Re: [Nanog-futures] Transition update

2010-06-02 Thread Pete Templin
joel jaeggli wrote:
 Um insofar as I'm aware Andy Rosenzweig is still the Marit member on the 
 SC, I generally assume that we he states his opinion or merit's position 
 that he is doing so in his capacity as merit's representative on the SC.

That's my point.  Merit has numerous people working on NANOG, but as far 
as I know they don't have staff 100% dedicated to NANOG (1).  As a 
result, if NANOG separates from Merit, they'll have to reorganize their 
staff across the remaining Merit activities, likely leading to a few 
layoffs.  Therefore, in the interest of not laying people off, Merit 
won't want to let NANOG go independent.  Hence, the skin in the game, 
and a strong reason they won't speak objectively about NANOG's separation.


[1]  Betty Burke has said on multiple occasions that Merit doesn't want 
NANOG to occur in late June, as it conflicts with Merit's year-end.  If 
the Merit staff assigned to NANOG were 100% dedicated to NANOG, this 
conflict wouldn't exist.

Nanog-futures mailing list

[Nanog-futures] Can we stop the Intercage discussion mess now?

2008-09-25 Thread Pete Templin
Hundreds of messages, each to roughly 10,000 subscribers, when the 
network has but a few upstreams.  It's been old for days, can we please 
find a way to intervene and bring this to a stop?

9,800 of the subscribers shouldn't all have to filter it out.  I for one 
don't want my NANOG conference fees going towards the resources 
necessary to sustain this crazy discussion.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Bhutan discovers the NANOG Problem...

2008-07-15 Thread Pete Templin
Alan Clegg wrote:

 I understand why it's annoying... and it is disrespectful to the
 speaker.  Nothing like being the guy standing up there and 1/2 of the
 audience not paying attention.  I'd rather they not show up at all.

But there's nothing like being the guy (or gal) walking up to present, 
and seeing 2/3 of the audience leaving.

I usually sit in row 2.  I don't want to have to focus on the presenter 
through 20 rows of chatter.  That said, I often use my laptop to view 
the presentation PDF, so I can stare/scroll/browse in a way that helps 
_me_ learn.  Good luck yanking my connection; I'll just vote with my 
wallet, and your registration fees will go up.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Bhutan discovers the NANOG Problem...

2008-07-15 Thread Pete Templin
Stephen Wilcox wrote:

 Having said that, providing its just the main plenary then sure give  
 it a go - why not try a 1/2 day in the next nanog and then collect  
 the feedback after to see how it went.

Suggestion: if you're serious about considering this, announce your 
intentions before registration opens up.

Or offer refunds.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Pete Templin
Martin Hannigan wrote:

 And the MLC didn't bother responding to either (until this). And
 probably won't respond further. Of course, my colleagues can say what
 they want, but I don't see any reason why someone can't ask for clue

We're all busy individuals, trying to earn that paycheck whilst 
providing enough value to our employers to keep the stock price up (or 
whatever).  Most of the operators on the list are at places with a help 
desk, NOC, or both; I'd suspect the rest of the operators have 
aspirations to be part of the former group.  If a question isn't 
something we'd pick up our INOC-DBA phone to phone a friend, and would 
be something that would and should come into our respective help 
desk/NOC, shouldn't it go there?  Or maybe the SC/PC has it all wrong, 
and the answer to improving meeting attendance is to attract that other 
crowd of network operators: home network operators.

Last I heard, there were ~9,000 subscribers to this list.  Is it truly 
prudent of the list to be tech support for all the world?

All I'm asking for, and all I'm trying to generate thoughtful discussion 
about, is boundaries.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Pete Templin
Rich Kulawiec wrote:

 But I'd like to suggest that whatever that boundary is, we're nowhere
 near it.  The list is not awash in an endless stream of elementary
 questions, nor is there any sign that it's going to be.

Think definition of scope as the boundary, not rate of perceived 
off-topic messages as the boundary - we've had messages that were far 
better served by user-oriented (rather than operator-oriented) resources.

  And we have collectively expended more human effort discussing this
  than was expended in providing the responses.

That's not the point: the point is to define NANOG, something that too 
many people have brought up, and too many others have shot down.  I'm 
trying to get _some_ definition to it, because I think it's worthwhile.

But if it's going to dissolve to a scenario where I get flamed for 
trying to discuss something (again), I can always go hide under a rock 
for a while (that's the shut up portion of RS's instructions to me).


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Pete Templin

 It seems to me that this person commits only two crimes. 
 First, English is not their native language, which means
 that people have to stop and think a bit in order to 
 understand the question. And secondly, this person does 
 not use the status-symbol brand of router that many
 chest-thumpers on the list use. Therefore this person
 is an OUTSIDER who must be chased away to preserve the
 integrity of the tribe.

If you can exaggerate (must be chased away to preserve the integrity of 
the tribe isn't what I'm after, rather moving these two particular 
questions to another forum), I can extrapolate: MTU on DSL plus two 
default gateways strongly suggests (to me) home user and not network 
operator.  Not to recommend a site where you have to pay (at least 
initially), but there are constant (perhaps three per day) postings on 
Experts Exchange ( on how do I hook my 
widgets-of-all-flavors to two cable modems for [more speed|redundancy] 
etc., including how to host servers behind said widget.

There are existing resources out there that solve this person's 
problems, and solve them well.  NANOG already has boundaries (spam 
filtering at the mail server level sounds like an obvious one, but other 
security topics might be another that's referred to more topical 
lists/sites), and I think 9,000 list members don't come here to do home 
user tech support, they come for other reasons.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-21 Thread Pete Templin
David Barak wrote:
 --- On Fri, 3/21/08, Martin Hannigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And the MLC didn't bother responding to either (until this). And 
 probably won't respond further. Of course, my colleagues can say
 what they want, but I don't see any reason why someone can't ask
 for clue help.
 Exactly.  We were all n00bs once, and we all benefited from folks
 willingness to do things that aren't their job to help us learn.  As
 an MLC member, I read the post and consciously decided not to
 consider it a problem.  I think that gently answering questions and
 then pointing folks to more relevant places is a good approach.

We were all n00bs once, but many of you (I consider myself late to the 
game) were new at this back when the conferences had 100 attendees, and 
the list probably wasn't a whole lot larger than that., 
Experts Exchange, vBulletin, none of that existed.

Now, the list is 9,000 recipients, and a lot of other topical forums and 
tools exist.  Some folks (I'm one, you're apparently one) say it's OK to 
redirect folks elsewhere, others say it's not.  Can we 
settle/vote/discuss this for once?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] default routes question or any way to do the rebundant

2008-03-20 Thread Pete Templin
Donald Stahl wrote:

 The original question was whether basic networking questions not relevant 
 to large network operators were on topic for NANOG. Specifically whether 
 basic questions about MTU on a home DSL connection, or how to add multiple 
 default routes to FreeBSD (both by the same person in separate posts) are 
 sensible topics of conversation for the NANOG list.

Tweak that a bit: I'd say we're discussing whether networking questions 
on the level of a network operator's customers are on-topic for NANOG.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Countdown Timer (Was Re: The Peering BOF and the Fallout?)

2008-02-29 Thread Pete Templin
William Norton wrote:

 I also like that they wired the clip on microphones under your shirt
 so you would see the wires nor pull out the microphone accidentally.
 Very professional.

Not only professional, but if you run the wire around your body and have 
the beltpack end up in front, you minimize the chance of dropped signal. 
  Always seems like the RF 'bzzzt' comes through louder than the 
speaker, right?


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] The Peering BOF and the Fallout?

2008-02-28 Thread Pete Templin
Martin Hannigan wrote:

 Let me rephrase. I'm always skeptical when I hear terms like a lot of
 people told us... or everyone feels like or there's support for
 Who feels like that? Who supports xyz? Who told us? One PC member just
 put someone into context so I think it's fair to make sure we put
 the entire issue into context.

I presented at NANOG42.  After answering several individual questions 
off-podium, and getting kicked out of the room (gee, that wasn't nice), 
Todd provided some timely feedback (with good detail) on my presentation.

Context?  Let's see if that commentary makes it into the survey.  If it 
does, great.  If it doesn't, we have at least one datapoint that 
indicates that hallway polling is beneficial feedback which is not being 
captured (offered?) into the surveys.

 I will restate it. I support the Peernig BoF. Can we now do other
 things like figure out how to not let marketing talks slip into the

Any ideas on how to achieve that?  Only thing I can think of is a PC 
post-conference review of the talks that were accepted and a comparison 
to the PC's opinions and comments of the slide presentations submitted.

(Interesting observations come to mind though: ex-MLC members have told 
me to 'put up or shut up' when trying to discuss how continental borders 
should influence on/off-topicness, but now a current (last I checked) 
MLC member thinks we should figure out how to police the talks.  Such 
a varied group are we.)


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: [Nanog-futures] Objection: RE: [admin] Re: EU Official: IP Is Personal

2008-01-29 Thread Pete Templin
Philip Smith wrote:

 NANOG-futures is for discussing ways we can improve NANOG the community, 
 NANOG the mailing list, NANOG whatever-else we want to make it. It's not 
 really a place for whining about who did what or didn't etc - people 
 tend to kill thread once that starts.

Step 1: redirect this particular thread where it belongs, if it belongs 
somewhere else.

 So, for example, if you or anyone else feels they make the commitment to 
 contribute time and energy to make the Mailing List Committee work even 
 better than it is currently working, please feel free to volunteer the 
 next time a call for volunteers comes around. :-)

Whoa.  It's not the North American Internet's prerogative to dictate 
European Internet's policies, therefore I don't see how or why we should 
so drastically wall off non-NA policy as discussion.  Therefore, 
Michael's objection has (in my opinion) serious merit for 
discussion/debate.  Since there's no 'Europe bit' in IPvx, is there 
really no room for discussing the impact of European policy on global 
Internet operations?

And seriously, can we stop with the if you don't like it, you must 
volunteer to serve on it to effect your desired changes mantra? 
There's an apparent disconnect with the AUP and this (particular) 
thread.  Is it really appropriate to quash the discussion so quickly?

Is it time to restrict the MLC, PC, and SC to individuals who either 
reside in North America or participate in $dayjob that primarily or only 
exists in North America?  Or can we allow this discussion about policy?

For the record, I don't care if that particular thread dies; it'd 
strayed off-topic.  However, I think the policy interpretation is too 
strict and warrants clarification.


Nanog-futures mailing list

Re: AUP modification

2007-06-15 Thread Pete Templin

Randy Bush wrote:

for those of us who use our MUA's KillAllOfSubject command, having folk
adjust the subject of a wandering bs thread is not a feature.

For those of us who want to learn about 24x7 Support Strategies but 
don't care to read about veggie oil and biodiesel as a staffing 
strategy, having folk adjust the subject of a tangential thread is a 
feature.  OK?