Re: [PHP] Jpgraph troubles

2003-05-29 Thread Jordan Elver
> I can see what headers are sent.  What is the url of the image?

I checked using curl -I and found that the correct headers are being sent. I 
found out it was because I didn't have a certain library I needed included 
within the graph script.

Thanks for your help anyway,
Jordan Elver
If work was so good, the rich would have kept more of it for themselves. -- 
David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [PHP] Jpgraph troubles

2003-05-29 Thread Jordan Elver
> I assume you are sending something similar to the following before the
> actual pic?
> header("content-type: image/png");

Jpgraph does that for you I think. As I said before, the script works when you 
access it directly, but not when it's through an img tag.
Jordan Elver
There may be no 'I' in team, but there's a 'ME' if you look hard enough. -- 
David Brent (The Office)

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[PHP] Jpgraph troubles

2003-05-29 Thread Jordan Elver
I've been creating some graphs using jpgraph and they work really well when I 
view them directly i.e. directly through the script. My problem comes as soon 
as I try to display them using the  tag within another page. When I do:

I can't get it to display. It just shows the broken image icon.

Any ideas whaty may be causing that?

Jordan Elver
The office is like an army, and I'm the field general. You're my footsoldiers 
and customer quality is the WAR!!! -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [PHP] PHP graphs

2003-02-27 Thread Jordan Elver
> Secondly, I'd like to trace a basic X/Y graph with data provided from a DB,
> any PHP help?

JPGraph is good.

Jordan Elver
Put the key of despair into the lock of apathy. Turn the knob of mediocrity 
slowly and open the gates of despondency - welcome to a day in the average 
office. -- David Brent (The Office)

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[PHP] Repeating Templates

2003-02-24 Thread Jordan Elver

I checked the archives for this but couldn't find a simple answer.
I'm working on my own templating class. Mainly as a learning experience, but 
also because I only want something really simple.

I sort of know how to do simple variable substitution. I have something along 
the lines of this below. 

$name = 'Bob';

$page = new Template;
$page->assign('NAME', $name);

Which assigns the variable to a template variable like {NAME}.
So, that's fine. What I don't know how to do is repeat bits of templates. Say, 
from a db query or something. How can I repeat the rows for all the data?
Any tutorials or advice would be appreciated. Hope my question is clear :)

Jordan Elver

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[PHP] More OOP

2003-01-16 Thread Jordan Elver
Hi guys,
After your previous advice. I have been looking at some more OOP for my 
application. Is this the sort of way a proper OOP application should be 

I want to use smarty as my template language as well, how could I integrate 


// get connections details
list($host, $username, $password, $type) = $details;

// connect to the database
if($connection = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password)) {


class Login extends Database {

function Login() {

echo "Hello, I'm the Login class";

// connect to the database

$c = new Database;

Any pointers would be great :)

Jordan Elver
You don't have to be mad to work here, but you do have to be on time, well 
presented, a team player, customer service focused and sober!! -- David Brent 
(The Office)

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2003-01-16 Thread Jordan Elver
Thanks John,

> Inheriting would probably be the most modular.

I thought this would be the way to go. Ill need to read up on this.

> > I haven't found any clear examples of this kind of OOP, only the real
> > basics
> > (which I still need help with by the way :) ).
> Use google. Do some more studying before you try to tackle this, or look
> on for some examples.
> ---John W. Holmes...
> PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy
> today.

Nice work on php archittect by the way :)
Thanks again,
Jordan Elver
The office is like an army, and I'm the field general. You're my footsoldiers 
and customer quality is the WAR!!! -- David Brent (The Office)

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2003-01-16 Thread Jordan Elver
Thanks Greg,
I know a bit of PHP but the OOP is a bit harder to understand I think :)
I'll check out the PEAR classes.


On Thursday 16 Jan 2003 12:25 am, Greg Beaver wrote:
> Hi Jordan,
> If you are doing this to learn PHP, that is great, keep plugging.  If you
> want to see working examples of the things you've described, there are a
> number of scripts out there, both in pear ( and at other
> repositories like and  You would benefit
> from examining how other authors have solved the same problems even if you
> are simply trying to learn php
> Take care,
> Greg

Jordan Elver
Statistics are like a lamp-post to a drunken man - more for leaning on than 
illumination. -- David Brent (The Office)

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2003-01-15 Thread Jordan Elver
> I'd recommend you make a separate database class and error class that each
> of your other classes access. That would make it the most modular and
> re-usable.
> ---John Holmes...

I was hoping someone would say that :)
How could I code that though. I've only just started with OOP and don't 
understand how I can inherit methods to classes? Is it a good idea to create 
a new object within each class which, for example, needs to do database stuff 
or should I inherit the methods?

I haven't found any clear examples of this kind of OOP, only the real basics 
(which I still need help with by the way :) ).

Thanks for your help,
Jordan Elver
Is your work done? Are all pigs fed, watered and ready to fly? -- David 
Brent (The Office)

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2003-01-15 Thread Jordan Elver
I've been doing a little OOP lately and have a few questions.
I want to build an application, there a re lots of elements to the 
application: Authentication, Database, Presentation, Error Handling etc.

Now, I want to code this cleanly and make it reusable. So, a class for each of 
these elements would be a good idea? Say I have an Authentication class. It 
has to run on it own. Should I build database, error methods into each of my 
classes? That seems to defeat the point in the first place?

At the moment I seem to struggling with how to do somthing right and well, 
rather than the actual code :)

Thanks for any advice you can give,
Jordan Elver
You don't have to be mad to work here! In fact we ask you to complete a 
medical questionnaire to ensure that you are not. -- David Brent (The Office)

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Re: [PHP] Authentication programming

2003-01-15 Thread Jordan Elver
Hi Justin,

Thanks for that link, looks pretty interesting. I'll take a closer read later.

Jordan Elver
Eagles may soar high, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. -- David 
Brent (The Office)

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[PHP] Authentication programming

2003-01-14 Thread Jordan Elver
I'm about to start a new project which will require a login system. The system 
should allow for different types of access on a per page basis. I'm going to 
achieve the login system using sessions, which I have done before.

My problem is that I don't want to have to do much login checking on the 
actual pages within the system. I would like it to be included and handled 
oustide of the main application.

So, you set the permission for the individual page. I would also like to do 
this as a class, which I am not experienced in. I haven't found any very 
elegent solutions to this. Could anyone point out some urls or anything to 
show me in the right direction?

Jordan Elver
There's no 'I' in 'team'. But then there's no 'I' in 'useless smug colleague', 
either. And there's four in 'platitude-quoting idiot'. Go figure. -- David 
Brent (The Office)

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[PHP] Checking Checkboxes using Arrays

2001-12-06 Thread Jordan Elver

This is doing my head in.
I'm printing out a lot of countires from a db and i want to select the 
countries (check their checkboxes) if they are equal to a particular country 
variable I have set or if they appear in an array. My code is:

$european_union = array('24', '17', '1', '58', '74', '80', 
'73', '83', '101', '103', '119', '144', '164', '186', '193', '212');

if(mysql_num_rows($europe_result) > 0) {

while(list($id, $country) = 
mysql_fetch_array($europe_result)) {

if(($id == $register_country_of_origin) || 
(in_array($id, $european_union))) {

echo"\t $country\n";

} else {

echo"\t $country\n";


Can anyone give me some tips because if i select a country which is not in 
the array, it still checks all the boxes of the countires in the array?!

I hope this is making sense, I thikn this is what I want ;-)


Jordan Elver
Web Developer
> How do I read MIME files??? Quietly, while pretending to be trapped in an 
invisible box. :)

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2001-11-23 Thread Jordan Elver

When I use HTTP_REFERER it gives me the name of the php script which is 
handling the 404's?!

Should that happen?


On Friday 23 November 2001 11:41, you wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm writing a 404 handler and in order to report the item that
> > was requested
> > I was trying to get the value of HTTP_REFERER. But, it does seem
> > to get set.
> > Does anyone know how to find thi value? Is there a reason why it
> > would not
> > get set?
> Hi
> I think you're looking for this
> M:

Jordan Elver
Web Developer
testing? What's that? If it compiles, it is good, if it boots up it is 
perfect. --- Linus Torvalds

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2001-11-23 Thread Jordan Elver

On Friday 23 November 2001 13:39, you wrote:
> Are you using it as
> or
> ?

Well, I think I'm buggered then because i just tried to use both and they 
both report the same value :-(

Back to the drawing board.

> I had the same problem using the latter. The former displays properly.
> Other than that I can't remember if I changed anything else
> M:

Jordan Elver
Web Developer
Unix is not a "A-ha" experience, it is more of a "holy-shit" experience. --- 
Colin McFadyen in alt.folklore.computers

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2001-11-23 Thread Jordan Elver

I'm writing a 404 handler and in order to report the item that was requested 
I was trying to get the value of HTTP_REFERER. But, it does seem to get set. 
Does anyone know how to find thi value? Is there a reason why it would not 
get set?


Jordan Elver
Web Developer
Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)

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[PHP] Session and header()

2001-11-21 Thread Jordan Elver

I've got a login script that uses sessions. To end a login session, I simply 
delete the session variables and do a session_destroy() which seems to logout 
everyone ok. The problem comes when I do a header() call afterwards to 
redirect after logging out.

It seems the header() call stops my logging out working correctly?! Does 
anyone have an idea of why header would interfere with seesion functions?

Jordan Elver
"testing? What's that? If it compiles, it is good, if it boots up it is 
perfect." --- Linus Torvalds

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[PHP] PHP Chat

2001-10-01 Thread Jordan Elver

Can anyone recommend a good, configurable php chat?
I've tried phpMyChat which seems pretty good.

Any ideas?


Jordan Elver
Web Developer
The InternetOne UK Ltd

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[PHP] Accessing lots of variables

2001-09-25 Thread Jordan Elver

I'm feeling a bit stupid. I have a,load of variables coming from a MySQL 
connection using list(). The variables are link1 to link 35 inclusive.

How can I access each of these variables, check if they are empty, then add 
them to an array. I don't know how to access then inside a for loop. Can I 
use $link and append the number on the end somehow?

Any help please,


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[PHP] Merging Arrays

2001-09-21 Thread Jordan Elver

I've got to different files of words. One on each line.
What would be the best way to combine both into one file alphabetically?
I thought about:

$file1 = file('file1.txt');
$file2 = file('file2.txt');
$both = array_merge($file1, $file2);


Any advice?


Jordan Elver
Web Developer
The InternetOne UK Ltd

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Re: [PHP] PHP Redirect in the middle of code?

2001-09-10 Thread Jordan Elver

If you put ob_start(); at the top of the page you can use header() anywhere 
you want.



On Monday 10 September 2001 10:18, you wrote:
> Andrew,
> I am in a similar position witha Lasso site, which I am considering
> php-ing. I need to do conditional redirects.
> George P, Edinburgh
> - Original Message -
> From: "Andrew Penniman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 3:37 PM
> Subject: [PHP] PHP Redirect in the middle of code?
> > I am trying to figure out how to use PHP to redirect the user to a new
> > location *after* processing and most likely outputting a bunch of code.
> > Because this redirection would happen late in the game I can't use
> > header("Location: ".$redirect_to);
> >
> > I come from a ColdFusion background and am used to CFAS' 
> > tag.  Does PHP have an equivalent function?
> >
> > I am really hoping not to use JavaScript, I want this redirection to
> > happen at the server and not the client.
> >
> > --
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Jordan Elver
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[PHP] Statement Confusion

2001-09-06 Thread Jordan Elver

Could any one explain what this statemnt means?

$i = (!$i)?"0":$i;



Jordan Elver
Web Developer
The InternetOne UK Ltd

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Re: [PHP] Splitting Text

2001-08-07 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for that. I ended up using your method as using the LEFT function in a 
SELECT only grabs characters.



On Monday 06 August 2001 17:37, you wrote:
> You can do this several ways... Either use explode():
> split the retrieved data by a space " " as the delimeter, then use
> a for() loop to print X number of words... E.g.:
> $array = explode(" ", $db_string);
> for($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++)
>   echo $array[$i];
> (That will print the first 25 words...)
> Or, another way to do it is to use strtok() to tokenize the string...
> The manual has a good example of tokenizing a string into individual
> words...
> -Original Message-
> From: Jordan Elver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 5:20 PM
> To: PHP General Mailing List
> Subject: [PHP] Splitting Text
> Hi,
> Can anyone give some pointers for my problem.
> I want to pull articles out of a db and then show the first x number of
> words
> with a read more link to the rest of the article.
> Could someone point me in the right direction. I've seen a code snippet
> for
> this, but now I can't find it :-(
> TIA,
> Jord

Jordan Elver
Web Developer
The InternetOne UK Ltd

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[PHP] Splitting Text

2001-08-06 Thread Jordan Elver

Can anyone give some pointers for my problem.
I want to pull articles out of a db and then show the first x number of words 
with a read more link to the rest of the article. 

Could someone point me in the right direction. I've seen a code snippet for 
this, but now I can't find it :-(



Jordan Elver

Oops, my brain just hit a bad sector!

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[PHP] Testing if variable was set

2001-05-17 Thread Jordan Elver

If I want to test if a variable exists (or has been passed) then I just do:

if($var) {
// variable is here

But I've noticed that a lot of people do:

if(isset($var)) {
// variable is here

What's the difference and which is the best way?



Jordan Elver
while (!asleep()) sheep++;

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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Printing out usernames and logins

2001-05-14 Thread Jordan Elver

Doh, stupid me. Thanks very much for your help. Your a life saver.



On Monday 14 May 2001  8:49 am, you wrote:
> ¥es, U R overwriting Ur result-set from the 1st qry.
> Store instead the 1st result into an array and iterate
> it then, sending your second select. U can also use 2
> connections, but ... ?
> Greetinx,
>   Mike
> Michael Rudel
> - Web-Development, Systemadministration -
> ___
> Suchtreffer AG
> Bleicherstraße 20
> D-78467 Konstanz
> Germany
> fon: +49-(0)7531-89207-17
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> e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> internet:
> _______
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jordan Elver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 7:35 PM
> > To: PHP DB List; PHP General List
> > Subject: [PHP-DB] Printing out usernames and logins
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to print out a list of usernames and the times
> > they logged in.
> >
> > I want to print it out like:
> >
> > joe
> > fred
> > frank
> >
> > Then when you click on one of the names it show just there
> > login times, like
> > this, so if I click on fred it prints out:
> >
> > joe
> > fred
> > - 
> > - 
> > - 
> > frank
> >
> > But it doesn't continue printing out the rest of the
> > usernames after it's
> > finished printing freds logins.
> >
> > Any ideas would be appreciated.
> >
> > The code seems to have something to do with the second query,
> > I think
> >
> >
> > The code I'm using is below.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jord
> >
> > db_connect();
> > $sql = "SELECT id, username FROM users";
> > $result = @mysql_query($sql);
> >
> > if(@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
> >
> > echo'This is a list of Members who have Logged In to
> > their account with
> > times and dates:';
> >
> > while(list($id, $username) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
> >
> > echo" > HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?user=$username&id=$id\">$username\n";
> >
> > if($username == $user) {
> >
> > $sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) AS time FROM
> > user_logins
> > WHERE user_id = $id ORDER BY time DESC";
> > $result = @mysql_query($sql);
> >
> > while(list($time) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
> > echo date('h:i a l d F', $time)."\n";
> > }
> > }
> > }
> >
> > } else {
> > echo error('No one has Logged In yet!');
> > }
> >
> > --
> > PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP] Printing out usernames and logins

2001-05-14 Thread Jordan Elver

I'm trying to print out a list of usernames and the times they logged in. 

I want to print it out like:


Then when you click on one of the names it show just there login times, like 
this, so if I click on fred it prints out:


But it doesn't continue printing out the rest of the usernames after it's 
finished printing freds logins.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

The code seems to have something to do with the second query, I think :-( 

The code I'm using is below.



$sql = "SELECT id, username FROM users";
$result = @mysql_query($sql);

if(@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {

echo'This is a list of Members who have Logged In to their account with 
times and dates:';

while(list($id, $username) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {


if($username == $user) {

$sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) AS time FROM user_logins 
WHERE user_id = $id ORDER BY time DESC";
$result = @mysql_query($sql);

while(list($time) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo date('h:i a l d F', $time)."\n";

} else {
echo error('No one has Logged In yet!');

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Re: [PHP] Checking query suceeded

2001-05-02 Thread Jordan Elver

Hi Richard,
Thanks for the advise. I was just wondering what other people do.
I don't think I'll worry about it too much ;-)



On Wednesday 02 May 2001  3:49 am, you wrote:
> > If I'm doing more than one query on a page what is the best way to check
> if
> > they all succeeded with out using transactions?
> You can check each query as it executes, and (perhaps) have your program
> logic do something intelligent in the case of individual failures.
> Another possbility is to do all the queries on some temporary table, and
> then do one "big" query that inserts/updates from the temp table to the
> "real" table...
> In general, though, once you get a good connection, and if your SQL is
> valid, queries don't fail very often...  Not something you can rely on for
> mission-critical usage, but you may be over-worried about an infrequent
> event.  Perhaps you could just code it to dump everything to an email to
> yourself if it ever pukes, so you can fix it by hand.
> (Kinda dangerous since it could flood your email box if the db goes down
> completely and you can't get to it to fix it...)
> --
> WARNING [EMAIL PROTECTED] address is not working -- Use [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[PHP] Checking query suceeded

2001-04-30 Thread Jordan Elver

If I'm doing more than one query on a page what is the best way to check if 
they all succeeded with out using transactions?



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[PHP] Retrieving and Printing Categories

2001-04-25 Thread Jordan Elver

I've got a load of records that are in different categories.
What is the best way to get all the records or selected records and print 
them in such a way that they are grouped (on the page) in their relevent 
category, like:

-> Apples
-> Pears
-> Bananas

-> Carrots
-> Cabbages

etc, etc.

Sometime my categories are ina dfferent table, don't know if this matters?
How can I do this?



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2001-04-25 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for the reply,
I'm not using virtual hosts on my local machine but I am on the production 
machine. What should DOCUMENT_ROOT return? I though it returns the directory 
of the current script. So if I had a site in 
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/cha/script.php then I would expect DOCUMENT_ROOT to 
return /usr/local/apache/htdocs/cha/, is that right?

Is it posible to setup a virtual host on localhost?



On Wednesday 25 April 2001 01:05, you wrote:
> If you are using Apache virtual host, it will set virtual host's document
> root. Is this what you want?
> Regards,
> --
> Yasuo Ohgaki
> "Jordan Elver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 01042417535900.00987@localhost">news:01042417535900.00987@localhost...
> > Hi,
> > Has any got any idea why $DOCUMENT_ROOT returns /usr/local/htdocs on my
> > home machine but it should return /usr/local/htdocs/sitename or where
> > ever I put it, but on my production machine it return what it should like
> > /usr/local/sitename or whatever?
> >
> > I'm trying to use it to help include files in different directories (see
> > my previous post, site structure). Got any ideas about this?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Jord
> >
> > --
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2001-04-24 Thread Jordan Elver

Has any got any idea why $DOCUMENT_ROOT returns /usr/local/htdocs on my home 
machine but it should return /usr/local/htdocs/sitename or where ever I put 
it, but on my production machine it return what it should like 
/usr/local/sitename or whatever?

I'm trying to use it to help include files in different directories (see my 
previous post, site structure). Got any ideas about this?



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Re: [PHP] Site Structure

2001-04-23 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for the reply. I can do that but then the images will not be in the 
correct location?


On Monday 23 April 2001 15:58, you wrote:
> give the include() function a complete path:
> include '/apache/htdocs/include/';
> -- Ben Cairns - Head Of Technical Operations
> intasept.COM
> Tel: 01332 365333
> Fax: 01332 346010
> Web:
> "MAKING sense of
> @ WORK.."

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[PHP] Site Structure

2001-04-23 Thread Jordan Elver

I have a site structure like:

-> root
---> includes
---> admin
---> images

I'm using headers and footers and they are in the includes directory. My 
pages in the root directory include the files like:


Thats woprks fine, but i want to be able ti use the same headers and footers 
in the admin directory but, of course, the paths are going to be wrong.

How can i get around this?

Any ideas,


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Re: [PHP] Selected Radio Buttons

2001-04-14 Thread Jordan Elver

The $article_active comes from a session and I want be able to select the 
radio button (which ever one, yes or no) when the user comes back to the page.

I think thats a bit clearer :-)


On Saturday 14 April 2001 15:12, you wrote:
> I'm not sure I understand. In the first loop you are seing if
> $article_active equals y. And no where in the code do you set
> $article_active to anything else.
> Why would you think $article_active would be anything but "y" or "n"?
> --
> Plutarck
> Should be working on something...
> but forgot what it was.
> "Jordan Elver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 01041415474000.10298@localhost">news:01041415474000.10298@localhost...
> > Hi,
> > I think I'm being stupid. Why won't this code work. The $article_active
> > variable is showing y when I echo it?
> >
> >
> > if($article_active == 'y') {
> > echo"Yes";
> > } else {
> > echo"Yes";
> > }
> >
> > if($article_active == 'n') {
> > echo"No";
> > } else {
> > echo"No";
> > }
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jord
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Selected Radio Buttons

2001-04-14 Thread Jordan Elver

I think I'm being stupid. Why won't this code work. The $article_active 
variable is showing y when I echo it?

if($article_active == 'y') {
} else {

if($article_active == 'n') {
} else {



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[PHP] Updating Sessions

2001-04-13 Thread Jordan Elver

I've got a multi page form and I'm using sessions to keep track of all the 
variables between the pages.  SO I fill in page one of the form and add the 
variables to a session. Then I can go on completeing the rest etc. 

My problem is that I want my users to be able to go back to the pages they 
have already visited and edit the data (in the form) and then undate the 
variables in the session. But I can't update the session, so I thought if I 
called session_unregister and then session_register again then that would 
work, but it doesn't? 

How can I get around this?

Thanks for any help,


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Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Selecting Dates

2001-04-08 Thread Jordan Elver

That's what I thought but that doesn't work either?

On Sunday 08 April 2001 10:13, you wrote:
> >I'm trying to select records based on dates.
> >I have a table with dates in the format 2001-04-08 and I'm using the
> > query:
> >
> >SELECT name, description, date_time FROM events WHERE YEAR(date_time) =
> > 2001 AND MONTH(date_time) = 04 AND DAYOFMONTH(date_time) = 08
> WHERE field_holding_date="2001-04-08" should work.
> Bye,
> B.

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[PHP] Selecting Dates

2001-04-08 Thread Jordan Elver

I'm trying to select records based on dates.
I have a table with dates in the format 2001-04-08 and I'm using the query:

SELECT name, description, date_time FROM events WHERE YEAR(date_time) = 2001 
AND MONTH(date_time) = 04 AND DAYOFMONTH(date_time) = 08

But it doesn't yield any records? I don't really understand why? It seems to 
be the last bit 'DAYOFMONTH(date_time) = 08' which cause a problem because if 
I leave it out of the query, it selects all records for a particular month in 
a particular year as expected.



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Re: [PHP] Passing Arrays

2001-04-05 Thread Jordan Elver

Cheers, that works great. I tried using urlencode but that doens't work like 
it should in the manual.



On Thursday 05 April 2001 14:41, you wrote:
> You have to do this:
> $myarray = rawurlencode(serialize($myarray));
> And then this on your other page:
> $myarray = unserialize(rawurldecode($myarray));
> You should consider using sessions instead.
> Jordan Elver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I pass an array between two pages. I've tried using serialize and
> unserialize. But it doen't return an array. When I use gettype() on it, it
> say's that the typ-e is boolean?
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Jord

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[PHP] Passing Arrays

2001-04-05 Thread Jordan Elver

How can I pass an array between two pages. I've tried using serialize and 
unserialize. But it doen't return an array. When I use gettype() on it, it 
say's that the typ-e is boolean?

Any ideas?



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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] mysql_result()

2001-04-05 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for everyones help with this one, all suggestions appreciated.



On Wednesday 04 April 2001 17:06, you wrote:
> Jordan,
> If you know your result is going to product one row, try using:
> $row=mysql_fetch_array($result, MSQL_ASSOC);
> // returns an assoc array where the field names are keys, field value is
> value
> $id=row[id];
> $name=row[name];
> etc.
> Best regards,
> Andrew
> --
> Andrew Hill - OpenLink Software
> Director Technology Evangelism
> eBusiness Infrastructure Technology
>  -Original Message-
> > From: Jordan Elver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 11:46 AM
> > To: PHP Database Mailing List; PHP General Mailing List
> > Subject: [PHP-DB] mysql_result()
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> > If I knnow that a query will only retrun one row, can I do thiss (below)
> > rather than using a while loop for one record?
> >
> > $id = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'id');
> > $name = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'name');
> > $email = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'email');
> > $address1 = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'address1');
> > $address2 = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'address2');
> > $town_city = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'town_city');
> > $postcode = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'postcode');
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Jord
> >
> > --
> > PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP] mysql_result()

2001-04-04 Thread Jordan Elver

If I knnow that a query will only retrun one row, can I do thiss (below) 
rather than using a while loop for one record?

$id = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'id');
$name = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'name');
$email = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'email');
$address1 = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'address1');
$address2 = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'address2');
$town_city = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'town_city');
$postcode = @mysql_result($result, 0, 'postcode');



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[PHP] Best way to check if a query succeeded

2001-03-29 Thread Jordan Elver

i was just wondering what you guys do to check if a wquery suceeded or not?
I know about mysql_num_rows() and mysql_affected_rows(), just wondered what 
you guys do?

I normally do something like:

$sql = "SELECT something FROM table";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if(@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
echo'Query Suceeded';
} else {
echo'Query failed';



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Re: [PHP] Query - Grouping Results

2001-03-19 Thread Jordan Elver

Doesn't seem to work, how would I print that out with PHP?

On Monday 19 March 2001 13:52, you wrote:
> how about something like
>   select distinct
> name,
> date_format(time, "%W %D %M %Y") as login
>   from
>  users, user_logins
>   where
>  user_logins.user_id =
>   order by name,time
> -Original Message-
> From: Jordan Elver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 1:43 PM
> To: PHP Database Mailing List; PHP General Mailing List
> Subject: [PHP] Query - Grouping Results
> Hi,
> I've got a table like:
> iduser_id ip  time
> 1 2   20010316105018
> Etc, etc.
> I do a join on the this table and the users table to get the coresponding
> username to user_id like this:
> SELECT AS name, user_logins.ip AS ip,
> UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_logins.time) AS time FROM users, user_logins WHERE
> user_logins.user_id = ORDER BY time ASC
> How can I display the results grouped by username?
> So, I want to be able to display:
> Logins for John
> Thursday 10th
> Friday 12th
> Monday 23rd
> Logins for Bob
> Monday 1st
> Tuesday 2nd
> Saturday 31st
> Thanks for any help,
> Jord

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[PHP] Query - Grouping Results

2001-03-19 Thread Jordan Elver

I've got a table like:

id  user_id ip  time
1   2   20010316105018

Etc, etc.

I do a join on the this table and the users table to get the coresponding 
username to user_id like this:

SELECT AS name, user_logins.ip AS ip, 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_logins.time) AS time FROM users, user_logins WHERE 
user_logins.user_id = ORDER BY time ASC

How can I display the results grouped by username?

So, I want to be able to display:

Logins for John

Thursday 10th
Friday 12th
Monday 23rd

Logins for Bob

Monday 1st
Tuesday 2nd
Saturday 31st

Thanks for any help,


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Re: [PHP] Login System with access levels

2001-03-17 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for all your help. I've settled for an enum field for the time being. 
I'm going to try something more complex at a later stage.

Thanks again,


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[PHP] Login System with access levels

2001-03-16 Thread Jordan Elver

I've got a db with a username and password in it. I can let people log in, 
like SELECT * FROM table WHERE username = username AND password = password.

But how can I add an access level column so that I can have different levels 
of security. So admin's can read everything, but users can only read certain  

How could I add to my db and structure a query? 

Any ideas would be good, 



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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Sessions in Functions

2001-03-16 Thread Jordan Elver

Yep I do. I just figured out that it was because I had session_start() inside 
another function ;-)

Thanks anyway,


On Friday 16 March 2001 10:43, you wrote:

> > Did you declare $LOGGED_IN as a global variable in your function?
> e.g.
>   global $LOGGED_IN;
>   _
> ~ Richard Allsebrook ~
> Applications Developer and Webmaster
> Easysoft Limited, Thorp Arch Grange, Thorp Arch, Wetherby, LS23 7BA, UK
>   -
> "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in
> human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."
>   _
> -Original Message-
> From: jjelver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:41 AM
> To: php-db
> Cc: jjelver
> Subject: FW: [PHP-DB] Sessions in Functions
> Hi,
> I have some code which I decided to make into a function. Some of the
> code
> updates a session var which holds the current time. It now does not
> work.
>   // update session variable with new time
> session_register("LOGGED_IN['time']");
> $LOGGED_IN['time'] = mktime();
> Are there issues that I should be aware of when I use sessions like
> this?
> Thanks,
> Jord

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Re: [PHP] Getting path of script

2001-03-13 Thread Jordan Elver

Thanks for all the suggestions.

I worked out a fix in the meantime:

$path = strstr(strrev($SCRIPT_FILENAME), '/');
echo strrev($path);


On Tuesday 13 March 2001 12:35, you wrote:
> check out,
> dirname() // Returns directory name component of path
> py
> - Original Message -
> From: Hardy Merrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Jordan Elver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 5:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Getting path of script
> > How 'bout using a Perl regex with $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"]
> > like this:
> >
> >echo "Starting with SCRIPT_NAME=[" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"]
> > .
> "]";
> >if (preg_match("/(\S+)\/\S+$/", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"],
> $matches)) {
> >   echo "Found $matches[1]";
> >}
> >
> > HTH.
> >
> > --
> > Hardy Merrill
> > Mission Critical Linux, Inc.
> >
> >
> > Jordan Elver [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I want to get the path of a script. I know about
> > > HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] this returns someting like:
> > >
> > > /phpcode/misc/phpinfo.php
> > >
> > > But I want to strip off the file name and just have the directory path,
> like:
> > > /phpcode/misc/
> > >
> > > Any ideas?
> > >
> > > Jord
> > >
> > > --
> > > PHP General Mailing List (
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > To contact the list administrators, e-mail:
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Getting path of script

2001-03-13 Thread Jordan Elver

I want to get the path of a script. I know about 
HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] this returns someting like: 


But I want to strip off the file name and just have the directory path, like:


Any ideas?


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[PHP] DB Abstraction

2001-03-11 Thread Jordan Elver

I thought it was about time I started using a db abstraction class. Problem 
is, there are so many out there that I don't which one to start using?

I've heard of ADODB (I think).

Anyone have any suggestions?



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