Undefined variable: context

2000-09-01 Thread Raif Naffah


First kudos to the Orion developers on this excellent product!

Second, while deploying an application with 25 EJBs (to an Orion server 
ver. 1.2.7) through the console tool, i'm getting the following exception:

MyEJBHome_EntityHomeWrapper15.java:1286: Undefined variable: context
ORList __theList = new String_ORList16(context);
MyEJBHome_EntityHomeWrapper15.java:1524: Undefined variable: context
ORList __theList = new String_ORList16(context);
MyEJBHome_EntityHomeWrapper15.java:1762: Undefined variable: context
ORList __theList = new String_ORList16(context);
3 errors
com.evermind.compiler.CompilationException: Syntax error in source
at com.evermind.compiler.lf.run(JAX)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at com.evermind.compiler.le.q1(JAX)
at com.evermind.compiler.ld.q1(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.fs.afj(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.fs.q1(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.administration.gi.finish(JAX)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.evermind.server.rmi.bd.run(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.rmi.bb.hz(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.rmi.bb.run(JAX)
at com.evermind.util.f.run(JAX)

I'd appreciate it if somebody can help me pin-point the cause(s), 
considering that:

1. the same application ear file deploys successfully to the J2EE RI 
(1.2.1.) server --client untested though, and
2. i have successfully deployed a smaller size application to the same 
(version+instance of) Orion server.

TIA + cheers;
Raif S. Naffah
Forge Research Pty. Limited  http://www.forge.com.au 

RE: Which JDK to use?

2000-09-01 Thread J.T. Wenting

I'm having trouble with glibc and java (Sun for now). I have glibc 2.1.3,
JDK 1.2.2. When I try to start a Swing/AWT application I get a 'shared
library not found' error.
Anyone know something about that? non-GUI programs run fine.

Jeroen T. Wenting

Murphy was wrong, things that can't go wrong will anyway

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lawrence Fry
 Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 01:50
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Which JDK to use?


 I have been having great luck with IBMJava2-13 on my linux box. Make sure
 you have glibc 2.1.2 or better, I found an issue with glibc 2.1.1.
 Otherwise, its works findand its FAST!



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Stanislav Maximov
 Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 1:46 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Which JDK to use?
 Importance: High


 I've tried Blackdown 1.2.2, but it seems to be not very fast. Could you
 please suggest me another JDK to use on Linux with Orion 1.0.3?

 Thanks in advance.


RE: Orion Log file analyser

2000-09-01 Thread Magnus Rydin

I think WebTrends is the most used one for 
log analysis, but I could be wrong.
It is 
excellent for analysis of a whole site, but is close to worthless when you want 
to present different reports for different directories, divided by those 
Otherwize it gives you close to everything you would 
is a free download you can try it out with.

much to say about how, just do it.

  -Original Message-From: Porfiriev Sergey 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: den 1 september 2000 
  05:00To: Orion-InterestSubject: Orion Log file 
  I've read in this list about log file analysers that 
  can Analyse Orion Logs ( somehow changed via web-site.xml /web-site/access_log 
  But i've lost this information. :(
  What analyzers i can use with Orion ( and how 

RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

2000-09-01 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

Hi all,
im sorry for the broken link to the Tools tutorial.
I managed to break it while putting up the link to the new Servlet 2.3 Filter tutorial.
The new Filter tutorial is just started, so please give us some days to fill it up with usefull tutorials before flaming our mail about it :)


-Original Message-
From:  Darren Gibbons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: den 1 september 2000 04:33
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

Hi Kimberly,

Not sure if you noticed this already, but the link is actually http://www.orionserver.com/tutorials/tools/. First time I've seen it though -- looks useful. Kudos Orion team.


Darren Gibbons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenRoad Communications ph: 604.681.0516
Internet Application Development fax: 604.681.0916
Vancouver, B.C. http://www.openroad.ca 

 -Original Message-
 Sent: August 31, 2000 6:46 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page
 I've been using Java for some time (but not J2EE) and have some 
 25+ years IT experience, so being a newbie is a bit of new 
 experience... :-)
 I've downloaded just about everything relating to Orion I can for 
 study. On the front page of the Orion home site there is a link 
 to some stuff I would like to read, but unfortunately it leads to 
 a Sorry, page not found page. The link is:
 and is pointed to by the New tools tutorial available and ... 
 the GUI Tools tutorial. Any ideas on this anybody?
 One last note. My newbie question: 
 I'm currently trapped in a M$ shop using W2K and asp. I've been 
 given a green light (after much debate) to move towards Java and 
 J2EE. I can't use Linux or Solaris unfortunately as that would be 
 pushing the envelope a bit too much... :-) In any case, has 
 anybody gone through this process with Orion before? My reason 
 for asking is that I have two Rack Compaqs running the Web-End 
 load balanced off an Intel load balancer, with a SQL7 Cluster at 
 the back end in a lights-out environment. The web site is using 
 the absolute minimum of Site Server Commerce Edition I could get 
 away with. This raises the question of how entity beans running 
 on the web-end communicate so as to avoid two beans (one on each 
 box) representing the same row in the database. It's probably old 
 hat to you guys, but I'm drowning in books at present and I can't 
 seem to find that specific answer.
 Ms Kimberley Scott
 Senior Web Developer
 Peakhour Pty Ltd
 http://smartoffice.com.au - my site
 http://peakhour.com.au  - company site

Re: HTTPSession timeouts in SSL environment

2000-09-01 Thread Jacek Laskowski

Todd McGrath wrote:
 Perplexed by a problem I'm having:
 I have a custom login solution that writes a string to
 a user's HttpSession Object:
 session.setAttribute("login", new
 In the app, I have a controller servlet that checks
 for this session attribute with each request:
   Object done = session.getAttribute("login");
 if (done == null) {
   res.sendRedirect(relogin); ...

These are not exactly answers on your question, but some thoughts came
as I was reading it.

Why are you using sendRedirect() method instead of RequestDispatcher
object ? The one reason doing so I see would be to redirect *outside* of
your web app, but that solution wouldn't set any objects with "session"
scope. Thus, it's not your case. Do you work with Servlet 2.2 compatible
servlet container ? If so, read on...

The difference between them (sendRedirect and RequestDispatcher) is that
sendRedirect sends back to a browser a response that it should redirect
its request to another page/site which implies another request will be
sent by a browser. On the other hand, RequestDispatcher gives you
possibilities to send a request forth and back (no matter how many
times) between web components just on the server side rather then
forcing to exchange information through the net as in previous case.

I'd rather write:

if (done == null)
  getServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(relogin).forward(req, res);

assuming that req and res are HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects

 Also, I'm noticing a difference in the URL when I move
 around the site in a SSL session now.  URLs now look
 I never had the "jsessionid=0a6H" before.

That's described in Servlet specification
(http://java.sun.com/products/servlet). jsessionid is reserved cookie
name being visible when your application uses HttpSession, but a client
(i.e. browser) doesn't support cookies. In that case, technique called
URLRewritting is being used and all it does is to rewrite URL so the new
URL includes jsessionid and a session is preserved.


Jacek Laskowski

Re: URLs in web apps

2000-09-01 Thread Christian Sell

there is a difference between URLs that are resolved by the http server
(i.e. those that are embedded in a page via href=) and those that are
resolved by the servlet engine (i.e., when used with the servlet APIs or
with JSP-tags that are compiled into such API calls). In the first case, "/"
is the document-root of the http server (orion: whatever may be configured
as default-web-site), in the latter case it is the context root of the
current app.

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Duffey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Freitag, 1. September 2000 11:55
Subject: RE: URLs in web apps

I think your ok..but I use the request.getContextPath() in a "included"
header file on all my JSP pages. I assign it to a contextPath string var
use it in all my href tags a href="%= contextPath

But, I believe the spec allows relative paths to the root of the web app.
So, if your root is /, and the dir is i3-web, and you have a linke to
/path/page.jsp, it would be from /i3-web/path/page.jsp.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kurt Hoyt
 Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:31 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: URLs in web apps

 I've noticed an inconsistency in how URLs are used within the
 servlet engine
 in Orion. Perhaps I've never had to deal with this since this is the
 servlet engine I've used that supports .war files, server.xml, web.xml
 files, etc.

 I have a web app that is deployed like this:

 server.xml contains this line:
application name="i3" path="../i3"/

 default-web-site.xml contains this line:
web-app application="i3" name="i3-web" root="/i3"/

 application.xml contains these lines:

 I expect that absolute URLs used anywhere in my JSPs (and that includes
 href="..", %@ include file="..." %, and response.sendRedirect() calls)
 would look like this /i3/rest of URL. However, I've noticed that for
 anything other than a href="..." tags, the /i3 is implied and all I
 is /rest of URL for absolute paths.

 I have two questions:
 1. What does the context-root element do? The servlet and JSP specs are
 pretty vague about this.

 2. Should I be calling request.getContextPath() and using it to create
 absolute URLs for a href="..." tags or just try and use relative URLs
 within the a href="..." tags?

 Kurt in Atlanta

Re: Orion Log file analyser

2000-09-01 Thread Dave Smith

I have used Analog (free!)
It requires you to set your log file format to
access-log path="../log/yoursite-web-access.log" format="$ip - $user
[$time] quot;$requestquot; $status $size quot;$refererquot;
quot;$agentquot;" split="day" suffix="ddMMyy" />
The results are very good.
Porfiriev Sergey wrote:

I've read in this
list about log file analysers that can Analyse Orion Logs ( somehow changed
via web-site.xml /web-site/access_log )But i've lost
this information. :(What analyzers i can use
with Orion ( and how )

tel;cell:+44 797 0008867
tel;work:+44 1225 445610
org:e-net Software Ltd
adr:;;26-45 Cheltenham Street;Bath;;BA2 3EX;
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Development Manager
fn:Dave Smith

RE: database connectivity

2000-09-01 Thread Holmes, George (TWIi London)

mistake, the escape character sequence #38 must be included in the URL, not just 

TWI Interactive Media House Burlington Lane 
TEL: +44 208 233 5631 FAX: +44 208 233 7701 CELL: +44 7968 

  -Original Message-From: Holmes, George (TWIi London) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 4:50 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: database 
  Sprinta driver connects directly to the SQL Server and does not utilise an 
  ODBC data source.
  url string should follow this format:
  this example,
   futdb1 is the NetBIOS (you can use 
  an IP address also) of the database server
   TheDatabase1 is the name of the 
  actual SQL Server database
   sql7=true allows you to use the 
  (new) data-types such as text,ntext
  # escape character must be included in the url for some reason. The 
  driver won't work with Orion without it (in my experience 
  this helps.
  TWI Interactive Media House Burlington Lane 
  TEL: +44 208 233 5631 FAX: +44 208 233 7701 CELL: +44 7968 
-Original Message-From: Derek Akers 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 3:52 
PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: database 
I am having a problem connecting to a database for some 
reason. I am using MS SQL server 7 and have obtained the proper driver 
(SPRINTA2000) and set up the ODBC data source, however Console has a problem 
displaying the tables of the DB. I have tried it this way and using 
the generic JDBC:ODBC driver. the two versions of data-sources I have 
tried are attached. With the generic driver, I have not found anywhere 
where the data source's name is specified for connection, and with the 
SPRINTA2000 driver, I am having access problems still... would anyone 
be willing to walk me through this one?

data-source name="Default 
- dBTest is the name of the ODBC 
Username]"password="[dB Password]"/

The generic is the same, but with JDBC:ODBC:EJB in the URL 
and the generic driver for connection-driver.


RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

2000-09-01 Thread Holmes, George (TWIi London)
Title: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page


A couple of my colleagues were involved in re-developing an events site (30 million page impressions/day for each day of a 4 day event) from NT4/ASP to NT4/JSP/EJB. They used Orion as the apps server and found that the best way forward was to run each (there were twelve in total) webserver as a joint web-server/apps-server. Their, and my own experience, is that Orion is quite ready for the fully distributed, highly available environment.

Orion is a great product, and I am sure that the current issues will be ironed out shortly. For me, Orion boils down to being realistic - do I really want to get all philosophical and make everything distributed to the nth degree, or can I afford to wait (and we're probably talking a matter of months here, I guess) for the full distributable/highly available version?



TWI Interactive
Media House
Burlington Lane
W4 2TH

TEL: +44 208 233 5631
FAX: +44 208 233 7701
CELL: +44 7968 918813

-Original Message-
From:  Kevin Duffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 2:37 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page


I have been given the green light here to move ahead with Orion deployment as well. Although we are not as sophisticated a setup as you, we will be moving in that direction shortly. We are moving ahead with Orion while we evaluate WebLogic and iPlanet to see if we want to pay those outrageous amounts of money for offering not quite as much as Orion does. However, I have seen very little problems with most areas of Orion. I have heard from some friends using it though that the EJB stuff has problems in various areas. What exactly, I don't know. I have also heard of some success stories in this list as well. I think one of the problems is that because the Orion team does such a good job on fixing problems and providing updates, some of us often go get the latest version. This may prove to cause problems in other areas. This is just a guess. For the most part, I have only seen a few bugs crop up that were new with a bug-fix patch.

But other than that, Orion is very easy to use, it WORKS, it actually does conform to J2EE specs unlike many infintely more expensive solutions, and I have generally heard great things about it.

For whats it worth, I would be my company on it over other choices.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 6:46 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page


I've been using Java for some time (but not J2EE) and have some 25+ years IT experience, so being a newbie is a bit of new experience... :-)

I've downloaded just about everything relating to Orion I can for study. On the front page of the Orion home site there is a link to some stuff I would like to read, but unfortunately it leads to a Sorry, page not found page. The link is:


and is pointed to by the New tools tutorial available and ... the GUI Tools tutorial. Any ideas on this anybody?

One last note. My newbie question: 

I'm currently trapped in a M$ shop using W2K and asp. I've been given a green light (after much debate) to move towards Java and J2EE. I can't use Linux or Solaris unfortunately as that would be pushing the envelope a bit too much... :-) In any case, has anybody gone through this process with Orion before? My reason for asking is that I have two Rack Compaqs running the Web-End load balanced off an Intel load balancer, with a SQL7 Cluster at the back end in a lights-out environment. The web site is using the absolute minimum of Site Server Commerce Edition I could get away with. This raises the question of how entity beans running on the web-end communicate so as to avoid two beans (one on each box) representing the same row in the database. It's probably old hat to you guys, but I'm drowning in books at present and I can't seem to find that specific answer.


Ms Kimberley Scott
Senior Web Developer
Peakhour Pty Ltd
http://smartoffice.com.au - my site
http://peakhour.com.au  - company site

Re: HTTPSession timeouts in SSL environment

2000-09-01 Thread Christian Sell

As far as I remember, there is another difference between sendRedirect() and
RequestDispatcher.forward(). I once tested both alternatives, and I found
that with forward(), the client never gets to know that he hase been sent to
another page, i.e. the URL does not show, the reload button reloads the page
from where the forward was done, etc. I think I remember there were even
problems with links on the page..

The difference between them (sendRedirect and RequestDispatcher) is that
sendRedirect sends back to a browser a response that it should redirect
its request to another page/site which implies another request will be
sent by a browser. On the other hand, RequestDispatcher gives you
possibilities to send a request forth and back (no matter how many
times) between web components just on the server side rather then
forcing to exchange information through the net as in previous case.

I'd rather write:

if (done == null)
  getServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(relogin).forward(req, res);

RE: HTTPSession timeouts in SSL environment

2000-09-01 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: RE: HTTPSession timeouts in SSL environment

Hi Chris,
you are right.
using a RequestDispatcher only redirects the request on the server side, wihtout informing the client.
a sendRedirect() will ask the client to go to another page, thus changing header info and the whole thing.

 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Sell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: den 1 september 2000 11:17
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: HTTPSession timeouts in SSL environment
 As far as I remember, there is another difference between 
 sendRedirect() and
 RequestDispatcher.forward(). I once tested both alternatives, 
 and I found
 that with forward(), the client never gets to know that he 
 hase been sent to
 another page, i.e. the URL does not show, the reload button 
 reloads the page
 from where the forward was done, etc. I think I remember 
 there were even
 problems with links on the page..
 The difference between them (sendRedirect and 
 RequestDispatcher) is that
 sendRedirect sends back to a browser a response that it 
 should redirect
 its request to another page/site which implies another 
 request will be
 sent by a browser. On the other hand, RequestDispatcher gives you
 possibilities to send a request forth and back (no matter how many
 times) between web components just on the server side rather then
 forcing to exchange information through the net as in previous case.
 I'd rather write:
 if (done == null)
  getServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(relogin).forward(req, res);

RE: Orion Log file analyser

2000-09-01 Thread Joe Walnes

You can use any analyser really as you can configure the output log format
to be however you want. I use NetTracker - it costs a bit really, but it can
generate virtually any kind of report you can think of. (www.sane.com)

-Joe Walnes

-Original Message-

I've read in this  list about log file analysers that can Analyse Orion Logs
( somehow changed via web-site.xml /web-site/access_log )
But i've lost this information. :(

What analyzers i can use with Orion ( and how )

Re: HTTPSession timeouts in SSL environment

2000-09-01 Thread Jacek Laskowski

Christian Sell wrote:
 As far as I remember, there is another difference between sendRedirect() and
 RequestDispatcher.forward(). I once tested both alternatives, and I found
 that with forward(), the client never gets to know that he hase been sent to
 another page, i.e. the URL does not show, the reload button reloads the page
 from where the forward was done, etc. I think I remember there were even
 problems with links on the page..

That's what I've said. It speeds up your application response because of
missing additional requests just to get the required resource/page. It
also happens in case of include, but workflow is opposite so your page
collect all information before sending it back to a client. 

I'd not say it's a problem. If your client refreshes a page, depending
on browser settings, there might be another request doing exactly the
same thing as before, so the results might be the same as well. On the
other hand, sendRedirect() sends a page with a header containing
information that a browser must request another page being set in
header. So, that's pretty the same as in above case when using
RequestDispatcher as a browser refreshes current page - no matter if it
came from sendRedirect() or RequestDispatcher. I didn't see any problems
so far.

Jacek Laskowski

Re: Which JDK to use?

2000-09-01 Thread Jacek Laskowski

"J.T. Wenting" wrote:
 I'm having trouble with glibc and java (Sun for now). I have glibc 2.1.3,
 JDK 1.2.2. When I try to start a Swing/AWT application I get a 'shared
 library not found' error.
 Anyone know something about that? non-GUI programs run fine.

I'm not sure about that, but I think I've seen something similar in the
past. The solution was to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing out to
$JAVA_HOME/lib or so and all started to be working fine. I can't check
it out as I'm on Solaris, but I'm pretty sure it should help.

 Jeroen T. Wenting

Jacek Laskowski

Re: RMI from EJB, permissions in EJB

2000-09-01 Thread Friedrich Dodt


thanks a lot for your comments. Just giving me a reference to the
documentation helped me a lot.

Dave refers to the spec that says:

" * An enterprise bean must not attempt to listen on a socket, accept
connections on a socket, or use a socket for multicast. 

The EJB architecture allows an enterprise bean instance to be a network
socket client, but it does not allow it to be a network server. Allowing
the instance to become a network server would conflict with the basic
function of the enterprise bean-- to serve the EJB clients."

This implicitly says: The EJB may attempt to connect to a socket, i.e.
at some low level issue (maybe implicitly) the "connect" call of the
socket interface.

In the spec defines that the EJB Container must be able to
grant to the enterprise bean instances at runtime...

...java.net.SocketPermission  -  grant "connect", "*" [Note A], deny all

Note [A] says:   "This permission is necessary, for example, to allow
enterprise beans to use the client functionality of the Java IDL API and
RMI-IIOP packages that are part of Java 2 platform."

That is to say: The EJB is MEANT to possibly be a RMI client.

Indeed, a small standalone RMI client test application runs fine with
only the following policy granted:

grant {
  // allows anyone to listen on un-privileged ports
  permission java.net.SocketPermission "*:1024-65535",

or, stated in other words, connect-permission is enough to be RMI

OK, this to the spec. It should be possible then. But how?

Daves reference gave me the hint. Some lines below the cited text above
the spec says:

"The enterprise bean must not attempt to ... set security manager ..."

This evil forbidden thing a did in my code line

System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());

I commented it out and - miracle - I could connect to my tiny RMI server
and everthing worked as had dreamed of it.

Problem solved.

But, referring to point 2 of my original mail: What the heck is the
server tag in rmi.xml meant to do? And why doesn't orion start up when
I set it?

Again, thanks for your valuable hints.
Friedrich Dodt

Ted Neward wrote:
 Where do you see that? I don't read any particular restriction on making RMI
 calls; you're not allowed to explicitly listen for any incoming socket
 calls, but that's not the same.
 When I stop to think about it, in fact, a reference to another EJB itself
 may be a remote reference, so the EJB spec CAN'T, in my interpretation,
 forbid RMI calls, because then a Bean could never refer to another bean in
 any way. 

I completely agree to this argument.

 Is there some text I missed in that section? (I freely admit, I
 just skimmed it just now--not a real deep read--but didn't see anything
 along those lines.)
 Ted Neward
 Java Instructor, DevelopMentor (http://www.develop.com)
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dave Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 9:10 AM
 Subject: Re: RMI from EJB, permissions in EJB
  I'm not sure you can. I think this kind of behaviour (i.e. opening sockets
  to remote registries) is explicitly forbidden in section 18.1.2 of the EJB
  1.1 spec.
  Friedrich Dodt wrote:
   How do I get my Session Bean to issue an RMI call successfully?
   I am trying to contact a simple RMI method that runs on an RMI server
   (rmiregistry) from code in my Session Bean. Up to now without success.
   1. With the naive approach
   System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
   RemoteObject remo = (RemoteObject) Naming.lookup(toLookup);
   I get a  (java.net.SocketPermission xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:
   To overcome this, I have changed
   - {java.home}/lib/security/java.policy
   - and I have tried it the with the command line arguments
   -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy==my.policy
 when I start orion.jar.
   This policy file contained just
   grant {
   // Allow everything for now
   permission java.security.AllPermission;
   permission com.evermind.server.AdministrationPermission;
   permission java.net.SocketPermission "*:1024-65535",
   However, this didn't change Orions behaviour.
   The approach with
   // create and fill a Hashtable "environment", then call
   InitialContext context = new InitialContext (environment);
   didn't work either.
   2. Suspecting that the Orion server interferes with the normal policy
   concept, I tried to change the rmi.xml file.
   The mere adding of a line like
   server host="localhost" username="admin" password="admin" /
   to rmi.xml leads to the server not starting up. It does not say "Orion
   1.0.3 initialized" and it does not 

Second post, please help.

2000-09-01 Thread Dale Bronk

Sorry to post this again, but I really need an 

I have a problem that I hope isn't not normal behavior and 
something I have configured incorrectly.

Snip of my sever.xml:
global-application name="MyDomain" 
/--application name="Client1Domain" 
/application name="Client2Domain" 
/application name="Client3Domain" 
/application name="Client4Domain" 
/application name="Client5Domain" 

In mydomain-application.xml, I have: (note that this is my 
global application)
 mail-session location="mail/MailSession" 
smtp-host="mail.mydomain.com" property 
name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" 
/ property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
/ property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
/ /mail-session

Now I want to also place the same mail session entries in each 
of my clients application.xml files except specifying their domain:
 mail-session location="mail/MailSession" 
property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" 
/ property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
/ property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
/ /mail-session

I have a FormMailServlet that I install on all my clients 
web.xml files which uses mail.jar classes send the email. My problem is it 
doesn't matter which one I go to, Orion always uses my mail-session entries from 
the global application. It doesn't seem to get over written for each other 
application. I also tried to explicitly set the mail server in my 
FormMailServet to what is passed in. I pass in mail.Client1Domain.com and 
inside my class I do the following:
"mail.smtp.host", "mail.Client1Domain.com"); 
properties.put( "smtp-host", "mail.Client1Domain.com"); // Not 
needed as far as I know

I also turn verbose on so I can see what is happening. 
It always uses mail.mydomain.com! If I comment out the mail-session 
entries from my global application xml then it works fine as long as I pass in 
the value and explicitly set the mail.smtp.host as above. In other words, 
it seems to ignore the mail-session in the Clientxxx-application.xml files as I 
pointed the smtp-host entry in one of the application.xml files to an existing 
server, but a different one. When I explicitly set the entries it uses the 
entries I set, not the mail-session entries.

Seems to only use the mail-session entries only if in the 
global application xml file and no where else. When in the global 
application xml file, it seems you can only use that one even if I explicitly 
set it to a different one.

What gives? Sorry for the long email, but I wanted to be 
sure to give all the data.

Dale Bronk

Karl, any update on SSL docs?

2000-09-01 Thread Dale Bronk


Are you making progress on getting detailed docs for getting both 40-bit 
and 128-bit production certs from both Thawte and Verisign (preferrably Thawte 
since they are much less expensive)? Any idea when we should expect 
Dale Bronk

Re: URLs in web apps

2000-09-01 Thread Mike Clark

Alternatively, you could use this syntax...

  base href="%= request.getContextPath() %" /
  a href="file.jsp"click/a

In general, the servlet engine automatically maps the directory name to the
application, but references to URLs from standard HTML tags are not
automatically mapped.  When the base href tag is used, all relative URLs are
resolved relative to this value.  If your application is mapped to the directory
"myapp", then in the example above the href would reference "/myapp/file.jsp".


Kevin Duffey wrote:

 I think your ok..but I use the request.getContextPath() in a "included"
 header file on all my JSP pages. I assign it to a contextPath string var and
 use it in all my href tags a href="%= contextPath

 But, I believe the spec allows relative paths to the root of the web app.
 So, if your root is /, and the dir is i3-web, and you have a linke to
 /path/page.jsp, it would be from /i3-web/path/page.jsp.

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kurt Hoyt
  Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:31 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: URLs in web apps
  I've noticed an inconsistency in how URLs are used within the
  servlet engine
  in Orion. Perhaps I've never had to deal with this since this is the first
  servlet engine I've used that supports .war files, server.xml, web.xml
  files, etc.
  I have a web app that is deployed like this:
  server.xml contains this line:
 application name="i3" path="../i3"/
  default-web-site.xml contains this line:
 web-app application="i3" name="i3-web" root="/i3"/
  application.xml contains these lines:
  I expect that absolute URLs used anywhere in my JSPs (and that includes a
  href="..", %@ include file="..." %, and response.sendRedirect() calls)
  would look like this /i3/rest of URL. However, I've noticed that for
  anything other than a href="..." tags, the /i3 is implied and all I need
  is /rest of URL for absolute paths.
  I have two questions:
  1. What does the context-root element do? The servlet and JSP specs are
  pretty vague about this.
  2. Should I be calling request.getContextPath() and using it to create
  absolute URLs for a href="..." tags or just try and use relative URLs
  within the a href="..." tags?
  Kurt in Atlanta

//  Mike Clark
//  Clarkware Consulting
//  Enterprise Java Architecture, Design, Development
//  http://www.clarkware.com
//  +1.720.851.2014


2000-09-01 Thread Kurt Hoyt

I know the EJB 1.1 and 2.0 specs avoid (finesse?) the issue of bean
inheritance, but has anyone tried doing anything that mimics inheritance
using Orion? If so, can you share how you accomplished it?

I have an object model that uses inheritance. I started with a trial version
of PowerTier from Persistence, which does support inheritance, but also
costs two arms and a leg just for developer licenses, not to mention the
wheelbarrows of cash needed to deploy it.

Orion has cleared all but two hurdles for us in our evaluation: servlets (I
haven't tried one yet, but JSPs work, so I'm pretty sure we're OK there) and


Kurt in Atlanta

RE: HTTPSession timeouts in SSL environment

2000-09-01 Thread Todd McGrath

You know, I do use RequestDispatcher forward method
further down in the code, but use sendRedirect if the
client is not logged in (done==null).  It is the only
place where I use sendRedirect.

Thank you for everyone's excellent responses on the
merits of RequestDispatcher.

However, the issue I was concerned about was the HTTP
session timeouts.  I have the session timeout set to
15 minutes in the web.xml file, but SSL HTTP sessions
seem to time out after 60-90 seconds.  

After reading through some the mailing list, I tried
setting my web app to "shared=true" and in the
secure-web-site.xml file and now the HTTP sessions are
working as planned.  (timeouts after 15 minutes).

What are the specific security ramifications of this

I have a unsecure site and a secure site.  The
unsecure site only has 3-4 pages.  Maybe I should just
make add to secure site and then only have one site? 
Perhaps this would clear my HTTP session timeout

Any thoughts on the security ramifications of
shared=true and insight into my SSL HTTP session
timout issue would be greatly appreciated.


--- Magnus Rydin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 you are right.
 using a RequestDispatcher only redirects the request
 on the server side,
 wihtout informing the client.
 a sendRedirect() will ask the client to go to
 another page, thus changing
 header info and the whole thing.
  -Original Message-
  From: Christian Sell
  Sent: den 1 september 2000 11:17
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: HTTPSession timeouts in SSL
  As far as I remember, there is another difference
  sendRedirect() and
  RequestDispatcher.forward(). I once tested both
  and I found
  that with forward(), the client never gets to know
 that he 
  hase been sent to
  another page, i.e. the URL does not show, the
 reload button 
  reloads the page
  from where the forward was done, etc. I think I
  there were even
  problems with links on the page..
  The difference between them (sendRedirect and 
  RequestDispatcher) is that
  sendRedirect sends back to a browser a response
 that it 
  should redirect
  its request to another page/site which implies
  request will be
  sent by a browser. On the other hand,
 RequestDispatcher gives you
  possibilities to send a request forth and back
 (no matter how many
  times) between web components just on the server
 side rather then
  forcing to exchange information through the net
 as in previous case.
  I'd rather write:
  if (done == null)


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RE: Which JDK to use?

2000-09-01 Thread J.T. Wenting

I'm not on linux myself at the moment, but I'll try it when I have the
Thanks for the hint.

  I'm having trouble with glibc and java (Sun for now). I have
 glibc 2.1.3,
  JDK 1.2.2. When I try to start a Swing/AWT application I get a 'shared
  library not found' error.
  Anyone know something about that? non-GUI programs run fine.

 I'm not sure about that, but I think I've seen something similar in the
 past. The solution was to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing out to
 $JAVA_HOME/lib or so and all started to be working fine. I can't check
 it out as I'm on Solaris, but I'm pretty sure it should help.

Re: Inheritance

2000-09-01 Thread Etienne Bernard

On Fri, Sep 01, 2000, Kurt Hoyt wrote:
 I know the EJB 1.1 and 2.0 specs avoid (finesse?) the issue of bean
 inheritance, but has anyone tried doing anything that mimics inheritance
 using Orion? If so, can you share how you accomplished it?
I was able to create entity beans (BMP) which remote interfaces and ejb
classes inherited from those of a base entity bean. It works perfectly, but
for me inheritance is just a way to add information into tables
associated to the base class table. Depending on what you're planning to
do, your mileage may vary.

Re: Admin Shutdown Command

2000-09-01 Thread Joel Shellman

"Smith, Bill (RIC)" wrote:
 I noticed something that doesn't make much sense to me. When I execute the
 shutdown command with admin.jar, there are half a dozen of java -jar
 orion.jar processes that still hang around. If I start the server again,
 even more appear. I'm run Redhat 6.2 with the IBM 1.3 jdk (IBM build
 cx130-2623). I do notice that I get the following exception after I
 getting the "Shutting down..." message back from the server.
 Error: com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Disconnected:
 Connection reset by peer: Connection reset by peer
 After I recieve this message, If I try to shut the server down again, I get
 a connection refused exception.
 Any ideas?

This happens on several JVMs. I've tried it on lots :)

Anyway, one way to help the situation is to add a 'force' right after
the shutdown command:
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin 123 -shutdown force

This will force connections to close and such. However, even then
sometimes it won't die. Occasionally we have to give a kill -9 to the
processes to get them to die. You do want to make sure that the old
processes are completely gone BEFORE running orion again or else you may
run into some problems (at least performance problems, and possibly some
weird stuff going on).

My guess is that the processes are hanging around because of resources
(db connections maybe) that just are refusing to close, but I don't know
for sure.
Joel Shellman
Chief Software Architect
The virally-driven B2B marketplace for outsourcing projects

RE: Inheritance

2000-09-01 Thread Joe Walnes

 I know the EJB 1.1 and 2.0 specs avoid (finesse?) the issue of bean
 inheritance, but has anyone tried doing anything that mimics inheritance
 using Orion? If so, can you share how you accomplished it?

EJB does not directly support inheritance - the main reason being that the
Home interface for a bean could not fit into an inheritance model.

There are however some alternatives.

Firstly, suppose you have a Person EJB and want to extend it to become an
Employee. You would create (and deploy) your Person EJB as normal, then have
the remote interface and EJB implementation of Employee extend those of the

The home interface for EmployeeHome cannot extend PersonHome as it has a
different return type for findByPrimaryKey() etc.

Upon deployment, the EJB must be treated as a seperate entity, with a
seperate JNDI lookup and all the appropriate fields redefined.

This solution allows behaviours of beans to be reused, and once a entity has
been found it is seen to the client as a 'is a' relationship and exhibits
polymorphism. The problem lies in that find the EJB two seperate home
interfaces need to be looked up. A solution to this is to create a session
EJB that has reference to both beans and can use the finder methods of both
entities and return an appropriate one.

Another solution is to use the State (or Strategy) design pattern (see the
GoF Design Patterns book - or just trawl the web for what it is). The
advantage of this is that an object can change it's state at any time
without having to be recreated and all the different states can be used in
one entity. The best way to do implement this is to determine
behaviours/fields that are common across all implementations of the
inheritance model and place them in the main EJB, then place
behaviours/fields that vary in your ConcreteState/Strategy classes.

The problem with this approach is how to map keep a reference to the which
state/strategy is being used and how to store the individual fields.

Solution 1 is to simply serialize the class and store it as a field in the
main EJB. This solves both problems but may not be ideal, particularly
because the data is just stored as a bunch of binary data only recognizable
to java (useless for finder methods). If you happen to be using an Java
Object database you can perform write finder methods that use these
objects - but most people aren't.

Solution 2 to this is to create your own way of serializing/deserializing
the objects. For example, the ejbStore() method could convert the state into
an XML representation which could be stored in a normal text field, and the
ejbLoad() could recreate it again. Another idea is to store the various
properties for the state/strategy in a Map on ejbStore() - Orion can easily
map a Map to a database with it's sophisticated OR features, and the table
is easily queryable.

If all else fails, use bean managed persistance.

I'm sure there are many other methods and I would be interested to hear
them. Inheritance is one of the draw-backs to EJB and if you are using it
purely for object-relational (OR) mapping purposes, EJB may not necessarily
be your best answer - but EJB will probably solve every other problem you
have, so don't stray :)

Relevant info:
http://monsoon.wirestation.co.uk/or/ - Advanced OR mapping with Orion
http://www.ambysoft.com/mappingObjects.html - Tips for OR mapping and
creating own persistance layer

http://www.helsinki.fi/~jplindfo/pattern/State.html - Diagram of state
http://www.helsinki.fi/~jplindfo/pattern/Strategy.html - blah

-Joe Walnes

Re: Inheritance

2000-09-01 Thread Mike Clark

There has been lively discussion on this topic in the ejb-interest
mailing list.  You can search the archives for inheritance here...


EJB inheritance has some general restrictions, though I don't think
you'll find Orion to be the culprit.

In summary, here are the restrictions as imposed by the EJB spec:

  - Bean-managed EJBs must return a primary key for an ejbCreate()
method. Any class that inherits from the bean-managed EJB class cannot
have an ejbCreate() method that returns a different primary key class.
The restriction also applies to the bean-managed EJB's ejbFind()

  - Since EJB Home methods return a distinct remote interface, you
cannot have a Home interface inherit from another Home interface that
returns a different remote interface.  In other words, BankAcountHome
cannot extend AccountHome and attempt to return a BankAccount remote
interface for a finder method whereas the AccountHome will return an
Account remote interface.

You can, however, use inheritance in EJB beans to refactor common
business methods into a common superclass, and/or override base class


--- Kurt Hoyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know the EJB 1.1 and 2.0 specs avoid (finesse?) the issue of bean
 inheritance, but has anyone tried doing anything that mimics
 using Orion? If so, can you share how you accomplished it?
 I have an object model that uses inheritance. I started with a trial
 of PowerTier from Persistence, which does support inheritance, but
 costs two arms and a leg just for developer licenses, not to mention
 wheelbarrows of cash needed to deploy it.
 Orion has cleared all but two hurdles for us in our evaluation:
 servlets (I
 haven't tried one yet, but JSPs work, so I'm pretty sure we're OK
 there) and
 Kurt in Atlanta

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Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Error with the generation of ssl certificate

2000-09-01 Thread Ismael Blesa Part

I have been following the how-to "Setting up a secure site using ssl" on
Windows 2000+jdk 1.3

and I get the following error
C:\certificateskeytool -keystore keystore -keyalg "RSA" -import
-trustcacerts -
file my.host.com.cer -storepass 123456
keytool error: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Unsupported

I have tried with Netscape 4.74 and Explorer 5.5.

Any idea?

RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

2000-09-01 Thread Kevin Duffey
Title: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

Uh..Servlet 2.3 tutorial? Does Orion already implement 
Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2?

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus 
  RydinSent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 11:30 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on 
  home page
  Hi all, im sorry for the broken link to the Tools 
  tutorial. I managed to break 
  it while putting up the link to the new Servlet 2.3 Filter tutorial. 
  The new Filter tutorial is just 
  started, so please give us some days to fill it up with usefull tutorials 
  before flaming our mail about it :)
Message- From:  
Darren Gibbons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: den 1 september 2000 04:33 To: Orion-Interest Subject: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home 
Hi Kimberly, 
Not sure if you noticed this 
already, but the link is actually http://www.orionserver.com/tutorials/tools/. 
First time I've seen it though -- looks useful. Kudos Orion 
-- Darren 
ph: 604.681.0516 Internet 
fax: 604.681.0916 Vancouver, 
 -Original Message- 
Sent: August 31, 2000 6:46 PM 
 To: Orion-Interest  
Subject: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page   
 I've been using Java for some time 
(but not J2EE) and have some  25+ 
years IT experience, so being a newbie is a bit of new  experience... :-)   I've downloaded just 
about everything relating to Orion I can for  study. On the front page of the Orion home site there is a link 
 to some stuff I would like to read, 
but unfortunately it leads to  a 
"Sorry, page not found" page. The link is:   http://www.orionserver.com/toolstut/   and is 
pointed to by the "New tools tutorial available" and "...  the GUI Tools tutorial". Any ideas on this 
anybody?   One last note. My newbie question:   I'm currently trapped in 
a M$ shop using W2K and asp. I've been  given a green light (after much debate) to move towards Java and 
 J2EE. I can't use Linux or Solaris 
unfortunately as that would be  
pushing the envelope a bit too much... :-) In any case, has  anybody gone through this process with Orion before? 
My reason  for asking is that I have 
two Rack Compaqs running the Web-End  
load balanced off an Intel load balancer, with a SQL7 Cluster at 
 the back end in a "lights-out" 
environment. The web site is using  
the absolute minimum of Site Server Commerce Edition I could get 
 away with. This raises the question 
of how entity beans running  on the 
web-end communicate so as to avoid two beans (one on each  box) representing the same row in the database. It's 
probably old  hat to you guys, but 
I'm drowning in books at present and I can't  seem to find that specific answer.   Kimbo   Ms Kimberley 
Scott  Senior Web Developer 
 Peakhour Pty Ltd  http://smartoffice.com.au 
- my site  http://peakhour.com.au 
company site  

RE: URLs in web apps

2000-09-01 Thread Kevin Duffey


Is that a HTML 4.0 tag? I never saw that one before.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike Clark
 Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 6:48 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: URLs in web apps

 Alternatively, you could use this syntax...

   base href="%= request.getContextPath() %" /
   a href="file.jsp"click/a

 In general, the servlet engine automatically maps the directory
 name to the
 application, but references to URLs from standard HTML tags are not
 automatically mapped.  When the base href tag is used, all
 relative URLs are
 resolved relative to this value.  If your application is mapped
 to the directory
 "myapp", then in the example above the href would reference


 Kevin Duffey wrote:

  I think your ok..but I use the request.getContextPath() in a "included"
  header file on all my JSP pages. I assign it to a contextPath
 string var and
  use it in all my href tags a href="%= contextPath
  But, I believe the spec allows relative paths to the root of
 the web app.
  So, if your root is /, and the dir is i3-web, and you have a linke to
  /path/page.jsp, it would be from /i3-web/path/page.jsp.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kurt Hoyt
   Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:31 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: URLs in web apps
   I've noticed an inconsistency in how URLs are used within the
   servlet engine
   in Orion. Perhaps I've never had to deal with this since this
 is the first
   servlet engine I've used that supports .war files, server.xml, web.xml
   files, etc.
   I have a web app that is deployed like this:
   server.xml contains this line:
  application name="i3" path="../i3"/
   default-web-site.xml contains this line:
  web-app application="i3" name="i3-web" root="/i3"/
   application.xml contains these lines:
   I expect that absolute URLs used anywhere in my JSPs (and
 that includes a
   href="..", %@ include file="..." %, and
 response.sendRedirect() calls)
   would look like this /i3/rest of URL. However, I've noticed that for
   anything other than a href="..." tags, the /i3 is implied
 and all I need
   is /rest of URL for absolute paths.
   I have two questions:
   1. What does the context-root element do? The servlet and JSP
 specs are
   pretty vague about this.
   2. Should I be calling request.getContextPath() and using it to create
   absolute URLs for a href="..." tags or just try and use
 relative URLs
   within the a href="..." tags?
   Kurt in Atlanta

 //  Mike Clark
 //  Clarkware Consulting
 //  Enterprise Java Architecture, Design, Development
 //  http://www.clarkware.com
 //  +1.720.851.2014

Re: URLs in web apps

2000-09-01 Thread Brien Voorhees

I'm pretty sure it's a standard HTML tag.

Brien Voorhees

- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Duffey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 2:23 PM
Subject: RE: URLs in web apps


 Is that a HTML 4.0 tag? I never saw that one before.

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike Clark
  Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 6:48 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: URLs in web apps
  Alternatively, you could use this syntax...
base href="%= request.getContextPath() %" /
a href="file.jsp"click/a
  In general, the servlet engine automatically maps the directory
  name to the
  application, but references to URLs from standard HTML tags are not
  automatically mapped.  When the base href tag is used, all
  relative URLs are
  resolved relative to this value.  If your application is mapped
  to the directory
  "myapp", then in the example above the href would reference
  Kevin Duffey wrote:
   I think your ok..but I use the request.getContextPath() in a
   header file on all my JSP pages. I assign it to a contextPath
  string var and
   use it in all my href tags a href="%= contextPath
   But, I believe the spec allows relative paths to the root of
  the web app.
   So, if your root is /, and the dir is i3-web, and you have a linke to
   /path/page.jsp, it would be from /i3-web/path/page.jsp.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kurt Hoyt
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:31 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: URLs in web apps
I've noticed an inconsistency in how URLs are used within the
servlet engine
in Orion. Perhaps I've never had to deal with this since this
  is the first
servlet engine I've used that supports .war files, server.xml,
files, etc.
I have a web app that is deployed like this:
server.xml contains this line:
   application name="i3" path="../i3"/
default-web-site.xml contains this line:
   web-app application="i3" name="i3-web" root="/i3"/
application.xml contains these lines:
I expect that absolute URLs used anywhere in my JSPs (and
  that includes a
href="..", %@ include file="..." %, and
  response.sendRedirect() calls)
would look like this /i3/rest of URL. However, I've noticed that
anything other than a href="..." tags, the /i3 is implied
  and all I need
is /rest of URL for absolute paths.
I have two questions:
1. What does the context-root element do? The servlet and JSP
  specs are
pretty vague about this.
2. Should I be calling request.getContextPath() and using it to
absolute URLs for a href="..." tags or just try and use
  relative URLs
within the a href="..." tags?
Kurt in Atlanta
  //  Mike Clark
  //  Clarkware Consulting
  //  Enterprise Java Architecture, Design, Development
  //  http://www.clarkware.com
  //  +1.720.851.2014

RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page

2000-09-01 Thread Kimberley Scott
Title: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page


to all that replied. Seems I'm not alone with my problem about switching from 
ASP/COM to JSP/Bean/EJB. Seems I'm also not alone in working till the wee hours. 
What is it about the IT industry? After 25 years I'm still up all hours on the 
"impossible deadline treadmill". Sigh. Still - the pays 

Secondly a big thanks to the Orion team. I've been 
investigating engines for the last six weeks and the rush by so many groups to 
produce J2EE and Servlet engines in general is amazing. And this team have done 
very, very well. 

many people seem to be using later versions of Orion than the one from the 
download page. I presume there's a standard place where the "latest snapshot" 
can be found. Is this true?

reason I ask is that sometimes when Imodify a bean/servlet .java file into 
the WEB-INF/classes dir and reload the JSP page, I get a long stack trace that 
"seems" to indicate a problem with the code. I've discovered that if I reload 
another plain JSP page and then reload my page-that-calls--my-updated-bean, it 
suddenly works. This may be an old bug/feature that has been fixed in a later 
release. Which begs the question as to whether there is a simple page listing 
releases/bug fixes etc. 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus 
  RydinSent: Friday, 1 September 2000 4:30 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on 
  home page
  Hi all, im sorry for the broken link to the Tools 
  tutorial. I managed to break 
  it while putting up the link to the new Servlet 2.3 Filter tutorial. 
  The new Filter tutorial is just 
  started, so please give us some days to fill it up with usefull tutorials 
  before flaming our mail about it :)
Message- From:  
Darren Gibbons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: den 1 september 2000 04:33 To: Orion-Interest Subject: RE: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home 
Hi Kimberly, 
Not sure if you noticed this 
already, but the link is actually http://www.orionserver.com/tutorials/tools/. 
First time I've seen it though -- looks useful. Kudos Orion 
-- Darren 
ph: 604.681.0516 Internet 
fax: 604.681.0916 Vancouver, 
 -Original Message- 
Sent: August 31, 2000 6:46 PM 
 To: Orion-Interest  
Subject: Newbie - Am I going mad? Broken links on home page   
 I've been using Java for some time 
(but not J2EE) and have some  25+ 
years IT experience, so being a newbie is a bit of new  experience... :-)   I've downloaded just 
about everything relating to Orion I can for  study. On the front page of the Orion home site there is a link 
 to some stuff I would like to read, 
but unfortunately it leads to  a 
"Sorry, page not found" page. The link is:   http://www.orionserver.com/toolstut/   and is 
pointed to by the "New tools tutorial available" and "...  the GUI Tools tutorial". Any ideas on this 
anybody?   One last note. My newbie question:   I'm currently trapped in 
a M$ shop using W2K and asp. I've been  given a green light (after much debate) to move towards Java and 
 J2EE. I can't use Linux or Solaris 
unfortunately as that would be  
pushing the envelope a bit too much... :-) In any case, has  anybody gone through this process with Orion before? 
My reason  for asking is that I have 
two Rack Compaqs running the Web-End  
load balanced off an Intel load balancer, with a SQL7 Cluster at 
 the back end in a "lights-out" 
environment. The web site is using  
the absolute minimum of Site Server Commerce Edition I could get 
 away with. This raises the question 
of how entity beans running  on the 
web-end communicate so as to avoid two beans (one on each  box) representing the same row in the database. It's 
probably old  hat to you guys, but 
I'm drowning in books at present and I can't  seem to find that specific answer.   Kimbo   Ms Kimberley 
Scott  Senior Web Developer 
 Peakhour Pty Ltd  http://smartoffice.com.au 
- my site  http://peakhour.com.au 
company site  

Forget my comment about change logs

2000-09-01 Thread Kimberley Scott


Dim light bulb here. Just managed to get 1.2.7 and examined the changes.txt

Sorry about that.


JNDI giving error while using struts framework

2000-09-01 Thread Vimal Kansal


I am using struts framework and ejb on orion. In my
Action class(in my case I have called it
"AddContactAction.java") I am doing the lookup for my
EJB home like :

Object boundObject =

I get the error message

ejb/ContactManagerHome not found in contacts-web.

contacts-web is my root of the WEB portion of the

Can somebody help me.


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Me again. A general question - sorry about this.

2000-09-01 Thread Kimberley Scott


Got to produce a demo as a proof of concept to get Orion in place before
Friday this coming week, so I'm getting a tad frantic. My apologies if I'm
asking dumb questions.

I have an issue sort of about URL rewriting. (not baking cookies) My app
(see the current one at http://smartoffice.com.au - no comments please! I
know it needs work) has a number of business requirements that allow a user
to browse the site loading up a cart and potentially 'logging-in' and
retaining the cart. I assume everybody is familar with this.

The site has several "sub-sites" which handle different areas. For example,
non-secure, ssl and 'admin'. I'm going to setup a client that can run in
Sydney and connect via RMI/IIOP to the server and databases in Melbourne.

To make life a bit more manageable, I'd like to have the ability to 'munge'
the URL such that a path points to a servlet which picks up the rest of the
URL via getPathInfo() or whatever and gather useful information as a
precursor to actually running the JSP page.

For example:

and http://blah.blah.com.au/admin/a/bit/deeper.jsp

Where 'site' and 'admin' are the servlets and 'this/that.jsp' and
'a/bit/deeper.jsp' are the 'actual' pages that get actioned by the
respective servlet. The 'admin' servlet for example could request a seperate
structured secure login process, while the 'site' servlet simply gathers
cookies, DSNs etc and runs the JSP. I know this is possible, but be damned
if I can figure out how to set it up in Orion. I've read books, sites and
fiddled around till I'm blue and I'm obviously missing something very

If anybody has any suggestions (besides sticking my head in the oven) I
would be most appreciative. A reference to a book, paper or website would be
helpful also. Just in case I have it but can't find it, the books currently
surrounding me are:

Java Servlets by example- Williamson
Professional JSP- (Various) Wrox [Where I found out 
about Orion]
Developing Enterprise Apps  - Asbury and Weiner
Pure Java 2 - Litwak
Java 2 for Professionals- Morgan
Build Java Enterprise J2EE  - Perrone and Chaganti
Sun's dev packs
