Re: current state of gradle script for Android?

2013-08-08 Thread tomas.brandalik

Hi Tobi,
shouldn't be necessary to patch android.gradle file or set 
ANDROID_CROSS_TOOLS_VER anymore. The latest changes resolve path to a 
toolchain taking into account variants of NDK. Thank you for testing it.


On 08/01/2013 11:41 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:

Thanks Tomas,

after changing android.gradle script line defineProperty(ANDROID_CROSS_TOOLS_VER, arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3“)“ to 
defineProperty(ANDROID_CROSS_TOOLS_VER, arm-linux-androideabi-4.6“)“ and def toolsPlatform = IS_WINDOWS ? windows : IS_MAC ? 
macosx : linux-x86““ to „def toolsPlatform = IS_WINDOWS ? windows : IS_MAC ? darwin-x86_64 : linux-x86““ I could successfully 
build OpenJFX for Android von Mac OS X 10.9!

So now I’m trying to use Android Studio and the Emulator to start a JavaFX test 
application on Android. I tried to start my activity which extends from 
FXActivity class in „“ package. But how do I have to specify 
the JavaFX application class or main method? How do I have to bind the 
FXActivity with the JavaFX app (Stage / Application)? Is there any demo code 

Best regards,

Am 01.08.2013 um 16:00 schrieb tomas.brandalik

The latest tools should be ok sdk ver. 22 and ndk r9. I have  sdk 21.1 and ndk 
r7c and r8e.

On 08/01/2013 03:41 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:

Which android SDK do I need? Could you please give me the URL to the correct 
android SDK and NDK?


Am 31.07.2013 um 16:42 schrieb tomas.brandalik

Hi Tobi,
it works on linux only right now.
Set properties for cross build and android sdk/ndk.
-PCOMPILE_TARGETS=android -PANDROID_SDK=/opt/android-sdk-linux 
-PANDROID_NDK=/opt/android-ndk-r7c -PCOMPILE_GSTREAMER=false -PSKIP_JAVADOC=true
Closed source parts web and font-t2k will be missing.


On 07/29/2013 11:22 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:


can anyone say something about the current state of the gradle android support? 
Is it possible to build OpenJFX for Android now via gradle?

Best regards,

Re: JavaFX CSS significantly differs from W3C CSS (Forked from RE: Proposal to move default style-class from Control to SkinBase)

2013-08-08 Thread Tom Schindl
Hi Pedro,

on CSS as a spec: You are right the spec does not only hold a language
  definition but also the definition of e.g. the
  box-model, ... who simply can not be applied to FX
  unless you completely revamp how it works

on CSS: The grammer of the CSS-Language is at with a descrption at with updates in later
specs and CSS can not only be applied to HTML-Doms but e.g.
also to SVG where you have completely different attributes.

See how few
properties SVG and HTML-CSS share! So to me it looks like the
authors of SVG see CSS in the same way the JavaFX-Team does it
as a styleing DSL leaving out things like the Box-Model, ...

on SASS: I see no reason it can not be used. Like I said SASS is simply
 syntatic sugar above the CSS Language, but it does not really
 care about how the properties are named! I've attached you a
 sample of scss file derived from the projects website using
 JavaFX properties and to me the output looks correct, maybe
 there are advanced features I'm not aware of - I haven't used
 SASS at all

on Compass: This one does not work with FX because it somehow deals
with the properties

on reusing CSS-HTML-Properties: I think the confusion would be getting
  worse if we'd start mixing HTML-CSS-Property names with -fx
  ones (which we need in any case) - even if we can get them
  100% HTML-CSS compliant.

  I don't see me blindly copying a HTML-CSS which assumes the
  Box-Model, element-types who are not existing in FX at all


On 08.08.13 02:58, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
 Go to the CSS W3C website and read the spec, you'll see that it's not
 only a language. 
 No SASS can't be used with JavaFX unless you make a SASS of your own
 that works like the original but with JavaFX CSS files.
 Thanks, regards,
 On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:38 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:
 SASS can be used as well in fx, it is simply a preprocessor, like
 LESS, and for CSS the language and selectors there is a grammer! 
 CSS is simply a DSL and its most important part are the selectors
 and its cascading nature.
 Von meinem iPhone gesendet
 Am 08.08.2013 um 02:11 schrieb Pedro Duque Vieira
 I might have jumped the gun when talking about LESS, I'm not
 actually familiar with it and thought it would be along the same
 lines like SASS.
 But still you can't use SASS or Compass with JavaFX CSS.


 On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:05 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira

  So if you invent the same node-types you have on the web (lets 
 face it there's only a handful of them most important are most likely 
 div,span) and give them the same properties you know from the web you can 
 copy your Web-CSS stylesheet to your FX-Application.
 +1 to this idea (in a 3rd party lib).
  The issue I see is that JavaFX CSS significantly differs from 
 It surprises me that this issue comes up so rarely in
 JavaFX forums (almost never) - perhaps it is because
 JavaFX developers tend to be Java developers rather than
 A related open jira request
 is need to
 reconcile JavaFX CSS with W3C CSS3 0 votes (no interest
 at all?).
 In terms of conversion of existing html css resources to
 javafx css, you may be interested in a QA with a
 developer who converted the Foundation look and feel to
 JavaFX ( - from
 his point of view the conversion process was quite
 straight-forward - though perhaps that was partially luck
 of the draw.
 Below is a copy and paste from an earlier JavaFX forum
 post on this topic:
 You know, sometimes I find JavaFX's lack of certain css
 features refreshing. It is nice to have all, well, almost
 all, of the JavaFX CSS documented on one page. I think if
 you were to do the same thing for w3c css then it would
 end up with a much larger, more difficult to understand
 document and even what the contents of that document
 should be would probably be pretty controversial, in the
 same kind of way that the HTML5 specification ended up
 being. Microsoft contributed over 7000 

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: Android: Implement loadContent() on webview. Use default encoding set to null instead base64.

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: 158e4ee0658a
Date:  2013-08-08 11:17 +0200

Android: Implement loadContent() on webview. Use default encoding set to null 
instead base64.

! modules/graphics/src/android/java/com/oracle/dalvik/
! modules/web/src/android/native/native_webview.c

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: RT-31966 Null-screen error on WebEngine.print()

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: 1d7e167d5300
Date:  2013-08-08 14:15 +0400

RT-31966 Null-screen error on WebEngine.print()


Re: current state of gradle script for Android?

2013-08-08 Thread tomas.brandalik

I have hardly any info about the project jfx78 backport and its status. 
I've just had a look at it and saw that last sync happened in beginning 
of July. It's good if somebody is willing to put his effort into that.
In order to run on dalvik we need to compile jfx with jdk1.6 (I suppose 
1.7 would do as well). Then there will be some packages missing for 
example java.beans or sun.misc but it could be fixed somehow.


On 08/08/2013 10:05 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:

Hi Tomas,

yes, I was able to build JavaFX for Android, but I would like to start JavaFX 
on Dalvik…You said its necessary to update the jfx78 backport to the latest 
openjfx code changes…?

btw: I just saw your very interesting JavaOne track ;)

Am 08.08.2013 um 09:59 schrieb tomas.brandalik

Hi Tobi,
shouldn't be necessary to patch android.gradle file or set 
ANDROID_CROSS_TOOLS_VER anymore. The latest changes resolve path to a toolchain 
taking into account variants of NDK. Thank you for testing it.


On 08/01/2013 11:41 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:

Thanks Tomas,

after changing android.gradle script line defineProperty(ANDROID_CROSS_TOOLS_VER, arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3“)“ to 
defineProperty(ANDROID_CROSS_TOOLS_VER, arm-linux-androideabi-4.6“)“ and def toolsPlatform = IS_WINDOWS ? windows : IS_MAC ? 
macosx : linux-x86““ to „def toolsPlatform = IS_WINDOWS ? windows : IS_MAC ? darwin-x86_64 : linux-x86““ I could successfully 
build OpenJFX for Android von Mac OS X 10.9!

So now I’m trying to use Android Studio and the Emulator to start a JavaFX test 
application on Android. I tried to start my activity which extends from 
FXActivity class in „“ package. But how do I have to specify 
the JavaFX application class or main method? How do I have to bind the 
FXActivity with the JavaFX app (Stage / Application)? Is there any demo code 

Best regards,

Am 01.08.2013 um 16:00 schrieb tomas.brandalik

The latest tools should be ok sdk ver. 22 and ndk r9. I have  sdk 21.1 and ndk 
r7c and r8e.

On 08/01/2013 03:41 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:

Which android SDK do I need? Could you please give me the URL to the correct 
android SDK and NDK?


Am 31.07.2013 um 16:42 schrieb tomas.brandalik

Hi Tobi,
it works on linux only right now.
Set properties for cross build and android sdk/ndk.
-PCOMPILE_TARGETS=android -PANDROID_SDK=/opt/android-sdk-linux 
-PANDROID_NDK=/opt/android-ndk-r7c -PCOMPILE_GSTREAMER=false -PSKIP_JAVADOC=true
Closed source parts web and font-t2k will be missing.


On 07/29/2013 11:22 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:


can anyone say something about the current state of the gradle android support? 
Is it possible to build OpenJFX for Android now via gradle?

Best regards,

Rowsorting of TableView with SortedList/FilteredList

2013-08-08 Thread Martin Klähn
Hi guys,

I'm working on a business application that makes use of TableView and I'm
working with JDK 8 build b101.

Displaying the data works like a charm. Row sorting for ordinary
ObservableLists is fine too.

Then I've set TableView.items to FilteredList and row sorting was disabled.
replacing TableView.item with SortedList does not allow row sorting as
well. Binding the comparator of SortedList to the TableView.comparator has
no effect either.

// row sorting possible
//final TableViewInteger tableView = new
TableView(FXCollections.observableArrayList(2, 1, 3));

// row sorting not possible (SortedList)
// create a TableView with the sorted list set as the items it will show
// bind the sortedList comparator to the TableView comparator
//SortedListInteger sortedList = new
SortedList(FXCollections.observableArrayList(2, 1, 3));
//final TableViewInteger tableView = new TableView(sortedList);

// row sorting not possible (FilteredList)
//FilteredListInteger filteredList = new
FilteredList(FXCollections.observableArrayList(2, 1, 3), (e) - true);
//final TableViewInteger tableView = new TableView(filteredList );

// Don't forget to define columns!
final TableColumnInteger, Number integerColumn = new
final TableColumnInteger, String hexColumn = new TableColumn(Integer

integerColumn.setCellValueFactory(javaClass - new
hexColumn.setCellValueFactory(javaClass - new

tableView.getColumns().addAll(integerColumn, hexColumn);

Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong or where I have to adapt my
Is it correct that row sorting in a TableView is only possible for ordinary

With Regards

Re: Swing and JavaFX thread merge

2013-08-08 Thread Artem Ananiev

On 8/8/2013 1:45 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:

I thought I was getting this automatically - when I run on my
desktop, I can bring up a JOptionPane from a Swing thread and
JFXPanels (correctly) block. But when I run from Java Web Start, they
don't, and I end up with sporadic SwingUtilities.computeIntersection

Once these two JDK/JavaFX bugs are resolved, scenario with JOptionPane 
you described will work. As I wrote, it won't work by default in JDK8, 
you'll need to run your app with certain system property (something like 

Is there a secret setting that has a different default with JAWS?

NPEs look like a bug, either in AWT/FX, or in your application. I really 
doubt it's related to Java Web Start. Could you provide a test to 
reproduce the exceptions, please?




On Aug 7, 2013, at 5:06 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:

Hi, Pedro Duque Vieira,

this is in progress. JDK part is tracked in 8015477:

JavaFX part is described in RT-30694:

Note that in JDK8/JavaFX8 single-threaded mode will not be a part of public 
API, it will be an experimental feature.



On 8/7/2013 2:43 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:


Some time ago there was a patch submitted which for all purposes merged the
swing and javafx thread, making it easier for developers working on a
swing/javafx app -

Is this available now (I was under the impression it is)? How do I use it?

Thanks in advance,

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: RT-31861: Examine commented-out thread checks in Glass

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: 1d86b2b314e3
Author:Petr Pchelko
Date:  2013-08-08 15:52 +0400

RT-31861: Examine commented-out thread checks in Glass
Reviewed-by: anthony, art

! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/glass/ui/
! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/glass/ui/
! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/glass/ui/

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: RT-30694: Add support for a single threaded mode for FX/AWT interop

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: c122b03b13e5
Author:Petr Pchelko
Date:  2013-08-08 16:23 +0400

RT-30694: Add support for a single threaded mode for FX/AWT interop
Reviewed-by: anthony, art, ant, snorthov

! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/javafx/application/
! modules/swing/src/main/java/javafx/embed/swing/
! modules/swing/src/main/java/javafx/embed/swing/

Re: Swing and JavaFX thread merge

2013-08-08 Thread Petr Pchelko

I've just pushed the fix to the repo, so it should be available in a couple of 
However, it is an experimental feature, so we lack the documentation or 
examples on it. If you experience any issues with it - please contact me.

 As I wrote, it won't work by default in JDK8, you'll need to run your app 
 with certain system property (something like 
It's -Djavafx.embed.singleThread=true

With best regards. Petr.

On Aug 8, 2013, at 3:50 PM, Artem Ananiev wrote:

 On 8/8/2013 1:45 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:
 I thought I was getting this automatically - when I run on my
 desktop, I can bring up a JOptionPane from a Swing thread and
 JFXPanels (correctly) block. But when I run from Java Web Start, they
 don't, and I end up with sporadic SwingUtilities.computeIntersection
 Once these two JDK/JavaFX bugs are resolved, scenario with JOptionPane you 
 described will work. As I wrote, it won't work by default in JDK8, you'll 
 need to run your app with certain system property (something like 
 Is there a secret setting that has a different default with JAWS?
 NPEs look like a bug, either in AWT/FX, or in your application. I really 
 doubt it's related to Java Web Start. Could you provide a test to reproduce 
 the exceptions, please?
 On Aug 7, 2013, at 5:06 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
 Hi, Pedro Duque Vieira,
 this is in progress. JDK part is tracked in 8015477:
 JavaFX part is described in RT-30694:
 Note that in JDK8/JavaFX8 single-threaded mode will not be a part of public 
 API, it will be an experimental feature.
 On 8/7/2013 2:43 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
 Some time ago there was a patch submitted which for all purposes merged the
 swing and javafx thread, making it easier for developers working on a
 swing/javafx app -
 Is this available now (I was under the impression it is)? How do I use it?
 Thanks in advance,

Re: Swing and JavaFX thread merge

2013-08-08 Thread Jeff Martin
It looks like this is specific to MacOSX 7u25+, if you run Java Inventor from 
the JAWS link on MacOSX (I'm using JVM 1.7.0_25 or 40-ea):

prompt javaws

Here are the steps:

1. Create New Project and Open
2. Click on large, animated New Java Starter File to bring up 

Then if you move the mouse around, you should see the other buttons on the 
screen still animate or illuminate in the FX thread. Whereas on 7u20 or Windows 
or non-JAWS launch, the JavaFX effects are not triggered while the modal panel 
is up. If you dismiss the option pane with the escape key and quickly re-click 
the New Starter File button repeatedly, eventually the 
SwingUtilities.computeIntersection NPE will manifest (sooner if you are doing a 
sales demo).

Any thoughts on what would make the FX thread ignore the modal state in this 


On Aug 8, 2013, at 6:50 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:

 On 8/8/2013 1:45 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:
 I thought I was getting this automatically - when I run on my
 desktop, I can bring up a JOptionPane from a Swing thread and
 JFXPanels (correctly) block. But when I run from Java Web Start, they
 don't, and I end up with sporadic SwingUtilities.computeIntersection
 Once these two JDK/JavaFX bugs are resolved, scenario with JOptionPane you 
 described will work. As I wrote, it won't work by default in JDK8, you'll 
 need to run your app with certain system property (something like 
 Is there a secret setting that has a different default with JAWS?
 NPEs look like a bug, either in AWT/FX, or in your application. I really 
 doubt it's related to Java Web Start. Could you provide a test to reproduce 
 the exceptions, please?
 On Aug 7, 2013, at 5:06 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
 Hi, Pedro Duque Vieira,
 this is in progress. JDK part is tracked in 8015477:
 JavaFX part is described in RT-30694:
 Note that in JDK8/JavaFX8 single-threaded mode will not be a part of public 
 API, it will be an experimental feature.
 On 8/7/2013 2:43 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
 Some time ago there was a patch submitted which for all purposes merged the
 swing and javafx thread, making it easier for developers working on a
 swing/javafx app -
 Is this available now (I was under the impression it is)? How do I use it?
 Thanks in advance,

Re: JavaFX CSS significantly differs from W3C CSS (Forked from RE: Proposal to move default style-class from Control to SkinBase)

2013-08-08 Thread Pedro Duque Vieira
Richard, John and Tom thanks for your input.

  Also one more advantage I see if JavaFX complies with w3c CSS (on the
  things that count) is that CSS is a continuously evolving technology
 with a
  lot of people already working on it and evolving it (for instance, the
  broken layout system is being rewritten with things like the box model),
  JavaFX follows along it will benefit from that web of knowledge.

One misconception here is that there is any way for us to follow along for
 free. There is not an existing CSS engine that we can reuse. They are all
 heavily tied to their native C/C++ browser implementations and are all
 based on DOM nodes, not scene graph nodes. When the W3C or WhatWG adds new
 CSS capabilities, we don't get those for free, regardless of the syntax
 that we were to use.

That's not what I meant.
What I meant is that you build on the existing knowledge surrounding a
technology that is meant to define the appearance of applications. Of
course, unfortunately you can not build on the implementation.

As for following the standard, we do intend to do that (and always have),
 at least insofar as it makes sense. But some things in Web CSS just don't
 make sense in the FX scene graph (layout being an obvious example, but some
 of the CSS selectors that allow you to insert dynamic nodes into the system
 don't directly map unless we were to implement it via FXML instead of HTML).

Yes I would discard layout and inserting dynamic nodes as well. I'm talking
about what already exists in JavaFX CSS and that does not follow the CSS
specification. For instance: margins, effects, the -fx- prefix
everywhere, etc..
There are clearly some decisions being made that go against the spec and
not because it would be hard or more work to follow the spec. With others I
can agree that it can be difficult to follow.

 @Tom Schindl: I'm not talking about only the CSS language, there is no
  such thing
 That is not correct. There is a CSS language (syntax) which is independent
 of the various specific pseudo-classes or declarations supported by a
 specific target (node type). You can find grammars on the internet.

There is no CSS as language. You can talk about it, but CSS does not define
only a language but also a bunch of properties: font, background and
foreground colors, text properties, margins, etc, etc. Look at any CSS spec
and you will find these.

 One of the problems is that JavaFX adds a -fx- prefix to every keyword,
  the use of this prefix was meant to distinguish experimental browser new
  specific features during their testing, experimentation period. This was
  during an experimental phase, and was meant to be dropped as soon as all
  browser implementations of that new feature work the same.

As a practical matter, it is hard for the browsers to ever drop the
 extension syntax, they just add in the new standard (dropping the existing
 syntax breaks untold millions of websites).The same is true for FX, we
 can't drop the -fx- prefix. And in fact we *added* the -fx- prefix at the
 last minute before we shipped 2.0 (iirc). We didn't used to have the -fx-
 prefix for everything. The problem was the the CSS standard was a moving
 target, and we have to maintain compatibility, so we just put -fx- in front
 of everything to make sure that we wouldn't be burned (as we already had
 been once or twice) when the at-the-time unfinished CSS 3 backgrounds and
 borders specification changed out from under us.

That's not correct. Vendor prefixes are meant to be temporary as they
fragment the web (each browser having there own prefix and implementation
of a property), there have already been prefixes that were dropped.
Taken from the W3C CSS specification 3 (
Although proprietary extensions should be avoided in general, there are
situations (experiments, implementations of W3C drafts that have not yet
reached Candidate Recommendation, intra-nets, debugging, etc.) where it is
convenient to add some nonstandard, i.e., proprietary identifiers to a CSS
style sheet. It is often hard to predict how long these proprietary
extensions will be in use and hard to avoid that their names clash with
new, standard properties or with other proprietary properties. Therefore
the CSS Working Group proposes the following simple naming convention. A
proprietary name should have a prefix consisting of...

In fact, the reason we put in -fx- was *exactly* to allow us to have
 CSS-compliant non-fx- rules later on.

Are you positively sure that your CSS implementation is compliant? I have
serious doubts.

 In JavaFX by contrast, this was added for the purposes of being able to
  write in the same stylesheet file both web w3c css and JavaFX css without
  the 2 clashing into each other.

That isn't really the reason why. It was so that we could be standards
 compliant. We shipped before the CSS 3 spec was completed, so we needed to
 use the vender extension prefix to 

Re: Glass thread checks

2013-08-08 Thread Petr Pchelko
Hello, OpenJFX Team.

As you know, the previous attempt to switch on the thread checks have failed. 
The problems were fixed, so I'm going to enable them again tomorrow morning if 
nobody objects.

With best regards. Petr.

Re: Glass thread checks

2013-08-08 Thread steve . x . northover
To give a little more context.  JavaFX is apartment threaded with well 
documented rules for threaded.  These rules were not enforced in code.  
Glass, the low level window component for FX is not enforcing apartment 
threading.  Since Glass has no public API, the only way that an 
application can be affected is if it is coded such that it access Glass 
through FX from a non-UI thread.  FX itself contained code some code 
that did this this code has been fixed.

Thread checking is goodness and leads to consistent applications with 
repeatable behavior.  Thread checking in Glass is a good first step 
forward in this area.


On 08/08/2013 9:33 AM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, OpenJFX Team.

As you know, the previous attempt to switch on the thread checks have failed.
The problems were fixed, so I'm going to enable them again tomorrow morning if 
nobody objects.

With best regards. Petr.

Re: Glass thread checks

2013-08-08 Thread steve . x . northover

Heavens .. typos!

To give a little more context.  JavaFX is apartment threaded with well 
documented rules for threading.  These rules were not enforced in code.  
Glass, the low level window component for FX is now enforcing apartment 
threading for this component.  Since Glass has no public API, the only 
way that an application can be affected is if it is coded such that it 
accesses Glass through FX from a non-UI thread.  FX itself contained 
code some code that did this this code has been fixed.

Thread checking is goodness and leads to consistent applications with 
repeatable behavior.  Thread checking in Glass is a good first step 
forward towards finding and addressing thread bugs.


On 08/08/2013 9:48 AM, wrote:
To give a little more context.  JavaFX is apartment threaded with well 
documented rules for threaded.  These rules were not enforced in 
code.  Glass, the low level window component for FX is not enforcing 
apartment threading.  Since Glass has no public API, the only way that 
an application can be affected is if it is coded such that it access 
Glass through FX from a non-UI thread.  FX itself contained code some 
code that did this this code has been fixed.

Thread checking is goodness and leads to consistent applications with 
repeatable behavior.  Thread checking in Glass is a good first step 
forward in this area.


On 08/08/2013 9:33 AM, Petr Pchelko wrote:

Hello, OpenJFX Team.

As you know, the previous attempt to switch on the thread checks have 
The problems were fixed, so I'm going to enable them again tomorrow 
morning if nobody objects.

With best regards. Petr.

Re: Swing and JavaFX thread merge

2013-08-08 Thread Jeff Martin
Addendum: it turns out that the JOptionPane is not blocking any of the UI 
(Swing included). So maybe this isn't strictly a JavaFX problem.


On Aug 8, 2013, at 8:17 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:

 It looks like this is specific to MacOSX 7u25+, if you run Java Inventor from 
 the JAWS link on MacOSX (I'm using JVM 1.7.0_25 or 40-ea):
   prompt javaws
 Here are the steps:
   1. Create New Project and Open
   2. Click on large, animated New Java Starter File to bring up 
 Then if you move the mouse around, you should see the other buttons on the 
 screen still animate or illuminate in the FX thread. Whereas on 7u20 or 
 Windows or non-JAWS launch, the JavaFX effects are not triggered while the 
 modal panel is up. If you dismiss the option pane with the escape key and 
 quickly re-click the New Starter File button repeatedly, eventually the 
 SwingUtilities.computeIntersection NPE will manifest (sooner if you are doing 
 a sales demo).
 Any thoughts on what would make the FX thread ignore the modal state in this 
 On Aug 8, 2013, at 6:50 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
 On 8/8/2013 1:45 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:
 I thought I was getting this automatically - when I run on my
 desktop, I can bring up a JOptionPane from a Swing thread and
 JFXPanels (correctly) block. But when I run from Java Web Start, they
 don't, and I end up with sporadic SwingUtilities.computeIntersection
 Once these two JDK/JavaFX bugs are resolved, scenario with JOptionPane you 
 described will work. As I wrote, it won't work by default in JDK8, you'll 
 need to run your app with certain system property (something like 
 Is there a secret setting that has a different default with JAWS?
 NPEs look like a bug, either in AWT/FX, or in your application. I really 
 doubt it's related to Java Web Start. Could you provide a test to reproduce 
 the exceptions, please?
 On Aug 7, 2013, at 5:06 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
 Hi, Pedro Duque Vieira,
 this is in progress. JDK part is tracked in 8015477:
 JavaFX part is described in RT-30694:
 Note that in JDK8/JavaFX8 single-threaded mode will not be a part of 
 public API, it will be an experimental feature.
 On 8/7/2013 2:43 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
 Some time ago there was a patch submitted which for all purposes merged 
 swing and javafx thread, making it easier for developers working on a
 swing/javafx app -
 Is this available now (I was under the impression it is)? How do I use it?
 Thanks in advance,

Re: current state of gradle script for Android?

2013-08-08 Thread Danno Ferrin
Summer vacation stuff with my family is sucking up all my free time.
School starts in two weeks so I should be off the hook soon.
On Aug 8, 2013 5:14 AM, tomas.brandalik

 I have hardly any info about the project jfx78 backport and its status.
 I've just had a look at it and saw that last sync happened in beginning of
 July. It's good if somebody is willing to put his effort into that.
 In order to run on dalvik we need to compile jfx with jdk1.6 (I suppose
 1.7 would do as well). Then there will be some packages missing for example
 java.beans or sun.misc but it could be fixed somehow.


 On 08/08/2013 10:05 AM, Tobias Bley wrote:

 Hi Tomas,

 yes, I was able to build JavaFX for Android, but I would like to start
 JavaFX on Dalvik…You said its necessary to update the jfx78 backport to the
 latest openjfx code changes…?

 btw: I just saw your very interesting JavaOne track ;)

   Am 08.08.2013 um 09:59 schrieb tomas.brandalik

  Hi Tobi,
 shouldn't be necessary to patch android.gradle file or set
 ANDROID_CROSS_TOOLS_VER anymore. The latest changes resolve path to a
 toolchain taking into account variants of NDK. Thank you for testing it.


 On 08/01/2013 11:41 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:

 Thanks Tomas,

 after changing android.gradle script line 
 arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3“)**“ to 
 arm-linux-androideabi-4.6“)“ and def toolsPlatform = IS_WINDOWS ?
 windows : IS_MAC ? macosx : linux-x86““ to „def toolsPlatform =
 IS_WINDOWS ? windows : IS_MAC ? darwin-x86_64 : linux-x86““ I could
 successfully build OpenJFX for Android von Mac OS X 10.9!

 So now I’m trying to use Android Studio and the Emulator to start a
 JavaFX test application on Android. I tried to start my activity which
 extends from FXActivity class in „“ package. But how do I
 have to specify the JavaFX application class or main method? How do I have
 to bind the FXActivity with the JavaFX app (Stage / Application)? Is there
 any demo code available?

 Best regards,

 Am 01.08.2013 um 16:00 schrieb tomas.brandalik

  The latest tools should be ok sdk ver. 22 and ndk r9. I have  sdk 21.1
 and ndk r7c and r8e.**sdk/index.html**tools/sdk/ndk/index.html

 On 08/01/2013 03:41 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:

 Which android SDK do I need? Could you please give me the URL to the
 correct android SDK and NDK?


 Am 31.07.2013 um 16:42 schrieb tomas.brandalik

  Hi Tobi,
 it works on linux only right now.
 Set properties for cross build and android sdk/ndk.
 -PCOMPILE_TARGETS=android -PANDROID_SDK=/opt/android-**sdk-linux
 -PANDROID_NDK=/opt/android-**ndk-r7c -PCOMPILE_GSTREAMER=false
 Closed source parts web and font-t2k will be missing.


 On 07/29/2013 11:22 PM, Tobias Bley wrote:


 can anyone say something about the current state of the gradle
 android support? Is it possible to build OpenJFX for Android now via 

 Best regards,

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: Adding vi .swp files to .hgignore

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: d045f3d461de
Date:  2013-08-08 13:23 -0400

Adding vi .swp files to .hgignore

! .hgignore

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: RT-31962: Window Display all black and can't restore

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: c3890f1ae2a1
Date:  2013-08-08 10:43 -0700

RT-31962: Window Display all black and can't restore

! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/javafx/tk/quantum/

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: RT-30449 FX 8 3D: Need to handle mirror transformation (flip culling)

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: ae7b09388ec2
Author:Yao Wang
Date:  2013-08-08 11:00 -0700

RT-30449 FX 8 3D: Need to handle mirror transformation (flip culling)

! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/javafx/sg/prism/
! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/prism/es2/

Re: Swing and JavaFX thread merge

2013-08-08 Thread Jeff Martin
So I found a workaround, though I don't understand the why of the problem or 

What I found was that on MacOSX 7u25+, my app mainSwing() (executed via 
invokeLater() from main()) was being called on AWT-EventQueue-2 from the JAWS 
startup thread (javawsApplicationMain) instead of AWT-EventQueue-0. So I added 
code to force JavaFX init, switch over to the FX thread, and switch back to 
Swing, which is then AWT-EventQueue-0:

if(Thread.currentThread().getName().equals(AWT-EventQueue-2)) {
new JFXPanel();
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { public void run() {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void 
run() {
mainSwing(args); }}); }});

And now my JOptionPane correctly blocks events outside of the dialog!


On Aug 8, 2013, at 9:56 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:

 Addendum: it turns out that the JOptionPane is not blocking any of the UI 
 (Swing included). So maybe this isn't strictly a JavaFX problem.
 On Aug 8, 2013, at 8:17 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:
 It looks like this is specific to MacOSX 7u25+, if you run Java Inventor 
 from the JAWS link on MacOSX (I'm using JVM 1.7.0_25 or 40-ea):
  prompt javaws
 Here are the steps:
  1. Create New Project and Open
  2. Click on large, animated New Java Starter File to bring up 
 Then if you move the mouse around, you should see the other buttons on the 
 screen still animate or illuminate in the FX thread. Whereas on 7u20 or 
 Windows or non-JAWS launch, the JavaFX effects are not triggered while the 
 modal panel is up. If you dismiss the option pane with the escape key and 
 quickly re-click the New Starter File button repeatedly, eventually the 
 SwingUtilities.computeIntersection NPE will manifest (sooner if you are 
 doing a sales demo).
 Any thoughts on what would make the FX thread ignore the modal state in this 
 On Aug 8, 2013, at 6:50 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
 On 8/8/2013 1:45 AM, Jeff Martin wrote:
 I thought I was getting this automatically - when I run on my
 desktop, I can bring up a JOptionPane from a Swing thread and
 JFXPanels (correctly) block. But when I run from Java Web Start, they
 don't, and I end up with sporadic SwingUtilities.computeIntersection
 Once these two JDK/JavaFX bugs are resolved, scenario with JOptionPane you 
 described will work. As I wrote, it won't work by default in JDK8, you'll 
 need to run your app with certain system property (something like 
 Is there a secret setting that has a different default with JAWS?
 NPEs look like a bug, either in AWT/FX, or in your application. I really 
 doubt it's related to Java Web Start. Could you provide a test to reproduce 
 the exceptions, please?
 On Aug 7, 2013, at 5:06 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:
 Hi, Pedro Duque Vieira,
 this is in progress. JDK part is tracked in 8015477:
 JavaFX part is described in RT-30694:
 Note that in JDK8/JavaFX8 single-threaded mode will not be a part of 
 public API, it will be an experimental feature.
 On 8/7/2013 2:43 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
 Some time ago there was a patch submitted which for all purposes merged 
 swing and javafx thread, making it easier for developers working on a
 swing/javafx app -
 Is this available now (I was under the impression it is)? How do I use 
 Thanks in advance,

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: RT-32224: restore Window.add/remove methods needed by Lens native

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: e916bc90eb67
Date:  2013-08-08 15:32 -0400

RT-32224: restore Window.add/remove methods needed by Lens native

! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/glass/ui/

Re: Rowsorting of TableView with SortedList/FilteredList

2013-08-08 Thread Jonathan Giles
Funny you should ask about this - I just blogged about SortedList and 
TableView the other day, over at FXExperience:

Of course, I can see that you've already read that post (I see a comment 
from the code in my post in your code below). What might have been 
missed is that I noted earlier on in the blog post I had to make a few 
small changes to properly get SortedList support in TableView, so you'll 
want to try again in b102 (or b103).

Regarding your use of FilteredList as well - I've not tried this at all, 
but I'll add it to my todo list to investigate today. I imagine there 
might be a bug somewhere. Whatever I find will probably make for a good 
post at FXExperience, so keep an eye out there too.

Thanks, and if you do run into further issues, please don't hesitate to 
file bugs. In general, if TableView isn't sorting then something is 
going really wrong!

-- Jonathan

On 8/08/2013 11:17 p.m., Martin Klähn wrote:

Hi guys,

I'm working on a business application that makes use of TableView and I'm
working with JDK 8 build b101.

Displaying the data works like a charm. Row sorting for ordinary
ObservableLists is fine too.

Then I've set TableView.items to FilteredList and row sorting was disabled.
replacing TableView.item with SortedList does not allow row sorting as
well. Binding the comparator of SortedList to the TableView.comparator has
no effect either.

// row sorting possible
//final TableViewInteger tableView = new
TableView(FXCollections.observableArrayList(2, 1, 3));

// row sorting not possible (SortedList)
// create a TableView with the sorted list set as the items it will show
// bind the sortedList comparator to the TableView comparator
//SortedListInteger sortedList = new
SortedList(FXCollections.observableArrayList(2, 1, 3));
//final TableViewInteger tableView = new TableView(sortedList);

// row sorting not possible (FilteredList)
//FilteredListInteger filteredList = new
FilteredList(FXCollections.observableArrayList(2, 1, 3), (e) - true);
//final TableViewInteger tableView = new TableView(filteredList );

// Don't forget to define columns!
final TableColumnInteger, Number integerColumn = new
final TableColumnInteger, String hexColumn = new TableColumn(Integer

integerColumn.setCellValueFactory(javaClass - new
hexColumn.setCellValueFactory(javaClass - new

tableView.getColumns().addAll(integerColumn, hexColumn);

Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong or where I have to adapt my
Is it correct that row sorting in a TableView is only possible for ordinary

With Regards

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: SWT glass: trivial fix to enable menu bar on mac

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: 3371ead571da
Date:  2013-08-08 16:34 -0400

SWT glass: trivial fix to enable menu bar on mac

! modules/graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/glass/ui/swt/

RE: JavaFX Media issues

2013-08-08 Thread John Smith
JavaFX 2.2 does http live streaming:

HTTP Live Streaming Support

With the addition of HTTP live streaming support, you can now download the 
playlist file and playback video or audio segments using JavaFX Media. Media 
players are now able to switch to alternate streams, as specified in the 
playlist file and based on network conditions. For a given stream, there is a 
playlist file and a set of segments into which the stream is broken. The stream 
can be either an MP3 raw stream or an MPEG-TS containing multiplexed AAC audio 
and H.264 video. The stream can be played on demand when the stream is a static 
file or played live when the stream is actually a live feed. In both cases, the 
stream can adjust its bit rate and for video, its resolution can be adjusted.

More info on HTTP Live Streaming:

Your other questions, the JavaFX media devs can answer.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Felix Bembrick
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 1:32 PM
To: List
Subject: JavaFX Media issues

I am having a look at JavaFX media support and have a couple of questions:

1. It seems that the only way to load media files is by specifying a source 
such as a file path etc.  This is not going to work well for me as all of my 
application's content (which includes data, digital assets, media etc.) is 
stored in a database on the server and is loaded through an IO stream.
 Why doesn't Media support loading of files through a stream?  That would seem 
like a common use case to me!

2. I am unable to locate any reference to JavaFX Media in the JavaDocs for JDK 
8 which I found here:

Is this just a glitch?

3. Is buffering of media something planned for the future in JavaFX?

4. What about live streaming of media content?



Re: JavaFX Media issues

2013-08-08 Thread Richard Bair
 I am having a look at JavaFX media support and have a couple of questions:
 1. It seems that the only way to load media files is by specifying a source
 such as a file path etc.  This is not going to work well for me as all of
 my application's content (which includes data, digital assets, media etc.)
 is stored in a database on the server and is loaded through an IO stream.
 Why doesn't Media support loading of files through a stream?  That would
 seem like a common use case to me!

I will have to let the media guys chime in, I don't know why we don't support a 
stream. At one time Image had the same limitation but we added stream support 
for it, so it might just be oversight. One thing to suggest is that you can 
install your own URL content handlers / protocols in Java. So if your URL said 
myapp:// or whatever, you can install a myapp protocol 
handler with Java which is responsible for creating the InputStream. This way 
you can still had us a url and we can get back your input stream, even from a 
custom source such as a Database.

 2. I am unable to locate any reference to JavaFX Media in the JavaDocs for
 JDK 8 which I found here:
 Is this just a glitch?

Probably got blown up during the gradle switch. Can you please file a bug (in 
the build component)

 3. Is buffering of media something planned for the future in JavaFX?
 4. What about live streaming of media content?

Kirill should have more information here.


RE: JavaFX Media issues

2013-08-08 Thread John Smith
 One thing to suggest is that you can install your own URL content handlers / 
 protocols in Java.

That won't help in this case unless you replaced the http, file or jar protocol 
handlers, which would be weird.
Only HTTP, FILE, and JAR URLs are supported.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Richard Bair
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 1:57 PM
To: Felix Bembrick
Cc: List
Subject: Re: JavaFX Media issues

 I am having a look at JavaFX media support and have a couple of questions:
 1. It seems that the only way to load media files is by specifying a 
 source such as a file path etc.  This is not going to work well for me 
 as all of my application's content (which includes data, digital 
 assets, media etc.) is stored in a database on the server and is loaded 
 through an IO stream.
 Why doesn't Media support loading of files through a stream?  That 
 would seem like a common use case to me!

I will have to let the media guys chime in, I don't know why we don't support a 
stream. At one time Image had the same limitation but we added stream support 
for it, so it might just be oversight. One thing to suggest is that you can 
install your own URL content handlers / protocols in Java. So if your URL said 
myapp:// or whatever, you can install a myapp protocol 
handler with Java which is responsible for creating the InputStream. This way 
you can still had us a url and we can get back your input stream, even from a 
custom source such as a Database.

 2. I am unable to locate any reference to JavaFX Media in the JavaDocs 
 for JDK 8 which I found here:
 Is this just a glitch?

Probably got blown up during the gradle switch. Can you please file a bug (in 
the build component)

 3. Is buffering of media something planned for the future in JavaFX?
 4. What about live streaming of media content?

Kirill should have more information here.


Re: Developing controls based on Canvas?

2013-08-08 Thread Jonathan Giles


As you are restricted in what you can say, that also restricts how I can 
help. However, your example of a spreadsheet not being a control that 
can be implemented in a scenegraph-based manner suggests that you might 
want to re-evaluate your assumptions. A spreadsheet would be able to be 
implemented in a scenegraph approach quite nicely - the TableView 
control comes quite close to that already (especially in JavaFX 8.0 
where it can virtualise in both vertical and horizontal directions). In 
fact, I know of at least two spreadsheet implementations that already 
exist in JavaFX based on a scenegraph approach.

As I've said elsewhere, the issues you are facing are because of merging 
two approaches (retained and immediate modes) into one control. What you 
are hoping to do is have your cake and eat it too, which unfortunately I 
don't think will end up too well for you :-) My advice is to recheck 
your assumptions - the scenegraph approach, in my opinion, should suit 
your requirements far more than an immediate mode approach (given that 
your requirement is to reuse existing scenegraph-based controls).

I'm not sure why you think controls must be defined in a static, 
structured way. You could put all nodes of a control into a single Pane 
(or Region, etc) layout and layout all the nodes using absolute 
positioning. You can be as dynamic as you want to be.

Unfortunately, without more information I am really unable to give any 
further advice, but I wish you good luck in whichever approach you 
decide to take.

-- Jonathan

On 9/08/2013 9:02 a.m., Felix Bembrick wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for your reply.

I am a little restricted in exactly what I can reveal about my plans 
for this control but I can say that it is one in which its very 
appearance could change quite significantly in a dynamic way at 
runtime.  The control also needs to support panning and zooming in a 
very performant way.  There will likely be a lot of graphics being 
draw in a manner which (to me at least) fits the immediate mode of 
rendering better than a scenegraph because their positions and 
attributes are most readily defined programmatically rather than 

Though not directly analogous, consider your typical spreadsheet 
application like Excel where the user is able to pan to the right 
effectively without limits and that grid lines are constantly being 
rendered as the panning takes place.  Given that screens can be very 
large these days it is conceivable that a complex spreadsheet will be 
displaying hundreds of lines to define the cells in a grid at any one 
time and that it is way more concise to programmatically define how 
this grid is rendered rather than having a scenegraph containing a 
node for each line etc.  Also, the panning and zooming responses are 
much simpler to implement programmatically than continually fiddling 
around with the scenegraph.  Then there's the whole issue of 
virtualisation and keeping the actual number of active nodes to a 
minimum if it were to be done using a scenegraph.

I am just not convinced that the costs of memory usage and processing 
cycles to maintain a retained mode representation of a visual 
structure like this can be justified or made performant when all you 
really need is a simple algorithm that draws lines on the screen 
according to the properties of your cell model.  Then consider that 
the *actual* control will be significantly more complex and 
graphically rich than this simplistic spreadsheet analogy.

To me this is the sort of control that really lends itself to an 
immediate mode rendering component such as Canvas but there just seem 
to be so many impediments in the way of actually building a 
professional control with Canvas at its base.  If we continue with the 
spreadsheet analogy then obviously cells would contain other controls 
etc. and we have discussed the limitations on embedding other 
controls within a Canvas that seems to suggest it's not practical.

I think in the end it gets down to the nature of the control itself 
and whether its appearance is best defined by data or by an algorithm 
just like the way certain types of knowledge are best defined by nouns 
whereas others are best defined procedurally.

At this stage it is looking very much as though JavaFX really only 
supports controls most appropriately defined in a static, structured 
way like a scenegraph.  This in turns limits its applicability to a 
whole range of software applications.


On 6 August 2013 10:10, Jonathan Giles wrote:

I think it would pay to take a step back and understand why you
think a 'traditional' scenegraph-based (or retained mode) control
is not sufficient for your needs?
Unfortunately you've not detailed your use case, so it is hard to
give any specific advice. Are you able to give any details about
what it is you're trying to build and why you 

Re: Developing controls based on Canvas?

2013-08-08 Thread Richard Bair
 Though not directly analogous, consider your typical spreadsheet
 application like Excel where the user is able to pan to the right
 effectively without limits and that grid lines are constantly being
 rendered as the panning takes place.  Given that screens can be very large
 these days it is conceivable that a complex spreadsheet will be displaying
 hundreds of lines to define the cells in a grid at any one time and that it
 is way more concise to programmatically define how this grid is rendered
 rather than having a scenegraph containing a node for each line etc.  Also,
 the panning and zooming responses are much simpler to implement
 programmatically than continually fiddling around with the scenegraph.
 Then there's the whole issue of virtualisation and keeping the actual
 number of active nodes to a minimum if it were to be done using a

Actually I would have thought that panning / zooming would be very simple with 
a scene graph based approach. The difficult part is the virtualization. 
Although if you were building a spreadsheet like control it seems like you 
could build it on top of the ListView, which would give you vertical 
virtualization for free. You're then left with horizontal virtualization. I 
suppose you could use horizontal list views for that as well if you didn't want 
to implement your own virtualization (which might be much more efficient with 
domain knowledge).

If you know that you're grid will always be drawn underneath the other 
controls, then it seems reasonable to use a Canvas (or MeshView) to implement 
the grid, and then position controls on top of the grid as appropriate. I don't 
really see it as being any more difficult than immediate mode, really. YOu have 
a pool of Labels or whatever, grab one from the pool, position it where you 
want it, do the next one, etc. Heck, you could have a GraphicsContext interface 
with drawString(x, y, String) that handles all this behind an abstraction. All 
you're doing is positioning and defining content, right?


PrefWidth/Height calculations only works if stage is shown

2013-08-08 Thread Tom Schindl

I've been trying to open a window in the minimal dimension needed by
components but it looks like size calculations prefHeight/prefWidth only
works if the stage is shown.

I need the dimensions before showing the stage because I want to
position it on the lower right of the screen before showing the stage
because if doing it afterwards leads to flickering.

 BorderPane g = new BorderPane();
 TableViewString v = new TableViewString();
 Scene s = new Scene(g);
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 0;
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 248

Is this working as designed?


Re: PrefWidth/Height calculations only works if stage is shown

2013-08-08 Thread Richard Bair
Yes, the problem is that CSS has not been executed yet. If you call reapplyCSS 
(did we add that API yet? or is it still that impl_?) then you can get a proper 
size from the control.


On Aug 8, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:

 I've been trying to open a window in the minimal dimension needed by
 components but it looks like size calculations prefHeight/prefWidth only
 works if the stage is shown.
 I need the dimensions before showing the stage because I want to
 position it on the lower right of the screen before showing the stage
 because if doing it afterwards leads to flickering.
 BorderPane g = new BorderPane();
 TableViewString v = new TableViewString();
 Scene s = new Scene(g);
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 0;
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 248
 Is this working as designed?

Re: Developing controls based on Canvas?

2013-08-08 Thread Felix Bembrick
hanks Jonathan.

I'll have to check out the virtualisation that you refer to that's going on
in JavaFX8 with TableView., it sounds very interesting.

I am not saying that controls such as what I am proposing are *impossible*
to implement using a scenegraph; it just seems natural to implement them in
a more procedural/programmatic way but this could very possibly just be
because I do not have a full grasp of the capabilities of the scenegraph
and what can be achieved by manipulating it.  To me it seems that the costs
of repeatedly creating nodes (or hopefully reusing them), potentially
restructuring the hierarchy of nodes in the scenegraph and adjusting each
node's properties to enable a truly dynamic control would logically be much
greater than just cycling through a render loop and rendering each graphic
element in its correct location but, again, you seem very confident that
these costs are not significant enough to prevent such a control performing

In the end if I can get away with a scenegraph representation of this
control and that massaging said scenegraph is performant enough then I am
in a happy place.  I have already observed that some nice stuff can happen
just by playing around the scenegraph so it is quite possible that I am
worrying about performance and memory issues that will never actually
eventuate in practice.


On 9 August 2013 07:16, Jonathan Giles wrote:


 As you are restricted in what you can say, that also restricts how I can
 help. However, your example of a spreadsheet not being a control that can
 be implemented in a scenegraph-based manner suggests that you might want to
 re-evaluate your assumptions. A spreadsheet would be able to be implemented
 in a scenegraph approach quite nicely - the TableView control comes quite
 close to that already (especially in JavaFX 8.0 where it can virtualise in
 both vertical and horizontal directions). In fact, I know of at least two
 spreadsheet implementations that already exist in JavaFX based on a
 scenegraph approach.

 As I've said elsewhere, the issues you are facing are because of merging
 two approaches (retained and immediate modes) into one control. What you
 are hoping to do is have your cake and eat it too, which unfortunately I
 don't think will end up too well for you :-) My advice is to recheck your
 assumptions - the scenegraph approach, in my opinion, should suit your
 requirements far more than an immediate mode approach (given that your
 requirement is to reuse existing scenegraph-based controls).

 I'm not sure why you think controls must be defined in a static,
 structured way. You could put all nodes of a control into a single Pane (or
 Region, etc) layout and layout all the nodes using absolute positioning.
 You can be as dynamic as you want to be.

 Unfortunately, without more information I am really unable to give any
 further advice, but I wish you good luck in whichever approach you decide
 to take.

 -- Jonathan

 On 9/08/2013 9:02 a.m., Felix Bembrick wrote:

  Hi Jonathan,

  Thanks for your reply.

  I am a little restricted in exactly what I can reveal about my plans for
 this control but I can say that it is one in which its very appearance
 could change quite significantly in a dynamic way at runtime.  The control
 also needs to support panning and zooming in a very performant way.  There
 will likely be a lot of graphics being draw in a manner which (to me at
 least) fits the immediate mode of rendering better than a scenegraph
 because their positions and attributes are most readily defined
 programmatically rather than declaratively.

  Though not directly analogous, consider your typical spreadsheet
 application like Excel where the user is able to pan to the right
 effectively without limits and that grid lines are constantly being
 rendered as the panning takes place.  Given that screens can be very large
 these days it is conceivable that a complex spreadsheet will be displaying
 hundreds of lines to define the cells in a grid at any one time and that it
 is way more concise to programmatically define how this grid is rendered
 rather than having a scenegraph containing a node for each line etc.  Also,
 the panning and zooming responses are much simpler to implement
 programmatically than continually fiddling around with the scenegraph.
  Then there's the whole issue of virtualisation and keeping the actual
 number of active nodes to a minimum if it were to be done using a

  I am just not convinced that the costs of memory usage and processing
 cycles to maintain a retained mode representation of a visual structure
 like this can be justified or made performant when all you really need is a
 simple algorithm that draws lines on the screen according to the properties
 of your cell model.  Then consider that the *actual* control will be
 significantly more complex and graphically rich than this simplistic
 spreadsheet analogy.

  To me this 

Re: PrefWidth/Height calculations only works if stage is shown

2013-08-08 Thread Tom Schindl
No same result!

 BorderPane g = new BorderPane();
 TableViewString v = new TableViewString();
 Scene s = new Scene(g);
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 0;

Could it be that this does not work because if a stage is not yet shown
the peers have not been created?


On 08.08.13 23:29, Richard Bair wrote:
 Yes, the problem is that CSS has not been executed yet. If you call 
 reapplyCSS (did we add that API yet? or is it still that impl_?) then you can 
 get a proper size from the control.
 On Aug 8, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:

 I've been trying to open a window in the minimal dimension needed by
 components but it looks like size calculations prefHeight/prefWidth only
 works if the stage is shown.

 I need the dimensions before showing the stage because I want to
 position it on the lower right of the screen before showing the stage
 because if doing it afterwards leads to flickering.

 BorderPane g = new BorderPane();
 TableViewString v = new TableViewString();
 Scene s = new Scene(g);
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 0;
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 248

 Is this working as designed?


Re: How to raise JavaFX iOS bugs?

2013-08-08 Thread steve . x . northover

Hi Daniel,

Did you log a bug for the TextField problem?  If you have not done so, 
please do.  If you use iOS: as a prefix for the title of the bug and 
use iOS as a label, that should help people find iOS related bugs.  I 
have a fix for the problem you are seeing.  The text skin thinks that 
because iOS has touch, it needs to show resize handles in the text field.


On 01/08/2013 6:08 PM, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:

So now the Maven stuff is working (,
I'm gradually starting to muck around with the iOS stuff.

There are problems - how do I raise them? Should I log JIRAs? Should I
bring them up here, etc? Will you guys start running jfx on iOS now that
it's possible and are bug fixes within your allowance to work on given iOS
is not a supported platform?

For example, in the hello world example, I've included a TextField. When I
start typing in it on my iPad the field starts changing size to accommodate
the auto-correction popup, which looks very weird. Should I log that as a
bug against Controls?

Automatic virtualisation (was Developing controls based on Canvas?)

2013-08-08 Thread Felix Bembrick
With all this talk of node virtualisation, I am wondering how feasible it
would to build some kind of automatic virtualiser such that you pass it
your real-world model and then it automagically works out the actual nodes
and pools required and manages them seamlessly to maximise rendering
performance and responsiveness?  That is, it determines how many nodes will
be visible at any one time and just manages all that stuff for you
completely under the hood.

Maybe Jonanthan you have come some way to building such a beast with your
work on bidirectional virtualisation in FX 8 TableView or other controls?


On 9 August 2013 07:31, Felix Bembrick wrote:

 hanks Jonathan.

 I'll have to check out the virtualisation that you refer to that's going
 on in JavaFX8 with TableView., it sounds very interesting.

 I am not saying that controls such as what I am proposing are *impossible*
 to implement using a scenegraph; it just seems natural to implement them in
 a more procedural/programmatic way but this could very possibly just be
 because I do not have a full grasp of the capabilities of the scenegraph
 and what can be achieved by manipulating it.  To me it seems that the costs
 of repeatedly creating nodes (or hopefully reusing them), potentially
 restructuring the hierarchy of nodes in the scenegraph and adjusting each
 node's properties to enable a truly dynamic control would logically be much
 greater than just cycling through a render loop and rendering each graphic
 element in its correct location but, again, you seem very confident that
 these costs are not significant enough to prevent such a control performing

 In the end if I can get away with a scenegraph representation of this
 control and that massaging said scenegraph is performant enough then I am
 in a happy place.  I have already observed that some nice stuff can happen
 just by playing around the scenegraph so it is quite possible that I am
 worrying about performance and memory issues that will never actually
 eventuate in practice.


 On 9 August 2013 07:16, Jonathan Giles wrote:


 As you are restricted in what you can say, that also restricts how I can
 help. However, your example of a spreadsheet not being a control that can
 be implemented in a scenegraph-based manner suggests that you might want to
 re-evaluate your assumptions. A spreadsheet would be able to be implemented
 in a scenegraph approach quite nicely - the TableView control comes quite
 close to that already (especially in JavaFX 8.0 where it can virtualise in
 both vertical and horizontal directions). In fact, I know of at least two
 spreadsheet implementations that already exist in JavaFX based on a
 scenegraph approach.

 As I've said elsewhere, the issues you are facing are because of merging
 two approaches (retained and immediate modes) into one control. What you
 are hoping to do is have your cake and eat it too, which unfortunately I
 don't think will end up too well for you :-) My advice is to recheck your
 assumptions - the scenegraph approach, in my opinion, should suit your
 requirements far more than an immediate mode approach (given that your
 requirement is to reuse existing scenegraph-based controls).

 I'm not sure why you think controls must be defined in a static,
 structured way. You could put all nodes of a control into a single Pane (or
 Region, etc) layout and layout all the nodes using absolute positioning.
 You can be as dynamic as you want to be.

 Unfortunately, without more information I am really unable to give any
 further advice, but I wish you good luck in whichever approach you decide
 to take.

 -- Jonathan

 On 9/08/2013 9:02 a.m., Felix Bembrick wrote:

  Hi Jonathan,

  Thanks for your reply.

  I am a little restricted in exactly what I can reveal about my plans
 for this control but I can say that it is one in which its very appearance
 could change quite significantly in a dynamic way at runtime.  The control
 also needs to support panning and zooming in a very performant way.  There
 will likely be a lot of graphics being draw in a manner which (to me at
 least) fits the immediate mode of rendering better than a scenegraph
 because their positions and attributes are most readily defined
 programmatically rather than declaratively.

  Though not directly analogous, consider your typical spreadsheet
 application like Excel where the user is able to pan to the right
 effectively without limits and that grid lines are constantly being
 rendered as the panning takes place.  Given that screens can be very large
 these days it is conceivable that a complex spreadsheet will be displaying
 hundreds of lines to define the cells in a grid at any one time and that it
 is way more concise to programmatically define how this grid is rendered
 rather than having a scenegraph containing a node for each line etc.  Also,
 the panning and zooming responses are much 

Re: PrefWidth/Height calculations only works if stage is shown

2013-08-08 Thread Richard Bair
The peers don't impact the preferred sizes at all. Use this one instead of 
impl_reapplyCSS (wrong one)


On Aug 8, 2013, at 2:35 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:

 No same result!
 BorderPane g = new BorderPane();
 TableViewString v = new TableViewString();
 Scene s = new Scene(g);
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 0;
 Could it be that this does not work because if a stage is not yet shown
 the peers have not been created?
 On 08.08.13 23:29, Richard Bair wrote:
 Yes, the problem is that CSS has not been executed yet. If you call 
 reapplyCSS (did we add that API yet? or is it still that impl_?) then you 
 can get a proper size from the control.
 On Aug 8, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
 I've been trying to open a window in the minimal dimension needed by
 components but it looks like size calculations prefHeight/prefWidth only
 works if the stage is shown.
 I need the dimensions before showing the stage because I want to
 position it on the lower right of the screen before showing the stage
 because if doing it afterwards leads to flickering.
 BorderPane g = new BorderPane();
 TableViewString v = new TableViewString();
 Scene s = new Scene(g);
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 0;
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 248
 Is this working as designed?

Re: PrefWidth/Height calculations only works if stage is shown

2013-08-08 Thread Tom Schindl


On 08.08.13 23:40, Richard Bair wrote:
 The peers don't impact the preferred sizes at all. Use this one instead of 
 impl_reapplyCSS (wrong one)
 On Aug 8, 2013, at 2:35 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
 No same result!

 BorderPane g = new BorderPane();
 TableViewString v = new TableViewString();
 Scene s = new Scene(g);
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 0;

 Could it be that this does not work because if a stage is not yet shown
 the peers have not been created?


 On 08.08.13 23:29, Richard Bair wrote:
 Yes, the problem is that CSS has not been executed yet. If you call 
 reapplyCSS (did we add that API yet? or is it still that impl_?) then you 
 can get a proper size from the control.


 On Aug 8, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:


 I've been trying to open a window in the minimal dimension needed by
 components but it looks like size calculations prefHeight/prefWidth only
 works if the stage is shown.

 I need the dimensions before showing the stage because I want to
 position it on the lower right of the screen before showing the stage
 because if doing it afterwards leads to flickering.

 BorderPane g = new BorderPane();
 TableViewString v = new TableViewString();
 Scene s = new Scene(g);
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 0;
 System.err.println(g.prefWidth(-1)); // 248

 Is this working as designed?



Re: How to raise JavaFX iOS bugs?

2013-08-08 Thread Daniel Zwolenski
No, I didn't get a chance. Probably easier for you to just raise it now?

It's going to be a pretty big round loop to get ios fixes in. It first needs to 
go into jfx then needs to be merged into the backport, then that needs to be 
deployed to maven, then the maven plugin needs to be updated to refer to the 
new version, then the maven plugin needs to be deployed to maven. 

I could simplify the last step by allowing the version of jfx backport to be 

As I've raised in previous emails, help would be good. I don't suppose any 
oracle people could be allocated to merging changed into the backport on a 
regular basis (eg weekly) - even on an unofficial, non-publicly-commited 

On 09/08/2013, at 7:38 AM, wrote:

 Hi Daniel,
 Did you log a bug for the TextField problem?  If you have not done so, please 
 do.  If you use iOS: as a prefix for the title of the bug and use iOS as a 
 label, that should help people find iOS related bugs.  I have a fix for the 
 problem you are seeing.  The text skin thinks that because iOS has touch, it 
 needs to show resize handles in the text field.
 On 01/08/2013 6:08 PM, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
 So now the Maven stuff is working (,
 I'm gradually starting to muck around with the iOS stuff.
 There are problems - how do I raise them? Should I log JIRAs? Should I
 bring them up here, etc? Will you guys start running jfx on iOS now that
 it's possible and are bug fixes within your allowance to work on given iOS
 is not a supported platform?
 For example, in the hello world example, I've included a TextField. When I
 start typing in it on my iPad the field starts changing size to accommodate
 the auto-correction popup, which looks very weird. Should I log that as a
 bug against Controls?

Chart CategoryView - setLowerBound(...) and setUpperBound(...)

2013-08-08 Thread Pedro Duque Vieira

I already posted this question on the JavaFX forum but got no answer.

I have a chart with a CategoryAxis for the x values and a NumberAxis for
the y values.

I want to enable zooming in this chart. For the NumberAxis I'm planing to
use the setLowerBound(...) and setUpperBound(...) methods to zoom in the
particular region the user has chosen. But for the CategoryAxis I don't see
any method similar to these ones. How can I do this?

(I'm using JavaFX8)

Thanks in advance,

Pedro Duque Vieira

Re: JavaFX Media issues

2013-08-08 Thread Felix Bembrick

That JIRA issue doesn't make any mention of getting hooks into pixel data
etc., it only refers to user defined codecs.

Maybe you could open another issue to manage the wishlist of missing
features such as the ones you referred to?  I too would very much like to
see greatly improved media support in JavaFX.


On 9 August 2013 10:10, Scott Palmer wrote:

 The Media APIs are mostly useless in their current state.  Other than
 demoing that you can play a video, they don't go far enough to be of
 practical value.  I tried to get someone to pay attention to them back in
 the JavaFX 1.0 days

 at least someone listened to the request to get H.264 support in there,
 but that is just a workaround.  We need to be able to get our data into the
 media pipeline.  This would allow those of us that have attempted to do a
 video window to have a fighting chance.  Canvas can't keep up and will
 likely crash the app with out of memory errors.  Support for drawing into a
 native surface (OpenGL or D3D context) has been talked about, but doesn't
 appear to be on the horizon yet.  If we just had a hook to get the dang
 pixel data into the media pipeline so we could supply the next frame with
 whatever we want - either from any native codec via JNI, or dynamically
 generated from Java code, whatever... that would be just so dang useful...
 (to me at least)



 On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Fabrizio Giudici wrote:

 On Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:57:51 +0200, Joe McGlynn

  I don't know why FX Media isn't in the FX 8 API docs, but that's clearly
 an error.  Please file a bug on that.

 In the meantime, you should look at the FX 2 media docs, there isn't a
 lot of change from FX2 media in FX8.  Buffering and streaming (HTTP Live
 Streaming) are both supported, as is playback from a URL.

 What is the strategy for codecs? I mean, now we have ImageIO (there is
 also JAI but it seems basically dead). ImageIO provides many image codecs
 and there's a SPI that can be used to support more formats. Will it be
 replaced by FX2 media or co-exist with it?

 Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect @ Tidalwave s.a.s.
 We make Java work. Everywhere.**blog

Re: JavaFX Media issues

2013-08-08 Thread Scott Palmer
The Media APIs are mostly useless in their current state.  Other than
demoing that you can play a video, they don't go far enough to be of
practical value.  I tried to get someone to pay attention to them back in
the JavaFX 1.0 days

at least someone listened to the request to get H.264 support in there, but
that is just a workaround.  We need to be able to get our data into the
media pipeline.  This would allow those of us that have attempted to do a
video window to have a fighting chance.  Canvas can't keep up and will
likely crash the app with out of memory errors.  Support for drawing into a
native surface (OpenGL or D3D context) has been talked about, but doesn't
appear to be on the horizon yet.  If we just had a hook to get the dang
pixel data into the media pipeline so we could supply the next frame with
whatever we want - either from any native codec via JNI, or dynamically
generated from Java code, whatever... that would be just so dang useful...
(to me at least)



On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Fabrizio Giudici wrote:

 On Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:57:51 +0200, Joe McGlynn

  I don't know why FX Media isn't in the FX 8 API docs, but that's clearly
 an error.  Please file a bug on that.

 In the meantime, you should look at the FX 2 media docs, there isn't a
 lot of change from FX2 media in FX8.  Buffering and streaming (HTTP Live
 Streaming) are both supported, as is playback from a URL.

 What is the strategy for codecs? I mean, now we have ImageIO (there is
 also JAI but it seems basically dead). ImageIO provides many image codecs
 and there's a SPI that can be used to support more formats. Will it be
 replaced by FX2 media or co-exist with it?

 Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect @ Tidalwave s.a.s.
 We make Java work. Everywhere.**blog -

Re: JavaFX Media issues

2013-08-08 Thread Daniel Zwolenski
I don't want to detract from the issues around media stuff (they are
significant), but if you are desperate (as I was), here's some code for
doing video capture and streaming based on LTI-CIVIL and writing to JFX
image to render the video:


It's a work around and not elegant at all, and media needs to have a lot
done to be useful. I only include it here in case there is something useful
you can take from it to hobble through.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:

 The Media APIs are mostly useless in their current state.  Other than
 demoing that you can play a video, they don't go far enough to be of
 practical value.  I tried to get someone to pay attention to them back in
 the JavaFX 1.0 days

 at least someone listened to the request to get H.264 support in there, but
 that is just a workaround.  We need to be able to get our data into the
 media pipeline.  This would allow those of us that have attempted to do a
 video window to have a fighting chance.  Canvas can't keep up and will
 likely crash the app with out of memory errors.  Support for drawing into a
 native surface (OpenGL or D3D context) has been talked about, but doesn't
 appear to be on the horizon yet.  If we just had a hook to get the dang
 pixel data into the media pipeline so we could supply the next frame with
 whatever we want - either from any native codec via JNI, or dynamically
 generated from Java code, whatever... that would be just so dang useful...
 (to me at least)



 On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Fabrizio Giudici wrote:

  On Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:57:51 +0200, Joe McGlynn
   I don't know why FX Media isn't in the FX 8 API docs, but that's clearly
  an error.  Please file a bug on that.
  In the meantime, you should look at the FX 2 media docs, there isn't a
  lot of change from FX2 media in FX8.  Buffering and streaming (HTTP Live
  Streaming) are both supported, as is playback from a URL.
  What is the strategy for codecs? I mean, now we have ImageIO (there is
  also JAI but it seems basically dead). ImageIO provides many image codecs
  and there's a SPI that can be used to support more formats. Will it be
  replaced by FX2 media or co-exist with it?
  Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect @ Tidalwave s.a.s.
  We make Java work. Everywhere.**blog

Re: JavaFX Media issues

2013-08-08 Thread John Hendrikx

On 9/08/2013 02:10, Scott Palmer wrote:

The Media APIs are mostly useless in their current state.  Other than
demoing that you can play a video, they don't go far enough to be of
practical value.  I tried to get someone to pay attention to them back in
the JavaFX 1.0 days

Unfortunately, I have to agree here.  I'd love to use the Media APIs of 
JavaFX, but they are way to limited.  At a minimum I'd need support for 
MKV containers and some common audio formats used with these.  Decoding 
AVI containers would be rather important as well.  Without those, JavaFX 
video is basically limited to bring your own videos only and 
completely unsuitable for playing back videos that end users might have...

Instead, I've been using VLC + VLCJ from day one while working with 
JavaFX as a work-around.

at least someone listened to the request to get H.264 support in there, but
that is just a workaround.  We need to be able to get our data into the
media pipeline.  This would allow those of us that have attempted to do a
video window to have a fighting chance.  Canvas can't keep up and will
likely crash the app with out of memory errors.  Support for drawing into a
native surface (OpenGL or D3D context) has been talked about, but doesn't
appear to be on the horizon yet.  If we just had a hook to get the dang
pixel data into the media pipeline so we could supply the next frame with
whatever we want - either from any native codec via JNI, or dynamically
generated from Java code, whatever... that would be just so dang useful...
(to me at least)
This would atleast allow me to decode the MKV container myself and 
supply data... not looking forward to having to write all that code, but 
I would if it meant I'd be able to go native JavaFX with video.

Canvas however is working for me even with HD video (copying 25 
frames/sec of HD video from VLCJ to Canvas).  Playback is smooth even 
with 1920x1080 video for hours long video, and I can't tell the 
difference with a native player or copying frame by frame using 
pixelWriter anymore.  There is some CPU penalty but on a my system it is 
well below 5%.  This is basically how that looks with VLCJ:

new RenderCallback() {
  public void display(DirectMediaPlayer mp, Memory[] memory, 
final BufferFormat bufferFormat) {
final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = memory[0].getByteBuffer(0, 

Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
  public void run() {
pixelWriter.setPixels(0, 0, bufferFormat.getWidth(), 
bufferFormat.getHeight(), byteBgraInstance, byteBuffer, 


However, the bug where Canvas keeps buffering data when off-screen 
sometimes bites me, resulting in out of memory errors -- even slight 
display delays can fairly easily cause this when video is running at 25 
fps (takes about a second to go through 256 MB of memory).




On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Fabrizio Giudici  wrote:

On Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:57:51 +0200, Joe

  I don't know why FX Media isn't in the FX 8 API docs, but that's clearly

an error.  Please file a bug on that.

In the meantime, you should look at the FX 2 media docs, there isn't a
lot of change from FX2 media in FX8.  Buffering and streaming (HTTP Live
Streaming) are both supported, as is playback from a URL.

What is the strategy for codecs? I mean, now we have ImageIO (there is
also JAI but it seems basically dead). ImageIO provides many image codecs
and there's a SPI that can be used to support more formats. Will it be
replaced by FX2 media or co-exist with it?

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect @ Tidalwave s.a.s.
We make Java work. Everywhere.**blog  -

Re: JavaFX Media issues

2013-08-08 Thread Scott Palmer
At minimum the Media Player must support H.264, MP3, AAC (so there is a
guarantee of a cross-platform format) and then defer to the default
platform media decoder for everything else.   I.e. *anything* that the
standard OS provided media system can decode - I.e. QuickTime on Mac,
GStreamer on Linux, DirectShow on Windows.   But all that is needed is the
hook and the community can make the bindings to QuickTime, VLC, etc.

The current implementation appears to be too unstable to rely on at the
moment anyway though:

I have heard rumors of people being able to play HD video via Canvas.  I
have tried everything and can't come close. (Yes, I have been careful about
the pixel format.)  I mean, it looks like it is working for a few seconds,
but then as the memory fills with the Canvas backlog it can lead to the GC
using a lot more CPU, thus reducing the ability for Canvas to process its
command queue even further, well it just collapses in on itself  and dies.
Is your app able to do *anything* else while the video is playing?  The
slightest delay to the rendering and that Canvas buffering bug kills the
app.  Not that it would matter if it could keep up, because the off-screen
thing is also a deal breaker.

Of course 25fps is well below the 60fps required for full-speed video.  I
suspect it is the frame rate more than the frame size that matters here.
 Plain old, standard definition, interlaced, 60 fields per second will
probably kill most apps with the current Canvas implementation.

We need something better.  I proposed having at least a JNI method so we
could get native window handles from Stages but didn't get any traction
either.  Security was brought up as a concern, which I totally do NOT
understand as the use of JNI means you are out of the Java sandbox already.
 If we had native window handles we might be able get our own window for
rendering to at least interact nicely with the Stage.  (We already did this
successfully in Swing via JAWT and a heavyweight component that we paint to
from native code)



On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:06 PM, John Hendrikx wrote:

 On 9/08/2013 02:10, Scott Palmer wrote:

 The Media APIs are mostly useless in their current state.  Other than
 demoing that you can play a video, they don't go far enough to be of
 practical value.  I tried to get someone to pay attention to them back in
 the JavaFX 1.0 days**browse/RT-2684

 Unfortunately, I have to agree here.  I'd love to use the Media APIs of
 JavaFX, but they are way to limited.  At a minimum I'd need support for MKV
 containers and some common audio formats used with these.  Decoding AVI
 containers would be rather important as well.  Without those, JavaFX video
 is basically limited to bring your own videos only and completely
 unsuitable for playing back videos that end users might have...

 Instead, I've been using VLC + VLCJ from day one while working with JavaFX
 as a work-around.

  at least someone listened to the request to get H.264 support in there,
 that is just a workaround.  We need to be able to get our data into the
 media pipeline.  This would allow those of us that have attempted to do a
 video window to have a fighting chance.  Canvas can't keep up and will
 likely crash the app with out of memory errors.  Support for drawing into
 native surface (OpenGL or D3D context) has been talked about, but doesn't
 appear to be on the horizon yet.  If we just had a hook to get the dang
 pixel data into the media pipeline so we could supply the next frame
 whatever we want - either from any native codec via JNI, or dynamically
 generated from Java code, whatever... that would be just so dang useful...
 (to me at least)

 This would atleast allow me to decode the MKV container myself and supply
 data... not looking forward to having to write all that code, but I would
 if it meant I'd be able to go native JavaFX with video.

 Canvas however is working for me even with HD video (copying 25 frames/sec
 of HD video from VLCJ to Canvas).  Playback is smooth even with 1920x1080
 video for hours long video, and I can't tell the difference with a native
 player or copying frame by frame using pixelWriter anymore.  There is some
 CPU penalty but on a my system it is well below 5%.  This is basically how
 that looks with VLCJ:

 new RenderCallback() {
   public void display(DirectMediaPlayer mp, Memory[] memory, final
 BufferFormat bufferFormat) {
 final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = memory[0].getByteBuffer(0,

 Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
 pixelWriter.setPixels(0, 0, bufferFormat.getWidth(),
 bufferFormat.getHeight(), byteBgraInstance, byteBuffer,

hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: RT-30650: SwingNode is not Resizable

2013-08-08 Thread hang . vo
Changeset: 29a56291f75e
Date:  2013-08-09 09:38 +0400

RT-30650: SwingNode is not Resizable
Reviewed-by: anthony, art

! modules/swing/src/main/java/javafx/embed/swing/
+ tests/graphics/SwingInterop/test/javafx/embed/swing/
+ tests/graphics/SwingInterop/test/javafx/embed/swing/