Re: Sessions and W98 + IE

2002-05-19 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi David.
The major errors I have come accross in IE (all tested version of 4, 5,  6) was that 
the 56bit encryption package was completely broken in IE.  The workaround was to force 
128bit, or no encryption.
I am not aware of any other issues.


David Tunkrans wrote:

  Im having problems with broken sessions for w98 + IE browsers. Does
  anyone know of errors in the Orion sessiontracking mechanism?

Re: distribute beans in different jars

2002-04-05 Thread Stephen Davidson

Matthias Gottschlich wrote:
 i am new in development of j2ee-applications, so i think my question 
 could be too stupid..
 We have 70 entity-beans with local and remote interfaces and 5 session 
 beans (will be more in future)
 in one ejb-jar-file.  The session-beans reference the entity beans with 
 local interfaces!
 The entity-beans are very stable ( because we are developing the session 
 beans now).
 The ejb-jar-file resides in addition with an client.jar-file in on 
 The deployment time is very long ( a few minutes ).
 I think the time is very long, because orion test the entity-beans on 
 changes (which never occure in the moment).
 Is there any way to speed up the deployment time?
 Could we divide the entity-beans and the session-beans in two different 
 jar, to speed up? (i think the local references could be a problem)
 best regards
 Matthias Gottschlich



Hi Matthias.

Yes.  I currently have 96 EJBs (mostly SLSBs) split up between 12 jars.  They can call 
one another from different jar files w/o a problem.  I have 
all the jars in a single Ear file.  Orion seems to be smart enough to figure out when 
the EJBs are local, and seems to do a pass by reference when 


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Who starts an MDB's jms Connection?

2002-03-19 Thread Stephen Davidson

Dave Ford wrote:
 I am creating a JMS client that sends a message to an MDB. However, when I
 run it, it gives a QueueConnection not started exception, implying that the
 queue listener connection had never been started. Shouldn't this happen
 automatically with a message driven bean?
 Dave Ford
 Smart Soft - The Developer Training Company

But you do need a qcon.start() in your init method in Orion.  Not in Jboss 3.0, 


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: OT: Session Related

2002-03-17 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Michael.

The following line in your servlets should handle you;
request.getSession().put(keyObject, valueObject);
request is the users HttpRequest object
getSession returns the HttpSessionObject

More details available in the J2EE JavaDocs.


Michael Shoemaker wrote:
 Hello gang
 I have a question about a situation that I am facing.  Currently we are
 using servlets to store session information.  i.e.  For instance, you
 the front end people wanted to store data into the session they would
 call SessionServlet?step=savesessionId=123myVal=xyz.  In turn a call
 to it with step=get would return xml containing the value previously
 stored.  It's a somewhat rudimentary way of getting around cookies.  Our
 front end is written in a version of Vignette that doesn't support
 jsp(another story).  My question is, the infrastructure guys recently
 introduced a load balancers and now we are not guaranteed to get the
 same server.  Big problem.  Have any of you solved a problem similar to
 this.  Unfortunately, upgrading to the next version of Vignette isn't
 the solution.  We are about a year or more away budget wise.  Thanks
 again for taking the time to read an off topic post.  
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: running Orion as a daemon

2002-03-14 Thread Stephen Davidson

nohup java -server -Xincgc -jar orion.jar 


Oleg Bivol wrote:
 Hi list,
 We have a remote Linux machine and we need to remotely launch Orion in 
 background (as a daemon) on that machine. We tried doing it using:
 java -jar orion.jar 
 java -jar orion.jar ^Z
 under Linux, but it doesn't seem to work well.
 Any help is greately appreciated.
 Best regards,
 Oleg Bivol.
 Software Development (
 Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Columna 131
 Tel: (022) 245010 114, (029) 432117

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Performance Monitoring Tools

2002-03-12 Thread Stephen Davidson

Optimizeit was quite useful to me.
Cpu Usage, Object count, Memory usage, Garbage Collector activity.  Also 
tracked the amount of time spent in each function call.


Cugier (extern) wrote:
 we are planning to perform some load tests against our application (Servlet,
 JSP and EJBs). We have found some tools that will create the load on the
 server and will monitor the response times. But we haven't found anything
 that can be used to monitor Orion's behaviour during the test. What we want
 to monitor is the memory consumption, CPU usage, Sessions etc. 
 What is important is that we can record what we monitor so we will be able
 to look at the resutls of the test later.
 Does anyone has a recommendation for a tool that we can use?

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Performance Monitoring Tools

2002-03-12 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Jorge.

For generating the load, I have found both Siege and Grinder to be 
effective.  Not fancy, but definately effective.


Jorge Jimenez C wrote:
 Hello. I have to do the same tests.
 Can you please tell me about the loading test tools that you've found.
 Thanks in advance.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: How can I reload (stop/start) an application-client with startup=true property set? (New E-mail Address)

2002-03-11 Thread Stephen Davidson

Ganasen went to the website a few hours ago to unsubscribe himself.  So 
why the listserv is still trying to send him messages is not a good thing.


Ganasen Gounden wrote:
 Please be informed that I no long reside in South Africa, but in Canada.
 Please forwad all future e-mail to me at
 Sorry for the inconvenience.
 Have a Great Day

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Caching Group Information

2002-03-07 Thread Stephen Davidson

Christian, Joanne wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am using a custom user manager that gets group and user information from
 the database.  I would like to cache the database information when the user
 manager is initialized; and access the cache to get the user information.
 Can anyone suggest the best method for doing this?  I am thinking about
 using a hashmap, but I'm not quite sure what is the best option.

Hi Joanne.

I am using an Entity EJB, and letting the Container worry about how to handle the 
My UserEJB actually loads itself from several tables, and has two hashmaps and some 
rather complex objects.  Of course, this has to be done using BeanManaged 
Persistance, but actually works quite smoothly.  Among other things, this is key to 
how the security model for my application works.

In the EJB specs, there is a method called getHandle(), which returns a small, 
serializable object, that can be passed around and/or stored in Hashmaps or other 
objects.  It can be used to obtain a remote interface to a specific EJB w/o having to 
do a home lookup and a findByXXX call.  (userHandle.getEJBObject does the 

With this method, if the EJB is being used, container keeps it around.  If/when not 
being used, container releases it (supposedly).  And as this is handled by 
the container, you do not have to write the code to load/release the user data.  And 
this method is also expandable into a cluster (only one instance of Entity 
EJB per cluster, + backup copies, with cluster worrying about how to keep data 
syncronized, not you).


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: JDBC connection leak

2002-03-07 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Marc.

Maybe try a conn.commit() before conn.close()?


Marc Lehnert wrote:
 I call the following code in a Message Driven Bean in Orion 1.5.2. After the
 conn.close() all entity beans I created in some code before are destroyed.
 The database is empty. The sql statement gets the right result but after the
 close everything is lost. No error, nothing. Without the close statement
 Orion says that there is a leaked connection and that I have to close it:
 OrionCMTConnection not closed, check your code!
 LogicalDriverManagerXAConnection not closed, check your code!
 (Use -Djdbc.connection.debug=true to find out where the leaked connection
 was created)
 Can anybody help me?
 Thanks in advance.
 Marc Lehnert,.
 The code:
 PreparedStatement stmt = null;
 java.sql.Timestamp siteEndDate;
 java.sql.Timestamp siteBeginDate;
 try {
   javax.sql.DataSource ds =
   Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
   //Connection conn =
   String sqlStatement = select max(rw_datetime),
 min(rw_datetime) from logfilerow where rw_websiteid = ?;
   stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStatement);
   stmt.setString(1, websiteid);
   ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();;
   siteEndDate = rs.getTimestamp(1);
   siteBeginDate = rs.getTimestamp(2);
 } catch (Exception e) {
   throw e;

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Deploying components common to EJB-tier and WEB-tier

2002-03-06 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Sanjay.

I am using Ear files, so I put common components in a jar file (which I call 
common.jar), which is in the ear file.
Than in the war(s) and jar(s) of the ear file, I specify the common.jar file in the 
manifest file as Ram suggested.


Ramamurthy K wrote:
 Hi Sanjay
There are few approaches. The best is use the apporach of Java Extension
 Mechanism if your application server support java 1.3. Place the common
 componets in your application  directory and specify realtive path in your
 both manifest files of war and jar.
   with regards
From: Sanjay Kumar Pandey[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Reply To: Orion-Interest
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 10:57 AM
To:   Orion-Interest
Subject:  Deploying components common to EJB-tier and WEB-tier

File: Wipro_Disclaimer.txt
I'm sanjay joining you guys for the first time.


If I have some components that are common to both web-tier and ejb-tier,
which would be
the ideal place to store them(other than ../j2ee/home/lib) ??
Can I put them(the .jar file having the common components) in the same ear
file as the .jar(for ejbs) and .war(for web components) files and be able
invoke them from both the web tier and ejb tier.
Can you please tell me how the components can be invoked if I follow this
Thanx in advance,


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Orion crashes JVM

2002-02-27 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Juan.

Which JDK?
What OS?

Juan Fuentes wrote:
 Hi list!
 After few moments of orion (1.5.2) been started, the cpu usage of the
 JVM that runs orion drops to 0%.
 Obviously, orion stops answering requests.
 We are trying to find the problem. Don't know if it's in our application
 (it runs OK in other machines with the same orion server), in the orion
 itself, or even in the operating system.
 Any idea??

Re: EJB Deadlocks????

2002-02-25 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Guys.
This is a little different from Bug #702.  The is only one Entity Bean involved, and 
he is not doing much in way of updating.  This bug actually occured during 
a read, not an update.  I have not heard anything more from anyone on this issue.



 Hello Jeff,
 i am not very sophisticated user of Orion, if you make only read you should check for
 something like updating of ejb`s instance`s in Orion. There should be a method 
 for Entity EJB which stating that this instance of ejb is not for update in database
 (something like isUpdated or other like this), because it is not clean that your ejb 
 loading is not updated in your code and orion tries to update database.
 This is solution specific to Orion i think, other vendors, should have like this.
 JH Stephen,
 JH We found a deadlock problem, but you don't need a heavy load to achieve it. I'll 
describe the situation to you and you can decide if it's the same error or not.
 JH A session bean with container-managed transactions does updates to 2 entity 
beans. If _ANY_ error is thrown while updating the second entity bean, then the 
transaction is rolled back (as it
 JH should, and as we coded it to). The deadlock happens when you try to access the 
specific entity that was updated first in that failed transaction. The server just 
hangs at the ejbStore() call of
 JH that entity. We've duplicated this problem on Oracle 8, 8i, SQL Server 7, and 
someone else duplicated it on SAP and DB2. For some reason it works on PostgreSQL. We 
don't know if it's a result of
 JH the Dirty Connection that you see is left behind if you have -Djdbc.debug=true.
 JH I have a test case, and we've posted a bug (#702). We've discussed this on 
elephantwalker, etc. and 1.5.4 doesn't correct the problem. My guess is that noone 
seems to think it's a big deal, which
 JH I find hard to believe. If this sounds like a possible way that you're achieving 
your deadlock (ie, you're updating multiple beans in a transaction that has the 
possibility of being rolled back,
 JH then you try to update one of those beans again), then I'd love it if you'd help 
me jump and scream and get someone, preferably magnus, to acknowledge this problem 
and fix it.
 JH If anyone would like our test case, please email me and I'd be happy to send it 
your way.
 JH Jeff.
 JH On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 15:33:38 -0600
 JH Stephen Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am running a load test on a system with 200 concurrent threads (simulating 200 
concurrent users).  System requirements are for 1000 Users/box.
When running the test, I hit the attached Error.

Has anyone else been having problems with Orion under heavy loads?


500 Internal Server Error

com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].server.DeadlockException: Deadlock 
detected, timing out call after 90 seconds wait for thread 
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 
at User_EntityBeanWrapper36.getUserId(
at /site_header.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page line 101)
at com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(.:56)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._cp._vhc(.:5639)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].server.http.JSPServlet.service(.:31)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._deb._lnc(.:514)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._deb._wmb(.:170)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._co._wbb(.:581)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._co._fs(.:189)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

 Best regards,
  slyncemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: EJB Deadlocks????

2002-02-22 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Jeff.

I was not doing, an Update, I was doing READs!  Which is probably why I needed a 
heavier load than you did before it showed up.  One of our test servers is 
exposed to the internet, so I can set up a test case on that if people want to check 
it out.

I am running Orion 1.5.4.


Jeff Hubbach wrote:

 We found a deadlock problem, but you don't need a heavy load to achieve it. I'll 
describe the situation to you and you can decide if it's the same error or not.
 A session bean with container-managed transactions does updates to 2 entity beans. 
If _ANY_ error is thrown while updating the second entity bean, then the transaction 
is rolled back (as it should, and as we coded it to). The deadlock happens when you 
try to access the specific entity that was updated first in that failed transaction. 
The server just hangs at the ejbStore() call of that entity. We've duplicated this 
problem on Oracle 8, 8i, SQL Server 7, and someone else duplicated it on SAP and DB2. 
For some reason it works on PostgreSQL. We don't know if it's a result of the Dirty 
Connection that you see is left behind if you have -Djdbc.debug=true.
 I have a test case, and we've posted a bug (#702). We've discussed this on 
elephantwalker, etc. and 1.5.4 doesn't correct the problem. My guess is that noone 
seems to think it's a big deal, which I find hard to believe. If this sounds like a 
possible way that you're achieving your deadlock (ie, you're updating multiple beans 
in a transaction that has the possibility of being rolled back, then you try to 
update one of those beans again), then I'd love it if you'd help me jump and scream 
and get someone, preferably magnus, to acknowledge this problem and fix it.
 If anyone would like our test case, please email me and I'd be happy to send it your 
 On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 15:33:38 -0600
 Stephen Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am running a load test on a system with 200 concurrent threads (simulating 200 
concurrent users).  System requirements are for 1000 Users/box.
When running the test, I hit the attached Error.

Has anyone else been having problems with Orion under heavy loads?


500 Internal Server Error

com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].server.DeadlockException: Deadlock detected, 
timing out call after 90 seconds wait for thread 
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 
at User_EntityBeanWrapper36.getUserId(
at /site_header.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page line 101)
at com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(.:56)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._cp._vhc(.:5639)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].server.http.JSPServlet.service(.:31)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._deb._lnc(.:514)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._deb._wmb(.:170)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._co._wbb(.:581)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._co._fs(.:189)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

EJB Deadlocks????

2002-02-21 Thread Stephen Davidson


I am running a load test on a system with 200 concurrent threads (simulating 200 
concurrent users).  System requirements are for 1000 Users/box.
When running the test, I hit the attached Error.

Has anyone else been having problems with Orion under heavy loads?


500 Internal Server Error

com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].server.DeadlockException: Deadlock detected, 
timing out call after 90 seconds wait for thread 
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 
at User_EntityBeanWrapper36.getUserId(
at /site_header.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page line 101)
at com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(.:56)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._cp._vhc(.:5639)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)].server.http.JSPServlet.service(.:31)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._deb._lnc(.:514)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._deb._wmb(.:170)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._co._wbb(.:581)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]._co._fs(.:189)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.4 (build 10585)]

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Problems configurating classpath

2002-02-18 Thread Stephen Davidson

Luis María Ruiz del Portal Lázaro wrote:

 Hi all, i try to run fop in OC4J (with orion.jar). I have downloaded the 
 jaxp winter package from sun that contains the xerces.jar and xalan.jar 
 The classpath of orion has this order ejb.jar, jndi.jar, jdbc.jar, 
 jta.jar, jaxp.jar, crimson.jar, xalan.jar, saxon.jar, tools.jar, 
 jsse.jar, jnet.jar, jcert.jar, activation.jar
 and then xerces.jar. I have updated the xalan and xerces.jar of the 
 server but it not runs fine (the pdf file generated has 0 KB).
 When i tested fop in Tomcat, i had to delete parser and jaxp.jar and to 
 put xerces-1.2.3.jar, xalan-2.0.0.jar at the beginning of tomcat 
 classpath and it runs fine.
 What i've i got to do in the classpath to run fop correctly??
 Are xerces-1.2.3,xalan-2.0.0 from apache the same libraries than xerces 
 and xalan.jar form the Sun jaxp winter package??
 Thanks, i've this problem since three weeks ago and i don't know what to do.

I wound up putting the fop.jar file in the Orion/lib directory.


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: fyi: 1.5.4 still stacks rather than queues JMS messages

2002-02-15 Thread Stephen Davidson

Geoff Soutter wrote:

 Re the problem reported a couple weeks back by Jorge Jimenez and
 confirmed by myself, I tested 1.5.4 to see if they had fixed this
 problem, but it's still there. Just set max-instances to 1 and load up
 with a lot of messages, it works just like a stack. Doh. 
 Maybe I'll have time to put this into Bugzilla next week...
 Is _everyone_ using a third party JMS with Orion?

I am using the Orion JMS, but the way the code is set up, it does not care about the 
order the messages arrived.  I had never noticed the Out of Order issue, 
as it was not applicable.


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: App server debugging -- HELP

2002-02-09 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Aaron.

I've had some success on these kinds of issues with a product called OptimizeIt, from 
Best link to hit would be  They have a free-trial, which you can 
use to figure out if it will find your issue or not.  I just saw that they 
were recently purchased by Borland, so no idea if it will affect their currently 
excellent tech support.  One of the things it does show is how much time is 
being spent in a given function, which may indicate if this is the cause of the 
contention, or where threads may be waiting for resources.


Aaron Tavistock wrote:

 I've got a very large web application (about 300 objects and about 1000
 pages) which uses mostly straight JSP.  This gets a reasonable number of
 hits with approximately 200 concurrant sessions operating.  

[snip to save bandwidth]

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Shutdown causes Address in use: JVM_Bind

2002-02-07 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Bill.

I do not know about Windows, but on linux, the server does not finish dying when the 
shutdown command is issued.  After I issue the shutdown command, the server 
  command, the server processes are still running, so I have to manually go kill them.

This can be readily verified in Windows by using the Task Manager to see if any java 
processes are still running after you issue a shutdown.  You may have to 
kill them via the Task Manager.


Bill Winspur wrote:

 I'm running Orion 1.5.3 on Nt4/SP6, and jdk1.3.1_01.
 The command I use to shut the server down is:
 *C:\jdk1.3.1_01\bin\java.exe -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin pwd 
 After a shutdown, starting the server always produces the following on 
 the orion console.
 *Error starting HTTP-Server: Address in use: JVM_Bind
 Orion/1.5.3 initialized
 My work-around is to boot windows, very tedious.
 The command I use to start the server is:
 *C:\jdk1.3.1_01\bin\java.exe -jar  orion.jar*
 I had a look thru the archive but the search keys 'Shutdown', and various
 substrings of the server console log, above, did not reveal any solutions.
 Is there an alternative way of shutting down the server, that releases the
 tcp/ip binding ?
 TIA Bill. 

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Class.newInstance() Fails with InstantiationException.

2002-02-05 Thread Stephen Davidson

Obvious Question
  hj (in this case, com.wynnon.appletChannel.test.EchoingPort) does have a no-arg 
constructor, right?
In other words,
Object obj = new EchoingPort()
is legal?
/Obvious Question


Bill Winspur wrote:

 The echoing port never gets instantiated, the attempt to instantiate, by 
 invoking Class.newInstance(), throws an InstantiationException. However, 
 if you are asking what is the function of EchoingPort? ... it is a test 
 stub for for the session side of an http tunneling package to support 
 applet/client access to ejb's via http.
 The relevant code follows:
   * Instantiates the session port if not yet done
   private void instantiateIt(String className) throws Exception {
 Class hj = null;
 try {
   hj = Class.forName(className);
class:  + hj +
\n. isInterface:  + hj.isInterface() +
\n. isArray:  + hj.isArray() +
\n. isPrimitive:  + hj.isPrimitive() +
\n. isAbstract:   + Modifier.isAbstract(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isFinal:  + Modifier.isFinal(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isNative: + Modifier.isNative(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isPrivate:+ Modifier.isPrivate(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isProtected:  + Modifier.isProtected(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isPublic: + Modifier.isPublic(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isStatic: + Modifier.isStatic(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isStrict: + Modifier.isStrict(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isStrict: + Modifier.isStrict(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isTransient:  + Modifier.isTransient(hj.getModifiers()) +
\n. isVolatile:   + Modifier.isVolatile(hj.getModifiers())
   try {
 Object oj = hj.newInstance();
 trace(obj: + oj);
 trace(Instantiated:  + hj);
   } catch (InstantiationException e) {
 throw new Exception(
 Cant instantiate a session object:  + e);
   } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 throw new Exception(
 Cant instantiate a session object + e);
 } catch (Exception ex) {
   throw new Exception(
 Failed to instantiate className:  + className +
 \n + ex.toString() );
   private void trace(String s) { System.out.println(s); }

[snip to save bandwidth]

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Deploy Existing EJB's on Orion?

2002-02-03 Thread Stephen Davidson

Billy Rutledge wrote:

 Hi All...
 I am setting up Orion as an alternative to WebLogic and need help getting
 started.  Currently we run WebLogic 5.1 and it allows you deploy EJBs
 separately from your web apps.  So typically, we deploy the beans once and
 then deploy many web apps that reference the deployed beans.
 Looking through the docs, it doesn't seem clear on how you would accomplish
 the same thing on Orion.  If we have EJBs that are already .jar-ed up (v
 1.1) can we just deploy them to Orion?  Or can you only deploy the all
 encompassing .ear files?
 Any info on how to get things started would be much appreciated!

Hi Billy.

I have been deploying the ear file everytime.  However, Orion has been scanning it to 
see what has been updated.  If it is only the war file ( I have one war 
file, multiple jars), only the war file is redeployed, the jars are not redeployed.  
If only one EJB-jar file has been changed, only that jar is redeployed, and 
not the war file and the not the rest of the jars.  Since I am doing the deployments 
remotely, just sending one file over has been proving easier and faster for 
me than trying to send the individual files over.

The only time that I have had difficulties is when the API's for the EJB's are 
changed, or EJB's are added or deleted.


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Spam Surge???

2002-01-22 Thread Stephen Davidson


What is up with the recent surge of Spam on this list?


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans

2002-01-10 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Guys.

Having just finished solving some headaches on this topic, my comment is, what are you 
guys doing differently from me?

One of our ex-guys was nice enough to write a mess of code to update data that an 
entity EJB used/stored, but rather than updating the EJB, the database was 
updated directly.  Since the EJB (BMP) was being cached, not loaded, and had a verrry 
long time out (intentional), this was producing some really nasty bugs. 
To get the data to load, we had to stop and restart the server.  And I can very that 
findByPrimaryKey was most definately getting called.

One thing I did notice, from very early in the project.  Left to its defaults, the 
timeout on an Entity EJB in Orion is very short.  It may be unloaded between 
consecutive calls.  For example, the following block of code did result in three calls 
of ejbLoad on the entity EJB until we reset the time-out.

UserHome userHome = getUserHome(); //Returns home interface to UserEntityEJB
User user = userHome.findByPrimayKey(username); //Returns Remote Interface to Entity 
UserData data = user.getData();

I forget where off hand to set the EJB Time-out, but I think it was either the 
ejb-jar.xml, or the orion-ejb-jar.xml file.  If you need, I can look it up and 
let you know.


Geoff Soutter wrote:

 Hi Sergey,
 Thanks for the reply. I didn't explain it very clearly did I? What I
 meant was:
 However, it appears that it goes to the database (i.e. calls _ejbLoad_
 in the Entity Bean's implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey,
 regardless of whether it has previously read the instance with the
 specified key before.
 Have you been able to get pooling of BMP entity beans working?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of 
 Sergey G. Aslanov
 Sent: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 6:29 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Simple question re caching/pooling of BMP Entity Beans
 Hi Geoff
 Loading of beans have these stages:
 1. calling ejbFindBy... to get the primKeys of the entities;
 2. checking if entities with such keys are already pooled;
 3. for every key checking: if not pooled - call ejbLoad, else 
 - get instance from pool;
 As you see, ejbFindBy... are called always independently of 
 entity is pooled or not.
 Thursday, January 10, 2002, 2:01:37 AM, you wrote:
 GS Hi there,
 GS I'm teaching myself how to use Orion and I've got a 
 simple question 
 GS about caching/pooling of BMP Entity Bean instances.
 GS I've created a simple app which lets me read a BMP Entity Bean 
 GS through a Session Bean. I would expect that when I call 
 GS findByPrimaryKey on my Entity Bean's home interface, Orion caches 
 GS the instance it creates so that next time I call findByPrimaryKey 
 GS for the same key, it just returns the instance it already 
 has rather 
 GS than creating a new one. However, it appears that it goes to the 
 GS database (i.e. calls ejbFindByPrimaryKey in the Entity Bean's 
 GS implementation) for every call to findByPrimaryKey, regardless of 
 GS whether it has previously read the instance with the 
 specified key 
 GS before.
 GS I checked the list archive and it appears that someone 
 has reported 
 GS a similar problem a while back but there were no replies 
 GS .htm
 GS l).
 GS I also checked the documentation and for orion-ejb-jar.xml it states
 GS that exclusive-write-access is true by default, and since I am not 
 GS setting it I presume it's defaulting to true which should allow 
 GS Orion to cache the entity beans.
 GS So, can anyone shed any light on how whether/how I can get Orion to 
 GS cache BMP entity beans?
 GS Cheers
 GS Geoff
 Sergey G. Aslanov,
 CBOSS Group,
 Web-technologies department
 tel: +7 095 7555655

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Passing Interface as an EJB parameter?

2002-01-08 Thread Stephen Davidson

Keith Kee wrote:

   Is it legal to pass an interface like List as a parameter to a remote
 interface of an EJB? Conversely, how about returning an interace like List
 as the return type? Since List is an interface and not serializable, I
 wonder if it would be marshalled/unmarshalled correctly.

Yes, you can pass the Interface.  The underlying object must be serializable, however. 
 Personally, I use ArrayList in this scenario.


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

OrionCluster Ignoring Host IP?

2002-01-03 Thread Stephen Davidson


Orion appears to be ignoring the host that is set in this global-web-application file. 
 I have the following line in the global-web-application file;
cluster-config host=
Due to the number of machines, subnets and switches that will be invovled, I would 
prefer to separate out the Muliticasts for each subnet.

I really do want the clustering to be machine/server wide, instead of on a per 
applicaton basis.



===Begin Orion Run===
orion@www3:/usr/local/orion  java -server -Xincgc -jar -Dcluster.debug=true 
-Dhttp.cluster.debug=true orion.jar 
[1] 1398
orion@www3:/usr/local/orion  HTTP-clustering service started...
Created cluster-listener for as 0...
Adding clustering service 'HRneXus'...
HTTP-Clustering service initializing...
HTTP-Clustering sent I want sessions request...
Orion/1.5.3 initialized

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE orion-web-app PUBLIC '//Evermind//Orion web-application' ''

!-- Set development=true to enabvle development, enable this if you
want to debug JSP sources etc --


	!-- The mime-mappings for this server --
	mime-mappings path=./mime.types /
	servlet-chaining servlet-name=xsl mime-type=text/xml /











	cluster-config host=

Orion 1.5.3 Memory Leak

2001-12-21 Thread Stephen Davidson
84328000-84342000 r--p  03:06 1376269/usr/lib/locale/en_US/LC_CTYPE
84342000-8434c000 r-xp  03:06 804214 
8434c000-8434d000 rw-p 9000 03:06 804214 
8434f000-84368000 r-xp  03:06 804221 
84368000-8436b000 rw-p 00018000 03:06 804221 
8436e000-845ff000 r--s  03:06 115989 /usr/local/orion/orion.jar
845ff000-84618000 r--s  03:06 115983 /usr/local/orion/jndi.jar
84618000-8461b000 r--s  03:06 115986 /usr/local/orion/jta.jar
8461b000-84622000 r--s  03:06 115980 /usr/local/orion/jaxp.jar
84622000-8465 r--s  03:06 115974 /usr/local/orion/crimson.jar
8465-84713000 r--s  03:06 116013 /usr/local/orion/xalan.jar
84713000-84b92000 r--s  03:06 672857 /usr/local/java/jdk1.3.1/lib/tools.jar
84b92000-84c04000 r--s  03:06 115985 /usr/local/orion/jsse.jar
84c04000-84c06000 r--s  03:06 115981 /usr/local/orion/jcert.jar
84c06000-84c12000 r--s  03:06 115927 /usr/local/orion/activation.jar
84c12000-84c57000 r--s  03:06 115988 /usr/local/orion/mail.jar
84c57000-84c71000 r--s  03:06 115979 /usr/local/orion/jaas.jar
84c71000-84df9000 r--s  03:06 116018 /usr/local/orion/xerces.jar
84df9000-84f62000 r--s  03:06 804209 
84fce000-84ff4000 r-xp  03:06 328323 
84ff4000-84ff6000 rw-p 00025000 03:06 328323 
84ff9000-85007000 r-xp  03:06 804212 
85007000-85009000 rw-p d000 03:06 804212 
8500b000-85014000 r-xp  03:06 918555 
85014000-85015000 rw-p 8000 03:06 918555 
8502-85029000 r-xp  03:06 180258 /lib/
85029000-8502a000 rw-p 8000 03:06 180258 /lib/
8502a000-854a9000 r--s  03:06 672857 /usr/local/java/jdk1.3.1/lib/tools.jar
854ca000-854cd000 r-xp  03:06 180256 /lib/
854cd000-854ce000 rw-p 2000 03:06 180256 /lib/
854ce000-854db000 r-xp  03:06 180264 /lib/
854db000-854dd000 rw-p c000 03:06 180264 /lib/

Local Time = Fri Dec 21 09:19:44 2001
Elapsed Time = 55284
# The exception above was detected in native code outside the VM
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.3.1-b24 mixed mode)
# An error report file has been saved as hs_err_pid1603.log.
# Please refer to the file for further information.
./ line 94:  1510 Aborted $COMMAND 
-Xbootclasspath/a:$OPTIT_HOME/lib/oibcp.jar $JAVA_ARGS -classpath $JAVACP -DGCO

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208


# This script allows to start Orion AppServer 1.4 with Optimizeit tools.   #
# It should be completed before use.   #
# Use this script to start Orion with the Optimizeit Audit System selected #
# with the Audit System Selector (OptIt_Dir/oiselector program). #
# Refer to the tutorial for Orion for more information.#
# (tutorials are located under OptIt_Dir/tutorials)  #

# This entry contains the path to the directory of the vm that you want to use
# (Ex: /home/ted/jdk1.3.1)
#Already set in environment

#This entry contains the path to the OptimizeIt directory
# (Ex: /home/ted/OptimizeitSuite4.1)

# This entry contains the path to the Orion Application Server directory
# (Ex: /home/ted/orion)

# Enter any required extra java classpath at this entry

# Add any extra java arguments at this entry
# (such as -D java properties used by 3rd party products)

# Increase the GCOP value if you get some GCOP buffer too small errors
# with the Profiler (size is in Mb)

# ** You should not have to modify anything below this line **
# -

if [ ! -d $JAVA_HOME ] ; then
echo The JAVA_HOME specified $JAVA_HOME does not exists.
echo Make sure to specify a correct JAVA_HOME in the script.

Disabling connectivity below 128bit encryption

2001-12-21 Thread Stephen Davidson


I am working with some data that needs to be kept secure.  I was wondering if anyone 
on this list knew how to force browsers to connect at 128bit Encryption or 
better, or, failing that, figure out what encryption level the browser is using.


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Asynchronous MDB

2001-12-21 Thread Stephen Davidson

Brian Chan wrote:

 I've been reading of entries about asynchronous MDB not working. When will this be 
fixed? I have a mission critical app that depends on asynch msg'ing.
 I successfully convinced my firm to port from Weblogic to Orion :)
 - Brian Chan

Hi Brian.

I am using several async MDB's to handle several compute intensive tasks.  The 
messages I am sending are quite small, but I am not having any issues, either.  I 
do not directly know how well Orion handles large messages.  The only serious issue I 
ran into was that MapMessages could not be read in 1.5.2.  The piece that 
was using MapMessages was completely respec'd (customer demands, not a work-around), 
and no longer needs MapMessages, so I do not know if this was fixed in 1.5.3.


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

HTTP/HTTPS config failure - Ideas?

2001-12-20 Thread Stephen Davidson


The attached web-site.xml file describes a site where the default web application is 
the same as a described application.  Does anyone have any idea why the 
default context works, but the HRneXus one does not?

The reason for the extra commented out lines was I was doing some testing trying to 
figure out what worked, and what was not.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC Orion Web-site;
!-- --
web-site host=[ALL] 
	display-name=HRX WebSite
web-site host=[ALL] 
	display-name=HRX WebSite
	!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root --
	default-web-app application=HRneXus name=HRneXus shared=true/
	web-app application=HRneXus name=HRneXus root=/HRneXus shared=true/

!--	default-web-app application=HRneXus name=HRneXus/ --
!--	web-app application=HRneXus name=HRneXus root=/HRneXus/ --

	!-- Uncomment this to activate the news app --
	!-- web-app application=news name=news-web root=/news / --
	!-- Access Log, where requests are logged to --
	access-log path=../log/default-web-access.log /

Re: Q:Recommended/Required minimum system specs

2001-12-04 Thread Stephen Davidson

Kenneth Ljunggren wrote:

 What is the (recommended) minimum system requirement to run the Orion server at all
 regarding CPU, memory, HD, etc..?
 Thanks in advance!
 Kenneth Ljunggren
 Amodo AB

The lowest power box we have it running on is a PII 200 with 4GB HD and 96MB Ram.  For 
development use, it seems to run fine there.  Better than the 
compile/build scripts, anyways.


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Weird Transaction Problem

2001-11-27 Thread Stephen Davidson

Herman Rashid wrote:

 I have this EJB transaction related problem
 (Orion 1.5.2, DB2 V7.1) :
 I have 2 EJBs:
 1) UserSession (Stateless session bean)
  trans-attribute: Required
  transaction-type : Container
 2) User (BMP entity bean)
  trans-attribute: Mandatory
 My client makes a call to a method in UserSession
 in turns call User.
 In User EJB, the method will get a connection:
   Connection cn =  ds.getConnection(..);
 After performing database operation, connection is
 At this point an exception is raised:
 === exception ==
 java.rmi.RemoteException: SQLException.; nested
 exception is: [IBM][CLI Driver]
 CLI0116E  Invalid transaction state. SQLSTATE=25000
 CLI0116E Invalid transaction state.  

Hi Herman.

The first (obvious) question is, before you did cn.close(), did you do cn.commit()?


Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Migrating From Websphere to Orion

2001-11-25 Thread Stephen Davidson

Greetings, Herman

I recently parted a rather large application from Weblogic to Orion (not the same 
thing, I know, but some of the issues will be the same).  I have not had a 
problem with Orion and the EJB 1.x specs.  Once I had the application-specific xml 
descriptors worked out, and some minor EJB issues, I have not had any 
problems with the EJBs.  I will be trying clustering EJB's next starting next week, 
something that is not particularly well documented at the moment.  Something 
that I have noticed that the bigger Platform Providers are doing that Orion is not is 
trying to provide all the features for everybody.  Orion seems to limit 
themselves a little bit to what most people need, and then allow for add-ons after.

The only issues I ran into where the following;
- The Weblogic specific drivers for Oracle did not port (gee whiz, I wonder why!).  I 
had to find and load Oracle's JDBC jar files.
- There seems to be an issue with Orion's classloader and library jars in the Ear file 
(possibly fixed in this last release, I have not had a chance to 
experiment yet)
- Orion is MUCH more strict about imports in JSP's then Weblogic.  By default, 
Weblogic imports just about everything into a JSP for you.  With Orion, you need 
to specify what classes your JSP's are using.  (NOTE: Weblogic is actually drifting 
from the spec in this case, Orion is following it more closely).
- Configuring Orion had a sharp learning curve, and at the time not everything was as 
well documented as it could have been.  The last two months Orion has been 
releasing upgraded documentation, with more to come.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Multiple data sources for each application

2001-10-10 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Atul.

Sorry, no I do not know, although I suspect so.  We are using BMP
Enity Beans,  due to the unusual database design (CMP won't handle
it).  However, our BMP EJB's do automatically deploy, and successfully
create and register their own connection pools in JNDI on demand.
Otherwise, our entire security and database access framework would
be non-functional.

You would have to look up the exact sequence of events, but there
are a number of function calls made on the EJB during load and
activation before any attempt is made to access the database.  The
exact sequence of calls is specified in the EJB specification.  If
you were to intercept one of these earlier calls to create your
connection, I suspect that would work.  We are doing something


Setlur, Atul (MED) wrote:

 Do you know if CMP Entity Beans deploy if the connection pool is
 established programatically? Because in this approach the connection
 pool is established, after the EJB jars have been deployed.
 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 4:06 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Multiple data sources for each application
 You can also create them programmatically, and then bind
 them to the JNDI tree.  But unless you are doing something
 really weird (I am working on one such app, multiple database
 schema with identical tables), I would recommend the approach
   that Jeff is advocating.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Multiple data sources for each application

2001-10-10 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Jeff.

Multiple versions of the same application at the same time?  I did not 
mean to imply that!  We only deploy one version of each application, and 
then let the application decide which database to connect during 
runtime, based on which user is accessing it at that time.

If there is some way for CMP to determine which database it is supposed 
to connect to at any given time, based on which user is making the call, 
I would be interested in hearing about it.


J.D. Bertron wrote:

 I don't think that's weird at all. I've always had applications select the
 database they connect to at run time, not deployment time. 
 This seems like a major problem to me, with consequences on regression
 testing etc...
 It makes no sense to have two identical applications deployed with different
 datasources.xml, just so the end user can decide which DB to connect to.
 I can see why it's easier to have it that way from the server end, because
 you don't have to worry about switching a datasource on an active bean, but
 that's short sighted.
 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 5:06 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Multiple data sources for each application
 You can also create them programmatically, and then bind
 them to the JNDI tree.  But unless you are doing something
 really weird (I am working on one such app, multiple database
 schema with identical tables), I would recommend the approach
   that Jeff is advocating.
 Jeff Hubbach wrote:
 It's at the application level. You specify a data-sources.xml file in the
 orion-application.xml, and this can be a different data-sources.xml file
 for each application.
[snip to save bandwidth]

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: starting orion application server

2001-10-08 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Yilmaz.

Are you trying to use the control script?  I never succeeded in getting
that to work right in 1.5.2.  I just start it from the command line;

c:\orionjava -server -Xincgc -jar orion.jar

Note: Depending on which JVM you are running, you may need to change the
-server to -hotspot.

As far as the file itself goes, orion normally creates it on startup,
when needed.  Under normal shutdown, this file is deleted from my
system.  So I do not have one I can send you.  And as I am running on
Linux, I am not sure how effective it would be for you anyways.  I had
one person here spell the directory wrong, and it took a little before
it was figured out what the problem was.

A wild guess, are there any other web servers running on your machine? 
If so, what port are they running on, and what port is Orion configured
to run on?


yilmaz wrote:
 hi Steve,
 thanks for your kind reply.
 I created the persistance directory, but the error is still persisting :)
 ( i already copied the tools.jar into the orion home directory, and i am
 using sun's jdk1.3.1 )
 below is the log file i tried to start it up:
 2001/10/8 ä¸Så?^ 9:41 1.5.2 Started
 2001/10/8 ä¸Så?^ 9:41 1.5.2 Stopped (JVM termination)
 i am having the same error message saying that
 (persistance/transaction.state) doesn't exist.Obviously it can't find the
 transaction.state file. How should i create it , or do you have a sample one
 so that i can configure according to my environment.Thanks in advance.
 cheers :)

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Orion-Interest subscription notification

2001-10-06 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Yilmaz.

You are obviously new here, or you would know that you do not need to
threaten in order to get help.

On the topic of the persitance directory, there is an issue where this
directory is not created automatically under WinNT/Win2K.  So you have
to create it manually yourself.  You do NOT need to put the orion
directory into your classpath.

The following command issued in the orion directory should fix your
issue with the transaction.state file.

C:\orionmkdir persistance

I know about this because one of the developers on my team ran into this
issue yesterday when setting up Orion on his Win2K box.

If you have not done so already, you also need to copy the tools.jar
file from your jdk directory into your c:\orion directory.

FYI, our testing has indicated that orion works best on Bea's JDK, Sun's
JDK, or IBM's Hotspot JDK.  On Microsoft's JVM, we sometimes get for no
apparent reason some rather funky errors that go away when we switch


yilmaz wrote:
 hi guys,
 i am new to orion,
 i already downloaded orion application server, and unzipped under c:\orion
 according to instructions i also put the tools.jar under c:\orion
 Next on command window , i ran  java -jar orion.jar -install
 which prompted me to enter a password, and it said installation was done
 though i was surprised to  finish so fast,  i tried running orion by
 java -jar orion.jar
 as i expected it didn't start , but gave me the following strange error:
 C:\orionjava -jar orion.jar
 Fatal Error: Transaction log file (/C:/orion/persistence/transaction.state)
 not exist and was not possible to create, the most common reason for this is
 invalid path or Orion lacking security to write to that path:
 nce/transaction.state (系統æ?¾ä¸?å^°æ??å®sçs?è·¯å¾?ã?,) (the last part of the 
 system couldn't find the path in chinese).
 can someone help me please with this,
 so far i have used tomacat3, tomcat 4, jsdk, etc..
 i have never seen this kind of strange problem, and i don't have any idea
 how to solve it
 i tried several methods in vain.
 i put c:\orion in my path, it didn't help
 please give me some help, ( before i decide to switch to another one)
 thanks for your concern
 cheers :)

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Deployment performance

2001-10-04 Thread Stephen Davidson

Alex Bairov wrote:
   We are deploying .ear containing 12 ejb .jars and 1 .war. It
   takes 3 minutes to deploy, even if I have changed only one .jar.
   Could I speed this up somehow?
 Best regards,
 Alex Bairov

Hi Alex.
When you do your builds, make sure that your unchanged jars are not
touched.  I have my Ant script check to see if the files in a particular
Jar have been updated before it builds that jar.  If it doesn't need to
be rebuilt, the Ant script skips on to the next jar.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

New Release????

2001-10-03 Thread Stephen Davidson

My original post never appeared, so I am reposting...



A new release was recently announced, but I have been unable to find it
on the website.  The only thing I have been able to find any references
to is the 1.5.2 build, which has been around for a while.

If somebody could provide a link, it would be greatly appreciated.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

---End Message---

Re: Displaying errors in JSP

2001-10-03 Thread Stephen Davidson

Response Inlined.
EXT-Vaze, Vinay G wrote:
 If I have a code block such as
   try {
   catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //This should write the stack trace of the
exception to the console.
 inside a JSP, how do I output error to either the browser or
 to the server console ?
 Vinay Vaze
 M/S : 7H-80
 Phone  : (425)-865-2929

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Can't get client app to work

2001-10-03 Thread Stephen Davidson
 I have been trying to solve this problem for the last 2 days by looking on
 Orion's site,
 this site, javasoft site but I can't figure out what is wrong.  It seems to
 me that
 JNDI doesn't have the right name or maybe the xml files don't contain the
 right information.
 Please help.
 Thank you

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Recieved Messages in Write/Only Mode???

2001-10-02 Thread Stephen Davidson

I am using Orion 1.5.2 and Java 1.3.1.

I am trying to send a MapMessage to a MessageDrivenBean.  When the MDB
receives the message, it throws an exception saying the message is in
Write mode(see attached).  Is there an issue with the Orion JMS
functionality and Mapped Messages?

This has me really perplexed


ImportMDB.onMessage: Starting
error reading Message
javax.jms.MessageNotReadableException: In write mode
at com.evermind._es.getString(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

From ImportMDB

broker = msg.getString(BROKER_KEY); //Line 252

Re: Sessions Problems...........

2001-09-28 Thread Stephen Davidson

That would be the place to start.

Unlike C/C++ where the keyword static denotes a private variable, a
static variable in Java is shared among all instances of the class. 
This includes instances of subclasses.

So if one instance of a class changes the value of a static variable,
all the other instances immediately see the new value.  If you are
storing login information in static variables, this would cause this
data to be shared among all instances, with last one to set the
variables winning.


PS. Like your sig!

 Rajiv R wrote:
 We see when 2 ppl login at the same time, we see that one persons data
 get reflected in the others. !!! this happens only in module and
 not in the others
 this module which gives probs, we have used some static variables...
 is that the reason ?
 With Regards,
 Rajiv. R
 Systems Engineer,
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Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Listening on a JMS Queue on another machine throws exception

2001-09-26 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Kesav.

Something really weird is going on here.  When I try to start the
listener locally, if fails to connect with a JMS Exception.

I included the help section for my listener class, so you
can see what some of the command line options are about.
The Orion switch also tells the listener that it needs to do
a qreceiver.receive() when listening.

When the listener tries to close the connection, the host
throws a null pointer exception, as well as an exception
occuring on the listener.



steve@imp:/tmp/Builds/HRneXus/classes  java -classpath
com/hrnexus/custsetup/DBServerListener -?
Usage: java [-cp [.;%CLASSPATH%;%WEBLOGIC_HOME%\lib\weblogic.jar]]
ustsetup.DBServerListener {arguments}]
Arguments are;
   ex. For Weblogic on the local machine;
   ex. For Orion on the local machine;
Properties file to load (DEFAULT: server)
Context to use (DEFAULT: Weblogic)

steve@imp:/tmp/Builds/HRneXus/classes  java -classpath
com/hrnexus/custsetup/DBServerListener ormi://localhost laptop orion
Provider URL: ormi://localhost
Context Factory:
Listening for messages on Queue com.hrnexus.CustSetupQueue
Listening for messages on Server ormi://localhost
Listener is starting.
Q to Quit.
Listening for messages.
javax.jms.JMSException: Unable to connect to JMSServer
at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection._mu(Unknown
at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection._os(Unknown
at com.evermind._el._os(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ecb.receive(Unknown Source)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Communications Error.

javax.jms.JMSException: Unable to connect to JMSServer
at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection._mu(Unknown
at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection._pmc(Unknown
at com.evermind._el.rollback(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._el.close(Unknown Source)

###From Orion Server at Quit command
steve@imp:/usr/local/orion  java -server -Xincgc -jar orion.jar
Orion/1.5.2 initialized
at com.evermind._hs._ehc(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at com.evermind._hs._ehc(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

Kesav Kumar wrote:
 If you give as a host you will be able to access JMS from only the
 same machine.
 If you want to access JMS server from different machine you need to give the
 machine's IP/dns name.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: questions on legacy transaction support

2001-09-26 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Reason.

I was hoping somebody on the list would respond sooner with known
reliable information.

I would suggest (b).  I am doing distributed transactions over
(potentially) multiple servers using multiple EJBs.  This seems to be
working for me (initial tests are ok).  However, the code is in Alpha
release, and has not seen serious stress levels, or been placed in
production.  So I can't verify yet how well this will work once
thousands of users start hitting it.

Good Luck,

Reason wrote:
 I'm attempting to use Orion pretty much for the easy custom authentication/user 
management and very little else. That all works pretty well -- as an ex-JBoss user, 
let me say that I like the straightforward approach.
 So I have a bunch of BMP beans that wrap some legacy software. The legacy software 
comes complete with legacy transactions and I'm trying to figure out the best way to 
deal with this such that:
 1) I can reliably pick up the right legacy transaction at the right time in my bean 
 2) a given user can have more than one transaction on the go at once in separate 
 Now, I can write any old middle layer I choose to associate specific legacy 
transactions with some object/value/concept from the EJB layer (in a hashtable, for 
example), but I don't have a good enough grasp on the Orion container to figure out 
which of the following items are going to be constants between different threads or 
method calls to the server:
 a) EJBContext (EntityContext, SessionContext): these would seem to be out of 
consideration, as they are reused between beans and threads, and a transaction might 
extend throughout several method calls in both session and entity beans.
 b) UserTransaction: I could associate a UserTransaction instance with a legacy 
transaction instance. If I start a transaction in a session bean, which then calls 
entity bean methods, is the same UserTransaction instance going to result from calls 
to context.getUserTransaction() in the contexts for the various beans?
 c) Principal name: I could associate a legacy transaction with a principal name if 
not for wanting to allow each principal the option of multiple concurrent 
transactions in different threads.
 d) Thread: a legacy transaction could be associated with a specific server thread. 
Is this going to work? Are UserTransactions associated with a specific thread 
throughout their lifetime? Is this thread the same thread that is used for separate 
method calls that fall within the transaction?
 So, any suggestions or ideas from the list on this one?

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Clusters, JMS, and standalone applications

2001-09-25 Thread Stephen Davidson


I am having difficulty with getting JMS working under
Orion in a clustered environment.

The general layout of the cluster is this,
1 (or more) Util machines, one of which is running the JMS server.
-Run high-load utility programs that are listening 
 on various Queues for new jobs (basically offline
 batch processes)
1 Load Balancer machine
2 (or more) Web/App Servers.  Some applications will
send messages to the Queues for execution offline
by the listening utility programs.

Initially when I tried to set this up, I tried to have the
applications log into Queues in the cluster.  This
threw all kinds of weird exceptions, and also looked
like I would have to have one instance of each utility
program per running instance of Orion.  So I tried
moving all the Queues to the Utility server, and
running the Utility programs from there. I set
the jms.xml file (attached) to the IP address of
the Util box.  Unfortunately, the util apps are STILL 
not getting messages (which are sent by EJB's).

No errors are getting thrown, so I suspect that
the messages are being put on the local queues.

If anyone has any examples of how to set this up,
it would be greatly appreciated.


?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE jms-server PUBLIC Orion JMS server;

jms-server port=9127
jms-server port=9127
username=user /

	!--	Queue bindings, these queues will be bound to their respective JNDI path for
		later retrieval --
queue name=RFP Release Queue
descriptionRFP Processing/description

	queue name=ImportJMSQueue
   descriptionImporter Message Queue/description

queue name=CustomerSetupMessages
descriptionCustomer Setup Information/description
	!--	Topic bindings, these topic will be bound to their respective JNDI path for
		later retrieval --
!-- Not currently used
	topic name=Demo Topic location=jms/demoTopic
		descriptionA dummy topic/description

	!-- path to the log-file where JMS-events/errors are stored --
		file path=../log/jms.log /

Re: Orion 1.5.2 and Java 2 SDK 1.3.1

2001-09-24 Thread Stephen Davidson

Vlad Vinogradsky wrote:
 Do they work together?

They work very well together on my laptop, running Suse Linux 7.1,
Kernel 2.4.0.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Problems accessing remote EJBs

2001-09-20 Thread Stephen Davidson

Greetings, Kesav.

I have had to chase down a few instances of this myself.  A useful tool
I found was the orionconsole.jar.  It is still alpha, with lots of
missing functionality, but one thing that is working is the ability to
read Orion's JNDI tree.  A little hunting should tell you what the name
is and where your ejb is registered.  I found that unless everything is
perfectly specified in the XML files, Orion has a tendency to
auto-generate JNDI names that may not be what your code is looking for. 
This would be one way to verify what is going on.


Klaus Thiele wrote:
 Hi Kesav,
 thanks for help, but it does not work (1.5.2 and
 Am Donnerstag, 20. September 2001 16:17 schrieben Sie:
  This is what exactly I also observer long back.
  In your first senario every thing works fine
  If you want to access remote ejb from jsp/servlets there is a small
  1)The lookup should not be java:comp/env/  the lookup should be
  directly to the ejb name.
  2)You should not use PortableRemoteObject.narrow() after lookup.
  If your ejb name is ejb/MyEJB
  Inside jsp/servlet
  jndi_props.put(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,com.ever rver.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory);
  Context ctx = new InitialContext(jndi_props);
  Home home = (Home)ctx.lookup(ejb/MyEJB);   //You get directly the
  reference to the home object
  Remote remote = homre.create();
  Kesav Kumar Kolla
  Voquette Inc
  650 356 3740(W)
  510 889 6840(R)
  VoquetteDelivering Sound Information
  -Original Message-
  From: Klaus Thiele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 3:02 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Problems accessing remote EJBs
  Hi all,
  (it drives me crazy...)
  i'm trying to access some ejbs from my webapp on another
  1) my application-client (with application-client.xml) works fine.
  jndi_props.put(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,com.ever rver.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory);
 initial = new InitialContext(jndi_props); = Ok.
 rootctx = (Context)initial.lookup(java:comp/env);
 System.out.println(rootctx: +rootctx.toString());  == shows
  the contents of application-client.xml (=Context), Ok.
  2) same source but (servlet or jsp-page(attached))
  jndi_props.put(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,com.ever rver.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory);
 initial = new InitialContext(jndi_props);  = Ok.
 rootctx = (Context)initial.lookup(java:comp/env);
 System.out.println(rootctx: +rootctx.toString());
 == Exception: java:comp/env not
  Did i miss something? - where to get the Context? - whats wrong?
  3) same as 2)  but calling
 initial = new InitialContext();  = local access
 rootctx = (Context)initial.lookup(java:comp/env);
 System.out.println(rootctx: +rootctx.toString());  == shows
  webapp.war/web.xml (=Context), Ok.
rmi.xml:  server host= port=23791
  username=admin password=secure/
orion-application.xml: ejb-module remote=true path=ejb-jar.jar
  / works (for all ejbs) if _both_ servers are 1.5.2 or
  oc4j- but then there are other bugs
  Klaus Thiele - Personal  Informatik AG
   Your mouse has moved.
Windows must be restarted for the change to take effect.
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Anhang: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 Klaus Thiele - Personal  Informatik AG
  Your mouse has moved.
   Windows must be restarted for the change to take effect.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: AW: Stupid CLASSPATH and Oracle JDBC drivers. Need help!

2001-09-19 Thread Stephen Davidson


I had to actually unpack the zip file, and repack the files using the
jar tool.  I am running Orion 1.5.2.


Regele, Manfred wrote:
 I had a similar problem with tomcat 4. I renamed into
 Its the first time I read this with orion, though.
 Manfred Regele
 ADIG Investment GmbH
 22 MethodenTools
 Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2
 85540 Haar
 Tel: 089/46268-308
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Gesendet am:  Mittwoch, 19. September 2001 18:44
  An:   Orion-Interest
  Betreff:  Stupid CLASSPATH and Oracle JDBC drivers. Need help!
  Hi All,
  I simply trying to get Orion to see my Oracle JDBC drivers!! I've placed
  my in the [ORION_HOME]/lib directory but it cannot see it.
  I've also tried previous posted suggestions of modifying the shell
  $CLASSPATH variable and the library path located in the application.xml
  file. I have no problems on my Intel Win 2000 platform running Java 2
  SDK 1.3.1-b24 and Orion 1.5.2. My problems are occurring on a PA-RISC
  platform running: Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
  Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.3.1 PA2.0, mixed mode).
  I'm also using the same on both machines. I get the
  following error upon server startup:
 Error initializing data-source 'jdbc/OracleDSCore':
  DriverManagerDataSource driver 'oracle.jdbc.driverd.'
  Upon a login attempt to my app, which tries to use the Oracle
  Datasource, I get the following:
 2001-09-17 17:18:12,498 [ApplicationServerThread] ERROR
  java.lang.Class - SQL Exception during getting userinfo
  java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
 at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
 at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
 at com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnection(Unknown
 at com.sprint.nsp.auth.UserManager.getUserInfo(
 at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._ah._rad(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._cxb._abe(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._cxb._uec(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._io._twc(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._io._gc(Unknown Source)
 at Source)
  Database error, Please try again. br If problem persist please contact
  Everything works OK if I unzip the JDBC drivers into the /lib
  directory...but this is a hack would like to know why it won't pick up
  my ZIP file. It works with other JARs I put inarghhg!
  Any help is MUCH appreciated.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: Transaction question ?

2001-09-18 Thread Stephen Davidson

Eddie wrote:
 Please some help on the following transaction scenario ?:
 I am receing some information through a HTTP post method. The servlet,
 running as part of a J2EE application, calls a EJB method A. The EJB method
 does some little processing. After this, it checks some conditions, and
 might do some more processing in an other EJB method B depending on the
 conditions (in the same method still). I want to call method B in a thread,
 such that the client, performing the HTTP request, isn't waiting too long.
 So I want to start method  B in a thread, such that the initial EJB method A
 returns. How does the transacion model looks like in this case and it is
 wise to do it like this ? (My transaction attribute is set to Required and I
 am using CMP).
 I mean, is EJB method B, that runs in the thread executed in a new
 transaction, as the initial EJB method A returns, or does it run in the same
 db transaction as method A ?

Hi Eddie.

Launching threads in an EJB is against spec, as you may have noticed.

What you may want to consider is using JMS.  

You would want to set up the EJB as a MessageDrivenBean, and then
have the onMessage call method B.

My understanding is that you can preserve the transaction/across
through a message.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Re: ORacle db string over 4000 chars

2001-09-07 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Joseph.

Yes, we have seen this.

We found two solutions/workarounds.

Solution 1:
Set the field type to long varchar, and used the oracle
file for the drivers (the later ones have a bug in them that won't
handle strings over 2K).

Solution 2:
Set the field type to BLOB or CLOB (Binary/Character Large Object), and
read/write the data as a Stream.

Which solution to use (or whether they will apply for you) depends on
your needs.  For the application I am working on, we are using both


 Nusairat, Joseph F. wrote:
 Does anyone know how to handle this oracle 8.x u can have a varchar
 set to 4k ... sooo to do more than that i tried using a long and a
 long raw  and inserting it that way ... however whenver i go over
 4000 chars it bombs  any one come across this problem?
 Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager
 tel: 614-723-4232
 pager: 888-452-0399

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

re: Orion and Sax/JDom

2001-09-05 Thread Stephen Davidson


I was having some similiar issues with classes from Xerces/Xalan.  We
found an effective workaround was by copying/linking the xerces.jar and
xalan.jar files into the lib directory under Orion.

I am thinking that this may be part of the same issue where utility jars
in ear files are not being read.  This is something I currently have an
open support call with Orion for. (Workaround was the same, copy the
utility jars to the lib directory...)


Title: Message

did a fresh install, downloaded the latest zip and installed it. I've 
tried downloading the latest version of xerces and replacing the version with 
1.5.2 with that. Again, still getting the SAX2 not found exception. 
Is there a specific order to setin the classpath?

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of The 
  elephantwalkerSent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 12:04To: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Orion and Sax/JDom
  use jdom b7 and orion 1.5.2 all of the timewith no problems.We use 
  jdom with crimson, which is the default parser with jdom and orion version 
  1.5.2.Orion 1.4.6 used an old version of xerces. Did you use 
  autoupdate.jar to install 1.5.2 or did you use a fresh install? Autoupdate.jar 
  is a little unreliable, so I would do a fresh install.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael 
LaccettiSent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 8:33 AMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: Orion and Sax/JDom
I've recently installed Orion 1.5.2 on a linux test machine, and 
installed our app on it. It worked fine under 1.4.6, but for some 
reason, when I dump it under 1.5.2 I keep getting a SAX2 exception: 
SAX2 driver class not found. Has anybody seen this before, and better 
yet, fixed it? I've tried everything that I can think of. I even 
grabbed the latest version of JDom and installed that. Please 

-Michael LaccettiDeveloper, Eldan 

Re: JavaMail/Orion

2001-09-03 Thread Stephen Davidson

That did it.

 Kesav Kumar wrote:
 You have to write the following in either application.xml(if you want
 for all applicatons) or myapplication.xml(Only for this application).
 mail-session location=mail/MailSession
 property name=mail.transport.protocol
 property name=mail.smtp.from
 This will add mail session to JNDI context.  If you want to refer this
 mailsession from your ejb/servlets you have to write the resource-ref
 in ejb-jar.xml/web.xml correspondingly.
 descriptionMailing resource the EJB
 In your program get the mail session by using lookup
 Context ctx = new InitialContext();
 javax.mail.Session session =
 Kesav Kumar Kolla
 Voquette Inc
 650 356 3740(W)
 510 889 6840(R)
 VoquetteDelivering Sound Information
 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Davidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 9:08 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: JavaMail/Orion
 How do I start the JavaMail Service in Orion.  It does not seem to
 or load automatically.

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

Listening on a JMS Queue on another machine throws exception

2001-09-03 Thread Stephen Davidson


I have been through the documentation, but I seem to be missing

I am trying to listen on a queue that is not on a local machine.  The
server I am trying to listen on has an IP address of, and
the Orion Server (with Queue) is running when I try to attach.  The
client is getting the context from the server in question, but when it
tries to attach to the queue, it gets the following exception;

javax.jms.JMSException: Unable to connect to JMSServer
at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection._mu(Unknown
at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection._os(Unknown
at com.evermind._el._os(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ecb.receive(Unknown Source)


Re: Fw: Virus alert

2001-08-30 Thread Stephen Davidson

Greetings, all.

I Just checked Urban Myths  Legends,,

This is a hoax that has been around for a while.  Details available
using the websites search function, keyphrase Flower for you.


srinivas wrote:
 CH.Srinivas Babu
 Java Application Developer
 Mobile : 0060163698056
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 2:51 PM
 Subject: Virus alert
  Pls take note
  Subject:  WORST EVER VIRUS (CNN announced)
  WORST EVER VIRUS (CNN announced)
  A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by
  Microsoft as the most destructive ever! This virus was discovered
  yesterday afternoon by McAfee and no vaccine has yet been developed.
  This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk, where vital
  information for its functioning are stored. This virus acts in the
  following manner: It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your
  list with the title A Virtual Card for You. As soon as the supposed
  virtual card is opened, the computer freezes so that the user has to
  reboot. When the ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset button are pressed, the
  virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying the hard disk.
  Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in New York,
  according to news broadcast by CNN. This alert was received by an
  employee of Microsoft itself. So don't open any mails with subject: A
  Virtual Card for You. As soon as you get the mail, delete it.
  Please pass this mail to all of your friends. Forward this to everyone
  in your address book. I would rather receive this 25 times than not at
  Also: Intel announced that a new and very destructive virus was
  discovered recently. If you receive an email called An Internet
  Flower For You, do not open it. Delete it right away! This virus
  removes all dynamic link libraries (.dll files) from your computer. Your
  computer will not be able to boot up !!

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208


2001-08-30 Thread Stephen Davidson


How do I start the JavaMail Service in Orion.  It does not seem to start
or load automatically.
