Re: [newbie] Slighty OT: Strange Computer Noises/Cold Boot Issues

2003-03-25 Thread Jordan Elver
Hi Tom,

 Generally cold starts where you hear whining and buzzing are from
 cheap fans that use sleeve bearings instead of ball bearings. OTOH,
 these don't prevent bootup other than if the fans are so impaired as
 to cause overheating before the system can complete the bootstrap

Harddrives (and CD drives) can also produce similar sounds when
 cold, and it's not a good sign. Same deal, bearings. You can check by
 placing a rod of some sort (heck, I've used a spoon), in contact with
 the drives side and the other end against the bone just by your outer
 ear opening. This greatly amplifies the sound you hear from the
 insides of the drive, and pinpoints which drive. You might get away
 with it for a while, but it's a sure sign of pending mechanical
 failure of the device.

Right, that settles it. Definately doing a major backup soon! I've been 
telling myself I should of by now for ages :)

I lost an important 30g, 8 month old, IBM, 7200rpm to this symptom
 ;(   In that case, the drive was run 24/7, till I went out of town
 for a week. It would never spin up again, system wouldn't boot. Lost
 whatever I didn't have already backup'd to CDr's.

Thanks for everyones help. I shall now sit and wait for it to fail!

Jordan Elver
I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just some 
b*stard with a torch, bringing me more work. -- David Brent (The Office)

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[newbie] Quotas

2003-03-04 Thread Jordan Elver
I'm experimenting with using quotas for the first time. But I cannot get them 
to work. I have changed the fstab and added usrquota like: 

/dev/hda5 /home ext2 defaults,usrquota 1 2

I've also created a blank file called aquota.user in /home. But, when trying 
to turn quotas on using:

quotaon -vgu /dev/hda5

I get this error:

quotaon: using /home/aquota.user on /dev/hda5: Invalid argument

I've read the mini-HOWTO and it doesn't mention this error :(
Can anyone help me please?

Thank you,
Jordan Elver
If you treat the people around you with love and respect, they will never 
guess that you're trying to get them sacked. -- David Brent (The Office)

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[newbie] KDE 3.1 No Anti-aliasing

2003-02-16 Thread Jordan Elver
Hi everyone,
I just upgraded to KDE 3.1 which went suprisingly well (Thanks for eberyones 
advise). One problem though. I now don't have anti aliased fonts. It's turned 
on in the KDE control center, but it doesn't work. How can I turn it on?

Jordan Elver
Put the key of despair into the lock of apathy. Turn the knob of mediocrity 
slowly and open the gates of despondency - welcome to a day in the average 
office. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Lovin' KDE 3.1

2003-02-13 Thread Jordan Elver
On Thursday 13 Feb 2003 10:45 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Thursday 13 Feb 2003 10:41 pm, Miark wrote:
  I gotta report that I just installed Texstar's KDE 3.1 on my MDK 9.0
  box and I just love it. The look is beautiful with alpha-blending, the
  new Keramik theme, and new icons; and I really dig tabbed browsing in
  Another nail in M$'s coffin, I think.

 How easy is this install for a newbie, Miark?

I'd be interested too. I downloaded the rpms and then lost my nerve :)

Jordan Elver
The office is like an army, and I'm the field general. You're my footsoldiers 
and customer quality is the WAR!!! -- David Brent (The Office)

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[newbie] Compiling Kernels

2003-01-23 Thread Jordan Elver
Just a quick question regarding compiling Kernels. I am right in thinking that 
I can compile additional kernels, which I specifically select to use to boot?
Can I safely compile a new kernel without mucking up my current system?

If anyone has a good newbie website that they know of that would be good as 

Thanks for any info,
Jordan Elver
Every time you open your mouth you have this wonderful ability to continually 
confirm what I think. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Compiling Kernels

2003-01-23 Thread Jordan Elver
 Sure, you can have any number of kernels in your system... you're only
 going to use one at a time, so no worries.  For more info, check out

Cheers mate,
I'll check it out. I'm going to be messing about with some graphics kernel 
stuff and don't want to loose what I have already got :)

Jordan Elver
When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by 
reducing it to the question, How would the Lone Ranger handle this? -- 
David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Compiling Kernels

2003-01-23 Thread Jordan Elver
Thanks Damian,

 Remember, your first try is very likely to fail. Don't worry, after
 some (repeated) attempts, you'll get it right. And make sure
 you are familiar with your hardware.

I thought that may be the case :)
Thanks for the info,
Jordan Elver
You have to be 100% behind someone, before you can stab them in the back. -- 
David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] CD Writer/DMA

2003-01-21 Thread Jordan Elver

 As far as I can discover Jordan the best shot you have at copying DRM (copy
 protected) CDs is a Windows program called Clone-CD or a drive that
 supports DAO in Linux. A friend has a lot of PC games and has a lot of
 small children around frequently (, pretty shiny fwisbee me play!)
 so he went hunting for a back-up utility. That's all I know about it.

Yeah, I already use that under Windows. I just find it very frustrating that 
Linux can't do this.

 I can't remember the commands Jordan, sorry. Open a terminal and type

 man hdparm
 or hdparm --help

I'll take a look throught the archive as well. It's definately been raised 
here before.

 What help? :-)

Sometimes, just talking it over with someone else helps :)

Jordan Elver
Process and Procedure are the last hiding place of people without the wit and 
wisdom to do their job properly. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] CD Writer/DMA

2003-01-21 Thread Jordan Elver

 Yes, it's possible.  However, making your own backup copies of copy
 protected cd's is only possible if you can make your burner and your
 software do an elaborate dance; and they both have to be doing exotic
 things.  In linux the hardware necessities you can get; the software you

 There are only two brands of burner software that I have tested that are
 capable of creating backup copies of copy protected cd's with the proper
 hardware.  Neither one of them run on Linux.  This is a major problem
 and I wish both of the two burner software firms would port to linux.
 Either that or an enthusiastic brainiac capable of authoring a new

Very frustrating. cdrecord seems to be the tool everybody uses, is that what 
is usuallu recommended? 

 You have what looks like a PX-W1610A; correct me if I'm wrong. You can
 check the performance/capabilities of your drive on the following page:

Thats it.

 When selecting a burner, and you are looking at doing bit for bit
 copies, possibly with copy protected material, you absolutely need to
 use the CloneCD burner evaluation list for making a decision.  Otherwise
 you are walking into it blind.  I recommend Liteon brand burners as a
 start; personally I have here a Toshiba SD-1202 DVD Combo drive that
 burns with the correct EFM encoding, plus does RAW-DAO 96 write, and
 RAW+96 read.

I've been using Clone CD under windows. Copied what I wanted to fine. 
Obviously software, as you said above. Nevermind.

Jordan Elver
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. -- 
David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] CD Writer/DMA

2003-01-21 Thread Jordan Elver
Hi Damian,

 most likely. That cdrecord output you posted there was at
 31% fifo fill... that's hardly a good level. And then:

I suppose nearer 100% would be good :)

 Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x09 (write error - loss of streaming) Fru 0x0

 Loss of streaming...

  Is this a DMA issue? I read some posts here before regarding turning on

 just in case:
 hdparm -d1 /dev/devicename

I'll look into it. Do you know how to run a benchmark with hdparm? Someone 
showed it a while back and I can't remember the switch.

 However i would not bet on DMA being the problem. As a rule of thumb,
 i NEVER do cd-to-cd copy on the fly. It is faster, yes, but what happens
 when dd if=/dev/cdrom gets stuck trying to read one sector from beneath a
 scratch in the middle of the burning session? At 16x speed, it's really not
 hard to get a buffer underrun...

 If you are absolutely in love with this method, try lower speeds and always
 make sure the original CD is in good condition.

Yeah. I'll probably try a make an iso with mkisofs first in future. Is that 
the proper way of doing it?

Jordan Elver
If your boss is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and 
imagine him in jail. -- David Brent (The Office)

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[newbie] CD Writer/DMA

2003-01-20 Thread Jordan Elver
I'm currentlycopying cds on the fly with the following command:

dd if=/dev/cdrom | cdrecord dev=0,2,0 speed=speed -v -

The problem is that I can't actually use 12 or 16 speed recording, depemding 
on the disk I am copying. I get a message from cdrecord saying:

Track 01:   25 MB written (fifo  31%) [buf  12%]  12.4x.cdrecord: Input/output 
error. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 32 60 00 00 1F 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 32 F8 0A 00 00 00 00 0C 09 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x09 (write error - loss of streaming) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 13048 (valid)
cmd finished after 0.051s timeout 40s

write track data: error after 26411008 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Or normally something along the lines or an input/output error. Is this error 
caused because the data is not being read quick enough to pipe throught to 

Is this a DMA issue? I read some posts here before regarding turning on DMA 
with hdparm. Could this help?

Thanks for any help,
Jordan Elver
Remember the 3 golden rules: 1. It was like that when I got here. 2. I didn't 
do it. 3. (To your Boss) I like your style. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] CD Writer/DMA

2003-01-20 Thread Jordan Elver
 If they aren't DRM disks what fs was written to them? Are they VFAT
 (Windows 32 bit format) or something else? If they're disks that were
 recorded not pressed at a factory; who did it, what software was used to do
 it, and can you actually *read the disks* when not trying to copy them?

It's a variety. How can I copy protected cds. I noticve a thread earlier about 
cd clone on windows. It surely must be possible to copy bit by bit under 
linux? My drive is a Plextor 16/10/40A.

 Since you can't write at those speeds at present anyway (can you copy the
 disks at a lower speed?) you may as well try enabling DMA to see if it

Yes I can. I can write at 16 if I am writing an ISO or something else.

 makes a difference. If your drives actually support it. The worst that
 could happen is probably a coaster.

How can I enable that? Which drives the dvd rom and the cd writer?

Thanks for you help,
Jordan Elver
There's no 'I' in 'team'. But then there's no 'I' in 'useless smug colleague', 
either. And there's four in 'platitude-quoting idiot'. Go figure. -- David 
Brent (The Office)

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[newbie] Restoring GLX and DRI

2003-01-13 Thread Jordan Elver
I recently removed an NVidia GF4 from my machine and put back the previous 
card which was a Matrox G400 Dual Head. The installation of the NVidia 
drivers has overwritten some files. I got over it partly by removing the 
xfree86-libs package and then reinstalling it. That got me X back.

Now I need to get GLX and DRI working again which I believe is the OpenGL 
driver and the Direct Rendering driver (dunno what they do though ;)).

In my XFree log I get:

(**) Option dpms
(**) MGA(0): DPMS enabled
(II) MGA(0): Using overlay video
(==) MGA(0): Direct rendering disabled
Symbol __glXActiveScreens from module 
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
Symbol __glXActiveScreens from module 
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!
(II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
(II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
(II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
(II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
(II) Initializing built-in extension LBX
(II) Initializing built-in extension XC-APPGROUP
(II) Initializing built-in extension SECURITY
(II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
(II) Initializing built-in extension XFree86-Bigfont
(II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
(II) [GLX]: Initializing GLX extension

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

Does any one know how I can add support for GLX and DRI back?

Thanks for any help,

Jordan Elver
Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability. -- 
David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Restoring GLX and DRI

2003-01-13 Thread Jordan Elver

 Jordan Elver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Fatal server error:
  Caught signal 11.  Server aborting
  Does any one know how I can add support for GLX and DRI back?

 Have you tried using XFdrake to re-set your video card.

Not yet, bit afraid of loosing what I already have :)

 If you can not get it done any other way stick CD1 in and rerun the
 Mdk installation as an expert/upgrade.
 You do not need to select any pkgs and can skip network and printer
 You can then let the installer configure and set your card.
 The whole process takes about 15 min.

Is this definately safe? I dont want to loose any data. I suppose I just don't 
format anything?


Jordan Elver
The office is like an army, and I'm the field general. You're my footsoldiers 
and customer quality is the WAR!!! -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] System Hangs after GF4 install

2003-01-12 Thread Jordan Elver
I have finally found out that problems with stability I was having are probaly 
due to the actual card itself. I tried this card and another in other 
machine, windows as well, and it crahes those as well. Gonna go back to 
Matrox G400 for the time being.

Thanks for your help anyway. I don't suppose you know how to put back the 
original GLX and DRI extensions/modules? :)


On Friday 10 Jan 2003 9:07 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 23:43, Jordan Elver wrote:
  Hi again,
   Doesn't sound stupid at all - but the question is how did you install
   the ndvidia drivers beforehand? Did you have the rpm's, or did you
   build from source?
  From source. After reading some message boards on the problem. It seemed
  people were having problems with the rpms. I'll monitor how it goes and
  see what happens.

 So you're going to reinstall the driver?

Jordan Elver
You don't have to be mad to work here, but you do have to be on time, well 
presented, a team player, customer service focused and sober!! -- David Brent 
(The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Unreal Tournament

2003-01-10 Thread Jordan Elver
I followed the tip from Stephen and it is installing asI type this! :)

 You can always do a mkdir /cdrom then umount /dev/cdrom then a
 mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom and then try the installation again - that at
 least will resolve the issue with UT looking for /cdrom - !!


Jordan Elver
There's no 'I' in 'team'. But then there's no 'I' in 'useless smug colleague', 
either. And there's four in 'platitude-quoting idiot'. Go figure. -- David 
Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] System Hangs after GF4 install

2003-01-10 Thread Jordan Elver
On Friday 10 Jan 2003 9:07 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 23:43, Jordan Elver wrote:
  Hi again,
   Doesn't sound stupid at all - but the question is how did you install
   the ndvidia drivers beforehand? Did you have the rpm's, or did you
   build from source?
  From source. After reading some message boards on the problem. It seemed
  people were having problems with the rpms. I'll monitor how it goes and
  see what happens.

 So you're going to reinstall the driver?

Sorry, yep ;)
I'll give it a go later today.

Jordan Elver
Process and Procedure are the last hiding place of people without the wit and 
wisdom to do their job properly. -- David Brent (The Office)

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[newbie] System Hangs after GF4 install

2003-01-09 Thread Jordan Elver
After the installation of my Geforce 4, my system now hangs for no aparent 
reason. Does anyone know where I should start looking for the problem? Is 
this likely to be hardware or software related?

Thanks for any help,
Jordan Elver
You don't have to be mad to work here! In fact we ask you to complete a 
medical questionnaire to ensure that you are not. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] System Hangs after GF4 install

2003-01-09 Thread Jordan Elver
On Thursday 09 Jan 2003 10:55 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 09:50, Jordan Elver wrote:
  Hi Stephen,
   If after you've installed the GF4 you're trying to boot into a
   graphical login, that is your problem. You're going to need to change
   the runlevel from 5 to 3 so that you can login under text mode, update
   the video drivers, reconfigure XWindows and then you'll be able to get
   back to graphical login...
  I can already get into X, and everything is actually working, although
  unreal 2003 won't install ;) It just seems to have stability problems. It
  just seems a bit to coincidental that I installed a new card and then KDE
  is freezing? What do think? Do you have sample snip from you X Config
  that I could look at (if you have GF) ?

 The attachment is my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 you can check it out - but
 still, reinstalling the nvidia drivers generally resolves alot of
 issues...but hang tight...

This may sound stupid, but how exactly do I reinstall, just follow the same 
steps as I did before? I'll try changing some XF86Config options first and 
see if that helps it.


  Thanks for the reply,

Jordan Elver
What does a squirrel do in the summer? It buries nuts. Why? Cos then in winter 
time he's got something to eat and he won't die. So, collecting nuts in the 
summer is worthwhile work. Every task you do at work think, would a squirrel 
do that? Think squirrels. Think nuts. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia Geforce 4 - Poor Video etc

2003-01-07 Thread Jordan Elver
Thanks for the reply Stephen,

  Question 1:
  My problem is that, when I try to play a DVD the picture has a grey box
  over the image. You can see the video in the background, but it's like
  the video has a transparent gray box in front. DVD used to play ok with
  the Matrox.

 Blow out your mplayer prefs/configs and fire it up again.
 (open a term and type: rm .mplayer - delete the hidden dir)

Thanks, I did that. But before I got your reply, I relised that it was only 
xine which was causing the problem. Whenever you run xine I get the grey 
screen, and every app afterwards gets the same. I tried removing the old 
version and installing the latest but not th d5d plugin doesn't show up.

  Question 2:
  My config file is very minimal, I removed so options, which I think were
  Matrox specific. Could some kind person mail me an example of there
  config file? or point to a site that has examples?

 There is a wonderful proggie for tweaking your NVidia - called yanc -

 It's beautiful!

Yeah, I saw your post the other day about it, I'll give it a try.

  Question 3:
  When I check in HardDrake, it identifies the card as a Geforce 2? But in
  windows, it's a Geforce 4. Why would this be?

 Keep in mind that the Hardwaredrake only reads from the text file - so
 the labelling in the text file is reflected here - use yanc and you'll
 be right.

Thats strange though, I've never had a Geforce 2, why would it show that?

Thanks for your help :)

P.S. Does anyone know how to get xine to UPDATE packages using urpmi? It never 
seems to want to update packagaes which are already installed. Specifically, 
I want to update gtk.
Jordan Elver
A problem shared is a problem halved, so is your problem really yours or just 
half of someone elses? -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Recording streaming audio.

2002-12-23 Thread Jordan Elver
Hi there,
I've been trying to do exactly the same thing! 
There's a program called realrekord, which I don't seem to be able to get 
working very well.

I'm using a program from here though:

It seems to work pretty well, but you sometimes get stuttering in the stream. 
The author is really helpful as well. I have contacted him on several 

Jordan Elver
I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just some 
b*stard with a torch, bringing me more work. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [newbie] Compare Disks

2002-12-04 Thread Jordan Elver
 Perhaps the most stupid solution, but it works:
   readcd for retrieving whole cd image
   md5sum img

Thats a good idea. But I suppose calculating md5sum for each disk and 
comparing could take a little time depending on your machine?

Jordan Elver
I think I'll side with the pissheads on this one. --- Larry Wall

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Re: [newbie] Compare Disks

2002-12-01 Thread Jordan Elver
Thanks for suggestions, I'll try them out :)


On Sunday 01 Dec 2002 3:10 am, Anthony Abby wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 13:59, Jordan Elver wrote:
  Is there a command to compare the contents of two cds?
  So, I put one cd in my cdburner, one in my dvd drive. Can I compare that
  they contain exactly the same files?

 Sure is... just sort the contents of both cd's into two files, then run
 comm against them.


Jordan Elver
testing? What's that? If it compiles, it is good, if it boots up it is 
perfect. --- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] Compare Disks

2002-11-28 Thread Jordan Elver
Is there a command to compare the contents of two cds?
So, I put one cd in my cdburner, one in my dvd drive. Can I compare that they 
contain exactly the same files?

Jordan Elver
Unix? What's that? Is that like Linux?

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Re: [newbie] Compare Disks

2002-11-28 Thread Jordan Elver
On Thursday 28 Nov 2002 7:42 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Jordan Elver wrote:
 Is there a command to compare the contents of two cds?
 So, I put one cd in my cdburner, one in my dvd drive. Can I compare that
  they contain exactly the same files?

 Xcdroast will verify  a disc write for you, of cause that assumes that the
 original cashing up is done write, but not withstanding an accurate
 read it does a fair job of ensuring the finish write to CD is a true and
 fair copy of the cashed up .

 I don't see why there shouldn't be a command line way, of reading the
 disk and comparing with the written disc , in the way you describe .
 It would be interesting to know if anyone has a method. If xcdroast
 a gui front end can read a harddrive and compare it with a disc then
 Igues the same programme can read on cd and compare it with
 another CD.


I thought as much. I would like a way to do this, I don't seem to get on with 
many of the gui cd burning software available and would like a quick command 
line for it. I'm sure there must be something.

Thanks for the reply,
Cheers, Jord
Jordan Elver
A good messenger expects to get shot. --- Larry Wall

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Re: [newbie] Postfix Config

2002-11-26 Thread Jordan Elver
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 7:03 pm, Franki wrote:
 configure /etc/postfix/

 pay attention to the following:


 go to dyndns and get yourself a domain name you can use.. its free, or
 donation based.

Please excuse my ignorance, but is it nessaccery to have a domain name?

 make sure /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf and hosts match those in /etc
 so your mail server can resolve address's.

They do match. All of the files in each.

 reload postfix: service postfix reload

 see how that goes.

Thanks for the help. The thing is, when I had sendmail installed ages ago, 
that worked fine. But, sendmail is not working either and the configuration 
files look very scary :-/




 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jordan Elver
 Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 2:37 AM
 To: Mandrake Newbie List
 Subject: [newbie] Postfix Config

 I'm setting up Apache (with PHP), MySQL etc and want to be able to send
 mail from PHP. I've installed postfix and it's running. When I send mail
 from PHP,
 it sends and is added to the /var/spool/mail/postfix file. Inside the file
 are messages which say something along the lines of:

   450 Sender address rejected: Domain not found

 This box is not a production machine (thank goodness ;-)) but for local
 development. I do, however need to send external email. I know this is a
 postfix config error. The machine does not have a domain hosted here, just
 a fqdn I made up for my LAN.

 How can I fix it?


Jordan Elver
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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Re: [newbie] Postfix Config

2002-11-26 Thread Jordan Elver
On Tuesday 26 Nov 2002 7:36 pm, Franki wrote:
 Stick with postfix, its far easier them m4's and the like...

 you might find postfix easier if you use webmin..

 generially yes, postfix should have a domain name..

 you may be able to get it sort of functioning without it.. but its a good

 do you have a static IP address??? if so, try doing a lookup on it, my ISP
 gives all its Ip's numeric subdomains.. and they are find for a mail

 when you send mail, (or try to) what is showing up in
 /var/log/mail/warnings? or info, or errors

 that info will help us determine whats wrong..

 Also, postfix in mdk9 sometimes installs wrong.. so if you don't have a
 head of symlinks and lib files in
 /var/spool/postfix/lib then uninstall and reinstall postfix..

 I had that problem twice and both times manually reinstalling postfix fixed
 (and strangely enough, postfix gave no real outward sign that there was a
 problem, it just wouldn't work properly.)

Thanks Frank. I already had a free sub domain from As soon as I 
chaged the hostname etc for that. it worked fine :-)

There is something I don't understand though. How does my ISPs receiving mail 
server know that the domain I supplied is legit? Could I in theory add any 
domain that is online? 

Thanks very much for your help,

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[newbie] MySQL

2002-11-22 Thread Jordan Elver
Can anyone tell me how to remove the MySQL rpms without KDE disapearing with 
it? When trying to remove, it also wants to remove the various KDE rpms?

Jordan Elver
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...

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Re: [newbie] Finding Dependencies

2002-11-15 Thread Jordan Elver
On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 11:46 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thursday November 14 2002 04:50 pm, Jordan Elver wrote:
  I was trying to install Video-DVDRip with urpmi and it said:
  Installation failed:
  perl-Event is needed by Video-DVDRip-0.47-0.10.1plf is needed by transcode-0.6.2-0.20021024.1plf is needed by transcode-0.6.2-0.20021024.1plf
  I thought urpmi should take care of this anyway?

 Since you're goin for plf, I'll assume this is online. I suspect
 your problem is not havin all sources. EG, rpms, rpms2, and plf all
 available and current. 'urpmi.update -a' is always a good idea just
 before tryin to install somethin.  Another issue is whether you have
 'curl' installed. urpmi defaults to 'wget' if curl isn't installed.
 OTOH, often wget will often complete successfully when curl won't, but
 curl doesn't re-login between each d/l as wget does. YMMV, try both
 before givin up.


Those are current 9.1 rpms. For your version (8.x, 9.0) look for
 similar ones. urpmi is bulletproof, but only if it has all current
 sources defined for the rpm(s) you're tryin to install. Install curl,
 but if a 'urpmi package' fails, then immediately try again with
 'urpmi package --wget'. wget's better at identifying if the package is
 unavailable because the mirror source you're usin doesn't have it.  It
 also doesn't succumb to too many users (mirror) errors as easily as
 curl does. curl's often quicker an prettier tho ;)

Thanks for the reply,
I installed curl as it wasn't installed and tried urpmi --wget as suggested. 
How can I upgrade packages which are already installed. Do I use urpmi?
When I try, it says already installed.

Jordan Elver
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-14 Thread Jordan Elver
Agreed, but if I am downloading movie trailers, you'd think it would be 
allowed! Nevermind, thanks for everyones's help.


On Thursday 14 Nov 2002 11:58 am, Technoslick wrote:

 While there may be some hack or loophole that could make this happen for
 you, I think you just have to accept the fact that the movies you are
 trying to download were specifically set up for on-line streaming. As Todd
 has pointed out, the site does not want to allow the downloading of the
 movies locally. This ability to let you see it, but not take it home, is
 one of the most attractive control mechanisms of audio and visual

 The only way for you to be sure that a link brings you to a dowloadable
 file is to try to save its target locally. If is works, you have what you
 want. If it gives you a placeholder, as in this case, that's what the
 provider intended and the only way you are going to get past this it to
 hack the site or see if you can get permission to acquire the file.

 I hate bumping into this, too, but...


 - Original Message -
 From: Jordan Elver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

 Yep, I can find the file it downloads, but like Todd said, it only
 downloads a
 place holder image while the actual movie does not.

 I'll try and find a fix,

 On Wednesday 13 Nov 2002 8:15 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 04:32, Jordan Elver wrote:
   This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime
   movs from or wherever without a plugin. All I want


   the actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.
   I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting


   wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?
   Am I being stupid or what?
   Thanks for any help, Cheers,
   Jordan Elver
   Save it for my unauthorized autobiography. --- Larry Wall
  Tis rather strange - and you've done a find or a locate on the
  filename and that returned nothing as well?

Jordan Elver
Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you don't want 
Linux'. --- Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader

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[newbie] Finding Dependencies

2002-11-14 Thread Jordan Elver
Hi All,
When trying to install something I am asked for a particular file or shared 
object. How can I find out which package contains that file? I know of 
rpmfind and I use urpmi.

Jordan Elver
Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you don't want 
Linux'. --- Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader

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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-13 Thread Jordan Elver
Yep, I can find the file it downloads, but like Todd said, it only downloads a 
place holder image while the actual movie does not.

I'll try and find a fix,

On Wednesday 13 Nov 2002 8:15 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 04:32, Jordan Elver wrote:
  This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime
  movs from or wherever without a plugin. All I want is
  the actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.
  I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting into
  wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?
  Am I being stupid or what?
  Thanks for any help, Cheers,
  Jordan Elver
  Save it for my unauthorized autobiography. --- Larry Wall

 Tis rather strange - and you've done a find or a locate on the
 filename and that returned nothing as well?

Jordan Elver
640K ought to be enough for anybody - Bill Gates, 1981

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[newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-12 Thread Jordan Elver
This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime movs 
from or wherever without a plugin. All I want is the 
actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.

I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting into 
wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?

Am I being stupid or what?

Thanks for any help, Cheers,
Jordan Elver
Save it for my unauthorized autobiography. --- Larry Wall

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Re: [newbie] Compiling KDE apps

2002-11-12 Thread Jordan Elver
I'll try that. How do I upgrade autoconf and automake with urpmi?
It says already installed, which it is I know :) But, how do I upgrade?


On Saturday 09 Nov 2002 10:07 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 mailto:newbie-owner; wrote:
  Sorry for the newbie question but I can't find the answer to this. I
  have been trying to compile new kde apps which all fail at the
  ./configure saying qt can't be found. I upgraded to libqt3 from
  texstar and have both packages installed. So why can't the includes
  be found?

 I had to edit my /etc/ file to include /usr/lib and
 /usr/local/lib, then run ldconfig to rebuild the cache - as well, I had
 to edit the system profile (/etc/profile) to have KDEDIR=/usr and in the
 export section export KDEDIR before applications started to compile
 properly...I also had to upgrade my automake to automake-1.5 and
 autoconf to autoconf-2.54. I'm still trying to work through some
 compilation issues as well, but mostly, that works...

 11 10 2002
 /  \ /| |'-.
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 !  kuhn media australia - !
 !   If it was easy, the hardware people  !
 ! would take care of it. !

Jordan Elver
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

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Re: [newbie] Downloading Quicktime Files

2002-11-12 Thread Jordan Elver
This is an example. How else could I download these files? I know of the 
crossover plugin, but I really would like a pay free laternative. Also, I 
want to watch the movs offline.


OBJECT CLASSID=clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B WIDTH=400 
PARAM name=pluginspage 
PARAM name=target VALUE=myself
PARAM name=type VALUE=video/quicktime
embed width=400 height=236 

On Tuesday 12 Nov 2002 7:03 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 05:32:37PM +, Jordan Elver wrote:
  This is a bit of a stupid question, can I download quicktime
  movs from or wherever without a plugin. All I want is
  the actual file, I don't want to stream it or anything.
  I tried looking at the HTML source, getting the src path and pasting into
  wget. It goes to download, says it has finished and nothing is saved?
  Am I being stupid or what?
  Thanks for any help, Cheers,

 The movies are probably referenced in such a way that you cannot
 download and save them to your HD. They may use a poster movie, which
 is just one frame of the movie (or any other graphic), then use href
 tracks and other techniques to prevent people from saving the content.
 What did the HTML source say?


Jordan Elver
The memory management on the PowerPC can be used to frighten small children. 
--- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] Compiling KDE apps

2002-11-09 Thread Jordan Elver
Sorry for the newbie question but I can't find the answer to this.
I have been trying to compile new kde apps which all fail at the ./configure 
saying qt can't be found. I upgraded to libqt3 from texstar and have both 
packages installed. So why can't the includes be found?

Jordan Elver
A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way 
street. - Doug Linder

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Re: [newbie] Anyone else tried Texstar's improved KDE fonts?

2002-11-05 Thread Jordan Elver
Thanks for the recommendation. Just installed the packages along with 
libqt3-devel and libqt3 and they look great. Real improvement :-)
I have only had a quick look though. I'll take a closer look later.


On Monday 04 Nov 2002 11:03 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Has anyone else tried out Texstars modified fonts for KDE yet?
 They are absolutely wonderful !! I thought my fonts were good until I tried

 Tex has recompiled libqt3 for Xft-2 which (I think) is what makes RedHat
 8.0's fonts so nice. Any KDE (or qt) application will have nice fonts.

 To get them all you have to do is install
 libqt3, Xft-2.0, freetype2 and fontconfig from

 If you have imported Truetype fonts from Windows with drakfont add a path
 to them in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf by inserting the line


 among the other font paths.

 Restart the X server and that is it! Beautiful clear truetype fonts.

 Problems you might get include :
 Double spacing in konsole : Just select a different font to fix it.
 Blocky fonts in kdm : Open kcontrol as root and select a different font for
 kdm in SystemLogin Manager

 If you are not sure you can recover your system back to its previous state
 in the event of a problem, then it is probably not a good idea to try this.

 Tex's forum thread is here


Jordan Elver
File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)

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Re: [newbie] Permissions

2002-10-31 Thread Jordan Elver
Thanks for you help :-)

On Wednesday 30 Oct 2002 4:44 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 26 Oct 2002 8:08 pm, you wrote:
  On Saturday 26 Oct 2002 1:08 pm, Jordan Elver wrote:
   I have a partition on my drive which is purely for all my mp3s,
   downloads etc. The partition is FAT32 so that I can access it from
   Windoze too. The drive is automatically mounted on boot as root with
   full permisions on everything. I assume full permisions as it is FAT32
   not ext2 etc?
   Although I can copy stuff to the partition as any user, it complains
   about not being able to change the permissions of the file I am
   copying. Is there anyway that I can mount the partition as the user I
   normally use? Is that a good idea?
   Thanks for any help,
  In your /etc/fstab entry for the FAT32 partition add the option
  quiet . You will then not get that annoying message.

 It's normal, because windows doesn't use permissions.  Derek's suggestion
 will take away the agro, but you can just ignore it if you prefer


Jordan Elver
Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you don't want 
Linux'. --- Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader

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Re: SV: [newbie] Mounting/Fstab/Perms

2002-10-29 Thread Jordan Elver
But, I used to write to this parition in 8.2 as a regular user, but it gave an 
warning (something I asked here the other day).

On Tuesday 29 Oct 2002 6:32 pm, Anders Lind wrote:
  Just installed 9 and looks cool. But having some permissions problems. I
  have a vfat partition that I am not allowed to write too. When trying to
  chage the permissions to 777 it does not do it, but does not error
  Is this behaviour expected? I don't know if I am having these troubles
  because it is vfat? I never used to in 8.2.

 If memory serves me right only root has the right to write to a vfat
 partition, it has been like that for me in any dist of Linux I have used. I
 am not sure if any changes in /etc/fstab would help you and if so I have no
 clue what it would be.

 Best Regards,

Jordan Elver
Failure is not an option. It's bundled with the software.

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Re: SV: SV: [newbie] Mounting/Fstab/Perms

2002-10-29 Thread Jordan Elver
The fstab line looks like:

/dev/hda6 /mnt/data vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0

I can write to the partition as root. but other users I cannot.

On Tuesday 29 Oct 2002 7:07 pm, Anders Lind wrote:
  But, I used to write to this parition in 8.2 as a regular user, but it
  gave an warning (something I asked here the other day). does the line in /etc/fstab for the vfat-partitions
 look? Can you write to the partition as root?

 I am almost new to the list so I did not see your earlier message


Jordan Elver
Unix? What's that? Is that like Linux?

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Re: SV: SV: [newbie] Mounting/Fstab/Perms

2002-10-29 Thread Jordan Elver
On Tuesday 29 Oct 2002 7:16 pm, Serge wrote:
 in the expert list i saw that to make users write to the vfat partition,
 you need to add quiet in the fstab

Where exactly in the line do I add quiet ?

Jordan Elver
A good messenger expects to get shot. --- Larry Wall

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[newbie] Permissions

2002-10-26 Thread Jordan Elver
I have a partition on my drive which is purely for all my mp3s, downloads etc.
The partition is FAT32 so that I can access it from Windoze too. The drive is 
automatically mounted on boot as root with full permisions on everything. I 
assume full permisions as it is FAT32 not ext2 etc? 

Although I can copy stuff to the partition as any user, it complains about not 
being able to change the permissions of the file I am copying. Is there 
anyway that I can mount the partition as the user I normally use? Is that a 
good idea?

Thanks for any help,
Jordan Elver
The memory management on the PowerPC can be used to frighten small children. 
--- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] Preserving /home

2002-10-24 Thread Jordan Elver
I am about to install 9.0 on my current 8.2 box. I want to keep my /home 
partition intact. Will any of .kde directories affect the operation of the 
new KDE installation? I'd like to setup KDE from scratch. Or shall I just 
rename the directories and then re-install?

Jordan Elver
The memory management on the PowerPC can be used to frighten small children. 
--- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Preserving /home

2002-10-24 Thread Jordan Elver
Thanks for everyones replies. I think I will backup. If I have problems you'll 
probably here from me again ;-)


On Thursday 24 October 2002 7:57 pm, Gavin Rollins wrote:
 On Friday 25 October 2002 03:23 am, Jordan Elver wrote:
  I am about to install 9.0 on my current 8.2 box. I want to keep my /home
  partition intact. Will any of .kde directories affect the operation of
  the new KDE installation? I'd like to setup KDE from scratch. Or shall I
  just rename the directories and then re-install?


 I'm sure most people on the list will tell you (as they told me..BACK YOUR
 IMPORTANT FILES UP FIRST!!) can't stress that enough. Next, It's always
 best to do a FRESH install.. some files might not want to play with each
 other.. even though they're from the same house...past experience here.

 Remember, Fresh is always best!!
 Hope This Helped a bit! good luck!!

Jordan Elver
I think I'm likely to be certified before Perl is... :-) --- Larry Wall

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[newbie] Re: [gpl] Input/output error - Alcatel Speedtouch USB hangs up and cannot re-connect

2002-09-18 Thread Jordan Elver

There was a thread here the other day regarding a problem similar to this. The 
subject was pipex xtreme or something like that. Richard Morrell mentioned 
something about BT not doing something at their end of the line. Sorry, can't 
remember exactly what :-(
Search the archives, I don't know where they are either though?


Quoting Malcolm Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi all,
 Recently Smoothie has been dropping connection almost every day. Below
 excerpts from the log files.
 Any suggestions would be welcome
 My environment:
 I have a small office running on Smoothie GPL 0.99 patched up to #12.
 13 gave me hassles, so I rebuilt up to 12)
 Smoothie supports 5 workstations that use HTTP and a server that sends
 mail / collects POP3 mail.
 Hardware: Pentium II PC, 32Mb Ram, 2GB hard drive, Alcatel Speedtouch
 For 3 months smoothie behaved itself. Then it started freezing 2-3 days.
 rebuilt from scratch. It continued to freeze. When I plugged in a
 monitor, it only froze 1/week. Had a feeling it had to do with
 power settings - suspend/standby. Checked APM settings in BIOS -
 all suspend/standby.
 After 3 weeks, it started dropping connection almost every night, and
 not reconnect.
 I have to manually connect from the web interface every morning.
 Sample of logs 14/09/02:
 PPP section of log
 19:01:54 pppd No response to 3 echo-requests
 19:01:54 pppd Serial link appears to be disconnected.
 19:01:54 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:54 pppd Connect time 3547.5 minutes.
 19:01:54 pppd Sent 29896654 bytes, received 41627433 bytes.
 19:01:54 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:54 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:54 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:54 pppd write: warning: Input/output error (5)
 19:01:54 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:54 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:55 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:55 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:55 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:55 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:55 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:55 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:55 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:55 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:55 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:55 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:55 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:56 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:56 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:56 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:56 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:56 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:56 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:56 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:56 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:56 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:56 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:56 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:56 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:56 pppd Connection terminated.
 19:01:56 pppd Using interface ppp0
 19:01:56 pppd Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyp1
 19:01:56 pppd Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world
 group access
 19:01:56 pppd Modem hangup
 19:01:57 pppd Connection terminated.
 Smoothwall section of Log:
 19:01:55 smoothwall PPP has gone down on ppp0
 gpl mailing list
 SmoothWall Stash - Buy Our Stuff!

Jordan Elver

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Re: [newbie] Re: [gpl] Input/output error - Alcatel Speedtouch USB hangs up and cannot re-connect

2002-09-18 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks, but I think I copied this message to the wrong list! Doh!

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 3:50 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Wednesday 18 September 2002 08:10 am, Jordan Elver wrote:
  There was a thread here the other day regarding a problem similar to
  this. The subject was pipex xtreme or something like that. Richard
  Morrell mentioned something about BT not doing something at their end of
  the line. Sorry, can't remember exactly what :-(
  Search the archives, I don't know where they are either though?

 You can access the mail list archives at:

 -- cmg

Jordan Elver
Windows - Where do you want to go today? MacOS - Where do you want to be 
tomorrow? Linux - Are you coming, or what?

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Re: [newbie] FTP Server

2002-08-09 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for everyones replies. I'll give ProFTP a go :-)

On Friday 09 August 2002 6:17 am, Arto M wrote:
 ProFTP is worth trying!


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 12:31 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] FTP Server

 On Thursday 08 August 2002 18:52, Miark wrote:
  I run one using ProFTP. I started using it because it was more
  secure than the WU server and because it is easier to configure.
  I've never looked back.
  Jordan Elver [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
   Just wondered what FTP Server you guys would recommend?
   I've heard of wu-ftpd which a lot of people seem to use. But ProFTP


   pretty good especially since it has Apahe like configuation.
   Anyone run an FTP server? :-)

 get  gproftpd  it makes proftp very easy to use


Jordan Elver
Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you don't want 
Linux'. --- Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader

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Re: [newbie] Virtual Host

2002-08-03 Thread Jordan Elver

I think you need to put the ip address of the host machine where the * is, and 
you need one virtual host entry per site, even is it is specified above in 
the http.conf.


On Saturday 03 August 2002 3:51 am, William R. Nash wrote:

 I'm trying to learn to how to do name-based Virtual Host Support.
 With apache HTTP server Version 1.3.22
 I went to the /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts directory
 I edit the Vhosts.conf file and added the following lines

 NameVirtualHost *

 VirtualHost *
 DocumentRoot /home/Paulding

 I restarted Apache and I get a error when I try to goto you
 do not have permission when I try same error when I
 delete the lines I added a get my web site back.

 any help on this thanks Bill Nash.

Jordan Elver
Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware

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[newbie] Starting a program on a different virtual desktop

2002-07-30 Thread Jordan Elver

Is it possible to start a program from the command line and get it to open on 
a different virtual desktop to the one I am currently using?


/path/to/program :2

To start it on desktop 2?

Thanks for any help,
Jordan Elver
640K ought to be enough for anybody - Bill Gates, 1981

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[newbie] Running stuff at boot

2002-07-29 Thread Jordan Elver

Bit of simple one. How can I start/run scripts at boot?
It's Apache that I want to run, but I would like to know how to start other 
things as well?

Jordan Elver
Well, let's just say, 'if your VCR is still blinking 12:00, you don't want 
Linux'. --- Bruce Perens, Debian's Fearless Leader

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Re: [newbie] Running stuff at boot

2002-07-29 Thread Jordan Elver

httpd isn't in there. Probably due to compiling from source.
How can I do it manually?

On Monday 29 July 2002 6:39 pm, you wrote:
 Run ntsysv, and place an * next to httpd.
 It will start every boot then.

 Brian D. Klar - CVE

 -Original Message-
 From: Jordan Elver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 1:29 PM
 To: Mandrake Newbie List
 Subject: [newbie] Running stuff at boot

 Bit of simple one. How can I start/run scripts at boot?
 It's Apache that I want to run, but I would like to know how to start other
 things as well?


Jordan Elver
Unix? What's that? Is that like Linux?

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Re: [newbie] What is XFS

2002-07-22 Thread Jordan Elver

Its the XFree86 font server I think.


On Monday 22 July 2002 7:21 pm, Klemm wrote:

 One question
 What or who is XFS

 I found it in the list of running processes under KDE System Guard

 Process name - xfs
 Login - xfs
 and command - xfs

 All other processes are run under login root or then under my login.
 That one is not and makes me worried or curious.

 any hints ?


Jordan Elver
I think I'll side with the pissheads on this one. --- Larry Wall

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[newbie] Smoothwall/

2002-07-21 Thread Jordan Elver

This is a bit of a shot in the dark, I just don't know what to check for :-)
I have Smoothwall box connected to an ADSL line, this acts as my firewall and 
gateway for local machines to connect to. 

On one of the machines, I am running Apache on port 80, which I can view from 
its IP or Hostname within the local network. The Smoothwall box is setup to 
forward port 80 to the internal IP of the Apache box also on port 80.  I am 
then using to keep track of my dynamic IP and forward to my 
Smoothwall box, which should then forward to my internal Apache machine.

I cannot view the Apache box but I am pretty sure that the No-IP is working, 
because when I turn off the port forwarding, it says Host Not Found, but 
when I turn it on, it just times out. Does anyone know what I should be 
looking for? I seem close, but not quite? :-(

Thanks for any pointers,
Cheers, Jord
Jordan Elver
 ... when men were men and wrote their own device driver ... --- Linus 
Benedict Torvalds

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[newbie] Running stuff at startup

2002-07-05 Thread Jordan Elver

I need to load a kernal module in order to get my webcam working properly, 
but doing this each time can be tedious. If I want to load it at boot, where 
should I put the line (or script). It has to be run as root (you probably 
already knew that :)).

Jordan Elver
640K ought to be enough for anybody - Bill Gates, 1981

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Re: [newbie] Wget

2002-07-03 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for that, but already tried more or less the same.
The problem is (probably explained beter this time :-)) that I get a 403 HTTP 
error as the directory browsing on the server is turned off, so wget can't find 
the files (I assume). Any ideas? Is it possible to get files only over a 
certain size? Say over 10k?


Quoting Jussi Aalto [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 It's all in 'man wget', but in case you're a lazy reader, read this:
 wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.gif
 wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.jpg
 On Tuesday 02 July 2002 22:03, Jordan Elver wrote:
  Could anyone advise me how to use wget?
  I am trying to download a whole directory of images, but directory
  is turned off :-( So wget can't follow them, does anyone know of any
  sites that I can look at?
 Hi!  You have reached 555-0129. None of us are here to answer the phone
 the cat doesn't have opposing thumbs, so his messages are illegible. 
 leave your name and message after the beep...

Jordan Elver

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[newbie] Wget

2002-07-02 Thread Jordan Elver

Could anyone advise me how to use wget? 
I am trying to download a whole directory of images, but directory brwosing 
is turned off :-( So wget can't follow them, does anyone know of any good 
sites that I can look at?

I know wget *can* do this!

Jordan Elver
 How do I read MIME files??? Quietly, while pretending to be trapped in an 
invisible box. :)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.3

2002-06-23 Thread Jordan Elver

I have looked on Mandrake site and no mention of 8.3, I assume you mean the 
latest cooker from one of the mirrors?

On Sunday 23 June 2002 12:27 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 03:06 pm, Jordan Elver wrote:
  Been searching the net for info on Mandrake 8.3 i.e. when and what
  it will include? Anyone know of any links or anything please?

 oLurk (don't post) on the cooker mailing list. It is _not_
 intended to be a discussion or support list. Please don't interfere
 with the developers communication

 oISO's of 8.3 have been available for a few weeks (6/05), d/l,
 beg, borrow or steal 'em(I havt'a resort to beggin ;)

 But to answer your query, newer glibc, kernel, gcc, KDE3, etc ...
 with all KDE3.01/Gnome/other apps re-compiled to be compatible with
 the new stuff. Think of it as RH 7.3 or SuSE 8.0, but with some good
 'ol Mandrake patience to fix the bugs first ;)

 Not for the faint hearted, but IMO _much_ better than an 8.2
 install with a KDE3 upgrade/co-install.  I'm not sure 'cause I don't
 use it, but Gnome2 is the other alternative besides all the other
 WM'rs.  KDE3 in this early beta of 8.3 works well ;)

Jordan Elver
Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware

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[newbie] DVD Ripping Tools

2002-06-22 Thread Jordan Elver

Does anyone know of any good dvd ripping tools or resources about dvd ripping 

Jordan Elver
A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way 
street. - Doug Linder

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[newbie] Teleport Pro

2002-03-26 Thread Jordan Elver

Does anyone know if there is a tool (with docs) similar to the windows 
program teleport pro? Its used to download website to disk or to grab certain 
types of file from websites.


Jordan Elver
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...

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[newbie] Quicktime

2001-07-26 Thread Jordan Elver

Does anyone know how to play QuickTime (mov) under Mandrake?
Also, is there a plugin available for mozilla?



Jordan Elver
Web Developer
The InternetOne UK Ltd

Re: [newbie] Desktop Publishing

2001-06-20 Thread Jordan Elver

On Wednesday 20 June 2001 05:52, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 19 June 2001 11:04, Kevin Fonner wrote:
  I want to get into graphics and animation, but at the same time I am
  beginning to use Linux more and more.  Do any professional graphics
  editing, desktop publishing, and animation programs exist out there?

 graphics editing - gimp, should be on your installation disks

 destop publishing - Ice Sculptor from chilliware it
 is commercial and costs about USD $80

 animation - no answer for you there, someone else might have an idea

Blender - for 3D animation

Jordan Elver
Web Developer
The InternetOne UK Ltd

Re: [newbie] cd writer for linux

2001-06-20 Thread Jordan Elver

I also use a Plextor and it works fine.


On Tuesday 19 June 2001 16:59, you wrote:
 It was Tue, 19 Jun 2001 15:52:30 -0500 when Carlos Cifuentes wrote:
 I want to buy a cd writer for linux but i dont
 know what machine work in linux
 Can some person help me?

 Any decent CD-RW will work, IDE or SCSI. I use Plextor, which is great.

 A day without light is like, eh... night! - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
 ** - when you care **

[newbie] KDE Icons

2001-06-09 Thread Jordan Elver

Does anyone know where the icons for the menu items in KDE are stored?

I keep trying to add items to the menus and then can't find the icon in the 
list. But I can find the icon manually. So, I need to know where to copy the 
icon too?

TIA, Cheers,


[newbie] Current IP Address

2001-06-08 Thread Jordan Elver

I'm trying to write a bash script which needs the current IP address that I 
have been assigned by my ISp at any particular moment. How can I do this?



Re: [newbie] Current IP Address

2001-06-08 Thread Jordan Elver

Me again ;-)
How can I check to see if my computer is currently dialled out or not?



On Friday 08 June 2001 13:43, you wrote:
 Try and grep out the information you need from the command /sbin/ifconfig.

 If you're root, all you need is ifconfig, since it's in your path name,
 however any other user, ifconfig is not.  But that command will give you a
 lot of info, one of which is the IP address.

 Something like the following command should give you the IP address.

 /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d   -f 1

 Since it sounds like you're using a dial-up account, you'll substitue eth0
 for ppp0.  (I think that's what it's called, been a long time since I've
 dialed in.  Just run the ifconfig command when your dialed in to see what
 it looks like.)

 But that command will weed out just the IP Address and print it out for
 you. tdh

 T. Holmes
 Real Men Us Vi!

 | Hi,
 | I'm trying to write a bash script which needs the current IP address that
 | I have been assigned by my ISp at any particular moment. How can I do
 | this?
 | TIA,
 | Jord


[newbie] Icon Zooming

2001-06-06 Thread Jordan Elver

I'm using KDE 2 thats comes with MDK 8.0 and I'm using Icon Zooming for the 
icons on my panel. But, some of the icons don't zoom, does anyone know why or 
how to fix it?



Re: [newbie] CD Writer

2001-06-02 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for evryones help. In the end. I just updated my system using the 
install disk and it found it and configured it!

I'm now burning away ;-)

Thnks for evryones help,


On Friday 01 June 2001 19:56, you wrote:
 Jordan, this is what worked for me. Edit /etc/modules.conf, and add the

 alias scsi_hostadapter1 ide-scsi

 This tells Mandrake that you have a SCSI adapter, which is in fact
 implemented by the ide-scsi driver which makes IDE drives look like SCSI.
 Then do 'cdrecord -scanbus' to see what SCSI devices it can find. I get:

 0,0,0 0) *
 0,1,0 1) *
 0,2,0 2) *
 0,3,0 3) *
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 100 ' 'D.09' Removable Disk
 0,7,0 7) *
 1,0,0   100) 'ATAPI   ' 'CD-R/RW 10X8X32 ' '8.JZ' Removable CD-ROM
 1,1,0   101) *
 1,2,0   102) *
 1,3,0   103) *
 1,4,0   104) *
 1,5,0   105) *
 1,6,0   106) *
 1,7,0   107) *

 which tells me it has found the drive. Remember the 1,0,0 stuff, that is
 what the burner program needs. The burner program I use is gcombust. On the
 Burn tab, there is a CD-Recorder device options section, which is where you
 need to the get the 1,0,0 stuff in. Mine starts with Scsibus 0, Target 6,
 Lun 0, because it thinks it is going to burn a CD on the Zip drive :-). If
 I click the detect SCSI drive button, it changes to Scsibus 1, Target 0,
 Lun 0. That means it's going to work. When you do a burn, don't forget to
 uncheck the Dummy test run option, or you will be confused like I was :-).


 On Saturday 02 June 2001 04:45, Jordan Elver wrote:
  I've just got a cd writer after all your wonderful advice last week ;-)
  I have it installed and working. But not as a cdwriter. it works as a
  cdrom and Mandrake found it, but what now.
  All the tutorials that I have found refer to using lilo and using
  modprobe etc, but I'm using grub, not lilo?!
  Any help or url's would be helpful ;-)

[newbie] CD Writer

2001-06-01 Thread Jordan Elver

I've just got a cd writer after all your wonderful advice last week ;-)
I have it installed and working. But not as a cdwriter. it works as a cdrom 
and Mandrake found it, but what now. 

All the tutorials that I have found refer to using lilo and using modprobe 
etc, but I'm using grub, not lilo?!

Any help or url's would be helpful ;-)



Re: [newbie] CD Writer

2001-06-01 Thread Jordan Elver

I did. From the install cds, but if the burner isn't working as a scsi device 
it won't work ;-)

On Friday 01 June 2001 10:13, you wrote:
 Hey, Try going to and getting some Burner software. Install
 it and see what happens.

  -Original Message-
  From:   Jordan Elver [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Friday, June 01, 2001 2:45 PM
  Subject:[newbie] CD Writer
  I've just got a cd writer after all your wonderful advice last week ;-)
  I have it installed and working. But not as a cdwriter. it works as a
  cdrom and Mandrake found it, but what now.
  All the tutorials that I have found refer to using lilo and using
  modprobe etc, but I'm using grub, not lilo?!
  Any help or url's would be helpful ;-)

[newbie] CD Writer

2001-05-22 Thread Jordan Elver

I am going to buy a cd writer soonand I was just wondering if anyone has any 
suggestions or good experiences to share?



Jordan Elver
while (!asleep()) sheep++;

[newbie] Backing Up Mail

2001-05-17 Thread Jordan Elver

If I want to backup KMail including Mail, Config, Filter Rules etc. Which 
locations/files need to be backed up. I think that all the Mail is kept in my 
home directory as Mail but I don't know where anything else is?

Any ideas?

Jordan Elver
while (!asleep()) sheep++;

[newbie] rm 'ing stuff

2001-05-02 Thread Jordan Elver

How do I remove stuff i.e. rm -r folder/ without having to type yes to every 
file in the folder?

I thought there might be an alias in .bashrc but I can't see anything in 

Any ideas?

TIA, Cheers,


Re: [newbie] rm 'ing stuff

2001-05-02 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks everyone. Gonna track that alias down somewhere ;-)



On Wednesday 02 May 2001 13:01, you wrote:
 They do have an alias.  I don't remember where it's
 defined, though.

 Until you find it, you can do rm -f, but please be

 --- Jordan Elver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How do I remove stuff i.e. rm -r folder/ without
  having to type yes to every
  file in the folder?
  I thought there might be an alias in .bashrc but I
  can't see anything in
  Any ideas?
  TIA, Cheers,

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[newbie] Zip Disk Ownership

2001-04-27 Thread Jordan Elver

How can I mount my zip disk as another user other than root?
Or, how can I change the ownership of files on the zip disk, at the moment it 
says 'Operation Not Permitted' even as root?




[newbie] Permissions Problem

2001-04-16 Thread Jordan Elver

I'm newish to Linux. I've got Mankdrake 7.2 installed and working fine apart 
from a little permissions problem. I'm using my workstaton as a web server as 
well for local development. I also use my workstation at work for the same 
thing and in order to keep current copies of everything I'm working on I use 
a zip disk and swop it between computers. I have the 
apache root set to be /mnt/zip.

My problem is that I need the zip disk to be owned by nobody so that the web 
server will work properly (i.e. when I try to upload files via PHP, I get 
permission denied), but the zip disk is always mounted as root.

How can I have the zip disk owned by nobody but still be able to edit the 
files on the disk without having to change user?

I'm using supermount (or whatever).

Thanks for any help,



Re: [newbie] Linux programming languages

2001-04-16 Thread Jordan Elver

On Monday 16 April 2001 14:33, you wrote:
 What language is used by most linux programmers?
 Any Pros  Cons about different languages?

C seems to be a favourite and Perl, PHP.