Control Structures I: given

2002-11-14 Thread Timothy S. Nelson
Hi all.  I missed out on the original RFC process; it was over before 
I even heard of perl6.  Anyway, there's something I want to contribute to the 
Perl community.  I've had an idea about control structures which I've never 
seen anywhere else, so I guess I'm the inventor :).  I hope this is the 
appropriate forum to do it; it looks to me like it is, but I could be wrong.  

I was planning to put them all in one message, but then I thought it
would be more useful to separate them, so I'll do that instead; they'll make
much more sense if you read them in order.

Anyway, the first part is the given statement modified to fit this 
idea.  It'd run something like this:

given ($this) {
when $that_happens { Have a party }
when $that_doesnt_happen { Sing }
all {
# Do something
any {
# Do something else
some {
# Do something other
none {
# Do something however

The basic idea is that you have two special variables which I will, 
just for now, call $truecount and $falsecount.  Basically, every time one of 
the when clauses comes up true, it increments truecount; whenever one comes 
up false, it increments $falsecount.  The blocks below the given get evaluated 
under the following conditions

all: $falsecount == 0
any: $truecount  0
some: $falsecount  0
none: $truecount == 0

So anyway, none replaces the old default option, and the others 
can be useful from time to time too :).  

Hope this is useful.  


| Name: Tim Nelson | Because the Creator is,|
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am   |

Version 3.1
GCS d? s: a-- C++$ US+ P++ L++ E- W+++ N+ w+ M-- V- Y+++ 
PGP-++ R(+) !tv B++ DI D+ G e++ h!/* y-

Control Structures II: loop

2002-11-14 Thread Timothy S. Nelson
Here's the next part to the Control Structures message I sent before.  

The next part is to apply the same idea to loop.  Please note that 
this syntax conflicts with stuff already in Perl, but it's a bit clearer what 
I mean when I do it this way; the question is, do we scrap my idea, or the 
other syntax?  :)

I'll begin with a few words of explanation of what follows.  First, 
you normally wouldn't spread it out this much.  Second, each line is 
optional, except loop and { blockL }.  

first { BLOCKF }
each [ actual ] [ $key [ = $value ] ] (@array|%hash)
while ( EXPR )
count [ $autocount ] [ ($start, $end, $step) ]
nest { BLOCKT }
next { BLOCKX }
all { BLOCKA }
any { BLOCKB }
some { BLOCKS }
none { BLOCKN }

Anyway, in this one, the loop can function as anything.  I'm calling 
the each, while, and count lines iterator sections.  

each takes top priority.  If it's present, the loop goes around 
@array.end times.  The actual means that if you modify $_ (or $key, or 
whatever), then it modifies the array element too.  

If while is present it gets evaluated each time the loop goes around.  
It takes second priority to each.  If there is no each present, then when the 
while is false, the loop exists.  If there's an each present, the status of 
the while expr only affects the $truecount and $falsecount variables.  

The count section sets the automatic counter variable, and the 
parameters of the count.  $start defaults to 0.  $end defaults to infinity.  
$step also defaults to 1.  If the count reaches $end, but there is a while or 
an each, then the autocount stops incrementing, but the loop keeps going.  

Nest is the power loop thingy documented in Raphael Finkel's top notch 
book Advanced Programming Language Design, near the end of the Control 
Structures chapter -- this book is in PDF format:

post-loop structures:
The all|any|some|none set work exactly the same way as with the given 
statement; they are based on the values of $truecount and $falsecount.  

Anyway, I hope this makes sense.  


| Name: Tim Nelson | Because the Creator is,|
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am   |

Version 3.1
GCS d? s: a-- C++$ US+ P++ L++ E- W+++ N+ w+ M-- V- Y+++ 
PGP-++ R(+) !tv B++ DI D+ G e++ h!/* y-

String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Andy Wardley
Quoted from Seven Deadly Sins of Introductory Programming Language 
Design [1] by Linda McIver and Damian Conway:

We have shown over one thousand novice programming students
the C/C++ expression:

 the quick brown fox + jumps over the lazy dog

   and asked them what they believe the effect of the + sign is.
   Not one of them has ever suggested that the + sign is illegally
   attempting to add the address of the locations of the first two
   characters of the two literal strings.  Without exception they
   believed that the + should concatenate the two strings.

Makes perfect sense to me.  

Can we overload + in Perl 6 to work as both numeric addition
and string concatenation, depending on the type of the operand 
on the left?

I realise the answer is probably not, given the number/string
ambiguity of Perl variables:

  my $a = 123;
  my $b = 456;
  $a + $b; # 579 or 123456?

I quite like '_' as the string concatenation operator (so much so
that I added it to the Template Toolkit some time ago, confidently
telling people that it's what Perl 6 would use :-).  It ties in 
nicely with the 123_456 numerical style.

On the other hand, I'm not a big fan of using '~' to indicate 
string context.  The tilde (aka wobbly operator) seems much better
suited to smart matching, IMHO, being reminiscent of the almost
equal to operator (which I would attempt to include here if I
had the slightest clue how to make my keyboard speak Unicode).

Another option: could we quote operators to indicate string context?

  $a + $b

This would tie in nicely with using [ ] to indicate vectorised
operators, although I realise that particular syntax has been 
disvogued of late.

  a [+] b


[1] [2]
[2] Good paper, well worth a read.  That Conway chap seems to know
his cookies.  His name rings a bell, too...

Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Ken Fox
Andy Wardley wrote:

Can we overload + in Perl 6 to work as both numeric addition
and string concatenation ...

Isn't there some nifty Unicode operator perl6 could enlist? ;)

How about concatenating adjacent operands? ANSI C does this
with string constants and it works very well. It would become
one of those great Perl sound bites too: the community
couldn't decide on the operator, so perl6 left it out.

- Ken

Re: Control Structures I: given

2002-11-14 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff
On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 07:05:26AM +1100, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
 given ($this) {
   when $that_happens { Have a party }
   when $that_doesnt_happen { Sing }
   all {
   # Do something
   any {
   # Do something else
   some {
   # Do something other
   none {
   # Do something however

So, I was all set to show how this could work with junctions, but then
I realized that I don't understand them well enough, so here's what I
came up with:

$j0 = $that_happens | $that_doesnt_happen;
$j1 = !$that_happens | !$that_doesnt_happen;
given ($this) {
   when $j0 ~~ $that_happens { ... }
   when $j0 ~~ $that_doesnt_happen { ... }
   when all($j0) { ... }
   when any($j0) { ... }
   when any($j1) { ... }# some Rare, I expect
   when none($j0) { ... }

Is that right?  Is there a better way?  What happens when there's a
junction on either side of a smart match?

   The basic idea is that you have two special variables which I will, 
 just for now, call $truecount and $falsecount.  Basically, every time one of 
 the when clauses comes up true, it increments truecount; whenever one comes 
 up false, it increments $falsecount.  The blocks below the given get evaluated 
 under the following conditions
 all: $falsecount == 0
 any: $truecount  0
 some: $falsecount  0
 none: $truecount == 0

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: Control Structures I: given

2002-11-14 Thread Luke Palmer
 Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
 Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 07:05:26 +1100 (EST)
 From: Timothy S. Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.12,
   Hi all.  I missed out on the original RFC process; it was over before 
 I even heard of perl6.  

Right.  Me too.  But, as you'll notice, this is certainly not keeping
it from changing :)

 Anyway, there's something I want to contribute to the Perl
 community.  I've had an idea about control structures which I've
 never seen anywhere else, so I guess I'm the inventor :).  I hope
 this is the appropriate forum to do it; it looks to me like it is,
 but I could be wrong.

Yes, it is.

   Anyway, the first part is the given statement modified to fit this 
 idea.  It'd run something like this:
 given ($this) {
   when $that_happens { Have a party }
   when $that_doesnt_happen { Sing }
   all {
   # Do something
   any {
   # Do something else
   some {
   # Do something other
   none {
   # Do something however
   The basic idea is that you have two special variables which
 I will, just for now, call $truecount and $falsecount.  Basically,
 every time one of the when clauses comes up true, it increments
 truecount; whenever one comes up false, it increments $falsecount.
 The blocks below the given get evaluated under the following

 all: $falsecount == 0
 any: $truecount  0
 some: $falsecount  0
 none: $truecount == 0
   So anyway, none replaces the old default option, and the others 
 can be useful from time to time too :).  

Well, it's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's necessary.  I
honestly don't recall a time when this would be useful.  Perhaps a
sane example could convince me otherwise...

(As a rule of thumb, always include sane, real-world-like examples in


fonts (was Re: perl6 operator precedence table)

2002-11-14 Thread Trey Harris
Sorry for the one-month-old response, but this message fell between the
cracks and I was just reviewing all my old new mail

In a message dated Sun, 20 Oct 2002, Me writes:

  Somebody fairly recently recommended some decent fixed-width
  I think it may have been MJD, but I can't find the reference right now
  (could be at work).

 Michael Schwern recently suggested Monaco,
 Neep or, if you can find them, Mishawaka or ProFont.

 I investigated and found this link to be useful:

I really like the font I have on my iMac called QuickType.
Unfortunately, I can't figure out where it comes from, as none of my font
files have a name resembling anything like that.  I need to find a utility
that will identify what file a given font comes from.


Re: Control Structures III: flow modifiers

2002-11-14 Thread Luke Palmer
 Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
 Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 07:46:21 +1100 (EST)
 From: Timothy S. Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-SMTPD: qpsmtpd/0.12,
   These are mostly not my ideas (except activate); hopefully not too 
 many of them have already been used.  
   In the same list as last, next, and redo, we should also have
 - deeper (works with nest -- cf. II: loop)
 - yield and resume (for co-routines)
   Also useful could be:
 activate blockname
 deactivate blockname
   Useful for optimising:
 $first = 1;
 foreach (@example) {
   if($first) {
   $first = 0;
   } else {
 Can be done as:
 LABEL: foreach(@example) {
   deactivate OTHEREXAMPLE;
   next LABEL;

Also, it could be done as:

for @example {   # the foreach keyword has gone away


Deactivating blocks, on a more general scale (if you find it useful),
can be achieved because of the new concept of everything is a

our bit %inactive;
sub block ($name: block) {
block() unless %inactive{$name}
sub deactivate ($name) {
%inactive{$name} = 1

LABEL: foreach(@example) {
deactivate 'OTHEREXAMPLE';
next LABEL;

Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 12:19:47PM +, Andy Wardley wrote:
 Can we overload + in Perl 6 to work as both numeric addition
 and string concatenation, depending on the type of the operand 
 on the left?

 I realise the answer is probably not, given the number/string
 ambiguity of Perl variables:
   my $a = 123;
   my $b = 456;
   $a + $b; # 579 or 123456?

Its worse than that, what does this do:

 sub add ($num1, $num2) {
 return $num1 + $num2;

 add($foo, $bar);

There are obvious simple cases

  $foo = 23; $bar = 42; (perl can figure this one out easy)
  $foo = foo;  $bar = bar;  (perl can figure ditto)

but it rapidly gets ambiguous

  $foo = 23; $bar = 'bar';
  $foo = '23';   $bar = 42;

so maybe you can solve it with types:

  sub add (number $num1, number $num2) {

but what about this very simple case:

  # We read in from a file, so should Perl consider them 
  # strings or numbers?
  @numbers = slurp 'number_file';  chomp @numbers;
  $total = $numbers[0] + $numbers[1];

then you have to do something like this:

  number @numbers = slurp 'number_file';  chomp @numbers;
  $total = $numbers[0] + $numbers[1];

and I really, really, really don't want to even have to think about types
for basic tasks.

No matter what you decide 23 + 'bar' should do (should it concat? should it
add? should it be an error?) it will be wrong to 2/3 of the population
because the add/concat idea violates the cardinal rule of overloading:

Don't make the same op do two different things.

While people might think string concatination is the same as numeric
addition, its really quite a different operation.  If we were to try and
make + do similar things for both it would either be:

 23  + 42  == 64;
 'a' + 'c' == 'd';


 'a' + 'c' == 'ac';
 23  + 42  == 2342;

If you find yourself having to decide between two radically different
behaviors when a binary op is presented with two different types, something
is wrong.

The real question is: should adding two strings to anything at all?

And the real question below that one is: how far should type coercion go?

In Perl 5 it stops at a sane point:

  $ perl -wle 'print bar + foo'
  Argument foo isn't numeric in addition (+) at -e line 1.
  Argument bar isn't numeric in addition (+) at -e line 1.

Ok, so string + string does something almost as odd as C does, but at least
it warns about it.  And that's probably a good default way to handle it.

copout type=standardAnd you can always just change the behavior of
strings in a module./copout


Michael G. Schwern   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perl Quality Assurance  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kwalitee Is Job One
Monkey tennis

Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Richard Proctor
On Thu 14 Nov, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 12:19:47PM +, Andy Wardley wrote:
  Can we overload + in Perl 6 to work as both numeric addition
  and string concatenation, depending on the type of the operand 
  on the left?

There have been times when I have wondered if string concatination could be
done without any operator at all.  Simply the placement of two things
next to each other as in $foo $bar or $foo$bar would silently concatenate
them.  But then I feel there are some deep horrors and ambiguities that
I have failed to spot...


Web services [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Telecomms Specialist, ATM expert, Web Analyst  Services

Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 09:10:07PM +, Richard Proctor wrote:
 There have been times when I have wondered if string concatination could be
 done without any operator at all.  Simply the placement of two things
 next to each other as in $foo $bar or $foo$bar would silently concatenate
 them.  But then I feel there are some deep horrors and ambiguities that
 I have failed to spot...

Before this starts up again, I hereby sentence all potential repliers to
first read:

string concatenation operator - please stop;

and then read *all* the old proposals and arguments about why they won't


Sane + string concat prposal;

YA string concat propsal;

Dot can DWIM without whitespace;

Another string concat proposal;

YAYAYA string concat proposal;

a modest proposal Re: s/./~/g;


Michael G. Schwern   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perl Quality Assurance  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kwalitee Is Job One
Here's hoping you don't become a robot!

Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2002-11-14 at 16:47:15, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 string concatenation operator - please stop;
BTW, the first link there - to the bikeshed story - is broken.
This is the correct link:

(note that there is no underscore in ISO8859).

Mark REED| CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348  USA   | +1 404 827 4754

Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Ken Fox
Michael G Schwern wrote:

Before this starts up again, I hereby sentence all potential repliers to
first read:

string concatenation operator - please stop;

The bike shed thing is like Godwin's Law. Only I don't know
which side loses. ;)

Wasn't one of the main problems with Jarkko's juxtaposition
proposal that it would kill indirect objects? Have we chased
our tail on this subject after the colon became required for
indirect objects?

If the assignment variant of the invisible concatentation
operator could be solved, juxtaposition seems like a reasonable
approach. (Line ending juxtaposition problems could be fixed with
a special rule similar to the '} by itself' rule.)

- Ken

Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 5:57 PM -0500 11/14/02, Ken Fox wrote:

Michael G Schwern wrote:

Before this starts up again, I hereby sentence all potential repliers to
first read:

string concatenation operator - please stop;

The bike shed thing is like Godwin's Law. Only I don't know
which side loses. ;)

Wasn't one of the main problems with Jarkko's juxtaposition
proposal that it would kill indirect objects? Have we chased
our tail on this subject after the colon became required for
indirect objects?

I dunno. Makes the direct object syntax interesting  as well. What does:

	$foo = any(Bar::new, Baz::new, Xyzzy::new);


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

RE: String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Garrett Goebel
From: Dan Sugalski [mailto:dan;]
 At 5:57 PM -0500 11/14/02, Ken Fox wrote:
 Wasn't one of the main problems with Jarkko's juxtaposition
 proposal that it would kill indirect objects? Have we chased
 our tail on this subject after the colon became required for
 indirect objects?
 I dunno. Makes the direct object syntax interesting  as well. 
 What does:
   $foo = any(Bar::new, Baz::new, Xyzzy::new);

If you're wonder what Joe I can hardly keep up Blogg thinks...

Assuming junctions have neither a property nor a method named 'run', I'd
assume that $foo in a want method context would delegate the run method
invokation to one of the object-eigenstates.

But what would:

$foo = all(Bar::new, Baz::new, Xyzzy::new);


Invoke the run method against all of the object-eigenstates? And if not in a
void context, return a junction containing their results?

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

ScriptPro   Direct: 913.403.5261
5828 Reeds Road   Main: 913.384.1008
Mission, KS 66202  Fax: 913.384.2180  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: More junctions

2002-11-14 Thread Damian Conway
Luke Palmer asked:

When junctions collapse,

Sigh, not another one of those dreadful reality TV shows:

	When animals attack
	When drivers collide
	When junctions collapse

Next we'll get:

	When mailing lists explode
	When threads perpetuate
	When Piers summarize
	When Larrys make puns

is that reflected back in the original junction,


as it should be (QM-wise)?

Except, of course, junctions aren't QM (hence the name change).
They're inspired by, but not slavishly constrained by, the laws of Physics. ;-)

$foo = 1 | 2 | 4
print $foo;
# Foo is now just one of (1, 2, 4); i.e. not a junction

Nope. $foo is still a conjunction.

BTW, it's likely that printing $foo *won't* just randomly select one state;
that it will call $foo.serialize and print whatever string that (standard)
method returns. To get the select one at random behaviour, you need'll:

	print $foo.pick;

If so, what is perl going to do about the computationally expensive
entanglement thingy?

Nothing. Unless Alex ports his Quantum::Entanglement module.

$x = 0 | 1;
$y = 0 | 1;
$z = $x * $y; 

print $z; # 0 with 0.75 probability and 1 with 0.25

No. This probably just prints 0 1.

# If 0 was printed, then $x | $y == 0
# If 1 was printed, then $x  $y == 1

BTW, isn't that a seductive notation. ;-)

Here, are $x and $y collapsed yet, or are they still in an entangled

Neither. They're still two completely independent junctions.


Re: Unifying invocant and topic naming syntax

2002-11-14 Thread Damian Conway
Micholas Clarke asked:

If a subroutine explicitly needs access to its invocant's topic, what is so
wrong with having an explicit read-write parameter in the argument list that
the caller of the subroutine is expected to put $_ in?

Absolutely nothing. And perfectly legal. You can even call that rw parameter $_
if you like:

	sub get($id_obj, $_ is rw) {
	when who { return $ }
	when choose  { return any($id_obj.features).pick }
	when all { return $id_obj.features }

	for «name choose all» {
	print get($obj, $_);

If I understand all this correctly, as is, this access caller's topic
is an unrestricted licence to commit action at a distance.

Yes. As in Perl 5.

Accessing the caller's topic is the default in perl5. And there is still a
steady stream of bugs to p5p where core perl modules are doing something
(typically a while loop) which tramples on $_, and so makes something go
wrong in their caller. (possibly several levels down)

Yes. That's why it's not the default in Perl 6, and you have to specify
a verbose and slightly ungainly property in order to get the behaviour.
