A coworker and I are trying to create a servlet that will run on his
computer under Tomcat.  The servlet is attempting to lookup and use an EJB
deployed on my computer under Orion.

When the servlet performs the context object's lookup method (using the
String literal "java:com/env/fungi"), we get the following exception
displayed on his computer:

        "Exception: javax.naming.NamingException: java:comp/env namespace is
only available from within the J2EE environment."

A command-line client application run on the same coworker's computer IS
able to successfully lookup the same EJB on my computer using the
"java:com/env/fungi" String literal.

We have been unable to find any documentation about the NamingException
described above.  If the message can be trusted, it appears as though our
servlet is not perceived to be part of the "J2EE world".  We are not sure

Does anyone know anything that can help us?  We would appreciate any
assistance that can be given.

Thank you.

Mark McLain
Systems Developer
Sybron Laboratory Products Corporation

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