[GENERAL] Postgres 8.2 database recovery Could not create relation Invalid Argument

2009-07-27 Thread Justin Alston
Novice here :). I have PostgreSQL 8.2 installed on a single board computer
running Windows XP Embedded on a Compact Flash drive - 2 databases with no
more than 2000 ro. After 10 power cycles spaced 6 mins apart, I noticed the
postgres.exe processes no longer running. I located log file (see below) and
it appears postgres attempts to recover but fails to do so. Any suggestions:

2009-07-28 04:31:01 LOG:  database system was interrupted at 2009-07-28
04:27:54 GMT Daylight Time
2009-07-28 04:31:01 LOG:  checkpoint record is at 0/7CBF58
2009-07-28 04:31:01 LOG:  redo record is at 0/7CBF58; undo record is at 0/0;
shutdown TRUE
2009-07-28 04:31:01 LOG:  next transaction ID: 0/12290; next OID: 17183
2009-07-28 04:31:01 LOG:  next MultiXactId: 1; next MultiXactOffset: 0
2009-07-28 04:31:01 LOG:  database system was not properly shut down;
automatic recovery in progress
2009-07-28 04:31:02 LOG:  redo starts at 0/7CBFA8
2009-07-28 04:31:02 FATAL:  could not create relation 1663/16403/16586:
Invalid argument
2009-07-28 04:31:02 CONTEXT:  xlog redo update: rel 1663/16403/16586; tid
35/32; new 35/33
2009-07-28 04:31:02 LOG:  startup process (PID 1484) exited with exit code 1
2009-07-28 04:31:02 LOG:  aborting startup due to startup process failure
2009-07-28 04:31:02 LOG:  logger shutting down

Thanks in advance for any insights.


Re: [GENERAL] Best practices for moving UTF8 databases

2009-07-22 Thread Justin Pasher

Phoenix Kiula wrote:

I tried this. Get an error.

mypg=# select * from interesting WHERE NOT description ~ ( '^('||
mypg(#$$[\09\0A\0D\x20-\x7E]|$$||   -- ASCII
mypg(#$$[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|$$|| -- non-overlong 2-byte
mypg(# $$\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]|$$||-- excluding overlongs
mypg(#$$[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|$$||  -- straight 3-byte
mypg(# $$\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]|$$||-- excluding surrogates
mypg(# $$\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}|$$|| -- planes 1-3
mypg(#$$[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}|$$||  -- planes 4-15
mypg(# $$\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}$$||  -- plane 16
mypg(#   '*)$' )
mypg-#   ;
ERROR:  invalid regular expression: quantifier operand invalid

If you really don't want to go the pg_dump - iconv (remove invalid 
characters) - diff the dump files route, a stored procedure that 
searches for invalid characters was posted a few years back that 
attempts to find the invalid characters.



Justin Pasher

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Re: [GENERAL] Documentation - PgAdmin

2009-07-05 Thread Justin Graf
over the last 3 years i can't recall it being included in the msi installer

Now the MSI installers from Enterprise DB is a One Click installer i'm not sure 
whats all included. I have it installed on one or 2 machines but never really 
dug into what's all included to tell you what all in the new installer. 

but the the pgAdmin installer from here
As far I can think back this installer never included CHM. I found it annoying 
but given this supports multiple versions of PG which CHM file does one 

 Message from mailto:db.subscripti...@shepherdhill.biz  at 07-05-2009 
07:14:49 AM --

Quoting justin jus...@emproshunts.com:

 CHM has not been packaged for as long as i know of with PgAdmin..


Are you sure?

Windows help file CHM has been the default help file that pgAdmin 
opens when you click on the help icon on the toolbar of pgAdmin 
(uptill Postgresql's version 8.3.7) using MSI installer.

Or are you saying the MSI package maintainers included the CHM files 
and not pgAdmin packagers? If that is the case, I should direct my 
question to EnterpriseDB who is the new windows binary maintainer.


Re: [GENERAL] Pls help

2009-07-04 Thread justin

Scott Marlowe wrote:

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Roseller A. Romanosdon2_...@yahoo.com wrote:
Note that this could be a permissions problem.  All the files need to

belong to whatever user postgres runs as.


If the destination PG install successfully started before there will be 
no permission problems.  When copying files from one computer to another 
security credentials do not follow in Windows, security will be 
inherited from parent directory by default.  

The only time security in windows has that kind of problem is when 
moving the physical hard drive to another computer.  This creates 
orphaned UUID describing security credentials in meta data of the NTFS 
volume   To clean up that kind of security mess requires first taking 
ownership of the files then reseting all the permissions with replace 

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Re: [GENERAL] Documentation - PgAdmin

2009-07-04 Thread justin

db.subscripti...@shepherdhill.biz wrote:
Congratulations on the release of version 8.4.
I am surprised that pgAdmin's help link is now directed to the
documentation website of postgresql. The embedded help CHM was not
packaged with it.
This implies that anytime one needs help on a simple syntax, one must
connect to the internet.
Was this by design or omission?

CHM has not been packaged for as long as i know of
with PgAdmin.. 

I'm not sure about Enterprise DB package as it includes pgAdmin and
may have CHM file along for the ride

Re: [GENERAL] 64 Bit ODBC Drivers for windows

2009-06-29 Thread Justin Graf
use the .net provider 


I'm not sure of a 64bit build. although a 32bit version should run on 64 bit 
windows without any problems.

 Message from mailto:drewtimm...@gmail.com Andrew Timmins 
drewtimm...@gmail.com at 06-29-2009 05:36:58 PM --

Is there anyway to connect to postgre using a 64 bit Windows OS?
I am having problems connecting to a local DB since i have upgraded my computer.
I would like to connect using C#.NET
Any help would be appreciated.


Re: [GENERAL] Switching from MySQL: ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, plpgsql function

2009-06-28 Thread Justin

APseudoUtopia wrote:

  thread, then logs out (intending to read all the other forum threads
at some point in the future when they log in again). If I used a VIEW,
it would automatically consider all those unread forum posts to be
read when the user logs out.

That wouldn't work. What if a user logs in, reads only one forum

You are keeping a list of all the forums a user has read,  i would not
worry about making sure the table tracking user activity has duplicate
key values. The select can be limited to return just on row with the
highest time stamp then compare this result to figure out what forms
the user has not read yet.  This eliminates one of problems but creates
a problem where table tracking user activity is going bloat but in low
traffic times delete the duplicate values.

A similar topic was discussed  on the performance  mailing list, where
updates are hung for several seconds for a similar tracking table...


Re: [GENERAL] Switching from MySQL: ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, plpgsql function

2009-06-27 Thread justin

APseudoUtopia wrote:

  Hey list,

I have a query which allows users to "Catch up" on read posts on the
forum. It works by either updating or inserting the "last post read"
number from every forum thread into the readposts table (for that
userid and threadid combination, of course). Here's the table

Wouldn't a view be better than having a table that is deleted and
updated all the time.  I would add a field in the user table called 
last_login type timestamp  then do a select from the forums table to
generate this table where last_login = FormTimeStamp .

I don't see the point having this table when a view would work better. 

Obviously this will not work with PostgreSQL. I've googled around a
bit and I decided to create a plpgsql function to handle the task. I
don't have much done, but here's what I have:

			-- Try to update the record
			-- This query is broken. I'm not sure how to do the subquery or
whatever I need to do. Maybe FROM? Another loop?
			-- UPDATE "forums_readposts" SET "lastpostread" = (SELECT
"lastpost" FROM "forums_topics" WHERE blah blah
			IF found THEN
			END IF;
			-- Not there, try to insert the key
			-- If someone else inserts the same key concurrently

  			-- We could get a unique-key failure
INSERT INTO "forums_readposts" ("userid", "threadid",
"lastpostread") (SELECT $1, "id", "lastpost" FROM "forums_topics")
WHERE "userid" = $1;
			EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN
-- Do nothing, and loop to try the update again
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

if you want to do something like this either do a test first to see if
the key is present in the table, update or do an insert like this
There is no reason to do a loop in the function waiting for a lock to
clear.   Postgresql Locks do not work like MySQL.  
                      select lastpostread  from forums_readposts  where
userid = pUserId;
                      if (  found() ) then
                         UPDATE forums_readposts SET "lastpostread" =
(SELECT lastpost FROM forums_topics WHERE blah blah) ; --its helpful to
post the entire function ;
                         INSERT INTO forums_readposts ( userid,
                                    lastpostread) (SELECT $1, id,
lastpost FROM forums_topics)
                                    WHERE userid = pUserID;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I got the structure from the example in the postgresql documentation.
Hopefully it's a step in the right direction.

If anyone can point me in the direction to take another step in, I'd
really appreciate it.


Creating a view would work better and than creating a table to track
this.  I would think this website tracks the last time the user logged
in correct???  This is going to create allot of over head maintaining
this table when a simple select statement will work so much better if i
understand what you are doing.

Re: Fwd: [GENERAL] Date math

2009-06-27 Thread Justin

Adam Rich wrote:
 Guy Flaherty wrote:

 You could use the extract() function to calculate the day of year of 
the person's birthdate and then check if this number is within today's 
day of year and range of days you want to check for, for example, 
today's day of year + 30 days to be within a month. That way you don't 
need to worry about years at all. You may need to double check this will 
work on the leap years though!

 Thanks! that's even better than what I just came up with:

 birth_date + ((interval '1 year') * ceil(EXTRACT(DAYS FROM (now() - 

 And I like the Day of year solution because (I think) I can use a 
functional index on that value.

it kind of ugly looking but here is one that uses only math and no 
problem with leap years or anything

select current_date,  '07-02-1979'::date +
   ((date_part('year',current_date) - date_part( 'year', 

So the select statement might look like this

select birth_day
 where  birthday  + ((date_part('year',current_date) - date_part( 
'year',birth_day))::text||'year')::interval Between now() and now() + 
'90 day'::interval

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Re: [GENERAL] Please suggest me on my table design (indexes!)

2009-06-23 Thread justin

DaNieL wrote:

Hi guys, im tryin to optimize a simple table, suited for contain
So, my table at the moment is:

CREATE TABLE contacts(
 company_id BIGINT,
 code varchar(10),
 company_name varchar(120),
 name varchar(120),
 surname varchar(120),
 phone varchar(80),
 email varchar(80),
 kind varchar(8)

I use this layout in order to store 3 kind of users: Private, Company
and Company's Employee.. the col 'kind' infact will contain just
'private', 'company' or 'employee', but is unnecessary, i can
understand what kind a user is by those rules:
Private are stand-alone users, company_name and company_id are always
Company have the company_name;
Employees have the company name and the company_id (with the id of the
company's row);

The layout looks find  although i would not use Bigserial unless you 
expect to exceed 2.1 billion records


id|company_id|code| company_name|name|surname|phone|
email   |   kind
1 |NULL |C001| Sunday Inc. | John | Doe  |8 |
j...@sunday.com | company
2 | 1  |E001| Sunday Inc. |Paul  | Smith   | 7|
sm...@sunday.com| employee
3 | NULL|P001| NULL  | Rose | Mary   | 6|
r...@mary.com |  private

So, first of all, does this layout looks good?
Before i used to keep employees in a different table, becose usually
employees have just few data (name, surname, direct email and direct
phone.. all the addresses, bank data, etc.. belongs tot he company),
but noe i preferred this way to avoid constant inner joins.

Now, i aspect that my users will search the contact table just for the
fields company_name, name, surname, email, code.
That kind of query cant be as
WHERE company_name = '$x'
but will be much like
WHERE company_name LIKE '$x%',
both becose i use an autocomplete field for the quick search, both
becose.. well, that's how users search data's (in my experience).

What i have done with searches on small strings where the user is unsure 
what they are looking for or the spelling, I do something like this

where substr(company_name,1,length($searchtext$ UserSearchString 
$searchtext$)) ilike  $searchtext$UserSearchString $searchtext$

and mix it with soundex.  This way the user get a list of possible 
matches with only handful to type characters

Draw back is this type of search is it can't be indexed. 

So i created those index, to let the query planner use the indexes in
the LIKE query:

My doubt is: am i using too many indexes?
Will my insert/delete/update queryes be too slow, and does the select
optimization worth the price? (and, does this way really optimize the
selects queryes?)

The more indexes you have the slower updates will be.  Yet not a 
horrible amount.   The answer to this is it depends on the work load can 
the system suffer the overhead of the indexes and still give adequate 
results on queries. 

Consider that my application wont do many insert-delete-update

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Re: [GENERAL] postgresql-8.3.7 unexpected connection closures

2009-06-19 Thread justin

Craig Ringer wrote:

  On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 01:03 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
  I see lots of questions here that seem to be related to (a) virus
scanner interference and (b) installation/reinstallation. Lots of the
reinstall issues seem to be with people who don't really understand NT
users, ACLs, etc and aren't really competent to admin a machine, but
they do make me wonder if the Pg installer can do more to help them out,

I'm hesitant to agree with this the PG installer doing more
automatically. If the user does not understand security and proper
configuration to get it to work on windows client, the server setup
will be poorly configured with security problems that a MAC truck can
drive through. 

Example is MS itself and CAD developers. I have yet to see a CAD
program that does not require to run with Administrator security
credentials. MS with many of its Server Programs does similar stuff
now that PG does automatically creates users sets up the
directory/registry security.  Its really easy to trash those setting
keeping the app from working. 

You hear about the same problems many people talk about hear as they do
with the other databases running on windows see 

The only thing i think that would make sense, is to have the
installer add exceptions to the windows firewall for the
Postgresql ports. 

"The data directory you have specified (C:\PgData) already exists, but
cannot be accessed by the user you want to run PostgreSQL as. Would you
like to: [a] use a new data directory, [b] grant the postgresql user the
rights to access the data directory you have specified, or [c] change
the user you start PostgreSQL as to the user owning the data directory ?
[clean install to new directory][grant access to old directory][change
postgresql user][cancel installation]"

This is the same problem MSSQL has on reinstall except it just creates
new directories and Security Credentials automatically. I have seen
computers with 5 SQLServer user accounts.
along with lots of other crap laying around

PG install does lots of the stuff for the user but does not do
everything as many installers do which can leave the OS install a
complete and utter mess requiring reformat and reinstall to get it to
work at all. Or leaves that applications install such tangle mess its
impossible to figure out what the user did. 

I can read it know "Postgresql gurus i go to the PGDATA directory and
find it has PGDATA though PGDATA_8 how do i tell which is the current
data directory."  I have suffered this question with MsSQL. All that
is accomplish is changing the question asked. 

"The data directory you have specified (C:\PgData) contains a database
from an older version of PostgreSQL (8.2) that this version (8.3.6)
cannot access. Would you like to use a new data directory C:\PgData-8.3,
leaving the old one untouched? Note that PostgreSQL will not
automatically convert your data. You REALLY should read the upgrading
documentation before continuing. [clean install to new data
directory][cancel installation]"

"PostgreSQL has detected that another program, probably an older version
of PostgreSQL, is listening on port 5432. If you want to use this
version on the default port 5432, you will need to stop or uninstall the
other program first. [Change PostgreSQL port][Cancel installation]"

I agree more verbose install messages on errors and warnings would be


Of course, if Windows development is un-fun, windows program
installation and installer building is more so.

That is very true

Craig Ringer


Re: [GENERAL] postgresql-8.3.7 unexpected connection closures

2009-06-19 Thread justin

Pavel Stehule wrote:

  2009/6/19 Leif B. Kristensen l...@solumslekt.org:
nobody needs Windows. But Postgres has only one reputation. Problems
on windows are PostgreSQL's problem too.

And there are some native windows firms that starts develop with
Postgres. And this people expecting stability. So if we support some,
we have to do it well.

Pavel Stehul

i've been running Postgresql on windows for a few years now and did not
suffer these problems . I have dealt with these problems running MsSQL
7 and 2000.   

If any software is having a specific problem with windows I guarantee
the MS offering is having the same problem.  Just replace X application
with the  MS offering you will have possible list of solutions.  

Re: [GENERAL] used for large media files

2009-06-17 Thread justin

Steve Atkins wrote:

On Jun 17, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Mike Kay wrote:

Now that's an interesting way of doing this I never thought about 

Using a fileserver though, how would I categorize and index the files?

I was planning on using multiple databases to hold the data - one for 

client and a separate database for each file type. Yes, they would be
hosted on the same server.  I see the bottleneck.

I suppose that instead of saving the files, indexes and categories 
all in
the same database, I could simply reference the location and file 
names in

the database - and index and categorize in this manner. Does this make

Storing all the metadata in the database and the content on the 

of the webserver lets both do what they're good at.

Serving static files from the filesystem of the webserver is ridiculously
cheap compared with retrieving the data from the database, as it's
something that everything from the kernel up is optimized to do.
Backups are much simpler too.

Using the database to store BLOBs or do it via File system  is a very 
old debate going back and fourth with common tone the db is slower the 
file system is faster. Using a DB easies maintenance, simplifies 
indexing, security and gives transaction protection to the files.

In my view the only argument still holding water storing  large binary 
files on the Filesystem vs the DB is the overhead/access time losses 
connecting and read data from DB.   The file system  just wins out  yet 
has several draw backs.

Also consider one does not need to use the large object interface 
anymore,  the bytea type with  TOAST simplify that problem .  The draw 
back is you can't jump around the binary stream and the size is limited 
to 1Gig per record. 

One of the big draw backs to using File system and a DB for 
indexing/meta data is keeping the two up to date and linked.  If files 
get accidentally deleted or moved to different directories the database 
index is now useless.  This by itself can cause maintenance nightmare as 
the number of files and directories  get into 10 of thousands.  This 
also complicates disaster recovery because the directory structure has 
to be recreated exactly to get it to work again.

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[GENERAL] ruby connect

2009-06-01 Thread Justin Carrera


I'm trying to connect ruby to postgres on ubuntu and the only link I found that 
has the library is down.  Does anyone have the postgres library for ruby?  Or 
direct me to it?

Re: [GENERAL] Adding automatic backup of a DB

2009-05-04 Thread justin

Moe wrote:
  How can I add automatic backup easily?
  Is it possible with pgadmin ?
  Also, I would like to know whether those options
(Blobs(checked), OIDS, Insert Commands, Disable Quoting is for) .. as
it is now, it works great without them.
  Thanks in advance / Moe

Not with pgadmin but you can automate the back with
pgdump and pgdumpall using scripts or batch files

here is a set of instructions for windows 

Re: [GENERAL] Rounding problems

2009-05-03 Thread Justin

Paolo Saudin wrote:


  I have a problem with a query wich simple
aggregate values.
In the sample below I have two values, 1.3 and 1.4. Rounding their
average with
one decimals, should give 1.4.
  The first query with - cast(
tables_seb.tbl_arvier_chamencon.id_1 AS numeric) AS value - give
the expected result, while the second one with -
AS value - give 1.3. 
  Which could be the reason ??

My first thought is whats with all the castings??? 

Castings are mostly likely the cause of your problems,  What
is tbl_arvier_chamencon.id_1 data type???

I'm guessing its something other than numeric. All other floating point
data types will have problems caused by Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic

Numeric data type uses different functions to do its math for the
stated purpose of being exact yet being allot slower. 

In one query casting is done prior to avg() yet in the other casting is
done after avg(). This will allow Postgres to use different functions
to calculate average giving an unexpected result.

Re: [GENERAL] keeping track of function execution

2009-05-03 Thread justin

Wojtek wrote:
I have a question on transactions/isolation levels/etc... 
In my PL/pgSQL function main loop goes through inventory list of active
devices, for each one executing processing applicable for given device,
FOR i in --i is %rowtype 
select device_id as device_id, 
type as type 
from devices_list 
where active = 1 
-- here is CASE statement, checking value of 'type' parameter 
END LOOP; --simple enough, right? 
This processing is pretty heavy and takes lot of time... so, I'd like
to be able to monitor as processing progresses and I need to be able to
-which devices've been processed already 
-which ones've not been processed yet 
My first idea was to create table, updated by my function each time
next device is processed, like: 
3;1--processing is running 
4;2--to be processed 
But... Postgress treats function as single transaction, of course.
Hence, I'm not able to see any changes in my progress monitoring table
until my main function is finished and all the statuses are set to 0.
Which is not really the intent (again, the intent is to be able to
monitor which devices are yet to be processed while function is still
My ideas so far (none is perfect, unfortunately) 
- move my loop to php/other external piece of code... so it will log-in
progress in my function using separate transactions (well, I don't want
to use external code, would prefer to stay in PL/pgSQL) 
- log to text file (slow and not easy to report later on) 
Can I ask for any other suggestions/comments? Is there a way I can have
this functionality, please? 

What about using Triggers when a device is being
processed throw a flag in anther table or in the same table. 

I'm guessing some other kind of process set the status 0, 1 or 2 before
this slow process gets going. if that is the case just add a trigger
on update to set the status. Then a simple query will get you what
you want.

If I'm understanding what your after.

Re: [GENERAL] Number Conversion Function

2009-04-13 Thread justin

Tino Wildenhain wrote:

justin wrote:

I disagree the database is the wrong place, there are cases it makes 

Which cases would that be?


Report engines that don't have this ability .  I use for check writing.   

To come think, I don't know of UI framework or report engine that has 
this ability. 

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[GENERAL] Querying a Large Partitioned DB

2009-04-10 Thread Justin Funk
: (message_index_col @@
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on
systemevents_msg_idx_040609  (cost=0.00..1836.37 rows=24506 width=0) (actual
time=92.079..92.079 rows=34loops=1)
 Index Cond: (message_index_col @@
 -  Bitmap Heap Scan on systemevents_040709
systemevents  (cost=1844.72..89127.11 rows=24790 width=152) (actual
time=114.387..262.360 rows=24 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (message_index_col @@
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on
systemevents_msg_idx_040709  (cost=0.00..1838.52 rows=24790 width=0) (actual
time=84.848..84.848 rows=24loops=1)
 Index Cond: (message_index_col @@
 -  Bitmap Heap Scan on systemevents_032909
systemevents  (cost=320.54..17254.18 rows=4841 width=142) (actual
time=67.808..67.810 rows=1 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (message_index_col @@
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on
systemevents_msg_idx_032909  (cost=0.00..319.33 rows=4841 width=0) (actual
time=56.044..56.044 rows=1 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (message_index_col @@
 -  Bitmap Heap Scan on systemevents_033009
systemevents  (cost=1556.24..75179.65 rows=20931 width=149) (actual
time=77.644..335.360 rows=43 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (message_index_col @@
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on
systemevents_msg_idx_033009  (cost=0.00..1551.01 rows=20931 width=0) (actual
time=72.454..72.454 rows=43loops=1)
 Index Cond: (message_index_col @@
 -  Bitmap Heap Scan on systemevents_033109
systemevents  (cost=1892.97..92637.60 rows=25806 width=149) (actual
time=86.468..86.856 rows=4 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (message_index_col @@
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on
systemevents_msg_idx_033109  (cost=0.00..1886.52 rows=25806 width=0) (actual
time=70.397..70.397 rows=4 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (message_index_col @@
 -  Bitmap Heap Scan on systemevents_040109
systemevents  (cost=1395.47..66260.67 rows=18430 width=149) (actual
time=85.711..177.369 rows=12 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (message_index_col @@
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on
systemevents_msg_idx_040109  (cost=0.00..1390.86 rows=18430 width=0) (actual
time=67.481..67.481 rows=12 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (message_index_col @@
 -  Bitmap Heap Scan on systemevents_040209
systemevents  (cost=1619.92..76738.75 rows=21326 width=150) (actual
time=89.065..89.067 rows=1 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (message_index_col @@
   -  Bitmap Index Scan on
systemevents_msg_idx_040209  (cost=0.00..1614.58 rows=21326 width=0) (actual
time=73.229..73.229 rows=1 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (message_index_col @@
 Total runtime: 93364.070 ms
(49 rows)

Can you give me any tips and suggestions about how to speed this up?

It seems like a smart query planner would understand the rules and know that
it should search in the last partitions first, since it is ordering by
device reported time.



Re: [GENERAL] Internationalization

2009-04-10 Thread Justin

Pedro Doria Meunier wrote:

Hi all,

I'm wondering how to internationalize contents of a table, short of
having a column for each language string ...
Anyone with some experience to share? :)

Pedro Doria Meunier
How about parent child table layout.  The child table has one record for 
translation for each document.  something like this

Create table ParentDoc (
   docid serial,
   description text )

Create table ChildDoc (
   docid integer,
   doc_text text,
   short_description text,
   language text )

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Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible for PostgreSQL to support mmddyyyy date format?

2009-04-08 Thread Justin

This is from the link 


  January 8 in MDY mode; August 1 in DMY mode

  January 18 in MDY mode; rejected in
other modes

  January 2, 2003 in MDY mode;
February 1, 2003 in DMY mode; February 3,
2001 in YMD mode


you can run this 

select '01/01/2009'::date, '01-01-2009'::date

You can change the output for the client..


Bernard Barton wrote:. 

  I'm currently porting an Informix based application to PostgreSQL 8.3. 
All of the dates processed by the application are in the mmdd
format.  According to the date input table at the link below, the
mmdd format is not listed.  The mmdd format is supported, but
I'd have to modify a LOT of code to change the format, which I'm trying
to avoid.  Is there any way to get PG to work with the mmdd date
format?  I know I can use the to_date function, but again, it would be
MUCH simpler if PG worked with this format.




Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-04-07 Thread justin

Steve Crawford wrote:

Did I miss the exciting conclusion or did this drift silently off radar?

it was pretty well split between the options.  tabled for another time. 

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Re: [GENERAL] Number Conversion Function

2009-04-07 Thread justin

Tom Lane wrote:

  Tino Wildenhain t...@living-examples.com writes:
I would not recommend to do this within the database. Thats typical
a job for your presentation layer.

... but having said that, I think the "money" datatype has a function
for this.  Whether that's of any use to you I dunno; money is pretty
restrictive about what it can handle.

			regards, tom lane

I disagree the database is the wrong place, there are cases it makes

I have looked for what Tom talks about for the money type i can't find
any thing?? so I wrote a function primary purpose is used with checks
but with a little modification will work for anyone one and has no
practical limitation . It will work to Quintillion. 

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION spellNumericValue( pValue numeric)
 _dollar bigint = trunc(pValue)::text;
 _cents int = ((pValue - trunc(pValue))*100)::int;
 _spelledAmount text = '' ;
 _brokenOut int[] ;
 _pos integer = 0;
 _word text ;
 --lets breakout the number into hundreds into a array
 WHILE _dollar  0 loop
  _brokenOut = array_append(_brokenOut, (_dollar%1000)::int);
  _dollar = trunc(_dollar/1000);
  _pos = _pos + 1;
 End Loop;

 --this works on numbers between 1 to 999 transforming into english
words. then goes to the 
 --next set of numbers in the array working backwards as the array
was loaded backwards
 --Meaning the highest value is in the last element of the array
 --This also assumes words thousands millions, billions... occurs
every 10^3 .
 while _pos  0 loop
  if _brokenOut[_pos] 99 then
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  899 THEN 'Nine Hundred '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  799 THEN 'Eight Hundred '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  699 THEN 'Seven Hundred '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  599 THEN 'Six Hundred ' 
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  499 THEN 'Five Hundred '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  399 THEN 'Four Hundred '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  299 THEN 'Three Hundred '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  199 THEN 'Two Hundred '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]  99 THEN 'One Hundred '
 else ''
   into _word;
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || _word ;
  end if;

  Select Case
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 10 THEN 'Ten '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 11 THEN 'Eleve '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 12 THEN 'Twelve '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 13 THEN 'Thirteen '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 14 THEN 'Fourteen '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 15 THEN 'Fifteen '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 16 THEN 'Sixteen '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 17 THEN 'Seventeen '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 18 THEN 'Eighteen'
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%100 = 19 THEN 'Nineteen '
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]/10%10=2 THEN 'Twenty ' 
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]/10%10=3 THEN 'Thirty ' 
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]/10%10=4 THEN 'Fourty ' 
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]/10%10=5 THEN 'Fifty ' 
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]/10%10=6 THEN 'Sixty ' 
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]/10%10=7 THEN 'Seventy ' 
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]/10%10=8 THEN 'Eighty ' 
WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]/10%10=9 THEN 'Ninety ' 
  into _word;
  _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || _word;

  if _brokenOut[_pos]%100  10 or _brokenOut[_pos]%100  20
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 1 THEN 'One '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 2 THEN 'Two'
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 3 THEN 'Three '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 4 THEN 'Four '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 5 THEN 'Five '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 6 THEN 'Six '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 7 THEN 'Seven '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 8 THEN 'Eight '
 WHEN _brokenOut[_pos]%10 = 9 THEN 'Nine '
 ELSE ''
   into _word;
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || _word;
  end if ;
  If _pos = 2 then
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || 'Thousand ';
  elsif _pos = 3 then
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || 'Million';
  elsif _pos = 4 then
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || 'Billion ';
  elsif _pos = 5 then
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || 'Trillion ';
  elsif _pos = 6 then
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || 'Quadrillion ';
  elsif _pos = 7 then
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || 'Quintillion ';
   _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || '';
  end if;

  _pos = _pos-1;
 end loop;

 if _cents = 0 then
  _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || ' and Zero cents';
  _spelledAmount = _spelledAmount || 'and ' || _cents::text ||
'/100 cents';
 end if ;
 return _SpelledAmount;

Re: [GENERAL] strange behavior of plpgsql function

2009-04-04 Thread Justin

I think i may be the way the
function is being called??

if you are doing Select fnvs.docrelatedassociatedetails()

it will not return any records, it needs to be

Select * From

c k wrote:
Hi all,
I am facing a small but strange problem when using a plpgsql function
as below.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnvs.docrelatedassociatedetails(p_docid
integer, p_addtype smallint, p_associateid integer, OUT docid integer,
OUT associateid integer, OUT addressline1 varchar,OUT addressline2
varchar,OUT addressline3 varchar,OUT city varchar,OUT state varchar,OUT
country varchar,OUT postalcode varchar, OUT addtype smallint)
 return query SELECT docid, associateid, addressline1, addressline2,
addressline3, city, state, country, postalcode, addtype from
docrelatedassociates where docid=p_docid and addtype=p_addtype;
 ROWS 10;
Above function was first written to return a set of records as same as
a table, but it didn't worked. Then I written above code and it works
but does written any data. When the same function is written using SQL
as language it works well. even from above function, it I call the
newly written sql langauge function it returns data correctly. What
will be the problem. 
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION software.docrelatedassociatedetails(p_docid
integer, p_addtype smallint, p_associateid integer, OUT docid integer,
OUT associateid integer, OUT addressline1 varchar,OUT addressline2
varchar,OUT addressline3 varchar,OUT city varchar,OUT state varchar,OUT
country varchar,OUT postalcode varchar, OUT addtype smallint)
 SELECT docid, associateid, addressline1, addressline2,
addressline3, city, state, country, postalcode, addtype from
docrelatedassociates where docid=$1 and addtype=$2::smallint;
 ROWS 10;
Above function was created few days ago and then I changed the
structure of the table which is used to return setof records. After
that this problem is occuring.

[GENERAL] Retain PREPARE or connect trigger

2009-04-01 Thread Justin Funk
I am using rsyslog (a syslog to database application) to connect to my
postgresql database. It then executes Insert after Insert 100s a
minute I have been reading about the PREPARE statement and think
that could dramatically increase my insert speed. The problem is, as
you all know, that PREPARE only works for the session that it was
executed. I cannot make rsyslog prepare the statement when it start's
it's session, so how can I use the ability of PREPARE in this

I was thinking maybe that there would be away to trigger the prepare
statement when the rsyslog user connects. Or is there another option
like PREPARE that persists?

Thanks for your help.

Justin Funk

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2009-04-01 Thread Justin Funk
I am using rsyslog (a syslog to database application) to connect to my
postgresql database. It then executes Insert after Insert 100s a
minute I have been reading about the PREPARE statement and think
that could dramatically increase my insert speed. The problem is, as
you all know, that PREPARE only works for the session that it was
executed. I cannot make rsyslog prepare the statement when it start's
it's session, so how can I use the ability of PREPARE in this

I was thinking maybe that there would be away to trigger the prepare
statement when the rsyslog user connects. Or is there another option
like PREPARE that persists?

Thanks for your help.

Justin Funk

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-04-01 Thread justin

Tom Lane wrote:

  Robert Haas robertmh...@gmail.com writes:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Greg Stark st...@enterprisedb.com wrote:

  On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:
string_to_array('',',')::INT[] = invalid input syntax for integer: ""

  Oof. That's a good point.

+1.  I find this argument much more compelling than anything else
that's been offered up so far.

Yeah.  It seems to me that if you consider only the case where the array
elements are text, there's a weak preference for considering '' to be a
single empty string; but as soon as you think about any other datatype,
there's a strong preference to consider it a zero-element list.  So I
too have come around to favor the latter interpretation.  Do we have
any remaining holdouts?

			regards, tom lane

I'm still a hold out, We are taking a string putting it into a array
based on a delimiter. That is very simple and straight forward. Yet
many argue if we want to cast this into another data type the function
should deal with in limited cases. 

string_to_array('',',')::INT[] works as proposed 

string_to_array(',,,', ',' )::INT[] Fails 
string_to_array('1,2,,4', ',' )::INT[] Fails .

I'm trying to understand the difference between a empty string to a
string with many blank entries between the delimiter. 
',,' = '' once the delimiter is removed . Yet Seven zero length
entries were passed. How is that going to
be handled 

In one case it works and yet other cases it fails. This is
inconsistent behavior. Unless all zero length strings are removed or
are treated as NULLs I can't see how casting to another type is going
to work.

If zero length strings are treated as NULLs this creates idea that zero
length strings are = to NULLs. 

The input is a string and the output is text[], casting to another
data type is error prone and should be handled by the programmer. 

Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-04-01 Thread justin
If someone can show me a real world example  this logic simplifies the 
code and has more uses I'll bite

I just presently can't see how this works better.

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-04-01 Thread Justin

Martin Gainty wrote:

  Split strings into array elements using provided
string_to_array('xx~^~yy~^~zz', '~^~') 
output: {xx,yy,zz}

Sorry thats not the question i'm asking. 

We are debating if it makes sense to change the output in certain

I'm for not returning nulls or returning zero element array. 

I'm asking how is the other better by giving a real world example??? I
don't see the plus side at the moment. 

Re: [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-03-31 Thread justin

Sam Mason wrote:

I'd expect 3,2,1 and 1.

That's also a disingenuous example; what would you expect back from:

  select count_elements(string_to_array('butter,,milk',','))

I think the semantics you want is what you'd get from:


where I defined array_filter_blanks in my previous post.

I agree the function should not be changing values passed.   
Stripping/Dropping empty strings is changing what was passed into the 
function instead breaking it into a array. 

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Re: [HACKERS] [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-03-31 Thread justin

Sam Mason wrote:

  string_to_array('',',')::INT[]  = invalid input syntax for integer: 

Which you don't get at the moment; although you do currently get it in
other common cases such as:


If you want backwards compatible behaviour you could always bung a
NULLIF in there:

  string_to_array(NULLIF('',''),',')::INT[]  = NULL


But consider  this fails also

select string_to_array('1, , 3', ',' )::int[] = ERROR:  invalid input 
syntax for integer:  

yet this works

select string_to_array('1, 2, 3',',')::int[]

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Re: [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-03-31 Thread justin

Greg Stark wrote:

  On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 5:48 PM, justin jus...@emproshunts.com wrote:
But consider this fails also

select string_to_array('1, , 3', ',' )::int[] = ERROR: invalid input
syntax for integer: " "

yet this works

select string_to_array('1, 2, 3',',')::int[]


Sure, and the analogous pair string_to_array(' ',',')::int[] and
string_to_array('1 ',',')::int[] behave similarly.

The point is that '' could represent no items or one empty string. We
get to pick which one and in any use case where the string was a list
of objects it's almost certainly intended to be an empty list. And
databases are almost always processing lists of things.

I think the only use case where you want it to be a singleton list of
an empty string is when you're doing string parsing such as building a
lexer or something like that, which is isn't a typical use for sql

I disagree. Casting a string to something else can be a very error
prone to begin with. 
Having string_to_array() to deal with that possibility is out of its
scope IMHO.

Consider this. I have intelligent part numbers that need to be split
apart to simplify searching and do math with. 

string_to_array(' F-2500-50 ', '-' ) ::int[]

Still fails with an error as expected. what is the difference between
' ' and 'F' 

So before doing any thing a test needs to be done to verify the
contents, so it can be casted to something else.

Re: [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-03-31 Thread justin

This thread being cross posted has made it a bit

Greg Stark wrote:


Nobody has ever suggested filtering out empty elements or dealing
specially with spaces or anything else like that. If you're talking
about that then you've missed the original question.

"Does anyone want to argue for keeping it the same?  Or perhaps
argue that a zero-element array is a more sensible result than
a one-element array with one empty string?  (It doesn't seem
like it to me, but maybe somebody thinks so.)"

That means to me dropping empty strings or removing values that don't make sense.  Then the argument begins what values make since to drop.  Just zero length strings or include strings with million white spaces???

One last try.

If there's a column called "shopping list" which is a comma-separated
list of items to buy in the store and I store '' in it. How many items
do you think that means you should go shopping for? Do you think
that's one item that should be rejected because it's an empty string?
Or do you think that's an empty list with zero items listed?

It can't be rejected, Its an Empty shopping
list although a worthless shopping list . 

What would it look like if it was a zero-length list? You can ask what
would it look like if it was a shopping list of one item called ''.
But I agree both are theoretically consistent, but one is actually
useful in 99% of use cases. The other is only useful in unusual cases.

I'm still confused which one you want here

Re: [GENERAL] PL/PGSQL arithmetic errors

2009-03-30 Thread Justin

Just because a result is unexpected
does not mean its an incorrect result. No postgresql follows the order
of operations as expected. 

Now looking at the 2 For loops the First does not have a where clause
and the Second has a Where not null this could be the cause of the

Another note you don't need to do this in nested For loops it can be
done in a single select statement using nested queries or by using a
join clause 

Example of a Left Join

Select period, id, 
	(col1 - AvgResults.col1) / AvgResults.dev_col1 
FROM scheme.table,
Left Join 
		(SELECT period, AVG(col1) AS avg_col1, 
			STDDEV(col1) AS
			dev_col1, AVG(col2) AS avg_col2, 
			STDDEV(col2) AS dev_col2 
	FROM scheme.table
	GROUP BY period 
	Where col1 is not null ) AvgResults 
On AvgResults.period = scheme.table.period

WHERE col1

Assuming i don't have any typos this should give you the results you are looking for and be faster.  

You can throw in a Case statement in the select  testing for grav to limit the result down and speed things up to a single column and do the update that why.   

jc_mich wrote:

  Hi all!

I'm developing an algorithm with PL/PGSQL using statistical operations from
a table. I have several differences between expected results and the results
generated by the function. 

I want to know if there are differences in arithmetic operation sintax or if
there's any special arithmetical operators precedence between pl/pgsql and
other languages.

My code looks like this:

FOR iterator1 IN SELECT period, AVG(col1) AS avg_col1, STDDEV(col1) AS
dev_col1, AVG(col2) AS avg_col2, STDDEV(col2) AS dev_col2 FROM scheme.table
GROUP BY period ORDER BY period LOOP
	FOR iterator2 IN SELECT period, id, col2, col1 FROM scheme.table WHERE col1
		IF grav = 0 THEN
			_standata := (iterator2.col1 - iterator1.avg_col1) / iterator1.dev_col1;
_standata := (iterator2.col2 - iterator1.avg_col2) / iterator1.dev_col2;
		UPDATE scheme.table SET standata = _standata WHERE id = iterator2.id AND
		_standata := 0.0;


Re: [GENERAL] string_to_array with empty input

2009-03-30 Thread Justin

Tom Lane wrote:

I agree this seems less than consistent though, especially seeing
that you *don't* get a null for a zero-length separator, which if
anything is a more poorly defined case.

I doubt it'd be a good idea to back-patch a change for this,
but I could see altering the definition for 8.4.

Does anyone want to argue for keeping it the same?  Or perhaps
argue that a zero-element array is a more sensible result than
a one-element array with one empty string?  (It doesn't seem
like it to me, but maybe somebody thinks so.)

regards, tom lane

I  like the array to contain single zero length string.   A  string was 
passed in  although empty,  its still a string not a NULL. 

Returning an empty array implies nothing was passed to the function 
although something was. That seems kinda odd to me also, give  back what 
was sent in broken into an array.

I use this and split_part allot in our database to break apart  part numbers

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[GENERAL] Partitioned tabled not using indexes for full text search

2009-03-27 Thread Justin Funk
I have a table that is partitioned on a daily basis.

Full text searches used to be respectably fast with large tables (40
million + records) but insert speed would slow down.  So I went with a
partitioned approach. But now, it doesn't seem like the indexes are
being used.

Any idea why it would not be using the indexes?

Here are appropriate descriptions and Explains:

syslog=# \d systemevents;
 Table public.systemevents
   Column   |Type | Modifiers
 message| character varying   |
 facility   | integer |
 fromhost   | character varying(80)   |
 priority   | integer |
 devicereportedtime | timestamp without time zone |
 receivedat | timestamp without time zone |
 infounitid | integer |
 syslogtag  | character varying(80)   |
 message_index_col  | tsvector|
systemevents_insert_032509 AS
ON INSERT TO systemevents
   WHERE new.devicereportedtime  '2009-03-24 23:59:59'::timestamp
without time zone AND new.devicereportedtime = '2009-03-25
23:59:59'::timestamp without time zone DO INSTEAD  INSERT INTO
systemevents_032509 (message, facility, fromhost, priority,
devicereportedtime, receivedat, infounitid, syslogtag,
  VALUES (new.message, new.facility, new.fromhost, new.priority,
new.devicereportedtime, new.receivedat, new.infounitid, new.syslogtag,
systemevents_insert_032609 AS
ON INSERT TO systemevents
   WHERE new.devicereportedtime  '2009-03-25 23:59:59'::timestamp
without time zone AND new.devicereportedtime = '2009-03-26
23:59:59'::timestamp without time zone DO INSTEAD  INSERT INTO
systemevents_032609 (message, facility, fromhost, priority,
devicereportedtime, receivedat, infounitid, syslogtag,
  VALUES (new.message, new.facility, new.fromhost, new.priority,
new.devicereportedtime, new.receivedat, new.infounitid, new.syslogtag,
systemevents_insert_032709 AS
ON INSERT TO systemevents
   WHERE new.devicereportedtime  '2009-03-26 23:59:59'::timestamp
without time zone AND new.devicereportedtime = '2009-03-27
23:59:59'::timestamp without time zone DO INSTEAD  INSERT INTO
systemevents_032709 (message, facility, fromhost, priority,
devicereportedtime, receivedat, infounitid, syslogtag,
  VALUES (new.message, new.facility, new.fromhost, new.priority,
new.devicereportedtime, new.receivedat, new.infounitid, new.syslogtag,
systemevents_insert_032809 AS
ON INSERT TO systemevents
   WHERE new.devicereportedtime  '2009-03-27 23:59:59'::timestamp
without time zone AND new.devicereportedtime = '2009-03-28
23:59:59'::timestamp without time zone DO INSTEAD  INSERT INTO
systemevents_032809 (message, facility, fromhost, priority,
devicereportedtime, receivedat, infounitid, syslogtag,
  VALUES (new.message, new.facility, new.fromhost, new.priority,
new.devicereportedtime, new.receivedat, new.infounitid, new.syslogtag,

syslog=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT DeviceReportedTime,
REPLACE(REPLACE(Message,'',''),'','') as Message, Facility,
FromHost, Priority, ReceivedAt, InfoUnitID ,SysLogTag FROM
SystemEvents WHERE message_index_col @@ to_tsquery('english', 'MAIL')
ORDER BY DeviceReportedTime DESC LIMIT 25 OFFSET 0;

 Limit  (cost=61548.87..61548.93 rows=25 width=176) (actual
time=31933.287..31933.425 rows=25 loops=1)
   -  Sort  (cost=61548.87..61551.59 rows=1091 width=176) (actual
time=31933.280..31933.327 rows=25 loops=1)
 Sort Key: public.systemevents.devicereportedtime
 Sort Method:  top-N heapsort  Memory: 29kB
 -  Result  (cost=0.00..61518.08 rows=1091 width=176) (actual
time=43.351..28941.144 rows=21307 loops=1)
   -  Append  (cost=0.00..61512.62 rows=1091 width=176)
(actual time=43.337..23706.264 rows=21307 loops=1)
 -  Seq Scan on systemevents  (cost=0.00..13.00
rows=1 width=151) (actual time=0.007..0.007 rows=0 loops=1)
   Filter: (message_index_col @@ '''mail'''::tsquery)
 -  Seq Scan on systemevents_032609 systemevents
(cost=0.00..27869.42 rows=494 width=152) (actual time=43.318..6153.645
rows=9309 loops=1)
   Filter: (message_index_col @@ '''mail'''::tsquery)
 -  Seq Scan on systemevents_032509 systemevents
(cost=0.00..19001.65 rows=339 width=153) (actual time=0.611..5861.674
rows=6239 loops=1)
   Filter: (message_index_col @@ '''mail'''::tsquery)
 -  Seq Scan on systemevents_032709 systemevents

Re: [GENERAL] Garbage Collecting

2009-03-23 Thread justin

Joshua Berry wrote:
I'm a postgresql newbie that's inherited eight production servers 
running Postgresql 8.2.5 as the backend. I have many questions 
covering topics such as administration of the database (upgrading, 
maintaining conf files, etc), improving the schema of the system (many 
tables don't currently have primary keys; to do anything useful you 
must join at least 5 tables), optimizing poor performing queries that 
can take hours, and knowing where functionality of the system should 
reside (curenly as PL/SQL functions, as external c code, external php 
code, and external perl code).
Indexing can be a win once you figure out which quires are run the most 
and what the common where clauses look like.  Indexes can eat up allot 
of disk space and slow performance in other places.  Its a double edge 


The database I maintain has far more Reads by a factor of 10,000 times 
to inserts, updates, and deletes combine  so having many indexes is a 
win in my case.  This is the part of tuning the database to the load. 


Please refer me to appropriate documentation/FAQs/books. I've read 
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs.FAQ.html If anyone knows of 
writeups for newbies that touches upon the things I mentioned, that 
would probably be really helpful for me.

and the help files with comments has lots of helpful information.  Just 
make sure that you are reading information related to the version of 
Postgresql you are running.


I have one specific question about Garbage Collecting within the 
database. The database system I'm working with has data that is no 
longer needed after a period of time. For example: transaction records 
only need to be kept around for the last 31 days; php web sessions 
that don't need to persist longer than a day. Could I create some 
function in the database that would act a bit like a daily cron job 
that deletes old records from tables (and then performs the 
appropriate VACUUM to regain the space)?

Yes  you can do this with pgAgent it comes with pgAdmin

If the records have a date when added  then a command like so can be 

Delete from Mytable where DateAdded = (Current_date - '31 day 
'::interval' )::date

If yes, how does one impliment something like that? As a trigger 
function written in PL/SQL? Can I hook the function into something 
that executes once per day?
Yes it can be written in PL/SQL function then have pgAgent call it at 
midnight or at sometime thats off peak load times.  

Also you want to make sure autovaccum is turned to your needs

this can have big impacts on performance.

If no, why? Should the external scripts/code that puts the data into 
the database be responsible for removing the old data?

It really does not matter. 

Thanks in advance for any/all pointers!


Joshua Berry
Software Engineer
Opentech, S.A.
+(595 21) 282557 Work
+(595) 981 330 701 Mobile

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Re: [GENERAL] Running Postgresl in a virual machine

2009-03-17 Thread justin

Richard Sickler wrote:


I am creating a small web app that uses Postgres.  The number of 
hits/day will be small, maybe a 1000 pages/day.  I'm planning on 
running this in a virtual machine, (Windows Server 2008 with the 
virtual machine hosting Postgres running Windows Server 2003 R2 x64, 
or maybe XP x64). The database will have it's own mirrored disks, and 
the server has plenty of horsepower and RAM.

Backup will be copying the quiesced virtual machine disks to a NAS.

Does anyone have any experience running Postgres in a virtual machine, 
or recommendations (or could point me to a place where I could read 
more about Postgres and Virtual machines)?  Thanks.

Rich S.

Here is something that might interest you

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Re: [GENERAL] [ask] Return Query

2009-03-15 Thread Justin

ataherster wrote:

hai all, i'm trying create function like this

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION penjualan(idcb integer)

but this function is not work with this error : ERROR:  structure of 
query does not match function result type

CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function penjualan line 6 at RETURN QUERY

on the time i try with other table and working well

thanks for your help 
This is because Postgresql does  know the structure of the data to be 
returned.  So the choice either use OUT command  like so  

Create or Replace Function penjualan(idcb, integer, OUT f1 text, OUT f2 
integer) Returns SETOF penjualan AS

Or create a new data type describing the data structure   

Create Type myTable as ( f1 text, f2 integer)

Create or Replace Function penjualan(idcb, integer) Returns SETOF 
myTable  AS

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Re: [GENERAL] nulls

2009-03-12 Thread justin

Both ways will work.

Setting the superseded_after to a far off future will work but will have 
to set to a real date when it actual does become superseded.

The same is true for nulls  It boils down to how you and the users want 
to look at the data.

To me to get the all the records that has not been superseded yet is 
simple either way. 

Select * from some_table where superseded_after IS NULL

Select * from some_table where superseded_after  current_date

James B. Byrne wrote:

I am confronting a design decision involving null values and I
cannot seem to discern which way to go.  Therefore, I would like
some commentary based on real world experience.

The basic issue is episodic duration, expressed as columns named
dt_effective_from and dt_superseded_after.  Both are datetime types
containing values normalized to utc.  You see where this is going.

The issue is what to enter when the value is known to be unknown, as
in some indeterminate future date, which may be never.  I read that
relational set values should never be null, as null is indeterminate
for WHERE clauses and may result in unexpected results.  On the
other hand, setting some artificially excessive future date seems in
its place seems, to me, to have its own problems.

Since this issue must have been dealt with time and time again in
the past I would like to know what, if any, consensus has been
reached on the matter.  What is the best way to proceed?


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Re: [GENERAL] mdf

2009-03-09 Thread justin

There are a couple of tools that will open an MDF file buy you have to
pay for them 

Another option is you need to learn how the MSSQL server is setup, and
what version.

Get your hands on that Version of SQL install it and copy this file
into the data directory then try to mount it. 

If you fail to duplicate the setup of the server that created mdf file
it can't be mounted. It will tell you the reason. 

It would be easier if the people that sent you the MDF did a backup of
the MSSQL Server, send you the backup, download a eval of MSSQL restore
the backup then migrate.

Ary Pezo Silvano wrote:


thank you for your comments.

my problem is that the mdf file has been sent to me by email in a zip file.
i extracted the file and it is 8 GB. 
i don't know how i should import or open it with postgres.


Frn: John R Pierce [pie...@hogranch.com]
Skickat: den 7 mars 2009 01:16
Till: Ary Pezo Silvano
Kopia: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
mne: Re: [GENERAL] mdf

Ary Pezo Silvano wrote:

how can i import a mdf database into postgres?

do you have access to the SQL Server that this MDF file came from?
Install the Postgres client for windows, along with a Postgres ODBC
driver on that server, and use the Data Translation Services in SQL
Server Enterprise to export the data from SQL Server to Postgres (which
can be on a different server, using a postgres network connection, if
you setup everything correctly).

Otherwise, use SQL Server to export the tables seperately as CSV files,
and import them into Postgres.

[GENERAL] Get IP addresses from tsvectors

2009-03-09 Thread Justin Funk

I have a table with a column with type tsvector. It contains the
result of to_tsvector() of varchar field in the table. What I'd like
to do is be able to search through the table and find all of the
distinct IP addresses. Any idea how to turn:

SELECT message_index_col FROM systemevents LIMIT 10;
 'leas':4 'return':2
 'leas':2 'found':1 'address':5 'hardwar':4 '':6
 '00':3 '17':4 '1d':7 '27':6 '4c':8 'f2':5 'via':9 'free':14 'leas':15
'martin':12 'network':11 'dhcpdiscov':1 '':10
 'leas':2 'found':1 'address':5 'request':4 '':6
 'ip':4 'leas':2,5 'ident':7 'hardwar':1
 'leas':2 'choos':1 'address':5 'request':4
 'leas':2 'return':1 '':3
 '00':3 '17':4 '1d':7 '27':6 '4c':8 'f2':5 'via':9 'dhcpdiscov':1
 '00':5 '17':6 '1d':9 '27':8 '4c':10 'f2':7 'via':11 'dhcpoffer':1
'':12 '':3
 '451':6 'tri':9 '4.7.1':7 'later':11 'pleas':8 'milter':2 'reject':5
'tempfail':12 'n29c3q08020087':1 'kgan...@iastate.edu':4



Thanks for the help...

Justin Funk

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Re: [GENERAL] foxpro, odbc, data types and unnecessary convertions

2009-02-26 Thread Justin

Fernando Moreno wrote:

  Hi all, I'm using visual foxpro 9 -not my decision- for a client
application. Statements are writen as the typical sql string and sent
through ODBC.

i like foxpro it has its quirks as do all languages. Only concern if
this is a new app Foxpro has been killed by MS. Version 9 is the last
so no 64 bit support and at the mercy of MS to keep 32 bit support
working down the road

For numbers, I have to convert them first to string and then remove
the spaces, the code looks like this: sql_string = "some sql" +
alltrim( str( some_number ) ) + " more sql"; I can combine alltrim and

Why the alltrim ? white spaces don't hurt.

take a look at Text EndText with TextMerge it has a few gotchas here
and there but on complex sql string it makes life allot easier. 

  str in a third function but it's still tricky. A shorter and
presumably better way to do the same is: sql_string = "some_column =
?foxpro_variable ". 

don't use ? its from the DOS days, it does some odd conversions because
it is a hold over 

  The problem with the last option is that, watching
the pgsql log, values are sent this way: '12345'::float(8), so for
every numeric value, no matter its type, I'm sending 12 characters
more and the server is doing convertions that I don't need.

Having a lot of foreign keys and other numeric data, I think this
behaviour is not so good for network (remote and poor connection) and
server performance. I'm almost decided to keep doing the trim/str
thing, but my question is: am I exaggerating? what would you do

Re: [GENERAL] foxpro, odbc, data types and unnecessary convertions

2009-02-26 Thread justin

Completely forgot take a look at Cursor Adapter Class,  also any cursor 
in foxpro can be made be updateable with CURSORSETPROP( ) function

removing the problem of writing Update's and Inserts

Fernando Moreno wrote:

Hi all, I'm using visual foxpro 9 -not my decision- for a client
application. Statements are writen as the typical sql string and sent
through ODBC.

For numbers, I have to convert them first to string and then remove
the spaces, the code looks like this: sql_string = some sql +
alltrim( str( some_number ) ) +  more sql; I can combine alltrim and
str in a third function but it's still tricky. A shorter and
presumably better way to do the same is: sql_string = some_column =
?foxpro_variable . The problem with the last option is that, watching
the pgsql log, values are sent this way: '12345'::float(8), so for
every numeric value, no matter its type, I'm sending 12 characters
more and the server is doing convertions that I don't need.

Having a lot of foreign keys and other numeric data, I think this
behaviour is not so good for network (remote and poor connection) and
server performance. I'm almost decided to keep doing the trim/str
thing, but my question is: am I exaggerating? what would you do?



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[GENERAL] Postgres SRPMs for RHEL

2009-02-25 Thread Justin Pasher
Is there a reason why the source RPMs for PG 8.1.16 on RHEL don't show 
up here?


If I cycle through the versions, the last version in the 8.1 branch I 
can find with source RPMs is 8.1.14.

Justin Pasher

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgres SRPMs for RHEL

2009-02-25 Thread Justin Pasher

Joshua D. Drake wrote:

On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 12:10 -0600, Justin Pasher wrote:
Is there a reason why the source RPMs for PG 8.1.16 on RHEL don't show 
up here?


If I cycle through the versions, the last version in the 8.1 branch I 
can find with source RPMs is 8.1.14.


Unless I'm just looking for the wrong filename, I still can't fine the 
source RPMs on the yum repo either, just the regular RPMs.

Justin Pasher

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Re: [GENERAL] Postgres SRPMs for RHEL

2009-02-25 Thread Justin Pasher

Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:

On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 12:10 -0600, Justin Pasher wrote:

Is there a reason why the source RPMs for PG 8.1.16 on RHEL don't
up here?


'cause I was a bit lazy to sync srpms from main repository. It is my
bad, and will start pushing packages later today.
If I cycle through the versions, the last version in the 8.1 branch I 
can find with source RPMs is 8.1.14.

Please take a look at here:


Using pgsqlrpms site, you can download SRPMs using yum:

yumdownloader --enablerepo pgdg81-source --source postgresql


That'll work! Thanks.

Justin Pasher

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Re: [GENERAL] Remote Connection

2009-02-12 Thread justin

Bob Pawley wrote:

  I've been operating on localhost successfully for some time.
  I am now attempting to access a Postgresql 8.3 database
installed on one of my other computers conneted through a router.
  Is this possible?
  My first attempts have been with Postgresql Admin.
  I changed host to the IP address of the computer and input the
other info.
  I also ran - listen virtual; on the receiving server.
  It hasn't connected successfully. I get the message 'Server not
  What else can I do??

Postgresql is configure by default to drop all connections that are not

to make sure its configured to accept connections other than localhost

Second on the router make sure port 5432 is open and porting to the
Postgresql which is the default port. 

[GENERAL] Continual increase of age(datfrozenxid) for template0

2009-02-10 Thread Justin Pasher


I'm trying to understand if this is normal. This is a Postgres 8.1.15 
server (the same one in use when I reported the autovacuum problem here: 
Since most of our servers are still stuck on Postgres 7.4, I don't have 
nearly the same experience in regards to the inner workings of PG8, so 
I'm trying to understand if this is normal.

I currently have autovacuum disabled due to the segfault problem under 
8.1.15 (waiting for Debian to release a new 8.1.16 stable package). What 
I've noticed is that the age(datfrozenxid) of the template0 database 
grows quite a bit over a short period of time (under two weeks). Here is 
a snippet from the current server:

postgres=# SELECT datname, age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database ORDER BY 2;
 datname  |age
database1 | 1389525200
database2 | 1389726011
database3 | 1389780361
template0 | 1722583868
(32 rows)

As you can see, it is starting to approach the 2 billion mark. If I 
change the datallowconn setting to TRUE, connect to template0, then 
perform a VACUUM FREEZE, the age(datfrozenxid) goes way down (probably 
around the 3 million mark). However, over time (typically less than two 
weeks), the number slowly creeps higher and higher, until our custom 
monitoring software starts spitting out a warning/error that the 
database should be vacuumed soon. If I look at a PG7 database where I 
have done the same thing in the past few weeks, the number is still 
really low (around 5 million).

Because I have autovacuum disabled for the time being, I have a simple 
smart_vacuumdb script that runs every day to keep the databases 
vacuumed. It simple selects the top X% of the databases (based upon 
age(datfrozenxid)), and calls the Postgres vacuumdb script if the age() 
is greater than a certain threshold (around 1.5 billion). This helps 
keep the normal database away from xid wraparound, but since template0 
does not allow connections, it never gets vacuumed.

What I'm trying to figure out is whether this is normal, expected 
behavior. It doesn't seem to happen on the PG7.4 server (or at least not 
nearly to this degree), but the work load on that machine is much 
different than this PG8.1 server. The PG8.1 server runs a lot more 
queries across all databases (and probably quite a few within 
transactions). The smart_vacuumdb script helps keep the important 
databases in check, but I'm worried about template0. During the time I 
started this email and now, the age(datfrozenxid) of the database has 
gone up by 4 million.


Justin Pasher

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Re: [GENERAL] How do I turn on query logger?

2009-02-06 Thread justin

Jennifer Trey wrote:

I am new to postgreSQL and I am running queries from JAVA and would 
like to see what queries are being run.

How can I achieve that ? I am running PostgreSQL 8.3 on Windows and 
like using pgAdmin to do most things.

Open PG admin  from the menu bar  Tools-Server Status- Status Tab will 
have current running queries and active users

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Re: [GENERAL] debugging plpgsql functions

2009-02-04 Thread justin

Chris wrote:

Hi all,

I have a few plpgsql functions to debug to see why they are slow.

They consist of a bunch of sql statements using new.* / old.* 
variables (ie not using EXECUTE, the sql is being called directly).

Is there a way to capture the actual sql that's being executed with 
variables substituted in, or even an easy way to log the variables 
being used?

I couldn't see anything in the manual but maybe I missed something - 
any pointers appreciated.

I tried http://pgfoundry.org/projects/edb-debugger/ but after loading 
the module, the functions wouldn't run properly (can't remember the 
error message but I can do it again if need be).
Debugging  sql functions is sometimes a not to fun event.  pgdebugger 
has some gotchas that will bite you big time.  One big item don't run 
pgdebugger in a production machine i've  had lock  process and its done 
some other odd things.   I normally run the pgdebugger on a windows 
install as it will install it for you. and use pgadmin two step through 
the code.

One option use Raise Notice to  see whats in a variable example
RAISE NOTICE  'Var1 %, Var2 %, ' , MemoryVar1, MemoryVar2 ;

then look whats returned to the client.  Again i use pgAdmin for this as 
it shows me all the messages sent from the server and keeps a nice easy 
to read history.

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Re: [GENERAL] calculating elapsed times between timestamps

2009-02-02 Thread justin

rhubbell wrote:

(posted on novice too, no idea what difference is between lists)

I have been trying to do this and have been unsuccessful so far.

I have a table:

timestamp   = timestamp with time zone
timeelapsed = numeric
bobble  = text

timeelapsed records are the time elapsed metric in seconds.

e.g. 0.350058078765869

Typical scenario is that I'll have multiple entries where timeelapsed
is greater than some value and will be greater than that value for
some time interval.

I want to find the length of those intervals.

select timestamp, timeelapsed, bobble from perf where bobble like pokerflat
and timeelapsed  0.4;

The records returned by that query will have an oldest and newest timestamp for
which I would like to calculate the interval.
I'm not real clear on what you are asking here  with oldest and newest 
timestamps and getting the interval, please clarify

I found lots of examples of doing arithmetic on timestamps but I never saw
any extracting data from a table.  All the examples I found were using now()
or current_date + 3 or the like.
Just substitute current_date or now() appears in the examples with the 
column name

Do aggregate function work on time data?

For date time function go here

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[GENERAL] compiling libpq.lb into qsqlpsql.dll

2009-01-27 Thread justin

Hello all.

I have a problem and tech support at troll tech has been unable to help
me resolve. I am trying to compile libpq.lib from postgresql 8.3.5 
into QT's version 4.4.3 qsqlpsql.dll. using Visual Studio 2008

Built libpq.lib and libpq.dll with no problesm using nmake.

Now comes time to build the qsqlpsql.dll following the way out of date
instructions. Got all paths for includes and libs taken care of.

Now compiling from nmake get billionz link errors LNK2019: unresolved
external symbol

I then imported the pro and make files in Visual Studio project to
better figure out why it can't find external symbols 

Right off the bat Visual Studio reduces the number of external symbols
not found to 5 

: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__deletesecuritycont...@4 referenced in function _closePGconn
: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__freecredentialshan...@4 referenced in function _closePGconn
: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _freecontextbuf...@4
referenced in function _pg_SSPI_continue
: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_initializesecurityconte...@48 referenced in function _pg_SSPI_continue
: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_acquirecredentialshand...@36 referenced in function _pg_SSPI_startup

Now i'm stuck and can't figure out the next step. my guess is i don't
have all the paths for include and libs set correctly. 

The idea here is get SSL built in qsqlpsql.dll which by default its not

But i wanted to start off just to get plain jane libpq to compile with
qsqlpsql.dll before i make sure libpq has SSL turned on. 


Re: [GENERAL] performance advice needed: join vs explicit subselect

2009-01-27 Thread justin

Karsten Hilbert wrote:

Hello all,

maybe some general advice can be had on this:

table test_results
modified_by integer foreign key staff(pk),
intended_reviewer integer foreign key staff(pk),
actual_reviewer integer foreign key staff(pk)

(this table will contain millions of rows)

table staff
pk integer
name text

(this table will contain at most 50 rows)

Now I want to set up a view which aggregates test results
with staff names for all three foreign keys. This would mean
I would either have to

- join test_results to staff three times, once for each
  of the foreign keys, this is going to be messy with
  tracking table aliases, duplicate column names etc

- write three explicit sub-selects for the columns I want
  to denormalize into the view definition

Select testresults.*, Modifer.Name, Intended.name,  Actual.name   from 

   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Modifer
on Modifer.pk  = testresults.modified_by
   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Intended
   on Reviewer.pk  = testresults.intended_reviewer
   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Actual
   on pk  = testresults.actual_reviewer

This is what i think you are after.  You can do this via nested queries 
also for each name

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Re: [GENERAL] performance advice needed: join vs explicit subselect

2009-01-27 Thread justin

typo sorry

justin wrote:

Karsten Hilbert wrote:

Hello all,

maybe some general advice can be had on this:

table test_results
modified_by integer foreign key staff(pk),
intended_reviewer integer foreign key staff(pk),
actual_reviewer integer foreign key staff(pk)

(this table will contain millions of rows)

table staff
pk integer
name text

(this table will contain at most 50 rows)

Now I want to set up a view which aggregates test results
with staff names for all three foreign keys. This would mean
I would either have to

- join test_results to staff three times, once for each
  of the foreign keys, this is going to be messy with
  tracking table aliases, duplicate column names etc

- write three explicit sub-selects for the columns I want
  to denormalize into the view definition

Select testresults.*, Modifer.Name, Intended.name,  Actual.name   from 

   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Modifer
on Modifer.pk  = testresults.modified_by
   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Intended
   on Inteded.pk  = testresults.intended_reviewer
   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Actual
   on Actual.pk  = testresults.actual_reviewer

This is what i think you are after.  You can do this via nested 
queries also for each name

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Re: [GENERAL] Rollback of Query Cancellation

2009-01-27 Thread justin

Abdul Rahman wrote:

Dear All,

Yesterday I canceled a running query because it was taking long time 
(more than 12 minutes) to delete lots of records. Today when I 
executed the same query it hardly took few seconds to finish. It 
clearly explores that PostgreSQL does not perform rollback action. Is 
it true?

Abdul Rehman.

The transaction would have been rolled back.  this makes me think the 
delete was wrapped in individual transactions for a set of records or 
per record. With out more information an intelligent answer is kind of 
hard to give.

What does the sql statement look like?
Where was the statement run?
How was the statement killed?
What do the logs show?

Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-17 Thread Justin Pasher
 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Lane [mailto:t...@sss.pgh.pa.us]
 Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 9:50 AM
 To: Alvaro Herrera
 Cc: Justin Pasher; pgsql-general@postgresql.org
 Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11
 Alvaro Herrera alvhe...@commandprompt.com writes:
  Hmm, in retrospect this is pretty obviously buggy.  I can't say that
  it's that easy for me to reproduce it though; I definitely can't make it
  crash.  Maybe by sheer luck, the new TopTransactionContext pointer
  points to the same memory area that the old was stored in.
 Yeah, there could be some platform dependency involved.  I'm guessing
 different structs that happen to fall into the same palloc size category
 on one platform but not another.
 Anyway, it happens consistently on my HP box.  I find that your proposed
 patch fixes it, but makes the normal path crash :-( --- the loop in
 do_autovacuum has to be executed in AutovacMemCxt, because it creates an
 Oid List that gets passed to vacuum() and had better not be in a
 transaction-lifetime context.  The attached modified patch works for me.
   regards, tom lane

I tried both Alvaro's patch and your patch, and I actually got the same
results from both. I didn't experience a crash when autovacuum kicked in or
when manually performing a vacuum on the database (if that's what you meant
by the normal path). At any rate, everything seems to be working properly
for me with the patch. Thanks!

Justin Pasher

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Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-16 Thread Justin Pasher

Tom Lane wrote:

I read it like this:

#0  0x0827441d in MemoryContextAlloc () -- real
#1  0x08274467 in MemoryContextStrdup ()-- real
#2  0x0826501c in database_getflatfilename ()   -- real
#3  0x0826504e in database_getflatfilename ()   -- must be write_database_file
#4  0x08265ec1 in AtEOXact_UpdateFlatFiles ()   -- real
#5  0x080a9111 in RecordTransactionCommit ()-- must be CommitTransaction
#6  0x080a93a7 in CommitTransactionCommand ()   -- real
#7  0x081a6c3b in autovac_stopped ()-- must be process_whole_db
#8  0x081a75cd in autovac_start ()  -- real
#9  0x081ae33c in ClosePostmasterPorts ()   -- must be ServerLoop
#10 0x081af058 in PostmasterMain ()
#11 0x0816b3e2 in main ()

although this requires one or two leaps of faith about single-call
static functions getting inlined so that they don't produce a callstack
entry (in particular that must have happened to AutoVacMain).  In any
case, it's very hard to see how MemoryContextAlloc would dump core
unless the method pointer of the context it was pointed to was
clobbered.  So I'm pretty sure that's what happened, and now we must
work backwards to how it happened,

Justin, it's entirely possible that the only way we'll figure it out
is for a developer to go poking at the entrails.  Are you in a position
to give Alvaro or me ssh access to your test machine?

regards, tom lane

OK. Here's an update on this.

I was able to reduce the database cluster down to just one real database 
(aside from template0/1 and postgres) and I was still getting the 
segfault. I was even able to delete all the data from a lot of the 
sensitive tables and still get the segfault. At least this means it's 
easier for me to give access to the DB now if need be.

I recompiled from the Debian source package and added --enable-cassert 
(--enable-debug was already there). I replaced the Debian standard 
packages with the recompiled versions and started up the cluster. Now it 
is hitting a failure on one of the assert lines, and the log message is 
a little different.

2009-01-16 15:24:48 CST LOG:  transaction ID wrap limit is 1076038431, 
limited by database template1
TRAP: BadArgument(!(((context) != ((void *)0)  
(Node*)((context)))-type) == T_AllocSetContext, File: 
mcxt.c, Line: 502)
2009-01-16 15:24:52 CST LOG:  autovacuum process (PID 7066) was 
terminated by signal 6

2009-01-16 15:24:52 CST LOG:  terminating any other active server processes

A new backtrace from the core dump is below, although it looks almost 
identical to me.

hostname:/var/lib/postgresql/8.1# gdb 
/usr/lib/postgresql/8.1/bin/postmaster mc-db2/core

GNU gdb 6.4.90-debian
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 

Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as i486-linux-gnu...(no debugging symbols found)
Using host libthread_db library /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1.

warning: Can't read pathname for load map: Input/output error.
Reading symbols from /lib/libpam.so.0...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libpam.so.0
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libcrypto.so.0.9.8...(no 
debugging symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3...(no debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3
Reading symbols from /lib/libcom_err.so.2...(no debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols for /lib/libcom_err.so.2
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libcrypt.so.1...
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libcrypt.so.1
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libm.so.6...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libm.so.6
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libz.so.1...(no debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libz.so.1
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3...
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libresolv.so.2...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libresolv.so.2
Reading symbols from /lib/ld-linux.so.2...(no debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols

Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-16 Thread Justin Pasher

Tom Lane wrote:

Justin Pasher just...@newmediagateway.com writes:
I recompiled from the Debian source package and added --enable-cassert 
(--enable-debug was already there). I replaced the Debian standard 
packages with the recompiled versions and started up the cluster. Now it 
is hitting a failure on one of the assert lines, and the log message is 
a little different.

TRAP: BadArgument(!(((context) != ((void *)0)  
(Node*)((context)))-type) == T_AllocSetContext, File: 
mcxt.c, Line: 502)

Well, that confirms the thought that the memory context is clobbered,
but we're not any closer to understanding why.


#1  0xb7c37811 in raise () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#2  0xb7c38fb9 in abort () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#3  0x0828cdf3 in ExceptionalCondition ()
#4  0x082a8cd2 in MemoryContextAlloc ()
#5  0x082a8d67 in MemoryContextStrdup ()
#6  0x0829749c in database_getflatfilename ()
#7  0x082974ce in database_getflatfilename ()
#8  0x08298341 in AtEOXact_UpdateFlatFiles ()
#9  0x080bcc81 in RecordTransactionCommit ()
#10 0x080bcf8f in CommitTransactionCommand ()
#11 0x081cd1eb in autovac_stopped ()
#12 0x081cdbcd in autovac_start ()
#13 0x081d4c0c in ClosePostmasterPorts ()
#14 0x081d5968 in PostmasterMain ()
#15 0x0818bd22 in main ()

... and you've seemingly not managed to install the debug symbols where
gdb can find them.

regards, tom lane

Dang it. I wonder why the --enable-debug option doesn't seem to actually 
be enabling debug. :( For reference, here is the configure command that 
the package uses according to the config.log (in case you spot anything 

--build=i486-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --includedir=${prefix}/include 
--mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info 
--sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var 
--libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/postgresql-8.1 --disable-maintainer-mode 
--disable-dependency-tracking --srcdir=. 
--includedir=${prefix}/include/postgresql/ --enable-nls 
--enable-integer-datetimes --enable-thread-safety --enable-debug 
--enable-cassert --disable-rpath --with-tcl --with-perl --with-python 
--with-pam --with-krb5 --with-openssl --with-gnu-ld 
--with-tclconfig=/usr/lib/tcl8.4 --with-tkconfig=/usr/lib/tk8.4 
--with-includes=/usr/include/tcl8.4 --with-pgport=5432 CFLAGS=-g -Wall 
-O2 -fPIC LDFLAGS=-Wl,--as-needed

I'm going to try a compile from scratch from the 8.1.15 source tarball 
and see if I can get better results. I'll let you know (probably next 
week). Thanks.

Justin Pasher

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Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-16 Thread Justin Pasher
 (argc=value optimized out, argv=value 
optimized out) at autovacuum.c:559

#12 0x081b1879 in autovac_start () at autovacuum.c:174
#13 0x081b7f78 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1269
#14 0x081b8bad in PostmasterMain (argc=3, argv=0x836b508) at 

#15 0x08175609 in main (argc=3, argv=0x836b508) at main.c:265

Justin Pasher

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-15 Thread Justin Pasher

Richard Huxton wrote:

Justin Pasher wrote:


I have a server running PostgreSQL 8.1.15-0etch1 (Debian etch) that was
recently put into production. Last week a developer started having a problem
with his psql connection being terminated every couple of minutes when he
was running a query. When I look through the logs, I noticed this message.

2009-01-09 08:09:46 CST LOG:  autovacuum process (PID 15012) was terminated
by signal 11

Segmentation fault - probably a bug or bad RAM.

It's a relatively new machine, but that's obviously a possibility with 
any hardware. I haven't seen any other programs experiencing problems on 
the box, but the Postgres daemon is the one that is primarily utilized, 
so it's a little biased toward that.

I looked through the logs some more and I noticed that this was occurring
every minute or so. The database is a pretty heavily utilized system
(judging by the age(datfrozenxid) from pg_database, the system had run
approximately 500 million queries in less than a week). I noticed that right
before every autovacuum termination, it tried to autovacuum a database.

2009-01-09 08:09:46 CST LOG:  transaction ID wrap limit is 4563352, limited
by database database_name

It was always showing the same database, so I decided to manually vacuum the
database. Once that was done (it was successful the first time without
errors), the problem seemed to go away. I went ahead and manually vacuumed
the remaining databases just to take care of the potential xid wraparound

I'd be suspicious of possible corruption in autovacuum's internal data.
Can you trace these problems back to a power-outage or system crash? It
doesn't look like database_name itself since you vacuumed that
successfully. If autovacuum is running normally now, that might indicate
it was something in the way autovacuum was keeping track of database_name.

The server hasn't been rebooted since it was installed (about 9 months 
ago, but only being utilized within the past month), so there haven't 
been any crashes or power outages. The only abnormal things I can find 
in the Postgres logs are the autovacuum segfaults. Looking in the logs 
today, it looks like it's still happening (once again on a different 
database). I manually vacuumed that one database and the problem went 
away (for now).

Are there any internal Postgres tables I can look at that may shed some 
light on this? Any particular maintenance commands that could be run for 

It's also probably worth running some memory tests on the server -
(memtest86 or similar) to see if that shows anything. Was it *always*
the autovacuum process getting sig11? If not then it might just be a
pattern of usage that makes it more likely to use some bad RAM

I might try the memtest if we can actually get the databases off of the 
server to allow some downtime. None of the logs indicate anything else 
acting abnormally or being terminated abnormally, just the autovacuum 
daemon. From what I can tell, the segfaults only when the databases pass 
the half way point (when age(datfrozenxid) exceeds around 15). 
When this is not the case, the segfaults do not occur according to the logs.

Justin Pasher

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-15 Thread Justin Pasher

Tom Lane wrote:

Justin Pasher just...@newmediagateway.com writes:

Richard Huxton wrote:

Segmentation fault - probably a bug or bad RAM.
It's a relatively new machine, but that's obviously a possibility with 
any hardware. I haven't seen any other programs experiencing problems on 
the box, but the Postgres daemon is the one that is primarily utilized, 
so it's a little biased toward that.

I agree that the behavior seems a bit too specific to be a hardware

Can you get a stack trace from the crash?  You might need to restart the
postmaster under ulimit -c unlimited to get a core dump from the
crashing autovacuum process.

regards, tom lane

I'm working on getting the database running on another server so I can 
perform more tests. So far I was able to get a copy of the cluster up 
and running. Once the autovacuum process kicked in, it started 
experiencing the same segfault on the new box. At this point, the 
hardware on the original box no longer seems to be a culprit (assuming 
the data files themselves aren't corrupted and I didn't just bring the 
corruption along with the cluster).

I'll let you know when I get a chance to get a core dump from the 
process. I assume I will need a version of Postgres built with debug 
symbols for it to be useful? I'm not seeing one in the standard Debian 
repositories, so I might have to compile from source.

Justin Pasher

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-15 Thread Justin Pasher

Tom Lane wrote:

Having debug symbols would be more useful, but unless the binary is
totally stripped, a backtrace might provide enough info without that.
Try it and see if you get any function names in the trace, or only

(BTW, does Debian have anything comparable to Red Hat's debuginfo
packages?  You might be able to get the debug symbols without having
to recompile for yourself.  Recompile is a bit of a pain since you have
to take care to match the original compilation options exactly.)

regards, tom lane

Alrighty. Here's what I got (assuming I did this right). My untrained 
eyes see some stuff regarding memory allocation. I wonder if overly 
aggressive memory related tweaks in the config file are causing the 
problem? I don't recall making any changes to the config file within a 
short time period of the problem starting, but let me know if I need to 
post any config settings.

hostname:/var/lib/postgresql/8.1/mc-db2# gdb 
/usr/lib/postgresql/8.1/bin/postmaster core

GNU gdb 6.4.90-debian
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 

Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as i486-linux-gnu...(no debugging symbols found)
Using host libthread_db library /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1.

warning: Can't read pathname for load map: Input/output error.
Reading symbols from /lib/libpam.so.0...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libpam.so.0
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libcrypto.so.0.9.8...(no 
debugging symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3...(no debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3
Reading symbols from /lib/libcom_err.so.2...(no debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols for /lib/libcom_err.so.2
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libcrypt.so.1...
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libcrypt.so.1
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libdl.so.2
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libm.so.6...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libm.so.6
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libz.so.1...(no debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libz.so.1
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3...
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libresolv.so.2...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libresolv.so.2
Reading symbols from /lib/ld-linux.so.2...(no debugging symbols 

Loaded symbols for /lib/ld-linux.so.2
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libkrb5support.so.0...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libkrb5support.so.0
(no debugging symbols found)
Core was generated by `postgres: autovacuum process   
mc_dairyqueen  '.

Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x0827441d in MemoryContextAlloc ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0827441d in MemoryContextAlloc ()
#1  0x08274467 in MemoryContextStrdup ()
#2  0x0826501c in database_getflatfilename ()
#3  0x0826504e in database_getflatfilename ()
#4  0x08265ec1 in AtEOXact_UpdateFlatFiles ()
#5  0x080a9111 in RecordTransactionCommit ()
#6  0x080a93a7 in CommitTransactionCommand ()
#7  0x081a6c3b in autovac_stopped ()
#8  0x081a75cd in autovac_start ()
#9  0x081ae33c in ClosePostmasterPorts ()
#10 0x081af058 in PostmasterMain ()
#11 0x0816b3e2 in main ()

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-15 Thread Justin Pasher

Tom Lane wrote:

I read it like this:

#0  0x0827441d in MemoryContextAlloc () -- real
#1  0x08274467 in MemoryContextStrdup ()-- real
#2  0x0826501c in database_getflatfilename ()   -- real
#3  0x0826504e in database_getflatfilename ()   -- must be write_database_file
#4  0x08265ec1 in AtEOXact_UpdateFlatFiles ()   -- real
#5  0x080a9111 in RecordTransactionCommit ()-- must be CommitTransaction
#6  0x080a93a7 in CommitTransactionCommand ()   -- real
#7  0x081a6c3b in autovac_stopped ()-- must be process_whole_db
#8  0x081a75cd in autovac_start ()  -- real
#9  0x081ae33c in ClosePostmasterPorts ()   -- must be ServerLoop
#10 0x081af058 in PostmasterMain ()
#11 0x0816b3e2 in main ()

although this requires one or two leaps of faith about single-call
static functions getting inlined so that they don't produce a callstack
entry (in particular that must have happened to AutoVacMain).  In any
case, it's very hard to see how MemoryContextAlloc would dump core
unless the method pointer of the context it was pointed to was
clobbered.  So I'm pretty sure that's what happened, and now we must
work backwards to how it happened,

Justin, it's entirely possible that the only way we'll figure it out
is for a developer to go poking at the entrails.  Are you in a position
to give Alvaro or me ssh access to your test machine?

regards, tom lane

I'm currently working on recompiling Postgres with the new configure 
parameters. I'm trying to go the easier route by downloading the Debian 
source package, add the new options, compile, then install the package. 
Hopefully this will give the closest possible binary to the current one. 
Incidentally, the --enable-debug option is already set for the Debian 
package (I did have to add --enable-cassert though). I'll let you know 
once I get it up if things work properly.

As far as access to the machine, I'll contact you off-list if I can work 
something out for that. The data is not overly sensitive, but it's still 
client data nonetheless. I'll try to make a copy of the cluster and try 
to reduce the database count and see if I can still duplicate the problem.


Justin Pasher

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] Autovacuum daemon terminated by signal 11

2009-01-14 Thread Justin Pasher

I have a server running PostgreSQL 8.1.15-0etch1 (Debian etch) that was
recently put into production. Last week a developer started having a problem
with his psql connection being terminated every couple of minutes when he
was running a query. When I look through the logs, I noticed this message.

2009-01-09 08:09:46 CST LOG:  autovacuum process (PID 15012) was terminated
by signal 11

I looked through the logs some more and I noticed that this was occurring
every minute or so. The database is a pretty heavily utilized system
(judging by the age(datfrozenxid) from pg_database, the system had run
approximately 500 million queries in less than a week). I noticed that right
before every autovacuum termination, it tried to autovacuum a database.

2009-01-09 08:09:46 CST LOG:  transaction ID wrap limit is 4563352, limited
by database database_name

It was always showing the same database, so I decided to manually vacuum the
database. Once that was done (it was successful the first time without
errors), the problem seemed to go away. I went ahead and manually vacuumed
the remaining databases just to take care of the potential xid wraparound

I figured it was just an isolated incident, until it started happening again
this week. Same scenario as before: over 500 million queries since the
beginning of this week and autovacuum dying on the same database every time.
However, the problematic database was different than last time, so it
doesn't seem to be specific to one particular database.

Looking through the archives I've seen this (exact?) same problem crop up
before, but it was addressed in Postgres 8.1.1


This article also mentioned the previous bug was related to triggers on the
table, but the second time this happened to me, the database in question
only has two simple tables (no triggers, one foreign key linking them, a few
btree indices).

What else can I do to determine the cause of this? For the time being, I
should be able to setup a cron job to run a manual vacuum every other day to
ensure that age(datfrozenxid) stays low, but I'd like to understand what
would be causing this.

Justin Pasher

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] [PGSQL 8.3.5] Use of a partial indexes

2008-12-30 Thread justin

Reg Me Please wrote:

Only one question remains in my mind:

why the planner is not using the partial index?

The partial index is covering 2 predicates out of the 3 used in the where 
condition. Actually there is a boolean flag (to exclude disabled rows),

a timestamp (for row age) and an int8 (a FK to another table).
The first two are in the partial index in order to exclude disabled and
older rows. The int8 is the random key I mentioned earlier.

So the WHERE condition reads like:

flag AND tstz = '2008-01-01'::timestamptz and thekey=42

I can see in the EXPLAIN that there is no mention to the partial index.
Please keep in mind that the table has 8+M rows, few of which are flagged,
about 70% don't match the age limit and few dozens match the key.
In my opinion the partial index should help a lot.

Fahrbahn ist ein graues Band
weisse Streifen, grüner Rand

For an index to be used the where clause must match the index.  As the 
index gets more complicated its less likely to be used.

I have 5 indexes on one table to answer the 5 possible ways the where 
clause can look like.

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Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-24 Thread justin

justin wrote:

Adrian Klaver wrote:

- justin jus...@emproshunts.com wrote:

So it appears that something is causing _wipvalue to get set to NULL 
somewhere else in the code.  Now when running the failing select 
statement manually  works is because the modified record is still not 
committed yet and its reading the unmodified record.  

the ForceCloseWo() calls several other functions before 
PostProduction() that beat on the header record a few times.  
ForceCloseWo does extactly what it sounds like closes Work Orders 
forcible  based on default values set in the database.  I'm betting 
this record has some flaky setting somewhere thats either in the 
posting of raw material or  labor operations. 

its late i'm going to bed fight this again later this morning. 


Found the problem at last.  it was what i thought early this morning, 
the database had some flaky data set to null.  so modified the the 
tables in question set defaults to zero and updated all the records  
that has null to zero.  hopefully that fixes the problem going forward. 

thanks to all for helping, pointing me in the right direction to figure 
out what is going on, as i was completely lost of what next to do.

[GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread justin

have a function written in pgsql   it runs just fine, except its doing
something really stupid.

The function runs just fine till this select statement

Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
into _TotalCost
from wo
where wo_id = pWoid ;

This goes to the work order header table to gets the current value
divided by current qty thats been completed so far, then sticks the
value into _TotalCost variable based on the parameter passed into
variable pWoid.

problem is it returns NULL  which is impossible as i can manually run
the select statement and get the $1.589445

I have no idea how to fix this problem going forward???

and the database is 8.3.5 running Ubuntu 8.0 lts

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread justin

Adrian Klaver wrote:

On Tuesday 23 December 2008 1:04:49 pm justin wrote:

have a function written in pgsql   it runs just fine, except its doing
something really stupid.

The function runs just fine till this select statement

Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
 into _TotalCost
 from wo
 where wo_id = pWoid ;

This goes to the work order header table to gets the current value
divided by current qty thats been completed so far, then sticks the
value into _TotalCost variable based on the parameter passed into
variable pWoid.

problem is it returns NULL  which is impossible as i can manually run
the select statement and get the $1.589445

I have no idea how to fix this problem going forward???

and the database is 8.3.5 running Ubuntu 8.0 lts

Would help to see the whole function. Also make sure you did not name one of 
the variables the same as a column name, this will confuse plpgsql.  Are you 
using the same value for wo_id in the function as in the manual select 

First the funciton has been running for months and never has had a 
problem.  No changes to the database scheme.  Second use variable naming 
scheme completely different from column names.   _ always is the first 
character in variables.  p is always the first character in passed 

Take a look at the screen shot and be in aw as i am

postproduction(pwoid integer, pqty numeric, pbackflush boolean, 
pbackflushoperations boolean, pitemlocseries integer, psuuser text, 
prnuser text, pdate date)

 RETURNS integer AS
   _woNumber TEXT;
   _itemlocSeries INTEGER;
   _parentQty NUMERIC;

   _qty NUMERIC;
   _TotalCost numeric;


   IF (pQty = 0) THEN
   RETURN 0;
   END IF;

   IF ( ( SELECT wo_status
   FROM wo
   WHERE (wo_id=pWoid) ) NOT IN  ('R','E','I') ) THEN
   RETURN -1;
   END IF;

   --If this is item type Job then we are using the wrong function
   SELECT item_type INTO _check
   FROM wo, itemsite, item
   WHERE ((wo_id=pWoid)
   AND (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
   AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
   AND (item_type = 'J'));
   RAISE EXCEPTION 'Work orders for job items are posted when 
quantities are shipped on the associated sales order';

   END IF;

   SELECT formatWoNumber(pWoid) INTO _woNumber;

   SELECT roundQty(item_fractional, pQty) INTO _parentQty
   FROM wo,
   WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
   AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
   AND (wo_id=pWoid));
   --  Create the material receipt transaction

   IF (pItemlocSeries = 0) THEN
   SELECT NEXTVAL('itemloc_series_seq') INTO _itemlocSeries;
   _itemlocSeries = pItemlocSeries;
   END IF;


   --Lets get Wips Current total cost

   Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
   into _TotalCost 
   from wo 
   where wo_id = pWoid ;

   --Moves WIP into Inventory.
   SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
   'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
   pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid
   FROM wo,
   WHERE ( (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
   AND (itemsite_costcat_id=costcat_id)
   AND (wo_id=pWoid) );

   --  Increase this W/O's received qty decrease its WIP value
   wo_qtyrcv = (wo_qtyrcv + _parentQty),
   wo_wipvalue = (wo_wipvalue - (_TotalCost*pQty))
   FROM itemsite,
   WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
   AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
   AND (wo_id=pWoid));

   --  Make sure the W/O is at issue status
   WHERE (wo_id=pWoid);

   RETURN _itemlocSeries;

 COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, boolean, 
integer, text, text, date) OWNER TO justin;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, 
boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO justin;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, 
boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO public;

Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread justin

Adrian Klaver wrote:

On Tuesday 23 December 2008 3:36:46 pm Adrian Klaver wrote:


Hmmm. A couple of suggestions while I ponder this more. For clarity sake
decide on a case scheme. I start getting twitchy when I see pwoid and pWoid
refer to the same thing. This depends on case folding being consistent, not
something I like to count on. Second you might want to put in a few RAISE
NOTICE statements to see what values are being pulled from the db for
wo_wipvalue and wo_qtyord and what is being supplied to the WHERE clause
for pWoid.

Adrian Klaver

SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid

Potential issue. I don't see where _invhistid is declared.

its declared.  i noticed this function has more variables declared than 
it ever used so i removed them when  posting  to  the list.  I did not 
want anymore confusion so I removed one to many sorry.

This function was completely rewritten several months ago along with a  
allot of other functions so there still allot of clean up to do making 
notes and removing stuff that does not need to be in the function. 

I just can't figure out why in this function it can't find the record. 

This malfunctioning function is called by  ForceCloseWo()  which goes 
through the work order completing any outstanding operations, and 
issuing material so it has to find the record first or it will fail out 
right.  Once all material and operations are marked completed it then 
calls PostProduction() which moves the items out of WIP tables put the 
items into Inventory and does all the accounting stuff.  So i really 
can't figure out what it is doing???

Now On the mixed case.  i come from the Xbase languages specifically 
Foxpro which is case insensitive and a typeless language so i have a few 
really bad habits.  I try to get every thing to match but sometimes 
screw up.   

Re: [GENERAL] need some help with pl-pgsql

2008-12-23 Thread justin

Adrian Klaver wrote:

- justin jus...@emproshunts.com wrote:


Adrian Klaver wrote:

Would help to see the
whole function. Also make sure you did not name one of
the variables the same as a column name, this will confuse plpgsql. 
Are you

using the same value for wo_id in the function as in the manual select

First the funciton has been running for months and never has had a
problem. No changes to the database scheme. Second use variable naming
scheme completely different from column names. _ always is the first
character in variables. p is always the first character in passed

Take a look at the screen shot and be in aw as i am

postproduction(pwoid integer, pqty numeric, pbackflush boolean,
pbackflushoperations boolean, pitemlocseries integer, psuuser text,
prnuser text, pdate date)
RETURNS integer AS
_woNumber TEXT;
_itemlocSeries INTEGER;

_parentQty NUMERIC;
_TotalCost numeric;


IF (pQty = 0) THEN

IF ( ( SELECT wo_status
WHERE (wo_id=pWoid) ) NOT IN ('R','E','I') ) THEN

--If this is item type Job then we are using the wrong function
SELECT item_type INTO _check
FROM wo, itemsite, item
WHERE ((wo_id=pWoid)
AND (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
AND (item_type = 'J'));

RAISE EXCEPTION 'Work orders for job items are posted when quantities
are shipped on the associated sales order';

SELECT formatWoNumber(pWoid) INTO _woNumber;

SELECT roundQty(item_fractional, pQty) INTO _parentQty
FROM wo,
WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
AND (wo_id=pWoid));

-- Create the material receipt transaction
IF (pItemlocSeries = 0) THEN
SELECT NEXTVAL('itemloc_series_seq') INTO _itemlocSeries;
_itemlocSeries = pItemlocSeries;

--Lets get Wips Current total cost
Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
into _TotalCost
from wo
where wo_id = pWoid ;
--Moves WIP into Inventory.
SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid
FROM wo,
WHERE ( (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
AND (itemsite_costcat_id=costcat_id)
AND (wo_id=pWoid) );

-- Increase this W/O's received qty decrease its WIP value
wo_qtyrcv = (wo_qtyrcv + _parentQty),
wo_wipvalue = (wo_wipvalue - (_TotalCost*pQty))
FROM itemsite,
WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
AND (wo_id=pWoid));

-- Make sure the W/O is at issue status
WHERE (wo_id=pWoid);

RETURN _itemlocSeries;

COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, boolean,
integer, text, text, date) OWNER TO justin;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean,
boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO justin;
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean,
boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO public;

Hmmm. A couple of suggestions while I ponder this more. For clarity sake decide 
on a case scheme. I start getting twitchy when I see pwoid and pWoid refer to 
the same thing. This depends on case folding being consistent, not something I 
like to count on. Second you might want to put in a few RAISE NOTICE statements 
to see what values are being pulled from the db for wo_wipvalue and wo_qtyord 
and what is being supplied to the WHERE clause for pWoid.

Adrian Klaver

I have taken your idea and made sure all the variables all appear the 
same and add raise notice for each portion of the command that is failing.

NOTICE:  _wipvalue: NULL
CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )

PL/pgSQL function forceclosewo line 66 at SQL statement

NOTICE:  _wipqty: 1.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )

PL/pgSQL function forceclosewo line 66 at SQL statement

NOTICE:  _wipvalue/_wipqty= NULL
CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )

PL/pgSQL function forceclosewo line 66 at SQL statement

NOTICE:  pwoid: 6916
CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )

PL/pgSQL function forceclosewo line 66 at SQL statement

NOTICE:  TotalCost: NULL
CONTEXT:  SQL statement SELECT postProduction(  $1 ,  $2 , FALSE, 
false, 0, Current_User, Current_User,  $3  )

PL/pgSQL function forceclosewo line 66 at SQL statement

So it appears that something is causing _wipvalue to get set to NULL 
somewhere else in the code.  Now

Re: [GENERAL] Syntax error with select statement

2008-12-17 Thread justin

aravind chandu wrote:

  I have problem with select statement in c++ program I am 
using pqxx library to connect to postgresql database.My query is

  result R(T.exec( select * from dbtable where username =  ' 
+user+ ' and password = ' +st+ ' ));

 here st is in encrypted format and the string is st = 
M^fuo|`sjyo|`so|-?z  this is the string i stored in the table .

The error I was encountered is terminate called after 
throwing an instance of 'pqxx::syntax_error'
  what():  ERROR:  unterminated quoted string at or near 

LINE 1: ...table where username = 'achandana' and password = 'M^fuo|`sj...

 I am not able to identify what the actual problem is can you guys 
please help to solve this problem?Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

Well its telling you in the error the quotes are flaky.  It apears that 
the password portion contains another sing quote.

I would move to double dollar quoting when dealing with strings that 
contain special characters

R(T.exec( select * from dbtable where username =  $UserName$  + user + 
 $Username$ and password = $Password$  + st +  $Password$ ));

see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html
on dollar quoting

[GENERAL] Eweek-Sun-Monty-MySQL

2008-12-04 Thread justin


above is article on eweek discussing Monty's blog on the poor shape
MySql 5.1 is in

Re: [GENERAL] returns numbers of record

2008-12-02 Thread justin
Select Count(*) from (query)  is what i believe you are looking for see  

Enrico Pirozzi wrote:

Hi all,
does it exists a way to know how many records a query returns?

I thought sometime like

DECLARE curs1 CURSOR FOR select * from table ;

I thought if I can write MOVE LAST Is there any way to return
the number of row for  select * from table without execute a count(*) ?

Thanks :)



Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Monty on MySQL 5.1: Oops, we did it again

2008-12-01 Thread justin

Geoffrey wrote:

Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz wrote:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Steve Crawford 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


All interesting, but especially the part about half-way down under
the heading So what went wrong with MySQL 5.1 ? - must-read for
anyone involved in selecting a database.

well, at least they have replication and partitioning built in. How 
reliable it is, is completely another story - but still, they are a 
step ahead in that regard. Now I know why Tom Lane doesn't have a 
blog :)

Actually, he has a couple of them:



I'm very happy and proud to use Postgresql as the developers  working on 
Postgresql deliver a quality product, not claim its quality.

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Favorite Tom Lane quotes

2008-12-01 Thread justin

Tom Lane wrote:

Scott Marlowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

We really need a favorite Tom Lane quotes thread.  Mine is (roughly):


We don't support that, but you're free to try it, you just get to keep
both pieces if it breaks.

Hate to disillusion you, but that's a standard comment around Red Hat.
I have no idea who said it first, but twasn't me.
i took this off Wikipedia 

On idiotic benchmark comparisons Try to carry 500 people from Los 
Angeles to Tokyo in an F-15. No? Try to win a dogfight in a 747. No? But 
they both fly, so it must be useful to compare them... especially on the 
basis of the most simplistic test case you can think of. For extra 
points, use *only one* test case. Perhaps this paper can be described as 
comparing an F-15 to a 747 on the basis of required runway length

Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

2008-11-01 Thread justin

salman Sheikh wrote:



Hi freinds, 
i wanted to add my all tables once in MFC application,
i have a databank,which has 11 tables and i want to add them
all togather.
 After Adding all tables, it shows me always this errors by

ERROR: column reference "ctid" is ambiguous; 
Error while executing the query 

i need help from u ppl. I am using Visual C++ 2005 and
postgresql 8.3.




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Without looking at the sql statement you are using its kinda hard to
know what the problem is

but ambiguous column means the Postgresql can't figure out what you
want to do as the column shows up twice in a command.

Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

2008-11-01 Thread justin

 I have no idea what you
are trying to do??   please send the SQL
commands you are using.  

For me to help you
Need to know what you are trying to accomplish and need to see the code!

salman Sheikh wrote:

  Do u have any suggestion regarding this problem?
  can u add all tables once in postgresql?
  In MS access i can add table once without any problem.


Von: "justin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: 02.11.08 01:23:15
An: salman Sheikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: pgsql-general@postgresql.org,
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

salman Sheikh wrote:



Hi freinds, 
i wanted to add my all tables once in MFC application,
i have a databank,which has 11 tables and i want to
a dd themall togather.
 After Adding all tables, it shows me always this
errors bydebugging.

ERROR: column reference "ctid" is ambiguous; 
Error while executing the query 

i need help from u ppl. I am using Visual C++ 2005
andpostgresql 8.3.




vom neuen WEB.DE MultiMessenger gehoum l;rt?    
Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.produkte.web.de/messenger/?did=3123  




Without looking at the sql statement you are using its kinda hard
toknow what the problem is

but ambiguous column means the Postgresql can't figure o ut what
youwant to do as the column shows up twice in a command.




n 5
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Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

2008-11-01 Thread justin

you mean you are trying some kind of table joining correct???


Select * from mytable, othertable where ctid = ctid ???

Please post the SQL statement you are using to communicate with the
The select insert update commands.   If i could see what you are doing
i would have solved your problem 3 emails ago. 

just post the C++ code that has the problem 

salman Sheikh wrote:

  i just want to add table through MFC application,in Visual C++ it
generates all classes automatically,if i add table one by one,it shows
no problem.i can comunicate with my database.But if i add 2 or more
tables togather,then it shows this error, i dont know why?


Von: "justin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: 02.11.08 01:48:04
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

I have no idea what you are trying to do??   please send the
SQLcommands you are using.  

For me to help you
Need to know what you are trying to accomplish and need to see the code!

salman Sheikh wrote:

  Do u ha ve any suggestion regarding this problem?
  can u add all tables once in postgresql?
  In MS access i can add table once without any problem.


Von: "justin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: 02.11.08 01:23:15
An: salman Sheikh 
CC: pgsql-general@postgresql.org,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

salman Sheikh wrote:



Hi freinds, 
i wanted to add my all tables once in MFC application,
i have a databank,which has 11 tables and i
want toa dd themall togather.
 After Adding all tables, it shows me always
thiserrors bydebugging.

ERROR: column reference "ctid" is ambiguous; 
Error while executing the query 

i need help from u ppl. I am using Visual
C++ 2005andpostgresql 8.3.




  Pt!Schonvom neuen
WEB.DE MultiMessenger gehoum l;rt?    
Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.produkte.web.de/messenger/?did=3123  




Without looking at the sql statement you are using its kinda hardtoknow
what the problem is

but ambiguous column means the Postgresql can't figure o ut whatyouwant
to do as the column shows up twice in a command.




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Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

2008-11-01 Thread justin

Yes, i'm working with VS 2008 with QT framework working on a
application with i don't know couple hundred thousand lines of code.

Been using VS sense 1997  how about you???

One of your big problems is your using the Automatic Class builder. 
Its sucks and is what is causing your problem as it creates code that
don't work.

Case in point the SQL code is wrong.  

In this case the Select statement being created is trying to join two
tables together that have the same column name 

Select * from mytable, othertable where ctid = ctid 
this command will create the error you have 

now to avoid the error it should look like this 
Select * from mytable, othertable where mytable.ctid = othertable.ctid

Now Postgresql knows what you want it to do.  Before the Postgresql has
two columns with the same name and does not understand how to join the
two tables

Find the the code where the Select statement is change the Joining

salman Sheikh wrote:

Hi Justin
  thanks for helping me,
  But can i ask u ,have u ever worked with Visual C++ 2005.It does
every thing automatically,u just click on the button it will generats
all classes, for example View class, document class Set class and so
on,Set class is actually connection class,which connect application
with database, and shows all columns of the table which we added in
this application,thatwhy i dont need to write any sql code for adding
all table,how long i know,if i am wrong pls correct me.
  thanks once more Jusitn


Von: "justin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: 02.11.08 02:02:21
An: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

you mean you are trying some kind of table joining correct???


Select * from mytable, othertable where ctid = ctid ???

Please post the SQL statement you are using to communicate with
The select insert update commands.   If i could see what you are doingi
would have solved your problem 3 emails ago. 

just post the C++ code that has the problem 

salman Sheikh wrote:

  i just want to add table through MFC application,in Visual
C++ itgenerates all classes automatically,if i add table one by one,it
showsno problem.i can comunicate with my database.But if i add 2 or
moretables togather,then it shows this error, i dont know why?


Von: "justin" justi
Gesendet: 02.11.08 01:48:04
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

I have no idea what you are trying to do??   please
send theSQLcommands you are using.  

For me to help you
Need to know what you are trying to accomplish and need to see the code!

salman Sheikh wrote:

  Do u ha ve any suggestion regarding this problem?
  can u add all tables once in postgresql?
  In MS access i can add table once without any


    Von: "justin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: 02.11.08 01:23:15
An: salman Sheikh 
CC: pgsql-general@postgresql.org,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Betreff: Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding
All Tables

salman Sheikh wrote:



Hi freinds, 
i wanted to add my all tables once in MFC application,
i have a databank,which has 11
tables and iwant toa dd themall togather.
 After Adding all tables, it shows
me alwaysthiserrors bydebugging.

ERROR: column reference "ctid" is ambiguous; 
Error while executing the query 

i need help from u ppl. I am using
VisualC++ 2005andpostgresql 8.3.

She ikh 




Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

2008-11-01 Thread justin
Exactly NO not a clue. Do a crtl+F which brings up the Search box in 
Visual Studio  search for  Select.  it will be in one of automatically 
created .cpp files.

Class builder  is suppose to create fully qualified queries  but in some 
cases it does not


the command will look something like
DatabaseConnectionObject.ExecuteSql=  Select column1, column2, column3 
column4 from Mytable  Left Join  Othertable on ctid = ctid .

it needs to look like this
DatabaseConnectionObject.ExecuteSql =   Select column1, column2, 
column3 column4 from Mytable  Left Join  Othertable on OtherTable.ctid = 

One method that is used by a number people is make sure columns in 
tables never share the same name. one way is use the first 3 letters of 
a table followed by an underscore then name of the column example ( 
oth_citd  and myt_ctid)  This way one never has to worry typing fully 
qualified names.

This is a method i use when setting up tables.  
I strongly suggest learning SQL syntax.  If you can wrap your mind 
around C++ and its quirks you can very quickly learn SQL

Also you will need to learn
its very easy to pick up also and write complicated stored procedures to 
manipulated data

Also take note what qualifies as SQL command in Access sometimes will 
not work in Postgresql

Another thought is not use ODBC at all and use
libpq  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/libpq.html there 
more work involved.

salman Sheikh wrote:

HI justin

actually i am newbie in this field,thatwhy i dont have much knowledge 
it. Now i understand the problem,but i am using MFC classes,as i told 
u it generates automatically, do u have any idea where should i change 
the code?

i am very thankful to you man


*Von:* justin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Gesendet:* 02.11.08 02:34:44
*An:* pgsql-general@postgresql.org
*Betreff:* Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

Yes, i'm working with VS 2008 with QT framework working on 
aapplication with i don't know couple hundred thousand lines of code.

Been using VS sense 1997  how about you???

One of your big problems is your using the Automatic Class builder. 
Its sucks and is what is causing you r problem as it creates code 
thatdon't work.

Case in point the SQL code is wrong.
In this case the Select statement being created is trying to join 
twotables together that have the same column name

Select * from mytable, othertable where ctid = ctid
this command will create the error you have

now to avoid the error it should look like this
Select * from mytable, othertable where mytable.ctid = othertable.ctid

Now Postgresql knows what you want it to do.  Before the Postgresql 
hastwo columns with the same name and does not understand how to join 
thetwo tables

Find the the code where the Select statement is change the 

salman Sheikh wrote:

Hi Justin

thanks for helping me,

But can i ask u ,have u ever worked with Visual C++ 2005.It
doesevery thing automatically,u just click on the button it will
generatsall classes, for example View class, document class Set
class and soon,Set class is actually connection class,which
connect applicationwith database, and shows all columns of the
table which we added inthis application,thatwhy i dont need to
write any sql code for addingall table,how long i know,if i am
wrong pls correct me.

thanks once more Jusitn


*Von:* justin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Gesendet:* 02.11.08 02:02:21
*An:* pgsql-general@postgresql.org
*Betreff:* Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

you mean you are trying some kind of table joining correct???


Select * from mytable, othertable where ctid = ctid ???

Please post the SQL statement you are using to communicate
withthedatabase. The select insert update commands.   If i 
could see what you are

doingiwould have solved your problem 3 emails ago.

just post the C++ code that has the problem

salman Sheikh wrote:


i just want to add table through MFC application,in VisualC++
itgenerates all classes automatically,if i add table one by
one,itshowsno problem.i can comunicate with my database.But if
i add 2 ormoretables togather,then it shows this error, i dont
know why?


*Von:* justin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Gesendet:* 02.11.08 01:48:04
*Betreff:* Re: [GENERAL] Error in Adding All Tables

I have no idea what you are trying to do??   pleasesend
theSQLcommands you

Re: [GENERAL] Are there plans to add data compression feature to postgresql?

2008-10-29 Thread justin

小波 顾 wrote:

Data Compression  MSSQL 2008 technots .  Your results depend on 
your workload, database, and hardware

Sounds cool but i wonder what real world results are??

For IO bound systems lots of pluses
but for CPU bound workloads it would suck

Re: [GENERAL] Group BY and Chart of Accounts

2008-10-29 Thread justin
There was a number of code mistakes  in my examples as i was just doing 
it off the top of my head,  just went through it and got it all working. 

I had to change the function around as it was double dipping accounts
just run this and it does work.  


Create table coa (
   coa_id serial not null,
   parent_id int not null default 0,
   doIhaveChildren boolean default false,
   account_name text null );

Create Table general_ledger_transactions(
   transaction_id serial not null,
   coa_id integer,
   accounting_period integer,
   debit numeric(20,10) ,
   credit numeric(20,10),
   transaction_date timestamp);

Create table  accounting_periods (
   accounting_period serial not null,
   start_date date,
   end_date date,
   accounting_period_Open boolean);

Insert into coa values (10, default, True, 'ParentAccount1');
Insert into coa values (11, 10, True, 'ChildAccount1');
Insert into coa values (12, 11, false, 'ChildAccount2');
Insert into coa values (13, default, false, 'ChildAccount3');

Insert into Accounting_Periods values ( 1, '2008-10-01', '2008-10-31', 
true );
Insert into Accounting_Periods values ( 2, '2008-11-01', '2008-11-30', 
true );

Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 11,  1, 30.0, 
0.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 11,  1, 20.0, 
0.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 12,  1, 10.0, 
0.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 12,  1, 50.0, 
0.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 11,  1, 1.0, 
0.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 13,  1, 0.0, 
111.0, current_timestamp);

Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 11,  2, 0.0, 
30.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 11,  2, 0.0, 
20.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 12,  2, 0.0, 
10.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 12,  2, 0.0, 
50.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 11,  2, 0.0, 
1.0, current_timestamp);
Insert into general_ledger_transactions values(  default, 13,  2, 111.0, 
0.0, current_timestamp);


CREATE OR REPLACE  FUNCTION GetChildAccountDebits(PassedAccountID
integer, PassedPeriodID integer) RETURNS NUMERIC AS
   retval NUMERIC = 0.0 ;
   return (SELECT
   coalesce ( (select Sum(general_ledger_transactions.debit ) from 
general_ledger_transactions where general_ledger_transactions.coa_id = 
coa.coa_id and general_ledger_transactions.accounting_period = 
PassedPeriodID), 0 ) +

   (CASE WHEN coa.doIhaveChildren THEN
   GetChildAccountDebits(coa.coa_id, PassedPeriodID )
   FROM coa
  WHERE  coa.parent_id = PassedAccountID);


select 10, getchildaccountdebits(10,1)
select 11, getchildaccountdebits(11,1)
select 12, getchildaccountdebits(12,1);


WaGathoni wrote:

Justin was recommending a solution to the Chart of Accounts Problem
posted by jamhitz:

One has you chart of Accounts
   Create table coa (
  coa_id serial not null,
  parent_id int not null default 0,
  doIhaveChildren boolean default false
   account_name text null )
primary key(coa_id)

Create Table general_ledger_transactions(
  transaction_id serial not null
  coad_id integer,
  accounting_period integer,
  debit numeric(20,10) ,
  credit numeric(20,10),
  transaction_date datestamp)
primary key (transaction_id)


Create table  accounting_periods (
   accounting_period serial not null,
   start_date date,
   end_date date,
   accounting_period_Open boolean)


Would someone please assist me.  Why is the following function:...

CREATE OR REPLACE  FUNCTION GetChildAccountDebits(PassedAccountID
integer, PassedPeriodID integer) RETURNS NUMERIC AS
DECLARE retval NUMERIC :=0.0;
SELECT Sum(gl_transactions.debit) +
CASE WHEN coa.doIhaveChildren THEN
GetChildAccountDebits(coa.coa_id, PassedPeriodID )
INTO retval
FROM gl_transactions, coa
WHERE gl_transactions.coa_id= coa.coa_id
AND coa.parent_id = PassedAccountID
AND gl_transactions.period_id = PassedPeriodID;

RETURN retval;

failing with an error to the effect that that that
coa.doaIhaveChildren and coa.coa_id must be included in the GROUP BY
clause and what is is the recommended course of action.


Re: [GENERAL] Shopping cart

2008-10-22 Thread justin

Andrus wrote:



But it is written in python. Not PHP or C#.

Thank you.
Unfortunately for me it seems that learning another language, Python + 
Django to support shopping cart is too much.

Where to find Visual FoxPro, PHP or C#/mod_mono scripts for this?
Those languages are widely used and must also contain such common thing.

I have looked some PHP source code archives without success yet.

If you are looking for Visual Foxpro and C# shopping carts  take a look 
at www.west-wind.com

its not free code but its not a ripe off prices you normally see a few 
hundred bucks for the source code

Also has a C# version in .net 2.0 and 1.1

plus it uses ODBC so it will work pretty much work with any database 
draw back is windows only and IIS.  some people have gotten Apache to 
work with Foxpro version

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Re: [GENERAL] Chart of Accounts]

2008-10-16 Thread justin

James Hitz wrote:

As I said earlier, I am quite green with PGSQL, so please bear with me when I ask 
Stupid questions...

--- On Mon, 13/10/08, justin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I just redid the accounting side of an application we have
access to 
source code, so been here and done this.

If i was not for the rest of the application i would have
redone the accounting table layout something like this

Ok with the tables


I would used views and the application to create the tree
list view i think your after. As you also need to know the Open
Balances, Debit,  Credits and Closing Balances by accounting period.. 
One idea is is 
create a functions that scans through the
table to get your values  So create a View something like


Example would by
   Select Sum(debits) +
   Case when  coa.doIhaveChildren then
   from general_ledger_transactions, coa,
where general_ledger_transactions.coad_id = coa.coa_id
  and coa.coa_id = SomPassedAccountID
  group by general_ledger_transactions.period_id, 

I start getting lost : SomPassedAccountID ??? Where is this coming from?
I put this in so the select statement would be limited to a specific 
account the user would choose from the UI

it can be left out, it just would get all the accounts grouped by 
accounting period. 

I added to the group by clause the coad_id so it would not sum all the 
accounts as just one value. 

PassedPeriodID ??? ...and this?


I hope this clarifies things

Create or replace  Function GetChildAccountDebits(PassedAccountID 
integer, PassedPeriodID integer) returns numeric as

  return  Select Sum(debits) +
   Case when  coa.doIhaveChildren then
   GetChildAccountDebits(coa.coa_id, PassedPeriodID )
   from general_ledger_transactions, coa,
where general_ledger_transactions.coa_id= coa_id
 and  coa.parent_id = PassedAccountID
and general_ledger_transactions.period_id = PassedPeriodID ;

Same as above one would normally limit account balances by accounting 
Period so only the values posted to that period show up. 

Also note Some people have 12 accounting periods aka calendar year 
others have 13 accounting periods  52 weeks in a year 4 weeks to an 
accounting period. = 13 periods
Also fiscal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiscal_yearyears don't have 
to match to calendar years this is the reason why accounting periods 
must be identified somehow to group transactions by period.

This creates a loop back which can be dangers if
Parent_account is also  a Child_account of itself which creates 
an endless loop then creates a stack error. 

I think this is easy enough to control with a CHECK constraint I think.  
Otherwise, I see the sense in using two columns for transactions - If I were 
writing an application for a bank, then using one column only may have 
potential pitfalls.

The difference between one column or two columns  is personal preference 
like allot things.   I prefer two columns  as it makes more logical 
sense to me to split it out.
But at presently i'm stuck using a system that uses One column in the gl 
table. :-(

Re: [GENERAL] Chart of Accounts

2008-10-14 Thread justin
because a credit account is a liability account aka a negative account 
so credit a credit account causes it to go UP not down.  Look a your 
bank statement it says Credit you $500 when you make a deposit  its a 
debit to you a credit to the bank in a credit account as its a liability 
to the bank.

to be way over general Credits are negative entries and Debits are 
positive entries. 

Another Way to think about it is Are you Exporting or Importing, it 
depends on which side of the equations you are on.  When ever i try to 
explain importing and exporting to the accountants its my sweet revenge 

Isak Hansen wrote:

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:57 AM, justin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[...]  Also you want to split out the debit and credits instead of
using one column.  Example one column accounting table to track values
entered how do you handle Crediting a Credit Account Type.  is it a negative
or positive entry???

How is crediting a credit account different from crediting any other account?

YMMV, but I think a single amount column makes for a more consistent design.

Re: [GENERAL] Chart of Accounts

2008-10-13 Thread justin

Gregory Stark wrote:

justin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


special note do not use only 2 decimal points in the accounting tables.  If
your application uses 10 decimal places somewhere then every table in the
database that has decimals needs to have the same precision.  Nothing is more
annoying where a transaction says 1.01 and the other side says 1.02 due to

FWIW I think this is wrong. You need to use precisely the number of decimal
places that each datum needs. If you use extra it's just as wrong as if you
use too few.

For example, when you buy gas/petrol at $1.999/gallon and buy 4 gallons you
get charged $8.00 not $7.996. If you fail to round at that point you'll find
that your totals don't agree with the amount of money in your actual bank

I agree to a point.  just went through this with our application and had 
total fits with compound rounding errors as one table stored 4 other 
stored 6 and 8 and the general ledger table stored 2.  when it came time 
to balance the transactions to the General Ledger Entries we where off 
thousands of dollars in different accounts as the GL almost always was 
higher due to rounding and it was wrong to the detail side.

The entire database uses the same precession as a whole then rounded on 
the display side.In our Case we make parts that consume .000113 lbs 
of a metal that sales for 25.76 a pound = 0.002911.  When the 
transaction to remove the value from the inventory account in the 
Generial ledger table has an entry 0.00  not 0.002911.  

We just had to big discussion on this thread about rounding and 
precession which i kicked off. 

Re: [GENERAL] Chart of Accounts

2008-10-13 Thread justin

Craig Bennett wrote:

If you want to take a particular system out to extra digits, it's
probably good to record the rounding error as a separate component of
the transaction (that is, if you want everything to balance out

I think you have two different problems here. On the one hand you have 
rounding errors which are material when aggregated on the other hand 
most sales transactions (for example) will come to a dollar and cents 
figure. If you have two accounts with different precision then I think 
from an accounting perspective you need to say something like this 
when posting between the two:

DR   My 2 Decimal Precision Account  2.00
DR   Accumulated Rounding (4 Decimal)  0.0010
   CROriginal 4 Decimal Account 

Then at period end you can including your rounding account and 
everything will balance.

Thats not the problem its the different tables having different 
precision. We have a WIP tables that notes all the labor and 
material consumed by all the jobs for an accounting period.  So you have 
some jobs all ways open crossing periods so you need to audit that WIP 
process account which means going to the WIP tables and verifying that 
the values in the WIP account equal to the jobs in the  WIP tables.  If 
the detail differs even a a penny you have a problem you are not allowed 
to simply call it rounding error.   Pushing it into another account 
called rounding error does not solve the problem.   Values in the wip 
tables need to equal the values in the General ledger tables  

The problem occurs when the WIP tables store 6 and 8 decimals and the GL 
tables have only 2.  it creates all kinds of rounding problems and it 
gets worst when you have thousands of transactions a day  a penny 
multiplied by 1000 becomes 10 bucks times 30 days in a accounting period 
= 300 bucks.   Thats getting pretty big for a rounding mistake and this 
is only one account.  Now take that and multiply that by 10 accounts 
each going every which way.

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Re: [GENERAL] Chart of Accounts

2008-10-13 Thread justin

There are a couple of ways to solve your problem

Heres my thoughts off the top of my head and what little i know about 
auctions and how they are run.  Also i hope the formating comes out.

please note these table do not contain all columns i would have in them 
its just an idea of how i would get all the tables linked together and 
laid out. 

Create Table contact (
   contact_id serial not null ,
   first_name text,
   last_name text,
   phone text,
   email text,
   company_name text,
   amIaCustomer boolean,
   amIaVendor  boolean)

Create Table AuctionHeader(
   action_id serial not null,
   date_to_have_action date,
   date_to_end_action date,
   auction_description text,
   auction_percent_take_for_each_item_sold numeric (10, 8)

Create Table AuctionItems (
   auction_id integer,
   item_id serial not null,
   item_description text,
   start_bid money,
   dont_sell_itemprice money,
   sold_price money,
   vendor_id integer,
   who_Brought_id integer,
   other_notes_ text)

Create table InvoiceHeader (
   invoice_id  serial not null,
   item_id integer,
   vendor_id integer,
   customer_id integer,
   invoice_posted_to_gl boolean
   invoice_paid boolean
   payment_terms integer,
   invoice_issue_date date
   Payment_method text (Credit Card, Money, Check)

Create Table AR_Header  (
   account_receivable_id serial not null
   invoice_total money,
   date_created date,
   notes  text,)

Create Table AR_PaymentsReceived (
   ar_item serial not null,
   account_receivable_id integer,
   payment_method text,
   amount_received money,
   date_received date)

Create Table InvoiceItems(
   item_id serial not null,
   sold_price money,
   actual_price_paid money)

Create Table general_ledger_transactions(
   transaction_id serial not null
   reference_type character,  (Am i a Invoice, JE, Credit Memor, Debit 
Memo, Inventory )

   reference_id integer, ( the primary key to the reference table)
   journal_entry_id integer, (this is used to keep transctions that  
linked to together like You have debit and Credit account and some 
Journal Entries may hit 100 accounts )

   coa_id integer,
   accounting_period integer,
   debit numeric(20,10) ,
   credit numeric(20,10),
   transaction_date datestamp)
primary key (transaction_id) )

When An item is sold by the auctioneer  sold and an invoice is Created 
you would sum up the values Put a Debit to Vendors Account into the GL 
then Credit the Customer Owes Me Account,  then when the money is 
collected Debit the Customer Owes Me Account credit into a Revenue Account.

the  gl transactions for the Invoice Creation  could look like this
TransAtion_id --- Ref_type Reference_id  Jorunal_ID---Coa_id 
-  debit--Credit
5784  Invoice  Invoice: 785
78485 54 aka  CustomerOwesMe$25
5785  Invoice  Invoice: 785
78485 67 aka I owe Vendor$20
5786  Invoice  Invoice: 785
78485 15 aka Money I could be making   $5  
5787  ARAR: 4785   78486 
   5 aka CustomerOwesMe   $25
5788  ARAR: 4785   
78486  25 aka BillPaidAccount  $25

Then Simple selects with joins and a few Case statements can get 
everything linked together.

Also note i am not an accountant by any imagination what so ever.  all 
my stuff is reviewed by CPA and an in house accountant to make sure i 
get all the debits and credits correct

Jeff Williams wrote:

Hi Justin

I like your method.

A question I am in the process of developing an piece of auction software.

How would you handle all the bidders and vendors so they all come from a 
table called contacts and have a serial number.  Each Purchase/Payment 
needs to recorded against each contact as well in the general ledger.  We 
need to get daily balances about each contact.

Jeff WIlliams

- Original Message -
From: justin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 20:57:59 -0400
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Chart of Accounts


You are making this far to complicated.

I just redid the accounting side of an application we have access to 
source code, so been here and done this.

If i was not for the rest of the application i would have completely 
redone the accounting table layout something like this

3 Accounting Tables

One has you chart of Accounts
   Create table coa (
  coa_id serial not null,
  parent_id int not null default 0,

  doIhaveChildren boolean default false
   account_name text null )
primary key(coa_id)

Create Table general_ledger_transactions(
  transaction_id serial not null
  coad_id integer,
  accounting_period integer,

Re: [GENERAL] Chart of Accounts

2008-10-12 Thread justin

You are making this far to complicated.

I just redid the accounting side of an application we have access to 
source code, so been here and done this.

If i was not for the rest of the application i would have completely 
redone the accounting table layout something like this

3 Accounting Tables

One has you chart of Accounts
  Create table coa (
 coa_id serial not null,
 parent_id int not null default 0,

 doIhaveChildren boolean default false
  account_name text null )
primary key(coa_id)

Create Table general_ledger_transactions(
 transaction_id serial not null
 coad_id integer,
 accounting_period integer,
 debit numeric(20,10) ,
 credit numeric(20,10),
 transaction_date datestamp)
primary key (transaction_id)

special note do not use only 2 decimal points in the accounting tables.  
If your application uses 10 decimal places somewhere then every table in 
the database that has decimals needs to have the same precision.  
Nothing is more annoying where a transaction says 1.01 and the other 
side says 1.02 due to rounding.  Also you want to split out the debit 
and credits instead of using one column.  Example one column accounting 
table to track values entered how do you handle Crediting a Credit 
Account Type.  is it a negative or positive entry???

Create table  accounting_periods (
  accounting_period serial not null,
  start_date date,
  end_date date,
  accounting_period_Open boolean)

I would used views and the application to create the tree list view i 
think your after. As you also need to know the Open Balances, Debit, 
Credits and Closing Balances by accounting period..  One idea is is 
create a functions that scans through the general_ledger_transactions 
table to get your values  So create a View something like this

Example would by
  Select Sum(debits) +
  Case when  coa.doIhaveChildren then
  GetChildAccountDebits(coa.coa_id, period_id)
  from general_ledger_transactions, coa,
   where general_ledger_transactions.coad_id = coa.coa_id
 and coa.coa_id = SomPassedAccountID
 group by general_ledger_transactions.period_id

What happen is the GetChildAccountDebits() function takes two 
parameters. One is the coa_id and the other is accounting period to search

The function would look something like this

 return  Select Sum(debits) +
  Case when  coa.doIhaveChildren then
  GetChildAccountDebits(coa.coa_id, period_id)
  from general_ledger_transactions, coa,
   where general_ledger_transactions.coa_id= coa_id
and  coa.parent_id = ThePassedAccountID
and general_ledger_transactions.period_id =PassedPeriodID

This creates a loop back which can be dangers if Parent_account is also 
a Child_account of itself which creates an endless loop then creates a 
stack error. 

Outside of that is works great.  i do something very similar Bill of 
Material and in our Accounting

James Hitz wrote:

Dear All,

I have just started experimenting with PGSQL, with a view to migrate from the SQL server 
I use currently.  I am trying to implement an intelligent Chart of Accounts 
for an accounting program.  The following is long-winded but please bear with me:

I have a table coa (chart of accounts) with the following schema

coa_id serial not null,
parent_id int not null default 0,
account_name text not null,
amt money default 0,
primary key(coa_id)

After populating the database with basic accounts it resembles this (the 
hierarchy is mine):

  coa_id, parent_id, account_name,  amt
  0,-1,  'Chart of Accounts',0.00
  1, 0, 'Assets',0.00
  5, 1,   'Fixed Assets',0.00
  6, 5, 'Motor Van', 0.00
 --truncated ---
  2, 0,   'Liabilities', 0.00
  3, 0,   'Income',  0.00
  4, 0,   'Expenses',0.00

So far, so good.  I would like it so that if the amt of a a child account 
changes, the parent account is updated, if a child account is deleted, the 
amount is reduced off of the parent account etc.

I have managed to achieve this using the following trigger functions:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.coa_del_amt() RETURNS trigger AS
update coa set amt = amt - old.amt where coa_id = old.parent_id;
return old;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.coa_ins_amt() RETURNS trigger AS
UPDATE coa SET amt = amt + new.amt WHERE coa_id = new.parent_id;
return new;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.coa_upd_amt() RETURNS trigger AS
IF new.parent_id = old.parent_id THEN
UPDATE coa SET amt = amt + (new.amt - 

Re: [GENERAL] localhost (windows) performance

2008-10-07 Thread justin

johnf wrote:
I have a friend I asked to load postgres 8.3 on his XP machine.  He then 
tested a python script which accesses several tables and discovered that it 
retrieves data very slowly.  It takes about 20 seconds to retrieve the data - 
on localhost.  However, using a remote connection to a postgres database 
(mine) over the internet and running the same python script it takes only 12 
seconds.  The difference of 8 seconds makes no sense - the remote is 
completely on the other coast.

I then thought it had something to do with the data -although the data set is 
small.  I did a complete dump and restored on his machine and again got the 
same results.  The machine has a recent motherboard with 2 gb of ram.  It 
does not appear to be swapping out ram.  

Using my local XP (accessing the LINUX database on the LAN) runs the same 
python script in just under 3 seconds (most of the time is in loading the 

One other major difference is I'm running postgres8.2 on linux.

Anybody, have a suggestion - I'm not a windows guru.  Or is this normal for 
Hardware related i'm betting.  The client is having to run the python the gui and postgresql on the same hard drive its getting IO bound 

What size is the data set  1 meg  20 megs or 100 megs.  I have seen small 
record counts but it was nothing but blobs in the table so the table was 5 gigs.

What is the hardware specs on the XP machine??  Can you post the Select statements??? 

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[GENERAL] how can I find out the numeric directory name of each database in PostgreSQL 8.3

2008-09-25 Thread Justin Yao


In PostgreSQL 7.x, I can use SQL:
select datname, oid from pg_database
to find out the numeric directory name under $PGDATA/base for each 
database. But it doesn't work for PostgreSQL 8.3.

Is there any way I can do it for 8.3?

Justin Yao

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Re: [GENERAL] how can I find out the numeric directory name of each database in PostgreSQL 8.3

2008-09-25 Thread Justin Yao

nothing special, just curious about it.
I suppose it should be able to be located by SQL.


Tino Wildenhain wrote:


Justin Yao wrote:


In PostgreSQL 7.x, I can use SQL:
select datname, oid from pg_database
to find out the numeric directory name under $PGDATA/base for each 
database. But it doesn't work for PostgreSQL 8.3.

Is there any way I can do it for 8.3?

What would you do with that name once you have it?


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Re: [GENERAL] how can I find out the numeric directory name of each database in PostgreSQL 8.3

2008-09-25 Thread Justin Yao

forget it. I am really sorry about that.
it works for me, too.

when I did :

dbname= \d pg_database
Table pg_catalog.pg_database
Column |   Type| Modifiers
 datname   | name  | not null
 datdba| oid   | not null
 encoding  | integer   | not null
 datistemplate | boolean   | not null
 datallowconn  | boolean   | not null
 datconnlimit  | integer   | not null
 datlastsysoid | oid   | not null
 datfrozenxid  | xid   | not null
 dattablespace | oid   | not null
 datconfig | text[]|
 datacl| aclitem[] |
pg_database_datname_index UNIQUE, btree (datname), tablespace 

pg_database_oid_index UNIQUE, btree (oid), tablespace pg_global
pg_sync_pg_database AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON pg_database 

Tablespace: pg_global

I didn't find the Column oid, I take granted to think it may not work, 
but I didn't issue a command to have a try.

Really sorry about that.

But the question is, why there's no column named oid and it still works?


Tom Lane wrote:

Justin Yao [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In PostgreSQL 7.x, I can use SQL:
select datname, oid from pg_database
to find out the numeric directory name under $PGDATA/base for each 
database. But it doesn't work for PostgreSQL 8.3.

It works for me ... what problem are you having?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] how can I find out the numeric directory name of each database in PostgreSQL 8.3

2008-09-25 Thread Justin Yao

thanks so much!

Tom Lane wrote:

Justin Yao [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But the question is, why there's no column named oid and it still works?

\d doesn't show system columns.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] Automated Backup On Windows

2008-09-09 Thread justin

Greg Smith wrote:

On Mon, 8 Sep 2008, justin wrote:

I would have added it to the postgresqldocs.org webstie but can't 
create an account for my self.Tried following theses instructions 
http://www.postgresqldocs.org/wiki/Automated_Backup_on_Windows  but 
never could get it to work

That page has been moved to 
http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Automated_Backup_on_Windows and you 
shouldn't have a problem getting an account there.  The postgresqldocs 
site ended up being temporary and shutdown once the official Wiki was 

Well I still can't create an account all it says is Login no create 
account button or screen anywhere?

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Re: [GENERAL] Automated Backup On Windows

2008-09-09 Thread justin

Dave Page wrote:

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 1:32 PM, justin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Greg Smith wrote:

On Mon, 8 Sep 2008, justin wrote:


I would have added it to the postgresqldocs.org webstie but can't create
an account for my self.Tried following theses instructions
http://www.postgresqldocs.org/wiki/Automated_Backup_on_Windows  but never
could get it to work

That page has been moved to
http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Automated_Backup_on_Windows and you
shouldn't have a problem getting an account there.  The postgresqldocs site
ended up being temporary and shutdown once the official Wiki was available.


Well I still can't create an account all it says is Login no create account
button or screen anywhere?

See the bottom section of the front page: http://wiki.postgresql.org/
It might actual help if i read the page :-[ .  I kept looking for  
CREATE ACCOUNT  next to login  not at the bottom of the page.

Re: [GENERAL] Automated Backup On Windows

2008-09-09 Thread justin
how does this page look to you guys/gals.  I have never added anything 
to a WIKI before so any comments??  
I left the original author stuff untouched my edit is appended to the top

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Re: [GENERAL] Automated Backup On Windows

2008-09-09 Thread justin

sorry forgot the link


justin wrote:
how does this page look to you guys/gals.  I have never added anything 
to a WIKI before so any comments??  I left the original author stuff 
untouched my edit is appended to the top

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Re: [GENERAL] Automated Backup On Windows

2008-09-09 Thread justin

Please use subsections to separate both methods.
How about adding the page to the Windows category?

I just fixed both those.  Justin, you might want to look at how I 
reformatted that to get an idea what the usual style is like.  Also, 
people who write whole articles or large sections are sometimes 
credited there, you might want to add yourself to the author list for 
that page at 

Thanks i was going to take this Alvaro suggestion and clean it up more.

Also it'd be good to mention that PGPASSWORD and .pgpass work with
either method ...

I put a stub page in at http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Pgpass to 
cover this whole area but never really filled it in.  I'd prefer 
seeing that get fleshed out and then the automation page can just link 
to it, because this is a very FAQ.

I've been trying to figure out how to get pgpass to work on windows with 
no luck as of yet.  If i ever figure out and test pgpass on several 
other windows version then i'll do up a documentation on pgpass.  There 
is some conflicting instructions on pgpass.

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