Re: [newbie] Telnet session

2002-08-14 Thread Mad Scientist

On Wednesday 14 August 2002 04:05 pm, N E N I S T E R wrote:
 Hi everybody, I’m wondering to know, how can I accept Telnet conections
 into my linux server, I already have installed the telnet-server, stop
 the ipchains service and nothing happened, I did this before and never
 has this kind of problem…. Do I miss something 

Look in /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow


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Re: [newbie] Linux DVD player [my .02 and addt'l Q]

2002-08-12 Thread Mad Scientist

On Monday 12 August 2002 06:16 am, Sabin, Matthew wrote:
 I've installed mplayer and ogle, and have broken the ML original install of
 All of which are supposed to be excellent DVD players.

 I can play .avi and .mpeg file happily with either ogle or mplayer, but
 they stutter when they play DVD's and ogle quickly gets out of sync -- with
 the sound often off be as much as 8 seconds before I quit.

 Anybody got any good tips for tuning a 1GB 1GHz Celeron ML 8.2 system to
 play DVD's without stutter or sync problems?

I use ogle 0.8.2 and it plays DVDs fine on a Celeron 633. The machine 
also has a TNT2 video card. If I don't install the Nvidia drivers, then DVDs 
don't play well at all. What kind of video card do you have? And do you have 
accelerated drivers installed? Also, what version of ogle? The 0.8.2 release 
was supposed to fix the out-of-sync audio problems.

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[newbie] Re: Xmms thinks it's speedy gonzalez

2002-08-12 Thread Mad Scientist

Isaac Curtis writes: 

 Apparently some of the software takes this 
 too seriously, because when I tried using Xmms to play some mp3's, it got a 
 little carried away. It's playing all my songs about 10-20% faster than 
 normal, and I know it's not the files because I can play the exact same ones 
 in Windows without a hitch. Any idea how to reign in my hyperactive software?

Are you reading your mp3's from an NFS-mounted filesystem? I have no idea 
why, but I once had something similar happen and when I copied the files 
locally, it went away. I never did resolve it. Fortunately, I only play 
mp3's from one machine so now they're all local. 

Madness is soil in which creativity grows 

  - Chris Bielek 

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Re: [newbie] can't remember how to mount hda1

2002-08-04 Thread Mad Scientist

On Sunday 04 August 2002 03:10 am, Sean Goh wrote:
 eri'm a real newbiewhat does it mean to mount?

A filesystem (usually on a disk partition, floppy disk, or cdrom) can only be 
accessed after it's been mounted. Mounting sets a flag on the filesystem so 
that if there is a sudden crash or power failure, on reboot, the system knows 
that the partition may not be in a consistent state. During a proper 
shutdown, all filesystems are unmounted once their buffers have been properly 
written to disk. Of course, read-only filesystems like cdroms don't have any 
flags set. 

Mounting also assigns where the filesystem will appear in the directory tree. 
Unlike the DOS world where disks get assigned (somewhat arbitrary) drive 
letters, in Linux, the entire directory structure is a single tree under /. 
You select where your disks will appear. For example, you might mount your 
old windows partition under /mnt/windows while mounting your floppy disk 
under /mnt/floppy. Of course, they don't have to be under /mnt. They could 
appear anywhere in the filesystem. Often, the home directory is on a separate 
partition so that a system re-install doesn't affect user data. Therefore, 
/home is a mounted partition.

Type mount at a command prompt to see what is currently mounted on your 
system. The output will be

filesystem on mointpoint type filesystemtype options

filesystem type could be ext2 or ext3 for native Linux, ntfs or dos for old 
Windows partitions, or something else. Options could include r for read 
only, rw for read/write, etc.

See man mount for more details.


Madness is soil in which creativity grows

 - Chris Bielek

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Re: [newbie] ctrl+alt+del

2002-08-03 Thread Mad Scientist

On Saturday 03 August 2002 09:54 am, Joan Tur wrote:
 I'd like to forbide the use of ctrl+alt+del in a linux box.  It's already
 blocked in X but I'd like to be able to forbide it's use in the text
 terminals also.

Look in /etc/inittab for the line:

ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

change /sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now to whatever you want ctrl+alt+del to do. I 
changed mine to:

ca::ctrlaltdel:/bin/echo ctrl+alt+del disabled


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[newbie] Re: Manually editing a file

2002-08-01 Thread Mad Scientist

Howard Stredwick writes:
 There are loads of Linux editors; Gurus will be using VI or EMACS,
 newbies like you and me will be using Pico. From the shell:

I used pico for a while. I now use vi. My suggestion: bite the bullet and 
learn vi. It will hurt at first but it's well worth the effort. Remember: 
That which does not kill you, strengthens you! ;-) 


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Re: [newbie] network usage script

2002-08-01 Thread Mad Scientist

On Thursday 01 August 2002 08:28 am, you wrote:
 Does anyone have a shell script example or a better idea on how to monitor
 network usage? I don't think I need anything as big as MRTG.

 I have a small network behind a Linux router (2 LAN cards) Can I pull this
 info with a shell script with ifconfig? and have it emailed daily? or

iptables has packet/byte counters built into it. If you do iptables -vL it 
will show you the counts for each chains and rule within the chain. If you do 
iptables -vL -Z it will zero the counters after displaying them.

I have the following set up as a cron job (make it weekly, daily, whatever):

iptables -vnL -Z | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s Bandwidth Usage


Madness is soil in which creativity grows

 - Chris Bielek

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Re: [newbie] All quiet on the list front

2002-08-01 Thread Mad Scientist

On Thursday 01 August 2002 08:43 pm, shane wrote:
 Nimda virus affects Linux! My linux boxes have had their bandwidth chewed
 up by four thousand Nimda servers infected with IIS.

I had a script during the code red days that ran on my apache server. If a 
remote server tried to run cmd.exe or whatever it was on my webserver, it  
would fire up lynx and connect back to the infected remote server. It would 
then make use of the vulnerability to run arbitrary code - which just 
happened to be the M$ patch. Cleaned up my entire subnet in a couple of hours.

A friend of mine, who was afraid of the ramifications of altering and 
rebooting a remote server (apparently this is still illegal even though 
you're fixing the server) changed the script to do a net send to the 
server's subnet. Those guys must have had lots of messages ;-)


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Re: [newbie] All quiet on the list front

2002-08-01 Thread Mad Scientist

On Thursday 01 August 2002 09:03 pm, Mad Scientist wrote:
 ...changed the script to do a net send to the
 server's subnet.

The server's domain, not subnet, I meant... meaning the Windows domain of 
course, not the *real* domain in the sense that those of us who make us of 
the Internet think.. :-)


Madness is soil in which creativity grows

 - Chris Bielek

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Re: [newbie] can't remember how to mount hda1

2002-08-01 Thread Mad Scientist

On Thursday 01 August 2002 11:00 pm, you wrote:
 i was wondering how to mount  hda1  so i can  access my win xp files
 even though i hate win xp.

mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/disk

Replace /mnt/disk with your mountpoint.


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[newbie] Re: Lost 1G of data

2002-07-30 Thread Mad Scientist

Klemm writes:
 I have some lost files I do not find anywhere, but I know I just copied
 them there 3 days ago.
 The dir is empty. 
 I use konqueror as my filemanager and when I have a look at the
 properties of /home 
 the following makes me wonder: 
 Size 738,1 M
 Free space 494,1 /2.3 Gb (78%) used 
 I see a mismach here in numbers. if there is 738M used then I should
 have one and a half gigs free. 
 How that can happen and how can I recover or find the files I don't have
 any more ?

I don't know how konqueror does file system free space checks, but I would 
verify with the standard command line tools. Try 'du --max-depth 1 -h' at a 
prompt when your current directory is /home to see the actual usage in that 
directory. If /home is a mount point, then 'df -h' will show you the actual 
size and available space for that partition. 

If you know the name of the lost file, you can search the entire filesystem 
for it - maybe it got moved to another directory/mount point?. To do this, 
try 'find / -name yourfilename', or if you have slocate installed, then 
just 'locate filename' will do it more quickly. 


Madness is soil in which creativity grows 

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Re: [newbie] Menus damaged when KDE removed

2002-07-29 Thread Mad Scientist

On Monday 29 July 2002 01:55 am, civileme wrote:
 Thanks for the heads-up.  I haven't seen that one before but it works
 very nicely.   I can reproduce by intentionally malforming a menu entry
 in /usr/lib/menu

 Shoot. looks like we need a syntax checker for thoser entries with an
 interactive (this is bad, delete it?)...

Any ideas what might be a good thing to grep for that might find these errors?

I tried the other suggestion (rm ~/.menu-* ; rm -rf ~/.menu and then 
update-menus -v as root) and that didn't fix it so I'm assuming this is the 
real problem.

The software I installed just before it broke has been de-installed and I 
don't see it's menu items anywhere. I just spent a half hour searching for 
bad-looking menu items but I have no clue.

Well, at least it looks like we're moving in the right direction :-)



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Re: [newbie] Menus damaged when KDE removed

2002-07-29 Thread Mad Scientist

On Monday 29 July 2002 01:12 pm, civileme wrote:
 Right now what I see is that the easy way to analyze this is likely
 going to be using a script

 The following is a very simple-minded one which should do some magic

Thanks for the script. Is there a latency from when it removes the item and 
says check menus and when it's safe to actually check? I stepped through 
all 200-odd menu items one at a time, checking for each one and then 
'k'eeping it. No luck. I still have no menus. :-(

I'm about ready to give up and re-install. Here I thought only Windoze users 
suffered from the semi-annual re-install to fix odd quirks. I guess it's 
universal to owning a PC.


Madness is soil in which creativity grows

 - Chris Bielek

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Re: [newbie] Menus damaged when KDE removed

2002-07-28 Thread Mad Scientist

On Sunday 28 July 2002 08:24 am, Dennis Myers wrote:
I installed Gnome and removed KDE, leaving alone my various other
windows managers (Blackbox, IceWM, etc.). Fine, but now the start
menus in my various windows managers are missing many items. All
items are visible in menudrake, but they do not appear in the start
menus. I've tried editing menudrake and rebooting, but no change in
the start menus. What should I do to make my menus reflect what
menudrake shows?

I have a very similar (perhaps the same) problem. It first started after I 
installed WINE from source. If I choose menu style All applications in 
MenuDrake, I get nothing in the K menu even though all menus are present in 
MenuDrake. If I choose What to do? menu style, then those ones are there. 
But checking on Add link to All applications menu doesn't add any such 
link. It seems the applications menu is somehow messed up. Finally, if I 
choose Original menu, then I *do* get the original menus. Unfortunately, 
these are unrelated to which apps I have installed.

Hopefully this additional info causes a light to go on for somebody :-)

Madness is soil in which creativity grows

 - Chris Bielek

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Re: [newbie] Menus damaged when KDE removed

2002-07-28 Thread Mad Scientist

On Sunday 28 July 2002 02:21 pm, you wrote:
 If you look at /usr/lib/menu you will see all sorts of files that have
 to do with menu.  In those files is a needs clause.

 If it needs kde then it disappears when kde is removed.  Those files are
 written directly into the mdk rpm spec files and are cleaned when things
 are removed.

 If you remove KDE surely you did not expect anything depending on KDE to
 stick around.  Konqueror does have an embedded version, true, but that
 version is not included with the distro.

 Now menu files can be in the system menu or in the user menu (which are
 specific to each user) and they can appear for a specific desktop
  'Needs kde'  'needs gnome'  'needs blackbox'  are sometimes clauses

 There is considerable room for expansion in the menu structure.  The
 what to do? is an example.  It is also easily possible to add another
 clause to each menu item which defines a level so that a user could rate
 his own level and if for example choosing newbie, see only the simplest
 of apps.  This is easily done.

 What you will notice about our menus is that, to the extent possible,
 they stay the same across desktops.  KDE and GNOME-specific items that
 just need the widget set for each of those do propagate across desktops,
 and are on some of them submenued as KDE apps or GNOME Apps.

 In other words the system did what it was told which wasn't what you

This is all very helpful information and I'm starting to get a better 
understanding of how these menus work. But I still can't solve this one. 
Although the original poster indicated he had removed KDE, I'm not sure if 
that's the problem. At least in my case, I never removed KDE. Also, it's not 
just the KDE-related menus that are gone. All menus are gone. And they are 
gone from all window managers. I basically have from Run Command and down 
still there but everything above is gone. The original poster stated 
Everything has been lost from my menus except the freshly installed Gnome 
apps. which sounds to me to be the same problem.

When I go Original menu style, I do get all those menus, but they do not 
relate to the apps I have installed. I can get the What to do ? menus to 
show, but not the All applications. And they are the ones that really fit 
best with what I actually have installed.

They *do* appear in menudrake. According to menudrake, everything looks 
perfect. They just don't show in the real menus.

Still confused,


Madness is soil in which creativity grows

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