RE: [osdcmy] API - how to use it in your portlet development

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani


Thanks for your response. Yeah things are a bit difficult but still holding on 
and keeping myself sane for the time being. Apparently only Flex is supported 
by Vine Toolkit, so that's why we're using that. But then I'd like to explore 
all the other options after this :)

Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani (Ann) AC080144
(3SCB) Bsc Computer Science (Bioinformatics)

> Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 10:24:39 +0800
> Subject: Re: [osdcmy] API - how to use it in your portlet development
> From:
> To:
> hi,
> woot, looked at the API docs and its way too ugly... its Java, I
> prefer sane programming languages like Python, perhaps Haskell,
> SmallTalk, Lisp... (which I'll like to learn..)
> Any an API, - and I'm speaking generically, as I don't know Java, and
> probably will never learn it..., is nothing more than a standard way
> for 2 programs to talk to each other. It basically define functions,
> or in OOP, classes & methods and how you call them, ie: what are the
> arguments/parameters to pass etc...
> Also APIs are used differently depending on wether you are using a
> framework or a library.
> In a library, your code calls the libarry code using the 'rules' laid
> out in the API, call a function, or you instantiate a library's class
> and make use of it. So in this case, you can write/organize your code
> anyway you want, so long as you just make sure you pass the correct
> types of arguments etc... then you are OK.
> When using a framework, its the other way around, the framework calls
> your code! Hence you have to write your code to conform to the API
> that the framework demands. ie: your class (if its OOP, like Java)
> must have a specific name, or it must have specific methods that take
> certain types of arguments. So you have a lot more restrictions on how
> to write your code! But its suppose to be good for you, as the
> framework designer knows best and is probably smarter, wiser etc...
> And in 'strongly typed languages' it gets more complicated because all
> the types have to match, either that or you do 'cast'/conversion and
> adaptations, kind of messy.
> BTW from what I read up the VineToolkit is a sort of MVC (Model View
> Controller) framework (Wikipedia) and "portlets" are dynamic
> objects that render part of a page, that then get aggregated and
> served out to form the whole page (using Flex?! why?). - it looks like
> a very complicated way to do things ;-)
>  Can probably do the same thing with less effort with PHP and JS,
> and I do it pretty much simpler with Python.
> ..can't help more than that, sorry ;-)
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 12:58 PM, Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani
>  wrote:
> > okay my bad. The portal framework is Gridsphere. VT is actually one of the
> > grid components to support the grid middleware.
> >
> > after much fiddling, hair-pulling, and Starcrafting, I managed to get a
> > workaround to my problem. But the API thing is still unresolvable.
> >
> > I see API as a sort of library that can be used during our project
> > development. If I want a certain function to work on my project, I still
> > refer to the API and use the packages available. Is this a good reflection
> > of what API is? How do you people use API?
> >
> > Please correct me if I am wrong.
> >
> >
> >
> > ◄►
> > Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani (Ann) AC080144
> > (3SCB) Bsc Computer Science (Bioinformatics)
> > 012-5934575
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 11:34:09 +0800
> > Subject: Re: [osdcmy] API - how to use it in your portlet development
> > From:
> > To:
> >
> > ok i am trying to guess what you are trying to do
> >
> > vine toolkit is not really a framework ! it's a library to give you nice
> > grids : - think of it like jquery ui
> > flex is a framework :
> > look at demo using liferay as the portal framework :
> >
> > liferay has a lot more documentation, so use it to create your portlet, then
> > only put the vine toolkit layer on top of it.
> > if you are using the flex ide, consider using eclipse or netbeans or
> > intellij or something 
> >
> > i dont use liferay, nor do i use flex. this is the first time i am looking
> > at vine.
> >
> > spend time learning and using web application frameworks like liferay,
> > grails, adempiere, then if anything goes wrong, blame it on the
> > framework !
> >
> > would be really cool if you could write about how to use the api in
> >

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
i thought it is in june

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 12:09 PM, Soire Meira  wrote:

> Waalaikumussalam
> good time.. i can attend becoz i'm holy holiday that time... wakakaka... 1
> - 17 Julai ...
> 2011/4/11 Najah 
>> 3rd July is Sunday. So We plan to have a community gathering at that time.
>> :-)
>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <
>>> wrote:
>>> Yes same time and date 3rd july for community and 4th 5th july  official
>>> conference.
>>> On 11 Apr 2011 08:42, "sweemeng ng"  wrote:
>>> Same time same date?
>>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Garfield WTF 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Izzit this Bay View?
>>> ...
>>> --
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>>> MOSC2011 and
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>> MOSC2011 and
> --
> --
> *Maui Sabily 2011* 
> *GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
> *GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074
> Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
> EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
> Ch0kL@Thack 2002
> PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000
> Developer:
> Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10 
> Al-Quds
> Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) 
> Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) 
> Soire TV & Radio  (Windows Only - continue
> version on Linux)
> BrutuSamaDia  (Remote Desktop Penetration
> Testing)
> Mauiware.AYU.0.6  (Virus Cleanner & Get Back
> Hidden Files)
> Malicious of Dark Knight - "Hack To Learn, Don't Learn To Hack"
>  --
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> MOSC2011 and

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Soire Meira
good time.. i can attend becoz i'm holy holiday that time... wakakaka... 1 -
17 Julai ...

2011/4/11 Najah 

> 3rd July is Sunday. So We plan to have a community gathering at that time.
> :-)
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <
>> wrote:
>> Yes same time and date 3rd july for community and 4th 5th july  official
>> conference.
>> On 11 Apr 2011 08:42, "sweemeng ng"  wrote:
>> Same time same date?
>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Garfield WTF  wrote:
>> >
>> > Izzit this Bay View?
>> ...
>> --
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>>  --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011 and
>  --
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> MOSC2011 and

*Maui Sabily 2011* 
*GPG KeyID*: DBDA3074
*GPG Fingerprint*: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074

Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
Ch0kL@Thack 2002
PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000

Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10
Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian) 
Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton) 
Soire TV & Radio  (Windows Only - continue
version on Linux)
BrutuSamaDia  (Remote Desktop Penetration
Mauiware.AYU.0.6  (Virus Cleanner & Get Back
Hidden Files)

Malicious of Dark Knight - "Hack To Learn, Don't Learn To Hack"

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik darXness darXness
skrng nie tgh fikir camtu gak.since fileserver ada,rasenya boleh
selitkan LDAP dengan printer tu.sebab ada perasan printer ni support
LDAP.tapi nak kene check balik.nak buat sekrang tak leh sebab ramai
guna.maybe hari sabtu nanti boleh test.thanx for idea man.

2011/4/11 Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan :
> kalau printer/mesin fotostat tu boleh guna LDAP authentication, boleh setup
> satu LDAP server, dimana username dan password disitu boleh digunakan untuk
> printer, juga untuk aplikasi lain seperti email.
> 2011/4/11 darXness darXness 
>> sharuzzaman:
>> "least disruption".yup.betul2.staff takkan setutju dengan perubahan
>> yang mendadak sangat.thats why dalam plan.projek nie makan masa 6
>> bln,or maybe lebih fasa-fasa perubahan tu yang nak kena
>> slow-slow tapi menjadik.and nak make sure semua orang dapat
>> follow.first step ntuk aplikasikan OSS,saya dah implement File Server
>> untuk elakkan masalah virus dalam fileserver.
>> mengenai CUPS accounting,ntuk PC yang print terus ke printer takde
>> masalah.just masalah kalau nak scan dengan fotostat.sebab user
>> authentication tu running dalam kalau kite pakai cups,risau
>> staff boleh fotostat and scan anonymously.:(
>> 2011/4/11 Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan :
>> > Saya meyokong konsep "least disruption".  Pengguna IT dalam satu-satu
>> > organisasi biasanya tak setuju dengan sebarang perubahan mendadak. Jadi
>> > kena
>> > buat perubahan secara perlahan-lahan dan sedikit demi sedikit.
>> >
>> > Cara paling mudah untuk mengaplikasikan Sumber Terbuka adalah dengan
>> > menyelesaikan masalah sedia ada, yang mana sistem sekarang tak boleh
>> > selesaikan.
>> >
>> > Contoh:
>> >
>> > 1. Sistem email sekarang banyak spam, jadi pasangkan satu spam filter
>> > dihadapan email server semasa, untuk menapis spam tersebut. Tiada
>> > perubahan
>> > pada sistem email, jadi pengguna tak perlu setting apa-apa. Bila spam
>> > berjaya dikurangkan, promosikan kepada pengguna bahawa spam telah
>> > berjaya
>> > dikurangkan kerana penggunaan perisian Sumber Terbuka yang bagus serta
>> > menjimatkan kos.
>> >
>> > 2. Account tracking untuk printer tu boleh buat dengan menggunakan CUPS.
>> > Lihat .
>> > Jika
>> > masalah tersebut berjaya diselesaikan, boleh teruskan promosi kepada
>> > pengguna bahawa print accounting itu menggunakan perisian Sumber Terbuka
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>> >>
>> >> AsSalam...
>> >>
>> >> nak mnx idea skit.skrng nie tgh planning 1 projek@ikas.nak gune
>> >> OSS lam tmpt ak far planning ikut phase2,nie yg da dpt idea
>> >> skrng nie,
>> >> ==
>> >> 1.Research
>> >> Problem status
>> >> Pilih oss yang nak pakai
>> >> perbandingan OSS/Windows.sbb nak
>> >> research (sebelum-semasa-selepas)
>> >> prepare kertas cadangan
>> >>
>> >> 2.Prepare Infrastructur(hardware etc) + Modul
>> >> WIM/Modul penggunaan Ubuntu + (ntuk lecturer)
>> >> Infrastructur (setting printer,server etc)
>> >>
>> >> 3.Training staff/lecturer
>> >> Install Ubuntu kat Lab (Ubuntu/O0o/setting)
>> >> Install OOo kat komp staff n lecturer
>> >>
>> >> 4.Update current WIM
>> >> Update/convert WIM yang akan digunakan dlm sesi pengajaran
>> >> Training utk studnt-diajar dlm sesi pengajaran
>> >>
>> >> 5.Finalize
>> >> Kuatkuasa penguatkuasaan penggunaan
>> >> Pemantauan dan helpdesk
>> >>
>> >> ===
>> >> ade idea laen x?or nak tmbh2 ke.sbb nie projek OSS 1st kat sini.thanx
>> >> =D
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> MOSC2011 and
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
>> >
>> > --
>> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >
>> >
>> > MOSC2011 and
>> >
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011 and
> --
> Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
kalau printer/mesin fotostat tu boleh guna LDAP authentication, boleh setup
satu LDAP server, dimana username dan password disitu boleh digunakan untuk
printer, juga untuk aplikasi lain seperti email.

2011/4/11 darXness darXness 

> sharuzzaman:
> "least disruption".yup.betul2.staff takkan setutju dengan perubahan
> yang mendadak sangat.thats why dalam plan.projek nie makan masa 6
> bln,or maybe lebih fasa-fasa perubahan tu yang nak kena
> slow-slow tapi menjadik.and nak make sure semua orang dapat
> follow.first step ntuk aplikasikan OSS,saya dah implement File Server
> untuk elakkan masalah virus dalam fileserver.
> mengenai CUPS accounting,ntuk PC yang print terus ke printer takde
> masalah.just masalah kalau nak scan dengan fotostat.sebab user
> authentication tu running dalam kalau kite pakai cups,risau
> staff boleh fotostat and scan anonymously.:(
> 2011/4/11 Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan :
> > Saya meyokong konsep "least disruption".  Pengguna IT dalam satu-satu
> > organisasi biasanya tak setuju dengan sebarang perubahan mendadak. Jadi
> kena
> > buat perubahan secara perlahan-lahan dan sedikit demi sedikit.
> >
> > Cara paling mudah untuk mengaplikasikan Sumber Terbuka adalah dengan
> > menyelesaikan masalah sedia ada, yang mana sistem sekarang tak boleh
> > selesaikan.
> >
> > Contoh:
> >
> > 1. Sistem email sekarang banyak spam, jadi pasangkan satu spam filter
> > dihadapan email server semasa, untuk menapis spam tersebut. Tiada
> perubahan
> > pada sistem email, jadi pengguna tak perlu setting apa-apa. Bila spam
> > berjaya dikurangkan, promosikan kepada pengguna bahawa spam telah berjaya
> > dikurangkan kerana penggunaan perisian Sumber Terbuka yang bagus serta
> > menjimatkan kos.
> >
> > 2. Account tracking untuk printer tu boleh buat dengan menggunakan CUPS.
> > Lihat .
> Jika
> > masalah tersebut berjaya diselesaikan, boleh teruskan promosi kepada
> > pengguna bahawa print accounting itu menggunakan perisian Sumber Terbuka
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
> >>
> >> AsSalam...
> >>
> >> nak mnx idea skit.skrng nie tgh planning 1 projek@ikas.nak gune
> >> OSS lam tmpt ak far planning ikut phase2,nie yg da dpt idea
> >> skrng nie,
> >> ==
> >> 1.Research
> >> Problem status
> >> Pilih oss yang nak pakai
> >> perbandingan OSS/Windows.sbb nak
> >> research (sebelum-semasa-selepas)
> >> prepare kertas cadangan
> >>
> >> 2.Prepare Infrastructur(hardware etc) + Modul
> >> WIM/Modul penggunaan Ubuntu + (ntuk lecturer)
> >> Infrastructur (setting printer,server etc)
> >>
> >> 3.Training staff/lecturer
> >> Install Ubuntu kat Lab (Ubuntu/O0o/setting)
> >> Install OOo kat komp staff n lecturer
> >>
> >> 4.Update current WIM
> >> Update/convert WIM yang akan digunakan dlm sesi pengajaran
> >> Training utk studnt-diajar dlm sesi pengajaran
> >>
> >> 5.Finalize
> >> Kuatkuasa penguatkuasaan penggunaan
> >> Pemantauan dan helpdesk
> >>
> >> ===
> >> ade idea laen x?or nak tmbh2 ke.sbb nie projek OSS 1st kat sini.thanx =D
> >>
> >> --
> >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >>
> >>
> >> MOSC2011 and
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >
> >
> > MOSC2011 and
> >
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Najah
3rd July is Sunday. So We plan to have a community gathering at that time.

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <> wrote:

> Yes same time and date 3rd july for community and 4th 5th july  official
> conference.
> On 11 Apr 2011 08:42, "sweemeng ng"  wrote:
> Same time same date?
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Garfield WTF  wrote:
> >
> > Izzit this Bay View?
> ...
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>  --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik darXness darXness

"least disruption".yup.betul2.staff takkan setutju dengan perubahan
yang mendadak sangat.thats why dalam plan.projek nie makan masa 6
bln,or maybe lebih fasa-fasa perubahan tu yang nak kena
slow-slow tapi menjadik.and nak make sure semua orang dapat
follow.first step ntuk aplikasikan OSS,saya dah implement File Server
untuk elakkan masalah virus dalam fileserver.

mengenai CUPS accounting,ntuk PC yang print terus ke printer takde
masalah.just masalah kalau nak scan dengan fotostat.sebab user
authentication tu running dalam kalau kite pakai cups,risau
staff boleh fotostat and scan anonymously.:(

2011/4/11 Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan :
> Saya meyokong konsep "least disruption".  Pengguna IT dalam satu-satu
> organisasi biasanya tak setuju dengan sebarang perubahan mendadak. Jadi kena
> buat perubahan secara perlahan-lahan dan sedikit demi sedikit.
> Cara paling mudah untuk mengaplikasikan Sumber Terbuka adalah dengan
> menyelesaikan masalah sedia ada, yang mana sistem sekarang tak boleh
> selesaikan.
> Contoh:
> 1. Sistem email sekarang banyak spam, jadi pasangkan satu spam filter
> dihadapan email server semasa, untuk menapis spam tersebut. Tiada perubahan
> pada sistem email, jadi pengguna tak perlu setting apa-apa. Bila spam
> berjaya dikurangkan, promosikan kepada pengguna bahawa spam telah berjaya
> dikurangkan kerana penggunaan perisian Sumber Terbuka yang bagus serta
> menjimatkan kos.
> 2. Account tracking untuk printer tu boleh buat dengan menggunakan CUPS.
> Lihat . Jika
> masalah tersebut berjaya diselesaikan, boleh teruskan promosi kepada
> pengguna bahawa print accounting itu menggunakan perisian Sumber Terbuka
> 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>> AsSalam...
>> nak mnx idea skit.skrng nie tgh planning 1 projek@ikas.nak gune
>> OSS lam tmpt ak far planning ikut phase2,nie yg da dpt idea
>> skrng nie,
>> ==
>> 1.Research
>> Problem status
>> Pilih oss yang nak pakai
>> perbandingan OSS/Windows.sbb nak
>> research (sebelum-semasa-selepas)
>> prepare kertas cadangan
>> 2.Prepare Infrastructur(hardware etc) + Modul
>> WIM/Modul penggunaan Ubuntu + (ntuk lecturer)
>> Infrastructur (setting printer,server etc)
>> 3.Training staff/lecturer
>> Install Ubuntu kat Lab (Ubuntu/O0o/setting)
>> Install OOo kat komp staff n lecturer
>> 4.Update current WIM
>> Update/convert WIM yang akan digunakan dlm sesi pengajaran
>> Training utk studnt-diajar dlm sesi pengajaran
>> 5.Finalize
>> Kuatkuasa penguatkuasaan penggunaan
>> Pemantauan dan helpdesk
>> ===
>> ade idea laen x?or nak tmbh2 ke.sbb nie projek OSS 1st kat sini.thanx =D
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> MOSC2011 and
> --
> Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Saya meyokong konsep "least disruption".  Pengguna IT dalam satu-satu
organisasi biasanya tak setuju dengan sebarang perubahan mendadak. Jadi kena
buat perubahan secara perlahan-lahan dan sedikit demi sedikit.

Cara paling mudah untuk mengaplikasikan Sumber Terbuka adalah dengan
menyelesaikan masalah sedia ada, yang mana sistem sekarang tak boleh


1. Sistem email sekarang banyak spam, jadi pasangkan satu spam filter
dihadapan email server semasa, untuk menapis spam tersebut. Tiada perubahan
pada sistem email, jadi pengguna tak perlu setting apa-apa. Bila spam
berjaya dikurangkan, promosikan kepada pengguna bahawa spam telah berjaya
dikurangkan kerana penggunaan perisian Sumber Terbuka yang bagus serta
menjimatkan kos.

2. Account tracking untuk printer tu boleh buat dengan menggunakan CUPS.
Lihat . Jika
masalah tersebut berjaya diselesaikan, boleh teruskan promosi kepada
pengguna bahawa print accounting itu menggunakan perisian Sumber Terbuka

2011/4/10 darXness darXness 

> AsSalam...
> nak mnx idea skit.skrng nie tgh planning 1 projek@ikas.nak gune
> OSS lam tmpt ak far planning ikut phase2,nie yg da dpt idea
> skrng nie,
> ==
> 1.Research
> Problem status
> Pilih oss yang nak pakai
> perbandingan OSS/Windows.sbb nak
> research (sebelum-semasa-selepas)
> prepare kertas cadangan
> 2.Prepare Infrastructur(hardware etc) + Modul
> WIM/Modul penggunaan Ubuntu + (ntuk lecturer)
> Infrastructur (setting printer,server etc)
> 3.Training staff/lecturer
> Install Ubuntu kat Lab (Ubuntu/O0o/setting)
> Install OOo kat komp staff n lecturer
> 4.Update current WIM
> Update/convert WIM yang akan digunakan dlm sesi pengajaran
> Training utk studnt-diajar dlm sesi pengajaran
> 5.Finalize
> Kuatkuasa penguatkuasaan penggunaan
> Pemantauan dan helpdesk
> ===
> ade idea laen x?or nak tmbh2 ke.sbb nie projek OSS 1st kat sini.thanx =D
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Release Party Photos

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar

On 04/10/2011 07:11 PM, Garfield WTF wrote:
To those who have uploaded the photos of the release 
party(OpenSuse+Debian+Gnome3), can you please post the link of the 
album here?

*GarfieldWTF *
Debian User Community (Malaysia)
*CS Squad VPS Hosting *

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] API - how to use it in your portlet development

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Boh Yap

woot, looked at the API docs and its way too ugly... its Java, I
prefer sane programming languages like Python, perhaps Haskell,
SmallTalk, Lisp... (which I'll like to learn..)

Any an API, - and I'm speaking generically, as I don't know Java, and
probably will never learn it..., is nothing more than a standard way
for 2 programs to talk to each other. It basically define functions,
or in OOP, classes & methods and how you call them, ie: what are the
arguments/parameters to pass etc...

Also APIs are used differently depending on wether you are using a
framework or a library.

In a library, your code calls the libarry code using the 'rules' laid
out in the API, call a function, or you instantiate a library's class
and make use of it. So in this case, you can write/organize your code
anyway you want, so long as you just make sure you pass the correct
types of arguments etc... then you are OK.

When using a framework, its the other way around, the framework calls
your code! Hence you have to write your code to conform to the API
that the framework demands. ie: your class (if its OOP, like Java)
must have a specific name, or it must have specific methods that take
certain types of arguments. So you have a lot more restrictions on how
to write your code! But its suppose to be good for you, as the
framework designer knows best and is probably smarter, wiser etc...

And in 'strongly typed languages' it gets more complicated because all
the types have to match, either that or you do 'cast'/conversion and
adaptations, kind of messy.

BTW from what I read up the VineToolkit is a sort of MVC (Model View
Controller) framework (Wikipedia) and "portlets" are dynamic
objects that render part of a page, that then get aggregated and
served out to form the whole page (using Flex?! why?). - it looks like
a very complicated way to do things ;-)

 Can probably do the same thing with less effort with PHP and JS,
and I do it pretty much simpler with Python.

..can't help more than that, sorry ;-)

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 12:58 PM, Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani
> okay my bad. The portal framework is Gridsphere. VT is actually one of the
> grid components to support the grid middleware.
> after much fiddling, hair-pulling, and Starcrafting, I managed to get a
> workaround to my problem. But the API thing is still unresolvable.
> I see API as a sort of library that can be used during our project
> development. If I want a certain function to work on my project, I still
> refer to the API and use the packages available. Is this a good reflection
> of what API is? How do you people use API?
> Please correct me if I am wrong.
> ◄►
> Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani (Ann) AC080144
> (3SCB) Bsc Computer Science (Bioinformatics)
> 012-5934575
> Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 11:34:09 +0800
> Subject: Re: [osdcmy] API - how to use it in your portlet development
> From:
> To:
> ok i am trying to guess what you are trying to do
> vine toolkit is not really a framework ! it's a library to give you nice
> grids : - think of it like jquery ui
> flex is a framework :
> look at demo using liferay as the portal framework :
> liferay has a lot more documentation, so use it to create your portlet, then
> only put the vine toolkit layer on top of it.
> if you are using the flex ide, consider using eclipse or netbeans or
> intellij or something 
> i dont use liferay, nor do i use flex. this is the first time i am looking
> at vine.
> spend time learning and using web application frameworks like liferay,
> grails, adempiere, then if anything goes wrong, blame it on the
> framework !
> would be really cool if you could write about how to use the api in
> adempiere. maybe you can create a blogging website or forum using adempiere.
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel
>  wrote:
> Anyone can help her on this?
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 11:41 PM, Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani
>  wrote:
>> Assalamualaikum and hi everyone
>> Despite the subject, I'm very much stressed out right now. How do I use an
>> API (in my case, Vine Toolkit API?
>> I've been staring at the classes methods whatever only to find myself
>> getting into this very deep confusion and tense.
>> I have to come up with a portlet (Flex and Java based), and Vine Toolkit
>> is
>> the framework on which this portlet is deployed to. I've been searching
>> directories and files without really knowing what am I doing.
>> Call me noob whatever, I'm still learning, so much apologize for t

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik saiful
cool brother haris, i will be there

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <> wrote:

> Yes same time and date 3rd july for community and 4th 5th july  official
> conference.
> On 11 Apr 2011 08:42, "sweemeng ng"  wrote:
> Same time same date?
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Garfield WTF  wrote:
> >
> > Izzit this Bay View?
> ...
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>  --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

"When there are Thousand of People go against you and only one at your side,
trust me, I'm the one - akusaiful".

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Harisfazillah Jamel
Yes same time and date 3rd july for community and 4th 5th july  official

On 11 Apr 2011 08:42, "sweemeng ng"  wrote:

Same time same date?

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Garfield WTF  wrote:
> Izzit this Bay View?

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik sweemeng ng
Same time same date?

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Garfield WTF  wrote:

> Izzit this Bay View?
> --
> *GarfieldWTF *
> Debian User Community (Malaysia)
> **
> -
> *CS Squad VPS Hosting *
>  --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
Izzit this Bay View?

*GarfieldWTF *
Debian User Community (Malaysia)
*CS Squad VPS Hosting *

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik saiful
penang?  date? i will be there tak kira berapa jauh

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel <> wrote:

> Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera,
> During OpenSuse 11.4 Debian and Gnome3 we announce MOSC2011 officially
> start we the start of the operation team lead by
> Project Director : Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
> Project Manager : Khairunnajah Abd Kadir
> Venue : Bay View Batu Ferringi Penang
> Organizer : & AMDI-USM
> The team will be from MOSC2011 mailing list. If you are interested to
> join in the operation team please join the list at
> We need all the help that we can get, virtual and realtime (hehehe)
> Thanks.
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

"When there are Thousand of People go against you and only one at your side,
trust me, I'm the one - akusaiful".

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

MOSC2011 and

[osdcmy] MOSC 2011 Officially Start And Venue

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Harisfazillah Jamel
Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera,

During OpenSuse 11.4 Debian and Gnome3 we announce MOSC2011 officially
start we the start of the operation team lead by

Project Director : Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan

Project Manager : Khairunnajah Abd Kadir

Venue : Bay View Batu Ferringi Penang

Organizer : & AMDI-USM

The team will be from MOSC2011 mailing list. If you are interested to
join in the operation team please join the list at

We need all the help that we can get, virtual and realtime (hehehe)


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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Release Party Photos

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Muhammad Syafiq
Bro, i think umarzuki got in his fb album. Btw, other please let know too..

*damn, i didnt bring my cam. Bad. :(

محمد شافق بن مذلي
Muhammad Syafiq Bin Mazli
67C2 1C07 FDEC 09ED DE58
1ED8 FF26 6105 142D CBE2

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 7:11 PM, Garfield WTF  wrote:

> To those who have uploaded the photos of the release
> party(OpenSuse+Debian+Gnome3), can you please post the link of the album
> here?
> --
> *GarfieldWTF *
> Debian User Community (Malaysia)
> **
> -
> *CS Squad VPS Hosting *
>  --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> MOSC2011 and

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MOSC2011 and

[osdcmy] Re: Program Pahang With MDeC

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Basyeer Linux
program tersebut berjalan dengan hampir jayanya. congrats to all

On Apr 8, 4:48 pm, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini 
> Salam semua.
> Minta maaf sangat-sangat sebab last minute maklumkan tak dapat ikut sebab
> terlibat dengan urusan kerja yang sama-sama last minute. Rugi sangat tak
> dapat ikut :(.
> Next time kalau ada maklumkan awal-awal..saya uruskan masa awal-awal :).
> Terima kasih buat yang menawar dan memanggil :)
> 2011/4/6 Harisfazillah Jamel 
> > Tiada menjadi masalah. Walaupun sekejap ia cukup bermakna. Kita semua
> > adalah sukarela. Pada masa yang kita mampu luangkan.
> > 2011/4/6 zayn 
> >>  Waalaikumsalam wbt...
> >> terima kasih atas makluman ini..
> >> saya mohon maaf kerana tidak dapat bersama disepanjang program ini kerana
> >> ada komitment lain yg bertindih. Mungkin hanya pada 9hb pagi sahaja.Jika
> >> dapat berjumpa pada 8hb petang diJerantut atau minum pagi 9hb.
> >> Tidak pasti apa bahan-bahan yg diperlukan utk program tersebut. Cuma
> >> terdapat ebook yg didownload sendiri (dlm CD) spt  Beginning Ubuntu Linux -
> >> From Novice To Professional, Linux Bible 2010, linux Format Magazine,
> >> LPIC-1_ Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide, 2nd Edition
> >> dan 1, 2 lg yg mungkin hasil dr rakan-rakan kita yg lain yg pernah saya
> >> download. Itu pun dlm 20 - 30 keping yg dapat saya bantu. (bako sendiri je)
> >> InsyaALLAH..
> >> Sekali lagi saya memohon maaf kerana tidak dapat memberi komitment
> >> sepenuhnya didalam program ini.
> >> selamat datang ke Pahang Darul Makmur.
> >>  --
> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >
> > MOSC2011
> --
> Muhd Syazwan @ jipang_menjerit
> http://blog.ubuntuseekers.com
> One Online Radio :: Radio yang Suka Bercakap

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik darXness darXness
err,putrajaya?xde lah.kat Showme ni.nak masuk lam putrajaya kene
kabel kuat2.haha
about the printer,sekarang ni pakai Konica Minolta Di2510 n Konica
Minolta C451.driver ada,boleh install.tapi masalahnya,sekrang ni pakai
Account user kene masukkan username dengan password,baru
boleh print,scan or fotostat.:(

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
> what printer are you using ?
> i have been able to use lots of printers - even the large photocopier style
> multi-functions colored laser printers
> i use laser printers
> brother / hp / canon / toshiba / xerox
> dont know about the inkjet / dot matrix though
> i think retaining windows is easier, coz does not cost much anyway - should
> be much cheaper cost the us$ rate has fallen
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 8:08 PM, darXness darXness 
> wrote:
>> raja:
>> nice one.i'll take note.maybe we should follow your step.must keep
>> certain pc use windows.because right now i still cant find solution
>> for the printer.:(
>> thanx bro raja for idea.:D
>> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
>>  wrote:
>> > pengalaman saya masa implement program hapuskan cetak rompak di former
>> > workplace
>> >
>> > do an inventory list of all hardware and software in the organisation
>> > for each of the software, find a compatible oss software and write a
>> > short
>> > feasibility for migrating, and cost benefit
>> > plan a program of internal training for the oss software over the next
>> > 12
>> > months
>> > appoint change leaders who can support problems with the oss software
>> >
>> > in my case, we still kept to ms windows (coz most of the time already
>> > bundled in the hardware), but we threw out ms office and dreamweaver and
>> > replaced with oo.o and netbeans, also all servers moved to either centos
>> > or
>> > ubuntu. anti virus software also upgraded on ms windows.
>> > except for the graphic designer whom we still needed macromedia studio
>> > edition
>> > we still decided to use ms windows, coz it was already bundled, accounts
>> > still needed to use ubs that can only run on windows, developers still
>> > preferred netbeans on windows coz it ran faster and more attractive.
>> > note that 12 months before that we had migrated our email hosting to
>> > google
>> > apps, and we were happy using google spreadsheet, so we did not have any
>> > problems with an alternative spreadsheet program. also the organisation
>> > had
>> > so many versions of ms office that the file formats did not work between
>> > each other and the cost of upgrading would have cost more than rm50k.
>> > we also encouraged the developers to dual-boot, since the servers that
>> > we
>> > implemented were linux based. and my team were required to blog on a
>> > monthly
>> > basis, so they would sometimes write about linux.
>> > and i was the 'mulut laser', esp if any of the managers were using an
>> > unlicensed software. then i would reply with a lengthy email about the
>> > bsa
>> > penalties for using cetak rompak.
>> > also we banned cetak rompak muzik / videos / sites
>> > as a result of all this:
>> >
>> > we saved more than rm50k for the company
>> > there were less incidences of virus / malware - coz of the control on
>> > software and blocking of sites
>> > the internet access was much improved
>> >
>> > challenges :
>> >
>> > people who do not respect intellectual property rights, and have no
>> > qualms
>> > of stealing / mencuri other people's stuff
>> > usage of oo.o was still low and most of it confined to my team, coz i
>> > insisted on all documentations in the oo.o format
>> >
>> > other things that we could have done :
>> >
>> > do a formal letter to all employees and counter-signed by them to follow
>> > these rules, in any case of 'cetak rompak' infringement, this will be
>> > treated as a disciplinary case (with 3 show cause warning, followed by
>> > disciplinary enquiry) and they will be personally liable for any fine /
>> > penalty
>> > inviting bsa to do an audit within the organisation - biar kecut perut
>> > staff
>> > kena audit
>> >
>> > in my view, employees need to always be aware that they work for the
>> > company. i have seen so many malay companies where the employees think
>> > that
>> > the company work for them and that they can do whatever they like.
>> > organisations need to have an active policy of retaining good employees
>> > and
>> > quickly getting rid of bad employees.
>> > this is an interesting read and you should give your boss to read :
>> >
>> >
>> > most mgmt books are lousy coz they dont address when and how to fire
>> > employees / sub-contractors
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>> >>
>> >> lutfi:agak menarik gak.nti kalau boleh,story detail sikit.
>> >> e1:info2 tu nanti diupdate.xsempat nak tulis skrang.
>> >> far skrng ni takde technician lagi.lecturer lelaki

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
what printer are you using ?

i have been able to use lots of printers - even the large photocopier style
multi-functions colored laser printers

i use laser printers
brother / hp / canon / toshiba / xerox

dont know about the inkjet / dot matrix though

i think retaining windows is easier, coz does not cost much anyway - should
be much cheaper cost the us$ rate has fallen

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 8:08 PM, darXness darXness wrote:

> raja:
> nice one.i'll take note.maybe we should follow your step.must keep
> certain pc use windows.because right now i still cant find solution
> for the printer.:(
> thanx bro raja for idea.:D
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
>  wrote:
> > pengalaman saya masa implement program hapuskan cetak rompak di former
> > workplace
> >
> > do an inventory list of all hardware and software in the organisation
> > for each of the software, find a compatible oss software and write a
> short
> > feasibility for migrating, and cost benefit
> > plan a program of internal training for the oss software over the next 12
> > months
> > appoint change leaders who can support problems with the oss software
> >
> > in my case, we still kept to ms windows (coz most of the time already
> > bundled in the hardware), but we threw out ms office and dreamweaver and
> > replaced with oo.o and netbeans, also all servers moved to either centos
> or
> > ubuntu. anti virus software also upgraded on ms windows.
> > except for the graphic designer whom we still needed macromedia studio
> > edition
> > we still decided to use ms windows, coz it was already bundled, accounts
> > still needed to use ubs that can only run on windows, developers still
> > preferred netbeans on windows coz it ran faster and more attractive.
> > note that 12 months before that we had migrated our email hosting to
> google
> > apps, and we were happy using google spreadsheet, so we did not have any
> > problems with an alternative spreadsheet program. also the organisation
> had
> > so many versions of ms office that the file formats did not work between
> > each other and the cost of upgrading would have cost more than rm50k.
> > we also encouraged the developers to dual-boot, since the servers that we
> > implemented were linux based. and my team were required to blog on a
> monthly
> > basis, so they would sometimes write about linux.
> > and i was the 'mulut laser', esp if any of the managers were using an
> > unlicensed software. then i would reply with a lengthy email about the
> bsa
> > penalties for using cetak rompak.
> > also we banned cetak rompak muzik / videos / sites
> > as a result of all this:
> >
> > we saved more than rm50k for the company
> > there were less incidences of virus / malware - coz of the control on
> > software and blocking of sites
> > the internet access was much improved
> >
> > challenges :
> >
> > people who do not respect intellectual property rights, and have no
> qualms
> > of stealing / mencuri other people's stuff
> > usage of oo.o was still low and most of it confined to my team, coz i
> > insisted on all documentations in the oo.o format
> >
> > other things that we could have done :
> >
> > do a formal letter to all employees and counter-signed by them to follow
> > these rules, in any case of 'cetak rompak' infringement, this will be
> > treated as a disciplinary case (with 3 show cause warning, followed by
> > disciplinary enquiry) and they will be personally liable for any fine /
> > penalty
> > inviting bsa to do an audit within the organisation - biar kecut perut
> staff
> > kena audit
> >
> > in my view, employees need to always be aware that they work for the
> > company. i have seen so many malay companies where the employees think
> that
> > the company work for them and that they can do whatever they like.
> > organisations need to have an active policy of retaining good employees
> and
> > quickly getting rid of bad employees.
> > this is an interesting read and you should give your boss to read :
> >
> > most mgmt books are lousy coz they dont address when and how to fire
> > employees / sub-contractors
> >
> >
> >
> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
> >>
> >> lutfi:agak menarik gak.nti kalau boleh,story detail sikit.
> >> e1:info2 tu nanti diupdate.xsempat nak tulis skrang.
> >> far skrng ni takde technician lagi.lecturer lelaki
> >> yang bese jadi technician :(
> >> adzmely:hurm...menarik.takpe nanti saya mintak dengan bro haris.thanx
> man.
> >> thanx all =D
> >>
> >> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
> >> > bagi saya untuk perubahan sebegini, technicality adalah perkara kedua,
> >> > "change management" plan mesti diatur dengan baik dan strategi yang
> jauh
> >> > kehadapan. Sila baca mengenai kerts kerja yang haris email kepada list
> >> > mengenai bagaimana satu organisasi yang berubah dari OSS kepada
> >> > Windows/dll.
> >> > Dan kebanyakkan stress bag

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik darXness darXness
nice one.i'll take note.maybe we should follow your step.must keep
certain pc use windows.because right now i still cant find solution
for the printer.:(

thanx bro raja for idea.:D

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah
> pengalaman saya masa implement program hapuskan cetak rompak di former
> workplace
> do an inventory list of all hardware and software in the organisation
> for each of the software, find a compatible oss software and write a short
> feasibility for migrating, and cost benefit
> plan a program of internal training for the oss software over the next 12
> months
> appoint change leaders who can support problems with the oss software
> in my case, we still kept to ms windows (coz most of the time already
> bundled in the hardware), but we threw out ms office and dreamweaver and
> replaced with oo.o and netbeans, also all servers moved to either centos or
> ubuntu. anti virus software also upgraded on ms windows.
> except for the graphic designer whom we still needed macromedia studio
> edition
> we still decided to use ms windows, coz it was already bundled, accounts
> still needed to use ubs that can only run on windows, developers still
> preferred netbeans on windows coz it ran faster and more attractive.
> note that 12 months before that we had migrated our email hosting to google
> apps, and we were happy using google spreadsheet, so we did not have any
> problems with an alternative spreadsheet program. also the organisation had
> so many versions of ms office that the file formats did not work between
> each other and the cost of upgrading would have cost more than rm50k.
> we also encouraged the developers to dual-boot, since the servers that we
> implemented were linux based. and my team were required to blog on a monthly
> basis, so they would sometimes write about linux.
> and i was the 'mulut laser', esp if any of the managers were using an
> unlicensed software. then i would reply with a lengthy email about the bsa
> penalties for using cetak rompak.
> also we banned cetak rompak muzik / videos / sites
> as a result of all this:
> we saved more than rm50k for the company
> there were less incidences of virus / malware - coz of the control on
> software and blocking of sites
> the internet access was much improved
> challenges :
> people who do not respect intellectual property rights, and have no qualms
> of stealing / mencuri other people's stuff
> usage of oo.o was still low and most of it confined to my team, coz i
> insisted on all documentations in the oo.o format
> other things that we could have done :
> do a formal letter to all employees and counter-signed by them to follow
> these rules, in any case of 'cetak rompak' infringement, this will be
> treated as a disciplinary case (with 3 show cause warning, followed by
> disciplinary enquiry) and they will be personally liable for any fine /
> penalty
> inviting bsa to do an audit within the organisation - biar kecut perut staff
> kena audit
> in my view, employees need to always be aware that they work for the
> company. i have seen so many malay companies where the employees think that
> the company work for them and that they can do whatever they like.
> organisations need to have an active policy of retaining good employees and
> quickly getting rid of bad employees.
> this is an interesting read and you should give your boss to read :
> most mgmt books are lousy coz they dont address when and how to fire
> employees / sub-contractors
> 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>> lutfi:agak menarik gak.nti kalau boleh,story detail sikit.
>> e1:info2 tu nanti diupdate.xsempat nak tulis skrang.
>> far skrng ni takde technician lagi.lecturer lelaki
>> yang bese jadi technician :(
>> adzmely:hurm...menarik.takpe nanti saya mintak dengan bro haris.thanx man.
>> thanx all =D
>> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
>> > bagi saya untuk perubahan sebegini, technicality adalah perkara kedua,
>> > "change management" plan mesti diatur dengan baik dan strategi yang jauh
>> > kehadapan. Sila baca mengenai kerts kerja yang haris email kepada list
>> > mengenai bagaimana satu organisasi yang berubah dari OSS kepada
>> > Windows/dll.
>> > Dan kebanyakkan stress bagi engineer/technical people adalah handling
>> > people, bukan berkaitan sangat mengenai technicality.
>> > just my opinion as orang tua...
>> > Allahualam,
>> > Regards.
>> >
>> >
>> > 2011/4/10 saiful 
>> >>
>> >> e1 mungkin boleh menambah untuk technician itu, kalau perempuan sudah
>> >> berkahwin atau belum?
>> >> just joke untuk hilangkan tensen :)
>> >> jangan marah e1
>> >>
>> >> 2011/4/10 Mohd Hidzuan Zainul Hashim 
>> >>>
>> >>> Salam tuan
>> >>>
>> >>> Boleh bagi senario disana, mungkin dpt membantu pakar2 disini memberi
>> >>> pendapat yang bernas supaya mengelakkan tuan dr tertekan
>> >>>
>> >>> Sbg contoh,
>> >>> - berapa ra

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Raja Iskandar Shah
pengalaman saya masa implement program hapuskan cetak rompak di former

   1. do an inventory list of all hardware and software in the organisation
   2. for each of the software, find a compatible oss software and write a
   short feasibility for migrating, and cost benefit
   3. plan a program of internal training for the oss software over the next
   12 months
   4. appoint change leaders who can support problems with the oss software

in my case, we still kept to ms windows (coz most of the time already
bundled in the hardware), but we threw out ms office and dreamweaver and
replaced with oo.o and netbeans, also all servers moved to either centos or
ubuntu. anti virus software also upgraded on ms windows.

except for the graphic designer whom we still needed macromedia studio

we still decided to use ms windows, coz it was already bundled, accounts
still needed to use ubs that can only run on windows, developers still
preferred netbeans on windows coz it ran faster and more attractive.

note that 12 months before that we had migrated our email hosting to google
apps, and we were happy using google spreadsheet, so we did not have any
problems with an alternative spreadsheet program. also the organisation had
so many versions of ms office that the file formats did not work between
each other and the cost of upgrading would have cost more than rm50k.

we also encouraged the developers to dual-boot, since the servers that we
implemented were linux based. and my team were required to blog on a monthly
basis, so they would sometimes write about linux.

and i was the 'mulut laser', esp if any of the managers were using an
unlicensed software. then i would reply with a lengthy email about the bsa
penalties for using cetak rompak.

also we banned cetak rompak muzik / videos / sites

as a result of all this:

   1. we saved more than rm50k for the company
   2. there were less incidences of virus / malware - coz of the control on
   software and blocking of sites
   3. the internet access was much improved

challenges :

   1. people who do not respect intellectual property rights, and have no
   qualms of stealing / mencuri other people's stuff
   2. usage of oo.o was still low and most of it confined to my team, coz i
   insisted on all documentations in the oo.o format

other things that we could have done :

   1. do a formal letter to all employees and counter-signed by them to
   follow these rules, in any case of 'cetak rompak' infringement, this will be
   treated as a disciplinary case (with 3 show cause warning, followed by
   disciplinary enquiry) and they will be personally liable for any fine /
   2. inviting bsa to do an audit within the organisation - biar kecut perut
   staff kena audit

in my view, employees need to always be aware that they work for the
company. i have seen so many malay companies where the employees think that
the company work for them and that they can do whatever they like.
organisations need to have an active policy of retaining good employees and
quickly getting rid of bad employees.

this is an interesting read and you should give your boss to read :

most mgmt books are lousy coz they dont address when and how to fire
employees / sub-contractors

2011/4/10 darXness darXness 

lutfi:agak menarik gak.nti kalau boleh,story detail sikit.
> e1:info2 tu nanti diupdate.xsempat nak tulis skrang.
> far skrng ni takde technician lagi.lecturer lelaki
> yang bese jadi technician :(
> adzmely:hurm...menarik.takpe nanti saya mintak dengan bro haris.thanx man.
> thanx all =D
> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
> > bagi saya untuk perubahan sebegini, technicality adalah perkara kedua,
> > "change management" plan mesti diatur dengan baik dan strategi yang jauh
> > kehadapan. Sila baca mengenai kerts kerja yang haris email kepada list
> > mengenai bagaimana satu organisasi yang berubah dari OSS kepada
> Windows/dll.
> > Dan kebanyakkan stress bagi engineer/technical people adalah handling
> > people, bukan berkaitan sangat mengenai technicality.
> > just my opinion as orang tua...
> > Allahualam,
> > Regards.
> >
> >
> > 2011/4/10 saiful 
> >>
> >> e1 mungkin boleh menambah untuk technician itu, kalau perempuan sudah
> >> berkahwin atau belum?
> >> just joke untuk hilangkan tensen :)
> >> jangan marah e1
> >>
> >> 2011/4/10 Mohd Hidzuan Zainul Hashim 
> >>>
> >>> Salam tuan
> >>>
> >>> Boleh bagi senario disana, mungkin dpt membantu pakar2 disini memberi
> >>> pendapat yang bernas supaya mengelakkan tuan dr tertekan
> >>>
> >>> Sbg contoh,
> >>> - berapa ramai student
> >>>  - yg guna lab berapa kursus? Avg no#?
> >>> - berapa ramai staf
> >>>  - ada IT department kah
> >>>  - berapa ramai peg IT? Tahap
> >>>kecekapan
> >>> - fasiliti sedia ada?
> >>>  - ada DC ker?
> >>>  - how many server? Running what?
> >>>  - berapa lab yg ada?
> >>>  - perisian 

[osdcmy] Release Party Photos

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Garfield WTF
To those who have uploaded the photos of the release
party(OpenSuse+Debian+Gnome3), can you please post the link of the album

*GarfieldWTF *
Debian User Community (Malaysia)
*CS Squad VPS Hosting *

To unsubscribe from and detail about this group

MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik darXness darXness
lutfi:agak menarik gak.nti kalau boleh,story detail sikit.
e1:info2 tu nanti diupdate.xsempat nak tulis skrang. far skrng ni takde technician lagi.lecturer lelaki
yang bese jadi technician :(
adzmely:hurm...menarik.takpe nanti saya mintak dengan bro haris.thanx man.

thanx all =D

2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
> bagi saya untuk perubahan sebegini, technicality adalah perkara kedua,
> "change management" plan mesti diatur dengan baik dan strategi yang jauh
> kehadapan. Sila baca mengenai kerts kerja yang haris email kepada list
> mengenai bagaimana satu organisasi yang berubah dari OSS kepada Windows/dll.
> Dan kebanyakkan stress bagi engineer/technical people adalah handling
> people, bukan berkaitan sangat mengenai technicality.
> just my opinion as orang tua...
> Allahualam,
> Regards.
> 2011/4/10 saiful 
>> e1 mungkin boleh menambah untuk technician itu, kalau perempuan sudah
>> berkahwin atau belum?
>> just joke untuk hilangkan tensen :)
>> jangan marah e1
>> 2011/4/10 Mohd Hidzuan Zainul Hashim 
>>> Salam tuan
>>> Boleh bagi senario disana, mungkin dpt membantu pakar2 disini memberi
>>> pendapat yang bernas supaya mengelakkan tuan dr tertekan
>>> Sbg contoh,
>>> - berapa ramai student
>>>  - yg guna lab berapa kursus? Avg no#?
>>> - berapa ramai staf
>>>  - ada IT department kah
>>>  - berapa ramai peg IT? Tahap
>>>    kecekapan
>>> - fasiliti sedia ada?
>>>  - ada DC ker?
>>>  - how many server? Running what?
>>>  - berapa lab yg ada?
>>>  - perisian yg kerap digunakan
>>>  - spesifikasi lab
>>>  - lab technician ada kah? Pompuan atau
>>>    Lelaki ..
>>> Mungkin ada tambahan info lg yg diperlukan supaya senang bagi pakar2
>>> didalam mailing list utk membantu tuan ..
>>> Regards,
>>> e1
>>> Sent from GreenBerry®Mobile
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: darXness darXness 
>>> Sender:
>>> Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 15:20:20
>>> To: 
>>> Reply-To:
>>> Subject: Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS
>>> lutfi:terbaek.kerjasama yg macam mane?skrng nie ak tengah tension
>>> jer.ada je yang nak kondem2.haih.
>>> 2011/4/10 lutfi raffi :
>>> > darx... mungkin kita boleh bekerjasama untuk kajian yang saya sedang
>>> > lakukan...
>>> >
>>> > 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor 
>>> >>
>>> >> idea nya ialah untuk "tackle" hati/perasaan manusia yang terlibat
>>> >> secara
>>> >> langsung atau tidak langsung, supaya mereka memahami mengenai
>>> >> kerperluan
>>> >> "technological shift" tersebut, dan kelebihan/pulangan yang akan di
>>> >> hasilkan
>>> >> terhadap organisasi dan diri mereka sendiri daripada perkara tersebut.
>>> >> Untuk mengelakkan bantahan secara direct/indirect, kurangan
>>> >> produktiviti
>>> >> disebabkan retaliate dan perubahan tersebut, dll.
>>> >> Sebagaimana kita yang menggunakan tools/os/dll sumber terbuka,
>>> >> walaupun
>>> >> ada kengkangan, bila hati dah suka, dan faham apa untungnya untuk saya
>>> >> dan
>>> >> organisasi saya, kengkangan tersebut bukanlah satu permasalahan.
>>> >> lebih lanjut daripada wiki
>>> >> :
>>> >> Allahualam
>>> >>
>>> >> 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>>> >>>
>>> >>> adzmely:hukhuk.sorry.nanti ubah balik sebab xsempat
>>> >>> tdi.hahaha.boelh crite x macam mane Change Management tu?kurang faham
>>> >>> skit.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
>>> >>> > Assalaamualaikum,
>>> >>> > One important thing in this kind of project, "CHANGE MANAGEMENT",
>>> >>> > dan
>>> >>> > ini
>>> >>> > kena bermula dari awal lagi.
>>> >>> > Allahualam
>>> >>> > PS: boleh tak tulis email yang sebegini tanpa sebarang "sms style"
>>> >>> > short
>>> >>> > words. bukan apa orang tua macam saya ni lambat sikit nak
>>> >>> > baca/compute.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >> red1:masa estimated lam 3-6 bln.proof of concept rasenye xperlu
>>> >>> >> sgt,sbb bos sndir bgi arahn suh siapkn project ni.just kene wat
>>> >>> >> proper
>>> >>> >> ngn step2 dier.tu yg pening.hahha
>>> >>> >>
>>> >>> >> 2011/4/10 red1 :
>>> >>> >> > Berapa lama pulak tempoh untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut?
>>> >>> >> > Mungkin
>>> >>> >> > lama
>>> >>> >> > waktu dan tenaga yang diperlukan. Sekiranya terhad sumber atau
>>> >>> >> > tempoh
>>> >>> >> > yang
>>> >>> >> > diberikan, saya cadangkan buat satu POC (proof of concept) yang
>>> >>> >> > membuat
>>> >>> >> > perbandingan antara FOSS dan Windows versions lalu buktikan yang
>>> >>> >> > mana
>>> >>> >> > lebih
>>> >>> >> > cekap, mudah dan murah. Lepas itu persembahkan hasil kajian
>>> >>> >> > serta
>>> >>> >> > data
>>> >>> >> > benchmarking tersendiri kepada persidangan dimana jua dalam
>>> >>> >> > dunia.
>>> >>> >> > Boleh
>>> >>> >> > dapat doctorate kot satu hari nanti. Tambah $$$ dan makin ramai
>>> >>> >> > pengikut
>>> >>> >> > saudara nanti. Pemangkin yang diperlukan hari ini dalam FOSS
>>> >>> >> > tempatan
>>> >>> >>

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Adzmely Mansor
bagi saya untuk perubahan sebegini, technicality adalah perkara kedua,
"change management" plan mesti diatur dengan baik dan strategi yang jauh
kehadapan. Sila baca mengenai kerts kerja yang haris email kepada list
mengenai bagaimana satu organisasi yang berubah dari OSS kepada Windows/dll.

Dan kebanyakkan stress bagi engineer/technical people adalah handling
people, bukan berkaitan sangat mengenai technicality.

just my opinion as orang tua...



2011/4/10 saiful 

> e1 mungkin boleh menambah untuk technician itu, kalau perempuan sudah
> berkahwin atau belum?
> just joke untuk hilangkan tensen :)
> jangan marah e1
> 2011/4/10 Mohd Hidzuan Zainul Hashim 
>> Salam tuan
>> Boleh bagi senario disana, mungkin dpt membantu pakar2 disini memberi
>> pendapat yang bernas supaya mengelakkan tuan dr tertekan
>> Sbg contoh,
>> - berapa ramai student
>>  - yg guna lab berapa kursus? Avg no#?
>> - berapa ramai staf
>>  - ada IT department kah
>>  - berapa ramai peg IT? Tahap
>> - fasiliti sedia ada?
>>  - ada DC ker?
>>  - how many server? Running what?
>>  - berapa lab yg ada?
>>  - perisian yg kerap digunakan
>>  - spesifikasi lab
>>  - lab technician ada kah? Pompuan atau
>>Lelaki ..
>> Mungkin ada tambahan info lg yg diperlukan supaya senang bagi pakar2
>> didalam mailing list utk membantu tuan ..
>> Regards,
>> e1
>> Sent from GreenBerry®Mobile
>> -Original Message-
>> From: darXness darXness 
>> Sender:
>> Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 15:20:20
>> To: 
>> Reply-To:
>> Subject: Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS
>> lutfi:terbaek.kerjasama yg macam mane?skrng nie ak tengah tension
>> jer.ada je yang nak kondem2.haih.
>> 2011/4/10 lutfi raffi :
>> > darx... mungkin kita boleh bekerjasama untuk kajian yang saya sedang
>> > lakukan...
>> >
>> > 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor 
>> >>
>> >> idea nya ialah untuk "tackle" hati/perasaan manusia yang terlibat
>> secara
>> >> langsung atau tidak langsung, supaya mereka memahami mengenai
>> kerperluan
>> >> "technological shift" tersebut, dan kelebihan/pulangan yang akan di
>> hasilkan
>> >> terhadap organisasi dan diri mereka sendiri daripada perkara tersebut.
>> >> Untuk mengelakkan bantahan secara direct/indirect, kurangan
>> produktiviti
>> >> disebabkan retaliate dan perubahan tersebut, dll.
>> >> Sebagaimana kita yang menggunakan tools/os/dll sumber terbuka, walaupun
>> >> ada kengkangan, bila hati dah suka, dan faham apa untungnya untuk saya
>> dan
>> >> organisasi saya, kengkangan tersebut bukanlah satu permasalahan.
>> >> lebih lanjut daripada wiki
>> >> :
>> >> Allahualam
>> >>
>> >> 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>> >>>
>> >>> adzmely:hukhuk.sorry.nanti ubah balik sebab xsempat
>> >>> tdi.hahaha.boelh crite x macam mane Change Management tu?kurang faham
>> >>> skit.
>> >>>
>> >>> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
>> >>> > Assalaamualaikum,
>> >>> > One important thing in this kind of project, "CHANGE MANAGEMENT",
>> dan
>> >>> > ini
>> >>> > kena bermula dari awal lagi.
>> >>> > Allahualam
>> >>> > PS: boleh tak tulis email yang sebegini tanpa sebarang "sms style"
>> >>> > short
>> >>> > words. bukan apa orang tua macam saya ni lambat sikit nak
>> baca/compute.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> red1:masa estimated lam 3-6 bln.proof of concept rasenye xperlu
>> >>> >> sgt,sbb bos sndir bgi arahn suh siapkn project ni.just kene wat
>> proper
>> >>> >> ngn step2 dier.tu yg pening.hahha
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> 2011/4/10 red1 :
>> >>> >> > Berapa lama pulak tempoh untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut?
>> Mungkin
>> >>> >> > lama
>> >>> >> > waktu dan tenaga yang diperlukan. Sekiranya terhad sumber atau
>> >>> >> > tempoh
>> >>> >> > yang
>> >>> >> > diberikan, saya cadangkan buat satu POC (proof of concept) yang
>> >>> >> > membuat
>> >>> >> > perbandingan antara FOSS dan Windows versions lalu buktikan yang
>> >>> >> > mana
>> >>> >> > lebih
>> >>> >> > cekap, mudah dan murah. Lepas itu persembahkan hasil kajian serta
>> >>> >> > data
>> >>> >> > benchmarking tersendiri kepada persidangan dimana jua dalam
>> dunia.
>> >>> >> > Boleh
>> >>> >> > dapat doctorate kot satu hari nanti. Tambah $$$ dan makin ramai
>> >>> >> > pengikut
>> >>> >> > saudara nanti. Pemangkin yang diperlukan hari ini dalam FOSS
>> >>> >> > tempatan
>> >>> >> > ialah
>> >>> >> > menambahkan icon.
>> >>> >> >
>> >>> >> > Just my dua sen.
>> >>> >> >
>> >>> >> > On 4/10/11 9:58 AM, darXness darXness wrote:
>> >>> >> >>
>> >>> >> >> luper lak...nak eliminate windows lam Institut nie.nak start
>> gune
>> >>> >> >> OSS
>> >>> >> >> sume.sng cite,xnak gune yg license2 berbayar dah.=D
>> >>> >> >>
>> >>> >> >> 2011/4/10 red1:
>> >>> >> >>
>> >>> >> >>>
>> >>> >> >>> Apa matlamat projek hang?
>> >>> >> >>>
>> >>> >> >>> On 4/10/11 9:25 AM, darXness darXness wrote:
>> >>> >> >>>
>> >>> >> >
>> >

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik saiful
e1 mungkin boleh menambah untuk technician itu, kalau perempuan sudah
berkahwin atau belum?
just joke untuk hilangkan tensen :)

jangan marah e1

2011/4/10 Mohd Hidzuan Zainul Hashim 

> Salam tuan
> Boleh bagi senario disana, mungkin dpt membantu pakar2 disini memberi
> pendapat yang bernas supaya mengelakkan tuan dr tertekan
> Sbg contoh,
> - berapa ramai student
>  - yg guna lab berapa kursus? Avg no#?
> - berapa ramai staf
>  - ada IT department kah
>  - berapa ramai peg IT? Tahap
> - fasiliti sedia ada?
>  - ada DC ker?
>  - how many server? Running what?
>  - berapa lab yg ada?
>  - perisian yg kerap digunakan
>  - spesifikasi lab
>  - lab technician ada kah? Pompuan atau
>Lelaki ..
> Mungkin ada tambahan info lg yg diperlukan supaya senang bagi pakar2
> didalam mailing list utk membantu tuan ..
> Regards,
> e1
> Sent from GreenBerry®Mobile
> -Original Message-
> From: darXness darXness 
> Sender:
> Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 15:20:20
> To: 
> Reply-To:
> Subject: Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS
> lutfi:terbaek.kerjasama yg macam mane?skrng nie ak tengah tension
> jer.ada je yang nak kondem2.haih.
> 2011/4/10 lutfi raffi :
> > darx... mungkin kita boleh bekerjasama untuk kajian yang saya sedang
> > lakukan...
> >
> > 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor 
> >>
> >> idea nya ialah untuk "tackle" hati/perasaan manusia yang terlibat secara
> >> langsung atau tidak langsung, supaya mereka memahami mengenai kerperluan
> >> "technological shift" tersebut, dan kelebihan/pulangan yang akan di
> hasilkan
> >> terhadap organisasi dan diri mereka sendiri daripada perkara tersebut.
> >> Untuk mengelakkan bantahan secara direct/indirect, kurangan produktiviti
> >> disebabkan retaliate dan perubahan tersebut, dll.
> >> Sebagaimana kita yang menggunakan tools/os/dll sumber terbuka, walaupun
> >> ada kengkangan, bila hati dah suka, dan faham apa untungnya untuk saya
> dan
> >> organisasi saya, kengkangan tersebut bukanlah satu permasalahan.
> >> lebih lanjut daripada wiki
> >> :
> >> Allahualam
> >>
> >> 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
> >>>
> >>> adzmely:hukhuk.sorry.nanti ubah balik sebab xsempat
> >>> tdi.hahaha.boelh crite x macam mane Change Management tu?kurang faham
> >>> skit.
> >>>
> >>> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
> >>> > Assalaamualaikum,
> >>> > One important thing in this kind of project, "CHANGE MANAGEMENT", dan
> >>> > ini
> >>> > kena bermula dari awal lagi.
> >>> > Allahualam
> >>> > PS: boleh tak tulis email yang sebegini tanpa sebarang "sms style"
> >>> > short
> >>> > words. bukan apa orang tua macam saya ni lambat sikit nak
> baca/compute.
> >>> >
> >>> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
> >>> >>
> >>> >> red1:masa estimated lam 3-6 bln.proof of concept rasenye xperlu
> >>> >> sgt,sbb bos sndir bgi arahn suh siapkn project ni.just kene wat
> proper
> >>> >> ngn step2 dier.tu yg pening.hahha
> >>> >>
> >>> >> 2011/4/10 red1 :
> >>> >> > Berapa lama pulak tempoh untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut? Mungkin
> >>> >> > lama
> >>> >> > waktu dan tenaga yang diperlukan. Sekiranya terhad sumber atau
> >>> >> > tempoh
> >>> >> > yang
> >>> >> > diberikan, saya cadangkan buat satu POC (proof of concept) yang
> >>> >> > membuat
> >>> >> > perbandingan antara FOSS dan Windows versions lalu buktikan yang
> >>> >> > mana
> >>> >> > lebih
> >>> >> > cekap, mudah dan murah. Lepas itu persembahkan hasil kajian serta
> >>> >> > data
> >>> >> > benchmarking tersendiri kepada persidangan dimana jua dalam dunia.
> >>> >> > Boleh
> >>> >> > dapat doctorate kot satu hari nanti. Tambah $$$ dan makin ramai
> >>> >> > pengikut
> >>> >> > saudara nanti. Pemangkin yang diperlukan hari ini dalam FOSS
> >>> >> > tempatan
> >>> >> > ialah
> >>> >> > menambahkan icon.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Just my dua sen.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > On 4/10/11 9:58 AM, darXness darXness wrote:
> >>> >> >>
> >>> >> >> luper lak...nak eliminate windows lam Institut nie.nak start gune
> >>> >> >> OSS
> >>> >> >> sume.sng cite,xnak gune yg license2 berbayar dah.=D
> >>> >> >>
> >>> >> >> 2011/4/10 red1:
> >>> >> >>
> >>> >> >>>
> >>> >> >>> Apa matlamat projek hang?
> >>> >> >>>
> >>> >> >>> On 4/10/11 9:25 AM, darXness darXness wrote:
> >>> >> >>>
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > --
> >>> >> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > MOSC2011 and
> >>> >> >
> >>> >>
> >>> >> --
> >>> >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >> MOSC2011 and
> >>> >
> >>> > --
> >>> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> > MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik Mohd Hidzuan Zainul Hashim
Salam tuan

Boleh bagi senario disana, mungkin dpt membantu pakar2 disini memberi pendapat 
yang bernas supaya mengelakkan tuan dr tertekan

Sbg contoh,
- berapa ramai student
  - yg guna lab berapa kursus? Avg no#?
- berapa ramai staf
  - ada IT department kah
  - berapa ramai peg IT? Tahap
- fasiliti sedia ada?
  - ada DC ker?
  - how many server? Running what?
  - berapa lab yg ada?
  - perisian yg kerap digunakan
  - spesifikasi lab
  - lab technician ada kah? Pompuan atau
Lelaki .. 

Mungkin ada tambahan info lg yg diperlukan supaya senang bagi pakar2 didalam 
mailing list utk membantu tuan .. 


Sent from GreenBerry®Mobile

-Original Message-
From: darXness darXness 
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 15:20:20 
Subject: Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

lutfi:terbaek.kerjasama yg macam mane?skrng nie ak tengah tension
jer.ada je yang nak kondem2.haih.

2011/4/10 lutfi raffi :
> darx... mungkin kita boleh bekerjasama untuk kajian yang saya sedang
> lakukan...
> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor 
>> idea nya ialah untuk "tackle" hati/perasaan manusia yang terlibat secara
>> langsung atau tidak langsung, supaya mereka memahami mengenai kerperluan
>> "technological shift" tersebut, dan kelebihan/pulangan yang akan di hasilkan
>> terhadap organisasi dan diri mereka sendiri daripada perkara tersebut.
>> Untuk mengelakkan bantahan secara direct/indirect, kurangan produktiviti
>> disebabkan retaliate dan perubahan tersebut, dll.
>> Sebagaimana kita yang menggunakan tools/os/dll sumber terbuka, walaupun
>> ada kengkangan, bila hati dah suka, dan faham apa untungnya untuk saya dan
>> organisasi saya, kengkangan tersebut bukanlah satu permasalahan.
>> lebih lanjut daripada wiki
>> :
>> Allahualam
>> 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>>> adzmely:hukhuk.sorry.nanti ubah balik sebab xsempat
>>> tdi.hahaha.boelh crite x macam mane Change Management tu?kurang faham
>>> skit.
>>> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
>>> > Assalaamualaikum,
>>> > One important thing in this kind of project, "CHANGE MANAGEMENT", dan
>>> > ini
>>> > kena bermula dari awal lagi.
>>> > Allahualam
>>> > PS: boleh tak tulis email yang sebegini tanpa sebarang "sms style"
>>> > short
>>> > words. bukan apa orang tua macam saya ni lambat sikit nak baca/compute.
>>> >
>>> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>>> >>
>>> >> red1:masa estimated lam 3-6 bln.proof of concept rasenye xperlu
>>> >> sgt,sbb bos sndir bgi arahn suh siapkn project ni.just kene wat proper
>>> >> ngn step2 dier.tu yg pening.hahha
>>> >>
>>> >> 2011/4/10 red1 :
>>> >> > Berapa lama pulak tempoh untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut? Mungkin
>>> >> > lama
>>> >> > waktu dan tenaga yang diperlukan. Sekiranya terhad sumber atau
>>> >> > tempoh
>>> >> > yang
>>> >> > diberikan, saya cadangkan buat satu POC (proof of concept) yang
>>> >> > membuat
>>> >> > perbandingan antara FOSS dan Windows versions lalu buktikan yang
>>> >> > mana
>>> >> > lebih
>>> >> > cekap, mudah dan murah. Lepas itu persembahkan hasil kajian serta
>>> >> > data
>>> >> > benchmarking tersendiri kepada persidangan dimana jua dalam dunia.
>>> >> > Boleh
>>> >> > dapat doctorate kot satu hari nanti. Tambah $$$ dan makin ramai
>>> >> > pengikut
>>> >> > saudara nanti. Pemangkin yang diperlukan hari ini dalam FOSS
>>> >> > tempatan
>>> >> > ialah
>>> >> > menambahkan icon.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Just my dua sen.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > On 4/10/11 9:58 AM, darXness darXness wrote:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> luper lak...nak eliminate windows lam Institut nie.nak start gune
>>> >> >> OSS
>>> >> >> sume.sng cite,xnak gune yg license2 berbayar dah.=D
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> 2011/4/10 red1:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>> Apa matlamat projek hang?
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>> On 4/10/11 9:25 AM, darXness darXness wrote:
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >
>>> >> > --
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>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > MOSC2011 and
>>> >> >
>>> >>
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>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> MOSC2011 and
>>> >
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> > MOSC2011 and
>>> >
>>> --
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>>> MOSC2011 and
>> --
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>> MOSC2011 and
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Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik lutfi raffi
begini... dalam research aku tu aku dah interbiu + buat soal selidik dengan
pengguna2 oss di malaysia ni... dan akhirnya aku sudah pun membangunkan satu
framework untuk migrate menggunakan oss terutamanya untuk bidang pendidikan
teknik dan vokasional...

framework tu lebih kurang macam fasa-fasa yang saudara cadangkan... cuma nak
aplikasikan framework ni je... saya boleh bantu dari segi dokumentasi... dan
pihak saudara mengaplikasikan framework ini...

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Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-10 Terurut Topik darXness darXness
lutfi:terbaek.kerjasama yg macam mane?skrng nie ak tengah tension
jer.ada je yang nak kondem2.haih.

2011/4/10 lutfi raffi :
> darx... mungkin kita boleh bekerjasama untuk kajian yang saya sedang
> lakukan...
> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor 
>> idea nya ialah untuk "tackle" hati/perasaan manusia yang terlibat secara
>> langsung atau tidak langsung, supaya mereka memahami mengenai kerperluan
>> "technological shift" tersebut, dan kelebihan/pulangan yang akan di hasilkan
>> terhadap organisasi dan diri mereka sendiri daripada perkara tersebut.
>> Untuk mengelakkan bantahan secara direct/indirect, kurangan produktiviti
>> disebabkan retaliate dan perubahan tersebut, dll.
>> Sebagaimana kita yang menggunakan tools/os/dll sumber terbuka, walaupun
>> ada kengkangan, bila hati dah suka, dan faham apa untungnya untuk saya dan
>> organisasi saya, kengkangan tersebut bukanlah satu permasalahan.
>> lebih lanjut daripada wiki
>> :
>> Allahualam
>> 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>>> adzmely:hukhuk.sorry.nanti ubah balik sebab xsempat
>>> tdi.hahaha.boelh crite x macam mane Change Management tu?kurang faham
>>> skit.
>>> 2011/4/10 Adzmely Mansor :
>>> > Assalaamualaikum,
>>> > One important thing in this kind of project, "CHANGE MANAGEMENT", dan
>>> > ini
>>> > kena bermula dari awal lagi.
>>> > Allahualam
>>> > PS: boleh tak tulis email yang sebegini tanpa sebarang "sms style"
>>> > short
>>> > words. bukan apa orang tua macam saya ni lambat sikit nak baca/compute.
>>> >
>>> > 2011/4/10 darXness darXness 
>>> >>
>>> >> red1:masa estimated lam 3-6 bln.proof of concept rasenye xperlu
>>> >> sgt,sbb bos sndir bgi arahn suh siapkn project ni.just kene wat proper
>>> >> ngn step2 dier.tu yg pening.hahha
>>> >>
>>> >> 2011/4/10 red1 :
>>> >> > Berapa lama pulak tempoh untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut? Mungkin
>>> >> > lama
>>> >> > waktu dan tenaga yang diperlukan. Sekiranya terhad sumber atau
>>> >> > tempoh
>>> >> > yang
>>> >> > diberikan, saya cadangkan buat satu POC (proof of concept) yang
>>> >> > membuat
>>> >> > perbandingan antara FOSS dan Windows versions lalu buktikan yang
>>> >> > mana
>>> >> > lebih
>>> >> > cekap, mudah dan murah. Lepas itu persembahkan hasil kajian serta
>>> >> > data
>>> >> > benchmarking tersendiri kepada persidangan dimana jua dalam dunia.
>>> >> > Boleh
>>> >> > dapat doctorate kot satu hari nanti. Tambah $$$ dan makin ramai
>>> >> > pengikut
>>> >> > saudara nanti. Pemangkin yang diperlukan hari ini dalam FOSS
>>> >> > tempatan
>>> >> > ialah
>>> >> > menambahkan icon.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Just my dua sen.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > On 4/10/11 9:58 AM, darXness darXness wrote:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> luper lak...nak eliminate windows lam Institut nie.nak start gune
>>> >> >> OSS
>>> >> >> sume.sng cite,xnak gune yg license2 berbayar dah.=D
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> 2011/4/10 red1:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>> Apa matlamat projek hang?
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >>> On 4/10/11 9:25 AM, darXness darXness wrote:
>>> >> >>>
>>> >> >
>>> >> > --
>>> >> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > MOSC2011 and
>>> >> >
>>> >>
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>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> MOSC2011 and
>>> >
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> > MOSC2011 and
>>> >
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>>> MOSC2011 and
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>> MOSC2011 and
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