[newbie] @ symbol in latin american keyboard

2001-07-26 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if any of you has a latin american keyboard layout. I have it, but I 
haven't found where the @ symbol is.



[newbie] boot disk with grub

2001-04-10 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hi everyone,

Windows is not able to boot, I was going to reintall it, so I tested my linux floppy 
boot disk (the one created while linux was installed). The disk is booting with LILO 
instead of grub and it doesn't complete a succesfull boot.

How can I create a grub boot disk?

Thanks in advance!!


RE: [newbie] system sounds

2001-02-22 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

The same thing happened to me. Never knew why. Then one day I installed Helix Gnome 
and I got system sounds working.


-Original Message-
From: KompuKit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:55 AM
To: Linux-Mandrake
Subject: [newbie] system sounds

I can't get any system sounds...
I hear Licq sounds, MP3s, midi's, wavs...if clicked on separately...
but not any systems sounds...why?

do i need to install ALSA 
Registered Linux User: 167369
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WebDesigner:  http://www.kompukit.com/kitdesigns
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

RE: [newbie] MP3 to .wav?

2001-02-02 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Yes, only if you specify that it will be an audio CD. If not, it'll be a data CD with 
wav files.


-Original Message-
From: hellmut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] MP3 to .wav?

But when you burn a wav file to a CD it will be written in a 
way that a CD
player can read it, I've tried it out!

 Why would you want to convert them to .wav? The music on a 
normal CD is in
 raw digital format, not .wav, so it's not like your CD 
player will be able
 to read it anyway...



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ooO Ooo

RE: [newbie] Long wait times when starting applications

2000-10-03 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

I had the same problem. My box is a PIII500 and 128Mb ram. I was using gnome and 
enlightenment on top. Some apps had a delay time before popping up. I created a 
"guest" account and the apps ran fairly well. So I came to the thinking that 
somewhere, someday, somehow I moved something in the settings for my regular user 
account, I didn't know what was it. But just yesterday I upgraded to Helixgnome and 
that solved the problem, the delay time is, if not gone, very reasonable.

FYI: My gnome terminal window used to take 15 secs to appear.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 8:35 AM
Subject: [newbie] Long wait times when starting applications

Do I need to adjust something or does it just take a long time for
applications to startup using a window manager (KDE/GNOME).  
I've got my
swap set for 256MB. I figured I have a pretty strong machine 
but linux is just dogging it.  I was thinking about getting a 
second machine
somewhat smaller (PII266/64MB) but at this point I can't 
believe that it
would be useful as a desktop...

Also, is this just a bad habit I picked from the windows world 
or does it
bug y'all too when you think you clicked to start an 
application but nothing
happens then after a while you realize that your mouse click wasn't
successful so you try clicking a again.  

It takes so long for these apps to startup, I wish that there 
was a "wait"
cursor to let me know that I did successfully start the 
application and then
I can go about my business until it finally comes up.

-Original Message-
From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] .bin files

- Original Message -
From: "Pat McCauley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 9:11 AM
Subject: [newbie] .bin files

 I just downloaded Star Office 5.2 and it came in one .bin 
file.  How do I
 install, run, or decompress this?

It is an automatic installation program. Just double click on 
the downloaded
file and it will launch the installation program.( It takes it about
15-20sec to ever start.)


RE: [newbie] Creative pci128 sound card

2000-09-26 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Maybe the sound is too low. try turning it up. I have a soundcard like yours, and 
Linux also detects it as Ensoniq, and also like you, I couldn't get it to be a PCI128.

The only thing I haven't got to work right is the system sounds, but I have CDs and 
mp3s working fine.


-Original Message-
From: ozgur cagdas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 3:33 PM
Subject: [newbie] Creative pci128 sound card

dear newbies;

ive installed mandrake 7.0 to my computer, it made all 
hardware configs 
automatically but Lothar didnt detect my creative pci128 sound card 
automatically. I tried to make irq and dma configs manually 
but it didnt 
work either.
When i run sndconfig in command prompt, it tells me that my 
sound card is 
Ensoniq Unknown device 1274:5880. Now, is there any idea out 
there that may 
help me???
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 

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[newbie] RE: My pitiful attempt at translatingRe: [newb=ie] Solicitar información

2000-09-14 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Pretty good translation Vic. That is what it says. At the end of the message he states 
that he can understand english and italian. 

So if any help is coming, english would be fine.

I was at Diamond's home page and only found Win drivers.


-Original Message-
From: Vic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 11:26 PM
Subject: My pitiful attempt at translatingRe: [newbie] Solicitar

I think he is saying something to the effect of:

"It is necessary to inform me about where can I download drivers for
the VIPER II Z200"  

because his video card does not operate in
graphics mode.

and he says many thanks.

Sorry if this is not a very good translation, I tried to roughly
translate, I know very little Spanish, which I think is whaat he
speaks, or a variation of it.

I may be wrong, any Spanish speakers out there
that can translate better than I can please do help.

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, you wrote:
 Grupo newbie: Necesito que me informen, para saber si 
ustedes me podrían enviar o informarme en que web puedo 
bajarme los ''drivers'' para que pueda iniciar linux mandrake 
en modo gráfico ya el programa no reconoce mi placa de color. 
Esta es la VIPER II Z200 de diamond.
 Espero que me puedan ayudar, ya que, si no es posible no 
podré correr Linux en mi computadora.
 Muchas Gracias. Fernando Vasconcelos.
 Mi dirección es [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PD: puedo entender ingles e italiano 

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

RE: [newbie] Help! Mandrake install destroyed windows registry, keyboard doesn't work in gnome, DSL connection can't be configured......

2000-09-07 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Before reformating the hard disk, make just one partition for Win, but don't take the 
whole HD, leave the space you need for Linux unpartitioned. This way you won't resize 
your windows partition to make space for Linux. I don't know if this can avoid the 
problem you had, but at least you won't mess with Win partitions (resizing) to install 
Linux, reducing the risk of a problem.


- Original Message -
From: "Richard Garand" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 8:45 AM
Subject: [newbie] Help! Mandrake install destroyed windows registry,
keyboard doesn't work in gnome, DSL connection can't be 

 Yesterday i tried to install mandrake, but with problems 
that got worse
 every time i tried to fix them, i had to repartition my disk 
and reinstall
 windows. Here's everything i remember, can anyone help me with these

 The first time i tried to install mandrake, i chose "customized"
 installation. After repartitioning and selecting packages, i 
got some erro
 (before it started installing the packages). I started 
windows and ran the
 installer again, choosing "Automated". This time the only 
problem was that
 couldn't configure my printer (an HP Deskjet 720C), but the 
 worked. I restarted my computer and went in to gnome under 
my normal user.

 The first thing I did was try to change the screen 
resolution. I went in
 the gnome control panel (i think that's what it was) and 
didn't find any
 resolution option, but i did change a few things in some 
other area, try
 the window managers, and choose Enlightenement. I'm not sure 
what i did
 after; i think i closed the control panel, ran gnomeicu 
(which crashed),
 licq, and found out that i couldn't connect.

 My internet connection is DSL using a Startech (that's all i 
know about
 NE2000 compatible ISA card. I tried to run the control panel 
again, but
 the root password dialog came up, i tried to click in the 
password area
 type the password, but nothing happened (i think pressing 
enter did close
 though). I tried restarting the computer, and had the same 
problem. I went
 in to root and ran drakconf, then went to the network 
configuration. I
 know where to enter the information, but i looked around and 
found a few
 settings i knew, but i still couldn't type anything. I 
opened a terminal
 an editor, and the keyboard didn't work for them.

 I logged out then logged in to the KDE, and this time the 
keyboard worked.
 tried to enter my network information, but licq still didn't work. I
 to go back in to windows to see if i could find some help. When i
 the computer and grub came up, it was configured to run 
linux by default.
 changed this (in linux) to run windows by default, and then 
restarted my
 computer. When grub camp up, it has windows selected, but after the 4
 seconds were done, it would run the commands to start 
windows, pause for a
 second, and return to the grub menu.

 I got out the windows(98) installation diskette and started 
the computer
 dos. I went to c:\windows and tried to run win, but i got an 
error about a
 resource missing. A few reboots later, i found that windows 
couldn't open
 the registry. I checked in c:\windows,  and the registry 
files weren't

 I went back to the KDE (before this, in linux, i had found 
all my windows
 files in /mnt/windows/. I tried to run XMMS with my windows 
playlist (when
 was still using gnome), but it kept going through the 
playlist (in about
 second, i had 120-140 files) like i was holding the down 
key) and looked
 /mnt/windows/, but it was empty. When i checked in dos, all 
the files were
 still there. I tried to find a way to get windows running, 
but it wouldn't

 I ran windows setup to see if i could replace the registry, 
but it said i
 had to format the hard drive. Since there was nothing I could do, i
 all the partitions, made one partition that filled the drive, and
 reinstalled window. When i installed mandrake, i had one 
12GB partition,
 i resized it to ~9GB and added a 2.5GB partition for 
mandrake and a 128MB
 swap partition after the main partition.

 What cause the problems i had? How can i get a normal 
mandrake install
 without destroying windows? Can i skip installing a 
bootloader (keep the
 windows loader) and make a boot diskette that will run linux?

RE: [newbie] app like Adobe Photoshop/photodeluxe

2000-08-23 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hi Philomena.

The package is The Gimp (www.gimp.org). At first it feels a little bit awkwards but 
after a while you get the hang of it.



-Original Message-
From: Philomena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 12:07 PM
Subject: [newbie] app like Adobe Photoshop/photodeluxe

Hi all,

does anyone know of any apps that have the bells and whistles for 
manipulating photos and digital images as does the Adobe 
packages  ?  I've 
started doing some work retouching old B/W images, but would 
prefer porting 
it all over to the linux side.


RE: [newbie] Linux friendly ISPs, what are their server specs?

2000-08-15 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Well, I thought the servers where one get an internet connection from the ISP had to 
have a certain SO or software, that there were issues to connect to them due to SO 
constraints (Win**) or something like that.


On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:

 What are the tech specs of a Linux friendly ISP?

[newbie] Linux friendly ISPs, what are their server specs?

2000-08-14 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ


What are the tech specs of a Linux friendly ISP?


RE: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...

2000-08-05 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

The very same thing happens to me. I don't find any registration in napster site and 
gnapster keeps asking me for name and password.


Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:

 That's ok, evidently they're going to be turned off at midnight...
 another victory for those poor people who have to spend 
their mornings
 deciding which Porche to drive to work today  =(

Well, their execution smile got a stay, it appears. Now they have
until September...

I still have the same problem though. Label me #dense, but I went to
their website, and there is no place to just register. I removed the
gnapster rpm, deleted .gnapster in /home, then reinstalled the rpm,
and still get the same error. "invalid password". ;-(


RE: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...

2000-08-05 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

I've tried that, but no matter what strange name I come up to, gnapster *always* tells 
me that name already exists.


-Original Message-
From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Gnapster (continued)...

Anthony wrote:
 No, that's not what I meant.
 When you first used Gnapster/Napster you have to create a 
user account. I think
 in Napster a box comes up telling you to create one, and in 
Gnapster you have
 to check a box saying you are creating a new account. That 
is when you pick
 your username and password for Napster/Gnapster. Then once 
you get registered,
 uncheck that "New Account" box and you should be able to log 
into the Napster
 servers just fine.

I'll try this, but I dunno... ;-)



RE: [newbie] gnome-help

2000-07-21 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

The way I restored it was right clicking on the bottom taskbar, then 
add-applet/utils/, and there youll find an applet with a little-window icon (do not 
remember the name), choose that one.


-Original Message-
From: Phil Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] gnome-help

I have not used Helix yet.  But the standard way to do this
in Gnome is with the panel and the Gnome pager.  The app is
a button on the pager/panel until you click the button and
re-activate it.


On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Kit Goins wrote:

I'm talking about GNOME...not kde
I know kde does that...but gnome doesn't react like that

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, you wrote:
 It should go to the taskbar down at the bottom. And then to 
make it blown up
 again, just hit the corresponding button on the taskbar. It 
works just like
  in gnome (helix)  when you minimise a window...where does it
  and HOW do you get the window back
 Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

[newbie] Bottom panel configuration

2000-07-19 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hi guys and gals.

Last night I started my Linux box, everything apparently normal, but one thing: the 
bottom panel bar. It was missing the section where open windows buttons go. I mean, if 
i minimized a window, there was no way (as far as I know) to restore it again by 
clicking in the corresponding button on the panel, cause there were no buttons! Also 
was missing, in the same panel, the little square where I can choose the other 
desktops. I tried to reconfigure the panel, but I could only add some applets and 
stuff like launchers, "swallowed apps" (?), etc. I never found the right way to 
restore my panel.

I also read the Gnome user manual, but found nothing about my problem.

Does anyone know how to restore my two missing items (open windows buttons and the 
desktop chooser)?

Thanks in advance


RE: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1

2000-07-17 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

hi Mark

I did nothing. And I just discovered that sound is working in my system, I played a 
few WAVs. The thing that is not working is sound systems. I tell Gnome to enable sound 
systems and does nothing, not even an error message.

The settings of my soundcard were detected at installation, don't remember right know 
the card detected (something like Enqsonic(?)) the values used for DMA, etc, were all 
set to -1.

I have a Soundblaster Infra PCI 128.

MIS Cuernavaca

-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 5:12 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1


did you have to do anything special to get the sound working 
for the music
CD's? I can't get mine working for love or money.


I love my Linux Box...
   REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
   Registered Linux user # 182496

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:

 I don't have sounds either (cannot play system sounds, wav 
files, etc), but music CDs and avi videos have no problem: 
sound is perfect. Try playing a CD, I didn't realized CD had 
sound until two weeks after I installed Mandrake. Why CDs and 
avi files have no problem with sound? I still don't know, I am 
trying to find out.

RE: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1

2000-07-17 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

I did, Dennis. I have tried several times without results (the check box is checked). 
Not even error messages. And I discover that sounds can be played only if opened with 
another app (like media player). System sounds are the only ones that cannot be 

When I go see the config sound events and I press the play button for a test nothing 
comes out of my speakers, but if I go and open the same WAV file for that event, but 
using Media player, I can hear the sound.

I just don't know.

Thanks, Dennis.


-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1

Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:

 I don't have sounds either (cannot play system sounds, wav 
files, etc), but music CDs and avi videos have no problem: 
sound is perfect. Try playing a CD, I didn't realized CD had 
sound until two weeks after I installed Mandrake. Why CDs and 
avi files have no problem with sound? I still don't know, I am 
trying to find out.


Hugo, if you are running KDE or Gnome for a desktop go to 
settings , sound and check the enable box in the upper left of 
the window, select your sounds and apply and you should have 
system sound.  Or did we already give this a try?  Dennis

Dennis-Registered Linux User #180842

RE: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1

2000-07-17 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hi Philomena

I am using Mandrake 7.1. My soundcard is a Sounblaster Infra PCI 128. And just 
realized that I can't enable system sounds (I checked the box "Enable system sounds", 
but it didn't work). I just discovered last weekend I can play WAVs!!

Thanks Philomena


-Original Message-
From: philomena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1


Sorry if this is repetetive, but I must have missed this 
earlier in the thread
- what version of mandrake did you install, what type of sound 
card do you have
and what driver is it using ?


Fran Parker wrote:

 mp3s too! We have a little 386 computer with 8 megs on
 our porch running redhat 6 (only because it is not a pentium
 and doesn't have 32megs ram...otherwise it would be
 Mandrake 7, like mine)...anyway can sit on the porch and
 sign in to my Mandrake machine, as user, su to root, and
 run mp3s from the command line (mp3s are all on my archive
 hard drive - windoze drive).

 It is way cool, sitting there listening to mp3s thru the stereo
 from my computer upstairs, while stting on the porch and
 enjoying the breeze!  While doing all that, can check mail
 on another terminal window, via connection on my Mandrake
 machine upstairs, while switching to another terminal window
 and chatting on dal.net or downloading a file from some
 ftp site or surfing the web (text style that is).  Is linux cool
 or what!

 We love it!


 Paul wrote:

  On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
  Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
   I don't have sounds either (cannot play system sounds, 
wav files,
  etc), but music CDs and avi videos have no problem: sound 
is perfect.
  Try playing a CD, I didn't realized CD had sound until 
two weeks after I
  installed Mandrake. Why CDs and avi files have no problem 
with sound? I
  still don't know, I am trying to find out.   Hugo
  Hugo, if you are running KDE or Gnome for a desktop go to 
settings ,
  sound and check the enable box in the upper left of the 
window, select
  your sounds and apply and you should have system sound.  Or did we
  already give this a try?  Dennis
  Another option would be to just open an xterm and do
  play path/name_of_wave_file
  Yes, folks. Linux can play wav's without a graphical 
environment! :)
  You can't depend on your eyes
  when your imagination is out of focus.
  - Mark Twain
  http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
  Registered  Linux  User   174403

[newbie] Linux security in Internet

2000-07-17 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello everyone.

Reading a magazine I found a place where security in internet is tested for your 
computer. This place is www.grc.com. I gave it a visit twice. Once under Linux and 
once under W98. I found the following info regarding open ports suceptible of being 
used by intruders.

Port   Service Linux   W98
41 FTP Open   Closed
23 Talnet  Open   Closed
27 SMPTOpen   Closed
79 Finger  Closed Closed
80 HTTPOpen   Closed
110POP3Open   Closed
113ident   Open   Closed
139Netbios Closed Open
143imapClosed Closed
443HTTPS   Closed Closed

What does this mean?

Is my Linux box (as is) more suceptible to be accessed by unwanted people than W98?

Do I have to use a firewall?

Is there something I am missing?

Am I getting paranoid?

Are these too many questions? :)



RE: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1

2000-07-17 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

I just used the Mediaplayer that comes in Multimedia/Sound section of the Gnome menu 
(the button with the Gnome logo on it).


-Original Message-
From: Steve Howes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1

Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
 Hi Philomena
 I am using Mandrake 7.1. My soundcard is a Sounblaster Infra 
PCI 128. And just realized that I can't enable system sounds 
(I checked the box "Enable system sounds", but it didn't 
work). I just discovered last weekend I can play WAVs!!

What did you use to play the wav files?  In a gnome-terminal (or
similar) try 

   esdplay wav_file_name

What results do you get?

Steve - Cheltenham, UK
In love and light we are
In darkness we are no less

RE: [newbie] Cannot configure sound on 7.1

2000-07-14 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

I don't have sounds either (cannot play system sounds, wav files, etc), but music CDs 
and avi videos have no problem: sound is perfect. Try playing a CD, I didn't realized 
CD had sound until two weeks after I installed Mandrake. Why CDs and avi files have no 
problem with sound? I still don't know, I am trying to find out.


[newbie] System sounds

2000-07-10 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello everyone.

I'd like to thank everybody who helped me on kppp. This list is REALLY helpful and 

I now have another issue (I wouldn't call it a problem): At first, when I just 
installed Linux and was able to boot it I thought the sound card was not detected at 
all or at least not properly, because I wanted to enable system sounds but nothing 
happened. So I went to drakconf and there was detected another soundcard (Don't 
remember the name, Eqsonic (?), and I can't check it right now cause I am at work 
right now). So I thought to set it up some other day. Then, one day, just for 
curiosity, I wanted to see the cd player playing a cd even though I knew I won't hear 
it. When the CD was being played I heard a very weak sound, almost imperceptible, from 
my speakers, so I turned up the volume (by hardware dial) and I could listen the cd 

How come is that I can't hear the system sounds when I enable them?

Where do I control volume by software?

My sound card is a Creative SoundBlaster Infra128. I tried to use drakconf to configue 
it as SounBlaster but couldn't make it work, after I set up the DMA, etc., an error 
message appeared (I can check the error message tonight at home).

Thanks in advance.


RE: [newbie] PPP connection for other than root

2000-07-07 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

I remember when I installed 7.0, in the programs pop up menu was an entry referred to 
KDE apps, and I think I saw kppp there. In 7.1 I cannot find that entry in the menu. 
I'll try to look in /usr.

Thanks, guys!


-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] PPP connection for other than root

I prefer KPPP also, because it is quick and easy, I just don't know how Hugo can get 
it if He is using gnome.  Does he set it up on the gnome desktop the same as KDE?

Mark Weaver wrote:
When you're running Gnome you have a choice of either the Gnome dialer
which I've found to be somewhat troublesome in 7.1 or Kppp. Personally
it's easier to just use Kppp.
I love my Linux Box...
REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
Registered Linux user # 1299563
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
 Hugo, somebody else jump in here if I'm wrong, but I think if you use
 Gnome , then you have to use the ppp dialer . Set it up in Drakconfig
 out of the gnome popup menu .  Then I'm not sure how you use it.
 Somebody that uses gnome just jump right in here!

 Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:

  Thanks Dennis.
  And what about if I use Gnome?
  MIS Cuernavaca
  -Original Message-
  From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 11:56 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] PPP connection for other than root
  Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
   Hello everyone!
   What should I do to use a PPP dialup conection to internet
  whithout going into drakconf/network/PPP?
   I'd like to have a sort of shortcut so I dont have to go
  into drakconf (and type root's password). Is this possible?
   Thanks in advance.
  If you are usin KDE desktop there should be an icon on the
  desktop that says internet, or click on the K button and
  find KPPP under "internet" either way click on the icon or the
  KPPP and then the setup button and you can set up for
  dialup right off of the desktop.   Dennis


--  BMþõ

[newbie] PPP connection for other than root

2000-07-06 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello everyone!

What should I do to use a PPP dialup conection to internet whithout going into 
I'd like to have a sort of shortcut so I dont have to go into drakconf (and type 
root's password). Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.


RE: [newbie] 7.1 resolution (as in screen)

2000-07-06 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hi B.B.

What is the maximum resolution your monitor can handle? What is the setting for 
resolution in X that you use when you change to somthing better (Victory Erazor II PCI 
card)? What is your actual video card?

I have been trying to make things smaller in my 15" monitor at 1024x768, I dont mean a 
greater resolution, but just smaller bars and icons.


MIS Cuernavaca

-Original Message-
From: toyswins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1  resolution (as in screen)

I've got the same problem with KDE in Linux Mandrake 6.5.  Most windows
are larger than my screen resolution.  If I make the system use
something better, (Victory Erazor II PCI card), the "stuff" is so tiny
on my 15" monitor I can't read it, even with my brand new bifocals!! 
KDE windows don't all respond the same to resizing either, so in some
cases can't get to the option buttons, (always on the bottom).

I'd be very interested in any and all solutions from the experts out
there also.  Right now I'm battling ppp problems, haven't gotten back
into networking SAMBA in this new version and my sound
card.well, never mind that for now.

Off to work in a couple hours so will check this again late this
evening, South Texas time that is.

See ya'

B. B. Stanfield

Adrian Smith wrote:
 ah, so it's not just me.  i thought maybe i was going nuts
 i spent a few hours yesterday playing with linux again to 
see what i could do (i got disgusted after windoze took a dive 
on me).  at the moment i am using Enlightenment as it's work 
spaces allow a window to overlap, so if it's off the current 
work space, i can just bounce over to another one by moving 
the mouse.  this is a really great feature which doesn't seem 
to exist with the other window managers -- or if it does, i 
simply don't know how to configure them to make this happen.  
now if i could just get the pop up menus to sit still, i'd be 
pretty happy with this window manager.  the pop ups are tiny  
jump all over the darn place.  there was another window 
manager (i done forgot which one) that had wonderful pop ups 
that stay open and right where you leave 'em
 this is good stuff, but it's making me use my brain  i hate that
 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042
  Digital Wokan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3:01:41 PM 7/3/00 
 I noticed that, too.  I think it has to do with the 
Sawmill/Sawfish WM.
 If there's a way of disabling/removing it to restore the 
alt-drag way of
 moving windows, that would probably solve your problem.
 Adrian Smith wrote:
  okie dokie, now that i know the correct way to post to the 
list...  thanks David for pointing out that it's Newbie... and 
not newbie  by the way, am i the only one alive who 
thinks that computers, files, URLs etc should not be case 
sensitive?  do things really have to be made as difficult as possible?
  just so ya know where i'm at in the linux world - i've 
used apples (still have my apple IIc) macs, PCs under dos  
windoze.  mastered all of them.  done some very basic 
programing (BASIC and assembly).  installed  configured many 
dos/windoze systems - so i know my way 'round computers more 
or less.  never used unix or linux before however - so i'm 
having to learn this new language from the bottom up.
  ok, but now my first real question
  background - my box is one of the cheaper (read junk) 
compaq models - it's at home, i'm at work, don't have the 
specs with me.  anyhow, i installed mandrake 7.0 and played 
with it a bit.  since my video card adhears to the lowest 
standards i can only get 640 X 480, or so it seems - i tried 
out some attempts at 800 X 600 in linux, none of them worked 
(nor can i get 8x6 in windoze) so it looks like i'm stuck.  
some of the linux programs open up in screens larger than my 
screen resolution.  it seems that a linux window can only be 
resized with the lower right corner??  well in 7.0 there was 
some key/mouse combo that would let you grab a window at any 
place and move it around.  so at least i could work around it.
  got my 7.1 disk and installed the new flavor.  same 
problem - only now the key/mouse combo doesn't work. or else i 
can't remember it - tho i tried every possible combination 
that seemed obvious.  since the bottom of the window is often 
off the screen, i can't resize it.
  so question must be this  if i want to use linux am i 
going to have to get a video card that does 800x600, and will 
linux be able to find  use that one instead of the one on the 
motherboard without causing problems?
  thanks much...
  expect to see a whole lot more of me
  Adrian Smith
  'de telepone dude
  Telecom Dept.
  x 7042

RE: [newbie] PPP connection for other than root

2000-07-06 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Thanks Dennis.
And what about if I use Gnome?

MIS Cuernavaca

-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] PPP connection for other than root

Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:

 Hello everyone!

 What should I do to use a PPP dialup conection to internet 
whithout going into drakconf/network/PPP?
 I'd like to have a sort of shortcut so I dont have to go 
into drakconf (and type root's password). Is this possible?

 Thanks in advance.


If you are usin KDE desktop there should be an icon on the 
desktop that says internet, or click on the K button and
find KPPP under "internet" either way click on the icon or the 
KPPP and then the setup button and you can set up for
dialup right off of the desktop.   Dennis

[newbie] PPP connection for other than root

2000-07-04 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello everybody.

Finally last weekend the MD7.1 download was completed (after about 60+ hrs of 
connection time). I installed it succesfuly. GRUB let me go beyond the 1047 cylinder 
and my connection to internet is working. I still have lots and lots to things to tune.

Ok, one of the things I couldn't resolve by my self is about my PPP connection to 
internet. If I want to connect I have switch user to Root and then go to 
drakconf/Network/PPP  and choose the connection I previously define. What I dont like 
about all this is that I have to enter root's password in order to launch drakconf and 
then several menu/icons entries later I get connected. Is there a way for a regular 
user (not root) to use a PPP conection and avoid all the menu/icons?

Thanks in advance.


RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO image

2000-06-28 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

I am using HP Easy CD Creator, that according to what I read I did a test file with an 
".iso" extension. I double clicked on it and Easy CD Creator executes to burn a ISO 

Thanks everyone!!!

I am only twenty-someting hours away from the completion of Mandrake 7.1 ISO image 


-Original Message-
From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO image

  What program will you be using to burn the ISO.


- Original Message -
From: "Chris Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO image

 Once you burn it its just automatically bootable. I think.
 How to burn one? I think Mandrake said Easy-cd creator would
 burn em'.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 1:07 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO image

  Ok, so GRUB can go beyond the cylinder 1024. I am 
dowloading then the
 image of Mandrake 7.1. I am half the way of completing the 
download. I
 looked for a howto on burning iso images into CD, but found 
none. At the
 places I found something it was only a "please refer to your 
CD-R manual".
  What is the procedure to burn an ISO image into a CD to make it
 Do I burn it just like that?
  Thanks again!
  -Original Message-
  From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 9:37 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux
 I also have a Maxtor hd. When I installed it in my 
system I used the
  MaxBlast software included with the drive to format it before
  installing any
  OS. This software will write code to the hd that will prevent
  you from being
  able to use LILO, BootMagic, or the BeOS
  bootloader. You will have no problem with 7.1 and GRUB.
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 10:54 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux
   My hd is a Maxtor, and I partitioned 10Mb using DOS(Win95)
  fdisk. I am on
  my way of downloading the iso images for Mandrake 7.1.
   -Original Message-
   From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 6:33 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux
  You can always do the install and boot Linux from a floppy
   or upgrade to
   7.1 and use GRUB as the bootloader. It does not suffer 
from the 1024
   error.You can also move Windows to the end of the drive, it
   will boot from
   anywhere and install Mandrake on the first 10GB.
  One other note. You did not say what brand hd or which tool
   you used to
   formatt. If you used a floppy supplied with the drive then you
   will most
   likly get the 1024 error regardless of where you install LILO.
   - Original Message -
   From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 1:05 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux
Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:

 Hello everyone.

 I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box.
   No problem at
   all. Then my HD physically crashed and I installed a new one
   with Windows
   98. This new hd is 20Gb big, and initially, when installing
   Win98 I left
   only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), the rest of the disk would
   be for Linux.
   Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX told me that the
   partition for
   Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit installation.
  I surfed the
   internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew larger. My
   question is:
   can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within
   the cylinder

 Can I keep my hd like


 or should I go to something like


 Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.
 Thanks in advance.

This is very easy to fix. When you're doing the 
install and you're
partition your HDD for Linux make these partitions.
"/boot" = 10Meg
"/" (your 'root' partition) = HOwever big your you want
  according to
physical limits
SWAP partition = 200 - 300 Meg
that's really all there is to it.
I love my Linux box...
  REASON #1 -- ...it isn't Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

[newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ISO image

2000-06-27 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Ok, so GRUB can go beyond the cylinder 1024. I am dowloading then the ISO image of 
Mandrake 7.1. I am half the way of completing the download. I looked for a howto on 
burning iso images into CD, but found none. At the places I found something it was 
only a "please refer to your CD-R manual".

What is the procedure to burn an ISO image into a CD to make it bootable? Do I burn it 
just like that?

Thanks again!


-Original Message-
From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

   I also have a Maxtor hd. When I installed it in my system I used the
MaxBlast software included with the drive to format it before 
installing any
OS. This software will write code to the hd that will prevent 
you from being
able to use LILO, BootMagic, or the BeOS
bootloader. You will have no problem with 7.1 and GRUB.


- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 10:54 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

 My hd is a Maxtor, and I partitioned 10Mb using DOS(Win95) 
fdisk. I am on
my way of downloading the iso images for Mandrake 7.1.



 -Original Message-
 From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 6:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux
You can always do the install and boot Linux from a floppy
 or upgrade to
 7.1 and use GRUB as the bootloader. It does not suffer from the 1024
 error.You can also move Windows to the end of the drive, it
 will boot from
 anywhere and install Mandrake on the first 10GB.
One other note. You did not say what brand hd or which tool
 you used to
 formatt. If you used a floppy supplied with the drive then you
 will most
 likly get the 1024 error regardless of where you install LILO.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 1:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux
  Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
   Hello everyone.
   I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box.
 No problem at
 all. Then my HD physically crashed and I installed a new one
 with Windows
 98. This new hd is 20Gb big, and initially, when installing
 Win98 I left
 only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), the rest of the disk would
 be for Linux.
 Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX told me that the
 partition for
 Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit installation. 
I surfed the
 internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew larger. My
 question is:
 can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within
 the cylinder
   Can I keep my hd like
   or should I go to something like
   Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.
   Thanks in advance.
  This is very easy to fix. When you're doing the install and you're
  partition your HDD for Linux make these partitions.
  "/boot" = 10Meg
  "/" (your 'root' partition) = HOwever big your you want 
according to
  physical limits
  SWAP partition = 200 - 300 Meg
  that's really all there is to it.
  I love my Linux box...
REASON #1 -- ...it isn't Windows!
  Registered Linux user #1299563

[newbie] Partitioning for Win98 and Linux

2000-06-23 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello everyone.

I had installed Mandrake 7.0 as the single OS on my box. No problem at all. Then my HD 
physically crashed and I installed a new one with Windows 98. This new hd is 20Gb big, 
and initially, when installing Win98 I left only a partition of 10Gb (9.x Gb), the 
rest of the disk would be for Linux. Then I tried to install Mandrake, but DrakX told 
me that the partition for Linux is beyond the cylinder 1024, so I quit installation. I 
surfed the internet to read some howtos, but my confusion grew larger. My question is: 
can I install Linux without making a /boot partition within the cylinder 1024?

Can I keep my hd like


or should I go to something like


Please, if you'd be so kind to clarify this to me.

Thanks in advance.


[newbie] How do I mount a modem?

2000-06-05 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

Hello guys!

I just set up a linuxbox with ML7 (PIII 500Mhz, Voodoo3 16Mb, Soundblaster). I had a 
little bit of trouble for changing resolution to 1024 but after a few tries it was 
done. I still have some system configuration problems, but I'll go one at a time.

I have a US Robotics V.90 56K external modem and I cannot use it. Lothar tells me 
there is a modem in /dev/ttyS1. I am very very newbie, so I read some man pages and 
looked in the book "Linux Unleashed" and found no modem mounting. So I tried my self 
by the few things I learned about mounting. No success. I guess mounting a modem must 
be a piece of cake, but how do I mount my modem?

Thanks all in advance.


Re[2]: [newbie] panoramix must change its name

1999-10-15 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ


  YOU HAVE ONLY 24h to answer before the choice is done... 
  so answer fast :)
  the panoramix name is unfortunately copyrighted (wishing there were only 
 GPL ;-)
  so i'm making a poll here to know which name it will change to! 
  some ideas:
  - pearl (perl+a, maybe too generic) 

 Marguerita - derived from the Spanish word for pearl I am told. 


Sorry, but the spanish translation of pearl is 'perla'. Margarita is a 
flower, I think the english name of that flower is 'daisy'
Saludos :)
 Yes, Margarita is daisy, but if we trace backwards the latin roots 
 means pearl, and margarita flower is named after that (pearl).
 Saludos de Mexico.

[newbie] Mandrake or Red Hat

1999-10-07 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ

 I am going to build my own computer and I want Linux to be the OS. I 
 have a CD with Linux Mandrake 6.0, but a friend offered me his Red Hat 
 6.0. Could you please tell me why should I stay with Mandrake?
 I'll use my box mainly for gaming and rendering  raytracing, and I 
 want a really good video card. What is the best option for Linux? I 
 was thinkin on some Voodoo card.