Re: A suggestion for a new closure trait.

2006-08-30 Thread Jonathan Lang

Joe Gottman wrote:

Since a FIRST block gets called at loop initialization time, it seems to me
that it would be useful to have a block closure trait, RESUME, that gets
called at the beginning of every loop iteration except the first. Thus, at
the beginning of each loop iteration either FIRST or RESUME but not both
would get called. Other possible names for this block include REENTER,

So RESUME would be to FIRST as NEXT is to LAST?

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: Implicit current-index variable, scoped inside for-loops

2006-08-30 Thread Carl Mäsak

Damian (), Ruud (), Damian (), Carl ():

  But it can hardly be blamed for clarity.
  That's a little unfair.

 can hardly be blamed - can easily be praised g

Apologies to Carl if I misinterpreted. I read it as:

can hardly be blamed for (having) clarity


No, yours is the correct interpretation, Damian. Though my sentence is
very open to misinterpretation, as it, too, can hardly be blamed for

Furthermore, I agree that the solution worked out by this thread is
good enough not to warrant a separate index mechanism. To me, naming
the variables $index and $value makes the meaning perfectly clear.

 for @array.kv - $index, $value {...}

And if anyone still hates .kv's guts, and wants a magic index syntax,
that's probably perfect material for a Perl 6 module with some macro
goodness in it.

I gather that the below syntax should eventually work, too; right now
it doesn't in Pugs. But I guess I ought to brush up my Haskell and
contribute instead of complaining. :-)

 map - $index, $value { $index, $value } == @array.kv

Scott ():

Having read this thread, I tend to think you're insane for bringing it
up again :-)

Why thank you sir. Well, one does one's best.


Re: A suggestion for a new closure trait.

2006-08-30 Thread Sage La Torra

On 8/30/06, Jonathan Lang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Joe Gottman wrote:
 Since a FIRST block gets called at loop initialization time, it seems to
 that it would be useful to have a block closure trait, RESUME, that gets
 called at the beginning of every loop iteration except the first. Thus,
 the beginning of each loop iteration either FIRST or RESUME but not both
 would get called. Other possible names for this block include REENTER,

So RESUME would be to FIRST as NEXT is to LAST?

It's like the SATs all over again...


Re: return Types: what are the enforcement details?

2006-08-30 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 19:49:38 -0500, Mark Stosberg wrote:
 I'm interested in helping to write some tests for return types, but
 I'd like some clarifications about them first. Are they just
 declarations that help Perl optimize stuff, or they actually contracts?

'of' is the contractual form, 'returns' is a constraint but it's
more like a cast.

 sub foo of Array {
 my %h = ( a = 1 );
 return %h;
 sub zoo returns Array {
 my %h = ( a = 1 );
 return %h;
 # Hashes are happily returned, despite the Array return types.
 my %b = foo(); say %b.perl;
 my %c = foo(); say %c.perl;
  ^-- z ?

Intuitively I would say that both subroutines force the hash into an
array, at minimum, and foo might be checked more thoroughly.

In the case of foo(), foo itself might not compile, or my %b = foo()
might not compile, or both.

In the case of zoo(), i think it's just a runtime conversion to an
array. There's no reason why this conversion can't happen explicitly
as well as implicitly, like with my %h = () = %other_hash.

However, conversions that cannot be made could be cought at compile
time, emitting a warning on an error depending if the runtime is a
warning or an error.

  Yuval Kogman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  0xEBD27418

Description: PGP signature

Re: Why does writing PMCs suck?

2006-08-30 Thread chromatic
On Tuesday 29 August 2006 19:51, Matt Diephouse wrote:

 It's been said that writing PMCs sucks. This is your chance to tell
 the world why. Because for things to get better, we have to know what

 I'll get things started:

   1) is very fragile - when it gets input it doesn't like, it
 just ignores it (see RT#39313)
   2) You can't use :slurpy, :optional, or :named arguments. Even if
 there's support under the hood, there's no way to write a PMC with
 these arguments.

3) The documentation is poor.  There's a lot of copy and paste coding 
occurring, and that leads to duplication.

4) There's a lot of required duplication.

5) The only code re-use mechanism is inheritance.  Roles would be nice.

-- c

Re: Implicit current-index variable, scoped inside for-loops

2006-08-30 Thread Dr.Ruud
Damian Conway schreef:

 [for @array - $index, $value {...}]

 No. There's no such magic. I simply screwed up. I should have written:
 for @array.kv - $index, $value {...}

Ah, much clearer now. g

Affijn, Ruud

Gewoon is een tijger.

Re: multi subs with identical signatures: should be a warning ?

2006-08-30 Thread Markus Laire

Since nobody else has answered yet, I'll try to say something.
I'll post this also to perl6-language so that those who know better
can comment on this.

On 8/28/06, Mark Stosberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First, what's the recommended reference for learning how dispatching to
the right 'multi' sub is resolved. ?

S12 seems most relevant (e.g. the section Multisubs and Multimethods)
S06 might also be relevant

I'd like to know the expected behavior in this case:

multi sub foo () { say b:  }
multi sub foo () { say a:  }

I would expect it would throw an error or at least a warning, since
there's no clear way to choose a correct sub to dispatch to.

IMHO this is either the case where you define same sub twice, which is
an error (and so foo() would never get called) according to S06:
Redefining a stub subroutine does not produce an error, but redefining
an already-defined subroutine does. If you wish to redefine a defined
sub, you must explicitly use the is instead trait.

or, if not that case, then this is defining two multi-subs which have
the same long-name. According to S12 the later multi-sub will then
hide the earlier one, and foo() would then allways call the second
multi-sub, saying a: 
For subs or methods declared multi, only one instance of the long name
can be in any namespace, and it hides any outer (or less-derived)
routines with the same long name.

Pugs currently dispatches to one anyway, without a warning.

If Pugs allways dispatches to the second one, then this might be the
right behaviour.

A more insidious version of the same case is the following, which
I accidentally wrote more than once already...and then wondered why
my code wasn't working as expected...

multi sub foo (%names?) { say b:  }
multi sub foo (@pos?) { say a:  }

There, I have distinct arguments, but they are both optional, making
them the same as the case above.

This isn't exactly the same as above. In this case the two multi-subs
just might have different long-names and so one would not hide the

I'm not 100% sure about whether these have different long-name or
not as I don't know how exactly the long-name is created.

If I'm right that these do have different long-name then IMHO the
call to foo() would throw an exception because there's a tie between
two equally-good candidates for multi-dispatch and S12 says that in
such a case an exception is thrown:
When you call a routine with a particular short name, if there are
multiple visible long names, they are all considered candidates. They
are sorted into an order according to how close the run-time types of
the arguments match up with the declared types of the parameters of
each candidate. The best candidate is called, unless there's a tie, in
which case the tied candidates are redispatched using any additional
tiebreaker long names (see below).

If a tie still results, only candidates marked with the default trait
are considered, and the best matching default routine is used. If
there are no default routines, or if the available defaults are also
tied, a final tie-breaking proto sub is called, if there is one (see
above). Otherwise an exception is thrown.

Markus Laire

Contextual::Return (was Re: could 'given' blocks have a return value?)

2006-08-30 Thread Trey Harris

In a message dated Tue, 29 Aug 2006, Mark Stosberg writes:

my $rm = sub { given $rm_param {
   when Code  { $rm_param(self)   }
   when Hash  { %rm_paramrun_mode }
   default{ self.query.param($rm_param) }

This is eerily like Contextual::Return, which made me wonder if it's even 
required in Perl 6.

Obviously we can do

return do given want {
  when :($) { ... }

But return do given want flows so badly, I desperately want some sugar 
for this.  Is there some and I missed it?


Re: PMC Methods, Inheritance, and User-visible Classes

2006-08-30 Thread Watson Ladd

Matt Diephouse wrote:

Joshua Juran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Aug 28, 2006, at 12:18 PM, Matt Diephouse wrote:

 I would like to add some sort methods as well: quicksort(),
 mergesort(), etc. But as methods, there is potential for these to end
 up in a user-visible space.

 Say for example, that I add a mergesort method to AbstractPMCArray.
 Ruby's array class wouldn't be able to use AbstractPMCArray as a base
 class because there is no mergesort method on an Array in Ruby.

 Any thoughts?

How about requiring array classes to implement swap(), and then
implementing sort algorithms in terms of that, as in C++?

Adding swap() would remove a level or two of indireciton, but this
ignores the underlying problem of methods on PMCs leaking into
user-visible spaces.

Let's do what the STL does and have hundreds of parent classes that have 
only limited functionality in order to permit people to force themselves 
to recreate it. Seriously, what's so bad about adding functionality into 
a language?

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
deserve neither liberty or security
--Benjamin Franklin

derived class generators and introspection

2006-08-30 Thread Darren Duncan


This email is part of a brain dump from my thoughts over the last 
week while I was away from a computer.  If anything doesn't make 
sense, I will clarify or expand it in the following days.

I believe that Perl 6 already has basically all of the necessary 
parts built-in for implementing a true relational database, and that 
any needed remainder can be added and integrated in an elegant 
fashion, as I will outline and/or ask about.


At the center of this idea is the thought that the Tuple and 
Relation of the relational data are not each single classes, but 
rather are each roles / abstract interfaces that many classes can be 
composed of / implement.

This is much the same as how I see the existing Array and Hash of 
Perl 6, where each is a role, and eg, that Array of Int and Array 
of Str are 2 different actual classes (or roles) that .does(Array); 
in this context, saying Array of ... is acting as a class generator 
which defines a new class that composes the Array role.  I say that 
Array of Int and Array of Str are 2 different classes because the 
Perl 6 type system would treat each as being a repository for 
different sets of possible values, and would reject the assignment of 
one to the other.

And so, a Tuple type is essentially defined using an ordinary class 
(or classless object type) definition that .does(Tuple) but that that 
it also has certain restrictions.  A Tuple value is then simply an 
object of that class.

The routines that the Tuple class provides are essentially just 
wrappers over certain meta-class and/or class routines, and Tuple 
does not add any new attributes nor hide any existing class 
functionality.  The attributes of the Tuple and the attributes 
defined by the class are one and the same.

The design restrictions that a Tuple doing class must obey, or appear 
to obey as far as its users can see, are such as these:

  1. All significant attributes which together define the Tuple 
object's value must be public and/or have accessors with the same 
names as the attributes (extra implicit attributes that eg index 
those are not significant in this sense); an introspection method 
should also exist where one can inquire what the names and types of 
the significant attributes are; conceptually, a Tuple class is 

  2. The Tuple class must have a constructor that takes values for 
all significant attributes of the new object.  Every logically 
distinct Capture of that constructor must produce a logically 
distinct new object.

  3. A Tuple class needs to provide the interface details necessary 
that the Perl 6 type system can treat it as a value type.  The === 
operator should return True just for 2 Tuple objects that are of the 
same class and where all pairs of corresponding significant 
attributes using === return True.

Conjecture:  As well, 2 Tuple objects that are of different classes, 
where at least one is anonymous, should compare like they were of the 
same class if their significant attribute definition sets are 
identical; this is so a system where most classes are generated from 
other classes DWIM correctly, like two distinct Array of Int have 
the same definition.

  4. Conjecture: all Tuple classes should be immutable following 
their construction, either actually or in appearance, but this may 
not be essential for all uses of it.

  5. Each significant Tuple attribute is mutually exclusive from all 
of the others, in that the interface to an attribute conceptually 
maps 1:1 to the attribute; reading or changing any of them does not 
have visible side-effects on any others.  This is similar to how 
array or hash elements are exclusive.

Now, a Relation type is one step removed; it is simply or in 
appearances to the user a Set of Tuple-doing-class or some-such 
that also .does(Relation), or perhaps alternately, a Relation type 
could be declared with Relation of Tuple-doing-type, which looks 
more natural.

A Relation is a Set that is restricted to all of its members 
being of the same single class that is specified in the Relation type 
definition, and within that constraint, it is useable like any Set, 
and the Relation role adds several additional routines that wrap 
meta-class or class methods of the Set, but don't hide any existing 

Presumably any Tuple used in a Relation has to be immutable, since 
changing a Tuple that is a member of a Relation would have the same 
issues to contend with as when you change a mutable object that is 
used as a Hash key.

Inherited from Set, a Relation class must have the necessary details 
that the Perl 6 type system can treat it as a value type, including 
that === works.

It goes without saying that any attribute of a Tuple can be either a 
class that .does(Tuple) or that .does(Relation), as it can be any 
other class.

Note that many of the methods which the Tuple and Relation roles 
provide will have the effect of generating new anonymous classes, 

Re: derived class generators and introspection

2006-08-30 Thread Nigel Hamilton

HI Darren,

	Generally I really like the idea of fixing the relational/OO 
mismatch problem by swallowing the relational model whole. :-)

	But I wonder if we are ready to say goodbye to the tyranny of disk 
seek? How will your proposed system use the disk? And if it does use the 
disk what about pesky problems like: indexing, locking, seek time etc?

	The days of limitless RAM are yet to arrive - until then databases 
must rely on the disk - what is the plan for storing the data?


In closing for now, I imagine that a lot of this stuff is connected to the 
meta-model, though doing it well will have clean support in the language 
syntax as well.

Feedback is appreciated.

Re: could 'given' blocks have a return value?

2006-08-30 Thread Mark Stosberg
Agent Zhang wrote:

 According to S04, given {} is at statement level, so you can't use it
 directly as an expression. But Perl 6 always allow you to say
  my $foo = do given {...}
 As well as
  my $foo = do if foo {...} else {...}

I confirmed this both work now with pugs!

I think the 'do given' case is useful enough to document
more officially along with 'given'.

If you are thinking about the if/else case,  ?? ... !! would be a
simpler way to write it.


Re: Stubborn coworkers

2006-08-30 Thread Steffen Schwigon
Jeff Stampes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 My bigger concern with the Perl6 syntax is that they expect humans
 to write it.  This is a similar problem that Forth and Lisp had.
 You see how widely used those are now...

It will always be difficult to compare Perl X against any other
language. Perl5 and Perl6 look the same from a Lispish point of view.

I would start with the fact that Perl5 *has* very widespread use and
*is* still one of the mainstream languages. Once he accepts that fact,
tell him Perl6 makes things better that are difficult in Perl5.

So try to compare Perl6 with Perl5, not Perl6 with AnyOtherLanguage,
because that's just the same old discussion since Perl's birthday.

Steffen Schwigon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dresden Perl Mongers

Re: PMC Methods, Inheritance, and User-visible Classes

2006-08-30 Thread chromatic
On Wednesday 30 August 2006 04:12, Watson Ladd wrote:

 Seriously, what's so bad about adding functionality into
 a language?

I once saw an overfilled waterbed that was almost as tall as I am.  I would 
have called it PHP, but it didn't explode and throw cold water all over the 

-- c

Proposed patch

2006-08-30 Thread Mark J. Reed

Currently compilation fails on OS X with gcc/g++, because -bundle as the
first argument gets interpreted as a request to run the undle version of
the compiler.  It works fine as a later argument, so there's no need to
break compatibility with the Apple compiler:

Index: config/init/hints/
--- config/init/hints/ (revision 14355)
+++ config/init/hints/ (working copy)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
link= 'c++',
ld  = 'c++',
ld_share_flags  = '-dynamiclib -undefined suppress',
-ld_load_flags   = '-bundle -undefined suppress',
+ld_load_flags   = '-undefined suppress -bundle',
memalign= 'some_memalign',
has_dynamic_linking = 1,
# XXX when built against a dynamic libparrot installable_parrot


Re: Proposed patch

2006-08-30 Thread Will Coleda
What version of OSX and gcc are you using? I haven't seen this  
problem on 10.4.7 PPC with gcc 4.0.1.

Did it just break recently??

Not that I see any problem applying this patch, regardless.

On Aug 30, 2006, at 4:55 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

Currently compilation fails on OS X with gcc/g++, because -bundle  
as the
first argument gets interpreted as a request to run the undle  
version of
the compiler.  It works fine as a later argument, so there's no  
need to

break compatibility with the Apple compiler:

Index: config/init/hints/
--- config/init/hints/ (revision 14355)
+++ config/init/hints/ (working copy)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
link= 'c++',
ld  = 'c++',
ld_share_flags  = '-dynamiclib -undefined suppress',
-ld_load_flags   = '-bundle -undefined suppress',
+ld_load_flags   = '-undefined suppress -bundle',
memalign= 'some_memalign',
has_dynamic_linking = 1,
# XXX when built against a dynamic libparrot  



Will Coke Coleda

Re: Proposed patch

2006-08-30 Thread Mark J. Reed

Whups, sorry, I meant to say OS X 10.3, with its gcc (3.3).  I agree that
it seems to build fine on Tiger.

On 8/30/06, Will Coleda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What version of OSX and gcc are you using? I haven't seen this
problem on 10.4.7 PPC with gcc 4.0.1.

Did it just break recently??

Not that I see any problem applying this patch, regardless.

On Aug 30, 2006, at 4:55 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

 Currently compilation fails on OS X with gcc/g++, because -bundle
 as the
 first argument gets interpreted as a request to run the undle
 version of
 the compiler.  It works fine as a later argument, so there's no
 need to
 break compatibility with the Apple compiler:

 Index: config/init/hints/
 --- config/init/hints/ (revision 14355)
 +++ config/init/hints/ (working copy)
 @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 link= 'c++',
 ld  = 'c++',
 ld_share_flags  = '-dynamiclib -undefined suppress',
 -ld_load_flags   = '-bundle -undefined suppress',
 +ld_load_flags   = '-undefined suppress -bundle',
 memalign= 'some_memalign',
 has_dynamic_linking = 1,
 # XXX when built against a dynamic libparrot


Will Coke Coleda


Help getting pugs working?

2006-08-30 Thread Jeff Stampes

I told my coworkers I'd get pugs up and running for us, so we could
start getting some hands on experience. I managed this on my home
system in the past, but am completely stymied now.

We're running Red Hat Enterprise 4, and I'm stuck at square one, trying
to get GHC running. You need ghc working to compile ghc, or you need
to bootstrap it. Reading the bootstrapping instructions, it assumes
you have a system somewhere that has ghc working. That is not the case
for me. The other option is to unpack existing .hc files over your
source tree, but I am unable to find any.

Is this really as hard as it seems to me? I used to think I was reasonably


Re: Help getting pugs working?

2006-08-30 Thread Steffen Schwigon
Jeff Stampes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 We're running Red Hat Enterprise 4, and I'm stuck at square one,
 trying to get GHC running. You need ghc working to compile ghc, or
 you need to bootstrap it.

Did you already try one of the binaries from


 Is this really as hard as it seems to me? I used to think I was
 reasonably bright

It should be easy, it's just the starting step that can be tricky,
inherently to bootstrapping in general.

But I can not really believe that RedHat doesn't have any old version
of haskell available somewhere. Have a second look, try the URLs above
for binaries and then it's really just a sequence of configure, make,
make install (and some hours of waiting between those steps). 
If in doubt, read
to get a general idea of the easiness, although it's not RedHat-driven. 

Steffen Schwigon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dresden Perl Mongers

Re: Help getting pugs working?

2006-08-30 Thread Jeff Stampes

Thanks to Steffen and others who sent me some help and words of 
encouragement...I believe I have it working now :)

Re: Contextual::Return (was Re: could 'given' blocks have a return value?)

2006-08-30 Thread Damian Conway

Trey Harris asked:

This is eerily like Contextual::Return, which made me wonder if it's 
even required in Perl 6.

Obviously we can do

return do given want {
  when :($) { ... }

But return do given want flows so badly, I desperately want some sugar 
for this.  Is there some and I missed it?

No, the sugariest you'll find at the moment is probably:

return ?? $lvalue
:: want.count == 2 ?? (7,11)
:: want.item   ?? 42
:: want.list   ?? 1..10
::die Bad context;

but that still doesn't have the Awesome Power of C::R. ;-)

The simple answer is that C::R is probably the first module I will port to 
Perl 6 (since it's the module I find myself using the most nowadays). The Perl 
6 version will be cleaner and more efficient that the Perl 5 version, since 
I'll be able to take advantage of macros.


Re: derived class generators and introspection

2006-08-30 Thread Darren Duncan
On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, Nigel Hamilton wrote:
 HI Darren,
   Generally I really like the idea of fixing the relational/OO 
 mismatch problem by swallowing the relational model whole. :-)
   But I wonder if we are ready to say goodbye to the tyranny of disk 
 seek? How will your proposed system use the disk? And if it does use the 
 disk what about pesky problems like: indexing, locking, seek time etc?
   The days of limitless RAM are yet to arrive - until then databases 
 must rely on the disk - what is the plan for storing the data?

While it is true that the broader design I am addressing should do away 
with any relational/OO impedence mismatch, since a complete relational 
model would by definition handle data types of arbitrary complexity 
(unlike many of today's pseudo-RDBMS products), I am certainly not 
proposing doing away with the disk.

Rather, the proposal is focusing on what users of these data structures 
would / could see.  The idea is that relational structures have the same 
ease of use and flexability that things like hashes or arrays or sequences 
or sets do now.  They can of course just be stored in RAM like the 
aforementioned, when the working set of data is appropriately small, but 
just as a hash-doing class can have a disk-tied implementation as well, 
for scalability and/or persistence so can a relation-doing class.  And 
this is one main reason why Relation etc is a role rather than a class, so 
people can choose how it works.

-- Darren Duncan

RE: Stubborn coworkers

2006-08-30 Thread Ryan, Martin G

 My bigger concern with the Perl6 syntax is that they expect humans to
 write it.  This is a similar problem that Forth and Lisp had.  You see
 how widely used those are now... 
 How would you respond?

I would expose and challenge the presumptions in the statement.

My bigger concern...  Do you have others?  If so, what are they?  If
not, then what you really mean is My only concern is ...

More significantly, ...they expect humans to write it.  This implies
that perl not only takes a little effort to learn (as does any language,
or indeed, anything worth doing) but that its *extremely* difficult -
well beyond the reach of most mere mortals. This is demonstrably false
as perl has a very large following and most of us are common folk
(Damian - you go stand over there for a minute :-) - indeed many of us
are not even programmers by trade.  As an aside, I believe it's an
insult to those who have worked so hard on the language design,
specifically $Larry - not because he did most of it but because he tries
to make the language more intuitive and incrementally learnable - more
or less the opposite of the accusation.

Ask her to take a look at

You don't learn a natural language even once, in the sense that you
never stop learning it. Nobody has ever learned any natural language

Others have already made the point - perl is not like most languages in
that it offers many ways to do things and it's not expected that you
necessarily know them all.  The idea is you use the one that matches
your brain or the particular problem at hand or that reflects the point
you're at in learning perl.  Other languages strive for one obvious
way which offers the comfort of knowing your doing it the right way
at the expense of being able to choose a more specific way that better
matches you, the problem, the time frame you've got to solve it,

I believe this is at the heart of you protagonists' statement.  I'd
suggest that statements like this reflect an anxiousness of not being
capable of getting across the whole of the new language.  The sad fact
is that it doesn't matter.  If you know a way that solves the problem
in the time frame, then do that.  You can learn a better way -
whatever that means - next time the problem arises and you have the time
to do so.

This is a similar problem that Forth and Lisp had.

How so?  Are they multi-paradigmatic leading to a large and rich
selection of syntax and approaches to choose from?  Or do they try to
shoe-horn you into a specific approach that suited some users/problems
but is unsuitable to many?   

You see how widely used those are now...

In certain problem domains each remains the language of choice.  They
weren't aiming to solve as broad a range of problems as perl does so one
shouldn't expect them to have as high a profile.  In fact, it's harder
to think of better examples of languages that cannot be compared with
perl.  So, whatever problems they arguably have, I wouldn't expect to
see those problems in perl - or at least, not necessarily.

The other more simple point to make is to ask her - How much
programming/experimenting with perl6 have you done?  Can I have look at
the results?  If the answer is not much then the obvious question
arises - then how do you know its going to be so hard to write?

Perhaps the above is a little harsh (and unnecessarily long) but its how
I'd tackle it.


Re: Stubborn coworkers

2006-08-30 Thread Jeff Stampes

Thank you Martin, and everyone else.  We've had several other 
conversations, and I believe this boils down to just a natural 
pessimist.  She wants to see perl continue to be a widely adopted 
successful language, and while she is willing to do whatever work it 
takes to learn, she doesn't have similar faith in the rest of the world.

It's just her nature, and I should ignore it.

(Can we let Damian out of the corner yet?  :)

NEVER swerve to hit a lawyer riding a bicycle -- it might be your bicycle.

Re: PMC Methods, Inheritance, and User-visible Classes

2006-08-30 Thread Luke Palmer

On 8/30/06, chromatic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday 30 August 2006 04:12, Watson Ladd wrote:

 Seriously, what's so bad about adding functionality into
 a language?

I once saw an overfilled waterbed that was almost as tall as I am.  I would
have called it PHP, but it didn't explode and throw cold water all over the

Tons of people use PHP.  Why?  Because it gets the job done, and it
has tons of functionality.  The problem with PHP is not that it has
too much functionality, but that it is organized extremely poorly.


Re: PMC Methods, Inheritance, and User-visible Classes

2006-08-30 Thread Mark J. Reed

On 8/30/06, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The problem with PHP is not that it has

too much functionality, but that it is organized extremely poorly.

Amen.  PHP is the poster child for namespace pollution.  And PHP5 actually
has the tools to stop the madness; it's just a question of backward

I also really hate the HTML-multivalued-input-names-have-[] hack.

And I'm not fond of the arrays are just hashes with numeric keys
philosophy (which it shares with JavaScript).

But other than that, I love PHP. ;-)


Re: PMC Methods, Inheritance, and User-visible Classes

2006-08-30 Thread peter baylies

On 8/31/06, Mark J. Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/30/06, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The problem with PHP is not that it has

too much functionality, but that it is organized extremely poorly.

Amen.  PHP is the poster child for namespace pollution.  And PHP5 actually
has the tools to stop the madness; it's just a question of backward

I also really hate the HTML-multivalued-input-names-have-[] hack.

My personal gripe is the bizarre way PHP handles scope--what with its
hardcoded superglobals, globals, locals, so far so good I suppose, and
then... shadowing all the globals when inside a function? Too weird.

And I'm not fond of the arrays are just hashes with numeric keys

philosophy (which it shares with JavaScript).

That I don't mind so much--from a utility point of view, PHP's unified
arrays/hashes are great, almost like a swiss army knife of data structures.

But other than that, I love PHP. ;-)


Re: derived class generators and introspection

2006-08-30 Thread Darren Duncan

At 5:31 AM +0100 8/31/06, Nigel Hamilton wrote:

Rather, the proposal is focusing on what users of these data structures
would / could see.  The idea is that relational structures have the same
ease of use and flexability that things like hashes or arrays or sequences
or sets do now.  They can of course just be stored in RAM like the
aforementioned, when the working set of data is appropriately small, but
just as a hash-doing class can have a disk-tied implementation as well,
for scalability and/or persistence so can a relation-doing class.  And
this is one main reason why Relation etc is a role rather than a class, so
people can choose how it works.

OK. I can see that a tied-relation could help solve the talking to 
disk problem. But I wonder about some of the other RBMS things on 
offer - locking, indices etc? Some of these features are there to 
assist with getting data efficiently to and from the disk. Although 
they are not artefacts of the relational model they are important 
parts of what makes a database work. Could your relational model be 
tied to an existing physical database?


Yes it could.

First of all, note in my explanation that I mentioned indices 
already, as examples of non significant (non value affecting) extra 
data that an object could hold or be tied to; these can be stored on 
disk and/or in memory as is appropriate.

Next, the Software Transactional Memory concepts / interfaces in Perl 
6, such as the concept of atomic code blocks or routines, would be 
mapped to ACID features of a disk store; the start of an atomic 
operation is like a start transaction and the successful completion 
of one is a commit; a retry or fail involves a rollback etc. 
Note that a proper system will need to (or will ideally) support 
nested transactions, so any given atomic block won't have to know 
whether it is inside another one or not to be itself atomic.

As for locks, the Perl 6 interface / functionality for managing 
shared data between multiple threads or processes would map to 
appropriate locks or other mechanisms on disk where applicable.

Truly, a database was never supposed to be a world separate from an 
application; as I recall, Cobol or something introduced the idea of 
databases and applications being at arms length, and it stuck, but 
that isn't the way things should be; how they should be is 
integrated, or at least to the point that a generic reusable module 
within an application is integrated; eg, DBM or BDB; also, the 
concept of servers is orthogonal to this; anything can be relegated 
to a server.  Using the DBM analogy, what I propose is that the 
relational analogy of an in-memory Hash is built-in to Perl, and any 
extensions that make it tied to something external like a disk be 
language extensions / CPAN modules; all Perl 6 iteself has to do is 
make it easy to attach such extensions, and I think it more or less 
does so, save edge cases to hash out.

-- Darren Duncan