Re: [mythtv-users] Cant delete programs when HD files up

2005-11-29 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 12:17:09PM +, Ben Edwards wrote:
> Not quite sure what you mean by 'resurve'.  While it is true that
> there are bits of the filesystem where root only has the access I have
> not herd of a standard Linux setup pre-alocatin space apart for swap.

As seen in `man mke2fs`:

   -m reserved-blocks-percentage
  Specify  the  percentage  of  the filesystem blocks
  reserved for the super-user.  This  value  defaults
  to 5%.

This would also apply to ext3, as that just ext2 + journal, but I
don't know whether other filesystems (reiser, xfs, jfs...) also
create a reserve by default.

The purpose of this is basically to ensure that user processes are
not able to bring the system down by filling up the disk, preventing
root-owned daemons from being able to function.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Channel subscription?

2005-11-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 04:34:02PM -0500, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> From programs/mythfrontend/customrecord.cpp:
> First Episodes (complete example for Data Direct)
> program.previouslyshown = 0
> AND program.programid LIKE 'EP%0001'
> AND DAYOFYEAR(program.originalairdate) =

Just tested this and it doesn't appear to work correctly with
my DataDirect feed.  It matches, e.g., an 11/25/2005 of "The X's"
(which I recall seeing listings for in the past) with Original Airdate
11/25/2005, Episode Number 105, program ID EP7917570001.  As I read that,
it's the first showing of the fifth (or sixth) episode of the series,
not a first episode.  Would it work to look for episode number 101
instead of the programid or is that style of numbering just common,
but not actually standard?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Desktop friendliness (was: Channel subscription?)

2005-11-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 04:34:02PM -0500, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> From programs/mythfrontend/customrecord.cpp:
> First Episodes (complete example for Data Direct)
> program.previouslyshown = 0
> AND program.programid LIKE 'EP%0001'
> AND DAYOFYEAR(program.originalairdate) =

I'm sure this is an old, old request, but...  Can we please get a
mythfrontend that's a little friendlier to those running it on a
standard desktop with a full keyboard instead of on a TV/remote
setup?  Like a "Hey!  Act like a computer instead of a STB!" flag or

Since I didn't expect there to be any way to cut & paste this query
into mythfrontend, I went to type it in and all was fine until I got
to the end of the first line, pressed 0, and nothing happened.  Hit
it a few more times.  Still nothing.  Very confused, I punched other
numbers randomly and eventually figured out that the way to type "0"
is by pressing "99".  Would be really nice to be able to tell
mythfrontend to just read numbers as numbers instead of doing
cellphone-text-entry on them.  But, also, standard remotes have a "0"
button on them.  Why not just use that instead of press-9-six-times
to enter a 0, even when in cellphone-text-entry mode?  (Oh, and how
do I enter a line break?  Like 0, mythfrontend also ignores the enter
key in the "Power Search Recording Rule Editor".)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Long term stability?

2005-11-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 05:49:48PM -0600, Greg Mitchell wrote:
> >Does anyone have a backend that runs for a week or more under reasonably
> >heavy use?  By run, I mean with no manual intervention or cron jobs
> >resetting things/etc.  I still have to occasionally do
> >a /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart although I'm not quite sure why...
> My uptime was around 81 days until I had to reboot because something 
> went wrong with ivtv and it wasn't recording anymore.

Everyone seems to be posting uptime stats, but I don't really see them
as relevant to the original question.  He asked whether people have been
able to keep myth running "with no... cron jobs" and mentions that he
has to "occasionally do a /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart".  Cron jobs
and running restarts out of init.d only work on systems that are up
and running, so it seems clear that he's *not* asking about hardware
or system stability, but rather the mythbackend daemon specifically.
If your mythbackend started when you booted the system and has been
running continuously without having to be restarted since then, please
say so.  If it hasn't, then your uptime is irrelevant to the question.

As for myself, my frontend/backend combined system currently has an uptime
of 35 day(s), 11:45:18, with the last downtime caused by a power outage.
However, I usually have to restart mythbackend once or twice a week after
it decides to stop talking to the database (it continues to run, but any
function which requires access to the database hangs and eventually times
out, plus any recording in progress immediately stops).  These problems
appear to be caused by programs being deleted (either manual deletion or
the deletion of the original MPEG2 .nuv when transcoding is complete)
while another database update is in progress, although I haven't tried
too hard to verify this.  I suspect that's the sort of situation (and
the type of stability) that the original poster was asking about.

And if anyone knows a good way to detect automatically when this happens
so that I can set up a cron job to notice it and restart mythbackend,
I'd love to hear about it...

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] SUID not working

2005-11-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 08:07:21PM -0800, Daniel Segel wrote:
> I can answer this for Gentoo, and maybe FC4 as well. The command 
> everybody is told to use to apply the SUID bit is 'chmod a+s 
> mythfrontend',

'chmod a+s'?!?  *shudder*  Granted, I may be a paranoid old admin,
but that sounds to me like the stuff of nightmares...

> and while this *should* apply the SUID bit to the User, 
> Group, and Other bits, in fact it only applies it to the User and Group 
> bits. It's probably designed that way so you don't open up permissions 
> to guest accounts and whatnot.

No, it's more likely to behave that way because SOID (set-id for other,
more commonly called "the sticky bit") has no effect on normal files,
so it only makes the file SUID (set-id for user) and SGID (set-id for
group).  Per `man chmod`:  "the Linux kernel ignores the sticky bit
on files.  Other kernels may use the sticky bit on files for system-
defined purposes.  On some systems, only the superuser can set the sticky
bit on files."

> The reason this is a problem is because the mythfrontend binary is 
> frequently installed with user:group set to root:root, and if you launch 
> it as a regular user then you're really launching it via the 'other' 
> bits. The solution is to 'chown root:users mythfrontend' and then do the 
> chmod a+s thing to it again. now if you launch it as a regular user (as 
> long as they are in the users group) it should run as root, with root 
> priority.

You have greatly misunderstood the function of the set-id bits.  If a
binary is SUID, then it runs with the owning user's user ID no matter
who runs it.  If it is SGID, it runs with the owning group's group ID
no matter who runs it.  This is why SUID/SGID have the potential to
introduce serious security issues.  If it worked the way you described,
then SUID would be meaningless - a special override to force a program
to run with the owner's permissions, but only when the owner runs it,
would effectively do nothing, since the owner would be running it with
his own permissions anyhow.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Remote control using a program on another computer

2005-11-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 09:39:10AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Try VNC
> this might help you get started;
> You run the server on the MythTV box, in the same X Session that  
> MythTV is running, then run a VNC Client on the Laptop (Clients are  
> available for almost every OS).

Umm...  Wouldn't this result in VNC displaying the screen from the X
session in question (i.e., the show being played back) on the device
running the VNC client?  (Or at least trying to...  I can't imagine that
trying to send a gazillion X updates for real-time video would work at
all well.)

Seems to me that MythWifi is at least on the right track, although I
question whether the use of a web interface (as opposed to a native
client application) will provide close- enough-to-real-time control for
skip forward/back operations under all conditions.  Have to give it a
try and see how it works for me...

(Disclaimer:  I've used VNC servers running on Windows quite a bit,
but never the VNC server for X.  I'm assuming that a VNC client will
display the same thing as the X session that it's attached to, since
seeing the same thing on both client and server is kind of the point of
VNC, but I could be wrong in that assumption.)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] hauppauge pvr-500 question

2005-11-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 10:35:18PM -0500, jondz wrote:
> I currently have a hauppauge 350 working perfectly..ready
> to spring for a 500 with the dual tuner.  
> Any problems I can expect with the tuner?  As I understand
> it it has 2 built in tuners and mpeg encoders.  

In theory, you should be able to drop it in and it will work fine
(since you already have ivtv working for your 350), just so long as
you remember that the card appears to ivtv to be two separate PVR-150
devices rather than a single device.  The practical upshot of this is
that you'll end up with /dev/video0, /dev/video1, and /dev/video2,
using only tuner0 on each device.  (Some people expect it to be
/dev/video1 with tuner0 and tuner1, which won't work.)

In practice, several of us have had trouble getting both tuners
recognized.  Some people only get the first tuner to show up, others
only get the second one.  Personally, I'm running on only the first
tuner, but I haven't put much effort into getting the second working
because I can barely keep up with the amount of stuff it records

> currently using debian unstable + ivtv0.4.

I'm using debian unstable and ivtv-0.3.7k.  From what I've heard, 0.4
should have significantly improved/more reliable PVR-500 support.

> just making sure because it has the "MCE" label on it..

AFAICT, the "MCE" basically just means that it doesn't come with a
remote; there isn't anything else special about it.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Potential Problem With Switch Back to Standard Time

2005-10-30 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Oct 30, 2005 at 06:52:25AM -0700, Kevin Atkinson wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Oct 2005, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> >Kevin Atkinson wrote:
> >>On Sat, 29 Oct 2005, Matt SF wrote:
> >>
> >>>I am amazed the developers chose not to use UTC in the database and
> >>>instead used local time.  I hope they had a good reason...if not, that
> >>>would be very...Microsoft of them  ;)
> >>
> >>Yes, and I hope they respond to this issue.
> >
> >You mean like the million or so posts they've made on the issue every six 
> >months?
> >
> >
> Searching the users list brings up way to may to many posts.  Most of them 
> with users trying to get around the problem.  Searching the dev lists 
> bring up nothing.  Have the developers every responded specifically to the 
> suggestion I brought up (use UTC time) in the past.  if so could you point 
> me to the specific posts.

What he said.  In hopes of seeing what the devs have to say about it,
I searched the dev list for "daylight savings", "DST", "standard
time", and "UTC".  These searches found a grand total of three posts
whose subject lines looked like they might be related to this.  None
of those three turned out to be related when I read their bodies.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian problems

2005-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 04:23:34PM +0100, Alexander Fisher wrote:
> On 10/24/05, Dave Sherohman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I got my main mythtv install off debs at
> >
> > deb unstable main
> > deb-src unstable mythtv
> >
> > but apt-cache search couldn't find mythplugins there
> How hard were you looking? :)

# apt-get update
# apt-cache search plugin | grep myth

That hard.

> does contain the plugins source package which can be recompiled
> without any real problems.

Yep, I see it there when I point a browser at that URL and it's
listed in the Sources.gz in that directory.  Does apt-cache need an
extra parameter to tell it to search source packages as well as

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythWeather miskey causing MythGallery/MythVideo to segfault (REPOST, was Plugin conflict? (segfault))

2005-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
No response since Friday, so asking again...  Doesn't anyone have any
ideas for why an errant keystroke in MythWeather setup would cause
MythVideo and MythGallery to segfault, how to make them stop
segfaulting, or at least where I could look in the code to try to
figure it out for myself?

On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:45:40AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> OK, so now that I've got mythweb vs. mythbrowser straightened out and
> have mythweb up and running, I've gone on to setting up myth(gallery|
> video|weather).  I initially had some problems with stuff not being found
> which turned out to be because I mixed the mythtv debs (which installed
> under /usr/lib) with the plugin tarball from (which installs
> under /usr/local/lib)...  Copied the themes and plugins directories over
> to /usr/local and it all came up fine... at first.
> I decided to configure mythweather first, since that looked to be
> the simplest and would let me verify that things were indeed working.
> But when I got to setting my location, I saw that list of letters and
> immediately pressed "M" to jump to "M" in the list, forgetting that
> mythtv tends to not like you using any keys that aren't on a typical
> remote control...  It immediately segfaulted and died.
> On attempting to restart mythfrontend, the background flashed up on the
> screen momentarily before it segfaulted and died again.
> With a bit of experimentation, I determined that I could get mythfrontend
> to start up by removing mythvideo and mythgallery from the plugins
> directory, leaving only mythweather there.  This allowed me to go back
> into the mythweather setup and set my location properly (albeit only
> after much up-and-down-arrowing through insanely long lists of cities).
> The issue created by my errant "M" persists, however, and attempting to
> load mythvideo or mythgallery still gives me an immediate segfault when
> I try to start mythfrontend.
> The immediate question, then, is what's going on here?  Where do I need
> to go and what do I need to reset to clear out whatever that "M" did so
> that I can load the other plugins without crashing?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian problems

2005-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 09:35:24AM -0400, James Grant wrote:
> On Sunday 23 October 2005 9:36 pm, Paul Pick wrote:
> > I had to build my own plugins, but using the mdz sources made that a snap.
> Can you please give some details here? I haven't had any luck building the 
> plugins :(

I got my main mythtv install off debs at

deb unstable main
deb-src unstable mythtv

but apt-cache search couldn't find mythplugins there, so I just
downloaded the tarball off, built according to the
instructions in the FAQ, and copied the mythtv directories under
/usr/local to the corresponding locations under /usr and it worked
just fine.  (Well, worked just fine until I pressed 'M' in the
mythweather setup screen, at which point it segfaulted and now
continues to segfault on startup if I have any plugins other than
mythweather in /usr/lib/mythtv/plugins/, but that seems unlikely to
be a Debian-related issue.)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Frontend freeze when deleting recording

2005-10-23 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 10:41:25AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 10:34:33AM -0500, Mercury Morris wrote:
> > My guess is that there are quite few MythTV folks that are not aware of the
> > "delete-a-recording-while-recording" I/O bottleneck.  They, and I, will be 
> > most
> > interested in the results you might observe regarding filesystem stability 
> > and
> > how fast XFS can delete a recording concurrent with recording a program.
> I converted my system to XFS on (software) RAID-5 when I 
> installed MythTV and it's been rock-solid.  The box also 
> hosts IMAP, SMB, VNC and Apache2 servers, and has never 
> seemed to have any problem deleting large files while 
> recording.

I had my first hang of this sort in quite a while earlier today and
it has me suspecting that delete-while-recording may not have
anything to do with it (or at least may not be the only cause)...

Like chris, I use XFS, but no RAID.  My hang this morning took place
while I was half-watching low priority shows on my TV while also
going through movie listings via mythweb on my laptop.  The delete
hang occurred when I issued the delete order while waiting for
mythweb to return from scheduling a recording.  There was no
recording in progress at the time and I have my mysql database on a
separate physical hard drive (and separate SATA channel) from my
stored recordings, so it seems extremely unlikely that an I/O
bottleneck would have been involved.  With no knowledge of the actual
code involved, the circumstances of this loss of contact between
mythbackend and the database suggests to me that the actual issue may
be related to deleting a recording while another database update is
in progress.  The apparent link to recording may instead be due to
the database being updated when recordings begin/end.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 12:30:13PM -0700, Bruce Markey wrote:
> Derek Battams wrote:
> >Quoting Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>Note: the rule for new episodes has to take precedence. The more
> >>specific type wins (Single beats Channel beats All) but in this
> >>case they are both All. Therefore the rule for new episodes needs
> >>to be created first to win the tie breaker for older rule. See:
> >> the last
> >>item under "Scheduling decisions".
> >
> >More for my own knowledge and understanding, but doesn't the assigned 
> >priority (-1 for syndication and +2 for new episodes) ensure that these 
> >rules will never tie?  Therefore, it doesn't really matter which order 
> >you add them, even though doing it this way certainly won't hurt.
> There are two different issues. There is the normal question of
> which of two different titles has higher priority and thus which
> title gets recorded. However, in this case we have two rules that
> match the same showing of the same title. Here the question is
> which rule controls that showing.
> For instance, say you have an All rule for a favorite show with +6.
> Due to circumstance you want it to record on card 2 tonight and can
> do so by lowering the priority to -2 so you add an override. If
> the controlling rule was chosen by priority, the override would lose.
> An override applies to a single showing of a program that is also
> controlled by a recurring rule. The override must always win precedence
> in order to work. The same would be true if you set a kWeekslotRecord
> rule for one showing where you knew the time was always off by a few
> minutes and a kChannelRecord for all other showings. The weekslot
> rule needs to control that specific day and time over the more general
> rule regardless of any of the recording parameters.
> In the code, this decision is made by RecTypePriority().

Great examples for why a more specific rule should always win over a
less specific rule, but, when both are equally-specific, it would
seem reasonable to go to priority as the next determinant rather than
when the rule was created, if for no other reason than because, if
you want to be sure which one takes precedence, priority is visible
in the interface and 'date rule created' is not.  (Not to mention
that, if the wrong one has precedence, it's easier to change its
priority than it is to delete and recreate rules so that they're in
the right order.  And it would be more consistent to boot. (Priority
controls precedence of rules between different shows but not the same
show?  Huh?)  Priority is better from a standpoint of clarity as
well, since anyone can see that higher-priority beats lower-priority,
but if you just say it's decided on date, then it's unclear whether
newer or older should win - and some of us would expect newer to win,
for much the same reason as we would expect overrides to win over the
general rule.)

*phew*  OK, I think I'm out of reasons why I think it should go to
priority after specificity instead of to rule age.  So why was it set
up to go by age instead?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Frontend freeze when deleting recording

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:16:03AM -0700, Steve Pugh wrote:
> However, I am still experiencing a solid framebuffer
> freezeup when, after watching a show, I choose either
> of the two delete options available to me.  The
> machine itself is still running, and mythbackend
> continues to record, but the frontend locks up.

Are you sure it's framebuffer that's freezing?  I have experienced an
occasional issue where deleting programs will cause mythfrontend to
become nonresponsive; I have a full keyboard hooked up to my myth box
and was able to alt-tab back to the shell I started mythfrontend from
and kill it with ctrl-c.  Alternately, waiting a couple minutes would
cause it to time out and resume functioning, although without
deleting the recording.  When this has happened, mythfrontend has
appeared to continue to function normally afterwards with the
exception that deleting programs would continue to hang in the same
fashion until I restarted mythbackend, leading me to suspect some
sort of connection issue somewhere.

I never figured out an exact cause, so I can't say how to fix it
(although I haven't seen this happen for a while now), but I figured
I'd throw my experiences out there to see whether my problem and
yours were the same one.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Plugin conflict? (segfault)

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
OK, so now that I've got mythweb vs. mythbrowser straightened out and
have mythweb up and running, I've gone on to setting up myth(gallery|
video|weather).  I initially had some problems with stuff not being found
which turned out to be because I mixed the mythtv debs (which installed
under /usr/lib) with the plugin tarball from (which installs
under /usr/local/lib)...  Copied the themes and plugins directories over
to /usr/local and it all came up fine... at first.

I decided to configure mythweather first, since that looked to be
the simplest and would let me verify that things were indeed working.
But when I got to setting my location, I saw that list of letters and
immediately pressed "M" to jump to "M" in the list, forgetting that
mythtv tends to not like you using any keys that aren't on a typical
remote control...  It immediately segfaulted and died.

On attempting to restart mythfrontend, the background flashed up on the
screen momentarily before it segfaulted and died again.

With a bit of experimentation, I determined that I could get mythfrontend
to start up by removing mythvideo and mythgallery from the plugins
directory, leaving only mythweather there.  This allowed me to go back
into the mythweather setup and set my location properly (albeit only
after much up-and-down-arrowing through insanely long lists of cities).
The issue created by my errant "M" persists, however, and attempting to
load mythvideo or mythgallery still gives me an immediate segfault when
I try to start mythfrontend.

The immediate question, then, is what's going on here?  Where do I need
to go and what do I need to reset to clear out whatever that "M" did so
that I can load the other plugins without crashing?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Debian plugins

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 12:16:18PM -0400, James Grant wrote:
> Hey does anyone use the debian packages from:
>   ?
> The 'core' components installed fine, but it looks like all the 'plugins' are 
> out of date (mythvideo, mythmusic, etc).. all the dependencies are broken for 
> them :(
> eg) its looking for  libqt3c102-mt  instead of libqt3-mt
> mythmusic has other dependency issues as well, like, its looking for libflac6 
> when it should be looking for libflac7 
> anyone know anything about this? 

That's odd...  I got my mythtv debs from dijkstra, but apt-cache said
there weren't any plugins available, so I just downloaded the tarball
from and that worked fine[1] for me, although I did have to
manually apt-get install apache, PHP, etc., of course.

[1]  Well, mostly fine...  See my next post for info about the big
problem I hit, but it doesn't look to be anything related to Debian
or dependencies.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:05:31AM -0400, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> Dave Sherohman wrote:
> >What I would *really* like to see is something comparable to Tivo's
> >"suggestions" feature (it autorecords shows similar to things you've
> >said you like when there's extra space available and those recordings
> >are the first to go when more space is needed), but I would expect
> >that to be a fairly major addition, while multiple schedules per show
> >or more autoexpire options would be much simpler to add.
> > 
> >
> TVWish and other plugins give you this.

Really?  Thanks!  I've been told by two other mythtv users that
nothing like that existed, so I didn't bother checking for myself.
Guess that gets put on my list for after I finish getting MythWeb/
Video/Gallery/Weather up and running...

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] if (x!=rerun) {record}

2005-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 09:30:33AM -0400, Fred Squires wrote:
> It would be great if you could give new episodes a higher priority and then
> tell the scheduler to keep at most maybe 5 episodes and record new and
> expire old if the new episodes priority is greater than or equal to the
> older episode's. Lower priority should always be deleted before higher in
> this case, so that way a non-rerun will be recorded over a rerun instead of
> an older non-rerun.
> It would work well for the shows like the simpsons, that way you could
> always have different repeats to watch but they would never delete the new
> episodes when you don't get to them for a while.

Agreed.  Or maybe the simplest way to handle this would be to add
support for having two separate recording schedules for the same
show (one with high priority and no autoexpire for new episodes and
another with lower priority and autoexpire for reruns)?  That would
count the number of episodes separately for new and rerun, but I
personally don't see that as an issue.

Something else that could help here would be additional autoexpire
methods.  AFAICT, "oldest first" is the only option present (in
0.18.1).  Adding "lowest priority first" and "reruns first" (ideally
with "by date"/"by priority" suboptions under the rerun setting)
would definitely make it more flexible for handling Simpsons, etc.

What I would *really* like to see is something comparable to Tivo's
"suggestions" feature (it autorecords shows similar to things you've
said you like when there's extra space available and those recordings
are the first to go when more space is needed), but I would expect
that to be a fairly major addition, while multiple schedules per show
or more autoexpire options would be much simpler to add.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Building mythplugins

2005-10-20 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 09:58:50AM -0500, Kevin Kuphal wrote:
> MythBrowser is for browsing the Internet from the frontend
> Mythweb is like a web frontend usually installed on the backend or other 
> web server.

Any chance of getting MythBrowser mentioned in the FAQ (aside from
the appearance of the name in the example `./configure --help`
output), both to avoid confusing anyone else in the future and for
the sake of completeness?  (I would offer to do it, but I don't know
enough about MythBrowser to document it beyond the above and it's not
a plugin that I have any interest in using, so I won't know it any
better in the future.)

Who would I talk to about submitting a FAQ patch to change the
section 13.2 heading from "Completing the Installation" to just
"Installation" (or otherwise making it clear that MythWeb's install
consists solely of copying it into place without any need to compile
it first)?  Probably be good to also include a note in section 12
and/or the `./configure --help` output stating that you don't need to
configure/make MythWeb.

> MythDVD plays DVDs as well as rips them IIRC

"MythDVD is an application which rips DVDs and makes them available
for use with MythVideo. You may also transcode the DVD content..."

If MythDVD also handles plain old DVD playback, that should probably
be added to the list of functions in the first paragraph of FAQ
section 19 along with ripping and transcoding.

> Try reading the README in the MythBrowser folder.  It explains quite 
> clearly that you need the KDE development package installed.

No thanks.  Now that I know that MythBrowser isn't just an artifact
of a name change for MythWeb, I have no interest in installing it.
Given what it actually is, the KDE dependency makes much more sense,
though.  Thanks for clearing that up.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Building mythplugins

2005-10-20 Thread Dave Sherohman
Finally got around to downloading the mythplugins tarball and trying
to set that up, primarily to get MythVideo so I can watch stuff that
didn't come off of cable.  The FAQ is extremely vague about what each
plugin would be used for, but I think I've correctly narrowed it down
to wanting MythWeb (which I assume is what the .configure calls
"mythbrowser" - any chance of getting this name changed so that it's
called the same thing everywhere?), MythGallery, MythVideo, and
MythWeather.  I expected to want MythDVD also, but it appears from
the FAQ that you use MythDVD *only* if you want to rip DVDs, not just
to play them; is this correct?  (Is DVD playback handled by
MythVideo, then?)

Anyhow, I seem to have stumbled across some undocumented
dependencies.  webpage.h in the mythbrowser directory complains that
it can't find kapplication.h, kcmdlineargs.h, klocale.h, kurl.h, or
kparts/browserextension.h.  From the pattern in the filenames, I
would tend to assume that these are from some KDE library or other,
but (as a non-user of KDE (or GNOME, for that matter; a plain old
window manager is all I need)) I have no idea what librar(y|ies) that
would be.  I'm also completely baffled as to why a webpage generator
would be dependent on GUI code (even if it's just for the plugin's
configuration screen, why would it need GUI code that isn't needed by
the host application?), so perhaps I'm wrong and it's not KDE at all.

The full output of make follows, but my basic question is:  What
additional dependencies do I need to install (beyond the apache and
PHP documented in the FAQ) to get this to build?

--- cut here ---

cd mythbrowser && make -f Makefile
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/mythtv/mythplugins-0.18.1/mythbrowser'
cd mythbrowser && make -f Makefile
make[2]: Entering directory
g++ -c -pipe -Wall -W -O3 -march=pentiumpro -fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT 
-DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I.  
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/kde -I/opt/kde3/include -I/usr/include/qt3 
-o main.o main.cpp
main.cpp:15:26: kapplication.h: No such file or directory
main.cpp:16:26: kcmdlineargs.h: No such file or directory
main.cpp:17:21: klocale.h: No such file or directory
In file included from tabview.h:4,
 from main.cpp:18:
webpage.h:6:26: kapplication.h: No such file or directory
webpage.h:7:25: kmainwindow.h: No such file or directory
webpage.h:8:18: kurl.h: No such file or directory
webpage.h:9:37: kparts/browserextension.h: No such file or directory
In file included from tabview.h:4,
 from main.cpp:18:
webpage.h:15: error: parse error before `{' token
webpage.h:23: error: parse error before `const'
webpage.h:24: error: destructors must be member functions
webpage.h:28: error: parse error before `public'
webpage.h:30: error: parse error before `&' token
webpage.h:32: error: parse error before `&' token
webpage.h:35: error: `KIO' was not declared in this scope
webpage.h:35: error: parse error before `::' token
webpage.h:39: error: syntax error before `:' token
webpage.h:41: error: parse error before `&' token
In file included from main.cpp:18:
tabview.h:6:26: kapplication.h: No such file or directory
tabview.h:7:25: kmainwindow.h: No such file or directory
In file included from main.cpp:18:
tabview.h:45: error: parse error before `&' token
tabview.h:47: error: parse error before `&' token
main.cpp:27: error: syntax error before `[' token
main.cpp: In function `int main(int, char**)':
main.cpp:65: error: `KCmdLineArgs' undeclared (first use this function)
main.cpp:65: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each 
   function it appears in.)
main.cpp:65: error: parse error before `::' token
main.cpp:67: error: `args' undeclared (first use this function)
main.cpp:67: error: parse error before `::' token
main.cpp:78: error: `KApplication' undeclared (first use this function)
main.cpp:78: error: parse error before `(' token
main.cpp:80: error: `a' undeclared (first use this function)
main.cpp:62: warning: unused variable `char usage[53]'
main.cpp:58: warning: unused parameter `int argc'
main.cpp:58: warning: unused parameter `char**argv'
/usr/include/c++/3.3/bits/locale_facets.h: At top level:
main.cpp:25: warning: `const char*version' defined but not used
make[2]: *** [main.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [sub-mythbrowser] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/mythtv/mythplugins-0.18.1/mythbrowser'
make: *** [sub-mythbrowser] Error 2

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Low-Quality Not Working...

2005-10-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 05:25:27AM -0700, Frank Reeves wrote:
> I'm having difficulty getting the MythTV backend to
> record shows in low-quality profile.  When I set up
> recordings to do low-quality it just seems to ignore
> the setting,

If you look at the details of the various recording quality settings,
you'll see that, by default, they're all identical.  So it *is*
recording in "Low Quality" mode, but the "Low Quality" mode is
identical to the "Default", "Live TV", and "High Quality" modes.

> I don't know if it's related or not but when I run
> MythSetup on my backend system I do not have an option
> for performing transcoding (which I am also trying to
> figure out).

For some reason (probably easy runtime accessibility), these settings
are all in mythfrontend.  Taka a look under Utilities/Setup -> Setup
-> TV Settings -> Recording Profiles.  The transcoding options are
under "Transcoders" and quality settings are under the various
programming source types ("MPEG-2 Encoders (PVR-250, PVR-350)" on my
system, there may be others on yours).

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Setting deinterlacers (was Re: Picture quality, was "Starting to think I should use Kaffeine instead of Mythtv")

2005-10-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 10:50:08PM +1000, Laurie Odgers wrote:
> Something to do with deinterlacing perhaps? Ive noticed that there is a 
> significant difference between linear blend and the kernel deinterlacer 
> when watching something fast paced like football, the kernel deinterlacer 
> looks much nicer

How do you control this?  All I've noticed in the mythtv
configuration (on, IIRC, mythfrontend) is 'deinterlace video on/off',
nothing to control how it's deinterlaced.

My particular situation is that I sometimes get double-images on my
TV which make it feel choppy.  Pausing and going through it frame-by-
frame, I'll see that the image actually is doubled, with a (e.g.) 1/3
transparent copy of something in the old position and a 2/3
transparent copy of it in the new position.  (This is most clearly
visible on animated programs, of course.)  The odd thing is that
watching avi or mpg files not created by mythtv on the TV looks fine
and watching mythtv's recordings on a remote front end attached to an
LCD monitor also looks fine.  It's only the combination of a myth
recording and the TV display that has this problem.  I've tried
setting the frontend on the TV to both deinterlace and not
deinterlace, but it has not had any readily-visible effect on this
problem either way.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] using a* search algorithm to implement the scheduler.

2005-10-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
Replying to myself because I accidentally sent when I meant to
postpone...  :p

On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 07:03:33PM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 12:14:28PM -0400, Steve Adeff wrote:
> > I don't quite understand what an a* algorithm is, let alone what it would 
> > do 
> > for MythTV?
> a* is a search algorithm which is most commonly used (or at least
> most often talked about) in games and the like for determining the
> lowest-cost way of getting from point A to point B (pathfinding).
> Its basic mode of operation is by evaluating each potential move
> based on the sum of the cost to reach that position and the straight-
> line cost from that position to the destination.

Although that seems to be a*'s most common use, it can be applied to
other kinds of optimization problems as well, which is what Lucas was
suggesting for the mythtv scheduler.  Personally, I can't quite see
how he envisions it working (I've only seen a* used for getting from
A to B, while program scheduling needs to visit as many as possible
of A, B, C, D... without needing to start or end from any particular
points), but I'd be very interested to see how it would be done.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] using a* search algorithm to implement the scheduler.

2005-10-17 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 12:14:28PM -0400, Steve Adeff wrote:
> I don't quite understand what an a* algorithm is, let alone what it would do 
> for MythTV?

a* is a search algorithm which is most commonly used (or at least
most often talked about) in games and the like for determining the
lowest-cost way of getting from point A to point B (pathfinding).
Its basic mode of operation is by evaluating each potential move
based on the sum of the cost to reach that position and the straight-
line cost from that position to the destination.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] preventing screen from blacking out

2005-10-08 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Oct 08, 2005 at 08:31:04AM -0700, Ricardo Kleemann wrote:
> Hi,
> >>How do I configure my desktop so that it won't black out ("sleep") after 
> >>a
> >>while and also so that it doesn't lock out the user, requiring password?
> >Comment out the line Option   "dpms" in xorg.conf
> It's already commented out in xorg.conf... :-/  But that screen blackout 
> still occurs. Also, the auto lock (I guess this is a gnome feature?) 
> happens. How do I turn that off?

Don't know anything about the autolock, but `xset s off` should turn
off the screen saver (blanking).

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Buffer file not rolling

2005-10-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 09:56:37AM -0700, Peter Darley wrote:
> On Oct 7, 2005, at 9:10 AM, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:
> >The ringbuffer will grow until it reaches the max size configured  
> >in the
> >database.  Try setting your max ringbuffer size to a smaller value;
> >it's in mythtv-setup, a setting called "Live TV buffer (GB)".
> >
> Ok, this has me confused.  I thought that the ringbuffer was on the  
> frontend?  If so, this implies that the ringbuffer needs to be the  
> same size on all front ends?

Yes, you are confused.  The ringbuffer(s) live on the back end, with
the tuner(s).

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV Filled Hard drive MySQL service willnotstart at boot.

2005-10-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 12:06:37PM -0400, Chris Gackstatter wrote:
> I did the 'df -I'
> I have over 5Mil  inodes in one of my partitions is that excessive.  If so
> what do I do about it?

This is unclear...  Is that over 5 million used, free, or total?

If that's 5,000,000 free or total, don't worry about it.  The number
of inodes in a filesystem is the maximum number of files/directories
it can hold (each file/directory uses 1 inode), so it's better to
have too many than too few.  If you're really trying to squeeze every
last bit of space out of the drive, it might be worth trying to
reduce the inode count, but it's generally not worth the effort.

If it's 5,000,000 used, that's another story...  You need to find
where those millions of 0-byte files are and delete them.  If it's on
the affected partition, /var/log is a good place to start looking, as
suggested earlier.  After that, I'd probably check /var/tmp and the
various subdirectories under /var/spool (especially any that are
related to print or mail daemons), then everything else under /var
before looking at anything else.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV Filled Hard drive MySQL service will notstart at boot.

2005-10-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 11:47:44AM -0400, Andrew Plumb wrote:
> Keep an eye on the number of files in /var/log and subdirectories, not just
> their sizes.
> I once had a situation (not MythTV related) where a bunch of travelling
> workshop laptops all started to fail for some unknown reason. There was
> still plenty of physical space on the drives, but a little daemon that was
> looking for network connections had created thousands of little files; the
> root file systems had run out of *address* space. It was manifesting as "out
> of space" errors.

You can use `df -i` to check on the number of inodes and see whether
they've all been used.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Channel Hopping

2005-10-05 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 09:52:27AM -0400, Jesse Guardiani wrote:
> The only time we watch live TV is when we tune to Nickelodeon for our son.
> (Too many shows & episodes on that channel. Not enough disk space.)

Have you considered scheduling all the various shows, but setting
them to only keep, say, 2 episodes each?  That would get them out of
live tv (yay for commercial skip!) without letting them take over the
entire hard drive.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] livetv buffer in backend?

2005-10-05 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 07:28:48AM -0700, Asher Schaffer wrote:
> I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but AFAIK the buffer
> will only be created when you have liveTV actively running on a
> frontend, it you close liveTV the buffer will be gone.

That is correct.  The buffer is only created when live tv is being
displayed and it is deleted immediately if you exit to the menus.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Channel Hopping

2005-10-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 09:45:45AM -0700, Mark Kundinger wrote:
> There was a recent lengthy (and somewhat heated) thread in the dev list
> about this.  The technical reason for the delay is because the system
> has to do the following things when changing a channel on "Live TV":
> 1) Tune the channel.
> 2) Start encoding the feed.
> 3) Store the file.
> 4) Decode the file.
> Each of these steps takes a little time. If you don't do them, you lost
> the ability to pause or rewind Live TV, which is one of the sexy things
> about a PVR.
> I don't really understand most of what goes on in the developer list,
> but that has been some effort to improve tuning (mainly for DVB cards)
> and store Live TV more efficiently, perhaps doing away with the
> ringbuffer entirely.  So things might get a little better around the
> edges, but there's always going to be some sort of delay (and you'd get
> this delay if you had a satellite, digital cable, or Tivo as well)
> 3)  

My Tivo has been dead for a few months now (which is why I finally
tried myth), but the delay on changing channels with it was
definitely under a second and I remember is as being imperceptible
(although I could probably percieve it if I did a test right now,
but, like I said, it's dead).  I don't know how they manage to do it
so fast, but they do.

I have a separate gripe about the ringbuffer, though:  It gets
unconditionally wiped if the tuner changes channels for any reason.

Now, you may say, "Well, duh...  If you change the channel, then
you're watching something else.", but that ignores the case of the
backend changing channels on its own for a scheduled recording while
the ringbuffer is displaying something from the past.  If this
happens, then you should be able to continue watching from the buffer
up to the point at which the channel was changed.  This is the way my
Tivo worked and I assumed the same would be true of myth - until one
night when I was getting ready to go out and stumbled across Mutant
X.  Not a show that I like enough to watch regularly, but the episode
premise seemed interesting, so I started watching it, then hit pause
and headed to the shower, planning to watch the rest (at an
accelerated rate) while I got dressed.  Unfortunately, I got back to
find that a recording had come up on another channel and I was now
watching that instead of my paused Mutant X and, of course, there was
no way to get back to the now-deleted live buffer, so I never got to
see the end of the episode.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how to interpret loadaverage on mythtv backendstatus page

2005-10-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 10:43:59AM +0200, Nick Rosier wrote:
> On 04/10/05, anders smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > how do I interpret loadaverage on mythtv backendstatus page or when running
> > top?
> >  I usually get numbers around 4, but is that good or bad (when grabbing and
> > inserting it runs up to 6)?
> Adrian Cockcroft's definition:  The load average is the sum of the run
> queue length and the number of jobs currently running on the CPUs.

I would phrase it as "the average number of processes that are ready
to run", just to avoid having to explain run queues, but basically
the same meaning.

> So the general rule could be: load = 2 x number of cpu's means the
> system is nicely charged. Higher means there are more jobs waiting to
> be run (so you lack a bit CPU power). If you get spikes that's ok but
> if your load is constantly 4 it would seem your system is lacking CPU
> power.

This is incorrect.  It is commonly assumed that load average = CPU
utilization, but it just ain't so.  Processes can be held up for
reasons other tha because they're waiting for CPU time; in my
experience, the most common cause of a high load average is because
things are waiting on I/O, whether that means for a file to be read
from disk, a slow (or nonresponsive) network drive, or for swap
activity.  I've seen systems with load averages of 20, 30,
occasionally even 60(!) while CPU utilization was under 10% when
they've either had an NFS server disappear on them or they've run out
of memory.  (Simple proof:  Open an xterm and start up `top` to watch
CPU utilization and load average.  Open a second xterm (or your
favorite GUI app) and start ripping a CD.  Watch your load average go
up by one while CPU utilization remains constant because the CD
ripper is constantly waiting for data from the CD drive, but hardly
touching the CPU at all.)

Bottom line, though, is that if your system is adequately responsive,
then you don't really need to worry about a high load average.  If
there are problems (or if you're just curious about why it's that
high...), then the above should give you some ideas on what to look

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] REPOST: PVR-500 dmseg - PLEASE NEED HELP DEBUGGING

2005-10-03 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 09:49:34AM -0500, Kevin Kuphal wrote:
> You might want to try on the ivtv mailing lists for the best support on 
> ivtv problems.

Specifically, I would suggest ivtv-devel.  I've had poor luck with
the ivtv-users list.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 500 defective?

2005-09-28 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 10:09:06AM -0600, Greg Woods wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 10:09 -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > I have a problem with mine where the first tuner works fine and the
> > second tuner returns nothing
> Just a thought: the ivtv drivers detect a PVR-500 as two PVR-150's. You
> should be able to see this in the output from 'dmesg'. What that means,
> though, is that the first tuner is /dev/video0 Tuner 0 and the second
> tuner is /dev/video1 Tuner 0. Not Tuner 1. I was bitten by this when I
> first got my PVR-500 set up.

Yes, the first tuner is /dev/video0 and the second is /dev/video1.
The "address 0x44 not found" error I posted earlier appears both when
the driver initializes and attempts to set up the second tuner and
also whenever I attempt to access /dev/video1.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 500 defective?

2005-09-28 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 10:34:40AM -0400, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
>   There was a thread about a similar thing on ivtv-devel a week or 
> so ago.  A friend of mine's PVR-500 and the one I recently purchased has 
> the same problem:  only tuner1 works... tuner2 is static.  I haven't had 
> time to work on mine and figure it out.

Looks to me like Danesh has a different problem...  He said he's
getting static from the first tuner (he calls it "video0", you call
it "tuner 1"), while the second works fine.

I have a problem with mine where the first tuner works fine and the
second tuner returns nothing, though, and haven't been able to get
anything definitive from ivtv-users...  Guess I'll have to check out
ivtv-devel and see what I can find there.

>   IIRC, the current theory has to do with i2c not initializing it 
> properly and/or the tveeprom module used is the wrong one.  I tried 
> manually loading the ivtv-based tveeprom on mine last night (rather than 
> the kernel one), but no joy.

Oh, looks like you're affected by the problem under discussion on
ivtv-devel?  Do you show a bunch of errors in dmesg that look like
"ivtv warning: i2c client addr: 0x44 not found for command
0x40046406!"?  If so, that's the same problem I have...  (Danesh,
OTOH, is definitely having a different problem than I am, since he
initializes without any of those errors.)

>  On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Danesh wrote:

> >cx25840: loading /lib/modules/HcwMakoA.ROM
> >ivtv: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=cx25840, addr=44]
> >ivtv: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=wm8775, addr=1b]
> >tda9885/6/7: chip found @ 0x86
> >ivtv: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=tda9887, addr=43]
> >ivtv: loading /lib/modules/ivtv-fw-enc.bin
> >ivtv: Encoder revision: 0x02050032
> >ivtv warning: Encoder Firmware can be buggy, use version 0x02040011

This is what I would look at first.  Are you sure you have the right
firmware binaries in /lib/modules?  Here's what I've got in mine:

-r--r--r--  1 root root  14264 2005-08-27 20:14 HcwMakoA.ROM
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 262144 2005-08-27 20:12 ivtv-fw-dec.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 262144 2005-08-27 20:12 ivtv-fw-enc.bin

# md5sum HcwMakoA.ROM ivtv-fw-dec.bin ivtv-fw-enc.bin
3a4803384f749d644ee1f1ca9dcb12fa  HcwMakoA.ROM
305dba74bbe5905447add8883f3ecb68  ivtv-fw-dec.bin
ab75947ef1b086e26f9b08e628baa02e  ivtv-fw-enc.bin

If yours don't match, you may want to try downloading an older
ivtv-fw-enc.bin/ivtv-fw-dec.bin and see if that helps.  (A check of
my dmesg output shows that I'm using revision 0x02040011, as
recommended by the warning you're getting.)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Turning Timestretch On and Off

2005-09-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 10:02:12PM -0400, Robert Tsai wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 08:42:49PM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > Yes, agreed!  More often than not, I start playback with the
> > sequence enter (to tell it to play the program),
> > a-right-right-right-right (to set playback at 1.20x normal speed),
> > escape (to clear the OSD). Being able to have it come up already at
> > 1.2x would make things a bit more streamlined.
> > 
> > Also on the topic of defaults, is there any way to do a per-channel
> > default setting for post-processing (specifically commercial
> > autodetect)?  Commercial detection is a wonderful thing, but I have
> > a couple stations which don't run mid-program commercials, so
> > running commercial detection on them seems like a bit of a waste.
> > It would be nice if I didn't have to go and turn it off individually
> > for each program I request to be recorded from those stations.
> Both commflagging and playback-time-stretch can be configured when you
> schedule the recording (at least in SVN, if not in some .18-x
> release).

I'm using 0.18.1 rather than svn and it does allow for turning
commflagging, at least, off when the recording is scheduled.
However, I (and I believe Larry) was talking about configuring
*defaults* for them, so that if I set up 20 recordings I don't have
to go in and set the time stretch 20 times.  Does svn allow for a
non-1.0x default?

(And thanks, Bolek, for the info on marking channels as commercial-
free in mythweb.  Guess I need to get around to figuring out how the
plugins work and setting some of them up...)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Turning Timestretch On and Off

2005-09-25 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 07:44:22PM -0400, Larry K wrote:
> On a related subject, I would like to see a global default for timestretch.
> Something that applies to all recordings played back. This way, I wouldn't
> have to bother setting the timestretch for every recording I watch.

Yes, agreed!  More often than not, I start playback with the sequence
enter (to tell it to play the program), a-right-right-right-right (to
set playback at 1.20x normal speed), escape (to clear the OSD).
Being able to have it come up already at 1.2x would make things a bit
more streamlined.

Also on the topic of defaults, is there any way to do a per-channel
default setting for post-processing (specifically commercial
autodetect)?  Commercial detection is a wonderful thing, but I have a
couple stations which don't run mid-program commercials, so running
commercial detection on them seems like a bit of a waste.  It would
be nice if I didn't have to go and turn it off individually for each
program I request to be recorded from those stations.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 68% filesize increase after transcode!

2005-09-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Sep 24, 2005 at 10:51:52PM -0600, Greg Grotsky wrote:
> Dave, I tried transcoding the same episode to MPEG4 and it came out 40%
> larger than the original MPEG2 transmission.

That's certainly odd...  The only things I can think of are that
either it's something to do with your working (IIRC) working with HD
or else your incoming video stream is a much more highly-compressed
mpeg2 than that produced by my PVR-500's encoder.

> I don't know why anyone would
> use these methods if they want to keep their videos the same dimensions as
> they are broadcast, since it looks like they actually ballon in size instead
> of shrink. :( I guess if I was scaling them down as well I'd see a size
> decrease but is it worth it?

I'm not resizing.  My video source is analog cable and both the
original mpeg2 capture and the transcoded version (whether RTjpeg or
mpeg4) are 480x480.

> Both the 68% increase and 40% increase were seen using the default settings
> for both RTJPEG and MPEG4 screen settings.
> Are you using the default settings?

Initially, yes.  After the initial test, I turned on interlaced DCT
encoding and interlaced motion estimation (simply because I believe
my video source to be interlaced and these options say "you probably
want this when encoding interlaced video") and observed no
significant change in resulting file size.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 68% filesize increase after transcode!

2005-09-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Sep 24, 2005 at 10:38:12AM -0600, Greg Grotsky wrote:
> Is RTjpeg not a good compression algorithm? It must be worse then MPEG2,
> since the video was almost exactly 31 minutes and is now 21 minutes and much
> larger in size. I'm not scaling it down (yet) so it's still in it's native
> size but it doesn't seem like that should matter, there's less content. I
> think I'm going to try going to MPEG4, the RTjpeg conversion took about 1:20
> to complete.

When I first set up transcoding, I went with RTjpeg since it was the
default and I saw no significant change in the size of my programs -
about 2.1G/hour before and 1.9G/hour after.  Then I tried mpeg4 and
(with the default settings) that got me 750-800M/hour.  So I'd say
that, if the quality is acceptable to you, mpeg4 definitely looks
like the way to go.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Silencing mythfilldatabase

2005-09-24 Thread Dave Sherohman
What does it take to eliminate all non-error output from mythbackend?

I'm using mythtv 0.18.1, as packaged for Debian at and mythfilldatabase is being
run by anacron from /etc/cron.daily/mythtv-backend with the following

--- cut here ---

su mythtv -c "mythfilldatabase --quiet" >/dev/null
--- cut here ---

I added the ">/dev/null" myself in an attempt to silence it, but this
had no noticable effect - I still get email from cron every night
with mythfilldatabase's output.  I have also tried moving it inside
the quoted command string and this has no effect.

Changing it to "&>/dev/null" does successfully eliminate all
non-error output from mythfilldatabase, but at the cost of also
eliminating all error output.  Although I am rather annoyed by the
(highly verbose) daily reports of its normal operation, I do still
consider it to be fairly important to receive notice of any problems.

I also saw a mention of on this list of using "-quiet" (only one
dash), but "mythfilldatabase -quiet" gets me the response "illegal
option: '-quiet' (use --help)".  Interestingly enough, although it
doesn't complain about "--quiet", that neither "-quiet" nor "--quiet"
is mentioned in the output of "mythfilldatabase --help".

IMO, this is symptomatic of two distinct bugs:  1) --quiet isn't.
2) mythfilldatabase (or some external program called by it to
retrieve program data) is sending non-error output to stderr.
(Optional bug #3:  The output of "mythfilldatabase --help" does not
document the "--quiet" option.)

Does a patch or workaround currently exist which silences the routine
details without also throwing out notice of any errors which may
occur?  If so, what do I need to do to get that in place?  If not,
how do other people handle this and where should I look in the code
to create such a patch?  A quick look through
mythtv-0.18.1/programs/mythfilldatabase/filldata.cpp shows that it
doesn't send anything to stderr itself other than the "illegal
option: '%s' (use --help)" message and --quiet does suppress a large
amount of output, even though it doesn't appear to catch everything,
so it would seem that this needs to be fixed in a less-obvious place.

Output of this morning's run, as emailed to me, follows.  If you're
not interested in it, then there's nothing more to see here.  Move

--- cut here ---

   => `-'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/xml]

0K .. .. .. .. ..  924.21 B/s
   50K .. .. .. .. ..   93.30 KB/s
  100K .. .. .   3.34 KB/s

06:28:20 (1.98 KB/s) - `-' saved [128914]

   => `-'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/xml]

0K .. .. .. .. ..1.53 KB/s
   50K .. .. .. .. ..   89.79 KB/s
  100K .. .. ..  3.29 KB/s

06:29:50 (3.07 KB/s) - `-' saved [133493]

   => `-'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/xml]

0K .. .. .. .. ..2.31 KB/s
   50K .. .. .. .. ..  124.03 KB/s
  100K .. .. ... 4.05 KB/s

06:31:05 (4.44 KB/s) - `-' saved [126031]

   => `-'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/

Re: [mythtv-users] Does it work like this?

2005-09-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 05:33:04PM -0400, Tommy Denton wrote:
> Is that an add-on or does it come ready on a distro?

The 'normal' setup is to run both mythfrontend and mythbackend on the
same machine.  To view your programs on a separate computer, all you
have to do is install mythtv on it, but run only mythfrontend and
configure it to connect to a remote mythbackend.  (You actually don't
even need to install mythbackend on the viewing-only system, but your
distro may bundle them into a single package so that you get both
even if you don't need them.)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Beginners question

2005-09-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 04:58:18PM -0400, Erik Pettersen wrote:
> The outstanding question is if somehow his cable company is the kinda
> that actually scrambles analog and requires cable box to view anythign
> at all...

I have Comcast and no convertor.  (I used a Tivo from its initial
release until it died a couple months ago and made a point of only
getting the clear channels so I wouldn't have to deal with an IR
blaster.)  I doubt that they would scramble everything in other
markets if they don't here.  Have you ever heard of a cable company
doing that?  (I haven't.)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Beginners question

2005-09-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 04:23:46PM -0400, Paul Schied wrote:
>  I have comcast cable, extended basic cable. To my knowledge it is not
> digital but I DO have a cablebox. From what I've been reading I will need to
> hook up the cable to my tuner card after it goes through the cablebox (so it
> is decoded).

If you just have extended basic, you can probably return the box to
Comcast and run the cable directly into your capture card.  (You can
test this by running it straight into your TV before buying a card or
sending the box back if you're sane enough to not just take my word
for it.)  As long as it's not digital, the only channels that need to
be descrambled are generally the premium channels - HBO, Cinemax,
etc.  The basic stations are normally sent in the clear.

> I want to be able to watch tv while recording a different channel. From what
> I've read I am pretty sure this means I need two tuner cards which will both
> need to have the cable coming from a cablebox.

If you want to watch one thing on live TV (as opposed to watching a
previously-recorded program) while recording something else, then,
yes, you would need two tuners.  However, once you give myth a try,
you may find yourself never wanting to watch live TV again...

Also, there are dual-tuner cards out there, such as the Hauppage
PVR-500 (which I currently use, although only one tuner is working
for me), so you don't necessarily need two cards.  When I bought
mine, was selling the dual-tuner PVR-500 for only $10 more
than the single-tuner PVR-150, so I see no reason not to get one.

> My question is if I just
> split the cable from the cablebox, is there any way to record something and
> simultaneously watch a different channel or do I have to have two cable
> boxes for this?

Each cable box only has one tuner (there are some exceptions, but the
only ones I know of have DVRs built-in, so you're not likely to be
using mythtv with them) and, if you run your signal through the cable
box, you have to use its tuner, not your own (which will generally be
locked on channel 3 or 4 to match the cable box's output).  So, if
you run your video through the cable box, then 1 box = 1 tuner = 1
show at a time, regardless of how many tuners your mythtv system may
have.  But, like I said above, you probably don't need the cable box
anyhow.  (Even if you do have some scrambled premium channels, you
could set them to only be recorded on a specific tuner which goes
through the cable box while having a direct cable line into the other
tuner to record non-scrambled channels.)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] program remote's power key to stop mythfrontend?

2005-09-22 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 03:15:25PM +0100, Craig Tinson wrote:
> am not an expert on this.. but couldn't you just use irexec to send 
> half-a-dozen ESC keys? no matter where you are in myth that should take 
> you to the close screen? not exactly pretty but should do what your 
> asking.. and you can still press the OK to confirm

Try pressing ESC half a dozen times...  Once you get to the shutdown
confirmation, ESC cancels the shutdown.  So this would have a 50/50
chance of working, depending on how deep you are in the Myth menus.
(Although you could set it to send an odd number of ESCs, so that if
it left you at the main menu the first time, you can hit it a second
time and it will...)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Tutorial on Encoding (mostly re: file sizes)

2005-09-20 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 12:44:03PM -0700, Ross Campbell wrote:
> I set my settings for mythtranscode to be somewhat aggressive, I bump
> resolution down, I bump audio rate down, and have decreased the
> min/max bitrate settings. This lets me transcode shows I don't want to
> burn to DVD, or want to watch later and store them while only taking
> about 900MB PER HOUR. Most of the time, I can't tell any difference.
> I'm away from my system, so I can't give any more specific info, but
> that should help you get started with planning. You should start with
> default values and adjust them *SLIGHTLY* (probably down), test and
> repeat until you find the best settings for you.

Any chance you might post your settings when you get closer to your
system?  1G/hour is about where I'd like to end up and having an example
of settings that produce results in that range would be useful.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mass channel deletes

2005-09-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 10:27:13AM -0700, Bruce Markey wrote:
> Dave Sherohman wrote:
> >Section 22.9 of the howto states that I now should go into the
> >database directly and run a couple SQL statements to get rid of "the"
> >channel I deleted... but that seems a bit labor-intensive when you're
> >doing more than a couple channels all at once.  Is there a quicker
> >way to do a bulk channel removal?  Would I break my existing
> >recordings or upcoming recording schedule if I just deleted all
> >records from the channel table, then ran mythfilldatabase manually to
> >reconstruct it?
> That would work but would leave behind program information that
> might be found in searches so you may want to remove all the
> program information also.

My impression from the howto is that the program information, etc.
would still be deleted as it expires, even though the channels may
have been removed.  ("Old program data will be removed over the
course of a week. However, you may want to immediately delete any
current program listings for the channel that has been removed...")
Is this no longer accurate?

Thanks for the confirmation that my recording schedule would survive
such a housecleaning.  I'd hate to have to go back through the lists
of shows to find all the stuff that looks worthwhile...

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythfilldatabase: can't run it from cron

2005-09-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 03:33:46PM +0100, James Pattinson wrote:
> Nice one, that seems to work so far - but 
> is 404'ing for me now! 
> I'm sure it was working a few days ago when I last grabbed. Anyone 
> confirm it's working for them at the moment?
> Thanks
> james
> Paul Wheeler wrote:
> >I had this same problem, using -quiet solves it.

Not working for me...  My cron entry for it is

su mythtv -c "mythfilldatabase --quiet"

and I'm still getting considerable output from it.  I tried changing
the --quiet to -quiet and got an error that -quiet was not
recognized, check --help for valid options, so I did that and the
resulting help display shows no verbosity options.

So now I'm thinking to go the brute force route and append a
">/dev/null" to the entry so that it will stop mailing me the output
every morning, but I'm a little concerned about that option...  If I
do this, will it also send information about any errors to the bit
bucket?  Or is mythfilldatabase well-enough behaved to write those to

Output of `su mythtv -c "mythfilldatabase --quiet"`, in case it

2005-09-19 09:43:12.509 New DB connection, total: 1
2005-09-19 09:43:12.544 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-09-19 09:43:12.546 New DB DataDirect connection
   => `-'
Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/xml]

[ <=> ] 150,500   68.67K/s 

09:43:16 (68.61 KB/s) - `-' saved [150500]

Your subscription expires on 12/11/2005 02:18:39 AM
2005-09-19 09:43:24.422 New DB connection, total: 3
2005-09-19 09:43:24.424 New DB connection, total: 4
   => `-'
Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/xml]

[<=>  ] 123,897   60.19K/s 

09:43:31 (60.16 KB/s) - `-' saved [123897]

Your subscription expires on 12/11/2005 02:18:39 AM
2005-09-19 09:43:37.116 New DB connection, total: 5
2005-09-19 09:43:41.215 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5)
2005-09-19 09:43:41.223 Using protocol version 15

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mass channel deletes

2005-09-19 Thread Dave Sherohman
Since I didn't recognize all the abbreviated channel IDs, I just set
myself up initially for all channels that I receive when I signed up
with zap2it.  I've now gone through and identified about two dozen
channels that don't interest me and have removed them from my zap2it

Section 22.9 of the howto states that I now should go into the
database directly and run a couple SQL statements to get rid of "the"
channel I deleted... but that seems a bit labor-intensive when you're
doing more than a couple channels all at once.  Is there a quicker
way to do a bulk channel removal?  Would I break my existing
recordings or upcoming recording schedule if I just deleted all
records from the channel table, then ran mythfilldatabase manually to
reconstruct it?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: One tuner on PVR-500 (was Re: PVR-500 configuration)

2005-09-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 12:24:36PM -0400, Scot L. Harris wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 12:17, Chris Camisa wrote:
> > Any suggestions on identifying which of the pvr-500mce cards are
> > potentially flawed?
> > 
> No idea.  I received my card on 9/7/5.  So it may be a new problem.  Not
> sure when the others received their cards so don't know if that is a
> good way to determine this.

Mine was shipped by newegg on Aug. 11, fwiw.  (It just took me a
while to get around to setting things up...)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: One tuner on PVR-500 (was Re: PVR-500 configuration)

2005-09-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 10:31:47AM -0400, Scot L. Harris wrote:
> I think I am seeing the exact same problem.  I just tried to manually
> adjust the brightness setting on the second tuner on the PVR-500.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ivtvctl -d /dev/video2 --set-ctrl=brightness=128

I just tried this command (changing /dev/video2 to /dev/video1) and
got the following logged in syslog:

Sep 16 10:04:08 myth kernel: ivtv warning: i2c client addr: 0x44 not
found for command 0x80446468!
Sep 16 10:04:08 myth kernel: ivtv warning: i2c client addr: 0x44 not
found for command 0x400e6407!

Take a look in your logs (/var/log/syslog on my Debian system; I
think Red Hat derivatives use /var/log/messages instead) and, if you
get those same warnings, then I'd say that confirms that we both have
the same problem.

> Is there a bad batch of PVR-500's being shipped?

If so, I hope they've all either gone out or been recalled by now,
because it would suck to get a replacement and find that it's broken
in the same way.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: One tuner on PVR-500 (was Re: PVR-500 configuration)

2005-09-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 10:52:46PM -0700, Stefan Wrobel wrote:
> Eolake,

It's Dave, actually...  My .sig is just a quote from Eolake (and is
seems that the article I'm quoting has disappeared, so I need to find
a new .sig anyhow).

> I had the same problem and thought that it was a configuration problem. I 
> tried and tried and tried to get it to work, but finally I got wise and 
> fired the card up on a windows box ... the 2nd tuner was dead.

I have considered the possibility of a dead tuner...  If that is the
case, then I guess I'll just have to put 2 PVR-500s in my myth box
since I won't want it to be out of commission while waiting for an
RMA to go through.  (As if my hard drive isn't filling up too fast
with only one tuner already.)

> Hopefully both 
> tuners on this one will be good. Do both tuners show up on cat /proc/pci? 

My myth box's kernel has deprecated /proc/pci, but lspci shows both:

:02:08.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc
iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)
:02:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc
iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)

> Both of mine did, but if i did ivtvctl -a -d /dev/video1 I got all sorts of 
> screwy values for brightness, contrast, etc that clued me in that maybe 
> something just wasn't working right with the hardware.

Something like

Brightness = -475234752
Contrast = -1054774144
Saturation = -852037632

you mean?  I was ascribing that to the card not having accepted the
commands sent by the driver to initialize it, but I see now that, if
I run ivtvctl more than once, I get different values for those three
settings each time.  That's not good...  Guess I will need to try it
on a Windows box and see what happens there.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] One tuner on PVR-500 (was Re: PVR-500 configuration)

2005-09-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 06:57:51PM -0400, Scot L. Harris wrote:
> My understanding of this is that if you only have a PVR-500 you would
> need to have 81-0 and 81-1 in the modprobe.conf file.  In my case I have
> a PVR-350 as well.  

Right, I was probably following a document written by someone who had
a non-Hauppage card on /dev/video0 and didn't think at the time to
adjust for it.  Or something like that.

> Did you try putting 81-0 and 81-1 in your modprobe.conf?  

No, I haven't.  81-0 (not in modules.conf) works and 81-1 (in
modules.conf) doesn't; I don't want to break the one that's working.

> Please note I am still trying to get my PVR-500 to work as expected so I
> may have this completely wrong.  :)

Based on what I've read, you appear to be correct.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] One tuner on PVR-500 (was Re: PVR-500 configuration)

2005-09-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 05:21:24PM -0400, Scot L. Harris wrote:
> # ivtv modules setup
> alias char-major-81 videodev
> alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
> alias char-major-81-1 ivtv
> alias char-major-81-2 ivtv

Since there's a discussion of the sort going on, I suppose I can ask
about my PVR-500mce problem...  I'm only able to get the first tuner
to produce anything.  `cat /dev/video0 > foo.mpg` gives me a nice
recording of whichever channel on my cable it's tuned to.  `cat
/dev/video1 > foo.mpg` gives me a zero-byte file and a few messages
in syslog:

ivtv warning: i2c client addr: 0x44 not found for command 0x401c6466!
ivtv warning: i2c client addr: 0x44 not found for command 0x40046406!
ivtv warning: i2c client addr: 0x44 not found for command 0x40046406!

Both tuners are detected as PVR-150s and recognized as the first and
second tuner on a PVR-500 during bootup, according to dmesg, but the
initialization of the second tuner produces errors similar to those
above, differing only in the commands for which 0x44 was not found.

When I saw Scot's message, I took a look in /etc/modules.conf and
discovered, oddly enough, that I had only put in aliases for 81,
81-1, and 81-2; I don't know why I skipped 81-0, but, since that
corresponds to the tuner that is working, I tried commenting the
other two lines out, running depmod, and reading from /dev/tuner1,
but the result was unchanged - another zero-byte file.

Anyone have suggestions on getting both tuners working properly?  I
asked about this on the ivtv-users list last Saturday and got no
response there.  (I've only seen one post on ivtv-users aside from my
own, so it seems clear that this is the more active list...)

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV integration with Pluto ? Changing MythTV version/s

2005-09-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 02:15:27PM +1000, Buzz wrote:
>   "You really need to use our own distribution because..." (based on
> debian sarge)
>   "We built \"wrappers\" for all of them"
>   "If you use the vanilla packages from, say Fedora, none of that will
> work"
> However, they also say:
>   "In very rare cases, we need to make our own version of a package
> that replaces the one in Debian. But we avoid that whenever possible, and
> instead will re-work our wrappers so that we can stay current with the
> "stock" version. Any such changes are trivial, and therefore you should see
> no difference between Pluto's Debian mirror and the official one."
> (all quotes from pages on either or

This isn't really anything you need to worry about.  It's not any
kind of shady deal, just a way of saying "our stuff is Debian-based,
so all the Red Hat-based packages/howtos out there won't work with
it" in a way that will be clear to people who aren't aware that all
distros are not created identical.

Not quite sure what the "wrappers" bit actually means, though.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Bluetooth remote, direct access?

2005-09-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 04:40:42PM -0600, Nathan Hesson wrote:
> Pulling the info out of the db wouldn't be the issue. The issue is having 
> direct access to the objects being displayed. Can requests for files be made 
> directly over the myth protocol?

I was actually thinking the main issue would be things like ff/rewind
control, time compression, etc. - things which directly affect the
way the frontend behaves as it's doing the playback and are normally
handled by keystrokes sent directly to the frontend app itself.  Is
that sort of control possible from a separate command-line or myth
protocol application?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Bluetooth remote, direct access?

2005-09-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 12:28:13AM +0200, Peter Osterberg wrote:
> I would like almost the same thing, but via WLAN on an iPAQ. Being able so 
> select shows, music etc. directly on the screen. That would be very cool!

...and I was thinking the same thing, but with a Palm.  Seems to be a
common idea at the moment.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Fastest file system

2005-09-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 09:49:13AM -0500, Mike Daugird wrote:
> Why do you run fsck so much? Keep the machine up 24/7, linux is a stable OS 
> and doesn't need to reboot everyday to keep running.

Clean reboots do not beget fscking.  If someone is running fsck all
the time, it's due to power issues, flaky hardware, children who
think it's fun to press the reset button, etc.

Or maybe they only end up fscking once or twice a year, but prefer
that it not take forever to complete.  Power outages have a tendency
to strike just before your favorite show on days when you're not
home, after all...

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
mythtv-users mailing list