[osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Amitava Dutta
Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

asks Steven J Vaughan Nichols in ComputerWorld.

People outside of IT seldom think of Oracle as a Linux company, but it is. Not 
only does Oracle encourage its customers to use its own house-brand clone of 
RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Oracle Unbreakable Linux, Oracle has long used 
Linux internally both on its servers and on some of its desktops. So, what does 
a Linux company like Oracle wants to do with its newly purchased Sun's 
open-source operating system, OpenSolaris? The answer appears to be: "Nothing." 

Sun, Oracle and third-party sources are telling me that OpenSolaris developers 
are afraid that they'll be either moved over to working on Linux or let go once 
the Sun/Oracle merger is completed. Other Sun open-source managers have 
expressed concern that their jobs may disappear once Oracle has acquired Sun. 

This can't come as much of a surprise. Edward Screven, Oracle's Chief Corporate 
Architect, said last year, ""Oracle definitely runs on Linux. We have very few 
servers in our infrastructure that are not Linux; that support, you know, 
internal IT systems, very few. And even the ones that continue to exist are on 
a plan to be phased out. So we definitely run our business on Linux. In fact, I 
mean, our entire IT infrastructure is Linux, our entire development 
infrastructure as well. So, you know, our development platform is Oracle 
Enterprise Linux. Our test platform is Oracle Enterprise Linux." 

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Che Kristo
Don't feed the trolls!

Ben Rockwood has a level headed reply to SJVN's uninformed ranting:

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Amitava Dutta wrote:

> Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?
> asks Steven J Vaughan Nichols in ComputerWorld.
> People outside of IT seldom think of Oracle as a Linux company, but it is.
> Not only does Oracle encourage its customers to use its own house-brand
> clone of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Oracle Unbreakable Linux, Oracle
> has long used Linux internally both on its servers and on some of its
> desktops. So, what does a Linux company like Oracle wants to do with its
> newly purchased Sun's open-source operating system, OpenSolaris? The answer
> appears to be: "Nothing."
> Sun, Oracle and third-party sources are telling me that OpenSolaris
> developers are afraid that they'll be either moved over to working on Linux
> or let go once the Sun/Oracle merger is completed. Other Sun open-source
> managers have expressed concern that their jobs may disappear once Oracle
> has acquired Sun.
> This can't come as much of a surprise. Edward Screven, Oracle's Chief
> Corporate Architect, said last year, ""Oracle definitely runs on Linux. We
> have very few servers in our infrastructure that are not Linux; that
> support, you know, internal IT systems, very few. And even the ones that
> continue to exist are on a plan to be phased out. So we definitely run our
> business on Linux. In fact, I mean, our entire IT infrastructure is Linux,
> our entire development infrastructure as well. So, you know, our development
> platform is Oracle Enterprise Linux. Our test platform is Oracle Enterprise
> Linux."
> http://blogs.computerworld.com/is_oracle_getting_ready_to_kill_opensolaris
> --
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> ___
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Bruno Silva
from my point of view, they are not going to kill solaris neither
opensolaris, but get all the nice functionalities to build a real OS, and
not just copy RHEL, that for sure, they know what people are talking about
this copy, and for sure they won't be stand doing nothing.
For me the chances to keep solaris and opensolaris are more valid and
understandable than keeping "their linux".
they are just saying that linux is the best because they released their
version, because as you all know, oracle always said that solaris is the
best OS to run oracle db(just an example). now that they have solaris, it's
going to be even better, and they will come back to say the same as some
years ago.

that's my opinion.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Amitava Dutta wrote:

> Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?
> asks Steven J Vaughan Nichols in ComputerWorld.
> People outside of IT seldom think of Oracle as a Linux company, but it is.
> Not only does Oracle encourage its customers to use its own house-brand
> clone of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Oracle Unbreakable Linux, Oracle
> has long used Linux internally both on its servers and on some of its
> desktops. So, what does a Linux company like Oracle wants to do with its
> newly purchased Sun's open-source operating system, OpenSolaris? The answer
> appears to be: "Nothing."
> Sun, Oracle and third-party sources are telling me that OpenSolaris
> developers are afraid that they'll be either moved over to working on Linux
> or let go once the Sun/Oracle merger is completed. Other Sun open-source
> managers have expressed concern that their jobs may disappear once Oracle
> has acquired Sun.
> This can't come as much of a surprise. Edward Screven, Oracle's Chief
> Corporate Architect, said last year, ""Oracle definitely runs on Linux. We
> have very few servers in our infrastructure that are not Linux; that
> support, you know, internal IT systems, very few. And even the ones that
> continue to exist are on a plan to be phased out. So we definitely run our
> business on Linux. In fact, I mean, our entire IT infrastructure is Linux,
> our entire development infrastructure as well. So, you know, our development
> platform is Oracle Enterprise Linux. Our test platform is Oracle Enterprise
> Linux."
> http://blogs.computerworld.com/is_oracle_getting_ready_to_kill_opensolaris
> --
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> ___
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Dave Koelmeyer
Oh look, another "tech journalist" with zero facts who instead dreams up a 
sensationalist story to draw hits to his site because he's lonely and CW need 
the advertising dollars. 

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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Anon Y Mous
Sun / Oracle should just do the exact same thing that Red Hat does with Linux.

Let's see here. Red Hat supports two distributions that are based on the same 

Fedora is a rapidly changing community based distribution that is provided free 
of charge and incorporates the newest bits for testing , while Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux is a paid for distribution that is more conservative and has 
long term support for large enterprises.

Sun and OpenSolaris should be the exact same thing.

Solaris Express should evolve into "Solaris 11" which will be like Sun's "Red 
Hat Enterprise Linux". Since it's almost exactly the same as "Solaris 10" 
(except for low level changes like ZFS root, more device drivers, crossbow, 
etc.) there will be minimal pain for large existing Sun customers such as e-bay 
to move from "Solaris 10" to "Solaris 11".

OpenSolaris 2010.xx Indiana and all of the rest of the distributions (Belenix, 
OSUNIX, StormOS, Nexenta, Milax, Martux, Schillix, etc. etc.) can be like 
Fedora. They are community supported distributions that have the newest bits 
where we're not sure if these bits will eventually make it into mainline 
Solaris or not (of course support can also be purchased for OpenSolaris 2010.xx 
if you want it).

This arrangement makes everybody happy. Big enterprise customers like UX-admin 
get a "Solaris 11" that is 100% backwards compatible with Solaris 10. People 
who want something more Linux can use OpenSolaris 2010.xx Indiana or Nexenta / 
StormOS and can still buy support from Sun for Indiana.

Just my 2 cents.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Anon Y Mous
Also, if you read what Larry Ellison says here:


he says the following:

"The Solaris operating system is by far the best Unix technology available in 
the market," 

Now, as far as I know, all the Linux heads including the Linux developers at 
Oracle consider Linux to be a "Unix-technology" or a "UNIX-like technology", 
don't they. So if Larry Ellison says that Solaris is the best Unix technology, 
isn't he saying, in a way, that Solaris is a better Unix technology than Linux?

It is if you think about it. Forget about all the Dtrace and ZFS goodness 
that's in newer Solaris, and forget about the GNU userland and how much easier 
it is to build FOSS software if you have the right versions of gcc, gmake, etc. 
in your $PATH variable on a Linux box. Let's forget about all that user-land 
stuff and just compare the core parts of the Linux and Solaris operating 
systems (i.e. the kernel, process management, etc.) and try to answer the 
following questions:

Does the Linux kernel have a stable device driver interface?

Does the Linux kernel have a debugger that's as good as if not better than mdb 
is on Solaris?

Is it easier to analyze core dump files from a kernel panic on Linux than it is 
on Solaris?

Does Linux have a way of managing services and processes that is better than 

Does the Linux kernel have better resource management than the Solaris kernel 

Does the Linux kernel have a way of managing network resources that is better 
than Crossbow?

Does the Linux kernel have a way of partitioning the system into sub-systems 
that is better than Solaris zones? OpenVZ and Virtuozzo are not as good as 
zones IMO.

Does the Linux kernel have anything for security that's comparable to what 
Trusted Solaris and zones with Trusted extensions offer?

Now ask yourself this question:

Would Larry Ellison rather continue to help out his enemies at Red Hat and IBM 
by having his developers write 1% to 5% of the Linux kernel for them? Or would 
he rather have his own open source Oracle operating system that Red Hat and IBM 
can't benefit from because it's released under a different open source license 
that has subtle incompatibilities with the GPL?

I work on Red Hat Linux machines for a living. Red Hat Linux is my bread and 
butter. It's what pays my bills (I don't make any money from anything related 
to OpenSolaris), and I don't see a mass migration of customers from Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux to Oracle Unbreakable Linux, so what exactly is Oracle getting 
(in terms of profits) from Oracle Unbreakable Linux vs. what they would get 
from supporting the entire installed base of all the Solaris OS instances 
currently in production (this is a VERY big installed base).

Just in terms of dollars and cents value, I think Oracle will get a much higher 
return on investment from Solaris / OpenSolaris than they will from trying to 
be part of the dime-a-dozen RHEL copy-cat crowd (i.e. CentOS, Scientific Linux, 
etc. etc.), and Larry obviously got where he is by being a smart guy, so he's 
smart enough to realize this as well.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Anon Y Mous
Here's another article that I think hints at why Larry wanted to buy Sun:

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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Anon Y Mous
If you read down a little bit in the article, you'll see a part where it says:

"Oracle also reserves the right to stop supporting its Linux customers at any 
time (PDF):

It may become necessary as a part of Oracle's support life cycle to desupport 
certain Enterprise Linux and Oracle VM program releases and, therefore, Oracle 
reserves the right to desupport certain Enterprise Linux and Oracle VM program 

This is one of the reasons why the places where I work at use Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux and not Oracle Unbreakable Linux. If there is any kind of a 
migration afoot in the Linux community, it's from Red Hat to Ubuntu Server and 
NOT from Red Hat to Oracle Unbreakable Linux (FYI: I never said I was for or 
against Oracle Unbreakable Linux, I'm just telling it how I see it).

The "Ubuntu Server" distribution (not to be confused with the Ubuntu desktop 
distribution with the fecal brown coloured desktop) is one of the most 
under-rated server operating systems out there IMO. First time I used it, I was 
thinking- "Wow, this is exactly like Debian, except it has more frequent 
updates and MUCH better hardware support."

I always had a soft-spot in my heart for Debian, so I guess I might be a little 
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-13 Thread Octave Orgeron

The author of that article at ComputerWorld is often wrong about things. He 
really thought that Oracle would buy Red Hat and that IBM would buy Sun. If I 
had to get my crystal ball out, I think the cards are really stacked against 
"Unbreakable Linux" as its ties to Red Hat are not really in the best interests 
of Oracle. Oracle can make more money and has greater control with Solaris and 
OpenSolaris. Also, with the way things work, you can't really get rid of 
OpenSolaris without getting rid of Solaris since all the dev work is done in 
the OpenSolaris/Nevada space and then back-ported to Solaris 10 where possible. 
So it's extremely doubtful Oracle would not support Solaris/OpenSolaris as over 
80% of Oracle's customers run on Solaris today. Not to mention that the FUD 
about Oracle running almost entirely on Linux is a load of BS. 

As for things like xVM Server.. there is a chance that Oracle/Sun will try to 
take VirtualBox to a type 1 hypervisor, which I think would be the right 
direction to go. Following in the Xen path is not as profitable as there are 
too many vendors and open-source competition with little cohesiveness. MySQL 
will continue to hang around on the low-end, just has Oracle keeps BerkeleyDB 
and Siebel around;)

What I think people don't get is that Oracle is about making a profit and 
competing against IBM and HP directly. This is Oracle's bid to go from just 
making software to providing a total solution.. from hardware to software. This 
is their goal. Linux doesn't bring in a lot of many for anyone, even Red Hat 
doesn't make that much money on RHEL.. they make more money on JBoss. 

At the end of the day, Oracle wants to make a profit and only buys stuff to add 
to its portfolio. With Sun, they'll be able to break their ties to Red Hat for 
Unbreakable Linux, HP for their hardware appliance, etc. It's a win all the way 
around for Oracle and Sun.

Octave J. Orgeron
Solaris Virtualization Architect and Consultant
Web: http://unixconsole.blogspot.com
E-Mail: unixcons...@yahoo.com

- Original Message 
From: Amitava Dutta 
To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 8:41:26 PM
Subject: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

asks Steven J Vaughan Nichols in ComputerWorld.

People outside of IT seldom think of Oracle as a Linux company, but it is. Not 
only does Oracle encourage its customers to use its own house-brand clone of 
RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Oracle Unbreakable Linux, Oracle has long used 
Linux internally both on its servers and on some of its desktops. So, what does 
a Linux company like Oracle wants to do with its newly purchased Sun's 
open-source operating system, OpenSolaris? The answer appears to be: "Nothing." 

Sun, Oracle and third-party sources are telling me that OpenSolaris developers 
are afraid that they'll be either moved over to working on Linux or let go once 
the Sun/Oracle merger is completed. Other Sun open-source managers have 
expressed concern that their jobs may disappear once Oracle has acquired Sun. 

This can't come as much of a surprise. Edward Screven, Oracle's Chief Corporate 
Architect, said last year, ""Oracle definitely runs on Linux. We have very few 
servers in our infrastructure that are not Linux; that support, you know, 
internal IT systems, very few. And even the ones that continue to exist are on 
a plan to be phased out. So we definitely run our business on Linux. In fact, I 
mean, our entire IT infrastructure is Linux, our entire development 
infrastructure as well. So, you know, our development platform is Oracle 
Enterprise Linux. Our test platform is Oracle Enterprise Linux." 

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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-14 Thread david
Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?  Nope.  

If Oracle means to "kill" OpenSolaris, what could they actually do?  They could 
fire all the Solaris people and stop all corporate funding, sure but are they 
going to do that, no.  

The dude who wrote that article clearly is a big IBM fan and he even wrote an 
article about why it would have been better for IBM to get Sun than Oracle.  If 
IBM had gotten Sun you can bet Solaris would be toast; as would Sparc, Star 
Office, Java as we know it and anything else that was distinctively Sun.  With 
Oracle we will see the continuation of all of these.  Will Solaris be important 
to Oracle?  I don't know but it only makes sense that they would try to make 
money off of it rather then kill it.  

I am now a Solaris user, or rather an OpenSolaris user.  I am finally away from 
Windows and using an OS that I can get along with (God surely knows how much I 
could not get along with Linux).  Even if Oracle kills Solaris, that will not 
stop me from using it.  The CDDL even says as much.  You have Belenix in India, 
Jaris in Japan, Schillix in Europe, and half a dozen others that are all taking 
advantage of OpenSolaris technology and building operating systems out of them. 
 Oracle couldn't kill Solaris if they wanted to at this point.  Perhaps main 
development will move out of the US but development will go on.  

With all the clear advantages that Solaris has over Linux the only way that 
Oracle could stop Solaris from eventually overtaking Linux and eventually 
Windows is to GPL it.  That would be the only way to kill OpenSolaris.  If they 
GPLed it, then the Linux guys could copy it directly into the Linux kernel 
(Linux is really just a Solaris copying thing anyway).  If that happened, all 
the development would move to Linux and the new "unified" system.  

As it is now I like that Linux has their ground and here with Solaris we have 
our ground.  Linux is junk, and I am sorry if that offends people but it is and 
if something breaks then it could not possible be the developer's fault.  It 
must always be the user's fault.  I hate that about Linux.  I know that it is a 
volunteer project but even if you volunteer take the blame if you write bad 
code.  Linux will always be a pre-beta/ beta at best.  It will never be ready 
for my computer because they don't weed out bugs the way they should, not even 
with Ubuntu.  They expect you to have a Ph.D. in computer science to use their 
OS.  That is asking too much of me.  Solaris doesn't ask that of me.  I install 
it, it works, I move on with my life.  Not so with Linux.  With Linux you have 
to dedicate several hours of your free time everyday to making sure you OS 
continues to work.  That is asking too much of anyone.  

Solaris works and works great.  If Oracle has any sense then they will put all 
their Linux resources into Solaris and make money with it.  Because Linux is 
always playing catchup and always trying to do the same thing but without 
violating copyright, it will always be convoluted code.  I don't like that.  
Solaris works, I want Solaris and if Oracle wants money then they should 
realize that there is a market of people who will pay to get Solaris.  We have 
a winner here.  

I would gladly pay $200 or $300 to get Solaris 11 when it comes out as long as 
it has the IPS, all the goodies that are now in SXCE and I get customer 
support.  Is that too much to ask.  If they work out a deal, they probably 
could include the Fluendo codecies and DVD player for just a little more so 
that we don't have to buy it on the side.  If Oracle doesn't see that they 
could make money with this I sure hope they don't get mad if someone else comes 
along and takes this exact formula and make millions with it.  Linux would be 
so jealous, they would probably accuse them of some evil or another for making 
a profit.   

Is anyone else sick and tired of the constant attacks on Solaris?
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-14 Thread Che Kristo
Really I don't think there are many "attacks" on Solaris anyway, just a few
vocal drongo's who think people wish to hear their opinions. On the whole I
hear positive things especially since Solaris 10...

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 7:54 PM, david  wrote:

> Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?  Nope.
> If Oracle means to "kill" OpenSolaris, what could they actually do?  They
> could fire all the Solaris people and stop all corporate funding, sure but
> are they going to do that, no.
> The dude who wrote that article clearly is a big IBM fan and he even wrote
> an article about why it would have been better for IBM to get Sun than
> Oracle.  If IBM had gotten Sun you can bet Solaris would be toast; as would
> Sparc, Star Office, Java as we know it and anything else that was
> distinctively Sun.  With Oracle we will see the continuation of all of
> these.  Will Solaris be important to Oracle?  I don't know but it only makes
> sense that they would try to make money off of it rather then kill it.
> I am now a Solaris user, or rather an OpenSolaris user.  I am finally away
> from Windows and using an OS that I can get along with (God surely knows how
> much I could not get along with Linux).  Even if Oracle kills Solaris, that
> will not stop me from using it.  The CDDL even says as much.  You have
> Belenix in India, Jaris in Japan, Schillix in Europe, and half a dozen
> others that are all taking advantage of OpenSolaris technology and building
> operating systems out of them.  Oracle couldn't kill Solaris if they wanted
> to at this point.  Perhaps main development will move out of the US but
> development will go on.
> With all the clear advantages that Solaris has over Linux the only way that
> Oracle could stop Solaris from eventually overtaking Linux and eventually
> Windows is to GPL it.  That would be the only way to kill OpenSolaris.  If
> they GPLed it, then the Linux guys could copy it directly into the Linux
> kernel (Linux is really just a Solaris copying thing anyway).  If that
> happened, all the development would move to Linux and the new "unified"
> system.
> As it is now I like that Linux has their ground and here with Solaris we
> have our ground.  Linux is junk, and I am sorry if that offends people but
> it is and if something breaks then it could not possible be the developer's
> fault.  It must always be the user's fault.  I hate that about Linux.  I
> know that it is a volunteer project but even if you volunteer take the blame
> if you write bad code.  Linux will always be a pre-beta/ beta at best.  It
> will never be ready for my computer because they don't weed out bugs the way
> they should, not even with Ubuntu.  They expect you to have a Ph.D. in
> computer science to use their OS.  That is asking too much of me.  Solaris
> doesn't ask that of me.  I install it, it works, I move on with my life.
>  Not so with Linux.  With Linux you have to dedicate several hours of your
> free time everyday to making sure you OS continues to work.  That is asking
> too much of anyone.
> Solaris works and works great.  If Oracle has any sense then they will put
> all their Linux resources into Solaris and make money with it.  Because
> Linux is always playing catchup and always trying to do the same thing but
> without violating copyright, it will always be convoluted code.  I don't
> like that.  Solaris works, I want Solaris and if Oracle wants money then
> they should realize that there is a market of people who will pay to get
> Solaris.  We have a winner here.
> I would gladly pay $200 or $300 to get Solaris 11 when it comes out as long
> as it has the IPS, all the goodies that are now in SXCE and I get customer
> support.  Is that too much to ask.  If they work out a deal, they probably
> could include the Fluendo codecies and DVD player for just a little more so
> that we don't have to buy it on the side.  If Oracle doesn't see that they
> could make money with this I sure hope they don't get mad if someone else
> comes along and takes this exact formula and make millions with it.  Linux
> would be so jealous, they would probably accuse them of some evil or another
> for making a profit.
> Is anyone else sick and tired of the constant attacks on Solaris?
> --
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> ___
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-14 Thread Martin Bochnig
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:41 AM, Amitava Dutta wrote:
> Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?
> asks Steven J Vaughan Nichols in ComputerWorld.
> People outside of IT seldom think of Oracle as a Linux company, but it is. 
> Not only does Oracle encourage its customers to use its own house-brand clone 
> of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Oracle Unbreakable Linux, Oracle has long 
> used Linux internally both on its servers and on some of its desktops. So, 
> what does a Linux company like Oracle wants to do with its newly purchased 
> Sun's open-source operating system, OpenSolaris? The answer appears to be: 
> "Nothing."
> Sun, Oracle and third-party sources are telling me that OpenSolaris 
> developers are afraid that they'll be either moved over to working on Linux 
> or let go once the Sun/Oracle merger is completed. Other Sun open-source 
> managers have expressed concern that their jobs may disappear once Oracle has 
> acquired Sun.
> This can't come as much of a surprise. Edward Screven, Oracle's Chief 
> Corporate Architect, said last year, ""Oracle definitely runs on Linux. We 
> have very few servers in our infrastructure that are not Linux; that support, 
> you know, internal IT systems, very few. And even the ones that continue to 
> exist are on a plan to be phased out. So we definitely run our business on 
> Linux. In fact, I mean, our entire IT infrastructure is Linux, our entire 
> development infrastructure as well. So, you know, our development platform is 
> Oracle Enterprise Linux. Our test platform is Oracle Enterprise Linux."
> http://blogs.computerworld.com/is_oracle_getting_ready_to_kill_opensolaris

Sure, Sun's top-management lets everything down while agreeing to any
takeover. They should have continued in trying to rescue Sun and to
SOMEHOW keep it independent. I'm not a Sun employee. But I can imagine
how disappointed they - we - all must be!
However, read Ben Rookwood's comment to above article:

... Read More
OpenSolaris will NEVER DIE OUT.
Nor will MySQL or VirtualBox or Java! We will just not let this
happen!!! Period. I am very confident about this. And this only
apllies to the worst case of cases, if Oracle really dares to lay-off
Sun's best engineers. While they should really think about it twice,
before attempting to do so. It would be a clear and obvious breach of
trust / their word. And the UNIX community will make Hamburgers out of
them! So, let's hope the best.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-14 Thread Octave Orgeron

It is extremely annoying that journalistic hacks attack something they know 
nothing about. I was considering putting a blog post out about it, but decided 
not to in the end as it's just a waste of time and Ben already go there before 

Octave J. Orgeron
Solaris Virtualization Architect and Consultant
Web: http://unixconsole.blogspot.com
E-Mail: unixcons...@yahoo.com

- Original Message 
From: david 
To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:54:03 AM
Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?  Nope.  

If Oracle means to "kill" OpenSolaris, what could they actually do?  They could 
fire all the Solaris people and stop all corporate funding, sure but are they 
going to do that, no.  

The dude who wrote that article clearly is a big IBM fan and he even wrote an 
article about why it would have been better for IBM to get Sun than Oracle.  If 
IBM had gotten Sun you can bet Solaris would be toast; as would Sparc, Star 
Office, Java as we know it and anything else that was distinctively Sun.  With 
Oracle we will see the continuation of all of these.  Will Solaris be important 
to Oracle?  I don't know but it only makes sense that they would try to make 
money off of it rather then kill it.  

I am now a Solaris user, or rather an OpenSolaris user.  I am finally away from 
Windows and using an OS that I can get along with (God surely knows how much I 
could not get along with Linux).  Even if Oracle kills Solaris, that will not 
stop me from using it.  The CDDL even says as much.  You have Belenix in India, 
Jaris in Japan, Schillix in Europe, and half a dozen others that are all taking 
advantage of OpenSolaris technology and building operating systems out of them. 
 Oracle couldn't kill Solaris if they wanted to at this point.  Perhaps main 
development will move out of the US but development will go on.  

With all the clear advantages that Solaris has over Linux the only way that 
Oracle could stop Solaris from eventually overtaking Linux and eventually 
Windows is to GPL it.  That would be the only way to kill OpenSolaris.  If they 
GPLed it, then the Linux guys could copy it directly into the Linux kernel 
(Linux is really just a Solaris copying thing anyway).  If that happened, all 
the development would move to Linux and the new "unified" system.  

As it is now I like that Linux has their ground and here with Solaris we have 
our ground.  Linux is junk, and I am sorry if that offends people but it is and 
if something breaks then it could not possible be the developer's fault.  It 
must always be the user's fault.  I hate that about Linux.  I know that it is a 
volunteer project but even if you volunteer take the blame if you write bad 
code.  Linux will always be a pre-beta/ beta at best.  It will never be ready 
for my computer because they don't weed out bugs the way they should, not even 
with Ubuntu.  They expect you to have a Ph.D. in computer science to use their 
OS.  That is asking too much of me.  Solaris doesn't ask that of me.  I install 
it, it works, I move on with my life.  Not so with Linux.  With Linux you have 
to dedicate several hours of your free time everyday to making sure you OS 
continues to work.  That is asking too much of anyone.  

Solaris works and works great.  If Oracle has any sense then they will put all 
their Linux resources into Solaris and make money with it.  Because Linux is 
always playing catchup and always trying to do the same thing but without 
violating copyright, it will always be convoluted code.  I don't like that.  
Solaris works, I want Solaris and if Oracle wants money then they should 
realize that there is a market of people who will pay to get Solaris.  We have 
a winner here.  

I would gladly pay $200 or $300 to get Solaris 11 when it comes out as long as 
it has the IPS, all the goodies that are now in SXCE and I get customer 
support.  Is that too much to ask.  If they work out a deal, they probably 
could include the Fluendo codecies and DVD player for just a little more so 
that we don't have to buy it on the side.  If Oracle doesn't see that they 
could make money with this I sure hope they don't get mad if someone else comes 
along and takes this exact formula and make millions with it.  Linux would be 
so jealous, they would probably accuse them of some evil or another for making 
a profit.  

Is anyone else sick and tired of the constant attacks on Solaris?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-14 Thread Orvar Korvar
Also, Ellisson said something about Oracle having more Solaris installations 
than Linux installations.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-14 Thread Octave Orgeron

Yup, ~80% of their customers are on Solaris. I think that pretty much settles 
it when you think about it. Oracle is in business to make money, not pander to 
the Linux folks. If their paying customers are on Solaris and they own it, it's 
the platform of choice, simple as that. Oracle will make more money on selling 
an integrated software and hardware stack running Solaris on x86 or SPARC than 
running Unbreakable Linux. It's interesting hearing their marketing droids push 
for Linux and then have their senior engineers push for Solaris. Main argument 
being that unless you invest in high-end interconnects like Infiniband, it's 
cheaper and faster to scale up on Solaris than to scale out on Linux. Last I 
heard, Oracle still runs its own ERP system on E25k's.

Octave J. Orgeron
Solaris Virtualization Architect and Consultant
Web: http://unixconsole.blogspot.com
E-Mail: unixcons...@yahoo.com

- Original Message 
From: Orvar Korvar 
To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:23:32 AM
Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

Also, Ellisson said something about Oracle having more Solaris installations 
than Linux installations.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-14 Thread Alan Coopersmith
Anon Y Mous wrote:
> Sun / Oracle should just do the exact same thing that Red Hat does with Linux.
> Let's see here. Red Hat supports two distributions that are based on the same 
> code:
> Fedora is a rapidly changing community based distribution that is provided 
> free of charge and incorporates the newest bits for testing , while Red Hat 
> Enterprise Linux is a paid for distribution that is more conservative and has 
> long term support for large enterprises.
> Sun and OpenSolaris should be the exact same thing.

That's pretty much the plan we've been working towards for the past two years.

(Though unlike the other part of your suggestion, we're not going to
 maintain a separate install & packaging system for Solaris, but will
 replace Solaris Express with the OpenSolaris installer & packaging.)

-Alan Coopersmith-   alan.coopersm...@sun.com
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-17 Thread UNIX admin
> (Though unlike the other part of your suggestion,
> we're not going to
> maintain a separate install & packaging system for
>  Solaris, but will
> replace Solaris Express with the OpenSolaris
> installer & packaging.)

That's lovely; you (plural) will phase out a stable packaging subsystem in 
favor of a Python-cobbled together experiment that explicitly DOES NOT ALLOW 

I'd just like someone to tell me just how I'm supposed to remove my Oracle 
database with an IPS package. And if anyone writes "SMF", then I'd like to know 
just how exactly will I run an SMF method to remove a database, when IPS 
doesn't allow scripting.

In closing, I'm convinced that IPS in his current shape or form is one of the 
biggest technical mistakes in the history of SunOS.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-17 Thread Glynn Foster

On 17/07/2009, at 12:05 PM, UNIX admin wrote:

(Though unlike the other part of your suggestion,
we're not going to
maintain a separate install & packaging system for
Solaris, but will
replace Solaris Express with the OpenSolaris
installer & packaging.)

That's lovely; you (plural) will phase out a stable packaging  
subsystem in favor of a Python-cobbled together experiment that  

I'd just like someone to tell me just how I'm supposed to remove my  
Oracle database with an IPS package. And if anyone writes "SMF",  
then I'd like to know just how exactly will I run an SMF method to  
remove a database, when IPS doesn't allow scripting.

In closing, I'm convinced that IPS in his current shape or form is  
one of the biggest technical mistakes in the history of SunOS.

Thanks for the feedback - have a great weekend.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-17 Thread Alan Coopersmith
UNIX admin wrote:
> I'd just like someone to tell me just how I'm supposed to remove my Oracle 
> database with an IPS package. And if anyone writes "SMF", then I'd like to 
> know just how exactly will I run an SMF method to remove a database, when IPS 
> doesn't allow scripting.

By using the IPS action to specify an SMF service to be called.
IPS doesn't deny all scripting, it just doesn't provide support
for arbitrary scripts to be run during all the places previous
packaging systems did.Some of that functionality is replaced
by standard IPS actions - for instance, instead of having 500
copies of the "install a driver" script, one in every package,
IPS just has one that comes with IPS, and provides a single place
to fix bugs.Other functionality is replaced by having hooks
for SMF services to be run - knowing that those will always be
running in the target environment, not on the diskless client's
server, the previous OS version being upgraded from, or any of
the dozen other contexts that led to SVR4 packaging scripts
becoming a nightmare of pkgcond tests and if/elif/elif/elif/else

-Alan Coopersmith-   alan.coopersm...@sun.com
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-20 Thread Anon Y Mous
This article (from the same guy who wrote the glowing pro-Sun Rock Processor 
Transactional Memory article I posted in another discuss thread) is one of the 
best antidotes I have yet read to Steven J Vaughan Nichols's retarded 
anti-Solaris Computer World article. Instead of countering Vaughn's insanity 
with well thought out rational arguments like Ben Rockwood does, this just 
makes a humorous mockery of it (focuses more on MySQL and Oracle's previous 
success or lack thereof with Linux, but still a very entertaining read).

Be warned, if you are easily offended by grownup language (or by what 13 year 
old teenagers consider to be grownup language) then you might not enjoy it as 
much as I do. Here's page 1:


and here's page 2:


There's some great quotable quotes in there. My favorite is the one on page 2 
where he says:

"With the attention span of a fruit fly, your average web programmer is quick 
to latch on to new technologies. After all, as a web developer, you can't 
appear publicly to be older than thirty."

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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-20 Thread Anon Y Mous
Ted Dziuba (the author with the potty mouth in the above article) used to work 
as a programmer / engineer / mathematician for Google a few years back, just in 
case some of you were wondering what rock this guy has been hiding under for 
the last few years or so. Now I guess he writes columns for frilled-shirt 
British IT magazines in the UK. I don't always agree with his colorful choice 
of language, but his writing does definitely take some of the edge off if 
you're having a stressful day at work.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-22 Thread Anon Y Mous
OReilly Media just did this parody article making fun of SJV Nichols's Computer 
World article:

  Is Oracle getting ready to kill Unbreakable Linux?


My guess is neither article is really right. Unbreakable Linux can't be killed 
because it's not an operating system. It's a cheaper (and reportedly better) 
support contract system for RHEL. OpenSolaris can't be killed because it's 
basically Solaris Nevada with CDE and the installer and a bunch of other 
goodies (flash archive, etc.) taken out and a Debian style package management 
system put in.

Red Hat is trapped in a classic pincer attack- like Hannibal defeating the 
Romans at the battle of Cannae:


with Unbreakable Linux outflanking them on the left and OpenSolaris outflanking 
them on the right. Should be interesting to see how this turns out.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-26 Thread Anon Y Mous
Although we don't use it in any of the data centers that I've worked at (we 
either pay the exhorbitant, over-priced Red Hat support fees or use CentOS free 
of charge), I suspect that Oracle's Unbreakable Enterprise Linux is probably 
doing a lot better than people around here give it credit for doing. They 
already had a decent customer base of 26 major customers back in March 2007, as 
reading the article at the following link below will show:


And then about eight months later the number of customers somehow increased 
exponentially from 26 customers to 1,500 customers (!) as you can see from this 


Customers for Oracle Enterprise Linux include the following:

   Yahoo!, Timex, Diebold, Globecast, ABC Stores, Mutual Materials, Abercrombie 
& Fitch, Mitsubishi, Nissan, the New York State Insurance Dept...

I don't know about the rest of you, but as a long time Red Hat user and 
sysadmin I'm actually looking forward to running Oracle Unbreakable 
Enterprise Linux.. 

 ..in an LX brand SOLARIS ZONE!!!
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-28 Thread Anon Y Mous
Has anybody heard of an old project that Oracle and Sun worked together on that 
was called "Raw Iron":


I wonder if we're going to get a similar Oracle-Solaris powered, pre-tuned and 
pre-configured server appliance running on top of ZFS if the acquisition goes 
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Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

2009-07-28 Thread Che Kristo
I am sure they will do such things...much like the existing appliance they
have done with HP but this time a totally in-house affair!

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Anon Y Mous wrote:

> Has anybody heard of an old project that Oracle and Sun worked together on
> that was called "Raw Iron":
> http://news.cnet.com/Oracles-Raw-Iron-plan-not-fully-forged/2100-1001_3-219129.html
> I wonder if we're going to get a similar Oracle-Solaris powered, pre-tuned
> and pre-configured server appliance running on top of ZFS if the acquisition
> goes through?
> --
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