Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Dov Wasserman
Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 : does that mean that this use of yada yada yada is already decided on and

 Yes, with the proviso that it only works that way where a term is
 expected.  (As a postfix operator it's short for C..Inf.)

So, C... is a syntactically valid term which dies when evaluated at
run-time (or throws an exception, if they're not the same thing). It seems
to me then that the Yada operator has to have 2 special properties beyond,
say, a macro which returns the closure C{ die }. And it raises two
questions for me. Also, we should get used to calling it the Yada Yada Yada
term, or perhaps even the Yada literal, since it is not operating on
anything (outside its postfix unary form).

[Special Property #1]
If the Yada operator is valid anywhere a term is expected, it must
syntactically valid in all these cases:

my $id = ...;
my Int age = ...;
my Str $name = ...;
my DbHandle $db = ...;
my Int of Hash @array = ...;

Therefore, the compile-time type of the term must be assignment-compatible
with any and all lvalues. This will have to be true at least in those
contexts that ask for strict type-checking, even if other scopes don't care.
This reminds me of Java's Cnull literal reference value which can be
validly assigned to any reference type. (Technically, it's not a keyword,
but try giving that answer on an interview at your own peril.)

I don't see any functional problem with this special property as long as it
can be implemented in the core language. Seems like it would have to be a
special rule of type checking. So we'd have generic Scalar as the universal
recipient, and now the Yada literal as the universal donor. (Any association
of strong type-checking with the extraction of blood is purely imaginary.

[Special Property #2]
As mentioned in A6, redefining a function (subroutine, method, etc.) which
has only been declared with the Yada Yada Yada closure does not generate a
warning. It seems like Perl 6 will have to take some special note, then,
when we declare a function as:

sub foo($bar, $baz) {...}; # pre-declaring sub foo()

as opposed to:

sub foo($bar, $baz) { die }; # defining sub foo() to throw an exception
(mod throwing syntax)

so that the first case can be redefined without a warning, while the second
case would warn on redefinition.

[Question #1]
I'd like to understand how Aaron Sherman's initial example would work:

class Foo {
has $.a;
has $.b;

We know that the class will compile fine, but when exactly would it pitch a
fit (or exception)? I'm unsure of the meaning of this idiom, because the
only time the C... line gets evaluated is at class compilation time, which
is when we don't want any complaints in this case.

[Question #2]
Does C... know when it's being called during compilation and when it's
being used at run-time? I.e., how would it behave in a compile-time block
such as BEGIN:

BEGIN {  our IO $server = ...; };

The rhs value is evaluated here at compile-time. Is C... smart enough to
know that and keep quiet?



Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Matthew Walton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dov Wasserman wrote:
  my $id = ...;
  my Int age = ...;
  my Str $name = ...;
  my DbHandle $db = ...;
  my Int of Hash @array = ...;
  Therefore, the compile-time type of the term must be
  assignment-compatible with any and all lvalues. This will have to
  be true at least in those contexts that ask for strict type-
  checking, even if other scopes don't care.
  This reminds me of Java's Cnull literal reference value which can
  be validly assigned to any reference type. (Technically, it's not a
  keyword, but try giving that answer on an interview at your own 
  I don't see any functional problem with this special property as
  long as it can be implemented in the core language. Seems like it
  would have to be a special rule of type checking. So we'd have 
  generic Scalar as the universal recipient, and now the Yada 
  literal as the universal donor. (Any association of strong type-
  checking with the extraction of blood is purely imaginary.
 As far as the compiler's concerned at that point, it might behave 
 something like Cundef. For the purposes of the type checker that
 would probably be sufficient. Worrying about the actual value 
 wouldn't be a problem until runtime, at which time it's quite safe
 for C... to do what it's supposed to do and complain.

I think of this as very much like the typed-undef we discussed last
month or so: ... should return an unthrown exception wrapped in

The type returned by ... should just have a multitude of type-casting
tricks associated:

   my int $i = ...; # Fails at compile time -- no good conversion.

   my Int $i = ...; # Warns at compile time, fails at runtime.

  [Special Property #2]
  As mentioned in A6, redefining a function (subroutine, method,
  etc.) which has only been declared with the Yada Yada Yada closure 
  does not generate a warning. It seems like Perl 6 will have to 
  take some special note, then, when we declare a function as:
  sub foo($bar, $baz) {...}; # pre-declaring sub foo()
  as opposed to:
  sub foo($bar, $baz) { die }; # defining sub foo() to throw an
  exception (mod throwing syntax)
  so that the first case can be redefined without a warning, while
  the second case would warn on redefinition.
 I would guess again that the body of the sub not being actually
 executed until the sub is called means that C... passes through 
 the compile phase without a problem. The compiler would have to
 special-case it though, to allow the redefinition.

Perhaps not. If {...} evaluates to C(Code)(undef but something), the
transition from Cdefined(foo) == FALSE to Cdefined(foo) == TRUE
might not be grounds for a redef warning.

 I'm going to assume that if you tried
 my Int $number = ...;
 $number = 5;
 it would still die at run time on the first C I really hope it 
 would anyway, because if you really want to do something like that
 we've already got Cundef.

This is wrong. The purpose of Cundef is I declare that I've thought
about the issue and at this point in the code $number should have no
value. The purpose of C... is I declare that there should be
something here, but I haven't thought about it yet.

IOW, C... is a form of literate programming that's relatively
self-explanatory and highly compatible with Agile development:

class foo {
  has $.x = ...;
  method bar() {...}
  method baz($a)
if ($a) 

say Hello;

class foo_test
  is UnitTestCase;
  has $.foo;

  method test_empty_baz()
 $.foo = new foo;

This code should work okay -- no Yadda ever gets executed.

Then when I add:

  method test_valid_baz()
$.foo = new foo;

there should be a failure, because $.foo.baz calls $, which is
defined C{...}, which evaluates to an unspecified value exception.

  [Question #1]
  I'd like to understand how Aaron Sherman's initial example would
  class Foo {
  has $.a;
  has $.b;
  We know that the class will compile fine, but when exactly would it
  pitch a fit (or exception)? I'm unsure of the meaning of this
  because the only time the C... line gets evaluated is at class 
  compilation time, which is when we don't want any complaints in 
  this case.
 I thought class closures 'ran' at object creation time. I'm probably 
 wrong about that. Object creation time would be a good time for that 
 particular yada yada yada to start complaining though. I suspect
 C... is going to be considerably more sophisticated than a macro
 that replaces it with C{ die }.

I think the metaclass class assembler function will behave like this:

  If only a Yadda is provided, just return a typed Yadda object.

  If anything other than a Yadda:

  If you provide a definition of any name, it goes in.

  If you provide a Yadda, it gets recorded.

  When wrapping up, if any methods are provided, 

Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Matthew Walton
Austin Hastings wrote:
I think of this as very much like the typed-undef we discussed last
month or so: ... should return an unthrown exception wrapped in

The type returned by ... should just have a multitude of type-casting
tricks associated:
   my int $i = ...; # Fails at compile time -- no good conversion.
   my Int $i = ...; # Warns at compile time, fails at runtime.
I don't get the reasoning here. If Yada Yada Yada is to indicate code 
that you haven't written yet, it should never fail at compile time 
unless it's impossible to compile the program without knowing what that 
code is, so

my int $i = ...;
should compile. The problem would arise when you actually tried to run 
that particular bit of code, which may well look to Parrot like 'die 

If Yada Yada Yada is not to indicate code that you haven't written yet, 
then what is it really for?

I would guess again that the body of the sub not being actually
executed until the sub is called means that C... passes through 
the compile phase without a problem. The compiler would have to
special-case it though, to allow the redefinition.

Perhaps not. If {...} evaluates to C(Code)(undef but something), the
transition from Cdefined(foo) == FALSE to Cdefined(foo) == TRUE
might not be grounds for a redef warning.
That would make sense... if ... gave you an indefined code block (rather 
than code which returns an undefined value, which we all know and love, 
or at least I love it), it would actually make a LOT of sense.

I'm going to assume that if you tried
my Int $number = ...;
$number = 5;
it would still die at run time on the first C I really hope it 
would anyway, because if you really want to do something like that
we've already got Cundef.

This is wrong. The purpose of Cundef is I declare that I've thought
about the issue and at this point in the code $number should have no
value. The purpose of C... is I declare that there should be
something here, but I haven't thought about it yet.
IOW, C... is a form of literate programming that's relatively
self-explanatory and highly compatible with Agile development:
class foo {
  has $.x = ...;
  method bar() {...}
  method baz($a)
if ($a) 

say Hello;

class foo_test
  is UnitTestCase;
  has $.foo;
  method test_empty_baz()
 $.foo = new foo;
This code should work okay -- no Yadda ever gets executed.
Then when I add:
  method test_valid_baz()
$.foo = new foo;
there should be a failure, because $.foo.baz calls $, which is
defined C{...}, which evaluates to an unspecified value exception.
Yes, that's more or less as I would expect it to work.
I thought class closures 'ran' at object creation time. I'm probably 
wrong about that. Object creation time would be a good time for that 
particular yada yada yada to start complaining though. I suspect
C... is going to be considerably more sophisticated than a macro
that replaces it with C{ die }.

I think the metaclass class assembler function will behave like this:
  If only a Yadda is provided, just return a typed Yadda object.
  If anything other than a Yadda:
  If you provide a definition of any name, it goes in.
  If you provide a Yadda, it gets recorded.
  When wrapping up, if any methods are provided, then a special
yadda-on-not-found dispatcher is provided. If no methods are 
provided, a special yadda-on-not-inherited dispatcher is provided.

  A similar data member access is provided.
So that:
  class Foo {
has $.a;
has $.b;
  class Foo {
  if inherited($method_name), run it.
  else return sub {...};
has $.a;
has $.b;  
  if inherited($member_name), return it.
  else return \...;
So you can have objects made from class Foo, but if you try and get at a 
method which doesn't exist you get Yada instead of 'that method doesn't 
exist'... that makes sense, I think, because you can use any method 
names you like in your code, and the effect is basically 'this method 
hasn't been written yet'.

I would expect that to run and complain at compile time. That might
be irritating, but I'm not sure how else it could be done, because 
BEGIN blocks are run then, and when they're run you need to know what
values you're going to assign to the variables.

Unless you gather it up inside some sort of lazy evaluation construct
that keeps delaying the evaluation of it until you hit run phase, at 
which point you've probably got the entire BEGIN block ready to go,
with everything that comes after it also hanging around, and... no,
doesn't sound good does it?

Again, I like it. A partially defined object isn't fatal unless you
actually need that part.
If Yada is actually a value with a special type as you've said here, 
then it falls out quite well. You can put it into anything you like, you 
just get a problem the moment you 

Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Matthew Walton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't get the reasoning here. If Yada Yada Yada is to indicate 
 code that you haven't written yet, it should never fail at compile
 time unless it's impossible to compile the program without knowing
 what that code is, so
 my int $i = ...;

Right. This goes back to the notion that lowercase basic types (int,
str, bool) are storage efficient and therefore cannot contain values
outside the domain, like Cundef.

I've argued in the past that it should be possible to put undef into
lctypes, to no avail. So, since no special values can go into
lctypes, I presume this applies to Yadda as well -- trying to stuff a
Yadda object into an lctype will result in a compile time (BEGIN time,
more probably) failure.


Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Matthew Walton
Austin Hastings wrote:

  my int $i = ...; # Fails at compile time -- no good conversion.
  my Int $i = ...; # Warns at compile time, fails at runtime.
I don't get the reasoning here. If Yada Yada Yada is to indicate code 
that you haven't written yet, it should never fail at compile time 
unless it's impossible to compile the program without knowing what that 
code is, so

my int $i = ...;
should compile. The problem would arise when you actually tried to run 
that particular bit of code, which may well look to Parrot like 'die 

Or. not so horribly.  If I'm in the perl debugger, I'd want that to be a breakpoint
and give me the option to type in a evaluable string to replace it.  So it should 
throw a properly marked exception that an outer context can do something
Good point.

Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 07:48:52AM -0700, Austin Hastings wrote:
: --- Matthew Walton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:  I don't get the reasoning here. If Yada Yada Yada is to indicate 
:  code that you haven't written yet, it should never fail at compile
:  time unless it's impossible to compile the program without knowing
:  what that code is, so
:  my int $i = ...;
: Right. This goes back to the notion that lowercase basic types (int,
: str, bool) are storage efficient and therefore cannot contain values
: outside the domain, like Cundef.
: I've argued in the past that it should be possible to put undef into
: lctypes, to no avail. So, since no special values can go into
: lctypes, I presume this applies to Yadda as well -- trying to stuff a
: Yadda object into an lctype will result in a compile time (BEGIN time,
: more probably) failure.

But the stuffing is not happening at compile time.  Assignment happens
at run time.


Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread mark . a . biggar
 Austin Hastings wrote:

 my int $i = ...; # Fails at compile time -- no good conversion.
 my Int $i = ...; # Warns at compile time, fails at runtime.
 I don't get the reasoning here. If Yada Yada Yada is to indicate code 
 that you haven't written yet, it should never fail at compile time 
 unless it's impossible to compile the program without knowing what that 
 code is, so
 my int $i = ...;
 should compile. The problem would arise when you actually tried to run 
 that particular bit of code, which may well look to Parrot like 'die 

Or. not so horribly.  If I'm in the perl debugger, I'd want that to be a breakpoint
and give me the option to type in a evaluable string to replace it.  So it should 
throw a properly marked exception that an outer context can do something

Mark Biggar

Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more (2)

2004-05-14 Thread Richard Nuttall
Austin Hastings wrote:
Maybe this is how they'll teach perl at religious schools:
 #! /usr/bin/perl6 -w
 # TEMPLATE.P6 -- standard template for programs at Abstemious U.
 use no ...;

 sub usage() {...}
 sub main() {...}

Aha, this is where the DWIM::AI module I suggested on 01-Apr comes in.
Create a template like the above and then DWIM::AI::Yadda will
join the dots and create the program for you !
Richard Nuttall
Nuttall Consulting
01353 649878

Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 07:48:52AM -0700, Austin Hastings wrote:

 : I've argued in the past that it should be possible to put undef
 : into lctypes, to no avail. So, since no special values can go
 : into lctypes, I presume this applies to Yadda as well -- trying
 : to stuff a Yadda object into an lctype will result in a compile 
 : time (BEGIN time, more probably) failure.
 But the stuffing is not happening at compile time.  Assignment
 happens at run time.

I don't know what I was thinking. Probably something about static vars.

It's still invalid to try to fill an lctype with Yadda because of the
domain issue, right?


Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 10:56:52AM -0700, Austin Hastings wrote:
: It's still invalid to try to fill an lctype with Yadda because of the
: domain issue, right?

That's correct.  It would in theory be possible to store a defined
bit off to the side somewhere, but that pretty much defeats the purpose
of having the lctypes in the first place.


Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 15:35, Dov Wasserman wrote:

 [Special Property #1]
 If the Yada operator is valid anywhere a term is expected, it must
 syntactically valid in all these cases:
 my $id = ...;

Since I presume C... is going to be of type Object or whatever the
universal base class was (I think it was Object), this should compile
fine, and issue a run-time exception.

 my Int age = ...;

Same deal. There WOULD be a small difference with:

my int $age = ...;

which is actually:

my int $age = (...).prefix:+();

which is still valid, and produces a run-time exception.

 Therefore, the compile-time type of the term must be assignment-compatible
 with any and all lvalues.

Easy enough.

 [Special Property #2]
 As mentioned in A6, redefining a function (subroutine, method, etc.) which
 has only been declared with the Yada Yada Yada closure does not generate a
 warning. It seems like Perl 6 will have to take some special note, then,
 when we declare a function as:
 sub foo($bar, $baz) {...}; # pre-declaring sub foo()

Yes, that would have to be a special-case, and that means that ... is
smarter that just a macro (or perhaps that subroutine definition is
smarter than I'm giving it credit for. No biggie.

 [Question #1]
 I'd like to understand how Aaron Sherman's initial example would work:
 class Foo {
 has $.a;
 has $.b;
 We know that the class will compile fine, but when exactly would it pitch a

No we don't know that, but I think it's fair to say that class should
probably catch the Yadda exception, and define the metaclass with some
kind of property like $thenewclass.meta does Exception::Yadda or
something like that.

 [Question #2]
 Does C... know when it's being called during compilation and when it's
 being used at run-time? I.e., how would it behave in a compile-time block
 such as BEGIN:
 BEGIN {  our IO $server = ...; };

No, I don't think it should know or care. BEGIN should probably
propagate the exception (or just ignore it), since there's no graceful
way to recover here.

 The rhs value is evaluated here at compile-time. Is C... smart enough to
 know that and keep quiet?

I don't see the value in keeping it quiet. You've already executed the
code the one and only time you're going to, there's no sense in not
throwing the exception.

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!' -Shriekback

Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 10:48, Austin Hastings wrote:

  my int $i = ...;
 Right. This goes back to the notion that lowercase basic types (int,
 str, bool) are storage efficient and therefore cannot contain values
 outside the domain, like Cundef.

Nope, not at all.

You can say:

my int $i = $complex_high_level_cool_object;

any time you like, and that should compile clean (unless the object does
something special at compile-time to exclude such a conversion from even
being attempted). 

The question I have is: how do classes control their conversion? In C++
you can overload the casting operator for any time and/or define a
constructor for the receiving type.

I can imagine how you would define the constructor on the receiving type
in Perl 6, but there's no casting syntax in Perl 6. Should we pretend
there is for purposes of defining a conversion and allow:

class foo {
sub prefix:IO::Socket(foo $f) returns(IO::Socket) {...}

or did Larry mention a way to define a converter and I missed it?

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!' -Shriekback

Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon
Aaron Sherman wrote:
I can imagine how you would define the constructor on the receiving type
in Perl 6, but there's no casting syntax in Perl 6. Should we pretend
there is for purposes of defining a conversion and allow:
class foo {
sub prefix:IO::Socket(foo $f) returns(IO::Socket) {...}
or did Larry mention a way to define a converter and I missed it?
From A12:
New Grammatical Categories
The current set of grammatical categories for operator names is:
CategoryExample of use
coerce:as   123 as BigInt, BigInt(123)
self:sort   @array.=sort
term:...$x = {...}
infix:+ $x + $y
postfix:++  $x++
It's not exactly clear how that's used, considering that you can't do 
multi-dispatch on the return type (right?)...perhaps like

multi sub coerce:as(Int $dest is rw, MyObj $src) {...}
Brent Dax Royal-Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perl and Parrot hacker
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

Re: Yadda yadda yadda some more

2004-05-14 Thread Luke Palmer
Aaron Sherman writes:
 The question I have is: how do classes control their conversion? In C++
 you can overload the casting operator for any time and/or define a
 constructor for the receiving type.
 I can imagine how you would define the constructor on the receiving type
 in Perl 6, but there's no casting syntax in Perl 6. Should we pretend
 there is for purposes of defining a conversion and allow:
   class foo {
   sub prefix:IO::Socket(foo $f) returns(IO::Socket) {...}
 or did Larry mention a way to define a converter and I missed it?

Yep, that's what happened.  See Apocalypse 12 under Overloading.

Specifically, it's defined by the operator coerce:as.  So:

class Foo {...}
multi sub *coerce:as (Foo $foo, ::Bar $class) {
say Converting to $

my Bar $bar =;  # Converting to Bar

You can do it explicitly, too:

my $bar = as Bar;


Re: PARROT_API, compiler and linker flags (was TODO: Linker magic step for configure)

2004-05-14 Thread Ron Blaschke
Friday, May 14, 2004, 11:48:00 PM, Andy Dougherty wrote:

 IMHO, we are currently talking C only, so that shouldn't be a problem.  I
 hope anybody tells me if I'm wrong.
 Still, I am curious.  Why would the linker need to know about C or C++?

 I thought ICU contained some C++ files.  As to why we care, you might need different
 libraries for c versus c++.  For example, the Solaris c++ man page has this note:
 By default, the CC driver passes the following -l options to ld:

 -lC -lC_mtstubs -lm -lw -lcx -lc

 There are likely other issues too, but that's the first one that comes to mind.

Of course, to build ICU the flags would be necessary, but we're not
building it directly - we are asking it to build itself, and then we
just link to the resulting library, which shouldn't need anything
special.  Am I getting things wrong here?



2004-05-14 Thread Jens Rieks

whats the plan WRT to CALL__BUILD?
I've written a patch that makes it the default, but does a fallback to 
__init if no BUILD property is set. If the __init method does not exists, 
no exception is thrown (like before), whereas now an exception is thrown if 
you specify a BUILD property and the specified method does not exists.
A special case is if you set BUILD to an empty string, then no constructor is 
called for the class, not even __init if it exists.

All tests are passing, plus two new tests for the new functionality (exception 
if constructor not found and constructor disabling)

Should I apply it?


Index: src/objects.c
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/src/objects.c,v
retrieving revision 1.90
diff -u -w -r1.90 objects.c
--- src/objects.c	27 Apr 2004 12:00:43 -	1.90
+++ src/objects.c	14 May 2004 15:09:34 -
@@ -482,6 +482,7 @@
 void * __ptr;
 } __ptr_u;
 STRING *meth;
+*meth_str = NULL;
 #if 0
 prop = VTABLE_getprop(interpreter, class, prop_str);
 if (!VTABLE_defined(interpreter, prop))
@@ -509,6 +510,7 @@
 PMC *classsearch_array = get_attrib_num(class_data, PCD_ALL_PARENTS);
 PMC *parent_class;
 INTVAL i, nparents;
+#if 0
 int free_it;
 static void *what = (void*)-1;
@@ -527,6 +529,7 @@
 Parrot_base_vtables[enum_class_delegate]-init(interpreter, object);
 else {
  * 1) if class has a CONSTRUCT property run it on the object
  *no redispatch
@@ -538,6 +541,7 @@
 STRING *meth_str;
 PMC *meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, class,
 CONST_STRING(interpreter, CONSTRUCT), meth_str);
+	int default_meth;
 if (meth) {
 if (init)
 Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args_save(interpreter, meth,
@@ -556,6 +560,16 @@
 classsearch_array, i);
 meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, parent_class,
 CONST_STRING(interpreter, BUILD), meth_str);
+	/* no method found and no BUILD property set? */
+	if (!meth  meth_str == NULL) {
+		/* use __init as fallback constructor method, if it exists */
+		meth_str = string_from_cstring(interpreter, __init, 6);
+		meth = Parrot_find_method_with_cache(interpreter,
+		parent_class, meth_str);
+		default_meth = 1;
+	}
+	else
+		default_meth = 0;
 if (meth) {
 if (init)
 Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args_save(interpreter, meth,
@@ -564,9 +578,23 @@
 Parrot_run_meth_fromc_save(interpreter, meth,
 object, meth_str);
+	else if (meth_str != NULL 
+		string_length(interpreter, meth_str) != 0  !default_meth) {
+	real_exception(interpreter, NULL, METH_NOT_FOUND,
+	Method '%Ss' not found, meth_str);
+	}
 meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, class,
 CONST_STRING(interpreter, BUILD), meth_str);
+	/* no method found and no BUILD property set? */
+	if (!meth  meth_str == NULL) {
+	/* use __init as fallback constructor method, if it exists */
+	meth_str = string_from_cstring(interpreter, __init, 6);
+	meth = Parrot_find_method_with_cache(interpreter, class, meth_str);
+	default_meth = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	default_meth = 0;
 if (meth) {
 if (init)
 Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args_save(interpreter, meth,
@@ -575,7 +603,14 @@
 Parrot_run_meth_fromc_save(interpreter, meth,
 object, meth_str);
+	else if (meth_str != NULL  string_length(interpreter, meth_str) != 0
+		 !default_meth) {
+	real_exception(interpreter, NULL, METH_NOT_FOUND,
+	Method '%Ss' not found, meth_str);
+#if 0
Index: t/pmc/object-meths.t
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/t/pmc/object-meths.t,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -w -r1.17 object-meths.t
--- t/pmc/object-meths.t	10 Apr 2004 12:50:23 -	1.17
+++ t/pmc/object-meths.t	14 May 2004 15:09:35 -
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-use Parrot::Test tests = 19;
+use Parrot::Test tests = 21;
 use Test::More;
 output_like('CODE', 'OUTPUT', callmethod - unknown method);
@@ -136,6 +136,52 @@
 ok 2
+output_is('CODE', 'OUTPUT', disabling the constructor);
+newclass P1, Foo
+new P0, .PerlString
+setprop P1, BUILD, P0
+find_type I1, Foo
+new P3, I1
+print ok 1\n
+.namespace [Foo]
+.pcc_sub __init:
+print nok ok!\n
+invoke P1
+ok 1
+output_is('CODE', 'OUTPUT', specified constructor method does not exist);
+newclass P1, Foo
+new P0, .PerlString
+set P0, bar
+setprop P1, BUILD, P0
+newsub P20, .Exception_Handler, _handler
+set_eh P20
+find_type I1, Foo
+new P3, I1
+print not ok 1\n

MMD stuff

2004-05-14 Thread Dan Sugalski
Today's project is to get all the MMD things actually using MMD. I've 
put in the first wave of changes (well, OK, second if you consider 
Leo's BXOR test as the first) and should get the rest of the stuff in 

This part's a bit hackish but, well, there you go. It does break some 
of the object tests, since they don't yet participate in MMD the way 
they ought, but that should happen later on.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: PARROT_API, compiler and linker flags (was TODO: Linker magic step for configure)

2004-05-14 Thread Bernhard Schmalhofer
Dan Sugalski wrote:
At 5:23 PM -0700 5/13/04, Jeff Clites wrote:
[Most commentary snipped, as it's dead-on]
- When building / using a shared parrot the compiler macro
PARROT_LIB_DYNAMIC will be defined, for static PARROT_LIB_STATIC

What will these be used for? Traditionally, there aren't compile-time 
difference when building a static v. dynamic library, I believe. Maybe 
this is not the case for Windows?

I have little expertise in building libraries on many platforms. But 
aren't these issues all addressed by GNU's 'libtool'. Is there a 
licensing reason for not using that?

CU, Bernhard
Bernhard Schmalhofer
Senior Developer
Biomax Informatics AG
Lochhamer Str. 11
82152 Martinsried, Germany
Tel: +49 89 895574-839
Fax: +49 89 895574-825

Addition to compiler_faq.pod

2004-05-14 Thread Sterling Hughes
patch attached.  gist: how do i manage a simple case of lexical pads?

Description: Binary data


Re: PARROT_API, compiler and linker flags (was TODO: Linker magic step for configure)

2004-05-14 Thread Andrew Dougherty
On Wed, 12 May 2004, Ron Blaschke wrote:

 I have finally sorted out the details of the flags stuff, which I will
 present below.  Any comments are highly appreciated.  Be warned: I am going
 to implements this if there are no objections. ;-)

You might want to review the patch I submitted about a year and a half ago
-- it's # 18319, and it included some (but certainly not all) of your good

In particular, I was careful to distinguish among three separate

Compiler:  Used to turn .c files into .o files.
Linker:Used to combine .o files (and libraries) into an
Shared Library Builder:  Tool to turn .o files into a shared
library.  I called it by the Configure variable 'ld',
but better names are certainly welcome.

Each one of these tools needs its own set of flags.

I gather parrot's now trying to include stuff compiled with C++, so you'll
also need a macro for that.  Furhter, if parrot's going to include stuff
compiled with C++, the Linker  will have to be a command that correctly
handles C and C++.  On Unix systems, that's probably just the C++
compiler.  I don't know what it is on Windows or VMS.

Regarding C++ flags, I'd hope that the C++ compiler would accept the same
flags as the C compiler, but you ought to allow for the possibility of
setting extra c++ -specific flags, so you'll need a macro for that too.

 - The following macros will be provided in the Makefile
 CFLAGS_COMMON   common compiler flags
 LDFLAGS_COMMON  common linker flags
 xxx_STATIC_BUILDcflags and ldflags to build static parrot
 xxx_STATIC_USE  cflags and ldflags to use static parrot
 PARROT_STATIC_NAME  full, platform dependent name of static parrot lib
 xxx_DYNAMIC_BUILD   cflags and ldflags to build shared parrot
 xxx_DYNAMIC_USE cflags and ldflags to use shared parrot
 PARROT_DYNAMIC_NAME full, platform dependent name of dynamic parrot lib

 The name of the parrot library should blend into the current system (and
 might even be different for debug builds, eg (is that
 correct?) or parrotd.lib).

For perl5, the direction we went with this issue was to embed the
different build information into the directory, rather than into the
library name. That way, you don't have to change all the command lines
that might link to parrot from -lparrot to -lparrot_g or -lparrot_64 or
-lparrot_mt or -lparrot_longdouble or -lparrot_whatever.  Keeping multiple
versions of a parrot shared library on a system at the same time is
tricky, and needs to be very carefully thought out.

Andy Dougherty  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Events (I think we need a new name)

2004-05-14 Thread Clark C. Evans
On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 06:15:54PM +0200, K Stol wrote:
| It does, though, sound like we might want an alternate name for this 
| stuff. While event is the right thing in some places it isn't in 
| others (like the whole attribute/property mess) we may be well-served 
| choosing another name. I'm open to suggestions here...
| The system sends a 'message' to the user program, telling it has 
| finished (for example) Disk I/O.

The aged Windows API does things as 'message queues'.  Windows keeps a
message queue for every running application.  An application calls
GetMessage to retrieve each message.  As I recall, each message is a
triple: a message-code, a word-parameter, and a long-parameter which is
often a pointer when the simple word-parameter is not sufficient.  An
application then can choose to pass-up on the message, leading to a
default implementation by calling DispatchMessage.   It can also
PostMessage to add a message to a particular application/thread's event
queue.   SendMessage is the blocking version of PostMessage.

Anyway, if this is close to what you mean by 'event', then I'd consider
calling it a 'message' and lifting as must of the Windows message-queue
design pattern as seems appropriate.


Re: Event design sketch

2004-05-14 Thread Rocco Caputo
On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 02:06:51PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 1:10 PM -0400 5/11/04, Uri Guttman wrote:
 i don't think there is a need for all those variants. why would alarm
 need any special opcode when it is just a timer with a delay of abs_time
 - NOW? let the coder handle that and lose the extra op codes.
 I didn't see any reason to not do absolute times as well as deltas. 
 It's no big deal either way.

You may need the distinction later.

POE's mailing list has a thread with a periodicity of about six
months: What happens when daylight-saving time comes or goes?  The
answer: All your short-term timers fire at once if the clock moves
ahead, or everything stalls for an hour (or so) when it moves back.

So far the best solution requires a distinction between absolute and
relative timers:  Adjust the relative timers to compensate for the
shift, but leave the absolute ones alone.

Relative timers tend to be used for things like timeouts and periodic
polling.  You don't want all your TCP connections to suddenly time out
when the clock jumps ahead, and you don't want your log tailers to
pause an hour when it skips back.  However, you usually do want your
absolute-timed jobs to run when the wall clock says they should be.

Something to keep in mind.

-- Rocco Caputo -

RE: Events (I think we need a new name)

2004-05-14 Thread Butler, Gerald
How about: tocsin

toc.sin( P )  Pronunciation Key  (tksn)

An alarm sounded on a bell. 
A bell used to sound an alarm. 
A warning; an omen. 

-Original Message-
From: Gordon Henriksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: Events (I think we need a new name)

Matt Fowles wrote:

 I think Page already has a different meaning in computers, 
 namely a page of memory.

Not to mention a web page.

 For what it is worth, I support event as the name.

Being as I think I'm largely responsible for the sense that the name
needs to be changed, I should point out that I do actually support
calling these events--so long as they're modified to play nice with OS
event loops. Upon reflection, that just requires a means to
synchronously dispatch an event to a handler chain from a C callback.


Gordon Henriksen
IT Manager
ICLUBcentral Inc.

 The information contained in this e-mail message is privileged and/or
 confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
 named above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,
 or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended 
 recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or 
 copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received 
 this communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone
 (330-668-5000), and destroy the original message.  Thank you.  

RE: Events (I think we need a new name)

2004-05-14 Thread Rachwal Waldemar-AWR001
It seems the name 'event' is not as bad. So, maybe 'Pevent', stands for 'parrot event'?
One advantage... it'd be easy searchable. I recall a pain whenever I searched for 
'thread', or 'Icon'.

-Original Message-
From: Dan Sugalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 6:08 PM
Subject: Events (I think we need a new name)

Okay, so I'm working on redoing the events document based on the 
critiques from folks so far. (Which have been quite helpful) I should 
have a second draft of the thing soon.

It does, though, sound like we might want an alternate name for this 
stuff. While event is the right thing in some places it isn't in 
others (like the whole attribute/property mess) we may be well-served 
choosing another name. I'm open to suggestions here...

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
   teddy bears get drunk

RE: Events (I think we need a new name) - Parcel?

2004-05-14 Thread Butler, Gerald
I LOVE IT: PARrot Container for Event Lobbing!!!

-Original Message-
From: Andy Wardley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 7:36 AM
To: Butler, Gerald
Cc: 'Gordon Henriksen'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
Subject: Re: Events (I think we need a new name) - Parcel?

Butler, Gerald wrote:
 How about: tocsin

[...thinking out loud...]

I'm not sure it's a good idea to use an obscure word, even if it is
appropriate to the usage.  It should be a word that the average user
would recognise, and hopefully be able to intuit some sense of what it

How about Parcel?  

Like Packet and Message it provides a sense of what it is doing.
The metaphor extends to sending and receiving parcels, wrapping and 
unwrapping them, and so on.

On a more trivial note, the first three letters make it a prime 
candidate for a corny acronym:

   PARrot Communication Event Layer
   PARrot Container for Event Lobbing
   PARrot Commissioner for Event Liaison


 The information contained in this e-mail message is privileged and/or
 confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity
 named above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,
 or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended 
 recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or 
 copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received 
 this communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone
 (330-668-5000), and destroy the original message.  Thank you.  

Re: Events (I think we need a new name) - Parcel?

2004-05-14 Thread Andy Wardley
Butler, Gerald wrote:
 How about: tocsin

[...thinking out loud...]

I'm not sure it's a good idea to use an obscure word, even if it is
appropriate to the usage.  It should be a word that the average user
would recognise, and hopefully be able to intuit some sense of what it

How about Parcel?  

Like Packet and Message it provides a sense of what it is doing.
The metaphor extends to sending and receiving parcels, wrapping and 
unwrapping them, and so on.

On a more trivial note, the first three letters make it a prime 
candidate for a corny acronym:

   PARrot Communication Event Layer
   PARrot Container for Event Lobbing
   PARrot Commissioner for Event Liaison


RE: Events (I think we need a new name)

2004-05-14 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 06:27, Rachwal Waldemar-AWR001 wrote:
 It seems the name 'event' is not as bad. So, maybe 'Pevent', stands for 'parrot 
 One advantage... it'd be easy searchable. I recall a pain whenever I searched for 
 'thread', or 'Icon'.

If you're talking about search engines, then of course parrot event
works just fine. If you're talking about searching your code, then
that's another matter.

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!' -Shriekback

Re: Addition to compiler_faq.pod

2004-05-14 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 8:58 AM -0400 5/13/04, Sterling Hughes wrote:
patch attached.  gist: how do i manage a simple case of lexical pads?
Applied. Now to get the darned things answered...
--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: MMD stuff

2004-05-14 Thread Jeff Clites
On May 14, 2004, at 9:04 AM, Dan Sugalski wrote:
Today's project is to get all the MMD things actually using MMD. I've 
put in the first wave of changes (well, OK, second if you consider 
Leo's BXOR test as the first) and should get the rest of the stuff in 

This part's a bit hackish but, well, there you go. It does break some 
of the object tests, since they don't yet participate in MMD the way 
they ought, but that should happen later on.
It would be great to have a quick paragraph-or-two about the 
design/API/goals. I know what MMD is in general, but I got lost in 
figuring out whether this MMD is supposed to be the back-end for 
Perl6's multi's (I think it isn't), how it relates to PMCs and their 
VTABLE's, the high-level view of how it's implemented, why it's faster 
(than what?), what types we are dispatching on (I v. N v. S v. P, or 
PMC types, or Object types), how type fallbacking is done, what you 
have to put in a .pmc file (?) to create an MMD entry, etc.

Maybe that would be more than a paragraph, but a quick paragraph would 
let me ask better questions. (And I saw docs/mmd.pod, but I'm looking 
for a higher-level overview.)


Re: MMD stuff

2004-05-14 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 10:48 AM -0700 5/14/04, Jeff Clites wrote:
On May 14, 2004, at 9:04 AM, Dan Sugalski wrote:
Today's project is to get all the MMD things actually using MMD. 
I've put in the first wave of changes (well, OK, second if you 
consider Leo's BXOR test as the first) and should get the rest of 
the stuff in today.

This part's a bit hackish but, well, there you go. It does break 
some of the object tests, since they don't yet participate in MMD 
the way they ought, but that should happen later on.
It would be great to have a quick paragraph-or-two about the 
design/API/goals. I know what MMD is in general, but I got lost in 
figuring out whether this MMD is supposed to be the back-end for 
Perl6's multi's (I think it isn't), how it relates to PMCs and their 
VTABLE's, the high-level view of how it's implemented, why it's 
faster (than what?), what types we are dispatching on (I v. N v. S 
v. P, or PMC types, or Object types), how type fallbacking is done, 
what you have to put in a .pmc file (?) to create an MMD entry, etc.
Good point. I should write up something more formal, but for the moment...
This MMD stuff is only for the functions in the PMC vtable that take 
a PMC and a second parameter (right now only a PMC, but when we're 
done it'll work for any right-hand type). The goal here is to 
ultimately rip out all these functions from the vtable and leave them 
in the MMD subsystem where they really belong.

Ultimately it'll be faster since nearly all the PMC classes parrot 
will run with will have their vtable methods call the MMD system 
*anyway*, so we cut out that level of indirection.

PMC writing shouldn't change--the pmc preprocessor will pull out the 
code from it and treat any defined vtable methods that are now MMD as 
the default for that PMC class.

At the moment there's no hierarchy and distance searching for filling 
in the MMD table--either there's a dead-on correct entry or there 
isn't. That needs fixing, though there's still the issue of deciding 
what the class hierarchy is, but we'll get there in a bit.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

MMD changes in

2004-05-14 Thread Dan Sugalski
Some tests are failing, and there are still issues with 
parrotobject-derived thigns, but the changes are all in and should be 
a matter of getting the busted stuff un-busted.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: PARROT_API, compiler and linker flags (was TODO: Linker magic step for configure)

2004-05-14 Thread Ron Blaschke
On Thu, 13 May 2004 17:23:18 -0700, Jeff Clites wrote:

 xxx_STATIC_BUILDcflags and ldflags to build static parrot
 We should make it clear that we are talking about building a static lib 
 (to distinguish from what the next macro is intended for)--so how 
 (I'm worried that xxx_STATIC_BUILD by itself isn't clear.)

xxx_LIB_STATIC_BUILD is fine with me.

 xxx_STATIC_USE  cflags and ldflags to use static parrot
 How about: xxx_STATIC_LINK

I was more thinking along the line of building the library (..._BUILD)
and using the library (..._USE).

 PARROT_STATIC_NAME  full, platform dependent name of static parrot lib


 - When building / using a shared parrot the compiler macro
 PARROT_LIB_DYNAMIC will be defined, for static PARROT_LIB_STATIC
 What will these be used for? Traditionally, there aren't compile-time 
 difference when building a static v. dynamic library, I believe. Maybe 
 this is not the case for Windows?

Dan has already read my thoughts on that, and posted them.

 - When building parrot the compiler macro PARROT_LIB_EXPORTS will be
 defined, when using parrot PARROT_LIB_IMPORTS
 Again, for what use?
 I'm not against these last 2 sets of macros--just wondering what the 
 intended use is.

It's used to let the compiler know that the mentioned symbols are
exported/imported.  The two macros will probably only be used to get the
PARROT_API macro, for those platforms that use it, right.  Eg, Microsoft
uses __declspec(dllimport) void someFunction() to let the compiler know
that someFunction should be imported from a DLL.  Maybe other compilers
have a similar kludge.

So, here's the new complete list of things.  Hope you like it.
CFLAGS_COMMON common compiler flags
LDFLAGS_COMMONcommon linker flags
CFLAGS_LIB_STATIC_BUILD   cflags to build static parrot
LDFLAGS_LIB_STATIC_BUILD  lflags to build static parrot
CFLAGS_LIB_STATIC_USE cflags to use static parrot
LDFLAGS_LIB_STATIC_USElflags to use static parrot
LIBPARROT_STATIC  full, platform dependent name of static parrot
CFLAGS_LIB_DYNAMIC_BUILD  cflags to build dynamic parrot
LDFLAGS_LIB_DYNAMIC_BUILD lflags to build dynamic parrot
CFLAGS_LIB_DYNAMIC_USEcflags to use dynamic parrot
LDFLAGS_LIB_DYNAMIC_USE   lflags to use dynamic parrot
LIBPARROT_DYNAMIC full, platform dependent name of dynamic parrot

PARROT_LIB_STATIC compiling for static parrot
PARROT_LIB_DYNAMICcompiling for dynamic parrot
PARROT_LIB_EXPORTSexport parrot symbols (compiling parrot lib)
PARROT_LIB_IMPORT import parrot symbols (using parrot lib)
PARROT_APIdeclare as API


Re: PARROT_API, compiler and linker flags (was TODO: Linker magic step for configure)

2004-05-14 Thread Ron Blaschke
On Fri, 14 May 2004 09:11:32 +0200, Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:

 I have little expertise in building libraries on many platforms. But 
 aren't these issues all addressed by GNU's 'libtool'. Is there a 
 licensing reason for not using that?

autoconf, automake and libtool address the issues we are facing, but focus
on UNIXisch operating systems.  IIRC, these tools create a bunch of shell
scripts, glued together by m4.  I'd rather stick to something that scares
me a little less.


Re: more B::Concise stuff (PATCH - updated)

2004-05-14 Thread Rafael Garcia-Suarez
Jim Cromie wrote:
 Jim Cromie wrote:
  attached patch has following adjustments to B::Concise and its tests.
 heres 2nd rev of that patch, now against 22802

Thanks, applied as change 22820. Time to play with it...