[perl #31920] Win32 nci test failure - tests 35-37 42-43

2005-02-19 Thread Ron Blaschke via RT
t/pmc/nci.t passes.  Please close this ticket.

All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=56, 19 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

[perl #24396] FAIL parrot-0.0.13 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread

2005-02-19 Thread Ron Blaschke via RT
Can't reproduce this one.  Please close the ticket.

1/20 skipped: fdopen does not handle illegal modes correct
All tests successful, 1 subtest skipped.
Files=1, Tests=20, 55 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

[perl #34059] [PATCH][MSWin32] Add NCI test symbols

2005-02-19 Thread Ron Blaschke via RT
t/pmc/nci.t passes.  This ticket should be closed.

All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=56, 20 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

The ticket for the more generic solution is
#31649: [TODO] Win32 - Automatically Export Symbols

[perl #16764] [PATCH] library building win32

2005-02-19 Thread Ron Blaschke via RT
 [jgloudon - Sun Aug 25 17:15:36 2002]:
 This is a simple fix to the broken libparrot.a makefile target for
 Visual C++
 win32 builds so that 'nmake test' works.  This does not fix other non-
 targets and win32 builds with the borland compilers. The latter should
 be a
 matter of providing the approprate library building tool and options
 in the
 hints file.

libparrot builds fine, Cnmake test works.  This issue is resolved, one
way or the other, and should be closed.

[perl #29738] [PATCH] PARROT_API Generic

2005-02-19 Thread Ron Blaschke via RT
Please mark this patch as rejected.  It's not tasty enough for our

Returning varying numbers of results from a tail call

2005-02-19 Thread Bob Rogers
   In situations where A calls B and B tail-calls C, and C produces some
arbitrary number of return values, I would like to be able to generate
code for B without having to care how many values A expects, how many C
produces, or even whether these numbers are fixed at compile-time.  I
can sort of do this now via tail-call optimization, e.g.:

.sub _B non_prototyped
.param pmc function
.local pmc argv
argv = foldup 1

print [doing _B]\n
$I33 = defined function
if $I33 goto doit
printerr _B:  Bad function.\n
.pcc_begin prototyped
.flatten_arg argv
.pcc_call function

This works, but I have to jump through numerous hoops:

   1.  I must resort to this lame idiom that appears to accept and
return no values.

   2.  The code must be compiled with -Oc, or that is in fact what it

   3.  I must live with the fact that I won't ever see B in a backtrace;
I get tail-merging semantics whether I like it or not.

   4.  The return must be just before .end; it doesn't work if I invert
the sense of the test and swap the bad_func and doit blocks.  (Is
this a bug in tail-call optimization?)

   The number of hoops is surprising, given that perl5 has this call
and return all values semantics.  (But perl6 seems to return everything
in an array, so that was no help.  Whatever.)

   The key problem is that this code works only if compiled with
tail-merging (tail-call optimization) enabled, which strikes me as
wrong; correct code should not have to depend on an optimization,
certainly not a non-default one.

   So I would like to be able to tell IMCC explicitly that I am doing a
tail call which should pass all returned values back to my caller.  This
should be regardless of whether tail-merging is enabled, but should
definitely be tail-merged if so.

   I thought I might be able to do this via .pcc_call with an explicit
continuation, but I don't see how to get to the continuation that
returncc would use.  Is this possible?

   Better still would be an explicit way to say call and return all
values.  Here's one possible syntax for the example above:

.pcc_begin prototyped
.flatten_arg argv
.pcc_tail_call function

The .pcc_tail_call function would be an alternative to the pcc_call
opt_label pcc_results sequence in the pcc_sub_call production.  It
seems to me that this could generate a normal call followed by returncc
(without changing I0-4) if tail-call optimization is off.

   But then, I'm pretty wet behind the ears when it comes to hacking
Parrot, so I couldn't produce a patch without help, or at least some
direction.  Not to mention the possibility that there may be something
I've missed . . .


-- Bob Rogers

TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Andy Lester
I'm updating the TAP docs in Test::Harness, so that I can update
Test::Harness and get it into bleadperl so that (I hope) it makes it
into Perl 5.8.7.

Please have a look at my latest/greatest HTMLified version of


Get those comments in ASAP, please.


Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = www.petdance.com = AIM:petdance

Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Andy Lester
On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 10:34:06AM -0600, Andy Lester ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Please have a look at my latest/greatest HTMLified version of

Also note that it goes with the form:

ok 1 Description # Directive
# Diagnostic


Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = www.petdance.com = AIM:petdance

Re: Tests for pugs

2005-02-19 Thread
I have started the 03operator.t.
And add it to the svn repository.
 2005/2/19  1:12 Autrijus Tang 
Hi fellow Pugs committers (and would-be committers).  This is a 
message from your self-elected project leader. :)

I'm very glad of your help in hacking pugs, particularly in filling
out unit tests under t/.  As it will likely require some coordination,
I think perl6-compiler is the correct list for us to coodinate.
So, if you had not done so, please subscribe p6c by sending a mail to:
So, here is some ideas in the layout of t/.  Alin has a wonderful idea
of forward-porting Perl5's unit test suite, starting from base/ and 
to our t/ directory:

As the scope of work is large, and for reducing duplicated works, I
encourage people who want to help to announce your intent (i.e. what
subdirs will you be working on) on the perl6-compiler list.  It's not
neccessary to do so, though, as long as you commit fast enough. :-)
Other people who would like to help is encouraged to announce the
intent on this list, in a similar fashion; I'd be glad to hand out
subversion committer bits -- just drop me a line or find me on
irc.perl.org #perl.
Also, ycheng has a good idea of converting Synopsis as working specs,
by adding unit test directly into the .pod files.  To that end, I'm
trying to set up svk mirrors from here:
Into pugs/t/Synopsis/S01.pod, and then use them directly as unit tests,
eventually subsuming the existing 02atoms.t and 06sub.t.  Before that
is done, though, hacking on the current synopsis-based tests is still
very welcome.
Another change I'll make tomorrow is to run the test harness using:
pugs -MTest::More
So we'll have access to is(), ok() and other primitives.  I'll write
more on the list when that part is ready.
Again, I'd like to thank you for your willingness to help.  :)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Autrijus Tang
On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 11:31:54PM -0800, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
 Junctions are intended to ultimately be used in boolean tests.  That's
 why the values of the junction have an any/all/one/none relationship. 
 The proper data structure here is an array.  (Actually, ironically
 enough, it's probably a set, not an array.)

It's one set for any()/all()/one() and two sets for none().  Of course,
if something (eg. functions) cannot be tested for equality, then we'll
have to assume them to be unique from each other anyway, in which case
junctions do act as arrays.

 [1] Note, however, that this needs to be done carefully.  For example,
 while it doesn't really make sense for the string arguments of a call
 to Cprint to be junctions, the object argument is another matter
 # naive tee
 $OUT=$OUT  open( $_) for @ARGS;
 print or die Can't write to $!.filename: $! for *$IN;# Or
 however it's done this week

I think it's an unary = this week, according to S04:

print for =*$IN;


Description: PGP signature

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Damian Conway
Hmm. On rereading my last message, I feel that it comes across as angry, 
and critical of this entire discussion or perhaps of particular participants.

That was certainly not my intent and I apologize if that's how it appeared. I 
genuinely respect the contributions of every person on this list, and even 
when (as now) I strenuously disagree with the ideas expressed, I know that 
those contributions are sincere and offered with the best interests of Perl at 

I still stand by every point I made in that last message, but I'm sorry that I 
let my frustrations leak into the discussion.


Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Rod Adams
Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
Rod Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The caller is not in a position to know if the callee is internally
structured in such a way that passing in a raw junction makes sense.

they are. It's called reading the documentation. If it doesn't say it can
handle junctions, it probably can't.

I don't want to have to stop in the middle of a hundred-line function
to think, Does Store::Market.get act sanely when I give it a
junction?  Do I need to explode it manually, or will it handle the
junction nicely on its own? 

You call functions where you don't know what data types they are 
expecting? That's... surprising.
Even in a loosely typed world like Perl, knowing what a sub or method is 
expecting to be fed seems like a good idea to me. I see checking for 
accepting junctions as input as being on the same level as Does it want 
a list or an arrayref here?.

When I'm writing my own insanely large functions, I'm constantly hitting 
the docs to see the nuances about the method calls I'm not already 
intimately familiar with. And if I'm going to attempt to use a function 
in a new way (like feeding it a Junction), I recheck the docs to make 
sure I'm not setting myself up for trouble down the road.

Your mileage may vary.
-- Rod Adams.
(PS - This should not be construed to be an attack on you or your 
programming style. It is not. Though I've never seen you in action, I 
have every reason to believe you are a fully competent developer. It is 
simply a response to your statement above, explaining why I thought the 
attitude expressed there represented a weak argument.)

='s LHS

2005-02-19 Thread Juerd
Is ='s LHS still automatically quoted? What are the rules?


Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Rod Adams
Damian Conway wrote:
Rod Adams wrote:
All I want now is for autothreading to be explicit.

It already *is*.
The only way that:
can ever autothread is if $x holds a junction. But that can now only 
happen if there's an explicit Cuse junctions in scope where $x was 
assigned to (or the explicit use of some other module that also 
activates Cuse junctions). So $x having a junction must be a known 
possibility at that point.

Of course, literal junctions *will* autothread in all circumstances:
I had not caught the difference between:
   use junctions;
   $x = 6|7|8;
   if is_prime($x) {...}
   if is_prime(6|7|8) {...}
before. Is this new, or yet another important detail I missed along the 
way? Or is this a side effect of not being able to store a Junction, and 
can go away if C use Junctions  is turned on?

But they're both explicit too: you're explicitly using junction 
constructors, so the autothreading can hardly come as a surprise.
*If* we are guaranteed than an explicitly created junctions will always 
autothread, I'll agree with this.

I will, however, question if this is optimal. Compare two simple cases: 
C $x == any(4,5,6)  and C $x  all(4,5,6) . Both of them are prime 
candidates to some optimizations, but the optimizations are likely 
rather different. If we pass the junction into the operator, then it can 
perform some custom tailored code, to make things much more efficient, 
instead of relying on a more generalized junction optimizer to handle 

What this also means is that if you wish to pass an anonymous junction, 
you can't. You have to do something like:

   use junctions;
   some_func(my $x = any(4|5|6));
Which just seems silly.
And if:
does happen to autothread when you weren't expecting it to, then one 
of two things will happen. Either the subroutine will be 'pure' in 
which case there's no problem in autothreading it; or else the 
subroutine will have side effects, in which case you'll get an 
explicit warning when the autothreading occurs.
I addressed earlier concept of how does perl know when there are side 
effects, particularly with the execution path can weave to parts written 
in pure-parrot. In particular, if the  Patrick responded by implying 
that there was no such side effect protection. see:

http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.language/19210 (my post)
http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.language/19212 (Patrick's 

I see your statements on the subject, and Patrick's to be at odds. But 
then again, it might be that I've misread something again, though I'm 
doing my best to avoid it now.

I request some clarification on this. If nothing else, to make sure you 
and Patrick have the same understanding of what's happening.

This problem goes away completely with explicit autothreading. perl 
would no longer be making assumptions about what to autothread, and what 
to carp over.

Personally, I think it's completely fascist to require a Cuse 
junctions pragma in order for junctions to even be stored in 
variables. It's as bizarre as requiring Cuse strings or Cuse 
references or Cuse undef or Cuse infinities would be. Yes, it 
*is* possible to get unexpected behaviour from passing a junction 
where it isn't expected, but it's already possible to get unexpected 
behaviour by passing a string or an undef or a reference or an object 
where it isn't expected. Junctions are nothing new in that respect.
I had it in my head that if I were to get my »Junction« explicit 
threading idea, I was going to follow up by saying the block against 
storing junctions was a case of diminishing returns at that point, and 
should probably go away. I appreciate the stop-gap measure that it was, 
but I'd prefer to solve the real problem at hand.

 Ironically, by using the Awesome Power of Junctions:
I hope I never gave the impression that I felt Junctions were not 
powerful... That was not the case. If anything, I was arguing that they 
were *too* powerful... But in the end, I realized it's just the implicit 
autothreading I didn't like.

Look, I do understand the arguments in the other direction. I've 
understood them for the past five years that I've been developing the 
concept of superpositional data-types. I've thought them through 
numerous times myself, and in the end: I just don't buy them.

The whole point of junctions is to make the threading of operations on 
datasets both automatic and implicit; to make it Do The Right Thing 
without the hassles of explicit threading. If you don't want that, 
that's fine: just don't use junctions. Use arrays and hyperoperators 
instead. And we'll happily give you a Cno junctions pragma so you 
can be emphatic about not wanting them.
I can certainly understand the hassles of explicit threading if one is 

   $y = func(any(3|4|5));
has to be explicitly written as:
   $y = any(any(3|4|5).values().map(func($_)));
or some such, but is it 

Re: ='s LHS

2005-02-19 Thread Juerd
Patrick R. Michaud skribis 2005-02-19 14:53 (-0600):
 On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 09:10:05PM +0100, Juerd wrote:
  Is ='s LHS still automatically quoted? What are the rules?
 S02 says that = still autoquotes any bare identifier to its immediate
 left, even keywords and macros.  

Thanks - I wonder how I managed to read that without absorbing the


Re: ='s LHS

2005-02-19 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 09:10:05PM +0100, Juerd wrote:
 Is ='s LHS still automatically quoted? What are the rules?

S02 says that = still autoquotes any bare identifier to its immediate
left, even keywords and macros.  


Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Rod Adams
Damian Conway wrote:
Hmm. On rereading my last message, I feel that it comes across as 
angry, and critical of this entire discussion or perhaps of particular 

That was certainly not my intent and I apologize if that's how it 
appeared. I genuinely respect the contributions of every person on 
this list, and even when (as now) I strenuously disagree with the 
ideas expressed, I know that those contributions are sincere and 
offered with the best interests of Perl at heart.

I still stand by every point I made in that last message, but I'm 
sorry that I let my frustrations leak into the discussion.


Well, I for one, never took any offense to any of the responses sent my 
way. And I appreciate the patience it's likely taken to not just 
completely Warnock me.

However, I also realize that I might have stepped on some toes of the 
course of this long discussion. Which was never my intention, and I'll 
apologize to any who feel I've slighted them in the process.

I do believe everyone on this list shares the same goals of making Perl 
6 the possible language that it can be. However, opinions will vary as 
to what that actually means. Being a group of people that can by and 
large be described as having a fairly large egos, these differences of 
opinion can become rather passionate. And passion leads to some pretty 
extreme responses.

It certainly hasn't helped matters that the exact nature of my proposal 
has changed in some fairly drastic ways on a regular basis, as I came to 
a better understanding of what Junctions were, and how they were being 
implemented. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused, but I 
do think the resulting discussions have shed some new insights on 
Junctions, Sets, what it means to have a sigil, why junctions can't just 
be another class, and several other topics. Poor Mr. Fowles is likely 
having nightmares figuring out how to summarize all of this.

Positions I still stand by:
- Sets belong in the language, and need more support. This can likely be 
done at the module level, but I'd like them better incorporated, 
preferably with their own sigil. However, I believe they can peacefully 
coexist with Junctions, and one concept does not need to crowd out the 

- Implicit autothreading is a Bad Thing, and should not happen. This is 
almost entirely due to the side effects such behavior can generate. To 
keep the power of junctions viable, explicit threading should be 
trivially easy, but it should be explicit, none the less.

-- Rod Adams

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 02:40:00PM -0600, Rod Adams wrote:
 Damian Conway wrote:
 Of course, literal junctions *will* autothread in all circumstances:
 I had not caught the difference between:
use junctions;
$x = 6|7|8;
if is_prime($x) {...}
if is_prime(6|7|8) {...}
 before. Is this new, or yet another important detail I missed along the 
 way? Or is this a side effect of not being able to store a Junction, and 
 can go away if C use Junctions  is turned on?

It's a side effect of not being able to store a junction.

 I will, however, question if this is optimal. Compare two simple cases: 
 C $x == any(4,5,6)  and C $x  all(4,5,6) . Both of them are prime 
 candidates to some optimizations, but the optimizations are likely 
 rather different. If we pass the junction into the operator, then it can 
 perform some custom tailored code, to make things much more efficient, 
 instead of relying on a more generalized junction optimizer to handle 

There's nothing to *prevent* us from passing a junction into a routine
that perform custom tailored code for the junction--it's just not 
the default.  If infix:«» wants to optimize for junctions, we define
it with something like

multi sub *infix:«»(Junction $x, Junction $y) returns bit { ... }

and it can then optimize appropriately.  Autothreading routines 
by default occurs only when the junction arguments are bound to scalar 
parameters that are inconsistent with the Junction type (S09).

 And if:
 does happen to autothread when you weren't expecting it to, then one 
 of two things will happen. Either the subroutine will be 'pure' in 
 which case there's no problem in autothreading it; or else the 
 subroutine will have side effects, in which case you'll get an 
 explicit warning when the autothreading occurs.
 I addressed earlier concept of how does perl know when there are side 
 effects, particularly with the execution path can weave to parts written 
 in pure-parrot. In particular, if the  Patrick responded by implying 
 that there was no such side effect protection. see:
 http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.language/19210 (my post)
 http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.language/19212 (Patrick's 
 I see your statements on the subject, and Patrick's to be at odds. But 
 then again, it might be that I've misread something again, though I'm 
 doing my best to avoid it now.

AFAICT there aren't any conflicts between my and Damian's statements.
The example given in the 19210 post supposed that a Junction would
get passed to a pure Parrot function, but didn't actually provide
code to demonstrate that.  Any pure Parrot routine declared as
accepting scalars inconsistent with Junctions would be autothreaded 
the same as any other routine.  

Assuming that a Junction *is* passed to a pure Parrot routine 
(e.g., via a list or other data structure), and assuming that 
Parrot is not itself supporting autothreading, then it's fairly 
straightforward to define the Junction type such that requests 
to stringify, numify, or otherwise access/evaluate the Junction 
as a non-Junctional value will throw an exception.

 All of this knowledge, which comes almost innately during the 
 process of writing code, can become almost Halting Problem hard 
 for the compiler or runtime to figure out.

So far I haven't seen anything about Junctions that requires an 
awful lot of knowledge, guessing, or exhaustive evaluation on 
the part of the compiler/runtime system.  They will likely need 
to do a bit of checking of the arguments to decide when to 
autothread a call, but they're going to be doing other sorts 
of argument checking anyway, and the additional checking to be 
performed is fairly shallow -- just testing each argument 
for isa(Junction) or its equivalent.  (We don't have to perform
deep inspection of arrays or the like.)


Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Damian Conway
Rod Adams wrote:
I had not caught the difference between:
   use junctions;
   $x = 6|7|8;
   if is_prime($x) {...}
   if is_prime(6|7|8) {...}
There isn't one.
Is this new, or yet another important detail I missed along the way?
 Or is this a side effect of not being able to store a Junction, and can go 
 if C use Junctions  is turned on?

Yes, it's a side-effect of the new default prohibition on junction assignments 
(though I'm still working hard to convince everyone that that prohibition 
cripples junctions and that having to use junctions before you can assign a 
basic Perl 6 scalar datatype to a variable is an abomination).

I will, however, question if this is optimal. Compare two simple cases: 
 C $x == any(4,5,6)  and C $x  all(4,5,6) . Both of them are prime
 candidates to some optimizations, but the optimizations are likely rather 
 If we pass the junction into the operator, then it can perform some custom 
tailored code,
 to make things much more efficient, instead of relying on a more 
generalized junction
optimizer to handle things.
Sure. That's why we have the ability to specify subroutines where junctive 
args are *not* autothreaded, by typing the corresponding parameter as taking a 

multi sub infix:«==» (YourType $x, Junction $y) is symmetrical {...}
multi sub infix:«»  (YourType $x, Junction $y) is symmetrical {...}
These two multisubs can optimize for junctive arguments to their hearts' 

I addressed earlier concept of how does perl know when there are side effects, 
 particularly with the execution path can weave to parts written in 
 In particular, if the  Patrick responded by implying that there was no such 
 effect protection. see:
http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.language/19210 (my post)
http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.language/19212 (Patrick's response)
I don't see that Patrick's response implies that at all. In fact, I think his 
statement that:

Well, the ultimate answer is that both Dan and Patrick (and others)
will negotiate the exact interface when we get to that point, and
that we don't seem to be too concerned about it at the moment.
(It could just be that we're both burying our heads in the sand
hoping it'll be magically solved by the other.  :-)
However, in working out these examples I'm fairly comfortable that
it can be made to work at the Perl 6 compiler level if need be,
although it will probably be a lot more efficient if we can find a
way to do it within Parrot.
seems to confirm that detecting and reporting autothreaded side-effects is 
entirely possible.

If nothing else, to make sure you and Patrick have the same understanding of what's happening.
I'm sure we will.

This problem goes away completely with explicit autothreading. 
 perl would no longer be making assumptions about what to autothread, and 
what to carp over.

But that's the whole point of junctions! Namely that perl works it out for 
you. If you don't want that to happen then don't use junctions (and don't 
allow them to be used, by specifying Cno junctions).

If you want explicit threading (I refuse to call it autothreading; if it has 
to be manually specified, it certainly isn't auto) then use arrays instead, 
and thread your subroutines and operators over them using the explicit 
hyperoperator notation (see example below).

But bowdlerizing the concept of junctions isn't the answer.
I'm no longer doing that.
Or at least, I'm no doing anything anywhere close to as extreme as some 
of my other ideas over the last week or two. Which I can see perfectly 
well, in retrospect, how you felt I was gutting the power away from 
junctions, and how frustrating that must have been for you.
Thank-you for understanding that.

But I still don't like implicit autothreading, and likely never will. I 
don't know how to explain it, but it just feels very wrong. It's down 
there with using typeglobs to pass filehandles, which is thankfully 
I understand your qualms, even if you can't nail down the exactly reasons for 

However, I still disagree with them. I truly believe that junctions (including 
their autothreading behaviour) ought to be core to Perl 6...and not ham-strung 
in any way.

I appreciate that some people will not like the potential autothreading of:
if is_prime($x) {...}  # Might possibly autothread
but I think it's sufficient to give those people:
# At the top of the program...
no junctions;
# and then...
if is_prime($x) {...}  # Can't possibly autothread
As for explicit threading: hey, you've already got it. Just use an array 
instead of a junction, and only allow explicit junctives. Either:

# At the top of the program...
no junctions 'assignment'; # Junctive constants okay
# and then...
if is_prime(any(@x)) {...} # Explicitly threaded
or, even more 

Set sigils (was: Re: Junction Values)

2005-02-19 Thread Ashley Winters
On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 15:20:59 -0600, Rod Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Positions I still stand by:
 - Sets belong in the language, and need more support. This can likely be
 done at the module level, but I'd like them better incorporated,
 preferably with their own sigil. However, I believe they can peacefully
 coexist with Junctions, and one concept does not need to crowd out the

Instead of primary sigils, what about secondary sigils on an array to
mark it as an unordered set?

@|foo = any
@foo = all
@^foo = one   # can arrays be curried arguments? hmm
@!foo = none

After all, why should scalars get all the good secondary sigils? :)

Ashley Winters

Lingering questions about Junctions.

2005-02-19 Thread Rod Adams
Now that I've largely accepted junctions (except implicit autothreading, 
which is Bad.), I see some corners that need to be poked at in terms of 
how they fit into the language as a whole.

All of these examples assume an appropriate level of use junctions; is 
in effect.

- Can junctions be used as array/hash subscripts?
In an rvalue context, this makes sense, in that you can simply return a 
junction of the deferences. But in an lvalue context, this gets dubious 
for everything except all() junctions. Consider:

   @x = 1..10;
   @x[any(4,3)] = 7;
What does @x look like now?
   @x[all(4,3,2)] = 7;
makes sense, as long as it means:
   @x[4,3,2] »=« 7;
I don't want to even think about what:
   @x[none(1,2)] = 7;

- Can you have non-scalar junctions?
As the discussions surrounding C ..  demonstrated, it's not that hard 
for someone to create a situation where a junction of lists might come 
into existence. But let's consider something a step beyond.

   %x = (a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) | (d = 4, e = 5, f = 6);
   @y = %x.keys;
Does this explode, or does @y have something useful in it now?
Before dismissing the concept completely, it's perfectly possible to 
create something much like a junctive hash via references:

   %x = (a = 1, b = 2, c = 3);
   %y = (d = 4, e = 5, f = 6);
   $z = one(\%x, \%y);
   @w = $z.keys;

- What does it mean to sort a list of junctions?
   @x = any(1,6), all(2,5), one(3,4);
   @x = @x.sort;
Does sort() carp on junctions, or is it just one of the weird things you 
have to live with if you're playing with junctions?

-- Rod Adams

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 02:40:00PM -0600, Rod Adams wrote:
 I addressed earlier concept of how does perl know when there are side 
 effects, particularly with the execution path can weave to parts written 
 in pure-parrot. Patrick responded by implying 
 that there was no such side effect protection. 

I should've included this in my previous post...and write it now
simply to promote clarity/completeness:

My response in #19212 was intended to show that the side-effect 
problems being described don't exist, and therefore there isn't 
any need for side-effect protections such as the ones being 
proposed.  I didn't mean to imply that they would be needed but
not available.


Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
 However, I also realize that I might have stepped on some toes of the 
 course of this long discussion. Which was never my intention, and I'll 
 apologize to any who feel I've slighted them in the process.

Personally, I've found the thread to be incredibly useful in 
(1) understanding Junctions, and (2) getting a handle on the
various ways in which they can be implemented.  So it's been
worthwhile for me.  And no offenses have been intended or taken.


#perl6, pugscode.org, and more

2005-02-19 Thread Autrijus Tang
Hi.  As my today's journal ( http://use.perl.org/~autrijus/journal/23258 )
announced, we have created a #perl6 channel on freenode to discuss
everything about perl6, in particular to coordinate development of
the Perl6 Compiler and Pugs.  All is welcome to join.

Also, I've registered http://pugscode.org/ and populated it with some
basic information.  As the site says, I'm handing out committer bits
pretty liberally, so if you are willing to patch things, write tests,
and hang out on IRC, please contact the team on IRC or by mail. :)

See you on #perl6!


Description: PGP signature

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Matt Fowles

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 15:20:59 -0600, Rod Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Poor Mr. Fowles is likely having nightmares figuring out how to summarize all 
 of this.

Not really nightmares, more sleepless nights twitching in fear...  But
I did skip writing it this week as this thread is the only one of
great length and I was hoping to wait for it to resolve...  Which it
sounds like it is doing :-)

Computer Science is merely the post-Turing Decline of Formal Systems Theory.

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Rod Adams
Damian Conway wrote:
Rod Adams wrote:
Is this new, or yet another important detail I missed along the way? 
Or is this a side effect of not being able to store a Junction, and 
can go away if C use Junctions  is turned on?

Yes, it's a side-effect of the new default prohibition on junction 
assignments (though I'm still working hard to convince everyone that 
that prohibition cripples junctions and that having to use junctions 
before you can assign a basic Perl 6 scalar datatype to a variable is 
an abomination).
FWIW, I agree with you that having something half enabled by default 
make little sense. But I'll accept it as a stop gap until I get my 
explicit threading.

And I really don't like the implications of how turning on use 
junctions can also suddenly change the threading semantics of 
junctions. Talk about subtleties in action...

I imagine some intermediate level programmer decides they are ready to 
start playing with stored junctions. He adds a use junctions; at the 
top of his file, thus turning it on for all functions written in that 
package. Suddenly, some of his function calls with stop implicitly 
threading, and instead start carping in some truly spectacular ways. 
Said programmer quickly takes away the use junctions;, and never 
considers using stored junctions again. It's just not worth the trouble, 
in his mind.

If, however, he was conditioned to put in some »«'s whenever he wanted 
his junctions to thread, he would not encounter this problem.

I will, however, question if this is optimal. Compare two simple cases: 
 C $x == any(4,5,6)  and C $x  all(4,5,6) . Both of them are prime
 candidates to some optimizations, but the optimizations are likely 
rather different.
 If we pass the junction into the operator, then it can perform some 
custom tailored code,
 to make things much more efficient, instead of relying on a more 
generalized junction

optimizer to handle things.

Sure. That's why we have the ability to specify subroutines where 
junctive args are *not* autothreaded, by typing the corresponding 
parameter as taking a junction:

multi sub infix:«==» (YourType $x, Junction $y) is symmetrical {...}
multi sub infix:«»  (YourType $x, Junction $y) is symmetrical {...}
These two multisubs can optimize for junctive arguments to their 
hearts' content.
I guess I misunderstood your statement of literal junctions *will* 
autothread in all circumstances to mean _all_ circumstances, not just 
ones where the callee didn't explicitly say they could accept them, or 
if the current use junctions; status is in alignment with the moon, or 
other such things.

I will allow you to alter that statement if you now find it 
insufficiently qualified.

I don't see that Patrick's response implies that at all. In fact, I 
think his statement that:

Well, the ultimate answer is that both Dan and Patrick (and others)
will negotiate the exact interface when we get to that point, and
that we don't seem to be too concerned about it at the moment.
(It could just be that we're both burying our heads in the sand
hoping it'll be magically solved by the other.  :-)
However, in working out these examples I'm fairly comfortable that
it can be made to work at the Perl 6 compiler level if need be,
although it will probably be a lot more efficient if we can find a
way to do it within Parrot.
seems to confirm that detecting and reporting autothreaded 
side-effects is entirely possible.
Let me attempt to clarify the discrepancy as I see it.
I'll take Damian's recent comment of:  And if C is_prime($x)  does 
happen to autothread when you weren't expecting it to, then one of two 
things will happen. Either the subroutine will be 'pure' in which case 
there's no problem in autothreading it; or else the subroutine will have 
side effects, in which case you'll get an explicit warning when the 
autothreading occurs. 

and my 19210 code of:
   $x = 3|4;
   $y = fun($x);
   sub fun ($x) {
   warn enter: fun($x)\n if $DEBUG;
   $x + 1;
I hope it's clear that whether or not fun() has side effects is a 
runtime decision, and can't realistically be determined at function call 
Now, let's assume that this falls under Damian's heading of happens to 
autothread when I wasn't expecting it to.
If $DEBUG is off, no worries.
If $DEBUG is on, I expect my explicit warning, as promised.

What I am questioning is how perl decides when to give my warning. Does 
perl inspect fun() to see if there are any side effect causing calls in 
it? Or does it keep an internal note to itself saying I'm 
autothreading. This class of functions is Bad., and then when it 
encounters one of those functions, carp?

Now throw in a quote from Patrick (19212): As you've written things 
above, Cfun is autothreaded (your option #3), and we'll see two 
Cwarn output lines if $DEBUG is set.

Somehow, that's not the kind of explicit warning I was expecting from 
Damian's comment.

As for the 

precedence for x and ~

2005-02-19 Thread Juerd
According to S03, ~ is tighter than x, while in Perl 5, . was looser
than x.

This can be surprising in things like

@ x 75 ~ $zap

Which has to be written as

(@ x 75) ~ $zap

in order to make sense.

Was this intentional? What is the rationale?


Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Damian Conway
Rod Adams wrote:
Simply put,
I want my junctions.
Standard in Perl 6.
I want my hyper operator superstrength arrays.
Standard in Perl 6.
I want them both at the same time.
Standard in Perl 6.
I never want to see implicit threading. Ever.
If this is the only stumbling block, then it's easily solved.
Instead of ruining junctions by imposing all kinds of complex and annoying 
hoops and hurdles (i.e. Cuse junctions and Cno junctions), we can just 
offer a Cno autothreading pragma that prevents any non-explicit junction 
from autothreading any operator or subroutine. Put it at the top of your code 
and you'll never get any implicit threading.


Re: Lingering questions about Junctions.

2005-02-19 Thread Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon
Rod Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - Can junctions be used as array/hash subscripts?
 In an rvalue context, this makes sense, in that you can simply return a
 junction of the deferences. But in an lvalue context, this gets dubious
 for everything except all() junctions. Consider:
 @x = 1..10;
 @x[any(4,3)] = 7;
 What does @x look like now?
 @x[all(4,3,2)] = 7;
 makes sense, as long as it means:
 @x[4,3,2] »=« 7;
 I don't want to even think about what:
 @x[none(1,2)] = 7;

The naive meaning of all of these would be::

any(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 4,3)
all(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 4,3,2)
one(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 1,2)
none(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 1,2)

But I'm not sure the naive interpretation is correct.

  - Can you have non-scalar junctions?
 As the discussions surrounding C ..  demonstrated, it's not that hard
 for someone to create a situation where a junction of lists might come
 into existence. But let's consider something a step beyond.
 %x = (a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) | (d = 4, e = 5, f = 6);
 @y = %x.keys;
 Does this explode, or does @y have something useful in it now?

Do junctive operators force scalar context on their arguments?  If so,
we know what happens (you get a junction of arrayrefs); if not, I
suppose it's up for negotiation.

  - What does it mean to sort a list of junctions?
 @x = any(1,6), all(2,5), one(3,4);
 @x = @x.sort;
 Does sort() carp on junctions, or is it just one of the weird things you
 have to live with if you're playing with junctions?

Good question.  Spaceship and cmp aren't quite like the normal boolean
ops, unfortunately; I'm not quite sure what to do about that.


Pretend for a moment that cmp is implemented exactly as:

multi sub infix:cmp (Any|Junction $lhs, Any|Junction $rhs) {
return -1 if $lhs lt $rhs;
return 0  if $lhs eq $rhs;
return 1  if $lhs gt $rhs;

Then things compare this way:

   any(1,6) cmp all(2,5) = -1  (1 is less than both 2 and 5)
   all(2,5) cmp any(1,6) = 1 (both 2 and 5 are greater than 1)
   all(2,5) cmp one(3,4) = undef (no conditions match)
   one(3,4) cmp all(2,5) = undef (no conditions match)
   one(3,4) cmp any(1,6) = undef (no conditions match)
   any(1,6) cmp one(3,4) = undef (no conditions match)

Happily, all of these are commutative (is this generally true?), and
the Cundefs would be treated as 0s.  So this actually would work,
although it would sort in an...interesting...order.

Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perl and Parrot hacker

I used to have a life, but I liked mail-reading so much better.

Re: precedence for x and ~

2005-02-19 Thread Damian Conway
Juerd wrote:
According to S03, ~ is tighter than x, while in Perl 5, . was looser
than x.
No. According to S03, *unary* ~ is tighter than x. *Binary* ~ is looser:
symbolic unary  ! + - ~ ? * ** +^ ~^ ?^ \
multiplicative  * / % x xx + + + ~ ~ ~
additive+ - ~ +| +^ ~| ~^

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, it's a side-effect of the new default prohibition on junction assignments
 (though I'm still working hard to convince everyone that that prohibition
 cripples junctions and that having to use junctions before you can assign a
 basic Perl 6 scalar datatype to a variable is an abomination).

Point of consideration: is accidentally autothreading over a junction
any more dangerous than accidentally looping forever over an infinite
lazy list?

Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perl and Parrot hacker

I used to have a life, but I liked mail-reading so much better.

Re: precedence for x and ~

2005-02-19 Thread Juerd
Damian Conway skribis 2005-02-20 11:28 (+1100):
 According to S03, ~ is tighter than x, while in Perl 5, . was looser
 than x.
 No. According to S03, *unary* ~ is tighter than x. *Binary* ~ is looser:
 symbolic unary  ! + - ~ ? * ** +^ ~^ ?^ \
 multiplicative  * / % x xx + + + ~ ~ ~
 additive+ - ~ +| +^ ~| ~^

Oh. I'm ashamed to admit I hadn't looked at the first column. Sorry.


Re: Lingering questions about Junctions.

2005-02-19 Thread Damian Conway
Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
The naive meaning of all of these would be::
any(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 4,3)
all(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 4,3,2)
one(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 1,2)
none(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 1,2)
But I'm not sure the naive interpretation is correct.
A junction as an array index or hash key returns a junction of the 
corresponding elements/entries. So:

@x[4|3] = 7
is the same as:
any(@x[4], @x[3]) = 7
But I've repeated stated my strong belief that junctions are scalar values, 
*not* lvalues. So the result of that assignment ought to be:

Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at demo.pl line 1

- Can you have non-scalar junctions?
Do junctive operators force scalar context on their arguments?
If so, we know what happens (you get a junction of arrayrefs); 
if not, I suppose it's up for negotiation.
No. ;-)

- What does it mean to sort a list of junctions?
Brent's analysis is spot on, assuming that Ccmp on junctions works as he 
envisaged. Personally, I think I'd implement Ccmp as:

multi sub infix:cmp (Any|Junction $lhs, Any|Junction $rhs) {
return -1 if $lhs lt $rhs;
return  1 if $lhs gt $rhs;
return  0
instead, but the differences are marginal: Brent's version treats junctions 
that can be equal or greater than as being equal; mine favours the inequality 

Ultimately, of course, a particular list of junctions may not be well-ordered 
at all. For example:

sort 1|10, 5|6, 11|0
in which *any* permutation of the list is a plausible sort. So sorting 
junctions isn't necessarily always meaningful.


Foreign modules in test scripts?

2005-02-19 Thread Steffen Schwigon

General testing question:

Is it ok for a CPAN module to use other modules from CPAN only for the
test scripts (e.g. Text::Diff)?

First, I'm not sure about the usage policy. Maybe it's more common to
write tests more low level.

Second, I know there is a build_requires option in Build.PL, but
does the CPAN(PLUS).pm know about that option and really only download
and use those build_requires temporarily during module build/test or
does it fully install them?


Steffen Schwigon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dresden Perl Mongers http://dresden-pm.org/

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-19 Thread Rod Adams
Damian Conway wrote:
Rod Adams wrote:
I never want to see implicit threading. Ever.

If this is the only stumbling block, then it's easily solved.
Instead of ruining junctions by imposing all kinds of complex and 
annoying hoops and hurdles (i.e. Cuse junctions and Cno 
junctions), we can just offer a Cno autothreading pragma that 
prevents any non-explicit junction from autothreading any operator or 
subroutine. Put it at the top of your code and you'll never get any 
implicit threading.
Well, allow me to explain what I want in a little more detail, so I can 
be sure I'm getting it.

I want to be able to feed a junction to functions that handle it, but I 
also want to thread over ones that do not. But I do not want the 
decision of which way to go to be made for me.

So, I want to be able to pass a raw junction into C == , because it 
understands junctions, and will take care of the threading for me, 
likely in a way that's much more efficient than my generalized »« 
threading ever could. I do not consider this implicit threading. It's 
passing the task of threading off to C == , which itself performs some 
form of explicit threading.

But when I'm faced with some function that does not directly support 
junctions, or one which does, but not in a way that I like, I want to be 
able to thread my junction over it.

I do not think that what you said above is enough to accomplish this. I 
believe what I need to separate your threading desires from mine is two 

1) I need my »« modifier which forces explicit threading, which will not 
normally be needed under use autothreading; conditions.
2) I need no autothreading; to alter the calling syntax to require »« 
when threading is desired (or you can do a .values() and .junctiontype() 
and roll your own if you really want to). But I can still pass junctions 
around at will, withstanding normal type check requirements.

Then the only argument left is whether use autothreading or no 
autothreading should be default.  I would, of course, say no 
autothreading;, and then turn back on the ability to store junctions.

IMO, no autothreading would provide enough cover for the unsuspecting, 
removing the Bad Side Effects problems that spawned Larry's no junction 
storage default. At the same time, junctions still have enormous power 
via the »«. If people don't want to have to bother figuring out when to 
thread for themselves, they can then turn on use autothreading, and 
let perl attempt to figure it out for them.

Also, if no autothreading is default, the person new to Perl6 will 
always have something to present to investigate to figure out what is 
going on. In my code, it'll be the funny looking C »$junction«  
things. In your code, it'll be the C use autothreading;  at the top of 
the page.

The only implementation problem I see is a potential for the »« to be 
mis-parsed, since » and « seem to be serving several different roles 
these days, but I don't think any of them conflict with this meaning. If 
you want to rename »« to something else, I'm open to suggestions. Just 
leave it fairly simple.

As for why implementation should be easy (or at least the delta between 
your way and my way is easy):

- The functionality of »$junction« has to be defined anyways if 
autothreading happens. It's just calling an already existent chunk of code.

- The logic of when to thread becomes:
   given $situation {
  when marked_with_»«()
{ thread }
  when use_autothreading()  damians_ouija_board()
{ thread }
{ don't thread }
And you've already defined how the ouija board works, everything else 
should be boilerplate for the compiler/runtime to handle.

This sound reasonable enough?
-- Rod Adams

Re: Foreign modules in test scripts?

2005-02-19 Thread Andy Lester
Is it ok for a CPAN module to use other modules from CPAN only for the
test scripts (e.g. Text::Diff)?
Yes.  See http://phalanx.kwiki.org/index.cgi?StandardDotTFiles for 
examples of .t files that only run if a certain module is installed.

Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = www.petdance.com = AIM:petdance

Re: Foreign modules in test scripts?

2005-02-19 Thread Mark Stosberg
On 2005-02-20, Steffen Schwigon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 General testing question:

 Is it ok for a CPAN module to use other modules from CPAN only for the
 test scripts (e.g. Text::Diff)?

 First, I'm not sure about the usage policy. Maybe it's more common to
 write tests more low level.

 Second, I know there is a build_requires option in Build.PL, but
 does the CPAN(PLUS).pm know about that option and really only download
 and use those build_requires temporarily during module build/test or
 does it fully install them?


If you are considered about the extra module requirement for your users,
one option is to distribute the testing modules you want in your own
distribution, in a private 'inc' directory that doesn't get installed.

Personally, I would probably just the list the module as a dependency,
because that's easy for me.



Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Andy Lester
Looks good. Thanks for working on this.
You're welcome.
Everyone: I still need more comments.  Pete Krawczyk's the only one to 
provide complaints yet.

Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = www.petdance.com = AIM:petdance

Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Jim Cromie
Andy Lester wrote:

Looks good. Thanks for working on this.

You're welcome.
Everyone: I still need more comments.  Pete Krawczyk's the only one to 
provide complaints yet.

The synopsis uses passive voice;  . is called TAP.
Id turn that around.
   TAP, the Test Anything Protocol, is .
Everything else reads fine.
Id like to see Description replaced by Remarks, but maybe that fish is 
already fried.


Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Andy Lester
The synopsis uses passive voice;  . is called TAP.
Id turn that around.
   TAP, the Test Anything Protocol, is .
Fixed, thanks.
Everything else reads fine.
Id like to see Description replaced by Remarks, but maybe that fish is 
already fried.
Battered, fried, slathered with tartar sauce and lemon, and eaten, 
along with cole slaw and corn fritters, by a hungry guy from Wisconsin.

Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = www.petdance.com = AIM:petdance

Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Jason Gessner
is skip supposed to be case sensitive?  is it Skip, skip or SKIP ?
TODO seems to be all caps.
-jason gessner
On Feb 19, 2005, at 8:48 PM, Andy Lester wrote:
The synopsis uses passive voice;  . is called TAP.
Id turn that around.
   TAP, the Test Anything Protocol, is .
Fixed, thanks.
Everything else reads fine.
Id like to see Description replaced by Remarks, but maybe that fish 
is already fried.
Battered, fried, slathered with tartar sauce and lemon, and eaten, 
along with cole slaw and corn fritters, by a hungry guy from 

Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = www.petdance.com = AIM:petdance

Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Andy Lester
On Feb 19, 2005, at 8:53 PM, Jason Gessner wrote:
is skip supposed to be case sensitive?  is it Skip, skip or SKIP ?
Both TODO and SKIP are case-insensitive.  I've updated to make that 

Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = www.petdance.com = AIM:petdance

Re: Lingering questions about Junctions.

2005-02-19 Thread Autrijus Tang
On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 11:52:09AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
 But I've repeated stated my strong belief that junctions are scalar values, 
 *not* lvalues. So the result of that assignment ought to be:
   Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at demo.pl line 1

Yay for sanity. :)  It's how pugs implement it, too.

 Brent's analysis is spot on, assuming that Ccmp on junctions works as he 
 envisaged. Personally, I think I'd implement Ccmp as:
 multi sub infix:cmp (Any|Junction $lhs, Any|Junction $rhs) {
 return -1 if $lhs lt $rhs;
 return  1 if $lhs gt $rhs;
 return  0

Hrm, so Junction.isa(Any) == False?  I need to retype print(), say()
and other primitives, then.


Description: PGP signature

Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Andy Lester
On Feb 19, 2005, at 8:53 PM, Jason Gessner wrote:
is skip supposed to be case sensitive?  is it Skip, skip or SKIP ?
Either way.  I've updated it.
Andy Lester = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = www.petdance.com = AIM:petdance

Re: TAP docs

2005-02-19 Thread Ian Langworth
Under TESTS AND PLANS: The plan, the first sentence of the third
paragraph seems to fit better at the end of the previoius paragraph:
This is a safeguard in case your test dies quietly in the middle
of its run. It should be the first non-diagnostic line output by
your test program.
In certain instances, ...
Under the test line, the emphasized concepts could reflect their
necessity more easiliy:
* ok or not ok (required)
* Test number (recommended)
* Description (recommended)
* Directive (internal use or something)
Thus ends any nitpicky things my brain clicked on.
Andy Lester wrote:
Get those comments in ASAP, please.
Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science