probs with bmp and foreign keys

2000-10-03 Thread Lawrence Fry


I am having problems with several bmp entity beans and foreign keys. I have
several beans, each bean corresponds to a table. One entity bean whose
primary key is a foreign key in several other beans is giving me problems. I
execute a remove on the the "mother" bean...and get all kinds of thrown
exceptions. The first is an SQL Exception on the removal of one row in the
project or "mother" table.

What am I doing wrong?

my tables:

create table project {
projectid varchar(32) not null,
userid varchar(32) not null,
description varchar2(255),
constraint project_pk primary key(userid,projectid)

create table material (
 materialid varchar2(32) not null,
 timestamp varchar2(19) not null,
 description varchar2(255),
 projectid varchar(32) not null,
 userid varchar(32) not null,
 constraint material_fk foreign key(projectid,userid)
  references project(projectid,userid),
 constraint material_pk primary

I have an entity bean (bmp) for project and material. I have been having no
problems adding and removing projects or material entity beans with a
bean.remove() methodexcept when the entity bean pk for project is also
in material as a fk.

Orion throws this error when I execute a remove on a project bean which is
referenced in the material bean:

SQL Exception in remove ...

then  I get an IllegalStateException on the project entity bean...

It only goes down hill from there...

orion throws a DeadlockException in the project passivate method

then I get a MarshallingXAException error from OrionError while
delisting bean from TX.

Where did I go wrong?



RE: JSPs and Linux/UNIX permissions

2000-10-03 Thread J.T. Wenting

Not with Orion (don't use that on unix, corporate standard is iPlanet and
Websphere), but we've had problems that JSPs were not compiled when no
execute rights had been set on them for the user used by the server.

Jeroen T. Wenting

Murphy was wrong, things that can't go wrong will anyway

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vincent Chen
 Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 20:28
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: JSPs and Linux/UNIX permissions


 (I just posted this as a "bug", but perhaps, it's
 just a bad setting.)

 Has anyone run into JSPs file-permissions issues
 w/ UNIX?  Thanks.

   ORIONDIR - The distribution directory that contains orion.jar, etc.
   DEPLOYMENTDIR - The deployment directory that holds the config,
 document root, application, application-deployment, etc.

 Our goal is to divorce ORIONDIR from DEPLOYMENTDIR completely, to minimize
 upgrade headaches.

   ORIONDIR is read-only
   DEPLOYMENTDIR is writeable for "root"

 With this setup, start the server as "root":

   cd $ORIONDIR; java -jar orion.jar -config

 This results in access errors when the server try to generate the
 temporary .java files for .jsp pages.

 We have to give write permission just to $ORIONDIR (not any of its
 subdirectories) for the server to process JSPs correctly.  It
 seems that the
 server is trying to generate the .java files directly in $ORIONDIR, and
 ignoring any temporary-directory settings for orion-web-app in


 Vincent Chen

 363 Brannan Street
 San Francisco, CA 94107
 (415) 369-9880 x215

 eRIDE - Driving Business

RE: JavaBean with Orion Server

2000-10-03 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Uhm, this is actually wrong.

There's no reason you can't communicate directly with EJBs from a JSP (I do
it alot).

It's not strictly good practice to do so (using Session beans, JavaBeans or
tags is a good abstraction layer) but often for quick apps it doesn't


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nathan Phelps
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 3:07 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: JavaBean with Orion Server

 See the following tutorial:

 You cannot communicate 'directly' with EJBs from JSPs without an
 intermediate layer (JavaBeans, or a EJB tag library).  See the following
 document concerning the Orion EJB tag library:

 I would, however, recommend putting as little code as possible in
 your JSPs,
 in favor of placing it in JavaBeans or Servlets.

 -Original Message-
 From: Fortino Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 11:46 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: JavaBean with Orion Server

 Hi all,

 I just downloaded the Orion Server and I using with a JSP book and
 everything is working fine but now I am in a new chapter where I learning
 about JavaBeans but I am not able to run any JavaBeans.

 What Should I need to do in order to run EJB?
 Where should put the jsp and the html files whit ebj tags?

 Do I need something else to use JavaBeans?


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RE: Anyone using Orion/Apache w/ many virt. hosts?

2000-10-03 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

I run Orion with 15 virtual hosts (don't know why 50 would be any

Use Orion exclusively, it's really only a little leap not really a big one.
There was a discussion a while back about what you needed in Apache, net
result: there's nothing that can't be done in Orion ;)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Keith Elliott
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 8:23 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Anyone using Orion/Apache w/ many virt. hosts?


 I'm new to Orion and have been searching through the
 mailing list archives.  But, I'm still left with a
 couple questions:

 1.  Is anyone using Orion with Apache and 50 or more
 Apache virtual hosts?

 2.  Is anyone using only Orion with 50 or more virtual

 3.  What is the best choice?  Like many companies, we
 have a large number of legacy virtual hosts on Apache.
  We are migrating to the J2EE framework and currently
 selecting an app server for our needs.

 Thanks for your time and thougths!

 Keith Elliott
 NuRelm Internet Solutions
 Austin, Texas, USA

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!

R: Client certificate authentication

2000-10-03 Thread Montebove Luciano

I can help you partially. I had the same 403 Forbidden problem and I'm
waiting for a response from official support (5 days).
For the Cert ID use the sample page ssl-user-registration.jsp in demo SSL.
It will show the cert id you are looking for.
If you solve the 403 problem tell me.

Luciano Montebove - Software Architect - Finsiel S.p.a
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone:  (+39) 06-4142-7663
"If you don't fail now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe"
-W. Allen

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Lopez Esteban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 2 ottobre 2000 14.57
A: Orion-Interest
Oggetto: Client certificate authentication


I need to authenticate clients with digital certificates, I have a VeriSign
trial client certificate and I'm using IE 5.0. The certificate is well
installed in IE.
I'm working with Orion 1.2.9 and HTTPS. I'm using
auth-methodCLIENT-CERT/auth-method in de login config of WEB.XML file.
When I connect to the WEB site I see the follow error:
403 Forbidden
Your cert's user does not have access to this resource

Please, anybody could help me about this?

Note: In the PRINCIPAL.XML file when I set the user that has a certificate I
do the follow:

user username="A name here"
descriptionno description/description
certificate-issuerCN = VeriSign Class 1 CA
Individual Subscriber-Persona Not Validated, OU = Incorp. By Ref.,LIAB.LTD(c)98, OU = VeriSign
Trust Network, O = VeriSign, Inc./certificate-issuer
certificate-serial-idI don't
group-membership group="users"/
group-membership group="guests"/

In certificate-serial-id  tag I've an hexa number and when I put this
serial number in it, the Orion throws the follow exception:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: 297D6F02EA75C1
at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Unknown Source)
at java.math.BigInteger.init(Unknown Source)
at java.math.BigInteger.init(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.XMLUserManager.ajf(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.XMLUserManager.ajd(JAX)
at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig.update(JAX)

What serial number I must to put in this tag?

Thanks, Esteban

RE: Can't create xxxxx.jsp.jspCache files

2000-10-03 Thread J.T. Wenting

the cache is in

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 08:40
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Can't create x.jsp.jspCache files

 Hi All...

 When we run Orion under Debian Linux as user orion where orion has
 permission to write into its directory tree, an attempt to create the JSP
 files x.jsp.jspCache fails (permission denied). If we run Orion as
 root, it runs fine and creates the files, which persist.

 If we then run orion again as user orion, the JSP examples that
 we ran when
 Orion was root run fine, indicating that Orion, when running as
 user orion,
 can at least read these files.

 So, my question is, exactly what does Orion do and where does it
 write when
 it makes those xxx.jsp.jspCache files? If we know this, we should be able
 to configure our system to give Orion the correct permissions.



Re: jsp.reuse.tags

2000-10-03 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello again,

Hmm, I should update my own reply, because that example is actually a bad one,
since it's illegal to reuse the tag in that specific case. However, the
principle is the same. Tags might be reused under certain circumstances, and
they assume this isn't done.

Karl Avedal

Karl Avedal wrote:

 Hello Luis,

 Let's say we have this in a JSP:

 foo:bar baz="123" baz2="234"/
 Some text
 foo:bar baz="123"/

 In a JSP container, tags might be reused (the tag instances are pooled), so
 when the tag foo:bar is used for the second time above, the optional
 attribute baz2 may still have the value "234" since the same instance as
 before is used, so when having optional attributes like above, you have to
 be careful.

 This is exactly what the pet store is doing and they assume that the tag
 will not be reused (that they get a clean instance every time). This
 probably comes from the fact that they implemented using the J2EE RI. The
 J2EE RI is not meant to be fast, but just to follow the spec, so that
 implementation does not reuse the tag instances.

 So when they tested the petstore on the RI it worked fine, but it did not
 work in containers doing this optimization. For this reason we provided a
 property for Orion to turn off the tag instance reuse optimization.

 Karl Avedal

 Luis M Bernardo wrote:

  can someone explain what's wrong with the pet store taglibs that we need
  to use the switch -Djsp.reuse.tags=false when running the orion port of
  that demo.

RE: probs with bmp and foreign keys

2000-10-03 Thread BSmith

In the ejbRemove method for your project ejb, are you calling remove for the
material first? Most databases won't let you delete a row if another table
is referencing it, unless that particular db supports cascading deletes and
it's enabled. Typically in 1-M relationships like this (I assume you can
have more than one material per project) you have to delete the children
prior to deleting the parent. Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: Lawrence Fry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 2:56 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: probs with bmp and foreign keys


I am having problems with several bmp entity beans and foreign keys. I have
several beans, each bean corresponds to a table. One entity bean whose
primary key is a foreign key in several other beans is giving me problems. I
execute a remove on the the "mother" bean...and get all kinds of thrown
exceptions. The first is an SQL Exception on the removal of one row in the
project or "mother" table.

What am I doing wrong?

my tables:

create table project {
projectid varchar(32) not null,
userid varchar(32) not null,
description varchar2(255),
constraint project_pk primary key(userid,projectid)

create table material (
 materialid varchar2(32) not null,
 timestamp varchar2(19) not null,
 description varchar2(255),
 projectid varchar(32) not null,
 userid varchar(32) not null,
 constraint material_fk foreign key(projectid,userid)
  references project(projectid,userid),
 constraint material_pk primary

I have an entity bean (bmp) for project and material. I have been having no
problems adding and removing projects or material entity beans with a
bean.remove() methodexcept when the entity bean pk for project is also
in material as a fk.

Orion throws this error when I execute a remove on a project bean which is
referenced in the material bean:

SQL Exception in remove ...

then  I get an IllegalStateException on the project entity bean...

It only goes down hill from there...

orion throws a DeadlockException in the project passivate method

then I get a MarshallingXAException error from OrionError while
delisting bean from TX.

Where did I go wrong?



Mapping Users/Groups to Roles

2000-10-03 Thread BSmith

I know this question has been asked before but I couldn't find an answer in
the archive.

For starters in my orion/config I have the default principals.xml that has
the groups users, guests and administrators and the users user, anonymous,
guest, admin. The group assignment of the users is the default. In
particular, guest is a member of guests.

Now, in my ejb-jar.xml I have,


When I deploy and try to access this EJB, I get an exception stating that
guest does not have permission to call the ejb methods.

How does my role guest get mapped back to the user guest in the global
principals.xml file? There seems to be some crucial piece that I'm not

On a similar note, what is the default role permission when no
method-permission is defined? I'm assuming it's wide open. Is there a way to
change the application default so that I have to explicitly loosen up the
restrictions and not the other way around?

Also, what is the default container transaction attribute when one isn't
specified for a particular method or ejb?



Bill Smith
Senior Software Engineer
iXL, Inc.
4470 Cox Road
Richmond, VA 23060

tel: 804.474.3007
fax: 804.217.8890 

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and its attachments and notify us immediately. 

Problem with Multiple JSP's

2000-10-03 Thread Mehra, Shelly (CRD)

   I have started using Orion Server first time.  Before this I have done development 
using Weblogic
but I liked this more.  I am using JBuilder as my IDE and I have set it up to start 
Orion server
through it so that I can debug my application.  Now while doign that things run fine 
but the problem
comes when I try to call one JSP from another one.  I tried it with default.jsp to 
call another one
from it and otherwise too.  Any jsp calling another one kills the orion server and it 
shuts down and
page becomes unavailable.
The tragedy is that once if I reference that page explicitly and then start my 
application with a
different JSP calling this JSP(which could any one but being called from another one), 
then it starts
running.  SO I think it has somehting to do with the configuration issue fo Orion and 
I am unable to
figure it out. I don't understand how to make the Container to know where the next 
JSP is  I
have already tried giving the directory path for all the JSP as they are kept together 
"web.xml" but that does not help either.  Also I am using different directory 
structure which is out
of Orion default-web-app structure.  Its standalone but I put the ".ear" in 
applications directory of
Orion and deployment information goes to Application-deployment.  
   Please somebody help me as I am trying to figure out this problem for 2 days now 
and its getting
on my nerves.  I thought that Orion seems very reasonable to work with but these kinds 
of problems
which has no related documentation and no support available in USA, makes things 
really difficult.
Any kind of suggstion, guidance or help woudl be really appreciated.  

Thank you.

Shelly Mehra  

Re: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

2000-10-03 Thread Dale Bronk

Why shouldn't be possible?  WebLogic is an app server, not a plug-in and
works quite nicely with IIS.

- Original Message -
From: "Stanislav Maximov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 1:31 AM
Subject: RE: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs


 I think it is not possible - Orion isn't a plug-in, it is a server. If you
 wish to use another web-server (rather than Orion), you'll also need to
 another JSP/Servlet engine, like Resin or something, and use Orion as a
 server only.


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John McGarett
  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 2:18 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs
  Our business requirements dictate that Orion be used
  in conjunction with other web servers, e.g. IIS. Orion
  will be our servlet/JSP engine and App Server. That
  is,  all requests will be directed to IIS and it will
  treat Orion as a plug-in, by sending it Servlet and
  JSP requests for processing. How can Orion be
  configured for this task?
  The Orion FAQ talks about integrating with Apache with
  Orion being the primary web server but that is not
  is desired by us. I have briefly looked at the mail
  archives but there has been no satisfactory answer to
  this question and hence this request.
  Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  - John -
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!

Re: jsp.reuse.tags

2000-10-03 Thread Luis M Bernardo

OK, I think I understand what's going on. I don't know whether you are
familiar with the java pet store taglibs, but they are only used in two
files: template.jsp and ScreenDefinitions.jsp. What I notice is that in
the ScreenDefinitions.jsp file some screens use three parameters and other
use four. So I'm guessing that if I create a blank.jsp and use it just as
a filler in the screens that have three parameters (so that they have four
instead) I'll solve the problem and will not need to use the
jsp.reuse.tags flag. Would that work?


On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Karl Avedal wrote:

 Hello again,
 Hmm, I should update my own reply, because that example is actually a bad one,
 since it's illegal to reuse the tag in that specific case. However, the
 principle is the same. Tags might be reused under certain circumstances, and
 they assume this isn't done.
 Karl Avedal
 Karl Avedal wrote:
  Hello Luis,
  Let's say we have this in a JSP:
  foo:bar baz="123" baz2="234"/
  Some text
  foo:bar baz="123"/
  In a JSP container, tags might be reused (the tag instances are pooled), so
  when the tag foo:bar is used for the second time above, the optional
  attribute baz2 may still have the value "234" since the same instance as
  before is used, so when having optional attributes like above, you have to
  be careful.
  This is exactly what the pet store is doing and they assume that the tag
  will not be reused (that they get a clean instance every time). This
  probably comes from the fact that they implemented using the J2EE RI. The
  J2EE RI is not meant to be fast, but just to follow the spec, so that
  implementation does not reuse the tag instances.
  So when they tested the petstore on the RI it worked fine, but it did not
  work in containers doing this optimization. For this reason we provided a
  property for Orion to turn off the tag instance reuse optimization.
  Karl Avedal
  Luis M Bernardo wrote:
   can someone explain what's wrong with the pet store taglibs that we need
   to use the switch -Djsp.reuse.tags=false when running the orion port of
   that demo.

Re: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

2000-10-03 Thread Kyle Cordes

 I have a question..why would you not be able to use Orion as the web
 It actually serves HTML pages as fast (if not faster) than IIS does. Its
 very easy to set up.

Not to disparage Orion (a great product!), but it's extremely unlikely that
Orion will approach IIS's speed of serving HTML pages.  IIS is highly
optimized using native NT APIs to perform this task extremely quickly.  Does
anyone have any benchmarks?

Of course, if Orion serves your pages fast enough for your needs, then it
doesn't matter if IIS is faster.

- Kyle Cordes

RE: EJB with JSP directly

2000-10-03 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: RE: EJB with JSP directly

Hi there
Its possible to call EJBs directly from the JSP pages, but why dont you want to do that from Tags? So much nicer than filling up your jsp's with scriptlets? The taglibs are there, just grab them and use them.. 

But yeah, its fully possible to call EJBs directly from your page of course..

Could it be possible that its your setup that makes the strange shutdown happend? It sounds very strange, and I've never seen anything like it..

All uncaught exceptions can be found in the applications log file, so if you are using the defaultwebapp, you find the log under /orion/logs/

This sounds serious. You should really post this to bugzilla at the Orion site, and try to get in contact with [EMAIL PROTECTED] (please notice that they handle paying customers first hand).


 -Original Message-
 From: Mehra, Shelly (CRD) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: den 3 oktober 2000 15:59
 To: Magnus Rydin
 Subject: EJB with JSP directly
 Dear Magnus
 I wanted to ask this question from you that whether its 
 possible to call EJB's directly from
 JSP's or Orion has no option for that. If there exists one, 
 would you please guide me in that
 direction. I to start with, don't want to use layer of 
 EJB-taglibs and I am not goign to use layed
 of web-beans as then I ahve to do development on two fronts 
 which does not make sense at all..
 So, I wnated to really ask for help on this issue. I have 
 been using JBuilder and starting Orion
 through it. I tried calling EJB methods directly from JSP's 
 and first page and default pages work
 but when I try calling one JSP page from another one, the 
 orion server shuts down and it seems that
 it is unable to find that jsp being called from another JSP. 
 What I don't understand why it does not give any error 
 message instead of just shutting down
 like that... Is there any option I need to set for getting 
 errors at all stages. I have using Orion
 for the first time and that is why I ma not familiar with 
 many facets of its capabilities. I have
 been driven crazy for this and I really woudl like to know 
 what is goign on...? I woudl really
 appreciate your help.
 Thank you.

Re: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread Dale M. Boresz

Vidur Dhanda wrote:


 Has anyone else experienced erratic java.exe (JDK1.3) failures while
 running 1.3.8 on a NT4.0SP6a box.  All  of a sudden I have started
 getting Dr Watson while running orion.  I can't detect any pattern -- it
 can crash while it is doing nothing and when there is heavy load on the

 My configuration: JDK1.3, Orion 1.3.8, NTWS4.0SP6a, 384MB, AMD K6.



I can't comment about jdk/orion under  NT, but ...

For  what it's worth, here's what I've noticed while running Sun's jdk1.3
under Linux:
When Orion is started, there are about a dozen jdk1.3 processess that start
up simultaneously! Under jdk1.2.2, there was only one. As I modify the
server.xml file - adding or dropping sites, the number of jdk1.3 instances
increases dramatically. If I kill the first jdk1.3 instance started, they
all terminate. Under jdk1.2.2, I've never noticed any additional processes
start up.

I don't know what these processes are doing, or why this happens, but it's
just something that I've noticed, and the fact that the number of processes
rapidly increases is pretty alarming. So... I went back to jdk1.2.2 for
now, and that works fine.

I'd suggest that maybe you can check out the number of processes running
under NT, and see if perhaps you're experiencing something similar.


RE: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread John D'Ausilio

I'm on NT 5 (Win 2K) with the same JDK and Orion, 256M and a Mobile P2 and
it's been incredibly stable for me ...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vidur Dhanda
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 8:20 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson


Has anyone else experienced erratic java.exe (JDK1.3) failures while
running 1.3.8 on a NT4.0SP6a box.  All  of a sudden I have started
getting Dr Watson while running orion.  I can't detect any pattern -- it
can crash while it is doing nothing and when there is heavy load on the

My configuration: JDK1.3, Orion 1.3.8, NTWS4.0SP6a, 384MB, AMD K6.


SV: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread Klaus . Myrseth

Its because of the support for native threads :) (processes) switch to green
threads and you should be quit the problem i would believe :)


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Dale M. Boresz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 3. oktober 2000 16:17
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: Re: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

Vidur Dhanda wrote:


 Has anyone else experienced erratic java.exe (JDK1.3) failures while
 running 1.3.8 on a NT4.0SP6a box.  All  of a sudden I have started
 getting Dr Watson while running orion.  I can't detect any pattern -- it
 can crash while it is doing nothing and when there is heavy load on the

 My configuration: JDK1.3, Orion 1.3.8, NTWS4.0SP6a, 384MB, AMD K6.



I can't comment about jdk/orion under  NT, but ...

For  what it's worth, here's what I've noticed while running Sun's jdk1.3
under Linux:
When Orion is started, there are about a dozen jdk1.3 processess that start
up simultaneously! Under jdk1.2.2, there was only one. As I modify the
server.xml file - adding or dropping sites, the number of jdk1.3 instances
increases dramatically. If I kill the first jdk1.3 instance started, they
all terminate. Under jdk1.2.2, I've never noticed any additional processes
start up.

I don't know what these processes are doing, or why this happens, but it's
just something that I've noticed, and the fact that the number of processes
rapidly increases is pretty alarming. So... I went back to jdk1.2.2 for
now, and that works fine.

I'd suggest that maybe you can check out the number of processes running
under NT, and see if perhaps you're experiencing something similar.


RE: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread Torgeir . Lerkerod

You are seeing the diference between nativ and greenthreads...

Torgeir Lerkerød

-Original Message-
From: Dale M. Boresz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 3. oktober 2000 16:17
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

For  what it's worth, here's what I've noticed while running Sun's jdk1.3
under Linux:
When Orion is started, there are about a dozen jdk1.3 processess that start
up simultaneously! Under jdk1.2.2, there was only one. As I modify the
server.xml file - adding or dropping sites, the number of jdk1.3 instances
increases dramatically. If I kill the first jdk1.3 instance started, they
all terminate. Under jdk1.2.2, I've never noticed any additional processes
start up.

I don't know what these processes are doing, or why this happens, but it's
just something that I've noticed, and the fact that the number of processes
rapidly increases is pretty alarming. So... I went back to jdk1.2.2 for
now, and that works fine.

I'd suggest that maybe you can check out the number of processes running
under NT, and see if perhaps you're experiencing something similar.


Re: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread Robert Krueger

At 10:16 03.10.00 , you wrote:
Vidur Dhanda wrote:

  Has anyone else experienced erratic java.exe (JDK1.3) failures while
  running 1.3.8 on a NT4.0SP6a box.  All  of a sudden I have started
  getting Dr Watson while running orion.  I can't detect any pattern -- it
  can crash while it is doing nothing and when there is heavy load on the
  My configuration: JDK1.3, Orion 1.3.8, NTWS4.0SP6a, 384MB, AMD K6.


I can't comment about jdk/orion under  NT, but ...

For  what it's worth, here's what I've noticed while running Sun's jdk1.3
under Linux:
When Orion is started, there are about a dozen jdk1.3 processess that start
up simultaneously! Under jdk1.2.2, there was only one. As I modify the
server.xml file - adding or dropping sites, the number of jdk1.3 instances
increases dramatically. If I kill the first jdk1.3 instance started, they
all terminate. Under jdk1.2.2, I've never noticed any additional processes
start up.

I don't know what these processes are doing, or why this happens, but it's
just something that I've noticed, and the fact that the number of processes
rapidly increases is pretty alarming. So... I went back to jdk1.2.2 for
now, and that works fine.

but you do know that native threads under linux appear as separate 
processes, don't you? you are probably using jdk1.2.2 with green threads 
(the sun version only has green threads, blackdown has native ones). so if 
that's your only problem with jdk1.3 go back to using it because it's much 
faster ;-).


I'd suggest that maybe you can check out the number of processes running
under NT, and see if perhaps you're experiencing something similar.


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

2000-10-03 Thread Robert Krueger

At 16:32 03.10.00 , you wrote:

  Not to disparage Orion (a great product!), but it's extremely
  unlikely that
  Orion will approach IIS's speed of serving HTML pages.  IIS is highly
  optimized using native NT APIs to perform this task extremely
  quickly.  Does
  anyone have any benchmarks?

 Eh? Personally, I consider IIS to be amongst the slowest 
 websevers out there...
 Never seen any benchmarks that says otherwize, do you have any 

Well, I've indeed seen benchmarks that show IIS very fast in serving static 
html on multiprocessor machines but very slow in dynamic content, compared 
to other technologies. I think the tests compared IIS and apache/mod_perl.


There are benchmarks for Orion vs IIS on the Orion site

  Of course, if Orion serves your pages fast enough for your
  needs, then it
  doesn't matter if IIS is faster.
  - Kyle Cordes

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Anyone using Orion/Apache w/ many virt. hosts?

2000-10-03 Thread Dale M. Boresz

Robert Krueger wrote:

Are you talking name based or ip based vhosts? what magnus explained was
that it was a problem with name based hosts sharing one ip address and
port. for ip base hosts he gave you a solution. you're saying that it does
work with name based hosts sharing ip and port with apache?


Well, I guess I don't know if I'm talking name-based or IP-based. I use the
"virtual-hosts" parameter of the web-site.xml file to specify the domains of
interest, such as,,, with the dns
server mapping each of these domains to the same IP address, which in turn is
running Orion.

I'm a programmer working at an ISP, and although I don't manage the Apache servers
here, I do know that they have one Apache server with five certificates installed,
and only one network adatper. From that, I'm understanding that the server is
using only one IP address, on one port (well, two actually I guess, one for http,
and one for https), and yet the server selects the cert which is appropriate for
the site.

Sorry if I'm being dense about this, but I obviously am just not 'getting' it.


RE: setting up jdbc with oracle 8i on NT

2000-10-03 Thread Boulatian, Misak

thanks very much. it worked.

-Original Message-
From: Porfiriev Sergey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 7:58 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: setting up jdbc with oracle 8i on NT

this works with 8.1.5 / 8.1.6. (don't forget put into

name="Content data-source"


- Original Message -
From: "Boulatian, Misak" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 8:36 PM
Subject: setting up jdbc with oracle 8i on NT

 Hi all,

 Did anybody setup orion server to work with oracle8i? Please let me know
 what would data-sources.xml look like. This is what I have but it does not
 seem to work.
 data-source class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource"
 name="Oracle8i" location="jdbc/Oracle8i" xa-location="" ejb-location=""
 connection-driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" username="system"
 password="manager" url="jdbc:oracle:thin@misaklap:1521:trade"
 inactivity-timeout="30" /
 Please advise.


Porfiriev Sergey [EMAIL PROTECTED]visit: e-commerece
portal based on orion server.

SV: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

2000-10-03 Thread Klaus . Myrseth

Ofcourse it works, install suns com-rmi bridge and youre off..

But it will not work with isapi or any other filters.. You have to redirect
inside the code...

And for the one mentioning weblogic..You dont get any isapi filters for
Weblogic either, you have to redirect calls the same way as you have to do
to orion. It would be the same as to claim Apache has to get an isapi filter
for IIS to serve php for IIS. Ok mention JRun that is a servlet engine and
not a webserver, that one would ofcourse have a filter to run jsp and
servlets inside IIS (or do a invis redirect) but thats not a webserver..

Ps: Orion is faster than IIS, so is most other webservers.. IIS is full of
memory leaks and other stuff that make it bend when the load is really hard,
and over time. Check the benchmarks on orion page, its done with microsofts
own benchmark utility so :)

Tip to use orion in cooperation with iis is:
forget session tracking between the different servers, but you can easilly
call webpages inside orion from iis and present them in the same frame or

You can allso use Suns rmi-com bridge to call biz logic if this one can run
with orionservers protocol.

Have fun!
Klaus Myrseth

-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Kyle Cordes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 3. oktober 2000 15:41
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: Re: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

 I have a question..why would you not be able to use Orion as the web
 It actually serves HTML pages as fast (if not faster) than IIS does. Its
 very easy to set up.

Not to disparage Orion (a great product!), but it's extremely unlikely that
Orion will approach IIS's speed of serving HTML pages.  IIS is highly
optimized using native NT APIs to perform this task extremely quickly.  Does
anyone have any benchmarks?

Of course, if Orion serves your pages fast enough for your needs, then it
doesn't matter if IIS is faster.

- Kyle Cordes

RE: Setting up jdbc with orion server

2000-10-03 Thread Boulatian, Misak

thanks very much. it worked.

-Original Message-
From: Aniket V Upganlawar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 10:03 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Setting up jdbc with orion server

hi misak,
remove the following lines and try it...(unless of course you are using xa- 

xa-location="" ejb-location=""

Orion does not accept blanks but works fine if u remove the tags.


At 05:24 AM 10/3/2000, you wrote:
Hi all,

I am still trying to desperately setup orion server for jdbc. I installed
oracle 8i enterprise edition and tested jdbc connection with oracle,
everything was successful. In order to setup orion server to access oracle
did the following:
1) modified data-sources.xml to look as in the following example:
data-source class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource"
name="Oracle8i" location="jdbc/Oracle8i" xa-location="" ejb-location=""
connection-driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" username="system"
password="manager" url="jdbc:oracle:thin@misaklap:1521:trade"
inactivity-timeout="30" /
2) copied onto c:\orion\lib
3) The actual classpath variable is pointing to the jdbc driver in oracle's
original installation which is: C:\Oracle\Ora81\jdbc\lib\
4) from c:\orion directory I type: 'java -jar orion.jar' and I get the
following error message: 'Error initializing server: Unable to bind
DataSource  to'

Can somebody try to help me? For the last two weeks I tried many different
databases with many different JDBC drivers but I could never able to start
orion server. I was successfully able to setup JDBC with weblogic, dynamo,
websphere, JRun but I am still having trouble to that with orion. Am I
missing a step in the above scenario? Please advise.


Re:URGENT: HELP: session time out under SSL

2000-10-03 Thread Paul Knepper


I'm seeing a similar 
behavior once I've switched to SSL. Session timeout seems to work fine 
non-SSL but times-out in 1-2 minutes with SSL.

Have you come up 
with a solution yet?


JMS debugging

2000-10-03 Thread John D'Ausilio

Is there any way to look 'inside' of a Queue in orion? I've got a
message-driven bean listening on a queue, and a client that stuffs a message
into that queue. The client runs fine with no exceptions, but the bean never
seems to receive the message.

Can anyone give me some clues?

john d

jms-server port="9127"
queue name="processMonitor" location="jms/processMonitor"
descriptionqueue for handling activity completion 
file path="../log/jms.log" /

ejb-jar.xml (fragment):
descriptionProcesses incoming activity completion


client app:
jmsContext = new InitialContext(getJMSEnvironment());
// jms and message-driven bean testing
Queue queue = (Queue) jmsContext.lookup("jms/processMonitor");
QueueSession queueSession = null;
QueueSender sender = null;
try {
QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory =
(QueueConnectionFactory) jmsContext.lookup(
QueueConnection connection =
queueSession = connection.createQueueSession(false,
sender = queueSession.createSender(queue);
System.out.println("Got the send q");

Message message = queueSession.createMessage();
message.setLongProperty("date", new Date().getTime());
message.setStringProperty("event", "foo");
System.out.println("Message sent");
} catch (JMSException jmse) {
throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(jmse.getMessage());

Re: Client application

2000-10-03 Thread Christian Eichinger

Look at the example in ..oriondir\demo\rmi\ It shows how
you can access the EJB-Server using its JNDI functionality.


 "Daniel C. DiCesare" wrote:
 I have an EJB which I need to invoke from a Java application. I am
 trying to create the Client jar file so that my application can invoke
 the EJB. I have not been able to do so. I had hoped to use the
 deployment tool that comes with Sun to create the client jar but I
 have not been able to do so. Can anyone advise on how I can create
 this jar or how I can connect a client app to utilize my EJB's.

tel;work:+43 662 22 88 422
org:Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.;SunTREC
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
adr;quoted-printable:;;Jakob-Haringer-Str. 5/III=0D=0A;Salzburg;;5020;Austria
fn:Christian Eichinger

Re: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread Christian Eichinger

I also have troubles running jdk1.3 on NTWS4.0 with SP6, especially in
visual context. These errors occur independent of orion and just under
NTWS4.0. I tested it under Windows 2000 and Windows98 as well as Solaris
8 (with jdk1.3 beta) and had no troubles there. I use jdk1.2.2 under
NTWS4.0 SP6 which works fine...


Vidur Dhanda wrote:
 Has anyone else experienced erratic java.exe (JDK1.3) failures while
 running 1.3.8 on a NT4.0SP6a box.  All  of a sudden I have started
 getting Dr Watson while running orion.  I can't detect any pattern -- it
 can crash while it is doing nothing and when there is heavy load on the
 My configuration: JDK1.3, Orion 1.3.8, NTWS4.0SP6a, 384MB, AMD K6.

tel;work:+43 662 22 88 422
org:Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.;SunTREC
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
adr;quoted-printable:;;Jakob-Haringer-Str. 5/III=0D=0A;Salzburg;;5020;Austria
fn:Christian Eichinger

RE: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread Will Glozer

What you are experiencing is the wonderful native thread support under Linux
where threads are really separate processes with shared code and data space.
It is perfectly normal however, actually Sun's JDC has a nice article on it


-Original Message-
From: Dale M. Boresz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 7:17 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

Vidur Dhanda wrote:


 Has anyone else experienced erratic java.exe (JDK1.3) failures while
 running 1.3.8 on a NT4.0SP6a box.  All  of a sudden I have started
 getting Dr Watson while running orion.  I can't detect any pattern -- it
 can crash while it is doing nothing and when there is heavy load on the

 My configuration: JDK1.3, Orion 1.3.8, NTWS4.0SP6a, 384MB, AMD K6.



I can't comment about jdk/orion under  NT, but ...

For  what it's worth, here's what I've noticed while running Sun's jdk1.3
under Linux:
When Orion is started, there are about a dozen jdk1.3 processess that start
up simultaneously! Under jdk1.2.2, there was only one. As I modify the
server.xml file - adding or dropping sites, the number of jdk1.3 instances
increases dramatically. If I kill the first jdk1.3 instance started, they
all terminate. Under jdk1.2.2, I've never noticed any additional processes
start up.

I don't know what these processes are doing, or why this happens, but it's
just something that I've noticed, and the fact that the number of processes
rapidly increases is pretty alarming. So... I went back to jdk1.2.2 for
now, and that works fine.

I'd suggest that maybe you can check out the number of processes running
under NT, and see if perhaps you're experiencing something similar.



2000-10-03 Thread Dave Weber



Re: Anyone using Orion/Apache w/ many virt. hosts?

2000-10-03 Thread Robert Krueger

At 11:41 03.10.00 , you wrote:
Robert Krueger wrote:

Are you talking name based or ip based vhosts? what magnus explained was
that it was a problem with name based hosts sharing one ip address and
port. for ip base hosts he gave you a solution. you're saying that it does
work with name based hosts sharing ip and port with apache?


Well, I guess I don't know if I'm talking name-based or IP-based. I use the
"virtual-hosts" parameter of the web-site.xml file to specify the domains of
interest, such as,,, with 
the dns
server mapping each of these domains to the same IP address, which in turn is

ok, that's name based

running Orion.

I'm a programmer working at an ISP, and although I don't manage the Apache 
here, I do know that they have one Apache server with five certificates 
and only one network adatper. From that, I'm understanding that the server is
using only one IP address, on one port (well, two actually I guess, one 
for http,

no, could be using virtual interfaces, i.e. many ip-addresses on one 
ethernet card. works on all unixes I know and on NT and is comon practice. 
could you check that? I would be very surprised to find that magnus is 
wrong on such an issue. he usually knows very well what he's talking about.

why don't you make a web-site.xml for each of the sites each with a 
different keystore and mount the same web-application. if I understand 
magnus correctly, that's what you have to do.



and one for https), and yet the server selects the cert which is 
appropriate for
the site.

Sorry if I'm being dense about this, but I obviously am just not 'getting' it.


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

2000-10-03 Thread Dale Bronk

I am not totally aware of how our admins are doing it, but the prod site has
IIS listening on port 80 but all *.jsp and *.ourApp are sent to WebLogic for
processing.  They tell me that it is also SSL "safe".

What about JRun 3.0, it is a full J2EE app server and a plug-in?


- Original Message -
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:30 AM
Subject: SV: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

 Ofcourse it works, install suns com-rmi bridge and youre off..

 But it will not work with isapi or any other filters.. You have to
 inside the code...

 And for the one mentioning weblogic..You dont get any isapi filters for
 Weblogic either, you have to redirect calls the same way as you have to do
 to orion. It would be the same as to claim Apache has to get an isapi
 for IIS to serve php for IIS. Ok mention JRun that is a servlet engine and
 not a webserver, that one would ofcourse have a filter to run jsp and
 servlets inside IIS (or do a invis redirect) but thats not a webserver..

 Ps: Orion is faster than IIS, so is most other webservers.. IIS is full of
 memory leaks and other stuff that make it bend when the load is really
 and over time. Check the benchmarks on orion page, its done with
 own benchmark utility so :)

 Tip to use orion in cooperation with iis is:
 forget session tracking between the different servers, but you can easilly
 call webpages inside orion from iis and present them in the same frame or

 You can allso use Suns rmi-com bridge to call biz logic if this one can
 with orionservers protocol.

 Have fun!
 Klaus Myrseth

 -Opprinnelig melding-
 Fra: Kyle Cordes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sendt: 3. oktober 2000 15:41
 Til: Orion-Interest
 Emne: Re: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

  I have a question..why would you not be able to use Orion as the web
  It actually serves HTML pages as fast (if not faster) than IIS does. Its
  very easy to set up.

 Not to disparage Orion (a great product!), but it's extremely unlikely
 Orion will approach IIS's speed of serving HTML pages.  IIS is highly
 optimized using native NT APIs to perform this task extremely quickly.
 anyone have any benchmarks?

 Of course, if Orion serves your pages fast enough for your needs, then it
 doesn't matter if IIS is faster.

 - Kyle Cordes

Re: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread Christofer Sandberg

 Vidur Dhanda wrote:

  Has anyone else experienced erratic java.exe (JDK1.3) failures while
  running 1.3.8 on a NT4.0SP6a box.  All  of a sudden I have started
  getting Dr Watson while running orion.  I can't detect any pattern -- it
  can crash while it is doing nothing and when there is heavy load on the
  My configuration: JDK1.3, Orion 1.3.8, NTWS4.0SP6a, 384MB, AMD K6.


 I can't comment about jdk/orion under  NT, but ...

 For  what it's worth, here's what I've noticed while running Sun's jdk1.3
 under Linux:
 When Orion is started, there are about a dozen jdk1.3 processess that
 up simultaneously! Under jdk1.2.2, there was only one. As I modify the
 server.xml file - adding or dropping sites, the number of jdk1.3 instances
 increases dramatically. If I kill the first jdk1.3 instance started, they
 all terminate. Under jdk1.2.2, I've never noticed any additional processes
 start up.

 I don't know what these processes are doing, or why this happens, but it's
 just something that I've noticed, and the fact that the number of
 rapidly increases is pretty alarming. So... I went back to jdk1.2.2 for
 now, and that works fine.

Please correct me if im wrong.

You probably get numerous processes because you are using native threads
with jdk1.3 under linux, and it forks a new process for every thread spawned
by java. Linux doesn't handle threads like NT and java has to either do it's
thread handling (green threads using only one process) or put each thread in
a new process (native threads). I belive you can make threads work better
the linux-thread path to glibc.


Integrating Resin and Orion mini how-to

2000-10-03 Thread Montebove Luciano

To use Resin as an EJB client with Orion follow these steps:

1)Under Orion do nothing :)

2)In Resin add orion.jar, ejb.jar, mail.jar (from orion) in your app
WEB-INF/classes dir

3)In Resin in your app web.xml add these lines:

classpath id='WEB-INF/classes/orion.jar'/
classpath id='WEB-INF/classes/mail.jar'/
classpath id='WEB-INF/classes/ejb.jar'/


4) Write your servlet/JSP as you would in Orion so for example if you have a
SessionBean called MyBean (in your ejb-jar.xml) your lookup should use this
string ("java:comp/env/ejb/MyBean")

5)It's all

Luciano Montebove - Software Architect - Finsiel S.p.a
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone:  (+39) 06-4142-7663

"If you don't fail now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe"
-W. Allen

Re: jsp.reuse.tags

2000-10-03 Thread Luis M Bernardo

That's my turn to follow up too. I tried what I described and it didn't


On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Luis M Bernardo wrote:

 OK, I think I understand what's going on. I don't know whether you are
 familiar with the java pet store taglibs, but they are only used in two
 files: template.jsp and ScreenDefinitions.jsp. What I notice is that in
 the ScreenDefinitions.jsp file some screens use three parameters and other
 use four. So I'm guessing that if I create a blank.jsp and use it just as
 a filler in the screens that have three parameters (so that they have four
 instead) I'll solve the problem and will not need to use the
 jsp.reuse.tags flag. Would that work?
 On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Karl Avedal wrote:
  Hello again,
  Hmm, I should update my own reply, because that example is actually a bad one,
  since it's illegal to reuse the tag in that specific case. However, the
  principle is the same. Tags might be reused under certain circumstances, and
  they assume this isn't done.
  Karl Avedal

Re: Servlet parameters

2000-10-03 Thread Daniel C. DiCesare

Have you correctly deployed the servlet? Also, try making the html page a
jsp. Your syntax looks correct.

- Original Message -
From: "Lauren Commons" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 2:55 PM
Subject: Servlet parameters

 Howdy.  I submitted this question last week, but I'm
 hoping it got lost in the multiple-delivery storm, and
 not that y'all are ingoring me ;-)
 I have a web page which calls a servlet, and passes
   parameters.  I know he servlet is called (I see
 it running), but it doesn't recieve any parameters.
 Infact the in the servlet the query string is null.
 Any suggestions?
 Heres a snippet from the html page:

 Heres some of the code from the servlet: public void
 doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)
   throws IOException, ServletException
System.out.println("request attributes: " +
 System.out.println("request attributes: " +
 System.out.println("req.getParameter(thisParam)" +

 All the debug lines print.  The getQueryString returns
 null; getServerName returns localhost (which is
 correct), and the getParameter returns null (note that
 the name matches the value in url that called the
 I'm perfectly willing to accept that I may have made a
 stupid mistake here, but I sure am having trouble
 finding it!!


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RE: probs with bmp and foreign keys

2000-10-03 Thread Lawrence Fry

You're right about that. However, in my object oriented zeal, I put a remove
for all of the referenced beans in my project bean ejbRemove method, so all
of the beans with fk's from project are removed before project is removed. I
still get the same failure mode.

I am still investigating this issue.



.ps Sun has a 1 to many example in their j2ee reference guide, and they have
two solutions to the one to many case. In the first case, they do not use an
entity bean for the table with fk's, but store the references in a "helper"
class which is instanced in the entity bean and stored in a List(I think
they use cmp). They also give an example where they reference the entity
context to instance the List, but store ejb's in the List instead of
"helper" classes.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 4:46 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: probs with bmp and foreign keys

In the ejbRemove method for your project ejb, are you calling remove for the
material first? Most databases won't let you delete a row if another table
is referencing it, unless that particular db supports cascading deletes and
it's enabled. Typically in 1-M relationships like this (I assume you can
have more than one material per project) you have to delete the children
prior to deleting the parent. Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: Lawrence Fry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 2:56 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: probs with bmp and foreign keys


I am having problems with several bmp entity beans and foreign keys. I have
several beans, each bean corresponds to a table. One entity bean whose
primary key is a foreign key in several other beans is giving me problems. I
execute a remove on the the "mother" bean...and get all kinds of thrown
exceptions. The first is an SQL Exception on the removal of one row in the
project or "mother" table.

What am I doing wrong?

my tables:

create table project {
projectid varchar(32) not null,
userid varchar(32) not null,
description varchar2(255),
constraint project_pk primary key(userid,projectid)

create table material (
 materialid varchar2(32) not null,
 timestamp varchar2(19) not null,
 description varchar2(255),
 projectid varchar(32) not null,
 userid varchar(32) not null,
 constraint material_fk foreign key(projectid,userid)
  references project(projectid,userid),
 constraint material_pk primary

I have an entity bean (bmp) for project and material. I have been having no
problems adding and removing projects or material entity beans with a
bean.remove() methodexcept when the entity bean pk for project is also
in material as a fk.

Orion throws this error when I execute a remove on a project bean which is
referenced in the material bean:

SQL Exception in remove ...

then  I get an IllegalStateException on the project entity bean...

It only goes down hill from there...

orion throws a DeadlockException in the project passivate method

then I get a MarshallingXAException error from OrionError while
delisting bean from TX.

Where did I go wrong?



RE: Cascade Delete

2000-10-03 Thread Reddy Krishnan

but if my understanding is correct, the cmp beans move to the pooled state only AFTER 
ejbremove is called.

-Original Message-
From: Christian Eichinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 1:35 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Cascade Delete


when looking at the 2.0 Spec draft 1 the state diagram for Entity Beans
with container managed persistence shows that ejbRemove() causes the
Entity Bean to go back to the "pooled" state. ejbStore() on the other
hand can only be invoked in the "ready" state. This might cause your
changes to be ignored?


Reddy Krishnan wrote:
 Regarding the same cascade delete problem. I have a clearFields() method which 
 each of the collection holding relationships or dependent objects. If i call this 
 the client the objects gets deleted properly.
 But if i call this inside the ejbRemove() ( call clearFields() then call ejbStore()) 
 is not deleted in the database!
 Is it wrong to call such methods from ejbRemove?
 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 9:13 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Cascade Delete
 If you are using EJB 2.0 then (according to the draft specs) it is up to
 you to decide if dependent objects are deleted or not.
 However, if you are using EJB 1.1 and are storing a Collection of things in
 an Entity bean, then IMHO the container MUST delete the dependent objects
 along with the entity.  I have reported this as bugzilla # 52. See that for
 further details.
 At 04:53 PM 9/26/00 -0700, you wrote:
 Having some problems while deleting a EJB. When i delete the ejb by
 ejbobject.remove() method the dependent objects and relationship entries are
 deleted from the database. Should this not be done automatically by the app
 Is this a problem in Orion or is there some explicit delete that needs to be
 done in the remove method implementation in the bean.
 Would appreciate any help on this.

Re: Serializable + Orion 1.3.8 + Postgres 7.0.0 not working

2000-10-03 Thread Markus Holmberg

Support for InputStreams as parameters has not been implemented
in the Postgres JDBC drivers. It's open source, so anyone can
give it a try..

But it's possible in 95% of all cases to make it without serializing the
objects, since Orion has very good OR-mapping capabilities (List, Set,
Map, bean etc).


On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 06:24:13PM +0300, Vlad Petric wrote:
I simply coudln't persist a Serializable with Orion 1.3.8 + Postgres
 7.0.0. The table is created properly, postgresql.xml maps Serializable
 to oid, but I always get a CreationException:
 [root@vlad base]# java com/coltronix/cfgvar/ConfigurationClient
 javax.ejb.CreateException: Error creating EntityBean: InputStream as
 parameter not supported
 at com.evermind.server.rmi.a2.invoke(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.rmi.a3.invoke(JAX)
 at __Proxy3.create(Unknown Source)
 The table:
 |  Field   |  Type|
 | key  | int8 not null
 | 8 |
 | section  | varchar()
 |   255 |
 | entry| varchar()
 |   255 |
 | value| oid
 | 4 |
 The persistent fields:
  public long key;
  public String section;
  public String entry;
  public Serializable value;


Markus Holmberg |   Give me Unix or give me a typewriter.

Re: JMS debugging

2000-10-03 Thread Markus Holmberg

I have yet to hear from someone who successfully managed to get a
message delivered to a MessageDrivenBean listening on a Queue. (I know
one or two others in addition to myself who haven't got it working with
Queues, Topics work fine though).


On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 11:57:58AM -0400, John D'Ausilio wrote:
 Is there any way to look 'inside' of a Queue in orion? I've got a
 message-driven bean listening on a queue, and a client that stuffs a message
 into that queue. The client runs fine with no exceptions, but the bean never
 seems to receive the message.
 Can anyone give me some clues?
 john d


Markus Holmberg |   Give me Unix or give me a typewriter.

RE: Client certificate authentication

2000-10-03 Thread Lopez Esteban

I don't solve the 403 problem yet, but I can identify users using
client certificates. I accept or not the user.  
If you are interested in this "manual" identification I can explain
you more.

 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Montebove Luciano [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Enviado el:   Martes, 03 de Octubre de 2000 04:59 a.m.
 Para: Orion-Interest
 Asunto:   R: Client certificate authentication
 I can help you partially. I had the same 403 Forbidden problem and I'm
 waiting for a response from official support (5 days).
 For the Cert ID use the sample page ssl-user-registration.jsp in demo SSL.
 It will show the cert id you are looking for.
 If you solve the 403 problem tell me.
 Luciano Montebove - Software Architect - Finsiel S.p.a
 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone:  (+39) 06-4142-7663
 "If you don't fail now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe"
 -W. Allen
 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Lopez Esteban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 2 ottobre 2000 14.57
 A: Orion-Interest
 Oggetto: Client certificate authentication
 I need to authenticate clients with digital certificates, I have a
 trial client certificate and I'm using IE 5.0. The certificate is well
 installed in IE.
 I'm working with Orion 1.2.9 and HTTPS. I'm using
 auth-methodCLIENT-CERT/auth-method in de login config of WEB.XML file.
 When I connect to the WEB site I see the follow error:
 403 Forbidden
 Your cert's user does not have access to this resource
 Please, anybody could help me about this?
 Note: In the PRINCIPAL.XML file when I set the user that has a certificate
 do the follow:
   user username="A name here"
   descriptionno description/description
   certificate-issuerCN = VeriSign Class 1 CA
 Individual Subscriber-Persona Not Validated, OU = Incorp. By Ref.,LIAB.LTD(c)98, OU =
 Trust Network, O = VeriSign, Inc./certificate-issuer
   certificate-serial-idI don't
   group-membership group="users"/
   group-membership group="guests"/
 In certificate-serial-id  tag I've an hexa number and when I put this
 serial number in it, the Orion throws the follow exception:
 java.lang.NumberFormatException: 297D6F02EA75C1
 at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Unknown Source)
 at java.math.BigInteger.init(Unknown Source)
 at java.math.BigInteger.init(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind.server.XMLUserManager.ajf(JAX)
 at com.evermind.server.XMLUserManager.ajd(JAX)
 at com.evermind.xml.XMLConfig.update(JAX)
 What serial number I must to put in this tag?
 Thanks, Esteban

RE: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

2000-10-03 Thread Nirav Dani

you guys may want to check an article by on, about how to make work JSP on IIS.

--- Stanislav Maximov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right you are. That's because WebLogic has its own
 ISAPI plug-in, and Orion
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Dale Bronk
  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 5:33 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for
  Why shouldn't be possible?  WebLogic is an app
 server, not a plug-in and
  works quite nicely with IIS.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Stanislav Maximov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Orion-Interest"
  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 1:31 AM
  Subject: RE: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for
   I think it is not possible - Orion isn't a
 plug-in, it is a
  server. If you
   wish to use another web-server (rather than
 Orion), you'll also need to
   another JSP/Servlet engine, like Resin or
 something, and use Orion as a
   server only.
-Original Message-
 Behalf Of
  John McGarett
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 2:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for
Our business requirements dictate that Orion
 be used
in conjunction with other web servers, e.g.
 IIS. Orion
will be our servlet/JSP engine and App Server.
is,  all requests will be directed to IIS and
 it will
treat Orion as a plug-in, by sending it
 Servlet and
JSP requests for processing. How can Orion be
configured for this task?
The Orion FAQ talks about integrating with
 Apache with
Orion being the primary web server but that is
is desired by us. I have briefly looked at the
archives but there has been no satisfactory
 answer to
this question and hence this request.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
- John -
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Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!

No Subject

2000-10-03 Thread McLain, Mark

A coworker and I are trying to create a servlet that will run on his
computer under Tomcat.  The servlet is attempting to lookup and use an EJB
deployed on my computer under Orion.

When the servlet performs the context object's lookup method (using the
String literal "java:com/env/fungi"), we get the following exception
displayed on his computer:

"Exception: javax.naming.NamingException: java:comp/env namespace is
only available from within the J2EE environment."

A command-line client application run on the same coworker's computer IS
able to successfully lookup the same EJB on my computer using the
"java:com/env/fungi" String literal.

We have been unable to find any documentation about the NamingException
described above.  If the message can be trusted, it appears as though our
servlet is not perceived to be part of the "J2EE world".  We are not sure

Does anyone know anything that can help us?  We would appreciate any
assistance that can be given.

Thank you.

Mark McLain
Systems Developer
Sybron Laboratory Products Corporation

RE: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs

2000-10-03 Thread Kirby, Nathaniel

 -Original Message-
 From: Nirav Dani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 3:25 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Using Orion As a Plugin to IIS for Servlets/JSPs
 you guys may want to check an article by on, about how to make work JSP on IIS.

I couldn't find this (their search engine seems to be broken). Could you
post an URL ?


RE: Enterprise JavaBean with Orion Server

2000-10-03 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

please send your q's to the orion list, not to me personally.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mehra, Shelly (CRD) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 11:52 PM
 To: 'Mike Cannon-Brookes '
 Subject: Enterprise JavaBean with Orion Server
  Dear Mike
  Yes, that is whatI thought as if I don't want to use either 
 EJB-taglib then where do I go.
 Actually Orion is the first with this concept as I have done 
 development with Weblogic and I always
 called EJB's from JSP's.  That is what I have been trying to do 
 but Orion not letting me do.  One JSP
 cannot find another one when it calls another JSP and I don't get 
 it why...?  IS it due to that I
 have not been using EJB-Taglib.  As you said no not necessarily 
 we have to do that, would you please
 tell me how you are calling EJB directly from JSP's without 
 web-beans layed or EJB-taglib layer.  I
 really need help for this as I am already writing application 
 with this concept and for the time
 being for fast development I want to stick to this concept rather 
 than jumping to the new one of
 Taglibs .  I woudl really appreciate your help as I have 
 produce an application really fast.
 Thank you.
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Cannon-Brookes
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: 10/3/00 4:17 AM
 Subject: RE: JavaBean with Orion Server
 Uhm, this is actually wrong.
 There's no reason you can't communicate directly with EJBs from a JSP (I
 it alot).
 It's not strictly good practice to do so (using Session beans, JavaBeans
 tags is a good abstraction layer) but often for quick apps it doesn't
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nathan
  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 3:07 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: JavaBean with Orion Server
  See the following tutorial:
  You cannot communicate 'directly' with EJBs from JSPs without an
  intermediate layer (JavaBeans, or a EJB tag library).  See the
  document concerning the Orion EJB tag library:
  I would, however, recommend putting as little code as possible in
  your JSPs,
  in favor of placing it in JavaBeans or Servlets.
  -Original Message-
  From: Fortino Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 11:46 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: JavaBean with Orion Server
  Hi all,
  I just downloaded the Orion Server and I using with a JSP book and
  everything is working fine but now I am in a new chapter where I
  about JavaBeans but I am not able to run any JavaBeans.
  What Should I need to do in order to run EJB?
  Where should put the jsp and the html files whit ebj tags?
  Do I need something else to use JavaBeans?
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RE: Can't create xxxxx.jsp.jspCache files

2000-10-03 Thread Jim Archer

Thanks Magnus.

The problem we are having is that when Orion attempts to create those files 
a permission denied error is issued by Linux. This does not happen when 
Orion runs as user root, but rather when it runs as user orion. However, as 
user orion it has full control over its own directory tree, so the 
implication is that Orion is attempting to write outside its own directory 

For example, if we first run Orion as user root and then execute the JSP 
checkbox example, the checkbox.jsp.jspCache file is created and runs. If we 
then run Orion as user orion the checkbox JSP example still runs, but now 
the other JSP examples fail because permission is denite to write a file.

Here is the key: We assume the denied file is the JSP cache file, but it 
could be another intermediate file or something else. So we are wondering 
exactly how that JSP cache file is created so we can be sure to give user 
orion the proper permissions.

I apologize if it seems that I am going on and on about this, but we can't 
let Orion run as user root and we can't leave all Orion files world 
writable. So we are looking for a solution that is secure.

Thanks again...


--On Tuesday, October 03, 2000 9:05 AM +0200 Magnus Rydin 

 the cache files are normaly written to the 'persistence' directory under
 the applications deployment directory.  For example, the
 default-web-app's jspCache files gets written to


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Archer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: den 3 oktober 2000 08:40
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Can't create x.jsp.jspCache files

 Hi All...

 When we run Orion under Debian Linux as user orion where orion has
 permission to write into its directory tree, an attempt to
 create the JSP
 files x.jsp.jspCache fails (permission denied). If we run
 Orion as
 root, it runs fine and creates the files, which persist.

 If we then run orion again as user orion, the JSP examples
 that we ran when
 Orion was root run fine, indicating that Orion, when running
 as user orion,
 can at least read these files.

 So, my question is, exactly what does Orion do and where does
 it write when
 it makes those xxx.jsp.jspCache files? If we know this, we
 should be able
 to configure our system to give Orion the correct permissions.



Interesting ejb Error!!!

2000-10-03 Thread Andiappan Jeyamurugan

Hello there,
I am trying to access the orion's demo/ejb/cart ejbeans via servlet or jsp
file. The code is
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
Context context = new InitialContext(env);
Object homeObject = context.lookup("java:comp/env/MyCart");
CartHome home =
(CartHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(homeObject, CartHome.class);
//Cart cart =
(Cart)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(home.create(), Cart.class);
catch(Exception ee){
return "Error Becomes ..."+ee;
I am getting error as,
java.lang.ClassCastException: CartHome_StatefulSessionHomeWrapper2 

If I access the ejbeans from an application on command prompt, it is working
I really wonder why the same code is not working in servlet/beans/jsp.
Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance
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Re: EJB with JSP directly

2000-10-03 Thread Daniel C. DiCesare
Title: RE: EJB with JSP directly

Also consider having your jsp call beans which in 
turn call ejb's. 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 3:04 
  Subject: RE: EJB with JSP directly
  Hi there Its possible to call EJBs 
  directly from the JSP pages, but why dont you want to do that from Tags? So 
  much nicer than filling up your jsp's with scriptlets? The taglibs are there, 
  just grab them and use them.. 
  But yeah, its fully possible to call EJBs directly from your 
  page of course.. 
  Could it be possible that its your setup that makes the 
  strange shutdown happend? It sounds very strange, and I've never seen anything 
  like it..
  All uncaught exceptions can be found in the applications log 
  file, so if you are using the defaultwebapp, you find the log under 
  This sounds serious. You should really post this to bugzilla 
  at the Orion site, and try to get in contact with [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  (please notice that they handle paying customers first hand).
   -Original Message-  
  From: Mehra, Shelly (CRD) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  Sent: den 3 oktober 2000 15:59  To: 
  Magnus Rydin  Subject: EJB with JSP 
  Magnus  I wanted to ask 
  this question from you that whether its  possible 
  to call EJB's directly from  JSP's or Orion has no 
  option for that. If there exists one,  would 
  you please guide me in that  direction. I to 
  start with, don't want to use layer of  
  EJB-taglibs and I am not goign to use layed  of 
  web-beans as then I ahve to do development on two fronts  which does not make sense at all..  So, I wnated to really ask for help on this issue. I have 
   been using JBuilder and starting Orion 
   through it. I tried calling EJB methods directly 
  from JSP's  and first page and default pages 
  work  but when I try calling one JSP page from 
  another one, the  orion server shuts down and it 
  seems that  it is unable to find that jsp being 
  called from another JSP.  What I don't understand why it does 
  not give any error  message instead of just 
  shutting down  like that... Is there any option I 
  need to set for getting  errors at all 
  stages. I have using Orion  for the first 
  time and that is why I ma not familiar with  many 
  facets of its capabilities. I have  been 
  driven crazy for this and I really woudl like to know  what is goign on...? I woudl really  appreciate your help.  
   Thank you.  