Re: QA for Perl

2013-08-02 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 08:46:53PM +, Tracy Radel wrote:
 Hi Dag,
 It is more an issue of documentation of how quality assurance is done for 
 Perl.  Our procedures for QA require that when doing QA on a model or program 
 we have created (my ultimate goal), any software used by that program must 
 also have gone through a sufficiently rigorous QA process.  For other 
 programs I have been able to find documentation on their QA program that 
 includes standard practices, problem reporting, code control, records 
 management, etc.  They also have documentation describing the VV tests 
 performed with tolerances and results outlined.

You mention code control. I don't think that anyone has mentioned the
following yet (although you might already be aware of it)

The Perl 5 source code now uses a git repository for version control:

Previously Perl 5 was using Perforce, from March 1997 until December 2008.

The git repository contains a complete import of the Perforce repository
(byte for byte perfect. I checked)
but additionally attempts to reconstruct history prior to March 1997 from
any available sources - mostly stable and development release tarballs.

So we have over 25 years of history in version control, although the
resolution of changes isn't that good for changes more than 16 years old.

Nicholas Clark

Re: TAP::Harness uses lots of RAM to store test results

2013-04-11 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:24:35AM -0700, Buddy Burden wrote:
 tl;dr: TAP::Harness uses lots of RAM to store test results
  Particularly lots and lots for millions of little ok\ns
  It would be nice if it didn't use lots of RAM when storing things that
 Yes, I ran into this before.(*)  I was referred to a portion of the
 Test::Builder POD(**) which says that perhaps it will be fixed one day.
 :-D  I guess one day hasn't come yet ...
 Perhaps some of these references will inspire someone with enough tuits to
 work on a patch ... ?
 -- Buddy

I don't think that I hit the same problem as you. It wasn't actually
Test::Builder that was bailing out from inside a test script. It was some
part of Test::Harness or TAP::Parser in the harness process that was
running the scripts, and collating the results of all the TAP, that was
failing for me.

And yes, I'm rather hoping that someone will think that as this is an
optimisation project, it's fun. The code is here:

Nicholas Clark

TAP::Harness uses lots of RAM to store test results

2013-04-10 Thread Nicholas Clark
tl;dr: TAP::Harness uses lots of RAM to store test results
Particularly lots and lots for millions of little ok\ns
It would be nice if it didn't use lots of RAM when storing things that mostly

So, the long(er) story. I use to be able to build and test blead on my
Raspberry Pi. Now it runs of memory (well, swap), somewhere near the end
of the tests, and fails to finish. So, I wondered why, and tried bisecting
the problem to see if it could be narrowed down to a particular change.
Running this:

export TEST_JOBS=1; -j1 --start 
9f68b0f7acd1bcb04e7baa4bdb7cfec8e5d985c8 --end blead^ -Doptimize=-g 
-Dusethreads  -Duse64bitint -- sh -c 'cd t  ./perl harness; echo $?; ls -l 

*eventually* produced this:

HEAD is now at 3283393 Restrict the valid identifier syntax, fix some 
identifier bugs.
bad - non-zero exit from sh -c cd t  ./perl harness; echo $?; ls -l test_state
32833930e32dc619abdaaab54e88de2a2765fb86 is the first bad commit
commit 32833930e32dc619abdaaab54e88de2a2765fb86
Author: Brian Fraser
Date:   Tue Mar 5 18:18:49 2013 -0300

Restrict the valid identifier syntax, fix some identifier bugs.

* Length-one identifiers are now restricted to
  plus, if under 'no utf8', the 128 non-ASCII characters in the
  Latin1 range.
* Identifiers that start with ASCII letters can be followed with
  XIDC characters

(The committer made some small edits in the pod)
:100644 100644 e8f5402a77dd011f065f7d91db354fdfd6da6830 
8ac08abf50107cbfba3a8296df34556449134ba6 M  gv.c
:04 04 9ae3a108394119259ca10d38ef44ef23c237fb91 
3a55dc5feeea97da7346fc74df0601d3200e32e3 M  pod
:04 04 695729610bd917237944558cfe729d529dfb6514 
714c16587ae882fc635c17fd82362e5ff804f16b M  t
:100644 100644 27485462ffca6939c895961092a743775401fa14 
1ea0da7fde5aa50521ffe68378a87980048578cd M  toke.c
bisect run success
That took 274968 seconds

(yes, that's just over 3 days).
If I reverse just the test cases added by that commit:

git show 32833930e32dc619abdaaab54e88de2a2765fb86^:t/uni/variables.t 

Test Summary Report
uni/variables.t (Wstat: 0 
Tests: 5 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   5
Files=2388, Tests=620014, 18222 wallclock secs (2020.18 usr 55.35 sys + 
13406.55 cusr 290.67 csys = 15772.75 CPU)
Result: PASS

whereas with that test restored:

../lib/charnames.t  ok   
Could not execute (./perl -I.. -MTestInit=U1 ../lib/diagnostics.t): open3: fork 
failed: Cannot allocate memory at ../lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/ line 
make: *** [test_harness] Error 12

If I double the amount of swap:

All tests successful.
Files=2388, Tests=685775, 18699 wallclock secs (2216.11 usr 60.91 sys + 
14095.49 cusr 300.45 csys = 16672.96 CPU)
Result: PASS

So, yes, it's to do with the amount of memory available. That test itself
is innocent. All it does wrong is to add a *lot* of testcases:

-plan (tests = 5);
+plan (tests = 65850);

Which makes me wonder - just how much memory is TAP::Parser using.
In particular, is TAP::Parser using the same amount of memory to store 65850
oks as it would to store some mix of 65850 oks and not oks?
Which I'm starting to think, for large test suites, isn't that efficient.
Most tests pass most of the time. So is it possible for TAP::Parser to use
a more efficient format in memory to archive results for tests where
every single subtest was an ok?

Nicholas Clark

Re: [QA2012] IRC Meeting 2011-01-12

2012-01-13 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 04:14:28PM +0100, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 09:54:10AM -0500, Matthew Horsfall (alh) wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 6:22 PM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
   - as a side remark, it would be great if the companies that use perl
 would give back some of the money they saved by not having to pay
 for a Perl license especially for an event like this one, that is
 targetted at improving perl  cpan
  Agreed, I just wouldn't word it quite like that.
 Oops. That wasn't meant to be read by sponsors. ;-)

Welcome to the joys of publicly archived mailing lists.

I think that the Facebook generation have solved this by no longer assuming
that anything is private. Meanwhile the unwilling stars of Wikileaks have
discovered that whilst it was always the case that anything you write down
might end up becoming public, computers just make this a lot easier on an
industrial scale.

Nicholas Clark

Re: TB2::Mouse will be internal use only... with one hitch.

2011-11-30 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 10:33:42PM -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On 2011.11.29 9:49 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
  How much slower will this make running the core tests,
  since neither Mouse nor Mouse::XS will every be available
  there (during development, at core installation time).
 Doing some back of the envelope calculations, it looks like an extra minute
 and a half on my laptop.  I don't know how long core tests take right now.
 use Test::More tests = 1;
 100 times via prove...
 With 0.98:  2.2s
 With 1.5:   10s
 An extra 8 seconds per 100 tests.  There's about 1100 core tests which use
 Test::More.  8 seconds x 11 is about 90 seconds.

Divide by the number of CPU cores.
Assuming one can hog them all, what probably matters is the duration of
the IO::Compress tests.

My laptop takes about 20 minutes to Configure, build and test the core.

dromedary and various other multicore servers I have access to usually take
about 5 minutes. Upshot - it saves a lot of time to hack locally, then
rsync the code off to a different machine to actually run the complete tests.

 That's worst case.  I can probably get compile time down at least 20ms which
 shaves off about 30 seconds.

The IO::Compress tests being such a reliable serial bottleneck that I can set
off a complete build and test run while writing this e-mail just to check
that I had the right distribution, and it finishes before me :-)

Nicholas Clark

Re: Dual life t/

2011-11-17 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:15:21PM -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On 2011.11.16 5:58 PM, Father Chrysostomos via RT wrote:

  I think these patches are safe, but given the recent thread about
  dual-lifing I'm not even sure whether I should apply it or not.
   (Nicholas Clark does seem to have some good points.)
 This patch is not affected by that discussion.

[Agree. Will try to get back to that in a different message]

  I don't really want to get involved in the thread, but let me ask you
  one thing (and I'll let others [e.g., rjbs] respond to your response):
  Why not simply fork That way you can strip out the
  miniperl-specific stuff and have an even more lightweight testing
  library. You could even pop it in a .pm file, add package foo and
  @EXPORT, and with little effort you have a shiny new Test::More::Lite
 1) It's not really my goal to make it distributable as a CPAN module,
but as just something you copy.

It continues to be my goal to reduce the amount of effort needed to support
the core. Exposing more of the internals runs counter to this.

 2) Test::More would lose the benefit of improvements from p5p.

 3) p5p would lose the benefit of improvements from Test::More.

The core is using Test::More for pretty much every core-maintained test
outside of t/

One of the things I've been working on slowly is trying to turn pretty
much to every, by removing each impediment in turn.

p5p continues to benefit from Test::More, and certainly I'm grateful for
your continued work on that. (I assume everyone else is)

 4) I already maintain enough test modules, thanks.

[referred to below]

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 06:16:37PM -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 First thing to clarify, I don't really envision this being turned into a CPAN
 module.  That would be directly against its purpose.
 The primary purpose here is to separate and focus development and provide a
 point for module authors to copy it into their project.

But that's not the point of t/

It's not meant as a lightweight general purpose testing system. It's
intended to test miniperl and low level Perl features, without assuming that
everything is actually working.

That it turns out to be a lightweight test system is, well, convenient.
Convenient for other people.

 It probably will *not* be released to CPAN and it probably will *not* be API
 stable.  The needs of the core outweigh the needs of the few people that use 

Totally agree about the needs of the core. But not on the interpretation.

The continued experience of the core is that

a: for any part that anyone can access, someone starts to rely on it.
b: because anyone can read the core's source, they can see non-accessible
   parts that would be useful. But these parts were *never* written with
   any consideration to whether they make a sane *public* API. Historically
   what has typically happened is that someone has sent in a patch to expose
   it, that's cool (as everyone thinks about how they too could use it)
   and it's applied, as a nuclear reactor in bikeshed terms.

Which ends up with ever more parts of the core exposed, replied upon,
and implicitly supported.

Right now, t/ is not installed by the core. So it's an internal
implementation detail of testing. Anyone else who uses it copied it, and
by act of copying it to install it they've taken an action that acknowledges
that they're violating a form of public/private encapsulation.

 On 2011.11.15 6:34 AM, Nicholas Clark wrote:
  Other than people writing test modules, who would find it useful?
 Test::More is about to become a lot more complicated internally, so anyone who
 does things which Test::More might be using.
 In addition, .t files which run a bazillion tests would find it useful both
 for speed and memory usage.  I just recommended Buddy Burden use it for some
 huge Data::Random tests.  Abigail could use it for her enormous Regexp::Common
 test suites.
 But that's not really what it's about.
 The library upon which 372 core tests rely is undocumented and untested.
 Moving it into its own repo and tracker allows it to be tested and stable
 without having to go through the p5p memorial bike shed.

That's the entire bloody point. It's not *meant* to be assumed to be stable.
It's an internal implementation detail of testing the core.

It does what *we* need quite nicely. We're not looking for patches for it to
make it into something else. The p5p memorial bike shed *is* a problem
(both for bikesheds and nuclear reactors, and everything in between) but
assuming that it's a problem *here* is based on the axiom that t/ is
something that *should* be externally visible.

An axiom which I reject.

 It's a lot easier to get people to work on a single file Perl library than it
 is to get them to patch the Perl core.  In its own project, I can hand a
 newbie a URL like this and say pick one of these and do it!

Re: Dual life t/

2011-11-15 Thread Nicholas Clark
This was suggested previously in 2008

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 04:59:57PM -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 Having a parallel and featureful testing system is very useful.  I use it to
 test Test::More (in the Test-Builder1.5 branch).  Others might find it useful
 to do the same.

Other than people writing test modules, who would find it useful?

 t/ is very important to the Perl core tests, but it is largely
 undocumented and untested.  Going through the p5p process to patch it makes
 working on it difficult and open to bike shedding.  If it were dual-lived it
 could be worked on as its own thing with its own commits and tests. is a script, not a package. Our machinery for dealing with dual
life things is really only set up to deal with modules. So doing this is not
going to just drop in to what we have.

 By having a dedicated feed of issues and commits, careful attention could be
 paid to what code and features are going in.  Close attention and discussion
 can happen about whether the code is simple enough and the features apt for
 the needs of the core.

Surely the needs of the core *are* better determined by the core developers,
not some third party group?

Also, having upstream be anywhere other than the core actively gets in the
way of t/ actually being useful to core developers (or at least to
me, as a core developer who has added things to it).

Even having it being upstream blead gets in the way of it being useful.
Right now, as all users of the core's t/ are in the core, it's
possible to

a: add things to it without stopping to think is this a decent, supportable
   API that can last forever, because if the API turns out to be wrong,
   it's entirely possible to have a flag day commit that changes it and
   all its users
b: remove things from it, because nothing is using them any more
c: not worry about what versions of perl it supports, or working round
   problems in them
   (Although to be fair, if a particular piece of perl syntax had been
buggy before, it's possibly something fragile that should be avoided in
case it breaks again for a different reason)

Nothing in the above stops anyone taking a copy of and using it.
Doing this also doesn't add a layer of process into working on the core.

 If folks are cool with that, I can set up a Github repository for it.  We'll
 worry about whether CPAN release is appropriate later.

I'm distinctly uncool about doing it that way.
I'm unconvinced about doing it with blead upstream.

This feels like a lot of work for little benefit, with the work outweighing
the benefit.

We did start work on trying to extract runperl() as Test::Builder module.
There's a branch from blead where I attempted to convert module tests to
use it and found which features were necessary for them:

Beware that IPC::Cmd can't capture output on Win32 with core-only modules,
and IPC::Run can't reliably capture output on Win32, thanks to Microsoft's
socketpair implementation following advice from Klortho:

#11912 Evidently it's important to you to get the wrong answer as
quickly as possible.

(The default for closing a socket on Win32 is to drop all unsent buffered
data on the floor. No, I'm not kidding.

Note To assure that all data is sent and received on a connection, an
application should call shutdown before calling closesocket (see
Graceful shutdown, linger options, and socket closure for more
information). Also note, an FD_CLOSE network event is not posted after
closesocket is called.

I've also found

Whereas the BSD socket() implementation works in such a way that a socket FD
can be substituted for a file FD, pipe FD or tty FD, and the program
continues to work just as it did before, without needing any special case
code. Doesn't even need recompiling.)

Nicholas Clark

Re: Devel::Cover 'time' html column

2010-05-26 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 09:32:44PM +0200, Paul Johnson wrote:
 On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 06:52:15AM -0400, James E Keenan wrote:

  In any event, you needn't worry too much about that.  It may be  
  profiling information, but if that is the sort of information you are  
  looking for you are better off with tools specifically designed for that  
  purpose such as Devel::Pprof and Devel NYTprof.
 Certainly you should be using NYTprof for anything serious in this area,
 but it didn't exist when I first wrote this code.  Now it does, I'm
 considering removing the time coverage.  Does anyone have any thoughts
 one way or the other about that?

Devel::NYTProf does this so much better. I'd suggest removing it.

Longer term, is Devel::Cover's runtime capture doing anything that
Devel::NYTProf doesn't do these days? ie - is it possible to refactor
Devel::Cover to provide the same coverage reports, but generate them from
an nytprof.out file? If not, what's missing from the nytprof.out file?
Would this reduce the maintenance load on Devel::Cover?

Nicholas Clark

Re: What's up with No targets specified and no makefile found?

2009-12-22 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 07:03:49AM -0800, Joshua ben Jore wrote:

 Where is EU::MM's version control? I'd like to submit a patch adding a bunch 
 or croak(Can't write '$fn': $!);

Good plan. (At least, in my opinion)

says Repository  

Nicholas Clark

Re: Making TODO Tests Fail

2009-07-14 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 03:33:29AM -0700, Ovid wrote:

 I know.  I've thought about that, but truth be told, I'm really getting burnt 
 out with the Perl community right now.  Lots of people are being rude, 
 thinking that being right is all they need to justify being arrogant and 
 it's sapping my energy relating to anything regarding Perl right now.  If 
 people can't play nice, I don't want to play.

You're not the only one fed up with this, with this result.

On Sunday, given the choice of hacking on something useful, or just sitting
in the garden, I opted for sitting in the garden. I would have done again
last night, except that the sun had already gone away. Pesky daystar. :-)

Nicholas Clark

Re: Please test Module::Build release candidate

2009-02-23 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 07:10:09AM -0500, David Golden wrote:
 (Apologies to those receiving this multiple times)
 Eric Wilhelm and I have put out Module::Build 0.31_04 as a release
 candidate for a stable 0.32 Module::Build.
 Initial CPAN Testers results look good.  (So far, it's the first all
 PASS since 0.2804)
 However, before release (and before it gets pushed into blead), it

Oh, too late. I did that with 66e531b6b23122113bed8498baac1ef25a958d57

It's blead. It's allowed to break things. :-)

I had to make this tweak to get xs.t and ppm.t to pass:

--- ../Module-Build-0.31_04/t/lib/ 2009-02-20 19:06:45.0 
+++ lib/Module/Build/t/lib/MBTest.pm2009-02-23 14:05:36.0 +
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 # We pass everything through to Test::More
-$VERSION = 0.01;
+$VERSION = 0.01_01;
 @ISA = qw(Test::More); # Test::More isa Exporter
 @EXPORT = @Test::More::EXPORT;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 # Setup a temp directory 
 sub tmpdir { 
   return File::Temp::tempdir( 'MB-', 
-CLEANUP = 1, DIR = File::Spec-tmpdir 
+CLEANUP = 1, DIR = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? Cwd::cwd : File::Spec-tmpdir

Otherwise ExtUtils::CBuilder::Base::perl_src() gets very upset because it
can't find the source.

blead currently has this difference from Module::Build
which relates to

Nicholas Clark

malformed TAP?

2009-01-14 Thread Nicholas Clark
Is this TAP valid?

ok 1 - killed the keyd
ok 2 - Child exit of 3 was expected

prove (v3.14) thinks so:

All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=2,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.00 sys +  0.04 cusr  0.00 
csys =  0.07 CPU)
Result: PASS

I'm not convinced.

Nicholas Clark

How to write a test for Test::Builder?

2008-09-19 Thread Nicholas Clark
With Test::Builder 0.80

$ perl -c ~/test/bang.t 
/home/netbanx/test/bang.t syntax OK
$ cat ~/test/bang.t 

use Test::More tests=1;

BEGIN {use_ok 'Fcntl', 'Pie'};

$ perl -c ~/test/bang.t 
/home/netbanx/test/bang.t syntax OK
$ HARNESS_ACTIVE=1 perl -c ~/test/bang.t 
Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Test/ line 1275.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/netbanx/test/bang.t line 5

I see that this is fixed in svn by r691:

Added note() and explain().

explain() does not print to allow you to choose if you want the results to
be a note or a diag.

But it seems that this bug is only fixed as a side effect of that change, and
it's not actually tested for. What's the best way to write a test that fits
within the current frameworks to prevent any regression?
It's not obvious to me how to make use_ok() test for failure.

Nicholas Clark

Re: How to write a test for Test::Builder?

2008-09-19 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 03:35:36PM -0500, brian d foy wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nicholas Clark
  But it seems that this bug is only fixed as a side effect of that change, 
  it's not actually tested for. What's the best way to write a test that fits
  within the current frameworks to prevent any regression?
  It's not obvious to me how to make use_ok() test for failure.
 Are you looking for Test::Builder::Tester?

Not sure.

use Test::More tests=1;
use Test::Builder::Tester;
test_out('not ok 1 - use Fcntl;');
use_ok 'Fcntl', 'Pie';

that needs to be in a BEGIN block

test_test( Fails for bad export);

Yes, but I then need it to do that with perl invoked with -c, and

I think that this might be a job for system()...

Nicholas Clark

Re: PerlUnit

2008-09-16 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 04:23:16AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 # from Josh Heumann
 # on Tuesday 16 September 2008 02:37:
 Shouldn't the people who post more-or-less agreeing solutions vote
  each other's solution up?
 Yes.  Now try to do it ;-)
 You need a +15 modifier of nothingbettertodoism to vote.

So everyone gainfully employed because they know what they are doing is
automatically disqualified?

Nicholas Clark

Re: Can't locate version/ in @INC

2008-09-11 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:34:18PM -0700, Randy J. Ray wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 4:56 AM, Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can someone tell me what causes this failure?
  the latest Module::Inspector (1.05) is installed
  and that module has not test failure at all.
 I ran into this a week or so ago... this is what I *think* happened:
 * I built/updated version using the system-installed Perl
 * I tried to use it from a second perl interpreter on the same system
 * Second perl was no binary compatible (in this case, non-threaded vs.
 * As such, loaded but could not load the XS portion

But that shouldn't happen, because modules containing XS should be installed
to an architecture specific path, and the architecture name used differs
for threaded versus unthreaded.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Sub::Uplevel vs Test::More

2008-09-10 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 10:12:24PM -0400, David Golden wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 8:51 PM, Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Heh.  You planted that bomb, dude.  Any excuse I have to bump things
 to 5.006 I've been taking and saying because Schwern says so.
 (CPAN::Reporter and deps are probably the exception and only because
 Slaven has sent me so many patches that I feel I owe it to him to
 support his Quixotic mission to smoke 5.005.)
 Certainly, I'd have a higher CPANTS score if I could start adding use
 warnings to my code.  ;-)

Wouldn't it be simpler to send a patch to domm that makes the warnings point
credited if the module states a requirement on perl pre 5.006, and has a -w
on the #! line?

Nicholas Clark

Re: Sub::Uplevel vs Test::More

2008-09-10 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 04:01:56PM +0200, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
 * Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-10 13:50]:
  Oh, but they *could* have them.
  And I think that is a perfect solution. CPANTS should check
  whether modules have a shebang line, and if so whether it
  contains -w. If it does then the author has asserted that the
  module runs cleanly with warnings enabled and should receive
  the kwalitee point.
 Problem is, the shebang line doesn???t actually *do* anything.
 The correct solution (which also doesn???t require changes to
 CPANTS) is called warnings::compat. Assuming you actually care
 that much???

I don't agree. I'm with Paul. Why should I add a dependency to correct
code to placate the CPANTS game? Particularly as warnings::compat *can't*
do everything the warnings pragma can do, so by changing to use it I might
be adding bugs.

Nicholas Clark

Re: The relation between CPAN Testers and quality (or why CPAN Testers sucks if you don't need it)

2008-09-05 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 09:50:01AM -0700, chromatic wrote:
 On Thursday 04 September 2008 01:19:44 Eric Wilhelm wrote:
  Let's pretend that I'm a real jerk of an author and I only care about
  whether my code installs on a perl 5.8.8+ (a *real* perl -- no funky
  vendor patches) with a fully updated and properly configured toolchain
  and the clock set to within 0.65s of NTP time.
 Oh great, yet another check I have to add to my Build.PL.  What's the magic 
 cantrip for THAT one?
 (Why yes, I *have* seen bugs related to time skew on network-mounted paths),

So have I. I think that there's at least one stat test in the core that will
fail if you're testing on an NFS mount from a machine where the clock
differs. IIRC it's because file creation time is stamped by the server, and
file modification time is stamped with a time from the client, and if they're
out the impossible can happen. Which when you're sanity testing the ops
that read these sorts of things, you're looking out for.

Although I suspect that there can be more general problems with make getting
(correctly) confused by timestamps on files it touched.

Nicholas Clark

passing the baton onwards (was Re: The relation between CPAN Testers and quality (or why CPAN Testers sucks if you don't need it))

2008-09-05 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 02:19:26PM -0400, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:

 I recognize that CPAN is a volunteer effort, but it does seem to me there
 is a implicit responsibility on the part of the author to maintain the
 module going forward, or to pass the baton to someone else. Call it a Best

Is there an easy central visible way to flag up a module as up for adoption?
What should have been the right list to ask that question on?

 Practice, if you will. The end-user simply wants the module to work.
 Maintainers not paying attention, and the subsequent bitrot that is
 appearing on CPAN, is one of Perl's biggest problems at the moment.
 Careful attention and responsiveness to CPAN testers and to is
 the best cure for this.

Alternatively, I could just not upload code to CPAN, and not have this
problem. You're right that it's a problem. I'm not convinced that your
cure will work with all real world volunteers.

Nicholas Clark

Re: App::Prove::State Users?

2008-08-22 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 09:18:36AM -0700, Ovid wrote:
 Does anyone use App::Prove::State, a module which ships with the new 
 Test::Harness? Outside of the Test::Harness distribution, the only code which 
 I know of which uses it is a quick which tests are slow? hack I put 
 I ask this because I'm making some internal changes to this module. I am 
 giving it a proper API to let people extend it in the future. I need to add 
 new features for it, but said features can't live in the core (due to 
 non-core dependencies) and as a result, I need to nail down the interface, 
 but if anyone else is using it, I'd like to not cause them too much pain.

I had a play with using it in (of all places) the core, to sort a subset of
the tests to run in slowness order, in t/harness

You can see the (annotated) code here:

If you want to break it, it doesn't matter. I'll take it out again.

Nicholas Clark

Re: [RFC] Dual-lifing

2008-07-01 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:54:29PM -0400, Jerry D. Hedden wrote:
 Jerry D. Hedden wrote:
  From what I can tell, there are well over a dozen dual-lived
  modules that incorporate into their distributions.
  Rather than continuing this trend, I would like to propose
  turning it into a module and dual-lifing it to CPAN.
 Nicholas Clark wrote:
  Why are they using it, rather than something built from
  Test::Builder?  What does it offer that Test::Builder
  derived modules don't?
 Jerry D. Hedden wrote:
  In my case of dual-lifing threads, threads::shared,
  Thread::Queue and Thread::Semaphore, it was because the
  tests were already written to use  Thus, adding it
  to the distribution was easier than rewriting all the tests.

But, logically, those tests in the modules in core can be re-written to
not use it [if, see below]

  I would imagine that is also the case for the other
  dual-lived modules that use, but their maintainers
  could have other reasons.  Anybody?
 Additionally, has certain functionality (e.g.,
 fresh_perl() and watchdog()) not found in the Test::*

hence I think that a better solution would be to add just that code to a
Test::Builder based module, either a new one, or an existing one if its
maintainer is keen.

The core's is meant to be a subset of the Test::More functionality
for core regression tests in t/* (distinct from tests in lib/* for modules
shipped with core). To me it feels like scope creep if it also ends up dual-
lived. It also means that we would have *two* core-supported test frameworks,
which can't be used in the same test.

Nicholas Clark

Re: About tidying up Kwalitee metrics

2008-06-25 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 10:10:07AM +0200, Salve J Nilsen wrote:
 Hello, folks
 I propose to split the current main and optional kwalitee scales into 
 topical ones, so we can allow for richer set of metrics while allowing 
 everyone that care mostly about certain types of metric access to 
 untainted versions.
 Let's remove the optional type, and instead create the following metrics 
 where we can place the existing tests:
 Disto Kwalitee
  (most of the original test should go here)
 Security Kwalitee
  (checks for taint-mode or other security-related issues go here)
 Community Support Kwalitee
  (checks for supplied mailing list address, bugtracker, archives, etc. go 
 Community Trust Kwalitee
  (analysis of external acceptance of the module, including Debian use go 

Certainly, I would like the metrics to be split into those I can control by
what I upload to PAUSE, and those that I can't fix however much I upload.
Which I think most obviously is those that you group here as
Community Trust Kwalitee.

The previous 2 seem good, as they are likely to be categories that some
people have legitimate disagreements with. ie I've not been paying close
attention to CPANTS, but if I did, I suspect that it would annoy me that
it expects me to have a POD coverage test, and that in turn to make it pass
I could well spend more time bodging that than actually writing
documentation. Which, I agree with chromatic, would be stupid, and not
something that I'd like to see promoted.

(Is You have POD and it's well formed is something that is already tested?)

Nicholas Clark

Re: TODO Tests

2008-05-12 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 08:41:58PM +0200, Bram wrote:

 I'm not saying that it shouldn't change.
 What I'm saying is that the value may change but that if it changes I  
 would like to be informed about it.
 Leave your todo test as it was to start with.
 Create a new test file development_values_that_shoulnot_change.t in your
 developer test directory (that's not just for pod right).
 Which is not practical at all.
 That means maintaining an extra test file for each file that defines a  
 todo test and that means duplicating every todo test.

My view too. It adds a lot of complexity. (but)

 What I'm suggesting is that it outputs something similar for TODO test  
 that return an unexpected result.
 Again, make test only outputs All test succesful.
 Users will only run make test and thus can't be confused by the extra 

I think that this problem could be solved without chances to TAP.
Specifically, one is trying to make a way of specifying two alternate
expected results for a given test.

One is the right one. If this result appears, then TODO test unexpectedly
succeeded. (Which is what we have currently)
One is the current wrong one. If this result appears, then the current test
failed, but it's TODO. (Which, at the TAP level, is what we have currently)

The third case is anything else. Right now, it's also not ok (TODO) and
the TAP parser assumes that it's not noteworthy.

What might be needed is a coupled way of passing *two* tests into the test
running framework (Test::Builder or the like). One is the desired result.
One is the current expected fail result. Right now the only thing we test
is the desired result.

The framework then spits out the results from both tests (run the desired
result first) as

current expected result
oknot ok
desiredok   can't happennot ok TODO,
   not ok TODO
result not ok   not ok TODO, not ok
 ok TODO  not ok TODO

can't happen is also reported as not ok - it's a critical logic error in
the tests.

(ie top left and bottom right are fails, bottom left and top right are the two
expected cases, and so both pass, although bottom left is unexpected TODO

Could this be done with a Test::Builder (subclass) function that takes two
subroutine references - one that tests for the desired result (and returns
it as the return value), and one that tests for the current expected result
(and likewise returns it as the return value).

With suitable coding it would be possible in the actual test to call it quite
tersely, with minimal code duplication, possibly using closures.

One will still get all the diagnostics from running the test twice.
It would just be that the second test, the one we currently don't have a way
to write, would loose its TODO and become a hard fail if things change in
the wrong direction.

Nicholas Clark

Re: OT: muttrc (was: User Supplied YAML Diagnostic Keys: Descriptive Version)

2008-04-14 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 01:54:02PM +0200, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
 * Nicholas Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-04-14 08:00]:
  $ grep -c 'ignore X' ~/.muttrc
  That's the ones I've collected that I don't care about. And
  some of those are common prefixes.
 You know that you can use wildcards to ignore everything (or just
 big swathes of stuff) by default and then selectively unignore
 some of non-gunk, right?

No, I didn't, but I'm not looking to do that. I'm curious what the gunk is,
without having to remember to look at every message. This way, the new gunk
announces itself to me, without me having to go look for it.

I think that this has some parallel to testing, but I'm not sure what.
I guess it's like testing that no warnings are issued by code, rather than
testing that a particular warning (that signals known trouble) is not issued.

Nicholas Clark

Re: [tap-l] User Supplied YAML Diagnostic Keys: Descriptive Version

2008-04-13 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 03:58:58PM -0700, chromatic wrote:

 and you'll end up with the protocol equivalent of spaghetti.  Anyone care to 
 guess how many X-* headers there are in all of the SMTP clients and servers 
 in the wild?  How about HTTP headers?  Maybe you don't have to care about 

$ grep -c 'ignore X' ~/.muttrc

That's the ones I've collected that I don't care about. And some of those are
common prefixes.

I guess that there are bazillions more. There's one born every minute.

Nicholas Clark

Re: TAP YAML Diagnostics

2008-04-06 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 08:41:11AM -0700, Ovid wrote:

 Currently you can shove anything in there you want, but you must use
 upper-case keys for your personal use and all lower-case keys are
 reserved (and it's a parse error to use an unknown lower-case key). 
 Are there any strange Unicode issues where we might get confused about
 what is upper and lower case?)

I believe that there are code points which would be considered word
characters but do not have distinct upper and lower case forms (or by
implication title case either), but I hope that the good folks of
perl-unicode will correct me if I'm wrong.

Hence I'm not sure what the most efficient way of determining if
something is all lower case is. If I'm right, one can't just test

   if ($string eq lc $string)

because these code points would mess you up, and I *assume* that they
are not those which you want to consider reserved. I guess that one
needs to loop over all characters in the string, and verify that if
$char eq lc $char then also $char ne uc $char. (But one could first
short circuit the common pass case with the test above)

Nicholas Clark

Re: My Perl QA Hackathon Wishlist

2008-03-26 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:41:18AM +0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Michael G Schwern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The downside is there's no pretty GUIs for TAP, but the potential exists.
   It's a simple matter of programing.  The upside is that when a TAP GUI is
   created it will work with all existing TAP tests.
 Which might be a good project to work on in Oslo...

It might also make a good Google Summer of Code project. It ticks lots of

* It's self contained
* It's decoupled from other projects
* It doesn't matter the the main project if it fails
* It can expand (or contract) to fit the student's abilities and whatever end
  is reached it can still be declared a success
* It doesn't have a high barrier of entry due to needing knowledge of existing
  code bases.

Now, does anyone know a student?

Nicholas Clark

Re: CPANTesters considered harmful

2008-03-03 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 02:19:23PM +, Smylers wrote:
 demerphq writes:
  It turned out the problem is that when the tests are root it seems to
  be not possible to create a directory that is not writeable by root.
 I think that can be reduced to: It isn't possible to create a directory
 that is not writeable by root.  The whole point of root is that as the
 super-user it can do anything!
  Im not really sure how to tackle this better than simply skipping the
  tests as root which is what the most recent release does.
 That's plausible.  It could also temporarily drop privileges to be some
 other user for running that test, but I don't know how you'd work out
 which user to do it as.

My guess would be nobody if that user exists, else give up.

But I agree that skipping is better, because the tests run as non-root
already prove that the module's functionality worked. Adding a lot
of complex logic to the test to swap user when running as root would
actually make the test as much a test of the user ID swapping code,
and introduce code that isn't usually tested, and generally introduce
fragility and cause false positive failures.

Nicholas Clark

Re: CPANTesters considered harmful

2008-03-03 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 05:21:47PM +, Smylers wrote:

   $ man chattr
   No manual entry for chattr
   $ man lsattr
   No manual entry for lsattr
 That's on a FreeBSD server.  Let's try Linux.  Ah, yes:
   $ whatis chattr
   chattr (1)   - change file attributes on a Linux second
   extended file system
 So you can make this test work even when running as root, so long as you
 don't mind it now failing on Unix-like OSes that aren't Linux.  I'm not
 sure that's a nett win!

Well, it depends on whether the file system supports chattr... :-)

The FreeBSD equivalent:

$ cd /tmp/
$ date Pie
$ chflags uchg Pie
$ date Pie
bash: Pie: Operation not permitted
$ cd ~/test
$ date Pie
$ chflags uchg Pie
chflags: Pie: Operation not supported
$ df .
Filesystem 1K-blocks  UsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
nas:/data  258199522 203419366 3412419686%/filer

Nicholas Clark

Re: Is there even a C compiler?

2008-02-25 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 03:59:14PM +, Andy Armstrong wrote:
 Is there a generally approved way for an XS module to test for the  
 existence of a C compiler before attempting to build?

Personally I'd like such a test to be standard in MakeMaker, because I am
of the (old fashioned) opinion that if %Config says that there is a C
compiler and there isn't one, then it's lying (and the instalation is broken,
for a small value of broken)

Oh, and I don't want wheels re-invented.

 I guess I could just try running whatever $Config{cc} suggests. Are  
 there any edge cases that that misses? Does $(CC) -o foo.o foo.c work  
 just about everywhere?

Not sure. Certainly don't test that there is a file of that name in $PATH,
as it's acceptable for it to be a series of shell commands.

Also, you're already making assumptions about object file extension.
You can get that from $Config:

$ perl -V:obj_ext

Nicholas Clark

Re: Wide character support for Test::More

2008-02-24 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 08:35:15PM -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 I just merged together a number of tickets having to do with Test::More not 
 liking wide characters.

 Wide character in print at lib/Test/ line 1252.
 ok 1 - Testing ??
 I know almost nothing about Unicode.  How do I make this Just Work?  Is it 

You can't. It might be that the user's terminal simply cannot display that

One could get round it by escaping (in some way) all characters that are non-
ASCII, for example with \x{} encoding, and also escaping \ (at least) so that
all the diagnostic output would be valid for a  string.

 safe to just set binmode to always be ':utf8' if perl  5.8?

Yes, safe from a Perl point of view. But not correct if the user's terminal
isn't expecting UTF-8. And wrong if the user's terminal is expecting the
same (8 bit) encoding as the script already is in.

However, it might be safe enough to invoke the testing Perl with -CLS
(set STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR to UTF-8 if the user's locale has UTF-8 in it)
which is probably going to be more right more often than anything else.
Not sure if -CLS only came in with 5.8.1

Nicholas Clark

Re: Change 33313 causing failures

2008-02-15 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 10:50:51AM +0100, Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:
 On 14/02/2008, Jerry D. Hedden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Change 33313 is causing test suite failures:
   output at test 1308
   output at test 1308
 That happens with TEST, not with harness, which explains why I didn't saw it 
   Capturing the relevant test output:
   ok 1307 - $+{C} Line 3788
   not ok 1308 - $+{D} Line 3788 # TODO 1
   not # Failed test at line 3788
   # expected: '???xfoo'
   #   result: ''
   ok 1309 - 18446744073709551615~=/(?D(?Afoo)s+(?Bbar)?s+(?Cbaz))/   
   The 'failure' is the extra 'not' before the pound sign.
   I tried to figure out what's causing it, but couldn't.

Is it possible to put the TAP parser into a strict mode where it would detect
and fault these sorts of things?

(I think most specifically these things are lines that aren't /^ok/,
/^not ok/ or /^#/ )

Nicholas Clark

Re: Testing print failures

2008-01-07 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 04:19:17PM +, David Cantrell wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 10:24:47PM +, Nicholas Clark wrote:
  Not tested, but, can you
  1: grab the address of print's op from PL_ppaddr
  2: store it somewhere useful
  3: replace it in PL_ppaddr with your own function
  Your own function calls the original, and then before returning, checks
  the return value on the stack. If it indicates fatal, then check the calling
  context. If that's void, croak.
  Otherwise return normally.
 Please for the love of god don't do that.  Global changes to perl's

But I can for the love of Mammon? :-)

  Not that I had any last night, because Christmas was still in bottled form:

 behaviour propagating out of some obscure module several steps away in
 your application's dependency tree are a Bad Idea.  See UNIVERSAL::* for
 examples of why.

Good point.

I think that it's already been suggested that it can be done lexically in
5.10 (and later) by inspecting $^H, and only croaking if it's void context
and and a user defined lexical pragma has enabled it.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Testing print failures

2008-01-07 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 03:59:18PM +, Adrian Howard wrote:

 Actually, I've had some nasty bugs in the past with prints failing  
 with dodgy NFS mounts. Caused some important data to go away. Not my  
 code fortunately :-)

In these circumstances print failed but the close on the file did not?

I know that it happens the other way, because I clearly remember that a
certain firm's compiler got caught with its pants down when a certain firm's
NFS implementation went multithreaded in release 2.4 of the OS. With 2.4
write failures (here caused by hitting quotas) were not reported as
errors on the writes, but instead only spotted at close time (when
everything resynchronised). The compiler wasn't checking the return value
of close.

Then again, close time might be too late for the application you're
describing, if it is holding files open for long periods.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Testing print failures

2008-01-05 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 11:00:41PM +0100, nadim khemir wrote:

 day an the answer was 'no'. Do you happend to know something about 
 replacing 'print' with XS code short of patching perl (which doesn't sound 
 like a good idea)

Not tested, but, can you

1: grab the address of print's op from PL_ppaddr
2: store it somewhere useful
3: replace it in PL_ppaddr with your own function

Your own function calls the original, and then before returning, checks
the return value on the stack. If it indicates fatal, then check the calling
context. If that's void, croak.

Otherwise return normally.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Auto: Your message 'FAIL IO-AIO-2.51 i386-freebsd-thread-multi 6.2-release' has NOT been received

2007-12-19 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 12:38:46PM +, Andy Armstrong wrote:
 On 19 Dec 2007, at 12:32, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 Obviously that's my (probably extremely unprofessional) impression of
 his views. He did mention religion and ego though :)
 CPAN Testers does mug his modules pretty badly, just look at all  
 that red.
 He does an awful lot of XS which is always going to be problematic.
 From what he's said to me off-list I'd guess that if he used  
 Devel::Check* many of those failures would go away.
 I'm trying to persuade him to let me archive our exchange somewhere so  
 people can read it if they're interested.

It would be interesting. He's a smart guy and usually right. So are you.

Without seeing it, it makes me think of the exchanges between IlyaZ and TomC
on p5p. Both were right, but both contradicted each other. The cause was
that each based their reasoning on a different set of assumptions, and what
one thought important the other thought was not, and vice versa.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Impotent disclaimers (was: Milton Keynes PM coding collaboration)

2007-12-14 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Dec 14, 2007 at 09:09:12AM +0100, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
 Hi Tony,
 * Edwardson, Tony [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-12-14 08:55]:

  This is a commercial communication from Commerzbank AG.
  [20 lines snipped]

 is there any chance you could subscribe this list using an
 address whose outgoing mail server does not feel the need to
 append 25 lines of legally ineffectual lawyeristic mumbojumbo
 to a one-line mail?

Or encourage Morgan Stanley to take Commerzbank AG over, as the Morgan
Stanley disclaimer manages to say more in only 2 lines.

[some lawyers are more efficient than others. I wonder if lawyers can be

Nicholas Clark

Re: shouldn't UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED mean failure?

2007-12-05 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 08:25:10PM -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:

 Fergal Daly wrote:

  You have no idea what version of Foo they're using
 Well, you do with version dependency declarations so you control the range.
 New versions are, of course, open to breakage but at some point you have to
 trust something.

I'm also missing why no-one has suggested

local $TODO = Frobulator low on pie if Foo-VERSION  3.14;

which ought to mean that TODO tests stop being TODO if the user has a new
enough version of Foo installed. (ie, you *do* know what version of Foo
they're using, at least in the general case)

Nicholas Clark

Re: New proposed CPANTS metric: prereq_matches_use

2007-11-20 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 03:03:51PM -0800, chromatic wrote:
 On Monday 19 November 2007 14:30:51 Jonathan Rockway wrote:
  I think the real solution, though, is to agree that the perl interpreter
  without all of the core modules installed isn't Perl.  (I'm not a big
  fan of core modules, but the concept is especially worthless if you
  can't depend on their existence.)

To your own modules?
If so, why on earth is anyone upset about this?

 Any chance you could convince a few thousand ISPs of that?  I'm game.

And this is why.

Nicholas Clark

Re: prove -j 9

2007-09-10 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 07:39:21PM +0200, demerphq wrote:
 On 9/10/07, Eric Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Note that your test suite may or may not play nicely with that.  Have
  you ever run them in parallel before? ;-)  Assuming common tempfiles
  and such really rains on the parade.  Other than that, we're talking
  40% less waiting.
 Will this make it easier to parallelize tests in the perl core?
 There the issue isnt so much running the tests in a single module
 directory simultaneously but rather running the tests in different
 test directories simultaneously.

I had a hacked proof of concept for this, but it needed moderately large
changes to Test::Harness to make it work. This was around the time that the
TAPx::Parser work commenced, so it wasn't going to happen with Test::Harness

I still *have* the proof of concept code. The key thing I needed changed was
that once you're running 2 or more tests you can't print any progress about
*the* test currently running, because your assumption that there is just one
is no longer valid.

As to the core tests, they trip up like crazy, I think because they are not
original in their choice of names for temporary files.

Nicholas Clark

Re: prove -j 9

2007-09-10 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 11:37:00AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 # from demerphq
 # on Monday 10 September 2007 10:51 am:
  As to the core tests, they trip up like crazy, I think because they
  are not original in their choice of names for temporary files.
 I solved that in dotReader's tests with some '. $$' action.
 I was playing with the 't/' directory from perl-5.8.8 last night and 
 having very little luck.  For starters, I had to hack t/TEST to print 
 the filenames, but still came up with 995 files instead of 933, so I 
 think I did it wrong ;-)

In the core use the files as listed in MANIFEST

 I currently have no partitioning for what runs in parallel or groups of 
 series (ala `make -j`.)  I supposed grouping by directories could be 
 an easy switch-activated feature.  In general though, I'm thinking this 
 ventures into the realm of test metadata, so I hesitate to ad-hoc too 
 much into it.

In the core, I found that ensuring that all the test files from the same
directory in order worked nicely. I'm sure that some tests can be run in
arbitrary order (or literally in parallel) but there are enough of them to
ensure that lots of CPUs can get fed.

The problems I had were with trying to get t/op/*.t in parallel (which should
work) and t/class/*.t (which are slow)

Also, I was trying to feed 32 cores, not 2.

I think that I documented this somewhere, but once you get to 7 tests in
parallel, where you pass the tap stream back to a central parser/reporter,
the parser in Test::Harness became the bottleneck.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Summarizing the pod tests thread

2007-07-31 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 04:43:08PM -0400, David Golden wrote:

 * CPANTS -- eliminating or penalizing Kwalitee for pod/pod-coverage
 tests would seem to be up to Thomas Klausner; I don't think I've seen
 him weigh in on this recently.  So people need to lobby him or fork
 the project.

He's somewhere in Outer Mongolia, and won't be back for about 2 weeks:

He then might be rather busy until the end of YAPC::EU

Don't be hasty with the f word.

Nicholas Clark

Re: New TAP mailing list

2007-03-19 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 09:12:08AM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
 On Mar 19, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Andy Lester wrote:
 Begin forwarded message:
 Alright, [EMAIL PROTECTED] should work within 30 minutes or so.
 I dunno, I just saw that Nicholas Clark had requested it, and I  
 forwarded the email.  I don't know the story behind it.

I didn't request it. The specific question I asked was how does one go
about doing it? Ask assumed that it was wanted.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Eliminating STDERR without any disruption.

2007-03-18 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 01:06:48AM +, Andy Armstrong wrote:

 And in fact now I see how simple the proposal is I realise that even  
 mentioning how it might be implemented is completely unnecessary.  
 Sorry folks - it's been a long day :)

Well then, you should spend less time working actually writing code, and
more time relaxing and being sociable by replying to e-mail on lists. :-)
Meetings - the practical alternative to work.

Nicholas Clark

Re: TAP::Parser internationalization

2007-03-18 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 05:00:32AM -0700, Ovid wrote:
 This will likely *not* be in Test::Harness 3.0 unless it turns out to
 be easier/more important than I thought, but I think that
 internationalization may be important.  Right now, all text that it
 output is hard-coded in TAP::Parser/TAP::Harness/etc.  This has some
 negative consequences.

 I have three questions:
 1.  How important is this feature?

I don't know. I've only worked in English speaking companies.

But getting the framework in, even if you only have 2 languages, where one
is CAPITALS (or some-such) for testing makes it a lot easier later, as you
don't have to go through retrofitting.

But on the other hand, doing it now might be over engineering.

 2.  Is a YAML phrasebook a sensible approach?

Surely that's an implementation detail, behind Locale::Maketext ?

 3.  Where's my beer?

Last seen here:

There will be more beer on 5th April, venue to be confirmed. Possibly with
an emergency before then because Simon Cozens is going to Japan.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Eliminating STDERR without any disruption.

2007-03-18 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 01:37:36AM +, Andy Armstrong wrote:

 Are we expecting a YAML reader / writer to be core anytime soon?

Not that I'm aware of.

Nicholas Clark

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Test::More/Simple/Builder 0.68

2007-03-14 Thread Nicholas Clark
Erk. Fails big time on 5.005_03

(Sorry, only just had reason to want to build 5.005_03)

On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 05:34:48PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 0.68  Tue Mar 13 17:27:26 PDT 2007
 Bug fixes
 * If your code has a $SIG{__DIE__} handler in some cases functions like
   use_ok(), require_ok(), can_ok() and isa_ok() could trigger that
   handler. [ 23509]
 - Minor improvement to TB's filehandle detection in the case of overridden
   isa(). [ 20890]
 - Will now install as a core module in 5.6.2 which ships with Test::More.
   [ 25163]
 New Features
 - Test::Builder-is_fh() provides a way to determine if a thing
   can be used as a filehandle.
 Documentation improvements
 - Improved the docs for $Test::Builder::Level showing the encouraged
   use (increment, don't set)
 - Documented the return value of Test::Builder's test methods
 - Split out TB's method documentation to differenciate between test
   methods (ok, is_eq...), methods useful in testing (skip, BAILOUT...)
   and methods useful for building your own tests (maybe_regex...).
 Test fixes
 - We required too old a version of Test::Pod::Coverage.  Need 1.08 and not
   1.00. [ 25351]

Something somewhere in those changes makes it go very wrong, as 0.67 works
a treat. I've not started digging yet, but the first test to clearly go
wrong is:

$ ~/Reference/5.005_03/bin/perl5.00503 -w -Mblib t/Builder.t 
Using /export/home/nwc10/Perl/Test-Simple-0.68/blib
ok 6 - current_test() set

And this might give the game away:

$ ~/Reference/5.005_03/bin/perl5.00503 -w -Mblib t/buffer.t  
Using /export/home/nwc10/Perl/Test-Simple-0.68/blib
ok 2 - You're ok
ok 4 - You're ok
ok 6 - You're ok
ok 8 - You're ok
ok 10 - You're ok
ok 12 - You're ok
ok 14 - You're ok
ok 16 - You're ok
ok 18 - You're ok
ok 20 - You're ok

given that the output is supposed to be:

$ perl -Mblib t/buffer.t 
ok 1 - I'm ok
ok 2 - You're ok
ok 3 - I'm ok
ok 4 - You're ok
ok 5 - I'm ok
ok 6 - You're ok
ok 7 - I'm ok
ok 8 - You're ok
ok 9 - I'm ok
ok 10 - You're ok
ok 11 - I'm ok
ok 12 - You're ok
ok 13 - I'm ok
ok 14 - You're ok
ok 15 - I'm ok
ok 16 - You're ok
ok 17 - I'm ok
ok 18 - You're ok
ok 19 - I'm ok
ok 20 - You're ok

Does anything spring to mind as to the cause?

Nicholas Clark

Re: Paying for TAP 2.0

2007-03-08 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 11:05:31AM -0500, Christopher H. Laco wrote:
 Paul Beckingham wrote:

  Because I need to retain the output of all tests, and those files get
  large, but mostly because of the sheer redundancy.
 But how do you know  23 ok if you were never told that it ran ok?

Surely one can post-process a regular TAP file to sparse output?
And only do so if the TAP file is valid non-sparse output.

This seems safer than generating it by default.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Test::Simple API incompatibility - cpan-testers FAIL results

2007-02-15 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 09:17:00AM +1100, Adam Kennedy wrote:
 This comes from the OMGYOUBROKECPAN! diagnostics formatting change in 
 Can we use that as the official name for this sort of error?
 Because the other alternative would be Doing a Schwern and I I'm sure 
 you'd prefer to preserve that term for something positive :)

Such as herding MakeMaker for years with no-one ever saying thanks.

Thanks, Schwern.

(although I'm feeling a bit false as I'm not sure how much of that is simply
because I'm glad that it wasn't me who had to do it)

Nicholas Clark

Re: Parallelizing TAPx::Harness?

2007-02-05 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 03:24:37AM +, Andy Armstrong wrote:
 On 5 Feb 2007, at 01:08, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
 I was just thinking that since my tests are nicely orthogonal and yet
 there's very little cpu utilization during testing, that I could
 probably get them done about 20x faster if they were parallelized.
 I can't say off the top of my head what problems might arise.  
 Obviously the output displayed during test runs would have to change.  
 Sounds like a good idea though - I've added it to the TODO list :)

I had an experiment with making Test::Harness run in parallel. The code
exists, but is (intentionally) very hacky - I wanted to see what needed

From memory, and I don't know how TAPx::Harness differs, currently when you
run a test under Test::Harness it does roughly the following:

1: Print out the test name with the s
2: Start the test running
3: Suck TAP data from the running test and print out progress
4: When the test completes print out its summary
5: repeat

To run tests in parallel, what I was doing was starting a farm of tests,
and when a test completed, printing out its results and starting another
one, until there were no new tests left to start, at which point wait for
tests to finish. The farm was run via a select loop.

So the logic had to change to roughly (and lets see if I can get the syntax

async {
  1: Start a test running
  2: Suck TAP data from the test and buffer it
  3: When the test completes process it all
  4: Print out a summary
  5: repeat

Important differences were

1: you only print out the entire test results as an atomic line when it has
2: You have no idea which test is going to finish next
3: You can't print running progress on tests

Ideally the same code can run in both modes, so that when you aren't running
tests in parallel (which includes the case of waiting-for-the-last-test)
you go back to printing out the name and processing TAP as it appears.

Something I discovered was that processing TAP is slow. Up to about 7 CPUs,
parallelising tests feeding TAP into the master thread was a win. Beyond
that, the process processing the TAP was the bottleneck, and adding more
CPUs (and more parallel tests) didn't help. I would assume that from that
point on it would be better to have each test run by slave harness processes,
which takes the TAP, parses it, and slings (say) Storable objects across
to the master. But right now this isn't an issue as the 32 core Sun isn't
powered up. :-(

For the actual running of tests I tweaked runtests() so that the list of
arguments was treated as follows

1: Plain file names were tests to run in parallel, in any order
2: Array references were groups of tests to run in series
   (This let me run tests for each module in ext/ and lib/ in order)
3: There was a special sync object that meant complete everything up to here

which was sufficient to give a lot of flexibility in how tests were run
(and discover that the core is very unoriginal in its naming of temporary

Nicholas Clark

Re: Using pip to get testing done better and faster...

2007-01-09 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 02:30:56PM +, David Cantrell wrote:

 Sadly, I doubt it's really possible.  Perl makes far too many Unixy 

What are these directories of which you speak? :-)

although I doubt that that one is really the clincher, as Perl has been
ported to some somewhat un-Unixy portable devices.

IIRC DOS didn't get directories until 1.1

Nicholas Clark

Re: Thoughts about test harness summary

2007-01-05 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 11:11:25AM -0800, Ovid wrote:
 Pursuant to some discussion with BrowserUK at, I'm looking at this and seeing
 some problems.
 Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
 t/bar.t4  1024134  2 6-8
 t/foo.t1   256101  5
 Failed 2/3 test scripts. 5/33 subtests failed.
 Files=3, Tests=33,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.10 cusr +  0.01 csys =  0.11
 Failed 2/3 test programs. 5/33 subtests failed.
 How about this instead?
 Failed Test | Total | Fail |   List of Failed   |   TODO Passed
 t/bar.t | 13| 4|2, 6-8  |3-4
 t/foo.t | 10| 1|5   |

I'd like Wstat, even if I don't have Stat. I like to know if tests coredumped.
I may be in a minority here, but being able to optionally switch to that
output is useful.

I like the prominence of TODO passed

I'm not sure if I like the lines making the table. I guess it's a bit of a
bikeshed, but having horizontal lines between each will increase the amount
of vertical space needed to convey the same information, which will mean
fewer failures will be needed to exceed my screen's height.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Sparse Test Output

2006-10-26 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 03:53:58PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:

 I am totally unconvinced.  I would love to see some profiling on this.  I 
 would hope that the act of running 50,000 tests would swamp the cost of 
 parsing 50,000 tests.

I don't have the exact numbers any more, but had experimented with
multithreading the core tests (needs some refactoring of Test::Harness to
do properly)

I had 1 process parsing the TAP streams, with the others running the tests and
generating the TAP. Above about 7 processes in parallel the TAP parser
process was the bottleneck. This was on a 32 core Sun, so I had plenty of
headroom to run more TAP generating threads.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Failing test on Windows

2006-10-25 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 08:08:45PM -0400, Christopher H. Laco wrote:

 With most modules, I agree. But with utility modules  like
 Module::Pluggable, File::Find::Recursive, etc, not working under taint

I'd be surprised if the author of Module::Pluggable wasn't open to patches
to fix this.

Nicholas Clark

Re: AnnoCPAN Doc Patch Maker

2006-10-07 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Oct 07, 2006 at 12:16:58AM -0400, Ivan Tubert-Brohman wrote:
 On 10/6/06, Ivan Tubert-Brohman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I got something that can send you directly to and prefill
 the textarea with the patch. The problem is that that textarea has
 hard text wrapping which can cause the patch to be malformed.
 Therefore, to make life easier for the module maintainer, the patch
 should be attached as a file. The sad part for the patcher is that the
 file can't be transmitted easily from one form to the other. The best
 protocol I could come up with is the following:

 I'm thinking now that a convenient solution for the user would be to
 send the bug report directly by email (from to, with From: being the user's email); that way I can
 include an attachment so the patch won't be messed up. Some drawbacks,
 if I understand RT correctly, are that the report would not be
 associated with an user account and the user won't be able
 to set some of the metadata (such as version numbers).

Given that {annocpan,rt} both know who the user is, and both are
written in Perl, isn't there some web API available from RT that would let
an authenticated machine file a bug report with unmangled patch?

Nicholas Clark

Re: A short rant on the purpose of the CPAN install chain.

2006-09-23 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 09:47:02PM +0100, Adrian Howard wrote:

 Belated response. For me good tests suites:
 * are good code (i.e. DRY, well factored, intention revealing, etc.)
 * encourage good design (ala TDD)
 * fail for bugs, but not refactoring
 * only fail for bugs in the thing they're testing

Which includes never failing due to random causes. (Such as there being a
known 5% chance of a test failing)

 * don't depend on the order the tests are run in

Which to me means both

1: No .t file relies on others running before them to set up
2: Any .t file can be re-run infinite times without starting to fail
   (before 1 is achieved, due to some sort of set up data being exhausted)

Nicholas Clark

Re: Bad TAP in Perl core?

2006-09-17 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 08:39:12AM -0700, Ovid wrote:
 So I now have well over 2,000 tests for the parser, but there's a corner case 
 that's killing me.  Test::Harness handles it fine, so I'm thinking that the 
 TAP specification (and subsequent grammar) is wrong.

 Because TAP forbids unescaped hash marks in descriptions and that's how my 
 parser works, it falls down and goes boom.  Unless I hear differently, I'm 
 going to have to adjust my parser to allow them.  Otherwise I can't even 
 parse the Perl core tests, much less many different test modules on the CPAN. 
  This is because many people are putting their descriptions after hash marks, 
 not before.

We could just fix the core.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Perl::MinimumVersoin (was Re: New TAP Grammar)

2006-09-16 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Sep 16, 2006 at 09:27:21AM -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:

 Seems to me this should be an config option to decide between checking the 
 point where a feature existed and when it stopped sucking.

That sounds like a useful distinction. Hopefully for most features stopped
sucking won't be vague (due to no clear single release where it became

Nicholas Clark

Re: New TAP Grammar

2006-09-15 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 09:28:19PM -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 Ovid wrote:
  Also, for purposes of backwards compatability, I'm concerned about qr// and 
  When were those first introduced in Perl?  I don't want someone using 
  really old versions to not be able to use this code.
 qr// was introduced in 5.6.  $code-() has been in there as long as I know.  
 use warnings is 5.6.
 To give you an idea, the Test-Simple distribution has been broken on 5.5.3 
 for a few releases now (Test::Builder::Tester uses qr//) and I've gotten a 
 grand total of one bug report about it.

I think that it came in with 5.005_00. Certainly, it's in 5.005_03, which is
the earliest version I can find precompiled:

$ perl5.00503 -le '$a = qr/(.*)/; $] =~ $a; print $1'

So whatever the actual cause of the bug leading to the report is, it wouldn't
seem to be what the reporter thought it was.

Nicholas Clark

Re: post-YAPC::Europe CPANTS news

2006-09-08 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 09:15:47PM +1000, Adam Kennedy wrote:

 One of the linux distro guys pinged me about Test::Object needing the 
 very latest (CPAN-only) version of Test::Builder, because it means they 
 can't package it properly for the distros without upgrading the main 
 Perl package. Some packaging systems can't handle having the same file 
 in more than one distro it seems.

Said maintainers can work round the deficiencies of their packaging systems
by breaking out all the dual life modules from the core Perl package, and
making them into other packages on which the core Perl package depends.

In my opinion.

Clearly this might be a bit tricky if the packager of Test::Object isn't
the same person as the packager of core Perl, because then the former has
to persuade the latter of the need for such a change.

Alternatively said maintainers can work round the deficiencies of their
packaging system by having another directory tree in @INC ahead of the
core library paths, into which they install newer versions of dual life
modules. This way no files need to be overwritten on disk, or dual-owned,
yet Perl will still pick up the correct (newer) version.

Nicholas Clark

Re: designing a test suite for multiple implementations

2006-08-12 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 03:32:47PM +0800, Audrey Tang wrote:
 ?b 2006/8/12 ?W?? 3:01 ???Ajerry gay ?g???G

 the question is, should it be moved into their own repository, or  
 into the repo of
 the official perl6 implementation (if such a beast will indeed  
 Currently the repo is the most official-sounding one, by  
 the domain
 name alone.  (But I don't understand the motivation for putting the  
 tests with
 the true implementation -- I thought the idea is to decouple the  
 tests with
 any implementations.)  So I think is the right choice,  
 if the admins
 are okay with a more relaxed commit bit policy there.

There's nothing technical stopping the Perl 6 tests being on,
but in a different svn repository from the current repositories, is there?
Setting a svn:external property in the right place on both Parrot and Pugs
would mean that both could check out the same testsuite, and both could
commit back to it.

Nicholas Clark

Re: designing a test suite for multiple implementations

2006-08-12 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Aug 12, 2006 at 09:44:38PM +0800, Audrey Tang wrote:

 That's assuming that the new repo, say, 
 perl6tests/, can
 give out commit permissions to parrot and pugs committers, yes.
 But as Jerry's initial motivation was moving Perl 6 tests to a more  
 location, and that is the official repo  
 for the
 Perl 6 design documents, I wonder what's the advantage of hosting the  
 in a separate repository.  Can you elaborate on that?

I thought that it might be easier to audit different committer bit policies
if the repositories were different, instead of simply one being a subtree of
another. That was all.

Nicholas Clark

unit tests or functional tests

2006-08-06 Thread Nicholas Clark
This is sort of off-topic because it's more a general question about testing,
rather than Perl specific, but the code in question happens to be written in

There is this big hairball of under-tested code. (Nothing new here)
So the question is, which to tackle first - unit tests, or functional tests.

A colleague's view is that you can't have functional tests until you know
that the individual units work, hence start with unit tests. (I believe that
the assumption is that when they're mostly complete start on functional
tests, but that wasn't stated). This seems the logical approach if you want
to refactor things.

My view is that because the actual output of the code isn't well specified
(sadly nothing that new there either), if we write functional tests to
verify that the behaviour we desire is present, then we're actually killing
two birds with one stone - we have tests for the spec, and the tests are
the spec. (Which isn't perfect as specs go, but it's a heck of a lot better
than the current spec). Also, right now we really don't care about the
specific output of the the individual units that make up the code - all
that matters to the client is the final behaviour. Hence writing unit tests
at fine detail for existing code could well be a (relative) waste of effort
in that it's quite possible that the units they test are thrown away soon
if the implementation is changed. Whereas functional requirements are much
less likely to change on a release-by-release basis, so writing them is
less likely to generate code that has a short lifetime. And having functional
tests is likely to give us better coverage up front, so we're more likely to
spot a change that unintentionally breaks behaviour, even if we can't use
them to efficiently nail down which change was the culprit.

Why am I wrong?

Nicholas Clark

Re: planning at the end

2006-07-23 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 04:01:00PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On 7/20/06, Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I am not mistaken the problem with no_plan is that the test script
 might exit before actually running all the tests you wanted and Harness
 won't notice it.
 PS  In all my years of testing I have never been bitten by this in the
 real world which is why I've never bothered to code up a solution.
 Anyone else?

I've been bitten by library code calling exit() while I've been using no_plan.
I can't remember more than that (well, apart from that library wasn't
pleasant code to read or use). I would have found some sort of done testing
call useful to have made the test script fail for this case.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Time for a Revolution

2006-07-14 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 08:36:54AM +1000, Andrew Savige wrote:
 --- Clayton O'Neill wrote:
  I think a core difference between your list and Chromatic's is that
  yours would be part of the standard library in a lot of languages,
  whereas Chromatic seems to be aiming more for things that would be
  part of the language.
 Who's Chromatic?

And it wasn't even the start of a sentence. :-)

[When doing the perl 6 summaries, Piers reconciled the forces of accuracy and
traditional grammar by ensuring by always rephrasing to some sentence order
that didn't start with chromatic]

Nicholas Clark

Re: Proposal Suggestion - Test::Run

2006-07-07 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Jul 05, 2006 at 11:57:42PM -0700, chromatic wrote:
 On Wednesday 05 July 2006 23:02, Shlomi Fish n wrote:
  I don't see using the X11 licence for my software as anti-social. Like I
  said, anyone can easily fork it as a software of a different licence.
 Supposing you actually find a mentee and TPF actually does fund this project 
 and this code is substantially better than Test::Harness such that it is an 
 obvious candidate for inclusion in the Perl core.
 It must be under the Perl license.

For the core, what he says. Period.

Nicholas Clark

Re: TAP::Harness

2006-07-01 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 02:36:37PM -0500, Michael G Schwern wrote:

 Right now the use cases I have in mind include things such as
 parallelized test runs, fancy GUI and HTML outputs (for example,

 Provide use cases, what would you want to do with Test::Harness if you
 could?  What are you doing with Straps?  What features do other

Use case: Parallel test runs

I'd like to be able to specify parallel test runs. Specifically, I'd like
to be able to send tests as a set of groups, with instructions on how the
tests are to be parallelised. I already have a prototype, hacked from

1: Send tests as groups
2: Tests within a group run in series (in traditional order)
3: Groups run in parallel
4: have sync points. All groups before a sync point must complete before any
   groups after a sync point can start.

This let me run many of the core tests in parallel, but still allowed the
tests that need to run in order to run in order. This level of control let
me run the core tests as follows:

  one by one (each test is its own group, sync point between each group)
t/comp/*.t t/cmd/*.t t/run/*.t t/io/*.t t/op/*.t
  tests in each directory in sequence, but the 5 directories in parallel
  wait for all these to finish
t/uni/*.t, all tests in ext and lib
  tests in a the same directory ran in series. All directories could run in

With this I can max out a multi CPU (or multi core) box.
(Or at least stand a fighting chance, although tests in t/op/*.t in the core
need some issues fixing before they can run in parallel with each other. I
suspect that their names for temporary files are unimaginative and therefore

I've got the code for a select driven event loop that can run all this, if
that's helpful.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Test::Harness wrangling

2006-06-29 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 11:13:02PM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
 Tomorrow, Adam Kennedy and I (and Schwern?) will be banging on  
 Any bugs that we especially need to work on?

They're not so much bugs as structural annoyances that it would be useful
to relax to make subclassing Test::Harness more useful.
(Well, most accurately, to allow me to write a parallel test runner easily)

I hacked Test::Harness and Test::Harness::Straps around to get parallel tests
running (version 1), but I made no effort to keep the conventional behaviour
working cleanly, hence I'm not sure if sending you that code would be useful.
However, based on that, things that it would be nice to refactor out
(from memory):

The code to do the printing of the test names, the ...s and the numbers could
be refactored out into a proper helper class, to allow derivatives more
flexibility in what the chose to display. This class would suck in the
subroutines associated with strap_callback as methods. In turn, it would
stop the evil storing of callback state in the main T::H object. In turn,
the globals $ML $Last_ML_Print can be eliminated and stored as state in this.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Test me please: P/PE/PETDANCE/Test-Harness-2.57_06.tar.gz

2006-04-23 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 01:02:00AM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
 I'm approaching the end of this release cycle.  I really want to get  
 this released.
 I've removed the meaningless percentages of tests that have failed.   
 If you rely on the output at the end, it's different now.
   file: $CPAN/authors/id/P/PE/PETDANCE/Test-Harness-2.57_06.tar.gz
   size: 69114 bytes
md5: 41efc0985146e4f7d678ec7cb9b59047

I have merged this in to blead with change 27940. (Because I want the speedup)

Specifically blead is now identical (Unless I messed up) which means that
this change got removed before I committed:

--- Test-Harness-2.57_06/lib/Test/Harness.pmSun Apr 23 06:53:11 2006
+++ perl/lib/Test/Harness.pmSun Apr 23 21:23:30 2006
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
-$VERSION = '2.57_06';
+$VERSION = 2.57_06;
 # Backwards compatibility for exportable variable names.
 *verbose  = *Verbose;

And this change did get committed:

 //depot/perl/lib/Test/Harness/t/version.t#2 - 
--- /tmp/tmp.27775.0Sun Apr 23 21:25:55 2006
+++ /home/nick/p4perl/perl/lib/Test/Harness/t/version.t Sun Apr 23 21:23:28 2006
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ BEGIN {
 my $ver = $ENV{HARNESS_VERSION} or die HARNESS_VERSION not set;
-like( $ver, qr/^2.\d\d(_?\d\d)?$/, Version is proper format );
+ok( $ver =~ /^2.\d\d(_\d\d)?$/, Version is proper format );
 is( $ver, $Test::Harness::VERSION );

Note that I removed the ? from the _ inside the regexp, which was added

I felt it better to get the code perfectly in sync than to preserve minor
recent (possible) fixes and have to keep track of the fork.

Nicholas Clark

TODO tests

2006-04-18 Thread Nicholas Clark
Last time I checked the core has 6 TESTS UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED
What's the expected number of unexpected successes?
Can it be made to be zero, even though we're testing the test modules?

If so, I think that that would be useful, as it would mean that any (real)
TODO test that unexpectedly started passing would be noticed.

I bring this up because we seem to have inadvertently fixed really old regexp
bugs that we didn't have a test case for, but I realise that right now adding
TODO tests wouldn't actually have been *that* useful - if a TODO passes we
don't notice.

It would be good if we were in a position to notice. I'm not sure how much
work that would be.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Module requirements (was: Module::Build and installing in non-standardlocations)

2006-04-05 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 11:27:07AM +0200, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:

 I don't think that the problem of core is too big is a matter of disk
 size, but more a matter of number of modules. P5Porters time is a scarce
 ressource, and they already lack the time to do all the work they'd
 like to do just on the interpreter. Making core modules dual-life is
 a way to handle these to someone else who has spare time and who doesn't
 need to have deep XS or Perl guts knowledge. At least I think that's
 the reason, otherwise why was I accepted as the maintainer of two
 such modules (XSLoader and Sys::Syslog)?

Well, I think it's that reason too. :-)

Yes, to me, size is maintainance liability, not disk space or bandwidth.
Putting things in core is a pain. Keeping them there is a pain. I remember
the fun of getting Storable sufficiently portable that it could go into
the core. Trying to work around strange issues thrown up by certain AIX
compilers in certain configurations...

Nicholas Clark

Re: New kwalitee metric - eg/ directory

2006-03-14 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 12:48:52PM -0500, David Golden wrote:
 Adam Kennedy wrote:
 For all those component distributions I consider it a failure if it is 
 so complex that you need something more than just three or four lines 
 from the SYNOPSIS.
 Maybe there should be a Kwalitee metric for the length of the synopsis?

I was thinking this too. Some synopses aren't.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Kwalitee in your dependencies (was CPAN Upload: etc etc)

2006-02-03 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 11:30:13AM +0100, Tels wrote:
 Problaby just because the last guy running RISC OS has died 4 years ago. 
 SCNR :-)

Well, the list is *slightly* more active than that:

Nicholas Clark

Re: Dependency trees was: CPAN Upload: D/DO/DOMM/Module-CPANTS-Analyse-0.5.tar.gz

2006-01-28 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Jan 28, 2006 at 09:08:48PM +1100, Adam Kennedy wrote:
 Graph::Easy installation failing here with YAML 0.50 (newer versions of 
 YAML seem to be uninstallable at the moment due to Class::Spiffy + 
 Spiffy + Test::Base install failures...
 Any suggestions?

You're getting install failures even with the newest versions of Class::Spiffy
etc? I had failures with YAML not liking an existing installed Spiffy, but
upgrading everything seemed to resolve that.

If that's not it, then I don't know, but Ingy is often around on IRC.

Nicholas Clark

Re: ENV problems with testing

2005-09-20 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 09:42:52PM -0400, James E Keenan wrote:
 (Secondary reason for tests needing 5.6:  as you, Schwern, pointed out 
 several weeks back, doing without qr// is just too painful!)

5.005 introduced qr//

$ ~/Reference/5.005_04/bin/perl5.00504-32 -le '$r = qr/(p...)/; $^X =~ $r; 
print $1'

Nicholas Clark

Re: rantTesting module madness

2005-09-12 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 12:35:43PM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
 Usually, Test::* modules are only used for the test phase.
 I really don't understand the idea of only used for the test phase,  
 as if the tests don't matter, or if there are levels of failure.   
 Either they install OK on the target system, and you can use them  
 with confidence, and they've done their job, or you're going to  
 ignore the tests completely and then who needs 'em?
 It's like if I'm installing a washing machine, and I don't have a  
 level.  I can say Ah, I only need it for the installation, and it  
 looks pretty level, so I don't need the level, or I can say I'm not  
 using this appliance until I've proven to myself that the machine is  
 level and won't cause me any problems in the future because of an  

This is a good analogy. It's correct.

But the assumptions behind it cover only one case.

It's as if the requirements for the washing machine say:

To install and use this machine you will need:

* a power supply
* a water supply
* drainage
* a level

which is valid if you're both the installer and the user. But if someone
else helps you install the machine, then you don't actually need the level,
if they bring theirs and use it for the install.

I think that the build_requires/test_requires distinction *is* important, if
it can be made, as it eases the lives of anyone wishing to package up
modules, build them from source in one place, and then distribute their
packages to many other machines, be they OS vendors or sysadmins. The tests
are run and pass on the build machine, prior to packaging. But the automatic
dependency system doesn't need to make installation of this module depend on
installing Test::* onto the production machine. (for the general case)

But it's only important if it's easy to make. And I'd much prefer time and
effort to go into writing better modules, better tests, and better tools,
than generating heat.

Nicholas Clark

Re: kwalitee: drop Acme?

2005-09-09 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 10:37:01PM +1000, Adam Kennedy wrote:
 Or make is_prereq SO easy to game that it's a nonissue? Why should a 
 module depended upon by another author be ranked any higher than one 
 that isn't.

For CPANTS I see no reason.
For search results quite the opposite. I'd really like if if the default
way people got search results back for CPAN modules at least attempted
to order at some level based on citations. (ie number of pre-requisites)

For example, I believe that that way the 4 or so decent template modules
would fall out immediately from the 50 others on CPAN. And that this is
worth doing because the commonly used templating modules are almost
certainly what most people who need to search would find more than good
enough. Rather than letting them fight through bogosorted results and
getting swamped by choice.

But it seems that there is something amiss with the roundness of my stock
of tuits. (or in other words there are things I find I care more about and
deal with first)

Nicholas Clark

Re: kwalitee: drop Acme?

2005-09-08 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 11:20:33PM +0200, Philippe 'BooK' Bruhat wrote:
 Le jeudi 08 septembre 2005 à 10:45, Ovid écrivait:

 Take a less random example:

You've been learning this new definition of random from cog, haven't you? :-)
[eg random person to wear fishnet]

  We should at least throw the poor module author's a bone and leave
  Acme:: out of this.
 Hey! that would decrease *my* score! ;-)

I've no idea what it would do to my score.

Nicholas Clark

Re: False Positives from Automated Testing at

2005-07-20 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 09:37:39PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 10:49:12PM -0400, James E Keenan wrote:

  Am I correct in this inference and this judgment?  Or is there something 
  about the automated testing that I don't understand?
 If I understand correctly, the issue here is you failed to list a
 dependency yet the tests failed to catch it because that module was already
 installed.  Its a false positive, but not's fault.  It
 would have to attempt to automatically figure out what modules your code
 needs and check that you list them as dependencies.  This is fraut with

When I rule the world (and therefore have requisitioned everyone's tuits)
there will be smoke testing that starts from a clean install each time.

However, right now I don't have time to try to write this. Sorry.

Nicholas Clark

Re: OSCON testing tutorial?

2005-07-20 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 02:46:43PM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 11:57:36AM -0700, Michael G Schwern ([EMAIL 
 PROTECTED]) wrote:
  Am I imagining things or was there supposed to be a testing tutorial at 
  with Andy Lester, chromatic and the gang?  Or am I thinking of YAPC?
 No, it's not a tutorial.  It's 90 minutes of random testing stuff.
 Think 16 testing lightning talks.  A big grab bag of testing excitement.
 It's me, Bill Odom, Ian Langworth and chromatic, the latter two pushing
 their new Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook.

Because Andy would be far too polite to push the book he and Richard Foley

Nicholas Clark

Re: OSCON testing tutorial?

2005-07-20 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 02:52:40PM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 08:49:11PM +0100, Nicholas Clark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Because Andy would be far too polite to push the book he and Richard Foley
 That's because I didn't write it.  I'm more a uber-tech-editor and
 helped shape some of the prose, but none of it is really my writing.
 That's why it's with Andy Lester.
 Apress asked me to sign books at the book signing at OSCON and I
 declined.  It's really Richard's book.

Well, Andy far too polite, so at least I was 50% correct. :-)

Nicholas Clark

Re: like, cmp_ok and undef

2005-07-02 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 07:26:16PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:

 It seems pretty clear to me that most warnings should not be supressed.
 But what about uninit warnings, specificly?  Is there any utility to
 something like:
   like( $foo, qr/.../ );
   cmp_ok( $foo, 'eq', $bar );
 warning about $foo being undefined?  Especially since the test diagnostics
 will let you know about what was undef.

I'm not sure. For the specific example of cmp_ok with 'eq', then because
the programmer has chosen that over is(), it seems fair that he/she made
an explicit choice that $foo being undef was an acceptable match for $bar
being an empty string. (Not so sure about the other 13 comparison operators)

I think I'd prefer like to fail (distinct from warning) if $foo is undef,
given that the expected regexp may well intentionally match an empty string.

Nicholas Clark

Re: CPAN modules coverage

2005-03-07 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 07:59:40PM +0100, Paul Johnson wrote:

 To do it properly it would need to be on a machine somewhere which would
 accept uploaded coverage databases from anyone who wanted to submit one.
 I discussed or something with Andy and Robrt on irc a
 while back, but I've not made progress on the sw side.

Because your free time is already filled up with working on Devel::Cover

This sounds like the sort of project that anyone who felt particularly keen
about could try experimenting with at home, to see if they can get it to
work. Having a demonstrable experiment is a very good first step to
convincing others to help you with it, and having something that is mostly
finished is a good way to get someone else to host a fully working version.

Actions speak louder than words.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Anomalous Difference in Output between HTML Files Created by

2005-01-31 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 10:12:16AM +0100, Paul Johnson wrote:
 I suppose that's the price you pay for TIMTOWTDI.
 [ Is that a Python programmer I hear giggling in the background? ]

Does Python have any equivalent tool to Devel::Cover?

Nicholas Clark

Re: Test::Builder versus Unicode

2004-12-22 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 11:41:56AM -0800, Ovid wrote:
 --- Nicholas Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 10:26:02AM -0800, David Wheeler wrote:
   1. Perl gets smarter about duping file handles, so that the dupes
   the same i/o layer settings as the handles they dupe.
  Changing this going forwards doesn't change any of the installed
  perls out there in the wild.
 So far, given that this problem  has only surfaced in relation to
 Unicode, I can't say I'm overly concerned about fixing it on versions
 of Perl where Unicode is already known to be broken.  Of course, as

Which you're sort of implying is all versions up to and including 5.8.6 :-)
(Well, I can misread it as that. I don't think that you really are implying

Personally I'd be quite happy using anything 5.8.3 or later with Unicode.
The later the better, as more bugs have got fixed. But I feel that Unicode
isn't more broken than any other existing part of perl by 5.8.1. And they
are out there, and they aren't going away rapidly.

Nicholas Clark

Re: C/C++ White-Box Unit Testing and Test::More

2004-06-25 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 02:18:49PM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
 Tests are all about quantity.

I always thought that tests were about malice:

I bet the programmer didn't think of this...
What happens if I just do this...
Mmm, I wonder if it covers this corner case?
Eat pathological data and die!
Surrender feeble routine. You are no match for the weaponry of my tests!

Then again, I do like having lots of tests. And parameterising tests so that
I can feed the same basic test lots of different permutations of the data.
[To attempt to send the most variations of malice, in the hope that one of
them knocks out the routine and finds a bug]

Nicholas Clark

Re: My Phalanx lightning talk

2004-06-10 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 09:27:09AM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
 So I'm giving an LT on Phalanx next week in Buffalo.  Anything in
 particular y'all think I should mention?

  A brief discussion of Phalanx, a project devoted to increasing the
  testing coverage of Perl and the key modules on the CPAN.  I'll discuss
  where we're at, and call for participation from interested parties.

Well, how people acn help, particularly how they can help even if they don't
think they have time to be *the* one true hoplite for a project.

But you were probably going to tell them that already.

I mentioned Phalanx as part of the ponie talk I did at les journées perl
(the French workshop) but I wasn't sure of the best way people should
go about approaching the project to help, and specifically how to lure
people in by saying that they don't have to do very much. (ie writing
a couple of tests is better than not, if you don't feel able to take on
a whole module)

Nicholas Clark

Re: Devel::Cover - require 5.8?

2004-04-03 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 03:04:49PM -0800, Ovid wrote:

 2.  Hash ordering is now guaranteed to be random (unless you specify different 
 compile time
 options to Perl, something I chose not to do).  Many of our tests assume that hash 
 order is
 deterministic -- which it appeared to be prior to 58 (remember, not guaranteed to 
 return in a
 particular order is not the same as non-deterministic).  I had to rewrite much of 
 our test
 suite (which takes around two hours to run!) to find and fix all of these.

5.8.2 and later have hashes that are deterministic until the data is
pathological. And the pathological checks kick in very late. Only 5.8.1 has
true random hashes (not 5.8.0) and even without compile time changes (IIRC)
you can always force deterministic hashes with environment variables.

 5.  Localizing tied arrays and hashes is broken in 5.8.  We tie and localize %ENV.

I wasn't aware of this. Or at least, it doesn't ring a bell. Is perl5-porters
aware of this? Is this a known change in behaviour?

Not that this invalidates your reasons for needing to stick to 5.6.x

Nicholas Clark

Re: No more code coverage

2003-10-22 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 10:01:26AM +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:

 I don't have time in the short term to work on the (albeit fairly
 trivial) change to Storable. If someone can do that and get a new
 release out then I'll look deeper into the performance issues then.

In reading this thread over the course of the past few days I've missed
what the needed change to Storable would be. Could you remind me what it
is? Or better still submit a wishlist bug against the core.
(I don't think submitting it on will mail anyone apart from

No, I don't think that I have time to work on this either right now, but
there's always next month.

Nicholas Clark

Re: Taint mode testing and project Phalanx

2003-10-21 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 10:27:34PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 12:24:03AM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:

  Not to mention that it's buggy as hell.  For example, in various versions
  of Perl I've used there have been rather serious bugs in the regex engine
  when taint mode is on, even when dealing with untainted variables!
 I've never hit anything like this.  Do you have examples?

variations on the theme of

#!perl -T
  local $ENV{PATH} = /bin;

  my $r = foo;

  $ARGV[0] =~ /($r)/;

  my $c = echo $1;
  system $c;

where I don't agree with any of the explainations (IIRC) and stand by the
bug. (But ran out of time to find a better explaination)

Nicholas Clark

Re: blocks and subplans again

2003-08-21 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 12:17:39PM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:

 Not if you introduce an end tag (though I'd rather not).

Why not? I'd like the ability to specify a variant of no plan that is
roughly it ain't over until the fat lady sings and then if I don't
print out a singing fat lady as the last bit of output then that's a fail.

I've had things exit cleanly midway from a no_plan test script, and the
harness has been none the wiser. But I just do stupid things.

Nicholas Clark

Re: blocks and subplans again

2003-08-20 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 03:52:42AM -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 10:34:08AM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
  On Wednesday 20 August 2003 08:23, Michael G Schwern wrote:
   You don't want subtests to have to know any state, such as how far to
   indent. Why?  Consider:
  Something has to keep state
 The state of the overall test?  No, that's something which should be
 avoided.  See below.

  A plan counts the number of tests and sub-blocks to expect. The 1..8 at the 
  end would be calculated by summing the plans of all blocks.
 I've yet to see a real use-case for plans of plans.

I don't like no-plans of no-plans. I think that there is the possibility
of missing tests not getting spotted. If the outer test is a noplan

ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
  ok 1
  ok 2

then I think that we miss that test 3 of the nested test failed. Or get
confused about which test was the missing test

Or if I've got that wrong, I think that we also get confused with 2 
adjacent sub tests.

ok 1
ok 2
ok 3

Nicholas Clark

Re: Scrutinizing CPAN distributions (was Testing for valid path names...)

2003-08-18 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 11:25:14PM +1000, Andrew Savige wrote:

 Four completely normal peeps there. ;-) Judging by the popularity of
 cricket and golf statistics, I think there are a lot of lurkers too.

So in a few years time we'll have people quoting Wisden's CPAN almanac?

  Yes, bioperl now including the entire human genome as a prereq has added
  a new sharp upwards spike to CPAN's mean prereq size/module size ratio.
  We've not seen anything like this since Meta added a dependency on the
  entire Linux 2.7.15 source tree back on April 2nd 2005


Nicholas Clark

Re: Meta testing

2003-03-29 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 12:14:57AM +, Fergal Daly wrote:
 Any comments or suggestions?

No, sorry. I don't know much of the details of the innards, and it's a
complex problem. But I don't think anyone has replied, so I thought that
I should avoid you suffering Warnock's Dilemma any longer.

Nicholas Clark

Re: [RFC] Module::Husbandry

2002-12-20 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 08:17:16AM -0500, darren chamberlain wrote:
 This is great.  I keep meaning to do something like this myself, get
 about halfway there, and then end up doing something else.  Good work.
   - Using Template.{t,pm} is a little counter-intuitive -- this looks
 like it's a ragular Perl module, instead of a template (despite the
 name).  I'd use something like and _skeleton.t for
 these files.

Aargh. A bad pun has landed in my head and demands that I share it:

Hopefully it's clear that something with that name is not intended for

Nicholas Clark

Re: [RFC] Module::Husbandry

2002-12-20 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 08:17:16AM -0500, darren chamberlain wrote:
 This is great.  I keep meaning to do something like this myself, get
 about halfway there, and then end up doing something else.  Good work.
   - Using Template.{t,pm} is a little counter-intuitive -- this looks
 like it's a ragular Perl module, instead of a template (despite the
 name).  I'd use something like and _skeleton.t for
 these files.

Aargh. A bad pun has landed in my head and demands that I share it:

Hopefully it's clear that something with that name is not intended for

Nicholas Clark

Re: callbacks at the end of Test::More ?

2002-11-07 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 07:18:14PM -0500, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 04:22:49PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
  However, I'd like to be able to cleanly print out my random number seed to
  STDERR (or whatever Test::Builder's correct name for this is) if it believes
  that any tests have failed, and I can't see a clean way to do this.
 In an END block, grab the T::B object and check the summary().
   #!/usr/bin/perl -w
   use Test::More tests = 1;
   END { 
   my $failed = grep!$_, Test::More-builder-summary;
   diag $failed ? Failed\n : Passed\n;
 The only trouble there is if the test as a whole fails during the ending,
 like because the wrong number of tests were run or the exit code was odd,
 the above logic is too simple to know that.  You have to go through the
 sort of logic _ending() does.

I think that will do fine for what I need. I'm only reporting extra
diagnostics if all tests failed.

I now have this wierd thought that I may have asked you this question in
Munich and you told me this answer before. If so, oops.
 Not sure to add in an ending callback or an is_passing() method.  Or both.
 BTW  How does one get the current srand if you use the one set by Perl?

I don't think it's possible. I think I'm going to have to overload rand
and do the srand thing by hand. (and probably overload srand in case anyone
else is attempting to go behind my back)

Nicholas Clark

Re: callbacks at the end of Test::More ?

2002-11-07 Thread Nicholas Clark
On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 07:18:14PM -0500, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 04:22:49PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
  However, I'd like to be able to cleanly print out my random number seed to
  STDERR (or whatever Test::Builder's correct name for this is) if it believes
  that any tests have failed, and I can't see a clean way to do this.
 In an END block, grab the T::B object and check the summary().
   #!/usr/bin/perl -w
   use Test::More tests = 1;
   END { 
   my $failed = grep!$_, Test::More-builder-summary;
   diag $failed ? Failed\n : Passed\n;
 The only trouble there is if the test as a whole fails during the ending,
 like because the wrong number of tests were run or the exit code was odd,
 the above logic is too simple to know that.  You have to go through the
 sort of logic _ending() does.

I think that will do fine for what I need. I'm only reporting extra
diagnostics if all tests failed.

I now have this wierd thought that I may have asked you this question in
Munich and you told me this answer before. If so, oops.
 Not sure to add in an ending callback or an is_passing() method.  Or both.
 BTW  How does one get the current srand if you use the one set by Perl?

I don't think it's possible. I think I'm going to have to overload rand
and do the srand thing by hand. (and probably overload srand in case anyone
else is attempting to go behind my back)

Nicholas Clark

callbacks at the end of Test::More ?

2002-10-26 Thread Nicholas Clark
I'm intending to write a module to work with Test::More to provide repeatable
random tests (ie take advantage of the pseudo random nature of rand).
I discussed it with Schwern at YAPC::EU and he thinks it will work.

However, I'd like to be able to cleanly print out my random number seed to
STDERR (or whatever Test::Builder's correct name for this is) if it believes
that any tests have failed, and I can't see a clean way to do this.
When I was experimenting with this idea at work I hacked things by having an
END block that checked $?, and if it was non-zero printing out the seed.
However, this doesn' seem to be a good idea for production code.

Is there a way to achieve such a callback from Test::Builder? It looks like
there isn't, as the logical place would be in Test::Builder::_ending after
it has worked out the number of passing and failing tests. If so, could I
make a feature request for some way to register such a callback.

Nicholas Clark
Brainfuck better than perl?

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