[MCM] Democracy under attack in Florida

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Joan Brunwasser:

If you presumed (or hoped) that Florida has cleaned up its act since 
2000, what's going on down there right now will make you think again. 
Take a moment to contact Senate President Jeff Atwater and Gov. 
Crist. Citizen action so far has delayed those intent on robbing 
Florida voters of the remotest chance of a fair election. We learned 
all to well eight years ago that what happens in Florida affects all 
of us. Please pass this around to anyone who cares about election 

Democracy under Attack in Florida

By Joan Brunwasser


There's been a frenzy of activity in the Florida legislature of late. 
In week seven of this nine-week session, sweeping legislation was 
introduced in both houses with little fanfare, and Republican 
lawmakers discouraging debate or public input. A 
Sun editorial summed it up: "Florida's lawmakers should be making 
voting easier and the elections process more transparent. Instead, 
they have produced a so-called reform that fails on all counts."

Despite the short notice, 30 organizations - including the NAACP, 
AFL-CIO, AARP, the ACLU, and League of Women Voters, as well as 
voting rights groups - have mobilized to oppose this bill. In a rare 
show of agreement, the state's newspapers 
roundly condemned the legislation and the lawmakers' maneuvers: "GOP 
power grab" (St. Petersburg Times), 
"Hijacking democracy" 
Today), "Assault on voting" 
Sentinel), "a flagrant example of power politics at its worst" 
Herald). Last but not least,even 
Palm Beach Post weighed in on Sunday with a scathing attack. The 
New York 
Times has also chimed in with its editorial titled "Suppressing the 
Vote in Florida". There are so many objectionable provisions, it's 
hard to find the space to list them all. Susan Pynchon, executive 
director of Florida Fair Elections Coalition, 
has written a fine 
worth reading.

So what's going on?

Ion Sancho has agreed to guide us through the maze that is politics 
in the Sunshine State. Supervisor of Elections in Leon County for the 
last twenty years, he is well-respected by his constituents and the 
election integrity movement as one elected official who takes his 
responsibilities seriously.

Mr. Sancho finds it ironic that the leadership in the Florida 
legislature chose now to introduce sweeping changes to local election 
law when 2008 was "the election we got right, with the smallest 
amount of problems and disenfranchised voters." All of this occurred 
in an election featuring the largest voter turnout in years. In 
Florida, political power resides in the state legislators, who "rule 
the roost". The Secretary of State is a partisan appointee of the 
governor. And Crist is viewed by Republicans in the state house as 
nothing more than a RINO (Republican in name only) with aspirations 
for a US Senate seat. He has the power to veto this legislation, but 
no one wants to count on that last resort. There is just too much at 

Critics object to both the content of the legislation as well as the 
sneaky, heavy-handed way it is being rammed through the legislative 
process. Citizens who traveled to Tallahassee were allowed thirty 
seconds each to voice their concerns. Democratic lawmakers in the 
House Committee scarcely fared better - they reportedly got a total 
of three minutes to offer input on this bill.

There was such a deluge of public criticism that the state website 
was down for a while. More than 100 amendments have been offered by 
lawmakers scrambling to rescue the "election reform" legislation 
which Sancho calls the Voter Suppression Act of 2009.

Here is just one of Sancho's concrete examples of how this proposed 
legislation could cause chaos and massive disenfranchisement. Right 
now, the state allows election officials insufficient time - only two 
days - to count all provisional ballots. Last November, Leon County 
had 728 of them. They scrambled to get them all counted within the 
allotted timeframe. Sancho and his staff found themselves emailing 
the results in just under the wire. The new legislation - SB 956 and 
H 7149 - would

[MCM] Harper's cover story, "Jesus Killed Muhammad," on newsstands tomorrow!

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller


The May 2009 issue of Harper's is arriving on
newsstands tomorrow, April 28th, 2009!

Subscribers also have instant access to this 
article at 

To view the newsstand cover, 

For Immediate Release:
April 16, 2009

Media Contact: Rabinowitz/Dorf Communications
(202) 265-3000

Harper's Magazine Cover Story: Evangelical 
Proselytization Still Rampant in U.S. Military

Under Obama Administration, Offending
Officers Continue to Serve, Promoted

ALBUQUERQUE – The May issue of Harper's Magazine 
reveals the continued practice of Christian 
evangelical proselytization in the American 
military and a lack of recourse within the Obama 
administration, according to a leading civil 
rights watchdog group prominently featured in the 
magazine's cover story.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF: 
and its founder and president Mikey Weinstein 
were profiled by Jeff Sharlet in his piece for 
Harper's Magazine, “Jesus Killed Mohammed: The 
Crusade for a Christian Military.”  Mr. Weinstein 
is the nation's leading advocate for the 
protection of individual soldiers' constitutional 
rights to religious freedom and a frequent critic 
of the U.S. military hierarchy's blind eye to 
efforts to evolve the nation's military into a 
modern day band of Christian crusaders.

“Every man and woman who joins our military 
swears an oath to protect and defend the 
Constitution of the United States and it is 
unforgiveable that many continue to dictate how, 
when and to whom a soldier can pray while in 
uniform,” said Mikey Weinstein, founder and 
president of the Military Religious Freedom 
Foundation (MRFF).  “The Harper's Magazine report 
by Jeff Sharlet exposes shocking new instances of 
bigotry and evangelical proselytization within 
our nation's military that emboldens our enemies, 
endangers our soldiers on the battlefield and 
threatens the core of our country.  Equally 
disturbing is Mr. Sharlet's revelation that 
despite President Obama's well-publicized efforts 
to show the Muslim world that this is not a war 
against Islam, numerous offending officers and 
military professionals responsible for these 
actions continue to serve in high-ranking and 
influential positions, and many of them stand to 
be promoted.”

In Mr. Sharlet's piece, Mr. Weinstein shares his 
experiences with anti-Semitism as a “doolie” at 
the U.S. Air Force Academy; his advocacy and 
legal counsel on behalf of thousands of active 
duty soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen 
afflicted from religious persecution in the line 
of duty; and his continued call for reforms 
within the Pentagon to restore the U.S. 
military's adherence to its constitutional 

Additionally, Mr. Sharlet interviewed a number of 
current and retired military officers and 
professionals on their thoughts and experiences 
regarding the protection and evasions of 
religious liberties in the military.  His report 
details a number of known and unknown instances 
of evangelical proselytization within the 
military, both domestically and in the war 

The following are examples of evangelical 
proselytization practices detailed in the 
Harper's Magazine cover story:

An Easter Sunday raid on Iraqi insurgents in 
2004.  Special Forces Officers, inspired by a 
showing of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the 
Christ, wrote the words “Jesus Killed Mohammed” 
in Arabic on their Bradley Fighting Vehicle and 
shouted the saying in both English and Arabic to 
entice Muslim soldiers into the open before 
embarking on an attack to put down the insurgency.

A meeting of an underground all-male, cadet-led 
prayer group at the U.S. Air Force Academy where 
members discuss, among o

[MCM] CIA and WashPost "joined at the hip": Mel Goodman

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
CIA and the Washington Post: Joined at the Hip
By Melvin A. Goodman


Under the stewardship of 
Hiatt, the editorial and op-ed pages of the 
Washington Post 
have gradually moved to the right. Post 
editorials and op-eds have defended the decision 
to go to war in Iraq; opposed any improvement in 
bilateral relations with Russia; refused to 
acknowledge Israel's misuse of military power in 
the Middle East; and lobbied against the need for 
investigation of the detention and interrogation 
programs of the Bush administration.

As part of the campaign to prevent a rigorous 
examination of "enhanced interrogation 
techniques" (read: "torture and abuse"), the 
Washington Post's editorial pages have been 
particularly protective of the Central 
Intelligence Agency and its senior leaders--the 
ideological drivers for torture and extraordinary 
renditions policies. These CIA leaders, 
particularly deputy director 
Kappes and acting general counsel 
Rizzo, are not trying to protect the reputation 
and mission of the CIA; they are trying to 
protect themselves.

Surely senior journalists from the mainstream 
media must understand that reliance on anonymous 
CIA clandestine sources is neither good reporting 
nor professional journalism. Many of these 
"anonymous sources" almost certainly are former 
and current CIA officials seeking to protect 
McLaughlin, and 
Brennan are individuals who fit that description.

In the past several days, the Post has carried 
and op-eds by its own editorial writer 
Ignatius; its longtime national security writer 
Pincus; former CIA director 
Goss; former CIA operative 
Scheuer; and 
Thiessen, a former chief speechwriter for 
President George W. Bush. These articles have 
been similar in content and similar to the 
statements of other CIA directors past and 
Hayden, Goss, Tenet, and 
Deutch) who opposed the release of the memoranda 
of the Justice Department's Office of Legal 
Counsel that justified the use of torture and 

article is particularly scurrilous, accusing 
President Obama of self-righteousness and 
intellectual arrogance" in deciding to release 
the torture memos. Scheuer believes that an end 
to torture will lead to future terrorist attacks 
that could involve the "loss of major cities and 
tens of thousands of countrymen," and that the 
president will bear some responsibility. Scheuer, 
an aggressive proponent of torture and abuse, was 
the leader of the 
Osama bin Laden unit in the 1990s. His behavior 
at CIA was so bizarre that he was eventually 
quarantined by the Agency, spending the last few 
years of his employment in the Agency's library 
without access to classified documents.

These Post articles also reflect the opinion of 
key members of the 
National Clandestine Service and 
of the General Counsel, who want to cover up CIA 
war crimes and prevent any authoritative 
investigation of the CIA's creation, operation, 
and maintenance of its detention and 
interrogation programs. The CIA took a similar 
stance in trying to block investigations of such 
intelligence failures as the inability to track 
the decline of the Soviet Union in the 1980s; the 
9/11 intelligence failure in 2001; and the 
provision of specious intelligence to the White 
House and the Congress of the United States in 
the run-up to the war with Iraq in 2003.

The leader of the Washington Post editorial squad 
has been Ignatius, who has developed 

[MCM] Apologists for torture just won't quit

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The tribunes of the right are standing up for torture--which Joe 
Scarborough has now
justified as an expression of "rational fear," while David Frum 
asserts, against all evidence,
that "we don't know" whether BushCo's torture program helped ensure 
"the nation's safety."



Actually, we do know that there's not a shred of evidence to back the 
claim that BushCo's
torture program helped protect the nation from another terrorist 
attack. In fact, there's evidence
suggesting that the program only sparked the regime's bogus terrorist "alerts."

And there is something else we know: that torture is immoral. It's 
wrong. That's why the
Reagan DoJ rightly prosecuted a quartet of Texas cops for 
waterboarding suspects to extort confessions:

Jason Leopold | Reagan's DOJ Prosecuted Waterboarding Case

It's getting pretty tiresome listening to these people try to argue 
that the torture had some
salutary practical intention or effect. When you waterboard somebody 
over 180 times--
somebody, moreover, who had already spilled his guts under legitimate 
you're not doing it because you want to get some useful information, 
or for any other
rational reason. You're doing it because you like to do it, like to 
have it done.


April 27

Cheney should release Iraq memos, outed CIA agent's husband says
By John Byrne -- April 27, 2009
The husband of the CIA agent outed by the Bush Administration in the 
wake of the Iraq war demanded Monday that former Vice President 
Cheney release transcripts of his testimony in the CIA leak case 
after Cheney publicly called for more documents to be declassified in 
the war on terror.

Rove mocked spending on flu preparedness
By Raw Story -- April 27, 2009
Bush's Brain doesn't appear to be quite so prescient in the face of a 
potential global flu epidemic.

Iraq PM: Deadly US raid 'breach' of security pact
Agence France-Presse -- Monday April 27, 2009
BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said a US raid on 
Sunday in which a policeman and a woman were shot dead was a "breach" 
of a landmark security pact with Washington.

Exposed: Geithner's ties to Wall St.
The New York Times -- April 26, 2009

For more go to:

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[MCM] John Gideon ailing

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Some dreadful news about John Gideon, a heroic election integrity 
activist, and the driving force
behind Daily Voting News.



Blogged by Brad Friedman on 4/27/2009 12:29PM  
News About Our Friend John Gideon...
Some troubling news came in last night concerning John Gideon, my 
friend, colleague, frequent BRAD BLOG guest blogger and the 
years-long publisher of the indispensable "Daily Voting News". Allow 
me to defer to the announcement just released by Ellen Theisen, 
John's partner at VotersUnite.org...

From: Ellen Theisen
Date: Mon Apr. 27, 2009 11:18am PT
Subject: To John Gideon's friends

Our friend and colleague, John Gideon collapsed in his home on Sunday 
morning where he was discovered by his family and rushed to the 

Medical staff told me last night (Sunday) that he was in "very 
critical condition". And today he remains in the ICU, with a 
preliminary diagnosis of meningitis.

Brad Friedman and I have been in regular contact with John's family, 
and I'm leaving now to go to the hospital in Seattle, which is the 
best neurological facility in the entire region.

Starting tomorrow, some of us will be taking steps to cobble together 
a perhaps somewhat truncated version of the "Daily Voting News" in 
order to attempt to fill his shoes until his return. But as you all 
know, they are very big shoes to fill.

Please send your good thoughts to John and his family. I will, of 
course, keep you updated as I learn anything more.

Ellen Theisen

I'll certainly do my best to keep you all up to date here on John's 
condition as things warrant and/or change.
I plan on doing my best to keep things rolling here in the interim as 
usual, as I suspect he'd like me to, and to help Ellen in getting out 
the DVN as well as possible during his absence, which we all pray 
won't be long. But thanks for your patience, in advance, if I'm 
slowed down a few steps here for a bit, as I suspect I may be, while 
doing my best to work with Ellen and John's family in support...

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[MCM] FL election bill is STILL A THREAT!

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From: Kindra Muntz:


We are not out of the woods yet.

Keep the pressure on, and get the message to 
voters in every county in Florida to call their 
State Senator and Representative to KILL the 
elections bill.

We don't want it IN ANY FORM.  We don't need it.

Find your Senator HERE:  http://www.flsenate.gov

Find your Representative HERE: 

Kindra Muntz

President, Sarasota Alliance for Fair Elections (SAFE)
Co-Founder, Florida Voters Coalition
Member, VoteTrustUSA Leaders
Member, RoundTableOnVoting

Election bill stalls during house session
-- byJames Miller


TALLAHASSEE -- An elections bill that has 
galvanized civil liberties groups and Florida 
Democrats up to U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson was left 
Friday in a sort of legislative limbo.

The House didn't take up the bill in its 
week-ending session, despite a proposed rewrite 
that eliminated many of the provisions that had 
brought together critics.

The Legislature's session is scheduled to end 
next Friday, and for the bill to have life the 
Senate must pass a version and send it to the 
House, according to the office of the House 
Republican majority.

Senate action remained a possibility, though.

"I think the sooner we have a concrete bill that 
we can work with as we prepare for the 2010 
elections, the better," said Sen. Mike 
Haridopolos, a Melbourne Republican, adding that 
he planned over the weekend to look at a rewrite 
that had been discussed by House Republicans.

The original proposal was criticized for, among 
other things, prohibiting interaction with voters 
at polling places; blocking use of retirement 
center and neighborhood association 
identification cards and creating a registration 
system for people who get paid to circulate state 
ballot-initiative petitions.







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[MCM] Must-read piece on the secret count in Pima County, AZ

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
 From Dave Griscom:

I have just blogged an article by attorney Bill Risner recently 
submitted as a Letter to the Editor of
the Tucson Citizen, a daily newspaper.  Since it does not seem to 
have been published yet, I have composed my own title for it:

AZ Attorney General Recounts 
Pima County RTA Ballots in Secret, Foiling Citizen Efforts to 
Determine Whether or Not this $2 Bn Initiative Was Stolen

(for future reference 

This is a beautifully written, highly expert, and very, very 
important progress report on the shaky status of honest elections in 
our United States.  Please do read it.


David L. Griscom
Residence: San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico (not mailing address)
We receive snail mail sent to the following address:
3938 E Grant Rd #131
Tucson, AZ 85712-2559
Phones in Mexico:
52 622 226 1495 (52=Mexico country code)
1 520 829 4601 (VoIP: This is a U.S. domestic call)
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[MCM] Irish dump e-voting, go back to hand-counting paper ballots

2009-04-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Irish reject e-voting, go back to paper


The Irish government has given up on e-voting and is moving back to 
paper. The cost of continuing with the failed system is too high, and 
the crisis-stricken country is too cash-strapped.

File this in the "exporting democracy" category, or not: a recent 
report from Europe serves as a reminder that serious problems with 
e-voting aren't just an American malady, although it's much easier to 
move back to paper ballots if your country is fairly small. Just ask 
the Irish, who have 
their decision to scrap their e-voting system and return to paper. 
Ireland has already put about $67 million into building out its 
e-voting infrastructure, but the country has apparently decided that 
it would be even more expensive to keep going with the system than it 
would be to just scrap it altogether.

In a statement, Ireland's Environment Minister John Gormely blamed 
the decision partly on the economic crisis, which has had an impact 
of nearly Icelandic proportions on the country's real estate market 
and banking system.

"It is clear from consideration of the Report of the Commission on 
Electronic Voting that significant additional costs would arise to 
advance electronic voting in Ireland. This decision has been taken to 
avoid such costs, especially at a time of more challenging economic 
conditions. The financial and other resources that would be involved 
in modifying the machines in advance of implementation could not be 
justified in present circumstances", Minister Gormley said.

Ireland's decision that it can't bear the continued costs of e-voting 
is merely the latest in an ongoing string of such decisions, in which 
states like 
Ohio and 
have said that it's just too expensive to limp along with what is, in 
essence, a failed, poorly planned, large-scale IT infrastructure 
deployment. Few governments that scrap their existing e-voting 
systems go all the way back to paper like Ireland, though. In the 
case of Florida, for instance, the state moved totally to optical 
scan machines (and then 
managed to screw up an election).
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