[ob] Apple Announces Tablet Device Called iPad

2010-01-27 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Wed, January 27, 2010 -- 1:26 PM ET

Apple Announces Tablet Device Called iPad

Steven P. Jobs says the product, which looks like a big
iPhone, will fill a gap between laptops and smartphones.

Read More:
http://bits. blogs.nytimes. com/2010/ 01/27/live- blogging- the-apple- 
product-announce ment/?emc= na
Live Blogging the iPad Product Announcement
Jim Wilson/The New York Times
Apple’s chief executive, Steven Jobs, unveils the iPad.


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[obrolan-bandar] As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.

2008-12-31 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
* DECEMBER 29, 2008
* http://sec.online.wsj.com/article/SB123051100709638419.html
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S. 
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' 
in 2010
-- For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the
U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few
took his argument -- that an economic and moral collapse will trigger a
civil war and the eventual breakup of the U.S. -- very seriously. Now
he's found an eager audience: Russian state media.
Igor Panarin
In recent
weeks, he's been interviewed as much as twice a day about his
predictions. "It's a record," says Prof. Panarin. "But I think the
attention is going to grow even stronger."
Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB
analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for
future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures
students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on
U.S.-Russia relations.
But it's his bleak forecast for the U.S. that is music to the ears
of the Kremlin, which in recent years has blamed Washington for
everything from instability in the Middle East to the global financial
crisis. Mr. Panarin's views also fit neatly with the Kremlin's
narrative that Russia is returning to its rightful place on the world
stage after the weakness of the 1990s, when many feared that the
country would go economically and politically bankrupt and break into
separate territories.
A polite and cheerful man with a buzz cut, Mr. Panarin insists he
does not dislike Americans. But he warns that the outlook for them is
"There's a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur,"
he says. "One could rejoice in that process," he adds, poker-faced.
"But if we're talking reasonably, it's not the best scenario -- for
Russia." Though Russia would become more powerful on the global stage,
he says, its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily
on the dollar and on trade with the U.S.
Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic
decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and
the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July,
he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces -- with Alaska reverting
to Russian control.
In addition to increasing coverage in state media, which are tightly
controlled by the Kremlin, Mr. Panarin's ideas are now being widely
discussed among local experts. He presented his theory at a recent
roundtable discussion at the Foreign Ministry. The country's top
international relations school has hosted him as a keynote speaker.
During an appearance on the state TV channel Rossiya, the station cut
between his comments and TV footage of lines at soup kitchens and
crowds of homeless people in the U.S. The professor has also been
featured on the Kremlin's English-language propaganda channel, Russia
Mr. Panarin's apocalyptic vision "reflects a very pronounced degree
of anti-Americanism in Russia today," says Vladimir Pozner, a prominent
TV journalist in Russia. "It's much stronger than it was in the Soviet
Mr. Pozner and other Russian commentators and experts on the U.S.
dismiss Mr. Panarin's predictions. "Crazy ideas are not usually
discussed by serious people," says Sergei Rogov, director of the
government-run Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, who thinks Mr.
Panarin's theories don't hold water.
Mr. Panarin's résumé includes many years in the Soviet KGB, an
experience shared by other top Russian officials. His office, in
downtown Moscow, shows his national pride, with pennants on the wall
bearing the emblem of the FSB, the KGB's successor agency. It is also
full of statuettes of eagles; a double-headed eagle was the symbol of
czarist Russia.
The professor says he began his career in the KGB in 1976. In
post-Soviet Russia, he got a doctorate in political science, studied
U.S. economics, and worked for FAPSI, then the Russian equivalent of
the U.S. National Security Agency. He says he did strategy forecasts
for then-President Boris Yeltsin, adding that the details are
In September 1998, he attended a conference in Linz, Austria,
devoted to information warfare, the use of data to get an edge over a
rival. It was there, in front of 400 fellow delegates, that he first
presented his theory about the collapse of the U.S. in 2010.
"When I pushed the button on my computer and the map of the United
States disintegrated, hundreds of people cried out in surprise," he
remembers. He says most in the audience were skeptical. "They didn't
believe me."
At the end of the presentation, he says many delegates asked him to autograph 
copies of the map showing a dismembered U.S.
He based the forecast on classified data supplied to him by FAPSI
analysts, he says. He predicts that economic, financial and demographic
trends wi

[obrolan-bandar] Penghapusan Sanksi Pajak Tidak Akan Diperpanjang

2008-12-21 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

http://www.kompas. com/read/ xml/2008/ 12/22/06220228/ Penghapusan. 
Sanksi.Pajak. Tidak.Akan. Diperpanjang
Penghapusan Sanksi Pajak Tidak Akan Diperpanjang
JAKARTA, SENIN - Program sunset policy atau penghapusan sanksi 
administrasi pajak dipastikan tidak akan diperpanjang lebih dari tanggal 31 
Desember 2008.
Untuk itu, wajib pajak diminta memanfaatkan waktu yang masih tersisa 
guna menghindarkan diri dari berbagai sanksi lain yang menunggu bagi warga 
negara yang tidak melaporkan penghasilannya secara jujur.
”Seperti pengalaman yang ada di semua negara, fasilitas pajak itu 
selalu dimanfaatkan di saat mendekati batas akhir. Jadi, kemungkinan akan ada 
lonjakan pembuatan NPWP (nomor pokok wajib pajak) pada minggu ke-3 Desember 
ini,” ujar Direktur Jenderal Pajak Darmin Nasution di Jakarta, pekan lalu.
Meningkatkan kepatuhan
Menurut Darmin, perpanjangan batas waktu sunset policy tidak bisa 
diperpanjang karena batas 31 Desember 2008 telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang 
Nomor 28 Tahun 2007 tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan (KUP).
Sunset policy merupakan program pemerintah untuk meningkatkan 
kepatuhan warga negara dalam membayar pajak dengan memberikan penghapusan 
administrasi berupa bunga sekitar 2 persen per bulan dari pajak yang tidak atau 
kurang dibayar. Selain itu, Ditjen Pajak juga tidak akan memeriksa wajib pajak 
yang menyampaikan koreksi penghasilan yang belum masuk ke Surat Pemberitahuan 
(SPT) Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) pada tahun pajak 2007 ke belakang sebelum 31 
Desember 2008.
Sebaliknya, wajib pajak yang tidak melaporkan penghasilannya atau 
data yang diperlukan dalam SPT-nya diancam sanksi berupa denda sebesar satu 
hingga dua kali jumlah pajak terutang. Atau, diancam kurungan tiga bulan dan 
paling lama satu tahun.
Selain itu, setiap warga negara yang memiliki penghasilan di atas 
penghasilan tidak kena pajak (PTKP) wajib memiliki NPWP. Jika diketahui ada 
warga negara yang tidak memiliki NPWP setelah 31 Desember 2008, akan dikenakan 
tarif PPh 20 persen lebih tinggi.
Dalam UU No 36/2008 tentang PPh disebutkan, PTKP terendah ditetapkan 
senilai Rp 15,84 juta per tahun untuk seorang bujangan. PTKP semakin tinggi 
untuk pasangan suami istri yang sudah memiliki anak, yang tertinggi adalah 
pasangan dengan tiga anak, yakni Rp 21,120 juta per tahun.
Sementara itu Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia Benny 
Soetrisno menyebut sunset policy ibarat pengakuan dosa tentang kewajiban yang 
mesti dilaksanakan. Tidak ada kewajiban yang dikurangi, tetapi kewajiban itu 
mesti dilaksanakan. ”Pelanggar tak dihukum, asalkan mengaku saja,” katanya.
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Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

[obrolan-bandar] Auto Sales Plummet Again

2008-12-02 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Auto Sales Plummet Again
Posted: 02 Dec 2008 10:00 AM PST
U.S. auto sales plunged 37 percent in November to the lowest annual rate in 26 
years as the recession and Detroit automakers’ aid pleas kept buyers away from 
Ford’s November sales down 30.6%;
Toyota sales down 33.9%.
Honda sales down 31.6%
Volvo sales tumbled 46.5%
Chrysler U.S. sales fell 47%
GM falls 41%
The auto slump has gone global: Indian auto maker Tata Motors posted a 30% 
sales decline (its 2nd consecutive month of big sales drop)

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[obrolan-bandar] Pertanyaan di Saat Krisis.... tulisan yg cukup baik utk dibaca...

2008-11-10 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

Pertanyaan di Saat Krisis
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Khawatir. Demikian kata yang akrab dengar beriringan dengan merebaknya berita 
tentang krisis ekonomi global yang muncul beberapa waktu belakangan.Betapa 
tidak? Beberapa rekan sudah merasakan sendiri pemangkasan yang dilakukan oleh 
perusahaannya. Rekan yang lain bahkan sudah diberi paket hemat untuk dapat 
bekerja secara mandiri atau mencari perusahaan lain yang mampu mempekerjakan 
Semua karena apa?
Krisis. Krisis. Krisis. Begitu kata orang. Harga naik karena krisis. Kredit 
macet meningkat karena krisis. Penjualan menurun karena krisis. Budget dipotong 
karena krisis. Saham anjlok karena krisis. Krisis. Krisis. Krisis. 
Saya pikir-pikir, malang betul ya nasib makhluk yang bernama krisis ini. Tapi 
omong-omong, apa sih sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan krisis itu? 
Secara harfiah, krisis dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah titik balik, situasi yang 
tidak stabil, perubahan yang tiba-tiba, perubahan yang menekan, dsb. 
Menariknya, meskipun kata krisis merupakan kata benda, ia memiliki makna yang 
sama sekali bukan benda. Coba cermati beberapa definisi yang saya sebutkan 
tadi, bukankah Anda sepakat kalau kesemuanya menunjukkan adanya proses?
Nah, model kata benda seperti ini di dalam ilmu bahasa seringkali disebut 
dengan nominalisasi atau terjemahan bebasnya adalah pembendaan. Dengan kata 
lain, ia adalah sebuah proses yang panjang, yang untuk memudahkan proses 
komunikasi kemudian diberi label agar mudah untuk disebut. Contoh lain adalah 
kata pekerjaan, yang merupakan pembendaan dari proses bekerja.
Loh, kok jadi membahas bahasa?
Begini ceritanya. Karena dianggap sebagai benda, maka krisis dianggap sebagai 
sesuatu makhluk asing yang tidak menyenangkan yang datang secara tiba-tiba 
tanpa diundang. Pertanyaannya, benarkah krisis adalah makhluk yang demikian?
Sekilas, bisa jadi tampaknya demikian. La wong tadinya aman tentram, kok 
tiba-tiba harga naik, saham turun, investasi amblas, dst. Tapi, apa iya itu 
yang sebenarnya terjadi? 
Jika Anda pernah mengamati bagaimana krisis ekonomi global terjadi, maka Anda 
tentu sepakat dengan saya bahwa krisis ini hanyalah sebuah titik puncak dari 
serangkaian perjalanan sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang memang telah dianut oleh 
sebagian besar negara di dunia. Ia mirip dengan kanker, yang juga tidak datang 
secara mendadak, melainkan berproses sedikit demi sedikit hingga pada suatu 
ketika merenggut kesehatan penderitanya secara drastis.
Terus, apa gunanya kita memahami hal ini?
Sangat berguna. Sebab kata-kata yang dibendakan, akan menimbulkan efek stagnan 
dalam pikiran dan perasaan kita. Maka krisis seolah-olah akan menjadi sesuatu 
yang berat dan sulit diubah. Sisi lain, karena dianggap benda, maka kita pun 
berharap ia bisa pergi begitu saja, dibuang layaknya benda yang sudah usang. 
Atau, ya, setidak-tidaknya ada seorang super hero penyelamat yang akan membantu 
kita membuangnya. Nah, yang terakhir ini cukup banyak kita temukan di berbagai 
media, salah satunya terkait dengan terpilihnya Obama sebagai presiden Amerika. 
"Obama terpilih, saham malah anjlok", "Obama terpilih, penjualan senjata 
meningkat", "Obama terpilih, harapan bagi pulihnya ekonomi dunia." 
Saya tidak tahu dengan Anda, hanya bagi saya, memandang krisis dengan cara 
seperti ini hanya akan memperlambat proses pemulihannya. Jika krisis datang 
secara bertahap, pelan tapi pasti, menggerogoti sedikit demi sedikit, maka ia 
pun akan pulih jika kita membenahi sumber masalahnya dengan cara pandang yang 
sama. Kita tentu tahu bahwa penyakit kanker seringkali justru bertambah parah 
justru karena ia langsung dibuang melalui operasi, bukan? 
Lalu, apa donk yang bisa kita lakukan?
Menggunakan analogi kanker tadi, pengobatan dan pencegahan kanker yang efektif 
harus dimulai dari perubahan mendasar gaya hidup dan pola pikir. Maka dalam 
konteks krisis ini, kita bisa memulai dari perubahan mendasar cara kita 
memaknai krisis. Setidaknya ada 2 pertanyaan ampuh yang bisa kita tanyakan 
untuk mengubah persepsi kita tentang krisis. Tanyakan pada diri Anda:
Apa yang menghalangi saya untuk bisa mengatasi keadaan ini dan sukses di masa 
Jawaban dari pertanyaan itu akan membukakan kita akan berbagai penghalang yang 
secara tidak sadar kita pegang terus-menerus. Nah, kalau sudah dibuka, ia bisa 
dibongkar dengan pertanyaan:
Sejak kapan saya memutuskan untuk memiliki penghalang tersebut?
Loh, kok memutuskan? 
Ya, sebab setiap hal yang kita miliki sebenarnya adalah hasil keputusan kita 
sendiri. Kita sakit, karena pernah ada masanya kita memutuskan—tanpa 
disadari—untuk memakan makanan yang tidak sehat dan malas berolahraga. Kita 
bangkrut, sebab pernah suatu ketika kita merasa puas dengan pencapaian kita, 
dan memutuskan untuk tidak mengantisipasi resiko di masa depan. 
Jika sudah tahu jawabannya, maka...
Ups! UUD 45 saja bisa diamandemen. PKS saja bisa kadaluarsa. SK saja bis

[obrolan-bandar] American Paul Krugman wins economics Nobel

2008-10-13 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
American Paul Krugman wins economics Nobel
New York Times columnist, Princeton professor commended for 
analysishttp://www.msnbc. msn.com/id/ 27159654/
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Paul Krugman, the
Princeton University scholar and New York Times columnist, won the
Nobel prize in economics Monday for his analysis of how economies of
scale can affect trade patterns and the location of economic activity.
has been a harsh critic of the Bush administration and the Republican
Party in The New York Times, where he writes a regular column and has a
blog called “Conscience of a Liberal.”He
has come out forcefully against John McCain during the economic
meltdown, saying the Republican candidate is “more frightening now than
he was a few weeks ago” and earlier that the GOP has become “the party
of stupid.”
AFP - Getty Images file
economist Paul Krugman won the 2008 Nobel Economics Prize for ‘analysis
of trade patterns and location of economic activity,’ the Nobel jury

“Krugman is not only a scientist but also an
opinion maker,” economics prize committee member Tore Ellingsen said.
He added that Krugman’s analyses tend to back free trade and his
research gives no “support for protectionism.”
55-year-old American economist was the lone winner of the 10 million
kronor ($1.4 million) award and the latest in a string of American
researchers to be honored. It was only the second time since 2000 that
a single laureate won the prize, which is typically shared by two or
three researchers.
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences praised Krugman for formulating a new
theory to answer questions about free trade and said his theory has
inspired an enormous field of research.
are the effects of free trade and globalization? What are the driving
forces behind worldwide urbanization? Paul Krugman has formulated a new
theory to answer these questions,” the academy said in its citation.
“He has thereby integrated the previously disparate research fields of 
international trade and economic geography,” it said.
award, known as the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, is the
last of the six Nobel prizes announced this year and is not one of the
original Nobels. It was created in 1968 by the Swedish central bank in
Alfred Nobel’s memory.
his work as an economist at Princeton University in New Jersey, where
he has been since 2000, Krugman has written for publications including
Foreign Affairs, the Harvard Business Review and Scientific American.
on the global economic meltdown, Krugman told a news conference in
Stockholm by telephone from the United States that some of his research
was linked to currency crises and related issues.
is terrifying,” he said, comparing it to the financial crisis that
gripped Asia in the 1990s. “I had never thought that in my lifetime I
would see anything that resembles the Great Depression, but this in
fact does.”
He said winning the Nobel award won’t change his approach to research and 
prize will enhance visibility,” he said, “but I hope it does not lead
me into going to a lot of purely celebratory events, aside from the
Nobel presentation itself.”
a sense of humor, Krugman’s New York Times blog had an entry early
Monday that read “A funny thing happened to me this morning” with a
link to the Nobel announcement.
graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Yale in 1974 and received a
Ph.D. from MIT in 1977. Besides teaching at Yale and MIT, he also
taught at Stanford.
work on new trade theory also garnered him the John Bates Clark medal
from the American Economic Association in 1991. That prize is given
every two years to an economist under the age of 40.
  Winners of the Nobel economics prize 
Recent winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and their 
research, according to the Nobel Foundation:
—2008: American Paul Krugman for his analysis of trade patterns and location of 
economic activity.
—2007: Americans Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson for laying 
the foundations of mechanism design theory.
—2006: American Edmund S. Phelps for furthering the understanding of the 
trade-offs between inflation and its effects on unemployment.
—2005: Robert J. Aumann, of Israel and the United States, and American Thomas 
C. Schelling, for their work in game-theory analysis.
—2004: Finn E. Kydland, Norway, and Edward C. Prescott, United States, for 
their contribution to dynamic macroeconomics.
—2003: Robert F. Engle, United States, and Clive W.J. Granger, Britain, for 
their use of statistical methods for economic time series.
—2002: Daniel Kahneman, United States and Israel, and Vernon L. Smith, United 
States, for pioneering the use of psychological and experimental economics in 
—2001: George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz, United 
States, for research into how the control of information affects markets.
—2000: James J. Heckman and Daniel L. McFadden

[obrolan-bandar] It's the West Va Ameribank, NOT the Savannah or New England Ameribanks

2008-09-20 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Ameribank folds, twelfth closure this year
By John Letzing
Last update: 7:38 p.m. EDT Sept. 19, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Northfork, West Virginia-based Ameribank Inc. 
has been closed, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation said late Friday, 
marking the 12th bank closure so far this year. Deposits at Ameribank's Ohio 
branches have been transferred to The Citizens Savings Bank, while Ameribank's 
Ohio branches will reopen Saturday as Citizens Bank branches, the FDIC said. 
Ameribank's West Virginia deposits have been transferred to Pioneer Community 
Bank, and Ameribank's West Virginia branches will reopen as Pioneer branches. 

Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
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[obrolan-bandar] Lehman Faces Mounting Pressures

2008-09-15 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Lehman Faces Mounting Pressures

September 10, 2008 5:56 a.m.

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. came under mounting pressure Tuesday after hopes 
faded for an investment deal with a Korean bank, helping to trigger a 45% fall 
in the firm's shares.
Lehman's troubles mark the latest installment in the worst financial-system 
crunch in decades, coming just two days after the U.S. government announced its 
plan to take over the two giants of the mortgage business. U.S. stocks fell 
Tuesday, giving back gains that had greeted the weekend bailout of Fannie Mae 
and Freddie Mac.
The drop in Lehman shares highlights the continuing nervousness in markets as 
the company attempts to raise fresh capital to offset sharp declines in the 
value of its assets. Shares of Lehman, which is heavily exposed to troubled 
real-estate investments, have been under pressure for months and were down 
about 80% this year before Tuesday's drop. Investors have been frustrated as 
Lehman has taken months to pull together a plan to raise capital to absorb 
expected losses.
On Tuesday, credit-rating services Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings placed 
their ratings on Lehman on review for downgrades. S&P cited uncertainty about 
the firm's ability to raise capital, "based on the precipitous decline in its 
share price in previous days." If downgraded, Lehman may be required to post 
billions of dollars in collateral to its trading partners on derivative 
contracts and other agreements.In an attempt to assuage investors, Lehman said 
late Tuesday that before markets open Wednesday, it will offer a preview of its 
third-quarter earnings and announce "key strategic initiatives."
The people familiar with the firm said Lehman plans to announce it is in talks 
with money manager BlackRock Inc. to sell a package of primarily British 
residential real-estate assets. Also, Lehman is expected to announce a separate 
plan to spin off some commercial real-estate assets into a new company, 
referred to internally at Lehman as SpinCo. The remaining portion of the firm, 
shorn of much of its distressed real-estate assets, is being called CleanCo, 
these people say.
Lehman has been shopping for investors to buy a piece of its 
investment-management unit, which includes the profitable asset-manager 
Neuberger Berman. Three private-equity firms are in the running for this 
division, with bids due late Friday night. People familiar with the company say 
this piece could bring in about $5 billion.
The 158-year-old financial firm was trading normally with counterparties on 
Tuesday. Rival Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said it was doing 
business with the firm.
Lehman, one of four big independent firms remaining after the near collapse of 
Bear Stearns Cos. in March, declined to comment.
The firm's situation differs markedly from that of Bear Stearns, which was 
taken over earlier this year after it ran into a liquidity crisis. Unlike Bear 
Stearns, Lehman has access to new Federal Reserve facilities that can provide 
short-term funding when the markets won't, in addition to the ability to 
exchange illiquid assets for safer securities such as Treasurys.
That makes a sudden run on an investment bank less likely than it was a few 
months ago. The facilities for dealers weren't in place when Bear Stearns faced 
its crisis. The Fed does not disclose which institutions are using these 
Deal Falters
Lehman's declines came after the Korea Development Bank, which has been in 
talks with Lehman about a capital infusion, said Tuesday it had closed the door 
on a possible deal. Discussions between Lehman and KDB ended in early August, 
according to a person familiar with the talks.
KDB said Wednesday it has ended talks with the investment bank "due to 
differences in transaction terms with Lehman and in consideration of the 
domestic and international financial market situation." It didn't elaborate.
But persistent rumors that a deal was still possible continued to bolster the 
firm's stock. The share decline helped drag down the rest of the market, which 
had rallied strongly on Monday after the bailout of Fannie and Freddie. 
Financial stocks tumbled more than 6%, including a 10% decline for Lehman rival 
Merrill Lynch & Co. and a 14% drop for Wachovia Corp., which is also struggling 
under the weight of bad mortgage loans.
By 4 p.m. Tuesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had shed 280 points, nearly 
wiping out the 289-point gain from Monday's session. Lehman shares last swapped 
hands at $7.79 each, their lowest level in 10 years.
The severe stock drop showed how skittish investors remain about Lehman, a 
bond-focused firm that moved aggressively into the commercial real-estate 
market and leveraged loans over the past few years, and often produced record 
profits between 2004 and 2007.
As the value of

[obrolan-bandar] Perusahaan harus memotong pajak dua kali untuk pegawainya yang tak ber-NPWP

2008-09-05 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

Perusahaan harus memotong pajak dua kali untuk pegawainya yang tak 
ber-NPWP(berlaku mulai Januari 2009) 
JAKARTA. jika Anda karyawan sebuah perusahaan dan belum punya Nomor Pokok Wajib 
Pajak (NPWP), sebaiknya bergegas mengurusnya. Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) 
Pajak akan memaksa perusahaan tempat Anda bekerja menjadi algojo yang langsung 
memotong gaji Anda dua kali, sebagai pembayaran pajak berikut dendanya. 
Mungkin Anda sudah mafhum, Ditjen Pajak saat ini menjalankan program yang 
bernama sunset policy. Salah satu pokok kebijakan ini adalah: pembayar pajak 
yang belum memiliki NPWP harus membayar 20% lebih besar dari tarif normal. 
Disinilah Ditjen Pajak akan memaksa perusahaan membantu mereka memungut pajak 
sekaligus tambahan tarif itu. Ditjen Pajak telah merancang Peraturan Pemerintah 
(PP) yang mewajibkan perusahaan memotong gaji karyawannya untuk pajak sebanyak 
dua kali bila karyawan itu tidak memiliki NPWP. "Drafnya sudah matang,"kata 
Kepala Pusat Pengolahan Data dan Dokumen Perpajakan Ditjen Pajak Kismantoro 
Selain akan mengatur pembayaran PPh, PP ini juga akan menegaskan ketentuan 
bahwa setiap perusahaan wajib menyerahkan data mengenai seluruh karyawannya 
kepada Ditjen Pajak. Kismantoro berharap,dengan terbitnya PP baru itu, setiap 
wajib pajak tidak akan menunda-nunda lagi perbaikan Surat Pemberitahuan Pajak 
Tahunan (SPT) atau mengajukan NPWP pada tahun ini juga. 
Ditjen Pajak mengaku punya dasar hukum yang kuat untuk melakukan pemaksaan itu. 
Lembaga ini akan menyusun PP tersebut dengan memakai Pasal 35A Undang-Undang 
Nomor 28 Tahun 2007 tentang Ketentuan Umum Perpajakan (KUP) sebagai payung 
hukumnya, yang berbunyi sbb: 
Ayat 1:”  Apabila dalam menjalankan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan 
perpajakan diperlukan keterangan atau bukti dari bank,akuntan public, notaries, 
konsultan pajak, kantor administrasi, dan/atau pihak ketiga lainnya, yang 
berhubungan dengan wajib pajak yang dilakukan pemeriksaan pajak, penagihan 
pajak, atau penyidikan tindak pidana dibidang perpajakan, atas permintaan 
tertulis dari Direktur Jenderal Pajak, pihak-pihak tersebut wajib memberikan 
keterangan atau bukti yang diminta.” 
Ayat 2 :”Dalam hal pihak-pihak sebagaimana yang dimaksud pada ayat 1 terikat 
oleh kewajiban merahasiakan, untuk keperluan pemeriksaan, penagihan pajak, atau 
penyidikan tindak pidana dibidang perpajakan, kewajiban merahasiakan tersebut 
ditiadakan, kecuali untuk bank, kewajiban merahasiakan ditiadakan atas 
permintaan tertulis dari Menteri Keuangan.” 
Selain mengenakan tarif yang lebih tinggi kepada pembayar pajak yang belum 
punya NPWP, sunset policy memberikan fasilitas penghapusan sanksi administrasi 
bagi wajib pajak pribadi maupun badan. 
Program ini telah diatur dalam pasal 37A UU 28/2007. Tujuan utamanya adalah 
untuk menjaring wajib pajak baru dan memperbaiki basis objek pajak. Pemerintah 
bersikeras benar-benar akan menerapkan tarif lebih tinggi itu mulai 2009 nanti. 
Meskipun begitu, jika tahun ini tak juga beres, setiap wajib pajak pribadi dan 
badan masih memiliki kesempatan untuk memperbaiki data atau membuat NPWP baru 
pada tahun depan. "Tapi sanksi denda untuk mereka tetap berlaku,"ungkap 
Direktur Pemeriksaan Pajak dan Penagihan Riza Nur Karim, Kamis (21/8). 
Sumber : Harian Kontan, 22 Agustus 2008m 

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[obrolan-bandar] Program Bike to School..... Mohon disebar luaskan....

2008-08-06 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Latar Belakang
Imbas dari kenaikan harga BBM oleh pemerintah,yang diikuti dengan kenaikan 
harga kebutuhan pokok dan ongkos transportasi, dirasakan sangat memberatkan  
bagi kondisi perekonomian masyarakat miskin. Secara langsung kondisi ini 
berpengarah pada kelanjutan studi para pelajar dari keluarga miskin, yang 
mereka setiap hari harus menambah biaya transportasi untuk pergi ke sekolah.
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, kami menawarkan program “Bike For School” kepada 
para dermawan untuk bekerjasama dalam membantu menyediakan alat transportasi 
sepeda bagi para pelajar SD, SMP dan SMA dari keluarga miskin untuk pergi ke 
sekolah. Sejak dimulainya program pada bulan April 2008, ini sudah 20 sepeda 
yang disalurkan kepada anak-anak dhu’afa dan masih bayak lagi peminat yang 
Tujuan Program 
1. Salah satu solusi  untuk meringankan beban masyarakat miskin dalam 
mengurangi beban biaya transportasi. 
2. Membantu pelajar tingkat SD, SMP dan SMA dari keluarga miskin dalam 
hal penyediaan alat transportasi untuk pergi ke sekolah. 
3. Memotivasi para pelajar untuk tetap giat bersekolah. 
4. Membantu pemerintah dalam mensukseskan program wajib belajar 
sembilan tahun.
Kontribusi program ini dengan mewakafkan sepeda layak pakai dan/ atau 
mendonasikan dana sebesar Rp 400.000,-/ sepeda. Salurkan melalui Rek. Yayasan 
Tangerang Sejahtera  Bank Central Asia (BCA), Bintaro Utama 1,No. 603 – 030 – 
Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7, No. 004 – 007 – 4755
Informasi :
Jl. Gapura Menteng No. 22B - Bintaro Jaya Sektor 5
Telp  (021) 7388 8261 dan (021) 946 0473 - Fax (021) 7388 8261
Latar Belakang
Sebuah kenyataan yang tak dapat dipungkiri, bahwa kondisi perekonomian saat ini 
sangat memberatkan bagi masyarakat miskin. Angka pemutusan hubungan kerja 
semakin meningkat, sedangkan peluang kerja belum juga tercipta. Ditambah lagi 
dengan kenaikan harga BBM yang berimbas pada kenaikan harga barang dan jasa 
kebutuhan sehari-hari. Hal ini membuat banyak pelajar yang terpaksa 
meninggalkan bangku sekolah, karena ketidakmampuan orang tua mereka.
Program Beastudi CERIA (Cerdas Raih Impian), adalah salah satu program unggulan 
LAZ Sejahtera Ummat, dalam bentuk bea pendidikan pelajar SD, SMP dan SMA bagi 
yatim-piatu dan dhu’afa berprestasi secara berkelanjutan. Program Beastudi 
CERIA didukung oleh donator perorangan dan atau instansi, yang diberikan rutin 
setiap awal bulan disertai dengan pembinaan ruhani dan pelatihan motivasi.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami menghimbau dan mengajak semua pihak untuk 
terlibat aktif membantu sesama, dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat 
miskin dengan pendidikan yang berkelanjutan bersama kami di LAZ Sejahtera Ummat.
Donasi Beastudi CERIA setiap bulan adalah sebagai berikut :
PelajarSD: Rp 20.000,- Pelajar SMP : Rp 50.000,- dan Pelajar 
SMA : Rp 70.000,-
Tujuan Program 
1. Meringankan beban keluarga miskin dalam melanjutkan sekolah 
putra-putri mereka 
2. Menekan dan mengurangi angka putus sekolah 
3. Memotivasi para pelajar untuk tetap giat bersekolah. 
4. Membantu pemerintah dalam mensukseskan program wajib belajar 
sembilan tahun.
Salurkan donasi anda melalui Rek.  Yayasan Tangerang Sejahtera di :
Bank Central Asia (BCA), Bintaro Utama 1,No. 603 – 030 – 9691.
Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7, No. 004 – 007 – 4755

Dapatkan info tentang selebritis - Yahoo! Indonesia Search. 

Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!

[obrolan-bandar] AAPL 's disappointing guidance for next quarter

2008-07-22 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

July 21, 2008, 4:33 pm
Apple FY Q3 Beats Estimates: $7.46B Revs; EPS $1.19; But Sees Q4 Revs $7.8B, 
EPS $1, Well Below Street
Posted by Eric Savitz 
There is mixed news from Apple (AAPL) this afternoon. The company posted 
better-than- expected results for the June quarter, but provided guidance for 
the September quarter well short of expectations. Keep in mind that Apple has a 
long track record or providing very conservative guidance.
Apple posted revenue for its fiscal third quarter ended June 28 of $7.46 
billion and profits of $1.19 a share. That is above both the Street consensus 
of $7.37 billion and $1.08 a share and the company's previous guidance of $7.2 
billion and $1 a share.
The company sold 2.496 million Macs, 11.011 million iPods and 717,000 iPhones 
in the quarter.
Gross margin in the quarter was 34.8%, down from 36.9% in the year ago quarter.
For the September quarter, the company projects revenue of $7.8 billion and 
profits of $1 a share, which is well below the Street consensus of $8.32 
billion and $1.24.
The company finished the quarter with cash and short-term investments of $20.77 
Deferred revenue at June 28 stood at $4.063 billion, up from $3.825 billion at 
the end of March.  

Nama baru untuk Anda! 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

[obrolan-bandar] Kenapa Harga BBM Indonesia Jadi Tinggi...??? ni Jawabannya

2008-07-19 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Pemerintah Melanggar Konstitusi Dalam Kebijakannya Menaikkan Harga BBM (Artikel 
3 Pelengkap

Minggu, 08 Juni 08
Mahkamah Konstitusi RI (MK) telah menguji Undang-Undang nomor 22 tahun 2001 
tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi, apakah isinya bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang 
Dasar kita. 

Vonisnya ditetapkan dalam Rapat Permusyawaratan 9 (sembilan) Hakim Konstitusi 
pada hari Rabu, tanggal 15 Desember 2004, dan dituangkan dalam PUTUSAN Perkara 
Nomor 002/PUU-I/2003. 

Putusan MK tersebut yang tentang kebijakan harga BBM berbunyi sebagai berikut : 
"Pasal 28 ayat (2) dan (3) yang berbunyi (2) Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak dan Harga 
Gas Bumi diserahkan pada mekanisme persaingan usaha yang sehat dan wajar; (3) 
Pelaksanaan kebijaksanaan harga sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (2) tidak 
mengurangi tanggung jawab sosial Pemerintah terhadap golongan masyarakat 
tertentu"; Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi 
(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2001 nomor 136, Tambahan Lembaran 
Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4152) bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 
Negara Republik Indonesia 1945." 

Jadi menentukan harga BBM yang diserahkan pada mekanisme persaingan usaha 
dinyatakan bertentangan dengan Konstitusi kita, walaupun persaingan usahanya 
dikategorikan sehat dan wajar. 

Setelah vonis tersebut, terbit sebuah "pedoman" oleh Direktorat Jenderal Minyak 
dan Gas Bumi Departemen ESDM. Isinya mengatakan bahwa sebagai implikasi dari 
vonis MK "dilakukan perubahan atas Pasal 72 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 Tahun 
2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hilir Migas yang berkaitan dengan harga BBM dan Gas 

Harga jual BBM ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah dengan Peraturan Presiden." 

Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 Tahun 2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hilir Minyak 
dan Gas Bumi pasal 72 ayat (1) berbunyi sebagai berikut. 

(1) Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak dan Gas Bumi kecuali Gas Bumi untuk rumah tangga 
dan pelanggan kecil, diserahkan pada mekanisme persaingan usaha yang wajar, 
sehat dan transparan. 
Jadi sangat jelas bahwa Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 36 tahun 2004 tersebut tetap 
mengatakan bahwa harga BBM diserahkan pada mekanisme persaingan usaha yang 
wajar, sehat dan transparan", walaupun oleh MK dinyatakan bertentangan dengan 
UUD 1945. Yang dikecualikan Gas Bumi untuk rumah tangga dan pelanggan kecil. 

Dalam berbagai penjelasannya, dalam menentukan harga BBM pemerintah memang 
mendasarkan diri pada persaingan usaha, bahkan persaingan usaha yang tidak 
sehat dan tidak fair. 

Bagaimana penjelasannya? Kita ambil bensin jenis premium sebagai contoh. Ketika 
harga minyak mentah yang ditentukan berdasarkan mekanisme pasar atau mekanisme 
persaingan yang diselenggarakan oleh New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) 
mencapai US$ 60 per barrel, harga bensin premium yang Rp. 2.700 per liter 
dinaikkan menjadi Rp. 4.500 per liter. Angka ini memang ekivalen dengan US$ 
61,50 per barrelnya. Seperti kita ketahui, biaya lifting, refining dan 
transporting secara keseluruhan rata-ratanya US$ 10 per barrel. Kalau kita 
ambil US$ = Rp. 10.000, keseluruhan biaya ini adalah (10 : 159) x 10.000 = Rp. 
628,9 atau dibulatkan menjadi Rp. 630 per liter. Jadi kalau harga bensin 
premium per liter dikonversi menjadi harga minyak mentah per barrel dalam US$, 
jadinya sebagai berikut : (4.500 – 630) x 159 : 10.000 = US$ 61,53. Ketika itu 
harga minyak di New York US$ 60 per barrel. Maka Wapres JK mengatakan bahwa 
mulai saat itu tidak ada istilah "subsdi" lagi
 untuk bensin premium, karena harga bensin premium sudah ekivalen dengan harga 
minyak mentah di New York. 

Ini adalah bukti bahwa harga bensin di Indonesia ditentukan atas dasar 
mekanisme pasar atau mekanisme persaingan usaha yang berlangsung di NYMEX. 

Artinya, ketika itu pemerintah tetap saja mendasarkan diri sepenuhnya pada 
mekanisme pasar atau mekanisme persaingan usaha, bahkan yang berlangsung di 


Tindakan pemerintah menaikkan harga BBM yang berlaku mulai tanggal 24 Mei 2008 
jam 00 melanggar Konstitusi. Bagaimana penjelasannya? 

Menteri ESDM Purnomo Yusgiantoro 

Kompas tanggal 24 Mei 2008 memberitakan keterangan Menteri ESDM yang mengatakan 
bahwa "dengan tingkat harga baru itu, pemerintah masih mensubsidi harga premium 
sebesar Rp. 3.000 per liter karena ada perbedaan harga antara harga baru Rp. 
6.000 per liter dan harga di pasar dunia sebesar Rp. 9.000 per liter. 

Dari mana angka Rp. 9.000 per liter yang disebut harga dunia itu? Harga BBM Rp. 
9.000 per liter dikurangi dengan biaya lifting, refining dan transporting 
sebesar Rp. 630 per liter, sehingga harga minyak mentahnya Rp. 9.000 – Rp. 630 
= Rp. 8.370. Per barrelnya = Rp. 8.370 x 159 = Rp. 1.330.830. Kalau nilai 
rupiah kita ambil US$ 1 = Rp. 10.000, harga minyak mentah di pasar dunia sama 
dengan 1.330.830 : 10.000 = UD$ 133,08. 

Sangat-sangat jelas isi pikirannya bahwa harga BBM untuk rakyatnya harus 
diserahkan sepenuhnya pada "mekanisme persaingan usaha" yang berlangsung di 

[obrolan-bandar] Hot news : GOOG

2008-07-17 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

Google's Net Income Climbs 
Less Than Expected; Shares Tumble
July 17, 2008 5:27 p.m.

Google Inc.'s second-quarter net income rose 35%, but the results disappointed 
investors and shares fell nearly 10% in after-hours trading.
"Strong international growth as well as sustained traffic increases on Google's 
Web properties propelled us to another strong quarter, despite a more 
challenging economic environment, " said Chief Executive Eric Schmidt.
What to expect from other major companies -- including analyst forecasts for 
profit and revenue -- as they report quarterly earnings 
The search-engine giant reported net income of $1.25 billion, or $3.92 a share, 
compared with $925.1 million, or $2.93 a share, a year earlier. Net income fell 
from $1.31 billion, or $4.12 a share, in the first quarter.
Excluding stock-option costs, the company said per-share earnings were $4.63.
Revenue jumped 39% from a year earlier to $5.37 billion. Traffic-acquisition 
costs totaled $1.47 billion. Revenue was up 3% from the first quarter.
A Thomson Reuters analyst survey projected earnings of $4.74 a share, excluding 
stock-based compensation, on revenue of $3.87 billion, excluding 
traffic-acquisition costs.
Google's U.S. paid clicks for the second quarter rose 19% from a year earlier, 
but fell 1% from the first quarter.
Google's U.S. paid clicks for the first quarter grew 20% over the year ago 
period, a sharp deceleration from the company's 30% growth rate in its 2007 
fourth quarter and 45% growth in the 2007 third quarter. However, some analysts 
have argued  that the slower click growth is a result of steps Google has taken 
to weed out less lucrative advertisers.
Despite the disappointing second-quarter report, Citigroup remains positive on 
"Google's underlying fundamentals are intrinsically strong," analyst Mark 
Mahaney wrote. "We'd be buyers on this pullback."
Mr. Mahaney noted that operating margin came in "modestly light" but that 
Google showed strength in revenue from its partner sites and licensing.
One of the company's major efforts to grow advertising sales -- at YouTube - 
has hit snags as some companies have been reluctant to advertise next to 
amateur videos. Copyright litigation has also complicated matters.
Earlier this week, Google went to Washington in an effort to sell lawmakers on 
its advertising partnership with Yahoo Inc. The deal, seen by many as a 
lifeline for Yahoo as it fends off unwanted suitors, has faced antitrust 
concerns. Microsoft Corp., one of those suitors, opposes the deal, saying it 
would create a monopoly in search advertising.
There were signs that Google has slowed its spending: The company added 448 
employees in the quarter – relatively low by Google standards – bringing its 
total to 19,604.
In after-hours trading, the company's shares fell 9.9% to $479.70. The shares 
ended the regular session at $532.15, down 0.6%. 

Yahoo! Toolbar kini dilengkapi dengan Search Assist. Download sekarang juga.


2008-07-15 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Prof. Roy Sembel,
Sandra Sembel, pemerhati dan praktisi pengembangan SDM 

Individu yang sukses akan berdampak positif pada masyarakat 
sekitarnya. Masyarakat yang sukses akan menularkan dampak positif 
pada kelompok-kelompok masyarakat lain disekitar mereka. Selanjutnya, 
kelompok-kelompok yang sukses ini akan membantuk bangsa yang sukses. 
Jadi, `kebangkitan' satu orang yang bertekad untuk menggulirkan 
kesuksesan akhirnya akan memiliki dampak spiral yang meluas sampai 
akhirnya merambah ke tingkat nasional. Mungkin ini pulalah yang 
disadari oleh para pendiri bangsa kita 100 tahun yang lalu ketika 
mereka mencetuskan semangat `Kebangkitan Nasional'. Namun, untuk 
membuat hari bersejerah ini lebih bermakna dan berdampak positif, 
kita juga harus memiliki tekad yang sama: membuat bangsa Indonesia, 
secara individupun juga mengalami "kebangkitan diri'. Jika hal ini 
tidak terjadi, maka kita tidak akan mampu mengulang lagi momen 
bersejarah tersebut. Lalu, apa rahasia para pejuang kita ketika 
mereka mencetuskan ikrar bahwa bangsa kita ini perlu mengalami 
kebangkitan? Simak yang berikut.


Kapan sih waktu  yang tepat untuk menggulirkan kebangkitan diri dari 
keterpurukan atau kondisi yang tidak menyenangkan saat ini? Dimana 
kita harus memulai langkah awal kebangkitan diri? Siapa orang yang 
tepat yang membantu kita untuk memulai kebangkitan diri? 

Right Now. Dodi adalah pekerja keras. Tiap hari berangkat jam 5.30 
dari rumahnya di Bekasi menuju tempat kerjanya di Kungingan, di pusat 
Jakarta. Hampir setiap hari ia pulang lewat dari jam 7 malam karena 
harus menyelesaikan banyak pekerjaan. Tiba di rumah sudah sekitar 
menjelang jam 9 malam. Kadang-kadang akhir pekan juga tersita untuk 
pekerjaan. Namun, Dodi tetap merasa bahwa gaji yang dibawa pulang 
belum mencukupi atau belum memberikan kelonggaran yang dapat 
digunakan untuk membeli barang-barang yang selalu diinginkannya. Ia 
sepertinya harus hidup dari `gaji' ke `gaji' dan dari `hutang' 
ke `hutang'. Uangnya di bankpun tidak bisa menginap terlalu lama—
begitu uang masuk, uang tersebut harus keluar lagi untuk membayar 
cicilan rumah, cicilan mobil, uang sekolah anak, uang belanja, bayar 
listrik, telepon dan berbagai kebutuhan pokok lainnya. Seringkali 
pula ia harus meminjam atau membeli dengan kartu kredit yang harus 
dicicilnya, dan menambah jumlah pinjaman yang harus dicicil. Dodi 
sebenarnya sudah bosan hidup seperti ini. Namun ia tidak berani 
meninggalkan pekerjaannya yang memberikan jaminan gaji bulanan dan 
tunjangan kesehatan serta berbagai tunjangan yang `lumayan'. Jadi,  
Dodi tetap sabar menunggu "waktu yang tepat" untuk melakukan 
perubahan. Dia menunggu `rejeki nomplok'. Siapa tahu dia menang 
undian, mendapat harta warisan, atau bonus besar dari kantor 
tempatnya bekerja, sehingga ia bisa menggunakan uang tersebut untuk 
membuat perubahan dalam hidup. Tahun demi tahun berlalu, rejeki 
nomplok yang diharapkan Dodi tak kunjung tiba. Iapun masih harus 
berangkat pagi dan pulang malam kelelahan, serta hidup `pas-pasan' 
bahkan seringkali juga merasa sesak `tercekik' cicilan.

Apakah Anda melihat kemiripan hidup Anda dengan yang dialami Dodi? 
Jika demikian Anda perlu melakukan perubahan. Anda tidak perlu 
menunggu `waktu yang tepat'. Kita tidak punya kuasa untuk kembali ke 
masa lalu. Kita juga tidak punya kuasa untuk melompat ke masa depan. 
Tetapi, kita punya kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa ini 
(right now). Jadi, jika Anda ingin `bangkit' dari lingkaran 
keterpurukan, kebosanan, jangan tunggu sampai `waktu yang tepat'. 
Waktu yang tepat untuk bangkit adalah sekarang. Anda tidak akan 
pernah menemukan waktu yang sempurna, karena tidak akan pernah ada 
waktu yang sesempurna saat ini. Paling tidak Anda bisa mulai menyusun 
strategi sekarang dan tetapkan langkah untuk melaju menggulirkan 
perubahan tersebut seperti yang telah diteladani oleh para pendiri 
bangsa 100 tahun yang lalu.

Right Here. Budi adalah pria muda yang menginginkan perubahan dalam 
dirinya. Sebagai lulusan SMA di sebuah kota kecil. Setelah lulus, ia 
masih menganggur sambil menunggu jawaban dari lamaran kerja yang 
telah dikirimkannya kemana-mana. "Ah, seandainya saya dapat 
kesempatan bekerja di kota besar, pasti saya bisa sukses dengan gaji 
lebih besear. Lalu, datanglah seseorang yang menawarkan kesempatan 
untuk berangkat ke kota besar dengan sejumlah besar uang sebagai 
imbalannya. Dengan mengerahkan seluruh tabungan serta menggalang uang 
pinjaman dari berbagai pihak, Budi berhasil mengumpulkan uang yang 
diperlukan. Ia lalu berangkat dengan harapan setinggi langit. 
Ternyata setibanya di tempat impiannya, ia tidak juga menemukan 
kesuksesan yang dicari. Ia ditipu dan di tinggalkan tanpa uang tanpa 
tempat tinggal dan tanpa makanan. Ia terlunta-lunta dan tidak bisa 
kembali ke kampung halaman karena malu dan karena tidak punya uang 
lagi. Karena tidak kenal tempat, maka ia menerima

[obrolan-bandar] Toyota to equip Prius with solar panels: report

2008-07-06 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

Toyota to equip Prius with solar panels: report
By V. Phani Kumar, MarketWatch
Last update: 9:44 p.m. EDT July 6, 2008
HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- Toyota Motor Corp. plans to install a solar power 
generation system on its Prius hybrid car, when the vehicle goes through a 
complete makeover as early as next spring, according to a media report Monday. 
The move will make Toyota the first major automaker to install a popular model 
with solar panels. The redesigned Prius will have solar panels on the roof, 
which will supply part of the two to five kilowatts needed to power the 
air-conditioning unit, the Nikkei business daily reported. 
Toyota (TMtoyota motor corp sp adr rep2com
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KYO) . 
The Japanese auto giant intends to produce 450,000 units of the Prius in Japan 
next year, about 60% higher than the vehicle's output in 2007. It also aims to 
reduce the Prius' weight to improve the gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle's fuel 
efficiency, the report added. 

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[obrolan-bandar] Gas Prices

2008-07-06 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

Wall Streeters say speculators double gas prices
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor

Jul 2, 2008, 11:21
Gas could fall to $2 if Congress acts, analysts say, says Market Watch. In
fact, the article's lead paragraph states, “The price of retail gasoline
could fall by half, to around $2 a gallon, within 30 days of passage of a
law to limit speculation in energy-futures markets, four energy analysts
told Congress on Monday.” And you thought it was just a matter of

In a rare moment of candor, appearing before the House Energy and Commerce 
Committee, first Michael Masters of Masters Capital Management told members 
that the price of oil would quickly drop closer to its marginal of around$65 to 
$75 a barrel, like half the current $135-40. Ironically, this seems to jibe 
with my article, Ahmadinejad calls oil price hikes ‘manipulated,’ in which he 
said, “Speculation is the reason behind the increasingly high prices of crude, 
not a lack of supply.”

This is probably an historic event, having Wall Streeters and the Iranian
president agree. Additionally, “Fadel Gheit of Oppenheimer & Co., Edward 
Krapels of Energy Security Analysis and Roger Diwan of PFS Energy Consultants 
agree with Masters’ assessment at a hearing on proposed legislation to limit 
speculation in futures markets.” Will meetings turn into action ? Krapels 
thought it would take less than 30 days to drive prices lower, since fund 
managers would quickly liquidate their stakes in futures markets. Gheit said, 
“Record oil prices are inflated by speculation and not justified by market 
fundamentals. Based on supply and demand fundamentals, crude-oil prices should 
not be above $60 per barrel.”

Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., chairman of the full committee, said “Energy 
speculation has become a growth industry and it is time for the government to 
intervene. We need to consider a full range of options to counter this 
rapacious speculation.” These were his strongest words yet on the oil wolves. 
In fact, Market Watch mentions, he “introduced a bill on June 11 to get the 
Energy Department fact-gathering on energy prices, including the role played by 

How the scamming works
Masters pointed out that there are two kinds of futures market speculators. 
Traditional speculators need to hedge because they take physical possession of 
the commodities. But index speculators merely allocate a portion of their 
portfolio to commodity futures. Index speculation, according to Masters, 
damages price-discovery mechanisms provided by futures markets. Said simply: 
with index speculation you posses nothing but paper, so you play more easily.
The committee is looking for legislation to curtain index speculation,
requiring higher-margin (money down) requirements; also requiring position 
limits for speculators and more disclosure of positions; lastly, preventing 
pension funds and investment banks from owning commodities. Why? It raises 
risks of loss of funds, either from pensions or bank assets.

By the way, both presidential candidates endorse closing the loopholes
encouraging speculation in energy markets. But then I’m sure they endorse 
motherhood, apple pie, and the American flag. The question is how committed are 
they to really doing something about it?
You may remember the infamous Enron and “Enron Loophole.” Financial writer Pam 
Martens, in her article How a Shady Citigroup Subsidiary Secretly Makes 
Billions in the Oil Market, described the “Enron Loophole” this way: “What the 
Energy Group had long lobbied for and finally received from its Federal 
regulator was the breathtaking ability to trade oil contracts and oil 
derivatives secretly in the over-the-counter (OTC) market, thus avoiding the 
scrutiny of regulated commodity exchanges, their CFTC regulator, and Congress . 
. . The change in the law occurred via the Commodity Futures Modernization ACT 
(CFMA) and is called the Enron Loophole.” No scrutiny, no
regulation, no honesty. That simple. You may also remember that Enron, before 
bankrupting itself, bankrupted the State of California. It cornered energy 
sources then raised electricity prices sky-high, gouging California into 
bankruptcy and blaming financial failure on Governor Gray Davis. He was then 
subjected to a dubious recall
vote that handed California to the “Terminator,” an apt title in this
context, Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was a new low that derived actually from 
George HW Bush’s support of legislation that allowed states to deregulate 
energy suppliers in the early '90s, not so different from the savings and loan 
debacle he inspired by deregulating standards for loans and savings bank 
investments. That doozey cost the U.S. some $300 billion underwriting bank 
failures. Returning to “The Energy Group,” it is described by Martens this way: 
“Combing through government archives, the first noteworthy appearance of Phibro 
[a Citigroup subsidiary] occurs on April 6, 2001, when the Wa

[obrolan-bandar] Onions and oil (Fortune Magazine)

2008-07-06 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

What onions teach us about oil prices
Onions have no futures market, yet their recent price volatility makes the 
swings in oil and corn look tame.
By Jon Birger, senior writer
Last Updated: June 30, 2008: 11:49 AM EDT

Onions and oil futures
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(Fortune Magazine) -- Before the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission 
starts scrutinizing the role that speculators may have played in driving up 
fuel and food prices, investigators may want to take a look at price swings in 
a commodity not in today's news: onions.
The bulbous root is the only commodity for which futures trading is banned. 
Back in 1958, onion growers convinced themselves that futures traders (and not 
the new farms sprouting up in Wisconsin) were responsible for falling onion 
prices, so they lobbied an up-and-coming Michigan Congressman named Gerald Ford 
to push through a law banning all futures trading in onions. The law still 
And yet even with no traders to blame, the volatility in onion prices makes the 
swings in oil and corn look tame, reinforcing academics' belief that futures 
trading diminishes extreme price swings. Since 2006, oil prices have risen 
100%, and corn is up 300%. But onion prices soared 400% between October 2006 
and April 2007, when weather reduced crops, according to the U.S. Department of 
Agriculture, only to crash 96% by March 2008 on overproduction and then rebound 
300% by this past April. 
The volatility has been so extreme that the son of one of the original onion 
growers who lobbied Congress for the trading ban now thinks the onion market 
would operate more smoothly if a futures contract were in place. 
"There probably has been more volatility since the ban," says Bob Debruyn of 
Debruyn Produce, a Michigan-based grower and wholesaler. "I would think that a 
futures market for onions would make some sense today, even though my father 
was very much involved in getting rid of it." 

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[obrolan-bandar] mall closings

2008-07-03 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Thursday, July 3, 2008   

Mall Anchors May Weigh Closings 
Chain-store closings are on track for the highest level in 15 years.  
Credit Suisse
IN THE CURRENT CYCLE, MALL-anchor peak-to-trough market-cap declines now nearly 
match the declines posted in their last peak-to-trough periods. From late 1998 
to early 2003, mall-anchor market capitalizations declined by 66% on average 
from their respective peak-to-trough levels, and enterprise values were down 
56% over the same time periods.
Currently, mall-anchor market caps have declined 58% on average from their peak 
levels reached in 2006-2007 to their current levels.
Enterprise values are down 47% on average. However, the average duration of the 
current downturn is much shorter than the last. The average duration of the 
peak-to-trough cycle for mall anchors in the 1998-2003 timeframe was 27 months. 
The average duration between when the mall-anchor stocks peaked in 2006/2007 
and now is 15 months. This suggests that while there may not be substantial 
downside left in the mall-anchor stocks, we could see a prolonged "L"-shaped 
recovery as opposed to a quick "V"-shaped recovery.
Our 2008 estimates imply average mall-anchor operating margins declining to 
6.9% in 2008 from a peak of 9.0% in 2006. Our 2008 forecast represents an 
average that is still above prior average troughs of 5.8% in 2000 and 6.6% in 
1990, suggesting margins may decline further before they reach their trough. 
Either way, operating margins have declined rapidly in line with stock prices. 
While they may bottom sooner than in prior cycles, we believe mall-anchor 
margins might also stagnate for longer at the bottom.
Focusing on what retailers can control (supply of stores) as opposed to what 
they can't control (consumer demand), we believe 2008 and 2009 should mark 
record years for retail-store closings given the current downturn in demand. 
Store closings announcements from chain retailers in 2008 remain on track to 
reach one of their highest levels of the last 15 years. 


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Through June 2008, we have recorded 2,173 store closings announcements. With 
very few store closings in the last several years, the mall-anchor industry is 
over-stored and could benefit greatly from store-closings activity. We believe 
the current demand environment will lead to substantial closings in the 
mall-anchor industry in 2008 and 2009.
In general, the mature mall-anchor stocks tend to trough at 4.5-5 times 
enterprise value/earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization 
(EV/EBITDA) on a forward one-year basis. Currently, J.C. Penney (ticker: JCP) 
and Macy's (M) trade at 4.9 and 5.3 times consensus 2009 EBITDA estimates, 
suggesting that minimal downside remains in these stocks unless estimates prove 
to be too optimistic (which we believe could be likely).
Nordstrom (JWN) has tended to trough closer to six times forward-one- year 
EBITDA. Its current valuation is also approaching trough levels. Finally, 
Kohl's currently trades at its lowest EV/EBIDTA multiple of the company's 
20-year history, reflecting its closing in on maturity.
We believe it is too early to call a bottom to mall-anchor stocks in general 
but not too early to begin doing work reconsidering a long term bearish thesis 
for the group. If the stocks do bottom, near term upside is still unlikely in 
our view based on the greater duration of prior downturns relative to the 
present. However, we do believe that as mall-anchor operating margins get 
closer to their prior trough levels and retail store closings accelerate, it is 
prudent to invest selectively in those mall anchors that are well positioned to 
gain market share.
At the top of our list is Nordstrom, which based on its current store footprint 
in high-quality locations should not have to be concerned with either too many 
forward opening commitments or rationalizing its existing-store base in the 
future. As such, we believe it stands to enjoy an outsized benefit from 
industry consolidation.
We also think Kohl 's (KSS) could benefit from competitors closing stores 
without it having to close many stores itself because of its relatively young 
store base with good standards.   

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[obrolan-bandar] ECB hikes key rate to 4.25%

2008-07-03 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

ECB hikes key rate to 4.25%
'No bias' on future rate moves, says ECB's Trichet
By William L. Watts, MarketWatch
Last update: 11:50 a.m. EDT July 3, 2008
Comments: 110
LONDON (MarketWatch) - The European Central Bank returned to a wait-and-see 
mode on monetary policy Thursday, but only after making good on a threat to 
hike rates for the first time in 13 months in an effort to wrestle down surging 
inflation pressures.

"Starting from here, I have no bias" on interest rates, ECB President 
Jean-Claude Trichet told reporters at his monthly news conference following the 
central bank's widely-anticipated decision to hike its key lending rate by 25 
basis points, or a quarter of a percentage point, to 4.25%. 
Financial markets had previously factored in expectations that Thursday's move 
would be the first in a series of hikes. But economists said Trichet's remarks 
indicated that the ECB is content to see how inflationary pressures develop as 
it wrestles with surging prices and signs that growth across the 15-nation euro 
zone is headed for a significant slowdown. 
Trichet, who issued a clear warning in June about the possibility of a July 
rate hike, used none of the phrases employed in the past to signal another move 
was imminent.  

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[obrolan-bandar] Life Lesson - Mengejar Tantangan

2008-07-01 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

Mengejar Tantangan 
Memang sulit. Justru itu yang membuatnya demikian berharga.

Waktu, usaha, dan komitmen yang anda berikan dalam usaha mencapai sasaran 
memiliki kepuasan tersendiri, di luar dari prestasi yang didapatkan. Mereka 
membuat anda lebih kuat, lebih disiplin, dan lebih efektif.

Ketika usaha besar dibutuhkan, kesempatan-kesempat an besar pun melimpah. Di 
saat tantangan dan kesulitan menyelebungi anda, ada banyak nilai yang akan 

Daripada meratapi tantangan, berterimakasihlah untuk kesempatan yang datang 
itu, karena anda telah dirancang dan diperlengkapi untuk dapat menyelesaikan 
berbagai tantangan, dan hidup anda pun akan menjadi sangat memuaskan.

Ketika pekerjaan sulit sedang menanti, melangkahlah dengan penuh antusias. 
Karena inilah saatnya bagi anda untuk bersinar, tumbuh, dan mencipta sesuai 
dengan harapan-harapan terbaik anda.

Kejarlah tantangan anda, karena di dalam tantangan itulah anda akan memenuhi 
impian-impian besar anda. 
Best Regards, From: adithia-

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[obrolan-bandar] NYSE shorts

2008-06-30 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

Short Selling on NYSE Sets Record
June 20, 2008; Page C7

Short selling at the New York Stock Exchange set another record in the first 
half of June.
Short positions not yet closed out -- or short interest -- jumped 7.4% to 
17,654,028,383 shares in the semimonthly reporting period ended June 13 from 
16,431,281,684 shares on May 30.
The short ratio, or number of days' average volume represented by short 
positions outstanding, fell to 4.1 from 4.3 at the end of prior period.
Investors who "short" shares borrow and sell them, betting prices will fall so 
they will replace the shares later at a lower price.
Accelerating inflation and weak growth put investors in a bearish frame of 
mind. "There's no big concern of a market rally, short of interest rates being 
lowered, which isn't going to happen," said Harry Strunk of Treflie Capital 
The next NYSE short report will be published in the Journal on July 8. That 
day's report won't include American Stock Exchange data, since the Amex will 
start reporting on the same day as Nasdaq beginning with the July 11 paper. The 
next Nasdaq report is June 25. 

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[obrolan-bandar] Weekend Reading for June 20, 2008.... US Market

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Weekend Reading for June 20, 2008
from Briefing.com

The focal point next
week will be the FOMC policy announcement on Wednesday.  The market
expects the fed funds rate to remain unchanged at 2.00%, but the
uncertainty with respect to the wording of the policy directive means
it has market-moving potential. Market participants will also be keeping
a close eye on economic data.  The consumer confidence, durable orders,
new home sales, existing home sales, and personal income and spending
reports highlight the economic docket.  

The Earnings Calendar is relatively light, although there are a few widely held 
names due to report. Quarterly results from Nike (NKE), Monsanto (MON), Oracle 
(ORCL), Research In Motion (RIMM) and Walgreen (WAG) will get the most 

Monday, June 23:
* Earnings:  Walgreen (WAG) 
* Economic Data:  None 
* Events:  None 
* Conferences:  Wachovia Nantucket Equity Conference 
* Fed Speakers:  None 
Tuesday, June 24:
* Earnings:   Kroger (KR), Darden Restaurants (DRI), Jabil Circuit 
* Economic Data:  Consumer Confidence (June) 
* Events:  Start of two-day FOMC Meeting 
* Conferences: 
Wachovia Nantucket Equity Conference... Jefferies & Co. Annual
Healthcare Conference... Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. 2008 Alternative
Energy Conference 
* Fed Speakers:  None 
Wednesday, June 25:
* Earnings: General Mills (GIS), Monsanto (MON), Nike (NKE), Oracle 
(ORCL), Red Hat (RHT), Research In Motion (RIMM) 
* Economic Data: Durable Orders (May)... New Home Sales (May) 
* Events:  FOMC Policy Statement (2:15 PM ET)... Weekly Crude 
Inventories (week ended June 21) 
* Conferences:  Wachovia Nantucket Equity Conference... Jefferies & Co. 
Annual Healthcare Conference 
* Fed Speakers:  None 
Thursday, June 26:
* Earnings:  ConAgra (CAG), Discover Financial Services (DFS), Lennar 
(LEN), Rite Aid (RAD), Accenture (ACN), Micron (MU), 
* Economic Data:  Final GDP (Q1)... Existing Home Sales (May)... Weekly 
Initial Jobless Claims (week ended June 21) 
* Events:  None 
* Conferences:  Wachovia Nantucket Equity Conference... Jefferies & Co. 
Annual Healthcare Conference... 
* Fed Speakers:
Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Kohn to speak at European Central Bank
conference (7:30 AM ET)... St. Louis Fed President Bullard to speak on
monetary policy at European Central Bank conference ( 9:00 AM ET) 
Friday, June 27:
* Earnings:  KB Home (KBH), Steelcase (SCS) 
* Economic Data:  Personal Income and Spending (May) 
* Events:  None 
* Conferences:  None 
* Fed Speakers:  None 

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[obrolan-bandar] TA from briefing.com

2008-06-16 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
The Technical Take 
Support and resistance levels posted daily.
Updated Daily by 9:30 ET. 
Updated: 16-Jun-08 09:07 ET  
Market To Cut Friday's Gain Off The Open 
The stock market ended what has been a choppy but negative week 
on a bullish note. Despite the solid gain Friday, however, only the Dow ended 
higher on the week (S&P 500 just fractionally lower). In similar fashion to 
Thursday the indices opened stronger (mild weakness in crude oil, in line core 
CPI data, short term technically oversold) and stalled out in the first hour 
with a steady but modest slide noted into the afternoon. Instead of 
on the downside as it did Thursday, we saw a solid move higher off the 
pullback lows, led by Finance +1.3%, Housing +2.8%, Semi SMH +2.9% and Internet 
+2% (YHOO -0.2% but 7.5% off session low) that allowed the indices to close at 
their best levels of the day. The top performing groups on a percentage basis 
included: Broker +4.85, Steel +4.4%, Coal +4%, Airline +3.9%, Retail +3%, 
+2.6%, Casino +2.4%, Software +2.4%, Clean Energy PBW +2.1%, Chemical +1.9%, 
Medical Supplies +1.7%, Defense +1.7%, Biotech +1.4%. Little was on the 
defensive other than Bank -1.1% but the BIX index ended 3% off its fresh near 
6-yr low to form a possible reversal pattern on the daily. 
Market Averages
 As note recently here was looking for recovery in the wake 
of the aggressive slide last week and the market did post solid gains in the 
first hour Friday and again during the afternoon. The premarket tone has 
weakened a bit, however, near the release of a regional economic report (N.Y. 
Empire State index -8.6 vs. consensus of -2.0) but the pressure has been 
limited.  From a short term perspective a continued posture above 
roughly 1354/1353 and 1350 keeps the pattern favorable for additional upticks.  
Looking at the daily, it still takes sustained gains back through 1370/1373 and 
the declining 50 day averages to 
neutralize the weak pattern off the May high.  
The Dow held near the 70.7% retrace (positive divergence in 
daily RSI) last week and ended last week on a two day win streak.  
Crude Oil Sets New High
Expiration Week
This Friday mark's the end of the 2nd quarter.  There are 
no guarantees of course but there are two things that I watch for during a 
quarterly expiration week.  The first is that we often see one and 
sometimes two sessions of a significant percentage move and second institutions 
will at least attempt to mark up the market to try to improve their quarterly 
performance by the end of the week. 
Send comments, questions or suggestions on The Technical Take or 
TECHX IN PLAY updates to Jim Schroeder, Briefing.com. Due to 
the large amount of junk/spam e-mail, make sure that you put The Technical Take 
in the subject line. 
Support And Resistance Table for Monday June 16
Support Nasdaq Comp S&P 500Cash Dow Ind. Avg Nasdaq 100 Tracking  Stock () 
Semi ETF (SMH) Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) 
Resist 4 2510/2516 200 sma 1383 50 sma 12600/12610 50.00/50.10 33.00/33.05 
Resist 3 2495/2500 1377 50 ema 12550/12563 50 ema 49.55/49.65 32.60/32.67 
Resist 2 2478/2484 1370/1373 12440/12450 49.19/49.25 32.22/32.33 200 sma 
74.10/74.22 200 sma 
Resist 1 2461/2466 200 ema 1366 12370/12380 48.70/48.80 31.90/32.02 200 ema 
73.60/73.63 200 ema 
CLOSE 2454.50 1360.03 12307.35 48.39 31.77 73.32 
   Supp 1 2441/2438 1354/1353 12260/12250 48.18/48.10 31.50/31.45 50 ema/sma 
Supp 2 2426/2417 1345/1344 12180/12170 47.82/47.73 50 sma 31.25/31.18 
72.40/72.30 50 sma 
Supp 3 2405/2400 1336 12130/12120 47.46/47.38 31.00/30.95 71.70/71.63 
Supp 4 2388/2380 1331/1330 12080/12070 47.25/47.20 200 ema 30.55/30.50 

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[obrolan-bandar] 08:54 Crude oil sets new record of $139.89; currently trading +3.70 at 138.58

2008-06-16 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
08:54  Crude oil sets new record of $139.89; currently trading +3.70 at 138.58 
>From briefing.com
Eddi Wahyudi, 

  Yahoo! Toolbar kini dilengkapi dengan Search Assist. Download sekarang 

[obrolan-bandar] Life Lesson - Bebas dari Frustasi

2008-06-15 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Bebas dari Frustasi 
Anda memilih untuk frustasi, dan anda dapat sama mudahnya untuk memilih bebas 
dari frustasi.

Apa yang membuat anda frustasi? hal-hal apa yang menyebabkan anda frustasi 
sehingga anda tidak bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaan atau situasi anda?

Sebenarnya, tidak ada yang membuat anda frustasi. Frustasi adalah hanya cara 
anda menanggapi situasi tertentu.

Frustasi berguna ketika anda merasakan untuk pertama kalinya, sehingga 
perhatian anda akan terfokus pada konflik-konflik yang terjadi antara nilai 
diri anda yang terdalam dengan situasi eksternal anda. Namun ketika perhatian 
anda sudah fokus, tugas frustasi sudah selesai, dan saatnya dia pergi.

Ketika anda merasa frustasi, segera tanyakan diri anda apa yang frustasi ini 
hendak memberitahukan anda, dan dengarkan jawabannya dengan hati-hati. Setelah 
anda telah benar-benar menerima jawabannya, tugas frustasi sudah selesai dan 
akan dengan mudah dan alamiah menghilang.

Dengan memahami dan menghargai apa yang rasa frustasi anda hendak katakan, anda 
dapat mengatasinya dengan mudah dan cepat. Lalu, dengan adanya maksud dan arah 
positif yang baru, anda akan menjadi lebih efektif dari sebelumnya. 
Best Regards, -adithia-

  Yahoo! Toolbar kini dilengkapi dengan Search Assist. Download sekarang 

[obrolan-bandar] Saudis will lift oil output

2008-06-14 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi

June 14, 2008
Plan Would Lift Saudi Oil Output to Highest Ever 
Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, is planning to increase its 
output next month by about a half-million barrels a day, according to analysts 
and oil traders who have been briefed by Saudi officials. 
The increase could bring Saudi output to a production level of 10 million 
barrels a day, which, if sustained, would be the kingdom’s highest ever. The 
move was seen as a sign that the Saudis are becoming increasingly nervous about 
both the political and economic effect of high oil prices. In recent weeks, 
soaring fuel costs have incited demonstrations and protests from Italy to 
Saudi Arabia is currently pumping 9.45 million barrels a day, which is an 
increase of about 300,000 barrels from last month. 
While they are reaping record profits, the Saudis are concerned that today’s 
record prices might eventually damp economic growth and lead to lower oil 
demand, as is already happening in the United States and other developed 
countries. The current prices are also making alternative fuels more viable, 
threatening the long-term prospects of the oil-based economy. 
President Bush visited Saudi Arabia twice this year, pleading with King 
Abdullah to step up production. While the Saudis resisted the calls then, 
arguing that the markets were well supplied, they seem to have since concluded 
that they needed to disrupt the momentum that has been building in commodity 
markets, sending prices higher. 
The Saudi plans were disclosed in interviews with several oil traders and 
analysts who said that Saudi oil officials had privately conveyed their 
production plans recently to some traders and companies in the United States. 
The analysts declined to be identified so as not to be cut off from future 
information from the Saudis. 
Last week, King Abdullah also took the unprecedented step of arranging on short 
notice a major gathering of oil producers and consumers to address the causes 
of the price rally. The meeting will be held on June 22 in the Red Sea town of 
Oil prices have gained 40 percent this year, rising to nearly $140 a barrel in 
recent days and driving gasoline costs above $4 a gallon. Some analysts have 
predicted that prices could reach $200 a barrel this year as oil consumption 
continues to rise rapidly while supplies lag.
The growing volatility of the markets, including a record one-day gain of 
$10.75 a barrel last week, has persuaded the Saudis that they need to step in, 
analysts said. 
Tony Fratto, a White House spokesman, said, “We would welcome any and all 
increases in oil production, including from Saudi Arabia.” 
But the measure carries some risks to the kingdom and is not guaranteed to 
bring down prices, analysts said. Some investors doubt that Saudi Arabia has 
the capacity to increase its production beyond its current levels. 
“This clearly represents the biggest test for them,” said John Kilduff, a 
senior vice president at the brokerage firm MF Global, who said the move could 
backfire if investors failed to respond to the extra Saudi supplies. No other 
producer has the capacity to quickly expand production.
Oil prices fell on Friday, slipping $1.88 to settle at $134.86 a barrel on the 
New York Mercantile Exchange, after reports of the prospective Saudi increase 
trickled into the market. 
Ibrahim al-Muhanna, an adviser at the Saudi petroleum ministry, declined to 
comment on the production increase but said that Saudi Arabia was uncomfortable 
with oil prices. “Our goal is to bring back stability to the oil market,” he 
Consumers are complaining that rising fuel prices are imposing a growing toll 
on their economies, and contributing to higher food costs. The Australian prime 
minister, Kevin Rudd, said this month that it was time “to apply the blowtorch 
to the OPEC organization.” 
In Washington, bipartisan support is also growing to pass a law allowing the 
Justice Department to engage in antitrust proceedings against OPEC producers 
accused of curbing supplies to drive up prices.
Pressure is also mounting in consuming countries to address record energy 
prices. Congress is debating measures that would tackle speculators, whom many 
in Washington blame for driving up commodity prices.
When the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, of which Saudi 
Arabia is the most powerful member, met in March, it decided against increasing 
production, blaming speculators and a declining dollar, not a shortfall in 
supplies, for driving up oil prices.
Saudi Arabia’s unilateral policy could put it at odds with other members of the 
OPEC cartel. In a report from the group’s secretariat on Friday, OPEC analysts 
said they saw no need to put more oil on the market. “Claims that the recent 
surge in prices is due to a supply shortage are unjustified,” the report said. 
Saudi Arabia is completing a huge expansion program in its oil industry that is 
expected to

[obrolan-bandar] WSJ NEWS ALERT: Fed's Beige Book Shows Economic Sluggishness Persists

2008-06-11 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
The Wall Street Journal

June 11, 2008

Economic activity remained weak in April and May, according the Federal
Reserve's latest beige book report. The survey of conditions by the
regional banks found that consumer spending was pinched amid high prices for
oil and food. Seven out of 12 regions reported economic activity was softer in
the six-week period, while the remaining five said it was stable or little
changed from the similarly gloomy April survey. The housing market faced
continuing pressure, and the cost of energy was seen damping tourism.

http://online. wsj.com/home/ us?mod=djemalert NEWS

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Yahoo! Answers saat ini juga di http://id.answers.yahoo.com/

[obrolan-bandar] Emotional roller caster

2008-06-08 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
People pay money to experience the feeling that the roller caster provide, its 
a fun and we like it, The train goes high and down in a high speed some people 
scream from fears but they still love it, others promise themselves that its 
was absolutely the last time they will ever do that, its probably not for them.

When we trade especially daytrading (high speed) we practice the same sensation 
unlike other businesses good trading involved with loosing trades. loosing put 
us down and the following winner kick us high, as much as our winning streak 
is, then, the loser came again and here we again sinking down as much as our 
loosing streak is now, just to prepare to the following blissing of the winners 
another high and down and high and so on, even now when you read these lines 
you probably practice the same sensations and you probably like it.. its fun.

Trading is a business its not an entertainment venture as Dr Alexander Elder in 
his "Trading for living" book stated, "Trading its a very expensive 
entertainment" , You want to make sure that the reason for your trading its not 
the fun of the emotional roller caster you have practice in the market at your 
first beginning but rational one. its perfectly essential to enjoy best the 
thing you are doing as long as its not the reason for that doing, because if
it yes the reason, you may find yourself take trades that you know have low 
probability of winning, as going down is part of the roller caster sensation, 
part of the fun, you may find yourself over trade, "recognize" in the market 
patterns that not really exist just to realize it after and regrade of it, you 
may find yourself doing things in the market that you don't really indented to 
do and never made any sense to you, in short finding yourself less in control 
and awareness of your entire being in trading time. Your reason for trading 
shall be logical, like some kind of yearly return per investment and the fun of 
the roller caster as side effect that accompany your logical planned trading.

No matter how long you are trading, you like it and you have good time doing 
it, otherwise you wouldn't have been there, trading involved with pain if your 
fun wouldn't have exceed that pain by now you find yourself in different job, 
you do enjoy trading and chances are that the emotional roller caster it big 
part of this joy, even though its maybe in different levels of awareness we may 
have suppress it as we all know the danger of trading for fun, So you may have 
said, I enjoy the return per my investment while in the reality you enjoy more 
the roller caster, go out from trading for a while and imagine yourself on the 
roller caster in your nearby fun park, right now you about to go down, you 
scare, do you like it ? now you are going high, fast .. very fast, do you like 
it ?.. If you do, what the chances are, you do enjoy the market's emotional 
roller caster because is the same thing, as long as you get high by winning and 
down by losing you are in
 emotional roller caster, being aware for that phenomenal gives you the tool to 
better understand your self in the market and bring yourself more under 
You don't assume you can do well in such kind of environment by being out of 
control, aren't you?


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[obrolan-bandar] Pidato Steve Jobs di Acara Wisuda Stanford University..... This is my favorite stock...AAPL

2008-05-09 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
orokan, lalu ke 
perut dan lambung, memasukkan jarum ke pankreas saya dan mengambil beberapa sel 
tumor. Saya dibius, namun istri saya, yang ada di sana, mengatakan bahwa ketika 
melihat selnya di bawah mikroskop, para dokter menangis mengetahui bahwa 
jenisnya adalah kanker pankreas yang sangat jarang, namun bisa diatasi dengan 
operasi. Saya dioperasi dan sehat sampai sekarang.

Itu adalah rekor terdekat saya dengan kematian dan berharap terus begitu hingga 
beberapa dekade lagi.Setelah melalui pengalaman tersebut, sekarang saya bisa 
katakan dengan yakin kepada Anda bahwa menurut konsep pikiran, kematian adalah 
hal yang berguna: Tidak ada orang yang ingin mati. Bahkan orang yang ingin 
masuk surga pun tidak ingin mati dulu untuk mencapainya. Namun, kematian pasti 
menghampiri kita. Tidak ada yang bisa mengelak. Dan, memang harus demikian, 
karena kematian adalah buah terbaik dari kehidupan. Kematian membuat hidup 
berputar. Dengannya maka yang tua menyingkir untuk digantikan yang muda. Maaf 
bila terlalu dramatis menyampaikannya, namun memang begitu. Waktu Anda 
terbatas, jadi jangan sia-siakan dengan menjalani hidup orang lain. Jangan 
terperangkap dengan dogma-yaitu hidup bersandar pada hasilpemikiran orang lain. 
Jangan biarkan omongan orang menulikan Anda sehingga tidak mendengar kata hati 
Anda. Dan yang terpenting, miliki keberanian
 untuk mengikuti kata hati dan intuisi Anda, maka Anda pun akan sampai pada apa 
yang Anda inginkan. Semua hal lainnya hanya nomor dua.

Ketika saya masih muda, ada satu penerbitan hebat yang bernama "The Whole Earth 
Catalog", yang menjadi salah satu buku pintar generasi saya. Buku itu 
diciptakan oleh seorang bernama Stewart Brand yang tinggal tidak jauh dari sini 
di Menlo Park, dan dia membuatnya sedemikian menarik dengan
sentuhan puitisnya. Waktu itu akhir 1960-an, sebelum era komputer dan desktop 
publishing, jadi semuanya dibuat dengan mesin tik, gunting, dan
kamera polaroid. Mungkin seperti Google dalam bentuk kertas, 35 tahun sebelum 
kelahiran Google: isinya padat dengan tips-tips ideal dan ungkapan-ungkapan 
hebat. Stewart dan timnya sempat menerbitkan beberapa edisi "The Whole Earth 
Catalog", dan ketika mencapai titik ajalnya, mereka
membuat edisi terakhir. Saat itu pertengahan 1970-an dan saya masih seusia 
Anda. Di sampul belakang edisi terakhir itu ada satu foto jalan pedesaan di
pagi hari, jenis yang mungkin Anda lalui jika suka bertualang. Di bawahnya ada 
kata-kata: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." (Jangan Pernah Puas. Selalu Merasa 
Bodoh). Itulah pesan perpisahan yang dibubuhi tanda tangan mereka. Stay Hungry. 
Stay Foolish. Saya selalu mengharapkan diri saya begitu. Dan sekarang, karena 
Anda akan lulus untuk memulai kehidupan baru, saya harapkan Anda juga begitu. 
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Eddi Wahyudi, 

Hard work Smart work Ikhlas work.

Bergabunglah dengan orang-orang yang berwawasan, di di bidang Anda! Kunjungi 
Yahoo! Answers saat ini juga di http://id.answers.yahoo.com/

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Bursa di Buka Bapak Saya...ehh malah turun...!!!

2008-01-02 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Sepertinya BEI hr ini akan merah merona seiring dg kejatuhan bursa2 dunia tadi 
malam.. Ditambah lagi harga minyak sudah sempat menyentuh 100/b

- Pesan Asli 
Dari: Edi Baskoro Yudhoyono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Kamis, 3 Januari, 2008 6:16:58
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Bursa di Buka Bapak Saya...ehh malah turun...!!!


Koq bursa di buka sama Bapaku  saya, IHSG koq malah turun ya...? Tp..gpp justru 
itu bawa hoki, krn hari ini (kamis) akan naik..jd yg pada beli kematin jadi 
untung to...iya to...jadi Bpk saya sbnrnya bawa berkah buat kita semua.

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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] diverses [fibo literature, software, polling]

2007-12-28 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Dear Cleo...

Thanks sy sangat berminat...

- Pesan Asli 
Dari: darma tarigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Jumat, 28 Desember, 2007 11:42:08
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] diverses [fibo literature, software, polling]


dear cleo,

saya juga berminat


- Original Message 
From: A Moeis Ibrahim <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 10:29:58 AM
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] diverses [fibo literature, software, polling]

Dear Cleo,

Saya juga sangat berminat.



A Moeis Ibrahim


From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
ps.com] On Behalf Of Forever Apprentice
Sent: 28 Desember 2007 8:19
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] diverses [fibo literature, software, polling]


saya minat juga dong Pak Cleo 

many thanks in advance.

- Original Message 
From: fendi lukman 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 10:35:36 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] diverses [fibo literature, software, polling]

Selamat malam Pak
minat sama ebook dan softwarenya Pak.
Terima kasih sebelumnya

Cleopatras Cat  wrote: 


saya ada beberapa literature [E-Buch] tentang Fibonacci, biar kita semua makin 
pinter pinter nambah ilmu. karena tidak mau memberatkan milis tercinta ini, 
saya ga pajang di OB [28% sudah terpakai]. yang minat silakan japri saya. hari 
minggu akan saya kirim ke mailbox Anda yang meminta. Titel nya menyusul tapi 
ada bukunya Robert Fischer juga. mungkin 1 atau 2 dulu minggu ini.

so, Fibo software nya si Mbah dah berhasil di cracked. bukan saya, tapi ipar 
saya, ex BD TOTL yang sudah insyaf dan lg mencari cari tempat berlabuh baru 
hahaha jadi ga perlu trial period segala. ada keluar Meldung trial period nya 
seh, tapi abaikan saja. cara penggunaan ba bi bu tanya si Mbah, buat yang minat 
bikin Grafik semangka tanya juga sama Mbah. siang ini saya berhasil nongolin 
semangka versi Dow haha 

ga jelas deh mirip semangka bonyok. entah bener atawa ngga. masih kutak katik.. 
namanya juga masih belajar hehe

 Robert Fischer's software ini saya ga tau gimana ngirim nya. ada yang punya 
Idee? size nya circa 32,2 MB. ga perlu dikirim kali yaa. di komprimiert juga 
paling mentok 27 MB an.

polling 'posting news terbaik' mau saya ubah dikit namanya jadi 'posting yang 
paling ditunggu tunggu' ini subjektive lho. kalo saya seh yang paling saya 
tunggu tunggu [urutan mencerminkan Intensität]:
1. Mr Oentoeng
2. James Liem
3. ER
4. Pak DE
5. Mbah
6. figur figur lucu yang sering nongol dan kemudian hilang yang sering 
mendatangkan CUAN dengan postingan postingan nya mereka [u.a. PK, El, Ai et 

happy cuan!

Ihr erstes Fernweh? Wo gibt es den schönsten Strand. 


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[obrolan-bandar] US Market close summary

2007-12-24 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi


After Hours
24-Dec-07 18:55 ET 
persisting concerns about the economy and a troubling outlook for the
financial sector, U.S. stocks finished another volatile week higher.  

The rise was fueled by a late rally on Friday, following stronger than expected 
results from Research In Motion (RIMM) and a report in 
The Wall Street Journal that investment bank Merrill Lynch (MER), which has 
been hit hard by mortgage-related write-downs, may sell a stake to a Singapore 
investment fund. 

Earlier in the week, however, stocks traded in unimpressive fashion,
as investors continued to wrestle with weakness in the housing and
credit markets and concerns about a slowing economy.  

Factoring into the weakness on Monday was an announcement from Moody's that
it was considering downgrading the debt ratings of several bond
insurance companies as strain in the credit market continues to take
its toll on the financial sector.  Also, diversified manufacturer Illinois Tool 
Works (ITW) lowered its fourth quarter earnings guidance due to ongoing 
weakness in its North American end markets.

On Tuesday, optimism about the European Central Bank's unprecedented
$500 billion injection into the banking system and easing in credit
markets helped lift stocks modestly higher, despite continued weakness
on the housing front.  

The latest housing data from the U.S. Commerce Dept. suggests that
problems are far from over.  According to the report, new housing
starts in November fell 3.7% to a 1.187 million annual rate, in-line
with expectations, while building permits slipped 1.5% to a largely
expected 1.152 million annual rate.  

Although stronger than expected quarterly results from Goldman Sachs
(GS) contributed to early market gains, the stock fell off later in the
session as investors focused on the investment bank's cautious outlook
due to challenging market conditions and tougher comparisons ahead.  

In another volatile session, stocks ended mixed on Wednesday as a $9.4 billion 
write-down by Morgan Stanley (MS) and a tepid outlook for bond insurers weighed 
on sentiment.  

Standard & Poor's cut the credit rating of ACA Financial Guaranty Corp. and 
placed Financial Guaranty Insurance Co. on watch for a downgrade given their 
exposure to risky debt securities.  

Not all of the news on Wednesday was bad, however.  Morgan Stanley
also said it sold a $5 billion stake in the company to China Investment
Corp. in an effort to strengthen its capital position.  The news, along
with strong demand for the first of the Federal Reserve's four
auctions, helped alleviate concerns about more severe liquidity issues
and provided a level of support for the overall financial sector.  

While a strong earnings report from Oracle Corp. (ORCL) helped lift technology 
shares on Thursday, the broader market traded lower following mixed economic 

The Philadelphia Fed's index of regional business activity in
December was a disappointing -5.7, and new claims for unemployment for
the week ended December 15 rose to 346,000 from 335,000 in the prior
week.  A separate report showed third quarter real GDP was unchanged at
a 4.9% annual rate.  

In corporate news, investment bank Bear Stearns
(BSC) reported its first ever quarterly loss and announced an
additional $700 million in write-downs for mortgage-related
securities.  FedEx (FDX), meanwhile, reported fiscal
second quarter results ahead of analysts' lowered expectations, but
provided disappointing guidance for the current quarter.  

In a further sign of weakness in the financial sector, bond insurer MBIA
(MBI) disclosed that its total exposure to the collateralized debt
obligations, or CDOs, is about $30.6 billion.  The news was especially
bothersome for investors who felt blindsided by the admission which
came after the company's credit rating was upheld by Moody's and
Standard & Poor's.

In addition to Research In Motion's strong quarterly results and
rumors that Merrill Lynch will receive a cash injection from an
overseas investment company, the Commerce Dept.'s report on personal
spending, which showed healthy consumer spending trends, along with
a solid report from Walgreen Co. (WAG), helped fuel the rally on Friday.

According to the Commerce Dept., November personal spending rose
1.1%, ahead of analysts' forecast for a gain of 0.7%, while the core
PCE increased 0.2%.  Core inflation is now up 2.2% over the past 12
months, above the upper range of the Federal Reserve's comfort zone of
1% to 2%, but still well off a level that should raise broad inflation
concerns.  Personal incomes were also up in November, increasing by

[obrolan-bandar] US Stock Market Update (Briefing.com)

2007-12-17 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Stock Market Update 

16:25 ET Dow -172.65 at 13167.20, Nasdaq -61.28 at 2574.46, S&P -22.05 at 
1445.90 : 

[BRIEFING.COM] The new week began much like the old week ended - on a decidedly 
lower note.  
Today's downdraft was fed by familiar concerns related to the financial sector 
that were identified by Citigroup in a downgrade of multiple banking stocks 
that included Bank of America (BAC 41.70, -0.46), JPMorgan Chase (JPM 44.53, 
-0.67) and US Bancorp (USB 31.81, -0.87) to name a few. Separately, a Morgan 
Stanley downgrade of leading industrial company Caterpillar (CAT 71.16, -2.23) 
from Equal Weight to Underweight also weighed on the market as it played into 
concerns about a slowing pace of capital investment and global economic growth. 
The Caterpillar downgrade overshadowed Ingersoll-Rand's (IR 43.68, -5.58) 
announcement that it is going to acquire Trane (TT 45.24, +8.04) for 
approximately $10.2 billion.  That wasn't the only notable deal this Monday.  
National Oilwell Varco (NOV 70.69, -6.68) stepped up with a $7.5 billion offer 
to acquire Grant Prideco (GRP 53.91, +6.45), a recommended holding in 
Briefing.com's Active Portfolio that has gained
 close to 130% since its inclusion. In keeping with the broader market mood, 
neither deal sparked much residual buying interest.  In fact, the industrials 
(-1.7%) and energy (-2.1%) sectors were among today's worst-performing areas. 
The materials (-3.1%) sector suffered the largest loss as growth concerns drove 
selling interest in the deep cyclical space.  Technology (-2.1%) was another 
hard-hit area as large-cap components were targets for today's sellers. Like 
Friday, there wasn't a single winner from a sector standpoint.  The lack of 
leadership was evident in the major indices which, once again, finished 
basically at their lows for the day.

On a comparative basis, the financial sector (-0.9%) outperformed as gains in 
bond insurance companies MBIA (MBI 28.54, +0.94) and Ambac Financial (ABK 
26.66, +3.85) provided a measure of support.  Both companies benefited from 
news that Moody's decided to maintain their triple-A ratings. Overall, though, 
winners were few and far in between.  Decliners outpaced advancers at the NYSE 
and Nasdaq by a healthy margin.  Losses in the equity market fed another 
flight-to-safety bid in Treasuries that saw the 10-year note jump 23 ticks and 
its yield fall to 4.14%. A weaker than expected regional manufacturing report 
also provided a lift for the Treasury market.  Before the open, it was reported 
that the New York Empire State Index showed a reading of 10.3 for November.  
While a number above zero reflects growth, the reading was well below the prior 
month's reading of 27.7 and the consensus estimate of 20.0.  The market didn't 
show much reaction to the Q3 Current
 Account Deficit and October Net Foreign Purchases reports, both of which were 
better than expected.

..Nasdaq 100 -2.5%. ..S&P Midcap 400 -1.7%. ..Russell 2000 -2.0%. ..NYSE 
Adv/Dec 594/2594. ..NASDAQ Adv/Dec 615/2348.

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Yahoo! Answers saat ini juga di http://id.answers.yahoo.com/

[obrolan-bandar] From Briefing.com

2007-12-17 Terurut Topik Eddi Wahyudi
Broad based pressure to start the day/week with last week's worries (inflation, 
credit markets), overseas weakness, and weekend comments from Greenspan 
(mentioned stagflation) cited as market concerns. Technically, the poor close 
to last week/negative candlestick alluded to follow through pressure with the 
indices trending slowly but steadily lower most of the day. The Dow and Nasdaq 
Comp joined the S&P 500 below their 200 day averages while the Russell 200 came 
within roughly four points of its Nov/52-wk close low at 735 (52-wk intraday 
low 734). 

The worst performing sectors were paced by Airline -5.2%, Steel -3.7%, Internet 
HOLDRs -3.5%, Oil Service -3.2%, Paper -2.7%, Chemical -2.7%, Restaurant -2.3%, 
Mining -2.2%, Software -2.1%, Networking -2%, Biotech HOLDRs -2% and Telecom 

Market summary Dec 17 - Close   

 Dow13,167.20-172.65 (-1.29%)
 Nasdaq2,574.46-61.28 (-2.32%)
 S&P 5001,445.90-22.05 (-1.50%)

10y bond4.14%-0.07(-1.66%)

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