RE: InstantiationException in Tag Extension Tutorial, Lesson #3

2000-03-22 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: RE: InstantiationException in Tag Extension Tutorial, Lesson #3

The correct way nowadays would be to 
put the taglib.jar in the WEB-INF/lib/ and point it out 
in your web.xml.

servlet and beans should then go under WEB-INF/classes/.

strange that it cant find the servlet for you when you put it in 
orion/servlets/, better get Karl or Magnus on the case..

I will 
probably update the docs to reflect the proper way of deploying them with the 
new file-structure in mind this weekend (got loads of work right 

  -Original Message-From: james mcmullen 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: den 22 mars 2000 
  11:39To: Orion-InterestCc: 
  'Orion-Interest'Subject: RE: InstantiationException in Tag 
  Extension Tutorial, Lesson #3
  Thanks for the prompt reply. I fixed the typo, but my 
  problem remains. How does JSP decide where to look for classes? I've been 
  unable to get my jsp files to find classes in jar files.
  example, if I put hello.jsp and mytags.jar (from Lesson 2) directly under 
  orion/default-web-app, I get "The page cannot be displayed". Yet I can run the 
  example JSPs OK.
  Similarly, Lesson 3 says to put connection.jar into 
  orion/servlets, but as far as I can tell it's ignored unless I put it in 
  orion/lib, and I got farther by moving the class tree directly to 
  orion/default-web-app/Web-Inf/classes. What is 

AW: EJB performance

2000-03-22 Thread Jens Stutte

Sure, i know this, but (as pointed out) the database access seems not to be
the 'rock tied to the feet'. Almost all CPU power gets eaten by orion's java
process, and normally (at least this is my experience), a pure jdbc/database
combination has more or less equal loads on both sides.


Jens Stutte

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Karl Avedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 21. März 2000 18:49
An: Orion-Interest
Cc: Orion-Interest
Betreff: Re: EJB performance


Note that when using BMP Entity beans a request is made to the db for every
(no select * from...). This makes getting a large number of BMP entity beans
remarkably slow,

however, your test seems awfully slow even considering that so we will do
more internal benchmarking to see if we find it to be very slow due to some

Karl Avedal

Jens Stutte wrote:


 i made some tests regarding the EJB performance. Well... i know it's still
 beta, and EJB is never lightning fast. But are you expecting some serious
 improvements of performance with the release version ? Not to get me
 i like the product and so on (and i know it's a general problem for EJB
 servers, too). Well, here are some facts:

 I have an entity bean (bean managed), with 4737 instances. After
 the server, a findAll and a call of one business-get method (so that it
 be instanciated) from a remote client of these take aprox. 160 s (orion
 0.9.4 on an Athlon 600 Linux box with 256 MB, Classic VM, build 1.2.2-L,
 green threads, javacomp), that means ca. 33 ms per bean. To obtain this
 result, i optimized the retrieving of DB connections with a cache to not
 connect newly to the DB for every bean. The transaction type of all
 methods is "required" (as usual). Memory is no matter since memory usage
 the server only grows by 12MB. There is no other application running.
 160s of CPU time are consumed almost all by the orion server, the DB
 (informix) uses less than 1% of the time. And the CPU usage is at 100% all
 the time (so there is no lock or waiting for ports/network or similar). Of
 course this is not representive and others are welcome to post me their
 results. But to me it seems pretty much to guarantee a good response time
 a production system (and the used server should be sufficient for a -
 - production system, at least with another 256 MB of DRAM). Just for my
 curiousity: What process in instanciating an entity bean is such complex
 that it takes so much time? I know, the logic is very complex (with
 transactions and so on), but it seems pretty linear to me (correct me, if
 i'm wrong). If it's for me, i'd prefer much more memory consumption, if it
 helps the performance...

 Any suggestions on improving the performance are very appreciated, best
 regrads and keep on the good work,

 Jens Stutte


 NetMedia GmbH
 Schubertstr. 8
 66111 Saarbruecken

 fon: +49 (0) 681 - 37 98 80
 fax: +49 (0) 681 - 33 89 3

Another time: EJB performance

2000-03-22 Thread Jens Stutte

after a day of testing and measuring, i have the following result (always
regarding the performance of the tests i described in the mail "EJB
First of all: you are right, Karl (i have to apologize for the somewhat
"angry" other mail). A great deal of performance gots eaten by the database
calls - or, to be more precise, by the jdbc calls within orion's process
(since the database itself does nearly nothing...). Of the 33ms/bean ca.
17ms are caused by my ejbLoad function. This means two things to me:
- it would be nice of orion, if his part in the game could be tuned
- it is very important to grow the lifetime of entity beans in server
memory; they
should be kicked out only if the server needs the space (see the issue
"Entity lifetime in memory").
We are planning to use orion for a big application with many bean instances
and many searches with large result sets among them. So performance is very
important to us (and our customers won't be able to afford a Sun Enterprise
1 for this ;-)
Best regards,
Jens Stutte


NetMedia GmbH
Schubertstr. 8
66111 Saarbruecken

fon: +49 (0) 681 - 37 98 80
fax: +49 (0) 681 - 33 89 3


Orion and Visibroker 4: ClassLoader probs(?)

2000-03-22 Thread Joe Walnes

I'm trying to use Orion as a client for some CORBA based objects that are 
accessible via Visibroker.

The following code works as a standalone client, providing the correct jars 
are in the classpath and the appropriate system properties are set, and the 
ORB is running on the localhost:


// Get context
Properties p = new Properties();
Context context = new InitialContext(p);

// Lookup CustomerHome
Object ref = context.lookup("customer");
CustomerHome home =
(CustomerHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,CustomerHome.class);


However, I'm trying to allow servlets/jsps access to the objects from 
within Orion. All the appropriate system properties (-Dxx=yy) where set on 
the command line when starting orion, the appropriate jars where placed in 
orion/lib and the orb was running on localhost.

In a Servlet running in Orion, when the code got as far as creating the new 
InitialContext, a NoClassDefFoundError for com.inprise.j2ee.jndi.CtxFactory 
was thrown, however, Class.forName("com.inprise.j2ee.jndi.CtxFactory") did 
not throw an error.

The problem appeared to be a ClassLoader problem, where InitialContext was 
using a different method for loading classes that the servlet was using, 
and only seemed to be looking in the base jars in the orion dir. I added 
the appropriate jndi/corba/iiop/orb classes to orion/jndi.jar and the code 
succesfully managed to lookup the required object. Hurrah!

However, the object returned by context.lookup() is of type 
org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl which needs to be narrowed to appropriate 
type before casting. This always throws a ClassCastException, even though 
the ObjectImpl says it is the correct type. I'm stuck!

I've been trying to get round this problem for days now unsuccesfully. I 
can access the corba objects as standalone java apps, and from within Sun 
Web Server, mod_jserv and jRun with no problem, just not Orion.

Can anyone help, or shed some light on what the problem may be. I suspect 
the problem is related to ClassLoader.

Could one of the Orion team explain how the ClassLoader works in the server 

Note, in this case Orion is simply being used as a web-server for serving 
jsp/servlets. EJB/JTS/etc is not required, and the JNDI service is replaced 
by that that Visibroker supplies.

Thanks in advance

-Joe Walnes

Please help, with deploying EJB bean....

2000-03-22 Thread Alex Paransky

Everything is deployed but, the home is not bound to the registry, or I
cannot find the home in the registry.  
What configuration file do I need to check?  


BUG with com.evermind.naming.ik - no support for bundled extensions

2000-03-22 Thread jeff . tuatini


It appears that the Orion class loader (com.evermind.naming.ik) does not
support the Class-Path jar manifest attribute and hence bundled extensions.
I've experimented with the and noticed that it
supports bundled extensions but Orion does not use this.   

This is a key feature - we group common classes used within an enterprise
application in separate jars that are then either deployed into the
WEB-INF/lib directory or specified as bundled extensions of EJB jars
depending on the scope of usage. 

Because of this bug we are unable to auto-deploy our EJBs, let alone run
them. The only way around this is to explicitly specify the extension jars
in the library element of the server.xml or as installed extensions - both
solutions are undesirable.  

Any expediency that can be applied to fixing this bug would be greatly
appreciated. Otherwise, great job on developing a leading edge server.

Regards, Jeff

Any planned usage for Thread.setContextClassLoader ?

2000-03-22 Thread jeff . tuatini


Wondering if there has been any consideration to using
Thread.setContextClassLoader() to set the context ClassLoader when invoking
a web application servlet/JSP or EJB ?  It would make life a lot simpler for
our application framework (which currently is deployed as an installed
extension) to do its dynamic class loading!

Regards, Jeff

Feature request

2000-03-22 Thread Joseph B. Ottinger

In the XML parser, if an error occurs in a well-formed document, can you
*please* convert  to lt;, etc?

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  HOMES.COM Developer

RE: BUG with com.evermind.naming.ik - no support for bundled extensions

2000-03-22 Thread jeff . tuatini

Just tried Orion 0.9.4p - the problem still exists with
- Jeff

-Original Message-
From: Tuatini, Jeff (PS, IM) 
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 1:03 PM
To: 'Orion-Interest'
Subject: BUG with com.evermind.naming.ik - no support for bundled


It appears that the Orion class loader (com.evermind.naming.ik) does not
support the Class-Path jar manifest attribute and hence bundled extensions.
I've experimented with the and noticed that it
supports bundled extensions but Orion does not use this.   

This is a key feature - we group common classes used within an enterprise
application in separate jars that are then either deployed into the
WEB-INF/lib directory or specified as bundled extensions of EJB jars
depending on the scope of usage. 

Because of this bug we are unable to auto-deploy our EJBs, let alone run
them. The only way around this is to explicitly specify the extension jars
in the library element of the server.xml or as installed extensions - both
solutions are undesirable.  

Any expediency that can be applied to fixing this bug would be greatly
appreciated. Otherwise, great job on developing a leading edge server.

Regards, Jeff

processing of JSP tags in HTML comments?

2000-03-22 Thread Jake Page

The following case doesn't seem to get processed by the JSP engine --
(the actual function of the tag doesn't really matter - it's a simple
custum tag extension that just prints out an encoded URL based on an

js_variable = "mytag:encode url="myfile.html"/";
// --

This just passes the tag right through to the output.

If I remove the HTML comments "!--" and "// --" then it is processed

I was trying to figure out whether this is the expected behavior or a
bug, and looking at the JSP 1.1 Spec section 2.3 (Comments) it looks
like this should be processed:

"If the generated comment is to have dynamic data, this can be obtained
through an expression syntax, as in:
!-- comments %= expression % more comments ... -- "

This is not exactly the same as using a custom tag (which isn't
addressed), but since there is specifically a JSP "%--"  "--%" syntax
for comments that JSP ignores, it seems like the intent was that JSP
processing does not pay any attention to HTML comments (ie. just treat
them like any other normal text).

Does this interpretation make sense?


RE: Please help, with deploying EJB bean....

2000-03-22 Thread Alex Paransky

My SERVER.XML contains:

  application name="citysearch" path="../../citysearch" /

My ../../citysearch/META-INF/application.xml contains:



My com/citysearch/ejb/ClassType/META-INF contains:



What else do I need to do?  Are there any other files to configure?


-Original Message-
From: Alex Paransky 
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 3:04 PM
To: Alex Paransky; Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Please help, with deploying EJB bean

I tried to bind something else into the naming registry with:

context = new InitialContext();

  Integer test = new Integer(23);
  context.bind("test", test);
  list(context, 0);

and it works ok.  So I know it's not the registry that is having problem. 

What could be the problem?  Are there any logs?  This is all I get from

E:\work\orionjava -jar d:\java\orion\orion.jar
Auto-deploying com/citysearch/ejb/ClassType... done.
Orion/0.9.4 initialized

No exceptions, no error messages NOTHING TO GO ON!


-Original Message-
From: Alex Paransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 11:46 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Please help, with deploying EJB bean

I wrote a program that iterates the registry.  I see the following:

Context: jdbc
  Binding: DefaultPooledDS --
  Context: xa
Binding: DefaultXADS -- com.evermind.sql.DefaultXADataSource
  Binding: DefaultDS -- com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource
Context: java:comp
  Binding: ServerAdministrator -- Proxy0
  Binding: Administrator -- Proxy1
  Binding: ResourceFinder -- Proxy2

When I try to bind to java:comp/env/ejb/MyBean I get an exception: 

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: java:comp/env/ejb/MyBean not found
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
Compiled Code)

I don't think the home is binding to the naming registry since it is not
under java:comp.

Any thing else I can look at?


-Original Message-
From: Vasilenko, Dmitry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 11:33 AM
To: 'Alex Paransky'
Subject: RE: Please help, with deploying EJB bean

Try to use fully qualified JNDI name, i.e. instead of ejb/MyBean use
I had the similar problem and that was the solution, kind of confusing,
Please, let me know if it did not work for you ;-]

-Original Message-
From: Alex Paransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 12:46 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Please help, with deploying EJB bean

Everything is deployed but, the home is not bound to the registry, or I
cannot find the home in the registry.  
What configuration file do I need to check?  



2000-03-22 Thread mark kaseman

  I would like to share my 
frustrations with the group. I have a small JSP application that works fine 
withjswdk-1.0.1 from SUN. This application does 
getClass().getResourceAsStream("") to retrieve some run-time 
property values and then 

classGenericDynDataBase = 
clsldrEIEDynLoader.loadClass ("com.mkaseman.util.JDBC.JEieDBInstantDB", 
uoDynDataBase = (JEieDynDBBase) 

 based on the values in the run-time 

 This all works fine under jswdk-1.0.1, 
under ORION I have nothing but java.lang.Exceptions. It seems I can no longer 
find my properties file? I can tweak my getResourceAsStream and redeploy my jar 
file to get past this problem, but the next exception now on the loadClass 
method. No we can't find the class I am trying to load dynamically. 

 I give up, what's the issue??? I don't want 
to re-configure everything at this point only to find another exception awaits 

RE: Frustration

2000-03-22 Thread Alex Paransky

Join the club.  I have been trying to get some help on deploying a simple
EJB Bean for the last 3 days.  There are no messages of exceptions from
ORION.  Everything appears to deploy correctly, but I cannot find the 'home'
bound in to the naming space.  At this point, I don't have the time, energy,
resources, or the budget to continue with ORION evaluation.  It might be
great, but spending 3 days on such a trivial problem is not acceptable.
I'll continue my evaluation with BEA Weblogic.

-Original Message-
From: mark kaseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 6:22 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Frustration

I would like to share my frustrations with the group. I have a small
JSP application that works fine with jswdk-1.0.1 from SUN.This
application does getClass().getResourceAsStream("") to
retrieve some run-time property values and then does   
 classGenericDynDataBase= clsldrEIEDynLoader.loadClass
("com.mkaseman.util.JDBC.JEieDBInstantDB", true);
 uoDynDataBase   = (JEieDynDBBase)
based on the values in the run-time properties.
This all works fine under jswdk-1.0.1, under ORION I have nothing but
java.lang.Exceptions. It seems I can no longer find my properties file? I
can tweak my getResourceAsStream and redeploy my jar file to get past this
problem, but the next exception now on the loadClass method. No we can't
find the class I am trying to load dynamically. 
I give up, what's the issue??? I don't want to re-configure everything
at this point only to find another exception awaits me.


Re: JMSChat

2000-03-22 Thread Eric Hodges

It's been a week.  I can't find 0.9.5 on the web site.  Can anyone point me
to documentation on JMS in the current release of Orion?  The demo doesn't

Out of curiousity, is anyone out there using JMS or even interested in it?
If so, what are you using?

- Original Message -
From: "Magnus Stenman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Eric Hodges" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Orion-Interest"
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: JMSChat

 Hi, the demos in the 0.9.4 distro are temporary and use internal Orion
 (which have changed which failed to get reflected in the demos).
 The next release will have updated demos that do it the proper x-platform
 way via resource-refs and a way to define additional factories in
 the jms.xml. The next release (0.9.5) is due in a few days, stay tuned.

 /Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

 - Original Message -
 From: Eric Hodges
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 3:48 AM

 Hi there, new Orion user here.

 I installed Orion today to use the JMS implementation.  I tried to run the
 demo code (JMSChat) and it won't compiler.  It complains that
 EvermindTopicConnection is an abstract class.  Looking at the class file,
 see 4 abstract methods.  g1, g2, g3, g4 and run.  I might figure out how
 implement run, but g1-4 are a complete mystery.

 Any suggestions?

Weird deployment error....cmt-datasource?

2000-03-22 Thread Victor A. Salaman

Well, I wish I had 
real documentation or source, but I'll have to accept realities 

Anyways, I'm having 
this error in 0.94p,

Auto-deploying tspg-ejb... Error compiling 
file:/C:/projects/tspg/deploy/tspg-ejb/: No default cmt-datasource and no source 

This is my 

version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?

ejb-jar description/ 



specifying security constraints

2000-03-22 Thread Kit Cragin

I am trying to specify security constraints for my web app and am running
into some difficulty. In the web.xml file below for twa.war (twa = test web
application), what is the correct url-pattern element of the
security-constraint element that will cause /login/login.jsp to be invoked
when the user attempts to access the "mytwa" servlet? i.e.
http://localhost/twa/mytwa should invoke
http://localhost/twa/login/login.jsp and then upon successful login redirect
the user to that servlet.
/*, * cause a 500 error, /mytwa, /mytwa/* pass the user straight to it. I
thought (checking with the 2.2 spec) that /mytwa/* was correct, but I guess




?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.2//EN" ""




   web-resource-nameEvery JSP Except Login Stuff/web-resource-name

  descriptionUsers of the TWA/description

