Orion freezing, Deadlocking, optimistic locking etc.

2002-02-08 Thread Hans Barnard


I am a great fan of OrionServer generally find it an excellent application

However, lately I have become aware of a fairly serious problem with
OrionServer that I do not know how to solve and may force me to use another
application server. The problem is deadlocking. I am further surprised as to
how little this problem is actually discussed on the mailing lists. Consider
the following code. (Only the important parts are shown.)

I have two identical CMP Entity Beans A and B:

public class ABean implements EntityBean {

  Some Entity Bean methods and properties not shown.
public int value;
public B b;

public int getValue() {
return this.value;

public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;

public void setB(B b) {
this.b = b;

public int getBValue(int i) {
try {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
return b.getValue();
} catch (com.evermind.server.DeadlockException de) {
System.out.println(Catching deadlock exception in A and 
rolling back!
throw new EJBException(de);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println(Catching and throwing other exceptions in 
throw new EJBException(ex);

Bean B is just the reverse of A, i.e. it has a reference on A and has a
method getAValue(int i).
All bean methods have transaction property set to Required. Also,
Then I have the following client application C:

. Some initialization code and then the following loop:
for (int i=0; itimes; i++) {
try {
av = b.getAValue(i);
bv = a.getBValue(i);
} catch (Exception ex) {

If I run more than one instance of C then OrionServer has the following

- if exclusive-write-access=false then one instance of C runs for a while.
After a couple of iterations both instances of C report
com.evermind.server.DeadLockException. After that the entire application
(including OrionServer) just hangs. This Orion freeze-up is not a database
deadlock either.

- if exclusive-write-access=true then OrionServer instance (not the
clients) reports deadlock exceptions in both instances of A and B. After
that Orion freezes up again.

I got this behavior with 1.5.3 but also for all other versions as far a I
can remember since 1.3.8.

Based on this I have made the following conclusions:
1OrionServer does not support optimistic caching at all. This is a critical
limitation since you are guaranteed to get deadlock exceptions and Orion
does not provide any way deal with this situation. Retrying just gives
another DeadlockException. Anyway, according to Sun the container is
supposed to deal with deadlocks.
2There is a serious bug in the implementation of locks on objects. If Orion
freezes up with just two bean instances this just can't be good.

Often the advice given by people to avoid deadlocks is that you should
design your code to avoid deadlocks. In any serious program this is not
really practical. If you have an application with 50 beans, 10 methods each,
you have to design 500 methods so that any combination of 2 of the five
hundred methods will not cause a deadlock, i.e. you have to check for
approximately 125000 combinations of methods to make sure you do not get a
deadlock. Shouldn't the EJB framework have made development more efficient?

I have read somewhere that optimistic caching avoids deadlocks. With
deadlocks in Orion Exceptions are thrown in both threads. With optimistic
caching however, the first thread that modifies an object will always go
through. The other threads get something like a
ConcurrentModificationException. Optimistic caching seems to be more useful
in this aspect.

Am I missing something or is OrionServer still not ready for serious

Please help!

Hans Barnard

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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RE: Job Scheduler pattern

2002-02-08 Thread Justin Crosbie

Hi again, sorry if I'm overly persistent, I promise I will drop this issue
v. soon ;)

Thanks for that link Scott, I couldn't get on to it, I can't get past the

The LAST question I'd like to ask is, with the client-module tag in
orion-ejb-jar.xml, is there a provision for controlling the lifetime of the
application? esp restarting if it stops running/falls over?

Much appreciated,

-Original Message-
From: Scott Farquhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 January 2002 05:45
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Job Scheduler pattern

There is an interesting article on DevX regarding timer tasks.


It looks like it does what you want.


Scott Farquhar

Atlassian :: www.atlassian.com
Supporting YOUR world

Geoff Soutter wrote:

Hmm, want us to write it for you? 

But seriously, there are commercial apps for J2EE scheduling if that's
the kind of thing you are after, just use google...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Justin
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 2:49 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Job Scheduler pattern

Yes I have seen that, it is very bare-bones. It doesn't even use the
Timer classes. I need to know how to make this robust.


-Original Message-
From: Joseph B. Ottinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 January 2002 12:04
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Job Scheduler pattern

The www.orionsupport.com site has a sample scheduler that can easily be
converted to do something like this.

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Justin Crosbie wrote:


I'm not sure if I've asked this before, or if I should be asking on a 
general EJB list.

I'd like to implement a job scheduler in J2EE. This would shcedule the

execution of EJB methods at a specified time in the future. It would 


be persistent, and jobsd would be rescheduled upon appserver restart.

Is it as simple as using the Timer and TimerTask in java.util to 
implement an app that is started with the client-module tag?

Does it matter as far as Orion goes whether I use a java.util.Timer as

a daemon or not?

What can I do if the app, or the Timer object dies at any stage?

I've had problems where after some time something goes wrong I get a


Remote Exception, and the only solution is to restart the VM. What 
might cause this?

Any opinions on this? How do I make this solution robust is what I am 

Thanks for any help,

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://adjacency.org/ IT Consultant

AW: Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-08 Thread Jan Heise

Hash: SHA1


they changed a lot of the threading/vm stuff with the release of
kernel 2.4.
i don't remember exactly the kernel-version for redhat 6.2 but i'm
it is a 2.2 at maximum.

but i would also be interested in a comparision linux - freebsd.
jdk 1.3 is
now officially supported under freebsd too. someone's got any numbers


- --
Jan Heise / Tel. +49-163-4803237 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von josete
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2002 20:58
An: Orion-Interest
Betreff: Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

Wich problem do you say they've fixed? threads under linux? i've done
tests with a redhat 6.2.(sorry i can't remember exactly the kernel
and jboss, and only at start time it was about three times slower
than the
same jboss in a windows 2000.
If with the new kernel versions it runs more efficiently, it would be
because i'm a linux fan that has been forced to use windows by this
problem... XD

- - Original Message -
From: Jorge Jimenez C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

 Don't  worry. That problem is already fixed in the latest linux
 kernel releases. I don't remember exactly release number but you
 can easily find it. I've made some tests with JBoss and it runs
 very well.


 - Original Message -
 From: Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 7:57 AM
 Subject: Orion+Linux under heavy load

  When browsing through JBoss's documentation I found this remark:
  Be aware however that JBoss performance is very dependant on the
  underlying configuration. For example, informal tests show that
  on the same PC box, it can run twice as fast under Windows 2000 /
  Sun JVM than under Linux 2.2 / Sun JVM.
  Linux users probably already know that linux does not support
  real threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with
  200 concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of
  them on the same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use
  Apache or Jetty in
  of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a
  problem. --/snip--
  How about Orion, has anyone compared Win2k and Linux regarding
  The last paragraph is really alarming -- is it really so that
  Linux is
  a wise choice as a production platform? Is this why UNIX is so
  production environments? Or is JBoss just coded poorly? How many
  users (sessions) can Orion handle, is there a difference in Win2k
  / Linux /

Version: PGP 7.0.4



2002-02-08 Thread François Beauregard

I decided to day to give a first try at Orion (1.5.3).
I started trying to deploy an application that already runs fine under
Tomcat / Borland AppServer.
I have a .ear for this application

I configured server.xml, data-sources.xml and default-web-site.xml
server.xml :
application name=oasis path=../applications/OASIS.ear auto-start=true
default-web-site.xml :
web-app application=oasis name=oasisWeb root=/oasisWeb /

Here is my application.xml
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application 1.2//EN http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd;
  display-nameOASIS Application/display-name

In the web.xml in oasisWeb.war I only have servlet mappings and tld

When I start Orion, the application deploys just fine but if I try to invoke
any jsp I get an internal error (500).
If I change Welcome.jsp to Welcome.html, it displays correctly.

If I invoke a servlet, it is properly invoked but whenever I try to
For a url that is a jsp I get a null result.

Any idea?

François Beauregard
Pyxis Technologies
Vice-président, recherche et développement

Tel: (450) 681-9094
Fax: (450) 681-5758

Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-08 Thread Jorge Jimenez C


I-ve found another mail about the subject.
Sorry for the rest because this one is in spanish.


Tengo tambien esto
Notese que se hace la comparacion con Linux 2.2(Sun JVM
La maquina virtual de sun _es_ lenta.

Otra cosa a tomar en cuenta es que se hizo un cambio bastante fuerte en el
kernel de linux a partir de la version 2.4.7 si no mal recuerdo.  El
cambio fue en el manejo de la memoria virtual (VMM)

Sobre la version, hay que aclarar algunas cosas (yo me enteré no hace
Hay una version estable del kernel que es liderada por Linus Torvalds, es
la que se baja de www.kernel.org.  Por otra parte hay parches al kernel
que estan disponibles pero no han pasado a la rama de Linus porque él no
los ha aprobado.
Las distribuciones (RedHat, SuSE, etc) vienen con un kernel distinto a la
rama oficial, ellos incorporan los parches que estimen convenientes.  Por
ejemplo RH7.2 viene con kernel 2.4.7, con soporte de EXT3 y con el antiguo
VMM, mientras que el oficial (Linus) version 2.4.7 no tiene soporte para
ext3, pero si cuenta con la nueva VMM.

Con el asunto de la VMM se produjo una gran discusion y Alan Cox (Kernerl
Guru de RedHat) creo su propia rama en donde incorporaba muchos mas
parches del kernel, pero con la VMM clasica.

En mi estacion de trabajo con la distribucion original + las
aplicaciones que tenia andando le costaba andar, de repente se notaba
harto swap.  Despues con las actualizaciones de algunas librerias, y el
cambio del kernel al oficial 2.4.17 funcionaba muchisimo mejor todo, en el
mismo equipos... despues me subieron a 256MB en RAM y ya no se nota tanto
la diferencia.

Esto de la nueva VMM es mas o menos reciente (unos 3 o 4 meses atras)
Franco Catrin L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: josete [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

 Wich problem do you say they've fixed? threads under linux? i've done some
 tests with a redhat 6.2.(sorry i can't remember exactly the kernel
 and jboss, and only at start time it was about three times slower than the
 same jboss in a windows 2000.
 If with the new kernel versions it runs more efficiently, it would be
 because i'm a linux fan that has been forced to use windows by this
 problem... XD

 - Original Message -
 From: Jorge Jimenez C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:29 PM
 Subject: Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

  Don't  worry. That problem is already fixed in the latest linux kernel
  releases. I don't remember exactly release number but you can easily
  it. I've made some tests with JBoss and it runs very well.
  - Original Message -
  From: Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 7:57 AM
  Subject: Orion+Linux under heavy load
   When browsing through JBoss's documentation I found this remark:
   Be aware however that JBoss performance is very dependant on the
   underlying configuration. For example, informal tests show that on the
   same PC box, it can run twice as fast under Windows 2000 / Sun JVM
   under Linux 2.2 / Sun JVM.
   Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real
   threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200
   concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on
   same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty in
   of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a problem.
   How about Orion, has anyone compared Win2k and Linux regarding speed?
   The last paragraph is really alarming -- is it really so that Linux is
   a wise choice as a production platform? Is this why UNIX is so popular
   production environments? Or is JBoss just coded poorly? How many users
   (sessions) can Orion handle, is there a difference in Win2k / Linux /

SOAP Admin Tool

2002-02-08 Thread John Tsimikas

Can anyone point me to a resource to find information regarding the
Apache SOAP admin tool?  The documentation that comes with
Apache SOAP is not very detailed with respect to the admin tool.


Re(2): Application client log in

2002-02-08 Thread Remy . Boucher


Thanks for this interesting code, but when i try it , i can't make a lookup
on the RoleManager :
 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: java:comp/RoleManager not found

Is there something special to parameter in the app server ?

Thanks for your anwser.

 You use the rolemanager to do the login ... SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and 
 credentials can be the orion admin account.
 Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

 someuserwithrmiprivilages);// NOT the user you want to log in
 InitialContext initialcontext = new InitialContext(env);
 RoleManager rolemanager = 
 roleManager.login(username, password);
 catch(Exception exception)
 throw new SecurityException(exception.getMessage());
 There is a lot of discussion about this in the archives and e.g. on the 
 Elephantwalkers site, as well as orionsupport and I think Atlassian.
 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 8:22 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Application client log in
 We are currently implementing a Java Swing client, and I am wondering how 
 to write the log in system. When not using http or form based log in
 and when you wish to let the client log in from a GUI interface (Swing), 
 which part of Orion is then used to hand over the username and password

Start Shutdown OC4J ...

2002-02-08 Thread Isaac Agudo

Hi every body ...
Right Now i've got a problem while i'm trying to shutdown one Orion
instance, i explain the problem:
I have installed orionserver in one linux box suse 7.0 with the kernel
2.2.16, so when i want to
start the orion server, i perform the next command :

nohup java -jar ${OC4J_HOME}/orion.jar -config
${OC4J_CONFIG}/server.xml -verbosity ${V} -err ${LOG}/out.log 

The problem begins, when i try to shutdown the server.. i shutdown the
server but nothing happens the server is already started, to do that i
perform the next command :

java -jar ${OC4J_HOME}/admin.jar ormi://${HOST} ${USERNAME}
${PASSWORD} -shutdown

I think that the command is correct, but i don't know what's happening with
that, somebody know what's that??, it's a bug or something like that... oh
i'm performing wrong operations ...
Thank's in adavance ...

Compiling JSP

2002-02-08 Thread Carlos Roberto da Silva Junior

I´m working with JBuilder6 and Orion. I have a need to use JSP in my 
project, but a didn´t come success in compile any JSP. 

My project includes all jars in ROOT-PATH/oc4j/j2ee/home. When I compile all 
project this fails and I Receive the following message from JBuilder6 

Jsp1.jsp: Error #: 300 : method handlePageException(java.lang.Throwable) 
not found in class javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext 

My Jsp source is generated from the JBuilder JSP Wizard. 

Does someone know how can I proceed? And what about debbuging, is possible 
debug a JSP using JBuilder and Orion? 

Carlos Roberto da Silva Júnior
Engenheiro de Software
Ramal - 4631 

Qualiti Software Processes - CESAR
Soluções para o processo de construção de software
+55 81 3272.4700 

Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-08 Thread Peter Peltonen

Would you happen to have more specific info about the reliability issue? 

Is there any differences between JBoss and Orion?

How about running these beasts on UNIX? 

Is Windows still the fastest optino we have?


On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 11:29:32AM -0300, Jorge Jimenez C wrote:
 Don't  worry. That problem is already fixed in the latest linux kernel
 releases. I don't remember exactly release number but you can easily find
 it. I've made some tests with JBoss and it runs very well.
 - Original Message -
 From: Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 7:57 AM
 Subject: Orion+Linux under heavy load
  When browsing through JBoss's documentation I found this remark:
  Be aware however that JBoss performance is very dependant on the
  underlying configuration. For example, informal tests show that on the
  same PC box, it can run twice as fast under Windows 2000 / Sun JVM than
  under Linux 2.2 / Sun JVM.
  Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real
  threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200
  concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on the
  same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty in front
  of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a problem.
  How about Orion, has anyone compared Win2k and Linux regarding speed?
  The last paragraph is really alarming -- is it really so that Linux is not
  a wise choice as a production platform? Is this why UNIX is so popular in
  production environments? Or is JBoss just coded poorly? How many users
  (sessions) can Orion handle, is there a difference in Win2k / Linux / UNIX

Re: Help

2002-02-08 Thread Manoj Sadangi

how your web.xml file looks like

François Beauregard wrote:

I decided to day to give a first try at Orion (1.5.3).
I started trying to deploy an application that already runs fine under
Tomcat / Borland AppServer.
I have a .ear for this application

I configured server.xml, data-sources.xml and default-web-site.xml
server.xml :
application name=oasis path=../applications/OASIS.ear auto-start=true
default-web-site.xml :
web-app application=oasis name=oasisWeb root=/oasisWeb /

Here is my application.xml
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application 1.2//EN http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd;
  display-nameOASIS Application/display-name

In the web.xml in oasisWeb.war I only have servlet mappings and tld

When I start Orion, the application deploys just fine but if I try to invoke
any jsp I get an internal error (500).
If I change Welcome.jsp to Welcome.html, it displays correctly.

If I invoke a servlet, it is properly invoked but whenever I try to
For a url that is a jsp I get a null result.

Any idea?

François Beauregard
Pyxis Technologies
Vice-président, recherche et développement

Tel: (450) 681-9094
Fax: (450) 681-5758

Re: Help

2002-02-08 Thread Igor Chirokov

Hi François Beauregard,
Configuration for server.xml, data-sources.xml and default-web-site.xml
looks fine. Do your servlets located in the
..\oasis\oasisWeb\WEB-INF\classes  directory?
And one more note: jsp file is compiled file  html not so when you run jsp
file Orion compiles it. Result of the compiling you can see in the
...\application-deployments\oasis directory.

Igor Chirokov


- Original Message -
From: François Beauregard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 5:16 AM
Subject: Help

 I decided to day to give a first try at Orion (1.5.3).
 I started trying to deploy an application that already runs fine under
 Tomcat / Borland AppServer.
 I have a .ear for this application

 I configured server.xml, data-sources.xml and default-web-site.xml
 server.xml :
 application name=oasis path=../applications/OASIS.ear
 default-web-site.xml :
 web-app application=oasis name=oasisWeb root=/oasisWeb /

 Here is my application.xml
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE application PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
 Application 1.2//EN http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd;
   display-nameOASIS Application/display-name

 In the web.xml in oasisWeb.war I only have servlet mappings and tld

 When I start Orion, the application deploys just fine but if I try to
 any jsp I get an internal error (500).
 If I change Welcome.jsp to Welcome.html, it displays correctly.

 If I invoke a servlet, it is properly invoked but whenever I try to
 For a url that is a jsp I get a null result.

 Any idea?

 François Beauregard
 Pyxis Technologies
 Vice-président, recherche et développement

 Tel: (450) 681-9094
 Fax: (450) 681-5758

Problems with Kobrix's TICL Orion

2002-02-08 Thread Mayssam Sayyadian

Is there anybody who experienced problems configuring Kobrix's TICL (Tag
Interface Component Library) for Orion/OC4J ?
I followed everything in the examples' Readme, but still i get xxceptions
when trying to deploy the examples :(
Thnx in advance,

P.S. http://www.kobrix.com/ticl/ticlmain.jsp

RE: Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-08 Thread Christian, Joanne

Hi All,

I have lot of work to do, so of course I had to procrastinate and translate
this!  If it's wrong, then jota can blame himself for posting in a foreign
language.  Maybe it will help someone.


 Translation -

I had this problem, too.  

Note that the comparison is made with Linux 2.2 (Sun JVM
The sun virtual machine _is_ slow.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there was a big change in the linux
kernel since version 2.4.7, if I remember correctly.  The change was in
virtual memory management (VMM)

In regards to the version, it's necessary to clear up a few things (I found
out [about this] recently)

There is a stable verison of the kernel that is headed by Linus Torvalds, it
is the one that can be downloaded from www.kernel.org.  On the other hand,
there are patches to the kernel that are available but which have not been
added to the Linus's branch because he has not approved them.

The distributions (RedHat, SuSE, etc) come with a kernel that is different
than that on the official branch, they incorporate the patches that they
think are worthwhile.  Por example, RH7.2 comes with kernel 2.4.7, with
support for EXT3 and con the old VMM, while the official (Linus) version
2.4.7 does not have support for ext3, but _does_ have the new VMM.

The issue of the VMM resulted in a big argument and Alan Cox (Redhat's
Kernel Guru) made his own branch in which he incorporated many more kernel
patches, but which still had the classic VMM.

At my work station with the original distribution + the applications that
I was running, it was running under strain, suddenly you could see a lot of
swapping.  Aferwards, after updating some libraries and changing the kernel
to the official 2.4.17 everything worked a lot better, on the same
equiptment. . . afterwords they upgraded me to 256 MB of RAM and now the
difference isn't as noticeable.

This thing about the new VMM is more or less recent ( 3 or 4 months ago)


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 9:44 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load


I-ve found another mail about the subject.
Sorry for the rest because this one is in spanish.


Tengo tambien esto
Notese que se hace la comparacion con Linux 2.2(Sun JVM
La maquina virtual de sun _es_ lenta.

Otra cosa a tomar en cuenta es que se hizo un cambio bastante fuerte en el
kernel de linux a partir de la version 2.4.7 si no mal recuerdo.  El
cambio fue en el manejo de la memoria virtual (VMM)

Sobre la version, hay que aclarar algunas cosas (yo me enteré no hace
Hay una version estable del kernel que es liderada por Linus Torvalds, es
la que se baja de www.kernel.org.  Por otra parte hay parches al kernel
que estan disponibles pero no han pasado a la rama de Linus porque él no
los ha aprobado.
Las distribuciones (RedHat, SuSE, etc) vienen con un kernel distinto a la
rama oficial, ellos incorporan los parches que estimen convenientes.  Por
ejemplo RH7.2 viene con kernel 2.4.7, con soporte de EXT3 y con el antiguo
VMM, mientras que el oficial (Linus) version 2.4.7 no tiene soporte para
ext3, pero si cuenta con la nueva VMM.

Con el asunto de la VMM se produjo una gran discusion y Alan Cox (Kernerl
Guru de RedHat) creo su propia rama en donde incorporaba muchos mas
parches del kernel, pero con la VMM clasica.

En mi estacion de trabajo con la distribucion original + las
aplicaciones que tenia andando le costaba andar, de repente se notaba
harto swap.  Despues con las actualizaciones de algunas librerias, y el
cambio del kernel al oficial 2.4.17 funcionaba muchisimo mejor todo, en el
mismo equipos... despues me subieron a 256MB en RAM y ya no se nota tanto
la diferencia.

Esto de la nueva VMM es mas o menos reciente (unos 3 o 4 meses atras)
Franco Catrin L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: josete [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

 Wich problem do you say they've fixed? threads under linux? i've done some
 tests with a redhat 6.2.(sorry i can't remember exactly the kernel
 and jboss, and only at start time it was about three times slower than the
 same jboss in a windows 2000.
 If with the new kernel versions it runs more efficiently, it would be
 because i'm a linux fan that has been forced to use windows by this
 problem... XD

 - Original Message -
 From: Jorge Jimenez C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:29 PM
 Subject: Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

  Don't  worry. That problem is already fixed in the latest linux kernel
  releases. I don't remember exactly release number but you can easily
  it. I've made some tests with JBoss and it runs very well.
  - Original 

RE: Re(2): Application client log in

2002-02-08 Thread SAURUGGER,PETER (A-PaloAlto,ex2)

You are probably missing application-client.xml, and
orion-application-client.xml; they have to be in a META-INF directory
relative to the source root of your client. You should be able to find the
apropriate tags in the orion docs and on the sites referenced before.

In my own situation, I call RoleManager from an ejb which acts as a facade
for my own security interface to make it independent from the underlying
appserver (I like using Orion, but many potential clients require that it
runs on the appserver of their choice ...) - so my xml files reference my
Bean and not the RoleManager, which is called by my Orion-specific


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 7:17 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re(2): Application client log in


Thanks for this interesting code, but when i try it , i can't make a lookup
on the RoleManager :
 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: java:comp/RoleManager not found

Is there something special to parameter in the app server ?

Thanks for your anwser.

 You use the rolemanager to do the login ... SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and 
 credentials can be the orion admin account.
 Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

 someuserwithrmiprivilages);// NOT the user you want to log in
 InitialContext initialcontext = new InitialContext(env);
 RoleManager rolemanager = 
 roleManager.login(username, password);
 catch(Exception exception)
 throw new SecurityException(exception.getMessage());
 There is a lot of discussion about this in the archives and e.g. on the 
 Elephantwalkers site, as well as orionsupport and I think Atlassian.
 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 8:22 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Application client log in
 We are currently implementing a Java Swing client, and I am wondering how 
 to write the log in system. When not using http or form based log in
 and when you wish to let the client log in from a GUI interface (Swing), 
 which part of Orion is then used to hand over the username and password

Re: Compiling JSP

2002-02-08 Thread Fredrik Lindgren

You probably have a JSP 1.1 compatible jar rather than a JSP 1.2 
compatible one in your classpath. In the 1.1 spec they forgot to handle 
Throwable in the PageContext (only Exception was handled) so it was 
added in the latest release.

/Fredrik Lindgren

Carlos Roberto da Silva Junior wrote:

 I´m working with JBuilder6 and Orion. I have a need to use JSP in my 
 project, but a didn´t come success in compile any JSP.
 My project includes all jars in ROOT-PATH/oc4j/j2ee/home. When I compile 
 all project this fails and I Receive the following message from 
 JBuilder6 compiler:
 Jsp1.jsp: Error #: 300 : method 
 handlePageException(java.lang.Throwable) not found in class 
 My Jsp source is generated from the JBuilder JSP Wizard.
 Does someone know how can I proceed? And what about debbuging, is 
 possible debug a JSP using JBuilder and Orion?
 Carlos Roberto da Silva Júnior
 Engenheiro de Software
 Ramal - 4631
 Qualiti Software Processes - CESAR
 Soluções para o processo de construção de software
 +55 81 3272.4700

Re: Help

2002-02-08 Thread Fredrik Lindgren


If for some reason the JSP will not compile, you will get null when 
trying to get a RequestDispatcher to it. What stacktrace do you get when 
you access it directly (the internal server error 500)?

A tip to see what's happening is to add development=true to the 
orion-web.xml deployment descriptor to get readable java code for the 
accessed JSPs (stored in the deployment directory)

/Fredrik Lindgren

François Beauregard wrote:

 I decided to day to give a first try at Orion (1.5.3).
 I started trying to deploy an application that already runs fine under
 Tomcat / Borland AppServer.
 I have a .ear for this application
 I configured server.xml, data-sources.xml and default-web-site.xml
 server.xml :
 application name=oasis path=../applications/OASIS.ear auto-start=true
 default-web-site.xml :
 web-app application=oasis name=oasisWeb root=/oasisWeb /
 Here is my application.xml
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE application PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
 Application 1.2//EN http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd;
   display-nameOASIS Application/display-name
 In the web.xml in oasisWeb.war I only have servlet mappings and tld
 When I start Orion, the application deploys just fine but if I try to invoke
 any jsp I get an internal error (500).
 If I change Welcome.jsp to Welcome.html, it displays correctly.
 If I invoke a servlet, it is properly invoked but whenever I try to
 For a url that is a jsp I get a null result.
 Any idea?
 François Beauregard
 Pyxis Technologies
 Vice-président, recherche et développement
 Tel: (450) 681-9094
 Fax: (450) 681-5758

orion + php

2002-02-08 Thread Justen Stepka

I am getting the following error,

500 Internal Server Error
Couldnt find/launch the interpreter, searched for php

My configuration file has the following,


I have php working with Apache no problem (mod_php4 port for fbsd).

Is there something obvious that I'm just missing?


Justen Stepka

Problem with starting the server

2002-02-08 Thread sachin mahajan

When i start the server with this command

java -Dhttp.Cluster.debug=true -Dcluster.debug=true
-jar orion.jar

The server output is

A nonfatal internal JIT (3.10.107(x)) error
'Relocation error: NULL
target' has occurred in :
(Z)Z': Interpreting
  Please report this error in detail to

Warning: Error reading transaction-log file
tate) for recovery: premature end of file
Forced or abrubt (crash etc) server shutdown detected,
starting recovery
Recovery completed, 0 connections committed and 0
rolled back...
Orion/1.5.2 initialized

i am not able to understand why this o/p is coming
can anybody give me the solution .


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