Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team

2015-06-02 Thread Maru Newby
+1 from me, long overdue! 

 On May 28, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Kyle Mestery wrote:
 Folks, I'd like to propose Assaf Muller to be a member of the Neutron core 
 reviewer team. Assaf has been a long time contributor in Neutron, and he's 
 also recently become my testing Lieutenant. His influence and knowledge in 
 testing will be critical to the team in Liberty and beyond. In addition to 
 that, he's done some fabulous work for Neutron around L3 HA and DVR. Assaf 
 has become a trusted member of our community. His review stats place him in 
 the pack with the rest of the Neutron core reviewers.
 I'd also like to take this time to remind everyone that reviewing code is a 
 responsibility, in Neutron the same as other projects. And core reviewers are 
 especially beholden to this responsibility. I'd also like to point out that 
 +1/-1 reviews are very useful, and I encourage everyone to continue reviewing 
 code even if you are not a core reviewer.
 Existing Neutron cores, please vote +1/-1 for the addition of Assaf to the 
 core reviewer team.
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Re: [openstack-dev] TC Candidacy

2015-04-24 Thread Maru Newby

 On Apr 24, 2015, at 6:17 AM, Luke Gorrie wrote:
 Question regarding your candidacy:
 If I recall correctly you have spoken in favor of face to face discussions at 
 mid-cycle meetings as a practical way to set priorities and move things 
 forward. What are your current thoughts on the costs and benefits of this?

I don't think our TC should be involved in a project's decision to hold a
mid-cycle unless legitimate complaints about the openness of the mid-cycle
remain unaddressed by the project's leadership.

My experience is that face-to-face communication can aid in building the
relationships and technical understanding essential to writing good software.
The drawbacks are that proximity can be both expensive and exclusionary.  I
think it's up to each project community to decide whether a mid-cycle is
justified, and if so, work hard to minimize the downsides.  Foundation support
is often available for those that can't afford to attend for financial reasons.
For those that otherwise can't attend, there is the option of encouraging
designation of a representative, ensuring that the mid-cycle is recorded or
logged, and deferring decision-making on explored options to the wider community
after the mid-cycle.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Question for the TC candidates

2015-04-24 Thread Maru Newby

 On Apr 23, 2015, at 9:14 AM, Chris Dent wrote:
 What can and should the TC at large, and you specifically, do to ensure
 quality improves for the developers, end-users and operators of
 OpenStack as a full system, both as a project being developed and a
 product being used?

I have strong opinions about how we can improve quality.  I stated some of them
in my candidate email.  I think we have a more pressing concern, though. How do
we ensure that our TC is capable of effecting the change we require?

Our TC's primary mission used to be defining what OpenStack was and was not.
The move to a 'big tent' model reduced the need to focus on that issue, and now
our TC needs to direct its attention to improving our community and the software
it delivers.  This new mission changes the game, because top-down direction is
not going to work.  Without direct authority to make change happen, how can the
TC hope to deliver?

Indirect authority.  13 people of influence, with on-the-ground support
developed and maintained at the project level, pulling in the same direction.
That's the real power of the TC.  And that's the power we're going to use to
effect real change.

This power is created by each TC member doing the hard work of engaging.  It's
writing, testing, debugging and documenting our software.  It's conversations
with developers, users, distros, and operators.  It's developing an emotional
connection - empathizing - with their constituents as they face the frustration
caused by our community and software.  It's making a difference so that their
opinion is respected.  This is the way things work in the individual projects,
and our TC should differ only in the scale of the problems it tackles.

This reinforces the idea, as has been suggested by other candidates, that the
role of TC member needs to be taken more seriously.  Change will not be decided
because our TC knows best, but because its members collectively have first-hand
experience with the problems at hand, have considered a diversity of potential
solutions, and do the hard work of justifying their conclusions.  Change will
happen not because our TC commands it, but because project-level contributors
have trust in our TC members and value their input.  Only by being more engaged
with the wider community can our TC hope to be an effective force for change.


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[openstack-dev] TC Candidacy

2015-04-22 Thread Maru Newby
My name is Maru Newby, and I am announcing my candidacy for the
Technical Committee (TC) election.


I'm a relative unknown outside of Neutron, but I've been helping to drive
high-level change in that project. I would welcome the opportunity to bring my
energy and dedication to OpenStack-wide concerns as a member of our TC.

If you're willing to read any part of this email, I hope it would be 'Why vote
for me?'.

If not, and you are as frustrated with the status quo as I am, I hope you will
consider voting for candidates that support the goal of building a more engaged
TC focused on ensuring that participation in OpenStack becomes more enjoyable
and sustainable.

Thank you for reading, and make sure to vote!

* Why vote for me?

If elected, I'm going to be a squeaky wheel advocating for anything and
everything that empowers our development community to deliver useful software
into the hands of users.  If this puts me at odds with those that want to focus
on issues like 'What is OpenStack' or 'How can we systematize project culture to
make it easier to communicate?', good!  I believe that you, as a technical
contributor to OpenStack, need stronger representation of your viewpoints on our
TC, and I'm one of the strongest advocates you're likely to find in this
community.  I am currently employed full time upstream, and I am willing and
able to devote the resources necessary to do justice to the role.

I also intend to advocate for focusing the OpenStack community on ambitious, but
achievable, goals.  I believe this will require making hard choices about which
use cases we can reasonably expect to support.  To me, the idea that OpenStack
can be all things to all people is dangerous.  It's just as likely that in
trying to do it all, we do little of it well, and risk irrelevance.  I think our
primary competition is and will continue to be proprietary cloud, and my biggest
fear is that we become unable to compete on cost due to the operational
complexity required to make everyone happy.  We need to keep our collective eyes
on the ball!

To be clear, I want to be a part of a TC with as diverse a group of viewpoints
as possible to ensure that we have to work hard to achieve consensus.  If
agreement is reached too easily, there is probably something wrong.  My wanting
to push a developer-centric agenda doesn't mean that I don't respect the need to
address other issues.  My voice would be one of many, and I recognize that
consensus requires compromise.

* Why not vote for me?

There are candidates more deserving of your vote if you think our TC shouldn't
have a role in providing leadership to the OpenStack community.  If you believe
that our TC is already sufficiently developer-focused, then I also don't deserve
your vote.

This is in no way to suggest that I want to see our TC become a top-down
decision-making body. This is still an open source project, after all, and I
know first-hand the complexities of the culture involved.  I do think it
appropriate, though, for an elected body with as much visibility as our TC to
participate more actively in addressing the challenges we face.

* Key concerns

There are any number of issues facing OpenStack today, but the items on the
shortlist that follows are the concerns that I would like to see the TC
champion in the near-term:

** Scaling our development effort

The stated goal of our TC of late has been to 'get out of the way'.  I
wholeheartedly support this intention, and would like to see it extended to how
our TC approaches governance beyond project evaluation.  I think our TC should
be responsible for proposing what we want to achieve rather than in how we
should achieve it.  Outcomes, rather than process.  I think project-level
contributors are best equipped to solve the problems of implementation.  Our TC
can take responsibility for setting OpenStack-wide expectations and in
facilitating - rather than managing - cross-project advancement towards these
goals.  More than ever, we need to be pulling in the same direction, and I think
our TC is an obvious candidate to rally ourselves around.

I hope we all recognize that we can't scale OpenStack if decisions are
constantly gated on a small group of 'tastemakers'.  Delegation of trust is
required, whether at the level of our TC or the individual projects.  I think we
need to take our TC's recent momentum to the project level and find ways to
increase delegation of responsibility.  Nova and Neutron, for example, have had
to face ever-increasing demands with the same small pool of core reviewers, and
many of you know all-too-well the pain that has resulted.  Core reviewers - like
the pre-big tent TC - have inadvertently become micromanagers as their
responsibilities have evolved beyond their capacity to meet them.  The model of
direct trust - in which each core needs to trust every other core - doesn't
scale due to fundamental human limits.  This is at odds with OpenStack's need to
grow, and I want our TC

Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Neutron] The specs process, effective operators feedback and product management

2015-04-13 Thread Maru Newby

 On Apr 10, 2015, at 11:04 AM, Boris Pavlovic wrote:
 I believe that specs are too detailed and too dev oriented for managers, 
 operators and devops. 
 They actually don't want/have time to write/read all the stuff in specs and 
 that's why the communication between dev  operators community is a broken. 
 I would recommend to think about simpler approaches like making mechanism for 
 proposing features/changes in projects. 
 Like we have in Rally:
 This is similar to specs but more concentrate on WHAT rather than HOW. 


I think the line between HOW and WHAT are too often blurred in Neutron.  Unless 
we’re able to improve our ability to communicate at an appropriate level of 
abstraction with non-dev stakeholders, meeting their needs will continue to be 
a struggle.

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Re: [openstack-dev] The Evolution of core developer to maintainer?

2015-04-02 Thread Maru Newby

 On Apr 2, 2015, at 3:26 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 Maru Newby wrote:
 [...] Many of us in the Neutron
 community find this taxonomy restrictive and not representative
 of all the work that makes the project possible.
 We seem to be after the same end goal. I just disagree that renaming
 core reviewers to maintainers is a positive step toward that goal.
 Worse, 'cores'
 are put on a pedastal, and not just in the project.  Every summit
 a 'core reviewer dinner' is held that underscores the
 glorification of this designation.
 I deeply regret that, and communicated to the sponsor holding it the
 problem with this +2 dinner the very first time it was held. FWIW it's
 been renamed to VIP dinner and no longer limited to core reviewers,
 but I'd agree with you that the damage was already done.
 By proposing to rename 'core
 reviewer' to 'maintainer' the goal was to lay the groundwork for
 broadening the base of people whose valuable contribution could
 be recognized.  The goal was to recognize not just review-related
 contributors, but also roles like doc/bug/test czar and cross-project
 liaison.  The statue of the people filling these roles today is less 
 if they are not also ‘core’, and that makes the work less attractive 
 to many.
 That's where we disagree. You see renaming core reviewer to
 maintainer has a way to recognize a broader type of contributions. I
 see it as precisely resulting in the opposite.
 Simply renaming core reviewers to maintainers just keeps us using a
 single term (or class) to describe project leadership. And that class
 includes +2 reviewing duties. So you can't be a maintainer if you don't
 do core reviewing. That is exclusive, not inclusive.

The important part of my statement above was ‘lay the groundwork for’.
We were intended to change the name as a _precursor_ to changing the
role itself to encompass more than just those with +2 rights.  Nobody
in their right mind would assume that changing the name by itself could
fix the situation, but we thought it would be a good signal as to our
intent to broaden the scope of recognized contribution.

 What we need to do instead is reviving the drivers concept (we can
 rename it maintainers if you really like that term), separate from the
 core reviewers concept. One can be a project driver and a core
 reviewer. And one can be a project driver *without* being a core
 reviewer. Now *that* allows to recognize all valuable contributions,
 and to be representative of all the work that makes the project possible.

As Joe and I have said, Nova and Neutron already have drivers teams and 
they fill a different role from what you are suggesting.  Can you think of a 
appropriate name that isn’t already in use for what you are proposing?

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] The Evolution of core developer to maintainer?

2015-04-02 Thread Maru Newby

 On Apr 2, 2015, at 9:02 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 Maru Newby wrote:
 On Apr 2, 2015, at 3:26 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 What we need to do instead is reviving the drivers concept (we can
 rename it maintainers if you really like that term), separate from the
 core reviewers concept. One can be a project driver and a core
 reviewer. And one can be a project driver *without* being a core
 reviewer. Now *that* allows to recognize all valuable contributions,
 and to be representative of all the work that makes the project possible.
 As Joe and I have said, Nova and Neutron already have drivers teams and 
 they fill a different role from what you are suggesting.
 The only team I heard you and Joe mention is the one approving specs,
 and that one is called nova-specs-core, not nova-drivers:,members
 The one I'm speaking about always existed in the capacity I'm describing
 (project leadership, people actually making sure the project goes
 somewhere and all the boring tasks get done), and is defined at:

Regardless of what you are seeing for Nova, the Neutron community calls this 
‘drivers’ and documents it as such in the wiki:


 Can you think of a more
 appropriate name that isn’t already in use for what you are proposing?
 I'm not proposing anything new. I'm saying we should just use (or revive
 the use of) existing teams (nova-core, nova-drivers) to achieve our
 goals of being representative of all the work that makes the project
 Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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Re: [openstack-dev] The Evolution of core developer to maintainer?

2015-04-01 Thread Maru Newby

 On Apr 1, 2015, at 6:09 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
 And here is the crux of the situation, which I think bears
 highlighting. These empowered groups are (or at least started out
 as) nothing more than an attempt to map responsibilities onto the
 ACLs available to our projects in the tools we use to do the work.
 Coming up with some new pie-in-the-sky model of leadership hierarchy
 is an interesting thought exercise, but many people in this
 discussion are losing sight of the fact that the model we have is
 determined to a great extent by the tools we use. Change the tools
 and you may change the model, but changing the model doesn't
 automatically change the tools to support it (and those proposing a
 new model need to pony up the resources to implement it in
 _reality_, not just in _thought_).

 Responsibilities not tied to specific controls in our tools do exist
 in abundance, but they tend to be more fluid and ad-hoc because in
 most cases there's been no need to wrap authorization/enforcement
 around them. What I worry is happening is that as a community we're
 enshrining the arbitrary constructs which we invented to be able to
 configure our tools sanely. I see this discussion as an attempt to
 recognize those other responsibilities as well, but worry that
 creation of additional unnecessary authorization/enforcement process
 will emerge as a solution and drive us further into pointless

Given how important trust and relationships are to the
functioning of individual projects, I think we’re past the point
where we should allow our tooling to be the limiting factor in
how we structure ourselves.  Do we need finer-grained permissions
in gerrit to enable something like subtree maintainers?  I don't
believe we do.  In large projects like Neutron, there is no such
thing as someone who knows everything anymore, so we all need to
be aware of our limitations and know not to merge things we don't
understand without oversight from those of our peers that do.
Responsibility in this case could be subject to social rather than
tool-based oversight.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] The Evolution of core developer to maintainer?

2015-04-01 Thread Maru Newby

 On Apr 1, 2015, at 1:47 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
 On 2015-04-01 12:00:53 -0700 (-0700), Maru Newby wrote:
 Given how important trust and relationships are to the functioning
 of individual projects, I think we’re past the point where we
 should allow our tooling to be the limiting factor in how we
 structure ourselves.
 I'm definitely not suggesting that either, merely pointing out that
 if you have an ACL which, for example, defines the set of people
 able to push a particular button then it's helpful to have a term
 for that set of people. As soon as you start to conflate that
 specific permission with other roles and responsibilities then the
 term for it gets overloaded. To me a core reviewer is just that:
 people with accounts in the .*-core Gerrit groups granted the
 ability to push a review button indicating that a proposed change is
 suitable to merge. Whether or not those same people are also
 afforded permissions outside that system is orthogonal.

I find your perspective on the term ‘core reviewer’ to be interesting indeed,
and for me it underscores the need to consider whether using the term
outside of gerrit is justified.


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] The Evolution of core developer to maintainer?

2015-04-01 Thread Maru Newby

 On Apr 1, 2015, at 2:52 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 - Some people are core reviewers and maintainers (or drivers, to reuse
 the openstack terminology we already have for that)
 - Some people are core reviewers only (because they can't commit 90% of
 their work time to work on project priorities)
 - Some people are maintainers/drivers only (because their project duties
 don't give them enough time to also do reviewing)
 - Some people are casual developers / reviewers (because they can't
 spend more than 30% of their day on project stuff)
 All those people are valuable. Simply renaming core reviewers to
 maintainers (creating a single super-developer class) just excludes
 valuable people.

I hear that you believe that the proposal to rename 'core
reviewer' to 'maintainer' in Neutron was intended to entrench
privilege.  Nothing could be further from the truth - it was
actually intended to break it down.

As per Joe’s recent reply, ‘drivers’ in Nova have to be core
reviewers.  This is true in Neutron as well.  I think a more
accurate taxonomy, at least in Neutron, is the following:

- Everyone that participates in the project is a 'contributor'

- Some contributors are 'core reviewers' - members of the team
  with merge rights on a primary repo and a responsibility to
  actively review for that repo.

- Some core reviewers are 'drivers' - members of a team with
  merge rights on the spec repo and a responsibility to actively
  review for that repo.

This is obviously a gross simplification, but it should serve for
what I'm trying to communicate.  Many of us in the Neutron
community find this taxonomy restrictive and not representative
of all the work that makes the project possible.  Worse, 'cores'
are put on a pedastal, and not just in the project.  Every summit
a 'core reviewer dinner' is held that underscores the
glorification of this designation.  By proposing to rename 'core
reviewer' to 'maintainer' the goal was to lay the groundwork for
broadening the base of people whose valuable contribution could
be recognized.  The goal was to recognize not just review-related
contributors, but also roles like doc/bug/test czar and cross-project
liaison.  The statue of the people filling these roles today is less 
if they are not also ‘core’, and that makes the work less attractive 
to many.

Given the TC's apparent mandate to define the organizational
taxonomy that a project like Neutron is allowed to use, I would
ask you and your fellow committee members to consider addressing
the role that the current taxonomy plays in valuing reviewing
ahead of other forms of contribution.  It provides disincentive against
other forms of contribution, since they aren’t recognized on an equal 
footing, and I think this needs to change if we want to ensure the 
long-term viability of projects like Neutron (if not OpenStack as a whole).

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Re: [openstack-dev] [infra] What do people think of YAPF (like gofmt, for python)?

2015-03-26 Thread Maru Newby

 On Mar 25, 2015, at 4:22 PM, Monty Taylor wrote:
 On 03/25/2015 05:50 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 I am excited by the release of YAPF [1], a gofmt-like too for python.
 I think it has the potential to simplify style enforcement, and as
 much as I appreciate our current hacking checks, I’d be much happier
 not requiring developers to manually conform to them.  Maybe we can
 consider automation in a manner similar to that employed by the go
 codereview tool [2]?
 I played with it for a few minutes and although it's configurable, it's
 still pretty limited in terms of expressiveness.
 That said - although I do appreciate the theory of auto-formatting
 (seriously, one less thing, right?) I think it would be problematic for
 us. You can't ship git hooks in a git repo, so we can't help our users
 know to run it before pushing. In a world where getting set up in
 openstack is already non-trivial, I think requiring 2500 developers to
 add a new git hook to every repo that they do something with would be a
 bit of a disaster. When you combine that with the people who won't know,
 will make a patch, send it up, and have it rejected --- oy. Chaos.
 git review is used by a ton of people who write in non-python. I think
 adding openstack-specific style enforcement to it would make it way less
 generally useful.
 In general, if you find it interesting, there's certainly nothing wrong
 with tracking it and poking at it from time to time. But I honestly
 think that the logistical issue is pretty large, and one that the payoff
 from solving would not be worth the effort.

I agree with points raised by you and jeblair regarding the
potential for problems in applying auto-formatting without
developer intervention.  I apologize if my use of the word
'automation' muddied the waters, as the go codereview tool's
support of the 'gofmt' command is limited to explicit invocation
rather than being triggered in a hook.  It doesn't appear
acceptable for git-review to be granted similar capability, but
really that is a nicety.  Individual projects can as easily
provide their own style definitions, include YAPF as a test
dependency, and document how to invoke it.

I think there is value in extending our current solution of
automated style enforcement to provide a component that can be
manually invoked to auto-format to the enforced style.  I don't
see virtue in applying manual effort to maintaining code style.
YAPF may not be ready for our use just yet, but I think it's
worth pursuing. 


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [infra] What do people think of YAPF (like gofmt, for python)?

2015-03-25 Thread Maru Newby
I am excited by the release of YAPF [1], a gofmt-like too for python.  I think 
it has the potential to simplify style enforcement, and as much as I appreciate 
our current hacking checks, I’d be much happier not requiring developers to 
manually conform to them.  Maybe we can consider automation in a manner similar 
to that employed by the go codereview tool [2]?



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[openstack-dev] [qa][neutron] Moving network api test development to Neutron repo

2015-03-17 Thread Maru Newby
tl;dr; As per a discussion in Paris [1], development of Neutron's
API tests is moving from the Tempest repo to the Neutron repo.
If you are developing API tests for Neutron in Tempest, please be
advised that, effective immediately, your efforts should be
directed towards the Neutron repo.

The current set of Neutron API tests in Tempest has been
copied (along with supporting infrastructure) to
neutron/tests/tempest [1].  Tests in this path are run as part of
the neutron-dsvm-api job, which will shortly be gating [2].  Test
changes that previously targeted the tempest/api/network path in
the Tempest repo should target neutron/tests/tempest/network/api
in the Neutron repo until further notice.

Automatic conversion from a Tempest change to a Neutron change is

 - cd [path to neutron repo]
 - ./tools/ [path to tempest working directory]

As per the Tempest guidelines for test removal [3], the tests
currently in Tempest will remain in Tempest and continue to run
as part of the existing jobs until we can target tests in the
Neutron repo against stable branches and enable the use of the
in-repo tests by defcore/refstack.

Finally, guidelines for API test development in the Neutron repo are
in the works and will be proposed shortly.  The guidelines will
define policy intended to protect against backwards compatible
changes to our API.




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Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposal to add Ihar Hrachyshka as a Neutron Core Reviewer

2015-03-04 Thread Maru Newby
+1 from me, Ihar has been doing great work and it will be great to have him 
finally able to merge!

 On Mar 4, 2015, at 11:42 AM, Kyle Mestery wrote:
 I'd like to propose that we add Ihar Hrachyshka to the Neutron core reviewer 
 team. Ihar has been doing a great job reviewing in Neutron as evidence by his 
 stats [1]. Ihar is the Oslo liaison for Neutron, he's been doing a great job 
 keeping Neutron current there. He's already a critical reviewer for all the 
 Neutron repositories. In addition, he's a stable maintainer. Ihar makes 
 himself available in IRC, and has done a great job working with the entire 
 Neutron team. His reviews are thoughtful and he really takes time to work 
 with code submitters to ensure his feedback is addressed.
 I'd also like to again remind everyone that reviewing code is a 
 responsibility, in Neutron the same as other projects. And core reviewers are 
 especially beholden to this responsibility. I'd also like to point out and 
 reinforce that +1/-1 reviews are super useful, and I encourage everyone to 
 continue reviewing code across Neutron as well as the other OpenStack 
 projects, regardless of your status as a core reviewer on these projects.
 Existing Neutron cores, please vote +1/-1 on this proposal to add Ihar to the 
 core reviewer team.
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[openstack-dev] [neutron] The future of Xen + OVS support

2015-03-03 Thread Maru Newby
There have been a couple of patches [1] [2] proposed to neutron recently that 
could impact our support for Xen+OVS, but I don’t see an easy way for us to 
validate such changes.  I’m not aware of a 3rd party CI job that runs against 
Xen, and I don’t know of any active contributors able to manually validate 
changes.  Unless this changes, I think we should consider deprecating support 
for Xen in kilo.  We can’t afford to block changes for fear of breaking 
something that nobody seems to care about.

I’m hoping this post serves as a wake-up call to anyone that wants to see 
neutron maintain its support for Xen, and that they will be willing to devote 
resources to ensure that support for it continues.  I’ve also added this issue 
to next week’s irc meeting [3].


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] The future of Xen + OVS support

2015-03-03 Thread Maru Newby

 On Mar 3, 2015, at 1:06 PM, Kevin Benton wrote:
 It might make sense to send this to the users list as well. There may be a 
 large deployment out there with resources willing to at least test changes 
 even if they don't have any upstream development resources.

Good call, I’ve cross-posted to the user list as you suggest.

 On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 There have been a couple of patches [1] [2] proposed to neutron recently that 
 could impact our support for Xen+OVS, but I don’t see an easy way for us to 
 validate such changes.  I’m not aware of a 3rd party CI job that runs against 
 Xen, and I don’t know of any active contributors able to manually validate 
 changes.  Unless this changes, I think we should consider deprecating support 
 for Xen in kilo.  We can’t afford to block changes for fear of breaking 
 something that nobody seems to care about.
 I’m hoping this post serves as a wake-up call to anyone that wants to see 
 neutron maintain its support for Xen, and that they will be willing to devote 
 resources to ensure that support for it continues.  I’ve also added this 
 issue to next week’s irc meeting [3].

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[Openstack] [neutron] The future of Xen + OVS support

2015-03-03 Thread Maru Newby
Cross-posting from the dev list to ensure the user community gets a chance to 

There have been a couple of patches [1] [2] proposed to neutron recently that 
could impact our support for Xen+OVS, but I don’t see an easy way for us to 
validate such changes.  I’m not aware of a 3rd party CI job that runs against 
Xen, and I don’t know of any active contributors able to manually validate 
changes.  Unless this changes, I think we should consider deprecating support 
for Xen in kilo.  We can’t afford to block changes for fear of breaking 
something that nobody seems to care about.

I’m hoping this post serves as a wake-up call to anyone that wants to see 
neutron maintain its support for Xen, and that they will be willing to devote 
resources to ensure that support for it continues.  I’ve also added this issue 
to next week’s irc meeting [3].


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Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] The future of Xen + OVS support

2015-03-03 Thread Maru Newby

 On Mar 3, 2015, at 1:44 PM, Bob Ball wrote:
 We certainly care about this but converting the XenServer CI to Neutron+OVS 
 has been hitting a number of issues (notably a few concurrency ones – 
 although there are a few missing features) that we’ve been trying to sort 
 I am certainly hoping that we’ll have everything stable enough to set up a CI 
 specifically for this combination before the Kilo release and would be very 
 keen not to deprecate XenAPI support in Kilo.
 Certainly even if we don’t make the Kilo release for the CI we will still be 
 pushing for it in L.

I guess that answers the question of whether anyone cares enough to work on 
enabling 3rd party CI, and that it may be premature to consider deprecation.  

Until CI is live, though, and in the absence of resources committed to fixing 
breakage when it is detected, I’m not sure it’s reasonable that core reviewers 
have to consider Xen support in determining whether a patch is ready to merge.  
Given that, it’s entirely possible that we’ll end up shipping broken Xen 
support for kilo, especially given the changes coming to rootwrap and ovs 
interaction.  Should we as a community consider that acceptable with the hope 
that fixes will be proposed and backported in a timely-enough fashion?  Or 
maybe we should consider moving Xen support (which is centered on the ovs 
agent) out of the tree so that it can be maintained independent of the 
OpenStack release cycle? 


 From: Kevin Benton [] 
 Sent: 03 March 2015 21:06
 To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
 Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] The future of Xen + OVS support
 It might make sense to send this to the users list as well. There may be a 
 large deployment out there with resources willing to at least test changes 
 even if they don't have any upstream development resources.
 On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 There have been a couple of patches [1] [2] proposed to neutron recently that 
 could impact our support for Xen+OVS, but I don’t see an easy way for us to 
 validate such changes.  I’m not aware of a 3rd party CI job that runs against 
 Xen, and I don’t know of any active contributors able to manually validate 
 changes.  Unless this changes, I think we should consider deprecating support 
 for Xen in kilo.  We can’t afford to block changes for fear of breaking 
 something that nobody seems to care about.
 I’m hoping this post serves as a wake-up call to anyone that wants to see 
 neutron maintain its support for Xen, and that they will be willing to devote 
 resources to ensure that support for it continues.  I’ve also added this 
 issue to next week’s irc meeting [3].
 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
 Kevin Benton
 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Changes to the core team

2015-01-15 Thread Maru Newby
+1 to Doug’s addition.  He’s been a workhorse in moving lbaas and the services 
split forward and his being able to finally merge code in the main repo should 
be a boon to our merge velocity.

Many thanks to Sumit for his long-serving dedication as a core reviewer.  I 
hope to see him return to the fold soon!


 On Jan 15, 2015, at 2:31 PM, Kyle Mestery wrote:
 The last time we looked at core reviewer stats was in December [1]. In 
 looking at the current stats, I'm going to propose some changes to the core 
 team. Reviews are the most important part of being a core reviewer, so we 
 need to ensure cores are doing reviews. The stats for the 90 day period [2] 
 indicate some changes are needed for core reviewers who are no longer 
 reviewing on pace with the other core reviewers.
 First of all, I'm removing Sumit Naiksatam from neutron-core. Sumit has been 
 a core reviewer for a long time, and his past contributions are very much 
 thanked by the entire OpenStack Neutron team. If Sumit jumps back in with 
 thoughtful reviews in the future, we can look at getting him back as a 
 Neutron core reviewer. But for now, his stats indicate he's not reviewing at 
 a level consistent with the rest of the Neutron core reviewers.
 As part of the change, I'd like to propose Doug Wiegley as a new Neutron core 
 reviewer. Doug has been actively reviewing code across not only all the 
 Neutron projects, but also other projects such as infra. His help and work in 
 the services split in December were the reason we were so successful in 
 making that happen. Doug has also been instrumental in the Neutron LBaaS V2 
 rollout, as well as helping to merge code in the other neutron service 
 I'd also like to take this time to remind everyone that reviewing code is a 
 responsibility, in Neutron the same as other projects. And core reviewers are 
 especially beholden to this responsibility. I'd also like to point out that 
 +1/-1 reviews are very useful, and I encourage everyone to continue reviewing 
 code even if you are not a core reviewer.
 Existing neutron cores, please vote +1/-1 for the addition of Doug to the 
 core team.
 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] The state of nova-network to neutron migration

2015-01-08 Thread Maru Newby
As per a recent exchange on #openstack-neutron, I’ve been asked to present my 
views on this effort.  What follows is in no way intended to detract from the 
hard work and dedication of those undertaking it, but I think that their energy 
could be better spent.

At nova’s juno mid-cycle in July, there was a discussion about deprecating 
nova-network.  Most of the work-items on the TC’s gap analysis [1] had been 
covered off, with one notable exception: Gap 6, the requirement to provide a 
migration plan between nova-network and neutron, had stalled over questions of 
implementation strategy.

In my recollection of the conversation that followed, broad consensus was 
reached that the costs of automating a reliable and fault-tolerant migration 
strategy would be  considerable.  The technical complexity of targeting a fixed 
deployment scenario would be challenging enough, and targeting heterogenous 
scenarios would magnify that complexity many-fold.  Given the cost and high 
risks associated with implementing an automated solution, everyone seemed to 
agree that it was not worth pursuing.  Our understanding was that not pursuing 
an automated solution could still be in keeping with the TC’s requirements for 
deprecation, which required that a migration plan be formulated but not that it 
be automated.  Documentation was deemed sufficient, and that was to be the path 
forward in covering Gap 6.  The documentation would allow deployers and 
operators to devise migration strategies to suit their individual requirements.

Then, when the Kilo summit schedule was announced, there was a session 
scheduled in the nova track for discussing how to implement an automated 
migration.  I only managed to catch the tail end of the session, but the 
etherpad [2] makes no mention of the rationale for requiring an automated 
migration in the first place.  It was like the discussion at the mid-cycle, and 
all the talk of the risks outweighing the potential benefits of such an effort, 
had simply not occurred.

So, in the interests of a full and open discussion on this matter, can someone 
please explain to me why the risks discussed at the mid-cycle were suddenly 
deemed justifiable, seemingly against all technical rationale?  Criticism has 
been leveled at the neutron project for our supposed inaction in implementing 
an automated solution, and I don’t think I’m the only one who is concerned that 
this is an unreasonable requirement imposed without due consideration to the 
risks involved.  Yes, most of us want to see nova-network deprecated, but why 
is the lack of migration automation blocking that?  An automated migration was 
not a requirement in the TC’s original assessment of the preconditions for 
deprecation.  I think that if neutron is deemed to be of sufficiently high 
quality that it can serve as an effective replacement for nova-network, and we 
can document a migration plan between them, then deprecation should proceed.



 On Dec 19, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Anita Kuno wrote:
 Rather than waste your time making excuses let me state where we are and
 where I would like to get to, also sharing my thoughts about how you can
 get involved if you want to see this happen as badly as I have been told
 you do.
 Where we are:
* a great deal of foundation work has been accomplished to achieve
 parity with nova-network and neutron to the extent that those involved
 are ready for migration plans to be formulated and be put in place
* a summit session happened with notes and intentions[0]
* people took responsibility and promptly got swamped with other
* spec deadlines arose and in neutron's case have passed
* currently a neutron spec [1] is a work in progress (and it needs
 significant work still) and a nova spec is required and doesn't have a
 first draft or a champion
 Where I would like to get to:
* I need people in addition to Oleg Bondarev to be available to help
 come up with ideas and words to describe them to create the specs in a
 very short amount of time (Oleg is doing great work and is a fabulous
 person, yay Oleg, he just can't do this alone)
* specifically I need a contact on the nova side of this complex
 problem, similar to Oleg on the neutron side
* we need to have a way for people involved with this effort to find
 each other, talk to each other and track progress
* we need to have representation at both nova and neutron weekly
 meetings to communicate status and needs
 We are at K-2 and our current status is insufficient to expect this work
 will be accomplished by the end of K-3. I will be championing this work,
 in whatever state, so at least it doesn't fall off the map. If you would
 like to help this effort please get in contact. I will be thinking of
 ways to 

Re: [openstack-dev] The state of nova-network to neutron migration

2015-01-08 Thread Maru Newby

 On Jan 8, 2015, at 3:54 PM, Sean Dague wrote:
 On 01/08/2015 06:41 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 As per a recent exchange on #openstack-neutron, I’ve been asked to present 
 my views on this effort.  What follows is in no way intended to detract from 
 the hard work and dedication of those undertaking it, but I think that their 
 energy could be better spent.
 At nova’s juno mid-cycle in July, there was a discussion about deprecating 
 nova-network.  Most of the work-items on the TC’s gap analysis [1] had been 
 covered off, with one notable exception: Gap 6, the requirement to provide a 
 migration plan between nova-network and neutron, had stalled over questions 
 of implementation strategy.
 In my recollection of the conversation that followed, broad consensus was 
 reached that the costs of automating a reliable and fault-tolerant migration 
 strategy would be  considerable.  The technical complexity of targeting a 
 fixed deployment scenario would be challenging enough, and targeting 
 heterogenous scenarios would magnify that complexity many-fold.  Given the 
 cost and high risks associated with implementing an automated solution, 
 everyone seemed to agree that it was not worth pursuing.  Our understanding 
 was that not pursuing an automated solution could still be in keeping with 
 the TC’s requirements for deprecation, which required that a migration plan 
 be formulated but not that it be automated.  Documentation was deemed 
 sufficient, and that was to be the path forward in covering Gap 6.  The 
 documentation would allow deployers and operators to devise migration 
 strategies to suit their individual requirements.
 Then, when the Kilo summit schedule was announced, there was a session 
 scheduled in the nova track for discussing how to implement an automated 
 migration.  I only managed to catch the tail end of the session, but the 
 etherpad [2] makes no mention of the rationale for requiring an automated 
 migration in the first place.  It was like the discussion at the mid-cycle, 
 and all the talk of the risks outweighing the potential benefits of such an 
 effort, had simply not occurred.
 So, in the interests of a full and open discussion on this matter, can 
 someone please explain to me why the risks discussed at the mid-cycle were 
 suddenly deemed justifiable, seemingly against all technical rationale?  
 Criticism has been leveled at the neutron project for our supposed inaction 
 in implementing an automated solution, and I don’t think I’m the only one 
 who is concerned that this is an unreasonable requirement imposed without 
 due consideration to the risks involved.  Yes, most of us want to see 
 nova-network deprecated, but why is the lack of migration automation 
 blocking that?  An automated migration was not a requirement in the TC’s 
 original assessment of the preconditions for deprecation.  I think that if 
 neutron is deemed to be of sufficiently high quality that it can serve as an 
 effective replacement for nova-network, and we can document a migration plan 
 between them, then deprecation should proceed.
 The crux of it comes from the fact that the operator voice (especially
 those folks with large nova-network deploys) wasn't represented there.
 Once we got back from the mid-cycle and brought it to the list, there
 was some very understandable push back on deprecating without a
 migration plan.

I think it’s clear that a migration plan is required.  An automated migration, 
not so much.

 I believe we landed at the need for the common case, flat multi host
 networking, to be migrated to something equivalent in neutron land
 (dvr?). And it needs to be something that Metacloud and CERN can get
 behind, as they represent 2 very large nova-network deploys (and have
 reasonably well defined down time allowances for this).
 This doesn't have to be automation for all cases, but we need to support
 a happy path from one to the other that's repeatable, reasonably
 automatic (as much as possible), and provides minimum down time for
 guests running on the environment.

The fact that operators running nova-network would like the upstream community 
to pay for implementing an automated migration solution for them is hardly 
surprising.  It is less clear to me that implementing such a solution, with all 
the attendant cost and risks, should take priority over efforts that benefit a 
broader swath of the community.  Are the operators in question so strapped for 
resources that they are not able to automate their migrations themselves, 
provided a sufficiently detailed plan to do so?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] UniqueConstraint for name and tenant_id in security group

2014-12-15 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 12, 2014, at 1:40 PM, Sean Dague wrote:

 On 12/12/2014 01:05 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Sean Dague wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 04:16 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 04:07 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 04:01 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 8:00 AM, Henry Gessau wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 11, 2014, Mark McClain wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 8:43 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 I'm generally in favor of making name attributes opaque, utf-8
 strings that
 are entirely user-defined and have no constraints on them. I
 consider the
 name to be just a tag that the user places on some resource. It
 is the
 resource's ID that is unique.
 I do realize that Nova takes a different approach to *some*
 including the security group name.
 End of the day, it's probably just a personal preference whether
 should be unique to a tenant/user or not.
 Maru had asked me my opinion on whether names should be unique and I
 answered my personal opinion that no, they should not be, and if
 needed to ensure that there was one and only one default security
 group for
 a tenant, that a way to accomplish such a thing in a race-free
 way, without
 use of SELECT FOR UPDATE, was to use the approach I put into the
 pastebin on
 the review above.
 I agree with Jay.  We should not care about how a user names the
 There other ways to prevent this race and Jay’s suggestion is a
 good one.
 However we should open a bug against Horizon because the user
 experience there
 is terrible with duplicate security group names.
 The reason security group names are unique is that the ec2 api
 supports source
 rule specifications by tenant_id (user_id in amazon) and name, so
 not enforcing
 uniqueness means that invocation in the ec2 api will either fail or be
 non-deterministic in some way.
 So we should couple our API evolution to EC2 API then?
 No I was just pointing out the historical reason for uniqueness, and
 encouraging someone to find the best behavior for the ec2 api if we
 are going
 to keep the incompatibility there. Also I personally feel the ux is
 with unique names, but it is only a slight preference.
 Sorry for snapping, you made a fair point.
 Yeh, honestly, I agree with Vish. I do feel that the UX of that
 constraint is useful. Otherwise you get into having to show people UUIDs
 in a lot more places. While those are good for consistency, they are
 kind of terrible to show to people.
 While there is a good case for the UX of unique names - it also makes 
 orchestration via tools like puppet a heck of a lot simpler - the fact is 
 that most OpenStack resources do not require unique names.  That being the 
 case, why would we want security groups to deviate from this convention?
 Maybe the other ones are the broken ones?
 Honestly, any sanely usable system makes names unique inside a
 container. Like files in a directory. In this case the tenant is the
 container, which makes sense.
 It is one of many places that OpenStack is not consistent. But I'd
 rather make things consistent and more usable than consistent and less.

You might prefer less consistency for the sake of usability, but for me, 
consistency is a large enough factor in usability that allowing seemingly 
arbitrary deviation doesn’t seem like a huge win.  Regardless, I’d like to see 
us came to decisions on API usability on an OpenStack-wide basis, so the API 
working group is probably where this discussion should continue.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] UniqueConstraint for name and tenant_id in security group

2014-12-15 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 15, 2014, at 9:13 AM, Assaf Muller wrote:

 - Original Message -
 Hash: SHA512
 I was (rightfully) asked to share my comments on the matter that I
 left in gerrit here. See below.
 On 12/12/14 22:40, Sean Dague wrote:
 On 12/12/2014 01:05 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Sean Dague wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 04:16 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 04:07 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Jay Pipes
 On 12/11/2014 04:01 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 8:00 AM, Henry Gessau wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 11, 2014, Mark McClain
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 8:43 AM, Jay Pipes
 I'm generally in favor of making name attributes
 opaque, utf-8 strings that are entirely
 user-defined and have no constraints on them. I
 consider the name to be just a tag that the user
 places on some resource. It is the resource's ID
 that is unique.
 I do realize that Nova takes a different approach
 to *some* resources, including the security group
 End of the day, it's probably just a personal
 preference whether names should be unique to a
 tenant/user or not.
 Maru had asked me my opinion on whether names
 should be unique and I answered my personal
 opinion that no, they should not be, and if
 Neutron needed to ensure that there was one and
 only one default security group for a tenant,
 that a way to accomplish such a thing in a
 race-free way, without use of SELECT FOR UPDATE,
 was to use the approach I put into the pastebin
 on the review above.
 I agree with Jay.  We should not care about how a
 user names the resource. There other ways to
 prevent this race and Jay’s suggestion is a good
 However we should open a bug against Horizon because
 the user experience there is terrible with duplicate
 security group names.
 The reason security group names are unique is that the
 ec2 api supports source rule specifications by
 tenant_id (user_id in amazon) and name, so not
 enforcing uniqueness means that invocation in the ec2
 api will either fail or be non-deterministic in some
 So we should couple our API evolution to EC2 API then?
 No I was just pointing out the historical reason for
 uniqueness, and hopefully encouraging someone to find the
 best behavior for the ec2 api if we are going to keep the
 incompatibility there. Also I personally feel the ux is
 better with unique names, but it is only a slight
 Sorry for snapping, you made a fair point.
 Yeh, honestly, I agree with Vish. I do feel that the UX of
 that constraint is useful. Otherwise you get into having to
 show people UUIDs in a lot more places. While those are good
 for consistency, they are kind of terrible to show to people.
 While there is a good case for the UX of unique names - it also
 makes orchestration via tools like puppet a heck of a lot simpler
 - the fact is that most OpenStack resources do not require unique
 names.  That being the case, why would we want security groups to
 deviate from this convention?
 Maybe the other ones are the broken ones?
 Honestly, any sanely usable system makes names unique inside a
 container. Like files in a directory.
 Correct. Or take git: it does not use hashes to identify objects, right?
 In this case the tenant is the container, which makes sense.
 It is one of many places that OpenStack is not consistent. But I'd
 rather make things consistent and more usable than consistent and
 Are we only proposing to make security group name unique? I assume
 that, since that's what we currently have in review. The change would
 make API *more* inconsistent, not less, since other objects still use
 uuid for identification.
 You may say that we should move *all* neutron objects to the new
 identification system by name. But what's the real benefit?
 If there are problems in UX (client, horizon, ...), we should fix the
 view and not data models used. If we decide we want users to avoid
 using objects with the same names, fine, let's add warnings in UI
 (probably with an option to disable it so that we don't push the
 validation into their throats).
 Finally, I have concern about us changing user visible object
 attributes like names during db migrations, as it's proposed in the
 patch discussed here. I think such behaviour can be quite unexpected
 for some users, if not breaking their workflow and/or scripts.
 My belief is that responsible upstream does not apply ad-hoc changes
 to API to fix a race condition that is easily solvable in other ways
 (see Assaf's proposal to introduce a new DefaultSecurityGroups table
 in patchset 12 comments).
 As usual you explain yourself better than I can... I think my main
 original objection to the patch is that it feels like

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] UniqueConstraint for name and tenant_id in security group

2014-12-12 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 11, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Sean Dague wrote:

 On 12/11/2014 04:16 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 04:07 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 04:01 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 8:00 AM, Henry Gessau wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 11, 2014, Mark McClain wrote:
 On Dec 11, 2014, at 8:43 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 I'm generally in favor of making name attributes opaque, utf-8
 strings that
 are entirely user-defined and have no constraints on them. I
 consider the
 name to be just a tag that the user places on some resource. It
 is the
 resource's ID that is unique.
 I do realize that Nova takes a different approach to *some*
 including the security group name.
 End of the day, it's probably just a personal preference whether
 should be unique to a tenant/user or not.
 Maru had asked me my opinion on whether names should be unique and I
 answered my personal opinion that no, they should not be, and if
 needed to ensure that there was one and only one default security
 group for
 a tenant, that a way to accomplish such a thing in a race-free
 way, without
 use of SELECT FOR UPDATE, was to use the approach I put into the
 pastebin on
 the review above.
 I agree with Jay.  We should not care about how a user names the
 There other ways to prevent this race and Jay’s suggestion is a
 good one.
 However we should open a bug against Horizon because the user
 experience there
 is terrible with duplicate security group names.
 The reason security group names are unique is that the ec2 api
 supports source
 rule specifications by tenant_id (user_id in amazon) and name, so
 not enforcing
 uniqueness means that invocation in the ec2 api will either fail or be
 non-deterministic in some way.
 So we should couple our API evolution to EC2 API then?
 No I was just pointing out the historical reason for uniqueness, and
 encouraging someone to find the best behavior for the ec2 api if we
 are going
 to keep the incompatibility there. Also I personally feel the ux is
 with unique names, but it is only a slight preference.
 Sorry for snapping, you made a fair point.
 Yeh, honestly, I agree with Vish. I do feel that the UX of that
 constraint is useful. Otherwise you get into having to show people UUIDs
 in a lot more places. While those are good for consistency, they are
 kind of terrible to show to people.

While there is a good case for the UX of unique names - it also makes 
orchestration via tools like puppet a heck of a lot simpler - the fact is that 
most OpenStack resources do not require unique names.  That being the case, why 
would we want security groups to deviate from this convention?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Neutron] out-of-tree plugin for Mech driver/L2 and vif_driver

2014-12-09 Thread Maru Newby
On Dec 9, 2014, at 7:04 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 09, 2014 at 10:53:19AM +0100, Maxime Leroy wrote:
 I have also proposed a blueprint to have a new plugin mechanism in
 nova to load external vif driver. (nova-specs: and nova (rfc patch):
 From my point-of-view of a developer having a plugin framework for
 internal/external vif driver seems to be a good thing.
 It makes the code more modular and introduce a clear api for vif driver 
 So far, it raises legitimate questions concerning API stability and
 public API that request a wider discussion on the ML (as asking by
 John Garbut).
 I think having a plugin mechanism and a clear api for vif driver is
 not going against this policy:
 There is no needs to have a stable API. It is up to the owner of the
 external VIF driver to ensure that its driver is supported by the
 latest API. And not the nova community to manage a stable API for this
 external VIF driver. Does it make senses ?
 Experiance has shown that even if it is documented as unsupported, once
 the extension point exists, vendors  users will ignore the small print
 about support status. There will be complaints raised every time it gets
 broken until we end up being forced to maintain it as stable API whether
 we want to or not. That's not a route we want to go down.

Is the support contract for a given API have to be binary - ‘supported’ vs 
‘unsupported’?  The stability requirements for REST API’s that end users and 
all kinds of tooling consume are arguably different from those of an internal 
API, and recognizing this difference could be useful.

 Considering the network V2 API, L2/ML2 mechanism driver and VIF driver
 need to exchange information such as: binding:vif_type and
 From my understanding, 'binding:vif_type' and 'binding:vif_details' as
 a field part of the public network api. There is no validation
 constraints for these fields (see,
 it means that any value is accepted by the API. So, the values set in
 'binding:vif_type' and 'binding:vif_details' are not part of the
 public API. Is my understanding correct ?
 The VIF parameters are mapped into the class
 which is doing some crude validation. I would anticipate that this
 validation will be increasing over time, because any functional data
 flowing over the API and so needs to be carefully managed for upgrade
 Even if the Neutron impl is out of tree, I would still expect both
 Nova and Neutron core to sign off on any new VIF type name and its
 associated details (if any).
 What other reasons am I missing to not have VIF driver classes as a
 public extension point ?
 Having to find  install VIF driver classes from countless different
 vendors, each hiding their code away in their own obsecure website,
 will lead to awful end user experiance when deploying Nova. Users are
 better served by having it all provided when they deploy Nova IMHO

Shipping drivers in-tree makes sense for a purely open source solution for the 
reasons you mention.  The logic doesn’t necessarily extend to deployment of a 
proprietary solution, though.  If a given OpenStack deployment is intended to 
integrate with such a solution, it is likely that the distro/operator/deployer 
will have a direct relationship with the solution provider and the required 
software (including VIF driver(s), if necessary) is likely to have a 
well-defined distribution channel.

 If every vendor goes off  works in their own isolated world we also
 loose the scope to align the implementations, so that common concepts
 work the same way in all cases and allow us to minimize the number of
 new VIF types required. The proposed vhostuser VIF type is a good
 example of this - it allows a single Nova VIF driver to be capable of
 potentially supporting multiple different impls on the Neutron side.
 If every vendor worked in their own world, we would have ended up with
 multiple VIF drivers doing the same thing in Nova, each with their own
 set of bugs  quirks.

I’m not sure the suggestion is that every vendor go off and do their own thing. 
 Rather, the option for out-of-tree drivers could be made available to those 
that are pursuing initiatives that aren’t found to be in-keeping with Nova’s 
current priorities.  I believe that allowing out-of-tree extensions is 
essential to ensuring the long-term viability of OpenStack.  There is only so 
much experimental work that is going to be acceptable in core OpenStack 
projects, if only to ensure stability.  Yes, there is the potential for 
duplicative effort with results of varying quality, but that’s the price of 
competitive innovation whether in the field of ideas or 

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Core/Vendor code decomposition

2014-12-08 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 7, 2014, at 10:51 AM, Gary Kotton wrote:

 Hi Kyle,
 I am not missing the point. I understand the proposal. I just think that it 
 has some shortcomings (unless I misunderstand, which will certainly not be 
 the first time and most definitely not the last). The thinning out is to have 
 a shim in place. I understand this and this will be the entry point for the 
 plugin. I do not have a concern for this. My concern is that we are not doing 
 this with the ML2 off the bat. That should lead by example as it is our 
 reference architecture. Lets not kid anyone, but we are going  to hit some 
 problems with the decomposition. I would prefer that it be done with the 
 default implementation. Why?

The proposal is to move vendor-specific logic out of the tree to increase 
vendor control over such code while decreasing load on reviewers.  ML2 doesn’t 
contain vendor-specific logic - that’s the province of ML2 drivers - so it is 
not a good target for the proposed decomposition by itself.

   • Cause we will fix them quicker as it is something that prevent 
 Neutron from moving forwards
   • We will just need to fix in one place first and not in N (where N is 
 the vendor plugins)
   • This is a community effort – so we will have a lot more eyes on it
   • It will provide a reference architecture for all new plugins that 
 want to be added to the tree
   • It will provide a working example for plugin that are already in tree 
 and are to be replaced by the shim
 If we really want to do this, we can say freeze all development (which is 
 just approvals for patches) for a few days so that we will can just focus on 
 this. I stated what I think should be the process on the review. For those 
 who do not feel like finding the link:
   • Create a stack forge project for ML2
   • Create the shim in Neutron
   • Update devstack for the to use the two repos and the shim
 When #3 is up and running we switch for that to be the gate. Then we start a 
 stopwatch on all other plugins.

As was pointed out on the spec (see Miguel’s comment on r15), the ML2 plugin 
and the OVS mechanism driver need to remain in the main Neutron repo for now.  
Neutron gates on ML2+OVS and landing a breaking change in the Neutron repo 
along with its corresponding fix to a separate ML2 repo would be all but 
impossible under the current integrated gating scheme.  Plugins/drivers that do 
not gate Neutron have no such constraint.


 Sure, I’ll catch you on IRC tomorrow. I guess that you guys will bash out the 
 details at the meetup. Sadly I will not be able to attend – so you will have 
 to delay on the tar and feathers.
 Reply-To: OpenStack List
 Date: Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 7:19 PM
 To: OpenStack List
 Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Core/Vendor code decomposition
 Gary, you are still miss the point of this proposal. Please see my comments 
 in review. We are not forcing things out of tree, we are thinning them. The 
 text you quoted in the review makes that clear. We will look at further 
 decomposing ML2 post Kilo, but we have to be realistic with what we can 
 accomplish during Kilo.
 Find me on IRC Monday morning and we can discuss further if you still have 
 questions and concerns.
 On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 2:08 AM, Gary Kotton wrote:
 I have raised my concerns on the proposal. I think that all plugins should 
 be treated on an equal footing. My main concern is having the ML2 plugin in 
 tree whilst the others will be moved out of tree will be problematic. I 
 think that the model will be complete if the ML2 was also out of tree. This 
 will help crystalize the idea and make sure that the model works correctly.
 From: Armando M.
 Reply-To: OpenStack List
 Date: Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 1:04 AM
 To: OpenStack List,
 Subject: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Core/Vendor code decomposition
 Hi folks,
 For a few weeks now the Neutron team has worked tirelessly on [1].
 This initiative stems from the fact that as the project matures, evolution 
 of processes and contribution guidelines need to evolve with it. This is to 
 ensure that the project can keep on thriving in order to meet the needs of 
 an ever growing community.
 The effort of documenting intentions, and fleshing out the various details 
 of the proposal is about to reach an end, and we'll soon kick the tires to 
 put the proposal into practice. Since the spec has grown pretty big, I'll 
 try to capture the tl;dr below.
 If you have any comment please do not hesitate to raise them here and/or 

Re: [openstack-dev] [NFV] Patches tagging with NFVImpact

2014-10-29 Thread Maru Newby
Am I the only one wondering whether introducing arbitrary tagging into our 
commit messages sets a bad precedent?  Or was there a discussion on this topic 
that I missed? 


On Jun 17, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Sylvain Bauza wrote:

 There is an action for creating a Gerrit dashboard to show all
 NFV-related specs and patches.
 As it requires to have a specific label for discriminating them, I'm
 adding NFVImpact in all the patches proposed in [1].
 The side effect is that it creates another patchset and so runs another
 Jenkins check so don't worry about it.
 I'll do a team status by tomorrow but meanwhile, please make sure that
 if you upload a new patch to Gerrit, it will be marked as NFVImpact in
 the commit message.
 Many thanks,
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron]issue about dvr flows and port timestamp

2014-10-29 Thread Maru Newby

On Oct 29, 2014, at 8:12 AM, Yangxurong wrote:

 I’m not sure whether following issue is problematic, and both, our team do 
 some effort, so I submit two blueprints:
 [1.] optimize dvr flows:
 Currently, accurate ovs flows in terms of full mac are used to communicate 
 among distributed router, but here comes problem : (1)the more distributed 
 router node, the more flows; (2)different distributed router across DC cannot 
 communicate through tunnel and additional operation under same mac prefix 
 configuration. So it would be useful to shift the complete-matching of mac to 
 fuzzy Matching, like prefix matching, reducing the number of flows and 
 leading to communicate among different DC though configuring same mac prefix 
 through tunnel.

I think we need to focus on paying down technical debt (both in the code and on 
the testing side) related to dvr before we seriously consider the kind of 
optimization that you are proposing.  I’m also unclear as to why we would want 
to pursue a solution to a problem whose severity doesn’t appear to be clear 
(I’m not sure whether the following issue is problematic…).


 [2.]add port timestamp:
 It would be worth adding timestamp fields including create_at, update_at and 
 delete_at in the table of port in neutron, so users can monitor port change 
 conveniently, for example portal or management center wants to query the 
 ports that have changed or refreshed during the latest 5sec in a large scale 
 application. If not, it's time-consuming and low effectiveness.
 Any response I will appreciate.
 Xurong Yang
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Re: [openstack-dev] [NFV] Patches tagging with NFVImpact

2014-10-29 Thread Maru Newby

On Oct 29, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Steve Gordon wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Maru Newby
 To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
 Am I the only one wondering whether introducing arbitrary tagging into our
 commit messages sets a bad precedent?  Or was there a discussion on this
 topic that I missed?
 Any particular reason for digging this up from June? We already changed the 
 process so that we did not need to do this.

I had a mail filter applied when I looked at the list this morning and I failed 
to notice that this was an old thread until I had already sent my reply.  That 
said, we have Neutron specs up for review that still include this tag in the 
commit message and now I know at least that I can ask for their removal.


 On Jun 17, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Sylvain Bauza wrote:
 There is an action for creating a Gerrit dashboard to show all
 NFV-related specs and patches.
 As it requires to have a specific label for discriminating them, I'm
 adding NFVImpact in all the patches proposed in [1].
 The side effect is that it creates another patchset and so runs another
 Jenkins check so don't worry about it.
 I'll do a team status by tomorrow but meanwhile, please make sure that
 if you upload a new patch to Gerrit, it will be marked as NFVImpact in
 the commit message.
 Many thanks,
 OpenStack-dev mailing list
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 Steve Gordon, RHCE
 Sr. Technical Product Manager,
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron]issue about dvr flows and port timestamp

2014-10-29 Thread Maru Newby

On Oct 29, 2014, at 1:36 PM, Hly wrote:

 Sent from my iPad
 On 2014-10-29, at 下午6:33, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Oct 29, 2014, at 8:12 AM, Yangxurong wrote:
 I’m not sure whether following issue is problematic, and both, our team do 
 some effort, so I submit two blueprints:
 [1.] optimize dvr flows:
 Currently, accurate ovs flows in terms of full mac are used to communicate 
 among distributed router, but here comes problem : (1)the more distributed 
 router node, the more flows; (2)different distributed router across DC 
 cannot communicate through tunnel and additional operation under same mac 
 prefix configuration. So it would be useful to shift the complete-matching 
 of mac to fuzzy Matching, like prefix matching, reducing the number of 
 flows and leading to communicate among different DC though configuring same 
 mac prefix through tunnel.
 I think we need to focus on paying down technical debt (both in the code and 
 on the testing side) related to dvr before we seriously consider the kind of 
 optimization that you are proposing.  I’m also unclear as to why we would 
 want to pursue a solution to a problem whose severity doesn’t appear to be 
 clear (I’m not sure whether the following issue is problematic…).
 DVR stability is the first class for sure, but if the code and logic could be 
 less and simpler, there is more chance of stability. By my understanding, 
 since DVR mac range has been configured as a prefix, so prefix based 
 judgement instead of one by one flow setup triggered by mesh-like message 
 notifying would simplify the code logic, thus indirectly contribute to 
 overall stability. Also, it would remove hundreds of flows in the ovs in a 
 middle scale cluster, very helpful for trouble shooting.

If we’re going to refactor/optimize/whatever any part of Neutron, the first 
requirement is that we can maintain the expectations of the code (i.e. ensure 
good test coverage) across changes.  DVR is no different from any other feature 
in this regard.  I would welcome any effort you want to devote to improving 
DVR’s testing story such that the kind of optimizations you are proposing would 
have less potential to cause regressions.

In addition to baseline test coverage, I would also expect to see test 
additions validating flow generation such that reviewers would be able to 
easily identify the benefit of your proposed optimizations by comparing the 
results before and after.


 [2.]add port timestamp:
 It would be worth adding timestamp fields including create_at, update_at 
 and delete_at in the table of port in neutron, so users can monitor port 
 change conveniently, for example portal or management center wants to query 
 the ports that have changed or refreshed during the latest 5sec in a large 
 scale application. If not, it's time-consuming and low effectiveness.
 Any response I will appreciate.
 Xurong Yang
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Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][stable] metadata agent performance

2014-10-22 Thread Maru Newby
On Oct 22, 2014, at 12:53 AM, Jakub Libosvar wrote:

 On 10/22/2014 02:26 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 We merged caching support for the metadata agent in juno, and backported to 
 icehouse.  It was enabled by default in juno, but disabled by default in 
 icehouse to satisfy the stable maint requirement of not changing functional 
 While performance of the agent was improved with caching enabled, it 
 regressed a reported 8x when caching was disabled [1].  This means that by 
 default, the caching backport severely impacts icehouse Neutron's 
 So, what is the way forward?  We definitely need to document the problem for 
 both icehouse and juno.  Is documentation enough?  Or can we enable caching 
 by default in icehouse?  Or remove the backport entirely.
 There is also a proposal to replace the metadata agent’s use of the neutron 
 client in favor of rpc [2].  There were comments on an old bug suggesting we 
 didn’t want to do this [3], but assuming that we want this change in Kilo, 
 is backporting even a possibility given that it implies a behavioral change 
 to be useful?
 OpenStack-dev mailing list
 I thought the performance regression was caused by wrong keystone token
 caching leading to authentication per neutron client instance. Fix was
 backported to Icehouse [1].
 Does it mean this patch hasn't solved the problem and regression is
 somewhere else?

As you say (and as per Ihar and Akihiro’s responses), the problem was fixed.  I 
was confused by the bug that Oleg’s RPC proposal hard targeted as a related bug 
and thought the problem wasn’t yet resolved, but looking at it again it appears 
the bug is a Ubuntu distro issue.  Accordingly, I’ve removed Neutron as a 
target for that bug.  Apologies for the confusion.


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[openstack-dev] [neutron][stable] metadata agent performance

2014-10-21 Thread Maru Newby
We merged caching support for the metadata agent in juno, and backported to 
icehouse.  It was enabled by default in juno, but disabled by default in 
icehouse to satisfy the stable maint requirement of not changing functional 

While performance of the agent was improved with caching enabled, it regressed 
a reported 8x when caching was disabled [1].  This means that by default, the 
caching backport severely impacts icehouse Neutron's performance.

So, what is the way forward?  We definitely need to document the problem for 
both icehouse and juno.  Is documentation enough?  Or can we enable caching by 
default in icehouse?  Or remove the backport entirely.

There is also a proposal to replace the metadata agent’s use of the neutron 
client in favor of rpc [2].  There were comments on an old bug suggesting we 
didn’t want to do this [3], but assuming that we want this change in Kilo, is 
backporting even a possibility given that it implies a behavioral change to be 



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[openstack-dev] [neutron][db] Ensuring db isolation between tests

2014-09-18 Thread Maru Newby
For legacy reasons, the Neutron test suite creates and destroys a db for each 
test.  There is a patch proposed to create the tables once and then ensure the 
tables are wiped at the end of each test [1], providing a performance 
improvement of ~10%.  I was wondering if this is the best way to provide 
isolation, since I’ve heard that isolation via per-test transactions should 
also work.  The patch author reported problems with this approach - apparently 
nested commits were not being rolled back.  Is there some trick to isolating 
with transactions that wouldn’t be immediately obvious?



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Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Incubator concerns from packaging perspective

2014-09-01 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 26, 2014, at 5:06 PM, Pradeep Kilambi (pkilambi) 

 On 8/26/14, 4:49 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Aug 25, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Pradeep Kilambi (pkilambi) wrote:
 On 8/23/14, 5:36 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Aug 23, 2014, at 4:06 AM, Sumit Naiksatam
 On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 7:28 AM, Kyle Mestery
 On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 5:12 AM, Ihar Hrachyshka
 Hash: SHA512
 On 20/08/14 18:28, Salvatore Orlando wrote:
 Some comments inline.
 On 20 August 2014 17:38, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've read the proposal for incubator as described at [1], and I
 have several comments/concerns/suggestions to this.
 Overall, the idea of giving some space for experimentation that
 does not alienate parts of community from Neutron is good. In that
 way, we may relax review rules and quicken turnaround for preview
 features without loosing control on those features too much.
 Though the way it's to be implemented leaves several concerns, as
 1. From packaging perspective, having a separate repository and
 tarballs seems not optimal. As a packager, I would better deal with
 a single tarball instead of two. Meaning, it would be better to
 keep the code in the same tree.
 I know that we're afraid of shipping the code for which some users
 may expect the usual level of support and stability and
 compatibility. This can be solved by making it explicit that the
 incubated code is unsupported and used on your user's risk. 1) The
 experimental code wouldn't probably be installed unless explicitly
 requested, and 2) it would be put in a separate namespace (like
 'preview', 'experimental', or 'staging', as the call it in Linux
 kernel world [2]).
 This would facilitate keeping commit history instead of loosing it
 during graduation.
 Yes, I know that people don't like to be called experimental or
 preview or incubator... And maybe neutron-labs repo sounds more
 appealing than an 'experimental' subtree in the core project.
 Well, there are lots of EXPERIMENTAL features in Linux kernel that
 we actively use (for example, btrfs is still considered
 experimental by Linux kernel devs, while being exposed as a
 supported option to RHEL7 users), so I don't see how that naming
 concern is significant.
 I think this is the whole point of the discussion around the
 incubator and the reason for which, to the best of my knowledge,
 no proposal has been accepted yet.
 I wonder where discussion around the proposal is running. Is it
 The discussion started out privately as the incubation proposal was
 put together, but it's now on the mailing list, in person, and in IRC
 meetings. Lets keep the discussion going on list now.
 In the spirit of keeping the discussion going, I think we probably
 need to iterate in practice on this idea a little bit before we can
 crystallize on the policy and process for this new repo. Here are few
 ideas on how we can start this iteration:
 * Namespace for the new repo:
 Should this be in the neutron namespace, or a completely different
 namespace like neutron labs? Perhaps creating a separate namespace
 will help the packagers to avoid issues of conflicting package owners
 of the namespace.
 I don¹t think there is a technical requirement to choose a new
 Python supports sharing a namespace, and packaging can support this
 feature (see: oslo.*).
 From what I understand there can be overlapping code between neutron and
 incubator to override/modify existing python/config files. In which
 packaging(for Eg: rpm) will raise a path conflict. So we probably will
 need to worry about namespaces?
 Doug's suggestion to use a separate namespace to indicate that the
 incubator codebase isn’t fully supported is a good idea and what I had in
 mind as a non-technical reason for a new namespace.  I still assert that
 the potential for path conflicts can be avoided easily enough, and is not
 a good reason on its own to use a different namespace.
 * Dependency on Neutron (core) repository:
 We would need to sort this out so that we can get UTs to run and pass
 in the new repo. Can we set the dependency on Neutron milestone
 releases? We already publish tar balls for the milestone releases, but
 I am not sure we publish these as packages to pypi. If not could we
 start doing that? With this in place, the incubator would always lag
 the Neutron core by at the most one milestone release.
 Given that it is possible to specify a dependency as a branch/hash/tag
 a git repo [1], I¹m not sure it¹s worth figuring out how to target
 tarballs.  Master branch of the incubation repo could then target the
 master branch of the Neutron repo and always be assured of being

Re: [openstack-dev] [infra][qa][neutron] Neutron full job, advanced services, and the integrated gate

2014-09-01 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 27, 2014, at 1:47 AM, Salvatore Orlando wrote:

 A few folks are proposing to stop running tests for neutron advanced services 
 [ie: (lb|vpn|fw)aas] in the integrated gate, and run them only on the neutron 
 Reason: projects like nova are 100% orthogonal to neutron advanced services. 
 Also, there have been episodes in the past of unreliability of tests for 
 these services, and it would be good to limit affected projects considering 
 that more api tests and scenarios are being added.

Given how many rechecks I’ve had to do to merge what are effectively no-op 
patches to infra/config, most often due to the full neutron job exhibiting 
sporadic failures, I fully support this change.  I think we need time to 
stabilize the tests for advanced services against just neutron before we 
consider slowing down merges for other projects.

 So far the neutron full job runs tests (api and scenarios) for neutron core 
 functionality as well as neutron advanced services, which run as neutron 
 service plugin.
 It's highly unlikely, if not impossible, that changes in projects such as 
 nova, glance or ceilometer can have an impact on the stability of these 
 On the other hand, instability in these services can trigger gate failures in 
 unrelated projects as long as tests for these services are run in the neutron 
 full job in the integrated gate. There have already been several 
 gate-breaking bugs in lbaas scenario tests are firewall api tests.
 Admittedly, advanced services do not have the same level of coverage as core 
 neutron functionality. Therefore as more tests are being added, there is an 
 increased possibility of unearthing dormant bugs.
 For this reason we are proposing to not run anymore tests for neutron 
 advanced services in the integrated gate, but keep them running on the 
 neutron gate.
 This means we will have two neutron jobs:
 1) check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full which will run only core neutron 
 2) check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ext which will be what the neutron full 
 job is today.
 The former will be part of the integrated gate, the latter will be part of 
 the neutron gate.
 Considering that other integrating services should not have an impact on 
 neutron advanced services, this should not make gate testing asymmetric.
 However, there might be exceptions for:
 - orchestration project like heat which in the future might leverage 
 capabilities like load balancing
 - oslo-* libraries, as changes in them might have an impact on neutron 
 advanced services, since they consume those libraries
 Another good question is whether extended tests should be performed as part 
 of functional or tempest checks. My take on this is that scenario tests 
 should always be part of tempest. On the other hand I reckon API tests should 
 exclusively be part of functional tests, but as so far tempest is running a 
 gazillion of API tests, this is probably a discussion for the medium/long 

As you say, tempest should retain responsibility for ‘golden-path’ integration 
tests involving other OpenStack services (’scenario tests’).  Everything else 
should eventually be in-tree, though the transition period to achieve this is 
likely to be multi-cycle.


 In order to add this new job there are a few patches under review:
 [1] and [2] Introduces the 'full-ext' job and devstack-gate support for it.
 [3] Are the patches implementing a blueprint which will enable us to specify 
 for which extensions test should be executed.
 Finally, one more note about smoketests. Although we're planning to get rid 
 of them soon, we still have failures in the pg job because of [4]. For this 
 reasons smoketests are still running for postgres in the integrated gate. As 
 load balancing and firewall API tests are part of it, they should be removed 
 from the smoke test executed on the integrated gate ([5], [6]). This is a 
 temporary measure until the postgres issue is fixed.
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Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Incubator concerns from packaging perspective

2014-08-26 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 25, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Pradeep Kilambi (pkilambi) 

 On 8/23/14, 5:36 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Aug 23, 2014, at 4:06 AM, Sumit Naiksatam
 On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 7:28 AM, Kyle Mestery
 On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 5:12 AM, Ihar Hrachyshka
 Hash: SHA512
 On 20/08/14 18:28, Salvatore Orlando wrote:
 Some comments inline.
 On 20 August 2014 17:38, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've read the proposal for incubator as described at [1], and I
 have several comments/concerns/suggestions to this.
 Overall, the idea of giving some space for experimentation that
 does not alienate parts of community from Neutron is good. In that
 way, we may relax review rules and quicken turnaround for preview
 features without loosing control on those features too much.
 Though the way it's to be implemented leaves several concerns, as
 1. From packaging perspective, having a separate repository and
 tarballs seems not optimal. As a packager, I would better deal with
 a single tarball instead of two. Meaning, it would be better to
 keep the code in the same tree.
 I know that we're afraid of shipping the code for which some users
 may expect the usual level of support and stability and
 compatibility. This can be solved by making it explicit that the
 incubated code is unsupported and used on your user's risk. 1) The
 experimental code wouldn't probably be installed unless explicitly
 requested, and 2) it would be put in a separate namespace (like
 'preview', 'experimental', or 'staging', as the call it in Linux
 kernel world [2]).
 This would facilitate keeping commit history instead of loosing it
 during graduation.
 Yes, I know that people don't like to be called experimental or
 preview or incubator... And maybe neutron-labs repo sounds more
 appealing than an 'experimental' subtree in the core project.
 Well, there are lots of EXPERIMENTAL features in Linux kernel that
 we actively use (for example, btrfs is still considered
 experimental by Linux kernel devs, while being exposed as a
 supported option to RHEL7 users), so I don't see how that naming
 concern is significant.
 I think this is the whole point of the discussion around the
 incubator and the reason for which, to the best of my knowledge,
 no proposal has been accepted yet.
 I wonder where discussion around the proposal is running. Is it
 The discussion started out privately as the incubation proposal was
 put together, but it's now on the mailing list, in person, and in IRC
 meetings. Lets keep the discussion going on list now.
 In the spirit of keeping the discussion going, I think we probably
 need to iterate in practice on this idea a little bit before we can
 crystallize on the policy and process for this new repo. Here are few
 ideas on how we can start this iteration:
 * Namespace for the new repo:
 Should this be in the neutron namespace, or a completely different
 namespace like neutron labs? Perhaps creating a separate namespace
 will help the packagers to avoid issues of conflicting package owners
 of the namespace.
 I don¹t think there is a technical requirement to choose a new namespace.
 Python supports sharing a namespace, and packaging can support this
 feature (see: oslo.*).
 From what I understand there can be overlapping code between neutron and
 incubator to override/modify existing python/config files. In which case,
 packaging(for Eg: rpm) will raise a path conflict. So we probably will
 need to worry about namespaces?

Doug's suggestion to use a separate namespace to indicate that the incubator 
codebase isn’t fully supported is a good idea and what I had in mind as a 
non-technical reason for a new namespace.  I still assert that the potential 
for path conflicts can be avoided easily enough, and is not a good reason on 
its own to use a different namespace.

 * Dependency on Neutron (core) repository:
 We would need to sort this out so that we can get UTs to run and pass
 in the new repo. Can we set the dependency on Neutron milestone
 releases? We already publish tar balls for the milestone releases, but
 I am not sure we publish these as packages to pypi. If not could we
 start doing that? With this in place, the incubator would always lag
 the Neutron core by at the most one milestone release.
 Given that it is possible to specify a dependency as a branch/hash/tag in
 a git repo [1], I¹m not sure it¹s worth figuring out how to target
 tarballs.  Master branch of the incubation repo could then target the
 master branch of the Neutron repo and always be assured of being current,
 and then released versions could target milestone tags or released

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][cisco] Cisco Nexus requires patched ncclient

2014-08-25 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 25, 2014, at 11:38 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

 Fwiw I would like to see such dependencies listed so that we can properly 
 install trunk via automation.

Do you mean that you want the requirements for all plugins listed somewhere in 
the tree?  Or specifically in Neutron’s requirements.txt?

 On 24 Aug 2014 10:43, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Aug 14, 2014, at 1:55 PM, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
  Signed PGP part
  FYI: I've uploaded a review for openstack/requirements to add the
  upstream module into the list of potential dependencies [1]. Once it's
  merged, I'm going to introduce this new requirement for Neutron.
 The only reason someone would install ncclient would be because they had a 
 brocade or cisco solution that they wanted to integrate with and I don't 
 think that justifies making Neutron depend on the library.
  On 12/08/14 16:27, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
   Hey all,
   as per [1], Cisco Nexus ML2 plugin requires a patched version of
   ncclient from github. I wonder:
   - whether this information is still current; - why don't we depend
   on ncclient thru our requirements.txt file.
   Cheers, /Ihar
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Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][cisco] Cisco Nexus requires patched ncclient

2014-08-24 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 24, 2014, at 5:14 PM, Henry Gessau wrote:

 Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
 Now, maybe putting the module into requirements.txt is an overkill
 (though I doubt it). In that case, we could be interested in getting
 the info in some other centralized way.
 Maru is of the opinion that it is overkill. I feel the same way, but I am not
 involved much with deployment issues so my feelings should not sway anyone.
 Note that ncclient is not the only package used by vendor solutions that is
 not listed in requirements.txt. The ones I am aware of are:
  ncclient (cisco and brocade)
  heleosapi (embrane)
  a10_neutron_lbaas (a10networks)
 Maybe we should start exploring some other centralized way to list these
 type of dependencies?

I think each plugin should be able to have its own requirements.txt file to aid 
in manual deployment and in packaging of a given plugin.  This suggests the 
need to maintain a global plugin requirements file (in the tree) to ensure use 
of only a single version of any dependencies used across more than one plugin.

Given that 3rd party CI is likely having to install these dependencies anyway, 
I think it would be good to make this deployment reproducible while avoiding 
the need to add new dependencies to core Neutron.


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[openstack-dev] [neutron] Runtime checks vs Sanity checks

2014-08-23 Thread Maru Newby
Kevin Benton has proposed adding a runtime check for netns permission problems:

There seems to be consensus on the patch that this is something that we want to 
do at runtime, but that would seem to run counter to the precedent that 
host-specific issues such as this one be considered a deployment-time 
responsibility.  The addition of the sanity check  framework would seem to 
support the latter case:



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Incubator concerns from packaging perspective

2014-08-23 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 23, 2014, at 4:06 AM, Sumit Naiksatam wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 7:28 AM, Kyle Mestery wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 5:12 AM, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
 Hash: SHA512
 On 20/08/14 18:28, Salvatore Orlando wrote:
 Some comments inline.
 On 20 August 2014 17:38, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've read the proposal for incubator as described at [1], and I
 have several comments/concerns/suggestions to this.
 Overall, the idea of giving some space for experimentation that
 does not alienate parts of community from Neutron is good. In that
 way, we may relax review rules and quicken turnaround for preview
 features without loosing control on those features too much.
 Though the way it's to be implemented leaves several concerns, as
 1. From packaging perspective, having a separate repository and
 tarballs seems not optimal. As a packager, I would better deal with
 a single tarball instead of two. Meaning, it would be better to
 keep the code in the same tree.
 I know that we're afraid of shipping the code for which some users
 may expect the usual level of support and stability and
 compatibility. This can be solved by making it explicit that the
 incubated code is unsupported and used on your user's risk. 1) The
 experimental code wouldn't probably be installed unless explicitly
 requested, and 2) it would be put in a separate namespace (like
 'preview', 'experimental', or 'staging', as the call it in Linux
 kernel world [2]).
 This would facilitate keeping commit history instead of loosing it
 during graduation.
 Yes, I know that people don't like to be called experimental or
 preview or incubator... And maybe neutron-labs repo sounds more
 appealing than an 'experimental' subtree in the core project.
 Well, there are lots of EXPERIMENTAL features in Linux kernel that
 we actively use (for example, btrfs is still considered
 experimental by Linux kernel devs, while being exposed as a
 supported option to RHEL7 users), so I don't see how that naming
 concern is significant.
 I think this is the whole point of the discussion around the
 incubator and the reason for which, to the best of my knowledge,
 no proposal has been accepted yet.
 I wonder where discussion around the proposal is running. Is it public?
 The discussion started out privately as the incubation proposal was
 put together, but it's now on the mailing list, in person, and in IRC
 meetings. Lets keep the discussion going on list now.
 In the spirit of keeping the discussion going, I think we probably
 need to iterate in practice on this idea a little bit before we can
 crystallize on the policy and process for this new repo. Here are few
 ideas on how we can start this iteration:
 * Namespace for the new repo:
 Should this be in the neutron namespace, or a completely different
 namespace like neutron labs? Perhaps creating a separate namespace
 will help the packagers to avoid issues of conflicting package owners
 of the namespace.

I don’t think there is a technical requirement to choose a new namespace.  
Python supports sharing a namespace, and packaging can support this feature 
(see: oslo.*).

 * Dependency on Neutron (core) repository:
 We would need to sort this out so that we can get UTs to run and pass
 in the new repo. Can we set the dependency on Neutron milestone
 releases? We already publish tar balls for the milestone releases, but
 I am not sure we publish these as packages to pypi. If not could we
 start doing that? With this in place, the incubator would always lag
 the Neutron core by at the most one milestone release.

Given that it is possible to specify a dependency as a branch/hash/tag in a git 
repo [1], I’m not sure it’s worth figuring out how to target tarballs.  Master 
branch of the incubation repo could then target the master branch of the 
Neutron repo and always be assured of being current, and then released versions 
could target milestone tags or released versions.


 * Modules overlapping with the Neutron (core) repository:
 We could initially start with the features that required very little
 or no changes to the Neutron core, to avoid getting into the issue of
 blocking on changes to the Neutron (core) repository before progress
 can be made in the incubator.


I agree that it would be in an incubated effort’s best interest to put off 
doing invasive changes to the Neutron tree as long as possible to ensure 
sufficient time to hash out the best approach.

 * Packaging of ancillary code (CLI, Horizon, Heat):
 We start by adding these as subdirectories inside each feature. The
 packaging folks are going to find it difficult to package this.
 However, can we start with this approach, and have a parallel

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Incubator concerns from packaging perspective

2014-08-23 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 20, 2014, at 6:28 PM, Salvatore Orlando wrote:

 Some comments inline.
 On 20 August 2014 17:38, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
 Hash: SHA512
 Hi all,
 I've read the proposal for incubator as described at [1], and I have
 several comments/concerns/suggestions to this.
 Overall, the idea of giving some space for experimentation that does
 not alienate parts of community from Neutron is good. In that way, we
 may relax review rules and quicken turnaround for preview features
 without loosing control on those features too much.
 Though the way it's to be implemented leaves several concerns, as follows:
 1. From packaging perspective, having a separate repository and
 tarballs seems not optimal. As a packager, I would better deal with a
 single tarball instead of two. Meaning, it would be better to keep the
 code in the same tree.
 I know that we're afraid of shipping the code for which some users may
 expect the usual level of support and stability and compatibility.
 This can be solved by making it explicit that the incubated code is
 unsupported and used on your user's risk. 1) The experimental code
 wouldn't probably be installed unless explicitly requested, and 2) it
 would be put in a separate namespace (like 'preview', 'experimental',
 or 'staging', as the call it in Linux kernel world [2]).
 This would facilitate keeping commit history instead of loosing it
 during graduation.
 Yes, I know that people don't like to be called experimental or
 preview or incubator... And maybe neutron-labs repo sounds more
 appealing than an 'experimental' subtree in the core project. Well,
 there are lots of EXPERIMENTAL features in Linux kernel that we
 actively use (for example, btrfs is still considered experimental by
 Linux kernel devs, while being exposed as a supported option to RHEL7
 users), so I don't see how that naming concern is significant.
 I think this is the whole point of the discussion around the incubator and
 the reason for which, to the best of my knowledge, no proposal has been
 accepted yet.
 2. If those 'extras' are really moved into a separate repository and
 tarballs, this will raise questions on whether packagers even want to
 cope with it before graduation. When it comes to supporting another
 build manifest for a piece of code of unknown quality, this is not the
 same as just cutting part of the code into a separate
 experimental/labs package. So unless I'm explicitly asked to package
 the incubator, I wouldn't probably touch it myself. This is just too
 much effort (btw the same applies to moving plugins out of the tree -
 once it's done, distros will probably need to reconsider which plugins
 they really want to package; at the moment, those plugins do not
 require lots of time to ship them, but having ~20 separate build
 manifests for each of them is just too hard to handle without clear
 One reason instead for moving plugins out of the main tree is allowing
 their maintainers to have full control over them.
 If there was a way with gerrit or similars to give somebody rights to merge
 code only on a subtree I probably would not even consider the option of
 moving plugin and drivers away. From my perspective it's not that I don't
 want them in the main tree, it's that I don't think it's fair for core team
 reviewers to take responsibility of approving code that they can't fully
 tests (3rd partt CI helps, but is still far from having a decent level of
 3. The fact that neutron-incubator is not going to maintain any stable
 branches for security fixes and major failures concerns me too. In
 downstream, we don't generally ship the latest and greatest from PyPI.
 Meaning, we'll need to maintain our own downstream stable branches for
 major fixes. [BTW we already do that for python clients.]
 This is a valid point. We need to find an appropriate trade off. My
 thinking was that incubated projects could be treated just like client
 libraries from a branch perspective.
 4. Another unclear part of the proposal is that notion of keeping
 Horizon and client changes required for incubator features in
 neutron-incubator. AFAIK the repo will be governed by Neutron Core
 team, and I doubt the team is ready to review Horizon changes (?). I
 think I don't understand how we're going to handle that. Can we just
 postpone Horizon work till graduation?
 I too do not think it's a great idea, mostly because there will be horizon
 bits not shipped with horizon, and not verified by horizon core team.
 I think it would be ok to have horizon support for neutron incubator. It
 won't be the first time that support for experimental features is added in
 5. The wiki page says that graduation will require full test coverage.
 Does it mean 100% coverage in 'coverage' report? I don't think our
 existing code is even near that point, so maybe 

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][cisco] Cisco Nexus requires patched ncclient

2014-08-23 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 14, 2014, at 1:55 PM, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:

 Signed PGP part
 FYI: I've uploaded a review for openstack/requirements to add the
 upstream module into the list of potential dependencies [1]. Once it's
 merged, I'm going to introduce this new requirement for Neutron.

The only reason someone would install ncclient would be because they had a 
brocade or cisco solution that they wanted to integrate with and I don't think 
that justifies making Neutron depend on the library.


 On 12/08/14 16:27, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
  Hey all,
  as per [1], Cisco Nexus ML2 plugin requires a patched version of
  ncclient from github. I wonder:
  - whether this information is still current; - why don't we depend
  on ncclient thru our requirements.txt file.
  Cheers, /Ihar
  ___ OpenStack-dev
  mailing list
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][core] Expectations of core reviewers

2014-08-18 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 14, 2014, at 8:52 AM, Russell Bryant wrote:

 On 08/14/2014 11:40 AM, David Kranz wrote:
 On 08/14/2014 10:54 AM, Matt Riedemann wrote:
 On 8/14/2014 3:47 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 09:24:36AM +1000, Michael Still wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 3:09 AM, Dan Smith wrote:
 I'm not questioning the value of f2f - I'm questioning the idea of
 doing f2f meetings sooo many times a year. OpenStack is very much
 the outlier here among open source projects - the vast majority of
 projects get along very well with much less f2f time and a far
 smaller % of their contributors attend those f2f meetings that do
 happen. So I really do question what is missing from OpenStack's
 community interaction that makes us believe that having 4 f2f
 meetings a year is critical to our success.
 How many is too many? So far, I have found the midcycles to be
 productive -- productive in a way that we don't see at the summits,
 I think other attendees agree. Obviously if budgets start limiting
 then we'll have to deal with it, but I don't want to stop meeting
 I agree they're very productive. Let's pick on the nova v3 API case as
 an example... We had failed as a community to reach a consensus using
 our existing discussion mechanisms (hundreds of emails, at least three
 specs, phone calls between the various parties, et cetera), yet at the
 summit and then a midcycle meetup we managed to nail down an agreement
 on a very contentious and complicated topic.
 We thought we had agreement on v3 API after Atlanta f2f summit and
 after Hong Kong f2f too. So I wouldn't neccessarily say that we
 needed another f2f meeting to resolve that, but rather than this is
 a very complex topic that takes a long time to resolve no matter
 how we discuss it and the discussions had just happened to reach
 a natural conclusion this time around. But lets see if this agreement
 actually sticks this time
 I can see the argument that travel cost is an issue, but I think its
 also not a very strong argument. We have companies spending millions
 of dollars on OpenStack -- surely spending a relatively small amount
 on travel to keep the development team as efficient as possible isn't
 a big deal? I wouldn't be at all surprised if the financial costs of
 the v3 API debate (staff time mainly) were much higher than the travel
 costs of those involved in the summit and midcycle discussions which
 sorted it out.
 I think the travel cost really is a big issue. Due to the number of
 people who had to travel to the many mid-cycle meetups, a good number
 of people I work with no longer have the ability to go to the Paris
 design summit. This is going to make it harder for them to feel a
 proper engaged part of our community. I can only see this situation
 get worse over time if greater emphasis is placed on attending the
 mid-cycle meetups.
 Travelling to places to talk to people isn't a great solution, but it
 is the most effective one we've found so far. We should continue to
 experiment with other options, but until we find something that works
 as well as meetups, I think we need to keep having them.
 IMHO, the reasons to cut back would be:
 - People leaving with a well, that was useless... feeling
 - Not enough people able to travel to make it worthwhile
 So far, neither of those have been outcomes of the midcycles we've
 so I think we're doing okay.
 The design summits are structured differently, where we see a lot more
 diverse attendance because of the colocation with the user summit. It
 doesn't lend itself well to long and in-depth discussions about
 things, but it's very useful for what it gives us in the way of
 exposure. We could try to have less of that at the summit and more
 midcycle-ish time, but I think it's unlikely to achieve the same level
 of usefulness in that environment.
 Specifically, the lack of colocation with too many other projects has
 been a benefit. This time, Mark and Maru where there from Neutron.
 time, Mark from Neutron and the other Mark from Glance were there. If
 they were having meetups in other rooms (like at summit) they wouldn't
 have been there exposed to discussions that didn't seem like they'd
 a component for their participation, but did after all (re: nova and
 glance and who should own flavors).
 I agree. The ability to focus on the issues that were blocking nova
 was very important. That's hard to do at a design summit when there is
 so much happening at the same time.
 Maybe we should change the way we structure the design summit to
 improve that. If there are critical issues blocking nova, it feels
 like it is better to be able to discuss and resolve as much as possible
 at the start of the dev cycle rather than in the middle of the dev
 cycle because I feel that means we are causing ourselves pain during
 milestone 1/2.
 Just speaking from 

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][core] Expectations of core reviewers

2014-08-18 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 13, 2014, at 10:32 PM, Michael Still wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Joe Gordon wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 8:31 PM, Michael Still wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 Just wanted to quickly weigh in with my thoughts on this important
 topic. I
 very much valued the face-to-face interaction that came from the
 meetup in Beaverton (it was the only one I've ever been to).
 That said, I do not believe it should be a requirement that cores make
 it to
 the face-to-face meetings in-person. A number of folks have brought up
 valid concerns about personal/family time, travel costs and burnout.
 I'm not proposing they be a requirement. I am proposing that they be
 strongly encouraged.
 I believe that the issue raised about furthering the divide between core
 non-core folks is actually the biggest reason I don't support a mandate
 have cores at the face-to-face meetings, and I think we should make our
 efforts to support quality virtual meetings that can be done on a more
 frequent basis than the face-to-face meetings that would be optional.
 I am all for online meetings, but we don't have a practical way to do
 them at the moment apart from IRC. Until someone has a concrete
 proposal that's been shown to work, I feel its a straw man argument.
 What about making it easier for remote people to participate at the
 mid-cycle meetups? Set up some microphones and a Google hangout?  At least
 that way attending the mid-cycle is not all or nothing.
 We did something like this last cycle (IIRC we didn't have enough mics) and
 it worked pretty well.
 As I said, I'm open to experimenting, but I need someone other than me
 to own that. I'm simply too busy to get to it.
 However, I don't think we should throw away the thing that works for
 best for us now, until we have a working replacement. I'm very much in
 favour of work being done on a replacement though.


I agree that that mid-cycles may not be sustainable over the long-term due to 
issues of travel cost (financial and otherwise) and a lack of inclusiveness, 
but I don't think they should stop happening until a suitably productive 
alternative has been found.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Which changes need accompanying bugs?

2014-08-14 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 13, 2014, at 11:11 AM, Kevin Benton wrote:

 Is the pylint static analysis that caught that error prone to false
 positives? If not, I agree that it would be really nice if that were made
 part of the tox check so these don't have to be fixed after the fact.
 To me that particular patch seems like one that should be accompanied with
 a unit test because it's a failure case with cleanup code that isn't being
 touched by the unit tests.


As a general rule I would like to see test addition included with any fix 
targeting a bug that was merged due to a lack of coverage.


 On Aug 13, 2014 8:34 AM, Armando M. wrote:
 I am gonna add more color to this story by posting my replies on review
 Hi Angus,
 You touched on a number of points. Let me try to give you an answer to all
 of them.
 (I'll create a bug report too. I still haven't worked out which class
 of changes need an accompanying bug report and which don't.)
 The long story can be read below:
 IMO, there's a grey area for some of the issues you found, but when I am
 faced with a bug, I tend to answer myself? Would a bug report be useful to
 someone else? The author of the code? A consumer of the code? Not everyone
 follow the core review system all the time, whereas Launchpad is pretty
 much the tool everyone uses to stay abreast with the OpenStack release
 cycle. Obviously if you're fixing a grammar nit, or filing a cosmetic
 change that has no functional impact then I warrant the lack of a test, but
 in this case you're fixing a genuine error: let's say we want to backport
 this to icehouse, how else would we make the release manager of that?
 He/she is looking at Launchpad.
 I can add a unittest for this particular code path, but it would only
 check this particular short segment of code, would need to be maintained as
 the code changes, and wouldn't catch another occurrence somewhere else.
 This seems an unsatisfying return on the additional work :(
 You're looking at this from the wrong perspective. This is not about
 ensuring that other code paths are valid, but that this code path stays
 valid over time, ensuring that the code path is exercised and that no other
 regression of any kind creep in. The reason why this error was introduced
 in the first place is because the code wasn't tested when it should have.
 If you don't get that this mechanical effort of fixing errors by static
 analysis is kind of ineffective, which leads me to the last point
 I actually found this via static analysis using pylint - and my
 question is: should I create some sort of pylint unittest that tries to
 catch this class of problem across the entire codebase? [...]
 I value what you're doing, however I would see even more value if we
 prevented these types of errors from occurring in the first place via
 automation. You run pylint today, but what about tomorrow, or a week from
 now? Are you gonna be filing pylint fixes for ever? We might be better off
 automating the check and catch these types of errors before they land in
 the tree. This means that the work you are doing it two-pronged: a)
 automate the detection of some failures by hooking this into tox.ini via
 HACKING/pep8 or equivalent mechanism and b) file all the fixes that require
 these validation tests to pass; c) everyone is happy, or at least they
 should be.
 I'd welcome to explore a better strategy to ensure a better quality of the
 code base, without some degree of automation, nothing will stop these
 conversation from happening again.
 On 13 August 2014 03:02, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
 Hash: SHA512
 On 13/08/14 09:28, Angus Lees wrote:
 I'm doing various small cleanup changes as I explore the neutron
 codebase. Some of these cleanups are to fix actual bugs discovered
 in the code.  Almost all of them are tiny and obviously correct.
 A recurring reviewer comment is that the change should have had an
 accompanying bug report and that they would rather that change was
 not submitted without one (or at least, they've -1'ed my change).
 I often didn't discover these issues by encountering an actual
 production issue so I'm unsure what to include in the bug report
 other than basically a copy of the change description.  I also
 haven't worked out the pattern yet of which changes should have a
 bug and which don't need one.
 There's a section describing blueprints in NeutronDevelopment but
 nothing on bugs.  It would be great if someone who understands the
 nuances here could add some words on when to file bugs: Which type
 of changes should have accompanying bug reports? What is the
 purpose of that bug, and what should it contain?
 It was discussed before at:

[openstack-dev] Fwd: [nova][core] Expectations of core reviewers

2014-08-13 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 13, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 08:57:40AM +1000, Michael Still wrote:
 One of the action items from the nova midcycle was that I was asked to
 make nova's expectations of core reviews more clear. This email is an
 attempt at that.
 Nova expects a minimum level of sustained code reviews from cores. In
 the past this has been generally held to be in the order of two code
 reviews a day, which is a pretty low bar compared to the review
 workload of many cores. I feel that existing cores understand this
 requirement well, and I am mostly stating it here for completeness.
 Additionally, there is increasing levels of concern that cores need to
 be on the same page about the criteria we hold code to, as well as the
 overall direction of nova. While the weekly meetings help here, it was
 agreed that summit attendance is really important to cores. Its the
 way we decide where we're going for the next cycle, as well as a
 chance to make sure that people are all pulling in the same direction
 and trust each other.
 There is also a strong preference for midcycle meetup attendance,
 although I understand that can sometimes be hard to arrange. My stance
 is that I'd like core's to try to attend, but understand that
 sometimes people will miss one. In response to the increasing
 importance of midcycles over time, I commit to trying to get the dates
 for these events announced further in advance.
 Personally I'm going to find it really hard to justify long distance
 travel 4 times a year for OpenStack for personal / family reasons,
 let alone company cost. I couldn't attend Icehouse mid-cycle because
 I just had too much travel in a short time to be able to do another
 week long trip away from family. I couldn't attend Juno mid-cycle
 because it clashed we personal holiday. There are other opensource
 related conferences that I also have to attend (LinuxCon, FOSDEM,
 KVM Forum, etc), etc so doubling the expected number of openstack
 conferences from 2 to 4 is really very undesirable from my POV.
 I might be able to attend the occassional mid-cycle meetup if the
 location was convenient, but in general I don't see myself being
 able to attend them regularly.
 I tend to view the fact that we're emphasising the need of in-person
 meetups to be somewhat of an indication of failure of our community
 operation. The majority of open source projects work very effectively
 with far less face-to-face time. OpenStack is fortunate that companies
 are currently willing to spend 6/7-figure sums flying 1000's of
 developers around the world many times a year, but I don't see that
 lasting forever so I'm concerned about baking the idea of f2f midcycle
 meetups into our way of life even more strongly.

I was fortunate to attend both the Nova and Neutron mid-cycles last month, and 
I can attest to how productive these gatherings were.  Discussion moved quickly 
and misunderstandings were rapidly resolved.  Informal ('water-cooler') 
conversation led to many interactions that might not otherwise have occurred.  
Given your attendance of summit and other open source conferences, though, I'm 
assuming the value of f2f is not in question.

Nothing good is ever free.  The financial cost and exclusionary nature of an 
in-person meetup should definitely be weighed against the opportunity for 
focused and high-bandwidth communication.  It's clear to myself and other 
attendees just how valuable the recent mid-cycles were in terms of making 
technical decisions and building the relationships to support their 
implementation.  Maybe it isn't sustainable over the long-term to meet so 
often, but I don't think that should preclude us from deriving benefit in the 
short-term.  I also don't think we should ignore the opportunity for more 
effective decision-making on the grounds that not everyone can directly 
participate.  Not everyone is able to attend summit, but it is nonetheless a 
critical part of our community's decision-making process.  The topic lists for 
a mid-cycle are published beforehand, just like summit, to allow non-attendees 
the chance to present their views in advance and/or designate one or more 
attendees to advocate on
  their behalf.  It's not perfect, but the alternative - not holding mid-cycles 
- would seem to be a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


 Given that we consider these physical events so important, I'd like
 people to let me know if they have travel funding issues. I can then
 approach the Foundation about funding travel if that is required.
 Travel funding is certainly an issue, but I'm not sure that Foundation
 funding would be a solution, because the impact probably isn't directly
 on the core devs. Speaking with my Red Hat on, if the midcycle meetup
 is important enough, the core devs will likely get the funding to attend.
 The fallout of this though is that every attendee at a mid-cycle summit

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][core] Expectations of core reviewers

2014-08-13 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 13, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 08:57:40AM +1000, Michael Still wrote:
 One of the action items from the nova midcycle was that I was asked to
 make nova's expectations of core reviews more clear. This email is an
 attempt at that.
 Nova expects a minimum level of sustained code reviews from cores. In
 the past this has been generally held to be in the order of two code
 reviews a day, which is a pretty low bar compared to the review
 workload of many cores. I feel that existing cores understand this
 requirement well, and I am mostly stating it here for completeness.
 Additionally, there is increasing levels of concern that cores need to
 be on the same page about the criteria we hold code to, as well as the
 overall direction of nova. While the weekly meetings help here, it was
 agreed that summit attendance is really important to cores. Its the
 way we decide where we're going for the next cycle, as well as a
 chance to make sure that people are all pulling in the same direction
 and trust each other.
 There is also a strong preference for midcycle meetup attendance,
 although I understand that can sometimes be hard to arrange. My stance
 is that I'd like core's to try to attend, but understand that
 sometimes people will miss one. In response to the increasing
 importance of midcycles over time, I commit to trying to get the dates
 for these events announced further in advance.
 Personally I'm going to find it really hard to justify long distance
 travel 4 times a year for OpenStack for personal / family reasons,
 let alone company cost. I couldn't attend Icehouse mid-cycle because
 I just had too much travel in a short time to be able to do another
 week long trip away from family. I couldn't attend Juno mid-cycle
 because it clashed we personal holiday. There are other opensource
 related conferences that I also have to attend (LinuxCon, FOSDEM,
 KVM Forum, etc), etc so doubling the expected number of openstack
 conferences from 2 to 4 is really very undesirable from my POV.
 I might be able to attend the occassional mid-cycle meetup if the
 location was convenient, but in general I don't see myself being
 able to attend them regularly.
 I tend to view the fact that we're emphasising the need of in-person
 meetups to be somewhat of an indication of failure of our community
 operation. The majority of open source projects work very effectively
 with far less face-to-face time. OpenStack is fortunate that companies
 are currently willing to spend 6/7-figure sums flying 1000's of
 developers around the world many times a year, but I don't see that
 lasting forever so I'm concerned about baking the idea of f2f midcycle
 meetups into our way of life even more strongly.

I was fortunate to attend both the Nova and Neutron mid-cycles last month, and 
I can attest to how productive these gatherings were.  Discussion moved quickly 
and misunderstandings were rapidly resolved.  Informal ('water-cooler') 
conversation led to many interactions that might not otherwise have occurred.  
Given your attendance of summit and other open source conferences, though, I'm 
assuming the value of f2f is not in question.

Nothing good is ever free.  The financial cost and exclusionary nature of an 
in-person meetup should definitely be weighed against the opportunity for 
focused and high-bandwidth communication.  It's clear to myself and other 
attendees just how valuable the recent mid-cycles were in terms of making 
technical decisions and building the relationships to support their 
implementation.  Maybe it isn't sustainable over the long-term to meet so 
often, but I don't think that should preclude us from deriving benefit in the 
short-term.  I also don't think we should ignore the opportunity for more 
effective decision-making on the grounds that not everyone can directly 
participate.  Not everyone is able to attend summit, but it is nonetheless a 
critical part of our community's decision-making process. The topic lists for a 
mid-cycle are published beforehand, just like summit, to allow non-attendees 
the chance to present their views in advance and/or designate one or more 
attendees to advocate on 
 their behalf.  It's not perfect, but the alternative - not holding mid-cycles 
- would seem to be a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


 Given that we consider these physical events so important, I'd like
 people to let me know if they have travel funding issues. I can then
 approach the Foundation about funding travel if that is required.
 Travel funding is certainly an issue, but I'm not sure that Foundation
 funding would be a solution, because the impact probably isn't directly
 on the core devs. Speaking with my Red Hat on, if the midcycle meetup
 is important enough, the core devs will likely get the funding to attend.
 The fallout of this though is that every attendee at a mid-cycle summit

[openstack-dev] Fwd: [nova][core] Expectations of core reviewers

2014-08-13 Thread Maru Newby
My apologies, I managed to break the thread here.  Please respond to the thread 
with subject 'Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][core] Expectations of core reviewers' 
in preference to this one.


On Aug 13, 2014, at 9:01 AM, Maru Newby wrote:

 On Aug 13, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 08:57:40AM +1000, Michael Still wrote:
 One of the action items from the nova midcycle was that I was asked to
 make nova's expectations of core reviews more clear. This email is an
 attempt at that.
 Nova expects a minimum level of sustained code reviews from cores. In
 the past this has been generally held to be in the order of two code
 reviews a day, which is a pretty low bar compared to the review
 workload of many cores. I feel that existing cores understand this
 requirement well, and I am mostly stating it here for completeness.
 Additionally, there is increasing levels of concern that cores need to
 be on the same page about the criteria we hold code to, as well as the
 overall direction of nova. While the weekly meetings help here, it was
 agreed that summit attendance is really important to cores. Its the
 way we decide where we're going for the next cycle, as well as a
 chance to make sure that people are all pulling in the same direction
 and trust each other.
 There is also a strong preference for midcycle meetup attendance,
 although I understand that can sometimes be hard to arrange. My stance
 is that I'd like core's to try to attend, but understand that
 sometimes people will miss one. In response to the increasing
 importance of midcycles over time, I commit to trying to get the dates
 for these events announced further in advance.
 Personally I'm going to find it really hard to justify long distance
 travel 4 times a year for OpenStack for personal / family reasons,
 let alone company cost. I couldn't attend Icehouse mid-cycle because
 I just had too much travel in a short time to be able to do another
 week long trip away from family. I couldn't attend Juno mid-cycle
 because it clashed we personal holiday. There are other opensource
 related conferences that I also have to attend (LinuxCon, FOSDEM,
 KVM Forum, etc), etc so doubling the expected number of openstack
 conferences from 2 to 4 is really very undesirable from my POV.
 I might be able to attend the occassional mid-cycle meetup if the
 location was convenient, but in general I don't see myself being
 able to attend them regularly.
 I tend to view the fact that we're emphasising the need of in-person
 meetups to be somewhat of an indication of failure of our community
 operation. The majority of open source projects work very effectively
 with far less face-to-face time. OpenStack is fortunate that companies
 are currently willing to spend 6/7-figure sums flying 1000's of
 developers around the world many times a year, but I don't see that
 lasting forever so I'm concerned about baking the idea of f2f midcycle
 meetups into our way of life even more strongly.
 I was fortunate to attend both the Nova and Neutron mid-cycles last month, 
 and I can attest to how productive these gatherings were.  Discussion moved 
 quickly and misunderstandings were rapidly resolved.  Informal 
 ('water-cooler') conversation led to many interactions that might not 
 otherwise have occurred.  Given your attendance of summit and other open 
 source conferences, though, I'm assuming the value of f2f is not in question.
 Nothing good is ever free.  The financial cost and exclusionary nature of an 
 in-person meetup should definitely be weighed against the opportunity for 
 focused and high-bandwidth communication.  It's clear to myself and other 
 attendees just how valuable the recent mid-cycles were in terms of making 
 technical decisions and building the relationships to support their 
 implementation.  Maybe it isn't sustainable over the long-term to meet so 
 often, but I don't think that should preclude us from deriving benefit in the 
 short-term.  I also don't think we should ignore the opportunity for more 
 effective decision-making on the grounds that not everyone can directly 
 participate.  Not everyone is able to attend summit, but it is nonetheless a 
 critical part of our community's decision-making process.  The topic lists 
 for a mid-cycle are published beforehand, just like summit, to allow 
 non-attendees the chance to present their views in advance and/or designate 
 one or more attendees to advocate 
 on their behalf.  It's not perfect, but the alternative - not holding 
mid-cycles - would seem to be a case of throwing out the baby with the 
 Given that we consider these physical events so important, I'd like
 people to let me know if they have travel funding issues. I can then
 approach the Foundation about funding travel if that is required.
 Travel funding is certainly an issue, but I'm not sure that Foundation

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Rotating the weekly Neutron meeting

2014-08-13 Thread Maru Newby


On Aug 13, 2014, at 7:05 AM, Kyle Mestery wrote:

 Per this week's Neutron meeting [1], it was decided that offering a
 rotating meeting slot for the weekly Neutron meeting would be a good
 thing. This will allow for a much easier time for people in
 Asia/Pacific timezones, as well as for people in Europe.
 So, I'd like to propose we rotate the weekly as follows:
 Monday 2100UTC
 Tuesday 1400UTC
 If people are ok with these time slots, I'll set this up and we'll
 likely start with this new schedule in September, after the FPF.
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Group Based Policy and the way forward

2014-08-08 Thread Maru Newby
On Aug 8, 2014, at 10:56 AM, Kevin Benton wrote:

 There is an enforcement component to the group policy that allows you to use 
 the current APIs and it's the reason that group policy is integrated into the 
 neutron project. If someone uses the current APIs, the group policy plugin 
 will make sure they don't violate any policy constraints before passing the 
 request into the regular core/service plugins.

The enforcement requirement might be easier to implement through code-based 
integration, but a separate service could provide the same guarantee against 
constraint violation by proxying v2 API calls for an endpoint to which access 
was restricted.

Apologies if I've missed discussion of this (it's a big thread), but won't 
enforcement by group policy on the v2 API have the potential to violate 
stability requirements?  If new errors related to enforcement can result from 
API calls, that would seem to be a change in behavior.  Do we have a precedent 
for allowing extensions or new services to modify core behavior in this way?


 On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Salvatore Orlando 
 It might be because of the wording used, but it seems to me that you're 
 making it sound like the group policy effort could have been completely 
 orthogonal to neutron as we know it now.
 What I understood is that the declarative abstraction offered by group policy 
 could do without any existing neutron entity leveraging native drivers, but 
 can actually be used also with existing neutron plugins through the mapping 
 driver - which will provide a sort of backward compatibility. And still in 
 that case I'm not sure one would be able to use traditional neutron API (or 
 legacy as it has been called), since I don't know if the mapping driver is 
 I know this probably stems from my ignorance on the subject - I had 
 unfortunately very little time to catch-up with this effort in the past 
 On 8 August 2014 18:49, Ivar Lazzaro wrote:
 Hi Jay,
 You can choose. The whole purpose of this is about flexibility, if you want 
 to use GBP API 'only' with a specific driver you just can.
 Additionally, given the 'ML2 like' architecture, the reference mapping driver 
 can ideally run alongside by filling the core Neutron constructs without ever 
 'disturbing' your own driver (I'm not entirely sure about this but it seems 
 I hope this answers your question,
 On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 On 08/08/2014 08:55 AM, Kevin Benton wrote:
 The existing constructs will not change.
 A followup question on the above...
 If GPB API is merged into Neutron, the next logical steps (from what I can 
 tell) will be to add drivers that handle policy-based payloads/requests.
 Some of these drivers, AFAICT, will *not* be deconstructing these policy 
 requests into the low-level port, network, and subnet 
 creation/attachment/detachment commands, but instead will be calling out 
 as-is to hardware that speaks the higher-level abstraction API [1], not the 
 lower-level port/subnet/network APIs. The low-level APIs would essentially be 
 consumed entirely within the policy-based driver, which would effectively 
 mean that the only way a system would be able to orchestrate networking in 
 systems using these drivers would be via the high-level policy API.
 Is that correct? Very sorry if I haven't explained clearly my question... 
 this is a tough question to frame eloquently :(
 On Aug 8, 2014 9:49 AM, CARVER, PAUL wrote:
 Wuhongning [] wrote:
  Does it make sense to move all advanced extension out of ML2, like
  group, qos...? Then we can just talk about advanced service
 itself, without
  bothering basic neutron object (network/subnet/port)
 A modular layer 3 (ML3) analogous to ML2 sounds like a good idea. I
 think it's too late in the game to be shooting down all the work
 that the
 GBP team has put in unless there's a really clean and effective way of
 running AND iterating on GBP in conjunction with Neutron without being
 part of the Juno release. As far as I can tell they've worked really
 hard to follow the process and accommodate input. They shouldn't have
 to wait multiple more releases on a hypothetical refactoring of how
 L3+ vs
 L2 is structured.
 But, just so I'm not making a horrible mistake, can someone reassure me
 that GBP isn't removing the constructs of network/subnet/port from
 I'm under the impression that GBP is adding a higher level abstraction
 but that it's not ripping basic 

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] [nova] Weekly nova-network / neutron parity meeting

2014-07-17 Thread Maru Newby

On Jul 17, 2014, at 8:12 AM, Kyle Mestery wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 6:42 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 Kyle Mestery wrote:
 As we're getting down to the wire in Juno, I'd like to propose we have
 a weekly meeting on the nova-network and neutron parity effort. I'd
 like to start this meeting next week, and I'd like to propose
 Wednesday at 1500 UTC on #openstack-meeting-3 as the time and
 This conflicts on the agenda with the PHP SDK Team Meeting.
 That said, I'm not sure they still run this one regularly.
 We could do Wednesday or Friday at 1500 UTC if that works better for
 folks. I'd prefer Wednesday, though. We could also do 1400UTC
 Perhaps I'll split the difference and do 1430 UTC Wednesday. Does that
 sound ok to everyone?

+1 from me.
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [neutron][group-based-policy] Should we revisit the priority of group-based policy?

2014-05-22 Thread Maru Newby
At the summit session last week for group-based policy, there were many 
concerns voiced about the approach being undertaken.  I think those concerns 
deserve a wider audience, and I'm going to highlight some of them here.

The primary concern seemed to be related to the complexity of the approach 
implemented for the POC.  A number of session participants voiced concern that 
the simpler approach documented in the original proposal [1] (described in the 
section titled 'Policies applied between groups') had not been implemented in 
addition to or instead of what appeared in the POC (described in the section 
titled 'Policies applied as a group API').  The simpler approach was considered 
by those participants as having the advantage of clarity and immediate 
usefulness, whereas the complex approach was deemed hard to understand and 
without immediate utility.

A secondary but no less important concern is related to the impact on Neutron 
of the approach implemented in the POC.  The POC was developed monolithically, 
without oversight through gerrit, and the resulting patches were excessive in 
size (~4700 [2] and ~1500 [3] lines).  Such large patches are effectively 
impossible to review.  Even broken down into reviewable chunks, though, it does 
not seem realistic to target juno-1 for merging this kind of complexity.  The 
impact on stability could be considerable, and it is questionable whether the 
necessary review effort should be devoted to fast-tracking group-based policy 
at all, let alone an approach that is considered by many to be unnecessarily 

The blueprint for group policy [4] is currently listed as a 'High' priority.  
With the above concerns in mind, does it make sense to continue prioritizing an 
effort that at present would seem to require considerably more resources than 
the benefit it appears to promise?



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][group-based-policy] Should we revisit the priority of group-based policy?

2014-05-22 Thread Maru Newby

On May 22, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Maru Newby wrote:

 At the summit session last week for group-based policy, there were many 
 concerns voiced about the approach being undertaken.  I think those concerns 
 deserve a wider audience, and I'm going to highlight some of them here.
 The primary concern seemed to be related to the complexity of the approach 
 implemented for the POC.  A number of session participants voiced concern 
 that the simpler approach documented in the original proposal [1] (described 
 in the section titled 'Policies applied between groups') had not been 
 implemented in addition to or instead of what appeared in the POC (described 
 in the section titled 'Policies applied as a group API').  The simpler 
 approach was considered by those participants as having the advantage of 
 clarity and immediate usefulness, whereas the complex approach was deemed 
 hard to understand and without immediate utility.
 A secondary but no less important concern is related to the impact on Neutron 
 of the approach implemented in the POC.  The POC was developed 
 monolithically, without oversight through gerrit, and the resulting patches 
 were excessive in size (~4700 [2] and ~1500 [3] lines).  Such large patches 
 are effectively impossible to review.  Even broken down into reviewable 
 chunks, though, it does not seem realistic to target juno-1 for merging this 
 kind of complexity.  The impact on stability could be considerable, and it is 
 questionable whether the necessary review effort should be devoted to 
 fast-tracking group-based policy at all, let alone an approach that is 
 considered by many to be unnecessarily complicated.  
 The blueprint for group policy [4] is currently listed as a 'High' priority.  
 With the above concerns in mind, does it make sense to continue prioritizing 
 an effort that at present would seem to require considerably more resources 
 than the benefit it appears to promise?

Apologies, this link is to the summit session etherpad.  The link to the 
original proposal is:

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Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][group-based-policy] Should we revisit the priority of group-based policy?

2014-05-22 Thread Maru Newby
 that we have adopted.  If you don't 
like them, you are free to work to effect change, but it won't happen by simply 
wishing it so.

And as per the summit session, there appears to be significant user demand for 
a subset of the POC that represents the 'link-based' approach.  If we are to 
talk about taking user interests into account, I think the starting point would 
be implementing what they are asking for first and and evolving more complex 
solutions from there.


 3. Re: Could dev/review cycles be better spent on refactoring
 I think that most people agree that policy control is an important feature 
 that fundamentally improves neutron (by solving the automation and scale 
 issues). In a large project, multiple sub-projects can, and for a healthy 
 project should, work in parallel. I understand that the neutron core team is 
 stretched. But we still need to be able to balance the needs of today (paying 
 off the technical debt/existing-issues by doing refactoring) with needs of 
 tomorrow (new features like GP and LBaaS). GP effort was started in Havana, 
 and now we are trying to get this in Juno. I think that is reasonable and a 
 long enough cycle for a high priority project to be able to get some core 
 attention. Again I refer to LBaaS experience, as they struggled with very 
 similar issues.
 4. Re: If refactored neutron was available, would a simpler option become 
 more viable
 We would love to be able to answer that question. We have been trying to 
 understand the refactoring work to understand this (see another ML thread) 
 and we are open to understanding your position on that. We will call the 
 ad-hoc meeting that you suggested and we would like to understand the 
 refactoring work that might be reused for simpler policy implementation. At 
 the same time, we would like to build on what is available today, and when 
 the required refactored neutron becomes available (say Juno or K-release), we 
 are more than happy to adapt to it at that time. Serializing all development 
 around an effort that is still in inception phase is not a good solution. We 
 are looking forward to participating in the core refactoring work, and based 
 on the final spec that come up with, we would love to be able to eventually 
 make the policy implementation simpler.
 On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Armando M. wrote:
 I would second Maru's concerns, and I would also like to add the following:
 We need to acknowledge the fact that there are certain architectural
 aspects of Neutron as a project that need to be addressed; at the
 summit we talked about the core refactoring, a task oriented API, etc.
 To me these items have been neglected far too much over the past and
 would need a higher priority and a lot more attention during the Juno
 cycle. Being stretched as we are I wonder if dev/review cycles
 wouldn't be better spent devoting more time to these efforts rather
 than GP.
 That said, I appreciate that GP is important and needs to move
 forward, but at the same time I am thinking that there must be a
 better way for addressing it and yet relieve some of the pressure that
 GP complexity imposes to the Neutron team. One aspect it was discussed
 at the summit was that the type of approach shown in [2] and [3]
 below, was chosen because of lack of proper integration I
 am advocating: let's talk about those first before ruling them out in
 favor of a monolithic approach that seems to violate some engineering
 principles, like modularity and loose decoupling of system components.
 I think we didn't have enough time during the summit to iron out some
 of the concerns voiced here, and it seems like the IRC meeting for
 Group Policy would not be the right venue to try and establish a
 common ground among the people driving this effort and the rest of the
 core team.
 Shall we try and have an ad-hoc meeting and an ad-hoc agenda to find a
 Many thanks,
 On 22 May 2014 11:38, Maru Newby wrote:
 On May 22, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 At the summit session last week for group-based policy, there were many 
 concerns voiced about the approach being undertaken.  I think those 
 concerns deserve a wider audience, and I'm going to highlight some of them 
 The primary concern seemed to be related to the complexity of the approach 
 implemented for the POC.  A number of session participants voiced concern 
 that the simpler approach documented in the original proposal [1] 
 (described in the section titled 'Policies applied between groups') had not 
 been implemented in addition to or instead of what appeared in the POC 
 (described in the section titled 'Policies applied as a group API').  The 
 simpler approach was considered by those participants as having the 
 advantage of clarity and immediate usefulness, whereas the complex approach 
 was deemed hard to understand

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][group-based-policy] Should we revisit the priority of group-based policy?

2014-05-22 Thread Maru Newby

On May 22, 2014, at 4:35 PM, Mandeep Dhami wrote:

  each patch needs to receive core reviewer attention and that subsequent 
  patches incorporate their feedback.
 At least two core neutron members were involved in creating the PoC, and at 
 least two more cores were involved in reviews at various times. In addition 
 to them, senior developers from at least seven networking companies were 
 involved in developing this code. I concede that this code was on github for 
 a few weeks, as that made the prototyping faster and allowed us to fail 
 faster, but it was open and reviewed with the team above (and with the cores 
 in that team). Based on our learning from that prototype activity, and 
 feedback of those cores, we are upstreaming the improved production code to 
 gerrit. All that involvement from the neutron core reviewers was critical in 
 keeping the larger PoC team above focused on neutron norms and expectations 
 from design and code.

The feedback from reviewers needs to be provided on openstack infrastructure 
rather than outside it so that it is both visible to all reviewers (not just 
those directly involved) and that an enduring history of the process is 
retained.  These requirements were not met in working in github on the POC, 
regardless of your protestations of how 'open' that work was and of who was 
involved.  This isn't to suggest that out-of-tree prototyping isn't useful - of 
course it is.  But I think it important to recognize that out-of-tree 
development is unlikely to be an effective way to develop code that can be 
easily merged to Neutron, and that the project can ill-afford the additional 
review cost it is likely to impose.

As such, and as was agreed to in the irc meeting this morning, the way forward 
is to recognize that the POC is best considered a prototype useful in informing 
efforts to iterate in the open.


 On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On May 22, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Mandeep Dhami wrote:
  Maru's concerns are that:
  1. It is large
  2. It is complex
 As per the discussion in the irc meeting today, I hope it is clear now that 
 eventual size and complexity are not real issue.  Rather, I am concerned at 
 how we get there.
 I keep talking about 'iterating in the open', and want to make it clear what 
 I mean by this.  It involves proposing a reviewable patch to openstack 
 gerrit, working with reviewers to get the patch merged, and then 
 incorporating their feedback into the overall design to drive the 
 implementation of future patches.
 'Iterating in the open' does not imply working outside of gerrit to create a 
 monolithic codebase that needs to be manually decomposed into reviewable 
 chunks at the end.  I understand that this may be an effective way to create 
 a POC, but it is not an effective way to produce code that can be merged into 
 Neutron.  Core reviewers have a mandate to ensure the quality of every patch, 
 and their feedback is likely to have an impact on subsequent implementation.
  And Armando's related concerns are:
  3. Could dev/review cycles be better spent on refactoring
  4. If refactored neutron was available, would a simpler option become more 
  Let me address them in that order.
  1. Re: It is large
  Group policy has an ambitious goal  - provide devop teams with policy based 
  controls that are usable at scale and with automation (say a higher 
  governance layer like Congress). The fact that meeting a large challenge 
  requires more code is natural. We understand that challenge, and that is 
  why we did a prototype (as PoC that was demonstrated on the summit). And 
  based on that learning we are incrementally creating patches for building 
  the group based policy. Just because a task is large, we as neutron can not 
  shy away from building it. That will only drive people who need it out side 
  neutron (as we are seeing with the frustration that the LBaaS team had 
  because they have a requirement that is large as well).
 Again, the amount of code is not the problem.  How code is introduced into 
 the tree, and how the design is socialized (both with developers and users), 
 _is_ of critical importance.  Neutron is not alone in requiring an 'iterate 
 in the open' approach - it is a characteristic common to many open source 
  2. Re: It is complex
  Complexity depends on the context. Our goal was to make the end-user's life 
  simpler (and more automated). To achieve some of that simplicity, we 
  required a little more complexity in the implementation. We decide to make 
  that arbitrage - a little higher complexity in implementation to allow for 
  simpler usage. But we were careful and did not want to impose that 
  complexity on every use case - hence a lot of that is optional (and 
  exercised only if the use case needs it). Unfortunately the model, has to 
  model all

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposed changes to core team

2014-05-21 Thread Maru Newby

On May 21, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Kyle Mestery wrote:

 Neutron cores, please vote +1/-1 for the proposed addition of Carl
 Baldwin to Neutron core.

+1 from me

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Re: [openstack-dev] Request to consider merging OVS ARP responder

2014-05-19 Thread Maru Newby
The patch in question is doing an invasive runtime check [1] to determine 
whether arp header modification is supported by ovs.  I seem to remember a lack 
of consensus on whether invasive runtime checks were acceptable around vxlan 
detection, and I would appreciate confirmation from other cores that this 
approach is considered acceptable for this patch.



On May 19, 2014, at 1:07 PM, Assaf Muller wrote:

 Hello Mark, Bob and Kyle,
 You've all been involved with the OVS ARP responder patch:
 I kindly request that you revisit this patch - It's ready from
 my point of view, if that means anything. The last few patchsets
 have been nitpicks. Looking at the history, the patch has already
 had a large amount of +1's and +2's through it's various stages.
 I think it'd be technically superior if this patch was merged
 before further progress is made in the DVR patch series.
 Thanks for your time,
 Assaf Muller, Cloud Networking Engineer
 Red Hat

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[openstack-dev] [Neutron][QA] Partial fix for unittest memory consumption

2014-05-08 Thread Maru Newby
Memory usage due to plugin+mock leakage is addressed by the following patch:

I'm seeing residual (post-test) memory usage decrease from ~4.5gb to ~1.3gb 
with 12 concurrent test runners.  Of the 1.3gb, sqlalchemy is taking the lion 
share at ~500mb, so that will be my next target.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [openstack-qa] Graduation Requirements + Scope of Tempest

2014-03-26 Thread Maru Newby

On Mar 26, 2014, at 12:59 PM, Joe Gordon wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 1:49 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Mar 21, 2014, at 9:01 AM, David Kranz wrote:
  On 03/20/2014 04:19 PM, Rochelle.RochelleGrober wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Malini Kamalambal []
  Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:13 PM
  'project specific functional testing' in the Marconi context is
  Marconi as a complete system, making Marconi API calls  verifying the
  response - just like an end user would, but without keystone. If one of
  these tests fail, it is because there is a bug in the Marconi code ,
  not because its interaction with Keystone caused it to fail.
  That being said there are certain cases where having a project
  functional test makes sense. For example swift has a functional test
  starts swift in devstack. But, those things are normally handled on a
  basis. In general if the project is meant to be part of the larger
  ecosystem then Tempest is the place to put functional testing. That way
  you know
  it works with all of the other components. The thing is in openstack
  like a project isolated functional test almost always involves another
  in real use cases. (for example keystone auth with api requests)
  One of the concerns we heard in the review was 'having the functional
  tests elsewhere (I.e within the project itself) does not count and they
  have to be in Tempest'.
  This has made us as a team wonder if we should migrate all our
  tests to Tempest.
  But from Matt's response, I think it is reasonable to continue in our
  current path  have the functional tests in Marconi coexist  along with
  the tests in Tempest.
  I think that what is being asked, really is that the functional tests 
  could be a single set of tests that would become a part of the tempest 
  repository and that these tests would have an ENV variable as part of the 
  configuration that would allow either no Keystone or Keystone or some 
  such, if that is the only configuration issue that separates running the 
  tests isolated vs. integrated.  The functional tests need to be as much as 
  possible a single set of tests to reduce duplication and remove the 
  likelihood of two sets getting out of sync with each other/development.  
  If they only run in the integrated environment, that's ok, but if you want 
  to run them isolated to make debugging easier, then it should be a 
  configuration option and a separate test job.
  So, if my assumptions are correct, QA only requires functional tests for 
  integrated runs, but if the project QAs/Devs want to run isolated for dev 
  and devtest purposes, more power to them.  Just keep it a single set of 
  functional tests and put them in the Tempest repository so that if a 
  failure happens, anyone can find the test and do the debug work without 
  digging into a separate project repository.
  Hopefully, the tests as designed could easily take a new configuration 
  directive and a short bit of work with OS QA will get the integrated FTs 
  working as well as the isolated ones.
  This issue has been much debated. There are some active members of our 
  community who believe that all the functional tests should live outside of 
  tempest in the projects, albeit with the same idea that such tests could be 
  run either as part of today's real tempest runs or mocked in various ways 
  to allow component isolation or better performance. Maru Newby posted a 
  patch with an example of one way to do this but I think it expired and I 
  don't have a pointer.
 I think the best place for functional api tests to be maintained is in the 
 projects themselves.  The domain expertise required to write api tests is 
 likely to be greater among project resources, and they should be tasked with 
 writing api tests pre-merge.  The current 'merge-first, test-later' procedure 
 of maintaining api tests in the Tempest repo makes that impossible.  Worse, 
 the cost of developing functional api tests is higher in the integration 
 environment that is the Tempest default.
 If an API is made and documented properly what domain expertise would be 
 needed to use it? The opposite is true for tempest and the tests themselves. 
 The tempest team focuses on just tests so they know how to write good tests 
 and are able to leverage common underlying framework code.

Given that documentation is typically finalized only late in the cycle, are you 
suggesting that we forego api testing until possibly well after the code has 
been written?  Plus, it is a rare api that doesn't have to evolve in response 
to real-world experience with early implementations.  The sooner we can write 
functional api tests, the sooner we can identify shortcomings that need to be 

Re: [openstack-dev] [openstack-qa] Graduation Requirements + Scope of Tempest

2014-03-26 Thread Maru Newby

On Mar 26, 2014, at 1:52 PM, Sean Dague wrote:

 On 03/25/2014 04:49 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Mar 21, 2014, at 9:01 AM, David Kranz wrote:
 On 03/20/2014 04:19 PM, Rochelle.RochelleGrober wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Malini Kamalambal []
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:13 PM
 'project specific functional testing' in the Marconi context is
 Marconi as a complete system, making Marconi API calls  verifying the
 response - just like an end user would, but without keystone. If one of
 these tests fail, it is because there is a bug in the Marconi code ,
 not because its interaction with Keystone caused it to fail.
 That being said there are certain cases where having a project
 functional test makes sense. For example swift has a functional test
 starts swift in devstack. But, those things are normally handled on a
 basis. In general if the project is meant to be part of the larger
 ecosystem then Tempest is the place to put functional testing. That way
 you know
 it works with all of the other components. The thing is in openstack
 like a project isolated functional test almost always involves another
 in real use cases. (for example keystone auth with api requests)
 One of the concerns we heard in the review was 'having the functional
 tests elsewhere (I.e within the project itself) does not count and they
 have to be in Tempest'.
 This has made us as a team wonder if we should migrate all our
 tests to Tempest.
 But from Matt's response, I think it is reasonable to continue in our
 current path  have the functional tests in Marconi coexist  along with
 the tests in Tempest.
 I think that what is being asked, really is that the functional tests 
 could be a single set of tests that would become a part of the tempest 
 repository and that these tests would have an ENV variable as part of the 
 configuration that would allow either no Keystone or Keystone or some 
 such, if that is the only configuration issue that separates running the 
 tests isolated vs. integrated.  The functional tests need to be as much as 
 possible a single set of tests to reduce duplication and remove the 
 likelihood of two sets getting out of sync with each other/development.  
 If they only run in the integrated environment, that's ok, but if you want 
 to run them isolated to make debugging easier, then it should be a 
 configuration option and a separate test job.
 So, if my assumptions are correct, QA only requires functional tests for 
 integrated runs, but if the project QAs/Devs want to run isolated for dev 
 and devtest purposes, more power to them.  Just keep it a single set of 
 functional tests and put them in the Tempest repository so that if a 
 failure happens, anyone can find the test and do the debug work without 
 digging into a separate project repository.
 Hopefully, the tests as designed could easily take a new configuration 
 directive and a short bit of work with OS QA will get the integrated FTs 
 working as well as the isolated ones.
 This issue has been much debated. There are some active members of our 
 community who believe that all the functional tests should live outside of 
 tempest in the projects, albeit with the same idea that such tests could be 
 run either as part of today's real tempest runs or mocked in various ways 
 to allow component isolation or better performance. Maru Newby posted a 
 patch with an example of one way to do this but I think it expired and I 
 don't have a pointer.
 I think the best place for functional api tests to be maintained is in the 
 projects themselves.  The domain expertise required to write api tests is 
 likely to be greater among project resources, and they should be tasked with 
 writing api tests pre-merge.  The current 'merge-first, test-later' 
 procedure of maintaining api tests in the Tempest repo makes that 
 impossible.  Worse, the cost of developing functional api tests is higher in 
 the integration environment that is the Tempest default.
 I disagree. I think all that ends up doing is creating greater variance
 in quality between components in OpenStack. And it means now no one
 feels responsible when a bad test in a project some where causes a gate

In my experience, projects have greater incentive to maintain tests that are in 
the same tree as the code they are testing.  The tests can run pre-merge, and 
the same eyes that review the code can review the tests for that code.  Any lag 
between when code is written and tests are written, at least below the 
integration level, can be detrimental due to the fact that the mental models 
for the code naturally decay over time.  Does your experience on this differ?

As you say, though, maybe its worth taking the hit of not putting as much 
testing in-tree as possible.  Maybe

Re: [openstack-dev] [openstack-qa] Graduation Requirements + Scope of Tempest

2014-03-25 Thread Maru Newby

On Mar 21, 2014, at 9:01 AM, David Kranz wrote:

 On 03/20/2014 04:19 PM, Rochelle.RochelleGrober wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Malini Kamalambal []
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:13 PM
 'project specific functional testing' in the Marconi context is
 Marconi as a complete system, making Marconi API calls  verifying the
 response - just like an end user would, but without keystone. If one of
 these tests fail, it is because there is a bug in the Marconi code ,
 not because its interaction with Keystone caused it to fail.
 That being said there are certain cases where having a project
 functional test makes sense. For example swift has a functional test
 starts swift in devstack. But, those things are normally handled on a
 basis. In general if the project is meant to be part of the larger
 ecosystem then Tempest is the place to put functional testing. That way
 you know
 it works with all of the other components. The thing is in openstack
 like a project isolated functional test almost always involves another
 in real use cases. (for example keystone auth with api requests)

 One of the concerns we heard in the review was 'having the functional
 tests elsewhere (I.e within the project itself) does not count and they
 have to be in Tempest'.
 This has made us as a team wonder if we should migrate all our
 tests to Tempest.
 But from Matt's response, I think it is reasonable to continue in our
 current path  have the functional tests in Marconi coexist  along with
 the tests in Tempest.
 I think that what is being asked, really is that the functional tests could 
 be a single set of tests that would become a part of the tempest repository 
 and that these tests would have an ENV variable as part of the configuration 
 that would allow either no Keystone or Keystone or some such, if that is 
 the only configuration issue that separates running the tests isolated vs. 
 integrated.  The functional tests need to be as much as possible a single 
 set of tests to reduce duplication and remove the likelihood of two sets 
 getting out of sync with each other/development.  If they only run in the 
 integrated environment, that's ok, but if you want to run them isolated to 
 make debugging easier, then it should be a configuration option and a 
 separate test job.
 So, if my assumptions are correct, QA only requires functional tests for 
 integrated runs, but if the project QAs/Devs want to run isolated for dev 
 and devtest purposes, more power to them.  Just keep it a single set of 
 functional tests and put them in the Tempest repository so that if a failure 
 happens, anyone can find the test and do the debug work without digging into 
 a separate project repository.
 Hopefully, the tests as designed could easily take a new configuration 
 directive and a short bit of work with OS QA will get the integrated FTs 
 working as well as the isolated ones.
 This issue has been much debated. There are some active members of our 
 community who believe that all the functional tests should live outside of 
 tempest in the projects, albeit with the same idea that such tests could be 
 run either as part of today's real tempest runs or mocked in various ways 
 to allow component isolation or better performance. Maru Newby posted a patch 
 with an example of one way to do this but I think it expired and I don't have 
 a pointer.

I think the best place for functional api tests to be maintained is in the 
projects themselves.  The domain expertise required to write api tests is 
likely to be greater among project resources, and they should be tasked with 
writing api tests pre-merge.  The current 'merge-first, test-later' procedure 
of maintaining api tests in the Tempest repo makes that impossible.  Worse, the 
cost of developing functional api tests is higher in the integration 
environment that is the Tempest default.

The patch in question [1] proposes allowing pre-merge functional api test 
maintenance and test reuse in an integration environment.



 IMO there are valid arguments on both sides, but I hope every one could agree 
 that functional tests should not be arbitrarily split between projects and 
 tempest as they are now. The Tempest README states a desire for complete 
 coverage of the OpenStack API but Tempest is not close to that. We have been 
 discussing and then ignoring this issue for some time but I think the recent 
 action to say that Tempest will be used to determine if something can use the 
 OpenStack trademark will force more completeness on tempest (more tests, that 
 is). I think we need to resolve this issue but it won't be easy and modifying 
 existing api tests to be more flexible will be a lot of work. But at least 
 new projects could get on the right

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][FYI] Bookmarklet for neutron gerrit review

2014-03-10 Thread Maru Newby

I think there should be naming standard for all reviews (e.g. [test] Jenkins, 
[test-external] VMware) so that gerrit css can colorize automatic review 
comments no matter the project.


On Mar 7, 2014, at 2:08 AM, Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:

 if peoples like this why don't we have it directly on the reviews?
 On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Carl Baldwin wrote:
 Great!  I'd been meaning to do something like this.  I took yours and
 tweaked it a bit to highlight failed Jenkins builds in red and grey
 other Jenkins messages.  Human reviews are left in blue.
 list = document.querySelectorAll('td.GJEA35ODGC');
 for(i in list) {
 title = list[i];
 if(! title.innerHTML) { continue; }
 text = title.nextSibling;
 if ('Build failed')  0) {'red'
 } else if('Jenkins|CI|Ryu|Testing|Mine') = 0) 
 } else {'blue'
 On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Nachi Ueno wrote:
  Hi folks
  I wrote an bookmarklet for neutron gerrit review.
  This bookmarklet make the comment title for 3rd party ci as gray.
  javascript:(function(){list =
  document.querySelectorAll('td.GJEA35ODGC'); for(i in
  enjoy :)
  OpenStack-dev mailing list
 OpenStack-dev mailing list
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

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[openstack-dev] [qa][neutron] API tests in the Neutron tree

2014-02-12 Thread Maru Newby
At the last 2 summits, I've suggested that API tests could be maintained in the 
Neutron tree and reused by Tempest.  I've finally submitted some patches that 
demonstrate this concept:  (implements a unit test for the 
lifecycle of the network resource)  (runs the test with tempest rest 

My hope is to make API test maintenance a responsibility of the Neutron team.  
The API compatibility of each Neutron plugin has to be validated by Neutron 
tests anyway, and if the tests are structured as I am proposing, Tempest can 
reuse those efforts rather than duplicating them.

I've added this topic to this week's agenda, and I would really appreciate it 
interested parties would take a look at the patches in question to prepare 
themselves to participate in the discussion.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [qa][neutron] API tests in the Neutron tree

2014-02-12 Thread Maru Newby

On Feb 12, 2014, at 12:36 PM, Sean Dague wrote:

 On 02/12/2014 01:48 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 At the last 2 summits, I've suggested that API tests could be maintained in 
 the Neutron tree and reused by Tempest.  I've finally submitted some patches 
 that demonstrate this concept:  (implements a unit test for the 
 lifecycle of the network resource)  (runs the test with tempest rest 
 My hope is to make API test maintenance a responsibility of the Neutron 
 team.  The API compatibility of each Neutron plugin has to be validated by 
 Neutron tests anyway, and if the tests are structured as I am proposing, 
 Tempest can reuse those efforts rather than duplicating them.
 I've added this topic to this week's agenda, and I would really appreciate 
 it interested parties would take a look at the patches in question to 
 prepare themselves to participate in the discussion.
 OpenStack-dev mailing list
 Realistically, having API tests duplicated in the Tempest tree is a
 feature, not a bug.
 tempest/api is there for double book keep accounting, and it has been
 really effective at preventing accidental breakage of our APIs (which
 used to happen all the time), so I don't think putting API testing in
 neutron obviates that.

Given how limited our testing resources are, might it be worth considering 
whether 'double-entry accounting' is actually the best way to preventing 
accidental breakage going forward?  Might reasonable alternatives exist, such 
as clearly separating api tests from other tests in the neutron tree and giving 
review oversight only to qualified individuals?

 Today most projects (excepting swift... which I'll get to in a second)
 think about testing in 2 ways. Unit tests driven by tox in a venv, and
 tempest tests in a devstack environment.
 Because of this dualism, people have put increasingly more awkward live
 environments in the tox unit tests jobs. For instance, IIRC, neutron
 actually starts a full wsgi stack to tests every single in tree plugin,
 instead of just testing the driver call down path.

Yeah, and this full-stack approach means that neutron tests are incredibly hard 
to maintain and debug, to say nothing of the time penalty (approaching the 
duration of a tempest smoke run).  Part of the benefit of the proposal in 
question is to allow targeting the plugins directly with the same tests that 
will run against the full stack.


 Swift did something a little different. They have 3 classes of things.
 Unit tests, Tempest Tests, and Swift Functional tests. The Swift
 functional tests run in a devstack, but not with Tempest. Instead they
 run their own suite.
 This test suite only runs on the swift project, not on other projects,
 and it's something they can use to test functional scenarios that
 wouldn't fit in tempest, and extend to their heart's content, not having
 to worry about the interaction with other components, because it's only
 pushing on swift.
 Going down this third path with neutron testing is I think very
 valuable. Honestly, I'd like to encourage more projects to do this as
 well. It would give them a greater component assuredness before entering
 the integrated gate.
 Sean Dague
 Samsung Research America /
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [qa][neutron] API tests in the Neutron tree

2014-02-12 Thread Maru Newby

On Feb 12, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Sean Dague wrote:

 On 02/12/2014 04:25 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Feb 12, 2014, at 12:36 PM, Sean Dague wrote:
 On 02/12/2014 01:48 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 At the last 2 summits, I've suggested that API tests could be maintained 
 in the Neutron tree and reused by Tempest.  I've finally submitted some 
 patches that demonstrate this concept:  (implements a unit test for the 
 lifecycle of the network resource)  (runs the test with tempest rest 
 My hope is to make API test maintenance a responsibility of the Neutron 
 team.  The API compatibility of each Neutron plugin has to be validated by 
 Neutron tests anyway, and if the tests are structured as I am proposing, 
 Tempest can reuse those efforts rather than duplicating them.
 I've added this topic to this week's agenda, and I would really appreciate 
 it interested parties would take a look at the patches in question to 
 prepare themselves to participate in the discussion.
 OpenStack-dev mailing list
 Realistically, having API tests duplicated in the Tempest tree is a
 feature, not a bug.
 tempest/api is there for double book keep accounting, and it has been
 really effective at preventing accidental breakage of our APIs (which
 used to happen all the time), so I don't think putting API testing in
 neutron obviates that.
 Given how limited our testing resources are, might it be worth considering 
 whether 'double-entry accounting' is actually the best way to preventing 
 accidental breakage going forward?  Might reasonable alternatives exist, 
 such as clearly separating api tests from other tests in the neutron tree 
 and giving review oversight only to qualified individuals?
 Our direct experience is that if we don't do this, within 2 weeks some
 project will have landed API breaking changes. This approach actually
 takes a lot of review load off the core reviewers, so reverting to a
 model which puts more work back on the review team (given the current
 review load), isn't something I think we want.

Just so I'm clear, is there anything I could say that would change your mind?


 I get that there is a cost with this. But there is a cost of all of
 this. And because API tests should be write once for the API (and
 specifically not evolving), the upfront cost vs. the continually paid
 cost of review time in tree has been the better trade off.
 Sean Dague
 Samsung Research America /
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Tempest][Production] Tempest / the gate / real world load

2014-01-13 Thread Maru Newby
I'm afraid I missed this topic the first time around, and I think it bears 

tl;dr: I think we should consider ensuring gate stability in the face of 
resource-starved services by some combination of more intelligent test design 
and better handling of resource starvation (for example, rate-limiting).  
Stress-testing would be more effective if it were explicitly focused on 
real-world usage scenarios and run separately from the gate.  I think 
stress-testing is about the 'when' of failure, whereas the gate is about 'if'.

I don't think it can be argued that OpenStack services (especially Neutron) can 
do better to ensure reliability under load.  Running things in parallel in the 
gate shone a bright light on many problem areas and that was inarguably a good 
thing.  Now that we have a better sense of the problem, though, it may be time 
to think about evolving our approach.

From the perspective of gating commits, I think it makes sense to (a) minimize 
gate execution time and (b) provide some guarantees of reliability under 
reasonable load.  I don't think either of these requires continuing to 
evaluate unrealistic usage scenarios against services running in a severely 
resource-starved environment.  Every service eventually falls over when too 
much is asked of it.  These kinds of failure are not likely to be particularly 
deterministic, so wouldn't it make sense to avoid triggering them in the gate 
as much as possible?

In the specific case of Neutron, the current approach to testing isolation 
involves creating and tearing down networks at a tremendous rate.  I'm not sure 
anyone can argue that this constitutes a usage scenario that is likely to 
appear in production, but because it causes problems in the gate, we've had to 
prioritize working on it over initiatives that might prove more useful to 
operators.  While this may have been a necessary stop on the road to Neutron 
stability, I think it may be worth considering whether we want the gate to 
continue having an outsized role in defining optimization priorities.  



On Dec 12, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

 A few times now we've run into patches for devstack-gate / devstack
 that change default configuration to handle 'tempest load'.
 For instance - (Sorry Salvatore I'm
 not picking on you really!)
 So there appears to be a meme that the gate is particularly stressful
 - a bad environment - and that real world situations have less load.
 This could happen a few ways: (a) deployers might separate out
 components more; (b) they might have faster machines; (c) they might
 have less concurrent activity.
 (a) - unlikely! Deployers will cram stuff together as much as they can
 to save overheads. Big clouds will have components split out - yes,
 but they will also have correspondingly more load to drive that split
 (b) Perhaps, but not orders of magnitude faster, the clouds we run on
 are running on fairly recent hardware, and by using big instances we
 don't get crammed it with that many other tenants.
 (c) Almost certainly not. Tempest currently does a maximum of four
 concurrent requests. A small business cloud could easily have 5 or 6
 people making concurrent requests from time to time, and bigger but
 not huge clouds will certainly have that. Their /average/ rate of API
 requests may be much lower, but when they point service orchestration
 tools at it -- particularly tools that walk their dependencies in
 parallel - load is going to be much much higher than what we generate
 with Tempest.
 tl;dr : if we need to change a config file setting in devstack-gate or
 devstack *other than* setting up the specific scenario, think thrice -
 should it be a production default and set in the relevant projects
 default config setting.
 Robert Collins
 Distinguished Technologist
 HP Converged Cloud
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

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[openstack-dev] [Neutron][qa] The 'spec' parameter of mock.patch()

2014-01-10 Thread Maru Newby
I recently saw a case [1] where a misspelled assertion method 
(asoptt_called_once_with vs assert_called_once_with) did not result in a test 
failure because the object it was called on was created by mock.patch() without 
any of the spec/spec_set/autospec parameters being set.  Might it make sense to 
require that calls to mock.patch() set autospec=True [2]?


 (line 162)

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-16 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:06 PM, Isaku Yamahata wrote:

 On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 04:30:17PM +0900,
 Maru Newby wrote:
 On Dec 5, 2013, at 5:21 PM, Isaku Yamahata wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 04, 2013 at 12:37:19PM +0900,
 Maru Newby wrote:
 In the current architecture, the Neutron service handles RPC and WSGI with 
 a single process and is prone to being overloaded such that agent 
 heartbeats can be delayed beyond the limit for the agent being declared 
 'down'.  Even if we increased the agent timeout as Yongsheg suggests, 
 there is no guarantee that we can accurately detect whether an agent is 
 'live' with the current architecture.  Given that amqp can ensure eventual 
 delivery - it is a queue - is sending a notification blind such a bad 
 idea?  In the best case the agent isn't really down and can process the 
 notification.  In the worst case, the agent really is down but will be 
 brought up eventually by a deployment's monitoring solution and process 
 the notification when it returns.  What am I missing? 
 Do you mean overload of neutron server? Not neutron agent.
 So event agent sends periodic 'live' report, the reports are piled up
 unprocessed by server.
 When server sends notification, it considers agent dead wrongly.
 Not because agent didn't send live reports due to overload of agent.
 Is this understanding correct?
 Your interpretation is likely correct.  The demands on the service are going 
 to be much higher by virtue of having to field RPC requests from all the 
 agents to interact with the database on their behalf.
 Is this strongly indicating thread-starvation. i.e. too much unfair
 thread scheduling.
 Given that eventlet is cooperative threading, should sleep(0) to 
 hogging thread?

I'm afraid that's a question for a profiler:

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Cores - Prioritize merging migration fixes after tox change merges

2013-12-13 Thread Maru Newby
As per Anita's email, we're not to approve anything until the following tox fix 

Please keep an eye on the change, and once it merges, make sure that the 
following patches merge before regular approval rules resume:

Without these migration patches, devstack is broken for neutron.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-10 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 10, 2013, at 4:47 PM, Isaku Yamahata wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 07:28:10PM +1300,
 Robert Collins wrote:
 On 10 December 2013 19:16, Isaku Yamahata wrote:
 Answering myself. If connection is closed, it will reconnects automatically
 at rpc layer. See neutron.openstack.common.rpc.impl_{kombu, qpid}.py.
 So notifications during reconnects can be lost if AMQP service is set
 to discard notifications during no subscriber.
 Which is fine: the agent repulls the full set it's running on that
 machine, and life goes on.
 On what event?
 Polling in agent seems effectively disabled by self.needs_resync with
 the current code.

If the agent is not connected, it is either down (needs_resync will be set to 
True on launch) or experiencing a loss of connectivity to the amqp service 
(needs_resync will have been set to True on error).  The loss of notifications 
is not a problem in either case.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-10 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 5, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Édouard Thuleau wrote:

 There also another bug you can link/duplicate with #1192381 is
 I proposed a fix but it's not the good way. I abandoned it.

Thank you for pointing this out!

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-10 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 10, 2013, at 6:36 PM, Isaku Yamahata wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 09, 2013 at 08:43:59AM +1300,
 Robert Collins wrote:
 listening: when an agent connects after an outage, it first starts
 listening, then does a poll for updates it missed.
 Are you suggesting that processing of notifications and full state 
 synchronization are able to cooperate safely?  Or hoping that it will be so 
 in the future?
 I'm saying that you can avoid race conditions by a combination of
 'subscribe to changes' + 'give me the full state'.
 Like this?
 This patch is just to confirm the idea.

I'm afraid the proposed patch is no more reliable than the current approach of 
using file-based locking.   I am working on an alternate patch that puts the 
rpc event loop in the dhcp agent so that better coordination between full 
synchronization and notification handling is possible.  This approach has 
already been taken with the L3 agent and work on the L2 agent is in process.  


 Isaku Yamahata
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-10 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 11, 2013, at 8:39 AM, Isaku Yamahata wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 01:23:36AM +0900,
 Maru Newby wrote:
 On Dec 10, 2013, at 6:36 PM, Isaku Yamahata wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 09, 2013 at 08:43:59AM +1300,
 Robert Collins wrote:
 listening: when an agent connects after an outage, it first starts
 listening, then does a poll for updates it missed.
 Are you suggesting that processing of notifications and full state 
 synchronization are able to cooperate safely?  Or hoping that it will be 
 so in the future?
 I'm saying that you can avoid race conditions by a combination of
 'subscribe to changes' + 'give me the full state'.
 Like this?
 This patch is just to confirm the idea.
 I'm afraid the proposed patch is no more reliable than the current approach 
 of using file-based locking.   I am working on an alternate patch that puts 
 the rpc event loop in the dhcp agent so that better coordination between 
 full synchronization and notification handling is possible.  This approach 
 has already been taken with the L3 agent and work on the L2 agent is in 
 You objected against agent polling in the discussion.
 But you're now proposing polling now. Did you change your mind?

Uh, no.  I'm proposing better coordination between notification processing and 
full state synchronization beyond simple exclusionary primitives  
(utils.synchronize etc).  I apologize if my language was unclear.  

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [oslo][neutron] Post-mortem debugging for tests?

2013-12-09 Thread Maru Newby
Are any other projects interested in adding back the post-mortem debugging 
support we lost in the move away from nose?  I have a patch in review for 
neutron and salv-orlando asked whether oslo might be the better place for it.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-08 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 7, 2013, at 6:21 PM, Robert Collins wrote:

 On 7 December 2013 21:53, Isaku Yamahata wrote:
 Case 3: Hardware failure. So an agent on the node is gone.
Another agent will run on another node.
 If AMQP service is set up not to lose notification, notifications will be 
 piled up
 and stress AMQP service. I would say single node failure isn't catastrophic.
 So we should have AMQP set to discard notifications if there is noone

What are the semantics of AMQP discarding notifications when a consumer is no 
longer present?  Can this be relied upon to ensure that potentially stale 
notifications do not remain in the queue when an agent restarts?

 listening: when an agent connects after an outage, it first starts
 listening, then does a poll for updates it missed.

Are you suggesting that processing of notifications and full state 
synchronization are able to cooperate safely?  Or hoping that it will be so in 
the future?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] request-id in API response

2013-12-05 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 3, 2013, at 12:18 AM, Joe Gordon wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Dickinson wrote:
 Just to add to the story, Swift uses X-Trans-Id and generates it in the 
 outer-most catch_errors middleware.
 Swift's catch errors middleware is responsible for ensuring that the 
 transaction id exists on each request, and that all errors previously 
 uncaught, anywhere in the pipeline, are caught and logged. If there is not a 
 common way to do this, yet, I submit it as a great template for solving this 
 problem. It's simple, scalable, and well-tested (ie tests and running in prod 
 for years).
 Leaving aside error handling and only focusing on the transaction id (or 
 request id) generation, since OpenStack services are exposed to untrusted 
 clients, how would you propose communicating the appropriate transaction id 
 to a different service? I can see great benefit to having a glance 
 transaction ID carry through to Swift requests (and so on), but how should 
 the transaction id be communicated? It's not sensitive info, but I can 
 imagine a pretty big problem when trying to track down errors if a client 
 application decides to set eg the X-Set-Transaction-Id header on every 
 request to the same thing.
 -1 to cross service request IDs, for the reasons John mentions above.
 Thanks for bringing this up, and I'd welcome a patch in Swift that would use 
 a common library to generate the transaction id, if it were installed. I can 
 see that there would be huge advantage to operators to trace requests through 
 multiple systems.
 Another option would be for each system that calls an another OpenStack 
 system to expect and log the transaction ID for the request that was given. 
 This would be looser coupling and be more forgiving for a heterogeneous 
 cluster. Eg when Glance makes a call to Swift, Glance cloud log the 
 transaction id that Swift used (from the Swift response). Likewise, when 
 Swift makes a call to Keystone, Swift could log the Keystone transaction id. 
 This wouldn't result in a single transaction id across all systems, but it 
 would provide markers so an admin could trace the request.
 There was a session on this at the summit, and although the notes are a 
 little scarce this was the conclusion we came up with.  Every time a cross 
 service call is made, we will log and send a notification for ceilometer to 
 consume, with the request-ids of both request ids.  One of the benefits of 
 this approach is that we can easily generate a tree of all the API calls that 
 are made (and clearly show when multiple calls are made to the same service), 
 something that just a cross service request id would have trouble with.

Is wise to trust anything a client provides to ensure traceability?  If a user 
receives a request id back from Nova, then submits that request id in an 
unrelated request to Neutron, the traceability would be effectively corrupted.  
If the consensus is that we don't want to securely deliver request ids for 
inter-service calls, how about requiring a service to log its request id along 
with the request id returned from a call to another service to achieve the a 
similar result?  The catch is that every call point (or client instantiation?) 
would have to be modified to pass the request id instead of just logging at one 
place in each service.  Is that a cost worth paying?

 With that in mind I think having a standard x-openstack-request-id makes 
 things a little more uniform, and means that adding new services doesn't 
 require new logic to handle new request ids.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-05 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 5, 2013, at 6:43 AM, Carl Baldwin wrote:

 I have offered up as a
 backport to Havana.  Interest was expressed in the blueprint for doing
 this even before this thread.  If there is consensus for this as the
 stop-gap then it is there for the merging.  However, I do not want to
 discourage discussion of other stop-gap solutions like what Maru
 proposed in the original post.

Awesome.  No worries, I'm still planning on submitting a patch to improve 
notification reliability.

We seem to be cpu bound now in processing RPC messages.  Do you think it would 
be reasonable to run multiple processes for RPC?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-05 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 5, 2013, at 5:21 PM, Isaku Yamahata wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 04, 2013 at 12:37:19PM +0900,
 Maru Newby wrote:
 In the current architecture, the Neutron service handles RPC and WSGI with a 
 single process and is prone to being overloaded such that agent heartbeats 
 can be delayed beyond the limit for the agent being declared 'down'.  Even 
 if we increased the agent timeout as Yongsheg suggests, there is no 
 guarantee that we can accurately detect whether an agent is 'live' with the 
 current architecture.  Given that amqp can ensure eventual delivery - it is 
 a queue - is sending a notification blind such a bad idea?  In the best case 
 the agent isn't really down and can process the notification.  In the worst 
 case, the agent really is down but will be brought up eventually by a 
 deployment's monitoring solution and process the notification when it 
 returns.  What am I missing? 
 Do you mean overload of neutron server? Not neutron agent.
 So event agent sends periodic 'live' report, the reports are piled up
 unprocessed by server.
 When server sends notification, it considers agent dead wrongly.
 Not because agent didn't send live reports due to overload of agent.
 Is this understanding correct?

Your interpretation is likely correct.  The demands on the service are going to 
be much higher by virtue of having to field RPC requests from all the agents to 
interact with the database on their behalf.

 Please consider that while a good solution will track notification delivery 
 and success, we may need 2 solutions:
 1. A 'good-enough', minimally-invasive stop-gap that can be back-ported to 
 grizzly and havana.
 How about twisting DhcpAgent._periodic_resync_helper?
 If no notification is received form server from last sleep,
 it calls self.sync_state() even if self.needs_resync = False. Thus the
 inconsistency between agent and server due to losing notification
 will be fixed.

Unless I'm missing something, wouldn't forcing more and potentially unnecessary 
resyncs increase the load on the Neutron service and negatively impact 

 2. A 'best-effort' refactor that maximizes the reliability of the DHCP agent.
 I'm hoping that coming up with a solution to #1 will allow us the breathing 
 room to work on #2 in this cycle.
 Loss of notifications is somewhat inevitable, I think.
 (Or logging tasks to stable storage shared between server and agent)
 And Unconditionally sending notifications would cause problem.

Regarding sending notifications unconditionally, what specifically are you 
worried about?  I can imagine 2 scenarios:

Case 1: Send notification to an agent that is incorrectly reported as down. 
Result:  Agent receives notification and acts on it.

Case 2: Send notification to an agent that is actually down.
Result: Agent comes up eventually (in a production environment this should be a 
given) and calls sync_state().  We definitely need to make sync_state more 
reliable, though (I discuss the specifics later in this message).

Notifications could of course be dropped if AMQP queues are not persistent and 
are lost, but I don't think there needs to be a code-based remedy for this.  An 
operator is likely to deploy the AMQP service in HA to prevent the queues from 
being lost, and know to restart everything in the event of catastrophic failure.

That's not to say we don't have work to do, though.  An agent is responsible 
for communicating resource state changes to the service, but the service 
neither detects nor reacts when the state of a resource is scheduled to change 
and fails to do so in a reasonable timeframe.  Thus, as in the bug that 
prompted this discussion, it is up to the user to detect the failure (a VM 
without connectivity).  Ideally, Neutron should be tracking resource state 
changes with sufficient detail and reviewing them periodically to allow timely 
failure detection and remediation.  However, such a change is unlikely to be a 
candidate for backport so it will have to wait.

 You mentioned agent crash. Server crash should also be taken care of
 for reliability. Admin also sometimes wants to restart neutron
 server/agents for some reasons.
 Agent can crash after receiving notifications before start processing
 actual tasks. Server can crash after commiting changes to DB before sending
 notifications. In such cases, notification will be lost.
 Polling to resync would be necessary somewhere.

Agreed, we need to consider the cases of both agent and service failure.  

In the case of service failure, thanks to recently merged patches, the dhcp 
agent will at least force a resync in the event of an error in communicating 
with the server.  However, there is no guarantee that the agent will 
communicate with the server during the downtime.  While polling is one possible 
solution, might it be preferable for the service to simply notify the agents 
when it starts?  The dhcp agent can already receive

Re: [openstack-dev] request-id in API response

2013-12-05 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 6, 2013, at 1:09 AM, John Dickinson wrote:

 On Dec 5, 2013, at 1:36 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Dec 3, 2013, at 12:18 AM, Joe Gordon wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John Dickinson wrote:
 Just to add to the story, Swift uses X-Trans-Id and generates it in the 
 outer-most catch_errors middleware.
 Swift's catch errors middleware is responsible for ensuring that the 
 transaction id exists on each request, and that all errors previously 
 uncaught, anywhere in the pipeline, are caught and logged. If there is not 
 a common way to do this, yet, I submit it as a great template for solving 
 this problem. It's simple, scalable, and well-tested (ie tests and running 
 in prod for years).
 Leaving aside error handling and only focusing on the transaction id (or 
 request id) generation, since OpenStack services are exposed to untrusted 
 clients, how would you propose communicating the appropriate transaction id 
 to a different service? I can see great benefit to having a glance 
 transaction ID carry through to Swift requests (and so on), but how should 
 the transaction id be communicated? It's not sensitive info, but I can 
 imagine a pretty big problem when trying to track down errors if a client 
 application decides to set eg the X-Set-Transaction-Id header on every 
 request to the same thing.
 -1 to cross service request IDs, for the reasons John mentions above.
 Thanks for bringing this up, and I'd welcome a patch in Swift that would 
 use a common library to generate the transaction id, if it were installed. 
 I can see that there would be huge advantage to operators to trace requests 
 through multiple systems.
 Another option would be for each system that calls an another OpenStack 
 system to expect and log the transaction ID for the request that was given. 
 This would be looser coupling and be more forgiving for a heterogeneous 
 cluster. Eg when Glance makes a call to Swift, Glance cloud log the 
 transaction id that Swift used (from the Swift response). Likewise, when 
 Swift makes a call to Keystone, Swift could log the Keystone transaction 
 id. This wouldn't result in a single transaction id across all systems, but 
 it would provide markers so an admin could trace the request.
 There was a session on this at the summit, and although the notes are a 
 little scarce this was the conclusion we came up with.  Every time a cross 
 service call is made, we will log and send a notification for ceilometer to 
 consume, with the request-ids of both request ids.  One of the benefits of 
 this approach is that we can easily generate a tree of all the API calls 
 that are made (and clearly show when multiple calls are made to the same 
 service), something that just a cross service request id would have trouble 
 Is wise to trust anything a client provides to ensure traceability?  If a 
 user receives a request id back from Nova, then submits that request id in 
 an unrelated request to Neutron, the traceability would be effectively 
 corrupted.  If the consensus is that we don't want to securely deliver 
 request ids for inter-service calls, how about requiring a service to log 
 its request id along with the request id returned from a call to another 
 service to achieve the a similar result?
 Yes, this is what I was proposing. I think this is the best path forward.

Ok, great.  And as per your suggestion, a middleware-based error handler will 
soon be proposed for oslo that will secondarily ensure that a request id is 
added to the request.  

 The catch is that every call point (or client instantiation?) would have to 
 be modified to pass the request id instead of just logging at one place in 
 each service.  Is that a cost worth paying?
 Perhaps this is my ignorance of how other projects work today, but does this 
 not already happen? Is it possible to get a response from an API call to an 
 OpenStack project that doesn't include a request id?

We'll have it in Neutron real-soon-now, and then I think the answer will be 

On reflection, it should be easy enough for a given service to ensure that 
calls to other services are automatically instrumented to log request id pairs. 
 Again, probably something for oslo.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-04 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 4, 2013, at 8:55 AM, Carl Baldwin wrote:

 Stephen, all,
 I agree that there may be some opportunity to split things out a bit.
 However, I'm not sure what the best way will be.  I recall that Mark
 mentioned breaking out the processes that handle API requests and RPC
 from each other at the summit.  Anyway, it is something that has been
 I actually wanted to point out that the neutron server now has the
 ability to run a configurable number of sub-processes to handle a
 heavier load.  Introduced with this commit:
 Set api_workers to something  1 and restart the server.
 The server can also be run on more than one physical host in
 combination with multiple child processes.

I completely misunderstood the import of the commit in question.  Being able to 
run the wsgi server(s) out of process is a nice improvement, thank you for 
making it happen.  Has there been any discussion around making the default for 
api_workers  0 (at least 1) to ensure that the default configuration separates 
wsgi and rpc load?  This also seems like a great candidate for backporting to 
havana and maybe even grizzly, although api_workers should probably be 
defaulted to 0 in those cases.

FYI, I re-ran the test that attempted to boot 75 micro VM's simultaneously with 
api_workers = 2, with mixed results.  The increased wsgi throughput resulted in 
almost half of the boot requests failing with 500 errors due to QueuePool 
errors ( in Neutron.  It also 
appears that maximizing the number of wsgi requests has the side-effect of 
increasing the RPC load on the main process, and this means that the problem of 
dhcp notifications being dropped is little improved.  I intend to submit a fix 
that ensures that notifications are sent regardless of agent status, in any 


 On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 9:47 AM, Stephen Gran wrote:
 On 03/12/13 16:08, Maru Newby wrote:
 I've been investigating a bug that is preventing VM's from receiving IP
 addresses when a Neutron service is under high load:
 High load causes the DHCP agent's status updates to be delayed, causing
 the Neutron service to assume that the agent is down.  This results in the
 Neutron service not sending notifications of port addition to the DHCP
 agent.  At present, the notifications are simply dropped.  A simple fix is
 to send notifications regardless of agent status.  Does anybody have any
 objections to this stop-gap approach?  I'm not clear on the implications of
 sending notifications to agents that are down, but I'm hoping for a simple
 fix that can be backported to both havana and grizzly (yes, this bug has
 been with us that long).
 Fixing this problem for real, though, will likely be more involved.  The
 proposal to replace the current wsgi framework with Pecan may increase the
 Neutron service's scalability, but should we continue to use a 'fire and
 forget' approach to notification?  Being able to track the success or
 failure of a given action outside of the logs would seem pretty important,
 and allow for more effective coordination with Nova than is currently
 It strikes me that we ask an awful lot of a single neutron-server instance -
 it has to take state updates from all the agents, it has to do scheduling,
 it has to respond to API requests, and it has to communicate about actual
 changes with the agents.
 Maybe breaking some of these out the way nova has a scheduler and a
 conductor and so on might be a good model (I know there are things people
 are unhappy about with nova-scheduler, but imagine how much worse it would
 be if it was built into the API).
 Doing all of those tasks, and doing it largely single threaded, is just
 asking for overload.
 Stephen Gran
 Senior Systems Integrator -
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack][qa][Tempest][Network][Neutron] tenant_networks_reachable

2013-12-04 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 4, 2013, at 6:34 PM, Yair Fried wrote:

 In tempest.conf, Is the parameter tenant_networks_reachable affected by 
 anything other than neutron using ip name-spaces (which is the default 
 setting) or not, and if not using it - if the tempest host is the same as the 
 neutron server host?

It is entirely possible for a tenant network to be configured to be 
reachable/routable.  The common case, though, is for a tenant network to be 
non-routable and isolated by network namespaces.  Even if tempest were to run 
on the network controller, networks isolated by network namespaces would not be 

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-03 Thread Maru Newby
I've been investigating a bug that is preventing VM's from receiving IP 
addresses when a Neutron service is under high load:

High load causes the DHCP agent's status updates to be delayed, causing the 
Neutron service to assume that the agent is down.  This results in the Neutron 
service not sending notifications of port addition to the DHCP agent.  At 
present, the notifications are simply dropped.  A simple fix is to send 
notifications regardless of agent status.  Does anybody have any objections to 
this stop-gap approach?  I'm not clear on the implications of sending 
notifications to agents that are down, but I'm hoping for a simple fix that can 
be backported to both havana and grizzly (yes, this bug has been with us that 

Fixing this problem for real, though, will likely be more involved.  The 
proposal to replace the current wsgi framework with Pecan may increase the 
Neutron service's scalability, but should we continue to use a 'fire and 
forget' approach to notification?  Being able to track the success or failure 
of a given action outside of the logs would seem pretty important, and allow 
for more effective coordination with Nova than is currently possible.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Tuning QueuePool parameters?

2013-12-03 Thread Maru Newby
I recently ran into this bug while trying to concurrently boot a large number 
(75) of VMs:

I see that the fix for the bug added configuration of SQLAlchemy QueuePool 
parameters that should prevent the boot failures I was seeing.  However, I 
don't see a good explanation on the bug as to what values to set the 
configuration to or why the defaults weren't updated to something sane.  If 
that information is available somewhere, please share!  I'm not sure why this 
bug is considered fixed if it's still possible to trigger it with no clear path 
to resolution.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-03 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 4, 2013, at 1:47 AM, Stephen Gran wrote:

 On 03/12/13 16:08, Maru Newby wrote:
 I've been investigating a bug that is preventing VM's from receiving IP 
 addresses when a Neutron service is under high load:
 High load causes the DHCP agent's status updates to be delayed, causing the 
 Neutron service to assume that the agent is down.  This results in the 
 Neutron service not sending notifications of port addition to the DHCP 
 agent.  At present, the notifications are simply dropped.  A simple fix is 
 to send notifications regardless of agent status.  Does anybody have any 
 objections to this stop-gap approach?  I'm not clear on the implications of 
 sending notifications to agents that are down, but I'm hoping for a simple 
 fix that can be backported to both havana and grizzly (yes, this bug has 
 been with us that long).
 Fixing this problem for real, though, will likely be more involved.  The 
 proposal to replace the current wsgi framework with Pecan may increase the 
 Neutron service's scalability, but should we continue to use a 'fire and 
 forget' approach to notification?  Being able to track the success or 
 failure of a given action outside of the logs would seem pretty important, 
 and allow for more effective coordination with Nova than is currently 
 It strikes me that we ask an awful lot of a single neutron-server instance - 
 it has to take state updates from all the agents, it has to do scheduling, it 
 has to respond to API requests, and it has to communicate about actual 
 changes with the agents.
 Maybe breaking some of these out the way nova has a scheduler and a conductor 
 and so on might be a good model (I know there are things people are unhappy 
 about with nova-scheduler, but imagine how much worse it would be if it was 
 built into the API).
 Doing all of those tasks, and doing it largely single threaded, is just 
 asking for overload.

I'm sorry if it wasn't clear in my original message, but my primary concern 
lies with the reliability rather than the scalability of the Neutron service.  
Carl's addition of multiple workers is a good stop-gap to minimize the impact 
of blocking IO calls in the current architecture, and we already have consensus 
on the need to separate RPC and WSGI functions as part of the Pecan rewrite.  I 
am worried, though, that we are not being sufficiently diligent in how we 
manage state transitions through notifications.  Managing transitions and their 
associate error states is needlessly complicated by the current ad-hoc 
approach, and I'd appreciate input on the part of distributed systems experts 
as to how we could do better.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-03 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 4, 2013, at 11:02 AM, Yongsheng Gong wrote:

 another way is to have a large agent_down_time, by default it is 9 secs.

I don't believe that increasing the timeout by itself is a good solution.  
Relying on the agent state to know whether to send a notification has simply 
proven unreliable with the current architecture of a poorly-performing single 
process server handling both RPC and WSGI.


 On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Carl Baldwin wrote:
 Stephen, all,
 I agree that there may be some opportunity to split things out a bit.
 However, I'm not sure what the best way will be.  I recall that Mark
 mentioned breaking out the processes that handle API requests and RPC
 from each other at the summit.  Anyway, it is something that has been
 I actually wanted to point out that the neutron server now has the
 ability to run a configurable number of sub-processes to handle a
 heavier load.  Introduced with this commit:
 Set api_workers to something  1 and restart the server.
 The server can also be run on more than one physical host in
 combination with multiple child processes.
 On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 9:47 AM, Stephen Gran wrote:
  On 03/12/13 16:08, Maru Newby wrote:
  I've been investigating a bug that is preventing VM's from receiving IP
  addresses when a Neutron service is under high load:
  High load causes the DHCP agent's status updates to be delayed, causing
  the Neutron service to assume that the agent is down.  This results in the
  Neutron service not sending notifications of port addition to the DHCP
  agent.  At present, the notifications are simply dropped.  A simple fix is
  to send notifications regardless of agent status.  Does anybody have any
  objections to this stop-gap approach?  I'm not clear on the implications of
  sending notifications to agents that are down, but I'm hoping for a simple
  fix that can be backported to both havana and grizzly (yes, this bug has
  been with us that long).
  Fixing this problem for real, though, will likely be more involved.  The
  proposal to replace the current wsgi framework with Pecan may increase the
  Neutron service's scalability, but should we continue to use a 'fire and
  forget' approach to notification?  Being able to track the success or
  failure of a given action outside of the logs would seem pretty important,
  and allow for more effective coordination with Nova than is currently
  It strikes me that we ask an awful lot of a single neutron-server instance -
  it has to take state updates from all the agents, it has to do scheduling,
  it has to respond to API requests, and it has to communicate about actual
  changes with the agents.
  Maybe breaking some of these out the way nova has a scheduler and a
  conductor and so on might be a good model (I know there are things people
  are unhappy about with nova-scheduler, but imagine how much worse it would
  be if it was built into the API).
  Doing all of those tasks, and doing it largely single threaded, is just
  asking for overload.
  Stephen Gran
  Senior Systems Integrator -
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  our iPad edition   Save up to 33% by subscribing to the
  Guardian and Observer - choose the papers you want and get full digital
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP Agent Reliability

2013-12-03 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 4, 2013, at 11:57 AM, Clint Byrum wrote:

 Excerpts from Maru Newby's message of 2013-12-03 08:08:09 -0800:
 I've been investigating a bug that is preventing VM's from receiving IP 
 addresses when a Neutron service is under high load:
 High load causes the DHCP agent's status updates to be delayed, causing the 
 Neutron service to assume that the agent is down.  This results in the 
 Neutron service not sending notifications of port addition to the DHCP 
 agent.  At present, the notifications are simply dropped.  A simple fix is 
 to send notifications regardless of agent status.  Does anybody have any 
 objections to this stop-gap approach?  I'm not clear on the implications of 
 sending notifications to agents that are down, but I'm hoping for a simple 
 fix that can be backported to both havana and grizzly (yes, this bug has 
 been with us that long).
 Fixing this problem for real, though, will likely be more involved.  The 
 proposal to replace the current wsgi framework with Pecan may increase the 
 Neutron service's scalability, but should we continue to use a 'fire and 
 forget' approach to notification?  Being able to track the success or 
 failure of a given action outside of the logs would seem pretty important, 
 and allow for more effective coordination with Nova than is currently 
 Dropping requests without triggering a user-visible error is a pretty
 serious problem. You didn't mention if you have filed a bug about that.
 If not, please do or let us know here so we can investigate and file
 a bug.

There is a bug linked to in the original message that I am already working on.  
The fact that that bug title is 'dhcp agent doesn't configure ports' rather 
than 'dhcp notifications are silently dropped' is incidental.

 It seems to me that they should be put into a queue to be retried.
 Sending the notifications blindly is almost as bad as dropping them,
 as you have no idea if the agent is alive or not.

This is more the kind of discussion I was looking for.  

In the current architecture, the Neutron service handles RPC and WSGI with a 
single process and is prone to being overloaded such that agent heartbeats can 
be delayed beyond the limit for the agent being declared 'down'.  Even if we 
increased the agent timeout as Yongsheg suggests, there is no guarantee that we 
can accurately detect whether an agent is 'live' with the current architecture. 
 Given that amqp can ensure eventual delivery - it is a queue - is sending a 
notification blind such a bad idea?  In the best case the agent isn't really 
down and can process the notification.  In the worst case, the agent really is 
down but will be brought up eventually by a deployment's monitoring solution 
and process the notification when it returns.  What am I missing? 

Please consider that while a good solution will track notification delivery and 
success, we may need 2 solutions:

1. A 'good-enough', minimally-invasive stop-gap that can be back-ported to 
grizzly and havana.

2. A 'best-effort' refactor that maximizes the reliability of the DHCP agent.

I'm hoping that coming up with a solution to #1 will allow us the breathing 
room to work on #2 in this cycle.


 OpenStack-dev mailing list

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Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Stop logging non-exceptional conditions as ERROR

2013-12-02 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:19 PM, Joe Gordon wrote:

 On Dec 2, 2013 3:39 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
  On Dec 2, 2013, at 2:07 AM, Anita Kuno wrote:
   Great initiative putting this plan together, Maru. Thanks for doing
   this. Thanks for volunteering to help, Salvatore (I'm thinking of asking
   for you to be cloned - once that becomes available.) if you add your
   patch urls (as you create them) to the blueprint Maru started [0] that
   would help to track the work.
   Armando, thanks for doing this work as well. Could you add the urls of
   the patches you reference to the exceptional-conditions blueprint?
   For icehouse-1 to be a realistic goal for this assessment and clean-up,
   patches for this would need to be up by Tuesday Dec. 3 at the latest
   (does 13:00 UTC sound like a reasonable target?) so that they can make
   it through review and check testing, gate testing and merging prior to
   the Thursday Dec. 5 deadline for icehouse-1. I would really like to see
   this, I just want the timeline to be conscious.
  My mistake, getting this done by Tuesday does not seem realistic.  
  icehouse-2, then.
 With icehouse-2 being the nova-network feature freeze reevaluation point 
 (possibly lifting it) I think gating on new stacktraces by icehouse-2 is too 
 late.  Even a huge whitelist of errors is better then letting new errors in. 

No question that it needs to happen asap.  If we're talking about milestones, 
though, and icehouse-1 patches need to be in by Tuesday, I don't think 
icehouse-1 is realistic.  It will have to be early in icehouse-2.


   I would like to say talk to me tomorrow in -neutron to ensure you are
   getting the support you need to achieve this but I will be flying (wifi
   uncertain). I do hope that some additional individuals come forward to
   help with this.
   Thanks Maru, Salvatore and Armando,
   On 11/30/2013 08:24 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
   On Nov 28, 2013, at 1:08 AM, Salvatore Orlando 
   Thanks Maru,
   This is something my team had on the backlog for a while.
   I will push some patches to contribute towards this effort in the next 
   few days.
   Let me know if you're already thinking of targeting the completion of 
   this job for a specific deadline.
   I'm thinking this could be a task for those not involved in fixing race 
   conditions, and be done in parallel.  I guess that would be for 
   icehouse-1 then?  My hope would be that the early signs of race 
   conditions would then be caught earlier.
   On 27 November 2013 17:50, Maru Newby wrote:
   Just a heads up, the console output for neutron gate jobs is about to 
   get a lot noisier.  Any log output that contains 'ERROR' is going to be 
   dumped into the console output so that we can identify and eliminate 
   unnecessary error logging.  Once we've cleaned things up, the presence 
   of unexpected (non-whitelisted) error output can be used to fail jobs, 
   as per the following Tempest blueprint:
   I've filed a related Neutron blueprint for eliminating the unnecessary 
   error logging:
   I'm looking for volunteers to help with this effort, please reply in 
   this thread if you're willing to assist.
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Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Stop logging non-exceptional conditions as ERROR

2013-12-01 Thread Maru Newby

On Dec 2, 2013, at 2:07 AM, Anita Kuno wrote:

 Great initiative putting this plan together, Maru. Thanks for doing
 this. Thanks for volunteering to help, Salvatore (I'm thinking of asking
 for you to be cloned - once that becomes available.) if you add your
 patch urls (as you create them) to the blueprint Maru started [0] that
 would help to track the work.
 Armando, thanks for doing this work as well. Could you add the urls of
 the patches you reference to the exceptional-conditions blueprint?
 For icehouse-1 to be a realistic goal for this assessment and clean-up,
 patches for this would need to be up by Tuesday Dec. 3 at the latest
 (does 13:00 UTC sound like a reasonable target?) so that they can make
 it through review and check testing, gate testing and merging prior to
 the Thursday Dec. 5 deadline for icehouse-1. I would really like to see
 this, I just want the timeline to be conscious.

My mistake, getting this done by Tuesday does not seem realistic.  icehouse-2, 


 I would like to say talk to me tomorrow in -neutron to ensure you are
 getting the support you need to achieve this but I will be flying (wifi
 uncertain). I do hope that some additional individuals come forward to
 help with this.
 Thanks Maru, Salvatore and Armando,
 On 11/30/2013 08:24 PM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Nov 28, 2013, at 1:08 AM, Salvatore Orlando wrote:
 Thanks Maru,
 This is something my team had on the backlog for a while.
 I will push some patches to contribute towards this effort in the next few 
 Let me know if you're already thinking of targeting the completion of this 
 job for a specific deadline.
 I'm thinking this could be a task for those not involved in fixing race 
 conditions, and be done in parallel.  I guess that would be for icehouse-1 
 then?  My hope would be that the early signs of race conditions would then 
 be caught earlier.
 On 27 November 2013 17:50, Maru Newby wrote:
 Just a heads up, the console output for neutron gate jobs is about to get a 
 lot noisier.  Any log output that contains 'ERROR' is going to be dumped 
 into the console output so that we can identify and eliminate unnecessary 
 error logging.  Once we've cleaned things up, the presence of unexpected 
 (non-whitelisted) error output can be used to fail jobs, as per the 
 following Tempest blueprint:
 I've filed a related Neutron blueprint for eliminating the unnecessary 
 error logging:
 I'm looking for volunteers to help with this effort, please reply in this 
 thread if you're willing to assist.
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Re: [openstack-dev] request-id in API response

2013-12-01 Thread Maru Newby

On Nov 30, 2013, at 1:00 AM, Sean Dague wrote:

 On 11/29/2013 10:33 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:
 On 11/28/2013 07:45 AM, Akihiro Motoki wrote:
 I am working on adding request-id to API response in Neutron.
 After I checked what header is used in other projects
 header name varies project by project.
 It seems there is no consensus what header is recommended
 and it is better to have some consensus.
   nova: x-compute-request-id
   cinder:   x-compute-request-id
   glance:   x-openstack-request-id
   neutron:  x-network-request-id  (under review)
 request-id is assigned and used inside of each project now,
 so x-service-request-id looks good. On the other hand,
 if we have a plan to enhance request-id across projects,
 x-openstack-request-id looks better.
 My vote is for:
 With an implementation of create a request UUID if none exists yet in
 some standardized WSGI middleware...
 Agreed. I don't think I see any value in having these have different
 service names, having just x-openstack-request-id across all the
 services seems a far better idea, and come back through and fix nova and
 cinder to be that as well.


An openstack request id should be service agnostic to allow tracking of a 
request across many services (e.g. a call to nova to boot a VM should generate 
a request id that is provided to other services in requests to provision said 
VM).  All services would ideally share a facility for generating new request 
ids and for securely accepting request ids from other services.


 Sean Dague
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Stop logging non-exceptional conditions as ERROR

2013-11-30 Thread Maru Newby

On Nov 28, 2013, at 1:08 AM, Salvatore Orlando wrote:

 Thanks Maru,
 This is something my team had on the backlog for a while.
 I will push some patches to contribute towards this effort in the next few 
 Let me know if you're already thinking of targeting the completion of this 
 job for a specific deadline.

I'm thinking this could be a task for those not involved in fixing race 
conditions, and be done in parallel.  I guess that would be for icehouse-1 
then?  My hope would be that the early signs of race conditions would then be 
caught earlier.


 On 27 November 2013 17:50, Maru Newby wrote:
 Just a heads up, the console output for neutron gate jobs is about to get a 
 lot noisier.  Any log output that contains 'ERROR' is going to be dumped into 
 the console output so that we can identify and eliminate unnecessary error 
 logging.  Once we've cleaned things up, the presence of unexpected 
 (non-whitelisted) error output can be used to fail jobs, as per the following 
 Tempest blueprint:
 I've filed a related Neutron blueprint for eliminating the unnecessary error 
 I'm looking for volunteers to help with this effort, please reply in this 
 thread if you're willing to assist.
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[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Rename 'tenant' to 'project' as per Keystone?

2013-11-26 Thread Maru Newby
Keystone is almost finished replacing the term 'tenant' with 'project' (see 
recent thread  
and we might want to think about how and when Neutron makes a similar 
transition.  It's an unlikely priority in the near term given the focus on 
stability, but I wanted to broach the topic for discussion in case people think 
it might be worth attempting later in the cycle.  I've filed a preliminary 
blueprint in any case: 


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[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Tenant isolation gate failures?

2013-10-07 Thread Maru Newby
The tenant isolation gates that have been failing so frequently seem to be 
passing all of a sudden.  I didn't see any merges that claimed to fix the 
issue, so maybe this is just a lull due to a lower volume of gate jobs.  If it 
was intentional, though, I would appreciate knowing which patch or patches 
resolved the problem.

Thanks in advance,

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] About multihost patch review

2013-08-27 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 26, 2013, at 4:06 PM, Edgar Magana wrote:

 Hi Developers,
 Let me explain my point of view on this topic and please share your thoughts 
 in order to merge this new feature ASAP.
 My understanding is that multi-host is nova-network HA  and we are 
 implementing this bp for the same 
 So, If in neutron configuration admin enables multi-host:
 # Support multi host networks
 # enable_multihost = False
 Why do tenants needs to be aware of this? They should just create networks in 
 the way they normally do and not by adding the multihost extension.

I was pretty confused until I looked at the nova-network HA doc [1].  The 
proposed design would seem to emulate nova-network's multi-host HA option, 
where it was necessary to both run nova-network on every compute node and 
create a network explicitly as multi-host.  I'm not sure why nova-network was 
implemented in this way, since it would appear that multi-host is basically 
all-or-nothing.  Once nova-network services are running on every compute node, 
what does it mean to create a network that is not multi-host?

So, to Edgar's question - is there a reason other than 'be like nova-network' 
for requiring neutron multi-host to be configured per-network?



 I could be totally wrong and crazy, so please provide some feedback.
 From: Yongsheng Gong
 Date: Monday, August 26, 2013 2:58 PM
 To: Kyle Mestery (kmestery), Aaron Rosen, Armando Migliaccio, Akihiro 
 MOTOKI, Edgar Magana, Maru Newby, Nachi Ueno, Salvatore Orlando, Sumit Naiksatam, Mark 
 McClain, Gary Kotton, 
 Robert Kukura
 Cc: OpenStack List
 Subject: Re: About multihost patch review
 Edgar Magana has commented to say:
 'This is the part that for me is confusing and I will need some clarification 
 from the community. Do we expect to have the multi-host feature as an 
 extension or something that will natural work as long as the deployment 
 include more than one Network Node. In my opinion, Neutron deployments with 
 more than one Network Node by default should call DHCP agents in all those 
 nodes without the need to use an extension. If the community has decided to 
 do this by extensions, then I am fine' at
 I have commented back, what is your opinion about it?
 Yong Sheng Gong
 On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Kyle Mestery (kmestery) 
 Hi Yong:
 I'll review this and try it out today.
 On Aug 15, 2013, at 10:01 PM, Yongsheng Gong wrote:
  The multihost patch is there for a long long time, can someone help to 

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] About multihost patch review

2013-08-27 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 26, 2013, at 9:39 PM, Yongsheng Gong wrote:

 First 'be like nova-network' is a merit for some deployments.

I'm afraid 'merit' is a bit vague for me.  Would you please elaborate?

 second, To allow admin to decide which network will be multihosted at runtime 
 will enable the neutron to continue using the current network node (dhcp 
 agent) mode at the same time.

If multi-host and non- multi-host networks are permitted to co-exist (because 
configuration is per-network), won't compute nodes have to be allowed to be 
heterogenous (some multi-host capable, some not)?  And won't Nova then need to 
schedule VMs configured with multi-host networks on compatible nodes?  I don't 
recall mention of this issue in the blueprint or design doc, and would 
appreciate pointers to where this decision was documented.

 If we force the network multihosted when the configuration enable_multihost 
 is true, and then administrator wants to transfer to normal neutron way, 
 he/she must modify the configuration item and then restart.

I'm afraid I don't follow - are you suggesting that configuring multi-host 
globally will be harder on admins than the change under review?  Switching to 
non multi-host under the current proposal involves reconfiguring and restarting 
of an awful lot of agents, to say nothing of the db changes.


 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Aug 26, 2013, at 4:06 PM, Edgar Magana wrote:
  Hi Developers,
  Let me explain my point of view on this topic and please share your 
  thoughts in order to merge this new feature ASAP.
  My understanding is that multi-host is nova-network HA  and we are 
  implementing this bp for the 
  same reason.
  So, If in neutron configuration admin enables multi-host:
  # Support multi host networks
  # enable_multihost = False
  Why do tenants needs to be aware of this? They should just create networks 
  in the way they normally do and not by adding the multihost extension.
 I was pretty confused until I looked at the nova-network HA doc [1].  The 
 proposed design would seem to emulate nova-network's multi-host HA option, 
 where it was necessary to both run nova-network on every compute node and 
 create a network explicitly as multi-host.  I'm not sure why nova-network was 
 implemented in this way, since it would appear that multi-host is basically 
 all-or-nothing.  Once nova-network services are running on every compute 
 node, what does it mean to create a network that is not multi-host?
 So, to Edgar's question - is there a reason other than 'be like nova-network' 
 for requiring neutron multi-host to be configured per-network?
  I could be totally wrong and crazy, so please provide some feedback.
  From: Yongsheng Gong
  Date: Monday, August 26, 2013 2:58 PM
  To: Kyle Mestery (kmestery), Aaron Rosen, Armando Migliaccio, Akihiro 
  MOTOKI, Edgar Magana, Maru Newby, Nachi Ueno, Salvatore Orlando, Sumit Naiksatam, 
  Mark McClain, Gary Kotton, Robert Kukura
  Cc: OpenStack List
  Subject: Re: About multihost patch review
  Edgar Magana has commented to say:
  'This is the part that for me is confusing and I will need some 
  clarification from the community. Do we expect to have the multi-host 
  feature as an extension or something that will natural work as long as the 
  deployment include more than one Network Node. In my opinion, Neutron 
  deployments with more than one Network Node by default should call DHCP 
  agents in all those nodes without the need to use an extension. If the 
  community has decided to do this by extensions, then I am fine' at
  I have commented back, what is your opinion about it?
  Yong Sheng Gong
  On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Kyle Mestery (kmestery) wrote:
  Hi Yong:
  I'll review this and try it out today.
  On Aug 15, 2013, at 10:01 PM, Yongsheng Gong 
   The multihost patch is there for a long long time, can someone help to 

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Neutron + Grenade (or other upgrade testing)

2013-08-27 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 26, 2013, at 10:23 AM, Dean Troyer wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 Is anyone working on/planning on adding support for neutron to grenade?  Or 
 is there any other automated upgrade testing going on for neutron?
 We deliberately avoided migrations in Grenade (like Nova Volume - Cinder) as 
 we wanted to focus on upgrades within projects.  Migrations will necessarily 
 be much more complicated, especially Nova Network - Neutron.  At some point 
 Neutron should be added to Grenade, but only as a release upgrade step for 
 some basic configuration.
 That said, I'm sure there would be great appreciation for a recipe to 
 duplicate an existing Nova Network config in Neutron.  We can debate if that 
 belongs in Grenade should it ever exist…

I was referring to upgrades within projects - in this case Quantum to Neutron.  
I'm assuming that belongs in grenade?


 Dean Troyer
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Re: [openstack-dev] About multihost patch review

2013-08-27 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 27, 2013, at 3:27 PM, Tom Fifield wrote:

 On 27/08/13 15:23, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Aug 26, 2013, at 9:39 PM, Yongsheng Gong wrote:
 First 'be like nova-network' is a merit for some deployments.
 I'm afraid 'merit' is a bit vague for me.  Would you please elaborate?
 One area of 'merit' in this area is for migration from nova-network to
 neutron. If there's something exactly analogous to something that
 already exists, its easier to move across.

I apologize for being unclear, but I don't think there is any question that 
neutron needs a multi-host HA capability.  The question is not  one of 
function, but of implementation.  

I don't believe that the design of a feature being proposed for neutron should 
be acceptable simply because it reuses an implementation strategy used by 
nova-network.  Neutron's architecture may allow different decisions to be made, 
and we may have learned from nova-network's example.  In any case, reviewers 
need to understand the 'why' behind design decisions, and it doesn't appear to 
me that there is sufficient documentation justifying the current proposal's 
approach.  Only once we have more information will we be able to make an 
educated decision as to the quality of the proposal.


 second, To allow admin to decide which network will be multihosted at 
 runtime will enable the neutron to continue using the current network node 
 (dhcp agent) mode at the same time.
 If multi-host and non- multi-host networks are permitted to co-exist 
 (because configuration is per-network), won't compute nodes have to be 
 allowed to be heterogenous (some multi-host capable, some not)?  And won't 
 Nova then need to schedule VMs configured with multi-host networks on 
 compatible nodes?  I don't recall mention of this issue in the blueprint or 
 design doc, and would appreciate pointers to where this decision was 
 If we force the network multihosted when the configuration enable_multihost 
 is true, and then administrator wants to transfer to normal neutron way, 
 he/she must modify the configuration item and then restart.
 I'm afraid I don't follow - are you suggesting that configuring multi-host 
 globally will be harder on admins than the change under review?  Switching 
 to non multi-host under the current proposal involves reconfiguring and 
 restarting of an awful lot of agents, to say nothing of the db changes.
 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Maru Newby wrote:
 On Aug 26, 2013, at 4:06 PM, Edgar Magana wrote:
 Hi Developers,
 Let me explain my point of view on this topic and please share your 
 thoughts in order to merge this new feature ASAP.
 My understanding is that multi-host is nova-network HA  and we are 
 implementing this bp for the 
 same reason.
 So, If in neutron configuration admin enables multi-host:
 # Support multi host networks
 # enable_multihost = False
 Why do tenants needs to be aware of this? They should just create networks 
 in the way they normally do and not by adding the multihost extension.
 I was pretty confused until I looked at the nova-network HA doc [1].  The 
 proposed design would seem to emulate nova-network's multi-host HA option, 
 where it was necessary to both run nova-network on every compute node and 
 create a network explicitly as multi-host.  I'm not sure why nova-network 
 was implemented in this way, since it would appear that multi-host is 
 basically all-or-nothing.  Once nova-network services are running on every 
 compute node, what does it mean to create a network that is not multi-host?
 So, to Edgar's question - is there a reason other than 'be like 
 nova-network' for requiring neutron multi-host to be configured per-network?
 I could be totally wrong and crazy, so please provide some feedback.
 From: Yongsheng Gong
 Date: Monday, August 26, 2013 2:58 PM
 To: Kyle Mestery (kmestery), Aaron Rosen, Armando Migliaccio, Akihiro 
 MOTOKI, Edgar Magana, Maru 
 Newby, Nachi Ueno, Salvatore Orlando, Sumit Naiksatam, 
 Mark McClain, Gary Kotton, Robert Kukura
 Cc: OpenStack List
 Subject: Re: About multihost patch review
 Edgar Magana has commented to say:
 'This is the part that for me is confusing and I will need some 
 clarification from the community. Do we expect to have the multi-host 
 feature as an extension or something

[openstack-dev] Neutron + Grenade (or other upgrade testing)

2013-08-26 Thread Maru Newby
Is anyone working on/planning on adding support for neutron to grenade?  Or is 
there any other automated upgrade testing going on for neutron?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Code review study

2013-08-16 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 15, 2013, at 12:50 PM, Joe Gordon wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Sam Harwell 
 I like to take a different approach. If my commit message is going to take 
 more than a couple lines for people to understand the decisions I made, I go 
 and make an issue in the issue tracker before committing locally and then 
 reference that issue in the commit message. This helps in a few ways:
 1.   If I find a technical or grammatical error in the commit message, it 
 can be corrected.
 2.   Developers can provide feedback on the subject matter independently 
 of the implementation, as well as feedback on the implementation itself.
 3.   I like the ability to include formatting and hyperlinks in my 
 documentation of the commit.
 This pattern has one slight issue, which is:
   • Do not assume the reviewer has access to external web services/site.
 In 6 months time when someone is on a train/plane/coach/beach/pub 
 troubleshooting a problem  browsing GIT history, there is no guarantee they 
 will have access to the online bug tracker, or online blueprint documents. 
 The great step forward with distributed SCM is that you no longer need to be 
 online to have access to all information about the code repository. The 
 commit message should be totally self-contained, to maintain that benefit.

I'm not sure I agree with this.  It can't be true in all cases, so it can 
hardly be considered a rule.  A guideline, maybe - something to strive for.  
But not all artifacts of the development process are amenable to being stuffed 
into code or the commits associated with them.  A dvcs is great and all, but 
unless one is working in a silo, online resources are all but mandatory.

 From: Christopher Yeoh [] 
 Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 7:12 AM
 To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
 Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Code review study
 On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Robert Collins 
 This may interest data-driven types here.
 Note specifically the citation of 200-400 lines as the knee of the review 
 effectiveness curve: that's lower than I thought - I thought 200 was clearly 
 fine - but no.
 Very interesting article. One other point which I think is pretty relevant is 
 point 4 about getting authors to annotate the code better (and for those who 
 haven't read it, they don't mean comments in the code but separately) because 
 it results in the authors picking up more bugs before they even submit the 
 So I wonder if its worth asking people to write more detailed commit logs 
 which include some reasoning about why some of the more complex changes were 
 done in a certain way and not just what is implemented or fixed. As it is 
 many of the commit messages are often very succinct so I think it would help 
 on the review efficiency side too.
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Re: [openstack-dev] Code review study

2013-08-16 Thread Maru Newby

On Aug 16, 2013, at 2:12 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

 On 16 August 2013 20:15, Maru Newby wrote:
 This pattern has one slight issue, which is:
  • Do not assume the reviewer has access to external web services/site.
 In 6 months time when someone is on a train/plane/coach/beach/pub 
 troubleshooting a problem  browsing GIT history, there is no guarantee 
 they will have access to the online bug tracker, or online blueprint 
 documents. The great step forward with distributed SCM is that you no 
 longer need to be online to have access to all information about the code 
 repository. The commit message should be totally self-contained, to 
 maintain that benefit.
 I'm not sure I agree with this.  It can't be true in all cases, so it can 
 hardly be considered a rule.  A guideline, maybe - something to strive for.  
 But not all artifacts of the development process are amenable to being 
 stuffed into code or the commits associated with them.  A dvcs is great and 
 all, but unless one is working in a silo, online resources are all but 
 In a very strict sense you're right, but consider that for anyone
 doing fast iterative development the need to go hit a website is a
 huge slowdown : at least in most of the world :).

You're suggesting that it's possible to do _fast_ iterative development on a 
distributed system of immense and largely undocumented complexity (like 
openstack)?  I'd like to be working on the code you're working on!  ;) 


 So - while I agree that it's something to strive for, I think we
 should invert it and say 'not having everything in the repo is
 something we should permit occasional exceptions to'.
 Robert Collins
 Distinguished Technologist
 HP Converged Cloud
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[openstack-dev] Gate breakage process - Let's fix! (related but not specific to neutron)

2013-08-16 Thread Maru Newby
Neutron has been in and out of the gate for the better part of the past month, 
and it didn't slow the pace of development one bit.  Most Neutron developers 
kept on working as if nothing was wrong, blithely merging changes with no 
guarantees that they weren't introducing new breakage.  New bugs were indeed 
merged, greatly increasing the time and effort required to get Neutron back in 
the gate.  I don't think this is sustainable, and I'd like to make a suggestion 
for how to minimize the impact of gate breakage.

For the record, I don't think consistent gate breakage in one project should be 
allowed to hold up the development of other projects.  The current approach of 
skipping tests or otherwise making a given job non-voting for innocent projects 
should continue.  It is arguably worth taking the risk of relaxing gating for 
those innocent projects rather than halting development unnecessarily.

However, I don't think it is a good idea to relax a broken gate for the 
offending project.  So if a broken job/test is clearly Neutron related, it 
should continue to gate Neutron, effectively preventing merges until the 
problem is fixed.  This would both raise the visibility of breakage beyond the 
person responsible for fixing it, and prevent additional breakage from slipping 
past were the gating to be relaxed.



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