RE: Using NT security

2002-03-13 Thread Andre Vanha

Take a 
look at the sample JAAS modules that you can download from Sun in conjunction 
with JAAS. Specifically, they include an NT module which can be used to 
retrieve username and group information for a running process. 

however, there is no way to retrieve a password for a logged on user, at least 
not included with the JAAS module. The NT API does provide functions for 
retrievinga user's password, but in that case the 
domain/NTServermust be configured to store plain-text passwords, which is 
something most people don't do anyway.

Exchange definitely offers an alternative authentication mechanism, but 
that falls outside of the standard javamail SMTP interface.


Message-From: Justin Crosbie 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 10:16 
AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Using NT 

  checked thearchives and support pages for this, didn't seem to find 
  there any way to get Orion to usethe NT username+password of whoever is 
  logged in, for running client apps? Currently I'm reading them from a config 
  file, which obviously is not ideal.
  Also, I am using the mail-session properties 
  to configure a JavaMail session. Thus I have the userame+password of this 
  hardcoded into application.xml. Anyone know of a way I could use the NT logged 
  on credentials to specify the mail.smtp.user and 
  properties of the session? It is an Exchange server. (Probably OT, apologies 
  if it is).

RE: Random hiccups with Orion+https

2002-03-12 Thread Andre Vanha

You're right, by default if SSL is enabled Orion uses the SSL session to
maintain your servlet session.  For some reason, IE likes to renew the SSL
connection every 2 or 3 minutes (I'm forgot the exact time), even if the
user is continually browsing the same site.  When this happens, Orion loses
track of the session.  Setting the shared flag to true forces Orion to use
cookies or URL rewriting to maintain the session, which ought to solve the


-Original Message-
From: Jon Iles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 9:04 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Random hiccups with Orion+https


We were experiencing the same problem, adding shared=true to the web-app
tag in your web-site.xml file solves the problem. There appears to be an
issue with browsers (IE?) tracking and maintaining SSL sessions correctly.
I've no doubt someone better informed than me can fill in the details!



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter Peltonen
 Sent: 11 March 2002 10:17
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Random hiccups with Orion+https

 Orion 1.4.7 + https (a test ssl cert from Thawte installed following the
 instructions at Atlassian site) is causing problems: You get
 thrown out of
 the applicaton now and then (randomly it seems). Without https the
 application works fine.

 Is Orion's https code buggy (should we use Apache as frontend
 instead), is
 there some known problems with some specific browsers etc  or what is
 going on?



2001-09-18 Thread Andre Vanha

I've run into a similar problem, which expressed itself in certain browsers.

In some browsers the url http://somehost and http://somehost:80 are treated
as different URLs.  This means that the browser will not send a session
cookie created at http://somehost to http://somehost:80, and the servlet
invoked as http://somehost:80 will attempt to create a new session.  We
solved this problem by always removing the port number if it was standard.

If you're not running into this problem, ensure you aren't accidentally
invalidating the session somehow.


-Original Message-
From: Juan Fuentes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 1:15 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Different JSESSIONID

 Hi list,
 We're having a problem with http session. We call a servlet twice in a
 session, but the second one sends a different JSESSIONID. Although the
 original session is not expired, and the application continues working.
 As the second time that servlet is called it gets a different session,
 it cannot access to the attributes in the session.
 How is it possible, and how could I solve this problem??
Juan Fuentes Nieto   Essi Projects
[EMAIL PROTECTED]t +34 977 221 182  f +34 977 230 170

RE: response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(path));

2001-09-03 Thread Andre Vanha

I ran into the same problem.  I think it's a bug in orion, where it ignores
the front-end host parameter.  My solution was to drop the proxy.

-Original Message-
From: Johan Fredriksson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 5:17 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(path));

I cannot get the 


method call to include the frontend host name!! 


Architechture like this


internetprivate netw




whenever surfing via the proxy and a response sendredirect is called I end
up in the private network ( ip instead of the proxy address.

My web.xml looks like this:

web-site host=[ALL] port=80 display-name=Aller WebSite
 !-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root --
 frontend port=80/
 default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp /

 !-- Uncomment this to activate the news app --
 !-- web-app application=news name=news-web root=/news / --

 !-- Access Log, where requests are logged to --
 access-log path=../log/aller-web-access.log /
!-- web-app application=admin name=admin-web root=/admin / --
 web-app application=aller name=aller-web root=/aller / 


I would greatly appreciate if anyone who has solved this can give me some
insight other than using absolute urls.


Thanks in advance



Johan Fredriksson

RE: j_security_check

2001-08-30 Thread Andre Vanha

I have tried this, and was able to make it work, although slightly

I had a secured URL (a servlet in my case), to which I posted a form that
contained the j_username and j_password fields, along with some additional
application specific data.  If the user specified the correct info, the
session was immediately authenticated, and my normal login form was never
displayed.  If the user entered invalid information, he would get my
configured login form.

I think it may have even worked when submitting to an unsecured URL, which
was convenient, because the user could log in before it was required, and
gain additional functionality.

This was in the Orion 1.3 timeframe, almost a year ago so my memory is a
little fuzzy, but give it a try.


-Original Message-
From: Aaron Tavistock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 7:21 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: j_security_check

I've not tried this but I doubt it will work.  

1.  Since this is dubbed 'Container based authentication' in the J2EE spec,
and you're posting from outside the container, I would guess it won't work.

2.  Since you are not authenticated when you are trying to post, the
container should attempt to do the atuhentication (e.g. after you post you
will be prompted for authentication).

3.  The 'j_security_check' form name is essentially an internally recognized
keyword, not a true form.

4.  If you could post from another server it would make me (and probably
alot of other security concious people) feel uncomfortable.  If you could
post from outside the container it would be a no brainer to make a wrapper
and capture keystrokes when someone mistyped a URL (e.g.
instead of and the user would never notice.  As it stands now,
its a bit more difficult to spoof this interaction.

-Original Message-
From: Trujillo, Kris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 4:15 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: j_security_check

Does anyone know if it is possible to post to j_security_check from an
external form.  What I mean by external is a form that isn't the form
referenced in the web.xml as form to show the user when they're not logged
in.  I am hoping be able to use a form on another server that will post to
the oc4j server for authentication and session establishment on the oc4j
server.   Anybody attempted this??

RE: Orion and JNI

2001-08-29 Thread Andre Vanha

I think its a limitation of java, it appears you can't load a native library
from more than one class loader at a time.

To work around it, I have a class that wraps the native library, and load
the native library inside a static block as you say.  I then make this class
available to a higher level class loader.  Since the web-app class loaders
are children of the the orion top level class loader, and there is only one
top level class loader, the library is only loaded once, but available to
all web-apps.  You can make the wrapper class available at the default
application level, by adding library tags to application.xml, or at the
system classpath level by starting orion using java -cp
orion.jar;myJNIwrapperClass.jar com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Etienne Bernard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:24 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion and JNI


I am trying to use a native class in a servlet. The library containing
the implementation of the native methods is loaded at the servlet
initialization (static { ... } block), and everything works fine.

However, when my application gets redeployed, the next time I try to
access my servlet I get an exception:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library
already loaded in another classloader
  at java.lang.Error.init(
  at java.lang.LinkageError.init(
  at java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.init(
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
  at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
  at java.lang.System.load(
  at com.ecompil.sipswrapper.SIPSApiSub.clinit(

Is there a way to avoid such an error ?

Thanks in advance.
Etienne Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer - FullSIX -

FW: When user hits STOP..any way to trap that and terminate an ongoin g request..

2001-08-16 Thread Andre Vanha

3rd Repost
-Original Message-
From: Andre Vanha 
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 6:27 PM
To: 'Orion-Interest'
Subject: RE: When user hits STOP..any way to trap that and terminate an
ongoin g request..

Hi Kevin,
although as you describe there isn't any way to notify the server when a
user hit's the stop button, I thought of a possible solution.
Since the only indication of an aborted request is a closed connection there
must be a way to monitor for this event.
You mention you use a transition page, which could be used to implement
Theoretically it could be done like this:
A user submits a large query to your server.  Your server sends back the
transition page, but not all of it.On the server the query is dispatched
and processing starts.  Either your query process could periodically make
calls to some sort of update method, or your query process could be spawned
in a new thread, and the servlet thread would periodically check the status
of the query thread.  Whenever the isAlive check would occurr you could
attempt to send something to the client browser.  If you receive an error
during the send process, you can assume the user has either pressed the stop
button, or navigated to a different page, and kill your query processing.
If the query completes successfully while the user is waiting, you can
either send the results directly, or send a redirect to a page where the
results can be viewed.
There are several things you could send to the client browser during your
isAlive check.  For simplicity, you could send dots ..  If your query
job supports it, you could send progress updates 10% CompleteBR, 20%
CompleteBR etc...
For fancy effects, you could send javascript that could swap an image on the
page to simualte a graphical progress bar or some other effect.
This solution will impose more overhead on the server, since response
caching would have to be turned off,  and there might be other issues, but
it might do what you need.

-Original Message-
From: Duffey, Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 2:23 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: When user hits STOP..any way to trap that and terminate an ongoin g

Hi al,
I am almost positive the answer is no, but I thought I'd see if anyone has
come up with a solution. All too often, we have some users that submit a
large query, then hit the STOP button on the browser, then change something
and submit again. In the meantime, their original query is still executing
on the server-side. Sure..Orion throws an exception when it tries to send
the response back and the connection to the browser is gone. But I am
wondering if there is any way at all to just kill that particular request. there some way the app server or web server can send pings every
say, 100ms to the browser to make sure its connection is still alive..and if
not, just kill the request in some manner. Perhaps by having a special
interface that an application can implement, so that a particular method can
be called if the server detects that the connection to the browser is dead
before the response has gone back. In this way, that method call can get
ahold of the session, and perhaps get ahold of a connection being used,
close it, etc.
Ofcourse, you can use some client-side javascript to disable a button
after its been clicked. We have done this, and we also inserted a
transition page in particular areas where long queries might occur. In
this case, the user sees an animated gif and a message that tells them not
to hit stop or back.'re still going to get those users that do
this. My personal opinion is that if they call in, we tell them they are
stupid, they should unplug their computer and quit their job because they
can't follow instructions. Ofcourse..that wont fly, especially if they are a
big money client. Besides, its ethically wrong to screw your clients over.
So, one possible idea I have had is to do the following. Each user has a
session when they log in. Upon any request, a flag is set in the session
of that user, indicating a transaction is starting. If the user hits STOP,
then submits while that transaction is still going on, the server will see
the flag is set, and send back a response indicating that a transaction is
currently happening and they have to wait for it to be done before another
submit can occur. There is a plus side to prevents any user to
doing more than one thing. The down side is, it is possible using the File
- New - Window to open up another window with the same cookie/sessionID
and the user could actually go to a different module and do MORE work at the
same time. This would allow, for example a large query to be performing in
one module and they could go do some work in another module. My method of a
flag would prevent this type of multiple-module capability. The solution,
ofcourse is to allow one flag per module, thus only one transaction per

RE: Shutting down orion server!

2001-07-20 Thread Andre Vanha


-Original Message-
From: Rajiv R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 7:20 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Shutting down orion server!

Having started orion server, I shutdown using Ctrl+C is this
correct way?
Can I make a file (something like a .bat file) which when run will shutdown
the server?
With Regards,
Rajiv. R
Systems Engineer,
Wipro Technologies, ITPL, Bangalore
Ph:91-80-8410470-479  Extn:6422
Wipro Technologies
The World's First SEI-CMM Level 5 Software Services Company
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 '·.   *`·.   .·´*   .·'
 `:--·´   `·--:´
   `·. ' '  .·´


RE: help...Error deserializing session

2001-07-10 Thread Andre Vanha

Sounds like you have a stateful session bean that has a member variable
which is of a non-serializable type, from the looks of it, some sort of JDBC
object, such as Connection or Statement.  When your bean is activated or
passivated, it's trying to serialize or deserialize that member variable
causing the error.  Declare the offending variable as transient, and ensure
that you initialize the variable before you use it in your code.
 -Original Message-
From: John Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 11:41 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: help...Error deserializing session

I have written an EJB which does a pretty simple Oracle select and am
getting this error, when the bean is instantiated for the first time:
Error deserializing session: Writing aborted
by exception; com.evermind.sql.ak
I have no idea what might be causing this, so any suggestions or ideas you
might have would be a great help.

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RE: xerces conflict (and a hack solution).

2001-07-05 Thread Andre Vanha

Actually, thats not the way it works.  Classloaders form a hierachy.  At the
top of the tree there is the bootstrap classloader.  Underneath there is a
URL classloader, followed by orion's (1 or more) own classloaders.  You're
right that each application then gets it's own classloader, but it's always
a child of one of orion's classlaoders.   Since classloaders always delegate
to their parents, classes will always be loaded from the highest level
possible.  Now I don't think xerces is part of orion's internal classpath
anymore (1.5.2), so I'm not sure why it's having a conflict, but in general
keep in mind that classes are always loaded at the top.


-Original Message-
From: Vimal Kansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 4:48 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: xerces conflict (and a hack solution).

I also ran into this problem. I think this is a bug
with Orion. Each application deployed to Orion should
get its own unique classloader, which is distinct not
only from all other applications, it is also distinct
from the classloader that Orion uses for itself.

--- Mark Kettner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 :Hello all,
 In our web application we use an old version of
 xerces. We deploy the 
 application with xerces.jar in the
 WEB-INF/lib directory.
 However, when the application is started we get the







 A bit cryptic, because SAXParser is in fact
 available twice (once in our 
 application and once in the
 'global' orion space).
 A solution is:
 1) Move the following jars:
 2) Move our own xerces.jar in orion home directory
 2) Start orion as follows:
 java -Xbootclasspath/a:xerces.jar -jar orion.jar
 This is not a real solution, because we also had to
 remove the encoding 
 attribute out of the application.xml and web.xml.
 And this should then 
 be done for every application you deploy on the
 application server.
 Shouldn't it be that when the application server
 looks for a class, it 
 first looks in the classes directory of that web
 application, then in 
 the lib directory of the web application and if it
 still can't resolve 
 the class it looks in the global space (not a good
 idea, since this 
 depends on which application server you use, but
 trade of to save memory 
 So is this a bug in orion, or are we doing something
 wrong here?
 Mark Kettner
 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
 Phone:  +31 20 3206203 Mobile: +31 620 609 817
 fax:+31 20 8848747

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Loadbalancer with SSL

2001-06-18 Thread Andre Vanha

Has anybody gotten orion's (1.5.2) load balancer to work with SSL?  It's not
a problem to get an orion website up and running with SSL but I can't get
the loadbalancer to work with SSL.  It never accepts my request.  If I turn
of SSL loadbalancing works fine.  If anyone has gotten it to work, please
let me know
Andre Vanha
NETdelivery Corporation

RE: getRemoteAddr() - APACHE as proxy !!

2001-06-05 Thread Andre Vanha

I've run into the same problem.  I don't think there is any way around this,
since the Apache module is a simple proxy.  
It would be necessary to improve the Apache plugin to send some extra
headers, and then have orion interpret them.
However without an open API through which to construct the HTTP requests
coming into orion, you would have to interpret these headers in your own
One possible avanue is Orion's load balancer.  I haven't had a chance to
test it, but does it suffer from the same problem?  
It may already have an API that allows it to pass through the original IP
address (and other info) to the actual server, which could be emulated by a
web server plugin.

-Original Message-
From: Eddie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 10:30 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: getRemoteAddr() - APACHE as proxy !!

In the meantime I found out what is wrong:
I am using apache as a proxy server, and therefore I do get the IP address
of the server.
How can I overcome this ?? Such that getRemoteAddr() does return the
client's IP address in my servlets.

- Original Message - 
From: Eddie mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
To: Orion-Interest mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:12 PM
Subject: getRemoteAddr()

Hellu there,

If I use getRemoteAddr()  to get the IP address of the client the makes the
servlet requests it return the IP address of the server ?? (also
getRemoteHost() returns the server name).

Any idea how come ??
I am running jdk 1.3 and the servlets run on the application server Orion
(OS: Linux redhat 7.0)

(I can remember that a JSP on JSERv on apache didn't had this problem, so I
quess it's Orion .. not ??)


RE: Deployment to multiple instances...?

2001-05-17 Thread Andre Vanha

Take a look at the orion-web.xml.  It should be possible to provide override
values using orion specific tags.  Since the Orion-web.xml is not rewritten
when a new version of the web file is deployed, once you set the file up,
you should be good to go.


orion-web.xml reference:

-Original Message-
From: Reid Hartenbower [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 2:19 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Deployment to multiple instances...?

This might not be the solution you're looking for, but you could use ant and
specifiy your different deployments as different targets.  This would at
least give you a central place to build from, and because ant knows about
.war packaging and supports FTP, theoretically (because I have not done this
myself) you can do all you're looking for with build scripts.

- Original Message -
From: Attila Bodis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 10:57 AM
Subject: Deployment to multiple instances...?


 This is a newbie question, I guess...  Here is the situation:

 I have a web application (a bunch of servlets, JSPs, and supporting
 I want to deploy to multiple Orion instances.  Some of these instances are
 for QA, some are inside the firewall, and some are outside the firewall.
 application has external dependencies on databases and files in the
 filesystem that are not part of the application itself.  Rather than
 hard-code these values, I include them as context-params in

 Ideally, I'd like to be able to build my web application on my development
 machine, package it as a WAR file, and deploy it by just FTPing the WAR
 the appropriate directory on my various Orion instances.  The problem is,
 configuration parameters are in WEB-INF/web.xml, which is inside the WAR
 file.  These configuration parameters have to be different for my
 instances (e.g. different directory structure, different database
 parameters, etc.).  But the web.xml file inside the WAR file always
 overwrites the one already deployed, which means each time I distribute my
 WAR file to my different instances, I have to 1) wait for Orion to
 auto-unpack the archive, then 2) manually change the settings in
 WEB-INF/web.xml on each instance.

 Of course if I avoid putting container-specific (i.e. deployment
 environment-specific) parameters in WEB-INF/web.xml, then the same web.xml
 will work on all of my various instances.  But then where do I put config
 parameters such as log level, log file directory, and path to
 my-secret-files, etc., which are used by the application but are specific
 to the particular deployment environment?

 Does Orion provide a way to specify config parameters for an application
 a per-container basis?



RE: orionconsole and firewall - hangs !??

2001-05-11 Thread Andre Vanha

It looks like the orion console uses the ORMI protocol.  The default port
for ormi is 23791.
You could edit rmi.xml to specify a different port.


-Original Message-
From: Eddie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 8:45 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: orionconsole and firewall - hangs !??

Please tell me which ports I need to open such that orionconsole can monitor
an orion server that is behind a firewall.
I have some orion servers that I can monitor well, but one is behind a
firewall and the orionconsole just hangs when I add the server and click
on it (at least I was impatient to wait for the time-out to occur - waited
for 10 minutest).


RE: Connection Pooling in Orion

2001-05-07 Thread Andre Vanha

Use orion's admin.jar to get connection pool info.  On my machine, I can
type this to get stats:
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin password -application default

The output looks like this:
DataSource info:
jdbc/xa/HypersonicXADS - cached: 0 used: 0 total: 0
jdbc/HypersonicDS - cached: 0 used: 0 total: 0
jdbc/xa/EMD/MainXADS - cached: 2 used: 0 total: 2
jdbc/EDM/MainDS - cached: 2 used: 0 total: 2

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Yau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 7:43 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Connection Pooling in Orion

I think I've correctly set up database connection pooling for my enterprise
app. But how do I confirm that Orion is actually doing connection pooling


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RE: [EJB] orion-ejb-jar.xml

2001-05-04 Thread Andre Vanha

This is from the Orion-EJB.jar documentation:

An orion-ejb-jar.xml file contains the deploy-time info for an ejb-jar. It
is located in
r.xml after deployment and orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml below the ejb-jar root if
bundled with the application or if no deployment-directory is specified in
server.xml. If using deployment-directory (which is the default) the bundled
version will be copied to the deployment location if and only if no file
exists at that location. It is used to specify initial (first time)
deployment properties. After each deployment the deployment file is
reformatted/augmented/altered by the server to add any new/missing info to

Sounds like in your EJB.jar you should create an orion directory at the root
level and palce your file there.


-Original Message-
From: Steffen Stundzig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 2:23 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: [EJB] orion-ejb-jar.xml


I'm new to orion. 

I've wrote down my own 'orion-ejb-jar.xml' file. But if i use auto-deploy by
the orion server, then it seems that the server couldn't find this file. At
first I put it in the dir 'META-INF' to the 'ejb-jar.xml'. This doesn't
work. Then I copy my file into 'application-deployments/myejb/test' near the
file deployment.cache. Then the server found it. 

What must I do, to omit this copy into the applications-deployment
I've thought, that I could build an 'myejb.ear' with all JavaClasses and the
appropriate deployment descriptors and thats all. The server deploys it
automatically. But for now I must build the ear and additional I must copy
the orion-ejb-jar.xml.

I've overlooked something?

Steffen Stundzigmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Common classes between ejb.jar web.war

2001-05-04 Thread Andre Vanha

I believe the ejb-jar file is the correct place.  I believe in orion, as in
weblogic, the ejb classloader is the parent of each web app classloader,
making classes packaged in you ejb jar available to all web apps (within the
application).  You could also package your classes in a seperate
jar/directory and point to it from orion-application.xml
(application-deployments/%AppName%) using a lib tag.

Hope this helps,


 -Original Message-
 From: Lou Farho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 12:30 PM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Common classes between ejb.jar  web.war
 Where should one put classes that are shared between their ejbs and their
 web interface?
 Do you create a jar file and put it in the ear? Put in orion's lib dir?
 Lou Farho

RE: has any one tried XSL extensions with orion1.4.7?

2001-05-02 Thread Andre Vanha

I've managed to get XSL extensions working with orion 1.4.5.  I'm surprised
to hear that xalan uses the class loader of the current thread.  It appeared
to me that it was using the class loader that loaded xalan (most likely the
main orion thread) since when I added the extension to my application
classpath xalan couldn't find it.  If it is using the current thread class
loader, it should be enough to simply add a lib tag to you
orion-application.xml file with you extension.  Since this didn't work for
me, I created a work around by starting orion using the command below.
MailParser.jar contains my extension, and
I needed to include the bsf classes as well.

Hope this helps,

D:\orion-prodD:\jdk1.3\bin\java -cp
jar;NDSupp/bsfengines.jar com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer

-Original Message-
From: Kesav Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 2:12 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: has any one tried XSL extensions with orion1.4.7?

Has any one tried xsl extension mecahnism with orion.  I am using xalan2.0
with orion.  I wrote a java class and I want to call the class from my xsl
stylesheet.  xalan loads the class using the classloader of the current
thread.  The class loader what it is getting is from orion.  Orion is never
able to load the class no matter where I keep my class. Has any one tried
this feature with orion1.4.7.

Thanks in advance.

Kesav Kumar
Software Engineer
Voquette, Inc.
650 356 3740
Voquette...Delivering Sound Information

RE: ...need urgent help!

2001-04-25 Thread Andre Vanha

it sounds like you're trying to use ejb's deployed in your orion server from
a stand-alone java app, and you want the communication channel between your
app and the orion server to be encrypted.  

Athough I'm not sure it'll work, you might want to look at Orion's RMI-HTTP
tunnelling.  It enables RMI requests to run over http.  If you then install
a secure certificate and enable https you might be enable to tunnel RMI over
HTTPS, securing your channel.

Although there is a document (not very informative) on how to enable
RMI-HTTP tunneling the one for RMI-HTTPS says To be written.  Sounds like
it's possible but you might have to do some hacking at it to get it to work.

The docs can be found here:

-Original Message-
From: Tobias Streckel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 7:39 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: ...need urgent help!


how can I make an coded connection between orion an my standalone java

I think I must use the jce but how?




2001-04-23 Thread Andre Vanha

The orion jar is using the jar extension mechanism.  If you look at
orion.jar's manifest, you'll see what jars are being added to the classpath
automatically.  You can read more about the jar extension mechanism on Sun's


-Original Message-
From: Geoffrey Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 10:30 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion CLASSPATH

Hello all!

Can anyone tell me what Orion is doing with the CLASSPATH.  I suspect it 
is building
its own or adding to mine simply because it knows how to find certain 
jars that I have not specified anywhere.

Any info appreciated...


Geoffrey W. MarshallDirector of Development
t e r r a s c o p ephone (415) 951-4944
54 Mint St #110   direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

RE: security realm in orion

2001-03-07 Thread Andre Vanha

Orion comes with several user managers.  The one based on principals.xml, a
DataSourceUserManager and an EJBUserManager.  Both EJB and DataSource user
managers can store information in a relational db.  An LDAP based user
manager should be simple to write, all you have to do is implement three
interfaces (Group, User and UserManager).  Take a look at Orion's API docs.
The documentation is somewhat lacking, but you should be able to get one


-Original Message-
From: Romen Law [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 4:02 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: security realm in orion
Importance: High


Does anyone know what security realms orion supports other than the
pricipals.xml file. I want to store users, groups and ACLs (dynamic change
of ACL is important to me) in a LDAP or Relational DB, much like what
Weblogic can do. Is this possible in Orion? What extra work do I have to do
to achieve this?


IT Architect, Business And Data Services
TEL: 612-84484716
FAX: 612-84484008
TIE: 84716

RE: referring to a jar from an ejb-jar file/directory?

2001-03-01 Thread Andre Vanha

you can also add a library entry to your orion-application.xml.

library path="D:\EDM\TPC\xml\bsf.jar" /
I use this in my app to get access to third party libraries.

I'm glad to hear the manifest method works.  I've tried it before, but was
never able to get it working.  However, I have a question concerning WAR
files.  The spec says that the manifest classpath is only used by JAR files.
If you use the separately JARed classes from servlets or JSP can the class
loader still find them?  Or more generally, If I have an J2EE application
that contains one EJB module and one WAR module, does the web-app class
loader automatically include the ejb-module in it's classpath?

Since the spec is somewhat vague in this area, a little documentation about
Orion's class loader/class path structure would really help.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 11:27 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: referring to a jar from an ejb-jar file/directory?

Running it out of a directory I'm not sure the MANIFEST Class-Path: will

I know if you use a JAR, it will work that way. It's the way the OSCore
library works,


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gary Shea
 Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 4:35 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: referring to a jar from an ejb-jar file/directory?

 I have an ejb application running under orion.  I want to restructure
 the code so that some common code is put into a jar.  The problem is
 that I can't figure out a way, short of putting the jar in the orion/lib
 directory, to make the contents of the jar available to the ejb side of
 the application.  The EJB-2.0-pfd spec says:

 The ejb-jar file must also contain, either by inclusion or
 by reference, the class files for all the classes and interfaces
 that each enterprise bean class and the remote and home interfaces
 depend on, except J2EE and J2SE classes. (page 486)

 Well, what does 'reference' mean?  The only hint I have found is:

 An ejb-jar file does not have to physically include the class files
 if the classes are defined in another jar file that is named in the
 Class-Path attribute in the Manifest file of the referencing ejb-jar
 file or in the transitive closure of such Class-Path references.
 (page 487)

 Well, I'm going to try creating a manifest file with a Class-Path in it,
 but since I'm running out of a directory, not an actual ejb-jar file,
 I really doubt this is going to work!

 Any hints would be greatly appreciated...


RE: Starting threads not permitted in servlet?

2001-03-01 Thread Andre Vanha

As far as I know, the EJB spec specifically forbids creating threads Sec
18.1.2.  The servlet spec 2.2 Sec 1.2 says:
"For example, high end application servers may limit certain action, such as
the creation of
a Thread object, to insure that other components of the container are not
negatively impacted."


-Original Message-
From: Falk Langhammer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 6:38 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Starting threads not permitted in servlet?

 Somebody on this list said that you're not allowed to start threads inside
 servlet container. Is this really in the spec (this was claimed), or is it

I am not sure for the web container. But the situation is even fuzzy for an
EJB container. I believe that in Orion, there isn't much difference between
the two (except for the RMI and wrapper subclasses).

Here is what the Borland BAS4.5 spec says about the EJB programming

Verifies in accordance with pedantic EJB 1.1 rules. There are four warnings
that have been classified as pedantic:
-- Throwing java.rmi.RemoteException from a bean method is deprecated.
-- Static fields in the bean class must be final. (This is actually a useful
rule, which is violated by the Java compiler.)
-- The primary key type must define the equals(Object) method.
-- The primary key type must define the hashCode() method.
The behavior of the verifier is that, by default, these rules are ignored.
Choosing the Pedantic option causes violations of these rules to issue
warnings. For deployment purposes, warnings are ignored, meaning that you
can go ahead and deploy beans which have warnings. However, you cannot
deploy beans which have errors.
Keep in mind the following about pedantic verification:
1) Not actually required by our runtime, meaning that your code will work as
2) Questionable altogether, and may well be eliminated from the EJB
specification when people realize how annoying they are.
3) Violated in almost every EJB program ever written, both in our product
and in all the various books ever written about EJB.

 Especially, note point 3)  :-))

Below is a list of programming restrictions defined in the EJB 1.1

An enterprise bean is not allowed to manage threads and thread groups. It
should not start new threads or resume suspended threads, nor should it
terminate or suspend the running thread. In addition, an enterprise bean
should not change a thread's priority or its name.
An enterprise bean is not allowed to use read/write static fields. Using
read-only static fields is allowed. Therefore, all static fields must be
declared as final.
An enterprise bean is not allowed to use thread synchronization primitives
to synchronize the execution of multiple instances.
An enterprise bean must not use the Java AWT functionality to output
information to a display or to accept information from a keyboard.
An enterprise bean should not use the package to access files and
directories in the file system.
An enterprise bean should refrain from using sockets; in particularly, the
bean should not listen on a socket, accept connections on a socket, or use a
socket for multicast. In addition, it should not set the socket factory used
by ServerSocket, Socket, or the stream handler factory used by URL.
An enterprise bean must not access classes or packages, or attempt to obtain
information about classes, in a manner normally disallowed by the Java
programming language or if the classes are normally unavailable to the
enterprise bean.
An enterprise bean must not access the runtime environment functions
normally handled by the container--create a class loader or access or change
its context, set or create a security manager, stop the JVM, change input,
output, or error streams.
An enterprise bean must not obtain security policy information for a
particular code source as this would compromise security.
An enterprise bean must not load a native library.
An enterprise bean must not define a class in a package, as this is a
function reserved for the container for security reasons.
An enterprise bean must not use the subclass and object substitution
features of the Java Serialization Protocol.
An enterprise bean should be careful if passing this as an argument or
method result. It is safer for the bean to pass the result of
SessionContext.getEJBObject() or EntityContext.getEJBObject().
An enterprise bean is not allowed to access or modify security configuration
objects. For example, it is not allowed to change its Any such attempt will result in the being thrown.

RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes direc tory .

2001-02-28 Thread Andre Vanha

These should be in the WEB-INF directory.

If you have your application packaged as WAR file it should have a folder
called WEB-INF.  Your web.xml file should be there.

If you're running your code using orion's default web app, you'll find the
file under orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF.

In your web.xml file the ejb references should be defined like so:


With this definition my code would then expect to find the bean under

In you orion-web.xml, which should reside in you application-deployments
directory,  you need to link the bean like this:

ejb-ref-mapping name="ejb/EDMSessionBean" location="TheEDMSessionBean" /

In this case location="TheEDMSessionBean" is the location specified in your

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Prabahkar Subramaniam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 9:18 AM
To: 'Andre Vanha'
Subject: RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
direc tory .

Where can I find the web.xml and orion-web.xml files?.


-----Original Message-
From: Andre Vanha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:42 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
direc tory .

Did you define the ejb-refs in your web.xml and link them correctly in
It works fine for me.


-Original Message-
From: Prabahkar Subramaniam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:14 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
direc tory .

I tried the following 2 ways and get the same error:

Object hdrObj = cntx.lookup("java:comp/env/B2BOrderHeader");
headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome)
headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome)cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");


javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: B2BOrderHeader not found
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.hl.f3(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.hl.lookup(JAX)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
at replacement.OrderBeanWrapper.loadOrder(
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xa(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ef.dn(JAX)

The line 142 is:
 headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome) cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");

Thanks in advance for your help

-Original Message-
From: Rafael Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:59 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
directory .

Hello Prabahkar,

Monday, February 26, 2001, 7:38:40 PM, you wrote:

Try using
Object hdrObj = cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");

I think I remember vagely a thread in this list about java:comp/,
but that was 3000 messages ago :). Anyway, this works fine for me.

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-02-28 Thread Andre Vanha

The other day, somebody posted a well written document on Java2 class
loaders.  I wish I had the url to the document, but I can't find it.  The
gist of the document was this:  All class loaders within a jvm form a
hierarchy with the boot class loader being at the root.  No matter which
class loader in this hierarchy is utilized, it's job is to always delegate
to it's parent class loader before attempting to load anything on it's own.
In this case I belive orion's application class loaders will still be
children of orion's class loader, so classes defined at the class path level
(using orion.jar's classpath manifest attribute) will be used.   Even if you
create a lib entry to jaxp in server.xml or orion-application.xml the jxap
that ships with orion will be used. 


-Original Message-
From: Conrad Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 4:25 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: JAXP

Have you try to package your version of JAXP files inside your application
archive (ear, war)?  This idea comes from the fact that every class is
identified not only its class name but also which class loader it is loaded
from.  Since Orion supports dynamic loading of application files, it should
be using a custom classloader for every application.  Hence, by theory, you
should be able to use a different JAXP than the one Orion uses.  Of course
it depends on exactly how Orion implements this.  If Orion looks for classes
from the default classloader first, it is still not going to work.  But I
think it does worth a try.

Hope this help


-Original Message-
From: Richard Doust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 4:31 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JAXP

I have been working on this problem all day. I have posted once before and
no one responded. I will try again.
I'm no Java expert and this is just my ignorance, but can anyone tell me if
I'm correct in my assumptions on this.
I am trying to develop server side code that runs under Orion that uses the
JAXP code that Sun has recently released. There are different versions of
parser.jar, xalan.jar and jaxp.jar distributed with Orion. Older ones. I
have tried replacing the older ones with the newer ones because my code
requires the newer ones and I guess that my code will be running in the same
image as Orion. Orion fails to start due to an exception while trying to
parse its configuration files. Putting the old .jar files back, it works
again. So, now it occurs to me that I'm basically stuck running with
whatever version of support code the tools I'm using are dependent on.
If I'm right, that means I can't use the latest version of JAXP until Orion
does? Is that right?

mail.jar POP3

2001-02-28 Thread Andre Vanha

I'm trying to add POP3 functionality to my application on orion.
Unfortunately, the mail.jar that ships with orion does not include the POP3
provider.  Does anyone know how I can enable the POP3 provider from Sun
without replacing, or otherwise having to modify the existing mail.jar?


Machines should work.  People should think.
   -- IBM motto

RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes direc tory .

2001-02-27 Thread Andre Vanha

Did you define the ejb-refs in your web.xml and link them correctly in
It works fine for me.


-Original Message-
From: Prabahkar Subramaniam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:14 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
direc tory .

I tried the following 2 ways and get the same error:

Object hdrObj = cntx.lookup("java:comp/env/B2BOrderHeader");
headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome)
headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome)cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");


javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: B2BOrderHeader not found
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.hl.f3(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.hl.lookup(JAX)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
at replacement.OrderBeanWrapper.loadOrder(
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xa(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ef.dn(JAX)

The line 142 is:
 headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome) cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");

Thanks in advance for your help

-Original Message-
From: Rafael Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:59 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
directory .

Hello Prabahkar,

Monday, February 26, 2001, 7:38:40 PM, you wrote:

Try using
Object hdrObj = cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");

I think I remember vagely a thread in this list about java:comp/,
but that was 3000 messages ago :). Anyway, this works fine for me.

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Any way to forward to j_security_check?

2001-02-22 Thread Andre Vanha

It might be possible to achieve this without forwarding.   I haven't tried
it, but using Orion's role manager might do the trick.  First you can
retrieve the role manager using RoleManager manager = (RoleManager)new
InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/RoleManager"); The you can call login on
the RoleManager with the appropriate username and password. This may do the
trick.  You can get more info about the user manager in the Orion API docs
or at

Let me know if this works, I'm curious muslef.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 5:27 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?

Does anyone know a way to "forward" to the j_security_check processing in
Orion ? We use form-based login but have our own processing to do ahead of
standard j_security_check.

On J2EE Reference Implementation (and e.g. Weblogic) we post the form to our
own servlet instead of j_security_check, then forward from this to
j_security_check. This doesn't seem to work on Orion i.e. j_security_check
doesn't seem to be something one can get a request dispatcher for.

Of course, the servlet spec doesn't mandate anything about how the server
should implement the j_security_check mechanism, so potentially it doesn't
have to have anything that can be referenced and invoked from application
code. But it would be useful to be able to.

I've also thought about programmatically simulating a post to
instead of trying to forward to it, but doesn't look simple and not sure
would work on Orion either. Might be helped by Servlet 2.3 but can't move to
that yet.

Am I just missing some trick to this, or is it not possible on Orion? Or is
related to a bug somewhere ? (n.b. even a normal post to j_security_check
seems to fail, and to get sign-on to work I have to use Orion's non-standard
feature of leaving the action unspecified).

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RE: Global Directories

2001-02-19 Thread Andre Vanha

I added this virtual directory to the default web app deployment descriptor
orion-web.xml.  The file resides under
Since the default web app is bound to the root, the content defined in these
virtual folders is accessible from all of my applications.  I've used the
approach for static contents such as html and images, but it probably won't
work if you plan to use the forward and include calls on the content in the
virtual directories.
virtual-directory virtual-path="/HTMLS" real-path="D:\EDM\HTMLS" /


-Original Message-
From: Aniket V U [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 12:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Global Directories


I was wondering if I can define a global Virtual directory i.e a directory 
that can be accessed from any application deployed in Orion??

I tried setting the Virtual Directory in Global-Web-Application.xml but i 
couldnt access the directory. The virtual directories work fine if I define 
them at each application level in orion-web.xml.

Im using orion 1.4.5, jdk 1.3, W2K.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.

Thanks and Regards


RE: Remove me from this mailing list

2001-02-16 Thread Andre Vanha

Is there a problem with the subscribe/unsubscribe form? It's always worked
for me.

If you can't work the form, how do you expect to work with J2EE?


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 8:32 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Remove me from this mailing list

Please remove me from this mailing list

RE: Where are the perfumes bubble bath beads

2001-02-16 Thread Andre Vanha

Although perfumed bubble bath beads are nice and fun to use, sometimes their
aroma can be nauseating.

In my opinion the less code the better. Less bugs, and quicker fixes.  
The company I work for now uses iPlanet, and I really miss working with
Orion.  In my opinion even the beta version of Orion were more stable than
IAS6 is now.  

There are several reasons IAS is so big, and I would assume the other heavy
weights for similar reasons.

IPlanet used to be Netscape Application Server which used to be Kiva
Application server before the days of J2EE, and it includes support for
Applogics (Proprietary api for writing servlet-like-things in C++).  All the
J2EE features were just tacked on, and I doubt anybody cleaned up the old
code, so there's a lot of legacy baggage.

 - Full clustering support at all levels.
 - Netscape Directory Server for LDAP backed JNDI and authentication.
 - Netscape Administration Server and Console
 - iPlanet Web Server - Based on Netscape Enterprise Server.
 - 400+ pages of documentation
 - Lots of buggy deployment and packaging tools - Something orion has in
common ;)
 - Broken ejb compilers (On Solaris)
 - A great feature which randomly throws ClassCast exceptions when using
 - AbstractMethod exceptions in compiled jsps.

Although my last three points are just vents of frustration, the point I'm
trying to make is that size!=quality.  Sure iPlanet in a cluster
configuration can handle more 
requests than Orion, but at $40K+ per server, its probably better to run
several cheaper servers and buy an expensive, hardware based load balancer.

I think oracle 9I AS brings a lot of database integration to the server, and
when you look at just the size of the Net8 client, 1Gig doesn't sound that

Last of all, everyone is always complaining about orion's documentation.
True, Orion doesn't provide hand-holding documentation, and the existing
docs could definitely use improvement, but there is certainly enough there
to get a basic app up and running.  iPlanet comes with a 200 page
developer's guide, a 100 page administrator's guide and lots of supplements.
How much value do they add?  To a complete J2EE beginner, probably some, but
their news group contains almost as many and the same type of questions as
the orion list.  Orion is a J2EE server, so to use it, and any other J2EE
server, you need to understand J2EE.  J2EE is complex (that's why we get
paid the big bucks),  but once you get at least a basic understanding
(things like EARs, WARs, EJB-JARs and resource-refs) the only documentation
you'll need is for server specific configuration, and the orion docs pretty
much cover that.  
I agree some of the advanced features (such as SSL, JMS and such) are
lacking, but even those were sufficient to get me up and running although it
took longer.

I admit I'm biased since I learned J2EE on Orion, but in my experience,
Orion is fairly easy to work with compared to IAS and Weblogic.  Maybe I
need to take a look at some of these other servers since everyone is raving
about their documentation.


-Original Message-
From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 7:06 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Where are the perfumes bubble bath beads

Here is a mystery I need help with.  If all JSP engines and EJB servers are
approximately equal, then what explains the size differences in the
following examples?
Latest production Orion - 10 MG
Latest production Resin - 12.8 MG
Latest productions Jboss/Tomcat - 23.3 Mg
Latest production Unify Ewave Engine - 18.1 MG
Latest production Iplanet 6.1 - Approximately 1 Gig
Latest Productions Oracle 9I AS - Approximately 1 Gig
  In a past commercial for Motel 6, they talk about not having any perfumed
bubble bath beads, like the higher priced hotels.  So I ask these questions.
What could possible take up 1 gig, when all JSP engines and EJB servers are
supposed to have similar or identical functionality?  Out of curiosity, how
much space does Weblogic take up? Where are the perfumed bubble bath beads
in the 1 gig space? 

RE: How to configure datasources

2001-02-16 Thread Andre Vanha

Take a look at

-Original Message-
From: Frank Eggink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 8:44 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: How to configure datasources

To be honest I know little about how to configure datasources for Orion.

What should I read to understand the differences between the classes you can
specify in 'data-sources.xml'?


Frank Eggink
Swift Applications
+31 6 28847325 (voice)
+31 33 4532464 (fax)

RE: Orion doesn't work.

2001-02-16 Thread Andre Vanha

For Orion to work you shouldn't have to modify your classpath since it uses
the JDK1.2 extension mechanism (Classpath specified in the jar manifest).
If it's not working its most likely a jvm issue.  When you type java
-version what do you get?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 6:35 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Orion doesn't work.

You need to make sure you setup your CLASSPATH right, if it is
then you unziped all over your computer ;) I mean distibution is
half assed. download and reinstall/reconfigure

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Geoff Marshall
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 6:10 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion doesn't work.

I've surfed and surfed, and can't find any info on the problem I'm having.

All brand new:
Red Hat Linux v7, Sun J2EE 1.2.1, Sun JDK1.3, Orion 1.4.5

[geoff@daphne orion]$cd /usr/local/orion
[geoff@daphne orion]$ java -jar orion.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/evermind/gui/server/ServiceConsole
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(

Obviously, I'm missing some class, but where/what is it?  The JDK/SDK seems
to be working fine i.e. I can compile and run java applications, etc.  Does
some .jar file need to be expanded???


-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

RE: One IP - 3 Sites - 3 Domain Names

2000-09-27 Thread Andre Vanha

As far as I know what you're trying to accomplish is impossible.  A web
server binds to an IP addresses.  The domain names are just pointers to the
same IP address.  So in effect your're trying to run 3 webserver on the same
exact IP.  You could bind to different ports, but then your URLs would be
To do this correctly you'll need a different IP for each domain.

One possibility that comes to mind, though I have no idea it will work, is
to analyze the URL request in your servlet or JSP and attempt to
inlcude/forward the appropriate content in your code, depending on what you

Andre V

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dave Ford
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 1:33 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: One IP - 3 Sites - 3 Domain Names

I have one physical machine with one IP address. This one ip address is
associated with three domain names. Each domain name should pull up a
different web-site.

I currently have 3 web-sites defined in server.xml:

web-site path="c:\@web\@OrionConfig\web-site-1.xml" /
 web-site path="c:\@web\@OrionConfig\web-site-2.xml" /
web-site path="c:\@web\@OrionConfig\web-site-3.xml" /

I then have three web-site-x.xml files defined. It's not clear what the
value of the host and virtual-hosts attributes should be for each of these
three files. I have read the docs and the faq but still can't get it to

I tried this:

In web-site-1.xml: web-site host="" 
In web-site-2.xml: web-site host="" 
In web-site-3.xml: web-site host="" 

And this:

In web-site-1.xml: web-site host=""
In web-site-2.xml: web-site host=""
In web-site-3.xml: web-site host=""

It is not obvious to me, based on the docs, how to set this up. Any

Dave Ford

RE: User/Group manager guide

2000-09-21 Thread Andre Vanha

I took a look at the scenario you describe, and I was able to make method
permissions work with roles as they should.  If a user who was part of the
users group was logged in, an exception would be trown.  If the user was
added to the CSR group everything worked.

Let me describe my orion security setup as it is somewhat complex, but I
have no doubt it will work with any properly written user manager.

I use a custom user manager I built on two database tables (I wanted
password encryption).  One contains users, and the other contains group
membership.  Since I was in a hurry when I wrote the UserManager I let orion
manage the groups themselves through it's XML implementation, hence the
principals.xml below.

Below are related excerpts from my configuration files.  I can't really
provide a working ear file, but I'm pretty sure the example ATM application
uses method level permissions, so it might be a good place to experiment.
In case you're interested, you can find my Custom user manager
implementation at
Its somewhat sloppy as I worte it in a real hurry, but it may provide some
useful info.


security-role-mapping name="user"
group name="users" /
security-role-mapping name="csr"
group name="csr" /

group name="csr"
permission name="rmi:login" /
permission name="com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIPermission" /


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Arved
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 7:26 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: User/Group manager guide

I'm looking forward to docs and examples myself.

One thing that I've noticed, after copious experimentation with the
DataSourceUserManager, is that the group = mapping is somewhat deficient.
In other words, I have my users and groups tables set up, and I've made
suitable mods and adjustments to principals.xml, orion-application.xml,
ejb-jar.xml, and orion-ejb-jar.xml as required (or suggested). In some cases
I'm flailing about, frankly.

In any case, a login with username and password is obviously finding the
group, and mapping the group to role, because when I check the role after
login it's OK. I don't have to hardcode it, which is vital.

However, and I've tried everything, I don't believe this knowledge is being
passed on to the EJB container. No role, however declared in the various
J2EE/Orion descriptors, is able to access *any* method in an EJB that has

So my assessment on the user/role managers is that it is reasonably useful:
one can assign roles based on login, and test for that as required. But
method-level security in EJBs does not work, at least not in a documented,
demonstrated and reliable manner.

The odd thing is, is that this may not be that much of a big deal. I've been
writing J2EE for pretty much a full year, and I have yet to see a situation
where method-level permissions gain me anything at all. It's literally never
been necessary. It seems to be one of these J2EE things that made ostensible
sense at the time but has little practical value. Just a thought.

The only reason it disturbs me is because it should work and doesn't. :-) If
an example can be supplied - complete with Orion-specific deployment
descriptors - I'll be overjoyed.

Arved Sandstrom

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lawrence Fry
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 6:36 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: User/Group manager guide


Here Here! I'm glad somebody said it.

But without documentation, you should look at the archives to this list,
because many of these problems have already been worked out.

For isn't said anywhere in the documentation, but the
EJBUserManager is the most useful device for ecommerce. With this, you can
automatically login users and create users  for your website...without 

RE: container transactions not working...

2000-09-21 Thread Andre Vanha

Try using the XA datasource when you acquire a connection:

In your ejb-jar file:

In your bean:
Context naming = new InitialContext();
XADataSource ds = (XADataSource)naming.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/myXADS");
Connection conn = ds.getXAConnection().getConnection();

I use an XADatasource with orcale and transactions work correctly.
Also I read somewhere if you use JDBC from within EJBs you should use the
EJBDS resource, however everything works fine for me with XADatasource.
EJBDS might only be applicable to Entity Beans.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tony Abbott
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 6:33 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: container transactions not working...


hope someone can help me as i am now highly frustrated :) i am unable to get
container managed transactions to work in conjunction with jdbc/oracle.
basically i have a stateless session bean which writes to tables. It seems
me orion is not managing the transactions at all. With the setup and code
below it does not roll back the transaction despite the setRollbackOnly().
I throw a system exception it does not roll back either. If I do multiple
inserts in the method each insert is committed immediately and not as a
transaction at the end of the method. I'm really hoping I'm missing
obvious and this is not a serious problem in orion... Any help/suggestions
would be highly appreciated!

I'm using Oracle 8.1.6R2, (Oracle JDBC drivers), JDK1.3rc1 on
Linux and have tried Orion 1.3.8 and 1.2.9 with the same results.



and in ejb-jar.xml

 descriptionA session bean/description

and the method:

   public void load()
  Connection con = null;
  PreparedStatement ps = null;
 Context naming = new InitialContext();
 DataSource ds =
 con = ds.getConnection();
 ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into mytable (id, value) values
(?, ?)"):
 ps.setInt(1, 1);
 ps.setString(2, "testing");
  catch (NamingException e)
 throw new EJBException(e);
  catch (SQLException e)
 throw new EJBException(e);
if (ps != null)
if (con != null)
 catch (SQLException e)


   Tony Abbott  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: REPOST: Running application code at startup

2000-08-15 Thread Andre Vanha

I used to run orion from my own launcher class for the same reasons.  I have
since then removed the cumbersome code.  Also orion provides methods for
launching programs/application clients automatically.  If possible I suggest
moving down that route instead.

Check out the client-module tag in orion-application.xml.

If you still want to use your own launcher class, I have included my old
source, however I haven't used it since version .9 so it may not solve your
problems.  Also I never specified the -userThreads flag as you have, but I
was able to spawn new threads outside of orion without a problem.  From
reading through the documentation, the userThreads switch is mainly there
for cases where new threads are spawned from within Servlets or EJBs.

I hope you find this at least somewhat useful.

Andre V
Capture Logic


package wa;

import com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer;
import wa.process.Maintenance;

public class Launcher

public Launcher()

public void runOrion(String[] args)
System.out.println("Starting Server...");
// These lines spawn threads
Maintenance lxMaintenance = new Maintenance(6);
Start orion, however I could not figure out why this 
call always
returned, so I built this hack to monitor if there were any active
threads in orion's thread pool, and shut down once all of orion's
threads were closed.   This was very cumbersome and I decided to
resturcture my application to eliminate the need for startup code.
System.out.println("WA Launcher: Server Started");

ThreadGroup lxTGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
Thread lxCThread = Thread.currentThread();
boolean lbRun = true;
while (lbRun)
ThreadGroup[] lxGA = new 
int lnCount = lxTGroup.enumerate(lxGA);
for (int i = 0; i lnCount; i++)

 lxGA[i].activeCount() == 0)
lbRun = false;
System.out.print("Server Shutdown: ");

catch (Exception lxE)
System.out.println("Unexpected Server Termination: " +


public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("World Adventures Server Launcher.");
Launcher launcher = new Launcher();
launcher.invokedStandalone = true;

private boolean invokedStandalone = false;

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vidur Dhanda
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 12:21 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: REPOST: Running application code at startup

Sorry for reposting this, but it has become absolutely critical  and I
would appreciate any help.

 Could someone please point out what I'm doing wrong.  I'm sure I'm
 missing something really simple here.  I can't get an Orion server
 run under program control and do some application specific
 initialization.  I'm inlining some simplified code and output.


 import javax.naming.*;
 import com.evermind.server.*;

 public class Server {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 try {
 ApplicationServer.main(new String[] {"-userThreads"});
 Context ctx = new InitialContext();
 ctx.lookup ("foo");

CMP Finder Like Query

2000-06-27 Thread Andre Vanha

Hi everyone,
I have a CMP entity bean which defines a finder method like this:
Collection findByPartialUserName(String UserName).

I have deployed this entity bean against an oracle database but I am having
trouble specifying the query for this finder method.  Ideally I want the SQL
query to look something like this:
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE '%abc%', but I have no idea how to
specify such a query within the deployment descriptor.  For now I have
simply entered "$UserName LIKE $1" into the query clause and I am manually
adding the leading and trailing percent sign to the UserName parameter
before calling this finder, but it seems like there should be a better way.
Has anyone run into a similar problem and solved it?

I've also tried "$UserName LIKE '%$1%'" and "$UserName LIKE %$1%" but the
database complains that the statement is invalid.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Andre V

RE: Pet Store and UserManager problems

2000-06-23 Thread Andre Vanha

From the archive I understand some folks were
trying to roll their own (Implementation of UserManager):

I've been able to successfully roll my own UserManager which is backed by a
database and has password encryption.  It's missing the ability to
add/delete groups, and is based directly on a database, rather than an EJB,
but it might be usefull to other people trying to roll their own.

If anyone's interested, I can post a jar with my implementation.

Andre V

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kalvar, Kirk
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 6:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Pet Store and UserManager problems


I'm also looking at the same issue.  I've search the archive/FAQ's and there
are a few items referring to UserManger but nothing that provides a clear
path to implementing it.  From the archive I understand some folks were
trying to roll their ownr.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

RE: Perl CGI

2000-03-17 Thread Andre Vanha

global-web-application file in orion/config contains a mapping so that any *.pl 
file is executed through Orion's CGI servlet (which in turn invokes perl). 
All you need to do is make sure the perl executable is in your 

this helps,

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dale 
  BronkSent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 7:01 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Perl CGI
  Can someone give me some help on settings to allow my 
  web-app to do Perl cgi? I have some legacy scripts that I need to use 
  and can't seem to find anything in the documentation.
  On that note, any news on when we will have real 
  documentation as far as a full user manual with getting started (hand holding) 
  sections through advanced topics like clustering, jsm, etc?
  Dale Bronk[EMAIL PROTECTED]Windscape 
  Consulting, Inc.

SSL Problems

2000-03-07 Thread Andre Vanha

I've tried to follow the ssl-howto but I can't get orion to start my secure
I'm hoping someone who has gotten ssl to work can give some insights.

I've tried this on both orion 0.9.4 and 0.9.4j but the results are the same.

Here are the steps I took to work through the howto:

Just like the howto said, I generated my RSA key and created a certificate
In order to generate the RSA key, I installed the default JSSE provider
( in jsse.jar) that came with the orion
distribution, into my configuration file. I posted my
certificate request to thawte's test certificate generator and created a
certificate with the default options (Test X509v3 SSL Cert).
When I tired to import my new certificate, keytool gave me an error,
something along the lines that it couldn't create the certificate chain, so
I imported thawte's Root Test CA certificate into my Keystore.  With the CA
certificate in place, I was able to
import my certificate without further problems.
The problem occurs when I try to secure one of orion's websites with this
ssl configuration:
ssl-config keystore="E:\WA\ssl\WAKeyStore" keystore-password="123123123"
needs-client-auth="false" /
Orion always fails to start up the secure site with this error:
Error starting HttpServer: Unable to intialize SSLServerSocketFactory
ind.ssl.JSSESSLServerSocketFactory': javax/net/ServerSocketFactory

I've tried different web sites and ports. One thing that came to mind was
matching the key alias to the site hostname parameter but that doesn't work
What am I missing?  Did I use the wrong RSA key generation provider or the
wrong kind of SSL certificate?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Andre V