Re: [newbie] w.xplorer slow because linux ext2 ?

2001-11-10 Thread Hans N.

On Sun, 11 Nov 2001 14:27:46 +1300
Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

| Yulliansyah wrote:
|  When run windows Explorer it become very slow. Drive G: in theorycal should be 
|invisible but it Visible and have an icon like a CDROM icon.

It sounds really odd for Windows to even notice your Linux partitions without an extra 
program. Personally, I'd be worried about Windows playing with my Linux partitions, 
especially when it's basically suggesting that a portion of the hard drive is a CD-Rom.

| HD 1 : 20 GB  (Windows 98)
| C: FAT32 - 8 Gb - Primary - Active
|  *. Ext
|   E: FAT32 - 6Gb - Logical
|   F: FAT32 - 6Gb - Logical
| HD 2 : 4.2 GB (plan for Linux Mandrake 8.0 in drive G: )
| D: FAT32 - 1.5 Gb - Primary - Active
|   *. Ext
| G: Linux  Ext. - 3Gb - Logical

Drive D: doesn't need to be active when your core Windows files are on drive C:. 
Taking a stab in the dark, I myself would be wondering that having an active partition 
that's used as a logical one (drive D:) would confuse Windows a bit. Perhaps It's 
checking drive C:  drive D: for system files, when it should just be checking drive 
C:? If you absolutely must have drive D: on that physical disk, I'd move everything 
off of it into a folder on one of the other partitions, then reformat that space as an 
extended partition then place the logical partition (as opposed to active) there, then 
transfer the files back to the partition.

| Not quite answering your question. But perhaps you
| could look at moving all off D: to E: or F:.
| Then linux would have a whole physical drive to itself
| that windows wouldn't even lookat. 

Definitely not a bad idea, especially if you ever have to reinstall Windows. I can't 
speak about Win98, but I couldn't get WinME's fdisk, from the floppy, to even work 
with Linux partitions on the drives. This matters if you can't boot into Windows when 
something goes wrong and you HAVE to start from scratch.

| I think windows should rename E: and F: to D: and E:
| on next boot up - but not totally sure. Perhaps
| someone else could confirm.

You're right on this. If Yulliansyah reformated drive D: as a logical drive, then the 
letters would change this way:
E: - D:
F: - E:
D: - F:

Hope my guesses help :^)

Hans Nielsen

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RE: [newbie] Pentium IV

2001-11-02 Thread Hans N.

I don't think Intel botched the P4 design necessarily. They're aiming for
two things on a business perspective, not a technical one. Clock Speed and
Multimedia Capabilities. True, AMD has been designing faster chips with
lower clock speeds, but Intel intends to woo customers with fancy numbers. I
hear AMD will soon follow suit in regards to upping clock speeds, but at the
same time attempting to break new ground in some of the limitations in doing
so with their current roadmap. In other words, trying to woo customers with
fancy numbers that DO mean something. :^) Just a rumor so far though.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David E. Fox
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Pentium IV

 I'm thinking (actually I've already ordered) a new motherboard and an
 pentium IV chip.

Personally speaking you're way better off with an Athlon system. Intel
brought out the IV far too quickly IMHO and from reading others' comments,
they really botched the design. Athlons of a lower clock frequency can
easily outperform higher-clocked IVs, and the Athlon is a far cheaper
solution. The downside - you have to get a different mb for the Athlon,
but that's probably true of the IV as well. Durons are cheaper still, but
the lack of the extra cache that the Athlon provides can stall things.

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RE: [newbie] fromdos and todos

2001-10-29 Thread Hans N.

You could always write a perl script that does a regex search on the script
to remove the '^M' from each line.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 7:12 AM
Subject: [newbie] fromdos and todos

so I need to get rid of ^M's from the linux scripts and add it to the
windows ones if they don't already have it.

In Debian, they use fromdos and todos to convert, what do I use on Mandrake

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RE: [newbie]

2001-10-18 Thread Hans N.

Lol, sorry Mark, you got the wrong guy. I didn't write that. Besides, I have
two Maxtors :^)

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie]

On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 22:31:22 -0400
Hans N. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

wait...let me get this want to use a RAID setup with Mandrake
on not one, but two Western Digital drives?

Registered Linux User # 186492
Beware of little sins. Mosquitoes drink more blood than lions.
Author unknown

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RE: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-25 Thread Hans N.

It looks like plain text mail. Standard font is courier new I believe.
Unfortunately I'm using Outlook now. Will be wiping my machine clean soon
for a testing of raid in Linux :^)

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 12:57 PM
What does plain ASCII email look like in Outlook?  I guess I
should try looking at some HTML and plain text emails in Outlook and see
what they do look like.

Randy Kramer

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RE: [newbie] Video cards

2001-09-24 Thread Hans N.

Visionteck and PNY both have GeForce 2 MX400 64 meg PCI cards. I believe
Visionteck also has a 32 meg GeForce 2 MX200 PCI card as well. Just my 2

Oh, and a side story, kind of sums up Frank's post. One day several years
ago, I walked into a Best Buy. I wanted to ask the customer service desk
guys about a possible video card upgrade for a Pentium 60, not to be
confused with a Pentium 66 MHz :^) Well one of the guys looked at me like I
was a complete moron (which I was as far as computers went, especially
hardware) and said I'd look into getting a new computer if I were you . . .
Unless you want to speed up Solitaire. So, the moral of the story, save
your money for a better box which will most likely include a better video

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 1:22 PM
2. I have never seen a PCI geoforce, and Pentium systems never had AGP to my

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RE: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

2001-09-24 Thread Hans N.

I wont include the message, but if I were a Freudian Psychiatrist, I'd have
a hay day with it and all that talk of ego, spelling errors, all lower case
letters :^)~

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of george
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hostility Levels on the list

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RE: [newbie] Attention for everybody

2001-09-15 Thread Hans N.

Now that I think about it. New York City can be viewed as the city of God
considering all the prayers everyone is offering and people singing God
Bless America. The brothers of course seen as the twin towers. The fortress
being the U.S. The great leader . . . doesn't necessarily mean the U.S.
president. Many Muslims in Sudan, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia view Ossama
Bin-Laden as a hero, if the suspicion is correct. Perhaps it will be the
U.S. president who will succumb to ordering violence. The prophecy is now
more disturbing than before the millennium...

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two
brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress
endures, the great leader will succumb , The third
big war will begin when the big city is burning -
Nostradamus 1654

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RE: [newbie] Grub problems

2001-09-15 Thread Hans N.

Just a Windohz warning, people with Windohz ME can't exit to DOS.
Restarting in DOS mode is not an option.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of d
What I am trying to say in all of this is I
did NOT use a WinBlow$ boot disk, did it directly from DOS by just exiting
to it.

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RE: [newbie] Attention for everybody

2001-09-14 Thread Hans N.

I would think the city of God would be renowned for something more pure than
capitalism, wealth, and the fact that if the city had public restrooms, they
would be used as homes for those who live under boxes.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mohammed Arafa
another off-topic post
ok can we debunk this? if a great city is burning ..doesnt that mean it
already is a war? how else would an entire city burn?

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RE: [newbie] USA this and USA that,w here did the newbie list go?

2001-09-14 Thread Hans N.

I have an ISP I have to pay for. One of their major centers, which happens
to be the one that affects me, is/was a quarter mile away from the world
trade center. Now my connection sucks. I'm trying to dial up for the 50th
time hoping I can go online and get my e-mail. *In a whiny cry-baby prickish
voice that some people remember as some jerky from work they'd like to kick
the crap out of* Why don't they hurry up and toss those dead bodies away.
They're on my cables for my ISP, waaah waaah. I had to delete 150+ e-mails
because other people give a shit.

*end prickish voice*
My dad works on back up power systems. He couldn't call his client (Morgan
Stanley Dean Witter) that Tuesday morning because he lost the number. Not a
big deal, so he head off to the client's office. Half way there he hears
that the building the client's office is in just got hit by an airliner and
so did the building next to it. My dad was on the way to the World Trade
Center. He was going there to relieve/assist two of his friends from his
company. One of them hasn't been found. So the next time you go to school,
or work if you're mature enough, take a look at a good friend and pretend
he's dead and some asshole like you is whining about deleting mail while
your friend's dead carcass hasn't even been found yet. Go cry to your mommy
for having to delete e-mail and then yell at her for not teaching you how to
grow up. There's nothing to laugh at about Karma . . . what goes around will
eventually and definitely come around . . . Enjoy your day

Hans N.

PS - This e-mail wont be leaving my outbox until tomorrow, maybe deleting
e-mail will make it go out sooner? Or was it crying about it that makes it
go out faster?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hylton Conacher

Considering this is a Linux newbie list and I have managed to delete
over 150 email regarding the US TERROR ATTACK can we please drop the
subject on this list. some of us do have limited email space which we
pay for!

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RE: [newbie] WinME slowdown after MDK install

2001-08-16 Thread Hans N.

Ed wrote:
On both of the machines, when WinME is installed ALONE, it
screams, all games are really fast, and launching apps is nearly

Once Mandrake (and Grub) are installed, the machines slow
down significantly.  I would say they run at 10-20 percent of the
speed they were at.  This includes opening new windows, launching
apps, and 3d performance.

I run a AMD K6-2 533 MHz with 256 Meg SDRAM, WinME and Mandrake 7.2 on
separate hdds and everything works fine. WinME was fine even when I had
Mandrake 8.0 Standard installed.

Hans N.

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RE: [newbie] Motherboard inquiry

2001-06-08 Thread Hans N.

Warning: this is off topic for the list.

 Speedman wrote
On top of that even w/ only loading the drivers I have seen a number of
machines stop booting until the Creative card was removed.

I have a Compaq 7471 that I have done a lot of hardware upgrading to. About
2 weeks ago I attempted to reinstall the Compaq software and Win98 CDs that
accompany my computer. Well, I had so many problems trying to get it to
install, after I opened up my box and set up the hardware to mimic the
factory condition it came as. Eventually the install program wouldn't even
attempt to run. So I figured what the heck and bought the standard WinME so
I could stop opening up my system and just install the friggin Windows OS.
Well it installed fine, I did have to disconnect my second hard drive, but
not a biggie for me. Well every so often when first installing the major
software components (Voodoo 5500 software, SB Live! Platinum, Adaptec Easy
CD 4) WinME wouldn't boot up. It would stop at the WinME logo just before
it. So I'd reinstall, and reinstall, and reinstall everything. I narrowed it
down to my Creative SB Live hardware. Win98 never gave me problems with it
and my oboard audio. After about a week of reinstalling various software,
including WinME, I found out I had to make my onboard soundcard disabled in
the profile as well as keep it from existing in any hardware profiles before
it would work. No, this answer was not posted on creative's site, but a
different problem posted gave me the idea. During the past two weeks for at
least three times a day I thought to myself, Linux works just fine, Linux
doesn't do that. The moral of the story, so long as the hardware is
supported, Linux works just fine, Linux doesn't do that :^)

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

[newbie] mail account

2001-05-24 Thread Hans N.

Hello there. I was wondering if anyone on the list uses a mail
account in coordination with an external mailer for sending mail (Kmail,
postfix/sendmail). I wanted to have an e-mail account I can have set up for
Linux related mailings, such as this list. However, I have not been able to
get Mandrake 7.2 to send mail, just retrieve it. Any and all help
appreciated. Thanks everyone.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

RE: [newbie] Problems to install usb device

2001-05-23 Thread Hans N.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

 -Original Message-
 From: Botta-Ex, Bjorn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 1:26 AM
 To: 'Hans N.'
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Problems to install usb device

 Well it's a speedtouch from Alcatel.
 I'm new with Linux. I already installed hotplug but linux doesn't
 install my
 usb devices.
 It' seems to be supported but I just don't know how to install a
 usb device
 in linux.

  -Original Message-
  From:   Hans N. [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   mercredi 23 mai 2001 1:36
  To: Botta-Ex, Bjorn
  Subject:RE: [newbie] Problems to install usb device
  I don't use a usb modem, but I do know if someone is going to help you
  yours, assuming someone on the list has the same modem or had the same
  modem, then you might want to provide more information. I would send the
  list information about who makes your modem and what model it is.
  Sincerely and respectfully,
  Hans N.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Botta-Ex, Bjorn
  Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 3:27 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Problems to install usb device
  Can someone tell me how to install a usb modem?
  I just can't do it.

[newbie] Problem Starting Mandrake 8.0, bad unregister

2001-05-22 Thread Hans N.

This e-mail pertains to users of Logitech's QuickCam Express connected to a
usb port.

For about a week or so I've been trying to install Mandrake 8.0. I
originally attempted an update (from 7.2) and ran into a problem
post-install when attempting to boot Mandrake 8. The error didn't make much
sense upon first examination. I merely overlooked it in the bad assumption
that what I heard people saying about updates must have happened to me. I
decided to do a fresh install after backing up my personal files.

Well what happened after that was the same problem, processes (daemons such
as cron and usb) would load up and then I'd get a kernel error something
something: vfd: bad unregister [failed], then my computer would lock up. I'd
have to force it to shutdown. I really wanted to figure out the problem on
my own. I figured the error was because of some startup service I had going,
so I reinstalled 8.0 and selected very few services, ones I knew were
running in 7.2...and running fine. Well that didn't work. I reinstalled 8.0
and decided to not have Harddrake run at start time. Still nothing but this
time I booted in interactive mode and got the bad unregister error while
kudzu was supposed to start up. I figured, great, I'll reinstall again and
not run kudzu or Harddrake. Boot attempt number 5 after reinstall number 4,
usb daemon starts to load, some errors, some readable (laymen's terms
readable :^) errors and BINGO! Plain as daylight I get a message stating
something along the lines that the horned daemon of usb's has banished my
QuickCam to the light of the trash can side. Well I immediately shut down my
computer, unplugged the QuickCam and booted again and presto, I have a
working version of 8.0.

To wrap things up, usb devices aren't too welcome around these here Linux
parts. Hope this helps someone. I have a question but I'll post it in a
different e-mail and after some reading.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

RE: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8

2001-05-22 Thread Hans N.

I use a 40 gig Maxtor ata100 on a ata66 onboard controller and don't have
KDE performance problems. I was also wondering if I were correct in making
this observation: I have read somewhere that version numbers in program
names typically list the major revision number first, the secondary revision
number, then which build. Or something worded along those lines but more
clear and intelligible. But keeping this in mind, am I wrong in considering
KDE 2.1 to be a beta version of a future KDE 2.2? If this were the case,
then wouldn't it be correct in assuming the existence of at least one or two
major bugs in the application when utilizing new software integration,
perhaps optimizations for the newer 2.4 kernel, and whatever else the KDE
teams has decided to work on?

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tazmun
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 2:31 PM
To: Newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8

These results are not for sure, because right now I'm not sure if I have a
defective promise ultra 66 card or a motherboard that is having a conflict
with the promise card.(abit BF6 motherboard, 20 gig 7200 rpm 100ATA Maxtor
Drive, 30 gig 7200 rpm 100ATA Maxtor Drive,  promise ultra 66 pci
controller card non raid version).and I obtained a 100 ata maxtor
harddrive same time as different motherboard.  The card did work fine
previously with a 66 dma harddrive until the drive died and was sent in for
warranty.  Approximately the same time the secondary EIDE port on the
previous motherboard died(controlling cd roms only though) However the
maxtor utility program is indicating that my system bios does not support
large drivestake out the promise card and all is well with no
errorsthe drives formated with the promise card did have problems with
partition tables and were showing like 100 Mg of the drive was being unused
and not formatted at all.  Fdisked and reformatted and all is normal again
without the promise card.  My theory at this point is that there may be a
possibility that some controller cards rated at 66 ata with the new 100 ata
drives are not compatible, however I have no sure way to test this.but
if I were in the market...I'd definately go for the 100 ATA version.
Surprisingly the drives now running directly on the EIDE ports have lost
little performance, in fact it seems like the access time is even better,
especially for small amounts of data.  The only place I notice any loss is
when opening large programs that require a lot of data from the harddrive to
open.  Boot speed has not changed at all it seems.  My computer is rock
stable now in windows and MD8.0 and seems to be much better then any system
I've ever had for with these controller cards are we
trading off reliability and stability for the speed!!!  Any other opinions
on this subject?


 How important is ATA 100 anyway for RAID 0???  Should
 I even be concerned about that.  I'm think that
 because I have 2 ATA 100 HDs (IBMs), that it would be
 a waste to get the 66 controller.  Am I just being
 foolish?  Is the 66 fine?

RE: [newbie] LILO

2001-05-17 Thread Hans N.

Partition Magic 6  Boot Magic does not recognize the ReiserFS file system.
I wouldn't recommend using PM6 if you're dual booting off a single hard
drive AND using the ReiserFS. PM6 will come up with a prompt to correct a
file system error and if you click no then you can't use PM6, if you click
yes then you just hosed your Linux partition. I have Linux on a second hard
drive using ReiserFS. PM6 works fine like this (for altering Windows
partitions) since it doesn't prompt me to correct the file system on the
second (Linux) hard drive.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of bascule
re: partition magic,

did you install the reiser file system? i'm not sure if pm can recognise


Mark Annandale wrote:
 partition magic 6 doesn't seem to like my Mandrake installation and will
 enable it as a boot option.

 Thanks for any advice.

 Mark Annandale

RE: [newbie] OT: OEM Hardware

2001-05-09 Thread Hans N.

I use the new Plextor 16/10/40 CD-RW Drive and works perfect in Linux. I
bought the manufacturer version because when I think OEM, I think of someone
replacing it in a OEM computer (Compaq, Dell, Gateway) and selling what they
took out as the OEM version. But that's just the image I get in my head, I
don't know how often that's the case. :^)

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Todd Flinders
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: OEM Hardware

Well, Retail vs OEM will require research.  Sometimes
they are identical.  Sometimes there are vast

However, I will say that the Plextor is BY FAR
superior to the Yamaha.  This is especially true of
Yamaha's latest drive.

I own a Yamaha and I would gladly switch to Plextor.
The Yamaha has received bad reviews in different
magazines and has complaints about stability.  The
Plextor keeps getting awards after awards.  A Plextor
will burn almost anything and is known for being
exceptionally stable.

If you decide to go OEM, that might be okay, but I
would prefer the Plextor over the Yamaha.  Of course,
you want to research Linux support for these drives.
If you can easily return them, great.  Otherwise, I'd
make sure they work.  My Yamaha 8/4/24 worked fine in
7.2, but hasn't worked yet in 8.0.  I haven't spent
much time tweaking with it yet, though.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was doing some price comparisons on CD-ROM Burners
 (similar spec'd
 Plextor and Yamaha IDE drives).  When I go to a site
 like, I get
 a $204.00 price while on I see OEM
 units listing for $142-150.
 I was wondering if there is any real quality
 difference between the OEM vs. the
 of the shelf consumer version?The OEM's come with a
 1 year warranty, so you
 still get the manufacturer support.  Opinions?

 Barry :-)

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RE: [newbie] launching apps in specific desktops?

2001-05-09 Thread Hans N.

Have you tried going to the specific desktop and then launching the
application? Such as selecting desktop 2 and then starting KMail, then
heading to desktop 1 and launching Konqueror.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sam
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 5:57 AM
To: n6tadam
Subject: Re: [newbie] launching apps in specific desktops?


I don't mean window manager, but desktop. In Mandrake8, KDE2.1.1 is by
default configured to have 4 virtual desktops, the number of which is
adjustable in the KDE Control Center via LookNFeel -- Desktop.

I know how to move running applications between different desktops or even
have them appear in all desktops. But what I'd like to know is - how do I
specify which application will launch in particular desktops e.g. KMail to
open in Desktop 1, Konqueror to open in Desktop 2, etc ?

Thanks in advance.

On Wednesday 09 May 2001 17:35, n6tadam wrote:

 Yes, it is certainly possible to run other apps on different desktops. By
 desktop, do you mean other window managers other than KDE?, such as

 If not, then please be a little more specific, and I shall be more than
 willing to help.


 Thomas Adam

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 8:03 AM
 Subject: [newbie] launching apps in specific desktops?

  is there a way to make applications launch in particular desktops,


  the currently active one? I am using KDE 2.1.1 in Mandrake 8.0.
  Thanks in advance.

[newbie] Bastille and no root for you

2001-04-26 Thread Hans N.

I remember seeing this post a while back and thought nothing of it other
than that stinks. Well I installed Bastille myself and I have the same
problem. I can't log in as root.

At the graphical login screen, everything looks normal. I can log in to my
user account, no problem. I can su to root, get into drakconfig, and all
that other good stuff. But, when I try to use the graphical login screen to
log in as root, I get a login failed message as if I were typing in the
wrong password. But, it's not the wrong password and the right one works
everywhere else. Bastille was the only thing I installed between the last
time I went in as root and now. I attempted going through all the rules for
Bastille and changing all the ones that seemed likely to affect the login
attempt. My thoughts right now are to uninstall Bastille and see if that
works, but I'm not familiar with doing packages thru the console. If that
doesn't work, I'll reinstall mandrake :^( But I come to the list for help so
that I may avoid reinstalling. Anyone have anything that can help?


From: Duke Glover
Subject: [newbie] Can't log in to root account
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 14:46:00 -0700

Hello Linux gods,

Mandrake Linux 7.0

I made the mistake of running Bastille Linux 1.1.0 on my machine.  Anyway,
ever since I rebooted I can no longer login to the root account.  Does
anyone know a way around this ?  Without root access I can't do anything.
There may be a uninstall/undo in  /root/Bastille/ , but I can't even get
into that directory.  Please help.  How can I reset a root password without
root access ?

Duke Glover

RE: [newbie] strange error message.

2001-04-23 Thread Hans N.

If you have call waiting, like myself, then someone trying to call you will
kick you offline, even when you do the *70 or whatever to disable call
waiting. There isn't much you can do about it really. The disable call
waiting feature doesn't work as well as intended. If you do have call
waiting, you might try dialing in without using the *70 call waiting
disabled just to see if you get booted for no reason still or if someone is
calling you. With it disabled, you'll probably get booted and your phone
will ring.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of franki Vianet

Hi everyone,,

I get randomly disconnected from my ISP and when I check the
/var/log/messages, I find this...

pppd [3128]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
pppd[3128]: Modem Hangup

I did not tell it to disconnect, it just did,what would be causing this?
anyone know?

I have just read the pppd man, and mentions that being sent a sighup will
reset the connection,, but I didn't send it.

how can I find out what is cauing this?   (it happens at random, sometimes
within two minutes, sometimes 8 hours,, but it always happens eventually.)

any help would be most seriously appreciated.

Kindest regards

Perth WA

RE: [newbie] Kppp

2001-03-15 Thread Hans N.

Just put the phone 
number to dial as "*70, 555-1234"

Sincerely and respectfully,Hans N.mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Robert F. TrettelSent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:44 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] 
  I just had callwaiting put on my 
  My Question is how and where do I tell Kppp 
  about it??
  Thanks for any assistance
  Robert F. 

RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

2001-03-11 Thread Hans N.

Banning is a little harsh. Personally, I'd rather let everyone have the
freedom to say what they want no matter how inappropriate and just use my
freedom to disregard what was said.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

On Sunday 11 March 2001 20:46, you wrote:
 let's not start banning people.. I might be next...
 - Original Message -
 From: "Miark" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 1:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

  Hans! That is an excellent idea! I'm gonna do that
  immediately, too.
  Which brings up a question: is there some way to ban people
  - Original Message -
      From: "Hans N." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 8:35 PM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list
   Everything you say is so annoying and disrespectful, I'm
  going to filter you
   to my trash. Have a great day.
   Sincerely and respectfully,
   Hans N.
   -Original Message-
  Behalf Of

Yowie, no banning please, just use your filters if you must,
but lt isn't
good in an open source community to start banning. Please!
Dennis M. Registered Linux user # 180842

RE: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

2001-03-10 Thread Hans N.

Everything you say is so annoying and disrespectful, I'm going to filter you
to my trash. Have a great day.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 4:38 PM
To: Linux-Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] HOW-TO get off this list

GO BACK to where you joined this list...
THERE, you'll also find (if you'll ONLY read)
a way to get off the list.

OF COURSE,  " IF " you can READ
Registered Linux User: 167369
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Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

RE: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-09 Thread Hans N.

This is not a forum for religion. Keep in mind that the entire world is not
Christian...It is highly offensive to push your religious beliefs upon
someone who comes here for advice on a computer operating system. If I, and
the many other users who clearly come from areas that are traditionally
NON-Christian, wanted a preacher and to hear a sermon on Christianity, we
would contact a local church of our denomination of choice. Thank you for
your time.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

P.S.- Kill this thread, please

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

I'm with you...Robin !!!
this is really ridiculous...

as for the rest of you...that (it appears) do NOT believe in, nor
understand God's word...when you stand in front of Jesus...on Judgement
and have to give an account of the things said and done in this body of
and have no allthen you can look this
and say then: GOD HAVE MERCY...on our stupidity and injustice
done unto the eyes of our misunderstanding of YOUR WORD (the

Robin Regennitter wrote:

 I cant believe that some people make the big deal out this. I
think it's
 rather absurd.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Daryl Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 9:42 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

  Heyy cool!  :o)
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Julio Gutierrez
   Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta
   Ok my apologies to all the girls age of 16 subscribed to this
   list, also to
   all females subscribed to it, and to all the parents of 16 yr old
   girls who 
   SORRY again!!!

Registered Linux User: 167369
= =
Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

RE: sex on this channel is not a subject for discussion :: was :: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-07 Thread Hans N.

I'm with mark now... DIE THREAD DIE!!!

Sincerely and respectfully, 
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steelhead
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 1:17 PM
Subject: sex on this channel is not a subject for discussion :: was ::
Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

one is bad the other is worse.


getting sexually excited is one thing, to have sex with a 16 year-old is
illegal and /or inapproriate in most of the worlds "modern computer using

we all get sexually excited, most of us have the tact not to share it and
its results with the general population.

may we all be considerate and use some tact.


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

 I can't believe all this about one stupid comment. He is human I'm sure,
 like any of us have ever done something stupid.
 What amazes me further is that no one has made one comment about the guy
 in his signature, it says linux gives him a woody. How is this any
 I don't take offense to either saying, I knew he was saying it in

 Now had he said that he knew his statement was true due to experience,
 I could understand the concern.

RE: [newbie] To any linux newbies who really want to know their system well....

2001-03-06 Thread Hans N.

Sweet! Thanks Randy!!!

Sincerely and respectfully, 
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Meyer
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 7:32 AM
Subject: [newbie] To any linux newbies who really want to know their
system well

I do. I threw out the other OS and put this one in. About a month or so
ago. It's all I have right now. Just a lone personal computer with a new
operating system. It was total system shock at first. Thank god for a
distribution that took care of most of the details for me. I'm not
suffering from any withdrawal symptoms. In fact, I haven't looked back
and gnu/linux is so damn fascinating the first thing I had to do was
read up on everything I could about it's history and all that I had been
missing out from during those years. Now that I'm somewhat past the
point of doing the obviously wrong things (like re-installing because I
didn't even know how to start X up from the bash command line, which is
a very bad place to be with no linux knowledge and no one within reach
that has any), here is how I am educating myself about MY new LM 7.2
system and it's internal workings. If you have gotten past the
installation and hardware issues and have some time to devote to this,
it is well worth doing yourself. I'm speaking to the true linux newbies
now, not the seasoned users, who know all of this and probably have done
it already.

Build a Bigger Search Index

First of all, that Help icon (the one with the life preserver on it). On
a new installation I think it is accessed only from the KDE Start menu.
Add that icon to your KDE panel if it's not already there. You need to
use it frequently. It can answer your questions if you know how to
massage it properly. There is a ton of HTML formatted documentation that
gets poured onto your hard drive during the installation. I use the
Recommended installation and there is over 14,000 HTML documents on my
drive. (OK, that's including the browser cache, i should do another
FindFile after clearing the cache for a more accurate number). But the
problem is this. There is a search engine that's built into the Help
system, but the installed prebuilt index that it uses is very wimpy. At
least after my installation, it only indexed the KDE documents. Which is
fine for starters, but not if you want know what's really going on under
the hood. So the first thing you should do is make a bigger search index
that covers all the installed docs, not just the KDE ones.

Use Applications/File_Tools/Find_Files and search starting from / for
files that match *.htm*

Click on the Directory column header to sort all the resulting matches
by their locations. Now you can see where the majority of these HTML
files reside.

Note down these directories. For me it was /user/lib , /var/lib ,
/usr/share, and /usr/X11R6/LessTif/doc

In the left pane of Help, where the search engine is, click on the
"Update Index" button. In the dialog that comes up, add your noted
directories to the "Additional Search paths" box.

Click on the "Generate Index..." button and every textual word in every
HTML file in those directories is going to be built into a searchable
index that you can search by keyword. This takes quite a bit of time to
complete. In fact, I thought that it had frozen up on me, there is no
activity indicator in the dialog while the index is being built, at
least not for the first two of the three stages. But I could hear my
drive being accessed and just to be sure, I started up KDE System Guard
and looked for it in the process list, there it was running and using up
to 70% resources at times. All was well, that's just a lot of parsing
and sorting to do. After the index is built, click on OK to finish the
index updating.

KDE System Guard is Your Roadmap

Now that we have a robust index it's time to use it. First though, if
you haven't already found it, there is an application called KDE System
Guard that is invaluable for monitoring whatever is running on your
system. It's in Applications/Monitoring in the KDE startup menus. Here
is how I am using it to direct myself in my linux nuts  bolts

The System Guard lists all the processes that are currently running on
your system. A lot of them are sleeping away not doing anything, just
waiting to be given the nudge to go to work. A few are running, the ones
with an "R" in the status column. But most are swapped out to disk, the
ones with an "S" status. So you want to know what's going on under the
hood in your system, this is a very good place to take a look. There are
columns that are labeled PID and PPID. PID stands for Process ID and
PPID stands for Parent Process ID. Every process gets a unique PID when
it is started up, and the PID numbers are assigned incrementally. Now I
want you to click on tha

RE: [newbie] winmodem configuration

2001-03-05 Thread Hans N.

Would the same advice work for a PCTel 56k HSP modem? I went to and got the modules, but I get the same "modem is busy"
message no matter what I do. I'm going to try it anyways...but just in case
anyone has anything more to add. Thanks.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] winmodem configuration

You probably need to setserial the correct com port and ioports, then
configure kppp.  Type cat /proc/pci into a terminal and look for a
communication device or it may be called just a serial controller.  Note the
ioport and irq for it.  Then run setserial.  You may have to experiment with
the com port until you hit the right one, just always match up the choice
used in setserial and in kppp. For example:
setserial /dev/ttyS2 uart 16550A port 0xc000 irq 5 spd_vhi
Insert your actual ttyS?, port ???, irq ?.

On Monday 05 March 2001 07:08 pm, you wrote:
 I have a "3Com 56K Faxmodem model n.5610", one of
 those so called win modems. Even if it is in the list
 of the hardware supported by DrakConf I'm not able to
 get a connection: when I tried it keeps telling me
 that the modem is busy.

 Do you have any suggestion?

 Thank you, Al

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-04 Thread Hans N.

Besides, why does it have to be a 16 year old? My girlfriend is 19 and she's
tighter than a 16 year old. That's age discrimination!

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Dan LaBine wrote:

 I agree entirely with philomena, but 1 question?? How many 16 year olds
 does this guy hang out with? This guy sounds really old, so I'm
 wondering what kind of deviate he might be??

Come on now, there's no call for that.


Registered Linux user #19071

RE: [newbie] cd-rw install

2001-03-02 Thread Hans N.

Hey KompuKit,

I just did this earlier today. I have some kind of factory installed
Phillips CD-RW 4x4x24. I'm not sure which one specifically, I didn't open my
box to find out. But, I had the problem of not being able to use my CD-RW
drive at all. So I did some searching in the mail archives and happened upon
a Mandrake tutorial that addresses this issue.

Basically it tells you to check out some info to make sure things are okay
to go on and has you delete a bad link, then presto, the drive should work.
Well, it did for me anyways. Hope this solves your problem.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
From: KompuKit

I'm trying to setup scsi emulation in mandrake 7.2...

HOW do I do this...?

I installed a HP cd-rw  9150i  as secondary slave
which in linux is: hdd
harddrake recognised the drive

I tried the setup instructions below...but it won't work..
  Registered Linux User: 167369
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Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)
   (US EST)

RE: [newbie] Mandrake on Ebay

2001-03-02 Thread Hans N.

Motley Fool had an article about news companies not saying anything about
Ebay doing well with trades. I didn't read it myself, but here's the link:
Title: Millions Made Successful Trades on eBay Yesterday. David Gardner
wonders why the media doesn't report eBay's
   millions of honest sales.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Glenn Johnson
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 7:25 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake on Ebay

Hey! Yeah, a year or so ago I bought RedHat 5.2 for about $3. Went well. I
sent a money order, got the disk a while later. I reality, it probably took
a month or so before I saw the disk in the mail, but as far as I can tell,
it is an authentic disk, if there is such a thing...

Glenn Johnson
Registered Linux User #175132
Usually Powered by Linux Mandrake 7.1!

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 7:40 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake on Ebay

I was looking around on Ebay and noticed that they were auctioning Linux
Mandrake 7.2 and RedHat 7.0 for like 3 dollars. Has anyone ever used this
route before? Is it worth it or should I just go to the store and get it?


RE: [newbie] Can't install -- more clues

2001-03-02 Thread Hans N.

I didn't have this problem when I installed and I just got Mandrake a few
days ago. I too have 7.2 and dual-boot with Windows 98. I did my partitions
with Diskdrake, but also set up a /usr partition. I just used the drop down
menu for filesystems to select ReiserFs for all the partitions except the
swap, I had the swap as "Linux Swap." Then I was on my way. I had no message
concerning the checking of bad sectors though, just the formatting. I don't
think this helps you out much, but at least it gives you a working "control"
to compare with...

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Miark
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 7:42 PM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Can't install -- more clues

Nobody has even guessed at my problem yet, but I have more
clues that may help you help me. Here's the full scenario:

I'm installing 7.2 for dual-boot with Win98. When I get to
DiskDrake in set-up, I choose to make the three following

 * Logical, ReiserFS, 5 GB, mounted at /
 * Logical, ReiserFS, 1 GB, mounted at /home
 * Logical, Linux swap, 500 MB

It says that it's formatting the Reiser partitions, but it
only says that for about 2 seconds. Then, when it asks which
partitions on which to check for bad sectors, it _only_
lists the swap partition.

If I go back and make the Reiser partitions Linux native,
then everything is fine. Well, it's as close to fine as it
will get.

Now I remember somebody on this list saying that what I want
to do is possible. Were they wrong? How do I implement
ReiserFS and make it work?


[newbie] Installation Error @ step Setup Filesystems

2001-02-28 Thread Hans N.

I recently submitted a problem with installation to the customer service
(follows). Although I have not received the remedy, I thought I'd pose the
question here since I'm sure I will not be the only one to have this
problem. On a side note, I was wondering how advantageous a secondary hard
drive would be for a dual-boot system. Feel free to send thoughts on a
second hard drive directly to my e-mail account. Thank you.

Original Message:

I am running Windows 98 second edition on a Compaq Presario 7471 Internet
PC. Compaq has my system set up with a partition already made. The C: drive
being the main partition and the D: drive being the second partition. all my
work is done with the C: drive, the D: drive is there for reinstalling
software to factory settings. The D: drive is unneeded since the Compaq
software CD's for my system work better than the D: drive installation.

Now to the problem. I want to have the dual-boot option so that I may keep
Windows 98 working on my system. I wanted to install Linux Mandrake 7.2
Powerpack Deluxe on the same hard drive, I own only one hard drive.
Configuring my set-up worked very smoothly until I reach the step "Setup
Filesystems" Linux recognized both partitions (C: and D:) and asked which
partition I would like Linux to be installed on. My natural choice was the
larger C: partition. The error message I received when selecting the C:
drive is as follows:

Partitioning Failed: The FAT resizer is unable to handle your partition, the
following error occurred: Can't locate object method "new" via package
"resize_fat::main" at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 108,
 line 6

My hard drive utilizes Windows' FAT 16 file allocation. I have ActivePerl
5.6.623 installed on Windows 98. My computer boots my CD-RW before my
floppy, allowing me to boot for CD installation with no problem. I have
noticed no other obvious errors when attempting to install the Linux OS. I
also noticed no unusual problems with the Windows software. However, I am
completely inexperienced with using Linux software.

I have researched the mailing lists and the booklets as well as the
tutorials accompanying the distribution. My limited knowledge points me
towards purchasing a secondary hard drive, deleting the D: drive, and
requesting your aid... I decided to start here first. I thank you for your
time and patience and look forward to hearing something soon. Please feel
free to request any and all information you feel is appropriate to help
alleviate this situation. I still anxiously await my first step away from
the Windows environment :^)

Sincerely and respectfully,
Hans Nielsen