No Subject

2001-01-25 Thread John D'Ausilio

I'm running 1.4.4 on Windoze 2000, and have an app composed of 2 ejb
modules, 1 web module and 1 application client. In my development
environment, everything deploys, the client app starts, finds it's jms
services, and everything starts and runs. When I export everything to the
filesystem (from VAJ) and try and run the system, it deploys .. but when the
app client starts it falls over with:

NamingException in app client

2001-01-25 Thread John D'Ausilio

sorry about previous partial post ...

I'm running 1.4.4 on Windoze 2000, and have an app composed of 2 ejb
modules, 1 web module and 1 application client. In my development
environment, everything deploys, the client app starts, finds it's jms
services, and everything starts and runs. When I export everything to the
filesystem (from VAJ) and try and run the system, it deploys .. but when the
app client starts it falls over with:

javax.naming.NamingException: META-INF/application-client.xml resource not
(JAX, Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Exception.init(, Compiled Code)
at javax.naming.NamingException.init(,
Compiled Code)
(JAX, Compiled Code)

when the client tries to get to the jms resources. I've tried adding
resource-ref elements to application-client.xml like:


but that dosn't seem to help. I'm sort of confused at this point, and
looking through the mail list yields similar, but different, problems ..
whose solutions don't seem to apply here.

Any ideas?

RE: How to configure Orion to use Oracle

2001-01-17 Thread John D'Ausilio

You should have a '' which contains the Oracle driver.
It should live in oracle_home/lib
I'm not sure if your url is correct .. we use the thin driver instead
We also use 'ConnectionDataSource' rather than 'DriverManagerDataSource'


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Danut
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:06 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: How to configure Orion to use Oracle
 I am trying to use Oracle database with Orion. In the "data-source.xml" 
 file I have added:
 I have set the correct class path to the Oracle class files
 but when I launch Orion server I get the following message:
 C:\Java\orionjava -jar orion.jar
 Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver 
 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found
 Thank you,
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Application Client startup synchronization

2001-01-09 Thread John D'Ausilio

After playing for a few hours, I figured out how to have an Application
Client class start up with the server .. but it seems that the server fires
off the client before it has finished starting itself up! Anyone deal with
this yet? Is there a safe way to detect from the client when the server is
done starting up?

john d

Globally available environment vars

2001-01-05 Thread John D'Ausilio

We're getting to the point where we're integrating a bunch of stuff into a
web app .. two different ejb modules plus a web module. I'd like to have a
single central place where user-customizable configuration can be stored.
Experimenting with env-entry in the web.xml file seems to indicate that
those environment vars are not available (by any naming convention I've been
able to think up) in the ejb modules. I can put the env-entry into the
deployment descriptor for the bean that needs the value and get access, but
that would be too messy for the end-user to be messing with! Anyone have any

RE: HOWTO: Using OpenJMS with Orion

2000-12-15 Thread John D'Ausilio

this works with message-driven beans?


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lipsky, 
  JonSent: Friday, December 15, 2000 8:53 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: HOWTO: Using OpenJMS with 
  developershave been fighting with the JMS implentation in Orion so I 
  decided to play around with getting one of the open source JMS implentation to 
  work with Orion. At the bottom of this email are the steps to get 
  OpenJMS working and the changes you need to make to your applications to use 
  I havn't been able 
  to test it too much, but in our limited tests everything seems to work. 
  So far, all of the problems that we were having with Orion's JMS 
  implementation have gone away so this at least meets our short term needs 
  until Orion's JMS is working (hopefully soon)...
  Using OpenJMS with 
  1. Download 
  OpenJMS from
  2. Extract the 
  OpenJMS archive on your machine and follow the intructions for building 
  OpenJMS. (execute the command "build 
  3. Copy the 
  following files to your /lib directory your Orion 
  4. Start the 
  OpenJMS server(execute the command "admin -config valid_jms.xml", 
  and then use the menu item "Start OpenJMSServer")
  5. Create any 
  Queue's or Topic's you want to use in your application using the admin 
  6. Modify your 
  applications to use a different context factory to when they create their JMS 
  connection factories:
  props = new Hashtable();props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, 
  context = new InitialContext(props);
  7. By default the 
  Queue connection factory can be found at the JNDI name 
  "JmsQueueConnectionFactory", so your may need to change your 
  application or the change the JNDI location used by 
  QueueConnectionFactory _factory = 

RE: Stateless session beans reuse

2000-12-14 Thread John D'Ausilio

h ... I understand the case where, for instance, the field holds
something that uses system resources like an open file-based stream.
However, in this case the goal is to eliminate the repeated lookups for home
interfaces. There would be little savings if we get the home interfaces in
the ejbCreate and nulled them in ejbRemove, but the interesting question for
us is 'will the field still be valid, and if not how can one tell so it can
be made valid again?' .. so we can safely lazy initialize those fields.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason Boehle
 Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 4:28 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Stateless session beans reuse

 My understanding is that the fields will not be set to null.  Instance
 variables are useful in stateless session beans to hold references to
 "global" objects/resources that are used over and over again.  You can
 allocate/release the variables in ejb[Post]Create()/ejbRemove().  Please,
 someone else tell me if I am wrong! :)

 Jason Boehle

 -Original Message-----
 From: John D'Ausilio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 1:42 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Stateless session beans reuse

 Stateless session beans are clearly allowed to have instance variables
 (fields). A client of a stateless session bean cannot assume that
 he has the
 same bean instance for each method call.

 Assume we have a stateless session bean, which holds some fields storing
 various home interfaces. Gary (my co-worker) and I disagree in
 the EJB spec on what happens to those fields between method calls,
 specifically with respect to lazy initialization. My assumption is that
 those fields will be set to null between method calls, Gary
 assumes that the
 field may hold valid information (in which case lazy initialization dosn't
 occur). Comments?

 (we discussed doing a test, but that would only prove what Orion does ...)

 john d

Stateless session beans reuse

2000-12-13 Thread John D'Ausilio

Stateless session beans are clearly allowed to have instance variables
(fields). A client of a stateless session bean cannot assume that he has the
same bean instance for each method call.

Assume we have a stateless session bean, which holds some fields storing
various home interfaces. Gary (my co-worker) and I disagree in interpreting
the EJB spec on what happens to those fields between method calls,
specifically with respect to lazy initialization. My assumption is that
those fields will be set to null between method calls, Gary assumes that the
field may hold valid information (in which case lazy initialization dosn't
occur). Comments?

(we discussed doing a test, but that would only prove what Orion does ...)

john d

Large Collections

2000-12-07 Thread John D'Ausilio

We're working on an ecommerce site which has a rather large ( 3M) record
products table. We were hoping that the Collection which is returned when an
entity bean's collection field getter is called would be smart .. that the
entity beans would be instantiated as needed vs all instantiated at once.
Alas, it appears that this is not the case. I initially ran out of memory
trying to get the collection until I applied the
ApplicationAdministrator.flushEJBCache hack, but the elapsed time is still
just too large when dealing with that collection.

My question is how are people handling this kind of problem? Should I just
abandon CMP for this stuff and do it in a traditional fashion, perhaps a
temporary table, via JDBC? Maybe cache the handles from the CMP collections
for reuse? Go for a database specific solution?


john d

RE: Wrapper Classes

2000-11-03 Thread John D'Ausilio

this may be related to a problem I've been discussing with Magnus ..

Basically the default mode for client RMI calls have been changed from
serialized to multithreaded, as serialized prevents certain kind of
callbacks (ie those occurring while executing the original call, not in
another thread). Serialized offers better throughput in some cases though
(and better scalability until J2SE 1.4 arrives, less threads per client) so
that mode is still settable in rmi.xml.

he sez it's fixed in 1.4.1 ...

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert
 Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 6:30 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Wrapper Classes

 Dear All,

 We use a report writing tool ( that accesses data
 from directly beans from its own session bean. This worked fine with Orion
 for ages. Now we've moved from Orion 1.0 to Orion 1.3.8 we have a MAJOR
 problem with the report writer.

 Basically under Orion 1.0, Orion created wrapper (stub) classes a put them
 under application_dir/orion. Now, from what I've read on this list, Orion
 now dynamically creates the wrapper classes
and when we run the report writer we get a:

java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Error deserializing return-value:
tyBeanWrapper36; nested exception is:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: BusinessUnit_EntityBeanWrapper36
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: BusinessUnit_EntityBeanWrapper36
at com.evermind.server.rmi.bc.findClass(JAX)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at com.evermind.server.rmi.a8.resolveClass(JAX)


What would we need to do to get the report writer to find the necessary


Rob Hargreaves

RE: Variable for defining finder query?

2000-10-30 Thread John D'Ausilio

Heya Anders ...

I actually got it working yesterday! The field must be located in the Home
interface, and it works for partial queries also .. just don't put
'partial:' in front of them ..

john d

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anders
 Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 5:57 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Variable for defining finder query?

 I just found an example on about an alternative to
 orion-ejb-jar.xml for specifying finder queries:

 public static final String findByOwner_query="full: select "+
 "Page.key, Page.document, Page.title, Page.description,,
 "Page.stylesheet, Page.hits, Page.url, Page.content from Page "+
 "where Page_Children.document=$1 and Page_Children.key=$2 "+
 "order by Page.hits desc, Page.title desc";

 This variable is supposed to be in the bean implementation class.

 My question: Is this in any way documented anywhere, and is there anyone
 who has actually tried it?
 I haven't mananged to make it work anyway...

 A n d e r s  B e n g t s s o n[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: can client see dependent objects (ejb2) ?

2000-10-26 Thread John D'Ausilio

I believe you must use a Dependent Value class to get dependent objects ..
the idea with dependents is that they are tightly associated with an entity,
and the entity should use them and expose in it's own interface .. see the
ejb spec 9.3.1 on granularity, and dependent objects and value objects in


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Drury
 Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 1:05 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: can client see dependent objects (ejb2) ?

 I save successfully saved an ejb w/ dependent object
 into the database.  But when I try to pull the ejb
 back (w/dependent object), the client throws an
 exception saying it cannot find the dependent object

 Client code snippet:

   system.out.println(contact.getName());  // this works
   Address a = contact.getAddress();  // this throws exception

 The ejb attributes print out on the screen
 fine, but when I try to get the Address
 dependent object the *client* throws this

 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Address_Dependent0

 Now, I think the problem is obvious.  My class
 is called "Address" and Orion compiled the class
 on the server and called it "Address_Dependent0".
 Obviously, the client isn't going to see that.

 My question: Can the client not see dependent objects
 at all?  Should I write another Address class and
 copy all the dependent Address class attributes into

 Is this addressed in the spec (I didn't see it)?
 I hope this is how it is supposed to work, I sure hope
 they change it - it seems a huge waste of time to
 have to write 2 classes for each dependent object.


RE: EJB 2.0 Dependent bidirectional relationships not working

2000-10-24 Thread John D'Ausilio

I can't even get bidirectional relationships between beans working here ...

I have a simple one-many relationship, collection in the parent, parent
object in the child. When deployed, it correctly puts the backreference
field in the child, but never fills it in with the parent's objectID

has anyone used *any* bi-directional relationship successfully?

john d

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Archer
 Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 4:22 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EJB 2.0 Dependent bidirectional relationships not working

 Hi All...

 As I mentioned in an earlier message, I have some working example
 code that
 has an EJB 2.0 CMP entity bean working with both one-to-one and
 unidirectional relationships.

 Next, I want to change the one-to-many relationship to be
 bidirectional. I
 expected this to be a simple change, but it didn't work out that
 way. I see
 that the ATM example does not include a dependent object with a
 bidirectional relationship, so I'm wondering if thie feature is known to
 work or not. If no one here has used this feature successfully,
 I'll add a
 bug report to bugzilla, but I wanted to make sure I did everything right

 To make my changes, I added abstract set/get methods to the dependent
 object class ( the remote interface of the EB it should
 refer to ( I also modified the deployment descriptor
 to have a
 CMR field in the dependent relationship section and a CMP field in the
 dependent section. I realize that the presence of the CMP-FIELD tag
 violates the spec, but Orion will not deploy dependent objects without it
 (it complaines that it can't instansiate an abstract class that it had
 generated). It all now looks like the Order-Lineitem example in the PD1

 After Orion deployed the app, I ran it and looked at the database. Orion
 had correctly created a table to hold the dependent (since its a many it
 needs its own table), but the field for the Person EB remote interface
 (which is the EB that the dependent is created by and should
 refer to) was
 named VALUEPERSON and had null as its value.

 This seems to indicate that Orion is not understanding that this field is
 supposed to be a CMR field. I reviewed the spec and there is no
 that I manually set the Person remote interface in the dependent object,
 but I doubt thats the problem anyhow, since Orion named the person field
 "valueperson", indicating it thinks person is just another CMP field.

 Anyhow, I think I did everything right and I posted the code below. If
 someone sees something wrong or has any suggestions as to what I should
 try, I would appreciate you correcting me.

 Thanks VERY much!!


 ?xml version="1.0"?
 !DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
 JavaBeans 2.0//EN" ""
   descriptionTest Sample EJB 2.0 EB/description
   descriptionPerson has an address DO/description

   !-- These lines should not be required
 (according to the spec) --
   !-- but without them deployment fails --















RE: Remote object callback from a session bean

2000-10-20 Thread John D'Ausilio

Actually, I'm using message-driven beans successfully in this same system.
Unfortunately, it dosn't really help here .. if I use a message-driven bean,
then *it* will have to do the callback to the client code (which likely will
not work in the same fashion) .. and the client itself can't be a message
bean because you can't have regular 'session bean' type methods on it ..
only the message handling stuff.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
 Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 5:54 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Remote object callback from a session bean

 Message Beans, regretably, they're only a public draft at this
 moment, tough
 orion already provides some support for them

 -Original Message-
 From: John D'Ausilio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Viernes, 20 de Octubre de 2000 17:22
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Remote object callback from a session bean

 Tell me if I'm insane or not ...

 I have a session bean, and one of the services it provides is a
 process which needs to inform the object on whose behalf it is
 running when
 various events occur.

 1. Client gets the session bean and calls
 createProcess(processID, this) ...
 passing itself along
 2. Session bean does it's thing, create a process and gives it the client
 object reference
 3. As the process processes, at various points it calls receiveEvent() on
 the client object reference

 Seems to me that this should be feasible using standard RMI stuff
 .. I made
 an interface extending Remote that exposes the receiveEvent call, made the
 client class extend UnicastRemoteObject, and ran rmic on the class to
 generate a stub. The stub source looks sensible. Everything actually runs
 without error, but the client callback never gets executed and the client
 finishes but never terminates, as there are a couple of
 RMI-related threads
 that never die.

 I've successfully tested some vanilla RMI stuff and made remote object
 calls, but I had to create a .java.policy file. Is there some equivalent
 mechanism that needs to be set up for Orion?

 Has anyone tried anything this funky? Is there an easier/saner way to do


DTD for orion-ejb-jar?

2000-10-18 Thread John D'Ausilio

Is there a more up-to-date version of this DTD somewhere? The one referenced
in the xml dosn't know anything about EJB2 stuff, like
message-driven-deployment, or query tag in CMP finder-method tag


RE: support EJB2.0 or not?

2000-10-18 Thread John D'Ausilio

You need to examine your deployment descriptor and class/interface defs ..
there are lots of rules to follow, and they're easy to miss. I have CMP
beans and dependent objects in various types of relationships all running
just fine, but I've spent many an hour trying to find mistakes evidenced by
errors such as yours. Go through the contract in section 9 of the spec, and
assume nothing  :)

(I wish I could remember just which mistake it was that caused that problem,
but I cant)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Drury
 Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 12:18 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: support EJB2.0 or not?

 When I try to write a 2.0 compliant entity bean:

 public abstract class ContactBean implement EntityBean
public abstract void setName(String s);
public abstract String getName();


 Orion throws the error (at deployment):

 ... Bean class com.tfc.ejb.ContactBean must not be declared

 So what did I do wrong?  Does Orion 1.3.8 or 1.4.0 support
 EJB 2.0 entity beans like the web page advertises or not?


RE: DTD for orion-ejb-jar?

2000-10-18 Thread John D'Ausilio

You are correct, but that was not what I asked about :)

orion-ejb-jar.dtd is broken (rather than ejb-jar.dtd) .. if you deploy a
message-driven bean, and try and validate the deployed file (in a validating
editor like Spy), the dtd lacks (at least) the message-driven-deployment
entity definition

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lopez Esteban
 Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 2:15 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: DTD for orion-ejb-jar?

 In orion 1.4.0 there is a dtd for EJB 2.0 and there is an example of
 message-driven bean (ATM)

  -Original Message-
  From:   John D'Ausilio [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Wednesday, October 18, 2000 11:43 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:DTD for orion-ejb-jar?
  Is there a more up-to-date version of this DTD somewhere? The one
  in the xml dosn't know anything about EJB2 stuff, like
  message-driven-deployment, or query tag in CMP finder-method tag

RE: support EJB2.0 or not?

2000-10-18 Thread John D'Ausilio

I believe the difference is in which dtd you specify in the deployment
descriptor DOCTYPE

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Drury
 Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 5:21 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: support EJB2.0 or not?

 My guess is the Orion is assuming my EJB is a 1.1 entity
 bean.  What tell Orion that the bean is a 2.0 bean?
 Perhaps that is where my mistake lies.


  -Original Message-
  From: John D'Ausilio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 3:28 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: support EJB2.0 or not?
  You need to examine your deployment descriptor and
  class/interface defs ..
  there are lots of rules to follow, and they're easy to miss.
  I have CMP
  beans and dependent objects in various types of relationships
  all running
  just fine, but I've spent many an hour trying to find
  mistakes evidenced by
  errors such as yours. Go through the contract in section 9 of
  the spec, and
  assume nothing  :)
  (I wish I could remember just which mistake it was that
  caused that problem,
  but I cant)
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Drury
   Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 12:18 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: support EJB2.0 or not?
   When I try to write a 2.0 compliant entity bean:
   public abstract class ContactBean implement EntityBean
  public abstract void setName(String s);
  public abstract String getName();
   Orion throws the error (at deployment):
   ... Bean class com.tfc.ejb.ContactBean must not be declared
   So what did I do wrong?  Does Orion 1.3.8 or 1.4.0 support
   EJB 2.0 entity beans like the web page advertises or not?

RE: JBuilder + Orion

2000-10-17 Thread John D'Ausilio

Can't say for sure if Jbuilder debugging works, but I've had good luck (and
just slight flakiness) using Forte and JPDA to debug .. I used the NetBeans
notes in the FAQ to set it up, and had no major problems


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aniket V U
 Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:20 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: JBuilder + Orion

 hi folks,

 could somebody help me out in integrating Orion with JBuilder for
 debugging. I've seen plenty of mails on this list that say it can be done
 but none detailing it. would really appreciate it if somebody
 could give me
 the details


RE: Oracle 8i download?

2000-10-04 Thread John D'Ausilio

Even when I have successfully downloaded stuff from Oracle, the rates have
been pitiful for such a large company. Consider yourself lucky if you get 7
or 8 kB/s. I'd recommend just buying the media pack from them, you'll save a
lot of headaches.

john d

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nirav Dani
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 1:49 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Oracle 8i download?


I saw bunch of emails about Oracle 8i, so thought of
pitching this question here too.

I have been trying to download Oracle 8i standard
edition from oracle website, I am a registered OTN
member. I can't get 8i for Linux to download.
Ofcourse, my comp. is behind the firewall (my school
is as an ISP). as click on tar.gz file (285MB),
browser goes in sleep mode leaving a message
"Receiving FTP file", but netscape icon on the browser
remain alive though.

Does anyone has idea bout http link for the download
or any other website would let me do that?

peace and soda,

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!


2000-10-04 Thread John D'Ausilio

Having converted my Queue to a Topic and getting the message-driven bean
working, I've moved on to another area of the design ... I've got an entity
bean which has a dependent object in a one to many relationship, and the
dependent object (d1) has another dependent object (d2), also in a one to
many relationship. Everything deploys fine, but the generated tables end up
with a blob representing the collection of d2 objects in the table
representing the d1 objects.

Why is it generating a blob? How can I prevent this? It would be sort of
hard to query that table with a reporting tool if it stays a blob :)

john d

RE: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson

2000-10-03 Thread John D'Ausilio

I'm on NT 5 (Win 2K) with the same JDK and Orion, 256M and a Mobile P2 and
it's been incredibly stable for me ...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vidur Dhanda
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 8:20 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: 1.3.8 on NT causing Dr. Watson


Has anyone else experienced erratic java.exe (JDK1.3) failures while
running 1.3.8 on a NT4.0SP6a box.  All  of a sudden I have started
getting Dr Watson while running orion.  I can't detect any pattern -- it
can crash while it is doing nothing and when there is heavy load on the

My configuration: JDK1.3, Orion 1.3.8, NTWS4.0SP6a, 384MB, AMD K6.


JMS debugging

2000-10-03 Thread John D'Ausilio

Is there any way to look 'inside' of a Queue in orion? I've got a
message-driven bean listening on a queue, and a client that stuffs a message
into that queue. The client runs fine with no exceptions, but the bean never
seems to receive the message.

Can anyone give me some clues?

john d

jms-server port="9127"
queue name="processMonitor" location="jms/processMonitor"
descriptionqueue for handling activity completion 
file path="../log/jms.log" /

ejb-jar.xml (fragment):
descriptionProcesses incoming activity completion


client app:
jmsContext = new InitialContext(getJMSEnvironment());
// jms and message-driven bean testing
Queue queue = (Queue) jmsContext.lookup("jms/processMonitor");
QueueSession queueSession = null;
QueueSender sender = null;
try {
QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory =
(QueueConnectionFactory) jmsContext.lookup(
QueueConnection connection =
queueSession = connection.createQueueSession(false,
sender = queueSession.createSender(queue);
System.out.println("Got the send q");

Message message = queueSession.createMessage();
message.setLongProperty("date", new Date().getTime());
message.setStringProperty("event", "foo");
System.out.println("Message sent");
} catch (JMSException jmse) {
throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(jmse.getMessage());

EJB QL support

2000-09-28 Thread John D'Ausilio

Is there any in the current (1.3.8) server?

john d