[newbie] Linux Configuration

2000-09-03 Thread Kelvin Ng

Hi ;
   I'm newbie in Unix /Linux and very intesting to
learn more how to manipulate Linux . Therefore , I
need some advise from Linux guru .

Q1) I recently installed Linux running in my laptop
(Model : AcerMate 520T), and intend to install X
window . But my problem is I can't see X windows
display on the screen (type startx) after configured X
through XConfigurtator . My laptop display is 1024 x
768 and vga card is ATI mach64 rage mobililty ( 8M me
mory) . How do I install X  ? can somebody help ?

Q2) I've created new user account for the new user .
But the problem is anyone know the su password ( root)
, he or she can login as super user . How do I
restrict is such a way that only wheel group has a
right be a super user . Other that wheel group just a
normal user and no permission right be a su . 

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Re: [newbie] virtual terminals

1999-09-02 Thread kelvin

Well u can start multiple X sessions ... (be careful abt your resources though
like ram etc)...

ALT-F1 then startx -- :1
then CTRL-ALT-F2 and startx -- :2
then you have one X on CTRL-ALT-F7 and another on CTRL-ALT-F8!

the one and two after the colon is the display number (i think) so it can be
anythigna nd need not be sequential ... in fact this works as well but i dont
use it often (unless i mistype) startx -- :!

On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 06:17:37AM +, pete moss wrote:
 so hiting alt-F[1-6] gives me six virtual terminals.  if i am running x,
 then it lives on 7.  does eight or higher do anything?  i can flip to
 them, but there is just a flashing cursor at the top of the screen.

PGP Public Key :

ICQ # : 38756924
A beautiful woman is a picture which drives all beholders nobly mad.
-- Emerson

Re: [newbie] Star Office

1999-09-02 Thread kelvin

StarOffice is a product of a company originating in Germany called Star
Division.  If I am not wrong StarOffice 5.1 comes with the Linux Mandrake 6
PowerPack.  You can download StarOffice from their website to try but it is a
pretty hefty dwnload at 60-70 MB.  The download edition is free for
non-commerical use (i think).

I have used the StarOffice on NT and on Linux and I think it is a fine
product.  In fact it has browsing, e-mail, office suite programs, scheduling
and (if u have a palmpilot) ability to hotsynch palmpilot data to your PC.

I personally think it is a great product but I like to use other tools for
email, browsing etc...but the office suites are (in my opinion) as good as
MS's Office products (if not better).

You can give it a try.  Let me know if you need help.

On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 06:53:36AM +0100, Bluebottle wrote:
 Have noticed this on the web and it claims to run under Linux. Can't get CD in 
England at present.
 Does anyone know of Star Office and does it run?
 John the Nadger

PGP Public Key :

ICQ # : 38756924
You're not an alcoholic unless you go to the meetings.

Re: [newbie] Can't compile program

1999-08-28 Thread kelvin

I guess one of the things you have not gotten to installing is also a mail
client ... but it is okay ... one thing at a time ...

If the package you got is a RPM package then all u need to do is su to root
and then "rpm -Uvh packagename" to install it.

If the package is a source tarball.  The you need to compile it.  The
compilation methods for individual package can obviously vary but the most
common way is to go into the source and do these steps...
1. do "./configure"
2. type make
3. type make test (optional sometimes packages dont have this step)
4.  make install

Note you usually have to be root so that is has permission to install the

I know my instructions are not terribly detailed but you can get back to me
again if the instructions are not enough and we can really break each step

On Sat, Aug 28, 1999 at 10:00:56PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Im new to linux. Iv figured most of the basic stuff like connecting to 
 the internet sound, printer etc. Now that im connected I want to 
 download stuff. I downloaded kicq im not quit sure how to go about 
 compiling it. I would appreciate you help. I thank you in advance to 
 your replies!!
 Thank you!

PGP Public Key :

ICQ # : 38756924
It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students
that have had prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are
mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.
-- Edsger W. Dijkstra, SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 17, Number 5

Re: [newbie] Linux for home consumers?

1999-08-16 Thread kelvin

Hash: SHA1

On this topic i agree with both Dan Brown and Aaron deRozario.  Aaron has a
point in that Linux is not difficult to learn or has a steep learning curve. 
It is just that users find it difficult 'cos they still have the Windows
mindset.  Example...I have a friend with a Mac and she needed my help to
install programs ... it took me 20 minutes of hunting for a file manager
equivalent in the MacOS before I realised that all i had to do was to pop the
floppy in and the folder for the floppy would automagically pop out.  I
remembered thinking then that this was not intuitive but then after i thought
longer it is becuase i was trying to do things the Windows way that created all
the wasted time.  Now that i use Linux all the time I find that I am suddenly
very inefficient in Windows (example open MS-DOS prompt...type
ls..'oops'...should be dir...type grep sometext *...ooops no such feature

But Dan put it well that many ppl will not be interested in getting under the
hood and unless the hardware and software are fixed, configuration for the
average joe might discourage him.  

I have this idea that some coy can make and sell a linux box.  Put in netscape
and star office and sell it as an office package.  Kinda like network computer
... since your employees would not know anything abt linux they are less liable
to install their own games run virus etc!

Just my 2 ecntsI have had a frustrating day and my mind is jello now .. pls
excuse me if u r offended by my rants.

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PGP Public Key : http://jackal.dhis.org/jackal.txt
ICQ # : 38756924
Big book, big bore.
-- Callimachus

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Re: [newbie] Slower Modem Speed in Linux

1999-07-05 Thread kelvin

On  5 Jul, Lei Tie wrote:
 Just recently installed mandrake 6.0 (workstation) got the kkkp working after 
resetting the pnp modem's jumper.  The modem is on COM2 and using IRQ 3.  The problem 
I have is Netscape is about 3-4 slower that it was in windows.  Even file 
downloading.  But the strange thing is that i was connected at the same rate in both 
windows and linux.  Does anyone know what's wrong?  Is there a setting I have to 
change?  How do i increase the connection speed.
 Thank you.

There have been a few questions about the apparent slowness of linux
systems in comparison with windows.  This is my take on the matter (not
authoratative, just my 2 cents)

i think that netscape for linux is not exactly very well optimised...it
generally takes very long to load, it speed in rendering html pages are
not as quick as a comparable version for windows...even the javascript
interpreter has some problem(not to mention that netscape really
takes a huge chunk out of your memory...if u dont believe me start
netscape let it run a while and do a top to see how much memory it uses

I have been living with netscape 'cos there are not many browsers on
the market with its feature set.  I am looking forward to a stable and
usable mozilla or any browser (i am a developer and cannot use lynx
exclusively cos i need to check graphics and javascript stuff)

For what's worth...
PGP Public Key : http://jackal.dhis.org/jackal.txt
ICQ # : 38756924

Re: [newbie] aterms..

1999-07-01 Thread kelvin

On  1 Jul, Flight16 wrote:
 I've been wondering this too.  Please tell us the secret, somebody.
 hevnsnt wrote:
 Ok this might be a dumb question, but how do I make my terms transparent
 like you see in all of the screen shots?

i cannot remember how aterms do transparency but i am sure if you type
aterm -h OR aterm --help or man aterm and search for transparency u
might come up with an answer.

i personally use Eterm.  It is Eterm -O (as in ooh not zero).

Hope this helps

P.S.  i am not sure abt this but i think the aterms do not come with
transparency by default...i think u have to specify to compile it in at
compile time

Re: [newbie] HTML editor

1999-06-30 Thread kelvin

On 30 Jun, Jeanette Russo wrote:
 What is a good HTML editor that will install and run easily from Mandrake
The most out of the box solution is netscape composer (assuming
installed netscape from mandrake).
There are other good HTML editors out there...There is asWedit and u
can even use something like Applix,StartOffice,Wordperfect...they all
have some HTML editor application.  The alternative is to use plain
text editor...I personally use vi to edit all my html...vi allows u to
configure it to display syntax-highliting for many programming lang
including html (i am not out to advocate vi over emans or pico or
joe...this is just my personal pref...anyway i think emacs also can
syntac hihglite html)...
check out sites like http://freshmeat.net and http://linuxapps.com for
a more comprehensive list

P.S.  there is a new html editor i am trying called  august which looks
pretty good so far...

Re: Re(3): [newbie] Kppp problems

1999-06-30 Thread kelvin

On 30 Jun, James Caldwell wrote:
 I have another question, is there a way to set it up so that every time I
 login fortune runs like on most servers running linux?
 James Caldwell
 Woodberry Forest , Virginia ,  22989
 telephone @ school  672-3900
 home # (540) 825- 3837

You can put the fortune command in your .bash_profile file (if u r
using bash...i think it is .profile if u r using csh...anything else is
beyond me)...