Re: [mythtv-users] Sports events, LiveTV or Watch Recording?

2006-01-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 11:17 -0700, Chad wrote:

 I've got it currently setup to Record, and have it End Late by 60

Sports is most of what I watch on TV, and this is what I do. Because
there are tons of ads during sporting events, I find it very useful to
start watching the game late, and fast forward through all the ads and
other breaks. Some sports, such as baseball and football, lend
themselves to using the time stretch as well. With a time stretch of
about 1.2 and fast forwarding through all the ads and halftime, I can
watch a football game that takes about 3 1/2 hours live in less than 2
hours, without missing anything. Just don't try using time stretch to
watch hockey; it's too fast already (but it's still useful to fast
forward through ads and period breaks). 

Of course, the Super Bowl is a little different, because the pagentry of
half time is part of what you watch for. This year, the Stones will be
playing at half time (yes, I can already hear all the jokes about Mick
Jagger needing a walker :-) Also, the ad agencies all tend to launch
their new campaigns during the Super Bowl, so many of the ads are at
least ones that I haven't seen before (I really don't mind commercials
that much, I just get sick of them after I've seen the same ad for the
100th time, and some of them are *really* stupid).

The trouble with LiveTV is that you have to be there at the console when
the event starts to use that method. Much easier to just set it to
record ahead of time. Myth makes that very easy to do; I can get
practically all of the Avalanche hockey games by just telling it to
record NHL Hockey on the Altitude channel any time it comes on. It's
even smart enough to automatically ignore all the re-showings of games
and just record the first one. Setting it to record NFL Football any
time on any channel automatically caught all the football games for me,
but I did have to manually resolve conflicts caused by my record 30
minutes late rule overlapping when there were consecutive games on the
same channel. I'd love to be able to say, record 30 minutes late
*unless* it conflicts with another recording on the same channel, but I
haven't found any way to do that yet. Still, this is way better than my
Comcast DVR (which is used only because my Myth system isn't HD-capable
yet) which has only a very limited series recording feature. I pretty
much have to set up every game individually there, but since I have
Myth, I only bother to do that for games that are broadcast in HD.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Sports events, LiveTV or Watch Recording?

2006-01-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 12:31 -0700, James C. Dastrup wrote:
  The time 
 extensions are ignored if there is a conflict. 

I am using 0.18.1, and that isn't how mine works. On my system, if I set
up to record NFL Football with a 30 minute time extension, and there
is another game on the same channel, one of the two is marked as in
conflict, and I have to manually resolve it by removing the time
extension for the first game.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Sports events, LiveTV or Watch Recording?

2006-01-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 14:54 -0500, Michael T. Dean wrote:
 if you have one capture card and want to record a show on 
 channel 3 from 7:00 to 9:00 with a recording-rule specified extra 15 
 minutes on the end and a show on the same channel from 9:00 to 10:00, 
 one will conflict with the other--you've said the 7:00 to 9:00 show is 
 actually airing between 7:00 and 9:15.  Therefore, you would need a 
 second capture card to get the 9:00 to 9:15 show.

OK, that explains it. I've got a PVR-500, with two tuners, and this type
of conflict occurs when I am also recording another game on a different
channel. Now for the overlap period I am trying to record three things
with two tuners: the first game's extension, the second game on the same
channel, and a third game on a different channel. It would be nice if it
figured out that the first extension isn't needed because the second
recording will be recording that channel anyway, but it isn't quite that
smart yet, so I end up having to manually remove the extension for the
first game to resolve the conflict.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Sports events, LiveTV or Watch Recording?

2006-01-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 15:16 -0800, Bruce Markey wrote:

 For any sort of algorithm proposed to second guess a specific
 situation, there is an opposite example where that exceptional
 decision would do exactly the wrong thing.

The only perfect solution would be a way to tell the scheduler exactly
what you want, so it doesn't have to read minds. Such as, an option on
extensions that says, allow other recordings to override time
extensions. Or something in a record rule that says extend time only
if it doesn't conflict with another recording on the same channel. My
point was not to criticize the present incarnation of the scheduler, so
I hope you didn't take it that way. Only to point out that there is
currently no way to resolve the type of conflict I run into other than


 If you had three cards, it could record all of them but with two,
 you have to decide what to do at the start of the second game. You
 might decide that one of the later games is boring and you don't
 want to sit through it anyway. You might want to start the second
 game on the same channel late so that the conclusion of the first
 game is in the same file. All it has to go on is that football
 games need to record extra time and there is no one right answer
 if they conflict. However, you know what the right answer for you
 is on this day in this situation. You just need to tell it what
 you prefer by adding an override.
 The other thing that always comes up is that idea that the extra
 time should be optional so the scheduler doesn't have to warn you
 about a conflict to let you know that you need to look and decide.
 In a case like this, that is a bad idea. You want to require the
 extra time because if the show that followed on another channel is
 recorded and no conflict is reported, The game could be truncated
 during the final dramatic drive with no forewarning. If it tells
 you there is a conflict then you can decide how you feel about the
 game and the show on another channel that follows. The silicon
 gates can't know how you feel, they can only know the numbers that
 were entered into the equation.
 --  bjm
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Looking for high WAF in-wall speakers!!

2006-01-18 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2006-01-18 at 17:20 -0500, Steve Adeff wrote:

 rantand why is it that people always point to Consumer Reports?

Because they publish useful information. But you have to consider their
target audience. 

  I don't 
 think I've ever read a review in there for any product covered by specialist 
 magazines that ever agreed with the opinion of the specialist magazines.

That's because they write for different audiences. Consumer Reports aims
at the average consumer. Someone who just wants to get a reasonable
deal, get a good product that won't break the moment they get it home
from the store, and that will do what they want it to do. They don't
always evaluate specialized brands, they evaluate the brands that most
people buy. Yes, they evaluate what is sold at Best Buy, not what you
will find at a specialty audio store.

If you're an audiophile, it would be silly to look to Consumer Reports
for advice on audio gear. You don't need them, you already know what is
good by your standards. But for someone like me, who can figure out how
to hook up a surround sound system but knows almost nothing else about
how it works, CR provides useful information. Similarly, most of us on
this list are Linux users, and we would never look to CR for information
about computers. They only report on Windows and Mac, as if that is all
there is. But you know what? For 99% of the people out there, that *is*
all there is. But if you're a member of that other 1%, then you don't
look to CR for information to help you choose your next computer. I
certainly don't. Their information on peripherals like printers is also
useless to me, because it lacks the most crucial piece of information
from my point of view: what is the state of Linux support for this
device? But their car tests are of great use, and I've saved thousands
of dollars by following their advice on how to negotiate for a new car.
Take what you want and leave the rest...

 dad even bought their choice for washer and dryer like 10 years ago, tops in 
 quality and reliability according to them, they've been nothing but trouble 
 the minute the 3yr warranty was up.

Even CR never claims that their reliability data guarantees anything.
Their data is based only on information gathered from people who had
those products and who responded to their survey. The most reliable
product they rate still has some people who reported problems with it. 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Looking for high WAF in-wall speakers!!

2006-01-17 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 15:28 -0500, Richard Bronosky wrote:

 Why is it that Bose can use those tiny little cube speakers for there
 flag ship product, but their in-wall speakers have to have a 8 3/4 by
 6 face plate?

The sub-woofer provided with the surround sound system makes it possible
to use small speakers for everything else. My understanding is that for
the low wavelength sounds in the bass range, the ear cannot really
detect their origin, so there is little point in surround-sounding those
frequencies (at least, that's what the manual that came with my system
says). Thus the surround sound for only high frequencies that can be
adequately reproduced with the cube speakers. Seems to work as the
surround sound effect works pretty well.

For stereo you could also use a sub-woofer I suppose and have cube
speakers for the separated speakers, but that's usually considered
overkill because it would require three speakers instead of two.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500: problems with sound

2006-01-17 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 21:32 +0100, Stef Coene wrote:
 On Tuesday 17 January 2006 17:03, Allan Wilson wrote:
  I am experiencing a problem similar to yours with a PVR-500 that I loose
  sound on one of the tuners when I come backup on after I do a reboot

I've got the same problem, and I always have to execute an ivtvctl -q
command to recover it. It gets associated with the wrong audio input. I
still have ivtv-0.3.7a, and my understanding is that this particular
problem is fixed in later versions of the driver, but I haven't had time
to try upgrading yet. It hurts the WAF though when her favorite sci-fi
shows are missed due to lack of sound in the recording )-: so I will
probably get around to upgrading eventually.

I used to have a command ivtvctl -d /dev/video1 -q 1 in my rc.local
script, and for a while that worked, but now every time the system is
rebooted, one of the tuners comes up without sound, and I have to poke
around with ivtvctl commands manually to restore it.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Barebones Systems - Opinions on the Pundit

2006-01-11 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2006-01-11 at 09:26 -0500, Philip Isaacs wrote:

 I have my eye on the ASUS Pundit-R350.

I've got one of those. It works great as a frontend and occasional slave
backend (it's got a PVR-150 in it which is mainly only used for watching
live TV and for the rare occasions when I record three shows at once,
and the IR receiver also works well with mythfrontend). I use a 2.4Ghz
Celeron (cheap, less than $80). This all works quite well as a non-HD


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Barebones Systems - Opinions on the Pundit

2006-01-11 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2006-01-11 at 12:31 -0500, Philip Isaacs wrote:

 Did  you have any trouble setting up the ATI video card under Linux?

None at all. You have to download the driver from the ATI web site and
run their configuration program.

 I'm just curious because I heard mix reviews.

Most of the bad comments I've heard from people about ATI cards were
from those trying to do HD. The ATI drivers really have no support for
some of the hardware features of their card under Linux, which is why
you often hear people say you should use Nvidia instead of ATI for
Linux. But that's only true if you need top performance, as you would if
you wanted to display HD content. The ATI built-in on my ASUS Pundit-R
works fine for standard definition TV, I have never had any problems
with it.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 150 Remote

2005-11-15 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 19:49 -0500, dave sailer wrote:

 Yea, for me, the /dev/lirc/0 char device file just dissappears.

I presume you did at least check to make sure lircd was running? If so,
try running something like lsof -c lircd to see what device files it
has open.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Good tuner card?

2005-11-04 Thread Greg Woods

 Could you post your init script please?

I could, but not without a few disclaimers. I don't claim that using
this script is the cleanest or best way to do things. Not all the
commands in the script may really be needed. And most of all, the
commands here may not work on your system because it will depend on
kernel version, ivtv driver version, how you've installed the ivtv
drivers, how you've configured the capture card in Myth, etc. All I can
say is, this works on *my* system, which is built around a PVR-500 as
the capture card, runs on FC3 (installed mostly according to Jarod's
guide), uses a 2.6.10 kernel with version 0.3.7a of the ivtv drivers. My
PVR-500 works well. Both tuners work, both audio and video. I have no
problem using both of them at the same time (otherwise why would you
need two?). My system is the way it is because I also use it as my
primary desktop, so it's important that things like 3-D graphics work (I
like tuxracer and torcs :-) and I have (unfortunately) some proprietary
drivers  that make it a pain to change kernel versions (Winmodem, ATI
Radeon 9800).

I also have a not-always-on slave backend with a PVR-150 in it, and at
least once I managed to record three shows at the same time.

All that said, here it is:

#! /bin/bash
# chkconfig: 2345 9 85
# description: start and stop IVTV services

case $1 in
  modprobe ivtv
  modprobe tveeprom
  modprobe tuner
  modprobe msp3400
  /usr/local/bin/ivtvctl -d /dev/video1 -q 1
exit 0

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Good tuner card?

2005-11-03 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-11-03 at 15:53 -0500, Dewey Smolka wrote:
 There are an awful lot of postings on the list, mostly from new users,
 about live TV. The fact is that Myth can do live TV, but it is not
 really what Myth is for, and once you begin to use it, you'll find
 live TV less and less relevant -- it's useful to ensure that the card
 works, but you don't actually watch TV with it.

I can find one reason to watch live TV with it: PIP. Not many shows will
lend themselves to watching more than one thing at a time, but one thing
does: sporting events. People are likely to think I'm slightly insane
for this, but last Saturday I actually had four football games on at the
same time; one on a frontend-only laptop, one in the TV's PIP screen,
one in Myth's PIP screen, and one on the main screen. While it is indeed
impossible to really follow all the details of what is happening in all
four games at once, it is possible to keep track of the basic flow of
all the games, and pay attention to a particular one when there's a key
play. PIP does not seem to work while watching a recording, it only
works in Live TV mode, so that's one use for Live TV mode.

 There are quite a number of
 500 users, but it seems like there's a lot of postings about problems
 getting both tuners to work simultaneously.

It's a bit tricky to do the initial install. I ended up creating an ivtv
startup script that I could put in /etc/rc.d/init.d (FC3) just to get
the proper ivtvctl commands run automatically at every reboot. I think
this is mostly because the ivtv drivers are still under development and
are not fully mature.

  getting the PVR 500 to work on both tuners begs the
 question of how much you know about Linux, and how much effort you're
 willing to put into getting the card to work.

That's a fair statement.

 From what I understand, the PVR 500 works well with the new ivtv
 drivers, but the card will show up as two separate PVR 150s --
 /dev/video0 and /dev/video1. Inside mythtv-setup, you need to specify
 the capture sources as tuner0 on each rather than tuner0 and tuner1 on

Even though this has been covered here many times, it continues to
confuse Myth newbies. And that's understandable; why would it show two
tuners on two cards, when there is really one card with two tuners? Goes
back to the under development ivtv drivers. But those immature drivers
do work quite well once you get them set up properly.

  I also understaqnd that there are issues getting audio to
 work on both tuners. 

Same thing again. My ivtv startup script runs the necessary ivtvctl
commands to make this work.

In my case, the 500 was a godsend, because my computer room is at the
end of a long coax run from the cable outlet in the living room, and I
could never get a splitter in the computer room to work; it always
degraded the signal to intolerable levels. The 500 was the only way I
could get more than one tuner in my master backend.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: LVM *was* Re: [mythtv-users] Highest number of simultaneous streams recorded?

2005-10-14 Thread Greg Woods
On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 14:13 -0600, Brandon Beattie wrote:
 ng and writing 100+ gig files) plus the 5yr warranty comes
 in nice, since of 9 drives I've had in the last 3 years, half the Maxtor
 200GB drives have gone bad.

I just want to second this. I have had two 160GB Maxtor drives die
within a month of purchase. Maxtor used to be a reliable brand when
disks were smaller, but my experiences with their larger drives have
been bad and I won't ever buy another one. Got shafted on a rebate to
boot )-:


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] running backend as debian runlevel service?

2005-10-13 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 13:15 -0400, Steve Adeff wrote:
 I tried setting up mythbackend to run as a debian service in init.d/ but 
 when I do so I get errors that don't allow it to record 

If the errors you see have anything to do with connecting to the
database, you might want to go look at some previous threads on
mysql.txt files. Starting a service at boot time changes its idea of
where the home directory is.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] remoting forntend and backend from satellite receiver, TV and A/V receiver

2005-10-04 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-10-04 at 11:53 -0500, Joe Harvell wrote:
  I don't have 
 the room or cooling capacity to build another machine as a dedicated 

In that case, if I were you I'd just pay the $5/month for a second DISH
receiver. Either that or put up with the occasional down time. I would
definitely not try to make 100 foot video cable runs. You lose a lot of
signal. Whether or not that is really a problem depends on the
particulars of your setup, but even a 25 foot run caused a fair amount
of signal degradation in my house, even using a signal amplifier.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] WinTV PVR 150 vs WinTV PVR 350

2005-10-03 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 05:55 -0500, Robert Denier wrote:
   I see no
 advantage for the 500 over a couple 150's, other than saving a pci card

The 500 is likely to be cheaper than two 150's, and you don't have to
split the signal.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv - database; MySQL good - Myth Lost -

2005-10-03 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 15:19 +, Jeremy Thompson wrote:

 Here is my.cnf:

Generally, you want datadir=/dev/lib/mysql, assuming that mythconverg
is a subdirectory that contains .MYI and .MYD files.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv - database; MySQL good - Myth Lost -

2005-10-03 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 15:39 +, Jeremy Thompson wrote:

 Just check in var/lib/mysql/mythconverg and it's full of .MYID files.
 should I change the cnf to

Yes (without the trailing slash). That's what mine has. MySQL can handle
multiple databases, so datadir is set to where all the databases are.
Each database (like mythconverg) then has its own subdirectory under


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv - database; MySQL good - Myth Lost -

2005-10-03 Thread Greg Woods
Sounds like you have not yet set up MySQL according to the installation
directions. See

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] WinTV PVR 150 vs WinTV PVR 350

2005-10-03 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 14:13 -0600, Mark Gardner wrote:

 What about configureation.  Is it easier to get a couple of 150s
 working or the 500?

Since the ivtv drivers see the 500 as two 150's, it should be exactly
the same.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Where is the CHEAPEST PVR-500 out there

2005-09-28 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 00:24 -0700, Mike wrote:
 Folashade Adeyosoye wrote:
  I think am going to get a PVR-500 along with my HD-3000, where is the 
  cheapest PVR-500 on the net or store..

 Right now I think your going to find that you can't get those working 

This has been covered on the list recently. It depends on what you are
using for input to the HD-3000. If you are using analog cable, then the
V4L drivers will work with this card (probably depending on kernel
version, your mileage may vary) in which case there is no conflict with
the PVR-500. I did have both working in my machine at one point. It is
likely, however, that if you have any kind of digital input to the
HD-3000, the V4L drivers won't work, but I have not personally verified


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 500 defective?

2005-09-28 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 10:09 -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:

 I have a problem with mine where the first tuner works fine and the
 second tuner returns nothing

Just a thought: the ivtv drivers detect a PVR-500 as two PVR-150's. You
should be able to see this in the output from 'dmesg'. What that means,
though, is that the first tuner is /dev/video0 Tuner 0 and the second
tuner is /dev/video1 Tuner 0. Not Tuner 1. I was bitten by this when I
first got my PVR-500 set up.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Where is the CHEAPEST PVR-500 out there

2005-09-28 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 11:06 -0400, Folashade Adeyosoye wrote:

   * Am able to bring up liveTV, BUT (the other 5%) is its coming
 up as snow, not totally black and white snow, but colored.

Are you splitting the cable signal at any point? Even outside the house?
If so, you might want to check for signal strength issues by removing
(at least temporarily) any splitters from the line. If that improves
things, you probably have a signal strength issue, in which case a
signal amplifier might help. There are also other threads on signal
strength issues involving how to use crimped connections instead of
screw-on to improve signal strength; if you are handy with tools (I'm
not), this could also help. If you use a signal amp, put it as far
upstream as possible, before any splitters, although it's not
realistic to have one outside, so you may not be able to have it before
EVERY splitter. I've got a three-way splitter outside the house, and
inside, my computer is at the end of a 25-ft cable run (I have no cable
outlet in the computer room so I had to run a cable through the wall
from the living room). A signal amplifier helped get my PVR-500 to work
well, but I was never able to put a splitter at the end of that 25-ft
run without serious signal degradation. The HD-3000 with V4L drivers was
much more sensitive to this than the PVR-500 was, which is why I suggest
this as a possibility. In particular in my case, the low numbered
channels looked much worse than higher numbered channels. But both cards
worked reasonably well with the signal amplifier when I removed the
splitter and connected only one of them, but without the splitter, I
couldn't use both cards, so I too have removed my HD-3000 to use another
day for OTA HD when I actually have an HD capable TV. I too bought mine
because I feared they would soon be banned.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Anyone successful with HD3000 DVB andPVR-150/500's?

2005-09-28 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 15:23 -0400, Joseph A. Caputo wrote:

 The HD-3000 really only makes sense if you're capturing a digital 

I now know this. Wish I'd known that when I spent money on the card :-)
Oh well, perhaps I will eventually have a legitimate use for it.

 You don't need to upgrade to digital cable to get that; you 
 could hook up an antenna and tune in free OTA local broadcasts.

True, but most HD content that I have access to is only on cable or
satellite, including some of the most important (to me) things (e.g.
ESPN HD which will soon have Monday Night Football). The problem, as has
been gone over in other threads, is that cable companies often don't
make the digital content available unencrypted and it is difficult to
find out what's available unencrypted without actually signing up for
digital cable (or getting access to a system at someone's house who
has). And if you have digital cable, you're most likely only going to
get the content to your computer over FireWire, which doesn't even need
a capture card (the signal is already MPEG-encoded). I don't know about
satellite, but if you're a cable customer, the only real use for the
HD-3000 is OTA. (Your mileage may vary; I have heard that *some* cable
companies make the digital signal available over coax or S-video

 If you have no intention of tuning digital broadcasts or digital cable, 
 then you're better off with a PVR-xxx (150,250,350,500).

That matches my experience. I'm using a PVR-500 and a PVR-150 now.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting master to slave

2005-09-28 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 18:42 -0400, Tom Lichti wrote:

 Well, that didn't fix anything. I still only have access to the two 
 local tuners. Do you have to change anything on the master to enable slaves?

This still sounds like a database problem. I say that because I spent
quite a bit of time tearing my hair out over a similar problem and
that's what it turned out to be in my case. Have you tried looking
directly at the capturecard table in the database to make sure all your
tuners are really in there?

Try something like this (on the master backend):

$ mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
mysql select * from capturecard;

Does this show all the tuners from both master and slave?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] REALLY NEED HELP : Channel Scanning

2005-09-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 18:49 +1000, Phill Edwards wrote:

 But if you've got analogue cable, how's that ever going to work with a
 DVB card which is expecting a digital signal?

I have used the pcHDTV-3000 card successfully, with analog cable, using
the V4L drivers. I'm not saying that's necessarily the best; I too am
fairly confused about all the different drivers vs. signal types vs.
kernel versions. All I can say is that this worked for me. I ended up
switching to a PVR-500 so I could get two tuners and hardware encoding;
I'll save the 3000 card in case I ever get an HD-capable TV.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] list FAQ

2005-09-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 14:28 +0100, Chris Martin wrote:
 I'm thinking of putting together some sort of FAQ to answer those
 questions that come up on the mailing list on a regular basis.

If you do it, start out with the mysql.txt stuff. I think I've seen
questions that turned out to be related to that a half dozen times in
just the last week.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Source for drives

2005-09-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 12:54 -0400, John P. Hoke wrote:

 I have had good luck with lately, seagate 400gb drives
 with rebates ... 

This is way OT, but a word of warning: watch out for rebates. It is very
easy for them to just deny paying the rebate, and unless you very
carefully documented every rebate offer you sent in, making copies of
everything and keeping careful track of which receipts went with which
rebate, you're kind of screwed. And doing all that administrative work
is more hassle than a $10 rebate is worth (at least to me it is). Even
then they can deny an appeal. I had one rebate denied (on a Seagate disk
drive, which makes it relevant to this thread) because they claimed that
the original sales receipt was required. Since I already sent them the
original, my appeal was also denied because the receipt I sent on appeal
wasn't the original. The companies that administer the rebates for them
make a lot more money the fewer rebates they actually pay out, so there
is a strong motivation for them to pull this kind of crap. And now, of
course, there is no way for me to prove that I already did send them the
original, and since I no longer have it, I can't send it to them now.

I hate rebates and avoid them like the plague.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Anyone successful with HD3000 DVB and PVR-150/500's?

2005-09-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 11:33 -0700, ToadMazter wrote:
 I agree.  I would be happier with the PVR-500.  But, only if it works
 with the HD-3000's.  Any other suggestions?  Would the older drivers
 (non-DVB) for the HD3000 work?

That depends on what you have connected to it. Is it analog cable,
digital cable, or an antenna?


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Anyone successful with HD3000 DVB andPVR-150/500's?

2005-09-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 14:59 -0400, Folashade Adeyosoye wrote:
 I am beginning to think I might have chosen the wrong card, I am not looking
 on upgrading my Comcast cable anytime soon to digital.

In that case, if you have analog cable connected to your HD-3000 card,
then just use the V4L drivers. Worked for me, avoids the conflict with
IVTV drivers.

 I wonder what the ratio of HD-3000 is to the PVR-500 out there, and which
 one would one consider the better card.

Well, I started my whole trip into MythTV land by buying an HD-3000 card
because I was worried about the broadcast flag stuff. I was afraid that
if I didn't buy one before July 1, those cards would become illegal in
the US unless they had a lot of onerous DRM stuff. Turns out the US
Supreme Court postponed implementation of the broadcast flag rule, but I
already had my HD-3000 so I set about using it. It worked OK, but the
more I learned about all of this stuff, the more I realized it really
isn't the right card for analog cable. If you aren't actually receiving
HD signals, then the PVR-500 is far superior. The PVR cards have
hardware encoding. With the HD-3000, your CPU has to do all the work.
The PVR-500 also has TWO tuners, a big win on a MythTV box. So I ended
up switching to the PVR-500 on my master backend, and I have a slave
backend that has a PVR-150. I don't even use the HD-3000 any more, I
will maybe try to use it one of these days for getting OTA HD channels,
but we only have a small handful of those in our area and I don't have
an HD-capable TV yet anyway.

I think, if you are just using analog cable, that you are way better off
with a PVR card than an HD-3000.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting master to slave

2005-09-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 19:54 -0400, Tom Lichti wrote:
 I recently setup a second backend, and in testing I made it a master 

In that case, when you set up the tuner cards, they were never put into
the database on your real master. That is most likely the reason why the
real master doesn't see them. While the master is up, try clearing and
re-creating the capture cards on the slave. After you do that, you will
have to restart the backend on the master for it to see the new tuners.

Also make sure that your mysql.txt files on the slave properly point to
the database on the master.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Anyone successful with HD3000 DVB andPVR-150/500's?

2005-09-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 20:23 -0700, ToadMazter wrote:
 Most likely I'll use the HD3000's for OTA HD and the PVR-500 for OTA
 and/or Comcast cable.  In this scenario, are the vl4 drivers for the
 HD3000 co-resident with the 0.3.x ivtv drivers for the PVR-500 a
 workable solution?  

Unfortunately, I don't really know (although I will eventually have to
find out). I only know that the V4L drivers work with analog cable. 


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: slave/master interaction

2005-09-26 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 22:03 -0600, Alan Anderson wrote:
 On the Slave Back End make sure all of the mysql.txt has the IP address of 
 Master Back End.

I've been bitten by the mysql.txt problem before. The very first thing
I did was check this, and yes, my system does have multiple mysql.txt
files so I always make sure they are all identical and correct.

 There should be a mysql.txt in the users .mythtv directory and probably one 
 in /.mythtv.

...and one in /root/.mythtv (most distros don't use / for ~root any

What I think happens here is, when mythbackend starts at boot time, you
don't have a full environment, so $HOME is not set and it defaults to
/. Thus at that time it is going to look in /.mythtv. Once you are
logged in, the environment is set and $HOME for root will be set
to /root, so if you manually start mythbackend as root after the system
is fully up, it will be looking in /root/.mythtv . And, when you run
mythfrontend as another user, it will be looking in ~/.mythtv for that
user. In retrospect it would probably have been better to create an
explicit common location for this file rather than depending on an
environment variable (e.g. /etc/mythtv/mythtv.conf), but it is easy to
have 20/20 hindsight.

In any case, my problem was never due to multiple mysql.txt files; I am
well aware of that issue and checked for it. Somehow I got some serious
database corruption. mythfilldatabase would say there was already data
for a certain day, but the on-screen guide and MythWeb would show NO
DATA. I don't understand enough about the internal database structure
used here to fix that manually, so I resorted to a complete rebuild of
the database. It was after that when I couldn't get things to work quite
right for most of the weekend. 

I'm glad I got it fixed now because I don't want to miss the big
Broncos/Chiefs game tonight but won't be able to start watching until an
hour or so after the game has started, so I'm counting on my Myth system
to catch it for me. I'll probably catch up to real time by the 3rd
quarter or so. I am beginning to understand what people mean when they
say I never watch live TV any more.

I think my major problem turned out to be not restarting the mythbackend
processes at the proper time and in the correct order. Setting up a
slave backend is a little bit tricky in that things really have to be
done in exactly the right order or it screws up the database. I had a
problem where as soon as I added the slave's tuner card, I could no
longer change channels on the master backend's cards. This was (I think)
because I needed to restart the master backend process. Then I couldn't
get the slave to use its own tuner, because I needed to *first* restart
the master backend, *then* restart the slave backend. If these steps are
not done in exactly the right order, things don't work right.

 Did you read this?  It covers the process pretty well for setting up a SBE.

Where in there does it cover setting up an SBE? I see some tips for
configuring a frontend-only system, but nothing about SBE's.

Good thing I looked at that document though. I'd really like to be able
to use my Sony Vaio laptop as a portable TV, but the playback is really
choppy. Jarod has some tips in there I might try to maybe improve things
(it's using 802.11g wireless with an Atheros built-in chip). Of course
it may turn out that the CPU and onboard ATI Mobility M6 video chip just
aren't up to it, but at least there are some fine tuning tricks I can
try before I give up on it.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] trouble with mythbackend service on non-master

2005-09-26 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 22:53 -0700, Ben Norling wrote:

 2005-09-25 22:45:17.584 Unable to connect to database!
 2005-09-25 22:45:17.586 Driver error was [1/2002]:
 QMYSQL3: Unable to connect
 Database error was:
 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
 '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

This really ought to be an FAQ; I think this question has been asked
half a dozen times in the last week alone.

Make sure that you have mysql.txt files that are identical and correct,
in /.mythtv, ~root/.mythtv, and ~user/.mythtv (where user is the user
you run mythfrontend as).

See the slave/master interaction thread for a more detailed
explanation of this.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Does a second frontend need a second backend too?

2005-09-26 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 12:48 +0100, Neil Bird wrote:

Do I really *need* to rnu a local backend on my main PC, or will it all 
 work OK if I directly attach a frontend to my master?

You only need a backend process on machines that have tuner cards in
them. If you just want to watch recordings, or watch live TV via a tuner
located in another backend machine, then you don't need a local backend


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] help..mythbackend..failed to bind port

2005-09-26 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 08:51 -0700, Nada De nada wrote:
  I run the netstat -l -n
 | grep 6543 to see if something else was using the
 port and I got this message
 tcp   00* LISTEN

Try running lsof | grep -w 6543 to find which process is listening on
that port. I'll lay odds you already have a mythbackend process running.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Seeking Remote Control Advice for PVR-500

2005-09-25 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 08:21 -0400, Larry K wrote:

 I have never seen anything but the MCE version of the 150/500.  Please
 tell me more.

I've not seen anything but the MCE version of the 500, but the PVR-150
is sold at CompUSA in the regular (non-MCE) version. As far as I can
tell, the only real difference is that the non-MCE versions have the IR
port and come with a remote (and, of course, they cost more). This
remote works well with Myth and lirc.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] after database rebuild, cannot change channels

2005-09-25 Thread Greg Woods
From the database gone south thread, we advance boldly into the
future :-)

I ended up having to completely redo the database. I never could figure
out what was wrong with it. I dumped the current contents, then got into
mysql and did the drop database mythconverg;
source /usr/share/doc/mythtv-0.18.1/database/mc.sql to recreate empty
tables (pretty much what is described in the MySQL chapter of Jarod's
guide). Then I went through mythtv-setup on the master backend (MBE),
manually restoring the capture card, video sources, and input settings.
Then of course I was missing the information to connect the files
in /video to what recorded programs they were, so I reloaded (from a
database dump taken before this) the oldrecorded, recorded,
recordedprogram, and videometadata tables.  After doing all this,
everything appears to be good (almost) on the MBE. I can watch TV (other
than not being able to change channels), I can view the saved
recordings, I can schedule recordings (apparently), mythweb works, the
guide works. 

The problem is now I cannot change channels in mythfrontend. I *can*
change channels with script, and the OSD shows no data, so
I'm pretty sure this is still some sort of database problem. I've just
run to the end of the rope here, I cannot get my database back and I
don't know what else to try. I have rerun mythfilldatabase and restarted
mythbackend several times with no effect. The backend produces the
following error when I try to change channels:

2005-09-25 13:59:37.866 Channel(/dev/video0): CheckChannel failed.
Please verify channel 6 in the setup Channel Editor.

I have searched the archives for this error message, but none of those
threads appear to describe my problem.

Is there any way to just recreate the database from scratch? Is it
documented how to do this anywhere other than the brief description in
Jarod's guide (which I already tried?) I seem to be out of options and
my system is fairly useless until I can fix this problem.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: after database rebuild, cannot change channels

2005-09-25 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 14:12 -0600, Greg Woods wrote:

 The problem is now I cannot change channels in mythfrontend. I *can*
 change channels with script, and the OSD shows no data, so
 I'm pretty sure this is still some sort of database problem.

Hate having to answer myself, but I decided to go through just ONE more
iteration of deleting and redoing all the card and channel settings in
mythtv-setup, rerun mythfilldatabase, and restart mythbackend. Now I am
able to change channels. Still no idea what it was that was wrong


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] slave/master interaction

2005-09-25 Thread Greg Woods
How exactly do slave and master backends interact? Is it true that
mythfrontend running on a slave backend still connects directly to the
master backend? 

If that is so, does that mean that when the slave is using its own
tuner, the traffic has to go from the slave backend to the master
backend, then back across the net again to the frontend? 

If that is not so, then what is the process by which a slave will access
it's own tuner?

The problem I am having now is that I cannot get my slave backend set up
correctly. Mythbackend is running, but it acts like it's not. I use
netstat to see that, when mythfrontend is running, it is only
connected to the master backend, and it can only see the tuners from the
master backend. I have redone the whole mythtv-setup process on both the
master and the slave probably a dozen times today, and I still cannot
figure out how to get the slave backend to use its own tuner. 

The install instructions for configuring a slave backend lack the detail
I need to fix this.

I did check, and the ivtv drivers are loaded correctly and it recognizes
the PVR-150. This also worked fine before I had to rebuild my database
this morning. I'm sure there's some secret setting I need to make to get
this to work, but I can't figure it out.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] slave/master interaction

2005-09-25 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 22:18 -0400, Scot L. Harris wrote:

 Make sure you restart mythbackend on each system after you make changes
 using mythtv-setup.  I found that if you don't restart mythbackend on
 both system that new tuners are not seen until that is done

I'm not sure, but I *think* that this was my problem. I could have sword
that did this at point, but it would appear that the order in which
things are done is critical. 

So for the benefit  of anyone else in the same position, here is what
you have to do to rebuild the database when you have a slave backend

1) Clear the database (or do whatever it is you have to do to it)
2) Run mythtv-setup on the master backend, and set up your capture
card(s) and video source(s).
3) Run mythtv-setup on the slave. Do not declare any video sources. All
you do is set up the capture cards and associate a video source with
4) Restart mythbackend on the master
5) Restart mythbackend on the slave.

This is what finally worked for me. After two days of screwing around, I
finally have my system back to full functionality. The original problem
was that the guide had no data left in it, and mythfilldatabase appeared
to be refreshing it but was not. Almost surely caused by some sort of
database corruption, but I never did figure out what caused that to
begin with.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can not get my HD-3000 to work

2005-09-24 Thread Greg Woods
The only way I could get my HD-3000 to work with ANALOG cable input was
to use the V4L drivers. I'm not saying that's a definitive answer, it
was just my experience. But Marc is right that it does depend on what
kernel version you are using. I tried to use the DVB drivers that I
downloaded from with a 2.6.10 kernel and never could make
that work. I still don't really know if the DVB drivers are *supposed*
to work with analog cable input.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] database gone south

2005-09-24 Thread Greg Woods
Something is strange with the database, at least, the part that controls
the Guide and is populated by mythfilldatabase. Neither MythWeb nor
mythfrontend can see any scheduling data beyond today. Everything else
(at least, watch TV and watch recordings) works. If I run
mythfilldatabase,  the output looks normal, including noting that there
is already data for each day. But still no scheduling data.

Anybody have a clue what might be wrong and how I would go about fixing
it? The WAF was starting to go up pretty high until this happened. I did
check, and while the system has multiple mysql.txt files on it, they are
identical. I have tried running mythfilldatabase both as root and as the
user I run mythfrontend as, but to no avail.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] database gone south

2005-09-24 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-25 at 12:20 +1000, ffrr wrote:

 You can check the database with
  mysqlcheck -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
 and can also repair it with
  mysqlcheck -r -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
 After which (might need to run mythfilldatabase again) you should have 
 the guide back.

Thank you for the tip, but it didn't work. Still no data after 10pm
today (which is only about an hour from now).


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] database gone south

2005-09-24 Thread Greg Woods
On Sat, 2005-09-24 at 20:44 -0600, Greg Woods wrote:

 Thank you for the tip, but it didn't work. Still no data after 10pm
 today (which is only about an hour from now).

I got the guide back. What worked was to go into mythtv-setup and delete
all the channel data and redownload it. Then running mythfilldatabase

Now the tuner card on my frontend system won't change channels, but the
two cards in the backend system do. Weird.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] database gone south

2005-09-24 Thread Greg Woods
On Sat, 2005-09-24 at 21:18 -0600, Greg Woods wrote:

 Now the tuner card on my frontend system won't change channels, but the
 two cards in the backend system do. Weird.

Appears to be related to the database problem, as the mythbackend logs
on the FE/BE system report problems accessing the channel database
(can't tune to channel '' and other things pointing to errors in the
database). I tried going in to mythtv-setup on the front end and
completely redoing everything: no joy (but I do know not to run
mythfilldatabase on the FE). I did set the initial channel for the
card to a valid one, still gives the error about can't tune to channel
''. Still can't change channels on the local card. If I hit 'Y' to
switch to one of the cards in the Master BE system, it works fine. So
it's the backend process on the FE/BE system that is having trouble.
I'll work on this more in the morning.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] database gone south

2005-09-24 Thread Greg Woods
On Sat, 2005-09-24 at 21:56 -0600, Greg Woods wrote:

 it's the backend process on the FE/BE system that is having trouble.
 I'll work on this more in the morning.

Just checked: the MBE system is now hosed too; it won't change channels
either. I suspect my database is just completely corrupted and I will
probably have to go back to square one. Too tired to start that project


2005-09-24 21:57:09.073 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
Channel: '4' was not found in the database.
Most likely, the default channel set for this input
(1 Tuner 0 )
in setup is wrong
Couldn't find any channels in the database, please make sure
your inputs are associated properly with your cards.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ACPI sleep problems

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 12:27 +0100, Steve Hill wrote:

 /proc/acpi/sleep seems to be the old 
 2.4 kernel interface, whereas /sys/power/state is the 2.6 kernel 

I tried doing the echo -n mem  /sys/power/state on my laptop. It does
go to sleep; the blinking lights show it is in a suspend-to-RAM state.
But when I try to wake it up, it hangs. This is pretty much the same as
echo 3  /proc/acpi/sleep;  I have to power it off and reboot to get
it back. It looks like maybe this could be made to work; I have FC4 with
a 2.6 kernel. Maybe that hibernate script is what I need; I'll try it
out. Thanks to everyone for the pointers on this. Lack of suspend has
been by far the largest pain in the butt to running Linux on a laptop;
it's the one thing that Windows XP does that I wish Linux could do. 

This is wandering a bit off topic for Myth, getting suspend to work on a
laptop, but more to the point is that if I can make it work on my
laptop, perhaps I could make it work on my slave backend/frontend which
would be directly useful to my Myth setup.

   Whilest suspending using ACPI seems to just power my machine 
 off completely, if I disable ACPI and use APM instead it sends the machine 
 to sleep but won't wake up again.

My machine only supports ACPI. Most new hardware will be ACPI-only. I
think the IBM Thinkpads may be one of the few exceptions left on the


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up slave backend system

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 20:02 -0400, Scot L. Harris wrote:

 I expected to see the SBE capture cards defined in the MBE system in the
 status page or in the setup on the MBE.

You don't see them in mythtv-setup, as that only defines
locally-connected capture cards. You SHOULD see them in MythWeb. I found
MythWeb very easy to set up, and it shows you things (like this) that
are difficult or impossible to find any other way. It's worth having.
MythWeb also increases the WAF since she can now schedule recordings
from her Mac.

This means you have to run mythtv-setup on the machine that has the card
to set up capture cards. I found this very confusing too but I finally
figured this out. My slave backend now works fine. mythtv-setup on the
SBE only shows the one card that is on that machine, yet I can use all
three cards including the two in the MBE just fine. Going into MythWeb
will show all three cards, and properly indicate when the SBE is down
(not currently connected). The reason this is confusing, I think, is
that clearly mythtv-setup is manipulating some information that is
stored only on the local host, and some that is stored in the database,
and nowhere is it documented when this line is crossed, I just had to
figure it out by trial and error. Video sources are defined in the
database, do not try to set those up separately on the SBE. But capture
cards are defined locally, you must set those up with mythtv-setup on
each machine that has one or more cards. If you have a machine that is
ONLY a frontend (no capture cards), then all you really need is the
mysql.txt file so that it can find the MBE, and you may never need to
run mythtv-setup at all (correct or not?).


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up slave backend system

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 11:04 -0500, Kevin Kuphal wrote:
 Greg Woods wrote:

 I expected to see the SBE capture cards defined in the MBE system in the
 status page or in the setup on the MBE.
 This means you have to run mythtv-setup on the machine that has the card
 to set up capture cards. 

 Why is this confusing?  

I too expected to see all the available capture cards in mythtv-setup no
matter which host I ran it on. Now that I understand more about how it
works (that is, some things are stored in the central database and some
are stored locally), it's not so confusing any more. But when I was
first trying to set up an SBE that had previously been a tuner-less
front-end-only system, it was confusing.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ACPI sleep problems

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 14:52 -0500, Paul V. Gratz wrote:

 In any event, I'd strongly recommend getting the hibernate script that the 
 ACPI team puts out.  

Tried it, it still doesn't work on my laptop. Exact same symptoms as
before: it suspends fine, but on awakening, I see a garbled X display
and the keyboard and mouse are unresponsive.

Sounds like this will be like getting MythTV to work: I will have to
learn a whole lot about how this actually works under the surface in
order to make it work on my system.

On the other hand, others have reported that ACPI suspend works fine for
them, so I stand by my original statement: it may or may not work
depending on what hardware and kernel version you have.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ACPI sleep problems

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 18:43 +0100, Steve Hill wrote:
 Something I read suggested putting acpi_sleep=s3_bios on the kernel 
 commandline (i.e. in grub or lilo) to fix graphics problems on resume (it 
 aparantly makes the BIOS re-POST the video card on resume).

Fascinating. I tried this, and it makes things even worse. Now the
laptop wakes up and hangs instantly; even the power button doesn't do a
controlled shutdown as it did without this option, and not even the
partial X screen is redrawn. I guess this tells me the problem is
associated with my graphics card. Maybe that will be of some help when I
learn more about how this works.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] xorg conf file for the pundit-r?

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 11:38 -0700, Reza Naima wrote:
 My x11 performance on the pundit-r isn't very good

Have you run the fglrxconfig script? (I may have to check on the exact
name of this). This creates an xorg.conf file that works well for me.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ACPI sleep problems

2005-09-20 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 18:43 +0100, Steve Hill wrote:

 Well I know that there are a lot of broken ACPI implementations out there 
 but I thought more recent stuff was ok 

Interestingly enough, the people at EmperorLinux (a Linux laptop vendor
from whom I purchased my laptop) say just the opposite: it is more
recent video cards that don't work. They just released a new kernel;
below is a quote from their annoucement. I pass it on without comment.
It does make me want to go to ATI's web site and try a more recent
driver though; I'll let the list know if that helped.

I have confirmed that my problem is related to X and the video card. If
I switch to a text console, the hibernate script works fine, and
resuming gives me my command line shell back. But as soon as I hit
CTRL-ALT-F7 to switch to the X console, the system hangs.


   o) New merges of nVidia and ATI drivers.  If you had any troubles
with these devices before, notably problems with suspend/hibernate, try
them again!  However, please keep in mind that many of the more recent
cards (ATI X300, X600, etc. and anything newer than a GeForce 5600)
still suffer from a lack of power management support, and will not
suspend or hibernate.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ACPI sleep problems

2005-09-19 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 20:28 +0100, Steve Hill wrote:
   Everything I read says I just need to set the 
 wake-up alarm by echoing a time and date to /proc/acpi/alarm and then 
 suspend the machine by doing:
  echo -n mem  /sys/power/state

Where did you read this? I'd like to know because everything *I* have
read says that ACPI suspend-to-RAM doesn't really work on Linux. I have
never been able to make it work on my laptop; I can get it to suspend to
RAM by doing echo 3  /proc/acpi/sleep, but there appears to be no way
to wake it up after that. Suspend-to-disk (so-called software suspend)
supposedly works but I've never been able to make that work either (and
even if it did, it wouldn't be suitable for this purpose because there's
no way to do a wakeup other than physically powering it on). ACPI is
essentially a power management standard that pushes all the power
management out of the BIOS hardware and into the OS. The more paranoid
among us think this was a ploy by Microsoft to make it harder to run
non-Windows OS's on PC laptops. But either way, the ACPI implementation
in Linux is not very robust as yet. Whether or not it will work will
likely depend on exactly what kernel version you are running and what
motherboard and BIOS chip. But it is highly unlikely that it will be as
simple as echoing something to a /proc or /sys file. If you do manage to
make it work, I'd love to hear about it.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Exit and shutdown

2005-09-15 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 21:01 +1000, Phill Edwards wrote:

 Which XML file? I've searched through all the XML files under
 /usr/share/mythtv/themes and I can't find one that contains the text
 Exit now which makes me think this isn't in an XML file.

In /usr/share/mythtv/mainmenu.xml, there is a commented-out SHUTDOWN
entry, which may be what the previous poster was referring to. But this
only gives you a Shutdown option in the main menu. Clicking it produces
the same behavior as the ESC key; I still only have the option of No
or Yes, exit now. No shutdown option.

It is clear that finding a way to get automatic shutdown to work is my
only option. I'm running from ATrpms so I don't have cpp source. 

So here's a question about automatic shutdown, that I ask just to make
sure I'm not trying to do the impossible. What I'd like is to have the
master backend shut down the idle slave, but I don't ever want the
master backend to shut itself down, as that machine is used for purposes
other than MythTV and needs to stay up all the time. I thought I could
use the pre-shutdown script for this and have one that returns 0 on the
slave and 1 on the master, but this doesn't work. What happens is that
the master never does a shutdown of the slave either. I'm afraid that if
the shutdown script returns 1 on the master, it will shut itself down
too. I don't want that. Is there any way to configure the master backend
so that only slaves ever get shut down? Maybe using a shutdown script
that does nothing on the backend and does a real shutdown on the slave?
The problem with that is that the log quickly fills with attempted
shutdown messages on the back end. Any way to avoid that?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Install of PVR-500

2005-09-14 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 10:12 -0400, Gerald J. Berg wrote:
 While installing MythTV on a new system, the MythTV backend menu
 offered PVR-350 and PVR-250 MPEG encoder boards, but not PVR-150 or
 PVR-500. I am using a 350 and a 500. Should I simply select the 250
 for the second and third encoder boards?

That worked fine for me. I suspect when the code was written, the 150
and 500 cards didn't exist yet.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hello all.. i'm the lastest mythnewb looking for advice :D

2005-09-14 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 13:31 -0500, Derek Meek wrote:
 There is a lot of noise on my cable line already - I have a booster on
 the fork that leads to my TV (other fork goes the cablemodem) 

I have been told that it is better to put the booster before the fork
rather than after it. The fork itself can introduce noise, and then
you're boosting the noise along with the signal. Putting the booster as
far upstream as you can is best; amplify signal, not noise, as much as
you can.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hello all.. i'm the lastest mythnewb looking for advice :D

2005-09-14 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 13:56 -0500, Derek Meek wrote:
 Ok, i'll probably get the PVR-500 and I'll give in on the video card and
 use an nVidia board (for the driver support) for output to the TV

Depends on what you plan to do. For standard definition TV, the ATI
onboard chip that came as part of my ASUS Pundit-R machine works
perfectly well for TV out (once I downloaded the driver from ATI). But,
I only have SD, I don't do any high definition yet.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Exit and shutdown

2005-09-14 Thread Greg Woods
I did search the archives and I found one possible solution to my
problem involving hacking an XML file, which I can probably do assuming
I can find the correct file to edit.

I just finished setting up a Pundit-R machine as a front end. It worked
quite well once I got everything in place. But I found that I couldn't
get good signal quality on the backend system if I had a splitter in the
computer room, even with two signal amplifiers upstream. (I have no clue
how to do crimped connections, I'm not qualified to do that, and I've
done everything else that has been suggested to increase signal strengh
other than that so I am out of options). So I said, fine, I'll just use
the PVR-500 alone in the backend (works fine, good quality on both
tuners), and heck, I'll take the PVR-150 and put it in my front end
downstairs; I've got a cable hookup there and I can save the 500's
tuners for recording and at least get some use out of the 150 for
watching Live TV. Also, the 150 has a remote that I've been able to get
working with lirc, so it solves my problem getting the Streamzap to work
on the front end as well (no longer necessary).

So all this long-windedness is setting up for the real question. I put
the PVR-150 into the front end, and of course that meant I had to set
that system up as a slave backend. Had a little trouble but got it
working eventually. Once I did that, I no longer see the Exit and
Shutdown option in mythfrontend. Why did it go away?

I have read about the auto-shutdown features and I presume this is
related to that somehow. But I don't really want to use the Pundit as a
recording backend even though it might be capable of it. I don't have a
UPS down there and I don't want to leave it up all the time. But I do
want to use the PVR-150 for watching live TV, which means I have to set
the frontend system up as a slave backend. But I want to shut it down
when I'm done using the front end. But now I only have Exit and No,
don't exit options and there's no way for me to shut the system all the
way down cleanly without a keyboard attached. 

Is hacking the XML file the best way to get what I want, or is the
kludgy set the auto shutdown time to five minutes solution I've seen
proposed better? I just don't want my master backend to try and schedule
recordings on the frontend because it won't be up most of the time and
it doesn't have auto-wakeup either.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythbackend fails silenty

2005-09-14 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 18:39 +0100, Nick wrote:

 On a related theme, what is the difference between starting a daemon
 in /etc/rc.d/init.d with the service command and just running it from
 the command line directly? 

Most likely, environment variables such as $HOME.

 I've always run init.d scripts using the
 service command, but now this thread shows it may be problematic when
 running scripts directly without it.

When you are already logged in and using the service command, the
login environment is already set up for you. When daemons are started,
there is no login environment. It is therefore a bug (or a mis-design if
you will) to depend on the login environment for a program that is
started at boot time. Programs designed to run at system startup time
should not be looking in user home directories (even root). Such
programs normally use config files kept in /etc somewhere (e.g. on FC
systems, /etc/sysconfig/mythbackend or some such thing). Or the startup
script should have a variable to set where the config file is. But
relying on environment variables like $HOME to find it results in
exactly this sort of problem. I note that on my FC3 system, you can set
$MYTHTV_HOME in the /etc/sysconfig/mythbackend file, but doing so did
not work. That's a bug I think, albeit one that is easily worked around.

I ran into this same problem on my frontend system; it worked fine if I
started mythbackend as root or as mythtv, but would not work if started
at boot time. I solved it by having mythbackend start when mythtv logs
in (right before mythfrontend starts), which also happens automatically.
On my back end, it does look as though I put a copy of mysql.txt
into /.mythtv, which I only discovered I needed when I modified the
startup script to start mythbackend under strace, so I could then see
that it was trying to open /.mythtv/mysql.txt . I don't know why I
didn't think of the environment thing before that. And I *really* don't
know why I didn't remember going through this when the same problem
occurred on my slave backend system. I think I'm getting too old for
this stuff :-)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150/500 and bttv?

2005-09-12 Thread Greg Woods
On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 19:28 -0700, Joe Votour wrote:
 I've read the thread you you mention, and call me
 skeptical, but I don't buy it 100%.

Neither did I. I know lots of people who get fine reception without
having to hand-crimp every connection. I am skeptical as to how much
that matters except maybe in a few exceptional cases. But I do know just
from my own experience that the signal degrades when splitters are used,
especially at the end of a long run. The PVR-500 also has a splitter
inside it (it must, to the single input to two tuners) and is therefore
more sensitive to signal degradation than is the 150 (same card, single
tuner). This is by no means intended as expert advice, it is merely what
I have observed in my particular setup.

  I might just
 have to run a Windows/Linux comparison at some point.

I'm all for scientific experimentation to lend credence to or downplay
theories; that would be an interesting test.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150/500 and bttv?

2005-09-11 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-11 at 17:01 -0400, Michael Tiller wrote:

 I don't know if the BTTV card just sucked (it was a Win-TV card) or if
 there was some kind of interference with the PVR-150?!?  If anybody
 knows of a reason why the presence of the PVR-150 should make the BTTV
 signal suck and knows a way to address the problem, I'm all ears.

I tried to use a pcHDTV-3000 in the same machine as a PVR-150, and had
the same problem: the PVR-150 looked great, the signal for the 3000
sucked. In my case it turned out to be a signal strength problem. I was
trying to split the signal, and apparently it degraded it enough the
3000 was sensitive to it. The 3000 worked fine without  splitter. I
ended up with the same problem when I switched to a PVR-150 and a
PVR-500. The 150 worked great, the 500 had problems with low numbered
channels. Again the 500 worked fine without the splitter, so I ended up
using just the 500 and putting the 150 into my front end system (solves
my problem getting the Streamzap remote I bought to work on the front
end, since the Hauppage remote works fine with the 150). 

You might try plugging the cable only into the bttv card and removing
any splitter you might have had to get both cards connected, and see if
the bttv card works better then. 

In my case, it's just too long a run. I don't have a cable outlet in the
computer room so I had to bring it through the wall from the living
room. It's a 20 foot cable and there's just no way I can put a splitter
at the end of such a long run. I tried using a signal amplifier and it
helped only a little and the signal on the second card was still not
good enough. I  tried swapping cables to rule out a bad cable. I'm
assuming that it's just not possible to put a splitter at the end of a
long run.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 (Model 1045) - $64.99 @ CompUSA + FAQ

2005-09-11 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-11 at 14:59 -0700, Mark Menke wrote:
 Do you have to passs any special flags to the ivtv module when you load
 it?  I 've got the same card, but can't get the audio to work.  cat
 /dev/video0 leaves my with an mpg that has great video and no 
 audio./dev/video0 leaves my with an mpg that has great video and no audio.

I had the same problem. There are several ideas on the ivtv list, you
might want to search those archives. In my case, what worked was to put
this in my modprobe.conf file:

options cx25840 cardtype=0


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] WinTV-PVR-500

2005-09-08 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 17:32 -0700, Joe Votour wrote:

 Also, check that in the MythTV setup that you used
 Tuner 0 for both /dev/video0 and /dev/video1. 

Thank you for that tip; all the different tuners and device names is
very confusing. I just got a PVR-500MCE that I was trying to add to my
PVR-150, and I now have all three tuners working! 

For all of you who are having problems getting all of this working, I'll
say the same thing people said to me when I was having problems: keep at
it, it's worth it. MythTV rocks! I am at the point where the VCR is
disonnected from the cable and is used for playback only. My big desktop
is a combo backend/frontend with the three tuners, and a Pundit-R
frontend is in the main TV room. It's great! But it did take a
significant portion of my free time for a couple of months to get to
this point.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] streamzap remote RECENT info?

2005-09-06 Thread Greg Woods
Thank you for the information.

On Tue, 2005-09-06 at 15:13 +1000, Ben wrote:

 Let us know how you progress.

Will do, but I have a busy week so it may be a few days before I have
time to get back to this again.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] streamzap remote RECENT info?

2005-09-05 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-09-04 at 21:22 +1000, Ben wrote:

 Please post your modprobe lirc_streamzap dmesg

First I see:

lirc_dev: no version for struct_module found: kernel tainted.
lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, at major 61 
lirc_streamzap[-1]: Streamzap, Inc. Streamzap Remote Control on usb3:3
lirc_dev: lirc_register_plugin: sample_rate: 0
usbcore: registered new driver lirc_streamzap
lirc_streamzap $Revision: 1.12 $ registered

But later I see:

usb_unlink_urb() is deprecated for synchronous unlinks.  Use B()
Badness in usb_unlink_urb at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:461 (Tainted:
 [c02c7d30] usb_unlink_urb+0x98/0x9a
 [dc9d1ddb] irctl_close+0x77/0xe3 [lirc_dev]
 [c01785d7] __fput+0xdc/0x10a
 [c0176d13] filp_close+0x3f/0x6f
 [c010394d] syscall_call+0x7/0xb

 What lirc device files do you have?

# ls -l /dev/lirc*
crw---  1 root root 61, 0 Sep  5 12:56 /dev/lirc0
srw-rw-rw-  1 root root 0 Sep  5 19:41 /dev/lircd

I run lircd -d /dev/lirc0 followed by irw that produces no output.

On the other hand, if I run irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 /tmp/out, then I do
get a response from irrecord, which suggests there is a problem with
my /etc/lircd.conf file. The file I'm using is the one I got from though:

# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.7.1-CVS(serial) on Fri Feb  4 23:20:56 2005
# contributed by Christoph Bartelmus
# brand:   Streamzap
# model no. of remote control: PC Remote
# devices being controlled by this remote: USB receiver

Since  would appear that Chris s one of the main developers for lirc, I
would presume this file has been well tested with a Streamzap remote and
this module. From that, my best guess is that I've got a new style
remote, that needs it's own lircd.conf file.
To that end, I tried running irrecord to produce a lircd.conf file.
When I did that, and then ran irw, every button showed up as the first
one declared (OK in this case). I will need to play with irrecord more
before I make any conclusions, but it's clear that the stock lircd.conf
file does not work with my remote.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000 and High-Def

2005-09-01 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 09:02 -0400, Brian Stults wrote:
 Donavan Stanley wrote:

  You don't USE a cable box with QAM.
 This really surprised me.  I bought an HD3000 a long time ago to get it
 before the FCC deadline.  However, I haven't used it yet because I
 thought I would need to get another cable box to use QAM.  So the tuner
 in the HD3000 can receive channels in the hundreds?

What Donovan means (I think) is that cable companies do not generally
provide HD over QAM. Yes, the HD3000 card will do QAM. But it's not a
good card for that, because all the encoding is in software (which puts
a high load on your CPU), and none of the content is HD. If you want to
receive QAM signals, a PVR-150 or other MPEG2-encoder card is better.
The HD3000 will receive HD OTA programming. If you want to get HD from
your cable company, you will need a cable box that outputs unencrypted
content over FireWire. From what I have read on this list, this is the
only way to get HD content off of cable, and you will be fortunate if
you can get a box like this from your local provider. Of course the
people at the local office will have no clue what you're talking about
if you ask them about any of this either. From what I've been able to
gather, if I ever want to do real HD content, I will have to go to
satellite or settle for what comes OTA.

BTW, I too learned all this the hard way, after buying an HD3000 to beat
the FCC deadline. Only then did I learn that it's not the right card for
me. It worked with the QAM signal, but the PVR-150 works better and
costs less. At some point, I may experiment with some antennas to try
and get OTA HD using the HD3000. I've read here that you don't
necessarily need a large rooftop antenna, people have done it with cheap
$20 HD antennas from Radio Shack. Whether that will work for me (or for
you) will depend on reception conditions in our respective areas, and
whether our machines can handle the load of capturing and displaying an
HD stream.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000 and High-Def

2005-09-01 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 10:41 -0400, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
  The 5th (QAM) is typically used for digital signals

OK, I am now 100% confused. What do you call analog cable? I thought
that was QAM. The reason I thought that was because I can plug my analog
(not digital) cable into an HD3000, and it works just fine. This is NOT
a digital signal I am fairly sure, because it also plugs directly into
the antenna port on a TV and that works too.

What am I missing here?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000 and High-Def

2005-09-01 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 12:29 -0400, Cory Papenfuss wrote:

   I think where you are getting confused is that the HD3000 is three 
 cards in one:\

Not only that, but it appears that different types of signals can be
handled by the same physical input port. The card has only one coax
port, but if it can handle both digital and analog cable, it follows
that it magically detects which signal is on the coax port and does the
right thing with it? Or is this determined by which driver is loaded?

I'm now hazarding a guess; unless I'm still confused, if one uses the
V4L drivers with this card, that works if you have an analog SD signal
(I know this works because I have done it), and the DVB drivers would be
required if you have a digital signal, but it's the same physical coax
port in either case. Am I getting closer now? This probably also
explains why I have never been able to get the DVB drivers to work: I
don't have a digital signal. All this time I thought QAM was analog
cable which is why I am so terribly confused about all of this.

It does matter though, because I have this card still in my system even
though it is not currently being used. The PVR-150 in the same system is
doing the work now. But I'd like to use both cards if I can. I could
either hook up an antenna to the HD3000 and use it for capturing HD OTA
signals (maybe later as I don't have an HD-capable TV yet), or just hook
it to the same analog cable signal as the PVR-150 is using, and use it
as a second tuner for PIP or for watching one program while recording
another (all the usual reasons why one might want multiple tuners). But,
if my confusion is less than it was before, it looks like those two uses
of the card would require different drivers. Is that correct?

Thank you for helping me become less confused, or at least confused on a
higher plane :-)


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: HD-3000 QAM working for anyone?

2005-08-31 Thread Greg Woods
I have gotten the HD3000 to work with QAM, via Comcast analog cable.
But, I used the V4L drivers. I don't have any HD content (yet) so I
didn't need that, and I had a hard time getting DVB to work.

If I try to split the signal between the HD3000 and a PVR-150 in the
same machine, then I can only get the low numbered channels (and poorly
at that), and the high numbered channels won't come in at all. This
happens if I just put the splitter on the line even if the second fork
of the splitter isn't connected to anything, and it also happens if I
just use the PVR-150 under Windows 2000, so that rules out a lot of
MythTV or driver problems. I never actually got both cards to work at
the same time; I kind of gave up when splitting the signal screwed
things up so badly. I've used them both individually at different times
(I've stuck with the PVR-150 to get hardware capturing).

I have wondered whether a signal amplifier might help. I'd really like
to use both cards. I've also thought about putting the HD3000 into the
new frontend I'm building and turning that into a slave backend too, but
it's only a Pundit-R with a Celeron CPU so I'm not sure it can handle
the software signal processing).


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] streamzap remote RECENT info?

2005-08-31 Thread Greg Woods
I've been searching around the net, and there are threads about
Streamzaps, but all of them mention having to apply patches to the
kernel or to the lirc source. Versions mentioned to which patches
actually apply are much older than what I have. I've got kernel
2.6.12-1.1376_FC3 and lirc 0.7.2 sources (which come with a
lirc_streamzap module). Is it possible to get the Streamzap to work with
this software or should I just give up and buy something else? Right now
this is the ONLY thing stopping me from deploying an otherwise well-
working front end in the TV room which might get the WAF above 0.
Without a working remote, it's useless in the TV room, and she hates
watching TV in the computer room on the monitor (no comfy couches in
here :-)

I can get the lirc_streamzap module loaded, I have a lircd.conf file
that supposedly works with this thing:

# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.7.1-CVS(serial) on Fri Feb  4 23:20:56 2005
# contributed by Christoph Bartelmus
# brand:   Streamzap
# model no. of remote control: PC Remote
# devices being controlled by this remote: USB receiver

I can start up lircd, and connect to it with irw, and when I press
buttons, I see the red light on the receiver blinking, but irw has no
output at all. 

If it's too much trouble to get the Streamzap to work, what other kind
of IR receiver and remote would be better for Myth with the lirc and
kernel versions that I have? I could use a USB, serial, or parallel
device as long as it will work with Linux/Myth without a lot of time and


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] air2pc off ebay?

2005-08-30 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-08-30 at 09:46 -0700, myth joe wrote:
 I hope this isn't too stupid/weird/unclear a question, but do I need
 to use the patched kernel? 

If all you need to do is patch or add something that is compiled as a
module, then you should be able to use the kernel that comes with FC3.
You may need a kernel-headers or kernel-devel package (if you don't
already have it) to get the stuff in /lib/modules that you need for
compiling modules.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Which Window Manager?

2005-08-25 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 13:35 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:

As for me I have 4 Pundit-R's 

I don't have keyboards or mice hooked to any of these machines.
 They are controlled purely using StreamZap remotes ($25) via USB. 

What type of IR hardware are you using? I ask because I just got a
Pundit-R to build a front end out of, and keyboard-less control is the
only problem I haven't solved yet.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Which Window Manager?

2005-08-25 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 14:29 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
 As I thought I said, we are using the StreamZap remote.

You did say that.

  It comes with
 it's own USB receiver:

But I didn't know that part.

I was hoping to use the same universal remote I already have downstairs
for the TV, amplifier, DVD player, VCR, etc. rather than having to have
yet another remote. I suppose for $27 I could get one of these anyway
and program the universal remote from it. Anybody got a better idea? Got
a lircd.conf file for the thing?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pcHDTV3000 and PVR-150 together?

2005-07-25 Thread Greg Woods
Here is just a note for the record. I am not at all sure what is really
going on here, but in case anyone else runs into it...

I started with a pcHDTV-3000 card, and after the usual initial Myth
newbie struggles, trials, and tribulations, I got it to work. The
problem was I had the wrong card. Since I don't actually have any HD
content right now, what I really needed was a hardware encoder card (but
I didn't know about any of this stuff when I started, it just seemed
nice to buy from a vendor that supports Linux over Windows). Myth
worked, but recording or watching TV took up a lot of CPU with the
software encoding, and I do want to use this machine for things other
than Myth.

So I got myself a PVR-150, and again went through the trials and
tribulations, this time as an ivtv newbie, and got that to work. So far,
so good.

But I thought, why not have two tuners? I could use the PVR-150 most of
the time, and only use the 3000 when I need a second tuner (PiP,
watching while recording, or recording two shows at once). So I put the
3000 card back in, based on previous posts in this thread saying that
people were able to make the two very different tuner cards work

I never got very far with this, because here is the strange thing: as
soon as I put the pcHDTV-3000 card back in the machine, my Conexant
modem (with Linuxant driver, used primarily for faxing) is no longer
recognized. I have no clue as to why a video capture card would
interfere with a modem card, and this happens even before I enable any
drivers (the 3000 card wasn't being recognized either because there was
no driver set up for it yet). Remove the 3000 card, and the modem works
again. Bizarre. So for now, I am running with just the one PVR-150 card.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] PVR-150 no audio

2005-07-24 Thread Greg Woods
I have just spent the last several hours looking through Jarod's Guide
and searching the mailing list archives, but have not found the answer.

I replaced my pcHDTV-3000 card with a PVR-150 (I don't have any HDTV yet
anyway) because I wanted hardware decoding. I am using an analog cable
hooked to the coax input of the card. First I set up the card under
Windows to make sure it worked, the cable signal was good, etc. It works
fine under Windows. Video and audio are good.

Back to Linux, I got the ivtv drivers installed. The modules all load.
All capture tests I have run produce the same result: there is video,
but no audio. Other audio apps work fine so I believe my sound card and
ALSA drivers are configured and loaded correctly. 

The capture tests I have run include cat /dev/video0 to a file, then
reading that file with mplayer; running mplayer directly
off /dev/video0, and mythfrontend. All the same: video is good, no
audio. Mythfrontend in Watch Live TV mode will change channels, but will not (it SAYS the channel was changed but the running
mplayer is not affected). Running aplay /dev/dsp while any video is
playing also produces no sound.

The only thing I found that remotely covers this (not saying there isn't
anything else, just that if there is, I haven't been able to find it) is
a line from the troubleshooting section of the MythTV install doc, a
link to stuff specific to the PVR-250/350, which I am assuming would be
similar to the 150 because they are all MPEG2 encoder cards. It says
that no audio can be caused by loading the wrong msp3400 module.
However, I am as certain as I can be that I am loading the correct
module. I have installed ivtv-0.3.7a, but I briefly tried one of the
0.3.6 versions with the same results. If I look under /lib/module/`uname
-r` , the ivtv directory is the only one that contains an msp3400.ko

# modinfo msp3400
filename:   /lib/modules/2.6.10-1.770_FC3/ivtv/msp3400.ko
parm:   probe:List of adapter,address pairs to scan additionally
parm:   probe_range:List of adapter,start-addr,end-addr triples
to scan additionally
parm:   ignore:List of adapter,address pairs not to scan
parm:   ignore_range:List of adapter,start-addr,end-addr triples
not to scan
parm:   force:List of adapter,address pairs to boldly assume to
be present
description:device driver for msp34xx TV sound processor
author: Gerd Knorr
vermagic:   2.6.10-1.770_FC3 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-3.4
srcversion: 8CA10DEA2DD743C63D22AEC

I do note, however, that the troubleshooting chapter says that I should
see a line that says parm: standard int, and as you can see, there is
no such line. All I did to build the driver was make; make install. Is
there some parameter I need to tweak to make this build correctly? Have
I done something else obviously wrong?

Thanks for any help,

# ivtvctl -a
Codec parameters
aspect  : 2
audio   : 0x00e9
bframes : 3
bitrate_mode: 0
bitrate : 450
bitrate_peak: 600
dnr_mode: 0
dnr_spatial : 0
dnr_temporal: 8
dnr_type: 0
framerate   : 0
framespergop: 0
gop_closure : 1
pulldown: 0
stream_type : 0
ioctl VIDIOC_G_FMT ok
Type   : Video Capture
Width  : 480
Height : 480
Driver name   : ivtv
Card type : WinTV PVR 150
Bus info  : 0
Driver version: 775
Capabilities  : 0x01030011
Input   : 0
Name: S-Video 0
Type: 0x0002
Audioset: 0x0003
Tuner   : 0x
Standard: 0x007F3FFF ( PAL NTSC SECAM )
Status  : 0

Input   : 1
Name: S-Video 1
Type: 0x0002
Audioset: 0x0003
Tuner   : 0x
Standard: 0x007F3FFF ( PAL NTSC SECAM )
Status  : 0

Input   : 2
Name: Composite 0
Type: 0x0002
Audioset: 0x0003
Tuner   : 0x
Standard: 0x007F3FFF ( PAL NTSC SECAM )
Status  : 0

Input   : 3

Name: Composite 1
Type: 0x0002
Audioset: 0x0003
Tuner   : 0x
Standard: 0x007F3FFF ( PAL NTSC SECAM )
Status  : 0

Input   : 4
Name: Composite 2
Type: 0x0002
Audioset: 0x0003
Tuner   : 0x
Standard: 0x007F3FFF ( PAL NTSC SECAM )
Status  : 0

Input   : 5
Name: Composite 3
Type: 0x0002
Audioset: 0x0003
Tuner   : 0x
Standard: 0x007F3FFF ( PAL NTSC SECAM )
Status  : 0

Input   : 6
Name: Tuner 0
Type: 0x0001
Audioset: 0x0003
Tuner   : 0x

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 no audio

2005-07-24 Thread Greg Woods

 1. stop hijacking threads

I would be glad to but I have no idea what that means.

 2. ivtvctl below shows you are set to the tuner audio, I'm assuming you
 want the line in. set it to line in. (This assumes you have a cable box
 which is connected to s-video or composite in.)

No, the analog cable is the only connection I have to the card. I have
no cable box. But that is enough to produce audio in Windows. The
documentation also appears to say that the audio *should* be in the
MPEG2 stream that comes off the card, assuming I read it right.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 no audio

2005-07-24 Thread Greg Woods
Replying to my own message in the SAME thread; hope that's not

My audio problem is fixed! What worked for me, which I bumbled my way
into searching the ivtv list, was to add

options cx25840 cardtype=0

in modules.conf, and to copy in another firmware
file, /lib/modules/HcwMakoA.ROM

The PVR-150 was somewhat difficult to get working, but now that it
works, the video and audio quality are excellent.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pcHDTV 3000: Questions from a MythTV newbie

2005-07-22 Thread Greg Woods
On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 08:55 -0400, Donavan Stanley wrote:

  As of now I've decided to get a PVR-150 card so that I can get decoding
  done in hardware.
 The PVR-150 is a hardware encoder not decoder.

This is probably just my own ignorance with the terminology (again). I'm
not using TV out on my backend machine with the capture card. I just
want the process of extracting the signal from the wire and storing it
as MPEG2 to be done in hardware; i.e. the recording process. I don't
care about the display (this particular machine already has an NVidia
Radeon 9800 card with TV out, so if I ever do connect it to a real TV,
I'll use that connection). Is that the encoding or the decoding? Does
the PVR-150 do the recording part in hardware or not? If not, I have the
wrong card. I'm just worried about the backend machine now, which I
would like to also be able to use for other purposes which is why I want
hardware recording. There have been good threads recently on how to
choose frontend system hardware, but I need to make sure my backend
system is really going to work properly before I lay out the money for
the frontend.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] pcHDTV3000 and PVR-150 together?

2005-07-22 Thread Greg Woods
Has anyone actually successfully used a pcHDTV3000 and a PVR-150
together in the same machine? In the end, I'd like to use the PVR-150 as
the main tuner for analog cable, and use the 3000 for OTA HDTV via an
antenna. Can this be done? Right now I've got FC3 with a 2.6.10 kernel.

I originally had the 3000 only and the machine worked mostly OK (when I
didn't mess up the config parameters )-:  I tried adding the PVR-150 and
installing ivtv, but the new card doesn't work. I can configure it in
Myth, but tuning to it produces only a black screen with brief streaks
of color. xawtv segfaults when given /dev/video1.

I suspect the root of this problem is that I'm trying to use two
different drivers for two similar devices (as far as the kernel is
concerned). They are both /dev/video devices with major number 81, so I
suspect that means I have to find one driver that works for both. I
don't think I can use v4l (cx*) for the 3000 and then try to use ivtv
for the 150. Is there a driver that works for both? If not, I'll
probably remove the 3000 and use the 150 only with ivtv drivers; I
gather that is known to work and I don't have any HD content yet anyway.

If I do use two cards, can I use the same video source for both given
that they are both connected to the same cable source, or would I need
to create a second exactly identical video source?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pcHDTV3000 and PVR-150 together?

2005-07-22 Thread Greg Woods
On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 11:21 -0400, Jim Reith wrote:

 The 150 requires some recent version of ivtv. I was successful with 3.6y
 but there are newer ones. you don't state what version you installed. it
 won't work with the 2.0/stable version

Sorry, I should have given a version number but I'm at work and don't
have the exact info handy. However, I am aware from past threads that I
need the bleeding edge drivers and the stable ones don't work. I got the
most recent one from (released like a day or two ago). It was
3.7.something . 

It sounds, from the other responses, like I need to find a way to get
the DVB drivers to work with the pcHDTV3000, something I have been
unable to do thus far (I only have analog cable, which I thought made a
difference but now I'm no longer sure of that). May require going to a
2.6.12 kernel, painful for many reasons.  My problem of course is that I
have other things I use this machine for that also have custom-built
kernel modules, like a Linuxant-powered WinModem and VMware, and I can't
go to 2.6.12 until there are modules available from those driver vendors
that work with 2.6.12 and it's a lot of work to convert even when there
are. For now it's probably a better course for me to just remove the
3000 card and try to get the PVR-150 card working without the added
complication of a second card, then try to get the 3000 added in later
when I really need it.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nuvexport fails to run anymore

2005-07-22 Thread Greg Woods
On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 22:08 +0200, Hugo van der Kooij wrote:

 ffmpeg had critical errors:
 pipe:: Error while opening file

I don't know if this is the same problem I had when trying to set up to
burn some DVD's or not, but nuvexport is expecting the video in the .nuv
file to be in MPEG2 format, and it is in fact already in MPEG4 format
(which it was on my system because I was using a software endocer) you
will get this error because ffmpeg cannot decode the video and thus the
video pipe is empty.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pcHDTV 3000: Questions from a MythTV newbie

2005-07-21 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 10:14 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 regarding the pcHDTV 3000 and it's compatibility with
 Myth on Fedora Core 3.

What have you got connected to this card? I have this card and FC3, and
I use the v4l drivers, but that's because all I have connected to the
card right now is analog cable. I suspect those who know more than I who
can answer your question are also going to need to know what you have
connected to the card. I use v4l because DVB only works with digital
inputs, which of course analog cable is not.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] venetian blind picture

2005-07-21 Thread Greg Woods
On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 22:36 -0600, Chad wrote:
  The very unlikely scenario would be that you record
 everything in high quality, and transcode down to an acceptable
 resolution/quality using your recording profiles. 

I'm not (yet) doing any transcoding, but I don't have multiple versions
of the recordings either. I may try playing with mplayer arguments,
looks like that's about the only hope. The problem setting was in the
software encoder, so I'm most likely out of luck. Unless I can find some
way to sort of re-encode the signal to the proper resolution.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pcHDTV 3000: Questions from a MythTV newbie

2005-07-21 Thread Greg Woods
On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 11:41 -0700, Gregorio Gervasio, Jr. wrote:
  DVB only works with digital
 g inputs, which of course analog cable is not.
 No, that's wrong.  Most US cable providers have agreed to
 provide unencrypted QAM feeds of local digital channels if you
 subscribe to plain basic cable.  You don't need to subscribe to
 digital cable.  I use the pcHDTV-3000 (dvb)

That's very interesting, I may have another try at it. But I have never
been able to get the pcHDTV-3000 to work with anything other than the
standard v4l drivers. The DVB drivers did not work when I tried that,
whether I used the default ones or the ones downloaded from,
using FC3 but still with a 2.6.10 kernel (maybe that's my problem?) But
there are other things I use like VMware that I could never get to build
proper modules for 2.6.11 so I'm still on 2.6.10.

As of now I've decided to get a PVR-150 card so that I can get decoding
done in hardware. Until I'd been on this list for a while, I foolishly
believed there was no such thing as a WinCapture card :-) (think
WinModem if you didn't get the joke). If I get the PVR-150 working, I
may later try connecting an OTA antenna to the pcHDTV-3000 to try and
get some real HD. 

I do find it interesting that there may be some actual HD content on
analog cable. I'll have to look into that more.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Starting over from scratch; need advice or information

2005-07-21 Thread Greg Woods
Have you tried installing and using xawtv? If all you want is to watch
TV, it's less complicated than the full Myth package, and it works great
for me on FC3 with my pcHDTV-3000 card (I'm still working on Myth).


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] venetian blind picture

2005-07-20 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 01:15 -0600, Chad wrote:

  As far as mythtv is able to tell, it is working. Recordings get made and
  stored, they can be seen in the Manage section, it's just that the
  parameters for the recording are incorrect so what gets saved is

Miraculously, I was finally able to fix this! 

The key, it seemed to me, was that I was able to watch live TV, but
couldn't make any non-garbled recordings. Being able to watch live TV
presumably rules out all sorts of possible problems, including hardware,
the card settings, channel settings, and the like. So where do Live TV
and scheduled recordings differ? I think I found the answer. In
mythfrontend, under

Utilities/Setup - Setup - TV Settings - Recording - Software
Encoders (v4l)

there is one for Live TV and one for Default. I went painstakingly
through all the submenus for these to find where they were different. It
turns out that the second screen under Default set the resolution to
720x480. Under Live TV, it was set to 480x480. So I changed the
Default's resolution there to 480x480, and poof! Now my recordings work.
It was never a de-interlacing problem at all! This little faux pas kept
me down for a week. I have no idea how or why this got changed, but at
least it keeps me from having to rebuild the entire database from

So now the $65,000 question: is there any way to recover the old
recordings made while things while things were set wrong now that I know
exactly what *was* wrong? It turns out that my MythTV and my VCR decided
to screw up on the same night and I missed getting the recordings of the
premier of SciFi Friday; new season-premiere episodes of three of my
wife's favorite shows. I sure could increase the WAF for MythTV a lot if
I could somehow recover those garbled recordings so we could see those
missed episodes thanks to the fact that I had MythTV!

Thanks for everyone who helped me out.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] venetian blind picture

2005-07-19 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 01:15 -0600, Chad wrote:

 Check your mythtv-setup settings.  In your video sources section,
 check that you have the channel frequency table correct.  I believe
 you can also set this in the General settings in mythtv-setup, so
 check there as well.  For your analog cable, you probably want

This is interesting, because the default value is us-cable, but when I
changed it from Default to us-cable explicitly in the channel settings,
I can now change channels on Live TV again (but new scheduled recordings
are still venetian blinds).

 Also, in the General tab, make sure your TV Format is correct (probably NTSC).

Yes, it is set to NTSC.

I will try more of your suggestions later when I have some time. Thanks
for the help.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] venetian blind picture

2005-07-19 Thread Greg Woods
On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 01:15 -0600, Chad wrote:

 Now go ahead and start mythfrontend and flip down to the Setup button,
 and then to TV Settings.  In here we will try a couple things, after
 changing 1 thing, test your playback.  I suggest testing playback
 using LiveTV instead of a recording, just to make sure it's not the
 recordings fault ;)

Although I have made some progress, I am more confused than ever. The
progress I have made is that Watch Live TV now works. I even found the
thread on out-of-sync audio, and got rid of the echo with some amixer
command lines I found there, so nobody tell me I should have searched
the archives. I always do, but as someone else recently pointed out, if
you don't know what keywords to search for, you won't always find the
answer to your question. And if you don't know a lot about the technical
terms surrounding TV signals and video formats, it's difficult to know
what keywords to search for. I am not lazy, just ignorant, so please
forgive me if I ask a question that has already been answered (I'm happy
to go read the old answer as long as I know where to find it).

But, I still get venetian blinds when I schedule a recording (and I'm
pretty sure that if I search for venetian blinds in the archives, I
won't find anything except my own thread :-) Very puzzling, since my
understanding is that Live TV is actually implemented by recording it
and playing it back, and it works in this circumstance, but does not
work when it is a scheduled recording. Are there any parameters that are
different between the two that I should look at, and before I go on to
try the rest of Chad's suggestions below?


 Go into the Playback button screen and check that:
 Deinterlace is UNchecked.  We will first check to see if that change
 alters your video output.  Now go back out to the main screen and
 Watch TV.  I will assume (from this point forward basically) that
 this didn't work.  If it did, stop here :D
 Next, go back and check the box.  You probably should go back and
 check the output, but I'd move onto the next section first.  Check the
 box, and go to the next option and change it to bob (2x framerate).
 Leave the filters section blank... For now.
 Uncheck all 4 boxes below the filter box.  Aspect override should be
 off.  Go through the screens until you see Hardware Decoder Settings. 
 IF you don't have an Nvidia 440 MMX or better (or better is vague if
 you don't know about video cards, but basically if you don't have an
 nvidia at all, uncheck both boxes at this screen.  If you do have an
 nvidia card, and it's newer than 1-2 years, you probably have at least
 a 440 MMX or better) make sure that the Xvmc box is unchecked.
 Now comes the tricky section that is far over my head.  The overscan
 screen.  Feel free to play with settings here, I don't personally
 change them, so I suggest to leave them alone.  BUT, if all else
 fails, it might be something worth plugging away on.
 Go ahead and click through to Finish.
 If all of this fails, I'd jump back out and drop the database.  If
 this is an all-in-one setup, meaning the backend/frontend and
 database are all on the same machine.  If it is, then here's how you
 can drop the database without sacrificing anything in the long run:
 su -
 to root, then:
 Kill any mythbackend processes:
 killall mythbackend (or however you normally do this if you normally do)
 And then dump the db:
 mysqldump mythconverg  mythdb.sql
 Here I am assuming that you have used default names for databases et
 al.  If not, you will hopefully remember what it's called here.
 Now the database is still there, you have only made a backup copy.  So
 we need to actually drop the db now.
 If you aren't comfortable doing this, feel free to disregard my advice
 at anytime.  Tinkering with db's can sometimes be a bit more of a let
 down than it should be.  If you don't care at this point, then let's
 move on.
 Log into mysql (still as root):
 mysql -u root -p
 Supply the root password.  If you don't get in with that, you will
 need to look at resetting the root password for your database. 
 Hopefully, you are in, and at a mysql prompt:
 mysql -u root -p
 Enter password: 
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 11392 to server version: 4.0.24
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 Here we dump the db:
 DROP database mythconverg;
 The semi colon is necessary.
 Now...  You will be to create this db when you run mythtv-setup (as
 you were when you first installed mythtv).  This *should* give you a
 clean db to start with, and see what is unveiled.
 If this all fails, the backup we made above can be fed back into mysql with:
 mysql mythconverg  mythdb.sql -u root -p
 Again, supply the root password (hopefully we got past this point earlier).
 And now all should be back to (ab)normal as it currently is.
 Well, that's about all I can 

Re: [mythtv-users] venetian blind picture

2005-07-18 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 20:14 -0600, Chad wrote:

 The settings I was referring to are the ones you 'guessed'.  If those
 aren't working, maybe there is something in the backend logs that tell
 why.  Also, you could start the frontend from an xterm to see if it
 provides any feedback on reasons it's not working. 

As far as mythtv is able to tell, it is working. Recordings get made and
stored, they can be seen in the Manage section, it's just that the
parameters for the recording are incorrect so what gets saved is
garbage. I don't see any error messages at all in the backend logs or
when running mythtv in a terminal window, but it may be that I just
don't know what to look for.

At the moment, I'm ready to just give up on this. I don't really want
to, given the amount of time and effort I've already put into it, but it
appears to require more technical knowledge about TV signals and video
formats than I have, which leaves me guessing at what boxes should be
checked and what values should be set for things. It also seems unlikely
that anyone else would be able to diagnose my problem for me unless they
had access to my system and could run Utilities/Setup for themselves, so
I think I have hit a dead end. Maybe someday when I have time to learn
all about TV signals and video formats and have some clue what I am
doing, I could try again.

What is *really* frustrating is that it was working at one time.

  And in the end, if
 it is indeed working, maybe it's not interlacing, and it just reads
 like that is the problem.

I don't know if this helps, but I tried running mplayer with -vf
scale:-1:1 which is supposed to turn on interlacing. That changes what
the picture looks like, but if anything it's worse. Looks more like
interlacing is already on when recording but needs to not be on. Given
that xawtv works, that seems likely, but again, I lack the knowledge of
TV signal types and video formats to really know, so I'm just guessing

I also don't know if this will help either, but another problem I now
have that I didn't previously have is that I cannot change channels
while watching live TV. It will show me whatever the last channel was
that I had tuned to with xawtv, and it looks fine, but the up and down
arrows have no effect. I wouldn't think this is related except that it's
also a new problem I didn't used to have. I didn't notice it until now
because I haven't been using Myth to watch live TV since xawtv is easier
for me to use for that purpose.

 I get 1 station that gives me something like you are describing, and
 for me, it's from a crap signal. 

In my case I think I can pretty well rule out problems with the card or
the cable signal, because xawtv works and I have tried recording off
several different channels. Also all this USED to work, so it almost has
to be something in the recording settings that is wrong.

It all started when I was having trouble trying to burn DVD's because
my .nuv files were in the wrong format (MPEG-2 vs. MPEG-4), so I started
tweaking settings trying to get things to come out in a different format
and somehow screwed things up. But even a complete rerun of
mythtv-setup, removing all of the settings and starting over from
scratch, has not fixed the problem or caused any other problems, it's
the same old same old no matter what I try. Transcoding works in that it
runs, and the file size shrinks appreciably, but it doesn't correct the
venetian blind picture problem. I don't think I'll try anything more as
long as I am still just guessing.

 If you can, grab a cheapie bt8x capture card (they are like 20 bucks
 online) and see if the problem goes away.  

This is unlikely to help either (except that I might be using a
different driver and therefore different settings). It also doesn't
explain why things USED to work with the card I now have. I shouldn't
have to do this, it feels like throwing good money after bad.

 It's not a great plan, but
 it'll give you second card anyway so you can toy with and use the HDTV
 card for what it was intended ;) 

Not a bad idea in the longer term, but I have to convince myself that I
can even make this setup work at all first. For it to be really useful,
I am going to need a front-end machine in the main TV room, and that is
too much money to lay out until I'm convinced this can work with me at
the controls. I would also need an antenna to get OTA HDTV signals. I
live in Colorado, near the eastern face of the mountains, so reception
really sucks here; ghost signals bouncing off the mountains are a big
problem. An antenna for me is going to mean a high quality rooftop
model, rabbit ears do not work here, so that is a signficant investment
as well. It might be worth it, but more likely, I would have to go to
digital cable to get the HDTV shows I really want (mostly sports). This
again displays my ignorance of how this all works, because what I have
read on this list since I started suggests that the only way I can
really get HDTV from 

[mythtv-users] venetian blind picture

2005-07-16 Thread Greg Woods
All of a sudden, my video on recordings I make is screwed up.
Previously-made recordings look fine and xawtv works fine, so I suspect
I have messed something up in the recording setup parameters, but I
cannot figure it out.

What happens is, the audio is fine, but the video kind of looks like
venetian blinds. I don't know how else to describe it; maybe a little
bit like an old TV used to look if you set the horizontal hold way over
to one side. 

Any ideas what parameter I might have accidentally messed with?

I'm using a pcHDTV3000 card connected to *ANALOG* cable, with the v4l
drivers (DVB doesn't work, probably requires *DIGITAL* cable which I do
not have yet).


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] venetian blind picture

2005-07-16 Thread Greg Woods
Chad, thanks for responding.

On Sat, 2005-07-16 at 11:16 -0600, Chad wrote:

 It reads to me like you are describing interlacing.  When I first
 fired up a recording with my pchdtv 3000 interlacing stuck out like a
 sore thumb.  You could try passing parameters to your playback
 software to deinterlace

I have tried playback with deinterlace during playback on and off, it
makes no difference. Old recordings look fine either way, new recordings
look like venetian blinds.

 , OR you can deinterlace during recording

I have not been able to find where this is set. 

  it seems that you aren't using HDTV

No, not yet. I plan to get digital cable eventually, but from what I've
read on this list, I shouldn't have bothered with a capture card because
it seems like firewire is the only thing that works with a digital cable

 The recording profiles is where this option is given, adjust the one
 you use (default probably) accordingly.

I have never figured out whether I should be using RTjpeg or MPEG-4 as a
codec. Under RTjpeg, there are no options at all that have anything to
do with interlacing (that I can find). Under MPEG-4, there are Enable
Interlaced DCT encoding and Enable interlaced motion est. Neither is

 If you are trying to capture (not the right word,
 but...) HDTV using your card

No, not yet. I just got this card because eventually I want to go to
digital cable or satellite with HDTV, and at the time I bought it, I
thought I might not be able to get one at all unless I got it before
July 1, so yes, I have an HDTV capture card, but I don't have anything
with HDTV signals hooked to it yet, just plain old analog cable.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] venetian blind picture

2005-07-16 Thread Greg Woods
On Sat, 2005-07-16 at 11:16 -0600, Chad wrote:
   You could try passing parameters to your playback
 software to deinterlace

Can anyone explain exactly now I would do this? I have tried checking
deinterlace during playback but it has no effect. Old recordings still
look fine, new ones look like venetian blinds.

 , OR you can deinterlace during recording 

Same question: how exactly do I do this? I can't find any parameters
that relate to this except the enable ones under the MPEG-4 codec and
I've tried every possible combination of those on and off with no

I'm so frustrated right now that I want to chuck the machine in the
river. I just don't know how to fix this. I've run through mythtv-setup,
wiping out everything and starting over. No effect, venetian blinds iS
all I can record.

Any chance a complete reinstall might help? Can I do that without losing
the recordings I already have that look good? I'm desperate and
apparently clueless.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] splitting audio video for DVD

2005-06-12 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 06:58 +0100, Nick wrote:

 Are you automatically transcoding your recordings (if recording with
 an MPEG2 capture card) or recording directly into MPEG4 (if using a
 framebuffer card)?

To be honest, I'm not at all sure what format the pcHDTV-3000 captures
in; I am still learning the lower-level technical stuff. I did have
automatic transcoding turned on, because without it, a single 3+ hour
City Council meeting took up half of my 70GB /video partition.
Transcoding took this down to about 8GB. I was pretty sure I had already
tried doing a recording with automatic transcoding turned off though,
but I'm going to try it again to be certain. Is there any way to examine
a .nuv file and tell if it's already been transcoded or not?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MPEG-2 vs. MPEG-4 in .nuv file

2005-06-12 Thread Greg Woods
This time I am quite certain that I did what I thought would disable
automatic transcoding, but I still get the same result. What I did was
to go in to 

Utilities/Setup - Setup - TV Settings - Recordings - Software
Encodings (V4L-based) - Default

and uncheck the Automatically transcode after recording box. If I go
into Transcoders instead of Software Encodings, there doesn't appear
to be any Automatically transcode box to check.

After unchecking the box, I scheduled and made another recording, and
tried both mplex methods on it, with the same results: the m2v file
comes out looking like MPEG-4 and mplex won't read it.

Is there something else I need to do to disable automatic transcoding?
Is there anything I can do once I have the .nuv file to determine
whether or not it is in the proper form? file just shows .nuv files as

I'm sure this has to be something I can set in the configuration, but
the number of twisty little passages through the setup menus is a bit
overwhelming to me and I understand very little of what they all do.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MPEG-2 vs. MPEG-4 in .nuv file

2005-06-12 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 14:31 -0400, Robert Tsai wrote:
  What I did
  was to go in to 
  Utilities/Setup - Setup - TV Settings - Recordings - Software
  Encodings (V4L-based) - Default
  and uncheck the Automatically transcode after recording box.
 And on the Video Compression screen (maybe 3 screens later), what
 codec did you select? I think if you choose RTjpeg you get MPEG-2,
 whereas if you choose MPEG-4 you get ... MPEG-4.

I tried this; same result.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD-3000 firmware upload

2005-06-11 Thread Greg Woods
On Sat, 2005-06-11 at 15:26 -0500, Mercury Morris wrote:

   As root,  modprobe cx88-dvb

When I did download and install drivers, the following lines got added
to my /etc/modprobe.conf file:

alias char-major-81 cx88-blackbird
install cx88-atsc /sbin/modprobe cx8800;/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install
install cx88-dvb /sbin/modprobe cx8800;/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install
install btcx-risc /sbin/modprobe tuner;/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install

Something similar would probably take care of the module loading at boot
time. My guess is, you don't need all of those lines and neither do I,
but that's what's in my file and I don't have to worry about manually
loading any modules.

I don't even have an 'azap' program on my system, and the pcHDTV-3000
card works fine (although I am only using it now for analog cable).


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD-3000 firmware upload

2005-06-11 Thread Greg Woods
On Sat, 2005-06-11 at 16:43 -0500, Mercury Morris wrote:

   /etc/rc.d/init.d/mythbackend start
 and the firmware loaded - I have no idea how !!

I've never heard anything at all about having to load firmware, never
explicitly done it, and my card works fine. Not only that, but if I
don't start mythbackend at all, and just run xawtv, it works fine. I
doubt if it is really necessary to reload the firmware every time the
system boots.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] splitting audio video for DVD

2005-06-11 Thread Greg Woods
I have tried both methods described in the Installing and Using MythTV
document, and neither one works. One uses a script like this:


mkfifo aud0
mkfifo vid0
mkfifo dvdmpg

mpeg2desc -a0  $1  aud0 
mpeg2desc -v0  $1  vid0 
mplex -f 8 -V -o dvdmpg aud0 vid0 
dvdauthor -o $2 -f dvdmpg
dvdauthor -o $2 -T

rm aud0
rm vid0
rm dvdmpg

When I try this, the result is:

DVDAuthor::dvdauthor, version 0.6.10.
Build options: gnugetopt magick iconv freetype fribidi
Send bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

INFO: dvdauthor creating VTS
   INFO: [mplex] mplex version 1.6.3-rc1 (2.2.3 $Date: 2004/01/13 20:45:26 $)
STAT: Picking VTS 01

STAT: Processing dvdmpg...
Could not read
**ERROR: [mplex] Unable to read from aud0.

At this point, it hangs. I have to control-C out of it, then kill off the shell 
and mplex processes, and remove the fifo files. It creates the directory and 
AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS subdirectories, but they are empty. The problem is that
mpeg2desc doesn't actually work. If I try running one of those commands by
itself, the result is:

$ mpeg2desc -a0   1007_2005061116_20050611163000.nuv  1.mp2
Could not read

Just that, nothing more helpful. Using -v0 instead of -a0 gives the same result.
It takes about 15 seconds before the error occurs, but the output file is empty.

The second method involves using avidemux2 to split the audio and video. When
I do this, separately save the audio and video, then run:

$ mplex -f 8 -o 1.mpg 1.m2v 1.mp2
   INFO: [mplex] mplex version 1.6.3-rc1 (2.2.3 $Date: 2004/01/13 20:45:26 $)
**ERROR: [mplex] File 1.m2v unrecogniseable!
   INFO: [mplex] File 1.mp2 looks like an MPEG Audio stream.
**ERROR: [mplex] Unrecogniseable file(s)... exiting.

I am fairly sure the problem here is that the 1.m2v file is actually MPEG-4
rather than MPEG-2 which I think it should be:

$ file 1.m2v
1.m2v: MPEG sequence, v4, video, simple @ L1

How do I get avidemux2 to savee
the video as MPEG-2? Am I doing something else wrong?

Thanks for any help or pointers to web sites or other documentation.


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