Re: [Pharo-project] [Moose-dev] font installer free type fonts

2013-05-14 Thread stephane ducasse
Hi doru

How do you use SourceCodeProSemibold for example 
StandardFonts codeFont: (LogicalFont
 familyName: 'Source Code Pro'
 pointSize: 10).

Because there is no family name for semi bold


On May 11, 2013, at 12:21 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

 To ease the transition to Athens, we need to get free type fonts in the 
 image. I researched a bit, and found a couple of font families that are 
 nicely free and open-source: DejaVu, Source Code Pro, Source Sans Pro, and 
 I put together a little tool that imports a TTF file and installs it in a 
 dedicated class. You can find a library of already imported fonts on 
 More details about this library can be found at:
 For example, you can use the SourceCodeProRegular font as a code font like:
 Gofer new
   smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'FreeFonts';
   package: 'SourceCodeProRegular';
 (Smalltalk at: #SourceCodeProRegular) new install.
 FreeTypeSystemSettings loadFt2Library: true.
 StandardFonts codeFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Code Pro' pointSize: 
 The Moose image already comes with a convenience method to set a complete 
 free type font set:
 MooseImageSetupCommandLineHandler new installFonts.
 Be rather willing to give than demanding to get.
 Moose-dev mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] [Moose-dev] font installer free type fonts

2013-05-14 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 12, 2013, at 8:18 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

 The fonts-related code is a bit too complex for my mind.

for mine too :)

 Semi bold is indeed not a FreeTypeFontFamily, but a FreeTypeFontFamilyMember.
 After loading the font, you can inspect it via:
 (LogicalFontManager current allFamilies 
   detect: [:each | each familyName = 'Source Code Pro' ])
   members detect: [ :each | each styleName = 'Semibold' ].
 You will see that it has a couple of integer values for: stretch, weight and 
 slant. The only way I could set a LogicalFont from outside was via these 
 values explicitly:
 StandardFonts codeFont: (LogicalFont
   familyName: 'Source Code Pro'
   pointSize: 10
   stretchValue: 5 
   weightValue: 600 
   slantValue: 0).
 I guess we need to review this part of Pharo.
 On May 11, 2013, at 5:39 PM, stephane ducasse 
 Hi doru
 How do you use SourceCodeProSemibold for example 
 StandardFonts codeFont: (LogicalFont
 familyName: 'Source Code Pro'
 pointSize: 10).
 Because there is no family name for semi bold
 On May 11, 2013, at 12:21 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
 To ease the transition to Athens, we need to get free type fonts in the 
 image. I researched a bit, and found a couple of font families that are 
 nicely free and open-source: DejaVu, Source Code Pro, Source Sans Pro, and 
 I put together a little tool that imports a TTF file and installs it in a 
 dedicated class. You can find a library of already imported fonts on 
 More details about this library can be found at:
 For example, you can use the SourceCodeProRegular font as a code font like:
 Gofer new
  smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'FreeFonts';
  package: 'SourceCodeProRegular';
 (Smalltalk at: #SourceCodeProRegular) new install.
 FreeTypeSystemSettings loadFt2Library: true.
 StandardFonts codeFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Code Pro' 
 pointSize: 10).
 The Moose image already comes with a convenience method to set a complete 
 free type font set:
 MooseImageSetupCommandLineHandler new installFonts.
 Be rather willing to give than demanding to get.
 Moose-dev mailing list
 Moose-dev mailing list
 If you can't say why something is relevant, 
 it probably isn't.
 Moose-dev mailing list

Re: [Pharo-project] [Lsehub-staff] AST-Navigation short demo

2013-05-13 Thread stephane ducasse

Did you implement an sender and implementors based on the selector (ast 
Did we replace the old one with this new one?


On May 8, 2013, at 2:03 PM, Gisela Decuzzi wrote:

 Hi! I've recorded the video as Damian suggested to show how to use the code 
 navigation based in the ast :)
 Here it's the video: (Sorry for my 
 And if you want to try:
 Gofer it
  url: '';
  package: 'ConfigurationOfNodeNavigation';
 ((Smalltalk globals at: #ConfigurationOfNodeNavigation) project version: 
 #development) load.
 A summary for the shortcuts:
 - going to the parent: ctrl + shift + p (command + shift + p for mac)
 - going to the first child: ctrl + shift + o (command + shift + o for mac)
 - going to same level node: ctrl + shift + u (command + shift + u for mac)
 It would be great to use the arrowUp or down, I want to check if it's easy to 
 make them work first and also make the navigation available for debugger, 
 workspace, message browser (...)

Re: [Pharo-project] [Pharo-users] the future of squeaksource

2013-05-12 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 7, 2013, at 5:19 PM, Andrei Vasile Chis 

 Hi all,
 Given that SmalltalkHub is now stable we were considering to discontinue 
 Our idea is to provide a grace period of a couple of months to allow the 
 current active users to migrate their projects to the new service and then 
 simply put squeaksource in read-only mode (simply exposing the directory 
 structure and allowing downloads).
 What do you think about it ?
 Are there any good reasons to still keep SqueakSource alive? 

Keep it alive so that we can slowly migrate. Because migrating takes a lot of 

 The SCG Team

Re: [Pharo-project] RFB in 2.0

2013-05-06 Thread stephane ducasse
this is called PharoExtras.


On May 6, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Norbert Hartl wrote:

 Am 03.05.2013 um 20:09 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck
 On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Norbert Hartl wrote:
 Am 03.05.2013 um 20:00 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck
 Hi Norbert,
 I would move it to its own new repo in SmalltalkHub.
 Ok, but then it goes under my private section, right?
 you can put it under PharoContributions team.
 How can I do that? I don't find anything like PharoContributions on 
 Also, I had another problem with RFB and the UIManager. The solution I 
 found was this one:
 I don't like it because I need to change Pharo's base source, but I didn't 
 spend time finding a better solution...I guess there is, though.
 The first line of code all my images (deployed on server using RFB) see is
 UIManager default: MorphicUIManager new.
 I was going to do that as well. But it is not clear to me WHERE you write 
 that line of code. Because even if you save the image with that, doesn't the 
 image set its own UI manager when booting?  So I guess you need to pass 
 around a script when running the image or something?
 What about adding RFB at startup list and implement #startUp doing  
 UIManager default: MorphicUIManager new. ?
 With that I don't have problems at all.
 On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Norbert Hartl wrote:
 I've found the problem. There is a FileDirectory access in 
 RFBSession#desktopName. Removing it makes RFB work.
 The current RFB sources are on Lukas' server. What do we do with that 
 stuff? Move to smalltalkhub? If not I can ask Lukas to give me write 
 permission. Just wanted to ask what kind of behaviour is en vogue this days.
 Am 03.05.2013 um 19:31 schrieb Norbert Hartl
  now I can tell that it isn't working for me either. Socket is open and 
  server is running. But there are immediate disconnects when trying to 
  connect to a pharo2.0 image.
  Did you figure it out?

Re: [Pharo-project] Programming interactions with State Machines

2013-05-06 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 6, 2013, at 2:31 AM, Carla F. Griggio wrote:

 Hello everyone!
 I'm here to tell you that I started experimenting with a Pharo implementation 
 of this idea: For those into UI 
 programming I really recommend reading the first paper cited in that page. 
 It's for programming user interface interactions with state machines, an 
 approach to avoid the classical callback spaghetti that sometimes we get 
 with event handlers everywhere.

This is looking interesting. Now we should check how it works with inheritance. 
Keep us posted about your progress.


 I have a tiny first step that shows an example for changing the color of a 
 button on mouse over and changing it back to the original color on mouse out.
 You can download the code from:
 Evaluate this for executing the example:
 SMButton openWithStateMachineInteraction
 And here is the code of the state machine for that example:
 SMButton class  openWithStateMachineInteraction
 |button stateMachine iddle hover |
 button := self new.
 stateMachine := SMStateMachine newForWidget: button.
 iddle := (SMState newWithName:'iddle')
 enter:[:stMachine | stMachine widget color: Color yellow ];
 addTransition: ((SMTransition forEvent: 'mouse enter' withOutputState: 
 transitionAction: [:stMachine | stMachine widget color: Color red ]).
 hover := (SMState newWithName:'hover')
 addTransition: (SMTransition forEvent: 'mouse out' withOutputState: 'iddle');
 addTransition: (SMTransition forEvent: 'mouse enter' withOutputState: 
 stateMachine addState: iddle; addState: hover.
 stateMachine attachTo: button.
 ^button openInWorld
 That code corresponds to the following states diagram:
 Screen Shot 2013-05-06 at 2.27.20 AM.png
 I will keep experimenting with this during the next weeks, and specially try 
 to compare the pros and cons with regular event handling.
 Something cool about this approach is that the same widget could change its 
 interactive behaviour on the fly by just attaching a different interaction 
 state machine to it :) 
 Also, I'm doing this for programming user interface interactions, but it 
 could be useful for anything that can be modelled with a state pattern.
 Is there something similar out there already working? I was so eager to try 
 this that I didn't look for related existing projects.

Re: [Pharo-project] about logCr: vs. log: vs. trace:/traceCr:

2013-05-06 Thread stephane ducasse
I think that Cr is useless because they are to separate line in text and I want 
to kill text and just get objects (that can produce text but from a list of 
objects I easily can add a cr between their printstring :)


On May 5, 2013, at 11:34 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

 On 05 May 2013, at 21:42, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
 Hi guys
 Stupidly I introduced log: a while ago to replace Transcript show:. Now is 
 the current situation.
 I still want to remove all the use of Transcript show:
 Now since I thought I did a mistake with log: because it overload 
 Integerlog: I introduced trace: and traceCr:
 Now I do not like traceCr: because it is not a cool message.
 So what do we do:
  1) we use crLog:, logCr: 
  and deprecated log: 
  2) we use crTrace:, trace: and traceCr: 
 I really prefer solution 1 but I would like to hear from you.
 I am for 1 as well, but I find #crLog: or #logCr: confusing - there should 
 only be one system wide approach.
 Also, whether or not to add a Cr to a log message (or before or after it) is 
 not a decision a client/user should have to make.
 Maybe Cr makes no sense, for example when log messages are added to a 
 So I am for #log: as a simple and clear message.
 The conflict with Number#log: is less important than that IMHO.
 Either we live with the conflict or we rename Number#log: to 
 Number#logBase: or something like that.
 I also like the convention of #value being sent by #log: to its argument. 
 That allows for blocks that are not evaluated when logging is disabled.
 My 2c.
 Sven Van Caekenberghe
 Smalltalk is the Red Pill

Re: [Pharo-project] about logCr: vs. log: vs. trace:/traceCr:

2013-05-06 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 6, 2013, at 7:16 AM, S Krish wrote:

 I mentioned in another thread. #crLog, #logCr are intuitive and perfectly 
 Also  hook Loggers first class into the system ( Toothpick ) and make it 
 default to Transcript with these messages routed to the Logger.
 Transcript cr / current #crLog is akin to cout / System.out.println .. mostly 
 deprecated in enterprise coding practices.

I want to kill all the Transcript show: as well as as the logCr: 
I started to work on that and when it will be ready for feedback I will 
announce it.

 On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 3:04 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
 On 05 May 2013, at 21:42, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
  Hi guys
  Stupidly I introduced log: a while ago to replace Transcript show:. Now is 
  the current situation.
  I still want to remove all the use of Transcript show:
  Now since I thought I did a mistake with log: because it overload 
  Integerlog: I introduced trace: and traceCr:
  Now I do not like traceCr: because it is not a cool message.
  So what do we do:
1) we use crLog:, logCr:
and deprecated log:
2) we use crTrace:, trace: and traceCr:
  I really prefer solution 1 but I would like to hear from you.
 I am for 1 as well, but I find #crLog: or #logCr: confusing - there should 
 only be one system wide approach.
 Also, whether or not to add a Cr to a log message (or before or after it) is 
 not a decision a client/user should have to make.
 Maybe Cr makes no sense, for example when log messages are added to a 
 So I am for #log: as a simple and clear message.
 The conflict with Number#log: is less important than that IMHO.
 Either we live with the conflict or we rename Number#log: to 
 Number#logBase: or something like that.
 I also like the convention of #value being sent by #log: to its argument.
 That allows for blocks that are not evaluated when logging is disabled.
 My 2c.
 Sven Van Caekenberghe
 Smalltalk is the Red Pill

Re: [Pharo-project] about logCr: vs. log: vs. trace:/traceCr:

2013-05-06 Thread stephane ducasse
Yes I have that in what I prepare.


On May 6, 2013, at 8:00 AM, Denis Kudriashov wrote:

 What about logging levels?
 I like logInfo:, logDebug:, logTrace:. Or maybe it is better to split 
 log with levels: self log info:, self log debug:, self log trace:
 Best regards,
 2013/5/5 Stéphane Ducasse
 Hi guys
 Stupidly I introduced log: a while ago to replace Transcript show:. Now is 
 the current situation.
 I still want to remove all the use of Transcript show:
 Now since I thought I did a mistake with log: because it overload 
 Integerlog: I introduced trace: and traceCr:
 Now I do not like traceCr: because it is not a cool message.
 So what do we do:
 1) we use crLog:, logCr:
 and deprecated log:
 2) we use crTrace:, trace: and traceCr:
 I really prefer solution 1 but I would like to hear from you.

Re: [Pharo-project] about logCr: vs. log: vs. trace:/traceCr:

2013-05-06 Thread stephane ducasse
 I assume crLog:/logCr: is a short and convenient form of something else. How 
 would these be called? Basically I want to log objects


 and only the default in Object should use Transcript in combination with 
 asString. On top of the short form a convenient selector that adds a line 
 ending makes sense. 

We are in sync :)

 There needs to be a getter for a log where one can attach all needs like 
 logging levels, log destinations, etc. So is the plan to have only the direct 
 replacement for Transcript show: or something that can be extended/used 


 And why do we use cr?

because of text :)
But since we will have objects :)

 I think it is pretty common to us NL = newline. Where does this come from? 
 Logically a carriage return enables you only to print something in bold 
 while newline enables you to print a whole page :)

Re: [Pharo-project] about logCr: vs. log: vs. trace:/traceCr:

2013-05-06 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 6, 2013, at 9:11 AM, Norbert Hartl wrote:

 Am 06.05.2013 um 08:00 schrieb Denis Kudriashov
 What about logging levels?
 I like logInfo:, logDebug:, logTrace:. Or maybe it is better to split 
 log with levels: self log info:, self log debug:, self log trace:
 I think that opens a can of worms. What Stef wants is a say something 
 method that is easy to use and commonly useful. Adding logging levels is a 
 specialized form of logging that is not commonly useful, it's just commonly 
 used in less reflective environments. 
 So my proposal would be to have an equivalent to self log where you can 
 return your own logging facility on which you can do self log info: 
 I changed my kind of logging some time ago. I just log objects. A log object 
 isn't much more than to put it on top of a collection. While I'm not using 
 strings for logging I have objects where I can attach all my use case 
 dependent stuff. You could even put something like a log level information in 
 those objects. 
 I log Errors as well as progress state objects,etc. It is easy to process the 
 whole log collection (now or afterwards) because all necessary state is still 


 Another reason why I don't like strings for that is that I put the log 
 messages as json in elasticsearch/mongo because I want to query them to find 
 errornous behaviour. Well, sometimes I do both: Store it in a database and 
 write it to disk. Because I don't convert it to a string at first possible 
 time I can do that easily. 
 We don't put sources in files so we shouldn't put log information only there. 
 Make logging information a first class citizen!

Yes this is what I'm doing right now. 
So back to coding…..
 Best regards,
 2013/5/5 Stéphane Ducasse
 Hi guys
 Stupidly I introduced log: a while ago to replace Transcript show:. Now is 
 the current situation.
 I still want to remove all the use of Transcript show:
 Now since I thought I did a mistake with log: because it overload 
 Integerlog: I introduced trace: and traceCr:
 Now I do not like traceCr: because it is not a cool message.
 So what do we do:
 1) we use crLog:, logCr:
 and deprecated log:
 2) we use crTrace:, trace: and traceCr:
 I really prefer solution 1 but I would like to hear from you.

Re: [Pharo-project] WhatsUp from: 2013-05-06 until: 2013-05-19

2013-05-06 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 6, 2013, at 7:00 AM, wrote:

 Hi! We're sending this automatic email twice a month, to give the community 
 an opportunity to easily know what's happening and to coordinate efforts.  
 Just answer informally, and feel free to spawn discussions thereafter!
 ### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:

- massively cleaned Pharo by example git repository and its clones.
- produced a first version of the spanish book (yes not just a collection of 
draft chapters)
- pushing Squeaksource/Pharo10 to smalltalkhub
- studying logging frameworks
- reviewing Zinc chapter on gutenberg
- produced a video of rolling dice in Pharo
- produced a chapter on dice rolling

 ### What's next, until 2013-05-19 (*):

- going back to hacking


Re: [Pharo-project] Pharo: an AMAZING community

2013-05-05 Thread stephane ducasse
I hope that it will help people in their business.


On May 5, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Max Leske wrote:

 Special thanks to Stef and all the guys at Lille. You're responsible for a 
 lot of the drive that we generate.
 On 05.05.2013, at 16:13, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
 I sometimes take for granted how extraordinary our community is. This
 morning, it sunk in a bit how magical it truly is... I brought up two issues
 I was having (not even bugs)... in the middle of the night... on a
 Saturday... And like the Smalltalk fairy had come and snuck a solution under
 my pillow while I dreamt, Sven and Benjamin added enhancements which solved
 my dilemma! Thank you both :) And thank you to everyone that's contributed
 over these years to make Pharo and its community so special :)
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-project] Sprint

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 4, 2013, at 12:11 AM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

 Thanks everybody for the great sprint!
 We fixed a lot of things today (incomplete list, please extend):
 - DateAndTime startup cleansing
 - Fixing and integrating the new EyeInspector
 - Fixing Monticello recategorization bug
 - Removal of RBSmallDictionary 
 - Removal of an old deadly Morphic Halo

 - Full documentation of the Fogbugz tracker statuses:
 - --help on the VM does an exit 0 instead of a failure (exit 1)
 - Monticello commit is no longer run in a separate thread, and thus the image 
 does no longer freeze
 - Newly added Monticello repositories are compared against existing ones and 
 thus not duplicated
 - Configuration and Jenkins job for Smalltalkhub
 I hope we can repeat such a sprint again with the same motivation!

Yes we should.


Re: [Pharo-project] How to Debug :D

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 4, 2013, at 1:04 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 Did i said already that i don't like how ASTInterpreter implemented? :)

We will let perfection for later :)

 Nevertheless, it is useful.. and this case clearly demonstrates that.
 On 4 May 2013 00:14, Clara Allende wrote:
 This is great news! Are you going to publish the code? it will come in handy
 for my summer of code :D
 Camillo has the image
 On 3 May 2013 03:21, stephane ducasse wrote:
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Camillo Bruni
 Subject: [Lsehub-staff] How to Debug :D
 Date: May 2, 2013 6:22:06 PM GMT+02:00
 To: RMoD private list
 Reply-To: RMoD private list
 Igor: Camillo can you help me debugging this strange athens rendering bug
 Cami: sure
 Igor: where do you think the bug is? The green path jumps if I change the
 Y coordinate and it shouldn't...
 Cami: no clue...
 Igor: Any clue how to get to the bug?
 Cami: let's use the ASTInterpreter to interpret two methods with different
 transformation matrices and see when they diverge.
 - after 1h comparing AST Debugger is ready
 - we run the two traces, they do NOT diverge = 
 Cairo, which was chosen as reference, did not properly draw the path!!!
 So we should publish the code of the ComparingInterpreter a bit and we
 can use it for a few more tasks in Pharo ;)
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] the newlist breaks the changesorter.

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse
forget it was fixed in latest…30

On May 4, 2013, at 10:02 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

 running out to do shopping.

Re: [Pharo-project] [update 3.0] #30100

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse

can you merge with my version of scriptloader next time you integrate?
Because my changes are not in.


On May 4, 2013, at 4:21 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:

 10501 EyeInspector grammar issue
 10504 minor cleaning of normalize:ticks:base:
 10516 clean up #refusesToAcceptCode
 10505 Time newLocal is not normalized west of Greenwich
 Diff information:!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Tools-MarcusDenker.1103!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Spec-Inspector-MarcusDenker.17!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Polymorph-Widgets-MarcusDenker.800!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Kernel-MarcusDenker.1423

Re: [Pharo-project] How to Debug :D

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse
I understand why he wants that :)
no stack explosion…


On May 4, 2013, at 12:37 PM, Clément Bera wrote:

 To be more precise, for the method :
 ^ 1 + 2
 AST will be :
/  \
   1   2
 AST Interpreter, to interpret ^, will do something like :
 start interpret ^
   interpret subnode of ^
   start interpret +
 interpret subnodes of +
   interpret 1
   interpret 2
 interpret + with subnodes interpretation result
   end interpret +
   interpret ^ with subnode interpretation result
 end interpret ^
 Igor would like to have a flatten AST that would be in an array like :
 #( 1  2  +  ^ )
 Then you can interpret it with a loop
 [currentASTNode hasNextNode] whileTrue: [ self interpret: currentASTNode 
 nextNode ].
 And interpretation looks like :
 interpret 2
 interpret 1
 interpret + with two precedent results on stack
 interpret ^ with precedent result on stack
 2013/5/4 Clément Bera
 2013/5/4 stephane ducasse
 On May 4, 2013, at 1:04 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
  Did i said already that i don't like how ASTInterpreter implemented? :)
 We will let perfection for later :)
 It is not a question of perfection or so.
 Igor does not like that we interpret recursively the AST instead of with a 
 loop (ASTInterpreterinterpret: calls itself again and again). He would like 
 to have a flatten-AST-interpreter, with a loop like: 
 [currentASTNode hasNextNode] whileTrue: [ self interpret: currentASTNode 
 nextNode ].
  But Camillo and I don't want that because it interprets a flatten AST, not a 
  Nevertheless, it is useful.. and this case clearly demonstrates that.
  On 4 May 2013 00:14, Clara Allende wrote:
  This is great news! Are you going to publish the code? it will come in 
  for my summer of code :D
  Camillo has the image
  On 3 May 2013 03:21, stephane ducasse wrote:
  Begin forwarded message:
  From: Camillo Bruni
  Subject: [Lsehub-staff] How to Debug :D
  Date: May 2, 2013 6:22:06 PM GMT+02:00
  To: RMoD private list
  Reply-To: RMoD private list
  Igor: Camillo can you help me debugging this strange athens rendering bug
  Cami: sure
  Igor: where do you think the bug is? The green path jumps if I change the
  Y coordinate and it shouldn't...
  Cami: no clue...
  Igor: Any clue how to get to the bug?
  Cami: let's use the ASTInterpreter to interpret two methods with different
  transformation matrices and see when they diverge.
  - after 1h comparing AST Debugger is ready
  - we run the two traces, they do NOT diverge = 
  Cairo, which was chosen as reference, did not properly draw the path!!!
  So we should publish the code of the ComparingInterpreter a bit and we
  can use it for a few more tasks in Pharo ;)
  Best regards,
  Igor Stasenko.
 Clément Béra
 Mate Virtual Machine Engineer
 Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq

Re: [Pharo-project] How to Debug :D

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse
can you explain?
Because I read something like that olong time ago and I forgot

On May 4, 2013, at 5:41 PM, Frank Shearar wrote:

 So use a trampoline. Then you can define your recursion naturally, in 
 constant stack space.
 On 04 May 2013, at 16:08, stephane ducasse wrote:
 I understand why he wants that :)
 no stack explosion…
 On May 4, 2013, at 12:37 PM, Clément Bera wrote:
 To be more precise, for the method :
 ^ 1 + 2
 AST will be :
/  \
   1   2
 AST Interpreter, to interpret ^, will do something like :
 start interpret ^
   interpret subnode of ^
   start interpret +
 interpret subnodes of +
   interpret 1
   interpret 2
 interpret + with subnodes interpretation result
   end interpret +
   interpret ^ with subnode interpretation result
 end interpret ^
 Igor would like to have a flatten AST that would be in an array like :
 #( 1  2  +  ^ )
 Then you can interpret it with a loop
 [currentASTNode hasNextNode] whileTrue: [ self interpret: currentASTNode 
 nextNode ].
 And interpretation looks like :
 interpret 2
 interpret 1
 interpret + with two precedent results on stack
 interpret ^ with precedent result on stack
 2013/5/4 Clément Bera
 2013/5/4 stephane ducasse
 On May 4, 2013, at 1:04 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
  Did i said already that i don't like how ASTInterpreter implemented? :)
 We will let perfection for later :)
 It is not a question of perfection or so.
 Igor does not like that we interpret recursively the AST instead of with a 
 loop (ASTInterpreterinterpret: calls itself again and again). He would 
 like to have a flatten-AST-interpreter, with a loop like: 
 [currentASTNode hasNextNode] whileTrue: [ self interpret: currentASTNode 
 nextNode ].
  But Camillo and I don't want that because it interprets a flatten AST, not 
 a tree.
  Nevertheless, it is useful.. and this case clearly demonstrates that.
  On 4 May 2013 00:14, Clara Allende wrote:
  This is great news! Are you going to publish the code? it will come in 
  for my summer of code :D
  Camillo has the image
  On 3 May 2013 03:21, stephane ducasse wrote:
  Begin forwarded message:
  From: Camillo Bruni
  Subject: [Lsehub-staff] How to Debug :D
  Date: May 2, 2013 6:22:06 PM GMT+02:00
  To: RMoD private list
  Reply-To: RMoD private list
  Igor: Camillo can you help me debugging this strange athens rendering 
  Cami: sure
  Igor: where do you think the bug is? The green path jumps if I change 
  Y coordinate and it shouldn't...
  Cami: no clue...
  Igor: Any clue how to get to the bug?
  Cami: let's use the ASTInterpreter to interpret two methods with 
  transformation matrices and see when they diverge.
  - after 1h comparing AST Debugger is ready
  - we run the two traces, they do NOT diverge = 
  Cairo, which was chosen as reference, did not properly draw the path!!!
  So we should publish the code of the ComparingInterpreter a bit and we
  can use it for a few more tasks in Pharo ;)
  Best regards,
  Igor Stasenko.
 Clément Béra
 Mate Virtual Machine Engineer
 Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq

Re: [Pharo-project] Pharo Logo SVG

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse
this is cool :)


On May 4, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 And here how it looks in Athens..
 yeah SVG importer needs more love, but my hands is too busy right now :(
 AthensSceneView new
   scene: (AthensSVGConverter fromFile: 'logo.svg');
 But this version of svg is much better, because old one contained
 bitmap data ... (brrr).
 Thanks for taking care!
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.
 Screen Shot 2013-05-04 at 7.43.25 PM.png

Re: [Pharo-project] Using Athens for real ...

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 4, 2013, at 7:22 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 On 4 May 2013 12:31, Camillo Bruni wrote:
 Yes that view is very neat! Especially for debugging, maintaining the
 Smalltalk immediate feedback principle :0
 and after i finish with path geometry calcucations, you can implement
 clickable things,
 no matter what their shape :)

arghh this is too cool :)
I want that ;D
The future will be massively fun :)

Re: [Pharo-project] How to Debug :D

2013-05-04 Thread stephane ducasse
Thanks.  This is CSP passing style? I thought it was different.
Now going to eat and after I will digest that.
Thanks for the snippet.


 A trampoline looks like this:
 Foo  trampoline: initialValue into: aUnaryBlock
| v |
v := [initialValue].
[v isBlock] whileTrue: [v := aUnaryBlock value: v value].
^ v.
 and then used:
 | f factorial |
 factorial := 1.
 f := Foo new.
 f trampoline: 10 into: [ :n |
n = 0
ifTrue: [factorial]
ifFalse: [factorial := factorial * n. [n - 1]]].
 The important thing is that the block returns a value for the base
 case/cases of the recursion, and a block that, when evaluated, will
 yield the next value on which to recurse. (So the block replaces the
 recursive call.)
 The trampoline thus turns the recursive algorithm into an iteration.
 On 4 May 2013 17:42, stephane ducasse wrote:
 can you explain?
 Because I read something like that olong time ago and I forgot
 On May 4, 2013, at 5:41 PM, Frank Shearar wrote:
 So use a trampoline. Then you can define your recursion naturally, in
 constant stack space.
 On 04 May 2013, at 16:08, stephane ducasse wrote:
 I understand why he wants that :)
 no stack explosion…
 On May 4, 2013, at 12:37 PM, Clément Bera wrote:
 To be more precise, for the method :
^ 1 + 2
 AST will be :
   /  \
  1   2
 AST Interpreter, to interpret ^, will do something like :
 start interpret ^
  interpret subnode of ^
  start interpret +
interpret subnodes of +
  interpret 1
  interpret 2
interpret + with subnodes interpretation result
  end interpret +
  interpret ^ with subnode interpretation result
 end interpret ^
 Igor would like to have a flatten AST that would be in an array like :
 #( 1  2  +  ^ )
 Then you can interpret it with a loop
 [currentASTNode hasNextNode] whileTrue: [ self interpret: currentASTNode
 nextNode ].
 And interpretation looks like :
 interpret 2
 interpret 1
 interpret + with two precedent results on stack
 interpret ^ with precedent result on stack
 2013/5/4 Clément Bera
 2013/5/4 stephane ducasse
 On May 4, 2013, at 1:04 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
 Did i said already that i don't like how ASTInterpreter implemented? :)
 We will let perfection for later :)
 It is not a question of perfection or so.
 Igor does not like that we interpret recursively the AST instead of with a
 loop (ASTInterpreterinterpret: calls itself again and again). He would
 like to have a flatten-AST-interpreter, with a loop like:
 [currentASTNode hasNextNode] whileTrue: [ self interpret: currentASTNode
 nextNode ].
 But Camillo and I don't want that because it interprets a flatten AST,
 not a tree.
 Nevertheless, it is useful.. and this case clearly demonstrates that.
 On 4 May 2013 00:14, Clara Allende wrote:
 This is great news! Are you going to publish the code? it will come in
 for my summer of code :D
 Camillo has the image
 On 3 May 2013 03:21, stephane ducasse
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Camillo Bruni
 Subject: [Lsehub-staff] How to Debug :D
 Date: May 2, 2013 6:22:06 PM GMT+02:00
 To: RMoD private list
 Reply-To: RMoD private list
 Igor: Camillo can you help me debugging this strange athens rendering
 Cami: sure
 Igor: where do you think the bug is? The green path jumps if I change
 Y coordinate and it shouldn't...
 Cami: no clue...
 Igor: Any clue how to get to the bug?
 Cami: let's use the ASTInterpreter to interpret two methods with
 transformation matrices and see when they diverge.
 - after 1h comparing AST Debugger is ready
 - we run the two traces, they do NOT diverge = 
 Cairo, which was chosen as reference, did not properly draw the
 So we should publish the code of the ComparingInterpreter a bit and
 can use it for a few more tasks in Pharo ;)
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.
 Clément Béra
 Mate Virtual Machine Engineer
 Bâtiment B 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq

[Pharo-project] How to Debug :D

2013-05-03 Thread stephane ducasse

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Camillo Bruni
 Subject: [Lsehub-staff] How to Debug :D
 Date: May 2, 2013 6:22:06 PM GMT+02:00
 To: RMoD private list
 Reply-To: RMoD private list
 Igor: Camillo can you help me debugging this strange athens rendering bug
 Cami: sure
 Igor: where do you think the bug is? The green path jumps if I change the Y 
 coordinate and it shouldn't...
 Cami: no clue...
 Igor: Any clue how to get to the bug?
 Cami: let's use the ASTInterpreter to interpret two methods with different 
 transformation matrices and see when they diverge.
 - after 1h comparing AST Debugger is ready
 - we run the two traces, they do NOT diverge = 
 Cairo, which was chosen as reference, did not properly draw the path!!!
 So we should publish the code of the ComparingInterpreter a bit and we
 can use it for a few more tasks in Pharo ;)

Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] GemStone/S product and team move to a dedicated company

2013-05-03 Thread stephane ducasse
this is cool :)


On May 3, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:

 If you haven't already heard, the GemStone/S team is becoming an independent 
 company after 3 years as part of VMware. The entire engineering team is 
 moving to GemTalk Systems[1].
 GemTalk Systems is completely focused on Smalltalk, GemStone/S and allied 
 I've published a blog post[2] with my take on the acquisition (short answer 
 is excited!), if you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me.

Re: [Pharo-project] How i can retrieve the global by its name?

2013-05-02 Thread stephane ducasse
+ 1
Let's propose a nice protocal and we use the rewrite tool for real!
This is also why I want 
instead of Transcript show: 


 Hi, all
 do not think that i am drunk or vent crazy, asking such silly
 question, which at best should be asked only by beginner :)
 I know the answer:
 Smalltalk at: #SomeName
 Smalltalk globals at: #SomeName
 what stroke me, just now, that both answers is wrong!
 It should be:
 #SomeName asGlobal
 (or suggest more appropriate/precise method name for a symbol)
 optionally, we could also have one, with handling absent case:
 #SomeName asGlobalIfAbsent: []
 same , but only if present:
 #SomeName asGlobalIfPresent: [:global | ]
 Currently, there is 941 references to 'Smalltalk' global in my pharo image.
 If we introduce this convenience method, it will shrink this number
 not saying that code will be more elegant and concise compare:
 (Smalltalk globals at: #Foo) doSomething
 #Foo asGlobal doSomething
 P.S. What really strikes me is why we don't have such method from very
 and instead refer to 'Smalltalk' all over the places.
 Some things are so deeply indoctrinated in our minds, that we don't
 even think that it can be different.
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] Moment of fun

2013-05-02 Thread stephane ducasse

 (UpdatingStringMorph on: otherMorph selector: #position) openInWorld.
 and then move otherMorph on screen
 (UpdatingStringMorph on: otherMorph selector: #extent) openInWorld.
 and then resize otherMorph
 2013/4/30 Stéphane Ducasse
 Hi guys
 I would like to build a small lectures based on all the small little crazy 
 expressions that we use
 StandardWindow allInstances do: #close.
 myObject pointersTo
 anObject become: String new.
 Do you have some cool expressions to share with me.

Re: [Pharo-project] How i can retrieve the global by its name?

2013-05-02 Thread stephane ducasse
 ConfigurationOfXYZ globalValue project bleedingEdge load.

#ConfigurationOfXYZ globalValue project bleedingEdge load.

may be 

#ConfigurationOfXYZ asClass


Re: [Pharo-project] How i can retrieve the global by its name?

2013-05-02 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 2, 2013, at 10:36 AM, Frank Shearar wrote:

 What's global? Even if you haven't implemented scoped environments,
 rather use a name that doesn't imply that you'll never have scoped

this is why I proposed asClass

Now asGlobal can be interpreted as as globally accessible stuff.

 #asClass sounds better, except for Guillermo's point about well-known
 things that aren't classes.
 On 2 May 2013 09:31, Nicolas Cellier 
 Sounds a bit like VW #{ }
 This sounds good to me, but don't use globalBinding, I would expect this one
 to answer the binding (Asociation) rather than the value.
 2013/5/2 Sven Van Caekenberghe
 On 02 May 2013, at 06:03, Igor Stasenko wrote:
 Hi, all
 do not think that i am drunk or vent crazy, asking such silly
 question, which at best should be asked only by beginner :)
 I know the answer:
 Smalltalk at: #SomeName
 Smalltalk globals at: #SomeName
 what stroke me, just now, that both answers is wrong!
 It should be:
 #SomeName asGlobal
 (or suggest more appropriate/precise method name for a symbol)
 ConfigurationOfXYZ globalValue project bleedingEdge load.
 ConfigurationOfXYZ globalValueIfPresent: [ :configuration | configuration
 project bleedingEdge load ]
 An alternative could be globalBinding, but that is more technical.
 #asGlobal sounds like a conversion, on the other hand it is an accepted
 optionally, we could also have one, with handling absent case:
 #SomeName asGlobalIfAbsent: []
 same , but only if present:
 #SomeName asGlobalIfPresent: [:global | ]
 Currently, there is 941 references to 'Smalltalk' global in my pharo
 If we introduce this convenience method, it will shrink this number
 not saying that code will be more elegant and concise compare:
 (Smalltalk globals at: #Foo) doSomething
 #Foo asGlobal doSomething
 P.S. What really strikes me is why we don't have such method from very
 and instead refer to 'Smalltalk' all over the places.
 Some things are so deeply indoctrinated in our minds, that we don't
 even think that it can be different.
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] How i can retrieve the global by its name?

2013-05-02 Thread stephane ducasse

 asGlobalOrSomethingLikeThat :-)


Re: [Pharo-project] How i can retrieve the global by its name?

2013-05-02 Thread stephane ducasse

 But today using Smalltalk everywhere means that we are always using the same 
 environment, and that does not look like a big deal to anybody :)...
 And then, that's easily solved by doing some simple stuff if you like specify 
 an environment, isn't it?
 self asClassInEnvironment: self class environment
 SymbolasClassInEnvironment: anEnvironment
 anEnvironment globals at: self

yes :)
something like that.


Re: [Pharo-project] froze image just

2013-05-02 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 2, 2013, at 2:50 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 On 2 May 2013 09:54, Henrik Johansen wrote:
 I am 99.99% sure it used to interrupt the GUI process if no other viable 
 candidate could be found, why change that?
 At least in my mind, if you hit cmd - dot, either you want to interrupt some 
 process blocking the UI on a higher priority, or you want the UI process 
 For everything else, there's the Process Browser.
 It was never like that.
 It was always looking for a process which is scheduled, but not
 interrupt process itself.
 usually that meant it interrupts things like finalization process,
 so i added logic to avoid interrupting it unless there's nothing else
 to interrupt.
 The problem is that if process is waiting for semaphore (and UI
 process doing it quite often)
 the interrupt handler cannot detect it. Because
 1) it is not scheduled
 2) even if you iterate over Process allInstances and ask #isSuspended
 to it, it will answer true
 while 1) is fine, 2) is a design flaw i am talking about:
 - there is no way to discriminate between process which waits on
 semaphore and suspended process (which has no chances to run unless
 you send #resume to it, and therefore no need to interrupt)

thanks for the explanation.

 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] 512 MB is not that much (Windows limit) WAS: RE: Opal Decompiler status

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse

I think that you have some points :)
Indeed for Moose we should pay attention because we often deploy on windows.

 I wouldn't oppose to having the sources (or the AST or whatever ;-) in 
 [object-]memory, although retaining the option of _also_ still writing all 
 the changes into an external changelog (in case of VM, or the less rare case, 
 Windows crashes).
 But no, we don't have enough memory (although now is perhaps the time to 
 announce that 64GB ought to be enough for anybody ;-))).
 (the $25 Raspi comes with 256MB, the $35 with 512MB.)
 Incidentally, ~512 MB is the max you can get on Windows (otherwise crash 
 after an ugly ~ 30 sec freeze; I checked sometime around the 2.0 release), 
 and this is not enough for some applications.
 The Moose people complained a few years back (unable to, on Windows, load a 
 large but otherwise fine image saved on Mac), the only solution offered was 
 change a #DEFINE or makefile or something like that and rebuild the VM, then 
 pray it works.
 Currently I avoid using Pharo in case I even suspect the app might come 
 anywhere near that limit (to avoid nasty surprises / hasty rewrites later).
 Only problems I've heard of concerning DLL's mapped at weird offsets in 
 address space (this was cited as reason for the memory limit) were related to 
 trojan horses / stealth viruses tampering with system, and anti-virus / 
 anti-malware SW doing basically the same ;-))) Or something getting loaded 
 really early, geting the DLL - in this case it was kernel.dll - mapped at 
 unusual offset which then got re-used for all other applications, but this 
 was mentioned in context where in the end they were unable to allocate 
 sufficiently large block of contiguous memory because something was siting in 
 the middle of address space - and i _think_ think it was concerning LuaJIT.
 Would it be possible to prod Jenkins to produce (additional) windows builds 
 with the limit lifted (or set to 2 GB; optionally perhaps a 1GB build) ? So 
 interested testers could try them - as the problem was reported as only 
 manifesting on some comps., while others ran completely fine. I think 
 somebody mentioned that thanks to Jenkins it is/will be a childs play to 
 add/clone another build(s).
yes this is a good idea.

 IMO it would be great to do some larger-scale testing whether this problem 
 still manifests itself and if so whether it could be worked around, or traced 
 to whatever fucks windows up so they load DLL into the middle of the address 
 space ... And lot more people would participate if build your own VM would 
 be an optional step (I know, it's not that hard, and setting up mingw or msvc 
 is not that hard either, but it takes a few hours to get it all up  running).
 I've played with (used to solve actual problems / write applications which 
 are used in production, i just got to choose the language ...) a LOT of prog. 
 langs, and I don't remember this problem mentioned elsewhere.

Clearly we pay the lag of not moving.
 For example SBCL, Smalltalk/X, Factor, SWI Prolog, Haskell (a few very 
 different - on the inside as much as on the outside - examples) are able to 
 utilise the whole 2GB (if your windows are configured to the standard 2GB/2GB 
 user/kernel space split). Even that abomination that starts with letter J and 
 is touted as The_Only_VM_and_Language is able to utilize ~1.5 GB on a 32bit 

Yes they probably put also lot of money on the table.

 I'd be able  willing to test on XP/32 and Win7/32+64. I can even test on 
 ~300 machines, although there are only a few hardware configurations, and all 
 are installed according to the same template and mainly use the same software 
 and antivirus. So it's probably not nearly as interesting as 30 totally 
 random machines ...
 Anybody else thinks this sounds like a good idea ? 


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Marcus 
 Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Opal Decompiler status
 On Apr 27, 2013, at 6:42 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
 Thanks Marcus.
 I'm among the skepticals concerning the AST, but I'd like to be proven 
 wrong, because AST level would certainly simplify things a lot.
 My main reserve is that interruption can occur at BC level, so for debugging 
 purpose, what are your plans?
 Will you move the PC at some AST node boundary (if it is possible given side 
 effects of some BC)?
 For the Debugger, everything stays as it is (until Pharo 4 or so). if you 
 look at it, the current Debugger never decompiles if there is source 
 It *compiles* to get 
   - the mapping BC - text 
   - the information how temporary variables in the byte code are 
 actually related to temps in the source.
   (this is very complex, 

Re: [Pharo-project] froze image just

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 1, 2013, at 2:31 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 On 30 April 2013 22:44, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
 trying to publish a slice on my harddisc without network….
 and I could not interrupt anything.
 No cmd+. no interdiction sign did anything :(
 So is it normal?
 Not being able to interrupt something is a pain.
 the problem stems from the point that when you press cmd+.
 an interrupt process logic looking for some other active process
 to stop it..
 now since UI process blocked by semaphore, as well as rest,
 it finds nothing to interrupt and ignores it :)
 i think we should think about it, like putting synthesized context
 with '1halt', to UI process, so when it will awake, it will be halted.
 Or... if interrupt handler found nothing,  then always spawn new UI process
 opening debugger on old one.

Yes igor because the experience is not good.

I added
so that we do not forget it


 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] Moment of fun

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse
I was more thinking in something useful :)

On Apr 30, 2013, at 11:07 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:

 On Apr 30, 2013, at 10:56 PM, Stéphane Ducasse 
  anObject become: String new.
 for become: related teaching, this is fun:
   #thisIsMagiC  isSymbol ifTrue: [#thisIsMagiC become: #(0)].
   #thisIsMagiC at: 1 put: (#thisIsMagiC at: 1) +1.
   ^#thisIsMagiC first.

Re: [Pharo-project] date and time delays

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 1, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

 How far is the fix, can I download it somewhere and test it?

the changes of nicolas are nice and we should integrate them.

 I still think I get very strange side-effects from the waiting
 delay processes :P

Re: [Pharo-project] froze image just

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse
Yes :)
Same behavior here
On May 1, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:

 Btw. Waiting for network timeout doesn't work. That is to say, waiting a 
 night is not long enough
 Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

Re: [Pharo-project] SUnit design question

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse
Indeed it would be nice to have.

On May 1, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

 I'm not sure if I asked that question before, but why is there no
 dedicated TestRunner model in SUnit? (detailed question further down)
 There is a TestRunner but that is clearly a UI part.
 We have right now 2 places in the system where that would come in
 handy: HDTestReport and the CommandLineTestRunner.
 Both places modify the output of the test runner, so to say instrument
 the test runs.

Re: [Pharo-project] froze image just

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse
I created a slice then pressed save when clicking on the package cache and I 
was on the train my connection was flaky.
So I should retry to see if I cut internet I get the same behavior

On May 1, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

 On 01 May 2013, at 14:06, stephane ducasse wrote:
 Yes :)
 Same behavior here
 On May 1, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
 Btw. Waiting for network timeout doesn't work. That is to say, waiting a 
 night is not long enough
 Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
 Well, Stephan or Stéphane, give us/me a repeatable use case on Mac OS X 
 (preferably using latest VM and 2.0) where you are sure a network timeout 
 should occur and it doesn't.  It has to include a description of what is 
 precisely 'no network'.
 I know it is not perfect, but to make any progress we need something concrete.

Re: [Pharo-project] [update 3.0] #30080

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse

 10461 Fixes for NewList
 10432 Move API of Decompiler to Compiler facade
 10465 Better syntax hilighting of start of existing identifier
 that one too! :) I just noticed :)


try it first :).
Ideally I would like to be able to express that the incomplete should just be 
italic of the 
plain one but this is not simple to express.


Re: [Pharo-project] Moment of fun

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse
Yes! That's a great one :)
I added to my presentation. 

On May 1, 2013, at 6:38 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

 I really love the use of fuel to serialize errors on the build server:
   some code causing an error
Error signal
 ] on: Error do: [ :error |
FLSerializer serialize: error toFileNamed: 'error.fuel' ]
 Then in a new image open a debugger on the serialized error:
 error := FLMaterializer materializeFromFileNamed: 'error.fuel'.
 error debug.

Re: [Pharo-project] Moment of fun

2013-05-01 Thread stephane ducasse

On May 1, 2013, at 7:01 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

 Yes, great superpowers!
 A bit more lightweight and efficient than abort(); gdb myApp core
 A small reminder for myself:
 (Delay forSeconds: 2 hours asSeconds) wait.
 WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: [ UIManager default inform: 'You''re 
 Smalltalking too much
 There are other nice things worth in life' ].
 ] fork

I added that one too :)


Re: [Pharo-project] about Pharo 3.0 :)

2013-04-30 Thread stephane ducasse
imagine soon athens :)


On Apr 30, 2013, at 1:06 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 On 30 April 2013 07:50, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
 Hi guys
 I thought that Pharo 20 got a lot of improvements but when I see Pharo 30, it 
 feels like Pharo 30 is already a big step
 forward. This is really positive energy. When fernando will arrive we will 
 move some efforts to Morphic
 so thanks you all for this cool feeling.
 Yes, Opal opened doors for so many improvements...
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] dynamic spec contents

2013-04-30 Thread stephane ducasse

we should add that to the spec chapter.
Can you log it somewhere and one day :) we pair write it :).


On Apr 30, 2013, at 4:20 PM, Benjamin 

 I just added two new examples in Spec-Examples-PolyWidgets 
 It should be soon in Pharo ^^
 On Apr 30, 2013, at 2:27 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:
 Clement and I are working on the new Inspectors/Debuggers and we would like 
 dynamically change spec widgets on the fly.
 Is there an example of that somewhere?

Re: [Pharo-project] Generalizing Keymapping idea

2013-04-29 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 29, 2013, at 9:24 AM, Denis Kudriashov wrote:

 Do you think about generalizing Keymapping idea on any event combinations 
 (not just keyboard)? 
 So we can write code like
 morph on: Mouse click ctrl do: []
 morph on: $a click ctrl do: []
 morph on: Mouse move shift + $b do: []
 morph on: Gesture cicle shift + $x do: [] 

I like the idea but I would really like that we do not overload on:do: 

 I think with such approach we can remove all morph overrides like 
 #mouseDown:, #mouseUp. And it will big cleanup of morphic code. You know how 
 many equal methods we have for each kind of event (handlesMouseDown:, 
 handleMouseDown:, mouseDown: , etc).
 Best regards,

Re: [Pharo-project] rubric performace

2013-04-29 Thread stephane ducasse
doru can you reproduce your crash?
Because igor asked and I did not see your answer.


On Apr 25, 2013, at 12:03 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

 I did a little experiment to check the performance of Rubric when dealing 
 with large content. And by large, I mean 45 MB  or about 15 million lines of 
 I opened the file in several other editors:
 - TextMate: 10s + the text is wrapped and can be browsed smoothly
 - Sublime Text 2: 10s + the text is wrapped and can be browsed smoothly
 - Eclipse: 5s + browsing is very slow (so it is basically useless)
 How did Rubric perform:
 - When opened with unwrapped lines: 33s + the text can be browsed smoothly
 - When opened with wrapped lines - Pharo crashed :(
 In any case, I think being 3 times slower (even if without wrapping) than 
 TextMate is highly exciting. Great job Alain. 
 If you want to reproduce the experiment, here is the Smalltalk snippet I used:
 Gofer new 
   smalltalkhubUser: 'AlainPlantec' project: 'Rubric';
   package: 'Rubric-AlainPlantec.26';
   contents := ((FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'src' / 'ArgoUML-0-34' 
 / 'output.mse') readStreamDo: #contents).
   windowWithScrolledText: (
   RubLipsumBasicExample new
   string: contents; 
] timeToRun 
 What we can governs what we wish.

Re: [Pharo-project] rubric performace

2013-04-29 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 29, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:

 I tried but could not :(. I tried multiple times to load the file and go 
 around the out of memory limitation and then at some random point, Pharo 
 crashed. I was on Mac when I did the experiment. If I get more info I will 
 let you know.
 On Apr 29, 2013, at 8:44 PM, stephane ducasse 
 doru can you reproduce your crash?
 Because igor asked and I did not see your answer.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 12:03 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
 I did a little experiment to check the performance of Rubric when dealing 
 with large content. And by large, I mean 45 MB  or about 15 million lines 
 of text.
 I opened the file in several other editors:
 - TextMate: 10s + the text is wrapped and can be browsed smoothly
 - Sublime Text 2: 10s + the text is wrapped and can be browsed smoothly
 - Eclipse: 5s + browsing is very slow (so it is basically useless)
 How did Rubric perform:
 - When opened with unwrapped lines: 33s + the text can be browsed smoothly
 - When opened with wrapped lines - Pharo crashed :(
 In any case, I think being 3 times slower (even if without wrapping) than 
 TextMate is highly exciting. Great job Alain. 
 If you want to reproduce the experiment, here is the Smalltalk snippet I 
 Gofer new 
 smalltalkhubUser: 'AlainPlantec' project: 'Rubric';
 package: 'Rubric-AlainPlantec.26';
 contents := ((FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'src' / 'ArgoUML-0-34' 
 / 'output.mse') readStreamDo: #contents).
 windowWithScrolledText: (
 RubLipsumBasicExample new
 string: contents; 
  ] timeToRun 
 What we can governs what we wish.
 From an abstract enough point of view, any two things are similar.

Re: [Pharo-project] Trying to understand DateAndTime

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse
thanks a lot!
Friday we have an official sprint so I'm sure that this issue will be 


 See and corresponding SLICE in 
 3.0 inbox
 Note: I don't know what is the policy with the labels/states of these bug 
 tracker, and it rather bothers me, but the SLICE is ready for tests/reviews.
 2013/4/27 Nicolas Cellier
 There is more:
 1) hasEqualTicks: use julianDayNumber instead of julianDayNumberUTC
 2) (Time dateAndTime now) interprets the (Time localSeconds) which are from 
 the wrong primitive (seconds ellapsed since squeak epoch translated to local 
 time) as seconds ellapsed since squeak Epoch (UTC time).
 We should really ban the old primitive 137 and only use the new one (240 
 which works with UTC microseconds).
 I think Camillo did a good job, but he stopped cleaning too soon.
 Ah, young guys are so impatient to invent the future ;)
 2013/4/27 stephane ducasse
 On Apr 27, 2013, at 6:33 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
  Since DateAndTime comment is out of date (sic !) and current implementation 
  seems not free of bug, here is an effort to summarize and understand the 
  whole thing, let's call this a review.
 Thanks this is a great initiative!
  Please tell me where my interpretations are wrong.
  1) The DateAndTime is stored internally as
  - a point in UTC time (julianDayNumber, seconds, nanos)
  - an offset from UTC (a Duration) denoting the local time zone
  2) The ticks method returns the UTC part {julianDayNumber. seconds. nanos}
  3) DateAndTime print themselves in local time using the offset
  4) other methods (with some exceptions) return the local dateAndTime parts 
  (year month day hours minutes seconds)
  Exceptions are:
  - secondsSinceMidnight (which should be renamed secondsSinceMidnightUTC 
  IMO, even if the method is classified private)
  - julianDayNumberUTC as the name tells
  So far so good (but secondsSinceMidnight which is error prone)
  What I find strange:
  - #hash uses the offset... Why ???
  d1 := DateAndTime now.
  d2 := d1 offset: d1 offset + 1 hours.
  d1 = d2.
  d1 hash = d2 hash.
  gives  #(true false), a clue?
  - # compares julianDayNumber (the UTC inst. var.) with otherDate 
  julianDayNumber (with otherDate local offset) which seems wrong, it should 
  better use julianDayNumberUTC or (normalized) ticks.
  - #= could be simplified and accelerated if using #hasEqualTicks: (if the 
  ticks are correctly normalized though which would be the case since 
  #ticks:offset: does, unfortunately #setJdn:seconds:nanos:offset: does not).
  Some senders of #setJdn:seconds:nanos:offset: don't normalize the 
  day/seconds/nanos, though it should be their responsibility (DateAndTime 
  todayAtMilliSeconds: xxx) (DateAndTime todayAtNanoSeconds: xxx), not 
  counting year:month:day:hour:minute:second:nanoSecond:offset: which does 
  not either (many senders...).
  Maybe we should better let the normalization responsibility to 
  It remain to analyze the conversion protocol (asYear etc...) which seems to 
  use the local time year, but I don't understand the whole Timespan thing 
  right now (why DateAndTime now asYear starts now, and not on january 1st?).

Re: [Pharo-project] [Ann] TxText. New text editor done!

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse

 Hi denis
 Alain is gone on vacation but it told me that if you code scale he will throw 
 away what he did :)
 May be the decorators that alain wrote can be merged.
 In any case this is excellent to get a better system.
 Yes. This is why I work on this project. 
 But my first proposals was not make editor for large text. I actually not 
 think about it at all. 
 My main idea is make clean and extendible text editor. So anybody can 
 understand how layout built, where text insertion happens, how it processed, 
 how cursor wors and etc. I want text editor which is not required hacks to 
 simple tasks like allow only numbers, hide cursor, disable text selection, 
 make masked input, make smart completions and etc.

Yes I like the idea.

Now if our clients cannot use our tools then we will survive long :).
And this is better for Pharo that we get rich :)


Re: [Pharo-project] Why keymap modifiers change receiver instead of return new instance?

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse
 I found this:
 shortcut := $a ctrl.
 self assert: shortcut == shortcut shift
 Why modifiers change receiver state instead of create new instance?

I can understand since they modify the shortcut.

 To me it is very bad unexpected behaviour.


 There is another example:
 shortcut := $a ctrl.
 self assert: shortcut == (KMModifier shift + shortcut)
 Yes. Such operation modified argument of message #+. What the crapp! Why it 
 not returns new instance?
 I hope you agree to change this behaviour

Re: [Pharo-project] Trying to understand DateAndTime

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse
could you review the changes of nicolas - I was planning to do it now but I'm 
dead so I will do it but with half of my mind.
Because may be this is better to integrate his changes then do another pass 


On Apr 28, 2013, at 3:38 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 On 28 April 2013 08:41, stephane ducasse wrote:
 thanks a lot!
 Friday we have an official sprint so I'm sure that this issue will be
 yes. and i hope i will put my changes into the soup as well.
 (i did not published them, and some bits are unfinished).
 See and corresponding SLICE in
 3.0 inbox
 Note: I don't know what is the policy with the labels/states of these bug
 tracker, and it rather bothers me, but the SLICE is ready for tests/reviews.
 2013/4/27 Nicolas Cellier
 There is more:
 1) hasEqualTicks: use julianDayNumber instead of julianDayNumberUTC
 2) (Time dateAndTime now) interprets the (Time localSeconds) which are
 from the wrong primitive (seconds ellapsed since squeak epoch translated to
 local time) as seconds ellapsed since squeak Epoch (UTC time).
 We should really ban the old primitive 137 and only use the new one (240
 which works with UTC microseconds).
 I think Camillo did a good job, but he stopped cleaning too soon.
 Ah, young guys are so impatient to invent the future ;)
 2013/4/27 stephane ducasse
 On Apr 27, 2013, at 6:33 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
 Since DateAndTime comment is out of date (sic !) and current
 implementation seems not free of bug, here is an effort to summarize and
 understand the whole thing, let's call this a review.
 Thanks this is a great initiative!
 Please tell me where my interpretations are wrong.
 1) The DateAndTime is stored internally as
 - a point in UTC time (julianDayNumber, seconds, nanos)
 - an offset from UTC (a Duration) denoting the local time zone
 2) The ticks method returns the UTC part {julianDayNumber. seconds.
 3) DateAndTime print themselves in local time using the offset
 4) other methods (with some exceptions) return the local dateAndTime
 parts (year month day hours minutes seconds)
 Exceptions are:
 - secondsSinceMidnight (which should be renamed secondsSinceMidnightUTC
 IMO, even if the method is classified private)
 - julianDayNumberUTC as the name tells
 So far so good (but secondsSinceMidnight which is error prone)
 What I find strange:
 - #hash uses the offset... Why ???
 d1 := DateAndTime now.
 d2 := d1 offset: d1 offset + 1 hours.
d1 = d2.
d1 hash = d2 hash.
 gives  #(true false), a clue?
 - # compares julianDayNumber (the UTC inst. var.) with otherDate
 julianDayNumber (with otherDate local offset) which seems wrong, it should
 better use julianDayNumberUTC or (normalized) ticks.
 - #= could be simplified and accelerated if using #hasEqualTicks: (if
 the ticks are correctly normalized though which would be the case since
 #ticks:offset: does, unfortunately #setJdn:seconds:nanos:offset: does 
 Some senders of #setJdn:seconds:nanos:offset: don't normalize the
 day/seconds/nanos, though it should be their responsibility (DateAndTime
 todayAtMilliSeconds: xxx) (DateAndTime todayAtNanoSeconds: xxx), not
 counting year:month:day:hour:minute:second:nanoSecond:offset: which does 
 either (many senders...).
 Maybe we should better let the normalization responsibility to
 It remain to analyze the conversion protocol (asYear etc...) which
 seems to use the local time year, but I don't understand the whole 
 thing right now (why DateAndTime now asYear starts now, and not on january
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] [update 3.0] #30069

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse
We should really ask nicolas to check why the diff is broken because it was 
really nice to be able to follow changes.

On Apr 28, 2013, at 7:35 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:

 10423 simplify #firstPrecodeCommentFor:
 10426 move #parseSelector to Compiler
 Diff information:!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Traits-MarcusDenker.481!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Tools-MarcusDenker.1085!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/System-Changes-MarcusDenker.200!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/System-FilePackage-MarcusDenker.76!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/NautilusRefactoring-MarcusDenker.87!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Kernel-MarcusDenker.1389!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/DebuggerModel-MarcusDenker.29!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Compiler-MarcusDenker.407!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/AST-Core-MarcusDenker.138

Re: [Pharo-project] [Ann] TxText. New text editor done!

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 28, 2013, at 7:47 PM, Denis Kudriashov wrote:

 I upload new version 0.7:
 - clipboard operations
 - more navigation shortcuts
 - fixed bugs when editing text from start or end text positions
 - optimized text drawing to draw only visible lines
 - optimized TxIntervalcontains:. So now #newTextContents: works on big 
 With this version I again investigate beautiful morphic events code (you 
 should install slice 10427).
 I add shortcuts Character end ctrl and Character home ctrl to move cursor 
 at text end and start. And it was not work.
 I debug what happens and KeyboardEvent from Character home ctrl was printed 
 as ctrl+d. What's the crap!
 Ok I found this code:
 self flag: #hack.
 Hack me.  When Ctrl is pressed, the key ascii value is not right and we 
 have to do something ugly
 ^(self controlKeyPressed and: [ (#(MacOSX Windows) includes: Smalltalk os 
 current platformFamily) and: [ keyValue = 26 ]])
 ifTrue: [ (self keyValue + $a asciiValue - 1) asCharacter ]
 ifFalse: [ self keyCharacter ]

As igor said this is not that we do not want but we have to pay attention to 
our ressources.

 I don't know why such complicated code needed but with only ^self 
 keyCharacter you will replace many standart shortcuts with some random 
 So I just extract special logic to method and put here special checking for 
 home and end characters:
 4 - Character end
 1 - Character home
 ^ self controlKeyPressed and: [ keyValue = 26  (keyValue ~= 4)  
 (keyValue ~= 1) ]
 And I remove dublication in printing keyboard event.
 Slice with fix here Should I put 
 it at configuration dependency?
 I read about new events system at pharo vision. Is new system will remove 
 such hacks?

Re: [Pharo-project] Trying to understand DateAndTime

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse

I read all the slice and I like it (even if they are place where I do not get 
fully it :).
I'm dead. So may be this is obvious but I do not understand the or: logic
If the seconds is negative I do not understand what is happening.

(NanosInSecond = nanos or: [ nanos  0 ])
ifTrue: [
seconds := seconds + (nanos // NanosInSecond).
nanos := nanos \\ NanosInSecond].
(SecondsInDay = seconds or: [ seconds  0 ])
ifTrue: [
julianDayNumber := julianDayNumber + (seconds // 
seconds := seconds \\ SecondsInDay].


On Apr 28, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

 Yes, this was valid when jdn, seconds and nanos where maintained in local 
 2013/4/28 Paul DeBruicker
 Nicolas Cellier wrote
  What I find strange:
  - #hash uses the offset... Why ???
 Maybe because of this:
 which you fixed here:
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-project] Trying to understand DateAndTime

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 28, 2013, at 11:19 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

 \\ returns a positive remainder.
  -1 \\ 86400 - 86399
  -1 // 86400 - -1

Yes I saw that and now I realized I understand it. 
But funnily I did not notice the difference between the use of // and \\ 
 So the jdn is decremented and seconds are correctly normalized.
 2013/4/28 stephane ducasse
 I read all the slice and I like it (even if they are place where I do not get 
 fully it :).
 I'm dead. So may be this is obvious but I do not understand the or: logic
 If the seconds is negative I do not understand what is happening.
   (NanosInSecond = nanos or: [ nanos  0 ])
   ifTrue: [
   seconds := seconds + (nanos // NanosInSecond).
   nanos := nanos \\ NanosInSecond].
   (SecondsInDay = seconds or: [ seconds  0 ])
   ifTrue: [
   julianDayNumber := julianDayNumber + (seconds // 
   seconds := seconds \\ SecondsInDay].
 On Apr 28, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
 Yes, this was valid when jdn, seconds and nanos where maintained in local 
 2013/4/28 Paul DeBruicker
 Nicolas Cellier wrote
  What I find strange:
  - #hash uses the offset... Why ???
 Maybe because of this:
 which you fixed here:
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-project] [update 3.0] #30069

2013-04-28 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 28, 2013, at 11:33 PM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

 stephane ducasse wrote
 We should really ask nicolas to check why the diff is broken
 I mentioned a few times that it seems that it fails when none of the package
 version's ancestors are present on stub. e.g. from,!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Spec-Layout-MarcusDenker.39
 works but the others do not.

I really have to check because ideally I would like to send them to the list,

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-project] [update 3.0] #30066

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse
marcus do you know why the diff does not work with SmalltalkHub?

On Apr 26, 2013, at 5:43 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:

 10401 Add Amber BlockClosure asynchronous methods into Pharo
 10418 cleanUp #methodHeaderFor:
 10419 Remove CompiledMethodWithNode (part 2)
 Diff information:!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Traits-MarcusDenker.475!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Tools-MarcusDenker.1083!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Kernel-MarcusDenker.1382!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Compiler-MarcusDenker.400

Re: [Pharo-project] [Ann] TxText. New text editor done!

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse
Denis did you see the benchs that doru tried to see if we can use Rubric?
Because it is interesting to see if we can load and manipulate really large 

Now it would be good that alain releases Rubric with a stable version and check 
how to take advantage of the new TextMorph.


On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:19 PM, Denis Kudriashov wrote:

 Hi guys. 
 I'm happy to announce that new text editor based on new text model done. You 
 can load configuration from!/~sig/TxText. Last 
 version: 0.6.
 See class side example methods.
 What available now in TxTextMorph:
 - cursor navigation with move left, right, down, up and mouse click
 - text selection with move left, right, down, up and mouse movement
 - editing by keyboard input
 - text wrap
 - #addCursor/#removeCursor 
 - #enableSelection.
 - #beEditable
 - all keyboard interractions based on shortcuts
 Little details about navigation and editing:
 There is TxEditor object which know about cursor position and text selection. 
 Text morph ask him to perform all navigation and editing behaviour. 
 It has cursorMode which knows how to change editor selection when cursor 
 moved. Editor delegates all move actions to cursorPosition by 
 #doesNotUnderstand method. It is simplified adding new navigation methods. 
 For example see TxTextMorphenableSelection
 aTxTextMorphmoveEditorOn: Character arrowLeft by: #moveLeft.
 This expression adds two shortcuts: to move editor left and to select text 
 left (when selectionModeModifier active).
 What next:
 - Remains standart navigation and editing features like copy/paste, move to 
 line end, to text end and etc.
 - halo menu items to edit text and layout properties
 - Edit decorators to get mask behaviour like (999)***-**-**, pretty numbers 
 like 1'000'000, secrete field like ***
 - Value specs to filter inserted text (only numbers, only english and etc)
 There are some problems with focus behaviour now. And drawing text morph with 
 transparent back color works bad. It will be cool if somebody with good 
 knowledge at this topics can fix it.
 Best regards,

Re: [Pharo-project] Smart Suggestion Version 1

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 26, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Gisela Decuzzi wrote:

 2013/4/24 stephane ducasse
 What would be cool is to have a way to select the enclosing expression but 
 you know it:)
 Now I'm selecting the node from the expression where you asked for 
 suggestions... I'm looking to for underline the scope but it's an advance.
 Also if you want to try it's working in Rubric text editor example (but only 
 throw the menu).

I should look at it :)

Re: [Pharo-project] [Ann] TxText. New text editor done!

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse
Thanks for your energy, alain told me that he will also have a look.
This is good to see movement from this front.
Having a scalable texteditor with rich editing capabilities (icons, line 
number) is important for Moose and synectique.
Also the new generation code browser will benefit from this new TextMorph.

On Apr 27, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Denis Kudriashov wrote:

 2013/4/27 Denis Kudriashov
 2013/4/27 stephane ducasse
 Denis did you see the benchs that doru tried to see if we can use Rubric?
 Because it is interesting to see if we can load and manipulate really large 
 Now it would be good that alain releases Rubric with a stable version and 
 check how to take advantage of the new TextMorph.
 I saw his post. 
 And just now I check this test with TxTextMorph with unwrapped strategy. 
 Similar results like at Rubric test. nearly 30 secs.
 I generate 50 mb string  with almost million lines:
 TxModel building get 10 seconds. Layout building get 20 seconds.
 I found that Tudor wrote about 15 million lines. 
 So I change my test and now I have OutOfMemotyWarning. It raised on splitting 
 given string on lines. Obviously building text model should be optimized by 
 work with stream.

Re: [Pharo-project] [Ann] TxText. New text editor done!

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse
Hi denis

Alain is gone on vacation but it told me that if you code scale he will throw 
away what he did :)
May be the decorators that alain wrote can be merged.
In any case this is excellent to get a better system.


On Apr 27, 2013, at 5:17 PM, Denis Kudriashov wrote:

 I should say it is not difficult to do with current design. I were
 think about it and current layout building logic requires little
 changes, maybe just one spesific method.
 But there is cases where any text change required rebuilding full
 layout. Fo example, single line text with wrapping mode.
 2013/4/27, Igor Stasenko
 Very impressive progress, Denis! :)
 I going to finish low-level stuff in Athens (path approximation /
 point location)
 and then go straight to text rendering with existing Text.
 Next stage will be to take TxText model and provide rendering for it
 with Athens,
 as well as review the code.
 About text editing and re-layout.
 It should be possible that any local update (which affecting only
 single character span or multiple adjusted character spans will
 require only local recalculations of text layout). Otherwise there is
 no reason why in our model we don't keep whole text in single big
 buffer (like Text does).
 Splitting text on multiple spans was the reason to make local layout
 updates possible.
 But i know it is not that easy to do :)
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] Trying to understand DateAndTime

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 27, 2013, at 6:33 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

 Since DateAndTime comment is out of date (sic !) and current implementation 
 seems not free of bug, here is an effort to summarize and understand the 
 whole thing, let's call this a review.

Thanks this is a great initiative!

 Please tell me where my interpretations are wrong.
 1) The DateAndTime is stored internally as
 - a point in UTC time (julianDayNumber, seconds, nanos)
 - an offset from UTC (a Duration) denoting the local time zone
 2) The ticks method returns the UTC part {julianDayNumber. seconds. nanos}
 3) DateAndTime print themselves in local time using the offset
 4) other methods (with some exceptions) return the local dateAndTime parts 
 (year month day hours minutes seconds)
 Exceptions are:
 - secondsSinceMidnight (which should be renamed secondsSinceMidnightUTC IMO, 
 even if the method is classified private)
 - julianDayNumberUTC as the name tells
 So far so good (but secondsSinceMidnight which is error prone)
 What I find strange:
 - #hash uses the offset... Why ???
 d1 := DateAndTime now.
 d2 := d1 offset: d1 offset + 1 hours.
 d1 = d2.
 d1 hash = d2 hash.
 gives  #(true false), a clue?
 - # compares julianDayNumber (the UTC inst. var.) with otherDate 
 julianDayNumber (with otherDate local offset) which seems wrong, it should 
 better use julianDayNumberUTC or (normalized) ticks.
 - #= could be simplified and accelerated if using #hasEqualTicks: (if the 
 ticks are correctly normalized though which would be the case since 
 #ticks:offset: does, unfortunately #setJdn:seconds:nanos:offset: does not).
 Some senders of #setJdn:seconds:nanos:offset: don't normalize the 
 day/seconds/nanos, though it should be their responsibility (DateAndTime 
 todayAtMilliSeconds: xxx) (DateAndTime todayAtNanoSeconds: xxx), not counting 
 year:month:day:hour:minute:second:nanoSecond:offset: which does not either 
 (many senders...).
 Maybe we should better let the normalization responsibility to 
 It remain to analyze the conversion protocol (asYear etc...) which seems to 
 use the local time year, but I don't understand the whole Timespan thing 
 right now (why DateAndTime now asYear starts now, and not on january 1st?).

Re: [Pharo-project] Opal Decompiler status

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse
But I would like that we finish first all the other cool tasks for 3.0 before 
opening something new.
Finishing is difficult so let us focus on it.


On Apr 27, 2013, at 8:13 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:

 On Apr 27, 2013, at 8:01 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
 Right, if you embed source along with CompiledMethod (to handle the case 
 when the CompiledMethod has been replaced but one of its block of code is 
 still used), then you don't need Decompiler in the first place.
 Nonetheless, I would remove the .sources but not the .changes. The .changes 
 is not only a source code repository (that feature can go away if you want), 
 it's before all a change log, an insurance to retrieve some change when 
 everything else failed (image crashed or worse corrupted image won't 
 restart). You can make the insurance optional if you want, but please 
 continue to provide an equivalent service. A change file is the most simple 
 thing that could possibly work IMO. But this is another thread.
 Yes, we have a solution for that…
 the thing is that the .changes has 3 roles. In the 1978, it was very clever 
 to design one extremely memory efficient mechanism to kill all three:
 1) keep a history of all the accepted method sources in the image (see 
 2) store the code on disk efficiently with no duplications (They counted 
 those extremely expensive disks in the one-diget Megabytes back then).
 3) have transaction log for the source code in case of image crash.
 Now today, we can solve all three using three different methods:
 1) we will just keep the accepted methods in memory until you commit to 
   (in case of git one can even commit all the intermediates, for MC one 
 would just commit the latest).
after the in-image history is pruned (like it is now eventually anyway 
 when you start with a fresh image).
 2) We don't need to store the *current* version on disk. Compressed in 
 memory. Yes, that is what progress brings…
 3) Disk space is so cheap it is not even funny.
   - we will just have a dedicated log. And we can even store Objects… 
 And then we can leverage the extreme simplicity of the resulting scheme.. 
 simplicity is an amazing thing. (Or the
 contrary: I think people understate the effects of complexity).

Re: [Pharo-project] Opal Decompiler status

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse
 Thanks Marcus.
 I'm among the skepticals concerning the AST, but I'd like to be proven wrong, 
 because AST level would certainly simplify things a lot.

Me too :)
But marcus knows it since the end of his PhD :D. This is why I really want to 
see AST compression. 

 My main reserve is that interruption can occur at BC level, so for debugging 
 purpose, what are your plans?
 Will you move the PC at some AST node boundary (if it is possible given side 
 effects of some BC)?
 2013/4/27 Marcus Denker
 On Apr 27, 2013, at 5:59 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:.
  Could we have a primer on what remains to do on the Opal front?
  - debug BC-IR-AST-text mapping more (lots of it working already)
  - debug temp variable lookup in optimized blocks in the debugger (almost 
  there, too)
  - Go through all the test for the old Compiler and port them to the new.
  - Better compiler API and refactor the whole system to use it
(but keep a backward compatible API at least to some extend)
 All the TODOs are in the bug tracker, Project Compiler (Opal).
 There are right now 29 Issues.

Re: [Pharo-project] Opal Decompiler status

2013-04-27 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 27, 2013, at 8:00 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

 Right, if you embed source along with CompiledMethod (to handle the case when 
 the CompiledMethod has been replaced but one of its block of code is still 
 used), then you don't need Decompiler in the first place.
 Nonetheless, I would remove the .sources but not the .changes. The .changes 
 is not only a source code repository (that feature can go away if you want), 
 it's before all a change log, an insurance to retrieve some change when 
 everything else failed (image crashed or worse corrupted image won't 
 restart). You can make the insurance optional if you want, but please 
 continue to provide an equivalent service. A change file is the most simple 
 thing that could possibly work IMO. But this is another thread.

I agree, we have been discussing (and I do not like much the idea to have the 
changes inside the image as objects because now
we have a  nice literal object parser/writer and making sure that we can never 
lose source code is cool). 
In any case we are working on a new change format recording more high-level 
entity (such refactoring). We looked again
at the model that veronica did, and Ezequiel and we looked again at 
DeltaStreams. We should digest all that and come up with a new alternate 
changes model file. I was about to contact goran to see if he wants to 
participate/ read a paper but we should write the paper first :)

 Concerning the temp mapping, I agree, we should not compete with Eliot, he's 
 very tough at tedious tasks, our only weapon is lazyness, lazyness often 
 leads to efficiency ;) I'm curious to check how you handled this complex part 
 with AST when I'll have more time to dig.
 2013/4/27 Marcus Denker
 On Apr 27, 2013, at 6:42 PM, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
  Thanks Marcus.
  I'm among the skepticals concerning the AST, but I'd like to be proven 
  wrong, because AST level would certainly simplify things a lot.
  My main reserve is that interruption can occur at BC level, so for 
  debugging purpose, what are your plans?
  Will you move the PC at some AST node boundary (if it is possible given 
  side effects of some BC)?
 For the Debugger, everything stays as it is (until Pharo 4 or so)… if you 
 look at it, the current Debugger never decompiles if there is source 
 It *compiles* to get
 - the mapping BC - text
 - the information how temporary variables in the byte code are 
 actually related to temps in the source.
 (this is very complex, temps can be e.g. stored on the heap if 
 they are written to in a closure, and when they are just
  read they have a different offset in each closure they are in. 
 Conversely, some temps  in the byte code are used
 to store the array that hold the variables that are on the heap…)
 The old compiler recorded mappings while compiling that where encoded… quite 
 complex, at least for my tiny brain.
 So the new just keeps the AST annotated with all the needed infos, this is 
 much easier to debug (and we do have the
 memory these days, and as we cache the AST, it's even fast).
 So the debugger needs the compiler. The decompiler now exists just to make 
 text so that we can call the compiler
 in the case there is no .sources. The debugger *always* compiles to get the 
 mappings, as soon as there is source code
 the decompiler will never be used. (and even if the decompiler is used, the 
 compiler is called right after on it's results so
 one can record the mappings).
 So if you make sure there is always source-code (or a representation with the 
 right amount of meta data), you don't need the decompiler.
 So at the start it will be the  source code. And yes, this takes memory. But  
 we are in 2013 and if we have one thing than it's memory.
 (the $25 Raspi comes with 256MB, the $35 with 512MB…).
 We could have shipped 2.0 with 8MB of useless Monticello meta data and nobody 
 would have even realized it. (like we
 have now megabytes of fonts in the image…). Yet the source is special… I 
 really wonder why.
 (And yes, there should be solutions to not need unused data in main memory 
 and solutions to share across multiple images
 data that is the same… but for all kinds of stuff, not just source code).

Re: [Pharo-project] SandstoneDB on Pharo 2.0 - done - what next?

2013-04-26 Thread stephane ducasse
 also, I noticed there is no ConfigurationOfSandstoneDB... 
 There already is one in MetacellRepository, just look at the comments
 below the video:
 It seems to work well when the ConfigufationOfXyz is kept with the project
 and then copied to wherever else it should be. I find that by now there are
 too many places to go hunting!

we are working on making it totally automatic.
Now you hsould publish in your project and in MetacelloRepository 

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-project] Call for ESUG 2013 presentations

2013-04-25 Thread stephane ducasse
Hi janko
Let's say that I found your email a bit funny.

- First I'm on holidays using a slow connection internet and I should something 
better for my holidays. 
- Second I cannot post to Etoys, Squeak and this is years that nobody posted 
anything on comp.lang.smalltalk.
- Third it took me more than afternoon writing the call so other people can 
click and do forward to the mailing-lists of their wishes.
- Fourth if you believe that this is on purpose that I do not send mail to the 
squeak mailing-lists,
I would say that you should start to do more for squeak than me and then we can 
talk :).


On Apr 24, 2013, at 7:05 PM, Janko Mivšek wrote:

 Hi Stef,
 I don't see that announcement on Squeak mailing list, nor others except
 vwnc, on comp.lang.smalltalk should also go, also squeakland, etoys, ...
 Best regards
 Dne 24. 04. 2013 16:49, piše stephane ducasse:
 with the corrected url
 with corrected uppercased C for conferences :)
 21st International Smalltalk Joint Conference - Call for Contributions
  Annecy, France
  from 9 to 13 September 2013
  This call includes:
  Developer Forum
  Smalltalk Technology Award
  International Workshop
  Student Volunteer
  Camp Smalltalk 8 September 2013
  For the past 21 years, the European Smalltalk User Group (ESUG) has
  organised the International Smalltalk Conference, a lively forum on
  cutting edge software technologies that attract people from both
  academia and industry for a whole week. The attendees are both
  engineers using Smalltalk in business and students and teachers
  using Smalltalk both for research and didactic purposes.
  As every year, this year's edition of the largest European Smalltalk
  event will include the regular Smalltalk developers conference with
  renowned invited speakers, a Smalltalk camp that proves fruitful for
  interactions and discussions. This year will be held the
  9th edition of the Innovation Technology Awards where prizes will be
  awarded to authors of best pieces of Smalltalk-related projects
  and an international workshop on Smalltalk and dynamic languages
  You can support the ESUG conference in many different ways:
  * Sponsor the conference. New sponsoring packages are described at
  * Submit a talk, a software or a paper to one of the events. See below.
  * Attend the conference. We'd like to beat the previous record of
  attendance (170 people at Amsterdam 2008)!
  * Students can get free registration and hosting if they enrol
  into the the Student Volunteers program. See below.
  Developers Forum: International Smalltalk Developers Conference
  We are looking for YOUR experience on using Smalltalk. You will have
  30 min for presentations and 45 min for hand-ons tutorial.
  The list of topics for the normal talks and tutorials includes, but
  is not limited to the following:
  * XP practices,  Development tools,  Experience reports
  * Model driven development,  Web development, Team management
  * Meta-Modeling,  Security,  New libraries  frameworks
  * Educational material,  Embedded systems and robotics
  * SOA and Web services,  Interaction with other programming languages
   Teaching Pearls
   New this year!!!
 We want two news types of sessions in addition to default talk and 
 show us your projects sessions.
 - Show your business 10 min session (Get prepared!!)
 - Teaching pearls : we want some session on how to teach some design
   aspects. We want your tip and tricks to teach Smalltalk or OOP.
 We expect to have several 10 to 15 min sessions aggregated.
   Open Forum: starting with Smalltalk
   New this year!!
   The event will be held at IAE Savoie Mont-Blanc - University of Savoie. 
   This is an opportunity for students and local professionals to
 discover Smalltalk. 
   A room will be freely accessible and we would like to propose some
 talks and workshop 
   for Smalltalk beginners.
 The list of topics includes, but is not limited to the following:
 - Why Smalltalk ?
 - Panorama of Smalltalk solutions
 - Getting started with Smalltalk
 - Success stories
  How to submit?
  Submissions due on 15st June 2013
  Notification of acceptance will be on done on the fly.
  More information at
  Pay attention: the places are limited so do not wait till the last
  minute to apply. Prospective presenters should submit a request to

Re: [Pharo-project] [update 3.0] #30062

2013-04-25 Thread stephane ducasse
do what is the easiest for you :)


On Apr 25, 2013, at 6:12 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:

 Not yet… so I managed to not see a bug and now the image is in a 
 non-updatable state.
 I am even too tired to think what the options are… maybe retracting the 
 faulty one?
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 6:01 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:
 10403 Class comments in Kernel and Collections
 10404 Improve RBScanner error handling
 10405 Fix a wrong refactoring in CodeImport
 10352 Fix for MorphTreeMorphupdateList
 Diff information:!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Morphic-MarcusDenker.1403!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/KernelTests-MarcusDenker.489!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Kernel-MarcusDenker.1375!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/CollectionsTests-MarcusDenker.594!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/CodeImport-MarcusDenker.16!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/Collections-Arithmetic-MarcusDenker.9!/~Pharo/Pharo30/diff/AST-Core-MarcusDenker.133

Re: [Pharo-project] Smart Suggestion Version 1

2013-04-24 Thread stephane ducasse
+ 1

Interfaces are a cool concept and we should use them and adhere to them 
 I am tempted to deprecate #definesMethod: and just rename it to 
 canUnderstand: (and fix all senders)
 This way the RB model for code would be one step closer to normal classes and 

Re: [Pharo-project] Smart Suggestion Version 1

2013-04-24 Thread stephane ducasse
What would be good is that when we get the sender/implementor is to get 
- the name of the entity as first entry in the menu
- get the entity selected in the text.

blockClosureValue: aBlockClosure message: aMessage
newMessage := Message selector: #valueWithArguments: arguments: (Array 
with: aMessage arguments).
^self blockClosureValueWithArguments: aBlockClosure message: newMessage

when I'm on selector: it works I get selector:arguments: 

now when I'm  #valueWithArgurments it does not 

What would be cool is to have a way to select the enclosing expression but you 
know it:)

When can we push that into 3.0


 Hello! After some work I think that Smart Suggestions it's ready to have some 
 real feedback to continue growing up :)
 What is it?
 The idea it's to have suggestions based in the text selected or the cursor 
 Actually there are suggestions for:
 - Temporary/Instance/Class Variable
 - Class
 - Method (when you are in the selector)
 - Source (multiple lines)
 - Message
 How to install it?
 Gofer it 
   smalltalkhubUser: 'gisela'
project: 'SmartSuggestions';
   package: 'SmartSuggestions';
 Some screen shots: (to activate de menu the shortcut es Ctrl + t for windows 
 or unix and Command + t for mac)
 How to define a new action?
 It's easy to define your own action only use the pragma in your custom method 
 and make sure to retunr an instance of SugsSuggestion, examples in 
 SugsSuggestionFactory are categorized by the selection.  
 If you have some comments I will be very happy to heard about, I have removed 
 the actions form nautilus menu, because it was to much visual noise (at least 
 for me) if you want to add it, only uncoment the pragma in: 
 ps: It could appear a DNU when fetching the suggestions for a class variable 
 the description and solution are in

Re: [Pharo-project] Smart Suggestion Version 1

2013-04-24 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 24, 2013, at 3:21 PM, Gisela Decuzzi wrote:

 Ok, I got the point :)
 Now I will work to mark the selections and the problems with senders form the 

Thanks :)

I'm toying with rubric and I dream about seeing the expressions surrounding my 
cursor :).


Re: [Pharo-project] [OT] Browsing some code and surprise

2013-04-24 Thread stephane ducasse
may be the best is to 
- stabilize the current functionality and   
- have a look at rubric 

alain told me that now syntax highlight was working.


On Apr 24, 2013, at 4:04 PM, Gisela Decuzzi wrote:

   If the text selection is visible on the screen, reverse its highlight.
   ^'Not doing anything'
   screw this logic
   selectionShowing ifFalse: [self reverseSelection]
   If the text selection is visible on the screen, reverse its highlight.
* screw this logic * selectionShowing ifTrue: [self 

Re: [Pharo-project] Call for ESUG 2013 presentations

2013-04-24 Thread stephane ducasse
with the corrected url

with corrected uppercased C for conferences :)

21st International Smalltalk Joint Conference - Call for Contributions

  Annecy, France
from 9 to 13 September 2013

  This call includes:
  Developer Forum
  Smalltalk Technology Award
  International Workshop
  Student Volunteer
  Camp Smalltalk 8 September 2013

  For the past 21 years, the European Smalltalk User Group (ESUG) has
  organised the International Smalltalk Conference, a lively forum on
  cutting edge software technologies that attract people from both
  academia and industry for a whole week. The attendees are both
  engineers using Smalltalk in business and students and teachers
  using Smalltalk both for research and didactic purposes.

  As every year, this year's edition of the largest European Smalltalk
  event will include the regular Smalltalk developers conference with
  renowned invited speakers, a Smalltalk camp that proves fruitful for
  interactions and discussions. This year will be held the
  9th edition of the Innovation Technology Awards where prizes will be
  awarded to authors of best pieces of Smalltalk-related projects
  and an international workshop on Smalltalk and dynamic languages

  You can support the ESUG conference in many different ways:

  * Sponsor the conference. New sponsoring packages are described at
  * Submit a talk, a software or a paper to one of the events. See below.
  * Attend the conference. We'd like to beat the previous record of
 attendance (170 people at Amsterdam 2008)!
  * Students can get free registration and hosting if they enrol
into the the Student Volunteers program. See below.

  Developers Forum: International Smalltalk Developers Conference

  We are looking for YOUR experience on using Smalltalk. You will have
  30 min for presentations and 45 min for hand-ons tutorial.

  The list of topics for the normal talks and tutorials includes, but
  is not limited to the following:

  * XP practices,  Development tools,  Experience reports
  * Model driven development,  Web development, Team management
  * Meta-Modeling,  Security,  New libraries  frameworks
  * Educational material,  Embedded systems and robotics
  * SOA and Web services,  Interaction with other programming languages

   Teaching Pearls
   New this year!!!
We want two news types of sessions in addition to default talk 
show us your projects sessions.

- Show your business 10 min session (Get prepared!!)
- Teaching pearls : we want some session on how to teach some 
 aspects. We want your tip and tricks to teach Smalltalk or OOP.

We expect to have several 10 to 15 min sessions aggregated.

   Open Forum: starting with Smalltalk

   New this year!!
   The event will be held at IAE Savoie Mont-Blanc - University of 
   This is an opportunity for students and local professionals to 
discover Smalltalk. 
   A room will be freely accessible and we would like to propose some 
talks and workshop 
   for Smalltalk beginners.

The list of topics includes, but is not limited to the 
- Why Smalltalk ?
- Panorama of Smalltalk solutions
- Getting started with Smalltalk
- Success stories

  How to submit?

  Submissions due on 15st June 2013
  Notification of acceptance will be on done on the fly.
  More information at

  Pay attention: the places are limited so do not wait till the last
  minute to apply. Prospective presenters should submit a request to AND USE THE following header [ESUG 2013 Developers].

  Please follow the template below the email will be automatically processed!

  Subject: [ESUG 2013 Developers] + your name
  First Name:
  Last Name:
  Email where you can always be reached:
  Type: Tutorial/Talk/Teaching Pearl/OpenForum

Any presentation not respecting this form will be discarded 

  International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies


Re: [Pharo-project] configuration speed

2013-04-24 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 24, 2013, at 4:50 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

 I checked the issue under 3.0 with the configuration loading speed.
 Main Performance Issues:
   package-cache always used by Gofer = big shared package-cache is very 
   each method/class change trigger the creation of a new RPackageSet 
   for EACH Monticello working copy
 What was reported is, that disabling the announcements during configuration 
 decreases load time. This is due to the RPackageSet problem. No 
 announcements, no new
 For a typical configuration loading CommandShell and Soup + 5 packages I got 
 new instances of RPackageSet!!

Just that :)
There is something wrong. 

   removing the package-cache from the default repositories seems like a 
 good thing
   to me. There are 3 tests failing after that, mostly checking if there 
 is a default
   repository or not.
   I would add an explicit statement for the package-cache otherwise.
   With a basic cache for RPackageSets I cut the load time to a third!
   It will need some more love when it comes to changing classes, but for 
   I invalidate it each time an RPackage changes.

Re: [Pharo-project] Rubric questions :)

2013-04-24 Thread stephane ducasse
I will retry in 30 because I see that you announce symbol :)

On Apr 24, 2013, at 5:25 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

 Hi alain
 better talk not privately :)
   location: ''
   user: ''
   password: ''.
   RubParagraphDecorator defines 
^ next findRegex
   I'm trying to understand the interface of the decorator since all the 
 decorator should have the same to be interchangeable.
 self blueTextOnGrayBacgroundNotWrapped
   when I get the menu and change the font nothng changes.
 I get a DNU when I execute
   self withOnlyThePrimarySelection
 When I type the name of a class in RubMethodEditingExample open
 I get DNUs.
 more to come 

Re: [Pharo-project] Metacello for Pharo 2 and Pharo 3 ?

2013-04-23 Thread stephane ducasse
we should define the 3.0.x tag in the image.


 is there already a #'pharo3.0.x' tag in metacello when we want to have 
 different package version in Pharo 3.0 instead of 2.0 ? I tried
 spec for: #'pharo3.0.x' version: '0.2'
 and it didn't work.
 Thierry Goubier
 CEA list
 Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
 Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

Re: [Pharo-project] plugin in Nautilus

2013-04-21 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 21, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

 I tried to use groups, but it does not really work for me. Here is my 
 I take a fresh image, I load Versionner then I load Roassal.
 I open a code browser, and guess what, I want to see Roassal and Versionner 
 right away, and not have to scroll down.

So this is why I said I want load latest :)

 But I think that the most important, is to be able to particularize the 
 system, and not really to get the best behavior.
 On Apr 20, 2013, at 3:32 AM, stephane ducasse 
 I use a group for that :)
 And what I would love is a group: 
  latest loaded packages.
 On Apr 20, 2013, at 12:24 AM, Alexandre Bergel 
 Is there a documentation on how to create a plugin for Nautilus?
 I would like to create a command 'Hide all packages' in the Package column 
 of Nautilus. Any hint on how to do this?
 Alexandre Bergel
 Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-project] plugin in Nautilus

2013-04-21 Thread stephane ducasse
yes! we could try to see.

 Group are made for this.
 Maybe we should automatically create a new group when a package is loaded
 On Apr 21, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
 I tried to use groups, but it does not really work for me. Here is my 
 I take a fresh image, I load Versionner then I load Roassal.
 I open a code browser, and guess what, I want to see Roassal and Versionner 
 right away, and not have to scroll down.
 But I think that the most important, is to be able to particularize the 
 system, and not really to get the best behavior.
 On Apr 20, 2013, at 3:32 AM, stephane ducasse 
 I use a group for that :)
 And what I would love is a group: 
 latest loaded packages.
 On Apr 20, 2013, at 12:24 AM, Alexandre Bergel 
 Is there a documentation on how to create a plugin for Nautilus?
 I would like to create a command 'Hide all packages' in the Package column 
 of Nautilus. Any hint on how to do this?
 Alexandre Bergel
 Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-project] Old bugs fixed by Opal

2013-04-20 Thread stephane ducasse
 Did you use
 The Opal in the image is a bit out-dated…
 I did just now, but there, debugging *anything* (even 3 + 4, or using cmd 
 dot) with the Opal Compiler set to default seemed to bring the image into a 
 near catatonic state…
 Sort of hard to check if the buttons were fixed, with no debugger ever 
 opening. ;)
 Yes, we committed some changes that might have broken things… 
 I will check.
 Ok, found it… at least the debugger appears again after  a self halt :-)
 We should remember to never think it works before the regression tester is 
 Clement wrote a blog post:

nicely written :)

Thanks clement this is cool! Push we are getting there.

Re: [Pharo-project] plugin in Nautilus

2013-04-20 Thread stephane ducasse
I use a group for that :)

And what I would love is a group: 
latest loaded packages.

On Apr 20, 2013, at 12:24 AM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

 Is there a documentation on how to create a plugin for Nautilus?
 I would like to create a command 'Hide all packages' in the Package column of 
 Nautilus. Any hint on how to do this?
 Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-project] [Moose-dev] Roassal new algorithms

2013-04-20 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 20, 2013, at 8:23 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

 This visualization is precisely made for hierarchical graphs. That is why the 
 edges are called hierarchical bundled edges. So, yes, you need a 
 hierarchical graph.



 On Apr 19, 2013, at 8:57 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
 This is a very cool visualization. There is no reason why we cannot do it in 
 On Apr 19, 2013, at 10:49 AM, Frank Shearar wrote:
 I've played with these before [1]. They work best with hierarchical names. 
 In other words, in a flat namespace (say, showing class dependencies with 
 just the class name) you end up with a very messy diagram.
 Let's assume you use . as the name token separator. If you prefixed the 
 names with their packages, say Tools-Debugger.Debugger, you'd get a better 
 graph, where the bundles would be tighter. If you made things more 
 hierarchical still, say with names like Tools.Debugger.Debugger, things 
 would look even better.
 The deeper the naming hierarchy the fewer fat bundles you get in the image.
 On 19 April 2013 16:37, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
 Let's have this discussion in the Pharo list.
 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Alexandre Bergel
 Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Roassal new algorithms
 Date: April 19, 2013 11:25:31 AM GMT-04:00
 To: Moose-related development
 Reply-To: Moose-related development
 There are more than simply linear, quadratic and cubic Bezier curves. In 
 fact, as you can have as many control points as you wish, you can have a 
 Bezier curve of any order.
 But what I was calling RadialBezierCurve was a kind of strategy, I mean I 
 have an abstract class which knows how to compute a curve, but I still 
 have to choose my control points so I was thinking to create different 
 subclasses whose role is to know what are their control points :
 - The radial one choose its control points within the same radius as its 
 source and its target.
 Ah ok
 I wanted to create an ortoVertical and an ortoHorizontal whose control 
 points would have been computed differently, so that we could use Bezier 
 curve for regular tree too.
 It would be cool to have hierarchical bundles edges in Roassal.
 A screenshot of what it looks like:
 Screen Shot 2013-04-19 at 11.24.59 AM.png
 The technical description:
 Alexandre Bergel
 Moose-dev mailing list
 Alexandre Bergel
 Alexandre Bergel
 What is more important: To be happy, or to make happy?

Re: [Pharo-project] Any wishes for Roassal?

2013-04-20 Thread stephane ducasse
We want speed up and less garbage generation (ie do not use collect when do 
will make it or some stuff like that).
May be people here could have a look at it and do a fast code review?


 Roassal 2.0 is on the way. We would like to make sure everybody find this 
 release attractive. 
 We are wondering whether you have some particular requirements you would like 
 us to address or some bugs you would like to see fixed.
 Feel free to speak up!
 Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-project] Version 1.39 of Versionner

2013-04-20 Thread stephane ducasse
We should add more information in the configurationOf


 No idea why happened. 
 I copied the a missing file in the repository
 Try again, it should work now
 Works now - thanks. I've put a copy of the config into ss3/MetaRepoForPharo20
 so one can easily load via Configuration browser from within the 2.0 image.
 Something that would be amazing, is to have a small text panel that appears 
 when you select a configuration, with a short description (or at least some 
 keywords) of what the software about to install is all about.
 For example, there are only a few projects that I can imagine what they are 
 about. For example, no idea what VistaCursors, VoyageMongo, ScriptManager are 
 about. I know I can easily find the info on the different forges. But my 
 point is that the visibility of these projects is really small. 
 Maybe we can use as a convention a method #readme on each ConfigurationOf ?
 Alexandre Bergel

Re: [Pharo-project] Version 1.39 of Versionner

2013-04-20 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 19, 2013, at 5:25 PM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:

 Works now - thanks. I've put a copy of the config into 
 so one can easily load via Configuration browser from within the 2.0 image.
 Something that would be amazing, is to have a small text panel that appears 
 when you select a configuration, with a short description (or at least some 
 keywords) of what the software about to install is all about.
 For example, there are only a few projects that I can imagine what they are 
 about. For example, no idea what VistaCursors, VoyageMongo, ScriptManager 
 are about. I know I can easily find the info on the different forges. But my 
 point is that the visibility of these projects is really small. 
 Maybe we can use as a convention a method #readme on each ConfigurationOf ?
 I completely agree that more work is needed. I started a new config browser 
 for 3.0 (based on Spec) as a changeset 
 - currently I cant find the issue on this horrible new issue tracker ;)

Yes me too :)

 Yes - the config itself would be a good place.
 One problem: if you want to have a slick UI (fast moving in the list) you 
 would have to load all the
 configs into the image. Or one needs an updating server job that 
 collects all #readmes
 and provides a txt/xml file for the config browser client

Yes :)
Probably the job that will validate the projects that are accepted in a 
distribution should build this cache.
In fact we want to have a job that loads the ConfigurationOf and parse their 
Pier description and generate a catalog on the web.

Right now I'm continuing to write chapters for a future book in pier

but this will be with the same techno

Like that we will not have to maintain the catalog in the collaborative book.



Re: [Pharo-project] Pharo on iOS with Bluetooth keyboard working almost in full.

2013-04-19 Thread stephane ducasse
now I considering ipad :)

On Apr 19, 2013, at 11:51 AM, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:

 sweet :)
 On Apr 19, 2013, at 12:00 AM, wrote:
 I've made some progress on using the external keyboard.
 Now, it is about usable. Some mappings still missing (discovering a lot of 
 interesting things in the process) but usable.
 See video (poor camera, but the better one is on the iPad, oops):

Re: [Pharo-project] SS lost project description edits done in december 2012

2013-04-18 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 18, 2013, at 1:06 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 On 18 April 2013 12:37, Göran Krampe wrote:
 I moved a lot of my projects to StHub back in december, and then I edited
 the Project descriptions on SS to show that. But these changes have been
 lost I now realize?
 Just put it back on Phriak:
 Any idea on when/how that happened?
 when SS crashing, it forgets all metainformation for your project:
 - description
 - members
 this is one of the reasons why i migrated my active projects to sthub,
 because i get tired adding members over and over again :)

and it is cooler, fresher and faster :)


 regards, Göran
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.

Re: [Pharo-project] Versionner in 2.0 again

2013-04-18 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 18, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Christophe Demarey 

 Le 18 avr. 2013 à 05:16, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit :
 Christophe Demarey wrote
 I was wondering if it is possible to downgrade an already installed
 package in a configuration.
 For now, why don't we just declare a dependency to the correct version of
 the toolbox? I'm uploading a config to Nabble which does this and seems to
 work...  ConfigurationOfVersionner-SeanDeNigris.101.mcz
 I tried with a baseline but it doesn't work (metacello keep the most up to 
 date toolbox).
 I didn't think to declare the toolbox as package. Your version works fine. 
 Thanks. I pushed it to the Versionner repo. :)
 So, now Versionner is loadable as any other lib.
 @Marcus: Yes, if possible, it should be nice to update the toolbox version in 
 the image.

sure open a ticket and explain what we should do.

 Best regards,

Re: [Pharo-project] Metacello configuration conventions

2013-04-18 Thread stephane ducasse

I was discussing with christophe yesterday and what would be good in metacello 
is to be able to have in one version of the configurationOf
all the information about previous heads stable versions because right now to 
get this information 
we need to load previous versions until we see that the stable or development 
deifnitino changes.

I will start to add to my configurations


^ #((stable 20 #(1.0 1.2 1.3))
(stable 1.4 #(1.0 ))

so that we can perform regression testing and not just test the latest stable 


 - Original Message -
 | From: Camillo Bruni
 | To:
 | Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:19:57 PM
 | Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Metacello configuration conventions
 | I liked ruby-gems approach more than the one in Metacello. You usually
 | specify
 | a major version (as under linux) for your dependency. That means the
 | dependency
 | might evolve a bit, typically for bugfixes, without you having to update
 | the configuration manually.
 | for me is what I'd like to see.
 | As you say, #stable and #development are mostly for humans.
 I did look at the way ruby-gems worked pretty early on in Metacello 
 development and I've arranged things such that I should be able to add the 
 ability to specify ranges of versions, but the whole mechanics of the 
 ruby-gem universe is different than the smalltalk universe so I'm not sure 
 that Metacello would give you the behavior you are looking for even I did 
 allow version ranges to be specified ...
 I'd be willing to spend time working through use cases with you to see if 
 there would be benefit for enabling that feature...

Re: [Pharo-project] How to get the AST Node for a Context

2013-04-18 Thread stephane ducasse

 Sure, typical refactoring process.
 Code is convoluted and hard to follow, so you first document and explicit 
 most obscure steps.
 In a second time, you realize how simpler it could be...
 Pharo is quite fast and still accelerating these days, so I understand the 
 satisfecit, it's already huge progress.
 My unsatisfied nature just tell to not stop in the middle of the bridge, and 
 to not let un-necessarily complex code, even if well commented :)

do not worry for that we have a long list of tasks for the compiler and even 
more for other components.


Re: [Pharo-project] How to get the AST Node for a Context

2013-04-18 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 18, 2013, at 8:19 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

 On 18 April 2013 19:17, Nicolas Cellier wrote:
 Sure, typical refactoring process.
 Code is convoluted and hard to follow, so you first document and explicit
 most obscure steps.
 In a second time, you realize how simpler it could be...
 Pharo is quite fast and still accelerating these days, so I understand the
 satisfecit, it's already huge progress.
 My unsatisfied nature just tell to not stop in the middle of the bridge, and
 to not let un-necessarily complex code, even if well commented :)
 Opal is there we all can start contributing.
 I, for instance, have plans for replacing parsing.. to make modular
 parser  encoder

Yes :)
I would like to have a compilationContext instead of this ugly full of 
parameter methods and ….

I would like to be able to specify an environment (class binding + literal 
binding) as input and an environment
as output so that we can bootstrap the compiler nicely and do a lot fun stuff.


Re: [Pharo-project] Argument names created by Debugger

2013-04-18 Thread stephane ducasse
a bit smarter system does not hurt.


On Apr 18, 2013, at 10:15 PM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

 I tweaked the code because in my most common case, I don't care that it's
 e.g. aByteString, but only that it's aString:
   (argument isKindOf: String) ifTrue: [ ^ 'aString' ].
   (argument isKindOf: Collection) ifTrue: [ ^ 'aCollection' ].
   (argument isKindOf: Integer) ifTrue: [ ^ 'anInteger' ].
 Am I the only one, or would this be useful for everyone? lmk and I'll
 prepare a slice...
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Re: [Pharo-project] [Athens] A new wave of impressionism

2013-04-18 Thread stephane ducasse
This is cool that you push athens.
Because this is really important for Pharo.


 Not really impressive (that's why it called new wave)
 Here is results of 2 days of preparing/implementing and polishing a
 quadric bezier curve approximation
 algorithm by series of lines.
 The red pill.. err fill is polygon consisting purely from lines,
 the white outline is same quadric bezier, but drawn directly by cairo
 with stroke width = 5.
 Cubic bezier , then elliptical arc and then generic parametric
 functions ahead! :)
 There is two reasons why i implementing highly inefficient (because of
 boxed floats)
 path flattener:
 - some path segments are not supported by cairo, therefore i am
 forced to approximate it with something else (and something else is
 lines ;)
 - having path geometry turned into silly polygon, there is very easy
 algorithm to tell if given point inside or outside of polygon
 so, potentially, this will give use following:
 - being able to use any kind of curves as path segments (well, it
 could be a bit slow, but it is up to you, right?) e.g. something like:
 lineTo: 50@50;
 parametricCurve: [:t | t sin * t squared ] tMin: 0 tMax: 10 to: 20@30
 - being able to detect whether mouse hovers over shape or not  :)
 Best regards,
 Igor Stasenko.
 Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 10.43.07 PM.png

Re: [Pharo-project] the fun theory

2013-04-17 Thread stephane ducasse

Yes we should make pharo a fun theory :)

On Apr 16, 2013, at 8:36 PM, Johan Brichau wrote:

 When I saw this website, I immediately thought about Pharo
 This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the 
 easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better.
 Keep having fun!

Re: [Pharo-project] [update 2.0] #20599

2013-04-17 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 17, 2013, at 1:34 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

 On 17 Apr 2013, at 13:06, Marcus Denker wrote:
 10297 Integrate 2.0: 10295 Zinc Update April 16th
 Hey Marcus, that is even cooler. I know it is a lot of manual manipulation 
 work, so thanks again.
 If I can make this process easier, please let me know.
 I don't know what the policy is, but one solution could be to use 

One of these days we will get there :)

 Sven Van Caekenberghe
 Smalltalk is the Red Pill

Re: [Pharo-project] [Sprint] Sprint Lille May 3rd

2013-04-17 Thread stephane ducasse
we will do one for the next one.
Now we need to kill bugs like mad.

On Apr 17, 2013, at 5:02 PM, wrote:

 Why not make a doodle for this?
 2013/4/17 Benjamin
 cool :)
 On Apr 17, 2013, at 2:07 PM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
 Marcus Denker-4 wrote
 We are planning a sprint the 3rd of May:
 I want to join again via IRC/skype from NYC. It worked out well last time...
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Re: [Pharo-project] How to get the AST Node for a Context

2013-04-17 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 17, 2013, at 10:29 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

 I really really like this :)
 very simple yet powerful!

Yes this will massively simplify the debugger :)
So we will be able to get a debugger really working without needing an magician 
to fix 
its bugs.


Re: [Pharo-project] How to get the AST Node for a Context

2013-04-17 Thread stephane ducasse
I should say that I LOVVVE the comments in the method.
Yes Yes Yes.


 Yes, just the AST with Semantic Analysis information (Scope and Semantic 
 Variables), plus
 bytecodelevel IR that provides the bridge to the low-level pc (bytecode 
 mapping) data…
 e.g. to get the highlight in the debugger, this is now just this in 
 rangeForPC: aPC contextIsActiveContext: contextIsActive
   return the debug highlight for aPC
   | pc |
   When on the top of the stack the pc is pointing to right instruction, 
 but deeper in the stack
   the pc was already advanced one bytecode, so we need to go back this 
 one bytecode, which
   can consist of multiple bytes. But on IR, we record the *last* bytecode 
 offset as the offset of the
   IR instruction, which means we can just go back one
   pc := contextIsActive ifTrue: [aPC] ifFalse: [aPC - 1].
   ^(methodNode ir instructionForPC:  pc) sourceNode debugHighlightRange
 more helper methods will simplify this even more, e.g. we should have a method
 on RBMethodNode like #nodeForPC: 
 rangeForPC: aPC contextIsActiveContext: contextIsActive
   return the debug highlight for aPC
   | pc |
   When on the top of the stack the pc is pointing to right instruction, 
 but deeper in the stack
   the pc was already advanced one bytecode, so we need to go back this 
 one bytecode, which
   can consist of multiple bytes. But on IR, we record the *last* bytecode 
 offset as the offset of the
   IR instruction, which means we can just go back one
   pc := contextIsActive ifTrue: [aPC] ifFalse: [aPC - 1].
   ^(methodNode nodeForPC:  pc) debugHighlightRange
 And this method one then can just implement on MethodContext itself.
 (Caching is handled by ASTCache).

Re: [Pharo-project] Issue 10219: Completion: enter on accept awkwardness

2013-04-17 Thread stephane ducasse
add a bug entry and tag it so that we simply do not forget.


On Apr 18, 2013, at 5:25 AM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

 Johan Brichau-2 wrote
 fwiw, I changed the implementation of NECController...
 NECController-Changes.cs (5K)
 I think at minimum Johan's change should be integrated immediately and
 backported to 2.0. I simply can not use enterToAccept, and without it now
 it's currently impossible to complete with common prefix matching enabled.
 Are there any objections to the last suggested set of default preferences?
 If not, maybe those should be included as well - but not worth holding up
 Johan's change, which is essential.
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Re: [Pharo-project] How to browse a selected method in code viewer

2013-04-16 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 16, 2013, at 2:35 PM, kilon wrote:

 Dammien Alt+m is the implementors, and as i said implementors works for me,
 however alt+b which is for browsing does nothing. 

strange and how can we know in which class it is?
Browse on a selector = should be equivalent to implementors.

similarly implementor on a class = browse
We lost this cross binding in 20.


Re: [Pharo-project] [regression reporter]regression occurred

2013-04-16 Thread stephane ducasse

On Apr 16, 2013, at 3:51 PM, Camillo Bruni wrote:

 aaah I love to see a response to that :P
 my vicious plan to spam the pharo list when there are new tests failing 
 seems to work :)

Hehehe yes we will conquer the world :)

Re: [Pharo-project] Metacello configuration conventions

2013-04-16 Thread stephane ducasse
Christophe I agree with you 

 As a general purpose reflexion on dependencies conventions, I would say:
 If you are in development mode, it makes sense to rely on latest versions of 
 dependencies (bleeding edge) to be able to detect integration problems as 
 soon as possible.
 If you are in a release mode, you should ensure that your code can run at 
 least on fixed dependencies versions (at the best, specify a range of 
 versions you can use with possibly no upper limit if your dependencies ensure 
 backward compatibility). You need reproducible loading of your tool/lib.
 in my opinion, you shouldn't use #stable for release version as the only 
 thing it ensure (if well tested) is that you will not have a broken version 
 of the dependency. The stable version of your dependency will evolve and then 
 the configuration of your release too. At a time, your version will not be 
 usable at all because of that.

Because even if you milestone against a major version, 
what you mean is that the package may change (and still 
work on 20 for example, but be incompatible with your software).

I will write something in the metacello chapter and see what I 
wrote on symbolic version.

 so I would specify a dependency with a versionString for release versions of 
 your lib/tool. It ensures a minimum version.

So I wonder when we should use stable.
Versionner will solve all these points for us :)


 Le 16 avr. 2013 à 11:02, Frank Shearar a écrit :
 On 16 April 2013 09:53, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
 While working with Diego on some configurations, we noticed two different 
 of describing the latest non-baseline versions.
 In one, the versionString version of a dependency is used.
 That is a defensive strategy, where you want to specify the exact version 
 will be loaded (and has been tested).
 In the other the #stable version is used. That is an optimistic strategy.
 This is much less brittle (but might suddenly not work anymore).
 Seaside uses defensive/mixed, while Magritte uses optimistic
 Based on what criteria should I choose which one to use (in a Pharo 
 I'd argue that since you're declaring that a certain set of versions
 of packages work together, you should _always_ use explicit versions.
 The optimistic strategy leaves you vulnerable to third parties
 making seemingly innocuous changes that break your code. (I've been
 bitten by this, by making such an apparently innocuous change.)
 Stephan  Diego

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