[opensuse] To Novell SUSE - Please include Windows Media Codecs after deal with Microsoft

2006-11-12 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Hi all !

Since we have made a deal with MS about patents, I would like to ask
include MS-patented Windows Media Codecs (WMA/WMV) with both openSUSE
10.2 and future SUSE versions... (including Enterprise). The code
exists (on packman sites - the only problem was patents, which is
solved now).

After all, we must use that pact to our advantage.

What do you think ?

-Fenix*NBK*, Open-Source community member. 12.11.2006.
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Re: [opensuse] Split the packages

2006-10-28 Thread Alexey Eremenko

ok, so on clients without Hard Disk:
you must download both U  R packages (on each boot) right?

on clients with Hard Disk:
you must download only R packages right (on each boot), and U are
preinstalled (one time) ?
Is this correct?

What do others think of this idea?
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Re: [opensuse] automount USB HD with NTFS RW in 10.1?

2006-10-28 Thread Alexey Eremenko

rumors say that you need NTFS-3G drivers.
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[opensuse-factory] anyone could successfully launch a http web server on openSUSE 10.2 B1 ?

2006-10-27 Thread Alexey Eremenko

hi all !

I could not launch apache server on the new BETA version...

the bug details are here:

any idea? or a workaround?
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[opensuse] Why patterns were born in openSUSE ? and UI idea.

2006-10-27 Thread Alexey Eremenko

hi all !

Sorry for the stupid question, but I really want to know the direction
of this idea.
Generally, I believe in order to make newbies feel at home, so they
could learn Linux easier.

Advanced ppl don't really need patterns (but it saves time even to
advanced ppl)...

I have opened a discussion about his topic:

do we need to add every package to pattern to make it full, or just
keep patterns *compact* ?

This idea was used by RedHat from the ancient ages... Also in RedHat
when a user selects a pattern so packages are must-have and are
auto-selected while others are not.

Do we wanna keep their principle ?

I have a better idea of organizing patterns UI:
Ability to make one of 4 choices on each pattern, perhaps with a radio button.

A. Unselected pattern (if user does not choose)
B. Default Selected pattern. (if user chooses pattern, but doesn't
touch the packages)
C. Custom selected pattern. (if user chose pattern, and
selected/deselected some packages - this must be shown)
D. Fully selected pattern.(if user chose this with a radio button, or
if he manually chose *every* package in this pattern)

This idea is based on the concept that *every* package is included in
at least 1 pattern.
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Re: [opensuse] Split the packages

2006-10-27 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 10/27/06, Jan Engelhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


in Solaris, many packages are split in two (e.g. SUNWzebrar and
SUNWzebrau, just to pick a random one), of which one (the 'u' one)
contains data that can be shared over NFS. This is an interesting
concept because it allows a smaller install image for diskless and
diskful clients and potentially chroots.
What's the SUSE opinion on doing the same?

1. I don't understand whats the purpose...
2. what am I supposed to do with the R package?

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Re: [opensuse] Split the packages

2006-10-27 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 10/27/06, Les Howell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The R package is for local installation on a client that contains a hard
disk.  The U version is for diskless clients, where the system software
resides on a file server, say for a college class room for example, which
would save the cost of the disks and centralize software control and

Les H

OK, but how to devide the package say, FireFox or GIMP into such two packages?
what must go to first U and what to second R ?
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Re: [opensuse] Split the packages

2006-10-27 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 10/28/06, Les Howell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you Firefox or Gimp would go into both, to provide the software on the
server for the U install disk, and on the system disk for the R version
A diskless client actually has a disk, and will provide itself with swap
space on that (minimal sized) disk.  But all the software comes from the
server.  The diskless client will only be a network bootable.  On startup,
it will put out its address, the server will respond with a host id and boot
location, the system will then boot from the network assigned location.
Thus the diskless client needs virtually no software other than a boot image
in rom that will boot from the network.

When the network is setup, the server gets loaded with a U version, and
the clients all boot from the server with their own boot mount point.  Their
swap can be on the server, but the network overhead would be extreme, and
the system would be slow.  Therefore the local bootable version for the
clients will have a setup file that sets the swap partition on the local
disk by default, so that only software loads and data take place from the
server, All swaps and temps can be set local, and the system performance
will nearly be equal to a standalone system.  As you move more of the data
locally over time, the swap will eventually have all the data (if the local
disk is large enough) and the only time files are exchanged over the network
is at boot, at new program starts, and at data retrieval times.  There are
some other things that the server will manage, such as synchronization of
databases, or locks in the case of shared development, but essentially the
services are only provided on demand if things are setup correctly.

The local partition for each bootable client is the mount point for the
client on the server.  It makes all the network traffic look like normal
file accesses to both machines the the TCP/IP protocol is in a separate
level, removing network overhead from the transfer processes that the server
and client have to deal with.

The primary differences between the clients and the server deal with things
like local description files that are now part of the client partition on
the server, so the U disk is designed not to overwrite these bits.  Whereas
a standalone server will have these files inside the /etc directory locally,
and those will be edited directly.  On the server the /etc directory is in
the client partition, and each client has its own copy, so that actions on
one client will not affect the others.  You can get more information on
diskless clients from most unix sites.  It was quite easy for a while, but
as security issues began to crop up, some of the interactions had to be
managed better, and I quit following all the details.  There may be someone
here with more current information who can help  you set this up.

This is about the extent of my direct knowledge.  I suggest that you read
Sun's or BSD's website stuff on diskless clients for more information, or
take a class somewhere.  I'm sorry, I'm not current on all the low level

OK, but if my FireFox and GIMP will go into both, then it will use
double space from my HDD. It will be duplication instead of devision.
I have asked about how-to devide, not how to duplicate...
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Re: [opensuse] Editing Opensuse menu...how?

2006-10-27 Thread Alexey Eremenko

I think it can't be...
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Re: [opensuse] Editing Opensuse menu...how?

2006-10-27 Thread Alexey Eremenko

really - you can:
A. switch to KDE menu by right clicking on the SUSE menu.
B. SUSE menu follows KDE menu hierarchy, so by changing KDE menu you
also change SUSE menu.
C. KDE Control Center-Desktop-Panels-Menus
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Re: Re: [opensuse] Opensuse is not free

2006-10-24 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Had anyone contacted that chooser group to inform them of the
openSUSE initiative ?
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Re: [opensuse-factory] Media for openSUSE 10.2

2006-10-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko

I like it very much to see more packages on the CDs/DVD. (7 CDs vs
5CDs for 10.0)
I like this decision.

I would really like to see an optional second DVD that has all the
rest packages from the FTP tree (otherwise I will download the tree

In real world, it is much faster to spend a day or two to download
everything and then just spend few seconds installing rare stuff from
the second DVD. (instead of minutes for installing from FTP)

Debians practises Dual DVDs since 3.1, I think as their official thingie.

Another topic:

Linspire have proprietary codecs on their Freespire distro. So, I
assume distributing those is legal... Can we include those codecs on
our closed-source CD ?

Andreas Jaeger: keep up the good work !

-Fenix*NBK*. 22.10.2006.
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Re: [opensuse] Re: [opensuse-announce] SUSE Linux 10.1 Remastered available

2006-10-15 Thread Alexey Eremenko

I think it is a very good idea to release such Second Edition ISOs
(like with SUSE 10.1 or Windows 98).
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Re: [opensuse-doc] Thread summary and announcement [was:The openSUSE distribution chages are way ahead of documentation?]

2006-10-10 Thread Alexey Eremenko
Actually I understand Novell's decision not to open all of their docs.Also I think that Novell's Enterprise products can only win from LFL as well.I am a bit afraid of the new format, DocBook. Why use it ?
I feel more comfortable with HTML for documentation.

Re: [opensuse] I need opensuse 8.1

2006-10-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko
On 10/8/06, Meir Hazon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I need OpenSUSE 8.1, where can I download it from?



Hello.1) Why you need such an old version ?2) Probably you won't find it, because it's already deleted from FTP mirrors.-Fenix*NBK*. 8.10.2006.

Re: [opensuse] I need opensuse 8.1

2006-10-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko
I need it for our product QA purposes.Maybe you can ask from your clients then...?Otherwise SUSE 
8.1 will be harder to find than Windows 95.NOTE: please use reply to all instead reply to reply to the mailing-list instead of me.

Re: [opensuse-factory] feasibility of porting opensuse to SPARC

2006-10-01 Thread Alexey Eremenko
Actually, openSUSE is very good OS and is more convenient than Solaris.So if you have powerful multi-CPU SPARC Server and want a convenient OS, openSUSE is the only way to go.This way you can reutilize Sun Servers as Linux Workstations or Servers.
But this would require a very serious rebuild of the whole distro. Question:How much time it would require for 1 Linux expert to port all openSUSE from x86 to SPARC ? (including installer  full FTP repository) provided he know both architectures  works full-time.
1 week, 1 month, 1 year ?

Re: [opensuse-factory] feasibility of porting opensuse to SPARC

2006-10-01 Thread Alexey Eremenko
There is a new project about this called Cross Linux From Scratch 1.0.0http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=03728#0
Look at it - it's about cross-compiling Linux distro.

Re: [opensuse-factory] Packages in default installation

2006-09-30 Thread Alexey Eremenko
knx 0.1 was released in 2004 I think, and was never updated.knx is just a 2-day hack by some NX programmers.The same programmers say, that it would be more correct to implement NX into existing software intstead of writing something separate - the existing software is: Konqueror nx:// protocol KIO and krdc.

Re: [opensuse-doc] The openSUSE distribution chages are way ahead of documentation?

2006-09-30 Thread Alexey Eremenko
I believe that in order to solve documentation problem, community must help.In order for the community to help, we need tools - that is wiki (which exists on the webpage) *and* a conversion tool to convert that wiki to RPM to install offline.
There is *no* such conversion tool available, and so it makes me much less interested to contribute to wikis, because they are not installed in the final distro.I agree to contribute more articles to our openSUSE wiki *only* if Novell agrees to distribute this as RPM on the standard openSUSE DVD ISO.
Until today I have contributed few items: such as FreeNX server  Qemu configuration articles to wiki, but those are not included in the final distro, which makes me very unhappy about continuing contribution...
To Novell: please allow the community to write docs, that will be included in the distro for offline use (in RPM package, HTML format).

Re: [opensuse-factory] List of current patterns

2006-09-26 Thread Alexey Eremenko
On 9/26/06, Gaël Lams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there any plan to add LTSP, the Linux Terminal Server Project? Ididn't see it in the server section but it's a software that isprobably worth itKind regards,GaëlWell, FreeNX Terminal Server is part of openSUSE. I am not sure if it's part of patterns however.
Also about Xen:I am *not* sure if it's server function. Because it is useful for emulation  software development as well. I think it must be in emulation category, where Xen, Qemu, Bochs, DOSbox and Wine belongs.

Re: [opensuse-factory] Discussiong about Yast pattern-category for Network Admins

2006-09-25 Thread Alexey Eremenko
How about Open-NMSNice competitor for Cacti  Nagios
Now, If I understand correctly this is a SNMP manager.Used for Pro-Active Real-time management?

Re: [opensuse-factory] RFC: Python Development Pattern

2006-09-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko
On 9/22/06, Andreas Jaeger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For those that like to develop in python, here's a pattern.Is thisusefull?How can it be improved?PyQtericlibxml2-pythonlibxslt-pythonpython-gtkpython-ldappython-wxGTKpython-wxGTK-doc
python-wxGTK-examplespyxmltreelineWhat do you think about adding PyKDE and it's documentation  tutorial, as well as PyQt documentation ?

Re: [opensuse-factory] RFC: Web Development Pattern

2006-09-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko
On 9/22/06, Andreas Jaeger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here's a pattern for Tools and libraries for web applicationdevelopment.Please comment and help to improve,What about adding some tools for that ? Suggestions:
1) Quanta+ (part of kdewebdev3 package)2) Nvu (Not sure if it's part of SUSE, but based on Mozilla source code)

Re: [opensuse-factory] Java 1.5

2006-09-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko
Please try to use FreeJava as much as possible, and use less Sun Java.Especially now, when FreeJava has the same feature-set.

Re: [opensuse-factory] RFC: Web Development Pattern

2006-09-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko
mandatoryapache2yast2-http-serveroptional, enabled by defaultapache2-doc
I am not sure, but I think apache2-prefork is mandatory, because Apache2 won't start without it.

Re: [opensuse] Fighting spam best practice

2006-09-20 Thread Alexey Eremenko
white list practise is very good.So basically you firewall all what is not allowed/unknown.Another technology is to *require* people sending emails to you answer anti-spam question : such as picture recognition.
Those two technologies combines leaves zero chance for virus/spam get to you. Even if virus attacks friend's computers and he starts spamming, all emails gets blocked, until he manually answers picture-recognition questions.
Some Linuxoids go much more far than that, by implementing draconian measures; allowing ONLY plain text incoming email, all else is blocked. That is all images/flash/_javascript_/attachments or emails that include at least one component of those are blocked totally.
HTMLs looks as text, is not rendered, so it's impossible to use browser weakness/hole in rendering engine.

Re: [opensuse-factory] Discussiong about Yast pattern-category for Network Admins

2006-09-18 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 9/18/06, Truth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh, and wireshark (originally called ethreal). Maybe you've already added that?

This is added already.
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Re: [opensuse-factory] 10.2 Alpha 4 install fails on low end hardware

2006-09-16 Thread Alexey Eremenko

plz add the info here:


All your ideas, testcases and other info...
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[opensuse-factory] Discussiong about Yast pattern-category for Network Admins

2006-09-16 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Hi all !

This topic is old, but I have several additions here:

I think 2 packages must belong here, undiscussed previously.

Those are:

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Re: [opensuse-factory] Yast Package Patterns / Categories Discussion

2006-09-10 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Do you have a complete list?

I have no complete list, but I know that Debian also has sink and
mrtg packages.
Those packages are NOT part of SUSE.

mtr is another package that would be good to add to the network
admins category.
Already part of SUSE.

I have no complete list as of yet, because
1) not all packages I use for my job.
2) not all packages are part of SUSE.
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Re: [opensuse-factory] discussing problems with Yast Package Setup patterns or problem

2006-09-10 Thread Alexey Eremenko

I veto kolourpaint because I don't see basic painting as a very common job for
today's users.

You don't see, but the users see.
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[opensuse-factory] Yast Package Patterns / Categories Discussion

2006-09-09 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Hi all !

I would like to point to current problems with Yast so called
Patterns - maybe better name would be Categories:

1.There is a topic named: Primary Functions I think it must be
renamed to Server Functions.

2. And some additional services should be added there - such as
telnet-server, SSH server and FreeNX terminal server.

3. Also, I believe that network admins deserve a section dedicated for
them, starting with several tools such as: Wireshark, Quagga, Nmap and
please add Webmin too. (currently Webmin is not part of SUSE at

-Any thoughts?
-Alexey. 9.9.2006.
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[opensuse-factory] discussing problems with Yast Package Setup patterns or problem

2006-09-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Hi all !

There are several bugs opened about it:

openSUSE 10.2 has no simple graphics editors installed by default.

simple graphics editor is a must for modern operating system, like Windows or
openSUSE, so that normal Home Users can start working just away, and no look
any further.

bottom line:
The best simple editor in the world is KDE Kolourpaint which blows both MS
Paint and KPaint out of the water, so I recommend you to add it as a default
choice for those people, who select KDE as a default Desktop Environment.

what do you think?

Also, while the GIMP is installed it's help is missing. I think the
two packages must be tied to one another.
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[opensuse-factory] Discussion about starting BETA process earlier - by end of sep 2006

2006-09-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Hi all !

I would like to ask to start the BETA process of openSUSE 10.2 earlier.

Alpha4 now is stable enough to be almost BETA - a few fixes here and
there and we are BETA-ready. I think it is not-needed to waste another
month of time to get to Alpha5 and then BETA1.

I suggest, that, because we have almost-stable distro now, start the
BETA process by end of this month (Sep, 2006), instead of end of next
month, and make feature freeze earlier.
So our BETA process will last 1 month longer, and in the end deadline
(Dec,2006) we (Novell+Community) will be able to deliver a better and
more stable OS for day-to-day use.

I want openSUSE 10.2 to be better tested than previous OSes: SUSE
Linux 10.0 and 10.1.

What do you think?

-Alexey Eremenko, Linux community member.
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Re: [opensuse-factory] Discussion about starting BETA process earlier - by end of sep 2006

2006-09-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

I agree. As far as I understand you, the release date should remain

the same, just the time for real BUG fixing should be bigger. Only the
feature freeze will be earlier.

Yes, release date should be normal, Dec, 2006.

But Testing perioud should be longer - because both previous versions
10.0 and 10.1 were released with some annoying bugs left.

In 10.1 - there was one dumb decision, which I disagree with - change
the package-dependency-resolver in the BETA stage. This was a dumb
decision because this was very big change that has negative effect on
the final release, for *all* the users, so 10.1 was both late and

I want to make this version more deeply tested.
This means earlier major feature freeze and better bugfixing.

You said about:
- Kernel 2.6.18 (is in RC at the moment)
This thing will be final before Dec, so I see  no problem with this one.
- FireFox 2
- k3b 1.0
Here we must ask the teams when they want to release those.
If they can assure us that they release their software before RC then
we can include their software.
BETA versions are exists for both products.
We must quick-test those BETA versions.
I have quick-tested FFox 2.0 BETA 1 and found no major
bugs/regressions compared to FFox 1.5.

If the BETA versions of K3b (preview 2) and FFox Beta are *more*
stable than previous stable versions (K3b 0.12, FFox 1.5), we can add
them safely, if they are less stable let's not add them in 10.2
timeline at all.

- Gnome 2.16 (ok, that one is released. I don't see a problem)
This thing is final, so I see  no problem with this one.

Bottom line:
If the new software's maintainers assure that final software will be
released before RC of openSUSE *and* current Beta versions are stable
enough it is safe to include those into our BETAs.
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Re: [opensuse-factory] discussing problems with Yast Package Setup patterns or problem

2006-09-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

The KDE/GNOME default missed all the multimedia stuff and I just fixed
this, so this requirement is fullfilled.  I don't know in which
package kolourpaint is, so cannot tell whether it will be installed by

First of all you can search it in Yast, by selecting : check in description.

Second: Kolourpaint is part of kdegraphics3-imaging package.
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Re: [opensuse-factory] discussing problems with Yast Package Setup patterns or problem

2006-09-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Veto. kdegraphics3-imaging contains also other stuff like the second and third
then installed graphic viewer. May I suggest to rather move kolourpaint into
the base kdegraphics3 package if it's wanted to get installed by default?

I agree to either install kdegraphics3-imaging by default or to move
Kolourpaint to kdegraphics3. Because both solutions resolves the
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Re: [opensuse-factory] Discussion about starting BETA process earlier - by end of sep 2006

2006-09-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 9/8/06, Stephan Binner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Friday 08 September 2006 16:19, Alexey Eremenko wrote:

 I think it is not-needed to waste another month of time to get to Alpha5
 and then BETA1. [..] and make feature freeze earlier.

So adding and completing features is a waste of time? Thanks for the laugh.

It is NOT waste of time, but having more stable community OS *is* more
important than having 2 or 3 extra features in.

The features that are half-developed and unstable can be included in
separate repository, after the OS release so you still be able to use
them at your own risk.
Pushing half-developed features into OS results in SUSE Linux 10.1 -
both late and unstable OS.
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Re: [opensuse] Fw: Driver Repository for openSUSE / SuSE Linux Enterprise (nVidia)

2006-09-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

And btw Intel open source graphics are not completely open, they have some
binaries for functions like Macrovision.

And I'm not trying to say here, that suse or kernel developers must add
ati's and nvidia drivers in the kernel, I understand why they can't and
don't want to do that, but if you are waiting to ATI or nvidia to open their
drivers, then i hope you have a really long life to make the waiting.

I have heard that Intel 3D drivers can be used without the proprietary parts.
Is this going to be included in openSUSE ? Or is this already included
in alpha 4 ?
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Re: [opensuse] web server at home

2006-09-02 Thread Alexey Eremenko

look at Yast - Network configuration to setup IP address.
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Re: [opensuse] SUSE Linux versus opensuse linux naming

2006-06-28 Thread Alexey Eremenko

If it would be me I would stay with SUSE Linux or if this cuases too
much confusion - change to openSUSE Linux but *not* to something
entirely different.

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Re: [opensuse] 12,000 seat SUSE KDE desktop win

2006-06-10 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 6/10/06, David Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just reading ZDNet news that Novell/SUSE have picked up 12,000 new desktops,
with around 300 a day currently being converted.

The migration is from Solaris x86 version 8 to SUSE running under KDE at the
Hannover based Lower-Saxony tax office. The deal, run by basysKom has been
kept under wraps until now evidently.

I don't really understand - are they crazy - run Solaris 8 on 12,000 desktops ?
or I misunderstand something?

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Re: [opensuse] What is Community?

2006-06-04 Thread Alexey Eremenko

The best description of community I ever found is from our
friendly-competition - Fedora:


Objectives of Fedora Core:


 Create a complete general-purpose operating system with
capabilities equivalent to competing operating systems, built for and
by a *community* — those who not only consume, but also produce for
the good of other community members.


Re: [opensuse] Live Installer DVD

2006-06-02 Thread Alexey Eremenko

I am  *very* interested in creation of such a DVD. (Live+Install) with
UnionFS technology - currently SUSE LiveDVD is extremely bad and does
not include UnionFS.

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Re: [opensuse] Live Installer DVD

2006-06-02 Thread Alexey Eremenko

the livedvd seems to work no?
why do you think it is bad? can you give facts?

so far i would say: because unionFS sounds leet
for proper discussions you should provide reasons for your statements.

thanks in advance


Hi Darix !

LiveDVD works but - poorly - I'm not satisfied with it.

1) UnionFS will enable us, users - to install software even when
running from ROM media - such as a DVD-ROM.
2) I don't want to download 2 DVDs - 1 for Live/Test/Rescue and 1 for
normal install.
If possible, they should be united into 1 DVD.

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Re: [opensuse] Live Installer DVD

2006-06-02 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 6/2/06, Marcus Rueckert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2006-06-02 13:29:02 +0200, Alexey Eremenko wrote:
 LiveDVD works but - poorly - I'm not satisfied with it.

 1) UnionFS will enable us, users - to install software even when
 running from ROM media - such as a DVD-ROM.

that sounds stupid. unless you have tons of ram to waste. :)

Yes I do - currently running 1GB of RAM with perspective towards 2GB.

 2) I don't want to download 2 DVDs - 1 for Live/Test/Rescue and 1 for
 normal install.
 If possible, they should be united into 1 DVD.

actually ... it would be suboptimal in both cases
either you have to few software to test or to install.

Do you think we will duplicate each software package twice ?

Nonsense - There are 3 ways to solve the problem:

1) we could put a *lot* of standard packages into liveDVD + RPMs for
install version on the same media.
2) Better yet - develop some kind of technology that can take
installed RPMs and convert them back to installtion RPMs. Everything
is possible.
3) make a single compressed image that contains all software (like
Knoppix) that can also be installable.

After all - both Knoppix  Ubuntu Dapper Drake solved the problem with
decision # 3.

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Re: [opensuse] Live Installer DVD

2006-06-02 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 6/2/06, jdd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Francis Giannaros wrote:

 That version has an option to install? (doesn't say that there).

In fact, I had always the feeling that the 10.0 live was
installable, but there was then so many options (eval...)
that I may be wrong :-(


The current Live DVD is not installable.

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Re: [opensuse] Live Installer DVD

2006-06-02 Thread Alexey Eremenko

If Ubuntu Dapper  Knoppix solved that issue - I *really* wish the
same for SUSE 10.2.

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Re: [opensuse] Novell announces new Linux driver process.

2006-05-18 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Since I am a kernel programmer, please let me explain. The 2.6 kernel
series has been going through a remarkably fast evolution since the
2.6.0 release in December 2003. This speed was only possible because
the internal kernel interfaces could be changed continuously to match
newer requirements.

Is there any hope to make kernel external driver API (must have stable
interfaces) for third party developers (like nvidia  vmware) - so
that their drivers will work well with *all* distros and *all* future

Re: [opensuse] Direct Rendering and XGL at the same time doesn't work

2006-05-14 Thread Alexey Eremenko

On 5/14/06, Francis Giannaros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What do you mean? OpenGL wouldn't work with hardware acceleration? Why?

If the rumor is true, then the problem is like with Windows Vista.
I remember that MS developed a new driver model (LDDM), because
current drivers have difficulty to handle both 3D desktop and 3D
Games/Apps in Windowed Mode.

Maybe the Linuxoid/X11 community will need to develop a new LDDM
driver model as well.

Re: [opensuse] We, the community

2006-05-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Just a few thoughts, off the top of my head:
- packagers: we need more packagers, don't forget that the whole thing
is happening around a distribution, made of packages

The packages I lack are Yast modules. Now let's go to the second topic - docs:

- howtos and documentation: have a look at Gentoo's wiki, IMO that's a
direction we can follow (grossly), by writing wiki pages e.g. about
how to setup LAMP on SUSE Linux, an IMAP server, stuff like that

Here we totally lack good Yast Tutorials  Documentation.
(unfortunately the *only* tutorial I was able to find was FOSDEM 2006)
Nothing found - not what Yast does behide the scenes - and not how to
program it's modules  new frontends for Yast itself (GTK, Web).

Re: [opensuse] We, the community

2006-05-08 Thread Alexey Eremenko

Other than spending a lot of time beta-testing these last few months I've also
been working on a beginner's guide to SUSE Linux. In it I try to encourage
users to take part in the openSUSE community as I certainly enjoy being part
of it.


Where can I find that effort ?

I want to participate in writing the SUSE beginner's guide.

Re: [opensuse] openSUSE @ Google Summer of Code 2006

2006-04-29 Thread Alexey Eremenko

For that matter, I'd love to see a YaST module for configuring SUSE Linux
to act as a terminal server (like LTSP, e.g.).

Well - yes it could be interesting. There is FreeNX package that does
it - but no GUI exists - so building a Yast Module will be great !

configuring NX on SUSE 10.0:

Re: [opensuse] making the community grow

2006-04-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko
 So we need to identify

 * things to make the people come at least once
 * small jobs, the easier the better that anybody can do.

 right now I can see some of these jobs:

 * bug hunting. bugzilla is a little intimidating. the main
 problem is that it's entirely in english. should it be
 possible to have the bugzilla screens translated? I know one
 must understand a little english to help, but I had myself
 quite difficulties to go there the first time. may be we
 should open a bug report wiki page, at least on
 non_english wikis?

 * wiki typo editing: here the login process is a brake. May
 be a forum could be a better entry point for beginners

 * categorisation : we need really to better document this

Yes, I think it would be good to have either wikis or forums for
newbies for bug-reporting.

For both english and non-english groups. And more experienced
community users - perhaps those wiki/forum leaders should resubmit
bugs to bugzilla.

Of course this is only possible, if there are enough volunteers
willing to resubmit english-newbie and nonenglish bugs to professional
bugzilla language.

Re: [opensuse] Re: bugzilla is a little intimidating. (was: making the community grow)

2006-04-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko
 If a reporter does not communicate well enough in English to exchange
 information with the support-person on the other side, I don't think
 having the bugzilla interface in the local language will help.

I agree, but it still can be done through non-english (say french)
wiki - while (the french) wiki leader fills the bugs in the english

Re: [opensuse] Re: bugzilla is a little intimidating. (was: making the community grow)

2006-04-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko
 Apart from that, translating back and forth with a $wiki_leader won't
 scale well, I guess.

True, this will work with few bugs - and won't scale well - but there
is no other option I know of.

1) You said about Google Translation service ? Can you give me a link ?
2) How many languages are supported ?
3) How good the translation is ?

Re: [opensuse] Re: bugzilla is a little intimidating. (was: making the community grow)

2006-04-22 Thread Alexey Eremenko
  2) How many languages are supported ?

 No clue.

Unfortunately only 8 languages are support. (with English this totals 9).
That's too bad...

Re: [opensuse] apparmor - nuisance or blessing?

2006-04-19 Thread Alexey Eremenko
AppArmor can be turned off. If you have problems with it - turn it off.

SUSE Linux 10.0 - is the first generation of Linuxes with AppArmor
included, just like Fedora Core 2 was first generation of Linuxes with
SELinux included (and it was terrible bad). In my opinion this will
take a year to get AppArmor to good state. (which results in SUSE
Linux 10.3 - which will have good AppArmor)

Re: [opensuse] bug fix support by community

2006-04-19 Thread Alexey Eremenko
 I try to think of solutions.
 *may be we should slowdown and have a worked stable, a
 working unstable and a dev one like debian. Debian is too
 slow, but SUSE is too fast :-)

Yes, I think working in two teams: stable + unstable will be good.

Unfortunately SUSE Linux 10.0 is poorly tested, leaving out many bugs.

I'm even thinking about starting rolling Unofficial Service Packs for
SUSE Linux 10.0.
(why only corporates deserve fixes ? we - the community - too deserve fixes)

I also believe that offline support must be available for stable
releases - that is either Service Packs (like M$) or ISO releases (r1,
r2 - like Debian Stable).

 *I already tried to identify what yast module do what to
 look at the sources. It's really difficult. any doc?

 *why is Yast so bad documented? I use SUSE now for nearly 10
 years an they are still options I don't know what they are

Yast is generally very poorly documented, and there are very few
tutorials about programming Yast modules (even the FOSDEM2006 tutorial
is not really enough to start speaking Yast )

I think Novell should release more documentation about Yast - so then
more developers will write Yast Modules and perhaps more distros will
use Yast (which in turn will bring us even more modules backported
from other distros).

[opensuse] Re: list of distro content

2006-04-13 Thread Alexey Eremenko
distrowatch.com does exactly that.

On 4/13/06, jdd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 question about the content of the distro are very frequent.
 The answer as to look at the index file is acurate but not

 so we need a tool to show the list of available packages,
 the version, this for any distro (at least stable and
 current dev version).

 I don't think the wiki is the place for that

 I _do_ belieive that Novell have some place internally where
 all this data is stored - else I don't see how they can
 manage the distro :-)

 So could it be possible to add on a task list the setup of a
 public database interface giving this info? This would be a
 great 'plus' for SUSE Linux :-)


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Re: [opensuse] SUSE 10, GRUB XP

2006-04-11 Thread Alexey Eremenko
I would try to map it to /dev/hda1 then, and _only_ the Linux extry
must be mapped to /dev/hda2.

Better yet, is to use SUSE defaults, if you are unsure.

Re: [opensuse] SUSE 10 KDE Problem

2005-12-05 Thread Alexey Eremenko
my recommendation: for SUSE Linux 10 use KDE 3.4.2, that shipped with it,
otherwise be ready for problems.

Re: [opensuse] Thunderbird

2005-12-05 Thread Alexey Eremenko
Another good idea that I remember from SUSE 9.1 Personal days, is that the
OS generally *can* reside in a single CD.
We should use that single CD for alpha tests, + mirrors for apps, and use
the 10 CDs for final version only. Not the net install CD, but a fully
functional OS like SUSE Personal was.
This way much of the common stuff will get installed anyways, w/o waiting
looong hours for minimal OS install. (for me minimal means KDE+console

This is better than the net approach because very often alpha versions
got installed several times on several machines. With net-CD approach I
would spend 2-hours for each setup (and re-setup), effectively killing the
alpha-testing stage.
While the single CD, like SUSE personal is enough to find many of the
problems of the future OS, and get it installed in 20-30 minutes per PC.

Perhaps, we will *need* to publish the full 10CD set for Release Candidates
to test the bundle fully, along with software.

As for the retailed version, it's more-or-less good, but I don't like that
it doesn't ship with source code.

Also really, if Debian takes 14 CDs, why we should take less ? (for SUSE

But it's a good idea to revive the old tradition of the 1CD install for SUSE
Both for testing and new customers.

Re: [opensuse] Thunderbird

2005-12-04 Thread Alexey Eremenko
I really believe that the CD version must have Thunderbird.
I vote for it !

Re: [opensuse] openSUSE @ FOSDEM 2006

2005-11-21 Thread Alexey Eremenko
A good thing to add would be openSUSE philosophy compared to Fedora project.
Otherwise some people don't see difference between those 2 projects.

Here are some possible topics, that are basis for discussion far:

 - presentations
 + openSUSE in general (what happend so far, what's up next)
 + openSUSE build infrastructure
 + SUSE Linux 10.1 - highlights and features
 - dicussion
 + SUSE Linux 10.2 - dicussion / plans for the future
 + Usability and Documentation
 - tutorials
 + packaging the SUSE-way
 + using the build infrastructure
 + LIVE CD construction
 + Customizing SUSE Linux

[opensuse] feature-request: Voting in Bugzilla

2005-11-20 Thread Alexey Eremenko
Hi all!

The current openSUSE project's bugzilla has 1 serious drawback - no voting

Some problems might seems to be small by the development community,
but turn out as serious issues for users.

For this reason I ask you, the openSUSE project leaders to add a voting
to openSUSE bugzilla, like in Mandriva, where users can vote for problems/
bugs/feature-requests, that must be solved first..

A *Community* project needs this effective way to *communicate* with its

-Alexey Eremenko. 20.nov.2005.

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