[PHP] Re: how to check the form filled all

2004-01-26 Thread jsWalter
You might want to think about client side validation as well.

This infomrs the user of any probelms *before* it hits your server.

Now, this does *not* remove the step of form value checking on the server.

Check out...


A nice little client-side validation class, cross browser.

Hope this helps.


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[PHP] Q on EPOCH limitations

2004-01-13 Thread jsWalter
How can I determine if a given UNIX timestamp is out of range on the current

Right now I get an error thrown that tells me the timestamp is out of range.

I'd like to "catch" that error, deal with it in my own manner, and not have
the user see what went wrong.



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[PHP] Re: Q on RegExp & extended Char

2003-12-15 Thread jsWalter
I should have posted some "rules" with this...

 - a SPACE is used to delimit first from last name [Walter Torres]
 - a HYPHEN is used to separate a dual name (British style) [Conrad-Smyth]
 - an APOSTROPHE is used in many Irish and Scotish names [O'Reilly]
 - a PERIOD is used in titles, suffixes [Dr. Sr. Jr.]
 - a PERIOD is used for Initials [Walter G. Torres]

 - allow apostrophes, but only if preceded *and* followed by a Alpha/Extend
 - allow hyphen/dash, but only if preceded *and* followed by a Alpha/Extend
 - allow PERIOD, but only if preceded by a Alpha/Extend *and* followed by a
 - allow SPACE, but only if preceded *and* followed by a Alpha/Extend

 - allow x80 thru xFF

I've come up with this...

/^([a-z\x80-\xFF]+(. )?[ ]?)+$/i
   |_||___||__| ^
   ^^   ^   |
   ||   |   | whole block ONE or more times
   ||   |
   ||   | SPACE - ZERO or ONE times
  alpha & extended  |
  ONE or more   | PERIOD - ZERO or ONE times

but I can't seem to figure out how to get the HYPEN & apostrophe rules in

But this does allow multiple spaces - which It really shouldn't but...

It also lets me add SPACEs at the end, oh well...

Any ideas?



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[PHP] Q on RegExp & extended Char

2003-12-15 Thread jsWalter
I've hit my limit on regular expressions.

I need to check a string to see if it contains legal characters...


OK, this is not a problem.

My problem comes in with extended characters, as these examples...

I'm trying to build a RegExp that will see if the string is a proper name
format or not.

Names only have A thru Z, extended characters for other languages (than
  Dr. Roger O'Malley
  Mrs. Sara Harris-Henderson

I have a RegExp to do English letters, but not the extended set...
  Manuel González
  Försök Bokstäver
  Contém Espaço-Válido

(Ok, these are not really names, but you get the idea)

Any ideas on this?

All I want to know is if a given string contains only these types of
characters. anything else would give me a FALSE.


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[PHP] setlocale Q

2003-10-22 Thread jsWalter
Why does...

   // assume October...
   setlocale(LC_TIME, "de_GR");
   echo strftime("%d. %B %Y");

gives me 'October'?

and this...

   // assume October...
   setlocale(LC_TIME, "de");
   echo strftime("%d. %B %Y");

gives me 'October'?

and this...

   // assume October...
   setlocale(LC_TIME, "d");
   echo strftime("%d. %B %Y");

gives me 'oktober'?

I'm on a Win 2k box.


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Re: [PHP] PHP & JavaScript

2003-10-22 Thread jsWalter
"Martin Towell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hi everybody!
> >
> > Have somebody any idea how I could do something like that?
> >
> >  > settype($phpScreenWidth,  "string");
> > settype($phpScreenHeight, "string");
> > ?>

This is a serverside process

This says the var $phpScreenWidth and the var $phpScreenHeight are to be

At this point they have no value associated with them.

This is done on your server, *before* the page is given to the user...

> > 
> > var phpScreenWidth, phpScreenHight;
> >
> > phpScreenWidth  = screen.width;
> > phpScreenHeight = screen.height;
> >
> > 

This is a clientside process

This retrieves the width and height of the users browser window and drops
that value into 2 JavaScript variables.

This is done on the clinets browser, *after* the page is given to the

> >  > echo "Width:|".$phpScreenWidth."|";
> > echo "Height:|".$phpScreenHeight."|";
> > ?>

This is a serverside process

this displays the values of the vars $phpScreenWidth and $phpScreenHeight.

This varaibles do *not* have any values.

This is done on your server, *before* the page is given to the user...

> > I know that this code is not working, it is just to see what I want to
> > do.

ASSUPTION: all 3 sections are on the same PHP page to be servered.

Section #1 and #3 will be processed on the server *before* the page is given
to the user.

Section #2 will be processed on the clients browser *after* the page is
given to the user.

Your trying to clean the dinner dishes *before* you've set the table for

It looks like you want to know the width and height of the clients browser

And you want your PHP process to know this so it can do some magic.

Well, first your going to have to serve up a page that retrieves that info,
via JavaScript, places that info in 2 HIDDEN form objects, SUBMIT that info
back to your PHP process and pull that data from the POST variables.

*Then* you can do your magic in PHP with these values.

Or, you can translate your magic into JavaScript and let JS do your magic on
the clients browser.

Does this help you?


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[PHP] Q on preg_split

2003-10-22 Thread jsWalter
I have an array... [ sample of contents below]

[0] =>
[1] => # words are recognized ceaselessly: true, yes, on, false, no,
[2] => # ---
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] => # The mailing address of the list.
[6] => # If empty, default is derived from address given in VMD.rc.
[8] =>

I have this script segment that processes the array into an associated array
of name/value pairs...

// Loop through file contents array
foreach ($content as $i => $value)
  // If we have any data in this line
  if (! empty ($value))
// If this line is not a comment
if ( $value{0} != '#')
   list($a, $b) = split("=", $value);
   $content[$a] = $b;

// kill orginal array element


this work fine, but I saw a piece of script where someone used...

   list($a, $b) = preg_split("/=/",$content[$i], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

I inserted this in my script, and removed both IF statements.

This works fine on the blank elements, but spits out warnings on the
elements that do not have an '=' in it.

I guess my problem stems from the fact I can't (don't know how to) read a
file one line at a time.

If I could to that, then I could just ignore blank lines, and or comment
lines right off the bat.

Anyone have any ideas on how best to solve this? Or at least a better

And parse_ini_file() does not help with this, unless someone can tell me how
to change the delimiter this method assumes.



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Re: [PHP] there has to be a better way...

2003-10-22 Thread jsWalter

"Daevid Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Here is a snippet from my dhcp web page found on my site below... Not
> exactly what you want, but could help you start...


> // read in the dhcp_map.ini file to map MAC addresses to images
> $mapFile = "./dhcp_map.ini";
> if( $fp = @fopen($mapFile, "r") )
> {
> while( $line = fgets($fp, 1024) )

this pulls out 1024 bytes of data form the file. right?

or does this pull UPTO 1024 bytes of data or the EOL, which ever is first?

> if ($line{0} != "#") $tempMap .= $line;  // strip
> out # comments
> } else echo "ERROR: Can't read ".$mapFile."";
> fclose ($fp);
> $map = explode("\n", $tempMap);

OK. $tempMap is a string var. Each line of the file has a /n delimiting it.

Now make an array of these line.


> for($i = 0; $i < count($map); $i++)
> {
> list($mac, $image, $name) = preg_split("/\s/",$map[$i], -1,

walk down the map array.

split each element on the SPACE, but don't deal with blank lines


seems almost the same.

nice use of PREG_SPLIT. I guess that helps with the BLANK lines.

if fgets() onlt pulls out so much data, not to EOL, why use it?

If I understand right, if I pull out 1028 of data, the '#' on each line
could be anywhere in that buffer, not just at the first character.

That's why I pulled in the entire file into a string var and then exploded
it into an array split on EOL characters.

Am I missing something?

Thanks for your sample.


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Re: [PHP] there has to be a better way...

2003-10-22 Thread jsWalter
"- Edwin -" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 03:10:44 -0500
> "jsWalter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> > There must be a better way to do this.
> [/snip]
>   http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php ?


But, my concern with that is my config files use '#' for comment lines, not

Is there a way around this?


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[PHP] there has to be a better way...

2003-10-22 Thread jsWalter
I need to read (write comes later) from a config file that we used to handle

I'm getting lazy, so I'm writing a web interface for this.

What I have does this...
  - open a given file
  - dump entire file into a string
  - explode string into an array at the EOL marker
  - walk down this new array
  - decide if there is anything in current element
  - decide if current line is a comment
  - split line at '=' into 2 variables
  - add new key and value from these variables back into array
  - kill original array element

There must be a better way to do this.

All this seems a bit over kill to me.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?



This is what I have...

   // If we have any data in this line
   if (! empty ($value))
  // If this line is not a comment
  if ( $value{0} != '#')
 list($a, $b) = split("=", $value);
 $content[$a] = $b;

  // kill original array element

// show me what I have
echo '';
echo print_r($content);
echo '';


# Sample config file data, just 2 lines from the file...
# The "Personal Name" of the list, used in outgoing headers.
# If empty, default is the same as the list's username.
# if explicitly `false', then it is redefined empty.
LIST_NAME="RMT Working Group"

# The address of the list's admin or owner.
# if explicitly `false', then it is redefined empty.


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Re: [PHP] set the PHP to look at library files.

2003-10-22 Thread jsWalter

"Robert Cummings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> See the "include_path" setting in your php.ini file.


I have many classes I've pulled from phpclasses.org.

They all sit in a CLASSES directory inside my PHP directory.

Just like PEAR, same format as well.

Just modify your 'include_path' variable in your php.ini file and your in


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Re: Re[2]: [PHP] Q on setlocale...

2003-09-30 Thread jsWalter
"Tom Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Those locales actually have to be available or they will be ignored and
> will depend on what type of system your running on.

OK, I'm on Windows 2k, and after reading Microsofts docs, I thought it was
all there.

Maybe not.

> For example on my system (linux) I had to do
> localedef -ci es_ES -f ISO_8859-1:1987 es_ES
> and then a restart on apache to get the Spanish locale working.

Restart the server?

No way to set this on the fly?

> (Did I mention manuals :)

No, but I got 2 private messages stating "RTFM" and no other comments. They
were a big help. :/

I'm beginning to think this is tougher than I thought.


What I'm trying to do is have my new Class be aware of the LOCALE setting
and take advantage of that info to return translated strings based upon that

I was hoping not to have a method in my Class to define LOCALE, I wanted to
pick it up from the system, and even let the user set it on the fly.

Thanks for your help Tom.


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Re: [PHP] Q on setlocale...

2003-09-30 Thread jsWalter
"Tom Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Sunday, September 28, 2003, 5:39:53 PM, you wrote:
> j> I found this function, setlocale...
> j> now, is there a way to GET the LOCALE setting of a machine?
> j> Walter
> call setlocale with 0 (zero or NULL) as the second parameter and it
returns the current setting

Thanks Tom...

Now, if I understand this properly,

This should return French_France...

   setlocale (LC_ALL, 'fr_FR');
   echo setlocale (LC_ALL, '');

and this English_ Great Britain

   setlocale (LC_ALL, 'en_GB');
   echo setlocale (LC_ALL, '');

and this German_Germany

   setlocale (LC_ALL, 'de_DE');
   echo setlocale (LC_ALL, '');

and this Russian_Russia

   setlocale (LC_ALL, 'ru_RU');
   echo setlocale (LC_ALL, '');

Well, all of them return the same thing for me...

   English_United States.1252

The 2 lines I have given in my examples are the only 2 lines in the script.

I must be doing something wrong.

Any ideas?



PS: And yes, I read the manual, much slower this time.

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[PHP] Q on setlocale...

2003-09-28 Thread jsWalter
I found this function, setlocale...

now, is there a way to GET the LOCALE setting of a machine?


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[PHP] Re: static class call..

2003-09-26 Thread jsWalter
"Greg Beaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi Walter,

Hi Greg...

> in PHP 4, you can kludge this:
> Class Foo
> {
>  function getBaz($set = null)
>  {
>  static $_TintBaz = 9;
>  if (!is_null($set)) {
>  $_TintBaz = $set;
>  }
>  return $_TintBaz;
>  }
> }

So I take it that this "kludge" will return a method variable, not a class


Thx for the help.

This Class thing is getting clear as mud!  ;)

Thank you for your help Greg.


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[PHP] static class call..

2003-09-26 Thread jsWalter
Is there a way that a method within a Class, when called statically, can
access a property of that Class?

   Class Foo
  var $_TintBaz = 9;

  function getBaz()
 return Foo::_TintBaz;   // <-- line 8

echo Foo::getBaz();

This returns...

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';', expecting '('
in test 02.php on line 8

And of course, can't use 'return Foo::_TintBaz;' in a statically called

Is there any hope?



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Re: [PHP] Q on Class, inhertance, ec... (a bit long)

2003-09-25 Thread jsWalter

"Martin Towell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> What about something like this?

I've been playing with that same approach this evening.

But I guess I was hoping for a more direct, 1 level of inderection instead
of 2.

But, by making a "base" method in the main class, and it knowing about the
second level of indirection, that sort-of solves the issue.

Thanks for your time and thoughts.

It help clarify my thinking and approach, and just showed me that I wasn't
to far off the path, as it were.


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[PHP] Q on Class, inhertance, ec... (a bit long)

2003-09-24 Thread jsWalter
I have a quandary and I hope I can explain myself well enough that someone
may understand and enlighten me.
I am in the middle of building a (largish) Class. It is done for the most
part, at least all pieces are there. Now I'm just trying to put the pieces
together in a logical order.

This is my issue; I have 2 sets of 12 methods that are identical in nature,
but differ in implementation. Sort of like DB and Auth can handle different
databases. (And yes, I've been studying them, but still am at a loss)

I have my main class, BAZ, then I have 2 sub Classes, BAR and FOO.

If x = 1, then I want to load BAR and utilize these 12 methods that are
defined there.

If x =2, then I want to load FOO and utilize these 12 methods that are
defined there.

The methods in each Sub-Class have the same names.

My question is, how do I "wrap" this so that my methods calls are ignorant
of with sub-class is used?

Example: $myObject = new BAZ ( x = 2 ); // Utilize methods in FOO

$myFred = $myObject->Fred;

$myBarney = $myObject->Barney;


$myObject = new BAZ ( x = 1 ); // Utilize methods in BAR

$myFred = $myObject->Fred;

$myBarney = $myObject->Barney;

And to throw a monkey with this wrenth, the 'factory' of the main class
needs access to a few of these 'common' methods as well to prep several

Each sub-class contains about 600 lines of code, that I would rather not
have in a single class file.

Also, do I have to have these 12 methods names defined, but empty, in the
main class?

I hope this explains my non-understanding of PHP OOP to the level that
someone can point me in the right direction.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [PHP] javascript open window and a PHP script...

2003-09-23 Thread jsWalter
That's it!

It works like a charm!

Thank you very, very much!


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[PHP] javascript open window and a PHP script...

2003-09-22 Thread jsWalter
I have a link on a page...

   Add or Update Your Event

This open the PHP file just fine and passes the vars fine.

But I need a new window to open via JavaScript. Why? Because I have a
"RETURN" link on the opening page that closes the child page, and if this
new window is not opened via JavaScript I get the "Close Window OK?" dialog.

The only way to not get that annoying dialog is to have that child window
opened via JavaScript.

So I did this...

   Add or Update Your Event

A child window opens, I get 1 error dialog and a Download dialog, and then
the page opens fine.

  IE cannot download calendar.php from window.open('...
  IE was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is
  unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again.

I hit OK and both the error dialog and the download page goes away.

But the desired page is displayed in the child window!

And the "RETURN" link closes the window without complaint!

So, I've solved one issue to raise another.

Anyone have any idea on this?



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[PHP] Re: PHP Editor - which to use?

2003-09-22 Thread jsWalter
I use Homesite.

It has plug-ins for PHP so you have tps and cose completion.

I just modified another plug it has so I can see then entire list of methods
a script has in a window, which can then jump to, scroll to, insert here.

And I can hit F-12 and it will talk to my apache server and run the script
right there!

All in one!

Thee is CVS integration for Homesite, I just never got around to it.

I just use WinCVS, I'm just lazy.


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[PHP] Re: Working with PHP Class Within Javascript

2003-09-22 Thread jsWalter
"Harry Yau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I am writing a HTML page to gather whole bunch of information
> provided by user and pass it to the PHP script to generate a report base
> on these information. Namely, user inputs data in textfields of a HTML
> FORM. Since, there is a lot of fields in the field, when the form
> submitted, the URL to the PHP script become very long.

That is because you sent the data as a GET.

Use a POST and the URL will not change.

> I am wondering two way to solve this problem.
> First, I create a PHP Class to store all Infomation and using
> JavaScript function in the HTML page to "PUT" those value of fields into
> my PHP Class Object. Then pass the PHP Class Object to the PHP script.
> However, I wondering is it possible for the JaveScript function to
> manipulate the PHP Class Object, and How? How could I Call the PHP Class
> Constructor inside the JavaScript function?? Moreover, How could I pass
> the PHP Class Object from the HTML page to the PHP Script?? Is it
> possible to do so??

In a Word, No.

you are mixing apples and oranges.

Javascript is all client-side (Yes,  I knowm just ignore server-side for
now, that is not what he is asking) and PHP is all server-side, not
client-side at all.

You use our JS to do what ever you want to do on the client machine.

Then POST your name/value pairs to your server, which in turn calls your PHP
to retrieve thosse name/value pairs and process them as needed.

> Second solution I've thought of was writing another PHP function
> inside the  HTML page and doing the job as the JavaScript function.
> However, I have no I idea how could the HTML page call the PHP function
> when the user submitted the HTML FORM. Once again, How could I pass the
> PHP Class Object from the HTML page to the PHP Script at the end??

Agagin, same issue. You can't do anything PHP on the clinte side.

Yes think of this as 2 sides to the same coin.

The JS will handle all client-side stuff, formatting, validation,
calculations, etc and the HTML wraps it all up into name/value pairs to be
sent to the server-side process to handle.

Your server-side process, in this case PHP, will retrieve these name/value
pairs from the server, process them as needed and return back a page that
tells the user whatever you want to tell the user.

Does that help?


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Re: [PHP] Classes Tutorials

2003-09-22 Thread jsWalter

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Although i dont code for pear standards, i must recommend learning the
> code, its how i taught myself classes.

I concur.

It is how I am learning this stuff.

That and my stupid questions to this list (see previous posts just


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Re: [PHP] Q on class failure...

2003-09-22 Thread jsWalter
"Curt Zirzow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> The constructor should be as quick as possible and have as little
> logic as possible.  What kind of failure are you trying to catch?

not really trying to 'catch' a failure.

I have to parse the given string format and determine if that format is

If yes, then I can do more work and return an instance.

If no, I wanted to return a NULL. That way I know it failed.

Maybe I should be looking at PEAR::Error istead of a NULL on faliure.



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Re: [PHP] Q on class failure...

2003-09-22 Thread jsWalter

"Raditha Dissanayake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi,
> It's generaly considered that constructors are supposed return an
> instance of that class. Use a factory instead if you want to return nulls;

A Factory?

OK, I'll look that up, do some readng and try that route.

So, if I understand you, using this 'factory' I can either return a new
class instance (if it passes all the tests) or a NULL value (no instance) if
it fails?

Thanks for the pointer.


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Re: [PHP] advise on new class of mine

2003-09-22 Thread jsWalter
Thanks Curt for your reply.

It helped my head a bit.


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[PHP] Q on accessing properties of parent from child class...

2003-09-21 Thread jsWalter
I've read the entire manual on classes, and I did not see an answer to my

I see how to access methods of a parent from the child...




but I would like to gain access to read and/or modify properties from the

Yes, I built getters that work, but I was wondering about a more direct



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[PHP] Q on class failure...

2003-09-21 Thread jsWalter
I found this in the docs...

   If you want your constructor to possibly not create the object

   class A
 function A()
 // ...
 // some error occurred
 $this = null;

I tested it, it works great.

Then I read on...

   Setting $this to null isn't available in PHP 4.3.3R3 anymore. Maybe in
version below also.

Great! :/

I have 4.3.2, so I guess it would work for me.

If this "feature" has been removed, can someone show me a good way to
indicate a failure on object instantiation?



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[PHP] advise on new class of mine

2003-09-21 Thread jsWalter
I'm in the process of building my first "real" class.

43 methods, 23 properties, nearly 1000 lines of codes.

What I would like to know...

Is it better to keep al this in a single file? Or break it up into

This does have logical sections, so a breakup would be possible, but then
I'm not sure how I would piece it back together.


Many properties are not required at object instantiation, but I define them
none-the-less. Many are derived from multiple others.

It is better to define all properties, many may never be used, or simply
define them as they are called?

I define them all now, so there is a (ever so) slight hit on cycles for

If I define them as they are called, then each needs a conditional to
process to run each time that GETTER is called.

Or is this "6 of one and half-dozen of another"?

Now, this gets broken up, many of the properties correspond the different
sections. then he properties should be defined as called, because their
package would only be loaded when called.

Am I talking in circles here?

Does anyone have any advise?



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[PHP] Re: Q on Regular Expressions - solved

2003-09-17 Thread jsWalter
Once again, I ask a stupid question, wotk on it some more and find the
answer under my nose.

Thanks anyway, I have what I'm looking for.


BTW: If you would like to know what I did, or even look at it and comment...


 American Standard Format - accepts SLASH or DASH
 "02/03/1994 14:15:29 EST"-- American Standard 24 Hr Clock
 "02/03/1994 02:15:29 PM EST" -- American Standard 12 Hr Clock
 "02/03/1994 14:15:29"-- zone is optional
 "02/03/1994" -- only date

  Will work on dates before 1000, but must have leading ZEROs

$strDate = "01-02-1994";
file://$strDate = "01/02/1994 01:02:03";
file://$strDate = "01/02/1994 01:02:03 GMT";
file://$strDate = "01/02/1994 01:02:03 AM GMT";

$regExp  = "^";  // Start at begining of string

$regExp .=  "("; // Start Date Block

$regExp  =  "([0-9]{2})[-|\/]";  // Month DASH or SLASH
$regExp .=  "([0-9]{2})[-|\/]";  // Day DASH or SLASH
$regExp .=  "([0-9]{4})";// Year
$regExp .=  ")?";// End Time Block

$regExp .=  "("; // Start Time Block

$regExp .="[[:space:]]"; // Space
$regExp .=  "([0-9]{2}):";   // Hour COLON
$regExp .=  "([0-9]{2}):";   // Minute COLON
$regExp .=  "([0-9]{2})";// Seconds

$regExp .=  "("; // Start Meridium Block
$regExp .="[[:space:]]"; // Space
$regExp .=  "[a-zA-Z]{1,2}"; // AM/PM
$regExp .=  ")?";// End Meridium Block

$regExp .=  "("; // Start TZ Block
$regExp .="[[:space:]]"; // Space
$regExp .=  "[a-z|A-Z]{1,3}";  // Time Zone
$regExp .=  ")?";// End TZ Block

$regExp .=  ")?";// End Time Block

$regExp .= "$";  // End at end of string

if (ereg ($regExp, $strDate, $regs))
 echo '';
 echo '|' . $strDate . '|' . '';
 echo print_r($regs);
 echo '';
echo "Invalid date format: $strDate";

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Re: [PHP] Q on Regular Expressions

2003-09-17 Thread jsWalter
Thanks for the pointer, but this only deals with date/time in EPOCH range.

I'm trying to handle dates pre-epoch.



"Curt Zirzow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> * Thus wrote jsWalter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I have a fairly complicated regular expression that was written for
> >
> > I've spent the last 4 days trying to convert it to PHP.
> have you looked at strtotime()?
>   http://php.net/strtotime
> The Date formats it can find are defined here:
>   http://www.gnu.org/manual/tar-1.12/html_chapter/tar_7.html
> Those regex's look like a nightmare, like they usually do :)
> >
> > # Does input match this RegEx?
> >
> >  (($day,$mon,$yr,$hr,$min,$sec,$tz) =
> >  /^
> >   (\w{1,3}) # month
> >  \s+
> >   (\d\d?)   # day
> >  \s+
> >   (\d\d?):(\d\d)# hour:min
> >   (?::(\d\d))?  # optional seconds
> >  \s+
> >   (?:([A-Za-z]+)\s+)?   # optional timezone
> >   (\d+) # year
> >  \s*$   # allow trailing whitespace
> >  /x)
> >
> Curt
> --
> "I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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[PHP] Q on Regular Expressions

2003-09-17 Thread jsWalter
I have a fairly complicated regular expression that was written for perl.

I've spent the last 4 days trying to convert it to PHP.

I guess I'm just that bright.

I can't even get the sub parts (between the || to work, much less the

Would someone mind showing me how I can make this work in PHP?



# Does input match this RegEx?

 (($day,$mon,$yr,$hr,$min,$sec,$tz) =
  (\w{1,3}) # month
  (\d\d?)   # day
  (\d\d?):(\d\d)# hour:min
  (?::(\d\d))?  # optional seconds
  (?:([A-Za-z]+)\s+)?   # optional timezone
  (\d+) # year
 \s*$   # allow trailing whitespace

# If not that one, then this RegEx?

# Then the Unix 'ls -l' date format
(($mon, $day, $yr, $hr, $min, $sec) =
  (\w{3})   # month
  (\d\d?)   # day
 (\d\d\d\d) |   # year
 (\d{1,2}):(\d{2})  # hour:min
(?::(\d\d))?   # optional seconds

# If not that one, then this RegEx?

# ISO 8601 format '1996-02-29 12:00:00 -0100' and variants
(($yr, $mon, $day, $hr, $min, $sec, $tz) =
   (\d{4})  # year
   (\d\d?)  # numerical month
   (\d\d?)  # day
(?:\s+|[-:Tt])  # separator before clock
 (\d\d?):?(\d\d)# hour:min
 (?::?(\d\d(?:\.\d*)?))?  # optional seconds (and fractional)
  )?# optional clock
   |Z|z)?   # timezone  (Z is "zero meridian", i.e. GMT)

# If not that one, then this RegEx?

# Windows 'dir' 11-12-96  03:52PM
(($mon, $day, $yr, $hr, $min, $ampm) =
  (\d{2})# numerical month
  (\d{2})# day
  (\d{2})# year
  (\d\d?):(\d\d)([APap][Mm])  # hour:min AM or PM

# I guess not any. So bale!
return;  # unrecognized format

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[PHP] Re: PHP and Apache

2003-09-09 Thread jsWalter
I have a complete setup and testing procedure for windows class machines.

Hope it can help you.



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Re: [PHP] Q on "inhert" class code

2003-09-04 Thread jsWalter
Evans, thx for your effort.

I see what your says, as I noticed the trouble at 3 this morning!

This is how I fixed it...

$session = &Auth::_importGlobalVariable("session");
$session[$this->_sessionName]['data']['_loginAttempts'] =

Pretty much the way you indicated.

But then, as I read more, decoded the Class in my head more, I noticed that
they had a method to deal with this issue. So I figured I'd juut use that
method, in case something changes in future it won't bite me!

  // Store class var in session data
  Auth::setAuthData('_loginAttempts', $this->_loginAttempts);

Thanks for your help.


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[PHP] Q on "inhert" class code

2003-09-03 Thread jsWalter
I have a parent Class that does this in one of it's methods...

$session = &Auth::_importGlobalVariable("session");
$session[$this->_sessionName]['registered'] = true;

I would like to "hook" into this in on eof my methods in a child class

I thought I could do this...

[538]   $session = Auth::_importGlobalVariable("session");
[539]   $session[Auth::_sessionName]['registered'] = true;

But I get this error:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ']', expecting '(' in
mypath\AuthUser.php on line 539

OK, I guessed wrong (again).

This is how PEAR::Auth deals with inserting its class vars into a session
and I want to piggyback on that. No need to roll my own, I think.

Can someone show me the errors of my ways?



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Re: [PHP] vars between instantiate class...

2003-09-03 Thread jsWalter

That is waht I needed to know!

It works!



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[PHP] vars between instantiate class...

2003-09-03 Thread jsWalter
I am trying to see how many times a person has tried to log in during a

the login script...


   if ($objAuth->getAuth())   // is user logged in already
  ...display hello page...
  ...display login page

OK, so far so good.

If the user punches in anything wrong, the login gets displayed again.

Now I want to track this iteration of attempts.

In the START method, I did this...

$this->_loginAttempts = $this->_loginAttempts + 1;

then I added

echo $objAuth->getLoginAttempts();

before ...display login page... to see how it tracks.

It always displays '1'

To me, it looks like '$objAuth->start();' , which is called each time the
page runs, which is each time a login attempt is made, is re-initializing
all the class vars to their default state.

If I make _loginAttempts = 8, then it displays 9.

So, my question (this time) is how do I get the class to track this counter?

I hope I explained this well enough.

I really don't think this is a PEAR::Auth specific question. I think it's
just a "how do I keep this counter going in a class" question.



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Re: [PHP] Q on Class and EXTEND

2003-09-03 Thread jsWalter
"John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> jsWalter wrote:

> > I'm wanting to EXTEND the orginal class.
> >
> > meaning, my THECHILD class efines new methods/properties, and I want it
> > as if it was part of the orginal THEPARENT Class.
> >
> > Me just being picky.
> It doesn't work that way, exactly. The child class can define new
> methods and properties, but you must make an instance of the child
> class, which will include the methods/properties from the parent, and
> the new ones you have written.
> If I'm understanding you correctly, you could rename you parent class to
> child, name the child class the same as your parent and have the "old
> class" extend the "new class" you've written. You code should then work
> the same, but have the new methods/properties available.

What I am trying to do is EXTEND the PEAR::Auth Class with new properties
and methods.

But I still want to use the original instantiation call...

   $myAuth =& Auth();

So, I don't think I can rename the orginal Class in this case.

I'm just being particular.

Or do I have to create my new EXTENDED Class and then add code to PEAR::Auth
to make it work as if it is always just Auth? (I was told I could not do



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RE: [PHP] Q on Class and EXTEND

2003-09-03 Thread jsWalter
> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Matijevich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 11:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Q on Class and EXTEND
> I dont know much about classes, but dont you want
> $a = new THECHILD('walter'); //so you can access $a->abc
> instead of
> $a = new THEPARENT ('walter');

No, I'm wanting to EXTEND the orginal class.

meaning, my THECHILD class efines new methods/properties, and I want it used
as if it was part of the orginal THEPARENT Class.

Me just being picky.


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[PHP] Q on Class and EXTEND

2003-09-03 Thread jsWalter
I found a piece of code in the docs, and thought it was a way to EXTEND a
Class with new properties tha cna be accessed from original Class Object.

can someone tell me what I did wrong?




name =  $newName ;

class THECHILD extends THEPARENT {

var $abc;
var $xyz = "xyz"; // NOTE: this value will be lost during

function _ATOM() {

// NOTE: $this->xyz is now "xyz"
$this = unserialize (serialize (new THEPARENT()));
// NOTE: Original value of $this->xyz is lost

$this->$abc = "abc"; // Better: initialize values after ser/unser.

$a = new THEPARENT ('walter');

echo $a->name . '';

echo $a->abc . '';


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[PHP] can someone explain...

2003-09-01 Thread jsWalter
this difference bewteen A and B below?

A)$a = &new className(true, 6);

B)$a = new className(true, 6); /* missing & on the NEW */



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[PHP] PHP if exit Q

2003-08-26 Thread jsWalter
If I am in a second level IF conditional and it failes, I want to jump out
of the parent IF.

How can I do that?



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[PHP] weird output on my Apache2, PHP 4.2.3 Win2k box...

2003-08-26 Thread jsWalter
Can someone tell me why all mt PHP generated HTML has this pre-pended to it?

And how can I turn it off?



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RE: [PHP] dev style guide

2003-08-14 Thread jsWalter
> -Original Message-
> From: Chris W. Parker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 4:33 PM
> To: Jay Blanchard; Mike Migurski; jsWalter
> Subject: RE: [PHP] dev style guide

> Ahhh /Hungarian/ notation. Now that makes sense. I *thought* there
> was something funny about "polish notation" (which as I've found out is
> a certain way of expressing mathematical equations [iirc]).

OK, OK, my math geek-ness reared its ugly head.

Hungarian notation is waht I shoulfd have said.


> I've found a few articles on Hungarian notation but none of them have
> been all that great. Real wordy and without good examples. Do you have
> any examples/articles to contribute?

This is what I found on the issue around the 'net...




this one is short and sweet...



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Re: [PHP] dev style guide

2003-08-14 Thread jsWalter
"Curt Zirzow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> * Thus wrote jsWalter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Is there a style guide for coding practices used when creating code to
> > shared with the community?
> The  rule is to code they way the community has been coding.

Thanks, I was afraid someone would say that.


the reason I was asking is that I like to use polish notation for vars. It
helps me remeber what the [EMAIL PROTECTED] I was doing last week.

Having opened several (at random) Package files, I noticed that none of them
to that.

Just wondering.



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[PHP] dev style guide

2003-08-05 Thread jsWalter
Is there a style guide for coding practices used when creating code to be
shared with the community?


Ankh if you love Isis.

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[PHP] Re: how can I get errors to display in a browser?

2003-08-03 Thread jsWalter

"Comex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> display_errors




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[PHP] how can I get errors to display in a browser?

2003-08-03 Thread jsWalter
I have a test script, with deliberate errors.

The broswer shows nothing, blank, empty.

It used to show errors, now it does not.

No idea what I did to turn it off.

Can someone tell me hoew to turn it back on?

In my php.ini file, it says...

 error_reporting  =  E_ALL

I thought that was what it needed.

I guess not.



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Re: [PHP] php4apache2.dll

2003-07-17 Thread jsWalter
Well, thanks Even, but my post stated what my phpinfo() was telling me was

My question is how can I tell if mod_php is running?

Thanks anyway.


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[PHP] php4apache2.dll

2003-07-17 Thread jsWalter
What part of phpinfo.php tells me that mod_php4 is loaded and running on my
Apache2/PHP 4.3.2 Win 2k system?

php.conf (apache conf):
   # Windows Win32 version
   LoadModule php4_module modules/php4apache2.dll
   LoadFile "/etc/php/php4ts.dll"

NOTE: pls, no comments on the lack of volume letter,
  this works if Apache *and* php are on the same volume.

phpinfo - apache2handler: Loaded Modules:
   core  mod_win32mpm_winnt
   http_core mod_so   mod_access
   mod_actions   mod_aliasmod_asis
   mod_auth  mod_autoindexmod_cgi
   mod_dir   mod_env  mod_imap
   mod_include   mod_isapimod_log_config
   mod_mime  mod_negotiation  mod_setenvif
   mod_userdir   sapi_apache2 mod_ssl



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[PHP] PHP and mod_perl

2003-07-17 Thread jsWalter
Anyone have any idea why I can't run PHP and mod_perl in the same web

I am getting this in my error log...

 [Thu Jul 17 14:02:07 2003] [error] 2508: ModPerl::Registry:
 Unterminated <> operator at G:/home/walter/htdocs/test.php line 1.

This is my php file...


Any ideas?

And yes, it worked before I installed mod_perl



In heaven an angel is nobody in particular.
   - George Bernard Shaw

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2003-07-07 Thread jsWalter

"Bob G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Please help I am going quite mad.

> ... The PHP.INI file is in the PHP directory.

the php.ini in your PHP directory is useless

It needs to be in 1 of 3 places...
 1) the IIS root directory, meaning where IIS EXE is at,
*not* the web root
 2) C:\WINNT (or where ever your system directory is called)
 3) C:\php4 (this is HARD CODED as a last resort)

I have mine in my web server directory *and* in my PHP directory.

That way I can run it via web server or command line.


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Re: [PHP] Q on echo phpinfo() ;

2003-07-05 Thread jsWalter
"Philip Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> You may set the location of php.ini by using the PHPRC
> environment variable or during ./configure use the
> --with-config-file-path directive.

So, I take it that this is a setting you use during compile time.
So, to fix this, as not to mandate the use of 'C:\winnt' I could just
recompile everything.

> Maybe you should just copy a php.ini into the directory PHP
> is looking for it in, which appears to be C:\WINNIT.

I was really hoping not to have to do that. It is so *Microsoft* in
implementation. I was really hoping that something that came from outside
the DarkSide would not be tempted.

> If PHP was actually reading a php.ini, you would have instead
> seen it as C:\WINNIT\php.ini as opposed to just a directory
> path. So because no php.ini is being read, PHP is using all
> default values as per a stock php.ini-dist.

OK! Now I see. PHP is using default values since it can't "see" a php.ini
file where it thinks it should be, the C:\WINNT directory.

Well, I copied my php.ini into C:\winnt removed my "fix" for DB.php,
restarted my Apache and sure enough, phpinfo() shows C:\WINNT\php.ini and
DB.php no longer returns an error!

:( [why the sad face? It thought you said it now works?]

The sad face is because I am forced to place files in the windows directory.

There was nothing I could do about Apache and it's use of the Registry, now
it looks like I'm forced to do things "The Microsoft Way" with PHP. At least
Perl is set up without using Microsoft's mandates.

Thanks for the info Philip. I appreciate it. Now things are clearer. PHP now
works, but I'm not happy, but that's not relevant. I'm always causing

Now I 'need' to see if I can find someone who can re-compile this for me (no
I don't have access to any of these tools. I'm learning PHP now since I was
told that is what I need to add to my skill set if I want to get a job,
again. I got laid off 6 months ago after 7 years as an Lead Internet
Technologies Architect. PHP was just something I never had to deal with. The
fortune 1000 didn't "want" that, so, I didn't do it. That'll teach me!)

Anyway, Thanks Philip.


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[PHP] Q on echo phpinfo() ;

2003-07-05 Thread jsWalter
I ran this as a script from my Apache and it gave me a beautiful web page
just full of wonderful information!

But I have a question on just 1 item...

Configuration File (piping) Path C:\WINNIT

How does this value get set?

My PHP is installed at 'G:\etc\php'

My php.ini is there as well.

The paths are set (in that ini file) as...

include_path = ".;G:\etc\php\extensions;G:\etc\php\pear"

extension_dir = "G:\etc\php\extensions"

Even My Apache is told to look there as well...

# Windows Win32 version

LoadFile "/etc/php/gnu_gettext.dll"

LoadModule php4_module "/etc/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll"

Action application/x-httpd-php "/etc/php/php.exe"

ScriptAlias /php/ "/etc/php/"

(pls don't comment about there being volume letters missing to this block,

I want to focus on the issue of a path being defined from out of the blue)

Is this being hard coded somewhere?

If so, then why does my PHP work at all?

I have nothing that belongs to PHP in the system directory.

Well, not completely true.

PEAR installed a pear.ini in the system directory itself (I wish it didn't,

but my PEAR not working properly is a different issue.)

Nothing I've read from the web or the documentation has given me any
understand on how this is set and why PHP file are needed in the location
that the says to place them.

I guess, this is a question for the folks who wrote the executables for

Thanks for any help and enlightenment.


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