Re: [PHP] PHP/MySQL based webmail?

2004-08-11 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Chris,

Horde is little bit heavier than Squirrelmail. You can
buy a Zend acclerator to speed up the things.

I think your community is not that big and Horde works
fine in our organization where we have 1000 users and
all are pretty active. 

Look and feel matters in the web mail so before you
make any decision then consider this issue as well.

Let me know if you need more information about Horde.

--- Chris Shenton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Matthew Sims [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Uh, well...Squirrelmail is simply a webpage. The
 number of simultaneous
  users is defined by the web server application,
 aka Apache. 
 Perhaps we view it differently. Apache is a web
 server. SquirrelMail
 and Horde are applications, written in PHP.  I'm
 curious about user
 experiences deploying both, especially in terms of
 consumption and scalability. 
  IMAP doesn't HAVE to be on the same box. You can
 use SM to connect
  to an another server running your mail.
 Yes.  But both Squirrel and Horde must speak IMAP to
 the mail server,
 whether on localhost or remote.  IMAP's nontrivial
 and introduces more
 load on the web app server than -- say -- a
 POP-based mail GUI. Or
 static web pages.
 I'm also quite interested in fault-tolerance.  I can
 deploy a couple
 of physical boxes running SquirrelMail behind load
 balancers.  But
 Squirrel stores stuff like user address books and
 preferences on the
 web server's disk; this obviously won't work in a
 load balanced
 arrangement where a client connection is just as
 likely to go to the
 other box.  I could put the files on a back-end
 NetApp NFS server
 like I do for my (balanced) SMTP/IMAP mail servers;
 this may introduce
 NFS file locking problems and corruption by
 simultaneous access to the
 same NFS-resident file. (My SMTP/IMAP servers use
 Maildir to avoid NFS
 Does Horde have these same implementation issues?
 How does it store
 preferences and such?  It seems a much more
 application than the relatively simpler
 SquirrelMail, but I haven't
 done any benchmarks to compare the two.
 Basically it boils down to this question of web app
 scalability and
 resource needs: can I support a community of (say)
 2500 people, where
 maybe 100 are actively using webmail at any given
 instant on a box
 like a Sun Netra running Slowaris with 1GB RAM?  Or
 some 2GHz i86 box
 with 1GB running FreeBSD? If not, how are you folks
 worrying the
 scalability issue?
 While this isn't specifically a PHP question, I
 think scalability of
 PHP applications is germane to the list.
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Re: [PHP] PHP/MySQL based webmail?

2004-08-10 Thread Hardik Doshi
MIT is using the Horde web mail and so many other 
organizations are using the Horde web mail. I can't
give you the numbers because i am not the one who is
administrating this. We are a university and we have
thousands of students so might imagine how better it
scales. I personally dig into the Horde code base and
it seems good and i am following them since last 5

Any SquirrelMail users?

Let me know if you need any help with Horde so i can
forward you to person who is actually managing it.

--- Chris Shenton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hardik Doshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I strongly recommend Horde web mail. We are
  using it in our institute and it scales better.
 Better than what? Squirrelmail?
 Can you give us some numbers, like how many
 Horde/Squirrelmail users you can run on some number
 of specific server
 boxes? Are the boxes doing anything else, perhaps
 running the IMAP
 daemon that Horde/SquirrelMail talk to?
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Re: [PHP] PHP/MySQL based webmail?

2004-08-09 Thread Hardik Doshi
I strongly recommend Horde web mail. We are currently
using it in our institute and it scales better.

--- Matthew Sims [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mon, 2004-08-09 at 14:28, Alex Shi wrote:
  Hi All,
  Can any one recommend a strong/stable PHP/MySQL
 based web
  mail system? It must support large mail transfer,
 some times may be
  more than 10 MB for a single message.
  The message size limit is controlled by your
 mailer. (postfix, sendmail,
  qmail, etc).
  Squirrelmail is a nice php-based interface.
 I second that. Squirrelmail is solid. And the plugin
 features is great.
 --Matthew Sims
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[PHP] PHP5 - OOP Question

2004-08-09 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hello Group,

I would like to know which one is the most appropriate
way to implement the following scenario.

For example, I want to display a products catalogue of
100 products. I do have a base class of product which
contains all the basic property of the product
(Product title, product description, product price
etc)and constructor basically pulls the information
about the product from the DB based on the product
identifier (Primary key). 

Now i have two ways to display catalogue.

1. I can write only one query to pull all 100 products
information and store product information to each
product object (With out passing product id to the
constructor) into the collection and later i iterate
that collection to display product catalogue.
(Advantage: less communication with database server
and disadvantage: memory consumption is higher)

2. I can initiate an individual product object by
passing product id into the constructor and
constructor will pull an individual product
information from the DB and at the same time i can
display it (Disadvantage: Lots of communication with
database server and Advantage: memory consumption is
less) If you think about inheritance then eventually
this approach will have lots of database calls.

Please guide me as i am stuck up which way to go.

Let me know if you need more information.


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[PHP] Tiff to Jpeg conversion

2004-07-16 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

Can anyone suggest me a tool for converting Tiff image
to JPEG image? Currently i am using the GD library for
manipulating images and i didn't see any function
which converts Tiff image to JPEG image. I notice
Imagmagic support this feature. 

Please let me know if anyone has any idea about
selecting the proper tool.


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[PHP] session HTML target = _blank element

2004-05-26 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi group,

I have discovered a strange behaviour while using
session. I have a page from which i am opening other
pages using target = _blank element. Now when i open
the child page, it doesn't get $_SESSION values. I
have tried to dump variable from $_SESSION and it
shows me the blank array. Does any one know this
strange behaviour?? Let me know if i am doing anything

Thank you.

Hardik Doshi

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Re: [PHP] Re: Re: sessions getting destroyed for *Some* clients

2004-04-20 Thread Hardik Doshi
The another problem could be your clients have
disabled the cookies on their browsers. Are you taking
care of that consideration while writing your scripts?

If your clients have disabled the cookies on their
browsers then you need to pass session id value from
the URL.

Let me know if that is the case. 

Hardik Doshi

--- Jaskirat Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I do not think it is the server name issue. I used for testing ..and
 I have done that
 scores of times now :) ..
 I do not use setcookie .. I just call
 session_start() in the beginning
 to set the cookie for session.
 Make sure it's not just a cookie-problem related to
 server name.  The
 cart session for is
 different from the
 cart for  If
 this is your problem,
 I think 
 you can fix it by changing how you call setcookie.
 Of course, this may not be the problem, in which
 case you can ignore
 what I 
 just said. :-)
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RE: [PHP] FW: Resizing Pictures

2004-04-20 Thread Hardik Doshi
You can resize a file using the GD library. Look for
the GD library functions in php manual.

Hardik Doshi

  Hi Warren,
  Thanks for the reply; however, that wasn't the
 answer I was searching for.
  Using PHP, I would like to resize a file once it's
 store in a directory on
  a (my) webserver.
  Anyone know?
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Re: [PHP] single quote escape questions

2004-04-20 Thread Hardik Doshi

 Secondly, what is best/favorite way to escape chars
 for mysql?  I know that mysql_real_escape_string() 
 has been recommended recently.  But that brings up
 issue of magic quotes.  Would
 set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) be a reliable way of
 making sure my code runs with magic quotes off?

It's recommended to use mysql_real_escape_string() to
eacape funky characters. Addslashes() does the same
thing but as we are storing data in the database so
it's better to offload it to the database. In future
if database needs to escape another character then
mysql_real_escape_string() will take care of it
 Thanks for your time,

Hardik Doshi

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Re: [PHP] addslashes vs. mysql_real_escape_string

2004-04-19 Thread Hardik Doshi
Thank you John.

Currently i am using PEAR DB abstration layer. Which
function should i use to escape the ' character? There
are couple of functions in the PEAR DB documentation
so i don't know which one should i use.

--- John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Richard Davey wrote:
  Does mysql_real_escape_string (or
 mysql_escape_string) do anything
  extra that addslashes() doesn't? In the examples
 in the manual it is
  just used to escape the ' character, but that is
 exactly what
  addslashes() will do anyway.
 real_escape_string() takes the current character set
 into consideration 
 when it escapes characters. Probably 99% of the time
 it's going to 
 behave like addslashes(), but it's still good to use
 it because you're 
 letting the database determine what needs to be
 escaped rather than just 
 assuming it's only the characters covered by
  Is mysql_real_escape_string tolerant of magic
 quotes? i.e. will you
  end up with double-quoted strings like: it\\'s a
 lovely day if you
  call it too many times?
 Yes, you'll end up with extra backslashes. If you
 ever see it\'s a 
 lovely day in your database, then you're escaping
 the string more than 
 once. You shouldn't see escape characters in your
 database or have to 
 stripslashes() anything coming out of your database
 (unless you have 
 magic_quotes_runtime() enabled).
 ---John Holmes...
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Re: [PHP] new session in new window

2004-03-09 Thread Hardik Doshi
  Nice article by the way, and I am indeed already
 using those same
  methods to secure the user session. (I use SHA1 on
  user agent, and a secret...)
 Thanks for the kind words. I must point out that
 you'll never see me
 suggesting to use the IP address for anything
 important, especially
 anything regarding security.

I read your article about session security on php
magazine as well as on php architect. Both are very
nice articles. I would like to ask you what is the
reason you are not suggesting to use IP address as one
of the parts in generating the fingerprint.

In php architect magazine (Feb) you have suggested to
use session_regenerate_id() on all the pages before i
start session. In my application i am storing some
variables temporarily into the DB for the specific
session ID. Now if session id changes from page to
page then how would i retrieve the information back
from the DB? What is the reason you are suggesting to
use that function?
 Also, George Schlossnagle recently expressed to me
 that he has observed
 the User-Agent header changing for the same client.
 I've never heard of
 this myself, and he had nothing but his memory of
 the event to support it,
 but it's something to keep in mind. I try to never
 punish a user who
 fails a check, just in case the user isn't actually
 the bad guy. Rather, I
 ask the user to re-enter the password or something,
 which is less
 problematic (unless the user really is a bad guy).

Please let me know what should be the best combination
of fingerprint. Currently i am using SECRETWORD + user
agent + accept charset + session id and hashing it
with md5(). Now if someone has pointed that user agent
changes for the same browser then i don't think it's
worth to add user agent. What do you think?

I have one concern for securing the session variables.
I may be wrong here. If bad guy steals session id
information then he can also produce the same
fingerprint too. Because right now i am storing the
fingerprint into the session variable and on everypage
i am checking the expected fingerprint. So please
explain me how bad guy can attack to client machine..
How the fingerprint can save an application from this
attack? I am not clear here.

Thanks for the nice articles. I am waiting for your
future security tips on php architect magazine.


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RE: [PHP] php session ID attached to URL

2004-03-04 Thread Hardik Doshi
In case, client has selected disabled cookie option
then everytime you have to append session id variable
to the URL.

While appending the session id variable to the URL,
one must know the security concerns.

This is the nice article about session and security.


--- Ford, Mike   [LSS]
 On 04 March 2004 10:25, matthew oatham wrote:
  I have a quick question about PHP session. In my
 website I
  have included the command session_start(); at the
 top of
  every page. Firstly is this correct?
 Yes (sort of).  The real deal is that
 session_start() has to occur before you start
 sending any actual content -- if you have, say, a
 lot of initialization logic, this could actually be
 quite a long way into your script.
   Secondly when I visit
  the website the first link I click on has the php
 session ID
  appended to the url however this php session ID is
  appended to subsequent links ! Is this correct
 Yes.  It's simply the nature of cookies that it
 takes at least one round trip to the server to work
 out if you have them enabled -- and on that trip,
 the only way to propagate the session id is to pass
 it in the URL.
  What is going on? Can anyone explain?
 On your initial visit to the site, you will not have
 a session-id cookie set, so PHP doesn't know if you
 have cookies enabled or not.  When you first click a
 link, therefore, the session id is appended to the
 URL, *and* a session-id cookie header is sent.  On
 the next (and subsequent) clicks, the cookie will be
 received from your browser, PHP knows you have
 cookies enabled, and therefore relies on the cookie
 and does not add the session id to the URL.

 Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
 Learning Support Services, Learning  Information
 JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan
 Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
 Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113
 283 3211 
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Re: [PHP] Session and Cookie issue

2004-03-03 Thread Hardik Doshi
Thank you Chris.

  I have selected Disable cookie option in the
  browser setting on my MAC. Before selecting this
  option, my website was working fine but after
  disabling the cookie option, i am not able to
  to my website.
 There are at least two options:
 1. Include the session identifier in all your URLs

I did this and it works fine. Now by doing this i have
a question pop up in my mind is about Security. What
security measures should i take when i am passing the
session id value on URL?

 2. Let PHP do this for you by enabling
 session.use_trans_sid in your

With option # 2 i have the same concern of Security.
Please clarify the security measures.

 With option 2, the session identifier will be
 appended to all URLs when
 the user first visits the page, and every visit
 thereafter only performs
 this action if the user has disabled cookies.
 Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot.


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[PHP] Session and Cookie issue

2004-03-02 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

I am using the session handling functions throughout
my site. The problem is when i start a session
(session_start()), a cookie is automatically generated
on the local machine (PHPSESSID). So for example if
someone has turned off the cookie option in his
browser then he can't log-in to the system. 

I saw the cookie file and it is storing the session id
value in it. 

Can anyone tell me how can i turn off registering
cookie to the local machine while working with the
session handing functions?

Hardik Doshi

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Re: [PHP] Session and Cookie issue

2004-03-02 Thread Hardik Doshi
  The problem is when i start a session
 (session_start()), a cookie is
  automatically generated on the local machine
 This is expected and normal. If it is really a
 problem for you, you should
 probably explain why.

I have selected Disable cookie option in the safari
browser setting on my MAC. Before selecting this
option, my website was working fine but after
disabling the cookie option, i am not able to log-in
to my website. Actually the normal behaviour is once i
use session_start() function, system automatically
sets a cookie on my local machine but if i have
selected the disabled cookie option then how can
system set a cookie to my local machine? I think thats
the problem i am facing right now. I didn't test it on
windows yet. Please let me know your comments.

  So for example if someone has turned off the
 cookie option in his
  browser then he can't log-in to the system.
 This is incorrect. Did you try it?

Thank you.


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[PHP] Singleton pattern question

2003-12-31 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

Currently i am using the singleton design pattern in
one of my projects. I was under impression that by
using the singleton pattern i need to initialize
system configuration only one time (At the time of
login) but once i implemented the system, i came to
know that system initializes an instance on every
request of the webpage (On every request, singleton
class reads the system configuration and returns the
new instance). 

Is that the normal nature of using the singleton
pattern in the web environment?

Please let me know.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP My SQL vs ASP.NET SQL 2000 Server

2003-12-08 Thread Hardik Doshi
Before you make any decision please take a look the
power of PHP.


--- Manuel Lemos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 12/08/2003 07:42 PM, Ryotaro Ishikawa Md wrote:
 Hi, I am a MD, involved in a very large medical
 project that requieres a strong database plataform,
 the project must be .NET , the estimated
 transactional movement is about 40 on line users
 accesing a DB with a 200 relational tables. The
 policy is to program this SW in three layer design,
 our first oprion is ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000,
 because is worldwide spread. I had investigated PHP
 and MySQL, and I wonder if you can give me a
 imparcial advise if I must continue with ASP.NET or
 if PHP is a reasonable alternative.
 You may want to take a look at Care 2000 before
 going to reinvent the wheel:
 Manuel Lemos
 Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
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[PHP] Search logic question

2003-12-04 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

I need to implement the search engine for retrieving
the image observations data from the MySQL database.
The critical part in the search is the ability to add
search criteria (Multipage search) from page to page.
Anywhere during the process, user can click on the
search button to search the results. Now my question
is which data-structure is best to store all the
search criteria so later on i can retrieve results
from the DB using the selected search criteria. 

Is it advisable to store all the search criteria in
the Object and then i can pass an object to other
forms by either URL or hidden variables? any other

Please let me know. If you have any doubt in
understanding the entire process please let me know so
i can try to explain more.



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[PHP] Tab index

2003-10-22 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

Currently i have setup the tabindex on the drop down
menu but it doesn't work on mozilla and safari
browser. It is only working with the IE. Tab index on
the text box and textarea fields are working perfectly
on cross browser. Does any one has a clue why the
tabindex on the drop down menu doesn't work on certain


Hardik Doshi

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Re: [PHP] Tab index

2003-10-22 Thread Hardik Doshi
I am using the HTML. Javascript is not standard of W3C
organization and that's why i don't want to use it.

Is there any other solution for setting up the
tabindex on the Drop down menu?



--- Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hardik Doshi wrote:
 Is it DHTML or Javascript? Becaucse DHTML doesn't
 work the same way on 
 Browser. You will need to do a search on google
 DHTML and Netscape and 
 Safari, you make want to use Javascript because then
 any browser can 
 read it.
 Hi Group,
 Currently i have setup the tabindex on the drop
 menu but it doesn't work on mozilla and safari
 browser. It is only working with the IE. Tab index
 the text box and textarea fields are working
 on cross browser. Does any one has a clue why the
 tabindex on the drop down menu doesn't work on
 Hardik Doshi
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[PHP] Data modelling software

2003-10-20 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

Can anyone tell me which data modelling software is
good for the mysql database?



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Re: [PHP] File upload meter

2003-10-08 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Radhitha,

Can you please let me know which file upload meter
code (the one i mentiond or megaupload) will be
included in the V5?



--- Raditha Dissanayake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 These guys have done a good job and I think it's
 planned to be included 
 in V5.
 Till then i invite you to take a look at 
 where you can download 
 a system that works without PHP having to be
 best regards
 Steve Murphy wrote:
 David Enderson also developed an upload meter and
 contacted PHP about
 including it.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02155.html
 Long and short, PHP never included it. This
 functionality is requested and
 can be included easily. I'm in the process of
 developing documentation and
 rpm packaging for Dave's meter and I've already had
 7 clients call me about
 it, (IMO) I think its time more projects like this
 are needed and PHP should
 do a better job of incorporating them and less time
 holding conferences.
 Oh go here
 ( to
 see what's
 available (not much right now) from Enderson's
 project. Note this is not the
 official site.
 -Original Message-
 From: Hardik Doshi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 9:47 AM
 Subject: [PHP] File upload meter
 Hi Group,
 It's really nice to see the file upload meter
 developed by Doru Theodor Petrescu
 ( He did a nice job. He
 serveral patches for the php 4 to enable the file
 upload meter.
 I was just wondering what will happen to the file
 upload meter once the php 5.0 will release? Is PHP
 community planning to put file upload meter code
 permanently in every distributions of the php?
 Please let me know about my queries. I really want
 use this feature but worrying for the future php
 Hardik Doshi
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 Raditha Dissanayake.  | 
 Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with  |  Mega Upload
 - PHP file uploader
 Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB  |  with
 progress bar.
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[PHP] File upload meter

2003-10-08 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

It's really nice to see the file upload meter
developed by Doru Theodor Petrescu
( He did a nice job. He created
serveral patches for the php 4 to enable the file
upload meter.

I was just wondering what will happen to the file
upload meter once the php 5.0 will release? Is PHP
community planning to put file upload meter code
permanently in every distributions of the php?

Please let me know about my queries. I really want to
use this feature but worrying for the future php


Hardik Doshi

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[PHP] Printing reports

2003-09-15 Thread Hardik Doshi

From the different PHP mailing lists archives i found
out that printing reports with the PDF is good
solution. Let me know if you guys know any better
solution for printing the reports.

Currently i am testing report module with the FPDF
library. My main goal is to print addresses
information of all the users. Now the critical part is
how can i set the page break if some user's record is
not completed on the particular page(Meaning, some of
the addresses information for particular user on the
first page and remaining on the second page). I would
like to set page break in the PDF when such kind of
conditions occur. Does any one know about it?


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[PHP] Multiple image buttons

2003-09-09 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

I have a page on which there are multiple image
buttons. Is there any way to determine which button is
pressed by the user? 

For example, there is a page on which i display all
the users of the system with the edit and delete
button beside each user entry. Now if admin wants to
delete one of the users then how can i know admin
pressed which button? It is possible with non-image
button but image button always give me x and y

Please let me know if you have any clue.


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[PHP] Form data

2003-09-08 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

I have a form for adding a university course details.
It has some fields for which the parent form calls the
child form. For example: Each course is associated
with at least one faculty member. So when the user
enters faculty member then first user needs to find
the appropriate faculty member using the search module
and then needs to append that faculty member to the
course details form by clicking the button next to
faculty member's name on the search results. 

Now my question is once user leaves the parent form to
the search form for the faculty member, at that time
how can i store the already entered information on the
parent form. So i can retrieve it back once i come to
the parent form after finding the appropriate faculty

I would like to know your ideas for this problem. I
have think two possible ways to do it. One is to store
entire $_POST array of parent form into the database
associated with the session id. Second is to store
$_POST array of parent form into the session file
itself. But i don't know which one is the efficient
and real world solution. Even i would like to know
other possible solutions.

Please let me know.


Hardik Doshi

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Re: [PHP] Can Objects be passed to another page?

2003-09-04 Thread Hardik Doshi
Yeah you can pass object using serialize function and
later on you can use unserialize function to convert
the serialized variable in the original object.

--- Radu Manole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 using serialize might work
 - Original Message - 
 From: Marco Schuler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 3:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Can Objects be passed to another
  Hi there
  MuToGeN wrote:
   No, arrays can be passed (input
   for example), but not objects.
  And why does this work then?
  === SCRIPT ===
  class AClass {
  var $i = 0;
  function AClass ($i = 0) {
  function increment() {
  function display() {
  printf('Current value of $i is:  %sbr',
  if (!isset($_SESSION['AClass'])) {
  $a =  new AClass();
  $_SESSION['AClass'] =  $a;
  else {
  $a =  $_SESSION['AClass'];
  === /SCRIPT ===
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[PHP] Function arguments

2003-08-15 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

I have a question on overloaded function. 

What is the best way to pass the arguments so it is
easy to maintain in future if function behaviour
changes by adding/removing one or more arguments?

Currently i am passing arguments in array. But i think
it is not the clean way to do it and another approach
i am using is functionName(arg1, arg2='', arg3='') but
here again i think it is not easy to maintain.

Please let me know if you guys have other options or
improved version of above options.



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[PHP] Config files

2003-08-14 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

I have following options for working with the
configuration files with the relatively large web

1. Configuration variables using the DEFINE.

2. Array - Each configuration variable as an array

3. PHP.INI like config files.

Please let me know which one is the best
approach..Also let me know if you guys have some other
good options.

Please provide some references if you find it
interesting for the config variables.



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Re: [PHP] Auto session timeout

2003-07-21 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi John,

Thanks for your response.

Actually i am thinking on the same way except saving
the URL of the page. You gave me a really good tip of
storing the URL with all other information.
Additionally, i was thinking to implement the Save
feature of MS word. So user can keep saving his/her
work after some period of time..

There is still one problem. On so many forms on my
education intranet application, students are
submitting the final projects with the supporting
documents and images. Once they submit the final
project, my script is performing serveral error
checking for the file size, extension etc. What should
i have to do for those kind of stuff? Because if
someone submits a very large file then my script won't
be able to upload the file (because of PHP file upload
limit set into the php.ini)

Let me know if you have any suggestion for improving
this functionality a little bit more.

Thanks again for your positive reply.

--- John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hardik Doshi wrote:
  I have implemented the Auto session timeout after
  specific period of time. 
  What i am doing is..At the time of login to the
  system, my script is storing the current unix time
  into the session and later on at every user click,
  (my script) is checking the stored unix time with
  current time. So, if you want to auto logout the
  after 30 minutes of inactivity then you need to
  auto session timeout interval to 30 min. 
  Algorith is..If session stored time + auto session
  timeout interval  current time then my script
  automatically logout the user from the system
  otherwise my script stores the current unix time
  the session.
  My problem is.. If user is doing some work on the
  particular page (Ex. user is writing some stuff on
  specific page) but my script is counting this
 thing to
  inactive period.. so after 31 minutes if user is
  completing the writing and hit submit button then
  is getting the session expired screen and he is
  loosing all the contents on that particular page..
  Please let me know if any one has solution for
 What you could do, at the point you realize the
 session has times out, 
 is save the contents of $_GET, $_POST, or $_REQUEST
 (depending upon your 
 script) and the current URL of the page in the
 session. Have the user 
 log in again. The login validation page then
 checks for the saved 
 values, and if they are there, redirects back to
 that page. Then the 
 user doesn't lose anything. It'll require a little
 work, but short of 
 increasing your time-out limit, that's the best
 option. There's no way 
 to tell if a user is working on filling out a page
 or has left the 
 browser open.
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Re: [PHP] Auto session timeout

2003-07-20 Thread Hardik Doshi

I have implemented the Auto session timeout after the
specific period of time. 

What i am doing is..At the time of login to the
system, my script is storing the current unix time
into the session and later on at every user click, It
(my script) is checking the stored unix time with the
current time. So, if you want to auto logout the user
after 30 minutes of inactivity then you need to store
auto session timeout interval to 30 min. 

Algorith is..If session stored time + auto session
timeout interval  current time then my script
automatically logout the user from the system
otherwise my script stores the current unix time in
the session.

My problem is.. If user is doing some work on the
particular page (Ex. user is writing some stuff on the
specific page) but my script is counting this thing to
inactive period.. so after 31 minutes if user is
completing the writing and hit submit button then he
is getting the session expired screen and he is
loosing all the contents on that particular page..
Please let me know if any one has solution for this.

Let me know if i am unclear at any point.



--- John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tan Ai Leen wrote:
  Can someone confirm that php does not have a auto
 timeout feature? Meaning
  something like session will auto expire
 irregardless of whether the browser
  is close or not?
 If you're using the default session handler and
 storing the session 
 files in the location specified in php.ini, then the
 files will be 
 deleted by the garbage collection process after so
 many minutes of not 
 being accessed. So, whether the browser window is
 open or not, the file 
 will be deleted if it hasn't been accessed, thus
 ending the session.
 The time that this happens isn't exact, though,
 since garbage collection 
 is triggered based upon traffic to your site and a
 probability you set 
 in php.ini. It's close enough for government work,
 though. :)
 ---John Holmes...
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2003-07-16 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi there,

I read this interesting thread and come up with some

1. How efficient is to use XML+XSLT solution? Does it
add processing overhead to the system?

2. Do you have some examples which can describe the
separation of layers using the XML+XSLT technology?

3. Currently i am storing the data in the mysql
database. so first i need to create the xml file on
fly and then i need to integrate this xml file with
the xsl style sheet. Please corret if i am wrong

So far i have above questions in my mind. If i come up
with other questions then  i will let you know.


--- Ray Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 XML is a way to store data in a structure format
 that is correct and is
 platform independent; meaning u can share data with
 anything that
 understands xml format.
 For web applications xml allows you to send data to
 the client and have
 the browser do the parsing for you. (I would suggest
 ie5.5 and ns6.0
 browsers if you are doing client-side parsing).  If
 you are doing
 server-side php parsing then i would suggest using
 domxml+domxslt or
 using xslt (sablotron).  Then you can parse the xml
 doc, get xhtml(html)
 and send that to the user.
 The benefits are seperation of logic and
 presentation in your php. All
 presentation code should be in your xslt style
 sheets and all logic
 should create a data document (xml).  This allow you
 to change the
 presentation with out changing logic.
 On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 04:26, Petre Agenbag wrote:
  Hi List
  Firstly, this question is arguable more about XML
 than PHP, but they are
  interlinked, so I hope it is topical for this
  Firstly, Where I come from:
  I am VERY comfortable with PHP/MySQL on Linux and
 understand all those
  Now I'm trying to see the benefits of XML, and
 quite frankly, I just
  cannot see why one would want to use it...
  Anyway, I don't want to start a discussion on that
  I have done extensive reading on XML/XSL(XSLT :
  parsing on browser and server side.
  I arguable still don't have a 100% understanding
 of exactly how things
  fit together, but the little bit I think I got so
 far is:
  I would use an XML doc to package my data in a
  This XML file is useless on it's own, and good
 for transporting data
  to another app or client.
  Should I need to do something with the data, I
 would look at XSL and in
  particular XSLT in order to convert the XML into
 XHTML so a browser can
  display the data ( so we can safely assume that I
 am only interested in
  the web applications of XML)
  This is where I'm starting to get a headache,
 because now it seems that
  there are browser issues wrt XSL, and one also
 have the added choice of
  parsing the XML with the browser or on server
  For me, parsing it on browser level must be a
 no-no, as I would assume
  that it's would take alot of effort to find out
 what type of browser the
  client has, then load the appropriate XSL file for
 that browser.
  So, I'm here, with the server side XML parsing in
  Now on M$ systems, it seems that IIS has built in
 ActiveX XMLDOM parsing
  built in, and you can easily parse the XML
 document by using ASP etc.
  So can I assume that this is also true with
 PHP/Apache, ie, Apache has a
  built in XML parser and I can use PHP fnuctions to
 parse my XML file on
  the server side and thus pump out XHTML that is
 compatible with all
  past and future browsers?
  Also, what is the procedure that most of you
 (members of the PHP lists)
  follow when dealing with XML. ie, do you go for
 the client side parsing
  or do you do server side parsing. And how do you
 decide when to use XML
  and when to stick to trusty old PHP/MySQL? (
 Sorry,  know this is
  probably the dumbest question I can ask, but I
 really battle to see when
  to use it, or rather WHY I should use it seeing
 that the data is
  arguably static in nature ( I would either get
 the XML file from
  somewhere else, or I would generate it from some
 source and pass it on,
  effectively creating a little data island/snapshot
 of the actual data at
  a point in time?)
  Thanks for any input.
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Re: [PHP] Code and Good Design Methods

2003-07-15 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Joel,

Thanks for nice comments on the XML, XSL.

I want to know more about it. can you please send me
some article, links and tutorials?



--- Joel Rees [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Let's be honest, XSL is is one big logic step
 itself -- moreover it's a
  whole other language to learn.
 I wouldn't call it a _big_ step. It only looks big
 when you look down.
 I would tend rather to encourage the use of XSL,
 myself.  If you can
 pick up php okay, you ought to have few problems
 with XSL. (My biggest
 problem with XSL is remembering to let the
 application language handle
 the hard logic. Don't try to calculate the company
 budget in XSL, except
 as a logic game to amuse yourself while riding the
 train home.)
 You have your data in the database, and a filter
 (ergo, PHP code) to
 extract the data, dress it up a bit and add XML
 tags. Then you have an
 XSL filter to munge the XML into HTML. And the nice
 thing about XSL is
 that the web page layout is all determined by the
 Of course, it does work out to be a bit messier than
 it sounds, but the
 benefits are definite.
 To the OP -- don't focus on the code, don't focus on
 the coding style
 either, focus on the problem. The object is not to
 avoid mixing PHP and
 HTML, and the object is not to use (or not use)
 objects. Rather, it is
 to separate processes that are more related to the
 business side of
 things from processes that are more related to the
 presentation side. 
 My comments on XSL aside, you can program both
 business and presentation
 in PHP. HTML will mostly be in the presentation
 side, but not
 necessarily always. For instance, on the business
 side, you may
 sometimes want to provide a table of the projected
 monthly profits for
 the next year as a complete table wrapped in tags,
 rather than providing
 the raw numbers to the presentation side.
 If the design is in someone else's hands, you'll
 want a template engine.
 The basic concept is that the designer designs the
 template, putting
 template tags in where the data should go. The
 presentation code picks
 up the data and the template, replaces the tags with
 the data, and spits
 the result out at the viewer's browser. 
 Some template engines are better at actually
 conforming to that model
 than others (particualarly in relation to your app),
 and XSL can
 definitely be used in ways that don't conform to
 that model. That's no
 big deal, just part of what makes life interesting. 
 (And if you get into Javaland, you'll hear a lot
 about MVC and
 frameworks. That's a slightly more refined, uhm,
 Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
 Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan
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[PHP] Database question

2003-07-03 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

Currently i am connecting the underlying database
server from every php page. To reduce the connection
overhead i am thinking to store the PEAR DB object
into the registry (session) at the time of user login.
Here i am connecting the Database only one time and
rest of the time i am using the object stored in the
memory. Even this is more helpful when the application
is connecting more than one database..My application
is getting feed from four different databases reside
on two different servers.

I don't know what ever i am thinking is correct or
not.. Please guide me if i am wrong anywhere and if
any one of you have better idea then please disucss.


Hardik Doshi

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Re: [PHP] Session Performance questions

2003-07-02 Thread Hardik Doshi
I think writing 2 to 3K data into the session is
faster than writing to sql db.

Your session files are mostly stored on the swap space
of your server and swap space is faster to read than
database files stored in the hard drive.

Let me know if i am incorrect


Hardik Doshi

--- Sancar Saran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm working on a CMS like system. Its uses heavly
 SQL for page rendering. 
 Yesterday I made a stress test. System stable for
 just 30 secs (for 60 
 request per sec, An Athlon750 with 320 mb ram). My
 investigation is Apache 
 stalls when writing sessions. System uses sessions
 for store sniffed browser 
 Which is faster, writing 2 or 3 k data into session
 or sql db (after 
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Re: [PHP] how can I logout autamaitcally (using session)

2003-07-02 Thread Hardik Doshi

You can add last_request_time variable into the
session when user logs into the system. Initially set
the time at which user logs in to the system. Now
every user click you need to check your
last_request_time with the current_time. If the
difference of last_request_time and current_time is
greater than the thresold limit you have decided (idle
time of user) than just logout that particular user
otherwise set the current_time to the
last_request_time and proceed..

I hope the algorithm is clear to you.

Let me know if u need any help


Hardik Doshi

--- sunwei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks a lot. Ye, I am using Apache. So how can I
 set when 
 the session expires? I should just set the
 item in php.ini file or I should write my program?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Kris Yates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 2:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] how can I logout autamaitcally
 (using session)
  I presume you are running Apache. Apache cannot
 detect a browser
  closing. The user would have to click a logout
 button, which would
  execute session destroy or whatever and redirect
 them to another page.
  That is what I do. My server is set to expire
 sessions after one hour.
  So, if a user just closes the browser, it will
 eventually be deleted
  automatically by Apache.
  sunwei wrote:
  when the user close all the IE windows, should
 the session be destroyed autamatically? 
  it seems in my website, the session is not
 destroyed autamatically, so that other people 
  open the IE and see that he can access the
 website without logging in. so what I should do?
  thanks a lot for any help or suggestion.
  wei sun


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[PHP] Performance question

2003-06-23 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

I have a question regarding retrieving the
information. I have the functionlity in which on every
user click, system needs to retrieve information for
particular user and display the page according to the
retrieved information. Now question is which is the
scalable solution? (1) Retrieve information from the
database on each user click. (2) Retrieve information
from the session (here information is retrieved once
and stored in the session file on the server, when
user logs into the system)

Please let me know



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[PHP] Change image file size dynamically

2003-06-23 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

Is there any way to change the image size (Not height
and width. I am talking about image file size)

Our users upload the big files and we want to find a
way so once user upload such file, system will
automatically generate the small file and store both
versions on the server location. Later on this small
file will show up as the thumbnail. Once user clicks
on thumbnail then system will show the original big




Hardik K. Doshi
Web Application Developer

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[PHP] Session filesize limit

2003-06-18 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

Does anyone know about the ideal session filesize
limit? I am using the common functionality in the
entire application. So i am thinking to store data
into the session file once user logs into the system
rather retrieving the information from database on
each user request. But i dont know what should be the
filesize limit. I am just trying to save database
calls on each request. If anyone has other suggestions
then please let me know.


Hardik Doshi


Hardik K. Doshi
Web Application Developer

Institute of Design
Illinois Institute of Technology
350, North Lasalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610

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RE: [PHP] Session filesize limit

2003-06-18 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Jay,

Thanks for your quick reply. I am storing the session
file on the server. 

Once user logs into the system, i am storing username
and his/her roles (status) in the session files and on
each page request i am retrieving the information from
the session files. Now i need to add some more
functionality in the system and for that i need to add
some more information in the session files. So i was
just worrying about the size of these files. 

Anyway let me know if i am wrong or if you have any

Thanks again.

Hardik Doshi

--- Jay Blanchard
 Does anyone know about the ideal session filesize
 limit? I am using the
 common functionality in the
 entire application. So i am thinking to store data
 into the session file
 once user logs into the system
 rather retrieving the information from database on
 each user request.
 But i dont know what should be the
 filesize limit. I am just trying to save database
 calls on each request.
 If anyone has other suggestions
 then please let me know.
 If you are storing session information on your
 system then you have to
 determine what the limit is for the filesize. If
 you're storing session
 information on the user's system the filesize limit
 is 4k...and it is
 called a cookie.
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[PHP] Configuration values

2003-06-05 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Group,

I have a question regarding setting up configuration
values (environmental variables) for particular PHP
based web application. Currently i am doing it by
using DEFINE but is there any better way to do it?

Please let me know. 


Hardik Doshi 

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RE: [PHP] Mail - avoid backslash before apostrophe

2003-06-03 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi there,

I think you need to check magic quotes setting under
php.ini. I guess it should be on. Try to make it off
and try your mail function.


Hardik Doshi

--- Dillon, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a text box on a web page and submit button. 
 The php code sends the
 text as an email.  If the text includes an inverted
 comma/apostrophe the
 email will include a backslash before it, thus: \'. 
 I know how to
 str_replace in php, but what do I need to replace
 the apostrophe with to
 avoid the \?  The HTML for ' is ' if that helps.
  I've looked at ASCII
 in google, but am unenlightened.  Can't find the
 answer in under
 mail() function either.

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Re: [PHP] Re: XML+XSLT or Smarty again??

2003-03-31 Thread Hardik Doshi

From my point of view, XML+XSLT increases complexity
with very less number of advantages. 

Fundamental of using XML+XSLT with PHP is to seperate
HTML code from the PHP and database code. But in the
following article, it shows XSL stylesheet comes with
full of logic. Do we really need this approach?? At
this time i think smarty is separating the
presentation from logic in the best manner.

Please correct me if i am wrong.



--- rush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pete James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
  This xml+html+xslt paradigm provides great
 separation, especially when
  viewed in light of the traditional xslt=html+code
 method.  I've used it
  with good success.

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[PHP] XML+XSLT or Smarty again??

2003-03-28 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Everyone,

Thanks to community for previous answers

I want to know more regarding XML+XSLT technology to
seperate presentation layer from the business logic.

First let me explain on which tools i am currently
working on. I am basically using PHP, MySQL and Apache
on Sun Solaris environment. Using these tools i am
developing mid to large web based applications.
Currently i am not using any kind of template engine
to seperate my presentation layer from business logic.
Now i am looking for the recommendation from PHP
community about template engine system. Along with
that i am also reading XML+XSLT as well as Smarty
resources from the web. 

During reading of XML+XSLT and Smarty, i have
following two questions.

1. Currently i am retrieving information from the
MySQL database and iterating result set using PHP
code. Now with the use of XML+XSLT i have to retrieve
information first as an XML document and then XSLT
renders the XML document using PHP. Am i right? If i
am correct then i am concern for resources which are
going to use on Server side. (For example: Using
XML+XSLT i have to create XML document and that could
be extra step) In smarty actually you don't need to
create secondary storage. So is it worth to use
XML+XSLT in medium to big web application with
considerable trafic?

2. Smarty has compiled once technology means all the
templates and php files are compiled only one time
unless if template or php file changes. While in
XML+XSLT, everytime server needs to process certain
actions (Database to XML and XSLT parsing) So again is
it worth to use XML+XSLT if you are concern for speed?

Actually i dont know much about Advantages of XML+XSLT
in web based application. What i know is Smarty's
advantages. So if you have any idea then please let me
know. I am more and more concern for perfect selection
of template engine.

It would be nice if anyone can share XML+XSLT
development with me.

Hardik Doshi

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[PHP] Does ZEND studio has secure FTP?

2003-02-17 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Everyone,

Does zend studio has Secure FTP feature? I am not able
to find information from Zend website.



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[PHP] Full text search of mysql

2003-02-12 Thread Hardik Doshi

I want to use mysql's full text search capabilities
with two different tables. Can i join tables using
full text search? I am using mysql 3.23.55



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2003-02-10 Thread Hardik Doshi
I have a same question in my mind about XML. 

I have another question in my mind too.

If we are using smarty template engine in our
development then what is need of XML and XSLT for
presentation layer? I think XML and XSLT work is
automatically done in smarty template engine. Am i
right? Please correct me if i am wrong. Let me know
which one is good to use smarty engine or XML,XSLT for
seperating interface and php code?



--- Sascha Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know how XML works and how a wellformed document
 may look
 like, but I must say, I really dont know why I
 should use XML as long
 I store everything in a Database.
 I've read about all good CMS Systems use XML as a
 musthave, but I
 don't understand why.
 Would be nice, if you would explain me which data I
 should store in
 XML and why.
 Maybe its usefull together with big Customer
 Management Systems,
 or do you have other Ideas?
 Please discuss a little about it with me, I would
 find it very interesting
 - Original Message -
 To: Sascha Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 11:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] WYSIWIG CMS Part1
  look into using XML if you havent already.
  Sascha Braun wrote:
  overspoken. I'm going to write my basic CMS
 Concept here, and let us see
  what happens then. My Multilanguage Frontend
 Engine has even finished,
  but still needs a nice Admin Frontend to do the
 translation of the
  Ok, lets start. Later I will tell some about the
 things which I could not
  understand yet, maybe somebody is able to help.
  Tasks of the CMS (I called it freecon, dont know
 if there is something
  1. Template Engine
  2. Design Management
  3. Article Management
  4. Content Management
  5. User Management
  6. Customer Management
  7. Message Management
  1. The Template Engine should help developers
 to easy build Websites
  on the CMS. The only Thing the Developer has to
 do, is to develop an
  HTML Webpage Design and replace all the Visitor
 viewable and Admin
  textparts with special CMS Based Tags. As there
 is possibility to write
  of the CMS as Modules, it would be very nice if
 fx. the customer login
  consist of a small code sniped and a border
 (Table and Images fx.) so the
  developer can easely change the design of the
 page, probably with the
  2. The Design Management is part of the
 Administration Kit for the CMS.
  this tool you should be able to change the Design
 of the Templates and if
  used the CMS Based Tags you should be able to
 upload new parts of the
  homepage design and change the hole page look,
 with a few mouseclicks.
  So there has be an Design Table in the Database
 or an configuration file,
  where all the Imageparts are stored and together
 build the page look and
  feel. The CSS Stylesheet should the be changeable
 to a lot of forms, seen
  in phpbb or other nice templated website tools.
  3. The Article Management should be part of the
 Admin Interface where you
  can deside, of which parts an article should be
 consist. Fx. an Article
  possibly consist of an Headline, Introduction,
  1 Image, 2 Images and much more. So it would be
 nice, if the Admin could
  give some orders on which parts a text may
 consist of and which design
  should be able to chose from. When you want to
 write a new Newstext and
  the Admin decided that newstexts should consist
 of an headline and a
  description toghether with the maximum of 1
 Picture, you will chose when
  you want to create the text in which language you
 want to create it and
  will enter an custom frontend for the article,
 where only the form fields
  visible you may use to write the article, when
 you wanted you create the
  in more than one language, you will able to
 choose if you want to see all
  (I mean for the different translations on one
 page or you will be able to
 enter the
  translate mode, where you will see fx, headline
 in english and an empty
  form below for Italian language, But Later Ill
 explain more about the
 article mana-
  gement). I choosed to do it in this way, because
 it will reduce the space
  by the database enormously, because there is an
 table which only holds
 the head-
  lines, in all languages, and another one only
 holds the introductions, in
 all langua-
  ges, and so on.
  4. The Content Management, I started to explain
 in 3. a little about how
 it should
  work. Now I will get a little deeper into it.
  When your Chief decides that you should write an
 article, he starts
 entering a new
  title or headline for the task and sets the
 priority and chooses in which
  the article should be translated in. After he did
 this, he chooses
 between his em-


2003-02-10 Thread Hardik Doshi
I think XML and XSLT are the alternative of Smarty
template engine. But i dont know how i can sepeatate
my code using XML and XSL style sheets? If anyone can
give me more information then it would be nice. 

I know how to write XSL style sheet along with XML
document. But i really dont know what contents should
be in XML. If XML contains data (and it is true) then
what is the need of MySQL? At last i can say i don't
know application of XML and XSL for seperating PHP and
HTML code.

Please Clear my doubts.


--- Sascha Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mh, I don't really know, but I think smarty is even
 because XSL Stylesheets have to be translatet by an
 Server Engine, so everything can be translatet into
 so far as I know. So it is not possible to just work
 with an
 standard Apache unless you install an extra XML
 or special Apache Version on the Server.
 Smarty can be used without installing some extra
 things, I
 think. But really don't know either, because I never
 smarty before, just read a little about it ;)).
 XML should maybe be used to store Configurationfiles
 Database Content into static files for exchanging
 the Content
 with other Applikations like Quark Xpress or
 Indesign or
 maybe to share it with with Cellphones (Which there
 is no
 need to, because PHP is able to write XHTML).
 I don't know if there is an XML/XSL Browser Around
 how the Data could be shown, if I would know I would
 start to write all my Websites in XML, if this is
 Maybe someone knows a litte more and want to tell
 Have a nice day!
 - Original Message -
 From: Hardik Doshi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Sascha Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PHP
 General list
 Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 3:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] WYSIWIG CMS Part1
  I have a same question in my mind about XML.
  I have another question in my mind too.
  If we are using smarty template engine in our
  development then what is need of XML and XSLT for
  presentation layer? I think XML and XSLT work is
  automatically done in smarty template engine. Am i
  right? Please correct me if i am wrong. Let me
  which one is good to use smarty engine or XML,XSLT
  seperating interface and php code?
  --- Sascha Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I know how XML works and how a wellformed
   may look
   like, but I must say, I really dont know why I
   should use XML as long
   I store everything in a Database.
   I've read about all good CMS Systems use XML as
   musthave, but I
   don't understand why.
   Would be nice, if you would explain me which
 data I
   should store in
   XML and why.
   Maybe its usefull together with big Customer
   Management Systems,
   or do you have other Ideas?
   Please discuss a little about it with me, I
   find it very interesting
   - Original Message -
   From: Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Sascha Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 11:43 PM
   Subject: Re: [PHP] WYSIWIG CMS Part1
look into using XML if you havent already.
Sascha Braun wrote:

overspoken. I'm going to write my basic CMS
   Concept here, and let us see
what happens then. My Multilanguage Frontend
   Engine has even finished,
but still needs a nice Admin Frontend to do
   translation of the

Ok, lets start. Later I will tell some about
   things which I could not
understand yet, maybe somebody is able to

Tasks of the CMS (I called it freecon, dont
   if there is something

1. Template Engine
2. Design Management
3. Article Management
4. Content Management
5. User Management
6. Customer Management
7. Message Management

1. The Template Engine should help
   to easy build Websites
on the CMS. The only Thing the Developer has
   do, is to develop an
HTML Webpage Design and replace all the
   viewable and Admin
textparts with special CMS Based Tags. As
   is possibility to write
of the CMS as Modules, it would be very nice
   fx. the customer login
consist of a small code sniped and a border
   (Table and Images fx.) so the
developer can easely change the design of the
   page, probably with the

2. The Design Management is part of the
   Administration Kit for the CMS.
this tool you should be able to change the
   of the Templates and if
used the CMS Based Tags you should be able
   upload new parts of the
homepage design and change the hole page
   with a few mouseclicks.
So there has be an Design Table in the


2003-02-10 Thread Hardik Doshi
--- Kevin Waterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This one time, at band camp,
 Hardik Doshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know how to write XSL style sheet along with XML
  document. But i really dont know what contents
  be in XML. If XML contains data (and it is true)
  what is the need of MySQL? At last i can say i
  know application of XML and XSL for seperating PHP
  HTML code.
 I am putting together a cms as we speak
 I use PHP for my logic, and MySQL for dynamic
 content storage
 I extract info from the db using PEAR sql2xml class
 to put
 all the info in a XML string and then
 use xslt/sablotron to call the xsl template and
 render the 

THe stuff which you are doing with XSLT and XML is
pretty same like Smarty template engine? What is the
advantage of using XML, XSLT than Smarty template

thanks for your nice comments.

 Kind regards
 (_ \ 
  _) )            
 |  /  / _  ) / _  | / ___) / _  )
 | |  ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ / 
 |_|   \) \_||_| \) \)
 Kevin Waterson
 Port Macquarie, Australia
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RE: [PHP] WYSIWYG Content Management system?

2003-02-07 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hey Thanks for your nice advice. I will definately
think about it.


--- @ Nilaab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why don't you two gather up a few more developers,
 decide on what is needed
 and what the goals are, then assign parts to build
 for the new CMS. Once
 finished, you can maybe present it to and
 see if they will allow it
 to be developed and documented in the future by
 other developers. A CMS is a
 very important and popular prog, so it might get the
 same attention as basic
 templates get, like SMARTY. Who knows, maybe it can
 even be integrated with
 SMARTY too, and/or other PHP programs still out
 there. This might yield one
 of the best CMS out there in the PHP world, which
 can constantly be
 developed. There's my two cents, good luck...
  -Original Message-
  From: Sascha Braun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:01 PM
  To: PHP General list; Hardik Doshi
  Subject: Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG Content Management
  I am working on such a CMS right yet.
  I want to implement infinitly Language Support and
 an Wordpad
  like HTML Editor which allows you to chose basic
 design tem-
  plates and lets you upload some images.
  I want to build an extraordinary Usermanagement,
 where you can
  write parts of an Text while somebody else is
 writing on another
  Part of the same text maybe in different language
 at the same Time.
  When you wrote a text you can chose between your
 mates for
  let them make the translation based on
 userprofiles every web-
  content admin has to fill out.
  And a lota more things, but right now i dont have
 very much time,
  I have to build a small shop inbetween. But the
 Multilanguage sup-
  port ist basically finished.
  But I may say some more, have you ever read about
 the execCommand
  in IE (Internet Explorer)? You can build an fully
 working wysiwyg HTML
  Editor with these commands. I'm going to send you
 a nice example after-
  wards Hardik.
  Maybe somebody wants to help me with the CMS
 System. I dont really
  like the Design of PHPNuke and I want to build an
 even more professional
  Article Management than it is developed in
  See Ya
  - Original Message -
  From: Hardik Doshi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG Content Management
   Hey Jason,
   I am looking for the same. Do you have or any
 one in this list has any
  idea? Please let me know.
Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:On
 Wednesday 05
  February 2003
  09:43, J J wrote:
I've seen CMS systems like phpnuke but it's
 kind of
overkill for what I need and almost more news
I'm looking for something that would allow the
 user to
change content, change/upload images, all in a
style so it's easy to see and use.
It'd be cool to be able to login to the admin
select a page to edit, and it would allow you
preview the page just like it looks. Then you
on a text area or image you want to update.
Is there a CMS that allows for WYSIWYG like
but will work within specified
 headers/footers, style
sheets, etc? Then the site content would all
generated on the fly from php/mysql.
   All the major/popular ones would/should have
 been registered at
   soureforge so check them out.
   Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -
   Open Source Software Systems Integrators
   * Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet
 Applications Development *
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[PHP] 3 tier web development

2003-02-07 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Everyone,

I am curious to know how one can develop 3-tier web
based applications using PHP, MySQL. Here Database
should be changed in future using database abstraction
layer. Can anybody tell me in detail that how can i
build 3 tier flexible web application?

More questions on this thread:

1. How one can seperate HTML and PHP (or any other
programming code).  Is there anything in PHP so i can
seperate Interface layer and programming logic layer?

2. I know that we can use Database abstraction layer
so in future it is really easy to change database as
per need. Can any one tell me which database
abstraction layer is the best for future applications.

3. There is lots of talk about CMS today. Does anyone
know about PHP based CMS (PHP-Nuke?? i dont know)?

Currently i am making 2 tier systems (HTML+PHP,
Database) I want to switch my applications to 3 tier
(HTML, php and database). Please give me enough



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Re: [PHP] 3 tier web development

2003-02-07 Thread Hardik Doshi
Ok so for seperating interface and PHP code, smarty
templace engine is the best right? 

What about database abstraction layer? 

thanks for your information. I really appreciate that.


--- John Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hardik Doshi said:
  1. How one can seperate HTML and PHP (or any other
  programming code).  Is there anything in PHP so i
  seperate Interface layer and programming logic

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RE: RE: [PHP] WYSIWYG Content Management system?

2003-02-07 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Sascha,

Really Nice. I like your thoughts about CMS. Today i
am looking in PHP Nuke CMS and i found it has really
nice functionalities. I don't know much about PHP nuke
CMS. That's what you are looking for? Give some
thoughts on PHP Nuke project.

thanks and all the best for your ideas


--- Sascha Braun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 overspoken. I'm going to write my basic CMS Concept
 here, and let us see
 what happens then. My Multilanguage Frontend Engine
 has even finished,
 but still needs a nice Admin Frontend to do the
 translation of the Frontend.
 Ok, lets start. Later I will tell some about the
 things which I could not really
 understand yet, maybe somebody is able to help.
 Tasks of the CMS (I called it freecon, dont know if
 there is something similar):
 1. Template Engine
 2. Design Management
 3. Article Management
 4. Content Management
 5. User Management
 6. Customer Management
 7. Message Management
 1. The Template Engine should help developers to
 easy build Websites based
 on the CMS. The only Thing the Developer has to do,
 is to develop an static
 HTML Webpage Design and replace all the Visitor
 viewable and Admin viewable
 textparts with special CMS Based Tags. As there is
 possibility to write parts
 of the CMS as Modules, it would be very nice if fx.
 the customer login could
 consist of a small code sniped and a border (Table
 and Images fx.) so the
 developer can easely change the design of the page,
 probably with the Design
 2. The Design Management is part of the
 Administration Kit for the CMS. With
 this tool you should be able to change the Design of
 the Templates and if you
 used the CMS Based Tags you should be able to
 upload new parts of the
 homepage design and change the hole page look, with
 a few mouseclicks.
 So there has be an Design Table in the Database or
 an configuration file,
 where all the Imageparts are stored and together
 build the page look and
 feel. The CSS Stylesheet should the be changeable to
 a lot of forms, seen
 in phpbb or other nice templated website tools.
 3. The Article Management should be part of the
 Admin Interface where you
 can deside, of which parts an article should be
 consist. Fx. an Article could
 possibly consist of an Headline, Introduction,
 Shortdescription, Description,
 1 Image, 2 Images and much more. So it would be
 nice, if the Admin could
 give some orders on which parts a text may consist
 of and which design you
 should be able to chose from. When you want to write
 a new Newstext and
 the Admin decided that newstexts should consist of
 an headline and a short
 description toghether with the maximum of 1 Picture,
 you will chose when
 you want to create the text in which language you
 want to create it and you
 will enter an custom frontend for the article, where
 only the form fields are
 visible you may use to write the article, when you
 wanted you create the article
 in more than one language, you will able to choose
 if you want to see all forms.
 (I mean for the different translations on one page
 or you will be able to enter the
 translate mode, where you will see fx, headline in
 english and an empty headline
 form below for Italian language, But Later Ill
 explain more about the article mana-
 gement). I choosed to do it in this way, because it
 will reduce the space needed
 by the database enormously, because there is an
 table which only holds the head-
 lines, in all languages, and another one only holds
 the introductions, in all langua-
 ges, and so on.
 4. The Content Management, I started to explain in
 3. a little about how it should
 work. Now I will get a little deeper into it.
 When your Chief decides that you should write an
 article, he starts entering a new
 title or headline for the task and sets the priority
 and chooses in which language
 the article should be translated in. After he did
 this, he chooses between his em-
 ployes who should write this article, if he doesnt
 direktly choose one, he can
 choose the knowledge which the employe needs to have
 (At this point fits the
 usermanagement I'll explain later). After he has did
 all this, one or a couple of
 of employes will receive an email, that there is a
 new task to do. When the Chief
 only choosed one special employe only one will get
 the message on the other hand
 of he choosed somebody who knows a lot about PHP and
 there are ten people in
 the company who know a lot of php all these ten
 people will receive the message unless
 one of the does not speak or is able to write text
 in one of the needed languages.
 When of of the employes enters the page, the first
 thing he will look at is is task pool.
 In the Task are stored all undone articles who need
 to be written. After the employe(from
 now on just called user) did chose one of the tasks
 from the todo list the article will dis-
 apear from all the other user pools. Till the first
 text in any of the chosed languages is

RE: [PHP] 3 tier web development

2003-02-07 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your comments.

What is the difference between PHP nuke and Smarty

Can we use PEAR or ADODB as database abstraction
layer? Which one is the best on everyone's experience?



--- Daniel Masson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe this can help:
 Im currently using PHP using MCV (Model Control
 View) Methology, Model
 is about libraries and classes like the business
 rules of your
 Control has to do with the como control sentences
 you must use like IF,
 WHILE,FOREACH, ... , and View is the look and file
 of the app , HTML,
 IMAGES, ...
 Have a look on smarty , and
 there you can learn
 how to use HTML and PHP
 And about the databse tier .. I use a class named
 data_base .. with
 attributes like:
 and the instances of the class can handle many
 databases .. and
 guarantee the portability ..
 I hope this helps.
 -Mensaje original-
 De: Hardik Doshi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Enviado el: viernes, 07 de febrero de 2003 10:24
 Asunto: [PHP] 3 tier web development
 Hi Everyone,
 I am curious to know how one can develop 3-tier web
 based applications using PHP, MySQL. Here Database
 should be changed in future using database
 layer. Can anybody tell me in detail that how can i
 build 3 tier flexible web application?
 More questions on this thread:
 1. How one can seperate HTML and PHP (or any other
 programming code).  Is there anything in PHP so i
 seperate Interface layer and programming logic
 2. I know that we can use Database abstraction layer
 so in future it is really easy to change database as
 per need. Can any one tell me which database
 abstraction layer is the best for future
 3. There is lots of talk about CMS today. Does
 know about PHP based CMS (PHP-Nuke?? i dont know)?
 Currently i am making 2 tier systems (HTML+PHP,
 Database) I want to switch my applications to 3 tier
 (HTML, php and database). Please give me enough
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Re: [PHP] delete query doesnt work

2003-02-07 Thread Hardik Doshi

I think you are facing problem with variable delete.
Make sure your Php.ini settings for global off. Check
value of variable is coming on the form or not.

In case of your update, i think you forget to put
where part. For example: 

mysql_query(update table_name set
varible_name='$variable_name' WHERE key_name =
'$key_variable') or die(mysql_error());

May be it will help u

--- Sunfire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i have a delete query:
 mysql_query(delete from members where
 it doesnt work should i change it to :
 mysql_query(delete from members where company like
 the first one worked in mysql client but it doesnt
 work in php script for
 some reason...
 also having problems with update... if nothing on
 the form changes and it
 gets submitted anyways all the records in the db
 gets changed to the same
 thing that one record  has in it...
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Re: [PHP] strip slashes from variable content

2003-02-07 Thread Hardik Doshi
Ok i got your problem.

First of all check php.ini settings for
magic_gpc_quotes. If it is on then turn it off. I
guess that the only problem you have. If you want to
make it turn it on then you have to use stripslashes


--- Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Saturday 08 February 2003 09:51, Sunfire wrote:
  i have a hidden variable and when its submitted to
 another script it has
  the value of \\\... anybody know how to get the \
 out of it?
 Search for strip slash.
 Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -
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Re: [PHP] Searching MySQL 'text' field

2003-02-06 Thread Hardik Doshi
Hi there,

You have to use full text search capabilities of
MySQL. Please take a look mysql documentation for full
text search.


--- Vernon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've setup a search page using PHP which when
 searching a MySQL 'varchar'
 field it works just fine, but I'm trying to extend
 the search to include a
 field that is a 'text' field and it keeps coming
 back with no results.
 Is searching text fields allowed? It would seem that
 it only be logical that
 it would be. Is there something special I have to do
 to have this field
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Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG Content Management system?

2003-02-05 Thread Hardik Doshi

Hey Jason,
I am looking for the same. Do you have or any one in this list has any idea? Please 
let me know.
 Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:On Wednesday 05 February 2003 09:43, J J 
 I've seen CMS systems like phpnuke but it's kind of
 overkill for what I need and almost more news like.
 I'm looking for something that would allow the user to
 change content, change/upload images, all in a wysiwyg
 style so it's easy to see and use.

 It'd be cool to be able to login to the admin area,
 select a page to edit, and it would allow you to
 preview the page just like it looks. Then you click
 on a text area or image you want to update.

 Is there a CMS that allows for WYSIWYG like editing
 but will work within specified headers/footers, style
 sheets, etc? Then the site content would all be
 generated on the fly from php/mysql.

All the major/popular ones would/should have been registered at freshmeat and 
soureforge so check them out.

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *
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[PHP] Documentation Help

2003-02-05 Thread Hardik Doshi

Hi Everyone,

I worked on educational intranet and library management system. I did comment my code 
but i dont know how to document functional and technical specification as well as 
database schema. Can anyone help me how to start working on documentation part so 
other developer can easily understand of these massive projects.

Thanks and really appreciate if someone can help me


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Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG Content Management system?

2003-02-05 Thread Hardik Doshi

Thats really great. I will keep in touch with you. If you can provide some more 
information regarding CMS then it would be nice. 
thanks in advance
 Baroiller Pierre-Emmanuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi.
I'm working on a CMS tool like this.
It's a very hard work ...
The biggest problem is.. how to do a WYSIWYG editor that will be able
to run on all browsers... At this time, my tool works well with all IE
versions (later than 5.0)..
If I can, I'll release a lite version of the tool on the net...

- Original Message -
From: Hardik Doshi 


Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG Content Management system?

 Hey Jason,
 I am looking for the same. Do you have or any one in this list has any
idea? Please let me know.
 Jason Wong 
wrote:On Wednesday 05 February 2003
09:43, J J wrote:
  I've seen CMS systems like phpnuke but it's kind of
  overkill for what I need and almost more news like.
  I'm looking for something that would allow the user to
  change content, change/upload images, all in a wysiwyg
  style so it's easy to see and use.
  It'd be cool to be able to login to the admin area,
  select a page to edit, and it would allow you to
  preview the page just like it looks. Then you click
  on a text area or image you want to update.
  Is there a CMS that allows for WYSIWYG like editing
  but will work within specified headers/footers, style
  sheets, etc? Then the site content would all be
  generated on the fly from php/mysql.

 All the major/popular ones would/should have been registered at freshmeat
 soureforge so check them out.

 Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -
 Open Source Software Systems Integrators
 * Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *
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RE: [PHP] Securing php files on shared servers

2003-02-03 Thread Hardik Doshi

Hi everyone,

I found the same problem regarding security issue with database password file. Does 
anyone has solution for that?



 John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Major security question:
 I manage a shared Linux web server running PHP 4.2.3. Apache must have
 read permissions on a php file necessary for a web application. For
 example a conf.php file containing a MySQL password that is stored
 outside the web directory:
 -rw-r- 1 q apache 3522 Oct 17 06:39 conf.php
 Because this file is readable by apache, ANY user on the server can
 the following script:
 which upon execution the conf.php file will be read by apache and
 to the user.
 Example understood?
 How can a file be secured so it can still be used by apache, but
 inaccessable by any other user? Is there a PHP ini configuration to
 apache to run as the user that is the owner of the php files being

Either turn on safe_mode or use the CGI instead of the module.

---John W. Holmes...

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[PHP] XML PHP question

2003-01-30 Thread Hardik Doshi

Hi everyone,

Can you please tell me what is the best way of working with XML technology using PHP? 
I am not clear about integration of these two technologies. 

Suggest some books or links or good tutorials. 


Hardik Doshi
Web Application Developer

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RE: [PHP] XML PHP question

2003-01-30 Thread Hardik Doshi

Hi Chris, 
Thanks for your nice reply. I would like to know what are the applications of XML with 
PHP. I know how to write and parse XML files but i dont know where can i use this 
power? Either you or any other member of this group can solve my problem then i would 
be thankful to him/her.
Again thanks for your positive response.
Hardik Doshi
Web Application Developer
Institute of Design,
Chicago IL 
 Chris McCluskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hardik,

I have created my own XML parser based on the existing php xml functions . I've found this is nice but a bit annoying since I
have to write everything from scratch. After about a week or two trying
to get my parser just right I gave up and used MSXML 4.0 which is a
Microsoft COM Object and contains everything you need to created XML
Documents, parse them, validate them agaisnt DTD and XSD Schemas, etc...
I use php's COM Support to do this and created a
wrapper object around the COM object with php for easy implementation..

Hope that helps.


-Original Message-
From: Hardik Doshi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 7:17 AM
Subject: [PHP] XML PHP question

Hi everyone,

Can you please tell me what is the best way of working with XML
technology using PHP? I am not clear about integration of these two

Suggest some books or links or good tutorials. 


Hardik Doshi
Web Application Developer

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