Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-09-13 Thread mratsim
You probably can c2nim [ffms2]( This is what 
avisynth/vapoursynth uses to store a video in a variable like in my script

from vapoursynth import core
video = core.ffms2.Source(source='Rule6.mkv')

And then it provides facility to get specific frames

const FFMS_Frame *FFMS_GetFrame(FFMS_VideoSource *V, int n, FFMS_ErrorInfo 

const FFMS_Frame *FFMS_GetFrameByTime(FFMS_VideoSource *V, double Time, 
FFMS_ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo);

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-09-12 Thread scriptkiddy
Doesn't [!ffmpeg]( already support most of this?

Granted that ffmpeg is implemented in C(with some ASM), but it wouldn't be all 
that difficult to wrap. Someone crazy enough and who has enough time on their 
hands may be even to fully port it to Nim.

I agree with most everyone else that Video/Audio manipulation should not be a 
core feature. I do think it is reasonable that the core language makes it 
simple for someone to write libraries for such a task. I believe this is 
already the case judging by the fact that multiple audio/visual libraries 
already exist for Nim.

The codec issue that was brought up by @krux02 is a very real one. Many video 
compression formats are proprietary. Even the non-proprietary ones are 
numerous. Trying to implement core language support for this kind of thing 
would involve a lot of work including testing and constant feature requests. 
This would detract from more important concerns like bug fixes, compiler 
optimizations, and documentation improvements.

Nim is already taking a while to get to 1.0. Trying to tack on additional 
stdlib features is not what the Nim community needs to focus on at the moment.

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-09-09 Thread cumulonimbus
The most complete library for audio/video file reading, writing, decoding, and 
everything else is ffmpeg's (the library is called "libav", but there's a fork 
of ffmpeg called "libav" so it's really confusing; so I'll just call it 

There is no other offering, free or not, that has comparable breadth of 
support. I have planned to c2nim it into working condition, but have not yet 
found the time, and even if I did, it would likely be less useful than one can 

There are a few issues to consider about this library -

1) It wraps a lot of other libraries, such as LAME, x264, ...; ffmpeg itself is 
mostly LGPL, but each library has its own license (x264 is pure GPL, for 
example), which for some users is in conflict with Nim's less restrictive 
license. Furthermore, there is essentially no one to negotiate a non-free 
license with for the most part (x264 do, but only for their part; for the main 
ffmpeg lib which includes e.g. the h264 decoder, there is no way at present to 
get a non-free license)

2) It changes often, and as a rule of the thumb, one should expect breaking 
changes about 1-year after the release of each version. The required changes 
are usually small, occasionally big, but in general this proves hard for any 
kind of language wrapper to remain well supported, working and relevant.

I don't think it's a coincidence that almost no language has up-to-date ffmpeg 
wrappers (and those that do usually wrap the .exe rather than link to the lib); 
it's a moving target.

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-09-04 Thread jacmoe
This is an odd request 

Yes, there are languages that _has support for audio read/write_ \- but the 
point is that those languages has that support by means of packages/libraries - 
that kind of functionality is never in the core language.

So, if Nim doesn't have it, I guess it's because Nim users didn't need that 
functionality enough!

So, unless someone has that itch, and scratches it ... then Nim will never get 
support for video read/write. 

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-09-04 Thread mratsim
I did a lot of video processing in the past.

What you want is a frameserver like 
[Avisynth]( (Windows-only, 
multithreading an afterthought, custom scripting language) or 
 (Windows, Mac, Linux, scripting through Python)

Example Vapoursynth to flip a video: 

from vapoursynth import core
video = core.ffms2.Source(source='Rule6.mkv')
video = core.std.Transpose(video)

This can be forwarded to mencoder, ffmpeg, x264 or x265 encoder. There are 
facilities to address particular frame, use GPU for lots of thing ([example 
page of all the denoising 
 including GPU accelerated)

This is a huge undertaking between SIMD, platform specific video API, 
multiprocessing, the avisynth/vapoursynth API, creating fast filters (which 
usually needs assembler ...), mathematical/signal processing knowledge.

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-24 Thread Libman
We have lots of people pitching ideas they can't seem to implement themselves. 
Common problem. Other people could implement those ideas, but time and energy 
are finite. Also a common problem.

What we need is some sort of NimLancer broker system that would make it easy 
for people to hire a freelancer to implement new open source Nim libraries, 
compiler / stdlib pull requests, etc. The programmer only gets paid when the 
requirements are met, with reputable people available to judge any disputes. 
This would be good for the Nim community / ecosystem as a whole.

So: **what are the specific requirements of the high-level video library you 
wanna see, and how much Bitcoin would you be willing to chip in?**

I for one would be willing to code very cheaply if it's with Nim and copyfree, 
but this particular project isn't for me. I'm very rusty, but if I could find 
some relatively easy paid Nim projects, I'd be able to devote more time and 
eventually take on more complex projects - and of course my own ideas...

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-24 Thread dom96
> If you want Nim to become popular in audiovisual computing - Computer Vision 
> for self-driving cars or Video Processing for Film & Television for example - 
> I strongly suggest that the language comes with basic image/audio/video 
> read/write capabilities by default.

Yes, we do. So why don't you go ahead and write those capabilities? We have our 
hands full with other things... A package manager, forum, compiler, and 
standard library don't write themselves!

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-24 Thread videobuddha
@ jlp765

We video and image processing guys tend to be highly specialized in "pixel 
operations" and "image processing operations".

i.e. once we can get at the actual video RGB pixels or audio sample data we 
know what to do with them

But we suck at things like setting up video file I/O - getting a programming 
language to actually load and save video/audio data reliably

I have recently tried:

  * .NET languages with Mitov Videolab - quite easy to set up but SLOW 
processing speed
  * HLSL GPU shaders inside video players like Potplayer - unbelievably fast 
realtime processing, but currently no way to save video files

Many people who ask online "which language for video processing?" are typically 
told to look at Processing (slow) and Matlab (also slow)

Everybody is looking for the same thing - a programming language that is FAST 
and has easy-to-use audio/video data read/write functions.

If Nim could do this out-of-the-box, Nim would be 3 steps ahead of other 
programming languages when people look around for languages that can do 

This is just a suggestion of course - but it could be important if you want Nim 
to become a popular language for audiovisual computing tasks.

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-24 Thread jlp765
**@videobuddha - what do you currently use (language/libraries/codecs/...)?**

There are a few Nimble packages that wrap external libraries already:


  * nim-ao
  * nim-ogg
  * nim-vorbis
  * nim-portaudio
  * nim-sndfile
  * sndhdr
  * nshout
  * taglib
  * sdl2 (for gaming)


  * nim-ogg
  * vidhdr
  * sdl2 (for gaming)

**A generic video/audio module** that abstracted lower level libraries would be 
of benefit (and is what I understand as being sort of what you are wanting).

* * *

If there was a programming language called `XYZ` that supported direct 
manipulation of video/audio files, then tomorrow, when I write my own unique 
fantasic (in my option) new shiny video/audio file format, then the `XYZ` 
language is obsolete and useless because it doesn't support by new shiny format 
(just trying to highlight that of course it is not the problem of `XYZ` that it 
doesn't support my new format).

So I agree with **@Krux02**

> but (Nim) allows (you) to implement all your dreams that you want to have

It just needs support for more file formats, and a library to abstract the 
access to those libraries.

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-23 Thread Krux02
ok, since I wrote this, I think the example with the codec developer is just a 
bad example. Just because there is a codec in the standard library, doesn't 
main you can't develop a better one in that language. But I don't change my 
opinion. I think the Nim language is powerfull enough, that it doesn't need any 
new language feature, but allows to implement all your dreams that you want to 
have. And sorry to tell you this, the Nim community is an idealistic underpaid 
small group of talented people. When you implement this idea in Nim, we will 
all support you in getting your things done. But we will not do it for you 
(unless you pay for the work you want to profit from).

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-23 Thread cheatfate
Personally, i like the idea, and maybe i will try to help, but i'm not too 
familiar with video processing, so it takes time.

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-23 Thread mashingan
As @krux02 mentioned, core language should be compact and flexible without 
diminishing its usability. Nim syntax already flexible enough so you shouldn't 
have any problem implementing the dsl for multimedia applications. While 
developing language to fill the niche is nice, it would be more nice if you can 
do anything with it.

Also, since the video/audio processing is your expertise, it would be nice if 
you write some library for it.

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-23 Thread videobuddha
People in Audiovisual Computing need 2 things from a programming language:

  1. As fast as possible code execution speed
  2. Easy to use, built-in image/audio/video file read/write commands

There is NO programming language right now that does both.

The programming language is either SLOW but supports audio/video nicely, or it 
is FAST, but getting audio/video in and out of the language is a horror to set 

We are in 2017. The world we live in is highly audiovisual content oriented.

If you want Nim to become popular in audiovisual computing - Computer Vision 
for self-driving cars or Video Processing for Film & Television for example - I 
strongly suggest that the language comes with basic image/audio/video 
read/write capabilities by default.

When people ask on the internet "what programming language is good for video 
processing?" people would then answer "Nim is really good for that".

Please consider basic audio/video support seriously.

Nim would become the first language that is both FAST, and that can do basic 
audio/video processing from the moment you install it.

You would reach thousands of users quickly just due to this built-in 
audiovisual functionality.


Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-23 Thread yglukhov
If anyone's interested, I've started integrating webm support into the 
[rod]( engine. The core libs are 
[webm]( which is mkv/libvpx wrapper and 
[rod_video]( which is a component for 
rod. All of the libs are still pretty immature, so PRs are welcome =)

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-22 Thread Krux02
I don't agree. This is an area that is great for you, and would be very 
interesting for a lot of other people. But not generally. Just think about 
video codec developers. How would a video codec developer feel in a programming 
language that has already decided on the builtin video codec. I think it has 
nothing to do in the core language, but in a library that show how powerful the 
core language feature is, yes of course. A programming language is not defined 
by the amount of featuers, but more by the amount of features it does not need 
because of more general core featuers that can be used to implement such a 

I am developing from time to time this project: 

This has neither support for video loading, nor does it have support for audio. 
But I can imagine that at some point it will have exacty the feature you are 
proposing. But as I said, it should not be part of the standard library.

Re: Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-22 Thread jlp765
Not quite what you are proposing, but there is an `opencv` nimble package (only 
a partial wrapper, IIRC).

I wonder how realistic implementing this would be given the Copyright issues 
with various codecs.

Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM

2017-01-21 Thread videobuddha
As someone who does a lot of custom video processing, there is one crucial 
functionality I find lacking in almost all programming languages I come across:

  1. Loading a video + audiotrack (e.g. Testvid.mkv) with 1 line of code
  2. Having FAST read access to both the video frame pixels and audio samples
  3. Being able to use the CPU/GPU (GLSL shaders for example) to process video 
pixels and audio sample data efficiently
  4. Again, 1 code line easy video + audio save function with CODEC/Compression 

We live in age DOMINATED by audiovisual content.

Yet no serious programming language seems to come with good built in 
Audio/Video file Read/Process/Write support.

I was thinking that Nim could be an exception to this.

Imagine Nim being able to read/write common audio/video files with 1 line of 
code without having to call 3rd party libraries or .dlls.

There are tens of thousands of real-world applications that require some form 
of custom realtime or offline image/audio/video processing.

If Nim runs as fast as native C and had audio/video read/write capabilities 
baked into the core language, you could be looking at the new DARLING of the 
image/audio/video processing world.

This is my suggestion to any Nim developers reading this forum - please add 
audiovisual capabilities into the core language itself.

Everyone faced with having to code custom image/audio/video processing algos 
would thank you for this functionality.

Currently, many people run to less-than-ideal solutions like Matlab, Videolab, 
Processing to do audiovisual processing with code.

A fast compiled language like Nim with built-in read/write support for 
multimedia files could attract a tremendous number of people to Nim.

Thanks For Reading,

> VideoBuddha