[newbie] MySQL and PHP question

2000-10-18 Thread Kandace Little

I am getting very tired of uploading my scripts to test them so I thought I
try out Linux. I am not sure were to put my scripts though, could somebody
tell me were I should store my HTML,PHP files at and just were MySQL
is located. I thought it would be in something like mysql/bin for something
but do not see it anywhere.

I have apache running on my Linux boot, or at least I am pretty sure. Anyway
easy enough to get, if somebody could just tell me were to look and were
to put the files (HTML,PHP,PERL).

Thanks for you help


Re: [newbie] modem

2000-10-16 Thread Kandace Little

I have a 56 Supermax modem and it is a winmodem :( 
I think all
of the made by diamond are winmodems ;(.. There is 
a site out
there but I think you best bet is to write diamond 
and ask them
if you modem is dependent on the CPU, they don't 
like people
calling their modems winmodems hehe..


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2000 10:49 
  Subject: [newbie] modem
  hi canyou tell me where I can find any 
  information on which modems will work with linux I have installed at the 
  moment a diamond supraexpress 56i pro v cc pci modem. regards 

Re: [newbie] how di I adjust the resolution

2000-10-09 Thread Kandace Little

I believe that you start up linuxconfig and then hit the
set up button. Changing the res. should be in there.
I am not 100% sure on that for I am working on my
98 system at the moment but will look later if this
does not work for you..


- Original Message -
From: marios lestas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 6:28 AM
Subject: [newbie] how di I adjust the resolution

 Dear all,

 I have installed linux Mandrake 7.0 and it is working fine. However, the
 screen size is small because the resolution is low(640*...). How do I
 the resolution to 1024*... . The installation had detecte deverything so I
 did not have to configure anything. Please help me.

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

Re: [newbie] DBI.pm

2000-10-09 Thread Kandace Little

Did you try looking at www.perl.com or 

I just did a search at CPAN and could not find the 
Module you are looking for? I guess you may have
to do some poking around..

Take a peek at these sites maybe it is what you are 
looking for...



This link(below) is a search at CPAN for DBI Modules. You should
find what you are looking for there I would think. Let me know
if you have any luck..



- Original Message - 
To: Linux-Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 6:18 PM
Subject: [newbie] DBI.pm

 Where can I get this ?  need it for an app...
  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designerhttp://kitdesigns.bizhosting.com
 WebServer:  http://kompukit.dyndns.org
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] Modem Problems :(

2000-09-18 Thread Kandace Little

Firstly - how do know your modem is on com4?
  I looked it up under windows. Funny thing is there are two
  of the same modem there. I delete one but it pops right
  back up again. It is the pnp version I think since the name of
  the modem is the same but with pnp added to it.


 does the list you see in control panel systems also show a device
 called HSF or similar???

Nope what is say for them is this.
U.S Robotics 33.6k FAX EXT for one and the other one
say the same but with PNP added at the end.

 I have a sneaking feeling we are looking at a winmodem here..

 Could you try the following for me??

 While in windows
 Open up Hyperterminal (start -- program files -- accessories)
 You'll need to set up a dummy account - call it test or fred or
 rubbish or something.

 Once the terminal window has opened type the following commands
 and recort the results for me.

 AT cr( cr = tap the 'enter/return key )
 ATI cr
 ATI1 cr
 ATI2 cr
 and so on to

 EXPECT to get some error messages back - they will be the simple word

 What I'm looking for is the make and type of modem - usually this
 info shows up at ATI5, 6  7.

I received a bunch of stuff but the stuff I think you were looking for came
up as.
ATI3 - U.S Robot ics 33600 fax v5.6.1
ATI - (1.0usroo85\\Modem\PNPC107\U.S Robot ics 33600 FAX EXT) FF

There was also a configuration Profile but I did not think you wanted to
this information as of yet.

  Before you ask I can not disable pnp in the BIOS. I tried but
  this compaq I bought will not let me do that. The BIOS is not
  much use other then the simple stuff. I think it is great that they
  do this for less experience people but I think they should have
  an option that will let you at everything if you want it.

 OPPS. My experience with Compaqs has not been good... but I think
 there are utilities available within the windows environment to alter
 the bios settings. (some help here from someone else maybe?)

I would love any help  that is out there, I have not heard of such a program
but I will be calling Compaq today to find out.

When you restart your machine from a cold boot you should see
a panel which shows serial and parallel device info. If you hit
the pause key on your keyboard you should be able to halt the boot
process so you can copy the data down. I want to know what your BIOS
tells us about your serial and parallel ports - ok?. You may
restart the boot process by tapping your space bar.

 opps - wrote that before I knew it was a Compaq we were dealing with.
 Once again I'm pretty sure we can locate the info we need with the
 on-board Compaq utility programs...

  I did this and did not get any information on parallel ports. The
  only things that showed up are my CD-Rom and Burner, built
  in sound card (which does not work in Linux). It also says something
  about a file that it can't find, I will be looking into that in the

 Ok - that's fine. It really helps to know what sorts of error messages
 come up - make a note of messeges about missing files they could be
 really importand in solving this windows or linux. Remember that during
 the bootup you can pause the display of messages my tapping the pause
 key on your keyboard.

I will write it down on next boot to let you know what it was.

  In case you are wondering, I did disable the win98 logo so that I
  could see everything as it boots up. :)

 Did you know that tapping your Escape key does the same thing???

LOL. nope did not know that but thanks to this fine list I am learning
all the time ;)

Once again - what type of mouse do you have - serial or USB ?
  Nope, I have one of those ps2 mouse, Little round adaptor. Not
  really sure what it would show up as in windows or Linux, maybe
  a serial port? Could this be the problem?

 ah - little round sucker - that will be a PS2 rat - more than likely
 it's a serial PS2 port on Com1 (That would be ttyS0 in linux) so
 now we know that the modem must be assigned somewhere else than Com1
 or ttyS0.

 Try this lot and we'll see if we can get you any closer - But we
 just might nee one of the lits' Compaq experts on board with us
 as well.

Well I hope that one come along soon ;) (help) heh..

Thanks once again for all the great help, I am sure the problem will be
solved in no time.


 ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Modem Problems :(

2000-09-18 Thread Kandace Little

BTW - I can query the Modem in Linux and get a lot of
those ATI commands as well. Thought this might be useful
information as well..


- Original Message -
From: "John Rye" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Kandace Little" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Problems :(

 Kandace Little wrote:

 You'll have another message from me sent before I got to this one.
 ok - we'll work thru this one step at a time.

Firstly - how do know your modem is on com4?
  I looked it up under windows. Funny thing is there are two
  of the same modem there. I delete one but it pops right
  back up again. It is the pnp version I think since the name of
  the modem is the same but with pnp added to it.


 does the list you see in control panel systems also show a device
 called HSF or similar???

 I have a sneaking feeling we are looking at a winmodem here..

 Could you try the following for me??

 While in windows
 Open up Hyperterminal (start -- program files -- accessories)
 You'll need to set up a dummy account - call it test or fred or
 rubbish or something.

 Once the terminal window has opened type the following commands
 and recort the results for me.

 AT cr( cr = tap the 'enter/return key )
 ATI cr
 ATI1 cr
 ATI2 cr
 and so on to

 EXPECT to get some error messages back - they will be the simple word

 What I'm looking for is the make and type of modem - usually this
 info shows up at ATI5, 6  7.

  Before you ask I can not disable pnp in the BIOS. I tried but
  this compaq I bought will not let me do that. The BIOS is not
  much use other then the simple stuff. I think it is great that they
  do this for less experience people but I think they should have
  an option that will let you at everything if you want it.

 OPPS. My experience with Compaqs has not been good... but I think
 there are utilities available within the windows environment to alter
 the bios settings. (some help here from someone else maybe?)

When you restart your machine from a cold boot you should see
a panel which shows serial and parallel device info. If you hit
the pause key on your keyboard you should be able to halt the boot
process so you can copy the data down. I want to know what your BIOS
tells us about your serial and parallel ports - ok?. You may
restart the boot process by tapping your space bar.

 opps - wrote that before I knew it was a Compaq we were dealing with.
 Once again I'm pretty sure we can locate the info we need with the
 on-board Compaq utility programs...

  I did this and did not get any information on parallel ports. The
  only things that showed up are my CD-Rom and Burner, built
  in sound card (which does not work in Linux). It also says something
  about a file that it can't find, I will be looking into that in the

 Ok - that's fine. It really helps to know what sorts of error messages
 come up - make a note of messeges about missing files they could be
 really importand in solving this windows or linux. Remember that during
 the bootup you can pause the display of messages my tapping the pause
 key on your keyboard.

  In case you are wondering, I did disable the win98 logo so that I
  could see everything as it boots up. :)

 Did you know that tapping your Escape key does the same thing???

Once again - what type of mouse do you have - serial or USB ?
  Nope, I have one of those ps2 mouse, Little round adaptor. Not
  really sure what it would show up as in windows or Linux, maybe
  a serial port? Could this be the problem?

 ah - little round sucker - that will be a PS2 rat - more than likely
 it's a serial PS2 port on Com1 (That would be ttyS0 in linux) so
 now we know that the modem must be assigned somewhere else than Com1
 or ttyS0.

for my old colour deficiant eyes...
  Done, I am sorry if I hurt you eyes hehe.. it was not my intent.
  I think this email internet thing is just one big pain in the butt. Then
  again it is all this trying to figuring out things the makes me love it,
  go figure.

 You beauty - now I can read it without any probs at all...
  Thank you for your help, I look forward to hearing from you again.

 Try this lot and we'll see if we can get you any closer - But we
 just might nee one of the lits' Compaq experts on board with us
 as well.

 ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Bad News, Napster is dead

2000-09-14 Thread Kandace Little

I was just on about 2 seconds ago and it worked just
fine for me :) Maybe you have just been band and need
to fix up your Reg.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 1:24 PM
Subject: [newbie] Bad News, Napster is dead

 Well I guess its official, I tried to commeckt (fuck typeos)\
 to Napster and it would not connect, so its dead.
 the website is still up, but according to my connections,
 Napster servers are all dead.
 Guess there is always Gnutella

[newbie] Modem Problems :(

2000-09-14 Thread Kandace Little

Hello all.

My modem will not work no matter what I do. 
I have followed
some of the suggestion that come through the list but none 
worked. I thought I would tell you all what the 
problem is and
maybe somebody could come up with 

First about the modem:
It is a 33.6 USRobotics Faxmodem, External. There 
are a lot
of switches on the back of it and I am not sure 
what they are for.
I am going to list in order what they are for. 
Maybe this will help
figure out why it won't work in Linux.

1. UP - Data Terminal Ready normal
 Down - Data terminal ready 

2. UP - Verbal result codes
 Down - Numeric result 

3. UP- Suppress results codes
 Down - Display 

4. UP - ECHO offline commands
 Down - No echo, offline 

5. UP - Auto answer on the first ring, or higher if 
specified in NVRAM
Down - Auto answer off

6. UP - Carrier detect normal
Down - Carrier detect 

7. UP- Load NVRAM defaults
 Down - Load factory 

8. Up - Dumb mode
 Down - Smart mode

That is all for the modem now on to the 

My modem is inCOM4 but when I use kppp it 
tells me my modem
is busy, not uncommon I see. when I switch the 
device to COM1 or
ttyS0it will say, Modem is ready then it 
stops on Initializing and 
goes no father. Even the query workswhen on 
ttyS0, not sure why.
I did a /proc/pci and found out thatmy port 
is 0x1850 and theIRQ is

all the stuff I tried is no longer there for I 
reloaded Linux just a few
min. ago. I was wondering if I should 
ofpicked modem on Networking
during the install ?Well if you can think of anything or would like me
to type out what a certain program told me let me 
know, I will do it
as fast as I can.

Thanks for you time in this matter for 

OH, I tried to reg. my Linux and the mail bounced. 
I guess I will
tryit again but do any of you know if there 
is something wrong 
at the Mandrake site?

Next probcoming up:(


[newbie] RPM things

2000-09-14 Thread Kandace Little

I downloaded the new harddrake but when I tried to 

install it BOOM!.. hehe well not really. It told me 
had to get some other rpm's first which didn't 
me until I went out to find them.

The things I am looking for are isapnptools and 
alsa, I 
guess I do not have the updated version of these. 

Thanks for helping me with this matter 


Re: [newbie] RPM things

2000-09-14 Thread Kandace Little

Link does not work?

- Original Message - 
From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RPM things

  Kandace Little wrote:
  I downloaded the new harddrake but when I tried to
  install it BOOM!.. hehe well not really. It told me I
  had to get some other rpm's first which didn't bother
  me until I went out to find them.
  The things I am looking for are isapnptools and alsa, I
  guess I do not have the updated version of these.
  Thanks for helping me with this matter
 Try looking through the rpm libraries at "www.rufus.net" I think. you
 can do a search by name and you should find the rpm's if they are
 available. As I recall that's where I found them.  Luck, Dennis
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] I can't detect my modem

2000-09-11 Thread Kandace Little
Title: RE: [newbie] I can't detect my modem

Let me know if you get your modem working and what 

you did to make it work. I have the same problem as 

well but, when I query ttyS0 it finds it talks to 
it. Weird
is it not :(


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 2:53 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] I can't detect my 
  Thank, Dennis. I'll takea look at 
  that. And all inputs are welcome. The sooner I solve this the 
  happier I'll be. 
- Original Message - 
Myers, Dennis R NWO 
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 11:44 
Subject: RE: [newbie] I can't detect my 

Sorry to butt in but I have read that if you have 
the Network routing daemon running it will interfere with a dialup modem. 
You might want to check that in Drakconfig. Just a thought. It got me on one 
install. As soon as I disabled the network routing the modem dialed. Good 
luck, Dennis
Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of John Sent: Monday, 
September 11, 2000 8:59 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [newbie] I can't detect my modem 
I followed your instructions for configuring my 
port. Unfortunately with no 
success. Found my device just fine using cat tool. It is indeed a Communication controller. 
:) It is set to IRQ 9. I entered the setserial commands you gave me and after doing 
so and did a modem query. Now I get 
"No response from modem" vice "Modem is Busy" reply. So I did some experimenting with the setserial 
handles. I entered them each one at 
time, skipped different ones, just about every combo possible(restarting between different patterns). 
What is happening is I continue to get 
the busy reply unless I either (1) include skip_test with the autoconfig handle -or- (2) run the autoconfig without 
the skip_test (still busy) and then do 
the setserial uart 16550A. Then i get the no response. It seems to me I have isolated the problem 
to the uart. I can do all the other 
commands and still get the busy reply, but once I use skip_test or set the uart I get no response. I also 
tried every different uart setting it 
would allow me to. No help. I tried the process on ttyS1 as 
well with same results. What exactly is 
the uart anyway? I also did less /proc/interrrupts to look at my IRQs and it wasn't listed (9 that 
is). Where do I go from here? 
/proc/pci info 
BUS 0, device 4, function 0: Communication controller: Lucent (ex-Att) 
Microelectronics L56xMF(rev. 1) Medium 
devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 9. Master capable. No bursts. Max Gnt=252. Max Lat=14 
Also, I am running dual boot (grub) 
WIN98/Mandrake7.1 Athlon600 
Help! ) 
 Here are my weekly instructions for a PCI 
modem in Linux.The first 
thing you need to do is find out if you winmodem or a real  modem. Log in as root and from terminal enter the 
following command # cat  
/proc/pci  This will list all your 
PCI devices. On this list you should see either  Communication controller or Communication device, that listing 
is your  modem. If it shows as Comm. 
device you have a winmodem and it won't work in  Linux. If it shows as 
Comm. controller prceed as follows:  
Write down the first I/O range. In the example I am using 0xd800 
replace  that with yours. 
 Enter the following  # setserial /dev/ttyS3 port 0xd800 spd_vhi skip_test 
auto_irq autoconfig  If there are no 
errors, then enter  # setserial 
/dev/ttyS3 uart 16550A  
 Select /dev/ttyS3 as the device in kppp and 
your modem should now initalize 
 and operate.  To make this perm. you will need to edit your rc.local file 
which is located  in the /etc/rc.d directory. Add the 2 setserial lines 
to the end of this  file 
 Save the changes and reboot your 
system.   Charles :-)- Original 
Message -   From: John 
It is on com port 4 in windows which is ttys3 in linux I 
believe. When I   query it using KPPP it tells me "Sorry, modem is 
busy". Of course it also 
  says this for just about every other 
port as well. I found some  
 documentation on Maximumlinux.com and it mentions that special 
 instructions   are required for ttys2 and ttys3. Of course they 
don't tell you what  these 
  instructions are. I am unable to 
change the com port to 2 as it goes to 4   automatically when it 
installs (in Windows). I am really stumped here.  Any   
words of advice? Thanks  

[newbie] USRobotics modem problems

2000-09-08 Thread Kandace Little

I can not get this modem working wit Linux not 
why though, It works just find when running 
It is a sportster 33.6 ENT FAX modem and I find I 
the little thing ;).

The problem I am having is that when I go to call 
it finds the modem says it is ready then starts to 

initialize and goes no father. My modem is in 
port 1, I used dev/ttyS0 instead of dev/modem. I 
tried it the other way as well. It once said that 
it was
setting speaker volume but stopped 

Speaker does not mean that much to me anyway 
I can not seem to get my sound going hehe.. Dam 
it built onto the Mobo it is ESS and SB compatible 
still does not seem to work.

Anyway and help would be great. 


Re: [newbie] Code Warriors Wanted !

2000-09-08 Thread Kandace Little

nbsp; is used in HTML heh.. it is a space ;)


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Code Warriors Wanted !

 What the heck is a "nbsp" ?

 On Wed, 06 Sep 2000, you wrote:
  !doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"
  Dearnbsp; forum; I'm interested in speaking with any experienced
  who are familiar with "Porting" a Windows-Based program to a Linux-based
  one, whether or not "Wine" would have to be used or not. My office uses
  a 16 bit program which it currently the only POS standing between
  totally Linux office, and a half and half environment. This program is
  designed to access an on-line binary database, and then downloads these
  binary files to be merged with one large data file.nbsp; I'd really
  to find a way to switch it over to Linux, without using some sort of
  emulator, so if anyone's interestednbsp; innbsp; having a new project,
  get back to me at this forum, or email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]/html

[newbie] New Modem Problems ;(

2000-09-05 Thread Kandace Little

I got a new to me modem, it is a 33.6 USRobotics 
and it works great in windows. I can query it in 
Linux and it
give me some stuff but when I try to connect 
to the net 
through kppp it hangs on initializing and it goes 
not father.
I hope somebody can help me out with 


Re: [newbie] Modem Problems

2000-09-04 Thread Kandace Little

I have a Sportster 33.6 but can not get windows to 
see it.
I am not sure what to do with it since I am not 
familiar with
external modems that attach through the LPT1 

If any of you can help me get this thing working I 
would be
in your debt. :)


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 12:16 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem 
  you may just want to get a new modem and save 
  yourself time and grief...which I did with a lucent winmodem with the driver 
  they released lot of time and grief...now works with a new sporster 
- Original Message - 
Kandace Little 
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 8:26 
Subject: [newbie] Modem Problems

Ok, I have a Winmodem and I guess sometime down 
road I will have to get a new one but... I 
heard that PCTEL
(my modem) will work with Linux through a 
driver they re-
leased. I looked all over for the driver and 
can not find it.
I was at the linmodem.org site were they have a 
link to 
the driver page butthe link was 

I was wondering if any of you know were I could 
get this
driver so that I can try this short term fix to 
my problem.

Thanks for you help in this for 


[newbie] Modem Problems

2000-09-03 Thread Kandace Little

Ok, I have a Winmodem and I guess sometime down 
road I will have to get a new one but... I heard 
that PCTEL
(my modem) will work with Linux through a driver 
they re-
leased. I looked all over for the driver and can 
not find it.
I was at the linmodem.org site were they have a 
link to 
the driver page butthe link was 

I was wondering if any of you know were I could get 
driver so that I can try this short term fix to my 

Thanks for you help in this for me.


Re: [newbie] Modem Problems

2000-09-03 Thread Kandace Little

Thanks for the info.I found what I was looking for I think
For others that may want to try this the drivers are at
http://www.808hi.com/56k/badchips.htm and the driver
file is at http://www.netaxs.com/~bj/pctel.zip the ream me
files can be found at - http://www.netaxs.com/~bj/readme.txt

Thanks once again, I am sure I will be asking for some
help with the linmodem part of it soon enough ;(.


- Original Message -
From: Christopher Mills Wolfe
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Problems

- Original Message -
From: Kandace Little
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 12:26 PM
Subject: [newbie] Modem Problems

Ok, I have a Winmodem and I guess sometime down the
road I will have to get a new one but... I heard that PCTEL
(my modem) will work with Linux through a driver they re-
leased. I looked all over for the driver and can not find it.
I was at the linmodem.org site were they have a link to
the driver page but the link was dead.

I was wondering if any of you know were I could get this
driver so that I can try this short term fix to my problem.

Thanks for you help in this for me.


If you can't find it on any of the other web pages in Mandrake try
www.google.com in your

Re: [newbie] Modem Trouble

2000-09-01 Thread Kandace Little

 Setserial would not work for me, I take it that I type the
commands in from the console. I made some changes to
the set-up and got some funny thing happing. When I made
it Xon/Xoff it would talk to the modem but would not work.
My modem is in COM1 which is ttsyS0 but when I changed
the settings to ttsyS1 or any of the others it tells me my
modem is busy?.

Well I wrote Diamond to see if this PCI card is a winmodem
or not but have not received a answer as of yet. If any of you
have any other ideas please let me know.

Modem is: SupraMax 56i PCI V.90

Thanks again for you your great help guys

Stephen (the newbie) Little

- Original Message -
From: "Kelley Terry" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem Trouble

 It sounds like you have the wrong irq assigned.  Try to find out which
port and
 irq it uses.  I had to use windoze to set up my modem.  You can find the
 properties in windoze either by right clicking on the mycomputer icon then
 selecting properties or by using the start/programs/accessories/ menu - I
 can't remember which one offhand so try both.  In kppp you can set it by
 entering setup-modem.  Set the modem for /dev/ttyS1 if your windows was
com 2,
 /dev/ttyS2 for windows port com 3, etc.  Use setserial to set the irq:
 setserial /dev/ttyS(number) irq (number).  For example on mine it's:
 /dev/ttyS2 irq 5.  You can append this at the end of a startup file:
 /etc/rc.d/rc.local and it will be executed at system start-up.

 On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, you wrote:
  I have a modem, it is a Diamond SupraMax 56k v.90.
  Linux finds the modem but it tell me the modem will
  not respond? I was lead to believe that this modem was
  not a WinModem, is this wrong?
  Maybe there is something that I am missing, which is
  why I am talking to you fine people. I am real new to
  this, I just got it up and running tonight. My eyes are
  likely going to fall out soon so I think I may head off
  to bed now.
  Thanks for helping me with this annoying problem.

 Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] Modem help needed

2000-09-01 Thread Kandace Little

Setserial would not work for me, I take it that I 
type thecommands in from the console. I made some changes tothe set-up 
and got some funny thing happing. When I madeit Xon/Xoff it would talk to 
the modem but would not work.My modem is in COM1 which is ttsyS0 but when I 
changedthe settings to ttsyS1 or any of the others it tells me mymodem 
is busy?.Well I wrote Diamond to see if this PCI card is a 
winmodemor not but have not received a answer as of yet. If any of 
youhave any other ideas please let me know.Modem is: SupraMax 56i 
PCI V.90Thanks again for you your great help guysStephen (the 
newbie) Little- Original Message -From: "Kelley 
Friday, September 01, 2000 3:51 AMSubject: Re: [newbie] Modem 
Trouble It sounds like you have the wrong irq assigned. 
Try to find out whichport and irq it uses. I had to use 
windoze to set up my modem. You can find the properties in windoze 
either by right clicking on the mycomputer icon then selecting 
properties or by using the start/programs/accessories/ menu - I can't 
remember which one offhand so try both. In kppp you can set it by 
entering setup-modem. Set the modem for /dev/ttyS1 if your windows 
wascom 2, /dev/ttyS2 for windows port com 3, etc. Use 
setserial to set the irq: setserial /dev/ttyS(number) irq 
(number). For example on mine it's:setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 
5. You can append this at the end of a startup file: 
/etc/rc.d/rc.local and it will be executed at system 

[newbie] Modem Trouble

2000-08-31 Thread Kandace Little

I have a modem, it is a Diamond SupraMax 56k 
Linux finds the modem but it tell me the modem 
not respond? I was lead to believe that this modem 
not a WinModem, is this wrong?

Maybe there is something that I am missing, which 
why I am talking to you fine people. I am real new 
this, I just got it up and running tonight. My eyes 
likely going to fall out soon so I think I may head 
to bed now.

Thanks for helping me with this annoying 


[newbie] KDE?

2000-08-30 Thread Kandace Little

I at last have Linux loaded on my win 98 system 
(duel boot). 
I am having troubles with KDE though, or I think I 
am. When 
I boot into Linux I can use the key combination of 
to open any of the seven desktops but none of these 
have what
I thought.

I thought there was icons and task bars so to speak 
in the KDE
desktop, is that right? I hit the F7 option and get 
two command
line windows.

I am new to this so maybe that is all you get. If I 
am wrong maybe
somebody could help me out with this. I am running 
Mandrake 7.0.

Thanks for you help in advance ;)


[newbie] Hard Dive info. please

2000-08-26 Thread Kandace Little

I am having troubles loading up Linux on my Win 98 
because of the size of my Hard drive. I was 
wondering if by
putting in a new hard drive (slave) my 
problems would go 


[newbie] Hard Dive info. pleas

2000-08-26 Thread Kandace Little

My hard drive now is 20 gigs and the one that I 
add is only 4 gigs. I was thinking it would be nice 
have Linux on its own drive all together. I guess I 
use the whole Hard drive for Linux, unless that 
cause problems?


[newbie] Install help

2000-07-22 Thread Kandace Little

I have a Compaq Presario AMD 533 Mhz with 128mb Ram and 20 Gig. HD.
model number is 7479. I am having great troubles getting Linux 7.0 to
on this machine. I had to format it twice because all I got when I rebooted
zero's and one's filling up the screen. I tried to boot off of the disk and
then to
the CD but I can not get pass the disk they gave me. I tried to make my own
disk as the instruction told me but the program that makes the disk did not
work, give me an error not sure what just now.

I have gave up trying sometime ago but now I find I still would love to have
it on my machine. It has to be duel boot because I need to run WIn/98 as
well. They say not to boot right to the disk (which I can do), I am not sure
why but maybe I should try that. I friend told me that my hard drive was to
big but  I could not understand that being the problem.

Any help would be GREAT!

Thanks for you time and effort in the matter for me

Stephen L

[newbie] unscribe

2000-07-16 Thread Kandace Little
