[newbie] Re:

1999-08-17 Thread Toby Sheets

I had the same "LI" problem and fixed it by removing the Lilo install
from my C drives master boot record. Do this by using your DOS?Windows
boot disk to get to a c: prompt. Then type in "fdisk /mbr" without the
quotes. This will remove LILO. Works like a charm and windows will boot
up as it used to.


Paul Hendrick wrote:
 After installing Mandrake the screen res was set at 300x200.
 I've been told that I should wipe my hard disk reinstall windows, and
 then install Linux.
 But after deleting the Linux partitions on my disk and installing MS
 DOS, my system stalls when booting.  It says nothing except "LI".
 How do I stop this from happening?
 Also, how do I edit files from the prompt when logged in as root?
 Best regards,
  Paul  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Taking the plunge..

1999-08-17 Thread Toby Sheets

OK folks:

I now have Linux working except for my sound card or SCSI stuff but the
main part of the system is at least stable enough for me to poke around.
I don't really know what to do with it all except for play some of the
new fangled games.

Anyway, there's a huge class coming to town teaching Unix and Linux.
It's $1000 for 2 8 hour classes with tons of hands-on labs. Now, I can
get around DOS and consider myself a quick learner, especially with
computers, so I'm not really concerned with sensory overload in a long
class like this.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether the price is reasonable or should
I look elsewhere for some really in-depth quick training?

They are also offering another 2 day course right after the first one
for the same price.

Their web page for the course is at 


and the Level II course is at 

Any opinions would be appreciated.


PS: If anyone remembers about a week ago a gentleman offered to mail me
his external modem for free since I had a winmodem that would not run
under Linux. Well, I got it yesterday. I didn't save his email so I
don't know who it was but THANK YOU! ...and I *will* pass it on to
someone else for free once I have purchased a new USR 56K.

Petey wrote:
 Is there any support for DVD kits with MPEG-2 cards within Linux?  If so,
 what brands are Linux compatible?  If not, will there be any support in the
 near future, say in the 2.4 kernel?  Thanks for the help.
 Jason Peterson

[newbie] Taking the plunge..

1999-08-17 Thread Toby Sheets

OK folks:

I now have Linux working except for my sound card or SCSI stuff but the
main part of the system is at least stable enough for me to poke around.
I don't really know what to do with it all except for play some of the
new fangled games.

Anyway, there's a huge class coming to town teaching Unix and Linux.
It's $1000 for 2 8 hour classes with tons of hands-on labs. Now, I can
get around DOS and consider myself a quick learner, especially with
computers, so I'm not really concerned with sensory overload in a long
class like this.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether the price is reasonable or should
I look elsewhere for some really in-depth quick training?

They are also offering another 2 day course right after the first one
for the same price.

Their web page for the course is at 


and the Level II course is at 

Any opinions would be appreciated.


PS: If anyone remembers about a week ago a gentleman offered to mail me
his external modem for free since I had a winmodem that would not run
under Linux. Well, I got it yesterday. I didn't save his email so I
don't know who it was but THANK YOU! ...and I *will* pass it on to
someone else for free once I have purchased a new USR 56K.

[newbie] Viruses?

1999-08-17 Thread Toby Sheets

I was just wondering:  

Is Linux susceptible to the same virii that Windoze is?


Re: [newbie] 4 persistent problems

1999-08-14 Thread Toby Sheets

where from?

"Alan N." wrote:
  2.  Sound:  Run sndconfig at the prompt.  Select your sound card.
 If that
  doesn't work, try some of the other choices.  I have an ALS and got
  Soundblaster to work for it.
 I ran sndcnfig and when it does the sample test I get this error
 "The following error occurred playing the sample:
 sox:Known effects: avg band chorus copy cut deemph echop
 echoes flanger highp lowp map mask phaser pick polyphase
 rate resample revern reverse split stat vibro
 sox: Effect 'dev/dsp' is unknown"
 Yep, same thing for me.  Dload the sox upgrade.
 This will fix the /dev/dsp is unknown.
 This might fix it, might not. Write back if it doesn't.  Same symptoms
 exactly I had.

[newbie] deleting /mbr

1999-08-14 Thread Toby Sheets

Someone posted the other day how to delete LILO from the master boot
record of the C drive. Could you repost? I'm trying to delete Linux from
my Primary slave drive but whenever I do LILO (which is on the mbr of
the primary master dive) only partially boots and I can't get to
Winblows. I need to dump LILO altogether to have a normal boot without a
system disk.


[newbie] Sox upgrade

1999-08-14 Thread Toby Sheets

Where do I do this. I poked around the Mandrake site but didn't see

"Alan N." wrote:
 open a terminal.
 change to su ( root ).
 sndconfig at the prompt.
 Gl.. Make sure you upgrade sox.
 BTW, you epsiode sounds very like my own.
 If you run Gnome, don't use gmix ( the audio mixer ).
 It kills things.
 - Original Message -----
 From: Toby Sheets [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, August 14, 1999 6:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 4 persistent problems
  where from?
  "Alan N." wrote:
2.  Sound:  Run sndconfig at the prompt.  Select your sound card.
   If that
doesn't work, try some of the other choices.  I have an ALS and got
Soundblaster to work for it.
   I ran sndcnfig and when it does the sample test I get this error
   "The following error occurred playing the sample:
   sox:Known effects: avg band chorus copy cut deemph echop
   echoes flanger highp lowp map mask phaser pick polyphase
   rate resample revern reverse split stat vibro
   sox: Effect 'dev/dsp' is unknown"
   Yep, same thing for me.  Dload the sox upgrade.
   This will fix the /dev/dsp is unknown.
   This might fix it, might not. Write back if it doesn't.  Same symptoms
   exactly I had.

Re: [newbie] Linux and the modem

1999-08-12 Thread Toby Sheets


My modem is a built in LT Winmodem (56K v90). Is this useless? It has
yet to be found by my Mandrake.


Ty Mixon wrote:
 There is ONE known good PCI modem.  The actiontech(sp?) one.  I saw it
 at best buy - about us$100 and it was in a dark colored box with 'Call
 Waiting Modem' in big letters.
 Ty Mixon
  Original Message 
 On 8/12/99, 6:07:57 AM, John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 regarding Re: [newbie] Linux and the modem:
  On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, you wrote:
   I am new to this list and new to Linux. I have installed
   Linux-Mandrake on my PC but am currently looking for easy
   directions to have Linux recognize my modem and dial in.
   I have seen some "simple" explanations that leave me a bit
   uncertain. Any suggestions on some easy (or less technical) step
   by step instructions? Thanks
  Is this a PCI 56k internal modem? If so, chances are it
  won't work. Give us some details on your system, especially
  modem brand, model, etc and maybe someone here can help.
  From what I've read, you should disable PNP and set the
  comm port, I/O address and IRQ with jumpers, if such are
  available for your modem. IIRC, after that, you'll need to
  run "setserial" and see what comes up for that modem. BTW,
  ttys0=com1, ttys1=com2, etc.

Re: [newbie] Linux and the modem

1999-08-12 Thread Toby Sheets

And when is that supposed to come out?

Bert Bullough wrote:
 you might want to hang on to it for a while and just get a cheap one for now.
 kernel 2.4 is going to have winmodem support.

[newbie] 4 persistent problems

1999-08-12 Thread Toby Sheets

Ok, in the last 2 days I've reinstalled about 4 times to try and sort
out various bugs. Please be patient with me (this *is* a newbie group
after all). Here are my problems:

1) SCSI. 
My system is using Adaptec 152x SCSI Host Adapter. When I do the
install and try to have Linux probe the card it says it can't find one
on my system. If I try to do the install manually it asks me for a
module. What goes here so that I can try a manual install?

2) Sound.
Install never asks about sound cards and so far I have no audio.
Where/how do I configure audio??

3) Hard Drive.
I just installed a brand new 17.6 Gig hard drive to run Linux on. It is
setup as my primary slave. When I partitioned it with Disk Druid I set
up 1.5 Gig for my "/" partition, 128 MB for my swap, and 400MB for
"/home". Now the rest of that drive should, in theory (I think) show up
as another drive in Windows. However, in Windows there is no sign of the
remaining 14+ GB of hard drive space. Where did it go? Will I be able to
save files on it and if so what format?

4) CD-Rom.
It must have found it during the install because it had no problems
loading and installing the OS. But if I try to access my documentation
CD's via Linux there are no drives mounted. How do I mount them?

I wanted to add, if there are any Mandrake employees reading, that the
install documentation I received with the Deluxe Linux is pretty
anemic.  The install did not happen in the same order as it appeared in
the install guide and some options which I ended up needing were not
even covered.

The user guide is about as helpful. It almost seems to assume some prior
knowledge of working with in the Linux environment. Thank God Mandrake
chose to include 3 other books on CD-Rom. Unfortunately, the user guide
is so useless I can't get my CDRom to mount so I have to read the
contents in Windows, memorize, then go to Linux and try what I read.
I've been sitting at my computer for close to 8 hours today and I'm
still right where I started.

Re: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live

1999-08-12 Thread Toby Sheets


John Aldrich wrote:
 Have you downloaded Creative's drivers for it? If not, you might want to do
 so...it's on their "developer" site (sorry can't give the exact URL.)
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 8:25 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Sound Blaster Live
  Does anyone know how to setup Creative's Sound Blaster Live in Mandrake
  6.0? Thanks.

Re: [newbie] Linux and the modem

1999-08-12 Thread Toby Sheets

Sorry for posting that to the group. I meant to send it personally.


Toby Sheets wrote:
 If you're serious and it will work and get me online temporarily I would
 be glad to take you up on that.
 I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have to close Linux, open
 Windows, check my email, get an answer, close Windows, open Linux, test
 the answer, find out it doesn't work, close Linux, open Windows, etc
 My snail address:
 DALLAS TX 75247
 You are the greatest!!
 John Connell wrote:
  I have a Practical Peripheral 28,800 ext modem if you want it. It's not fast
  but it works with Linux. I used it for a couple of months before I could
  afford to buy a new USR 5686-03. it's yours if you want it, no strings
  attached! If interested email me your address and I'll put it the mail to you.
  John Connell

[newbie] IGNORE: New Guy here. Where do I start?

1999-08-11 Thread Toby Sheets


I'm happy to say that while I was waiting for a reply I Read The FM one
more time and found my answer. Now, approximately 2 hours later I have a
very nice and easy install accomplished with my hard drives set up as I
originally planned.

I really expected this to be a heck of a problem but it was smooth as
silk. Yeah Linux Woohoo!

I'm 100% sure hear from me again soon but I promise I'll read first. 

Thanks everyone. It's great to be a part of this. 


Brett Jones wrote:
 If you bought an official dist it came with nice pretty docs. READ THEM.
 This list has the worst case of newbie laziness.
 RTFM...  An acronym to live by.
 After you've done this, if your still stuck then ask your question. But please
 try first. If your having trouble finding info ask where to find it, just ask
 question that help you help your self.
 On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, you wrote:
  OK folks:
  I've heard the stories of the greatness of Linux so I bought it. It's
  completely Greek to me.
  It's so Greek I don't know where to begin with the installation. I have
  2 hard drives: 1) my primary C drive which has Windows 98 on it and not
  enough room to partition it and install Linux as well and 2) a new HD I
  bought yesterday just for my new happy Linux system.
  I am getting the impression I have to install Linux on my primary drive.
  Is this true? Can I just install it on my new 17.6 Gig hard drive which
  I have already partitioned into 2 equal sizes? If I can install on my
  new drive can I skip using the fips crap and just do a normal install?
  Then how do I set up the boot manager to ask me which OS I'd like to use
  at startup?
  Sorry for all the questions but that's what we're here for right?
  Thanks in advance for your help.
  Toby Sheets
  New Linux Fan and hoping to get in on the IPO tomorrow!!!
  Ian W Douglas wrote:
   Hey everyone.
   I have Mandrake 6.0 installed at my church and it's giving us some grief
   for outgoing Email.
   Which files do I have to set to allow relaying from office systems which
   are connected on an internal 192.168.* network?
   For whatever reason, I can send mail through the church's server from my
   house but not from an internal office system.
   Can anyone help me out?
   I currently have /etc/mail/ip_allow filled with the IP addresses of the
   office systems yet none of them can send mail. So I started putting their
   system names in /etc/name_allow but that doesn't work either.
   Thanks for any info,
   Ian W. Douglas, Wild Web Services
   ICQ UIN: 506679
 Brett Jones

Re: [newbie] Honest opinions on Linux

1999-08-11 Thread Toby Sheets

Well, Mr Gates is not my *only* reason for switching, thank you. I'm
planning on diving into C/C++ and the openness of this OS makes it a
great place to experiment.

Next time I'll keep the personal details to myself and stick to the


Dan Brown wrote:
 From: Toby Sheets [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  to running this OS rather than a Windows 98 system? Believe me I hate
  Bill Gates and will be happy when he folds - that is why I am
  to Linux - but is there really an advantage at this point in the game
 IMNSHO, that is exactly the wrong reason to switch to Linux (or Be,
 or FreeBSD, or any other OS).  If you want a desktop OS that works like
 Win98 but is non-Microsoft, maybe MacOS or BeOS would be better for you.
 If you want to work (or play) with a powerful, flexible, open system,
 where you can, with enough study, find out exactly what makes it tick,
 Linux is great--but it isn't Windows, and it never will be.

[newbie] Swap size

1999-08-11 Thread Toby Sheets

Well, now that I've already done the setup with the recommendation of
2.5 x my RAM as swap file size how can I quickly change that back down
to 100MB or so instead of my current 300MB?


alann wrote:
 Ian W Douglas wrote:
  The swap partition is for virtual memory.  How much memory do you have?
  I've heard that it's a good idea to make it 250% of how much physical
  RAM you have.  Guys?
  Ack! I've already got 128MB of RAM ... don't need a 300MB swap partition
  too, IMO.  I have a 128MB swap partition, I figure that'll be plenty for
  use as a workstation.
  Of course, if you're setting up a server then by all means, set up a larger
  swap partition if you really think you'll need it.
 I'm running a PII/350 w/ 128 Meg ram.
 I've got a 100 Mb swap.
 Never gets used. :(
 ( It feels left out! )
 I based this on my Windows usage. Boy was I stupid.
 Coming to you with Linux-Mandrake 6.0

[newbie] New Guy here. Where do I start?

1999-08-10 Thread Toby Sheets

OK folks:

I've heard the stories of the greatness of Linux so I bought it. It's
completely Greek to me. 

It's so Greek I don't know where to begin with the installation. I have
2 hard drives: 1) my primary C drive which has Windows 98 on it and not
enough room to partition it and install Linux as well and 2) a new HD I
bought yesterday just for my new happy Linux system. 

I am getting the impression I have to install Linux on my primary drive.
Is this true? Can I just install it on my new 17.6 Gig hard drive which
I have already partitioned into 2 equal sizes? If I can install on my
new drive can I skip using the fips crap and just do a normal install?
Then how do I set up the boot manager to ask me which OS I'd like to use
at startup?

Sorry for all the questions but that's what we're here for right?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Toby Sheets
New Linux Fan and hoping to get in on the IPO tomorrow!!!


Ian W Douglas wrote:
 Hey everyone.
 I have Mandrake 6.0 installed at my church and it's giving us some grief
 for outgoing Email.
 Which files do I have to set to allow relaying from office systems which
 are connected on an internal 192.168.* network?
 For whatever reason, I can send mail through the church's server from my
 house but not from an internal office system.
 Can anyone help me out?
 I currently have /etc/mail/ip_allow filled with the IP addresses of the
 office systems yet none of them can send mail. So I started putting their
 system names in /etc/name_allow but that doesn't work either.
 Thanks for any info,
 Ian W. Douglas, Wild Web Services
 ICQ UIN: 506679