How to specify on the web application to request for a Digital Certificte

2000-09-09 Thread Ismael Blesa Part

I am using orion and I have added SSL on it. Then I have two web servers
running, one http and the other https.

How should I configure Orion to request the user a digital certificate??


SUN JDK1.3 RC1 for Linux

2000-09-09 Thread Robert Krueger

might be of interest to some people on this list

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Orion Difficulities....

2000-09-09 Thread Christian Sell

Wow, thanks. Perhaps, I'm lame, but that was not obvious in the

I agree it is not obvious from what they call documentation. However,
thinking about it twice, it makes a lot of sense that an admin tool does not
talk to the HTTP port, but instead to a dedicated RMI port. Been there
myself, and everywhere else.

regards, Chris

Re: Device dependent xsl translation recommendation

2000-09-09 Thread Christian Sell

can you explain briefly what the taglib does? From the readme I gather that
it simply places an xsl-stylesheet reference in my page depending on the
requesting target device. Does this not require an XSL-aware client, which
is able to render the page with the given stylesheet?


After posting the original message this morning, I went to work putting
together a custom tag to do what I suggested this morning.
A zip file containing all the source, and instructions is attached to this
email. Please feel free to use it.  If you run into any problems, let me

(See attached file:

James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

referential integrity and ejb's

2000-09-09 Thread alexchud

To inforce referential integrity with ejb's are there any implications 
if i do a look up in the ejbcreate and throw a createException, or 
would this be better suited to using a session bean.


Re: Device dependent xsl translation recommendation

2000-09-09 Thread Joseph B. Ottinger

Absolutely - but realise that Orion itself is an XSL-aware client, so that
the web browser doesn't have to be. 

For an overused example, consider, which is 100%
XML... but renders on lynx just fine, thank you very much. I'm not using
this taglib yet, because the XSL I'm using renders well on every browser
I've tried, but I may indeed use this eventually for the purpose of extra

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Christian Sell wrote:

 can you explain briefly what the taglib does? From the readme I gather that
 it simply places an xsl-stylesheet reference in my page depending on the
 requesting target device. Does this not require an XSL-aware client, which
 is able to render the page with the given stylesheet?
 After posting the original message this morning, I went to work putting
 together a custom tag to do what I suggested this morning.
 A zip file containing all the source, and instructions is attached to this
 email. Please feel free to use it.  If you run into any problems, let me
 (See attached file:
 James Birchfield
 a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
 5 Corporate Center
 9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
 Suite 2000
 Louisville, KY 40223

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  HOMES.COM Developer

Re: 3rd post, no answer

2000-09-09 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Dale,

I think this might be something that most people isn't using heavily
(mailing from different servers) and that this can explain why noone on
the Orion-Interest list has answered you. Remember that the people
answering the questions on orion-interest (Joseph, Arved, Krüger, Chan,
Adams, Smith, Elias, Salaman, Richardson, Ernst, Wenting, Walnes,
Lorandi, Duffey, Thiele, Myrseth, Rydin, Cannon-Brooks, a great thanks
to all of you, and the ones I missed for helping out as much as you do
here on the list), are answering because they feel like helping out, and
if they didn't answer the first or second time around, they might not
feel like answering the third time around either.

If you believe it's an Orion bug, submitting it to Bugzilla will mean
that you will be notified about the status of it from the Orion
developers (sorry if you have already done so).

Karl Avedal

Dale Bronk wrote:

 Sorry to keep posting this, but I really need an answer. I have a
 problem that I hope isn't not normal behavior and something I have
 configured incorrectly. Snip of my sever.xml: global-application
  application name="Client1Domain"
  application name="Client2Domain"
  application name="Client3Domain"
  application name="Client4Domain"
  application name="Client5Domain"
 / In mydomain-application.xml, I have: (note that this is my global
 application)   mail-session location="mail/MailSession"
   property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" /
   property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /
   property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /
/mail-session Now I want to also place the same mail session
 entries in each of my clients application.xml files except specifying
 their domain:   mail-session location="mail/MailSession"
   property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" /
   property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
   property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /
/mail-session I have a FormMailServlet that I install on all my
 clients web.xml files which uses mail.jar classes send the email.  My
 problem is it doesn't matter which one I go to, Orion always uses my
 mail-session entries from the global application.  It doesn't seem to
 get over written for each other application.  I also tried to
 explicitly set the mail server in my FormMailServet to what is passed
 in.  I pass in and inside my class I do the
 following:  properties.put( "",
   properties.put( "smtp-host", "");   // Not
 needed as far as I know I also turn verbose on so I can see what is
 happening.  It always uses!  If I comment out the
 mail-session entries from my global application xml then it works fine
 as long as I pass in the value and explicitly set the
 as above.  In other words, it seems to ignore the mail-session in the
 Clientxxx-application.xml files as I pointed the smtp-host entry in
 one of the application.xml files to an existing server, but a
 different one.  When I explicitly set the entries it uses the entries
 I set, not the mail-session entries. Seems to only use the
 mail-session entries only if in the global application xml file and no
 where else.  When in the global application xml file, it seems you can
 only use that one even if I explicitly set it to a different one. What
 gives?  Sorry for the long email, but I wanted to be sure to give all
 the data. Dale Bronk
 Dale Bronk
 Windscape Consulting, Inc.

Re: Orion Difficulities....

2000-09-09 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Richard,

Well, the documentation has so far assumed that the user understands the
concept of different URL schemes and different protocols (like http://,
ftp:// or ormi://) and understand that they are not the same thing and
use different ports, but that you normally don't need to specify the
port unless you change something. We will somehow explain this in the
FAQ to avoid more confusion about this.

However, there is a reason why there is no admin port mentioned in the
documentation. It's simply because no special admin port exists. The
admin traffic use the regular ormi port.

Karl Avedal

Richard Landon wrote:

 Wow, thanks. Perhaps, I'm lame, but that was not obvious in the

  -Original Message-
  From: Jason von Nieda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:09 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: Orion Difficulities
  Remove the port (8080) from your ormi URL. The admin port is
  different from the web port and is configuredin

   - Original Message -
   From:Richard Landon
   To: Orion-Interest
   Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:51 PM
   Subject: Orion Difficulities
   I am have some major problems with the learning
   curve with this server. I have previously used
   (succesfully)(1) J2EE RI(2) Web Logic 5.1(3)
   IAS(4) Silverstream(5) Gemstone/JI start the
   server as follows:[C:/orion] java -jar orion.jar
   Orion/1.2.9 initializedI take this to mean the
   server is running.I then do a and see the web
   page.(I modified the port since I'm already
   running Apache on port 80).For example, according
   to the documentation, to shutdown the
   server:[C:/orion] java -jar admin.jar
   ormi:// admin root -shutdown

   Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught
   EOFException while reading t
   he stream header; nested exception is: Caught
   EOFException while reading the stream header
   So after two-days, it is not possible to figure
   out how to shutdown the server.I'll try a little
   bit long, then remove this server from our vendor

Re: Clustering and load balancing Howto

2000-09-09 Thread Kevin Duffey


Its already out heh..I gotta go get it.

 Where ideally should loadbalancer.jar be executed? Obviously if it is
running on
 one of the machines in the cluster it isn't so good.. sort of defeats the
 fail-safe purposes... So should it have it's own machine? Or am I just

From what Magnus told me ( I think it was he), it is ok to run it on the
same server, but as you said, it defeats the purpose. Ideally, you would run
it on its own box, and have it communicate on the same port/ip multi-cast as
the two or more orion servers for load-balancing.

I have a question on this matter. What if I want one load-balancer feeding
multiple islands? Can this program load-balance properly between multiple
Orion islands? I recall Karl teaching me (and others on the list) about how
Orion can work as mutliple islands. The reason this is helpful is that if
you have 10 servers on one island, each HttpSession of each server is
replicated to all 10 servers. First, this can take a little more time to
send all the objects of each servers HttpSession to the other 9 servers for
replication. Second, the memory of each server would need to be able to
handle the number of objects for all 10 HttpSessions. As Karl pointed out,
using an island with say, 2 or 3 servers, but having multiple islands, will
reduce the memory footprint needed, as well as increase performance since
each island only replicates the HttpSession data within the servers of its
island. So, being that this load-balancer program is Orion aware, is it
possible to set up multiple islands and does it distribute the load evenly
through each island, and each server in each island?

 Excellent! BUT. when I start up the dead server again... it gets
detected by
 the loadbalancer... starts receiving updates from the other server... so I
 of Server #2 it dies... and the counter returns to 1 even though
 counter value DID get passed (listed in the debug messages)... for some
 it creates a new session. Any ideas here?

That worries me. I hope this is just a bug or something.

 In fact after the first successful fail-over ... I can't get it to do it
 without stopping the loadbalancer... and then both servers... then
starting the
 load balancer... then both the servers again. It seems to only work
once... then
 not anymore... even though it LOOKS like it should work.

 Any help is greatly appreciated!

 I am using Orion 1.3.3 since that's what the autoupdate gave me... the
 DOES say to use 1.3.5+ but I don't know where that is.

Really? I thought in 1.2.9 the load-balancer was functional. I haven't tried
it yet, but I was told 1.2.9 is a stable release, and that is what I intend
on doing production with. 1.3.5+ a stable release?


2000-09-09 Thread Cory Adams


Do you have an approximate timeframe for implementation of this feature?



At 12:10 AM 9/9/00 +0200, Karl Avedal wrote:
Hello Cory,

RMI-IIOP is scheduled to be implemented for the full EJB 2.0 release but
is not

Karl Avedal

Cory Adams wrote:

 Has anybody implemented RMI-IIOP to interoperate from an EJB to a different
 system?  If so how is it supported within ORION or does it totally depend
 upon the JDK's support for RMI-IIOP?

 Also how to you implement RMI-IIOP usage in an EJB?  Can the container pool
 those connections.



RE: SSL and non SSL within the same instance of the web application

2000-09-09 Thread Mike Fontenot

can do this all within a single running orion server process. You will need to 
define the two web applications using the default-web-site.xml as a starting 
point. I copied this and created a second file called ssl-web-site.xml.

both of these files you should refer to the same application using this 

application="default" name="defaultWebApp" shared="true" /
The 'shared="true"' 
setting allows both web applications to share HttpSession based objects so when 
you transfer from non-SSL to SSL your user sessions will stay 
Access the SSL 
portion of your site using https://

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Terence 
  KwanSent: Friday, September 08, 2000 8:18 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: SSL and non SSL within the same instance of 
  the web application
  Hello, we can 
  setup SSL on the application without problem. However, can we setup SSL enable 
  part of the web application? For example, I just want to setup SSL enable on 
  the member area of the web site but not the whole web application. Or do we 
  need to setup 2 applications - one for SSL enable and one for non SSL 

RE: Orion RMI Security problem

2000-09-09 Thread Arved Sandstrom
Title: Orion RMI Security problem


is largely not Orion-dependent stuff. You evidently have some security roles and 
method permissions declared in the ejb-jar.xml for UserBean, but you haven't 
logged in under any of the security roles that may access the create() method 
(and presumably others).

Without logging in your servlet is going to be a 
"guest" as far as EJB's are concerned.

Assuming that you wish to maintain the entity bean 
security, you'll want to place a security constraint on some web component. I 
trust you have some JSPs and/or HTML pages out in front of your servlet; look at 
the docs for web.xml and study the security-constraint tag. At some 
point in your business logic flow, exemplified by transitioning from one JSP to 
another (or similar), it will make sense to place the target JSP or HTML under a 
security constraint to trigger a login, which for you at this stage is probably 
easiest with BASIC or FORM-based authentication.

you've used an app-client then you'll have already encountered login. Either a 
dialog pops up or you use a file. Same idea.

Up to 
this point everything is as specified by the J2EE spec. You'd have to do this 
with any other server.

server dependency enters in user/group mapping to security roles. You explicitly 
specify users and groups in config/principals.xml. So you may have 
username=Matt, password=matt123 declared there, and included that user in groups 
"users" and "agents". How do we ensure that "Matt" and "matt123" entered at 
login time map to security role "agent", for example? Use the 
security-role-mapping in orion-application.xml, which may be set up in 
the top-level META-INF and will get properly deployed as a result. In this tag 
we designate that either user "Matt" or group "agents", or both, map to role 
"agent", which is the same role as you have in web.xml and 

If you 
don't actually have anything other than the servlet (which is a model we use), 
then things get exciting and you need to programmatically authenticate and 
login. Hopefully that's not the case for you. :-)

this helps. It's worth pointing out that the second part you'd also have to do 
with any J2EE server, in varying degrees of obscurity and completeness and ease 
of use. Orion is pretty darned good in this respect, compared to most of the 
other servers out there. If you've used the J2EE RI then anything you did with 
"realmtool" falls into the server-dependent category, for 


-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tilchen, 
MattSent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:51 PMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: Orion RMI Security 

  Hello all,  
  I currently have an entity bean deployed under the JNDI name "UserBean" I am 
  accessing the bean from a servlet running in the same VM and am getting the 
  following exception:
   "com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: guest is not allowed to 
  call the UserBean.create(...) method, check your security 
   Do any of you know how to alleviate this. I am 
  relatively new to Orion so maybe one of you could just point me in the right 
  direction for some reading. 
   You all have been 
  very helpful in your responses in the past and I appreciate all of them. 
  Thanks again. 
  -Matt Tilchen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

OR mapping of table joins for CMP

2000-09-09 Thread Cory Adams

Can somebody  please point me to a good reference for managing joins across
multiple tables while using CMP?  There was a thread on the list that
somebody pointed me to previously but it did not really give the
information I needed.

I just want to be able to specify tables and fields to do joins on with
Orion for CMP.

