Re: OrionSupport - if you care about the 'Orion community', read it! WAS RE: productive comment.

2001-04-18 Thread Joseph B. Ottinger

Bill, send it to me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Joe Walnes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or
Mike, and we'll see about integrating it. One of the things that got lost
when we translated orionsupport to its current look and feel was the "how to
submit your own stuff" article, which is something I'd not realised.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 11:35:11PM -0600, Bill Winspur wrote:
 went to the egroup on yahoo, signed up, but could not see any buttons/links
 to check/post messages.  I have a 'howto setup a custom welcome-app' doc to
 submit for what its worth.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mike Cannon-Brookes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 7:52 PM
 Subject: OrionSupport - if you care about the 'Orion community', read it!
 WAS RE: productive comment.
  Ok, I feel it's time for me to step in here as one of the 'Joe  Co.'
  Firstly, everyone calm down. As Hani said yesterday, every few weeks this
  whole "Orion support sucks, my boss won't buy Orion without support, I'm
  having a whinge" thread starts up again. Calm down and read the archives
  people ;)
  With regard to the future of OrionSupport, here are the things I _know_
  currently happening:
  - As far as I know it, Joe is on holidays which is probably why he's not
  answering his email - he hasn't been on IRC for about a week. Everyone
  calm down ;)
  - The domain IS owned by IronFlare / Orion. As far as I know this was done
  by the previous owners so that it would always be an Orion support site. I
  have no problems with this at all, the guys have given us free reign over
  the content / production of the site.
  - The site IS down now, I'm not sure why. It seems to me Joe's machine has
  fallen over but we'll know when we get back. Meanwhile there is an archive
  of all content up to March 18th kindly hosted at
  - There ARE moves in progress to upgrade the site. As Hani said in a
  previous email it currently runs on lots of OpenSymphony technologies ( - see gratuitous-OpenSymphony-plug at the
  of this email) like SiteMesh, OSCache and Clickstream. I'm in the process
  upgrading it to use OSContent so we'll have a fully fledged CMS with
  community features to boot. This will take a week or two at the least.
  - The above measures are purely technical and won't help the Orion
  in and of themselves. OrionSupport's biggest problem so far has been
  PEOPLE TO CONTRIBUTE. JoeO says this better than I could in his rant .
  BASICALLY if noone contributes the site will continue to move ahead at
  trickling pace.
  - HOWEVER if lots of people take 5 minutes to note down the problem they
  just solved, the bug they worked around, their expertise on a particular
  area, their knowledge of using Orion with software X - we can really
  a very useful support resource very fast indeed. Keep reading for how you
  can help.
  I suggest we move discussion of this off the list (the last 48 hours has
  driven me nuts with the lack of Orion questions and the volume of "me too,
  Orion support sucks, I'm complaining and not doing anything about it"
  emails. If you don't like it, join those who are trying to do something
  about it!
  I've set up an egroup (still can't bring myself to call it a Yahoo! Group
  yet) for discussing it here
  The manifesto of the group is:
  "A group for the authors and users of OrionSupport ( ) to discuss content needed, moves ahead etc.
  NOTE: This is not a group for people looking for support for Orion. See for that"
  I hope you'll all join up and that together we can make OrionSupport an
  better resource for the community.
  If anyone else has some spare time and wants to help out the most advanced
  Open Source J2EE project out there, OpenSymphony is it ;) Check it out at , help by downloading, using, testing,
  developing, documenting or even just suggesting ideas - let me know where
  you can help!
  For an example site running with ALL the OS technologies on Orion
  for content management, community, user management, SiteMesh for layout,
  OSCache for speed, Formtags, OSCore for functionality / properties /
  personalisation) see
  (This plug is sheerly to show off the technology, not for the extra page
  views - it's Australian new so who is likely to be interested anyway ;))
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mic

Re: productive comment.

2001-04-18 Thread Magnus Stenman

just wanted to thank you for your valuable and constructive post.

We're basically thinking along the very same lines, and have taken actions 
accordingly. We have been working with a few people on them setting up both standalone 
support companies and also along with the "pool" idea - things take time though as 
people in this business are generally busy, but for instance Cadrion 
( has just gotten going now. Another thing in the works is 
a providers application that will be a part of the site where support 
/ development providers can register themselves and specify specifics about their 
knowledge areas etc. It'll also be possible to post applications for help/hires needed 
in the end.

So, bottom line: We encourage anyone interested in this to go for it and set up a 
structure, pooled or standalone. Of course some of you might benefit from cooperating 
but two's better than none in the end. There is a lot that can be done, even with 
simple means - for instance, when it comes to bug reports there is a lot that can be 
done just in form of supplying small, to the point reproducing test cases where 
missing etc which greatly increases the chance of getting it fixed rapidly.

As for the other point; regarding the site we agree that it looks "bad" with too few 
updates, and this is something we're trying to remedy. We're hiring two more people 
right now and that should leave some improved room for actions in that category. But 
by all means - if you have prewritten "success stories" dont hesitate to send them in! 

As a side note, to kill off some myths;
a) We're working fulltime (and then some) on the product, development is also doing 
well I might add. Some of the next "visible" steps is entering the process of J2EE 
certification, and also support for some of the new tech out there like the Connector 
API and such.

b) There is no risk of "going bankrupt", Orion as a product is thriving (and it's a 
positive trend), and Ironflare is a profitable company more than able to support our 
current development efforts, and then some.

Have a nice day!

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

- Original Message - 
From: "elephantwalker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:28 AM
Subject: RE: productive comment.

 We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only output.
 The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been a
 good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.
 Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used weblogic and
 iplanet), but had to suffer through their "seminars" which are just
 over-blown sales meetings. If you are a small company, these are just not
 the products for you.
 It would be nice if we could post "success stories" and "hints" directly on
 the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
 don't have the bucks or people to provide support...let *us* provide this
 service through a "community" process.
 About 18 months ago I started using the netbeans ide. At the time, its was
 the only jave 2 ide out there. The netbeans news server was well maintained
 by a support engineer for netbeans. Later they sold out to Sun, and a lot of
 that "organic" feeling went away. But the attention that one guy gave to the
 news service was great, and made using the product a good experience.
 If we could move the energy prevalent on the orion-interest news service
 into a "community" web page, maybe this could help all of us out? We could
 award *points* to the best answers to questions. We could have an ignore
 button. And yes, we could have a *paid* consultancy service for email
 questions, phone coaching, and even site visits. Many of the users of orion
 are independent consultants, so it is not out of the question that a
 community web service for orion wouldn't fill the gap for orion support.
 I think one thing missing from the OrionSupport web site was this last
 bitsome paid service for support. Its also missing from the Ironflare.
 If you notice, you can buy the product...but even if you wanted to pay for
 extra support, they don't sell it.
 If you are reading this at Orion, please consider the McDonald's model. They
 had a good idea for a hamburger, but how do you put a restaurant on every
 corner? You franchise the hamburger restaurant idea. Why does'nt Ironflare
 "franchise" the support for Orion? This way they could continue to write
 great software, but others would pay them to give great support service for
 I have been trying to call these guys for a month now, with no success.
 So my question is...
 How do we take the next step?
 The elephantwalker
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAI

Re: OrionSupport - if you care about the 'Orion community', read it! WAS RE: productive comment.

2001-04-17 Thread Bill Winspur

went to the egroup on yahoo, signed up, but could not see any buttons/links
to check/post messages.  I have a 'howto setup a custom welcome-app' doc to
submit for what its worth.
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Cannon-Brookes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 7:52 PM
Subject: OrionSupport - if you care about the 'Orion community', read it!
WAS RE: productive comment.

 Ok, I feel it's time for me to step in here as one of the 'Joe  Co.'

 Firstly, everyone calm down. As Hani said yesterday, every few weeks this
 whole "Orion support sucks, my boss won't buy Orion without support, I'm
 having a whinge" thread starts up again. Calm down and read the archives
 people ;)

 With regard to the future of OrionSupport, here are the things I _know_
 currently happening:

 - As far as I know it, Joe is on holidays which is probably why he's not
 answering his email - he hasn't been on IRC for about a week. Everyone
 calm down ;)

 - The domain IS owned by IronFlare / Orion. As far as I know this was done
 by the previous owners so that it would always be an Orion support site. I
 have no problems with this at all, the guys have given us free reign over
 the content / production of the site.

 - The site IS down now, I'm not sure why. It seems to me Joe's machine has
 fallen over but we'll know when we get back. Meanwhile there is an archive
 of all content up to March 18th kindly hosted at

 - There ARE moves in progress to upgrade the site. As Hani said in a
 previous email it currently runs on lots of OpenSymphony technologies ( - see gratuitous-OpenSymphony-plug at the
 of this email) like SiteMesh, OSCache and Clickstream. I'm in the process
 upgrading it to use OSContent so we'll have a fully fledged CMS with
 community features to boot. This will take a week or two at the least.

 - The above measures are purely technical and won't help the Orion
 in and of themselves. OrionSupport's biggest problem so far has been
 PEOPLE TO CONTRIBUTE. JoeO says this better than I could in his rant .

 BASICALLY if noone contributes the site will continue to move ahead at
 trickling pace.

 - HOWEVER if lots of people take 5 minutes to note down the problem they
 just solved, the bug they worked around, their expertise on a particular
 area, their knowledge of using Orion with software X - we can really
 a very useful support resource very fast indeed. Keep reading for how you
 can help.

 I suggest we move discussion of this off the list (the last 48 hours has
 driven me nuts with the lack of Orion questions and the volume of "me too,
 Orion support sucks, I'm complaining and not doing anything about it"
 emails. If you don't like it, join those who are trying to do something
 about it!

 I've set up an egroup (still can't bring myself to call it a Yahoo! Group
 yet) for discussing it here

 The manifesto of the group is:
 "A group for the authors and users of OrionSupport ( ) to discuss content needed, moves ahead etc.
 NOTE: This is not a group for people looking for support for Orion. See for that"

 I hope you'll all join up and that together we can make OrionSupport an
 better resource for the community.


 If anyone else has some spare time and wants to help out the most advanced
 Open Source J2EE project out there, OpenSymphony is it ;) Check it out at , help by downloading, using, testing,
 developing, documenting or even just suggesting ideas - let me know where
 you can help!

 For an example site running with ALL the OS technologies on Orion
 for content management, community, user management, SiteMesh for layout,
 OSCache for speed, Formtags, OSCore for functionality / properties /
 personalisation) see

 (This plug is sheerly to show off the technology, not for the extra page
 views - it's Australian new so who is likely to be interested anyway ;))

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael J.
  Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 10:24 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: productive comment.
  Fine, but is _already_ owned by Joe  Co. and
  they are not
  responding (I sent them a letter and am sending another off-line).
  Michael J. Cannon
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
   Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Re: productive comm

Re: productive comment.

2001-04-16 Thread Joseph B. Ottinger

Um... a few clarifications.

1) as a domain is not owned by me.
2) the domain's content is currently hosted by my development machine.
3) Since I'm such a nice guy,and very reticent in my views, I get attacked
on a semi-regular basis by kidz, and the box isn't exactly noncrufty to
begin with, so sometimes availability is an issue.
4) No-one pays for it, except me (and a few others,who spend time keeping it
5) I'm working on continuing development; I want to add a forum set, as well
as organize a mechanism by which I can be remunerated for my effort and time
spent on it. That includes a more stable machine, and no - I'm not trying to
position myself as the sole support for orion. By "remuneration," I mean a
setup by which everyone who offers support can be rewarded. (And what's
more, I want peace on earth, swords beaten into radioactive ploughshares,

BTW, orionsupport is back up; it had a, um, small problem with kernel

On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 07:24:20PM -0500, Michael J. Cannon wrote:
 Fine, but is _already_ owned by Joe  Co. and they are not
 responding (I sent them a letter and am sending another off-line).
 Michael J. Cannon
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
  Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: productive comment.
  I'm all for this idea.  Orionsupport is a community support
  effort run on a
  volunteer basis and I believe that it is hosted on Joseph's development
  machine using Orion. :) : ) :)  I'd be willing to help shoulder
  some of the
  costs in moving everything over to an ISP host.
  There's no need for a new domain, imho... orionsupport has been very open
  and supportive (no pun intended).  I say that we just give those
  good folks
  a nice place to put everything without tying up their resources.
  Community support for Orion has been excellent.  The thing I'm
  worried about
  is how the Orion developers are doing... is there anything we can
  do to help
  out the guys at orionserver/ironflare?
  - Original Message -
  From: "Michael J. Cannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:47 PM
  Subject: RE: productive comment.
   RE: How do we take the next step?
   A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
   culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.
   need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest
   as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
   unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.
   I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted
  connection.  I know
   an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run
   for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
   multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a
  small CLEC).
   They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's
   is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
   I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
   after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
   Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.
   Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?
   Michael Cannon
   mailto:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Dan North

I love the enthusiasm, but I'm concerned about the solution.  The site is run and maintained by a small group of people with 
exactly the same ideas as those being expressed on this list.  Let's not 
create splinter groups which start with a huge burst of enthusiasm and then 
fizzle out into another resource dead end.  Instead, let's focus that 
energy on taking orionsupport to the level it needs to get to next.

It is built on some great open source technology ( 
which would make it a straightforward exercise to add threaded discussions, 
article feedback, printer-friendly page views etc. to the articles there.

Joe Ottinger, who currently hosts the site, explains what his ideas are for 
orionsupport in his excellent (and conveniently short!) "Into the Future" 
article, which is currently available from google's cache at

So, some feedback to the site would be a good start (once Joe gets it back 
on-line :o)
Invitations for mirroring would ensure the availability we need, a threaded 
discussion list (which could interact with this list?), client news (you 
know if you've bought a licence - so tell the rest of us), much greater 
breadth and depth of support articles, etc.

The sentiment from many of you on this list is that (a) orion is a 
fantastic product, (b) the orion team don't give their website the 
time/inclination/priority many of us require, (c) between us we possess a 
lot of knowledge, (d) we're happy to share that with the community.  So, in 
the absence of formal support partners/infrastructure can I suggest that 
everyone gives the, umm, support it deserves?


At 00:47 13/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:
RE: How do we take the next step?

A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.  Don't
need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest group,'
as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.

I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted connection.  I know
an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run services
for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a small CLEC).
They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's (turn-around
is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the internic).
I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.

Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?

Michael Cannon

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
  Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:28 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: productive comment.
  We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only output.
  The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been a
  good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.
  Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used
  weblogic and
  iplanet), but had to suffer through their "seminars" which are just
  over-blown sales meetings. If you are a small company, these are just not
  the products for you.
  It would be nice if we could post "success stories" and "hints"
  directly on
  the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
  don't have the bucks or people to provide support...let *us* provide this
  service through a "community" process.
  About 18 months ago I started using the netbeans ide. At the time, its was
  the only jave 2 ide out there. The netbeans news server was well
  by a support engineer for netbeans. Later they sold out to Sun,
  and a lot of
  that "organic" feeling went away. But the attention that one guy
  gave to the
  news service was great, and made using the product a good experience.
  If we could move the energy prevalent on the orion-interest news service
  into a "community" web page, maybe this could help all of us out? We could
  award *points* to the best answers to questions. We could have an ignore
  button. And yes, we could have a *paid* consultancy service for email
  questions, phone coaching, and even site visits. Many of the
  users of orion
  are independent consultants, so it is not out of the question that a
  community web service for orion wouldn't fill the gap for orion support.
  I think one thing missing from the OrionSupport web site was this last
  bitsome paid ser

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Larry Velez
Title: RE: productive comment.

Isn't OrionSupport already registered and up and running (well sort of) why not incorporate thee new ideas onto this already existing and well publicized site? Is not willing to accept community suggestions? It seems to me that if were improved with additional submissions, improved infrastructure and maybe some backend content management apps (good way to show off some apps running on Orion) then it could become the ultimate source for erm Orionsupport. A karma system for support might be a good start to building a database of questions/incidents that could evolve to a very good FAQ.

just my .02


-Original Message-
From: Michael J. Cannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 1:47 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.
Importance: High

RE: How do we take the next step?

A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
culture., and are available. Pick 'em. Don't
need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest group,'
as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.

I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted connection. I know
an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run services
for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a small CLEC).
They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's (turn-around
is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the internic).
I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.

Let's just DO IT. Anyone else want to help?

Michael Cannon

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:28 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.


 We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only output.
 The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been a
 good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.

 Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used
 weblogic and
 iplanet), but had to suffer through their seminars which are just
 over-blown sales meetings. If you are a small company, these are just not
 the products for you.

 It would be nice if we could post success stories and hints
 directly on
 the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
 don't have the bucks or people to provide support...let *us* provide this
 service through a community process.

 About 18 months ago I started using the netbeans ide. At the time, its was
 the only jave 2 ide out there. The netbeans news server was well
 by a support engineer for netbeans. Later they sold out to Sun,
 and a lot of
 that organic feeling went away. But the attention that one guy
 gave to the
 news service was great, and made using the product a good experience.

 If we could move the energy prevalent on the orion-interest news service
 into a community web page, maybe this could help all of us out? We could
 award *points* to the best answers to questions. We could have an ignore
 button. And yes, we could have a *paid* consultancy service for email
 questions, phone coaching, and even site visits. Many of the
 users of orion
 are independent consultants, so it is not out of the question that a
 community web service for orion wouldn't fill the gap for orion support.

 I think one thing missing from the OrionSupport web site was this last
 bitsome paid service for support. Its also missing from the Ironflare.
 If you notice, you can buy the product...but even if you wanted to pay for
 extra support, they don't sell it.

 If you are reading this at Orion, please consider the McDonald's
 model. They
 had a good idea for a hamburger, but how do you put a restaurant on every
 corner? You franchise the hamburger restaurant idea. Why does'nt Ironflare
 franchise the support for Orion? This way they could continue to write
 great software, but others would pay them to give great support
 service for

 I have been trying to call these guys for a month now, with no success.

 So my question is...

 How do we take the next step?


 The elephantwalker

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:44 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: productive comment.

  David, nothing personal, I'm just hanging my reply off yours as
 it's the latest one in this thread...BUT some of us are very

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread elephantwalker

Great point. However, we can help expand on the functionality at
orionsupport. But then there's that *paid* support issue. Companies need a
place to go so they can *pay* for support when the chips are down, and the
alligators are crawling around nipping at their tender parts.

The great thing about mysql or borland's open source product is that when
the chips are down, you can get *paid* support from thousands of independent
consultants. The key bit that will help orion is support that is there for
the asking...all you have to do is pay for it. If Joe Ottinger is reading
this email, lets add this bit to your site.

If you need a consultant to belly up to the bar, and help out, contact the

For the orion team at ironflare, I am willing to pay a *franchising* fee for
every support call, email or site visit answered, as long as we get access
to the dev team for *bugs*.


the Elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan North
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:28 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.
Importance: High

I love the enthusiasm, but I'm concerned about the solution.  The site is run and maintained by a small group of people with
exactly the same ideas as those being expressed on this list.  Let's not
create splinter groups which start with a huge burst of enthusiasm and then
fizzle out into another resource dead end.  Instead, let's focus that
energy on taking orionsupport to the level it needs to get to next.

It is built on some great open source technology (
which would make it a straightforward exercise to add threaded discussions,
article feedback, printer-friendly page views etc. to the articles there.

Joe Ottinger, who currently hosts the site, explains what his ideas are for
orionsupport in his excellent (and conveniently short!) "Into the Future"
article, which is currently available from google's cache at

So, some feedback to the site would be a good start (once Joe gets it back
on-line :o)
Invitations for mirroring would ensure the availability we need, a threaded
discussion list (which could interact with this list?), client news (you
know if you've bought a licence - so tell the rest of us), much greater
breadth and depth of support articles, etc.

The sentiment from many of you on this list is that (a) orion is a
fantastic product, (b) the orion team don't give their website the
time/inclination/priority many of us require, (c) between us we possess a
lot of knowledge, (d) we're happy to share that with the community.  So, in
the absence of formal support partners/infrastructure can I suggest that
everyone gives the, umm, support it deserves?


At 00:47 13/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:
RE: How do we take the next step?

A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.
need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest
as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.

I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted connection.  I know
an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run services
for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a small CLEC).
They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's (turn-around
is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.

Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?

Michael Cannon

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
  Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:28 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: productive comment.
  We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only
  The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been
  good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.
  Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used
  weblogic and
  iplanet), but had to suffer through their "seminars" which are just
  over-blown sales meetings. If you are a small company, these are just
  the products for you.
  It would be nice if we could post "success stories" and "hints"
  directly on
  the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
  don't have the bucks or people to provide s

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Yes to all your questions below.

I sent the message to let the folks that run OrionSupport and IronFlare know
two things:

1)  the net is world wide and runs (thrives!) on active content.  It wants
change and 24/7/365 (or nine-nines or whatever your favorite availability
metaphor) availability and responsiveness.  An unchanging, corp-supported
site is poisonous to the continued existence of a business.  As a
businessman, dependent on Orion, I know that money talks, so I put my money
where my mouth was.

2)  Busy as I am (I am the admin guy and Project Manager for hsqldb AND I
run my own business, making payroll for 13 people), I understand two
realities about business:
a)  Product is (almost) nothing when it comes to running a business.
Customers (and their satisfaction) are EVERYTHING to a business' continued
b)  Communication is ALWAYS best.  Silence is scary to your customers
and potential customers.

Orionsupport.COM has, for all intents and purposes gone dark, as has Orion,
WITH NO NOTICE AND NO RESPONSE.  It is not hard to believe that both these
companies do not actively monitor these lists and that is why we have heard
nothing.  That is a mistake.  It is one we have the power to rectify as a

Michael J. Cannon

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Larry Velez
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:50 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.

Isn't OrionSupport already registered and up and running (well sort of) why
not incorporate thee new ideas onto this already existing and well
publicized site?  Is not willing to accept community
suggestions?  It seems to me that if were improved with
additional submissions, improved infrastructure and maybe some backend
content management apps (good way to show off some apps running on Orion)
then it could become the ultimate source for erm Orionsupport.  A karma
system for support might be a good start to building a database of
questions/incidents that could evolve to a very good FAQ.
just my .02
-Original Message-
From: Michael J. Cannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 1:47 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.
Importance: High

RE: How do we take the next step?
A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.  Don't
need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest group,'
as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.
I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted connection.  I know
an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run services
for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a small CLEC).
They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's (turn-around
is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the internic).
I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.
Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?
Michael Cannon
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:28 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.


 We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only output.
 The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been a
 good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.

 Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used
 weblogic and
 iplanet), but had to suffer through their "seminars" which are just
 over-blown sales meetings. If you are a small company, these are just not
 the products for you.

 It would be nice if we could post "success stories" and "hints"
 directly on
 the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
 don't have the bucks or people to provide support...let *us* provide this
 service through a "community" process.

 About 18 months ago I started using the netbeans ide. At the time, its was
 the only jave 2 ide out there. The netbeans news server was well
 by a support engineer for netbeans. Later they sold out to Sun,
 and a lot of
 that "organic" feeling went away. But the attention that one guy
 gave to the
 news service was great, and made using the product a good experience.

 If we could move the energy prevalent on the orion-interest news service
 into a "community" web page, maybe this could help all of us out? We could
 award *points* to the best an

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Joe, elephantwalker,

I was going to do a 'me too!' followed by a listing, but that may not be
list-appropriate (MYOWN_PERSONAL_RULE:  if you have the question: Is this

So, how do we do this, and not offend the users of the list (our budding

My response to elephantwalker was meant as an impetus for more discussion.
More prods to follow tonite.

Oh, yeah:


heh, heh

Michael J. Cannon
Project Manager

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 11:35 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

 Great point. However, we can help expand on the functionality at
 orionsupport. But then there's that *paid* support issue. Companies need a
 place to go so they can *pay* for support when the chips are down, and the
 alligators are crawling around nipping at their tender parts.

 The great thing about mysql or borland's open source product is that when
 the chips are down, you can get *paid* support from thousands of
 consultants. The key bit that will help orion is support that is there for
 the asking...all you have to do is pay for it. If Joe Ottinger is reading
 this email, lets add this bit to your site.

 If you need a consultant to belly up to the bar, and help out, contact the

 For the orion team at ironflare, I am willing to pay a
 *franchising* fee for
 every support call, email or site visit answered, as long as we get access
 to the dev team for *bugs*.


 the Elephantwalker

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan North
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:28 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.
 Importance: High

 I love the enthusiasm, but I'm concerned about the solution.  The site is run and maintained by a small group of
 people with
 exactly the same ideas as those being expressed on this list.  Let's not
 create splinter groups which start with a huge burst of
 enthusiasm and then
 fizzle out into another resource dead end.  Instead, let's focus that
 energy on taking orionsupport to the level it needs to get to next.

 It is built on some great open source technology (
 which would make it a straightforward exercise to add threaded
 article feedback, printer-friendly page views etc. to the articles there.

 Joe Ottinger, who currently hosts the site, explains what his
 ideas are for
 orionsupport in his excellent (and conveniently short!) "Into the Future"
 article, which is currently available from google's cache at

 So, some feedback to the site would be a good start (once Joe gets it back
 on-line :o)
 Invitations for mirroring would ensure the availability we need,
 a threaded
 discussion list (which could interact with this list?), client news (you
 know if you've bought a licence - so tell the rest of us), much greater
 breadth and depth of support articles, etc.

 The sentiment from many of you on this list is that (a) orion is a
 fantastic product, (b) the orion team don't give their website the
 time/inclination/priority many of us require, (c) between us we possess a
 lot of knowledge, (d) we're happy to share that with the
 community.  So, in
 the absence of formal support partners/infrastructure can I suggest that
 everyone gives the, umm, support it deserves?


 At 00:47 13/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:
 RE: How do we take the next step?
 A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
 culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.
 need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest
 as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
 unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.
 I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted
 connection.  I know
 an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to
 run services
 for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
 multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a small CLEC).
 They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's
 is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
 I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
 after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
 Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.
 Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?
 Michael Cannon
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Aaron Tavistock

'access' to the dev team?  You mean that if you think its a bug then you
should be able to get on the phone with developers as if they were tech
support people?   Whats wrong with Bugzilla and a quick development team?

-Original Message-
From: elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:35 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.

Great point. However, we can help expand on the functionality at
orionsupport. But then there's that *paid* support issue. Companies need a
place to go so they can *pay* for support when the chips are down, and the
alligators are crawling around nipping at their tender parts.

The great thing about mysql or borland's open source product is that when
the chips are down, you can get *paid* support from thousands of independent
consultants. The key bit that will help orion is support that is there for
the asking...all you have to do is pay for it. If Joe Ottinger is reading
this email, lets add this bit to your site.

If you need a consultant to belly up to the bar, and help out, contact the

For the orion team at ironflare, I am willing to pay a *franchising* fee for
every support call, email or site visit answered, as long as we get access
to the dev team for *bugs*.


the Elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan North
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:28 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.
Importance: High

I love the enthusiasm, but I'm concerned about the solution.  The site is run and maintained by a small group of people with
exactly the same ideas as those being expressed on this list.  Let's not
create splinter groups which start with a huge burst of enthusiasm and then
fizzle out into another resource dead end.  Instead, let's focus that
energy on taking orionsupport to the level it needs to get to next.

It is built on some great open source technology (
which would make it a straightforward exercise to add threaded discussions,
article feedback, printer-friendly page views etc. to the articles there.

Joe Ottinger, who currently hosts the site, explains what his ideas are for
orionsupport in his excellent (and conveniently short!) "Into the Future"
article, which is currently available from google's cache at

So, some feedback to the site would be a good start (once Joe gets it back
on-line :o)
Invitations for mirroring would ensure the availability we need, a threaded
discussion list (which could interact with this list?), client news (you
know if you've bought a licence - so tell the rest of us), much greater
breadth and depth of support articles, etc.

The sentiment from many of you on this list is that (a) orion is a
fantastic product, (b) the orion team don't give their website the
time/inclination/priority many of us require, (c) between us we possess a
lot of knowledge, (d) we're happy to share that with the community.  So, in
the absence of formal support partners/infrastructure can I suggest that
everyone gives the, umm, support it deserves?


At 00:47 13/04/2001 -0500, you wrote:
RE: How do we take the next step?

A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.
need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest
as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.

I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted connection.  I know
an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run services
for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a small CLEC).
They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's (turn-around
is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.

Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?

Michael Cannon

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
  Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:28 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: productive comment.
  We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only
  The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been
  good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.
  Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used
  weblogic and
  iplanet), but had

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread elephantwalker

absolutely...use Bugzilla, and a quick dev team.

However, think of the *franchise* idea. The consultants are franchised by
Ironflare to give *customer support*, which Ironflare can't provide. But
other than the name, what do you get for your *franchise fee*. There's got
to be some access. The reason is the ETF, or Estimated Time to Fix for a
bug. Although bugzilla is fine for most bugs which have workarounds,
sometimes there are bugs which are mission critical. In those cases we need
to know when the bug is going to fixed, and only orion can make that

I have written a use case for each support type. Notice that this support is
well beyond anything that Ironflare is currently offering.

Here's each use case ...

*paid email support*

1. user logs in to orionsupport or where ever.
2. posts an email support issue. Offers $50 to resolve issue by email.
3. consultant logins into support que, sees the offer, and makes a bid (in
this case time, time to solve and price).
4. user agrees to bid, and consultant responds with answer.

In this case, there is no need for access to the Orion developers. But then
we have step 5.

5. bug is reported, there is no workaround (that would have been provided in
4 above), and bug is reported in bugzilla. For and extra $50, user gets a
detailed status of the bug (more detail than provided in bugzilla status)
and an ETF (estimated time to fix). This requires access to the Orion
development manager, since only they can make such a commitment.

*paid phone call support*

1. user logs into orionsupport or where ever.
2. posts an request for phone call support, with a description of the
problem. Offers $250 to resolve the issue.
3. consultant logins into support que, sees the offer, and makes a bid (time
to solve, and price).
4. user agrees to bid, and consultant or user makes the phone call.
5. development access required for ETF.

*paid consultant visit support*

1. user logs into orionsupport or where ever.
2. posts an request for site visit support, with a description of the
problem. Offers $1,500/day to resolve the issue.
3. consultant logins into support que, sees the offer, and makes a bid (time
to solve, and price).
4. user agrees to bid, and consult or user make arrangements for visit.
5. development access required for ETF.


the elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 2:01 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.

'access' to the dev team?  You mean that if you think its a bug then you
should be able to get on the phone with developers as if they were tech
support people?   Whats wrong with Bugzilla and a quick development team?

-Original Message-
From: elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:35 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.

Great point. However, we can help expand on the functionality at
orionsupport. But then there's that *paid* support issue. Companies need a
place to go so they can *pay* for support when the chips are down, and the
alligators are crawling around nipping at their tender parts.

The great thing about mysql or borland's open source product is that when
the chips are down, you can get *paid* support from thousands of independent
consultants. The key bit that will help orion is support that is there for
the asking...all you have to do is pay for it. If Joe Ottinger is reading
this email, lets add this bit to your site.

If you need a consultant to belly up to the bar, and help out, contact the

For the orion team at ironflare, I am willing to pay a *franchising* fee for
every support call, email or site visit answered, as long as we get access
to the dev team for *bugs*.


the Elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan North
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:28 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.
Importance: High

I love the enthusiasm, but I'm concerned about the solution.  The site is run and maintained by a small group of people with
exactly the same ideas as those being expressed on this list.  Let's not
create splinter groups which start with a huge burst of enthusiasm and then
fizzle out into another resource dead end.  Instead, let's focus that
energy on taking orionsupport to the level it needs to get to next.

It is built on some great open source technology (
which would make it a straightforward exercise to add threaded discussions,
article feedback, printer-friendly page views etc. to the articles there.

Joe Ottinger, who currently hosts the site, explains what his ideas are for
orionsupport in his excellent (and conveniently short!) "Into the Future"
article, which is currently available from google's cache at

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Way to go, elephantwalker...

More ideas:
1) Since we are using Orion's/IronFlare's/OrionServer's IP (the corporate ID
and product names are the most basic IP a corp has) we agree to some kind of
quals and independently verified audits (other than 'pay-for-play') that can
then be 'hung' on our own corporate websites (which also agree to dedicate a
small percentageof space to mirroring and a small amount of BW to downloads)
2)  there is an agreed 'spread' for use and a pool of money from the
'franchise fees' that Orion and its agents agree to use to help the
community as a whole.  An additional portion is dedicated to the frachisors
3)  everything is managed by a separate, neutral server.  References/leads
(especially for on-sites) are furnished on a geographic basis first, than,
after a suitable time,  distributed to a wider and wider pool
4)  qualified franchisors, under restrictions, are contracted by Orion to
'act in their stead' to answer, for free, user questions, with no
'lead-fishing' or commercial re-direction allowed
5) the system operates 24/7/365...'franchisors' pony up the cash - up
front - agree to a fixed time schedule for certification and submission to
the auditors and operate/agree to a 'three strikes' -also audited- rule,
with reasonable requirements.

Currently, I am involved with 2 partnerships that  operate under a variation
of this combined with a couple of elephantwalker's use cases: IBM and CA (on
different platforms).  I have dedicated personnel specifically on payroll to
manage and comply with these agreements.

In another business that I an investor in (and help with managing), Bang and
Olufsen manages their partnerships and distributors in a similar manner.

Michael J. Cannon

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 4:37 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

 absolutely...use Bugzilla, and a quick dev team.

 However, think of the *franchise* idea. The consultants are franchised by
 Ironflare to give *customer support*, which Ironflare can't provide. But
 other than the name, what do you get for your *franchise fee*. There's got
 to be some access. The reason is the ETF, or Estimated Time to Fix for a
 bug. Although bugzilla is fine for most bugs which have workarounds,
 sometimes there are bugs which are mission critical. In those
 cases we need
 to know when the bug is going to fixed, and only orion can make that

 I have written a use case for each support type. Notice that this
 support is
 well beyond anything that Ironflare is currently offering.

 Here's each use case ...

 *paid email support*

 1. user logs in to orionsupport or where ever.
 2. posts an email support issue. Offers $50 to resolve issue by email.
 3. consultant logins into support que, sees the offer, and makes a bid (in
 this case time, time to solve and price).
 4. user agrees to bid, and consultant responds with answer.

 In this case, there is no need for access to the Orion
 developers. But then
 we have step 5.

 5. bug is reported, there is no workaround (that would have been
 provided in
 4 above), and bug is reported in bugzilla. For and extra $50, user gets a
 detailed status of the bug (more detail than provided in bugzilla status)
 and an ETF (estimated time to fix). This requires access to the Orion
 development manager, since only they can make such a commitment.

 *paid phone call support*

 1. user logs into orionsupport or where ever.
 2. posts an request for phone call support, with a description of the
 problem. Offers $250 to resolve the issue.
 3. consultant logins into support que, sees the offer, and makes
 a bid (time
 to solve, and price).
 4. user agrees to bid, and consultant or user makes the phone call.
 5. development access required for ETF.

 *paid consultant visit support*

 1. user logs into orionsupport or where ever.
 2. posts an request for site visit support, with a description of the
 problem. Offers $1,500/day to resolve the issue.
 3. consultant logins into support que, sees the offer, and makes
 a bid (time
 to solve, and price).
 4. user agrees to bid, and consult or user make arrangements for visit.
 5. development access required for ETF.


 the elephantwalker

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 2:01 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

 'access' to the dev team?  You mean that if you think its a bug then you
 should be able to get on the phone with developers as if they were tech
 support people?   Whats wrong with Bugzilla and a quick development team?

 -Original Message-
 From: elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:35 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

 Great point. However, we can help expand on the functionality

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Fine, but is _already_ owned by Joe  Co. and they are not
responding (I sent them a letter and am sending another off-line).

Michael J. Cannon

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: productive comment.

 I'm all for this idea.  Orionsupport is a community support
 effort run on a
 volunteer basis and I believe that it is hosted on Joseph's development
 machine using Orion. :) : ) :)  I'd be willing to help shoulder
 some of the
 costs in moving everything over to an ISP host.

 There's no need for a new domain, imho... orionsupport has been very open
 and supportive (no pun intended).  I say that we just give those
 good folks
 a nice place to put everything without tying up their resources.

 Community support for Orion has been excellent.  The thing I'm
 worried about
 is how the Orion developers are doing... is there anything we can
 do to help
 out the guys at orionserver/ironflare?

 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael J. Cannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:47 PM
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

  RE: How do we take the next step?
  A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
  culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.
  need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest
  as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
  unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.
  I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted
 connection.  I know
  an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run
  for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
  multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a
 small CLEC).
  They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's
  is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
  I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
  after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
  Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.
  Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?
  Michael Cannon
  mailto:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Another bit of info:


Magnus owns it now.


Michael J. Cannon

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: productive comment.

 I'm all for this idea.  Orionsupport is a community support
 effort run on a
 volunteer basis and I believe that it is hosted on Joseph's development
 machine using Orion. :) : ) :)  I'd be willing to help shoulder
 some of the
 costs in moving everything over to an ISP host.

 There's no need for a new domain, imho... orionsupport has been very open
 and supportive (no pun intended).  I say that we just give those
 good folks
 a nice place to put everything without tying up their resources.

 Community support for Orion has been excellent.  The thing I'm
 worried about
 is how the Orion developers are doing... is there anything we can
 do to help
 out the guys at orionserver/ironflare?

 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael J. Cannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:47 PM
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

  RE: How do we take the next step?
  A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
  culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.
  need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest
  as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
  unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.
  I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted
 connection.  I know
  an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run
  for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
  multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a
 small CLEC).
  They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's
  is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
  I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
  after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
  Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.
  Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?
  Michael Cannon
  mailto:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OrionSupport - if you care about the 'Orion community', read it! WAS RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Ok, I feel it's time for me to step in here as one of the 'Joe  Co.'

Firstly, everyone calm down. As Hani said yesterday, every few weeks this
whole "Orion support sucks, my boss won't buy Orion without support, I'm
having a whinge" thread starts up again. Calm down and read the archives
people ;)

With regard to the future of OrionSupport, here are the things I _know_ are
currently happening:

- As far as I know it, Joe is on holidays which is probably why he's not
answering his email - he hasn't been on IRC for about a week. Everyone just
calm down ;)

- The domain IS owned by IronFlare / Orion. As far as I know this was done
by the previous owners so that it would always be an Orion support site. I
have no problems with this at all, the guys have given us free reign over
the content / production of the site.

- The site IS down now, I'm not sure why. It seems to me Joe's machine has
fallen over but we'll know when we get back. Meanwhile there is an archive
of all content up to March 18th kindly hosted at

- There ARE moves in progress to upgrade the site. As Hani said in a
previous email it currently runs on lots of OpenSymphony technologies ( - see gratuitous-OpenSymphony-plug at the end
of this email) like SiteMesh, OSCache and Clickstream. I'm in the process of
upgrading it to use OSContent so we'll have a fully fledged CMS with
community features to boot. This will take a week or two at the least.

- The above measures are purely technical and won't help the Orion community
in and of themselves. OrionSupport's biggest problem so far has been GETTING
PEOPLE TO CONTRIBUTE. JoeO says this better than I could in his rant .

BASICALLY if noone contributes the site will continue to move ahead at it's
trickling pace.

- HOWEVER if lots of people take 5 minutes to note down the problem they
just solved, the bug they worked around, their expertise on a particular
area, their knowledge of using Orion with software X - we can really produce
a very useful support resource very fast indeed. Keep reading for how you
can help.

I suggest we move discussion of this off the list (the last 48 hours has
driven me nuts with the lack of Orion questions and the volume of "me too,
Orion support sucks, I'm complaining and not doing anything about it"
emails. If you don't like it, join those who are trying to do something
about it!

I've set up an egroup (still can't bring myself to call it a Yahoo! Group
yet) for discussing it here

The manifesto of the group is:
"A group for the authors and users of OrionSupport ( ) to discuss content needed, moves ahead etc.
NOTE: This is not a group for people looking for support for Orion. See for that"

I hope you'll all join up and that together we can make OrionSupport an even
better resource for the community.


If anyone else has some spare time and wants to help out the most advanced
Open Source J2EE project out there, OpenSymphony is it ;) Check it out at , help by downloading, using, testing,
developing, documenting or even just suggesting ideas - let me know where
you can help!

For an example site running with ALL the OS technologies on Orion (OSContent
for content management, community, user management, SiteMesh for layout,
OSCache for speed, Formtags, OSCore for functionality / properties /
personalisation) see

(This plug is sheerly to show off the technology, not for the extra page
views - it's Australian new so who is likely to be interested anyway ;))

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael J.
 Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 10:24 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

 Fine, but is _already_ owned by Joe  Co. and
 they are not
 responding (I sent them a letter and am sending another off-line).

 Michael J. Cannon

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
  Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: productive comment.
  I'm all for this idea.  Orionsupport is a community support
  effort run on a
  volunteer basis and I believe that it is hosted on Joseph's development
  machine using Orion. :) : ) :)  I'd be willing to help shoulder
  some of the
  costs in moving everything over to an ISP host.
  There's no need for a new domain, imho... orionsupport has been
 very open
  and supportive (no pun intended).  I say that we just give those
  good folks
  a nice place to put everything without tying up their resources.
  Community support for Orion 

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread elephantwalker

I think Magnus has always owned least as long as I have been using

The plan still applies. We need *an agreement* for franchising with
IronFlare. Next week is easter week in Europe, so I don't think anything can
happen until the holidays are over.

A recent post showed that somebody is bundling orion server with their
software and selling it, so it is possible to get an agreement with
Ironflare. I am buying a license for our deployment next week, so I will be
talking to Magnus soon. There is definitely activity from their developers
on the bugzilla database, so they are alive and kicking. The lose of the
orionsupport server could just be an issue with the holiday's or hardware.
Nobody's checking the server, and it just keeled over.

I have done a lot of customer support before, and what people want is
communication more than anything. The lack of communication isn't altogether
uncommon from a development group. I think a *cyber* support organization is
just what they need.

I can't get a handle on how many orion users there are, but lately I have
seen a lot of SF Bay area url's on the list, and that is very good news for
Orion. I mean...this is where the money is.


The elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael J.
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 6:07 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.
Importance: High

Another bit of info:


Magnus owns it now.


Michael J. Cannon

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: productive comment.

 I'm all for this idea.  Orionsupport is a community support
 effort run on a
 volunteer basis and I believe that it is hosted on Joseph's development
 machine using Orion. :) : ) :)  I'd be willing to help shoulder
 some of the
 costs in moving everything over to an ISP host.

 There's no need for a new domain, imho... orionsupport has been very open
 and supportive (no pun intended).  I say that we just give those
 good folks
 a nice place to put everything without tying up their resources.

 Community support for Orion has been excellent.  The thing I'm
 worried about
 is how the Orion developers are doing... is there anything we can
 do to help
 out the guys at orionserver/ironflare?

 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael J. Cannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:47 PM
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

  RE: How do we take the next step?
  A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
  culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.
  need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest
  as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
  unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.
  I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted
 connection.  I know
  an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run
  for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
  multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a
 small CLEC).
  They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's
  is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
  I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
  after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
  Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.
  Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?
  Michael Cannon
  mailto:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

I just wanted to point out that despite the Orion team's silence on this
list, over the last couple months there has been a lot of bugzilla
activity.  Development is clearly moving forward, so it's not time to
jump ship yet :-)

While a weekly "hey, here's what's up at Ironflare" letter to this list
would be nice, I think just simply echoing all bugzilla update mail to
this list would go a long ways towards giving us the feeling that
development has not stalled.  Especially if this trend towards less
frequent, bigger updates continues.

Anxiously awaiting 1.4.8,

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

I was under the impression that the domain has always been owned by the
Orion organization.  They just pointed it at whoever was willing to
maintain the community site.

I have a suggestion.  Lets take a slice of a Wiki system, say the
Portland Pattern Repository at  I think the Wiki
nature will lend itself well to a community group like this.  It will
also act as a FAQ-O-MATIC.

The natural starting point is:


-Original Message-
From: Michael J. Cannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 6:07 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: productive comment.
Importance: High

Another bit of info:


Magnus owns it now.


Michael J. Cannon

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: productive comment.

 I'm all for this idea.  Orionsupport is a community support
 effort run on a
 volunteer basis and I believe that it is hosted on Joseph's 
 machine using Orion. :) : ) :)  I'd be willing to help shoulder
 some of the
 costs in moving everything over to an ISP host.

 There's no need for a new domain, imho... orionsupport has 
been very open
 and supportive (no pun intended).  I say that we just give those
 good folks
 a nice place to put everything without tying up their resources.

 Community support for Orion has been excellent.  The thing I'm
 worried about
 is how the Orion developers are doing... is there anything we can
 do to help
 out the guys at orionserver/ironflare?

 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael J. Cannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:47 PM
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

  RE: How do we take the next step?
  A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in 
the computer
  culture., and are available. 
 Pick 'em.
  need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose 
special interest
  as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' 
circumstance or make
  unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.
  I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted
 connection.  I know
  an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run
  for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and 
accesses through a
  multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a
 small CLEC).
  They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's
  is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
  I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of 
host costs, and,
  after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run 
the site on
  Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.
  Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?
  Michael Cannon
  mailto:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: OrionSupport - if you care about the 'Orion community', read it! WAS RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Finally...will the REAL Mike Cannon please stand up?  He has.  Patience,

Michael J. Cannon
Project Manager - (formerly HyperSonicSQL)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 8:52 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: OrionSupport - if you care about the 'Orion community', read
 it! WAS RE: productive comment.

 Ok, I feel it's time for me to step in here as one of the 'Joe  Co.'

 Firstly, everyone calm down. As Hani said yesterday, every few weeks this
 whole "Orion support sucks, my boss won't buy Orion without support, I'm
 having a whinge" thread starts up again. Calm down and read the archives
 people ;)

 With regard to the future of OrionSupport, here are the things I
 _know_ are
 currently happening:

 - As far as I know it, Joe is on holidays which is probably why he's not
 answering his email - he hasn't been on IRC for about a week.
 Everyone just
 calm down ;)

 - The domain IS owned by IronFlare / Orion. As far as I know this was done
 by the previous owners so that it would always be an Orion support site. I
 have no problems with this at all, the guys have given us free reign over
 the content / production of the site.

 - The site IS down now, I'm not sure why. It seems to me Joe's machine has
 fallen over but we'll know when we get back. Meanwhile there is an archive
 of all content up to March 18th kindly hosted at

 - There ARE moves in progress to upgrade the site. As Hani said in a
 previous email it currently runs on lots of OpenSymphony technologies ( - see gratuitous-OpenSymphony-plug
 at the end
 of this email) like SiteMesh, OSCache and Clickstream. I'm in the
 process of
 upgrading it to use OSContent so we'll have a fully fledged CMS with
 community features to boot. This will take a week or two at the least.

 - The above measures are purely technical and won't help the
 Orion community
 in and of themselves. OrionSupport's biggest problem so far has
 PEOPLE TO CONTRIBUTE. JoeO says this better than I could in his rant .

 BASICALLY if noone contributes the site will continue to move
 ahead at it's
 trickling pace.

 - HOWEVER if lots of people take 5 minutes to note down the problem they
 just solved, the bug they worked around, their expertise on a particular
 area, their knowledge of using Orion with software X - we can
 really produce
 a very useful support resource very fast indeed. Keep reading for how you
 can help.

 I suggest we move discussion of this off the list (the last 48 hours has
 driven me nuts with the lack of Orion questions and the volume of "me too,
 Orion support sucks, I'm complaining and not doing anything about it"
 emails. If you don't like it, join those who are trying to do something
 about it!

 I've set up an egroup (still can't bring myself to call it a Yahoo! Group
 yet) for discussing it here

 The manifesto of the group is:
 "A group for the authors and users of OrionSupport ( ) to discuss content needed, moves ahead etc.
 NOTE: This is not a group for people looking for support for Orion. See for that"

 I hope you'll all join up and that together we can make
 OrionSupport an even
 better resource for the community.


 If anyone else has some spare time and wants to help out the most advanced
 Open Source J2EE project out there, OpenSymphony is it ;) Check it out at , help by downloading, using, testing,
 developing, documenting or even just suggesting ideas - let me know where
 you can help!

 For an example site running with ALL the OS technologies on Orion
 for content management, community, user management, SiteMesh for layout,
 OSCache for speed, Formtags, OSCore for functionality / properties /
 personalisation) see

 (This plug is sheerly to show off the technology, not for the extra page
 views - it's Australian new so who is likely to be interested anyway ;))

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael J.
  Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 10:24 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: productive comment.
  Fine, but is _already_ owned by Joe  Co. and
  they are not
  responding (I sent them a letter and am sending another off-line).
  Michael J. Cannon
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
   Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Re: produc

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-13 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Again, patience...I am quieting on-list until I get clearance from the
involved parties (or they have a chance to speak for themselves).

Michael J. Cannon
Project Manager, COO (formerly HyperSonicSQL)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:09 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.

 I was under the impression that the domain has always been owned by the
 Orion organization.  They just pointed it at whoever was willing to
 maintain the community site.

 I have a suggestion.  Lets take a slice of a Wiki system, say the
 Portland Pattern Repository at  I think the Wiki
 nature will lend itself well to a community group like this.  It will
 also act as a FAQ-O-MATIC.

 The natural starting point is:


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael J. Cannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 6:07 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.
 Importance: High
 Another bit of info:
 Magnus owns it now.
 Michael J. Cannon
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stan Ng
  Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 5:37 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Re: productive comment.
  I'm all for this idea.  Orionsupport is a community support
  effort run on a
  volunteer basis and I believe that it is hosted on Joseph's
  machine using Orion. :) : ) :)  I'd be willing to help shoulder
  some of the
  costs in moving everything over to an ISP host.
  There's no need for a new domain, imho... orionsupport has
 been very open
  and supportive (no pun intended).  I say that we just give those
  good folks
  a nice place to put everything without tying up their resources.
  Community support for Orion has been excellent.  The thing I'm
  worried about
  is how the Orion developers are doing... is there anything we can
  do to help
  out the guys at orionserver/ironflare?
  - Original Message -
  From: "Michael J. Cannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:47 PM
  Subject: RE: productive comment.
   RE: How do we take the next step?
   A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in
 the computer
   culture., and are available.
  Pick 'em.
   need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose
 special interest
   as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special'
 circumstance or make
   unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.
   I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted
  connection.  I know
   an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run
   for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and
 accesses through a
   multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a
  small CLEC).
   They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's
   is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the
   I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of
 host costs, and,
   after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run
 the site on
   Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.
   Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?
   Michael Cannon
   mailto:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

productive comment.

2001-04-12 Thread skyman

 David, nothing personal, I'm just hanging my reply off yours as 
it's the latest one in this thread...BUT some of us are very bored of this thread 
popping up every few weeks. Sure, Orion hasn't released a new version in a couple of 
months now (I think), and I'm as desperately eager for 1.4.8 as anyone here. Why does
this always translate to 'Orion is tanking'?

I know where you are coming from.  I love orion.  The problem I have is when I have to 
rationalize its use to others.  Here's the most basic recommendation that I think 
would go a long way (believe it or not)

include simple news...even just a paragraph or to.  perhaps explaining latest updates 
(in betas).  If you have no newsadd link to new clients/web sites...I'm sure 
...this would take about 10 minutes a week and would go a long way in helping me 
convince people to buy it...believe it or not.  I know it has no relevance on the 
quality of the product, but it would make a huge difference in giving the people I 
work with confidence in Orion's future.  This is necessary because orion is not open 
source and we can not update the site as a community.  I know this is 
what orionsupport is for, however, when I have to get people to commit money to a 
product simple things go a long way.  I hope this was a more productive comment.

Re: productive comment.

2001-04-12 Thread Jeff Hubbach

I agree with the comment below, but only to a point. I had another developer in our 
company raise concern over orion because of a database connection error that is thrown 
in the FAQ section of the website. I expressed to him, and I firmly 
believe, that I'd much rather have them working on new features and the occasional bug 
that pops up than updating/fixing/making the web site great. I agree with the PR that 
a good website provides, but great PR with a bad product isn't what we as developers 
want, at least I hope not. Maybe I'm among the minority, but the pocketbooks of our 
company rely on our technical expertise when it comes to making decisions, and I'm 
alot more comfortable going with Orion than Jrun, which is at least somewhat close in 
price range, just on the fact of standards compliance. I know that JRun 3.1 is J2EE 
certified, but we had nothing but headaches trying to get it to work. Going to Orion 
was like a dream come true, and as long as they continue!
 with a product that is easy to use and follows the spec, I'm all for it.

Jeff Hubbach.

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001 20:43:34 -0400

include simple news...even just a paragraph or to.  perhaps explaining latest updates 
(in betas).  If you have no newsadd link to new clients/web sites...I'm sure 
...this would take about 10 minutes a week and would go a long way in helping me 
convince people to buy it...believe it or not.  I know it has no relevance on the 
quality of the product, but it would make a huge difference in giving the people I 
work with confidence in Orion's future.  This is necessary because orion is not open 
source and we can not update the site as a community.  I know this is 
what orionsupport is for, however, when I have to get people to commit money to a 
product simple things go a long way.  I hope this was a more productive comment.

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-12 Thread elephantwalker


We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only output.
The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been a
good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.

Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used weblogic and
iplanet), but had to suffer through their "seminars" which are just
over-blown sales meetings. If you are a small company, these are just not
the products for you.

It would be nice if we could post "success stories" and "hints" directly on
the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
don't have the bucks or people to provide support...let *us* provide this
service through a "community" process.

About 18 months ago I started using the netbeans ide. At the time, its was
the only jave 2 ide out there. The netbeans news server was well maintained
by a support engineer for netbeans. Later they sold out to Sun, and a lot of
that "organic" feeling went away. But the attention that one guy gave to the
news service was great, and made using the product a good experience.

If we could move the energy prevalent on the orion-interest news service
into a "community" web page, maybe this could help all of us out? We could
award *points* to the best answers to questions. We could have an ignore
button. And yes, we could have a *paid* consultancy service for email
questions, phone coaching, and even site visits. Many of the users of orion
are independent consultants, so it is not out of the question that a
community web service for orion wouldn't fill the gap for orion support.

I think one thing missing from the OrionSupport web site was this last
bitsome paid service for support. Its also missing from the Ironflare.
If you notice, you can buy the product...but even if you wanted to pay for
extra support, they don't sell it.

If you are reading this at Orion, please consider the McDonald's model. They
had a good idea for a hamburger, but how do you put a restaurant on every
corner? You franchise the hamburger restaurant idea. Why does'nt Ironflare
"franchise" the support for Orion? This way they could continue to write
great software, but others would pay them to give great support service for

I have been trying to call these guys for a month now, with no success.

So my question is...

How do we take the next step?


The elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:44 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: productive comment.

 David, nothing personal, I'm just hanging my reply off yours as
it's the latest one in this thread...BUT some of us are very bored of this
thread popping up every few weeks. Sure, Orion hasn't released a new version
in a couple of months now (I think), and I'm as desperately eager for 1.4.8
as anyone here. Why does
this always translate to 'Orion is tanking'?

I know where you are coming from.  I love orion.  The problem I have is when
I have to rationalize its use to others.  Here's the most basic
recommendation that I think would go a long way (believe it or not)

include simple news...even just a paragraph or to.  perhaps explaining
latest updates (in betas).  If you have no newsadd link to new
clients/web sites...I'm sure ...this would take about 10 minutes a week and
would go a long way in helping me convince people to buy it...believe it or
not.  I know it has no relevance on the quality of the product, but it would
make a huge difference in giving the people I work with confidence in
Orion's future.  This is necessary because orion is not open source and we
can not update the site as a community.  I know this is what
orionsupport is for, however, when I have to get people to commit money to a
product simple things go a long way.  I hope this was a more productive

RE: productive comment.

2001-04-12 Thread Hani Suleiman

 It would be nice if we could post "success stories" and "hints" directly on
 the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
 don't have the bucks or people to provide support...let *us* provide this
 service through a "community" process.
A great idea, and it's the idea behind orionsupport. A lot of people say
'lets contribute', but when push comes to shove, what tends to happen is
that that enthusiasm is dulled by actually having to do work, and that
just being enthusiastic isn't enough.

Orionsupport hasn't gone anywhere, from what I can see the server is down
for the time being, but I'm sure it'll be back up soon. It'd be good if
people who have servers/bandwidth to donate could get in touch with those
who run orionsupport and offer mirroring services.

Also, why not write a nice J2ee app that lets people post 'success
stories', or even 'hints and tips'? If people had actual content/code to
contribute, I can't imagine that orionsupport will refuse to host it! They
even took my crappy hastily written DataSourceUserManager notes and posted


RE: productive comment.

2001-04-12 Thread Michael J. Cannon

RE: How do we take the next step?

A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.  Don't
need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest group,'
as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.

I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted connection.  I know
an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run services
for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a small CLEC).
They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's (turn-around
is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the internic).
I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.

Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?

Michael Cannon

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:28 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: productive comment.


 We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only output.
 The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been a
 good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.

 Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used
 weblogic and
 iplanet), but had to suffer through their "seminars" which are just
 over-blown sales meetings. If you are a small company, these are just not
 the products for you.

 It would be nice if we could post "success stories" and "hints"
 directly on
 the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
 don't have the bucks or people to provide support...let *us* provide this
 service through a "community" process.

 About 18 months ago I started using the netbeans ide. At the time, its was
 the only jave 2 ide out there. The netbeans news server was well
 by a support engineer for netbeans. Later they sold out to Sun,
 and a lot of
 that "organic" feeling went away. But the attention that one guy
 gave to the
 news service was great, and made using the product a good experience.

 If we could move the energy prevalent on the orion-interest news service
 into a "community" web page, maybe this could help all of us out? We could
 award *points* to the best answers to questions. We could have an ignore
 button. And yes, we could have a *paid* consultancy service for email
 questions, phone coaching, and even site visits. Many of the
 users of orion
 are independent consultants, so it is not out of the question that a
 community web service for orion wouldn't fill the gap for orion support.

 I think one thing missing from the OrionSupport web site was this last
 bitsome paid service for support. Its also missing from the Ironflare.
 If you notice, you can buy the product...but even if you wanted to pay for
 extra support, they don't sell it.

 If you are reading this at Orion, please consider the McDonald's
 model. They
 had a good idea for a hamburger, but how do you put a restaurant on every
 corner? You franchise the hamburger restaurant idea. Why does'nt Ironflare
 "franchise" the support for Orion? This way they could continue to write
 great software, but others would pay them to give great support
 service for

 I have been trying to call these guys for a month now, with no success.

 So my question is...

 How do we take the next step?


 The elephantwalker

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:44 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: productive comment.

  David, nothing personal, I'm just hanging my reply off yours as
 it's the latest one in this thread...BUT some of us are very
 bored of this
 thread popping up every few weeks. Sure, Orion hasn't released a
 new version
 in a couple of months now (I think), and I'm as desperately eager
 for 1.4.8
 as anyone here. Why does
 this always translate to 'Orion is tanking'?

 I know where you are coming from.  I love orion.  The problem I
 have is when
 I have to rationalize its use to others.  Here's the most basic
 recommendation that I think would go a long way (believe it or not)

 include simple news...even just a paragraph or to.  perhaps explaining
 latest updates (in betas).  If you have no newsadd link to new
 clients/web sites...I'm sure ...this would take about 10 minutes
 a week and
 would go a long way in helping me convince people to buy
 it...believe it or
 not.  I