Re: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik arisugiarto . santoso
Iya sih pak Hmin,kayak ggrm naik luar biasa.tapi kok hmsp turun terus 
ya?logikanya kan ikutan dinaikin bareng yg lain krn ini barang langka.


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-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:56:43 
Subject: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction 
Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Comment saya...
most of player di BEI adalah teknikal trader..jarang sekali yang invest di
BEI (kecuali investor kacilakaan)

Sokalau mau ada yang beli ..index harus naik (kalau gak naik teknikal
jelek kan :D). Kalau index tiap hari turun 5 point aja selama
seminggu..siapa sih yang mau tambah duit di BEI.

Jadi...cara paling gampang untuk jualan..
Bikin index naik terus(peduli amat pakai UNVR ASII atau TLKM..yang
penting naik..bila perlu BATA atau MLBI dibikin AR atas pakai 1 lot)

Nah..selama index naik...naikan saham-saham yang mau dijual barang 1-2 point
..kasih volume yang besar.
Selama barang bandar belum habis..jangan harap bisa ada koreksi.

So..have fun ajajangan terlalu lihat index kalau tidak mau
terjebak...focus on stock... siapa tahu anda melihat saham yang mau
digoreng demi menjaga status UPTREND dari BEI.


2009/7/24 boyz

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


- IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 2185.*Technically
speaking*, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% *Fibonacci
Retracement* (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 61,8%
FR IHSG = 2170,31).
- Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih besar
 probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-*discount current price*.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya *Bull Rally* di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3),* jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology*, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam *euphoria
 *market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?*

 Please share your opinion.
 (*you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, macro
 economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd line of
 this post*).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.


Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik vividtrader
Elaine, aku lg belajar intermarket. 2 hari lalu setelah NYSE tutup sore hari
EURUSD drop secara tiba2 tanpa alasan yg jelas padahal DJI jg baik2 saja.
Sepertinya big money sudah siap2. Deflasi dan Pengangguran jadi problem
memang iya. Secara analisa teknikal biasa pun keliatan kalau pengangguran di
US ada resisten di 11%. Bahkan di michigan sudah 15%. Aku setuju dengan
bearish skenariomu. Yang jadi pertanyaan. Bearish 1000 poin angkanya dapat
dari mana? Mengapa tidak 500 poin, 1500 poin, etc.
Michigan unemployment tops

Thank You

2009/7/26 Elaine Sui

 *I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to be
 calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose their
 clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you wanna say
 lah [?], but here's my comments:

 I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally. Next
 week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+
 billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the
 greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price
 skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel.

 (The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer
 car license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all
 transformers autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts
 in Shanghai?)

 Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:
 *In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and
 then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You
 can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And
 [in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies
 of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country,
 effectively you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD
 (July 2nd, 2001)

 *The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control of
 the US policies? Yes.*
 Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is
 BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US),
 combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up

 **Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the
 monetary policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those
 big guys in the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY.

 Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the
 inflation, but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime
 mortgage-, they have to lower it.

 But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market
 can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the
 fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.

 What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with
 the interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new
 debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are
 shutting down, or cutting their workforce.

 This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry
 too much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)

 If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things,
 factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they
 stop making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which
 then the banks fail to pay to the Fed. The Fed may fail to pay the treasury
 int. to foreign investors.
 * *

 THEN WE WILL HAVE WORLD WAR III. (This is not a right thing to say, but you
 must know that WAR creates DEMAND. Not just conventional war, but also
 symbolic ones like war against 'terrorism', 'illicit drugs', 'child porn',
 'piracy', 'deforestation', etc etc)
 *Luckily tech traders like JT and Tasrul only have to calculate the past
 historical data (or predict couple days after), while I have to calculate
 the possible scenarios for the next two quarters at least. :(( *
 *If the US economy is in danger, many of their enemy, namely Iran and
 North Korea, may see this as a chance to destroy their common enemy. One
 single incident can lead to a lot of destruction. May be triggered with the
 above issues, when the US is 'off guard'. But I 

Bls: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik joko nugroho
sumpeee..ente bahlul pak DE.whaaaha

Dari: JT™
Terkirim: Jumat, 24 Juli, 2009 21:32:29
Judul: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Pertanyaannya, ente abis nonton bokep apa boss ??  Whahaha.

Sent From BullBerry®

“TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never Trade Without Stop Order”

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

On 7/24/09, boyz wrote:
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


    * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
    * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
 euphoria market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

 Please share your opinion.
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
 line of this post).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

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  Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Dividend analysis. Dividend should be capped at the minimum of the
risk-free rate (bank deposit), which is around 5% to 6%. There is no point
for investors to invest in a stock that gives lower return than a saving
rate. I assume (considering the bad condition in the world biggest market,
the US) dividends will be severely affected in the 2H09.

For example:
Bumi is now at 2000. Even they're the biggest coal exporters in Indonesia,
with the dividend of 50 then it returns 2.5% (50 div 2000). Let's say the
coal price and the export volume are constant, then we better put the money
on goverment bonds or other triple AAA corp bonds which will give return
much above 10%. But in reality, of course there are bandars who often
manipulate the prices.

For BUMI, 1000-1200 is a good start for investment.

For IDX, -1000 is rough figure for 50% discount of the overall market (worst
case) but I suppose at 1400 level, ppl will start buying again, but I dunno,
let's see how far it will stretch.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:17 PM, vividtrader wrote:

 Elaine, aku lg belajar intermarket. 2 hari lalu setelah NYSE tutup sore
 hari EURUSD drop secara tiba2 tanpa alasan yg jelas padahal DJI jg baik2
 saja. Sepertinya big money sudah siap2. Deflasi dan Pengangguran jadi
 problem memang iya. Secara analisa teknikal biasa pun keliatan kalau
 pengangguran di US ada resisten di 11%. Bahkan di michigan sudah 15%. Aku
 setuju dengan bearish skenariomu. Yang jadi pertanyaan. Bearish 1000 poin
 angkanya dapat dari mana? Mengapa tidak 500 poin, 1500 poin, etc.
 Michigan unemployment tops 

 Thank You

 2009/7/26 Elaine Sui

 *I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to
 be calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose
 their clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you
 wanna say lah [?], but here's my comments:

 I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally. Next
 week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+
 billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the
 greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price
 skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel.

 (The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer
 car license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all
 transformers autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts
 in Shanghai?)

 Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:
 *In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force,
 and then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all.
 You can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help.
 And [in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the
 policies of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a
 country, effectively you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN
 (July 2nd, 2001)

 *The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control
 of the US policies? Yes.*
 Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is
 BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US),
 combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up

 **Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the
 monetary policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those
 big guys in the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY.

 Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the
 inflation, but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime
 mortgage-, they have to lower it.

 But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market
 can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the
 fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.

 What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with
 the interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new
 debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are
 shutting down, or cutting their workforce.

 This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry
 too much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)

 If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things,
 factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they
 stop making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which
 then the banks fail to pay to the Fed. The Fed may fail to pay the treasury
 int. to foreign investors.
 * *

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik vividtrader
Okay thank you mam

2009/7/26 Elaine Sui

 *Dividend analysis. Dividend should be capped at the minimum of the
 risk-free rate (bank deposit), which is around 5% to 6%. There is no point
 for investors to invest in a stock that gives lower return than a saving
 rate. I assume (considering the bad condition in the world biggest market,
 the US) dividends will be severely affected in the 2H09.

 For example:
 Bumi is now at 2000. Even they're the biggest coal exporters in Indonesia,
 with the dividend of 50 then it returns 2.5% (50 div 2000). Let's say the
 coal price and the export volume are constant, then we better put the money
 on goverment bonds or other triple AAA corp bonds which will give return
 much above 10%. But in reality, of course there are bandars who often
 manipulate the prices.

 For BUMI, 1000-1200 is a good start for investment.

 For IDX, -1000 is rough figure for 50% discount of the overall market
 (worst case) but I suppose at 1400 level, ppl will start buying again, but I
 dunno, let's see how far it will stretch.

 On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:17 PM, vividtrader vividtra...@gmail.comwrote:

 Elaine, aku lg belajar intermarket. 2 hari lalu setelah NYSE tutup sore
 hari EURUSD drop secara tiba2 tanpa alasan yg jelas padahal DJI jg baik2
 saja. Sepertinya big money sudah siap2. Deflasi dan Pengangguran jadi
 problem memang iya. Secara analisa teknikal biasa pun keliatan kalau
 pengangguran di US ada resisten di 11%. Bahkan di michigan sudah 15%. Aku
 setuju dengan bearish skenariomu. Yang jadi pertanyaan. Bearish 1000 poin
 angkanya dapat dari mana? Mengapa tidak 500 poin, 1500 poin, etc.
 Michigan unemployment tops 

 Thank You

 2009/7/26 Elaine Sui

 *I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to
 be calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose
 their clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you
 wanna say lah [?], but here's my comments:

 I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally.
 Next week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+
 billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the
 greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price
 skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel.

 (The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer
 car license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all
 transformers autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts
 in Shanghai?)

 Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:
 *In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force,
 and then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all.
 You can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help.
 And [in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the
 policies of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a
 country, effectively you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN
 (July 2nd, 2001)

 *The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control
 of the US policies? Yes.*
 Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is
 BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US),
 combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up

 **Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the
 monetary policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those
 big guys in the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY.

 Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the
 inflation, but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime
 mortgage-, they have to lower it.

 But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market
 can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the
 fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.

 What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with
 the interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new
 debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are
 shutting down, or cutting their workforce.

 This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry
 too much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)

 If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things,
 factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they
 stop making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which
 then the banks fail to pay to the Fed. The Fed may fail to pay the treasury
 int. to foreign investors.
 * *

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik ichingprediction
--- In, vividtrader vividtra...@... wrote:

 Okay thank you mam
 2009/7/26 Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
  *Dividend analysis. Dividend should be capped at the minimum of the
  risk-free rate (bank deposit), which is around 5% to 6%. There is no point
  for investors to invest in a stock that gives lower return than a saving
  rate. I assume (considering the bad condition in the world biggest market,
  the US) dividends will be severely affected in the 2H09.
  For example:
  Bumi is now at 2000. Even they're the biggest coal exporters in Indonesia,
  with the dividend of 50 then it returns 2.5% (50 div 2000). Let's say the
  coal price and the export volume are constant, then we better put the money
  on goverment bonds or other triple AAA corp bonds which will give return
  much above 10%. But in reality, of course there are bandars who often
  manipulate the prices.
  For BUMI, 1000-1200 is a good start for investment.
  For IDX, -1000 is rough figure for 50% discount of the overall market
  (worst case) but I suppose at 1400 level, ppl will start buying again, but I
  dunno, let's see how far it will stretch.
  On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:17 PM, vividtrader vividtra...@...wrote:
  Elaine, aku lg belajar intermarket. 2 hari lalu setelah NYSE tutup sore
  hari EURUSD drop secara tiba2 tanpa alasan yg jelas padahal DJI jg baik2
  saja. Sepertinya big money sudah siap2. Deflasi dan Pengangguran jadi
  problem memang iya. Secara analisa teknikal biasa pun keliatan kalau
  pengangguran di US ada resisten di 11%. Bahkan di michigan sudah 15%. Aku
  setuju dengan bearish skenariomu. Yang jadi pertanyaan. Bearish 1000 poin
  angkanya dapat dari mana? Mengapa tidak 500 poin, 1500 poin, etc.
  Michigan unemployment tops 
  Thank You
  2009/7/26 Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
  *I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to
  be calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose
  their clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you
  wanna say lah [?], but here's my comments:
  I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally.
  Next week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+
  billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the
  greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price
  skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel.
  (The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer
  car license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all
  transformers autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene 
  in Shanghai?)
  Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:
  *In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force,
  and then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all.
  You can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request 
  And [in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the
  policies of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a
  country, effectively you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN
  (July 2nd, 2001)
  *The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control
  of the US policies? Yes.*
  Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is
  BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US),
  combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up
  **Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the
  monetary policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those
  big guys in the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY.
  Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the
  inflation, but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime
  mortgage-, they have to lower it.
  But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market
  can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the
  fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.
  What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with
  the interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new
  debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are
  shutting down, or cutting their workforce.
  This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry
  too much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)
  If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things,
  factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they
  stop making products, then they can't pay 

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik lkm jkt
Tanya : Bu Elaine

Patokan inestasi  untuk returnnya kan BOND  AAA
Bila  Bond AAA = 10 %:   kalau 8 %
maka untuk saham = ? PER nya
atau   untuk saham = ? % devidennya  dari harga saham .
titik temunya dimana ?


On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 15:49, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Dividend analysis. Dividend should be capped at the minimum of the
 risk-free rate (bank deposit), which is around 5% to 6%. There is no point
 for investors to invest in a stock that gives lower return than a saving
 rate. I assume (considering the bad condition in the world biggest market,
 the US) dividends will be severely affected in the 2H09.

 For example:
 Bumi is now at 2000. Even they're the biggest coal exporters in Indonesia,
 with the dividend of 50 then it returns 2.5% (50 div 2000). Let's say the
 coal price and the export volume are constant, then we better put the money
 on goverment bonds or other triple AAA corp bonds which will give return
 much above 10%. But in reality, of course there are bandars who often
 manipulate the prices.

 For BUMI, 1000-1200 is a good start for investment.

 For IDX, -1000 is rough figure for 50% discount of the overall market
 (worst case) but I suppose at 1400 level, ppl will start buying again, but I
 dunno, let's see how far it will stretch.

 On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:17 PM, vividtrader vividtra...@gmail.comwrote:

 Elaine, aku lg belajar intermarket. 2 hari lalu setelah NYSE tutup sore
 hari EURUSD drop secara tiba2 tanpa alasan yg jelas padahal DJI jg baik2
 saja. Sepertinya big money sudah siap2. Deflasi dan Pengangguran jadi
 problem memang iya. Secara analisa teknikal biasa pun keliatan kalau
 pengangguran di US ada resisten di 11%. Bahkan di michigan sudah 15%. Aku
 setuju dengan bearish skenariomu. Yang jadi pertanyaan. Bearish 1000 poin
 angkanya dapat dari mana? Mengapa tidak 500 poin, 1500 poin, etc.
 Michigan unemployment tops 

 Thank You

 2009/7/26 Elaine Sui

 *I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to
 be calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose
 their clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you
 wanna say lah [?], but here's my comments:

 I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally.
 Next week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+
 billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the
 greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price
 skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel.

 (The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer
 car license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all
 transformers autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts
 in Shanghai?)

 Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:
 *In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force,
 and then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all.
 You can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help.
 And [in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the
 policies of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a
 country, effectively you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN
 (July 2nd, 2001)

 *The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control
 of the US policies? Yes.*
 Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is
 BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US),
 combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up

 **Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the
 monetary policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those
 big guys in the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY.

 Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the
 inflation, but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime
 mortgage-, they have to lower it.

 But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market
 can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the
 fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.

 What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with
 the interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new
 debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are
 shutting down, or cutting their workforce.

 This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry
 too much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)

 If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things,
 factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more 

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik ruddmo
EL,apakah bijak jika kita mulai invest di GOLD,sebagai alternative investasi 
untuk mengantisipasi efek inflasi ??
--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 *Dividend analysis. Dividend should be capped at the minimum of the
 risk-free rate (bank deposit), which is around 5% to 6%. There is no point
 for investors to invest in a stock that gives lower return than a saving
 rate. I assume (considering the bad condition in the world biggest market,
 the US) dividends will be severely affected in the 2H09.
 For example:
 Bumi is now at 2000. Even they're the biggest coal exporters in Indonesia,
 with the dividend of 50 then it returns 2.5% (50 div 2000). Let's say the
 coal price and the export volume are constant, then we better put the money
 on goverment bonds or other triple AAA corp bonds which will give return
 much above 10%. But in reality, of course there are bandars who often
 manipulate the prices.
 For BUMI, 1000-1200 is a good start for investment.
 For IDX, -1000 is rough figure for 50% discount of the overall market (worst
 case) but I suppose at 1400 level, ppl will start buying again, but I dunno,
 let's see how far it will stretch.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik Edi Wijaya
So El where will be the fund flow when that you say happened? In commodity again or other else? Thx --- On Sat, 7/25/09, Elaine Sui wrote:From: Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comSubject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comDate: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 8:38 PM

I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to
be calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose
their clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what
you wanna say lah , but here's my comments:1. UNEMPLOYMENT  2. DEFLATION PROBLEM
I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally. Next week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+ billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel. 
(The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer car license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all transformers autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts in Shanghai?)
Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:"In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and
then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You
can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And
[in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies
of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country,
effectively you have colonized that country." - DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD
(July 2nd, 2001)

The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control of the US policies? Yes.

Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US), combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up economy.
Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the monetary policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those big guys in the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY. 
Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the inflation, but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime mortgage-, they have to lower it.

But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.

What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with the interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are shutting down, or cutting their workforce. 
This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry too much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)

If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things, factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they stop making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which then the banks fail to pay to the Fed.The Fed may fail to pay the treasury int. to foreign investors. 

DOWNGRADES FOR USD THEN WE WILL HAVE WORLD WAR III. (This is not a right thing to say, but you must know that WAR creates DEMAND. Not just conventional war, but also symbolic ones like war against 'terrorism', 'illicit drugs', 'child porn', 'piracy', 'deforestation', etc etc)

Luckily tech traders like JT and Tasrul only have to calculate the past historical data (or predict couple days after), while I have to calculate the possible scenarios for the next two quarters at least. :((

3. NORTH KOREA NUCLEAR CRISISIf the US economy is in danger, many of their enemy, namely Iran and North Korea, may see this as a chance to destroy their common enemy. One single incident can lead to a lot of destruction. May be triggered with the above issues, when the US is 'off guard'. But I believe this has low chance to happen, unless, US default their debts, China gets angry, and tells his little brother Kim to sneak in. (Perhaps I read too much Tom Clancy's book hee )


Too sensitive to discuss. Pass. I don't know anything.5. H1N1 SWINE FLU OUTBREAK
Thailand economy already got hit with this pandemy, and potentially millions can d

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik Agus Winardy
Dear Elaine,

Can I ask why you said that reuters is neutral, while bloomberg and cnbc are 
not so neutral?
All these while I thought those 3 sources are pretty credible. Please share 
your thoughts.

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 03:38:52 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to be calm 
both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose their clients 
if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you wanna say lah , but 
here's my comments:

 I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally. Next 
week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+ billion 
bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the greenback. Last 
year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price skyrocketed to 
$140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel. 
(The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer car 
license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all transformers 
autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts in Shanghai?)
Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:

In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and then 
you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You can 
destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And [in 
exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies of the 
country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country, effectively 
you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD 
(July 2nd, 2001) 
The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control of the 
US policies? Yes.
Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is 
BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US), combined 
with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up economy. 

Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the monetary 
policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those big guys in 
the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY. 
Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the inflation, 
but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime mortgage-, they 
have to lower it.
But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market can 
be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the fundamental, and 
fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.
What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with the 
interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new debts, 
which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are shutting 
down, or cutting their workforce. 
This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry too 
much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)
If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things, 
factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they stop 
making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which then the 
banks fail to pay to the Fed. The Fed may fail to pay the treasury int. to 
foreign investors. 
WILL HAVE WORLD WAR III. (This is not a right thing to say, but you must know 
that WAR creates DEMAND. Not just conventional war, but also symbolic ones like 
war against 'terrorism', 'illicit drugs', 'child porn', 'piracy', 
'deforestation', etc etc)

Luckily tech traders like JT and Tasrul only have to calculate the past 
historical data (or predict couple days after), while I have to calculate the 
possible scenarios for the next two quarters at least. :((  

If the US economy is in danger, many of their enemy, namely Iran and North 
Korea, may see this as a chance to destroy their common enemy. One single 
incident can lead to a lot of destruction. May be triggered with the above 
issues, when the US is 'off guard'. But I believe this has low chance to 
happen, unless, US default their debts, China gets angry, and tells his little 
brother Kim to sneak in. (Perhaps I read too much Tom Clancy's book hee  )

Too sensitive to discuss. Pass. I don't know anything.

5. H1N1

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-26 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Duluuu sekali saya pernah posting soal US vs China (mungkin ada yang
inget, pake english juga), tampaknya China bakalan menang neh. Tapi
apakah China bisa tetap berjaya kalau US kolaps,... ini yang bahaya.
Paling diusahakan US tetap survive, tapi dibuat miskin kali ya.
(sekarang juga udah bisa dibilang miskin, wong utangnya segaban)

Iya lah, tektok aja dulu. Sesuaikan strategi dengan besar dana anda.
Kalo dananya diatas 100T, boleh lah pusing macam miss EL. Kalo cuman
kroco mumet ya trading sajalah...


2009/7/26 Elaine Sui

Re: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Peter Alimin
P hmin posting pas weekend gini..
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 05:56:43 
Subject: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction
Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Comment saya... 

most of player di BEI adalah teknikal trader..jarang sekali yang invest di BEI 
(kecuali investor kacilakaan)

Sokalau mau ada yang beli ..index harus naik (kalau gak naik teknikal jelek 
kan :D). Kalau index tiap hari turun 5 point aja selama seminggu..siapa sih 
yang mau tambah duit di BEI. 

Jadi...cara paling gampang untuk jualan..
Bikin index naik terus(peduli amat pakai UNVR ASII atau TLKM..yang penting 
naik..bila perlu BATA atau MLBI dibikin AR atas pakai 1 lot)

Nah..selama index naik...naikan saham-saham yang mau dijual barang 1-2 point 
..kasih volume yang besar.
Selama barang bandar belum habis..jangan harap bisa ada koreksi.

So..have fun ajajangan terlalu lihat index kalau tidak mau terjebak...focus 
on stock... siapa tahu anda melihat saham yang mau digoreng demi menjaga 
status UPTREND dari BEI. 


2009/7/24 boyz m457...@yahoo.
Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in here.
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic debate.


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 2185.Technically 
speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% Fibonacci Retracement 
(Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31). 
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih besar 
probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi. 
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada potensi-potensi 
yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI 
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market psychology, 
sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur? 
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion. 
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, macro 
economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd line of this 

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.



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Re: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik ND
Emang ritel signifikan di bej pak??
Saya rasa dengan hanya 270 rb an nasabah dibanding dana reksadana yang puluhan 
triliun tidak ada apa2nya..


Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:56:43 
Subject: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction 
Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Comment saya...
most of player di BEI adalah teknikal trader..jarang sekali yang invest di
BEI (kecuali investor kacilakaan)

Sokalau mau ada yang beli ..index harus naik (kalau gak naik teknikal
jelek kan :D). Kalau index tiap hari turun 5 point aja selama
seminggu..siapa sih yang mau tambah duit di BEI.

Jadi...cara paling gampang untuk jualan..
Bikin index naik terus(peduli amat pakai UNVR ASII atau TLKM..yang
penting naik..bila perlu BATA atau MLBI dibikin AR atas pakai 1 lot)

Nah..selama index naik...naikan saham-saham yang mau dijual barang 1-2 point
..kasih volume yang besar.
Selama barang bandar belum habis..jangan harap bisa ada koreksi.

So..have fun ajajangan terlalu lihat index kalau tidak mau
terjebak...focus on stock... siapa tahu anda melihat saham yang mau
digoreng demi menjaga status UPTREND dari BEI.


2009/7/24 boyz

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


- IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 2185.*Technically
speaking*, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% *Fibonacci
Retracement* (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 61,8%
FR IHSG = 2170,31).
- Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih besar
 probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-*discount current price*.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya *Bull Rally* di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3),* jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology*, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam *euphoria
 *market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?*

 Please share your opinion.
 (*you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, macro
 economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd line of
 this post*).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.


Re: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik coderman
jadi besok reversal ya :e

2009/7/25 Peter Alimin

 P hmin posting pas weekend gini..
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 -Original Message-
 From: Cougar Boy

 Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 05:56:43
 Subject: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction
Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Comment saya...

 most of player di BEI adalah teknikal trader..jarang sekali yang invest di
 BEI (kecuali investor kacilakaan)

 Sokalau mau ada yang beli ..index harus naik (kalau gak naik teknikal
 jelek kan :D). Kalau index tiap hari turun 5 point aja selama
 seminggu..siapa sih yang mau tambah duit di BEI.

 Jadi...cara paling gampang untuk jualan..
 Bikin index naik terus(peduli amat pakai UNVR ASII atau TLKM..yang
 penting naik..bila perlu BATA atau MLBI dibikin AR atas pakai 1 lot)

 Nah..selama index naik...naikan saham-saham yang mau dijual barang 1-2
 point ..kasih volume yang besar.
 Selama barang bandar belum habis..jangan harap bisa ada koreksi.

 So..have fun ajajangan terlalu lihat index kalau tidak mau
 terjebak...focus on stock... siapa tahu anda melihat saham yang mau
 digoreng demi menjaga status UPTREND dari BEI.


 2009/7/24 boyz m457...@yahoo.

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 2185.Technically
 speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% Fibonacci Retracement
 (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih besar
 probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
  Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam euphoria
 market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

 Please share your opinion.
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, macro
 economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd line of
 this post).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.


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 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik hexamail
Kalo lg bullish, teriak2 minta koreksi atau kalo perlu crash skalian.. Pas 
bearish, teriak2 minta naik.. Hehe.. Ciri2 ktinggalan kereta.. Peace..
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
From: Ajo Ramon

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:18:46 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Guys, kita membutuhkan correction ini supaya bisa tetap make money di 
market,,,soalnya saya juga lihat bahwa market udah fully retraced 423.6% 
(perhitungan ini dimulai dr wave 2 dengan highest di 1472 - 1244 periode 
Jan-Mar).  Mau soft atau hard landing yang penting skor akhir ada dimana? 
Kuncinya adalah level 1888, apakah kuat atau tidak, kalo gak kuat maka bisa 
tunggu di 1730.  All of this assessment is only based on TA.

From: boyz
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 9:21:17 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, artomoro9 artomo...@.. . wrote:

 Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada pilihan 
 soft or hard take off? yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau landing pasti 
 terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau lanjut fly to 
 the sky...? ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168. So what? I m 
 BHSH. Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.

mmm... Sekali lagi, mengacu pada 1st and 2nd line:

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic

Diskusi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk hal negatif, spt: debat kusir, saling 
memaksakan opini ataupun memprovokasi.

Tapi, dimaksudkan untuk membuka wawasan pemikiran, sehingga kita bisa lebih 
bijaksana melihat persoalan dari beberapa sudut pandang, dari beberapa fakta 
yang ada dan dari beberapa measured assumptions.
Sehingga kita-kita lebihcomfort dalam melewati lorong waktu masa depan yang 
masih gelap/samar2 (atau lebih objektif dalam mengambil keputusan 
investasi/trading) .

Let's see other perspectives, let's see other facts, let's see other 
assumptions ...

nanti setelah itu, each one of us, pada akhirnya akan bisa menyimpulkan untuk 
dirinya masing-masing. ..  apakah Soft landing, Hard landing, ... or NO landing 
at all :)



Re: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Matt Nowo
Sependapat pak. Di BEI investor nya mostly HF/FM, reksadana dan danapensiun. 
Retail mostly sebagai greese yang membuat harga harian naik/turun.

Tentang skenario IHSG Q3, feeling saja, akan softlanding sd 18-19xx. Q4 bullish 
lagi untuk window dressing ke 25-28xx.


Sent from my BearBerry®
powered by ISAT  TLKM

-Original Message-
From: ND

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 06:35:46 
Subject: Re: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction 
Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Emang ritel signifikan di bej pak??
Saya rasa dengan hanya 270 rb an nasabah dibanding dana reksadana yang puluhan 
triliun tidak ada apa2nya..


Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:56:43 
Subject: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction 
Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Comment saya...
most of player di BEI adalah teknikal trader..jarang sekali yang invest di
BEI (kecuali investor kacilakaan)

Sokalau mau ada yang beli ..index harus naik (kalau gak naik teknikal
jelek kan :D). Kalau index tiap hari turun 5 point aja selama
seminggu..siapa sih yang mau tambah duit di BEI.

Jadi...cara paling gampang untuk jualan..
Bikin index naik terus(peduli amat pakai UNVR ASII atau TLKM..yang
penting naik..bila perlu BATA atau MLBI dibikin AR atas pakai 1 lot)

Nah..selama index naik...naikan saham-saham yang mau dijual barang 1-2 point
..kasih volume yang besar.
Selama barang bandar belum habis..jangan harap bisa ada koreksi.

So..have fun ajajangan terlalu lihat index kalau tidak mau
terjebak...focus on stock... siapa tahu anda melihat saham yang mau
digoreng demi menjaga status UPTREND dari BEI.


2009/7/24 boyz

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


- IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 2185.*Technically
speaking*, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% *Fibonacci
Retracement* (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 61,8%
FR IHSG = 2170,31).
- Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih besar
 probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-*discount current price*.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya *Bull Rally* di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3),* jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology*, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam *euphoria
 *market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?*

 Please share your opinion.
 (*you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, macro
 economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd line of
 this post*).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.


Re: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Cougar Boy
Tambahan lagi nih.
Jumat 31 July ada pengumuman GDP US ?

Lalu minggu depan akan ada banjir LK 1H 09 dari BEI.

Just imaginebagaimana seandainya LK pada bagus semua..dan GDP US
unexpected plus ??

Kata unexpected semestinya sudah jadi expected...karena secara
bandarmology..harus plus

Masih mau koreksi sebelum hari jumat ??
Kalau senin 3 Agustus mungkin lain cerita :D

Btwwalaupun index tidak koreksi bukan berarti saham anda aman dari
hajaran bandar

2009/7/25 Matt Nowo

 Sependapat pak. Di BEI investor nya mostly HF/FM, reksadana dan
 danapensiun. Retail mostly sebagai greese yang membuat harga harian

 Tentang skenario IHSG Q3, feeling saja, akan softlanding sd 18-19xx. Q4
 bullish lagi untuk window dressing ke 25-28xx.


 Sent from my BearBerry®
 powered by ISAT TLKM

 *From*: ND
 *Date*: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 06:35:46 +
 *Subject*: Re: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction
 Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Emang ritel signifikan di bej pak??
 Saya rasa dengan hanya 270 rb an nasabah dibanding dana reksadana yang
 puluhan triliun tidak ada apa2nya..


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

 *From*: Cougar Boy
 *Date*: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:56:43 +0700
 *Subject*: Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction
 Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Comment saya...

 most of player di BEI adalah teknikal trader..jarang sekali yang invest di
 BEI (kecuali investor kacilakaan)

 Sokalau mau ada yang beli ..index harus naik (kalau gak naik teknikal
 jelek kan :D). Kalau index tiap hari turun 5 point aja selama
 seminggu..siapa sih yang mau tambah duit di BEI.

 Jadi...cara paling gampang untuk jualan..
 Bikin index naik terus(peduli amat pakai UNVR ASII atau TLKM..yang
 penting naik..bila perlu BATA atau MLBI dibikin AR atas pakai 1 lot)

 Nah..selama index naik...naikan saham-saham yang mau dijual barang 1-2
 point ..kasih volume yang besar.
 Selama barang bandar belum habis..jangan harap bisa ada koreksi.

 So..have fun ajajangan terlalu lihat index kalau tidak mau
 terjebak...focus on stock... siapa tahu anda melihat saham yang mau
 digoreng demi menjaga status UPTREND dari BEI.


 2009/7/24 boyz

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


- IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 2185.*Technically
speaking*, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% *Fibonacci
Retracement* (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 61,8%
FR IHSG = 2170,31).
- Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih besar
 probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-*discount current price*

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya *Bull Rally* di bursa Amerika dan Eropa
 (DJI memasuki wave 3),* jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology*, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam *euphoria
 *market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?*

 Please share your opinion.
 (*you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
 line of this post*).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik anrusing data
mantap makanya dpt gelar jendral

2009/7/24 artomoro9

 Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada
 pilihan soft or hard take off? yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau
 landing pasti terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau
 lanjut fly to the sky...? ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168.
 So what? I m BHSH. Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.

 Dean Earwicker wrote:
  Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,.. .
  Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
  Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..
  On 7/24/09, boyz  m457...@yahoo.  wrote:
  Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
  This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic
  * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
  2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
  Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka

  61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
  * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.
  Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
  besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
  Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
  potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

  Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa (DJI
  memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
  psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
  euphoria market regional.
  So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
  Soft Landing or Hard Landing?
  Please share your opinion.
  (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
  macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd

  line of this post).
  Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

 quot;Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!;


Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Vernichtung
Memangnya kalo orang teriak2 minta turun atau naik ada efeknya?

Saya rasa adalah hak masing2 orang utk menyampaikan pendapatnya baik
bullish, bearish maupun sidewayish selama tidak melanggar peraturan milis.

So, cool aja tidak perlu emosi ataupun memposting tulisan yg
mengejek/menghina siapapun, walaupun itu El.


 Kalo lg bullish, teriak2 minta koreksi atau kalo perlu crash skalian.. Pas
 bearish, teriak2 minta naik.. Hehe.. Ciri2 ktinggalan kereta.. Peace..

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:
1. Artomoro9
2. Jsx-Consultant
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng

Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat
orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si

Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan... :)


Pada 25 Juli 2009 18:52, menulis:

 Memangnya kalo orang teriak2 minta turun atau naik ada efeknya?

 Saya rasa adalah hak masing2 orang utk menyampaikan pendapatnya baik
 bullish, bearish maupun sidewayish selama tidak melanggar peraturan milis.

 So, cool aja tidak perlu emosi ataupun memposting tulisan yg
 mengejek/menghina siapapun, walaupun itu El.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Cleopatras Cat
p DE,

sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman karib? atau 
jawara nya seperti costa nostra?

crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh. Kang Ocoy coming 
soon tuh.

apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin familiär. next 
time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat deh nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. 
lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top markotop. cuma di sana parkir 
nya memang setengah mampus. 

u/ yg mau ikutan nge tippt DAX silahkan -

Reg dulu di wallstreet-online
Tipps nya paling lambat jam 12:00 [+5 jam Jakarta]
yg dihitung penutupan DAX-Xetra
system pembagian mirip F1 [10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1] 8 teratas dapet point
3 jawara pertama dapet Paket Wein dari Chianti [anno 2001] a' 65,35 Euro 
[ongkos kirim luar DE tanggung sendiri]

Rang sementara nya:

Viel Spass!

--- Dean Earwicker schrieb am Sa, 25.7.2009:

Von: Dean Earwicker
Betreff: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
Datum: Samstag, 25. Juli 2009, 12:02


  Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:

1. Artomoro9

2. Jsx-Consultant

3. Elaine Sui

4. Oentoeng

Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat

orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si

BOZZ...hehe. .

Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan.. . :)



Pada 25 Juli 2009 18:52, Vernichtunggambler.bej@ menulis:

 Memangnya kalo orang teriak2 minta turun atau naik ada efeknya?

 Saya rasa adalah hak masing2 orang utk menyampaikan pendapatnya baik

 bullish, bearish maupun sidewayish selama tidak melanggar peraturan milis.

 So, cool aja tidak perlu emosi ataupun memposting tulisan yg

 mengejek/menghina siapapun, walaupun itu El.





Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik boyz
Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...

1. Jsx-Consultant
2. Artomoro9
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng
5. Jsx Trader
6. Dean Earwicker

Potential newcomer
7. Billy

TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih lama
lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...

Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya nyampah
and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.


--- In, Cleopatras Cat
cleopatras.c...@... wrote:

 p DE,

 sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman karib?
atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?

 crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.

 apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat deh
nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus.

 u/ yg mau ikutan nge tippt DAX silahkan -\

 Reg dulu di wallstreet-online
 Tipps nya paling lambat jam 12:00 [+5 jam Jakarta]
 yg dihitung penutupan DAX-Xetra
 system pembagian mirip F1 [10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1] 8 teratas dapet point
 3 jawara pertama dapet Paket Wein dari Chianti [anno 2001] a' 65,35
Euro [ongkos kirim luar DE tanggung sendiri]

 Rang sementara nya:

 Viel Spass!

 --- Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@... schrieb am Sa, 25.7.2009:

 Von: Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@...
 Betreff: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
 Datum: Samstag, 25. Juli 2009, 12:02

   Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:

 1. Artomoro9

 2. Jsx-Consultant

 3. Elaine Sui

 4. Oentoeng

 Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat

 orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si

 BOZZ...hehe. .

 Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan.. . :)



Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik [ M S ]

Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:


Macro Economy:
- Sirait Phd
- Ekonom Beling

- Dean Earwicker
- Elaine- Armando
- Hendra Bujang
- Ocoy
- Halim
- Irwan Ariston
- Yudizz
- Meizal
- Boyz
- Desmon
- Adjies

- Alfatih
- Jsxtrader
- Tasrul
- Angelo
- Hans
- Adit
- Ihsg88
- Alx trader
- Tirta

- Embah
- Oentoeng

- Rita Pardede
- Felix Liem
- Tbumi

- Rully
- Fify
- Edwin
- Bullquote

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...

1. Jsx-Consultant
2. Artomoro9
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng
5. Jsx Trader
6. Dean Earwicker

Potential newcomer
7. Billy

TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih lama
lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...

Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya nyampah
and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.


--- In, Cleopatras Cat
cleopatras.c...@... wrote:

 p DE,

 sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman karib?
atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?

 crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.

 apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat deh
nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus.

 u/ yg mau ikutan nge tippt DAX silahkan -\

 Reg dulu di wallstreet-online
 Tipps nya paling lambat jam 12:00 [+5 jam Jakarta]
 yg dihitung penutupan DAX-Xetra
 system pembagian mirip F1 [10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1] 8 teratas dapet point
 3 jawara pertama dapet Paket Wein dari Chianti [anno 2001] a' 65,35
Euro [ongkos kirim luar DE tanggung sendiri]

 Rang sementara nya:

 Viel Spass!

 --- Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@... schrieb am Sa, 25.7.2009:

 Von: Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@...
 Betreff: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
 Datum: Samstag, 25. Juli 2009, 12:02

   Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:

 1. Artomoro9

 2. Jsx-Consultant

 3. Elaine Sui

 4. Oentoeng

 Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat

 orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si

 BOZZ...hehe. .

 Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan.. . :)



Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik boyz
Itu list yg lain, pak :)

List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
goyang or joget.
Hehehe...  [:D]


--- In, [ M S ]

 Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:


 Macro Economy:
 - Sirait Phd
 - Ekonom Beling

 - Dean Earwicker
 - Elaine- Armando
 - Hendra Bujang
 - Ocoy
 - Halim
 - Irwan Ariston
 - Yudizz
 - Meizal
 - Boyz
 - Desmon
 - Adjies

 - Alfatih
 - Jsxtrader
 - Tasrul
 - Angelo
 - Hans
 - Adit
 - Ihsg88
 - Alx trader
 - Tirta

 - Embah
 - Oentoeng

 - Rita Pardede
 - Felix Liem
 - Tbumi

 - Rully
 - Fify
 - Edwin
 - Bullquote

 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...

 1. Jsx-Consultant
 2. Artomoro9
 3. Elaine Sui
 4. Oentoeng
 5. Jsx Trader
 6. Dean Earwicker

 Potential newcomer
 7. Billy

 TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
 Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
 Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
 lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
 And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
 Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...

 Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
 and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.


 --- In, Cleopatras Cat
 cleopatras.cats@ wrote:
  p DE,
  sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
 atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?
  crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
 Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.
  apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
 familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat
 nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
 markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus.
  u/ yg mau ikutan nge tippt DAX silahkan -\
  Reg dulu di wallstreet-online
  Tipps nya paling lambat jam 12:00 [+5 jam Jakarta]
  yg dihitung penutupan DAX-Xetra
  system pembagian mirip F1 [10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1] 8 teratas dapet point
  3 jawara pertama dapet Paket Wein dari Chianti [anno 2001] a' 65,35
 Euro [ongkos kirim luar DE tanggung sendiri]
  Rang sementara nya:
  Viel Spass!
  --- Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@ schrieb am Sa, 25.7.2009:
  Von: Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@
  Betreff: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
  Datum: Samstag, 25. Juli 2009, 12:02
Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:
  1. Artomoro9
  2. Jsx-Consultant
  3. Elaine Sui
  4. Oentoeng
  Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat
  orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si
  BOZZ...hehe. .
  Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan.. . :)

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik hexamail
Setuju pak.. No offense sama sekali..
It's just joke.. Mhn maaf klo ada misperception.. Lg pula, pndapat sy cnderung 
bearish (correction) kok..

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
From: Vernichtung

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 18:52:47 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Memangnya kalo orang teriak2 minta turun atau naik ada efeknya?

Saya rasa adalah hak masing2 orang utk menyampaikan pendapatnya baik
bullish, bearish maupun sidewayish selama tidak melanggar peraturan milis.

So, cool aja tidak perlu emosi ataupun memposting tulisan yg
mengejek/menghina siapapun, walaupun itu El.


 Kalo lg bullish, teriak2 minta koreksi atau kalo perlu crash skalian.. Pas
 bearish, teriak2 minta naik.. Hehe.. Ciri2 ktinggalan kereta.. Peace..

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik [ M S ]

Owww...kiraiin yang embah berikan predikat ADVISORY TEAM OB khususnya yang 
Macro Economy, Fundamental dan Bandarmology adalah pakar² yang bisa memprediksi 
ke depan...

Kalau mau lebih spesific mungkin harus dibedaiin yang mana yang berani 
berpendapat (sharing) dan yang mana yang keep it to him or herself.

Kalau Technical Analist khan ngak bisa salah karena selalu didukung dengan 
chart :D

Pak Boyz cocoknya dengan kategori mana?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 14:25:30 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Itu list yg lain, pak :)

List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
goyang or joget.
Hehehe...  [:D]


--- In, [ M S ]

 Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:


 Macro Economy:
 - Sirait Phd
 - Ekonom Beling

 - Dean Earwicker
 - Elaine- Armando
 - Hendra Bujang
 - Ocoy
 - Halim
 - Irwan Ariston
 - Yudizz
 - Meizal
 - Boyz
 - Desmon
 - Adjies

 - Alfatih
 - Jsxtrader
 - Tasrul
 - Angelo
 - Hans
 - Adit
 - Ihsg88
 - Alx trader
 - Tirta

 - Embah
 - Oentoeng

 - Rita Pardede
 - Felix Liem
 - Tbumi

 - Rully
 - Fify
 - Edwin
 - Bullquote

 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...

 1. Jsx-Consultant
 2. Artomoro9
 3. Elaine Sui
 4. Oentoeng
 5. Jsx Trader
 6. Dean Earwicker

 Potential newcomer
 7. Billy

 TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
 Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
 Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
 lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
 And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
 Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...

 Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
 and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.


 --- In, Cleopatras Cat
 cleopatras.cats@ wrote:
  p DE,
  sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
 atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?
  crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
 Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.
  apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
 familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat
 nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
 markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus.
  u/ yg mau ikutan nge tippt DAX silahkan -\
  Reg dulu di wallstreet-online
  Tipps nya paling lambat jam 12:00 [+5 jam Jakarta]
  yg dihitung penutupan DAX-Xetra
  system pembagian mirip F1 [10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1] 8 teratas dapet point
  3 jawara pertama dapet Paket Wein dari Chianti [anno 2001] a' 65,35
 Euro [ongkos kirim luar DE tanggung sendiri]
  Rang sementara nya:
  Viel Spass!
  --- Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@ schrieb am Sa, 25.7.2009:
  Von: Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@
  Betreff: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
  Datum: Samstag, 25. Juli 2009, 12:02
Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:
  1. Artomoro9
  2. Jsx-Consultant
  3. Elaine Sui
  4. Oentoeng
  Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat
  orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si
  BOZZ...hehe. .
  Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan.. . :)

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik billy_wta60
Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan seringnya 
lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget, hehehhehee


--- In, boyz m457...@... wrote:

 Itu list yg lain, pak :)
 List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
 adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
 goyang or joget.
 Hehehe...  [:D]
 --- In, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
  Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
  Macro Economy:
  - Sirait Phd
  - Ekonom Beling
  - Dean Earwicker
  - Elaine- Armando
  - Hendra Bujang
  - Ocoy
  - Halim
  - Irwan Ariston
  - Yudizz
  - Meizal
  - Boyz
  - Desmon
  - Adjies
  - Alfatih
  - Jsxtrader
  - Tasrul
  - Angelo
  - Hans
  - Adit
  - Ihsg88
  - Alx trader
  - Tirta
  - Embah
  - Oentoeng
  - Rita Pardede
  - Felix Liem
  - Tbumi
  - Rully
  - Fify
  - Edwin
  - Bullquote
  Sent from my BlackBerry®
  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
  -Original Message-
  From: boyz m4573rs@
  Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
  Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
  Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
  1. Jsx-Consultant
  2. Artomoro9
  3. Elaine Sui
  4. Oentoeng
  5. Jsx Trader
  6. Dean Earwicker
  Potential newcomer
  7. Billy
  TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
  Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
  Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
  lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
  And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
  Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...
  Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
  and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.
  --- In, Cleopatras Cat
  cleopatras.cats@ wrote:
   p DE,
   sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
  atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?
   crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
  Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.
   apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
  familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat
  nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
  markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus.
   u/ yg mau ikutan nge tippt DAX silahkan -\
   Reg dulu di wallstreet-online
   Tipps nya paling lambat jam 12:00 [+5 jam Jakarta]
   yg dihitung penutupan DAX-Xetra
   system pembagian mirip F1 [10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1] 8 teratas dapet point
   3 jawara pertama dapet Paket Wein dari Chianti [anno 2001] a' 65,35
  Euro [ongkos kirim luar DE tanggung sendiri]
   Rang sementara nya:
   Viel Spass!
   --- Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@ schrieb am Sa, 25.7.2009:
   Von: Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@
   Betreff: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
   Datum: Samstag, 25. Juli 2009, 12:02
 Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:
   1. Artomoro9
   2. Jsx-Consultant
   3. Elaine Sui
   4. Oentoeng
   Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat
   orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si
   BOZZ...hehe. .
   Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan.. . :)

[ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik billy_wta60
Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai membentuk 
divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short term atau 1-2 
minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya kita lihat ada 
divergence negatif,

Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3 x, 
sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic, begitu juga 
dengan LQ45

Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin karena 
koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru, nampaknya 
indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu 
juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi 
kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke 1,888 
dalam tempo singkat

jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih 
baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi 
ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak mau 
bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu terlena 
dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja clear barang, 
kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi divergence ini

So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah mau 
masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
1. Korporasi emiten 
2. Sentiment dari luar

Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


--- In, billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:

 Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan 
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget, 
 --- In, boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
  Itu list yg lain, pak :)
  List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
  adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
  goyang or joget.
  Hehehe...  [:D]
  --- In, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
   Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
   Macro Economy:
   - Sirait Phd
   - Ekonom Beling
   - Dean Earwicker
   - Elaine- Armando
   - Hendra Bujang
   - Ocoy
   - Halim
   - Irwan Ariston
   - Yudizz
   - Meizal
   - Boyz
   - Desmon
   - Adjies
   - Alfatih
   - Jsxtrader
   - Tasrul
   - Angelo
   - Hans
   - Adit
   - Ihsg88
   - Alx trader
   - Tirta
   - Embah
   - Oentoeng
   - Rita Pardede
   - Felix Liem
   - Tbumi
   - Rully
   - Fify
   - Edwin
   - Bullquote
   Sent from my BlackBerry®
   powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
   -Original Message-
   From: boyz m4573rs@
   Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
   Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
   Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
   1. Jsx-Consultant
   2. Artomoro9
   3. Elaine Sui
   4. Oentoeng
   5. Jsx Trader
   6. Dean Earwicker
   Potential newcomer
   7. Billy
   TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
   Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
   Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
   lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
   And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
   Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...
   Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
   and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.
   --- In, Cleopatras Cat
   cleopatras.cats@ wrote:
p DE,
sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
   atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?
crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
   Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.
apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
   familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat
   nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
   markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus.
u/ yg mau ikutan nge tippt DAX silahkan -\
Reg dulu di wallstreet-online
Tipps nya paling lambat jam 12:00 [+5 jam Jakarta]
yg dihitung penutupan DAX-Xetra
system pembagian mirip F1 [10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1] 8 teratas dapet point
3 jawara pertama dapet Paket Wein dari Chianti

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik anru . sing

pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin. Apa saham2 mining posisinya 
sama spt sekarang?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: billy_wta60

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 16:31:48 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with 
Negative Divergence

Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai membentuk 
divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short term atau 1-2 
minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya kita lihat ada 
divergence negatif,

Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3 x, 
sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic, begitu juga 
dengan LQ45

Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin karena 
koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru, nampaknya 
indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu 
juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi 
kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke 1,888 
dalam tempo singkat

jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih 
baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi 
ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak mau 
bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu terlena 
dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja clear barang, 
kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi divergence ini

So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah mau 
masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
1. Korporasi emiten 
2. Sentiment dari luar

Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


--- In, billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:

 Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan 
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget, 
 --- In, boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
  Itu list yg lain, pak :)
  List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
  adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
  goyang or joget.
  Hehehe...  [:D]
  --- In, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
   Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
   Macro Economy:
   - Sirait Phd
   - Ekonom Beling
   - Dean Earwicker
   - Elaine- Armando
   - Hendra Bujang
   - Ocoy
   - Halim
   - Irwan Ariston
   - Yudizz
   - Meizal
   - Boyz
   - Desmon
   - Adjies
   - Alfatih
   - Jsxtrader
   - Tasrul
   - Angelo
   - Hans
   - Adit
   - Ihsg88
   - Alx trader
   - Tirta
   - Embah
   - Oentoeng
   - Rita Pardede
   - Felix Liem
   - Tbumi
   - Rully
   - Fify
   - Edwin
   - Bullquote
   Sent from my BlackBerry®
   powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
   -Original Message-
   From: boyz m4573rs@
   Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
   Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
   Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
   1. Jsx-Consultant
   2. Artomoro9
   3. Elaine Sui
   4. Oentoeng
   5. Jsx Trader
   6. Dean Earwicker
   Potential newcomer
   7. Billy
   TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
   Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
   Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
   lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
   And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
   Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...
   Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
   and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.
   --- In, Cleopatras Cat
   cleopatras.cats@ wrote:
p DE,
sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
   atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?
crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
   Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.
apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
   familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat
   nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
   markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus.
u/ yg mau

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Jacob Oen
Jika boleh saya tambahkan, yang perlu masuk dalam list Mbah atau boyz's list 
adalah  Data Saham dan Bandar Bola karena mereka mampu memberi peringatan 
dini ke OBers agar tidak menjadi korban dari gerombolan liar (memijam istilah 
pak Jack Cowok).

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry® Whether there is self or not, it's attachment 
to self that perpetuates suffering.

-Original Message-
From: [ M S ]

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:35:08 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Owww...kiraiin yang embah berikan predikat ADVISORY TEAM OB khususnya yang 
Macro Economy, Fundamental dan Bandarmology adalah pakar² yang bisa memprediksi 
ke depan...

Kalau mau lebih spesific mungkin harus dibedaiin yang mana yang berani 
berpendapat (sharing) dan yang mana yang keep it to him or herself.

Kalau Technical Analist khan ngak bisa salah karena selalu didukung dengan 
chart :D

Pak Boyz cocoknya dengan kategori mana?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 14:25:30 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Itu list yg lain, pak :)

List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
goyang or joget.
Hehehe...  [:D]


--- In, [ M S ]

 Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:


 Macro Economy:
 - Sirait Phd
 - Ekonom Beling

 - Dean Earwicker
 - Elaine- Armando
 - Hendra Bujang
 - Ocoy
 - Halim
 - Irwan Ariston
 - Yudizz
 - Meizal
 - Boyz
 - Desmon
 - Adjies

 - Alfatih
 - Jsxtrader
 - Tasrul
 - Angelo
 - Hans
 - Adit
 - Ihsg88
 - Alx trader
 - Tirta

 - Embah
 - Oentoeng

 - Rita Pardede
 - Felix Liem
 - Tbumi

 - Rully
 - Fify
 - Edwin
 - Bullquote

 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...

 1. Jsx-Consultant
 2. Artomoro9
 3. Elaine Sui
 4. Oentoeng
 5. Jsx Trader
 6. Dean Earwicker

 Potential newcomer
 7. Billy

 TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
 Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
 Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
 lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
 And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
 Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...

 Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
 and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.


 --- In, Cleopatras Cat
 cleopatras.cats@ wrote:
  p DE,
  sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
 atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?
  crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
 Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.
  apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
 familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat
 nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
 markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus.
  u/ yg mau ikutan nge tippt DAX silahkan -\
  Reg dulu di wallstreet-online
  Tipps nya paling lambat jam 12:00 [+5 jam Jakarta]
  yg dihitung penutupan DAX-Xetra
  system pembagian mirip F1 [10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1] 8 teratas dapet point
  3 jawara pertama dapet Paket Wein dari Chianti [anno 2001] a' 65,35
 Euro [ongkos kirim luar DE tanggung sendiri]
  Rang sementara nya:
  Viel Spass!
  --- Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@ schrieb am Sa, 25.7.2009:
  Von: Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@
  Betreff: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
  Datum: Samstag, 25. Juli 2009, 12:02
Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:
  1. Artomoro9
  2. Jsx-Consultant
  3. Elaine Sui
  4. Oentoeng
  Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat
  orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si
  BOZZ...hehe. .
  Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan.. . :)

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik [ M S ]

Bill, could you please post one chart to show what you mean by negative 
divergence, preferably INDF.

Thank Before

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: billy_wta60

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 16:31:48 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with 
Negative Divergence

Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai membentuk 
divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short term atau 1-2 
minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya kita lihat ada 
divergence negatif,

Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3 x, 
sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic, begitu juga 
dengan LQ45

Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin karena 
koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru, nampaknya 
indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu 
juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi 
kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke 1,888 
dalam tempo singkat

jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih 
baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi 
ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak mau 
bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu terlena 
dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja clear barang, 
kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi divergence ini

So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah mau 
masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
1. Korporasi emiten 
2. Sentiment dari luar

Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


--- In, billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:

 Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan 
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget, 
 --- In, boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
  Itu list yg lain, pak :)
  List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
  adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
  goyang or joget.
  Hehehe...  [:D]
  --- In, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
   Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
   Macro Economy:
   - Sirait Phd
   - Ekonom Beling
   - Dean Earwicker
   - Elaine- Armando
   - Hendra Bujang
   - Ocoy
   - Halim
   - Irwan Ariston
   - Yudizz
   - Meizal
   - Boyz
   - Desmon
   - Adjies
   - Alfatih
   - Jsxtrader
   - Tasrul
   - Angelo
   - Hans
   - Adit
   - Ihsg88
   - Alx trader
   - Tirta
   - Embah
   - Oentoeng
   - Rita Pardede
   - Felix Liem
   - Tbumi
   - Rully
   - Fify
   - Edwin
   - Bullquote
   Sent from my BlackBerry®
   powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
   -Original Message-
   From: boyz m4573rs@
   Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
   Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
   Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
   1. Jsx-Consultant
   2. Artomoro9
   3. Elaine Sui
   4. Oentoeng
   5. Jsx Trader
   6. Dean Earwicker
   Potential newcomer
   7. Billy
   TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
   Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
   Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
   lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
   And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
   Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...
   Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
   and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.
   --- In, Cleopatras Cat
   cleopatras.cats@ wrote:
p DE,
sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
   atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?
crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
   Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.
apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
   familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil nya. lihat
   nr. 21 A. kiri jalan. lapak nya siapa tuh? megah. asri. bagus deh. top
   markotop. cuma di sana parkir nya memang setengah mampus

3 Agustus 09 Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Cougar Boy
Dah tunggu aja 3 Agustus 09 Bil
FTA saya (Feeling Teknikal Analisis) bilang settingan momentum BEI di
tanggal itu

Alasan :
- LK 1H 09 keluar semua... dan HARUS BAGUS
- 31 July 09 ada laporan GDP 1H US.. dan HARUS BAGUS

2009/7/25 billy_wta60

 Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai
 membentuk divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short
 term atau 1-2 minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya
 kita lihat ada divergence negatif,

 Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3
 x, sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

 kita juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic,
 begitu juga dengan LQ45

 Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin
 karena koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru,
 nampaknya indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

 pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu
 juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi
 kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke
 1,888 dalam tempo singkat

 jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih
 baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi
 ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak
 mau bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu
 terlena dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja
 clear barang, kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi
 divergence ini

 So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah mau
 masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

 Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
 1. Korporasi emiten
 2. Sentiment dari luar

 Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


 --- In,
 billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:
  Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget,
  --- In,
 boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
   Itu list yg lain, pak :)
   List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
   adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
   goyang or joget.
   Hehehe... [:D]
   --- In,
 [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
Macro Economy:
- Sirait Phd
- Ekonom Beling
- Dean Earwicker
- Elaine- Armando
- Hendra Bujang
- Ocoy
- Halim
- Irwan Ariston
- Yudizz
- Meizal
- Boyz
- Desmon
- Adjies
- Alfatih
- Jsxtrader
- Tasrul
- Angelo
- Hans
- Adit
- Ihsg88
- Alx trader
- Tirta
- Embah
- Oentoeng
- Rita Pardede
- Felix Liem
- Tbumi
- Rully
- Fify
- Edwin
- Bullquote
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
-Original Message-
From: boyz m4573rs@
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
1. Jsx-Consultant
2. Artomoro9
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng
5. Jsx Trader
6. Dean Earwicker
Potential newcomer
7. Billy
TBumi on ANTM... akhir '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...
Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.
--- In,
 Cleopatras Cat
cleopatras.cats@ wrote:

 p DE,

 sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?

 crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
Kang Ocoy coming soon tuh.

 apropos Artomoro. u/ yg suka kelayapan di Kemang Timur mungkin
familiär. next time kalo lewat situ lg pelan2 in mobil

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik arfian yuddy
Kayanya INDF ga div negatif deh..kan dah pernah koreksi tgl 23 Jun 09  n skrg 
mulai naik lg.CMIIW

From: [ M S ]
To: Milis OB
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:08:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with 
Negative Divergence


Bill, could you please post one chart to show what you mean by negative 
divergence, preferably INDF.

Thank Before

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From:  billy_wta60 
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 16:31:48 -
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with 
Negative Divergence
Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai membentuk 
divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short term atau 1-2 
minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya kita lihat ada 
divergence negatif,

Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3 x, 
sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic, begitu juga 
dengan LQ45

Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin karena 
koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru, nampaknya 
indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu 
juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi 
kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke 1,888 
dalam tempo singkat

jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih 
baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi 
ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak mau 
bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu terlena 
dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja clear barang, 
kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi divergence ini

So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah mau 
masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
1. Korporasi emiten 
2. Sentiment dari luar

Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, billy_wta60 billybudiman20@ ... 

 Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan 
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget, 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
  Itu list yg lain, pak :)
  List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
  adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
  goyang or joget.
  Hehehe...  [:D]
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@ 
   Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
   Macro Economy:
   - Sirait Phd
   - Ekonom Beling
   - Dean Earwicker
   - Elaine- Armando
   - Hendra Bujang
   - Ocoy
   - Halim
   - Irwan Ariston
   - Yudizz
   - Meizal
   - Boyz
   - Desmon
   - Adjies
   - Alfatih
   - Jsxtrader
   - Tasrul
   - Angelo
   - Hans
   - Adit
   - Ihsg88
   - Alx trader
   - Tirta
   - Embah
   - Oentoeng
   - Rita Pardede
   - Felix Liem
   - Tbumi
   - Rully
   - Fify
   - Edwin
   - Bullquote
   Sent from my BlackBerry®
   powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
   -Original Message-
   From: boyz m4573rs@
   Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
   Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
   Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
   1. Jsx-Consultant
   2. Artomoro9
   3. Elaine Sui
   4. Oentoeng
   5. Jsx Trader
   6. Dean Earwicker
   Potential newcomer
   7. Billy
   TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
   Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
   Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
   lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
   And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
   Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...
   Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
   and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Cleopatras Cat
   cleopatras.cats@ wrote:
p DE,
sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
   atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?
crème de la

Re: 3 Agustus 09 Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Lucky Trader
Ada apa dg 3aug? Apa spt judgment day market mau terus ke utara ato
balik keselatan ? Pls share


On 7/26/09, Cougar Boy wrote:
 Dah tunggu aja 3 Agustus 09 Bil
 FTA saya (Feeling Teknikal Analisis) bilang settingan momentum BEI di
 tanggal itu

 Alasan :
 - LK 1H 09 keluar semua... dan HARUS BAGUS
 - 31 July 09 ada laporan GDP 1H US.. dan HARUS BAGUS

 2009/7/25 billy_wta60

 Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai
 membentuk divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short
 term atau 1-2 minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu
 kita lihat ada divergence negatif,

 Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3
 x, sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

 kita juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic,
 begitu juga dengan LQ45

 Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin
 karena koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru,
 nampaknya indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

 pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu
 juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi
 kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke
 1,888 dalam tempo singkat

 jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih
 baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa
 ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I
 mau bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu
 terlena dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja
 clear barang, kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi
 divergence ini

 So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah
 masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

 Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
 1. Korporasi emiten
 2. Sentiment dari luar

 Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


 --- In,
 billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:
  Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget,
  --- In,
 boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
   Itu list yg lain, pak :)
   List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
   adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
   goyang or joget.
   Hehehe... [:D]
   --- In,
 [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
Macro Economy:
- Sirait Phd
- Ekonom Beling
- Dean Earwicker
- Elaine- Armando
- Hendra Bujang
- Ocoy
- Halim
- Irwan Ariston
- Yudizz
- Meizal
- Boyz
- Desmon
- Adjies
- Alfatih
- Jsxtrader
- Tasrul
- Angelo
- Hans
- Adit
- Ihsg88
- Alx trader
- Tirta
- Embah
- Oentoeng
- Rita Pardede
- Felix Liem
- Tbumi
- Rully
- Fify
- Edwin
- Bullquote
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
-Original Message-
From: boyz m4573rs@
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
1. Jsx-Consultant
2. Artomoro9
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng
5. Jsx Trader
6. Dean Earwicker
Potential newcomer
7. Billy
TBumi on ANTM... akhir '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...
Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.
--- In,
 Cleopatras Cat
cleopatras.cats@ wrote:

 p DE,

 sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?

 crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Vernichtung
Hehehe you got a point there, tapi yg dimaksud disini pasti yg lain deh. Btw
El juga dilawan tuh saat ini, kelihatannya sih suara rame2 yg menang deh di
ob ini (pengecualian utk admin/owner hehehe) mainnya keroyokan.

2009/7/25 Dean Earwicker

 Tidak ada efeknya, kecuali untuk:
 1. Artomoro9
 2. Jsx-Consultant
 3. Elaine Sui
 4. Oentoeng

 Ini statistik loh. Menurut pengamatan saya selama di OB, ke empat
 orang ini adalah sedulur papat. Yang kalima pancernya adalah si

 Pak Edwin, silahkan dijabarkan... :)


Re: 3 Agustus 09 Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Rei
Jadi tgl. 3 itu yg menentukan arah IHSG selanjutnya secara signifikan ya pak

2009/7/26 Cougar Boy

 Dah tunggu aja 3 Agustus 09 Bil

 FTA saya (Feeling Teknikal Analisis) bilang settingan momentum BEI di
 tanggal itu

 Alasan :
 - LK 1H 09 keluar semua... dan HARUS BAGUS
 - 31 July 09 ada laporan GDP 1H US.. dan HARUS BAGUS

 2009/7/25 billy_wta60

 Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai
 membentuk divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short
 term atau 1-2 minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya
 kita lihat ada divergence negatif,

 Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3
 x, sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

 kita juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic,
 begitu juga dengan LQ45

 Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin
 karena koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru,
 nampaknya indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

 pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu
 juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi
 kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke
 1,888 dalam tempo singkat

 jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih
 baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi
 ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak
 mau bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu
 terlena dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja
 clear barang, kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi
 divergence ini

 So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah
 mau masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

 Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
 1. Korporasi emiten
 2. Sentiment dari luar

 Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


 --- In,
 billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:
  Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget,
  --- In,
 boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
   Itu list yg lain, pak :)
   List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
   adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
   goyang or joget.
   Hehehe... [:D]
   --- In,
 [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
Macro Economy:
- Sirait Phd
- Ekonom Beling
- Dean Earwicker
- Elaine- Armando
- Hendra Bujang
- Ocoy
- Halim
- Irwan Ariston
- Yudizz
- Meizal
- Boyz
- Desmon
- Adjies
- Alfatih
- Jsxtrader
- Tasrul
- Angelo
- Hans
- Adit
- Ihsg88
- Alx trader
- Tirta
- Embah
- Oentoeng
- Rita Pardede
- Felix Liem
- Tbumi
- Rully
- Fify
- Edwin
- Bullquote
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
-Original Message-
From: boyz m4573rs@
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
1. Jsx-Consultant
2. Artomoro9
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng
5. Jsx Trader
6. Dean Earwicker
Potential newcomer
7. Billy
TBumi on ANTM... akhir '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top markotop.
Also Frederick Schubert ... miss in action. Hehehe...
Boyz mah absolutely unqualified untuk masuk hitungan, kerjaannya
and rusuh doang di waroeng mBah. makanya seringan dijewer.
--- In,
 Cleopatras Cat
cleopatras.cats@ wrote:

 p DE,

 sedulur papat artinya apa ya? teman dekat? sahabat dekat? teman
atau jawara nya seperti costa nostra?

 crème de la crème nya OB kan banyak. DE, Boyz, Kang Ocoy. eh.
Kang Ocoy coming

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Div

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik billy_budiman92
Untuk INDF, MACD yang divergence negative keliatan banget kan, Divergence 
negatif adalah posisi di mana ketika saham membentuk high baru sedangkan 
indikator tidak membentuk new high, jadi koreksi 23 juni tidak begitu 

Coba lihat link ini

harga juga sempat koreksi lho, tapi toh tetap turun kan


--- In, arfian yuddy ayahnyana...@... wrote:

 Kayanya INDF ga div negatif deh..kan dah pernah koreksi tgl 23 Jun 09  n skrg 
 mulai naik lg.CMIIW
 From: [ M S ]
 To: Milis OB
 Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:08:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with 
 Negative Divergence
 Bill, could you please post one chart to show what you mean by negative 
 divergence, preferably INDF.
 Thank Before
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 From:  billy_wta60 
 Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 16:31:48 -
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with 
 Negative Divergence
 Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai membentuk 
 divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short term atau 1-2 
 minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya kita lihat ada 
 divergence negatif,
 Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3 x, 
 sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha
 juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic, begitu 
 juga dengan LQ45
 Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin 
 karena koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru, 
 nampaknya indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/
 pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu 
 juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi 
 kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke 
 1,888 dalam tempo singkat
 jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih 
 baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi 
 ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak 
 mau bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu terlena 
 dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja clear 
 barang, kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi 
 divergence ini
 So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah mau 
 masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee
 Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
 1. Korporasi emiten 
 2. Sentiment dari luar
 Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, billy_wta60 billybudiman20@ ... 
  Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan 
  seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget, 
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
   Itu list yg lain, pak :)
   List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
   adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
   goyang or joget.
   Hehehe...  [:D]
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@ 
Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
Macro Economy:
- Sirait Phd
- Ekonom Beling
- Dean Earwicker
- Elaine- Armando
- Hendra Bujang
- Ocoy
- Halim
- Irwan Ariston
- Yudizz
- Meizal
- Boyz
- Desmon
- Adjies
- Alfatih
- Jsxtrader
- Tasrul
- Angelo
- Hans
- Adit
- Ihsg88
- Alx trader
- Tirta
- Embah
- Oentoeng
- Rita Pardede
- Felix Liem
- Tbumi
- Rully
- Fify
- Edwin
- Bullquote
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
-Original Message-
From: boyz m4573rs@
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
1. Jsx-Consultant
2. Artomoro9
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng
5. Jsx Trader
6. Dean Earwicker
Potential newcomer
7. Billy
TBumi on ANTM... akhir  '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
Dulu ada pak

Re: 3 Agustus 09 Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? --Beware with Negative Divergence

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik YUTA
Pak Hmin,

Analis prediksi GDP Q2 US di median -1.5% setelah kontraksi 5.5% di Q1 lalu. 
Pasar menaruh harapan jika sesuai dengan ekpektasi, maka benar bahwa ekonomi US 
sudah bottoming di Q2 dan akan mulai positif growth di Q3 atau paling telat Q4. 

Padahal Bernanke sendiri tidak begitu yakin ya, kalau kita baca dari statement 
terakhir. Malah Roudini bilang ekonomi akan W recovery dan free fall lagi di 
late 2011 karena higher commodity price, stagnant credit market etc...

-Original Message-
From: Cougar Boy

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 04:53:41 
Subject: 3 Agustus 09 Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios. SOFT landing or HARD? 
--Beware with Negative Divergence

Dah tunggu aja 3 Agustus 09 Bil
FTA saya (Feeling Teknikal Analisis) bilang settingan momentum BEI di
tanggal itu

Alasan :
- LK 1H 09 keluar semua... dan HARUS BAGUS
- 31 July 09 ada laporan GDP 1H US.. dan HARUS BAGUS

2009/7/25 billy_wta60

 Ada yang perhatiin gak, banyak saham blue chip sekarang udah mulai
 membentuk divergence negatif dengan RSI kebanyakan ? memang secara short
 term atau 1-2 minggu keliatannya positif, tapi kalau udah 4 minggu biasanya
 kita lihat ada divergence negatif,

 Apalagi BDMN tuh, buset RSI, MACD, Stochastic membuat top yang merendah 3
 x, sedangkan harga 3 x break high, divergence negatif lha

 kita juga membentuk divergence negative terhadap MACD, RSI, Stochastic,
 begitu juga dengan LQ45

 Yang aneh, saham2 mining tidak divergence negative, ini I lihat mungkin
 karena koreksi tajam di bulan juni, kalaupun mereka membuat high baru,
 nampaknya indikator2 ini juga masih akan divergence negative/

 pengalaman, pas IHSG sebelum jatuh ke 1,888 dari 2,100 kemarin, kayak gitu
 juga, banyak yang divergence negatif, tapi karena regional naik, die jadi
 kependem, pas dow aneh2, divergence bener2 ngehabisin IHSG dari 2,100 ke
 1,888 dalam tempo singkat

 jadi kayaknya divergence yang kayak gini, butuh trigger news, selama masih
 baik2 aja, ya naik terus, tapi kalau mulai jelek news-nya, bisa dikonfirmasi
 ama divergence ini, belum lagi ini udah elliot wave 5, tiati aja sih, I gak
 mau bilang bearish dulu, sekedar ngingetin aja, supaya jangan terlalu
 terlena dengan kenaikan yang tidak didukung indikator. Jadi bersiap2 aja
 clear barang, kalau memang ada clear signal juga yang akan mengkonfirmasi
 divergence ini

 So, watch the news and sentiment ajalah untuk minggu2 ini, apalagi udah mau
 masuk agustus, bulan yang scary buat pasar modal,hehehehhee

 Karena biasanya divergence itu dikonfirmasi :
 1. Korporasi emiten
 2. Sentiment dari luar

 Jadi waspadalah dan waspadalah, termasuk I juga, hehehehe


 --- In,
 billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:
  Joget ? kayak musik dangdut aja, hahahahahaha, orang pasar modal kan
 seringnya lagu pop atau jazz, jadi lebih cocok disko daripada joget,
  --- In,
 boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
   Itu list yg lain, pak :)
   List Om DE yg ane tambahin,
   adalah list oknum-oknum yg kalau 'teriak' bisa bikin pasar atau saham
   goyang or joget.
   Hehehe... [:D]
   --- In,
 [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
Pak Boyz included dech...nih postingan mbah:
Macro Economy:
- Sirait Phd
- Ekonom Beling
- Dean Earwicker
- Elaine- Armando
- Hendra Bujang
- Ocoy
- Halim
- Irwan Ariston
- Yudizz
- Meizal
- Boyz
- Desmon
- Adjies
- Alfatih
- Jsxtrader
- Tasrul
- Angelo
- Hans
- Adit
- Ihsg88
- Alx trader
- Tirta
- Embah
- Oentoeng
- Rita Pardede
- Felix Liem
- Tbumi
- Rully
- Fify
- Edwin
- Bullquote
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
-Original Message-
From: boyz m4573rs@
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:53:39
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
Ane nambahim statistik-nya om DE ...
1. Jsx-Consultant
2. Artomoro9
3. Elaine Sui
4. Oentoeng
5. Jsx Trader
6. Dean Earwicker
Potential newcomer
7. Billy
TBumi on ANTM... akhir '08. Sekarang dah jarang kasih komando lagi.
Kang ocoy dah lama desersi, ane gak masukin list lagi, hehehe.
Dulu ada pak BuSur, jendral bintang lima di OB, Master BHSH, lebih
lagi bertapa-nya, sampai sekarang lom nongol.
And juga dulu ada pak Eka Suwandana yang top

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to be
calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose their
clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you wanna say
lah [?], but here's my comments:

I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally. Next
week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+
billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the
greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price
skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel.

(The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer car
license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all transformers
autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts in Shanghai?)

Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:
*In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and
then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You
can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And
[in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies
of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country,
effectively you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD
(July 2nd, 2001)

*The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control of
the US policies? Yes.*
Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is
BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US),
combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up

**Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the monetary
policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those big guys in
the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY.

Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the inflation,
but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime mortgage-,
they have to lower it.

But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market
can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the
fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.

What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with the
interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new
debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are
shutting down, or cutting their workforce.

This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry too
much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)

If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things,
factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they
stop making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which
then the banks fail to pay to the Fed. The Fed may fail to pay the treasury
int. to foreign investors.
* *

THEN WE WILL HAVE WORLD WAR III. (This is not a right thing to say, but you
must know that WAR creates DEMAND. Not just conventional war, but also
symbolic ones like war against 'terrorism', 'illicit drugs', 'child porn',
'piracy', 'deforestation', etc etc)
*Luckily tech traders like JT and Tasrul only have to calculate the past
historical data (or predict couple days after), while I have to calculate
the possible scenarios for the next two quarters at least. :(( *
*If the US economy is in danger, many of their enemy, namely Iran and North
Korea, may see this as a chance to destroy their common enemy. One single
incident can lead to a lot of destruction. May be triggered with the above
issues, when the US is 'off guard'. But I believe this has low chance to
happen, unless, US default their debts, China gets angry, and tells his
little brother Kim to sneak in. (Perhaps I read too much Tom Clancy's book
hee [?] )
*Too sensitive to discuss. Pass. I don't know anything.
*Thailand economy already got hit with this pandemy, and potentially
millions can die because of this worldwide. Do not underestimate this issue,
live a healthy life today!
These are my opinions. May or may not happen, God help us all. Don't worry
and don't get overreacted like the last time, ada Artomoro bisa kasih so
much additional gain, to me and to all of us. [?] Elaine only bisa main saja
di OB until end of this 

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik coki_st
El punya rencana ngadain training ga?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 10:38:52 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

*I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to be
calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose their
clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you wanna say
lah [?], but here's my comments:

I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally. Next
week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+
billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the
greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price
skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel.

(The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer car
license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all transformers
autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts in Shanghai?)

Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:
*In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and
then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You
can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And
[in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies
of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country,
effectively you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD
(July 2nd, 2001)

*The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control of
the US policies? Yes.*
Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is
BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US),
combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up

**Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the monetary
policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those big guys in
the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY.

Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the inflation,
but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime mortgage-,
they have to lower it.

But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market
can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the
fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.

What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with the
interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new
debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are
shutting down, or cutting their workforce.

This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry too
much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)

If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things,
factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they
stop making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which
then the banks fail to pay to the Fed. The Fed may fail to pay the treasury
int. to foreign investors.
* *

THEN WE WILL HAVE WORLD WAR III. (This is not a right thing to say, but you
must know that WAR creates DEMAND. Not just conventional war, but also
symbolic ones like war against 'terrorism', 'illicit drugs', 'child porn',
'piracy', 'deforestation', etc etc)
*Luckily tech traders like JT and Tasrul only have to calculate the past
historical data (or predict couple days after), while I have to calculate
the possible scenarios for the next two quarters at least. :(( *
*If the US economy is in danger, many of their enemy, namely Iran and North
Korea, may see this as a chance to destroy their common enemy. One single
incident can lead to a lot of destruction. May be triggered with the above
issues, when the US is 'off guard'. But I believe this has low chance to
happen, unless, US default their debts, China gets angry, and tells his
little brother Kim to sneak in. (Perhaps I read too much Tom Clancy's book
hee [?] )
*Too sensitive to discuss. Pass. I don't know anything.
*Thailand economy already got hit with this pandemy, and potentially
millions can die because of this worldwide. Do

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-25 Terurut Topik VF ™
Brp target elaine utk IDX ?
- VF -

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 10:38:52 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

*I see more posts in OB now are bears. Some tech guys are pretending to be
calm both in OB and on my facebook wall, worrying that they may lose their
clients if they turn bearish too. Ok, no problem, you say what you wanna say
lah [?], but here's my comments:

I don't quite agree with 'bull market in US', it's just a bear rally. Next
week, the US 10yrs t-notes market will have to 'eat' the record $115+
billion bond auction that will -obviously- put heavy pressure on the
greenback. Last year, with the same of today's USD 'value', the oil price
skyrocketed to $140/barrel. Today's it's 'only' $60-$70/barrel.

(The Fed is selling American assets (to China). Did you know that Hummer car
license were sold to Sichuan Tengzhong? Did you know that all transformers
autobots are all GM cars? Have you wonder why the scene starts in Shanghai?)

Last April, I quoted Mr Mohammad this:
*In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and
then you could control that country. Today it's not necessary at all. You
can destabilize a country, make it poor, and then make it request help. And
[in exchange] for the help that is given, you gain control over the policies
of the country, and when you gain control over the policies of a country,
effectively you have colonized that country. - DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMMAD
(July 2nd, 2001)

*The US is crying for China help. Can we say China now has MORE control of
the US policies? Yes.*
Okay, back to USD vs Oil price, this tells us that the fall of the USD is
BIGGER than the rise of oil price, which means deflation (for non US),
combined with high unemployment rate, then we may see a rather fucked up

**Do you know why the int. rates keep lower and lower? This is the monetary
policy to endorse inflation (aka fight deflation), because those big guys in
the central banks know that the deflationary spiral is DEADLY.

Last year, normally the Fed should raise int. rate because of the inflation,
but since they are facing credit crunch -thanks to the subprime mortgage-,
they have to lower it.

But I understand that we're talking about STOCK market, I know the market
can be controlled for short term, but it will NOT move against the
fundamental, and fundamentally things are not something we're happy about.

What is deflationary death spiral? well, the Fed cannot do anything with the
interest rate as it's on all time low. All they can do is to issue new
debts, which will cause yield to skyrocket. In other hand, factories are
shutting down, or cutting their workforce.

This lead to lower tax, health care and insurance paid. (but don't worry too
much, this is only a theory, only happened once in 1930's)

If ppl have no income, they can't buy things. If ppl can't buy things,
factories will stop buying raw materials and cut more employees. If they
stop making products, then they can't pay their debts to the banks, which
then the banks fail to pay to the Fed. The Fed may fail to pay the treasury
int. to foreign investors.
* *

THEN WE WILL HAVE WORLD WAR III. (This is not a right thing to say, but you
must know that WAR creates DEMAND. Not just conventional war, but also
symbolic ones like war against 'terrorism', 'illicit drugs', 'child porn',
'piracy', 'deforestation', etc etc)
*Luckily tech traders like JT and Tasrul only have to calculate the past
historical data (or predict couple days after), while I have to calculate
the possible scenarios for the next two quarters at least. :(( *
*If the US economy is in danger, many of their enemy, namely Iran and North
Korea, may see this as a chance to destroy their common enemy. One single
incident can lead to a lot of destruction. May be triggered with the above
issues, when the US is 'off guard'. But I believe this has low chance to
happen, unless, US default their debts, China gets angry, and tells his
little brother Kim to sneak in. (Perhaps I read too much Tom Clancy's book
hee [?] )
*Too sensitive to discuss. Pass. I don't know anything.
*Thailand economy already got hit with this pandemy, and potentially
millions can die because of this worldwide. Do not underestimate this issue,
live a healthy life today!
These are my

[ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik boyz
Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion.
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
line of this post).

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

On 7/24/09, boyz wrote:
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
 euphoria market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

 Please share your opinion.
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
 line of this post).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik VF ™
Kl wave 5 ato masi wave 3 gw kurang ngerti.. (*Bu rokaya tolong share dong..) 
Gw jg liat bakal koreksi seh.. Disc on..
(*prof JT boleh dong minta chartnya.. )
Tp kl hard ato soft kaga tau deh... Gw pilih middle
Hard landing aja.. Heheee...
Tp mungkin jg ada skenario lain..
Dibikin panic buying dulukah? Ato sdh panic buying..
Yg pasti gw blm liat panic selling.. Heeehee..
(*mbah scr bandarmologi gmn ya)
- VF -

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:57:25 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion.
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
line of this post).

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik frento suharto
Kalo nubie diijinkan berpendapat, seminggu ke depan IHSG kok cuma naik turun 
enggak jelas..alasannya karena memang dana asing masih belum ada kesempatan 
untuk masuk, masih banyak yang ketinggalan keretaselain faktor external, 
faktor internal pun juga adem ayem

--- On Fri, 7/24/09, boyz wrote:

From: boyz
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
Date: Friday, July 24, 2009, 9:57 AM


  Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly 
discussion in here.
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic debate.

IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 2185.Technically 
speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% Fibonacci Retracement 
(Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 61,8% FR IHSG = 
2170,31).Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih besar 
probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi. 
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada potensi-potensi 
yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI 
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market psychology, 
sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur? 
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion. 
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, macro 
economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd line of this 

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.





Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik JT™
Pertanyaannya, ente abis nonton bokep apa boss ??  Whahaha.

Sent From BullBerry®

“TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never Trade Without Stop Order”

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

On 7/24/09, boyz wrote:
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
 euphoria market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

 Please share your opinion.
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
 line of this post).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

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Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik lim_anastasia
haahhahhaahha buset d

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

On 7/24/09, boyz wrote:
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
 euphoria market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

 Please share your opinion.
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
 line of this post).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik VF ™
Itu mah hard core prof... Hahaaa... banget neh..
- VF -

-Original Message-
From: JT™

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 14:32:29 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Pertanyaannya, ente abis nonton bokep apa boss ??  Whahaha.

Sent From BullBerry®

“TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never Trade Without Stop Order”

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

On 7/24/09, boyz wrote:
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
 euphoria market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

 Please share your opinion.
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
 line of this post).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

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Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Vernichtung
Completely agree with you sir... Para peserta di bursa akan diberikan
harapan2 rebound - koreksi ringan sampai suatu saat dimana harapan itu akan
dihancurkan secara total agar tercipta fear dimana akan terjadi akumulasi

2009/7/24 Dean Earwicker

 Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
 Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
 Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik billy_wta60
Kalau analisa Billy sih masih sama kayak kemaren soal correction scenarios ini. 
Lebih ke soft landing kayaknya

IHSG pas pula kena itung2an asal I di 2,199, dimana secara itung2an kasar tapi 
logis, boss udah gain 100 %

based on fundamental kan EL lihat ada ancaman deflasi, nuklir, dsb, Sip, itu 
logis banget, apalagi US defisit 1 trilliun ampe mau cari pinjeman ke UEA, 
china dll, cetak uang pula, waduhhh, hehehehee

untuk technical, I yakin FM macem EL punya Technicalist kelas international, 
dan banyak dari kita kan berpendapat ini wave 5 betul gak ?

target kan kira2 2,200-2,250, kebanyakan analisa technicalist punya pendapat 
seperti itu

sekarang IHSG 2,160, berarti memang sudah limited profit, about 40 point aja

dan kalau dihitung kasar, bozz udah make profit 100 % kalau IHSG ke 2,178, 
Benernya sih udah 300%an kali ya, hehehehe kenapa 100 % ?

karena low IHSG 1,089 X 2 = 2,178, anggaplah si boss kena fee jual-beli 0,25 % 
- 0,35 %, at least untuk dapetin cuan 100 %, bolehlah + 1 % lagi (untuk nutup 
fee beli jual, bayar SOPIR, wkwkwkwkwkw, listrik, komputer, internet, dll, 

jadi 2,178 X 101 % = 2,199 -- 2,200

So, tinggal 40 point lagi based on technical, itung2 profit bozz, dan 

Maaf ya, ini semua cuma itung2an dan analisa newbie banget, bisa aja salah, 
karena semua prediksi bisa berubah di lapangan



--- In, lim_anasta...@... wrote:

 haahhahhaahha buset d
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 -Original Message-
 From: Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@...
 Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
 Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
 Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
 Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..
 On 7/24/09, boyz m457...@... wrote:
  Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
  This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic
  * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
  2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
  Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
  61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
  * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.
  Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
  besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
  Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
  potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.
  Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
  memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
  psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
  euphoria market regional.
  So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
  Soft Landing or Hard Landing?
  Please share your opinion.
  (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
  macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
  line of this post).
  Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik VF ™
I see rising wedge..

Disklemer on..
- VF -

-Original Message-
From: billy_wta60

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 15:16:21 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Kalau analisa Billy sih masih sama kayak kemaren soal correction scenarios ini. 
Lebih ke soft landing kayaknya

IHSG pas pula kena itung2an asal I di 2,199, dimana secara itung2an kasar tapi 
logis, boss udah gain 100 %

based on fundamental kan EL lihat ada ancaman deflasi, nuklir, dsb, Sip, itu 
logis banget, apalagi US defisit 1 trilliun ampe mau cari pinjeman ke UEA, 
china dll, cetak uang pula, waduhhh, hehehehee

untuk technical, I yakin FM macem EL punya Technicalist kelas international, 
dan banyak dari kita kan berpendapat ini wave 5 betul gak ?

target kan kira2 2,200-2,250, kebanyakan analisa technicalist punya pendapat 
seperti itu

sekarang IHSG 2,160, berarti memang sudah limited profit, about 40 point aja

dan kalau dihitung kasar, bozz udah make profit 100 % kalau IHSG ke 2,178, 
Benernya sih udah 300%an kali ya, hehehehe kenapa 100 % ?

karena low IHSG 1,089 X 2 = 2,178, anggaplah si boss kena fee jual-beli 0,25 % 
- 0,35 %, at least untuk dapetin cuan 100 %, bolehlah + 1 % lagi (untuk nutup 
fee beli jual, bayar SOPIR, wkwkwkwkwkw, listrik, komputer, internet, dll, 

jadi 2,178 X 101 % = 2,199 -- 2,200

So, tinggal 40 point lagi based on technical, itung2 profit bozz, dan 

Maaf ya, ini semua cuma itung2an dan analisa newbie banget, bisa aja salah, 
karena semua prediksi bisa berubah di lapangan



--- In, lim_anasta...@... wrote:

 haahhahhaahha buset d
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 -Original Message-
 From: Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@...
 Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
 Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
 Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
 Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..
 On 7/24/09, boyz m457...@... wrote:
  Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
  This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic
  * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
  2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
  Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
  61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
  * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.
  Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
  besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
  Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
  potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.
  Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
  memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
  psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
  euphoria market regional.
  So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
  Soft Landing or Hard Landing?
  Please share your opinion.
  (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
  macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
  line of this post).
  Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik billy_wta60
Tapi, mungkin optimasi om tasrul tuh yang tahu sebenarnya low average IHSG 
berapa sih ?

--- In, billy_wta60 billybudima...@... wrote:

 Kalau analisa Billy sih masih sama kayak kemaren soal correction scenarios 
 ini. Lebih ke soft landing kayaknya
 IHSG pas pula kena itung2an asal I di 2,199, dimana secara itung2an kasar 
 tapi logis, boss udah gain 100 %
 based on fundamental kan EL lihat ada ancaman deflasi, nuklir, dsb, Sip, itu 
 logis banget, apalagi US defisit 1 trilliun ampe mau cari pinjeman ke UEA, 
 china dll, cetak uang pula, waduhhh, hehehehee
 untuk technical, I yakin FM macem EL punya Technicalist kelas international, 
 dan banyak dari kita kan berpendapat ini wave 5 betul gak ?
 target kan kira2 2,200-2,250, kebanyakan analisa technicalist punya pendapat 
 seperti itu
 sekarang IHSG 2,160, berarti memang sudah limited profit, about 40 point aja
 dan kalau dihitung kasar, bozz udah make profit 100 % kalau IHSG ke 2,178, 
 Benernya sih udah 300%an kali ya, hehehehe kenapa 100 % ?
 karena low IHSG 1,089 X 2 = 2,178, anggaplah si boss kena fee jual-beli 0,25 
 % - 0,35 %, at least untuk dapetin cuan 100 %, bolehlah + 1 % lagi (untuk 
 nutup fee beli jual, bayar SOPIR, wkwkwkwkwkw, listrik, komputer, internet, 
 dll, wkwkwkwkkww)
 jadi 2,178 X 101 % = 2,199 -- 2,200
 So, tinggal 40 point lagi based on technical, itung2 profit bozz, dan 
 Maaf ya, ini semua cuma itung2an dan analisa newbie banget, bisa aja salah, 
 karena semua prediksi bisa berubah di lapangan
 --- In, lim_anastasia@ wrote:
  haahhahhaahha buset d
  Sent from my BlackBerry®
  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
  -Original Message-
  From: Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@
  Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
  Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?
  Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
  Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
  Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..
  On 7/24/09, boyz m4573rs@ wrote:
   Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
   This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic
   * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
   2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
   Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
   61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
   * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.
   Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
   besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
   Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
   potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.
   Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
   memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
   psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
   euphoria market regional.
   So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
   Soft Landing or Hard Landing?
   Please share your opinion.
   (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
   macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
   line of this post).
   Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik er1ck
kalo di liat dari pattern harder harder itu sih biasanya jepun style, ummm
miyabi kali ya ...wkwkkwkwkwkwk

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:32 PM, JT™ wrote:

 Pertanyaannya, ente abis nonton bokep apa boss ??  Whahaha.

 Sent From BullBerry®

 “TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never Trade Without Stop Order”

 -Original Message-
 From: Dean Earwicker

 Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
 Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
 Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik artomoro9
Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada pilihan 
soft or hard take off?  yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau landing pasti 
terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau lanjut fly to the 
sky...?  ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168. So what? I m BHSH. 
Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.

Dean Earwicker wrote: 
   Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, 
 ...faster,.. . 
 Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally 
 Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?.. 
 On 7/24/09, boyz  m457...@yahoo.  wrote: 
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in 
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic 
 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% 
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31). 
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5. 
 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih 
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi. 
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada 
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price. 
 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI 
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market 
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam 
 euphoria market regional. 
 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur? 
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing? 
 Please share your opinion. 
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, 
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd 
 line of this post). 
 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend. 

  quot;Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!;

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Rei
Menurut saya, masih bisa naik...selama skrg pada takut index koreksi,
koreksi tdk akan terjadi. Lihat hari ini, apa yg kurang coba berita
bagusnya? Dow keren, oil keren, reg keren, dll. tapi market kita hari ini
kuyrang bergairah...OB aja sepi.Jadi bandar kontrarian...yah, melihat
keadaan sekarang koq saya masih lihat index akan naik, jadi sependapat dgn
jenderal arto.

Disc on tentunya...(anyway saya bukan analis, ngapain mesti kasih disc on
ya? hehehe)

2009/7/24 artomoro9

 Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada
 pilihan soft or hard take off? yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau
 landing pasti terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau
 lanjut fly to the sky...? ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168.
 So what? I m BHSH. Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.

 Dean Earwicker wrote:
  Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,.. .
  Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
  Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..
  On 7/24/09, boyz  m457...@yahoo.  wrote:
  Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
  This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic
  * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
  2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
  Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka

  61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
  * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.
  Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
  besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
  Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
  potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

  Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa (DJI
  memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
  psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
  euphoria market regional.
  So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
  Soft Landing or Hard Landing?
  Please share your opinion.
  (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
  macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd

  line of this post).
  Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

 quot;Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!;;


Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik billy_wta60
ya, tunggu reversal sign di chart aja deh. GBU Jend, ditunggu INDFnya di 2,800, 

--- In, artomoro9 artomo...@... wrote:

 Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada pilihan 
 soft or hard take off?  yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau landing 
 pasti terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau lanjut 
 fly to the sky...?  ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168. So 
 what? I m BHSH. Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.
 Dean Earwicker wrote: 
Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, 
  ...faster,.. . 
  Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally 
  Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?.. 
  On 7/24/09, boyz  m457...@yahoo.  wrote: 
  Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in 
  This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic 
  * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 
  2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% 
  Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 
  61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31). 
  * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5. 
  Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih 
  besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi. 
  Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada 
  potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price. 
  Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI 
  memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market 
  psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam 
  euphoria market regional. 
  So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur? 
  Soft Landing or Hard Landing? 
  Please share your opinion. 
  (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, 
  macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd 
  line of this post). 
  Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend. 
   quot;Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!;

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik jacob oen
Jend Arto,

If no one knows what will happen tomorrow?

So, just enjoy the game, live the life to the fullest and embrace what the 
universe will present to us.   

Sometimes, we are more than enough to what we need necessarily, but we're 
always deficient to what we desire for...


From: artomoro9
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:46:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada pilihan 
soft or hard take off? yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau landing pasti 
terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau lanjut fly to the 
sky...? ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168. So what? I m BHSH. 
Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.

Dean Earwicker wrote: 
 Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,.. . 
 Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally 
 Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?.. 
 On 7/24/09, boyz  m457...@yahoo.  wrote: 
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in 
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic 
 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% 
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31). 
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5. 
 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih 
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi. 
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada 
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price. 
 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa (DJI 
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market 
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam 
 euphoria market regional. 
 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur? 
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing? 
 Please share your opinion. 
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, 
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd 
 line of this post). 
 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend. 

quot;Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang! 
http://id.mail. quot;


Bls: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Charles Atmaja
Pada takut ketinggian Pak Rei :)

Dari: Rei
Terkirim: Jumat, 24 Juli, 2009 22:50:18
Judul: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Menurut saya, masih bisa naik...selama skrg pada takut index koreksi, koreksi 
tdk akan terjadi. Lihat hari ini, apa yg kurang coba berita bagusnya? Dow 
keren, oil keren, reg keren, dll. tapi market kita hari ini kuyrang 
bergairah... OB aja sepi. 
Jadi bandar kontrarian.. .yah, melihat keadaan sekarang koq saya masih lihat 
index akan naik, jadi sependapat dgn jenderal arto.

Disc on tentunya...( anyway saya bukan analis, ngapain mesti kasih disc on ya? 

2009/7/24 artomoro9 artomo...@yahoo.

Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada pilihan 
soft or hard take off? yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau landing pasti 
terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau lanjut fly to 
the sky...? ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168. So what? I m 
BHSH. Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.

Dean Earwicker wrote: 
 Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,.. . 
 Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally. 
 Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?.. 

 On 7/24/09, boyz  m457...@yahoo.  wrote: 
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in 
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic 
 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% 
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31). 
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5. 
 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih 
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi. 
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada 
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price. 
 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa (DJI 
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market 
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam 
 euphoria market regional. 
 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur? 
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing? 
 Please share your opinion. 
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, 
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd 
 line of this post). 
 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend. 

quot;Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang! 
http://id.mail. yahoo.comquot;

  Lebih aman saat online. Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih 
cepat yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. 
Dapatkan IE8 di sini!

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik [ M S ]

Kalau dengan Fibonacci Retracement apakah bisa diprediksi juga kalau seandainya 
jatuh, kira² berapa?

Berita² yang mengkhawatirkan saat ini (mungkin di blow up) Flu Babi dan earning 
perusahaan² di eropa banyak yang turun cukup significant.  

Autoshow kali ini BWM, Mercedes dll ngak ikutada relevansinnya ngak ya?

Anyway, kalau lagi ngak punya duit makanannya indomie, jadi mudah² target jend 
a9 INDF 2.800 bisa terwujudhehehe.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:57:25 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion.
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
line of this post).

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Breakpeak Mountain ..also starring : Ron DE Jeremy and Tom Boys 
Byron. By Vivid intermedia. (C)july 2009.

kindly regards.

*simple and stress free trading style*

-Original Message-
From: JT™

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 14:32:29 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Pertanyaannya, ente abis nonton bokep apa boss ??  Whahaha.

Sent From BullBerry®

“TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never Trade Without Stop Order”

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31 
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

On 7/24/09, boyz wrote:
 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


 * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
 2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
 Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
 61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
 * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
 besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
 euphoria market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

 Please share your opinion.
 (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
 macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
 line of this post).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

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Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Heru Susanto
Hua ha ha ha ha

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 12:38 AM, hepisaham wrote:

 Breakpeak Mountain ..also starring : Ron DE Jeremy and Tom Boys
 Byron. By Vivid intermedia. (C)july 2009.

 kindly regards.

 *simple and stress free trading style*

 -Original Message-
 From: JT™

 Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 14:32:29
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Pertanyaannya, ente abis nonton bokep apa boss ??  Whahaha.

 Sent From BullBerry®

 “TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never Trade Without Stop Order”

 -Original Message-
 From: Dean Earwicker

 Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:24:31
 Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,...
 Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
 Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..

 On 7/24/09, boyz wrote:
  Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
  This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic
  * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
  2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
  Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
  61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
  * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.
  Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
  besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
  Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
  potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.
  Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
  memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
  psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
  euphoria market regional.
  So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
  Soft Landing or Hard Landing?
  Please share your opinion.
  (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
  macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
  line of this post).
  Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.


 + +
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 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
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 + +
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 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
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Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik boyz
--- In, artomoro9 artomo...@... wrote:

 Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada
pilihan soft or hard take off?  yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau
landing pasti terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau
mau lanjut fly to the sky...?  ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada
posisi 2168. So what? I m BHSH. Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know
for tomorrow.

mmm... Sekali lagi, mengacu pada 1st and 2nd line:

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic

Diskusi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk hal negatif, spt: debat kusir,
saling memaksakan opini ataupun memprovokasi.

Tapi, dimaksudkan untuk membuka wawasan pemikiran, sehingga kita bisa
lebih bijaksana melihat persoalan dari beberapa sudut pandang, dari
beberapa fakta yang ada dan dari beberapa measured assumptions.
Sehingga kita-kita lebih comfort dalam melewati lorong waktu masa depan
yang masih gelap/samar2 (atau lebih objektif dalam mengambil keputusan

Let's see other perspectives, let's see other facts, let's see other
assumptions ...

nanti setelah itu, each one of us, pada akhirnya akan bisa menyimpulkan
untuk dirinya masing-masing...  apakah Soft landing, Hard landing, ...
or NO landing at all :)


Re: Bls: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Rei
Iya sih pak, saya juga takut/was2 kalo sdh ketinggian...naik pun saya rasa
juga sdh tidak bisa terlalu banyak tapi ya ujung2nya terserah Bozz [?]

2009/7/24 Charles Atmaja

 Pada takut ketinggian Pak Rei :)

 *Dari:* Rei
 *Terkirim:* Jumat, 24 Juli, 2009 22:50:18
 *Judul:* Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

 Menurut saya, masih bisa naik...selama skrg pada takut index koreksi,
 koreksi tdk akan terjadi. Lihat hari ini, apa yg kurang coba berita
 bagusnya? Dow keren, oil keren, reg keren, dll. tapi market kita hari ini
 kuyrang bergairah... OB aja sepi.
 Jadi bandar kontrarian.. .yah, melihat keadaan sekarang koq saya masih
 lihat index akan naik, jadi sependapat dgn jenderal arto.

 Disc on tentunya...( anyway saya bukan analis, ngapain mesti kasih disc on
 ya? hehehe)

 2009/7/24 artomoro9 artomo...@yahoo.

 Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada
 pilihan soft or hard take off? yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau
 landing pasti terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau
 lanjut fly to the sky...? ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168.
 So what? I m BHSH. Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.

 Dean Earwicker wrote:
  Soft landing, but as time passes by it's getting deeper, ...faster,.. .
  Uuh... Harder...and harder...then finally
  Eh, maaf tadi pertanyaannya apa yah?..
   On 7/24/09, boyz  m457...@yahoo.  wrote:
  Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in

  This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic
  * IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
  2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%

  Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089
  61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
  * Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.
  Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
  besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
  Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
  potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current
  Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa (DJI

  memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
  psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
  euphoria market regional.
  So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
  Soft Landing or Hard Landing?
  Please share your opinion.
  (you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
  macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and
  line of this post).
  Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

 quot;Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT.. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!
 http://id.mail. yahoo.comquot;

 Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!



Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik YUTA
Ikut sumbang pendapat:

1. World rally sekarang ini lebih karena overliquid dimana banks dan financial 
institusi yg sudah diinject harus window dressing Lap Keu mereka seakan (sudah) 
mulai sehat dengan banyak bermain di treasury dan stock market. Stock naik, 
revenue mereka naik
2. Ini tidak selamanya akan terjadi karena banks sudah harus fokus ke consumer 
dan lending, bukan hanya stock. Kalau tidak, ekonomi tidak akan bergerak. 
Tetapi weak ekonomi masih dillema
3. Asumsi saya, sekarang ini market dibuat menarik supaya terjadi panik buying, 
sehingga dana short term bisa keluar dan digantikan dana fresh dari masyarakat 
yg masih trauma, supaya suistainability akan terbentuk
4. Saat ini sedang pembentukan opini bahwa hanya stock market yang lebih 
profitable, dipancing dengan semua berita bagus bersamaan dengan membaiknya 
laporan keuangan 2Q
5. Masa transisi ini, tentu akan terjadi time lagging dimana dana short term 
yang keluar bisa saja tidak sepenuhnya tergantikan dengan dengan dana 
masyarakat. Ini akan menimbulkan koreksi

Jadi kesimpulannya, hanya terjadi koreksi. Tetapi pada masa ini tergantung 
dengan situasi kedepan, jika cuma persepsi yg terbentuk tidak diikuti oleh 
fundamental yang memburuk, maka boleh dikatakan yg terjadi adalah soft landing 
dan menuju W recovery di stock market. Tetapi kalau banyak kejadian yg diluar 
dugaan, bisa U, atau malah L as worst scenario. 

Maaf kalau salah, soalnya cuma analisa tong kosong nyaring bunyinya. 


-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:57:25 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion.
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
line of this post).

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik [ M S ]

Pak Yuta, 

Laporan keuangan yang dimaksud bisa lihat di mana pak?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: YUTA

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 03:09:35 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Ikut sumbang pendapat:

1. World rally sekarang ini lebih karena overliquid dimana banks dan financial 
institusi yg sudah diinject harus window dressing Lap Keu mereka seakan (sudah) 
mulai sehat dengan banyak bermain di treasury dan stock market. Stock naik, 
revenue mereka naik
2. Ini tidak selamanya akan terjadi karena banks sudah harus fokus ke consumer 
dan lending, bukan hanya stock. Kalau tidak, ekonomi tidak akan bergerak. 
Tetapi weak ekonomi masih dillema
3. Asumsi saya, sekarang ini market dibuat menarik supaya terjadi panik buying, 
sehingga dana short term bisa keluar dan digantikan dana fresh dari masyarakat 
yg masih trauma, supaya suistainability akan terbentuk
4. Saat ini sedang pembentukan opini bahwa hanya stock market yang lebih 
profitable, dipancing dengan semua berita bagus bersamaan dengan membaiknya 
laporan keuangan 2Q
5. Masa transisi ini, tentu akan terjadi time lagging dimana dana short term 
yang keluar bisa saja tidak sepenuhnya tergantikan dengan dengan dana 
masyarakat. Ini akan menimbulkan koreksi

Jadi kesimpulannya, hanya terjadi koreksi. Tetapi pada masa ini tergantung 
dengan situasi kedepan, jika cuma persepsi yg terbentuk tidak diikuti oleh 
fundamental yang memburuk, maka boleh dikatakan yg terjadi adalah soft landing 
dan menuju W recovery di stock market. Tetapi kalau banyak kejadian yg diluar 
dugaan, bisa U, atau malah L as worst scenario. 

Maaf kalau salah, soalnya cuma analisa tong kosong nyaring bunyinya. 


-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:57:25 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion.
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
line of this post).

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Ajo Ramon
Guys, kita membutuhkan correction ini supaya bisa tetap make money di 
market,,,soalnya saya juga lihat bahwa market udah fully retraced 423.6% 
(perhitungan ini dimulai dr wave 2 dengan highest di 1472 - 1244 periode 
Jan-Mar).  Mau soft atau hard landing yang penting skor akhir ada dimana? 
Kuncinya adalah level 1888, apakah kuat atau tidak, kalo gak kuat maka bisa 
tunggu di 1730.  All of this assessment is only based on TA.

From: boyz
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 9:21:17 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, artomoro9 artomo...@.. . wrote:

 Bentar lagi pasti chaos cuma karena soft or hard landing. Kok ga ada pilihan 
 soft or hard take off? yakin sudah mau landing? Kalo memang mau landing pasti 
 terjadi, cuma mulai kapan? Brapa lama? Berapa besar? Atau mau lanjut fly to 
 the sky...? ihsg sudah tembus peak nya hepi pada posisi 2168. So what? I m 
 BHSH. Take profit? Monggo saja. No body know for tomorrow.

mmm... Sekali lagi, mengacu pada 1st and 2nd line:

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic

Diskusi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk hal negatif, spt: debat kusir, saling 
memaksakan opini ataupun memprovokasi.

Tapi, dimaksudkan untuk membuka wawasan pemikiran, sehingga kita bisa lebih 
bijaksana melihat persoalan dari beberapa sudut pandang, dari beberapa fakta 
yang ada dan dari beberapa measured assumptions.
Sehingga kita-kita lebihcomfort dalam melewati lorong waktu masa depan yang 
masih gelap/samar2 (atau lebih objektif dalam mengambil keputusan 
investasi/trading) .

Let's see other perspectives, let's see other facts, let's see other 
assumptions ...

nanti setelah itu, each one of us, pada akhirnya akan bisa menyimpulkan untuk 
dirinya masing-masing. ..  apakah Soft landing, Hard landing, ... or NO landing 
at all :)



Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik YUTA
Bisa dicari di Internet atau kalau ada akses ke teman yang kerja di perusahaan 

Kalau tidak salah, earnings untuk financial sector di US naik 8%, terbesar 
dibanding yang lain, termasuk mengalahkan technology yg cuma 6% (cmiiw). 

Earnings Q2 naik karena dibantu juga oleh cost cutting (lay off, close down 
offices, restructuring some of business unit etc.).  

Tapi jika dari segi cost sudah tidak bisa disqueeze sedangkan revenue/earning 
tidak bisa naik atau malah turun, ini yang harus diamati

-Original Message-
From: [ M S ]

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 03:29:54 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Pak Yuta, 

Laporan keuangan yang dimaksud bisa lihat di mana pak?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: YUTA

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 03:09:35 
To: Obrolan
Subject: Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Ikut sumbang pendapat:

1. World rally sekarang ini lebih karena overliquid dimana banks dan financial 
institusi yg sudah diinject harus window dressing Lap Keu mereka seakan (sudah) 
mulai sehat dengan banyak bermain di treasury dan stock market. Stock naik, 
revenue mereka naik
2. Ini tidak selamanya akan terjadi karena banks sudah harus fokus ke consumer 
dan lending, bukan hanya stock. Kalau tidak, ekonomi tidak akan bergerak. 
Tetapi weak ekonomi masih dillema
3. Asumsi saya, sekarang ini market dibuat menarik supaya terjadi panik buying, 
sehingga dana short term bisa keluar dan digantikan dana fresh dari masyarakat 
yg masih trauma, supaya suistainability akan terbentuk
4. Saat ini sedang pembentukan opini bahwa hanya stock market yang lebih 
profitable, dipancing dengan semua berita bagus bersamaan dengan membaiknya 
laporan keuangan 2Q
5. Masa transisi ini, tentu akan terjadi time lagging dimana dana short term 
yang keluar bisa saja tidak sepenuhnya tergantikan dengan dengan dana 
masyarakat. Ini akan menimbulkan koreksi

Jadi kesimpulannya, hanya terjadi koreksi. Tetapi pada masa ini tergantung 
dengan situasi kedepan, jika cuma persepsi yg terbentuk tidak diikuti oleh 
fundamental yang memburuk, maka boleh dikatakan yg terjadi adalah soft landing 
dan menuju W recovery di stock market. Tetapi kalau banyak kejadian yg diluar 
dugaan, bisa U, atau malah L as worst scenario. 

Maaf kalau salah, soalnya cuma analisa tong kosong nyaring bunyinya. 


-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:57:25 
Subject: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


* IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi
2185.Technically speaking, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8%
Fibonacci Retracement (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka
61,8% FR IHSG = 2170,31).
* Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih
besar probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-discount current price.

Tapi melihat baru dimulainya Bull Rally di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
memasuki wave 3), jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
psychology, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam
euphoria market regional.

So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
Soft Landing or Hard Landing?

Please share your opinion.
(you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news,
macro economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd
line of this post).

Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.

Bullish IHSG... Sideways stock price ..Re: [ob] Correction Scenarios... SOFT landing or HARD?

2009-07-24 Terurut Topik Cougar Boy
Comment saya...
most of player di BEI adalah teknikal trader..jarang sekali yang invest di
BEI (kecuali investor kacilakaan)

Sokalau mau ada yang beli ..index harus naik (kalau gak naik teknikal
jelek kan :D). Kalau index tiap hari turun 5 point aja selama
seminggu..siapa sih yang mau tambah duit di BEI.

Jadi...cara paling gampang untuk jualan..
Bikin index naik terus(peduli amat pakai UNVR ASII atau TLKM..yang
penting naik..bila perlu BATA atau MLBI dibikin AR atas pakai 1 lot)

Nah..selama index naik...naikan saham-saham yang mau dijual barang 1-2 point
..kasih volume yang besar.
Selama barang bandar belum habis..jangan harap bisa ada koreksi.

So..have fun ajajangan terlalu lihat index kalau tidak mau
terjebak...focus on stock... siapa tahu anda melihat saham yang mau
digoreng demi menjaga status UPTREND dari BEI.


2009/7/24 boyz

 Just to bridge an open, analytic, thoughtful and friendly discussion in
 This is not intended to provoke, impose an opinion, or to be chaotic


- IHSG sudah beberapa bulan ini rebound sampai ke posisi 2185.*Technically
speaking*, posisi IHSG saat ini sudah sampai pada 61,8% *Fibonacci
Retracement* (Posisi tertinggi 2838 - posisi terendah 1089 maka 61,8%
FR IHSG = 2170,31).
- Secara Elliot Wave counting, sekarang ini IHSG berada dalam Wave 5.


 Walau masih ada potensi kenaikan, untuk jangka pendek-menengah lebih besar
 probabilitas IHSG untuk terkoreksi.
 Dan dalam konteks fundamental maupun makro ekonomi masih ada
 potensi-potensi yang bisa menyebabkan market men-*discount current price*.

 Tapi melihat baru dimulainya *Bull Rally* di bursa Amerika dan Eropa  (DJI
 memasuki wave 3),* jika mengacu pada intermarket analysis dan market
 psychology*, sepertinya irrelevant jika IHSG tidak ikut larut dalam *euphoria
 *market regional.

 So, which scenario of correction for IHSG may occur?
 Soft Landing or Hard Landing?*

 Please share your opinion.
 (*you can include or add technical, fundamental, bandarmology, news, macro
 economy, or any approach as long as still referring to 1st and 2nd line of
 this post*).

 Thanks for your contribution and have nice weekend.