of actual use, just a wait for their support email.

On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 09:26:03 -0500
Matt MacDonald wrote:

> Does anybody have any experience with imedia Mythtv linux?
> Thanks,
> Matt


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Yan Seiner
Chad wrote:

>When you run mythtv-setup from the backend, you should be able to set
>NTSC/PAL, as well as set the Video Source to pair with your Television
>input (after you setup your Video Source of course).
OK, I've got a big chunk of the problem identified...

I think the US-Broadcast freq table in my backend is hosed.

I can get a channel (so far, 1 channel) on a frontend if I change the 
freq table to US-Cable.

I get a freeze-and-fail on the front end if I try to change the channel 
or do anything else, requiring a backend kill and restart if I want to 
try TV again...  The backend stays up, it just refuses to respond to any 
TV requests from front ends...

Nothing in the mythtv logs that I haven't posted before, but this 
appears in my backend system log:

Jan 29 18:11:24 tooth kernel: bttv0: timeout: drop=585 
irq=369523/369526, risc=1da1a024, bits: HSYNC OFLOW FDSR
Jan 29 18:11:24 tooth kernel: bttv0: reset, reinitialize
Jan 29 18:11:24 tooth kernel: bttv0: PLL can sleep, using XTAL (28636363).
Jan 29 18:11:27 tooth kernel: bttv0: timeout: drop=612 
irq=369605/369608, risc=1da22024, bits: VSYNC HSYNC OFLOW FDSR
Jan 29 18:11:27 tooth kernel: bttv0: reset, reinitialize
Jan 29 18:11:27 tooth kernel: bttv0: PLL can sleep, using XTAL (28636363).
Jan 29 18:12:37 tooth kernel: bttv0: timeout: drop=854 
irq=373828/373831, risc=1e16d024, bits: HSYNC OFLOW FDSR
Jan 29 18:12:37 tooth kernel: bttv0: reset, reinitialize
Jan 29 18:12:37 tooth kernel: bttv0: PLL can sleep, using XTAL (28636363).
Jan 29 18:12:38 tooth kernel: bttv0: timeout: drop=881 
irq=373865/373868, risc=1f0a2024, bits: VSYNC HSYNC OFLOW FDSR
Jan 29 18:12:38 tooth kernel: bttv0: reset, reinitialize
Jan 29 18:12:38 tooth kernel: bttv0: PLL can sleep, using XTAL (28636363).
Jan 29 18:15:39 tooth kernel: bttv0: timeout: drop=919 
irq=381030/381034, risc=18aa907c, bits: HSYNC OFLOW FDSR

Maybe someone can make sense out of that.  Seems that the bttv driver is 
reseting the card...

Q:  Where do I put in the correct freq table for US Broadcast?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV and TV

2006-01-29 Thread Chad
> Q:  Where do I put in the correct freq table for US Broadcast?
> --Yan
> ___

When you run mythtv-setup on the backend, under the General option,
you come upon a screen that says:
Global Backend Setup

In that screen there lies that option.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Comcast On-Demand with Serial Control

2006-01-29 Thread Shane Liesegang
I recently joined the digital cable revolution, and before I had a 
chance to hook up my MythBox with serial control, I became enamored of 
Comcast's On Demand service.

I'm trying to think of a way to let me access the On-Demand menu through 
the Myth interface. I'm thinking of writing a script for input that 
passes arrow key and enter presses to the cable box if we're tuned to 
channel 1 (where On-Demand "lives").

I don't know much about the Myth input scripts or serial communication, 
though does anyone have any advice on where to begin? Is this kind 
of detection/conditional input even possible?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Myth frontend/backend case

2006-01-29 Thread Jason Rottman
Hi, I have been searching around for a nice looking barebones case to
enclose my frontent/backend so that I can place it in my entertainment
center.  I have seen many different cases online, but they all
seem to have some drawbacks.  I would greatly appreciate if anyone
posted their type of case, a link for more information, and what their
thoughts are about the case.  Thank you.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Guide data setup for mixed ATSC/QAM & NTSC backend? Multiple xmltv feeds needed?

2006-01-29 Thread Chad
On 1/29/06, Daniel Kristjansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 14:19 -0500, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> > On 01/29/2006 01:59 PM, Todd Ignasiak wrote:
> > > I am trying to clean up my MythTV configuration a bit.  Part of that
> > > effort is to use a single Zap2it / xmltv guide account, so I can deal
> > You have two Myth video sources, one for SDTV and one for HDTV channels?
> What most users do is set up several listings on the same zap2it account
> with slightly different zip codes. So if your neighborhood is in 10023,
> you can use the neighboring neighborhoods 10022, 10024, etc for
> additional listings, since you probably get the same OTA/Cable signals
> as your immediate neighbors.
> -- Daniel
> ___

Hoping that I don't hijack this thread too much:

What about the option for "TV Format" where ATSC and NTSC appears? 
I've got one big, new HDTV and the rest of my TV's are all old school
32" CRT's...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv 0.18.2

2006-01-29 Thread Axel Thimm
On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 07:54:41AM +1100, Phill Edwards wrote:
> > A week or so ago an upgrade installed all the myth modules as 0.18.2
> > etc.  Now if you try to upgrade we're back to 0.18.1.  What's up with
> > that?  Hopefully a moot point in the next day or so.
> There never was a 0.18.2 but some of the distros apparently bundled up
> some code and released it as that. The latest official release is
> 0.18.1.

No, please don't spread rumors based on bogus reports. ATrpms at least
did *not* bundle/release/fork etc. anything called 0.18.2.

There were some svn fixes in the official release-0.18-fixes branch
that renamed some shared libs in preparation for a future 0.18.2
release, but that's all there is about a "0.18.2", and given 0.19's
targeted release schedule there will probably never be a 0.18.2.
Axel.Thimm at

Description: PGP signature
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythWeb + myth-remote-control

2006-01-29 Thread Adam Bodnar
You really wouldn't need a cgi script.

With the telnet interface, you can have php open a socket to the ip
the backend is on and have it issue the commands.

Something like this.

> I've been thinking a bit recently about a feature I mentioned a couple
> months ago, and it seems more implementable now.  (Is MythWeb covered
> by the current feature freeze? :)
> The idea is to be able to browse recordings in MythWeb, but, if you
> clicked on the image in any given row, to have the frontend play it
> instead of having it streamed to the browser.  This is handy in
> situations where you don't necessarily have a pre-established
> playlist, and would like to start the next recording on the fly while
> the previous one is still playing.  (Useful for VJ'ing, for meetings
> in which you're presenting a bunch of short clips, for those of us who
> find a browser on a close-up high-res screen much more readable than
> the TV on the other side of the room, etc etc.)  Obviously, this would
> be optional, so the existing behavior of streaming directly to the
> browser still works for those who want it.
> Originally, it looked like the way to do this was to send a different
> URL to the browser such that the image link ran a cgi script that then
> talked to the frontend (which might not be the same as the backend
> machine), and which then ran mplayer right on top of the frontend GUI.
> This is inelegant in a number of ways, though.
> But with the recent work that went into SVN (courtesy of the bounty
> that was paid for the added functionality) for remote-controlling the
> frontend from elsewhere, this could be a lot easier:  Each of the rows
> in MythWeb's recorded-programs page has a URL that runs a cgi script
> that gets handed some ID for the program (whatever's easiest to put in
> the URL and look up in the DB later), and the cgi script then commands
> the frontend to play that recording directly, just as if the user
> navigated there via the frontend's UI.  Seems very simple.
> The clean way to implement this would be to augment MythWeb to run an
> arbitrary script (e.g., the cgi script gets configured to call one of
> potentially several scripts, and hands it the program ID), and the
> first (but maybe not only) script to actually get written would be the
> one that takes the program ID and tells the frontend remote-control to
> play it.
> MythWeb would need two additional configuration options somewhere:
> o Whether to enable this behavior at all
> o Which frontend to use, if there is more than one
> How feasible does this sound?
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Guide data setup for mixed ATSC/QAM & NTSC backend? Multiple xmltv feeds needed?

2006-01-29 Thread Daniel Kristjansson
On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 19:40 -0700, Chad wrote:
> On 1/29/06, Daniel Kristjansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about the option for "TV Format" where ATSC and NTSC appears? 
> I've got one big, new HDTV and the rest of my TV's are all old school
> 32" CRT's...

It won't work, MythTV has no idea if a capture card can only do ATSC
or NTSC. If a source is connected to a card input MythTV assumes that
input can get all the channels listed in that source. If it is a digital
card it will realize that it can't receive that channel when you (or
the scheduler) tune to the channel, but if it is an analog card it will
gladly record static.

-- Daniel

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian 'apt-get build-dep mythtv' problem?

2006-01-29 Thread A JM
I also got past the last error by making sure that gcc was the same version on all distributed systems. It's compiling wahooxbox:/usr/src/mythtv# export DISTCC_HOSTS=''
xbox:/usr/src/mythtv# make -j 6 CXX=distcc
cd libs && make -f Makefile
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mythtv/libs'
cd libavutil && make -f Makefile
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mythtv/libs/libavutil'
distcc gcc -c -pipe -march=pentium3 -w -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386
-I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I.. -I../.. -o mathematics.o
distcc gcc -c -pipe -march=pentium3 -w -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386
-I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I.. -I../.. -o integer.o integer.c
distcc gcc -c -pipe -march=pentium3 -w -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386
-I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I.. -I../.. -o rational.o
distcc gcc -c -pipe -march=pentium3 -w -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch
-fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -DPIC -fPIC  -DMMX -Di386
-I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I.. -I../.. -o
intfloat_readwrite.o intfloat_readwrite.c
distcc[12796] (dcc_writex) ERROR: failed to write: Connection reset by peer
distcc[12796] Warning: failed to distribute integer.c to, running locally instead
distcc[12800] (dcc_writex) ERROR: failed to write: Connection reset by peer
distcc[12800] Warning: failed to distribute rational.c to, running locally instead
rm -f

distcc g++ -shared -Wl,-soname, -o mathematics.o integer.o rational.o
intfloat_readwrite.o    -lpthread
mathematics.o(.gnu.linkonce.t.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx+0x0): In function `__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx':
: multiple definition of `__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.5/crtbeginS.o(.gnu.linkonce.t.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx+0x0): first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
distcc[12814] ERROR: compile (null) on localhost failed
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mythtv/libs/libavutil'
make[1]: *** [sub-libavutil] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mythtv/libs'
make: *** [sub-libs] Error 2

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Can't rip DVD's anymore - possible NFS mount problem?

2006-01-29 Thread Darren Richards
I'm in the process of re-ripping my DVD collection after my hard drive
died.  I got about halfway through when I started having problems. 
The rip will just stop midway through, with no warnings or error
messages...  At first I thought it was the DVD drive itself, since
nothing else had changed.  I swapped drives, but still had the same

I'm ripping the dvd's to an NFS mounted drive.  Upon further
investigation, it seems that the nfs mount just "goes away" for
awhile.  If I'm patient enough, the mount will usually come back
(after as much as 5-10 minutes), and the rip will continue.  During
that time, I can't even cd to the mounted directory.  I only seem to
have this problem while ripping dvd's.  I have no problems just
watching videos from the same location...

Any suggestions?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Seattle MUG -- Sunday Jan 29th

2006-01-29 Thread Chris Petersen
> There's an "interesting" little mexican place called "Mama's Mexican
> Kitchen" that, if you're never been, is a Seattle landmark.. (ok, not
> like the underground, but you know what I mean)

Sounds good to me, as long as they serve something without animal parts 
in it.

> Noonish on Sunday would be good for me.

I cancelled the get-together for lack of interest.  After trying two of 
these, I'm thinking we'll need to schedule things further in advance if 
we hope to get anyone to show up.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Comcast On-Demand with Serial Control

2006-01-29 Thread Big Wave Dave
This would be a nice feature for those of us using firewire control as well.

On 1/29/06, Shane Liesegang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently joined the digital cable revolution, and before I had a
> chance to hook up my MythBox with serial control, I became enamored of
> Comcast's On Demand service.
> I'm trying to think of a way to let me access the On-Demand menu through
> the Myth interface. I'm thinking of writing a script for input that
> passes arrow key and enter presses to the cable box if we're tuned to
> channel 1 (where On-Demand "lives").
> I don't know much about the Myth input scripts or serial communication,
> though does anyone have any advice on where to begin? Is this kind
> of detection/conditional input even possible?
>  - SJML
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list


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