[newbie] Computer freezes

2003-01-26 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

It happened several times now. The computer suddenly ceases to respond.
I can not type anything (even the caps-lock and num-lock don't change
the led status), whatever was happening on the screen freezes. The mouse
pointer still moves when I move the mouse, but does not respond to any
button clicks.
It seems that other part do continue to work. I sometimes see the hard
disk working.
It happened both with fluxbox and with gnome (I didn't try too much with
other window managers). I couldn't find any trace of what happens in the
I don't think it is a hardware problem, since I also have windows
installed, and it never happened there. Also, it never happened with
Mandrake 8.2 (I now have 9.0)
Any ideas? I don't know even where to start looking.


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RE: [newbie] c shell path

2003-01-22 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

I don't use any of these shells, so I don't remember the exact details,
but if I'm not mistaken, tcsh reads both ~/.cshrc and ~/.tcshrc. So if
you want to have this variable for both shells, put
setenv JAVA_HOME whatever
In ~/.cshrc. If this file doesn't exist, just create it. Of course, if
you are a sysadmin on this machine you might want to set it for all
users in (something like) /etc/cshrc. Anyway, all the details about
these files should be in
man tcshrc

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Aaron Mehl
 Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 10:27 AM
 To: linux newbie
 Cc: Moshe Kaminsky
 Subject: RE: [newbie] c shell path
 Yes as in tsch shell, I see no ~/.cshrc at all. I am trying to set up
 some xml/java stuff and need to set JAVA_HOME 
 On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 01:14, Moshe Kaminsky wrote:
  If you really mean *C* shell (csh) then it should probably 
 go into the
  ~/.cshrc file. You do something like:
  setenv PATH your path:$PATH
  Note that the order of the directories is important, the 
 program found
  in the first of them is the one taken. Which mean that if I have
  /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/bin in my path and I add 
 /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01 it will only read the first entry??

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RE: [newbie] Chmod commands

2003-01-19 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

Look at 'man find'. Basically, what you want is something like
  find basedir -type d -exec chmod 775 \{\} \; -o -exec chmod 664 \{\}
Here, basedir is the root of the directory tree in which you want this
to be done. -type d is the condition that you found a directory, and
then you execute the chmod 755 on it (\{\} is replaced by the name of
the current file). The -o means 'or', ie, this is not a directory in
which case you exec the other chmod (this is approximate, if you want to
be really careful, you might want to check the situation when the file
is a directory, but the chmod fails for some reason)
The thing with the chgrp can be done similarly.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Zane Minninger
 Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 4:18 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Chmod commands
 Is there any way to run chmod and only affect files and not 
 directories?  I 
 have a semi large tree and I would like any file put in it to 
 have 664 but 
 the directories to be 775.  Any ideas or am I so new I don't 
 know of some 
 common and easy way.  This directory can potentially have 
 several users 
 putting files into it.  I would also like for all the chgrp 
 to be a static 
 group and not every persons individual group.  Again, there might be 
 something simple, I'm still pretty new.
Zane Minninger

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[newbie] Connecting to the internet

2003-01-05 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

I'm trying to understand how to connect to the internet from the
X-terminal (instead of kppp). I found a script called ppp-on (for some
reason it was not on the path), inserted the phone number and the other
details, but I get no connection and I can't understand why. 
Can someone give (a pointer to) a short explanation how it is done? I
tried to look in the HOWTOs, but nothing there worked. Also, is there a
way to see the commands that kppp sends?


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[newbie] what happens in install/upgrade

2002-09-27 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Anyone here knows what is exactly the difference between choosing
install and upgrade in the installer? I mean, what partitions/files 
get erased in each case, what happens to the packages, and so on.


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Re: [newbie] grep search

2002-07-28 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


You may use the find command. find allows you to go through a directory
tree and perform some tests and actions on it. For example, in your case
you want something like

  find / -path /mnt -prune -o -type f -exec grep my exp {} \;

Here, the / means start in /, the '-path /mnt -prune' means if the path
is of the form /mnt, don't go into it, the '-o' is a logical or, '-type f'
means only regular files, and the -exec says what command to execute
(the '{}' is replaced by the file name). find has many other option, all
of which you can read about in man find. Note in particular the -mount
option, which might be a simpler way to do what you want


* Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020724 20:59]:
 Is there a way of using grep to search for a word in all directories except 
 those under /mnt ?

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Re: [newbie] What have I done?

2002-07-16 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

Did you try using a different window manager?

* Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020716 13:11]:
 On Tuesday 16 Jul 2002 7:02 am, you wrote:
   The Mem used is creeping up all the time.
  Normally, that's OK as well, since Linux wants to use all the available
  memory -- what's not active for programs is used for disk and for cache,
  which is a good idea, since unused RAM is wasted.
  But having the system slow down to a crawl is certainly not normal. Some
  people on the list suggest the offender may be jabberd but I'm not sure
  that's something you installed (do a ps aux | grep jabber). jabberd is
  something that is known to gradually swallow RAM -- on my machine it
  was eating about 200 megs (out of 256) after about 3 days.
 anne  4391  0.0  0.1  1792  596 pts/1R10:06   0:00 grep jabber
 I didn't think this was there - I don't use an instant messenger.
   Drastic it may be, but I may have to.  Could you elaborate, please?
  Well, you just click on 'logout' from KDE which will kill all KDE and
  X related processes, leaving you at a console shell prompt (if you start
  kde with 'startkde').
 Logout appears to stop X briefly and then goes straight back to the KDE 
 login.  There i s a long black screen delay before switching to the KDE login 
 splash.  The first part seems OK but there is a long delay at the loading the 
 desktop - almost a minute - and the panel and restoring session icons are 
 there a very long time, too.
 It does seem to be X, I think, as once a Konsole is opened it responds fast 
 enough, and so does text editor.
   The KDE startup was extremely slow and everything else has been slow
   The system is almost unusable.
  Ouch. How long has it been since you restarted?
  10:10am  up 13:12,
 Whatever it is, it is being saved/restarted on bootup.  Last night it was 
 taking almost a minute to open a folder.  This morning it is slightly better, 
 at about 20 secs.
 I don't ask for the session to be re-started, but I suppose that the message  
 may not be what it seems?
 I think the trouble may have started when I was trying to add my SCSI film 
 scanner.  Afterwards I switched the scanner off, and then told kudzu to 
 remove the configuration, so there shouldn't be anything left.
 Apart from that, I've run out of ideas.

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Re: [newbie] directory sizes

2002-07-12 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

Add -a as an option to du.


* Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020711 20:01]:
 Robt. Miller wrote:
  On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Ross Pearson wrote:
   I'm having difficulty finding a way to display the total size of a
   directory and all its contents while at a console.
   Can anyone give any pointers please.
   du -b -h
 On my system this seems to show only subdirectories within a directory,
 not files within a directory.  Is this the expected behavior?
 Alias does not show that du is an alias for some other command.
 Randy Kramer

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[newbie] rpm database

2002-07-07 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


I tried installing some rpm packages (kde3) from the command line. It
failed on dependencies - seems that rpm thinks I have nothing installed!
I tried to run
  rpm --initdb
It didn't help. When I typed 
  rpm -qa
It showed nothing. the rpm program I use is the one that came with the
distribution (8.2).
I later installed these packages with the software manager, and it
I guess that the software manager is just a front end to the same rpm,
so I probably have some problems with the parameters, but I have no idea
what it is. More generally, if I'm correct that these graphical tools
are just front end to command line tools, is it possible to make them
print what are the commands they perform?


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Re: [newbie] Grep..?

2002-07-03 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

In fact, you probably want *only* the name of the file, for which you
can use
  grep -l ...


* Jan Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020701 18:49]:
 * Damian G [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020701 08:46]:
  the command looks like this:
  grep -i -A 2  ~/CDs/* -e searchterm
  will look inside of every file in ~/CDs/ directory, the  -i  switch
  means 'ignore the difference between upper and lowercase' so it can
  find Gaim when i search for gaim , then 
  -A 2 means i want it to show me two lines After the matching  line.
  and  -e searchterm is... well, the search term.
 You might try the -H option to grep.  It produces output like this,
 which might be a cleaner output:
 $ grep -H 'Senator' *.qif
 cash.qif:PSenator Inn
 cp91.qif:PThe Senator Inn  Conf Ctr
 cp92.qif:PSenator Inn  Conference Center
 cp.qif:PThe Senator Inn  Conf Ctr
 cp.qif:PSenator Inn
 cp.qif:ASenator Inn  Conference Cente
 Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Corozal Junior College   |  |:'  corozal.com corozal.bz
 Corozal Town, Belize |  /'  chetumal.com  linux.bz
 Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] starting process in background

2002-06-11 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


I don't what is this program, but I know some programs just can't run in 
the background (for instance, if they need to interact through the
terminal). Did you try starting the program in the foreground and then
putting it in the background? (by pressing ctrl-z and then bg)


* Schwenk, Jeanie [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020605 21:54]:
 Can anyone tell me why a process that runs fine in the foreground will not
 run when it is started in the background?  The process is the NetBeans IDE
 3.3.1 on linux mandrake 8.2.  
 If I start it without the  (running in foreground), it is fine.  However,
 when I startup the IDE in the background, it never comes up and the ide.log
 file is empty but there is a process that can be seen by doing a ps.  
 Here's what the problem looks like (the 'ls' could just have easily been a
 return, or a cd or whatever):
   jchwenk@aster jschwenk]$ /opt/netbeans/bin/runide.sh 
   [4] 17562
   [jschwenk@aster jschwenk]$ ls
   mnt/   ALL/mozparty.pdf prod/
   nbuser33/  tmp/Desktop/ docs/
   localhost  ourmon/ scripts/ Documents/ 
   Mail/  staroffice6.0/
   [4]+  Stopped /opt/netbeans/bin/runide.sh
 But 'ps -elf | grep netbeans' results are:
 jschwenk 17606  2320  0 17:35 pts/100:00:00 /bin/sh
 What's wrong?  I've posted a request for help on this twice on the NetBeans
 list and have gotten no response.  I have to conclude that 
   1. it's a really stupid question and no one wants to tell me that or
   2. it's supposed to work like this or
   3. no one else has this problem or
   4. it's an OS problem or
   5. it's something no one else does.
 Ok, I really don't think it is any of the above, but when the only things
 left are ridiculous, that must be it.
 Please, is there anyone who can start NetBeans in the background on linux?  

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Re: [newbie] compilation problem

2002-06-04 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Did you check that LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /usr/local/lib ?

to check it)


* Rooms Frederic [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020604 12:41]:
 I'm trying to install ImageMagick 5.4.6 on Linux Mandrake 8.0. 
 Everything went ok during the compilation. However, when I try to launch 
 display I get the following message:
 display: error while loading shared libraries: libMagick.so.5: cannot 
 load shared object file: No such file or directory
 When I try to locate this library I find it in:
 What can I do ?
 Thank you.

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Re: [newbie] Access to win partitions

2002-06-04 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Perhaps it is mounted without write permission. To check that type
and check if it says 'rw' in the line corresponding to the windows partition.
If that is the problem, you can fix it as follows:
  umount windows path
  mount +w windows path
If this helps, you can modify the /etc/fstab file for this to happen
automatically. See 
  man mount
  man fstab
for details.
Another possibility is that the windows partitions is of type ntfs. In
that case, you can't write there, but I guess it's not it, since you say
you had write permission before.


* Matt Blake [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020604 13:37]:
 I posted yesterday about changing access rights to my windows partitions
 but i'm not sure it came up as i never actually received it!
 anyway, since reinstalling 8.2 i cannot get write permissions to my
 windows hard drives where basically all my documents that i need are
 stored etc.  The 1st time i installed 8.2 i didn't have to do anything
 to get both read/write access to my windows drives so i can't work out
 how to get it now. I tried changing permissions using chmod a+w win_c
 but that doesn't give me write permissions, so either something is up or
 i'm using the wrong commands - probably the latter!!  Can anyone help me
 as this is a real pain as i've just got most things working in Linux and
 was about to change Linux to my default o/s.  
 Also does anybody else have any problems with Open Office.org 1.0
 crashing loads under Ximian-Gnome?

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Re: [newbie] Finding out keycodes

2002-05-04 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Try xev. It's a program that prints info about X events to the terminal,
including key codes when you press a key.


* Alastair Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020504 13:04]:
 I have a Logitech keyboard with three keys which don't do anything in 
 Linux ('WWW', 'Mail' and 'Search'). To enable them takes three steps, 
 it would seem:
 1. Find out what keycodes each returns;
 2. Tell X that the keycodes exist (man xmodmap got me started);
 3. Restart X, restart KDE 3, then use the KDE Control Centre to map the 
 keycodes to functions.
 I'm stuck with the first step; does anyone know of an application which 
 does this?
 Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] gvim/vimx misbehaving (set guifont)

2002-04-30 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


You could also set the gui font in some other file. I do it in 


* Stewart Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020416 15:57]:
 yes, it was being overridden by the system. I became root and struck 
 that from the init script. seems like a poor system default if I can't 
 set a font in .vimrc.
 Moshe Kaminsky wrote:
 Did you go through all of the initialization scripts, to see if it's
 not overridden there? (To see what these scripts are do 
  :help startup
 inside vim)
 * Stewart Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020408 21:46]:
 I've just upgraded from RH 7.2 to Mandrake 8.2 and gvim/vimx is now 
 ignoring the set guifont directive in my .vimrc file. What's extremely 
 odd about this is that after vim is launched, I can manually issue the 
 command and it sets the font appropriately (yes, I've tried many many 
 different fonts). Something else seems to be taking precedent, but I 
 don't know where.

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Re: [newbie] gvim/vimx misbehaving (set guifont)

2002-04-16 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Did you go through all of the initialization scripts, to see if it's
not overridden there? (To see what these scripts are do 
  :help startup
inside vim)


* Stewart Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020408 21:46]:
 I've just upgraded from RH 7.2 to Mandrake 8.2 and gvim/vimx is now 
 ignoring the set guifont directive in my .vimrc file. What's extremely 
 odd about this is that after vim is launched, I can manually issue the 
 command and it sets the font appropriately (yes, I've tried many many 
 different fonts). Something else seems to be taking precedent, but I 
 don't know where.

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Re: [newbie] how do you...

2002-04-04 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


blackbox has styles - they contain info about colors, fonts, etc. 
The style files are usually in /usr/share/Blackbox/styles
The format is similar to the Xresources files.
You can read about it in the man page of blackbox


* Damian [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020404 09:44]:
 .enlarge blackbox fonts? looks pretty fast, but the menus are so
  small i'm going blind! i can't find the config files/options for

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Re: [newbie] alias problem

2002-03-10 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Perhaps you can give some more details, like what does happen when you type 
l. Also, what do you get when you type `alias l'?


* L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020310 17:35]:
  I have made an alias in /etc/bashrc, $HOME/.bashrc and $HOME/.bash_profile 
 as given below
 alias l=ls -alF --color=yes |more
 this doesn't give the desired/actual result as given in command line.
 Any help please.
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Re: [newbie] Killing a program

2002-02-26 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


I'm not sure I understand the question, but in general to kill a program
you can do 
  ps -e

to find all the programs running (or do 'ps -e | grep prog name'), 
then you see its PID (process id) and then
  kill -9 PID

to kill it.


* Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020227 07:47]:
 I installed a called Synapse Hotline X and I have it running in the
 background and I want to kill it but I have no clue. If someone could tell
 me how to kill this I would appreciate it.
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Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall...

Moshe Kaminsky 
(Home) 08-9471073

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Re: [newbie] Adding a partition

2002-02-23 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


I think that after you mounted the new partition as /home, it hides the
previous /home directory that you had (since the desktop settings are
stored there, this explains why your desktop has changed). I think that
what you should do is unmount this directory (using 'umount'), move your
/home directory to some other place (eg 'mv /home /home1'), then mount
back, and then move the contents of (say) /home1 to /home 
('mv /home1/* /home').


* Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020222 21:31]:
 On Friday 22 February 2002 09:45, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Marcia wrote:
   Dear All,
   I meant to setup my partitions differently when I installed LM8.1. I
   ended up just mounting one small partition  and now I would like to add
   or mount a partition to give my LM and vmware more room. I have about 8
   GB's of disk space covering a masterIDE drive and slave IDE drive. I for
   some strange reason only mounted my /dev/hda1 partition which is a little
   over 2 GB's. I have a small swap partition then a /dev/hda6 partition
   that is over 4 Gb's formatted as linux native, then a slave drive
   /dev/hdb which is about 2 Gb's formatted as linux native. Neither of
   those partitions are mounted. I would like to mount and use /dev/hda6 but
   being the newbie I am I do not know the best way to do this without
   corrupting anything.  What are the steps to take? Do I do this in
   DiskDrake, Linuxconf, or another way? I do not want to lose any data on
   the partitions. Any help here will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very
   Marcia Waller
  Marcia, if you run KDE, here's a newbie-way : Right-click an empty
  spot on your desktop, then select run command. This opens a box, whre
  you can type : kdf. Now, click run. You'll now see all your
  partitions, provided they are mentioned in /etc/fstab. Simply select a
  unmounted partition, rigt-click it and select the option : mount
  device. You can even open it in a file-manager right away.
  Here's the pro way : from a terminal, type : man mount and read
  carefully, taking notes ! Then, set aside ten minutes for drills, and
  you at least one inch taller !
  If still unsuccesful, post your /etc/fstab file to the list.
  Kaj Haulrich
 Thanks very much for your suggestion. Unfortunately , I jumped the gun 
 yesterday and decided to go to the Mandrake Control Center and use Diskdrake 
 to mount the already existing ext2 partion in /dev/hda6. I mounted it as the 
 /home partition although I have a /home directory on my mounted /root 
 partition at /dev/hda1. After I did this I could no longer launch Diskdrake 
 and the run command above will not work. I can get to my /etc/fstab through 
 the command line. Here it is:
 /dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom auto 
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/hdc4 /mnt/zip auto 
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 /dev/sda4 /mnt/zip2 auto 
 user,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
 My desktop changed without my changing it and I have not been able to print 
 from applications now. My email address book changed, too, and alot of 
 missing emails. I think I royally messed up a few things with some good ole 
 newbie action. Could someone help me through this? My goal is to move my
  /home directory to my new /home partition on /dev/hda6 which is an ext2 
 formatted partition that I just mounted and named /home. I have been doing 
 alot of reading about this and it sounds like using the tar command would be 
 the best way to go. Any help with how to use it for what I want to do: move 
 /home/marcia directory to /home partition- will be greatly appreciated. Could 
 someone help me straighten out the mess I made plus accomplish what I was 
 trying in the first place?  Thanks  for your help.

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Re: [newbie] sed or awk or ?

2002-01-29 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


I think you will have to supply some more details for a meaningful
answer (like where do you find the names of these files) but if, for
instance, you have all the file names in a file, you could run sed/awk
on that file (to change, e.g., the line
  mv processed21c45.wav adi21c45.wav)
and then run the file that you get (source filename). If all your
files are in one directory, you could get that file using 
  ls -1 dir | filename
(or do it all in one line, as in
  ls -1 dir | sed ... | filename


* Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020126 06:54]:
 Hash: SHA1
 I have hundreds of files to be renamed!
 for example processed21c45.wav to adi21c45.wav
 I've found how to use sed to change 'names' inside files, but no the file
 name itself.
 Ricardo Castanho
 - -- 
 delivery NOT reliable  = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user
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Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall...

Moshe Kaminsky 
(Home) 08-9471073

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Re: [newbie] Baad gvim!

2002-01-25 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky

Did you try to change the font from within gvim? (just :set guifont=...)
If this works, it might be some problem about the order in which the 
config files are read.


* Chris Keelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020126 05:05]:
 Anyone know how to get gvim to behave? I'm running Mandrake 8.1 on my desktop and I 
cannot get it to recognize any font changes. With a 17 montior, the default font is 
just too small but editing the .gvimrc file doesn't seem to work.
 I'd be happy with 9x15 or 10x20 system fonts, but gvim just seems to override any of 
my customization. Do I have to hack on something besides .gvimrc?
 I'm running Enlightenment, with the GTK libs, if that helps.
 - C

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[newbie] SRPMS

2001-11-28 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


Maybe someone can explain what are the SRPMS? I usually install programs
from a .tar.bz2 file, using the 'configure, make, make install'
sequence. What should I do with the other files that I find the SRPM? 
(Especially the SPEC files, and the patches). What is the advantage of
using these instead of the plain .tar.bz2 files?


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