Re: [newbie-it] Scanner parallelo in linux

2000-12-18 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Stefano Salari wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 Qualcuno mi sa dare indicazioni su come configurare e
 utilizzare uno scanner parallelo con una Mandrake 7.2?

Dipende dallo scanner parallelo.

Il 90% non fuzionano :-(

Alcuni funzionano tramite wine.
Alcuni sono finti paralleli e si riescono ad usare con
i corrispondenti driver SANE per SCSI.
Alcuni hanno un apposito driver SANE.

Vedi sul sito SANE dove trovi una lista degli scanner

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi con Netscape

2000-12-18 Per discussione Andrea Celli

luciano wrote:
 Ciao  a tutti.
 Ho un problema di connessione con Netscape 4.73.
 Come utente pincopallino se mi connetto a internet con pppd e lancio
 Netscape, questo non riesce a connettersi a un qualsiasi sito e mi dà il
 seguente messaggio:
 Netscape is unable to locate the server
 Please check the server name and try again.
 Da notare  che la procedura di connessione  con pppd si conclude con la
 connessione al provider e alla rete.
 Mentre se mi connetto come root  riesco a connettermi al sito. Nescape
 gira su Mandrake 7.1.
 Che nè pensate. Grazie  a tutti.

Che e` una piccola variazione su una celeberrima FAQ.

Non hai configuato correttamente i DNS.

La variazione rispetto al solito e` che in qualche modo hai fatto
le cose bene per root (che non dovrebbe mai navigare) e
male per gli utenti normali.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Fare l'append su un file di testo

2000-12-18 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Salve a tutti
sono alle prime armi con Linux. Vorrei sapere se c'è un modo per scrivere delle 
stringe in fondo ad un file di testo, da riga di comando, mantenendo inalterato il 
contenuto precedente al file. In pratica si tratta di fare un append di una stringa su 
un file di testo.
Ho letto da qualche parte che si può non ricordo più come.

Grazie a tutti.

[newbie-it] Stampante Lexmark a getto inchiostro su Mandrake 7.1

2000-12-18 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Salveho una stampante a getto di inchiostro, una lexmark, vorrei sapere come fare 
per farla funzionare anche su linux

Ciao e grazie

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner parallelo in linux

2000-12-18 Per discussione loris gava

From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Scanner parallelo in linux
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 11:43:43 +0100

Stefano Salari wrote:
  Ciao a tutti,
  Qualcuno mi sa dare indicazioni su come configurare e
  utilizzare uno scanner parallelo con una Mandrake 7.2?

Dipende dallo scanner parallelo.

Il 90% non fuzionano :-(

Alcuni funzionano tramite wine.
Alcuni sono finti paralleli e si riescono ad usare con
i corrispondenti driver SANE per SCSI.
Alcuni hanno un apposito driver SANE.

Vedi sul sito SANE dove trovi una lista degli scanner

ciao, andrea

Aggiungo solo: Auguri e buona fortuna! :-)

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Ri:[newbie-it] Aiuto non riesco ad Installare i file della mia G-Force 2 GTS

2000-12-18 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ciao a tutti,
 io ho Linux Mandrake 7.1 con su una scheda video Matrox G400 32mb Ram
 e fin qui tutto bene Linux va che e una meraviglia
 solo che ho preso una G-Force 2 Gts perche? perche e piu potente perche se no.
 cmq ho scaricato i driver dal sito NVIDIA "
 il file scaricato è NVIDIA kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 smp i386,rpm
 solo come cavolo faccio ad installarlo soto Gnome
 Io ho scaricato il file: NVIDIA kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 smp i386,rpm
 ho devo scaricare il laltro file con il nome: NVIDIA kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 i386.rpm 
 Aiutatemi perfavore!
 Grazie in anticipo
 P.S. scusate per i tanti errori ma non sono un gran che nelle Lingue!!!:)

Premetto che io sono nuovo di Linux.
cmq credo basti dare questo comando dalla shell

rpm -i NVIDIA kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 smp i386,rpm

e poi dovrebbe funzionare!

Ri:Re: [newbie-it] Fare l'append su un file di testo

2000-12-18 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Salve a tutti
  sono alle prime armi con Linux. Vorrei sapere se c'è un modo per scrivere delle 
stringe in fondo ad un file di testo, da riga di comando, mantenendo inalterato il 
contenuto precedente al file. In pratica si tratta di fare un append di una stringa 
su un file di testo.
  Ho letto da qualche parte che si può non ricordo più come.
  Grazie a tutti.

 $ cat  file.esistente

 scrivi quello che vuoi aggiungere
 e chiudi con ^D

 In genere
  $ comando  file
 accoda l'output di comando alla fine di file.
 Vedi il man di bash per ulteriori informazioni.

 ciao, Andrea

non è che riesci a risolvermi anche l'altro quesito?

Re: [newbie-it] Aiuto non riesco ad Installare i file della mia G-Force 2 GTS

2000-12-18 Per discussione Stefano Salari


Dunque, se ti sei scaricato "NVIDIA kernel 0.9-5 mdk71
smp i386,rpm" purtroppo non ti serve perche' i files
che contengono "smp" nel nome sono i driver per
sistemi multiprocessore.
Hai bisogno di due files:

1) NVIDIA_kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 i386.rpm
2) NVIDIA_GLX 0.9-5.i386.rpm

Il file "NVIDIA_kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 i386.rpm" contiene
il kernel driver, cioe' un modulo che viene caricato
all'avvio del sistema, mentre il file "NVIDIA_GLX
0.9-5.i386.rpm" contiene le librerie 2d e 3d per XFree
(richiedono la versione 4.0.1 di XFree).

Per installare i pacchetti devi digitare da una
console come root:

rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 i386.rpm


rpm -i NVIDIA_GLX 0.9-5.i386.rpm

Dopo di cio' controlla che nel file /etc/modules.conf
(o in /etc/conf/modules - dipende dalla versione della
distribuzione) sia presente la riga:

alias char-major-195 NVdriver

se manca aggiungila, questo e' il comando che avvia il
kernel driver all'avvio del sistema. Se non vuoi
riavviare per caricare il driver puoi digitare

/sbin/insmod NVdriver


/sbin/modprobe NVdriver

che ti permette di caricare il kernel driver in
memoria come se avessi riavviato il sistema.

A questo punto i files sono installati nel sistema;
devi solamente indicare a XFree che deve utilizzare i
nuovi driver modificando il file /etc/X11/XF86Config

Driver "nvidia"

nella sezione dedicata alla tua GeForce2.

Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto. Se hai ancora dubbi
prova a consultare le FAQ di NVidia che spiegano come
effettuare l'installazione
oppure scrivimi ancora.

Ciao. Steo.

--- Sandor Renz [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
Ciao a tutti,
 io ho Linux Mandrake 7.1 con su una scheda video
 Matrox G400 32mb Ram
 e fin qui tutto bene Linux va che e una meraviglia
 solo che ho preso una G-Force 2 Gts perche? perche e
 piu potente perche se no.
 cmq ho scaricato i driver dal sito NVIDIA " 
 il file scaricato è NVIDIA kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 smp
 solo come cavolo faccio ad installarlo soto Gnome
 Io ho scaricato il file: NVIDIA kernel 0.9-5 mdk71
 smp i386,rpm
 ho devo scaricare il laltro file con il nome: NVIDIA
 kernel 0.9-5 mdk71 i386.rpm !??!?!?
 Aiutatemi perfavore!
 Grazie in anticipo
 P.S. scusate per i tanti errori ma non sono un gran
 che nelle Lingue!!!:)

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[newbie-it] Re:R: Problemi con Netscape

2000-12-18 Per discussione luciano

Andrea Celli wrote:

 luciano wrote:
  Ciao  a tutti.
  Ho un problema di connessione con Netscape 4.73.
  Come utente pincopallino se mi connetto a internet con pppd e lancio
  Netscape, questo non riesce a connettersi a un qualsiasi sito e mi dà il
  seguente messaggio:
  Netscape is unable to locate the server
  Please check the server name and try again.
  Da notare  che la procedura di connessione  con pppd si conclude con la
  connessione al provider e alla rete.
  Mentre se mi connetto come root  riesco a connettermi al sito. Nescape
  gira su Mandrake 7.1.
  Che nè pensate. Grazie  a tutti.

 Che e` una piccola variazione su una celeberrima FAQ.

 Non hai configuato correttamente i DNS.

 La variazione rispetto al solito e` che in qualche modo hai fatto
 le cose bene per root (che non dovrebbe mai navigare) e
 male per gli utenti normali.

 ciao, andrea

Mi dispiace conttraddirti  ma la configurazione DSN è la stessa sia per root
che per l'utente
normale. Anche gli altri parametri sono identici. Altri consigli, grazie.

Ri:Re: Ri:Re: [newbie-it] Fare l'append su un file di testo

2000-12-18 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  non è che riesci a risolvermi anche l'altro quesito?


 ciao, andrea


ciao Diego

Re: [newbie] cdrecord

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Is there any way to burn mp3s straight to CD in CD audio format on-the-fly? I 
hate converting mp3s to wav files and I don't like rebooting to Windows to 
use Nero.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 07:19, Graham Kerr wrote:
 You'll need to convert them to .wav files first.
 mpg123 does it, and so does xmms ;-)

 try mpg123 --help or mpg123 --longhelp or man mpg123

 On Sunday 17 December 2000 12:27 pm, you wrote:
  On Sunday 17 December 2000 02:53, regarding Re: [newbie] cdrecord, you 
try this for audio cd's
  what about mp3's onto cd's will this work?
(make a temporary folder in your home directory and "cd" into it
mkdir tempcd
cd mkdir
cdda2wav -D /dev/cdrom -B
cdrecord -v dev=0,0 -dao -useinfo *.wav
(dev=0,0 is the location of my cdwriter... to find out yours use
   cdrecord -scanbus)
Happy burning ;-)
On Sunday 17 December 2000  1:10 am, you wrote:
 Having tons of problems burning CDs...the gui's just don't want to
 even mess with me, except gtoaster, and it gives me a bunch of
 output messages leading up to the countdown to burn, but it never
 actually burns anything...I'd like to give cdrecord a whirl from the
 command line, but I have to admit, the man page on it is beyond me.
 Could someone throw a sample command as you would actually do it if
 you were burning a wav file from your HD to a disc, so I could see
 the actual syntax as its supposed to be? I'm hoping that makes it
 click for me...thanks!


 Registered Linux user #190719

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] cdrecord

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Is the output the same (or almost the same) every time? If so, send us a copy 
so we can help troubleshoot your problem.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 07:16, Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Sunday 17 December 2000 07:55, you wrote:
  Most GUI frontends for cdrecord have an option where you can actually see
  cdrecord output as it records. If you have a problem, it should be
  explained here.

 Yep, tons of it went flying by real fast in gtoaster...but it was all greek
 to me :-/

  On Sun, 17 Dec 2000 12:10, Roger Sherman wrote:
   Having tons of problems burning CDs...the gui's just don't want to even
   mess with me, except gtoaster, and it gives me a bunch of output
   messages leading up to the countdown to burn, but it never actually
   burns anything...I'd like to give cdrecord a whirl from the command
   line, but I have to admit, the man page on it is beyond me. Could
   someone throw a sample command as you would actually do it if you were
   burning a wav file from your HD to a disc, so I could see the actual
   syntax as its supposed to be? I'm hoping that makes it click for
   Registered Linux user #190719

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [Re: [newbie] More disk space for the Linux partition]

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I don't think that discdrake can do non-destructive partitioning (yet). That 
is a very complex thing to do, and you will need something like 
PartitionMagic or System Commander to achieve it. Note that these two 
programmes don't support ReiserFS, only ext2 and swap partitions.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 04:01, Johnny Kwan wrote:
 I got the GUI diskdrake running.  However, I don't know how to use it to
 give the linux partition more diskspace and reduce the size of the windows
 partition.  Of course, without loosing data.  Thanks.

  Linux has a utility that does the same thing.  Diskdrake.  Located at
  /usr/sbin/diskdrake  But yeah, partition magic can do the same thing from
  inside windows (or actually dos).  I think I trust disdrake more (I have
  partition magic on my other machine, it's okay, but slow!)
  On Sunday 17 December 2000 03:01, you wrote:
   I am running out of diskspace with my Linux partition.  Is it ok for me


   use partition magic to reduce the size of the windows partition, and
   allocate more disk space to the linux partition?  I just want to make


   Linux is ok with that before I proceed.  Thanks.
   ICQ# 1678616
   Office # 972-506-3411
   eFax   # 419-818-7262
  Registered Linux user:  #197855
  Version:  3.12
  GED/M/S d+ s:+: a C++ UL@ P+ L++ E--- W N++ o K w+ !O M- V--
   PS+ PE Y++ PGP++ t+ 5-- X+ R* tv++ b- DI+ D G e++ h r+++ z+++

 ICQ# 1678616
 Office # 972-506-3411
 eFax   # 419-818-7262

 Get free email and a permanent address at

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] CD From Mandrake???

2000-12-18 Per discussione s

Nope!  Probably won't.  Best thing is just to upgrade through 'updates' 
anyway.  KDE 2.0.1 is out anyway and KDE 2.1 is soon to be released as is 
kernel 2.4.  

Registered Linux user:  #197855

Version:  3.12
GED/M/S d+ s:+: a C++ UL@ P+ L++ E--- W N++ o K w+ !O M- V--
 PS+ PE Y++ PGP++ t+ 5-- X+ R* tv++ b- DI+ D G e++ h r+++ z+++ 

On Sunday 17 December 2000 11:12 pm, you wrote:
 Hi, Gang:

 Was just wondering if any of the other fine folks that bought the retail
 box from Wal-Mart - who registered -  had received their free upgrade CD
 to KDE 2.0 final?


Re: [newbie] cdrecord doesn't work.

2000-12-18 Per discussione abe

I ran it and it still gives the error line
cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities

Any other ideas?


Graham Kerr wrote:
 try cdrecord with dev=0,0
 On Monday 18 December 2000  7:11 am, you wrote:
  when I run cdrecord -scanbus it returns this:
  Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg
  Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
  Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities
  0,0,0 0) 'LG  ' 'CD-RW CED-8042B ' '1.02' Removable
  0,1,0 1) *
  0,2,0 2) *
  0,3,0 3) *
  0,4,0 4) *
  0,5,0 5) *
  0,6,0 6) *
  0,7,0 7) *
  Any body have any idea how to fix this?  Thanks!
  Oh My God...Its Full of Penguins 
   Reg Linux User 153258   
  Icq No 28205556  

[newbie] Exporting X

2000-12-18 Per discussione James Hallam

hi all,
i was wondering if it was possible to export the KDE desktop to an X-Client
running on a windows machine
i.e. using the MI/X or and equivalent product..

if it is possible would anyone knew of any documentation out there to do it 

thanks in advance

[newbie] Helix GNOME Mandrake 7.2

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Has anyone tried Helix GNOME with Mandrake 7.2? The download page says it is 
compatible with Mandrake 7.0 and 7.1, but there is no mention of 7.2. Is it 
possible to keep the Mandrake application menus (editable through menudrake) 
with Helix GNOME?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] breaking out of a gui

2000-12-18 Per discussione Jim Crossley

You should have six virtual text consoles.  Access them by pressing any
of the function keys, F1-F6, while holding down Ctrl and Alt.  Once
out of X, you don't need the Ctrl key -- you can switch among virtual
consoles using just AltF1-F6.  You can get back to the X console by
pressing AltF7.

Herman Christiani wrote:
 Hello All,
 Using Mandrake 7.1 only for a short time, used Caldera and Corel before,
 in either of them when xwindows hung Crtl, Alt and Backspace was all I needed
 to go to a textconsole, I can't find a keycombination that does the same in
 Mandrake, so a reboot is my only option here, am I missing something?

[newbie] Adding an HDD?

2000-12-18 Per discussione Revenant

Since I've installed Mandrake (all of a day ago) I've added an HDD.  How
do I get Mandrake to detect it?  I'm using Supermount.

Thank you.

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---Revenant [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] --

Re: [newbie] Differences between 7.1 7.2

2000-12-18 Per discussione Mark Weaver

So far from what I've seen it's mostly looks and there are a lot more
widgets, gadgets and think-a-ma-bobs. One important thing though is there
is much more of a variety of hardware support. For instance my printer, a
Canon BJC6000, while it would run under Mdk 7.1 it wasn't directly
supported. I had to print to a general queue, whereas in Mdk 7.2 using
CUPS my BJC6000 is driectly supported and the apps communicate directly to
the printer via the ldr command thru parallel port #1. (Netscape is the
only app using the ldr command to print.)

To setup the printer CUPS offers a web browser interface that is very much
akin to the hardware applets that many have used before in Windows to
setup their printers. It works very nicely and as I said, even though
Canon doesn't support Linux at all, my Canon BJC6000 IS directly supported
with CUPS. Way to guys!

The video support is Much improved over 7.1 and I thought the video was
great in that version. And it was/is. However, in 7.2 it has gotten even

You may spend a little extra setup and configuration time with Mdk 7.2
simply if for no other reason there are a few changes that will require
this. But the extra time spent to get it all set and running smoothly is
well worth the effort. I started the install Thrusday evening, did a fresh
install. That evening I spent only a few minutes after the initial install
to make sure the most important thing were in and running.

Next day, Friday spent 2 hours that evening surveying the lay of the land
learning where everything was. Saturday and Sunday I put in about 16 hours
al togther. Now that wasn't how long it took to get the basic user system
up and going. Internet, printing, apps installed...thats a
server/developer type of machine complete with client,
firewall, portsentry, Sendmail system, Apache, and lots more that I'm very
particular about.

After this weekend I'm very, very happy with the machine I've got running
on my desk.

So, if you've got the CD's and all your data files backed up I'd say Go
for it. You can always reinstall 7.1 if you don't like it.

##'s not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 Kelly, Christopher spake passionately saying:

 So, what are the differences between MDK 7.1 and 7.2?

 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

[newbie] Diald, kppp and Mandrake 7.2 - installation issue

2000-12-18 Per discussione Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes

I am trying to install diald with Mandrake 7.2 Kppp is running ok so I
know that the modem and connections are fine.
I read diald Howto many times but to no avail. Could someone out there
help me out?  
I want to run diald (I got the latest mandrake rpm file .99.1) without
wrecking kppp and, if 
possible, taking advantage of all scripts that I have already installed
under kppp.

Many thanks.


Re: [newbie] Modem Question

2000-12-18 Per discussione Zelda link

would if anyone know how to configure the proxy
I have been using the dialup server but I can access
the website using the proxy. 
hear from linux group buddy.

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Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: [newbie] breaking out of a gui

2000-12-18 Per discussione Dave

Ctrl-Alt-Backspace works fine to kill X on my system.

At 08:24 PM 12/15/00 +1300, you wrote:
Hello All,
Using Mandrake 7.1 only for a short time, used Caldera and Corel before,
in either of them when xwindows hung Crtl, Alt and Backspace was all I needed
to go to a textconsole, I can't find a keycombination that does the same in
Mandrake, so a reboot is my only option here, am I missing something?

0101 1010 0111 01101100 0110 01100111   01101001 
01110011   01100100 01100101 0111 01100100   01001110 0110 01101110 
01100111   01101100 01101001 01110110 01100101   01100100 01101001 01100111 
01101001 01110100 0111 01101100
(Go figure it out.)

[newbie] KDE 2.1 Beta 1

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Has anyone tried KDE 2.1 Beta 1? I have been using a CVS version made about a 
month ago (i.e. a month after the official KDE2 release) and I recently 
upgraded to KDE 2.1 Beta 1. I have found that when in Beta 1's Konqueror I 
cannot access the configuration settings (Settings - Configure...). When I 
click on it, nothing happens at all. Also, when I open Kcontrol, there 
nothing to select along the left side of the window where the menu should be, 
so I cannot change any settings. I didn't have these problems with the CVS 
version I had before, which I figured would be less developed. I guess it's 
because they changed something in Beta 1, and my old CVS version still had 
mostly 2.0 code.

Does anyone have the same problem?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

RE: [newbie] Exporting X

2000-12-18 Per discussione Fireman71

It is possible but for me it was a pain to setup and i wasnt very satisfied
with it when i did manage to get it setup but this might have been caused by
me not doing something correctly.

To make a long story short, i found a program called VNC which basically
does the same thing and was much easier to setup and work with.

check it out at

It also allows you to export windoze desktops to a linux machine as well and
they have their own mailing list in case you do have any problems with it.

Ian K. Harrell

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James Hallam
 Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 6:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Exporting X

 hi all,
 i was wondering if it was possible to export the KDE desktop to
 an X-Client
 running on a windows machine
 i.e. using the MI/X or and equivalent product..

 if it is possible would anyone knew of any documentation out
 there to do it

 thanks in advance

[newbie] Question

2000-12-18 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Anybody heard of this new CRN expansion slot on new Mobo's?

Chris Kelly
Registered Linux user 185775

[newbie] Internet Connection Sharing

2000-12-18 Per discussione Angel Rodriguez

My home network is running Win98 on my desktop and Win95 on my corporate
laptop. I want to add my Linux Mandrake only machine to this network and be
able to share my internet connection with Linux. The Win98 machine is
running MS internet sharing software.

How would I accomplish this?


RE: [newbie] KDE 2.1 Beta 1

2000-12-18 Per discussione Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

After know the problems every users has with KDE21, I am using the 2.01
version (from sourceforge in a special rpms for Mandrake 7.2)  that works
well in Linux. I think it will be better wait, because the changes in KDE
from 2.0 have been very few and the inestability seems to be very high.
I had problems with the KDE 2.0 in the Mandrake 7.2, but the 2.01 is very
stable, just  few applications give problems.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)
-Mensaje original-
De: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2000 16:26
Asunto: [newbie] KDE 2.1 Beta 1

Has anyone tried KDE 2.1 Beta 1? I have been using a CVS version made about
month ago (i.e. a month after the official KDE2 release) and I recently
upgraded to KDE 2.1 Beta 1. I have found that when in Beta 1's Konqueror I
cannot access the configuration settings (Settings - Configure...). When I
click on it, nothing happens at all. Also, when I open Kcontrol, there
nothing to select along the left side of the window where the menu should
so I cannot change any settings. I didn't have these problems with the CVS
version I had before, which I figured would be less developed. I guess it's
because they changed something in Beta 1, and my old CVS version still had
mostly 2.0 code.

Does anyone have the same problem?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

RE: [newbie] Exporting X

2000-12-18 Per discussione James Hallam


i have heard of VNC but find it very slow . at least teh windows version is.
i have never tried the linux version... 

i will give a go 

thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Fireman71 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 December 2000 16:36
Subject: RE: [newbie] Exporting X

It is possible but for me it was a pain to setup and i wasnt very satisfied
with it when i did manage to get it setup but this might have been caused by
me not doing something correctly.

To make a long story short, i found a program called VNC which basically
does the same thing and was much easier to setup and work with.

check it out at

It also allows you to export windoze desktops to a linux machine as well and
they have their own mailing list in case you do have any problems with it.

Ian K. Harrell

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James Hallam
 Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 6:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Exporting X

 hi all,
 i was wondering if it was possible to export the KDE desktop to
 an X-Client
 running on a windows machine
 i.e. using the MI/X or and equivalent product..

 if it is possible would anyone knew of any documentation out
 there to do it

 thanks in advance

[newbie] How may I use two mice?

2000-12-18 Per discussione Phil R Lawrence

I want to use two mice at once (one is a touchpad in my keyboard).  

Currently, DrakConf reports them as:
Device: /dev/psaux
Bus Type: PS/2
Device: /dev/ttyS0
Bus Type: Serial

My XF86Config-4 currently says:
Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"
Option "Protocol""IMPS/2"
Option "Device"  "/dev/mouse"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"


This results in the serial mouse working.  How may I use both mice?

Phil R Lawrence

RE: [newbie] Exporting X

2000-12-18 Per discussione Mark Johnson

If you have some the money, check out Exceed.  We use it a work. It is very,
very nice.  I don't know how much we paid for it, but I'm sure it is a bit
pricey but it's very good.  There is a free eval version available.

However, I use VNC too, and it's really quite good for a free piece of

-Original Message-
From: James Hallam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Exporting X


i have heard of VNC but find it very slow . at least teh windows version is.
i have never tried the linux version... 

i will give a go 

thanks again

-Original Message-
From: Fireman71 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 December 2000 16:36
Subject: RE: [newbie] Exporting X

It is possible but for me it was a pain to setup and i wasnt very satisfied
with it when i did manage to get it setup but this might have been caused by
me not doing something correctly.

To make a long story short, i found a program called VNC which basically
does the same thing and was much easier to setup and work with.

check it out at

It also allows you to export windoze desktops to a linux machine as well and
they have their own mailing list in case you do have any problems with it.

Ian K. Harrell

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of James Hallam
 Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 6:22 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Exporting X

 hi all,
 i was wondering if it was possible to export the KDE desktop to
 an X-Client
 running on a windows machine
 i.e. using the MI/X or and equivalent product..

 if it is possible would anyone knew of any documentation out
 there to do it

 thanks in advance

[newbie] kernel Panic

2000-12-18 Per discussione Vikram Haravu


my customer ID number is : LM71DH1-30868587

I have the following problem. I will appreciate it if you can help.

I recently installed LM 7.1 on my PC which already had Win98.
I was using Grub as the bootloader setup to load Linux as default. Since
the Linux install I have re-installed Win98 on my PC. Now I cannot use
The initial grub screen where it asks me to select which OS to boot (or load
Linux in the next 4 secs) does not appear. Immediately on turning on the PC,
Win98 starts to load.

So I used the Linux startup disk created during install and restart the PC.
Even that does not start Linux- I get a number of msgs leading to a
"Kernel Panic" mesg. The msgs are shown below:

Partition Check
hda: hda1 hda2 hda5 hda6 hda7
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:03 rw=0, want=2, limit=0
dev03:03 blocksize=1024 blockno=1 sector=2 size=1024 count=1
EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
03:03 rw=0, want=33, limit=0
dev03:03 blocksize=1024 blockno=32 sector=64 size=1024 count=1
isofs_read_super: bread_failed, dev=03:03, iso_blocknum=16, block=32
Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:03

Nothing happens after this. I have to reset the PC.
Please help,


- Original Message -
| Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 1:30 AM
| Subject: Your Macmillan support ID
| | Dear Customer:
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| | your Linux Mandrake product for technical support.
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| | Keep this in a safe place as you will need to enter this
| | number to obtain technical support.
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| | installation of the operating system only.
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| | one of the many free resources MandrakeSoft has set up for
| | it's users.
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| | We look forward to assisting you in your support needs.
| |
| | Regards,
| |
| | MandrakeSoft Support Department
| |
| |
| |

[newbie] Netscape 4.76

2000-12-18 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

I just tried to update from 4.75 to 4.76, but the
common file is giving me problems.  The first
error tells me it isn't signed, then it says it
can't install the file.  I have tried the tux and
sourceforge update sites with the same results. 
Does anyone have an alternative site?

Barry :-)

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-18 Per discussione David Raleigh Arnold

Bad habits because of how destructive they are. I think I explained why
the mouse support is horrible in linux. The reason it is horrible in
windows was that BG wanted to keep the 3-button mouse off the market so
he could be the one to profit from an additional feature rather than
Logitech, etc.. He sold millions of suckers the "Microsoft Mouse", which
had no improved functionality whatever except to tell the os "I am a MS
Mouse." Catering to victimized people with a 2 button mouse has retarded
functionality. A mouse costs $3. Throw away all 2-button mice. It's
history. That's what happened. Not my fault. You are a great guy, and
you have been very helpful to a lot of people on this list. If I could
only get off of it :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 In the open source world (less so in the commercial world), features are
 implemented in the way that developers like, or in the way that users
 pressure developers to do. As I said earlier, a GUI can be a very personal
 thing. Your idea of a "bad habit" probably isn't bad to the rest (or the
 majority) of us. If you feel so strongly about it, then why don't you let the
 developers know, or even get into developing these features yourself?
 You seem to prefer a world where everyone agrees with you, and so they
 implement everything just as you want without your interaction. This simply
 is not possible.
 On Sat, 16 Dec 2000 13:20, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
  Doing half of these things is not good enough. I'm talking stuff that
  could and should have been done five years ago. To do half of those
  things, a 2 button mouse would do. That is the point. There are hardly
  any relevant settings except switch right and left. No settings for
  combinations of mb's except to help use a goddam 2 button mouse. Windows
  users have bad habits, and that has resulted in serious harm to linux
  software. I am not insulted, merely frustrated by your very negative
  attitude. :-)
  Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
   Have you even *looked* at alternatives that *can* do these things? Before
   you start bitching, I can say that I'm sure that Sawfish can do at least
   half of these things, and its configurability is getting better all the
   time. Try looking at the settings instead of just complaining when all of
   what you want isn't there by default and served to you on a silver
   My apologies if I sound rude, but there are many other window managers
   out there apart from Enlightenment. Sawfish, in fact, is the GNOME
   default, and can do (IMHO) everything that Enlightenment can do and more.
   On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 22:23, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
One more time:
I want to be able to select a rectangle full of files and drag the
lot to another directory using only the mouse. I want to be able to
copy with the right mb, place with the left mb, and paste with the
middle. I want to be able to call up a menu for gnome and Enlightenment
complete by clicking buttons 12. I want to be able to start a program
with a single click, and drag with the right mouse button instead of
the left, which was a better way, because it made group select work. I
want to call up the running items in a desktop by clicking 23. I want
to delete by clicking 13. I want to be able to scroll faster or slower
by using combinations of mb's. I want 123 to do something. KDE won't
do it because W$ won't do it, and they intend to be able to port stuff
to W$. Gnome won't do it because they listen mainly to W$ users, and W$
users *have* *bad* *habits*.
I don't want to restrict anything. You do.
Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Thursday 14 December 2000 05:09 pm, you wrote:
  I guess everybody's entitled to their opinion, but to put down the
  hard work of the KDE developers (never used Gnome but I bet they've
  put lots of blood, sweat and tears into it as well) is something
  that I for one bristle at.
  The configurability of the KDE interface is clearly deeper than you
  have cared to go; I am certain that one of the developers could
  enlighten you as to how to adjust your interface to your
  preference(way better than me)
  David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
   I guess I failed to make my point. There should be no double
   clicking at all. There should be group select and drag. There
   should be no nono nonono alt or ctl + mousebutton clicks ever.
   Only one mouse button, never two, should bring up a menu. We
   don't have this because the people at kde and gnome keep
   trying to be like windows instead of better.
   -michael- wrote:
I have a Logitec laser mouse with 2 buttons and a scroller. I
am thrilled with mandrake's support of it in the kde environ.
windows requires other drivers and so it's just another proof
of linux' 

Re: [Re: [newbie] More disk space for the Linux partition]

2000-12-18 Per discussione David Raleigh Arnold

What about parted?

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 I don't think that discdrake can do non-destructive partitioning (yet). That
 is a very complex thing to do, and you will need something like
 PartitionMagic or System Commander to achieve it. Note that these two
 programmes don't support ReiserFS, only ext2 and swap partitions.
 On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 04:01, Johnny Kwan wrote:
  I got the GUI diskdrake running.  However, I don't know how to use it to
  give the linux partition more diskspace and reduce the size of the windows
  partition.  Of course, without loosing data.  Thanks.
  s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Linux has a utility that does the same thing.  Diskdrake.  Located at
   /usr/sbin/diskdrake  But yeah, partition magic can do the same thing from
   inside windows (or actually dos).  I think I trust disdrake more (I have
   partition magic on my other machine, it's okay, but slow!)
   On Sunday 17 December 2000 03:01, you wrote:
I am running out of diskspace with my Linux partition.  Is it ok for me
use partition magic to reduce the size of the windows partition, and
allocate more disk space to the linux partition?  I just want to make
Linux is ok with that before I proceed.  Thanks.
ICQ# 1678616
Office # 972-506-3411
eFax   # 419-818-7262
   Registered Linux user:  #197855
   Version:  3.12
   GED/M/S d+ s:+: a C++ UL@ P+ L++ E--- W N++ o K w+ !O M- V--
PS+ PE Y++ PGP++ t+ 5-- X+ R* tv++ b- DI+ D G e++ h r+++ z+++
  ICQ# 1678616
  Office # 972-506-3411
  eFax   # 419-818-7262
  Get free email and a permanent address at
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.


2000-12-18 Per discussione Walter Peña

i very new in linux, and i install 7.0 mandrake, but only this, i
will need install staroffice 5.1 and I have the soft in a CD but I can't
install it.
When i can study this and more of linux.(in spanish because my
english it's poor)


[newbie] Re: unsubscribe

2000-12-18 Per discussione David Raleigh Arnold


[newbie] ssh port forwarding as user?

2000-12-18 Per discussione Jon Doe

Can I do port forwarding with ssh as user? I thought you werent supposed to 
connect to the internet as SU. Any help?

Re: [newbie] Question

2000-12-18 Per discussione bascule

do you mean CNR?
communication/network riser or similar, basically as far as i know it aims to 
be to comms and ntework devices what the amr slot is to soundcards and 
modems, personally i've seen a few mobos with these slots on but never come 
across a card in them, come to that i've come across precious few cards in 
amrs but maybe they are mostly in oem machines which i don't tend to play 
with much


On Monday 18 December 2000  4:59 pm, you wrote:
 Anybody heard of this new CRN expansion slot on new Mobo's?

 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] Re: Learning curves

2000-12-18 Per discussione bascule

ah, only if the y axis is a measure of achievement or knowledge 
gained/attained at a particular time, if however it shows the cumulative 
effort expended then it makes sense, alternatively one can interpret the 
graph as having an unspoken but assumed z axix of expertise thus leading to a 
steeper effort versus time graph for any given level of guru'ness.

my problem is that my curve appears to be exactly that - a curve- and not a 
slowly levelling out one either, in fact i'd be willing to bet it's 

i clearly have too much time on my hands, perhaps i should lie down ;-)


On Sunday 17 December 2000  1:09 am, you wrote:
 As a Civil Engineer every graph I ever saw involving time had time on the X
 Therefor the steeper the curve the quicker things happened.

 How come everyone has ir backwards?

 Jim T.

Re: [newbie] Netscape 4.76

2000-12-18 Per discussione s

Why not use the 'update' feature.  That's what I did, and it went flawlessly. 
 Netscape 4.76 even seems a little faster than 4.75.  I think I picked the 
sunsite site.  

On Monday 18 December 2000 08:49 pm, you wrote:
 I just tried to update from 4.75 to 4.76, but the
 common file is giving me problems.  The first
 error tells me it isn't signed, then it says it
 can't install the file.  I have tried the tux and
 sourceforge update sites with the same results.
 Does anyone have an alternative site?

 Barry :-)

Registered Linux user:  #197855

[newbie] Tmpwatch Error

2000-12-18 Per discussione SoloCDM

Tmpwatch displayed the error below when refusing to remove a
specified file.  I later discovered, through trial and error, that
tmpwatch doesn't allow a specified filename to be included in the
syntax . . . only a directory name.  What command allows tracking
of a specific file's age?

error: this indicates a possible intrusion attempt

Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing
  list and my email address.


[newbie] ALS-120 sound card won't config

2000-12-18 Per discussione Dennis Myers

The hardware support for linux-Mandrake says my ALS-120 is supported, in 
almost every config I try this is the error message I get, can anyone tell me 
what I need to fix? This card worked in 7.1 but now in 7.2  I can get 
nothing. TIA for any help.

 The following error occurred running the isapnp program:  ?
 ?   ?
 ? /etc/isapnp.conf:49 -- Fatal - IO range check attempted   ?
 ? while device activated?
 ? /etc/isapnp.conf:49 -- Fatal - Error occurred executing   ?
 ? request 'IORESCHECK ' --- further action aborted?
 ?   ?
Dennis Myers registered linux user #180842

[newbie] Install Hang on in second stage install

2000-12-18 Per discussione Brad Cenko

I have a Dell Inspiron 3200 laptop, and I experimented some this
summer with LM 7.0, with my 4 gig harddrive equally partioned between
Windows 98 and LM 7.0.  Finally I decided I was ready to make the move to
a Microsoft free computer (plus I had no room left on my hard drive), so I
figured i'd install 7.2.  Only I'm having a devil of a time trying to get
it to install.  My computer boots from my Cd-Rom, and I get the opening
mandrake screen.  no matter what mode I choose for install (text, expert,
etc.), the install always hangs in the same place.  I get a window saying
intializing Cd-rom, then Loading second stage ram disc.  Then in the
bottom left hand corner appears "in second stage install".  Suddenly the
Cd stops spinning and nothing happens, I've left it like that overnight
I've tried everything I could think of, booting from a floppy,
cleaning my cd drive.  I even have a friend with the same laptop so i
borrowed his drive and the same thing happened.  The burn seems to be
fine, I at least got past "second stage install" in testing it on my
friends desktop.  I've had no other problems with my cd drive.  It's a
Toshiba CD-ROM XM-1702BC that came with my laptop.
I was just curious if anyone else had this problem, or could give
some tips for a solution.


Re: [[newbie] ssh port forwarding as user?]

2000-12-18 Per discussione Altoine Barker


First, "ssh" works by encrypting your communication not by setting rights
to it. Second, from your statement, I don't know what you are trying to
ask other then that you had the concept of "ssh" all wrong. More info bud.

-- Al

Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can I do port forwarding with ssh as user? I thought you werent supposed to
connect to the internet as SU. Any help?

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Helix GNOME Mandrake 7.2

2000-12-18 Per discussione Anthony

Yes, you can install with 7.2. However there are a few problems with doing 

First your menus get screwed up a little bit in Gnome. You have multiple 
links to programs in the menus and they become pretty cluttered. 

Secondly MandrakeUpdate won't work right with updates concered with Gnome 
stuff. Right now MandrakeUpdate says I need to update some Gnome apps, even 
though they are already updated. The problem lies with that my Gnome apps are 
helix_gnome code, whereas the ones that Mandrake want's me to update with are 
mdk code. It's not too big a deal, just make sure you don't try to update 
something with MandrakeUpdate that is already updated via helix-update.

Finally, your login screen will get all screwy. I'm assuming this happens on 
all Mandrake 7.2 systems (since it happened to me and some other guy on the 
internet), but what happens is that under the window manager selection screen 
the Gnome option disappears. Yes, it is pretty ironic that upgrading Gnome 
will cause you not to be able to select Gnome from the login options, but 
that's the way it is. The way to get around that is to put this into your 
~/.Xclients-default file:

exec gnome-session

Then at the login screen, select "Default" for your Window manager. That 
should then get you into Gnome hopefully.

 Has anyone tried Helix GNOME with Mandrake 7.2? The download page says it
 is compatible with Mandrake 7.0 and 7.1, but there is no mention of 7.2. Is
 it possible to keep the Mandrake application menus (editable through
 menudrake) with Helix GNOME?

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

Re: [[newbie] ssh port forwarding as user?]

2000-12-18 Per discussione Jon Doe

Altoine Barker wrote:


 First, "ssh" works by encrypting your communication not by setting rights
 to it. Second, from your statement, I don't know what you are trying to
 ask other then that you had the concept of "ssh" all wrong. More info bud.

 -- Al

Ok, I will explain in depth. I am trying to connect to a sever ( via 
ssh, and with
port forwarding, but when I do this as user I get an error from ssh that says 
privelaged ports
(80) can only be forwarded by root. My question is, how can I do this in user mode or 
is it ok to
su and do this?

Re: [newbie] KDE 2.1 Beta 1

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

2.01 would be much more stable than 2.1 simply because 2.1 is currently in 
beta and 2.01 is a 2.0 bugfix release. The main reason why I'm using 2.1 Beta 
1 is that I was directed to use a CVS version by Mandrakesoft since 2.0 was 
too unstable for me. This was about a month ago, before 2.01 was released, 
but this is a CVS of 2.1, not 2.01. That means that I've gotten used to some 
of the newer features of 2.1 (like the new bookmark system), so I can't go to 
2.01 (which would almost be a downgrade). Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait 
till next month for the 2.1 release, assuming all goes according to schedule.

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 04:57, Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
 After know the problems every users has with KDE21, I am using the 2.01
 version (from sourceforge in a special rpms for Mandrake 7.2)  that works
 well in Linux. I think it will be better wait, because the changes in KDE
 from 2.0 have been very few and the inestability seems to be very high.
 I had problems with the KDE 2.0 in the Mandrake 7.2, but the 2.01 is very
 stable, just  few applications give problems.

 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2000 16:26
 Asunto: [newbie] KDE 2.1 Beta 1

 Has anyone tried KDE 2.1 Beta 1? I have been using a CVS version made


 month ago (i.e. a month after the official KDE2 release) and I recently
 upgraded to KDE 2.1 Beta 1. I have found that when in Beta 1's Konqueror I
 cannot access the configuration settings (Settings - Configure...). When
  I click on it, nothing happens at all. Also, when I open Kcontrol, there
  nothing to select along the left side of the window where the menu should


 so I cannot change any settings. I didn't have these problems with the CVS
 version I had before, which I figured would be less developed. I guess
  it's because they changed something in Beta 1, and my old CVS version
  still had mostly 2.0 code.
 Does anyone have the same problem?
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
  Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] Default Icons in Sawfish and Gnome

2000-12-18 Per discussione Romanator

Hi Traci,

I remember this happening to me quite some time ago. Okay. You'll have
to do this while logged in as "root". I'm trying to do this from memory
- so please bear with me. Click on the KDE icon. Navigate to Look 'n
Check out the different settings for the mouse. There is one setting
that decides which side of the mouse
shows help for the right click while another menu is available for the
left. As I mentioned this was quite some time ago. I'll get back to you
after a few tests. Hopefully, I'll have a better answer for you.


Registered Linux Users #179293

Traci Collins wrote:
 Romanator wrote:
  Have you tried right clicking on the desktop and select "application".
  You will have the option of selecting the icons for your application by
  clicking on the dropdown arrow.
  Select Devices. Select the icon and OK.
  It's important to note that by default, it will check System first. If
  you are looking for icons for the hard drives, select "devices".
 That is a problem, perhaps part of the same one. When I tried right
 clicking on the desktop I didn't get any response at all - no context
 menu. If I right click on the panel I get the panel context menu so I
 suspect that my right mouse click is being received, but when I right
 click on the desktop nothing happens. Is there a setting, preferably
 simple, that would suppress the desktop icons as well as the right
 mouse button context menus for the desktop?
 Traci Collins, MA, CCAI, CCNA
 Professor of Computer Education
 Colorado Mountain College

Re: [Re: [[newbie] ssh port forwarding as user?]]

2000-12-18 Per discussione Altoine Barker


I see now. And to your answer, yes, you can su and do that. No one will be
able to (in theory) listen in on your line and understand a word of what
you are doing between your server and you. I do "su" all the time when I
"ssh" into my machine. By the way, I have a question for you sheepish
grin. What OS do you "ssh" to your machine with and with what software? I
find myself "ssh" from Windows 98/NT and I use Telneat. Thanks

Now we can both continue to...

-- Al

Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Altoine Barker wrote:


 First, "ssh" works by encrypting your communication not by setting rights
 to it. Second, from your statement, I don't know what you are trying to
 ask other then that you had the concept of "ssh" all wrong. More info bud.

 -- Al

Ok, I will explain in depth. I am trying to connect to a sever
( via ssh, and with
port forwarding, but when I do this as user I get an error from ssh that
says privelaged ports
(80) can only be forwarded by root. My question is, how can I do this in
user mode or is it ok to
su and do this?

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Default Icons in Sawfish and Gnome

2000-12-18 Per discussione Romanator


Log in as root and click on the KDE Control Center. Try the following

1. Select the KDE Control Center button
2. Navigate to LookNFeel-General
3. Choose the General tab
4a. Place checkmark next to "Align Icon Vertically on Desktop
4b. Place checkmark next to "Enable Desktop Menu"
5. Under clicks on the desktop, enable the following:
Left button--No action
Center button--Windows list menu
Right button--Desktop menu
6. Click on the Apply and OK buttons
7. Close the Control Center and test your mouse clicks on your desktop.
You should see your menus.

Registered Linux User #179293
High Energy Penguin Powered Email

 Traci Collins wrote:
  Romanator wrote:
   Have you tried right clicking on the desktop and select "application".
   You will have the option of selecting the icons for your application by
   clicking on the dropdown arrow.
   Select Devices. Select the icon and OK.
   It's important to note that by default, it will check System first. If
   you are looking for icons for the hard drives, select "devices".
  That is a problem, perhaps part of the same one. When I tried right
  clicking on the desktop I didn't get any response at all - no context
  menu. If I right click on the panel I get the panel context menu so I
  suspect that my right mouse click is being received, but when I right
  click on the desktop nothing happens. Is there a setting, preferably
  simple, that would suppress the desktop icons as well as the right
  mouse button context menus for the desktop?
  Traci Collins, MA, CCAI, CCNA
  Professor of Computer Education
  Colorado Mountain College

[newbie] Backpack CD-ROM boot.img soon?

2000-12-18 Per discussione Rick Fierro II

Will you have a boot.img that works with Microsolutions Backpack CD-Roms
anytime soon?  Is there any other way to get Mandrake to recognize my CD-Rom
during installation?

Potential dev machine:
Dell XPi 133 (laptop)
Backpack Bantam CD-Rom
32MB memory

Any help would be very appreciated.  Thank you and happy holidays.


Rick Fierro, II
Software Engineer

ePropose, Inc. -- San Francisco, CA
Phone: 415.369.0360 x219
  Fax: 415.369.0365

Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

DrakConf in Mandrake 7.2 has an "Internet Connection Sharing" feature. I 
haven't tried it, so I can't say how good it is.

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 04:06, Angel Rodriguez wrote:
 My home network is running Win98 on my desktop and Win95 on my corporate
 laptop. I want to add my Linux Mandrake only machine to this network and be
 able to share my internet connection with Linux. The Win98 machine is
 running MS internet sharing software.

 How would I accomplish this?


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I agree with you - at least in part. I believe that Linux should have legacy 
hardware support, but only if those like us are not disadvantaged. As I've 
said before, Linux is all about choice. If someone wants to plug in a 
one-button i-mac USB mouse and use that, then they should be able to, no 
matter how stupid we think they are (and they would have to be). If, on the 
other hand, I wish to connect a ten-button beast that has buttons to make a 
cup of earl grey and to wash the dishes I should be able to as well. If in 
the future I wish to change the function of one of these buttons to paint the 
house, I should be able to. These are just examples. For Linux to be popular 
and beat M$, it should be inclusive, the OS for everyone. But only as long as 
it doesn't stop more advanced users such as ourselves from doing what we 
want. If we start dictating what is good and what is bad, we risk becoming 
another M$.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 20:14, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
 Bad habits because of how destructive they are. I think I explained why
 the mouse support is horrible in linux. The reason it is horrible in
 windows was that BG wanted to keep the 3-button mouse off the market so
 he could be the one to profit from an additional feature rather than
 Logitech, etc.. He sold millions of suckers the "Microsoft Mouse", which
 had no improved functionality whatever except to tell the os "I am a MS
 Mouse." Catering to victimized people with a 2 button mouse has retarded
 functionality. A mouse costs $3. Throw away all 2-button mice. It's
 history. That's what happened. Not my fault. You are a great guy, and
 you have been very helpful to a lot of people on this list. If I could
 only get off of it :-)

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  In the open source world (less so in the commercial world), features are
  implemented in the way that developers like, or in the way that users
  pressure developers to do. As I said earlier, a GUI can be a very
  personal thing. Your idea of a "bad habit" probably isn't bad to the rest
  (or the majority) of us. If you feel so strongly about it, then why don't
  you let the developers know, or even get into developing these features
  You seem to prefer a world where everyone agrees with you, and so they
  implement everything just as you want without your interaction. This
  simply is not possible.
  On Sat, 16 Dec 2000 13:20, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
   Doing half of these things is not good enough. I'm talking stuff that
   could and should have been done five years ago. To do half of those
   things, a 2 button mouse would do. That is the point. There are hardly
   any relevant settings except switch right and left. No settings for
   combinations of mb's except to help use a goddam 2 button mouse.
   Windows users have bad habits, and that has resulted in serious harm to
   linux software. I am not insulted, merely frustrated by your very
   negative attitude. :-)
   Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
Have you even *looked* at alternatives that *can* do these things?
Before you start bitching, I can say that I'm sure that Sawfish can
do at least half of these things, and its configurability is getting
better all the time. Try looking at the settings instead of just
complaining when all of what you want isn't there by default and
served to you on a silver platter.
My apologies if I sound rude, but there are many other window
managers out there apart from Enlightenment. Sawfish, in fact, is the
GNOME default, and can do (IMHO) everything that Enlightenment can do
and more.
On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 22:23, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
 One more time:
 I want to be able to select a rectangle full of files and drag the
 lot to another directory using only the mouse. I want to be able to
 copy with the right mb, place with the left mb, and paste with the
 middle. I want to be able to call up a menu for gnome and
 Enlightenment complete by clicking buttons 12. I want to be able
 to start a program with a single click, and drag with the right
 mouse button instead of the left, which was a better way, because
 it made group select work. I want to call up the running items in a
 desktop by clicking 23. I want to delete by clicking 13. I want
 to be able to scroll faster or slower by using combinations of
 mb's. I want 123 to do something. KDE won't do it because W$
 won't do it, and they intend to be able to port stuff to W$. Gnome
 won't do it because they listen mainly to W$ users, and W$ users
 *have* *bad* *habits*.
 I don't want to restrict anything. You do.

 Dennis Myers wrote:
  On Thursday 14 December 2000 05:09 pm, you wrote:
   I guess everybody's entitled to their opinion, but to put down
   the hard work of the KDE developers (never used Gnome but I bet
   they've put lots of blood, sweat and tears into it as well) is

Re: [Re: [newbie] More disk space for the Linux partition]

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

GNU Parted is getting there, but it'll be a little while before I'd trust it 
with my data. If you want to use it, do a backup first. For more info, look 

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 20:18, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
 What about parted?

  Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  I don't think that discdrake can do non-destructive partitioning (yet).
  That is a very complex thing to do, and you will need something like
  PartitionMagic or System Commander to achieve it. Note that these two
  programmes don't support ReiserFS, only ext2 and swap partitions.
  On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 04:01, Johnny Kwan wrote:
   I got the GUI diskdrake running.  However, I don't know how to use it
   to give the linux partition more diskspace and reduce the size of the
   windows partition.  Of course, without loosing data.  Thanks.
   s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Linux has a utility that does the same thing.  Diskdrake.  Located at
/usr/sbin/diskdrake  But yeah, partition magic can do the same thing
from inside windows (or actually dos).  I think I trust disdrake more
(I have partition magic on my other machine, it's okay, but slow!)
On Sunday 17 December 2000 03:01, you wrote:
 I am running out of diskspace with my Linux partition.  Is it ok
 for me
 use partition magic to reduce the size of the windows partition,
 and allocate more disk space to the linux partition?  I just want
 to make
 Linux is ok with that before I proceed.  Thanks.

 ICQ# 1678616
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  Sridhar Dhanapalan.
  Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge
  this change.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] Question

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I've only read bad things about CNR and AMR in recent motherboard reviews. It 
costs extra to put these functions in a mobo, and there is little hardware 
support for them anyway. Some newer mobos, like the Abit KT7, don't have them 
at all.

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:21, bascule wrote:
 do you mean CNR?
 communication/network riser or similar, basically as far as i know it aims
 to be to comms and ntework devices what the amr slot is to soundcards and
 modems, personally i've seen a few mobos with these slots on but never come
 across a card in them, come to that i've come across precious few cards in
 amrs but maybe they are mostly in oem machines which i don't tend to play
 with much


 On Monday 18 December 2000  4:59 pm, you wrote:
  Anybody heard of this new CRN expansion slot on new Mobo's?
  Chris Kelly
  Registered Linux user 185775

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] Netscape 4.76

2000-12-18 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

I've found Netscape 4.76 to be much more stable and a bit faster than 
previous versions.

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 04:17, s wrote:
 Why not use the 'update' feature.  That's what I did, and it went
 flawlessly. Netscape 4.76 even seems a little faster than 4.75.  I think I
 picked the sunsite site.

 On Monday 18 December 2000 08:49 pm, you wrote:
  I just tried to update from 4.75 to 4.76, but the
  common file is giving me problems.  The first
  error tells me it isn't signed, then it says it
  can't install the file.  I have tried the tux and
  sourceforge update sites with the same results.
  Does anyone have an alternative site?
  Barry :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing

2000-12-18 Per discussione Michael O'Henly

I've used that to share my cable connection with a couple of Macs and it was 
absolutely effortless. I just set the Macs to use DHCP, then ran the 
"Internet Connection Sharing" command, and they were on. No rebooting needed.

It shouldn't be that much harder for your Windows boxes, assuming you've set 
them up to use DHCP.


On Monday 18 December 2000 15:26, you wrote:
 DrakConf in Mandrake 7.2 has an "Internet Connection Sharing" feature. I
 haven't tried it, so I can't say how good it is.

 On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 04:06, Angel Rodriguez wrote:
  My home network is running Win98 on my desktop and Win95 on my corporate
  laptop. I want to add my Linux Mandrake only machine to this network and
  be able to share my internet connection with Linux. The Win98 machine is
  running MS internet sharing software.
  How would I accomplish this?

Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

[newbie] error with icepref

2000-12-18 Per discussione liuxj

Hi, Folks,

I met trouble with icepref as below,
[lxj@fsbbs lxj]$ icepref
Tracebak (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/icepref", line 22, in ?
from gtk import *
ImportError: No module named gtk

I guess it's caused by some gtk package, but don't know
which one.

Any clues?



Re: [newbie] Netscape 4.76

2000-12-18 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

That's the method I chose.  I have been
successfully updating my apps that way for some
time now.  Changing server sources didn't help. 
Netscape 4.76's common gives me an error saying
that it isn't signed.  If I tell it to install
anyway, it then comes back with an error saying it
was unable to install and asks if I want to skip
this file.  Although 4.75 isn't giving any
problems now, I was hoping to move up to 4.76.  

Which site did you use?

Barry :-)

s wrote:
 Why not use the 'update' feature.  That's what I did, and it went flawlessly.
  Netscape 4.76 even seems a little faster than 4.75.  I think I picked the
 sunsite site.
 On Monday 18 December 2000 08:49 pm, you wrote:
  I just tried to update from 4.75 to 4.76, but the
  common file is giving me problems.  The first
  error tells me it isn't signed, then it says it
  can't install the file.  I have tried the tux and
  sourceforge update sites with the same results.
  Does anyone have an alternative site?
  Barry :-)
 Registered Linux user:  #197855

[newbie] 7.2 stability , mouse issues .

2000-12-18 Per discussione misha misha

i am  this |--| close to reformatting the drive and installing a better distro than 
mandrake . 

the mouse is hyperactive , in ( not only movement ) but in clicking , activating all 
sorts of menus , sliding in and out the taskbar , tehn crashing the whole thing . 
nothing left to do but hard boot . 

i dropped red hat 6 for this ?
win98se is more stable than mandrake 7.2 

i originally used an ms intellieye mouse ( usb with a ps2 adapter on it ) 

though in the latest incarnation ive got a kensington 3 button ps2 mouse , and not 
much more stability than before . 

even logged in as root . 

the config wont take the mouse specification after using harddrake
only says " vendor unknown " , " model unknown "
device : /dev/psaux
bus type ps2 

is that normal ? red hat picked up my intellieye with no problem . 

the rest :

abit k a 7 
athlon 700
sb live
64 mb 

only linux is on this drive . 

any help is greatly appreciated . 
any insight gets you a great big hug .

mishaco .

What are you N2?  Choose from 150 free e-mail addresses.

RE: [newbie] ALS-120 sound card won't config

2000-12-18 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

SOME but not all of the sound modules are already loaded while you are
attempting to configure the card.

This doesn't work.

Follow these directions...

1) Remove all references to your sound modules in modules.conf
2) Rename your existing isapnp.conf file to something else.
3) Remove all memory resident sound modules in their proper order.


awe_wave  159040   2
sb 34752   2
uart401 6384   2  [sb]
sound  58368   0  [awe_wave sb uart401]
soundlow 464   0  [sound]
soundcore   2800   7  [sb sound]

rmmod awe_wave
rmmod sb
rmmod uart401
rmmod sound
rmmod soundlow
rmmod soundcore

If you get a device busy error, you have to unload another module or program
using the module first!

Finally run sndconfig from the console.

When you get towards the end and are asked if you hear the sound ok, tell
it -NO-

You can then manually configure the settings for the sound card, assuming no


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 7:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] ALS-120 sound card won't config

The hardware support for linux-Mandrake says my ALS-120 is supported, in
almost every config I try this is the error message I get, can anyone tell
what I need to fix? This card worked in 7.1 but now in 7.2  I can get
nothing. TIA for any help.

 The following error occurred running the isapnp program:  ?
 ?   ?
 ? /etc/isapnp.conf:49 -- Fatal - IO range check attempted   ?
 ? while device activated?
 ? /etc/isapnp.conf:49 -- Fatal - Error occurred executing   ?
 ? request 'IORESCHECK ' --- further action aborted?
 ?   ?
Dennis Myers registered linux user #180842