[newbie] emacs

2001-01-24 Thread Kurt Maier

Here goes a stupid question, but I'm going to ask anyway.  I have LM 7.2
and I want to compile some Cobol programs for school, but I can't find
the right command to compile in Emacs.  I've looked in the manuals but
no help.  Any help is appreciated.  

Truly a Newbie

Re: [newbie] running windows in linux

2000-04-18 Thread Kurt donald Cobain \(on windows\)

take me off the mailing list
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] running windows in linux

 Exceed is quite a mature product.
 It turns the windows based PC into X Terminal.
 The window manager you use depends on your X server.
 I have used Exceed on a PC (Pentium 133) and the X server was on Sun.
 Hence, Exceed does not require a high spec PC.

Re: [newbie] take off list,

2000-04-17 Thread Kurt donald Cobain \(on windows\)

take me off the list too please
- Original Message - 
From: "Stephen F. Bosch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] take off list,

 Deborah Massey wrote:
  Please take me off the newbie list at this time
 Right away, ma'am.

Re: [newbie] UNSUBCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-04-10 Thread Kurt donald Cobain

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 7:32 PM
Subject: [newbie] UNSUBCRIBE!


[newbie] subscribe newbie

2000-03-08 Thread Kurt donlad Cobain

subscribe newbie

[newbie] OOP Programming in Linux - Questions

1999-10-10 Thread Kurt

I am one who isn't simply happy being a user and wish to write
some of my own applications under Linux, as well as to play
around in helping to develop some GNU software in the near
future.  However, I am a major newbie to the world of programming
in C for Windows, let alone Linux. I'm not in a rush to make
money in programming, but merely wish to do it for the pure
satisfaction of it.  Therefore, I have chosen to dump most of my
efforts into doing so under Linux.  However, I have a few
questions for any of  you who are experienced hackers (note the
proper use of the term here) and truly understand the machine.

I want to learn OOP programming with C++, Python, and other OOP
programming languages.  However, I have noticed in Linux that
things are a lot different than programming in DOS or Windows.

My first question is:  What are some GOOD books that one can use
for a new person who is new to programming in Linux?  I purchased
"Teach Yourself C in 21 Days" and "Teach Yourself Advanced C in
21 Days" by SAMS publishing.  However, I have noticed that those
books tend to lay things out in more of a Windows IDE environment
and DOS / ANSI graphics.  There has got to be a better way of
learning C and C++ for Linux programming than this!  Any
suggestions?  I would prefer a series that will take me from the
basics all the way through advanced information through the same
publisher if possible.

My second question is:  There are TONS of libraries and modules
that are already a part of the GNU compilers, so as to keep
programmers from having to "re-invent the wheel".  However, I
cannot seem to find any documentation or books which list all the
properties of all the standard libraries so I can start using
them religiously. (Also, I would appreciate some materials which
can show me how to implement the libraries into my programs)

I have basic understanding of how to use libraries though, just
that I would like to learn how to use some of the more advanced
ones.  I know the basic function calls such as:  #include
stdio.h  etc.  But I would like to understand what is IN those
functions and, thus, how they behave.  Any suggestions?

I aways feel I am behind the power curve when it comes to
learning programming.  Libraries change every week or so.  New
graphical interfaces come out and, once you think you've learned
it, they go and change everything around.  Also, with Linux, I
have found that when libraries are changed, some programs cease
to work due to backwards-compatibility problems.  The typical
Linux user then ends up having to have multiple sets of libraries
on the system JUST to be able to keep and run the older
programs.  Is this not a productivity problem that should be
addressed???  Just curious.

Thanks in advance!


Re: [newbie] OOP Programming in Linux - Questions

1999-10-10 Thread Kurt
nto /windows/system.  Sure,
 the new lib works for that app, but what did it overwrite and what will
 break in the process?  At least under Linux, libraries and applications
 are distributed (and often developed) individually so you have a bit of
 control over what will be installed.

I have also experienced the heeby-jeebies as you have.  I used to be able to
use Eudora Lite on my Windows box.  But after using Netscapes UNCOOL "Smart
Update", not only does Eudora Lite crash the system, but the Netscape
version 6.1 constantly tells me every site I visit contains an invalid site
certificate and refuses to load the webpage.  It WASN'T broken UNTIL they
fixed it.  (Does that last statement make sense?  If not, please direct your
enquiries to Netscape (or can you say AOL?) and they will do some
manipulations of the wording FOR you) *gasp*

 I hope this message at least makes you feel more confident of your
 choice in using Linux to learn programming.  It's a wonderful
 environment, overall.

 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

Your reply is very rational and the almighty penguin salutes you with great
honor!  You have definitely provided me a boost in confidence when it comes
to doing my learning using the Linux platform.  Now WHICH way do you
prounounce it again... "Lih-nux" as it is pronounced in civilized realms, or
is it "Line-ucks" as pronounced in HicksVille (cringe), or is it "Lee-noos"
as it is pronounced by Linus himself?  I guess we can decide that one for
ourselves through a new form of mathematical equation that compares between
the number of muscle tissues necessary to say it each way, with the main
decision being based upon speed or productivity in how we speak.  Ooops,
umm, have I been rambling again?  Uhh, Yup!  Sorry. :o)  (EG)


Re: [newbie] OOP Programming in Linux - Questions

1999-10-10 Thread Kurt

ACK!!! Please pardon me BIG time for an error I made in my reply post.  I
had mentioned Netscape 6.1 and 7.x.  LOL  I had my head in the sand again
and was confusing the version numbers with another program LOL.  If it is a
massive heartache to you in seeing such a terrible error on my part, please
be advised I was talking about Netscape versions 4.6 and 4.7, respectively.
My error, sorry.  My brain hasn't been made Y2K compliant yet, and is
operating in the fiscal year 2000. HAHA  Have a great day!


Re: [newbie] Telnet Broken After Update!?!?

1999-09-22 Thread Kurt

Whoah!!  I didn't realize the archive existed!  I just went and visited it and truly
like the keyword search feature!!  NOW I can play hardball!! Thanks a bundle!!



"R. David Whitlock" wrote:

 The archives being referred to here are the archives located at a link off
 the main mandrake-linux page where from a web interface you can browse
 past messages to both the newbie and expert lists, as well as search for
 phrases to locate similar answers from before...

 ALL users of the list should use this if at all possible to locate answers
 before posting, if at all possible...


 "Without the Law, there is no Liberty.  Without Justice, there is no Law."

 On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Kurt wrote:

  Thanks a bundle Philip! :o)  I'll grab the server portion of things... as long
  as it serves beer ** burp **  'Chuse Me!
  I adhere to the RTFM rule, but "Using Linux, Third Edition" by Tackett and
  Gunter didn't seem to help on this particular issue.
  Thanks Again!!
  Steve Philp wrote:
   Kurt wrote:
Simple and to the point here.  After initial install of Linux-Mandrake,
Telnet worked fine.  However, after updating it via Mandrake-Updates, it
appears broken and won't provide a user login and password screen...
only tells me that the escape character is ^]  Why would I need an
escape character when the updated telnet doesn't provide me something to
escape from? (Forgive me for humor... but it's a good way of maintaining
your sanity!)
Anyone got a clue as to what got changed, which causes Telnet to do
something like this?  What am I missing???
Thanks in Advance
   Simple and to the point:  telnet client and server got split into two
   packages in the update.  Grab the telnet-server package from your
   favorite mirror and you're back online.
   Oh, and the archives probably have extensive coverage of this topic.
   Steve Philp
   Network Administrator
   Advance Packaging Corporation

[newbie] Telnet Broken After Update!?!?

1999-09-20 Thread Kurt

Simple and to the point here.  After initial install of Linux-Mandrake,
Telnet worked fine.  However, after updating it via Mandrake-Updates, it
appears broken and won't provide a user login and password screen...
only tells me that the escape character is ^]  Why would I need an
escape character when the updated telnet doesn't provide me something to
escape from? (Forgive me for humor... but it's a good way of maintaining
your sanity!)

Anyone got a clue as to what got changed, which causes Telnet to do
something like this?  What am I missing???

Thanks in Advance


Re: [newbie] Telnet Broken After Update!?!?

1999-09-20 Thread Kurt

Thanks a bundle Philip! :o)  I'll grab the server portion of things... as long
as it serves beer ** burp **  'Chuse Me!
I adhere to the RTFM rule, but "Using Linux, Third Edition" by Tackett and
Gunter didn't seem to help on this particular issue.

Thanks Again!!


Steve Philp wrote:

 Kurt wrote:
  Simple and to the point here.  After initial install of Linux-Mandrake,
  Telnet worked fine.  However, after updating it via Mandrake-Updates, it
  appears broken and won't provide a user login and password screen...
  only tells me that the escape character is ^]  Why would I need an
  escape character when the updated telnet doesn't provide me something to
  escape from? (Forgive me for humor... but it's a good way of maintaining
  your sanity!)
  Anyone got a clue as to what got changed, which causes Telnet to do
  something like this?  What am I missing???
  Thanks in Advance

 Simple and to the point:  telnet client and server got split into two
 packages in the update.  Grab the telnet-server package from your
 favorite mirror and you're back online.

 Oh, and the archives probably have extensive coverage of this topic.

 Steve Philp
 Network Administrator
 Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] LICQ and Madrake 6.0 HELP!

1999-09-20 Thread Kurt

Hi Matt!

I have LICQ working on my mandrake 6.0 system, and it works wonderfully!  I
believe I have installed the version before version 7.

I would suggest that, with ICQ clients, you ALWAYS allow yourself to lag behind
one version and always install the next older version than the current one.  The
reason for this, is that the newest version nearly always has multitudes of bugs
in them.  NOTE:  Always download the most current version that says "STABLE" and
everything will be peachy.

Also, for your further information, I am having lots of problems manually
compiling programs, as everything seems to tell me "recursive... quitting"  and
also tells me that the Make files cannot find the .h headers on my system.
Since I am trying to figure that out, I've been opting to install things using
RPM for the time being until I can get these "wires" uncrossed here.

Anything further, lemme know.



"Matt G. Ellis" wrote:

 Okay, i downloaded and unpacked the Source for LICQ .7

 I can compile the program itself fine, my problem is getting the required
 qt-gui to compile.  It said i needed QT2.00 and I only have QT1.44, i
 downloaded the 2.00 rpms from rpmfind.net and installed them but that didn't

 If anyone has gotten LICQ to work with madrake 6.0 please tell me what steps
 you took!  I wanna get this to work!

[newbie] Can Cheapo Lexmark Printer Work with LINUX?

1999-08-23 Thread Kurt

Ok, call me dense.  I went and bought a lexmark 2050 printer a couple of
years ago for my windows system.  I can't afford a new printer at the
moment, and would like to use my Lexmark under Mandrake.  For some reason,
everything seems to spool ok, but nothing ever prints.  Not to mention that
during installation, there aren't any selections for Lexmark inkjet
printers.  Am I screwed?  Or does anyone here know where a guy can get a
driver for this particular animal?  


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RE: [newbie] Setup success but Netscape Not loading Pages

1999-08-17 Thread Kurt

Thanks a bundle!!  The argument 'novj' seems to have worked, at least under
KDE.  Unfortunately, same problem is still happening under my shell, but at
least I can connect up using KDE now!  

I would be interested in learning the meaning of 'novj', or where that even
came from?  There is absolutely nothing in any of the manuals I received
which mention this argument.

Thanks Again


At 11:14 PM 8/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
On 17-Aug-99 Kurt wrote:
 Hoorah!  I got Mandrake installed successfully, and everything seems to
 work except for one BIG problem.  For some reason, my Netscape, FTP and IRC
 connections all come up and tell me that connections to the servers have
 been established.  However, it then just sits there and seems like nothing
 is getting into my machine!  
Geez, looks like this problem is getting common.  Okay, my gf had the same
exact problem and this is what fixed it for her:

Go into kppp's settings, and in the screen where you put the phone number for
your ISP in, there is a button labeled 'Arguments' for passing arguments to
pppd.  Click on that, then put in 'novj' as a pppd argument.

I hope that works for you.


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[newbie] Setup success but Netscape Not loading Pages

1999-08-16 Thread Kurt

Hoorah!  I got Mandrake installed successfully, and everything seems to
work except for one BIG problem.  For some reason, my Netscape, FTP and IRC
connections all come up and tell me that connections to the servers have
been established.  However, it then just sits there and seems like nothing
is getting into my machine!  

When trying to load a web page, Netscape says "Host contacted: waiting for
reply" and that's as far as she goes.

When using FTP, it tells me the connection has been established, but I
never receive anything, no matter which FTP server I visit.

The modem seems to connect up to the internet just fine and shows it is
both transmitting and receiving properly.  I entered two DNS IP addresses
when asked by Kppp and must be set up correctly because I am making
connections successfully.  Only problem is that no information flows after
the connection has been established.

When using IRC, it doesn't even connect up to an outside IRC server at all!
 What on earth did I do wrong?

Installation Info:
I installed Mandrake 6.0 on a Cyrix PR200 processor-based machine with 64
meg of EDO RAM.  

Hard drive is a Western Digital Caviar 2.0 Gig EIDE drive.  

Monitor is a MAG Innovision DJ702 and is being driven by a Diamond Stealth
3D Pro 2000 video card with 4 meg of video memory.  

Soundcard is a Soundblaster 16, with 25 Watt Kinyo subwoofer speaker system.

Modem is a wireless Ricochet modem, 28.8 kb/s

Mandrake Installation:  I installed Mandrake using Custom, but allowed all
packages to load by default, with the exception that I activated both
Workstation networking and Server network/administration.  

I believe I have provided all the information needed by anyone who is able
to provide assistance to me in this matter.  Your help is greatly
appreciated, and my thanks to you in advance.

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