Re: [newbie] FSTAB mistake

2002-09-11 Thread Frank McKenna

Thanks to all who replied on and off the list.

Unfortunately, I encountered additional problems and decided to reinstall LM
8.0 as that appeared to work better with my hardware

Frank McKenna

True strength lies in gentleness

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[newbie] RE: IP Address

2002-08-26 Thread Frank McKenna

Thanks to all who responded.

So the /xx is either a non-exsistant IP address that someone is just using
for whatever purpose or the subnet mask for that particular IP address?

I hope that everyone has a great week.

Frank McKenna

True strength lies in gentleness

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[newbie] IP address

2002-08-25 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi All,

In some previous posts I have noticed people refering to their IP address
range as

Just curious as to what the /xx refers to.  Is it some type of range?


Frank McKenna

True strength lies in gentleness

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[newbie] fstab (long post)

2002-07-16 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi All,

In two previous posts I submitted the following.  I only saw the first
appear so I am resending both messages as one.  Sorry for the long post

I decided to put an old Creative DVD 2 X in a Mandrake 8.1 box along with a
32 X CD-ROM.  Unfortunately, only the DVD (I think) is mounted although both
the DVD and CD-ROM show up in Hardrake

When I run kdc the DVD shows up as the block D device but it Hardrake it is
a block C device.  (  I hope that this is correct because I was using a
friend's DSL connection to do massive updates)  Anyway, if it isn't I hope
at least this conveys the idea.

I installed autofs to see if this would resolve the proble but to no avail.

Civileme suggested that I forward my fstab and get rid of autofs

Here is my fstab:

/dev/hda1 / ext1 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdd /mnt/cd rom auto auto
oauto 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
0,noauto 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

How would I lose autofs?


Frank McKenna

True strength les through gentleness

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[newbie] DHCP Revisited

2002-07-12 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi All,

I found a great link for setting up DHCP at

I ran ifconfig -a as root and received the following message:

eth0   Link encap:Ethernett HWaddr 00:A0:24:E9:1F;9C
  inet addr:  Bcast Mask
  RX Packets:620 errors :0 dropped:0 overruns::0 carriers:0
collisions: 0 txqueulen:100
  RX bytes:134995 (131.8 KB)  TX bytes15790 (15.4 KB)
  Interrupt: 12 BASE ADDRESS 0XS800

loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask
   RX packets: 550 errors: 0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueulen:0
RX bytes:37216 (36.3 KB) TX bytes 37216 (36.3)

Maybe someone can point out where I made a mistake,


Frank McKenna

True strength les through gentleness

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[newbie] Just replaced video card and and CMOS battery

2002-07-07 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi All,

Using Mandrake 8.1  Sorry for the long post

I just replaced my CMOS battery and, as expected, received a CMOS error
message.  Pressed enter to return to CMOS default.

Since I had to remove my video and sound cards to replace the battery I
thought that I would upgrade my video card at the same time.

Replaced my Matrox Mystique video card with a Radeon 7000 PCI card.  Upon
boot up, I noticed that the checking for new hardware flashed an error
message but I could not read it.  Then, after the computer finished booting
up, the monitor started flashing just before the GUI to enter in the user
and password.

I then receive dthe following message:

mandrake linux release 8.1 (vitamin) for i586
kernel 2.4.8-26mdk on an i586 / TTY1
INIT: Id x respawning too fast: = disabled for five minutes.

Then the screen started flashing again

Can anyone please tell me what caused this?


Frank McKenna

You don't have to like it you just have to do it but it is sure fun to win

True Strength lies in Gentleness

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Re: [newbie] Just replaced video card and and CMOS battery

2002-07-07 Thread Frank McKenna

Thanks Civileme, that did the trick

Frank McKenna

You don't have to like it you just have to do it but it is sure fun to win

True Strength lies in Gentleness

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Re: [newbie] Can't browse the 'net

2002-06-23 Thread Frank McKenna

Thanks Roly,

I do have a NIC.  I will give this a try and see how that works.  I am
trying to set up a DHVP server for my intranet though.  Could you please
tell me the command to bring my NIC back up.

Thanks again, nuch apreciated

Frank McKenna

You don't have to like it you just have to do it but it is sure fun to win

True Strength lies in Gentleness

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[newbie] O.T. Modem Lecture

2002-01-14 Thread Frank McKenna

HI All,

I am hoping that someone can help me out.

I have been asked to give a talk on Modems this Friday morning to the
Edmonton Freenet/Community Network volunteer help desk.  This is a
charitable not for profit group that  attempts to provide connectivity to
lower income families and other non profit organizations.

I have been asked to speak for about half an hour minimum.

I am hoping that a few people can either give me links to some good pages or
provide some general info on how they work, hardware vs. software modems,

Kind of pressed for time so I don't have the luxury of spending hours
searching the 'net.

I thank you all in advance and hope that your day is great,

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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Re: [newbie] Modem causes mouse to be unistalled

2001-12-20 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi Ron,

Thanks but someone else was able to give the jumper settings for COM 2  IRQ

Thanks for responding I really appreciate it

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

- Original Message -
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem causes mouse to be unistalled

 Frank McKenna wrote:

  If anyone has a manual and can tell me what the jumper settings are it
  really be appreciated.
  Frank McKenna

 Frank, I've got a Diamond Supra 56k internal ISA modem lying around
 (I used it in my first MB which had ISA slots - my current machine does
not -
 so I went with an external modem) I'm sure I've still got the manual (its
 fold out variety). What did you want to know about the jumper settings?
 try and look it up...




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Re: [newbie] Modem causes mouse to be unistalled

2001-12-19 Thread Frank McKenna

HI Ed,

My eyes must be failing.  My son found the FCC number for The Diamond 56 K
ISA modem.

It is 4V4USA-24801-M5-E

After doing a search on Google I found everything but the jumper settings.
The FCC site says that the number is no t valid which I thought was odd.

If anyone has a manual and can tell me what the jumper settings are it would
really be appreciated.

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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Re: [newbie] Modem causes mouse to be unistalled

2001-12-17 Thread Frank McKenna

Thanks Charles, Ed,  DarkLord :-))

I had  gone to the Diamond site before posting this to the list.  I checked
again including the PDF manual but no jumper settings to be found.  Have
emailed them twice now but am still waiting but not holding my breath.
Would probably turn blue and keel over.

Did a search on Google as well but to no avail.

There are six pairs of pins (0-5) with pairs (1-5) shorted out by jumpers.
Anyone have any suggestions so that my modem does not get uninstalled?


Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

- Original Message -
From: Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem causes mouse to be unistalled

 On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 09:45:51 -0500
 Ed Tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  turn OFF plug and pray aware OS in bios, yes that is the first thing.
how did
  you do it? reserve (also in Bios , isa-pnp) an IRQ for the ISA slot slot
  modem is in. you might also have to see if there is a setup utility to
  the modems IRQ (probly dos based) or if this modem has jumpers or dip
  On Sunday 16 December 2001 01:51, you wrote:
   Hi All,
   I want to desperately get my Linux box online but my modem causes my
   to uninstall and I currently cannot navigate that well in command
   My latest acquisition is a 1998 Diamond System Multimedia
   Division 56 K ISA internal modem
   Maybe someone will be able to tell me how to stop my mouse from being
   uninstalled when I insert my modem.
   I think that I have turned off PnP if that is the first thing that
   is going to suggest.

 You are going to have to chage the jumpers on the modem for com port.
 Right now it is set to use the same port that your mouse is on, this is
 you loose the mouse.
 Your ISA moden will have anywhere from 1 to 3 jumoers, allowin you to
 set the com port, IRQ and I/O address.
 If you do not have the docs for the modem then check the Diamond site.


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Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-16 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi Jose,

Thank you for your reply and sorry for the long post everyone.

 1) Are the user accounts valid.

 smbclient -L Sambabox -U Windowsuser

Have done this for all three users and there does not appear to be any error

 is the Windows Login name (that you used on the Windows machine to log
 in initially) that you have added to Samba via smbpasswd -a Windowsuser.

As far as I know, things are set up correctly for this.

The password that I entered while doing smbclient -L Sambabox -U
Windowsuser should be the same as the Linux/Windows password or am I wrong

 Normally NETBIOS name to IP resolution is done by the DNS, but you
probably don't have one.

I had DNS set up before I broke my install and had to reinstall the O/S.  I
thought that I had everything set up the same way as before but that would
make sense.  I am stumbling around in the dark with this.  How would I find
out if DNS is running?  I know that it is enabled in smb.comf

 You must then help windows. There are several ways to do this...

 A) Create a HOSTS file (in the same location as your LMHOSTS or
 LMHOSTS.SAM example file) which contains the IP - NETBIOS equivalences.

 Not sure where I would put this or what I would have to put in it.

 C) Enable the WINS component in Samba and create a local HOSTS entry,
 and then point the workstations to the Samba box's IP for WINS

Have done th is except for the local hosts entry.  Could you explain the
local HOSTS entry please

 Changing the hashing depth to 8 helps.

This is a new term for me.

 Also remember that Windows uses Encrypted passwords, when you use
 SMBCLIENT locally you are sending clear text so if it works locally but
 not remotely (from Windows) it's likely that you do not have encryption
 set up properly...

In my smb.conf, I have encrypted password = Yes.  On my Windows 98 box, I
have hacked the registry to send passwords in clear text.  On my W2K box I
did nothing in terms of password encryption and I can still log on.

If smb.conf is correct, you may be missing a crypt lib or something else
 and/or too high of a security setting...

Crypt.lib is a new term as well. When you say security settings do you mean
security = user or the settings for Linux itself?


Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

 Bear in mind that this is different, but related to the FQDN for your


 It sounds like your login is failing, and you are falling thru to a
 Guest share which has no rights!

 You MUST NOT get an invalid password message, if you do Samba normally
 has rejected the password sent by Windows... See my other posts about


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[newbie] Modem causes mouse to be unistalled

2001-12-15 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi All,

I want to desperately get my Linux box online but my modem causes my mouse
to uninstall and I currently cannot navigate that well in command prompt

My latest acquisition is a 1998 Diamond System Multimedia Communications
Division 56 K ISA internal modem

Maybe someone will be able to tell me how to stop my mouse from being
uninstalled when I insert my modem.

I think that I have turned off PnP if that is the first thing that anyone is
going to suggest.

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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Re: [newbie] Samba question - making shares invisible

2001-12-15 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi Michael,

 To make things easier, you can set up your Linux box as a domain
 and therefore will only have to deal with username / passwords on the
 side.  If you want to pursue that, let me know.

Could you please let me know how to do this and why it would be beneficial


Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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Re: [newbie] Soundcard and printer

2001-12-06 Thread Frank McKenna

Thanks Frans,

That did the trick

 In KDE: K - Multimedia - Sound - soundmixer :) Don't forget to unmute
 relevant channels.


Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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Re: [newbie] Need help to setup LOCAL DOMAIN

2001-11-25 Thread Frank McKenna


Could please give an example  of what you meant by Network Filesystem?

 recomend setting up a Network Filesystem that serves all the clients as
 though they where on.

 Basically (cuz you wanted GUI stuff) setting up a proxy server could
probably be done in mandrake control centre maybe under something like
firewall configuration.


 On 25 Nov 2001 18:41:46 -0800, Tuan Tran wrote:
  Could any of you please tell me how to setup my Linux server acts like
  local (intranet) domain for all other computers (Win  Linux). Do I need
  to use any kind of software to setup local domain? What software is need
  to setup proxy server on Linux machine? What is the difference between
  proxy  router?
  Thank you
  PS. I am not good at console mode so please give me some GUI to setup
  these things if you can.
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Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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Re: [newbie] office 2000 shares

2001-11-22 Thread Frank McKenna

I would like to try to share the application itself across the LAN as
opposed to just files and documents.

Thanks in advance

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

- Original Message -
From: Anuerin G. Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 5:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] office 2000 shares

 On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 19:54:42 -0700, Frank McKenna [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,

Has anyone attempted to share Microsoft Office 2000 Pro from a share on
Mandrake 8.0 using Samba.

What would I have to do to set this up

Thanks in advance,

Frank McKenna


   are you trying to share the files or the applications themselves? if you
are sharing the applications then i think wine would be more proper for this



 Programming, an artform that fights back.


 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
 ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
 Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
 Philippines 1605

 Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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[newbie] Networking

2001-11-21 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi All,

My Mandrake 8.0 box crashed and I ended up reinstalling the O/S.

I had my small LAN working and Samba was configured.

I just can't remember how I got my network settings configured.  Spent too
much time setting up Samba to remember what I did to make everything else

Anyhow, if someone could point me in the right direction it would be

The more detailed the better because I am still new to Linux.

Thanks in advance
Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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[newbie] Samba

2001-11-02 Thread Frank McKenna

HI all.

Rather than imposing by sending a copy of my smb.conf file, I was wondering
if someone would be interested in taking a look at it to see where I have
made my mistake?

Thanks in advance

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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[newbie] LISa

2001-10-27 Thread Frank McKenna

HI Folks,

I am trying to browse my LAN but I keep getting an error message saying that
LISa is not configured.  I have gone into LISa and also the web site and
checked the configuration.  I still can't find where my mistake is.

The only filed that I have not completed is the Host name look up but I am
just trying to run a peer to peer LAN right now and I don't think that that
would be necessary for what I am trying to do.

Any insight would be greatly apreciated

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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Re: [newbie] Error messages

2001-10-17 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi Dennis

Just wanted to say thanks for the info

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on 
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love 
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone. 
following means:

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Re: [newbie] TinyFirewall Documentation

2001-09-27 Thread Frank McKenna

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Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

- Original Message -
From: Robert MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 12:24 AM
Subject: [newbie] TinyFirewall Documentation


 I've searched the net and the mandrake site and I can find no
 information/documentation on TinyFirewall.
 What I want to do is turn it off so I can load another firewall, and
 there appears to be no documentation of this. Please help. Thanx
 Robert MacLean

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