[PHP] Re: use JSON storage on RAMdisk instead of SQL? (for fast moving sites)

2012-09-06 Thread rene7705
On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:47 PM, rene7705  wrote:

> create RAMdisks for free of up to 500gb, and, more important, can on a
sorry!! make that "for free of up to 4gb"

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[PHP] Re: how to walk async recursively over an object, doing work (in right order) per leaf

2012-06-14 Thread rene7705
oops; printNextLevel : function (pvCmd) {
if (
typeof pvCmd.val == 'object'
&& typeof pvCmd.val.hmStats == 'object'
&& typeof pvCmd.val.hmData == 'object'
) {
//if (pvCmd.keyValueName && pvCmd.keyValueName!='')
pvCmd.val.hmStats.keyValueName=pvCmd.keyValueName; //bit of a hack, i
var td = typeof pvCmd.val.hmData;
var d = pvCmd.val.hmData;
} else {
var td = typeof pvCmd.val;
var d = pvCmd.val;

pvCmd.scanPointer = d;
rajmv.hms.tools.printNextLevel_scan (pvCmd,

return {
html : 'Have Yet To Render This'

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[PHP] Re: how to walk async recursively over an object, doing work (in right order) per leaf

2012-06-14 Thread rene7705
I think I've got it figured out now..

My solution is to async build up a flat list of items (from the
recursive object) to process first, then do another async loop (which
I'll build soon) to do the work per item, and when that's done,
replace the placeholder with the result.

This code works on a custom datastructure that looks like this;

  hmData : {
   mijnDataA : 'a',
   mijnDataB : 'b',
   mijnSubKeyA : {
 hmData : {
 mijnDataX : 'x'
 hmSettings : {
// app-specifc values for the object with key 'mijnDataX'
  hmSettings : {
 // app-specific values for the object with keys 'mijnDataA',
'mijnDataB', and 'mijnSubKeyA'

Then, the actual code to build up a flat work list of this recursive
array, up to a certain level deep (levelsAtOnce) is;

printNextLevel : function (pvCmd) {
if (
typeof pvCmd.val == 'object'
&& typeof pvCmd.val.hmStats == 'object'
&& typeof pvCmd.val.hmData == 'object'
) {
//if (pvCmd.keyValueName && 
pvCmd.val.hmStats.keyValueName=pvCmd.keyValueName; //bit of a hack, i
var td = typeof pvCmd.val.hmData;
var d = pvCmd.val.hmData;
} else {
var td = typeof pvCmd.val;
var d = pvCmd.val;

rajmv.hms.tools.printNextLevel_scan (pvCmd,

return {
html : 'Have Yet To Render 

printNextLevel_scan : function (pvCmd, callback) {
if (!pvCmd.scanResults) {
pvCmd.scanResults = [{level:1, 
pvCmd.scanIdx = 0;
pvCmd.scanCount = 0;
pvCmd.lastPause = 0;
pvCmd.scanCallback = callback;

rajmv.hms.tools.printNextLevel_scanItem (pvCmd);

//rajmv.log (2, 'pvCmd.scanIdx='+pvCmd.scanIdx+',
if (pvCmd.scanIdx==pvCmd.scanResults.length-1) {
if (typeof pvCmd.scanCallback=='function') {
pvCmd.scanCallback (pvCmd);
return true; // scanning done!

var pauseFactor = pvCmd.scanCount / 7;
if (pauseFactor > pvCmd.lastPause + 1) {
setTimeout (function () {
pvCmd.lastPause = pauseFactor;

}, 50);
} else {
return false; // not done yet

printNextLevel_scanItem : function (pvCmd) {
var it = pvCmd.scanResults[pvCmd.scanIdx];
if (!it || !it.datanode) return false;
var tit = typeof it.datanode;
if (tit=='object' && it.datanode!==null && 
it.datanode!==undefined) {
if (!it.keys && it.level<=pvCmd.levelsAtOnce) {
it.keys = Object.keys (it.datanode);
it.keyIdx = 0;
if (it.keys) {
if (it.keyIdx 
pvCmd.lastPause + 1) break;
} else {

printNextLevel_scanKey : function (pvCmd) {
var it = pvCmd.scanResults[pvCmd.scanIdx];
if (!it.keys[it.keyIdx]) debugger;
pvCmd.scanResults.splice(pvCmd.scanIdx+1, 0, 

Re: [PHP] long running php script won't complete :(

2012-06-05 Thread rene7705
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Matijn Woudt  wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 5:57 PM, rene7705  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I've got a piece of code that builds up a multi-meg test array for my
>> opensourced http://mediabeez.ws/products/htmlMicroscope var_dump()
>> improvement, and when I run it for longer than about 20 minutes, the
>> browser just calls it quits.. :( Firefox, and chrome.
>> I'd like to do this with a browser call, if all else fails I suppose I
>> can run the generation of the test array from the commandline, but I
>> prefer calling from the browser..
>> So, I'm doing ob_start(), then start the main loop which does echo
>> '.'; ob_flush(); flush();.
>> I've got my KeepAliveTime set to 25 seconds, as per
>> http://www.pctools.com/guides/registry/detail/891/
>> And I'm calling this from my browser to the domain name that points
>> back to the machine I run the browser on, latest wampserver on windows
>> 7.
>> Calling via localhost doesn't work somehow.
>> Is there anything obvious I've missed?
> Just to be sure, have you checked the Apache error logs for anything
> obvious? (eg. out of memory?)
> In case the browser closes the connection, you could use
> ignore_user_abort [1] to be sure the script continues, though the
> browser won't receive the result.
> - Matijn
> [1] www.php.net/manual/en/function.ignore-user-abort.php

ignore_user_abort(true) together with set_time_limit(0) is doing the
job nicely atm. thanks!

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[PHP] long running php script won't complete :(

2012-06-04 Thread rene7705

I've got a piece of code that builds up a multi-meg test array for my
opensourced http://mediabeez.ws/products/htmlMicroscope var_dump()
improvement, and when I run it for longer than about 20 minutes, the
browser just calls it quits.. :( Firefox, and chrome.

I'd like to do this with a browser call, if all else fails I suppose I
can run the generation of the test array from the commandline, but I
prefer calling from the browser..

So, I'm doing ob_start(), then start the main loop which does echo
'.'; ob_flush(); flush();.

I've got my KeepAliveTime set to 25 seconds, as per

And I'm calling this from my browser to the domain name that points
back to the machine I run the browser on, latest wampserver on windows
Calling via localhost doesn't work somehow.

Is there anything obvious I've missed?

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[PHP] progress indicators in browsers for long running php scripts?

2012-06-01 Thread rene7705

I've got several scripts now that may run for a long time; the
self-test script for my htmlMicroscope, my serviceLog component when
it calculates totals for a large number of hits, a curl script that is
likely to one day crawl a hundred or so RSS urls in a single update,
etc, etc.

I'd like to build a generic system (and opensource it) to allow PHP to
execute a long running script, and somehow get a progress bar with
"what am I doing now"-status-msg for such processes, in the browser.

The easiest thing, and maybe the only way this will work, is to load
up a site's framework html (so as to display the site), then call the
long-running script via ajax.
However, a long-running script needs set_time_limit(0), which is
something shared hosters just won't do for browsers.
A moderately good shared hoster will however allow you to
set_time_limit(0) for PHP cron jobs.

So I'd need to build a cron PHP daemon that listens for new tasks.
That won't be much of a problem, I've done it before.

But the task definition itself puzzles me a lot still.
I suppose I'd need an ID for the task/job, and include in the task def
what worker-php-script and worker-php-function to call, with also the
parameters for the worker function.
The worker function would then call back certain daemon functions to
push status updates to the browser.

And the browser can then just kick off the task, and poll every 5
seconds or so for very brief status updates in JSON format.

This is how I can import videos of any length into my CMS, and convert
them to flash video aswell (even optionally converting on another,
dedicated server).

Once again I'm asking you all for input and tips before I begin on
this new workDaemon component of mine..

I suppose most of you'd want a neat PHP object of it? Not my usual
procedural-only PHP coding?

With regards,
 and eager to hear your tips,
  Rene Veerman

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Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-23 Thread rene7705
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 2:17 PM, ma...@behnke.biz  wrote:
> rene7705  hat am 23. Mai 2012 um 13:51 geschrieben:
>> I think I'll leave it untouched for a few days
>> (http://mediabeez.ws/stats/ and
> 404 on
> http://mediabeez.ws/stats/code/libraries_rv/rajmvServiceLog-1.0.0/ajax_makeLogEntry.php?rajmvServiceLog_initialID=
> Seen in firebug. No log is loaded.

That 404 is also on my todo list, and will get fixed together with
removal of project_hd_root from html or js output.

And please explain what you mean by "no log is loaded". No graph? No
$hits under "structure" tab, no $errors under same tab?

This morning I fixed an error in the tabs component that was causing
the entire app to fail sometimes. But you saw it after that update

> I know that you are not into optimizing bandwidth, but over 4 MB of image
> data is a killer.

It's entirely un-optimized at the moment, but I'll replace the tab
page buttons with 70k instead of 2.5mb worth of art soon.. Easier than
eating pie ;)

> Could you seperate you log api code from jquery? Currently it is delivered
> in one file. Makes it hard to read.

I thought putting many scripts in 1 call was the right thing to do.
But you can also call
.../get_rajmv_javascript.php?want=animatedJavascriptWidgets and
.../get_rajmv_javascript.php?want=rajmvServiceLog to get the log api
js code in a seperate file.
Or, you can just search for "rajmv.serviceLog =" in the
get_rajmv_javascript.php call that I use on the demos now.

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Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-23 Thread rene7705
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:17 AM, rene7705  wrote:
> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:09 AM, ma...@behnke.biz  wrote:
>>> my windowze dev box is completely frozen at startup now, before even
>>> mounting the drive that had the slow write rate today. booted into
>>> ubuntu which is still responsive, and ran disk utility to see that
>>> smart status and self-check for both system drive and the other drive
>>> that i noticed going slow today, is "good".
>>> I wonder what's gotten my dev box ill.. Hope it aint a virus, but
>>> can't start the virus scanner coz the thing is frozen... :S
>> I guess that is the reason why your dev system is slow ;)
> Well it's very strange. My system unfroze itself yesterday night, the
> drive in question can copy a 100mb file at regular speedy speeds with
> windows explorer, but writing 45mb of html to a file using (thousands
> of) fwrite() calls takes about 10 minutes (bit slow to say the least).
> The same fwrite()ing code on my hosted server, with nearly as much
> html to write out, works comfortably fast as well.
> I'm very puzzled. Would appreciate any tips to test my home system further..

Forwarded to wampserver forums;
Could have been the wampserver going haywire somehow yesterday... not
a virus, coz virusses don't generally stop messing with you once
they've started to, hehe.

Anyways, I'd like to return to the point of my OP, which is to get
some end-user feature requests for my analytics code.

I think I'll leave it untouched for a few days
(http://mediabeez.ws/stats/ and
http://skatescene.biz/sites/mediabeez.ws/stats) to give ya'll a chance
to view it without me introducing errors during more dev of my own.

I've kinda run out of ideas, besides ofcourse serving slightly
different stats and graphs for non-developer viewers, and the error
details only to developers. That one's obvious.

And another obvious one, I also think that plugging in location
software by http://www.maxmind.com/app/geolitecity will be a good
idea, altho I'd probably opt to work with their data in a sql table
rather than the faster php mod that they offer, coz we can't use that
from shared hosting (I think, plz correct me if I'm wrong).

But maybe you can throw me some not so obvious ones to include in this
free analytics software ;)

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Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-23 Thread rene7705
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:09 AM, ma...@behnke.biz  wrote:
>> my windowze dev box is completely frozen at startup now, before even
>> mounting the drive that had the slow write rate today. booted into
>> ubuntu which is still responsive, and ran disk utility to see that
>> smart status and self-check for both system drive and the other drive
>> that i noticed going slow today, is "good".
>> I wonder what's gotten my dev box ill.. Hope it aint a virus, but
>> can't start the virus scanner coz the thing is frozen... :S
> I guess that is the reason why your dev system is slow ;)
Well it's very strange. My system unfroze itself yesterday night, the
drive in question can copy a 100mb file at regular speedy speeds with
windows explorer, but writing 45mb of html to a file using (thousands
of) fwrite() calls takes about 10 minutes (bit slow to say the least).
The same fwrite()ing code on my hosted server, with nearly as much
html to write out, works comfortably fast as well.

I'm very puzzled. Would appreciate any tips to test my home system further..

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Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-22 Thread rene7705
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 3:31 PM, ma...@behnke.biz  wrote:
> rene7705  hat am 22. Mai 2012 um 15:23 geschrieben:
>> Seems to be the writing of the html+json data to a file that's causing
>> the delay on my dev server.
>> Doing the totals calculation on my dev server for 3500 records takes
>> about 2.5 seconds, with the old code.
>> Will soon see how long it takes with the refactored code of today.
>> Anyone got a clue about why a few ten thousand calls to fwrite() will
>> slow down a wampserver so much?...
> Maybe the hdd is not caching properly and is constantly writing and
> re-arranging the data?
> Is your hdd a bit to much fragmented?

my windowze dev box is completely frozen at startup now, before even
mounting the drive that had the slow write rate today. booted into
ubuntu which is still responsive, and ran disk utility to see that
smart status and self-check for both system drive and the other drive
that i noticed going slow today, is "good".
I wonder what's gotten my dev box ill.. Hope it aint a virus, but
can't start the virus scanner coz the thing is frozen... :S

> Just 2 guesses.
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> Marco Behnke
> Dipl. Informatiker (FH), SAE Audio Engineer Diploma
> Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5.3
> Tel.: 0174 / 9722336
> e-Mail: ma...@behnke.biz
> Softwaretechnik Behnke
> Heinrich-Heine-Str. 7D
> 21218 Seevetal
> http://www.behnke.biz
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-22 Thread rene7705
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 2:54 PM, rene7705  wrote:
> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 12:32 PM, rene7705  wrote:
>> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 2:32 AM, tamouse mailing lists
>>  wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:31 AM, rene7705  wrote:
>>>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Simon Schick
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Specially the function rajmvServiceLog_graphs_raphael_calculateData() 
>>>>> with a
>>>>> code of ca. 280 lines is quite long ...
>>>> 280 lines is long?! :)
>>> In general, yes. 280 lines is long. Too long, likely. Usually it
>>> indicates you aren't designing your code in a top-down fashion, and it
>>> is a high candidate for refactoring in order to break out into
>>> reusable functions. A rule of thumb is no more than 50 lines per
>>> function, most much less. Back in the day when we didn't have nifty
>>> gui screens and an 24 line terminals (yay green on black!), if a
>>> function exceeded one printed page, it was deemed too long and marked
>>> for refactoring.
>> Well, I split up that long function into several new functions (using
>> pass-by-reference) this morning..
>> Problem is, now it won't work anymore due to memory consumption errors! :(
>> I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong here.
>> Demo at http://skatescene.biz/sites/mediabeez.ws/stats
>> Code is attached to this mail.
> hmm, this might actually be an issue with my dev webserver... it's
> taking 400mb of memory and over 10 minutes to process just 3500
> records.
> My live hosting does 2200 records in 64M of memory and significantly less 
> time..
> I'll keep digging.

Seems to be the writing of the html+json data to a file that's causing
the delay on my dev server.

Doing the totals calculation on my dev server for 3500 records takes
about 2.5 seconds, with the old code.
Will soon see how long it takes with the refactored code of today.

Anyone got a clue about why a few ten thousand calls to fwrite() will
slow down a wampserver so much?...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-22 Thread rene7705
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 12:32 PM, rene7705  wrote:
> On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 2:32 AM, tamouse mailing lists
>  wrote:
>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:31 AM, rene7705  wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Simon Schick
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Specially the function rajmvServiceLog_graphs_raphael_calculateData() with 
>>>> a
>>>> code of ca. 280 lines is quite long ...
>>> 280 lines is long?! :)
>> In general, yes. 280 lines is long. Too long, likely. Usually it
>> indicates you aren't designing your code in a top-down fashion, and it
>> is a high candidate for refactoring in order to break out into
>> reusable functions. A rule of thumb is no more than 50 lines per
>> function, most much less. Back in the day when we didn't have nifty
>> gui screens and an 24 line terminals (yay green on black!), if a
>> function exceeded one printed page, it was deemed too long and marked
>> for refactoring.
> Well, I split up that long function into several new functions (using
> pass-by-reference) this morning..
> Problem is, now it won't work anymore due to memory consumption errors! :(
> I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong here.
> Demo at http://skatescene.biz/sites/mediabeez.ws/stats
> Code is attached to this mail.

hmm, this might actually be an issue with my dev webserver... it's
taking 400mb of memory and over 10 minutes to process just 3500
My live hosting does 2200 records in 64M of memory and significantly less time..

I'll keep digging.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-22 Thread rene7705
On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Matijn Woudt  wrote:
> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 2:31 PM, rene7705  wrote:
>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Simon Schick
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi, Rene
>>> I took a quick look over your code ...
>>> I kind-of like the idea having all logging at one place, but the code is a
>>> bit too messy if you ask me :)
>>> If you would have put it on github and I would fork it - the first thing I'd
>>> do is trying to get rid of the hm-lib and rewriting all in a bit more
>>> object-oriented style, but that's just personal taste ;)
>>> Specially the function rajmvServiceLog_graphs_raphael_calculateData() with a
>>> code of ca. 280 lines is quite long ...
>> 280 lines is long?! :)
> I haven't had a good look at your code yet, but let me comment on this
> one anyway.
> 280 lines is long. Take any big project, Linux kernel
> (http://lxr.linux.no/linux), Wine (http://source.winehq.org), or an
> large PHP project, for example Drupal, and you'll probably only find a
> few functions that long.
>>> Additionally I think that setting an error-handler who's just returning
>>> false is not a good way. Why not disable error-handling or write code that
>>> produces no errors?
>> returning false in an error handler means "do the default error handler 
>> plz"..
> Why are you setting the error handler then? Are you trying to override
> an error handler set by other scripts?
Yea, I have an error catcher component
(http://mediabeez.ws/products/logAndHandler) that's used by all my
code by default, that was misbehaving during development of this
analytics code, so I bypassed it for now.

>>> I think it would be good to mention that you're using the library adodb
>>> (http://adodb.sourceforge.net/) and sitewide_rv (is it
>>> that? http://mediabeez.ws/) or am I guessing wrong?
>>> You're talking about a sql-file ... has my anti-virus-program removed
>>> something here?
>> Could have, I did include it as an attachment in my OP.
> The mailing list probably removed it. You should never send
> attachments to a mailing list, instead host them somewhere on the web
> and link to it.

I think there's a 2 attachments limit per mail sent to this list.

>>> Please don't see that as destructive critic, but as hints what I would do if
>>> I get to do with this code.
>> I don't think your words are destructive criticism ;)
>>> Bye
>>> Simon
>> Yes, this rajmvServiceLog is tied into other components of mine that
>> I've opensourced at http://mediabeez.ws
>> And I agree it's not perfect yet by any standard..
>> hm.php is used for it's memory-efficient json encoding routines, to
>> write out the results without building up a large text string with
>> json_encode().
>> I'm not inclined to make the PHP code object oriented at this time,
>> but once released I would allow anyone to OOP it.
>> I will OOP the javascripts though.
> Note that OOP is not always the best way to go. Haven't taken a close
> look at the source so can't comment.

I agree. Some OOP adds unnecessary complexity to code..
Other OOP is sweet :)

>> I also don't think I'm going to host my opensourced code (including
>> this analytics code) on github, I put out a .zip on
>> http://mediabeez.ws instead, but you can still fork as far as I'm
>> concerned. I often develop new code that updates older components in
>> the package, and maintaining forks on github seems like a bit of a
>> headache to me.. But I'll gladly incorporate improvements made by
>> others back into my own code base, with credits of course.
> Putting it on github makes it easier for people to have a look at your
> code before deciding on using it or not. If you're only putting it
> there, you don't have to worry about forks because they don't have
> anything to do with your repo, that's up to the people who fork it.
> Putting it on github will increase the popularity, and will probably
> also make developers want to 'upgrade'  your code. It's up to you.

Ok, I'll start putting it on github starting with the next release
then (may be a few weeks)..

> A few other comments:
> - Maybe you should think about another name? rajmv.. is not easy to remember.

It's my initials, I don't want to change it, and for

Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-22 Thread rene7705
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 2:32 AM, tamouse mailing lists
> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:31 AM, rene7705  wrote:
>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Simon Schick
>>  wrote:
>>> Specially the function rajmvServiceLog_graphs_raphael_calculateData() with a
>>> code of ca. 280 lines is quite long ...
>> 280 lines is long?! :)
> In general, yes. 280 lines is long. Too long, likely. Usually it
> indicates you aren't designing your code in a top-down fashion, and it
> is a high candidate for refactoring in order to break out into
> reusable functions. A rule of thumb is no more than 50 lines per
> function, most much less. Back in the day when we didn't have nifty
> gui screens and an 24 line terminals (yay green on black!), if a
> function exceeded one printed page, it was deemed too long and marked
> for refactoring.

Well, I split up that long function into several new functions (using
pass-by-reference) this morning..
Problem is, now it won't work anymore due to memory consumption errors! :(

I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong here.

Demo at http://skatescene.biz/sites/mediabeez.ws/stats
Code is attached to this mail.
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-21 Thread rene7705
I see that the sql file didn't come through to the web archive of this
list, so I'm posting it in-message here once more, for those

drop table if exists rajmvServiceLog;
create table rajmvServiceLog (
id integer not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
initial_id varchar(250),
php_remote_addr varchar(20),
php_time integer,
php_referrer longtext,
php_request_method varchar(10),
php_script_filename longtext,
php_script_name longtext,
php_self longtext,
php_request_uri longtext,
php_query_string longtext,
php_get_vars longtext,
php_post_vars longtext,
php_cookie_vars longtext,
php_http_host longtext,
php_http_connection varchar(250),
php_http_user_agent longtext,
php_http_accept varchar(250),
php_http_accept_encoding varchar(250),
php_http_accept_language varchar(250),
php_http_cache_control varchar(250),
php_http_accept_charset varchar(250),
php_server_name varchar(250),
php_server_addr varchar(20),
php_server_port varchar(10),
php_server_software varchar(250),

php_context_json longtext,
php_error_json longtext,

js_location_href longtext,
js_location_hash longtext,
js_time integer,
js_milliseconds_since_init_of_page integer,
js_date_time_txt varchar(250),
js_referrer longtext,
js_screen_width integer,
js_screen_height integer,
js_browser_width integer,
js_browser_height integer,
js_error_message longtext,
js_error_url longtext,
js_error_line integer,
primary key (id)

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Re: [PHP] requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL)

2012-05-21 Thread rene7705
On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Simon Schick
> Hi, Rene
> I took a quick look over your code ...
> I kind-of like the idea having all logging at one place, but the code is a
> bit too messy if you ask me :)
> If you would have put it on github and I would fork it - the first thing I'd
> do is trying to get rid of the hm-lib and rewriting all in a bit more
> object-oriented style, but that's just personal taste ;)
> Specially the function rajmvServiceLog_graphs_raphael_calculateData() with a
> code of ca. 280 lines is quite long ...

280 lines is long?! :)

> Additionally I think that setting an error-handler who's just returning
> false is not a good way. Why not disable error-handling or write code that
> produces no errors?

returning false in an error handler means "do the default error handler plz"..

> I think it would be good to mention that you're using the library adodb
> (http://adodb.sourceforge.net/) and sitewide_rv (is it
> that? http://mediabeez.ws/) or am I guessing wrong?
> You're talking about a sql-file ... has my anti-virus-program removed
> something here?

Could have, I did include it as an attachment in my OP.

> Please don't see that as destructive critic, but as hints what I would do if
> I get to do with this code.

I don't think your words are destructive criticism ;)

> Bye
> Simon

Yes, this rajmvServiceLog is tied into other components of mine that
I've opensourced at http://mediabeez.ws
And I agree it's not perfect yet by any standard..

hm.php is used for it's memory-efficient json encoding routines, to
write out the results without building up a large text string with

I'm not inclined to make the PHP code object oriented at this time,
but once released I would allow anyone to OOP it.
I will OOP the javascripts though.

I also don't think I'm going to host my opensourced code (including
this analytics code) on github, I put out a .zip on
http://mediabeez.ws instead, but you can still fork as far as I'm
concerned. I often develop new code that updates older components in
the package, and maintaining forks on github seems like a bit of a
headache to me.. But I'll gladly incorporate improvements made by
others back into my own code base, with credits of course.

> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 12:46 PM, rene7705  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I wasn't happy with the fact that Google Analytics doesn't record many
>> of the hits on my sites, so I decided to roll my own analytics
>> software, and opensource it.
>> It's now in a state where I can request early comments.
>> You can view a demo at http://mediabeez.ws/stats (under construction,
>> may fail at times) (browser compatibility may be an issue, I built it
>> with chrome, should work in firefox too, but won't (ever) in IE.)
>> If you click on the graph while the details for a given day are
>> visible, you will see the errors for that day in a DIV below the
>> graph.
>> Normally you'd hide the error details and $hits for anyone's who's not
>> registred as a developer, of course. I've turned it on for all at the
>> moment, so you can comment on that feature and review my results array
>> $hits.
>> I've opted, for simplicity of design, to store all settings I thought
>> could be remotely interesting in a mysql db (see attached sql init
>> file) (which is filled from PHP every time a page is delivered, and
>> again from JS when the page has initialized fully, or does a HTML5
>> History API location.href change), and then use PHP to retrieve all
>> rows for a given datetime-range, and do the totals calculations in a
>> php loop.
>> I'm only keeping 1 row from the db in memory at any given time, but
>> I'm building up a large deep array with the totals information in the
>> php loop that goes over the rows.
>> I'm wondering if this is a good approach, though. Maybe I should let
>> the totals be calculated by the mysql server instead.
>> I was thinking to let the totals calculations stay in php, and be
>> executed from a cron job every hour. Only for the current month would
>> you need to re-calculate every hour.
>> I haven't figured out yet how to for instance only re-calculate the
>> last hour, store results per hour, and then calculate the day and
>> month totals from that "hourly cache" data when needed.
>> I don't have a clue about how big companies do their totals
>> calculations (for sites that get way more hits than mine, which is
>> something i'd like to be able to support with my own analytics code),
>> and would like to know how big companies do this.
>> I've included the relevant draft code as attachment files to this
>> mail, for your review. Please let me know if I have forgotten to
>> include relevant code..
>> As always, thanks for your time,
>>  Rene
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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Re: [PHP] code deployment through php

2012-05-14 Thread rene7705
On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 3:32 PM, rene7705  wrote:
> On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 5:13 AM, tamouse mailing lists
>  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:23 AM, rene7705  wrote:
>> > On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 11:47 AM, rene7705  wrote:
>> >
>> >> I can't use anything like git on my shared hoster. But I suppose I
>> >> could
>> >> use something like git at home, and use a sync script like I posted in
>> >> my
>> >> OP on the shared hoster.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> > Maybe you git gurus can help me along a bit further.
>> >
>> > I've managed to install msysgit and get it to work on my windows dev
>> > box,
>> > so far so good.
>> >
>> > Now, I'm wondering how to set up my repositories. The last cvs I used
>> > was
>> > Microsoft's visual source control back in the 90's, so I'm very rusty.
>> > At
>> > the same time, I'd prefer not to experiment too much..
>> >
>> > I've got a tree structure in a folder called simply "code", that I have
>> > in
>> > several locations on my windows box.
>> >
>> > Each site that I develop for has a folder in
>> > .../htdocs/sites/somedomain.com,
>> > and many of these sites will need a copy of the common "code" folder in
>> > them. I can restrict myself to developing in one domain's subdir only.
>> > The non-common code for each domain is designed to run from any
>> > $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and any sub-directory it happens to be in. In
>> > other
>> > words, http://my-dev-box.biz/sites/somedomain.com/ will show the same
>> > thing
>> > from windowze as http://somedomain.com will from shared hosted linux.
>> >
>> > I would also like to version control the non-common code for each
>> > domain.
>> >
>> > And I would like to store the entire repository on my windows box at
>> > home
>> > in 2 or 3 specific locations (on seperate disks encrypted with
>> > truecrypt.org,
>> > and also a truecrypted usb disk, if and when that's plugged in).
>> >
>> > For distributing the common code to the shared hosted live server (my
>> > workflow is to check finalized changes on my win box against all my
>> > sites
>> > that used the common code base, before deploying to the shared hoster
>> > live
>> > server), I can simply FTP one finalized copy and use the simplest of rm
>> > -rf
>> > and cp -r commands in a short script to distribute the changes. I could
>> > even do without the PHP filesync code I posted earlier (altho it was fun
>> > to
>> > build! :)
>> >
>> > That darn hoster of mine won't support git on shared hosting, only on
>> > much
>> > more expensive virtual dedicated and dedicated plans :(
>> > But I've also found
>> >
>> > http://serverfault.com/questions/26836/setting-up-a-git-repo-on-my-godaddy-hosting-plan
>> >  and
>> >
>> > http://www.lyraphase.com/wp/uncategorized/how-to-build-git-for-a-host-with-no-compiler/
>> > that
>> > show me how I might get git running on my (kinda lame now) shared
>> > hosting
>> > account.
>> >
>> > Maybe a stupid question, but would perhaps copying the common code
>> > around
>> > with a simple script be faster than multiple pushes by git?
>> Using git, you can set up either publicly hosted repositories on
>> github.com or gitorious.org or perhaps other public repo places. If
>> you don't want you code to be publicly available, you can set up
>> private repositories as well.
>> Not being familiar with Windows implementations much at all, I can't
>> tell you specifically what to do with msysgit, so these will be more
>> generic instructions.
>> I'm going to assume you don't have a host somewhere with ssh access.
>> In this case you'll most likely want/need to set up your repository on
>> your local system. (Note that it isn't *strictly* necessary to have a
>> repository -- you can clone a new tree from the existing code tree,
>> however having a repository can ensure a clean code set in case your
>> working tree gets out of sync somehow.)
>> (These instructions are modified from
>> http://tumblr.intranation.com/post/766290565/how-set-up-your-own-private-git-server-linux
>> )

Re: [PHP] I need a good access and error log..

2012-05-07 Thread rene7705
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Ashley Sheridan
> Lester Caine  wrote:
>>rene7705 wrote:
>>> But before I start coding, I thought it would be better to ask you
>>> what you use to see who's visiting your sites and when.
>>> Oh, I need something that will work on shared hosting (php+mysql).
>>piwik ...
>>A couple of my heavy google users are finding the results much more
>>and we have started switch google analytics off on all the sites.
>>( And while it says PHP MySQL I'm using it quite happily on Firebird :)
>>Lester Caine - G8HFL
>>Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
>>L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
>>EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
>>Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk//
>>Firebird - http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php
>>PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>>To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> Google analytics only tracks when javascript is enabled, so that could 
> account for some of the discrepencies. It also uses cookies, which now have 
> to be legally opted in by the user in the EU (unless they're vital to the 
> functionality of the site, such as for shopping carts, etc)
> I've rolled my own for these reasons. It's not perfect, but it does a pretty 
> good job at tracking browsers and bits alike. I use the IP to track 
> individual users; its not wholly accurate (people can share the IP in a given 
> day), but it does the trick.
> The key is using images to track. If javascript is enabled it can add extra 
> info to the url. Obviously it won't work with images turned off, so I'll need 
> to look at that soon too.
> Thanks,
> Ash
> http://ashleysheridan.co.uk
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Thanks for the replies, everyone..

I'm going to roll my own as well.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] I need a good access and error log..

2012-05-07 Thread rene7705

I've been using Google Analytics, and I'm sure I'm using the analytics
code correctly, but when I checked my dev server's apache access logs
(dozens of hits per day) against what Google Analytics reports (zip,
zero, nada), I realized I needed something different. BTW, I'm not the
only one to report this problem

I thought of rolling something of my own, a PHP-MySQL based
access+error log, add a viewer for it (http://dygraphs.com/ perhaps),
and spend the next month perfecting it..
But before I start coding, I thought it would be better to ask you all
what you use to see who's visiting your sites and when.
Oh, I need something that will work on shared hosting (php+mysql).

Thanks for your input.

(and purists; I couldn't think of a better place to post this, as this
is a large community of web developers who use the same language as I
do. I may even end up writing an opensourced php logging facility for

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] code deployment through php

2012-05-06 Thread rene7705
On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 5:13 AM, tamouse mailing lists <
tamouse.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:23 AM, rene7705  wrote:
> > On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 11:47 AM, rene7705  wrote:
> >
> >> I can't use anything like git on my shared hoster. But I suppose I could
> >> use something like git at home, and use a sync script like I posted in
> my
> >> OP on the shared hoster.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > Maybe you git gurus can help me along a bit further.
> >
> > I've managed to install msysgit and get it to work on my windows dev box,
> > so far so good.
> >
> > Now, I'm wondering how to set up my repositories. The last cvs I used was
> > Microsoft's visual source control back in the 90's, so I'm very rusty. At
> > the same time, I'd prefer not to experiment too much..
> >
> > I've got a tree structure in a folder called simply "code", that I have
> in
> > several locations on my windows box.
> >
> > Each site that I develop for has a folder in .../htdocs/sites/
> somedomain.com,
> > and many of these sites will need a copy of the common "code" folder in
> > them. I can restrict myself to developing in one domain's subdir only.
> > The non-common code for each domain is designed to run from any
> > $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and any sub-directory it happens to be in. In
> other
> > words, http://my-dev-box.biz/sites/somedomain.com/ will show the same
> thing
> > from windowze as http://somedomain.com will from shared hosted linux.
> >
> > I would also like to version control the non-common code for each domain.
> >
> > And I would like to store the entire repository on my windows box at home
> > in 2 or 3 specific locations (on seperate disks encrypted with
> truecrypt.org,
> > and also a truecrypted usb disk, if and when that's plugged in).
> >
> > For distributing the common code to the shared hosted live server (my
> > workflow is to check finalized changes on my win box against all my sites
> > that used the common code base, before deploying to the shared hoster
> live
> > server), I can simply FTP one finalized copy and use the simplest of rm
> -rf
> > and cp -r commands in a short script to distribute the changes. I could
> > even do without the PHP filesync code I posted earlier (altho it was fun
> to
> > build! :)
> >
> > That darn hoster of mine won't support git on shared hosting, only on
> much
> > more expensive virtual dedicated and dedicated plans :(
> > But I've also found
> >
> http://serverfault.com/questions/26836/setting-up-a-git-repo-on-my-godaddy-hosting-plan
> >  and
> >
> http://www.lyraphase.com/wp/uncategorized/how-to-build-git-for-a-host-with-no-compiler/
> > that
> > show me how I might get git running on my (kinda lame now) shared hosting
> > account.
> >
> > Maybe a stupid question, but would perhaps copying the common code around
> > with a simple script be faster than multiple pushes by git?
> Using git, you can set up either publicly hosted repositories on
> github.com or gitorious.org or perhaps other public repo places. If
> you don't want you code to be publicly available, you can set up
> private repositories as well.
> Not being familiar with Windows implementations much at all, I can't
> tell you specifically what to do with msysgit, so these will be more
> generic instructions.
> I'm going to assume you don't have a host somewhere with ssh access.
> In this case you'll most likely want/need to set up your repository on
> your local system. (Note that it isn't *strictly* necessary to have a
> repository -- you can clone a new tree from the existing code tree,
> however having a repository can ensure a clean code set in case your
> working tree gets out of sync somehow.)
> (These instructions are modified from
> http://tumblr.intranation.com/post/766290565/how-set-up-your-own-private-git-server-linux
> )
> First, create a directory you want to hold all of your local
> repositories (such as C:\User\rene\MyRepositories). Then create a
> subdirectory off that to hold your server/application common code
> (C:\Users\rene\MyRepositories\commoncode).
> Make that directory (..\commoncode) a *bare* repository. (Not sure how
> that's done with msysgit, but the basic git command is: "git init
> --bare C:\Users\rene\MyRepositories\commoncode")
> Then you add the repository as a remote to the working tree: git
> remote add origin C:\Users\rene\MyRepo

Re: [PHP] code deployment through php

2012-05-02 Thread rene7705
On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 11:47 AM, rene7705  wrote:

> I can't use anything like git on my shared hoster. But I suppose I could
> use something like git at home, and use a sync script like I posted in my
> OP on the shared hoster.
Maybe you git gurus can help me along a bit further.

I've managed to install msysgit and get it to work on my windows dev box,
so far so good.

Now, I'm wondering how to set up my repositories. The last cvs I used was
Microsoft's visual source control back in the 90's, so I'm very rusty. At
the same time, I'd prefer not to experiment too much..

I've got a tree structure in a folder called simply "code", that I have in
several locations on my windows box.

Each site that I develop for has a folder in .../htdocs/sites/somedomain.com,
and many of these sites will need a copy of the common "code" folder in
them. I can restrict myself to developing in one domain's subdir only.
The non-common code for each domain is designed to run from any
$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and any sub-directory it happens to be in. In other
words, http://my-dev-box.biz/sites/somedomain.com/ will show the same thing
from windowze as http://somedomain.com will from shared hosted linux.

I would also like to version control the non-common code for each domain.

And I would like to store the entire repository on my windows box at home
in 2 or 3 specific locations (on seperate disks encrypted with truecrypt.org,
and also a truecrypted usb disk, if and when that's plugged in).

For distributing the common code to the shared hosted live server (my
workflow is to check finalized changes on my win box against all my sites
that used the common code base, before deploying to the shared hoster live
server), I can simply FTP one finalized copy and use the simplest of rm -rf
and cp -r commands in a short script to distribute the changes. I could
even do without the PHP filesync code I posted earlier (altho it was fun to
build! :)

That darn hoster of mine won't support git on shared hosting, only on much
more expensive virtual dedicated and dedicated plans :(
But I've also found
show me how I might get git running on my (kinda lame now) shared hosting

Maybe a stupid question, but would perhaps copying the common code around
with a simple script be faster than multiple pushes by git?

Re: [PHP] code deployment through php

2012-05-02 Thread rene7705
I can't use anything like git on my shared hoster. But I suppose I could
use something like git at home, and use a sync script like I posted in my
OP on the shared hoster.

Re: [PHP] code deployment through php

2012-05-01 Thread rene7705
On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Camilo Sperberg  wrote:

> If I understood the problem correctly, you want to keep a single copy of
> your code on every machine you work, including the final server.
Well, I want to work on 1 copy of my common code on my windows machine,
then sync those changes to all my sites (hosted on the win dev box) to see
if it messes up the other sites, then FTP those changes to my hosting
account, and run the sync script there as well.

> Have you read about SVN ? You can set up a cronjob to execute it
> automatically if you want, there are clients for Windows, Zend Studio, etc
> etc.

I've read about some source control systems, I've tried them out, but I'd
rather go for this simpler approach tbh.
I already do regular backups that are timestamped, it's enough for me right
now I think.

Re: [PHP] securing a script that exec()s

2012-03-30 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Peter Bauer  wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 11:56:41AM +0200, rene7705 wrote:
> > ...
> > But unfortunately, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is my external IP, and
> > $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] is my internal IP.
> >
> > How would I best fix this?
> Simply log on your box via ssh (if its a unix system) and run your script
> from console or with textmode browser lynx.
> But the best solution would be to secure the exec call.
> How would I best secure the exec call?

[PHP] Re: request for feedback on logAndHandler

2012-03-30 Thread rene7705
bit bad timing, but i've decided to try out ubuntu instead of windows on
that skatescene.biz machine.. i'll try to have the test url up asap or move
it to my hoster within a few hours.

[PHP] securing a script that exec()s

2012-03-30 Thread rene7705

I have a script that uses imagemagick's convert command on the commandline
to get it's work done.
These calls to exec('convert [params]') take params from the end-user via a
html form, so is very unsecure.

The intention is that the end-user only runs this script on localhost, from

So now i'm checking $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']===$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] to
see if I can allow the script to be used.

But unfortunately, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is my external IP, and
$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] is my internal IP.

How would I best fix this?

Re: [PHP] Re: updating code asap to multiple domains, windows to unix, with source control software (was: Re: [PHP] including PHP code from another server..)

2012-03-27 Thread rene7705
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Peter Ford  wrote:

> On 27/03/12 12:13, rene7705 wrote:
>> hey, I just read the rsync man page for the first time, and while it sure
>> looks simple enough for my taste, wouldn't updating multiple remote
>> domains
>> be like a whole series of the same FTP updates to these different domain
>> directories there? In other words, take a long time because of my 200kb/s
>> link to the unix hoster?
> The first time might be slow, but you can then do incremental updates
> which would be a lot quicker.
> ok, that'll do nicely..

Re: [PHP] Re: updating code asap to multiple domains, windows to unix, with source control software (was: Re: [PHP] including PHP code from another server..)

2012-03-27 Thread rene7705
hey, I just read the rsync man page for the first time, and while it sure
looks simple enough for my taste, wouldn't updating multiple remote domains
be like a whole series of the same FTP updates to these different domain
directories there? In other words, take a long time because of my 200kb/s
link to the unix hoster?

Re: [PHP] Re: updating code asap to multiple domains, windows to unix, with source control software (was: Re: [PHP] including PHP code from another server..)

2012-03-27 Thread rene7705
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Matijn Woudt  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:47 PM, rene7705  wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Matijn Woudt 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:31 PM, rene7705  wrote:
> >> > On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:22 PM, ma...@behnke.biz 
> >> > wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> rene7705  hat am 27. März 2012 um 12:16
> >> >> geschrieben:
> >> >>
> >> >> > On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:08 PM, rene7705 
> >> >> > wrote:
> >> >> > > I've done a search for "rsync windows", and I get some rsync apps
> >> >> > > allright, but it's not clear to me yet how I would use these
> >> >> > > windows
> >> >> rsync
> >> >> > > clones to get done what I want.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > oh, one more thing; I just found that I won't always be working on
> >> >> > the
> >> >> > windows dev server's ...\htdocs\code, sometimes i'll find myself
> >> >> > working
> >> >> on
> >> >> > the /code copy in one of the /sites/[domainname]/code on the
> windows
> >> >> > 7
> >> >> dev
> >> >> > system. how would I use a modern source control system to
> distribute
> >> >> > the
> >> >> > code from one of the subdomains to all other locations?
> >> >>
> >> >> Well, I guess google on rsync man page or read the documentation of
> >> >> these
> >> >> tools OR write to a mailing list that focusses on the use of linux
> >> >> tools.
> >> >> Then go and read about cron jobs or git/svn/putyoutoolhere
> >> >> post-receive/post-commit hooks or anything like that.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Ok, I'll be reading everything I can find on rsync today, but I don't
> >> > think I wanna use auto-updates from cron, instead I want to hit an
> icon
> >> > on
> >> > my desktop to start the update, either on only the windows system, or
> >> > from
> >> > the windows system to all the unix domain directories..
> >>
> >> Are you sure you want to develop on a windows machine, and then push
> >> it out on all of your linux systems? That sounds dangerous to me. It's
> >> much safer to try it on a machine with same configuration as the
> >> production systems first.
> >>
> > Yea, i'm quite sure I want to develop on Windows 7. Ubuntu still has
> quircks
> > when it comes to using 3 monitors on a single system, as far as I know. I
> > just like windows 7 a lot better at the moment.
> > And how would it be dangerous to do so?
> >
> >
> Code that you write on a windows box might work different/not work at
> all on a linux machine. Think of different filesystem, different
> Apache/PHP versions, etc. I have to develop on windows too sometimes,
> and what I usually do in such cases is first push the code to a
> subdomain test.mydomain.com. If that works correctly, I push it over
> to www.mydomain.com.

So far the code that I've written and am using works OK on both windows and

But I've just booted up my ubuntu installation and am currently upgrading
from 11.04 to 11.10, maybe that fixes the issues I was having with it, and
if it does I'll seriously consider using ubuntu as my primary dev
environment again..

Re: [PHP] Re: updating code asap to multiple domains, windows to unix, with source control software (was: Re: [PHP] including PHP code from another server..)

2012-03-27 Thread rene7705
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Matijn Woudt  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:31 PM, rene7705  wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:22 PM, ma...@behnke.biz 
> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> rene7705  hat am 27. März 2012 um 12:16
> geschrieben:
> >>
> >> > On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:08 PM, rene7705 
> wrote:
> >> > > I've done a search for "rsync windows", and I get some rsync apps
> >> > > allright, but it's not clear to me yet how I would use these windows
> >> rsync
> >> > > clones to get done what I want.
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> > oh, one more thing; I just found that I won't always be working on the
> >> > windows dev server's ...\htdocs\code, sometimes i'll find myself
> working
> >> on
> >> > the /code copy in one of the /sites/[domainname]/code on the windows 7
> >> dev
> >> > system. how would I use a modern source control system to distribute
> the
> >> > code from one of the subdomains to all other locations?
> >>
> >> Well, I guess google on rsync man page or read the documentation of
> these
> >> tools OR write to a mailing list that focusses on the use of linux
> tools.
> >> Then go and read about cron jobs or git/svn/putyoutoolhere
> >> post-receive/post-commit hooks or anything like that.
> >>
> >>
> >> Ok, I'll be reading everything I can find on rsync today, but I don't
> > think I wanna use auto-updates from cron, instead I want to hit an icon
> on
> > my desktop to start the update, either on only the windows system, or
> from
> > the windows system to all the unix domain directories..
> Are you sure you want to develop on a windows machine, and then push
> it out on all of your linux systems? That sounds dangerous to me. It's
> much safer to try it on a machine with same configuration as the
> production systems first.
> Yea, i'm quite sure I want to develop on Windows 7. Ubuntu still has
quircks when it comes to using 3 monitors on a single system, as far as I
know. I just like windows 7 a lot better at the moment.
And how would it be dangerous to do so?

Re: [PHP] Re: updating code asap to multiple domains, windows to unix, with source control software (was: Re: [PHP] including PHP code from another server..)

2012-03-27 Thread rene7705
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:22 PM, ma...@behnke.biz  wrote:

> rene7705  hat am 27. März 2012 um 12:16 geschrieben:
> > On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:08 PM, rene7705  wrote:
> > > I've done a search for "rsync windows", and I get some rsync apps
> > > allright, but it's not clear to me yet how I would use these windows
> rsync
> > > clones to get done what I want.
> > >
> >
> > oh, one more thing; I just found that I won't always be working on the
> > windows dev server's ...\htdocs\code, sometimes i'll find myself working
> on
> > the /code copy in one of the /sites/[domainname]/code on the windows 7
> dev
> > system. how would I use a modern source control system to distribute the
> > code from one of the subdomains to all other locations?
> Well, I guess google on rsync man page or read the documentation of these
> tools OR write to a mailing list that focusses on the use of linux tools.
> Then go and read about cron jobs or git/svn/putyoutoolhere
> post-receive/post-commit hooks or anything like that.
> Ok, I'll be reading everything I can find on rsync today, but I don't
think I wanna use auto-updates from cron, instead I want to hit an icon on
my desktop to start the update, either on only the windows system, or from
the windows system to all the unix domain directories..

[PHP] Re: updating code asap to multiple domains, windows to unix, with source control software (was: Re: [PHP] including PHP code from another server..)

2012-03-27 Thread rene7705
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:08 PM, rene7705  wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:
>> Rene: please read a book / website / something on PHP security. Some
>> things are important whether you believe they are or not.
>> Yea, I will do that within a week or so..
> I can also confirm that I'm not using any source of source control at the
> moment.
> I have used visual source control of Microsoft in the past, but that was
> on a windows-only environment.
> I now have several domains on a shared unix hoster that I have to update
> with files from a windows 7 system.
> Basically, I have on the windows dev server X:\data1\www\htdocs\code (the
> copy I work on), which have to be updated to
> X:\data1\www\htdocs\sites\[domainname]\code, preferably as quickly as
> possible, and then, once release worthy, to the accounts on the shared unix
> hoster.
> On the shared unix hoster (godaddy.com 4G hosting), I have 1 FTP account
> which points to a "primary domain" (abc.com), which has a filesystem
> underneath it also with the /sites/[domainname], and the non-primary
> domains there point to these /sites/[domainname]/ for their
> $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. I do not have seperate FTP accounts for each
> domain on the unix hoster.
> If someone could explain to me which (free) source control system to use
> and perhaps how, or even point me in the direction of a good tutorial on
> that subject, you'd make me very happy. I also think it's time I got at
> least a bit more professional.
> Yet, I'm looking for the simplest and most efficient solution.
> I've done a search for "rsync windows", and I get some rsync apps
> allright, but it's not clear to me yet how I would use these windows rsync
> clones to get done what I want.

oh, one more thing; I just found that I won't always be working on the
windows dev server's ...\htdocs\code, sometimes i'll find myself working on
the /code copy in one of the /sites/[domainname]/code on the windows 7 dev
system. how would I use a modern source control system to distribute the
code from one of the subdomains to all other locations?

[PHP] updating code asap to multiple domains, windows to unix, with source control software (was: Re: [PHP] including PHP code from another server..)

2012-03-27 Thread rene7705
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:

> Rene: please read a book / website / something on PHP security. Some
> things are important whether you believe they are or not.
> Yea, I will do that within a week or so..

I can also confirm that I'm not using any source of source control at the
I have used visual source control of Microsoft in the past, but that was on
a windows-only environment.

I now have several domains on a shared unix hoster that I have to update
with files from a windows 7 system.
Basically, I have on the windows dev server X:\data1\www\htdocs\code (the
copy I work on), which have to be updated to
X:\data1\www\htdocs\sites\[domainname]\code, preferably as quickly as
possible, and then, once release worthy, to the accounts on the shared unix
On the shared unix hoster (godaddy.com 4G hosting), I have 1 FTP account
which points to a "primary domain" (abc.com), which has a filesystem
underneath it also with the /sites/[domainname], and the non-primary
domains there point to these /sites/[domainname]/ for their
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. I do not have seperate FTP accounts for each
domain on the unix hoster.

If someone could explain to me which (free) source control system to use
and perhaps how, or even point me in the direction of a good tutorial on
that subject, you'd make me very happy. I also think it's time I got at
least a bit more professional.
Yet, I'm looking for the simplest and most efficient solution.

I've done a search for "rsync windows", and I get some rsync apps allright,
but it's not clear to me yet how I would use these windows rsync clones to
get done what I want.

[PHP] including PHP code from another server..

2012-03-26 Thread rene7705

My last thread got derailed into a javascript and even photoshop
discussion, and while I can't blame myself for that really, this time I
would like to bring a pure PHP issue to your scrutiny.

I run several sites now, on the same shared hoster, but with such a setup
that I cannot let PHP require() or include() code from a central place
located on another domain name on the same shared hosting account, not the
normal way at least.
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is a completely different path for each of the
domains on the same hosting account, and obviously you can't access one
domain's directory from another domain.

Hoster support's reply is A) I dont know code, B) You can't include code
from one domain on another and C) use multiple copies, 1 for each domain

But that directory (my opensourced /code in the zip on
http://mediabeez.wsbtw), takes a while to update to my hoster, many
Plus, as I add more domains that use the same code base, my overhead and
waiting time increases lineary at a steep incline.

So.. Since all of this code is my own, and tested and trusted, I can just
And get_php.php takes care of the nested includes by massaging what it
retrieves. Or so is my thinking.

The problem I'm facing, and for which I'm asking your most scrutinous
feedback, is:
How would you transform _nested_ require(_once) and include(_once)? I
haven't figured out yet how to transform a relative path include/require.
What about for instance a require_once($fileIwantNow)?
I do both in my /code tree atm.

For my own purposes, I could massage my own PHP in /code/libraries_rv and
/code/sitewide_rv manually, but I'd also like to be able to include a
single copy of the 3rd party free libs that I use in
/code/libraries(/adodb-5.10 for instance). And god knows how they might
include and require.

Plus, I'd like to turn this into another free how-to blog entry on
http://mediabeez.ws, plus accompanying code, so I think I might find some
free tips here again.

 from spring sun soaked amsterdam.nl,

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-23 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 12:39 PM, rene7705  wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 12:38 PM, rene7705  wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 10:02 AM, rene7705  wrote:
>>> Because some of you complained about the byte size of my homepage
>>> http://mediabeez.ws (was 2.5mb due to artwork), I've invested some time
>>> in shaving off quite a few bytes;
>>> I've discovered that by using photoshop to reduce the animation image
>>> color depth to "indexed color, 217 color", I can get the animation image
>>> file size down to less than 50% of the original that was output by my
>>> spriteGenerator-1.0.0
>>> And you hardly notice the difference at all :)
>>> I'm going to update http://mediabeez.ws later today, hopefully after I
>>> find a way to do this with imagemagick, which my spriteGenerator uses.
>>> And since I also use half the frames for my site logo of
>>> http://mediabeez.ws, that animation file is now 297kb, down from 2mb.
>>> Ok, http://mediabeez.ws and the download zip there are now updated.
>> On devices with less than 400 pixels wide screen, the total size for the
>> homepage is now 61kb.
>> On devices with more than 400 pixels wide screen, it's 910kb, due to more
>> artwork being loaded.
>> I take it that takes care of the "it's too friggin' large!" critiques ;)
> I'd REALLY appreciate if you can load up http://mediabeez.ws on your
> mobile phone and tell me
> - if it works (if it doesn't, you'll keep staring at a white screen)
> - your phone model and type
> As a last note, do NOT load up the buttons demo page if you have to pay
for bandwidth, as that page loads up 10mb of artwork still.

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-23 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 12:38 PM, rene7705  wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 10:02 AM, rene7705  wrote:
>> Because some of you complained about the byte size of my homepage
>> http://mediabeez.ws (was 2.5mb due to artwork), I've invested some time
>> in shaving off quite a few bytes;
>> I've discovered that by using photoshop to reduce the animation image
>> color depth to "indexed color, 217 color", I can get the animation image
>> file size down to less than 50% of the original that was output by my
>> spriteGenerator-1.0.0
>> And you hardly notice the difference at all :)
>> I'm going to update http://mediabeez.ws later today, hopefully after I
>> find a way to do this with imagemagick, which my spriteGenerator uses.
>> And since I also use half the frames for my site logo of
>> http://mediabeez.ws, that animation file is now 297kb, down from 2mb.
>> Ok, http://mediabeez.ws and the download zip there are now updated.
> On devices with less than 400 pixels wide screen, the total size for the
> homepage is now 61kb.
> On devices with more than 400 pixels wide screen, it's 910kb, due to more
> artwork being loaded.
> I take it that takes care of the "it's too friggin' large!" critiques ;)

I'd REALLY appreciate if you can load up http://mediabeez.ws on your mobile
phone and tell me
- if it works (if it doesn't, you'll keep staring at a white screen)
- your phone model and type

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-23 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 10:02 AM, rene7705  wrote:

> Because some of you complained about the byte size of my homepage
> http://mediabeez.ws (was 2.5mb due to artwork), I've invested some time
> in shaving off quite a few bytes;
> I've discovered that by using photoshop to reduce the animation image
> color depth to "indexed color, 217 color", I can get the animation image
> file size down to less than 50% of the original that was output by my
> spriteGenerator-1.0.0
> And you hardly notice the difference at all :)
> I'm going to update http://mediabeez.ws later today, hopefully after I
> find a way to do this with imagemagick, which my spriteGenerator uses.
> And since I also use half the frames for my site logo of
> http://mediabeez.ws, that animation file is now 297kb, down from 2mb.
> Ok, http://mediabeez.ws and the download zip there are now updated.
On devices with less than 400 pixels wide screen, the total size for the
homepage is now 61kb.
On devices with more than 400 pixels wide screen, it's 910kb, due to more
artwork being loaded.

I take it that takes care of the "it's too friggin' large!" critiques ;)

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-23 Thread rene7705
Because some of you complained about the byte size of my homepage
http://mediabeez.ws (was 2.5mb due to artwork), I've invested some time in
shaving off quite a few bytes;

I've discovered that by using photoshop to reduce the animation image color
depth to "indexed color, 217 color", I can get the animation image file
size down to less than 50% of the original that was output by my

And you hardly notice the difference at all :)

I'm going to update http://mediabeez.ws later today, hopefully after I find
a way to do this with imagemagick, which my spriteGenerator uses.

And since I also use half the frames for my site logo of http://mediabeez.ws,
that animation file is now 297kb, down from 2mb.

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-22 Thread rene7705
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 1:01 PM, rene7705  wrote:

> I've now fixed the iPad bugs in the menu component, and checked them on an
> iPad in a nearby apple store.
> Maybe it even works with iPhone now, if someone could check that for me
> I'd be much obliged..
> Oh, never mind to check on iPhone, that page is 2.5mb in size or so, and
I'll just go to that apple store again to test it myself. Should've thought
of that when I was there this morning ;)

> If you're interested, http://mediabeez.ws and the download zip there are
> now updated with these latest improvements.
> Have a nice day.

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-22 Thread rene7705
I've now fixed the iPad bugs in the menu component, and checked them on an
iPad in a nearby apple store.
Maybe it even works with iPhone now, if someone could check that for me I'd
be much obliged..

If you're interested, http://mediabeez.ws and the download zip there are
now updated with these latest improvements.

Have a nice day.

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-19 Thread rene7705
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:24 AM, rene7705  wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Ege Sertçetin wrote:
>> Press F12 for developer tools. Then select browser mode to ie8 or ie7.
>> Oh SWEET :) Didn't know that, will do it right now! :)

With this tip, I've just fixed the remaining IE8 and IE7 bugs.
http://mediabeez.ws and the zip available for download there have been
updated just now..

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-19 Thread rene7705
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Ege Sertçetin wrote:

> Press F12 for developer tools. Then select browser mode to ie8 or ie7.
> Oh SWEET :) Didn't know that, will do it right now! :)

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-18 Thread rene7705
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:38 PM, rene7705  wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:34 PM, rene7705  wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Jason Pruim 
>> wrote:
>>> Just tried to load it up on my iPad and the load time was okay... Little
>>> slow.
>>> But your navigation is completely non functional on my iPad... Might
>>> want to look into that since mobile devices are becoming more and more
>>> common.
>>> Jason Pruim
>>> I wish I had the money for an real iPad, so I could test it properly.
>> What part of the navigation doesn't work? Do the links in the content
>> work?
>> BTW folks, I also tested it on my samsung smartphone, and my site doesn't
> work on it yet.
> Compatibility (also with non-desktop devices) will remain high on my
> priority list.

And another thing I'll put on my to-do list is some way to detect slow
links and mobile devices, to send over much lighter artwork (no 2mb logo
when you're on a slow/metered link)..

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-18 Thread rene7705
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Jason Pruim wrote:

> On Mar 18, 2012, at 8:34 AM, rene7705  wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Jason Pruim  >wrote:
> >
> >> Just tried to load it up on my iPad and the load time was okay... Little
> >> slow.
> >>
> >> But your navigation is completely non functional on my iPad... Might
> want
> >> to look into that since mobile devices are becoming more and more
> common.
> >>
> >> Jason Pruim
> >>
> >>
> >> I wish I had the money for an real iPad, so I could test it properly.
> > What part of the navigation doesn't work? Do the links in the content
> work?
> From what I can tell its the links on the top... The ones in the Content
> seem to work but I didn't check all of them.
It won't be easy for me to debug the menu and button components (links on
the top), as I have no friends or family with an iPad i think. But i'll ask

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-18 Thread rene7705
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:34 PM, rene7705  wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Jason Pruim 
> wrote:
>> Just tried to load it up on my iPad and the load time was okay... Little
>> slow.
>> But your navigation is completely non functional on my iPad... Might want
>> to look into that since mobile devices are becoming more and more common.
>> Jason Pruim
>> I wish I had the money for an real iPad, so I could test it properly.
> What part of the navigation doesn't work? Do the links in the content
> work?
> BTW folks, I also tested it on my samsung smartphone, and my site doesn't
work on it yet.
Compatibility (also with non-desktop devices) will remain high on my
priority list.

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-18 Thread rene7705
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Per Jessen  wrote:

> rene7705 wrote:
> > In response to critiques about my download size, I've removed scenejs
> > and the artwork for my own site-logos from the zip. The size is now
> > 38mb, down from 54mb.
> I think it took about a minute at about 470kb/sec.

I get much better datarates, around 1.5 to 2mb/s... But then again, the
server is in europe, and so am I.
But I guess a minute is OK...

> > I'm also using 7-zip now, I hope it opens better on non-windows OSes.
> It worked fine with unzip on linux.
> Cool :) I hope it works on macOS too! :)

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-18 Thread rene7705
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Jason Pruim wrote:

> Just tried to load it up on my iPad and the load time was okay... Little
> slow.
> But your navigation is completely non functional on my iPad... Might want
> to look into that since mobile devices are becoming more and more common.
> Jason Pruim
> I wish I had the money for an real iPad, so I could test it properly.
What part of the navigation doesn't work? Do the links in the content work?

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-17 Thread rene7705
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:

> On 17 Mar 2012, at 10:54, rene7705 wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:
>> Why do you think other libraries such as jquery recommend minifying their
>> code before deployment, and then serving it via gzip? Every bit and byte
>> counts, especially as you scale up.
> The javascripts are currenlty being served unminified via gzip, because
> minifying them all the time creates too much overhead for me. If you want
> them minified you can easily do that yourself.
> Write a script that does the minifying, and everything else necessary to
> create a distribution file. Do you really think someone manually runs
> jquery through the minifier whenever they create a new release? As it
> happens, they use make:
> https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/Makefile
> It seems you're pretty new to all this, and I appreciate that, but you
> show little to no willingness to learn from the people on this mailing
> list, despite asking for feedback.
>  Anyway, I'm not trying to get into an argument (it's rare that I do), but
>> I do recommend that you take in what I've said on this issue. The size of
>> the data you're sending down the pipe matters if you want your library to
>> be used for anything serious, and no amount of artwork or pretty pictures
>> will distract anyone for long.
> The download size will hardly be an issue for site operators, whom i
> seriously suspect will be on faster links.
> And the usage size doesn't have to be large, as mentioned earlier.
> This comment shows how little you understand about the world from your
> haven of high-speed internet. Part of the beauty of the internet is that it
> allows people to disseminate information on a shoestring. I guarantee that
> 90+% of the people behind the billions of websites in the world access the
> internet through what you would probably consider a stone age connection.
> It may surprise you to know that two thirds of the people on the planet do
> not have any access to the internet at all:
> http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm
> Just remember one thing: If you see something obviously wrong, why not
> send me the fix?
> I will, if you pay me. Open source developers don't do what they do "just
> because it's there," at least not for the most part. They do it because
> their goals align with those of the project, or because the project
> presents a particular challenge.
> What are your goals for this project? Why did you develop it instead of
> using an existing library/framework?
> Here's why I won't be sending you any fixes…
> * There doesn't appear to be anything your library does that makes it
> stand out from the thousands of similar libraries that already exist, many
> of which are far more mature and have large numbers of contributors.
> * It's a very, very long way off being suitable for usage as a black box.
> * I see absolutely no value in using your library, either personally or
> professionally, never mind contributing to it.
> * Your attitude to the most basic and important advice you've been given
> practically guarantees that getting involved would be incredibly
> frustrating and fruitless.
> Oh, and in case it wasn't clear, you'd need to pay me *a lot*!
> I don't mean any offence, and I really do applaud your efforts, but in my
> opinion you need a sharp dose of reality. I encourage you to continue to
> work on your library because this sort of thing is usually a great learning
> experience, but don't expect people to help you out when your response to
> the most basic advice is "that's too much overhead for me." Add the fact
> that you didn't even respond to the very serious security issues I raised
> and you can't possibly be surprised if nobody wants anything to do with it.
> Oh, and it doesn't matter if that particular code is not actually used
> because it's likely indicative of the overall quality of the rest of the
> library.
> -Stuart
Thanks for taking the time to explain your critiques.

It's just that I don't put out my software completely free to next be
overflowed with more work based on relatively vague descriptions of what
would be wrong with it.
I put it out there so more experienced programmers can send me improved
If you don't feel like doing that for free, that's your right of course.

The relatively crappy code in /code/sitewide_rv/lib_fileSystem.php is
certainly not indicative of the quality of the rest of the library

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-17 Thread rene7705
In response to critiques about my download size, I've removed scenejs and
the artwork for my own site-logos from the zip. The size is now 38mb, down
from 54mb.

I'm also using 7-zip now, I hope it opens better on non-windows OSes.

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-17 Thread rene7705
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Ashley Sheridan

> **
> On Fri, 2012-03-16 at 22:11 +0100, rene7705 wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 10:08 PM, Tommy Pham  wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:
> > >
> > >> As for my files and homepage being Huge, yep, it's made for the future
> > or current fast internet connections.
> > >> Frankly, size reduction is not on my agenda. I'll wait for the nets to
> > become faster still.
> > >> And the server should spit it out at 2MB/s at least..
> > >
> > > That may be so, but when my 100Mbit/s connection finally managed to
> > download the file it took about 4 minutes, which is nowhere near 2MB/s.
> > Your homepage takes 7 seconds to load - that's unacceptable in the real
> > world, especially when you're talking about a server that's (and I'm only
> > guessing here) not under heavy load.
> > >
> > > Anyway, your comment about waiting for the nets (sic) to catch up so it
> > can cope with your bloat has convinced me to not bother looking any further
> > into your project, but I wish you the best of luck with it (you're gonna
> > need it).
> > >
> > > -Stuart
> > >
> > > --
> > > Stuart Dallas
> > > 3ft9 Ltd
> > > http://3ft9.com/
> > >
> >
> > Yup... I think rene forgot the fact is if each client requests pull
> > 1MB/s , his upload has to be at least 120MB/s for 100 simultaneous
> > clients' connections.  Last time I check in ISP services, that
> > bandwidth falls within OC-12+ category
> >
> If ya'll would take a closer look at my site, you'd see that most of the
> size is in artwork.
> If you want a simple site, use simple artwork.
> It's _not_ my code's size that's any problem, as I mentioned earlier.
> Enough for now, I'll look at this list tomorrow again.
> Time for partying with the live mix at frequence3.fr now..
> Just adding my own two pennies to this lot.
> It does seem a little irresponsible to create such a large (in size)
> website, especially when you consider that in many countries people don't
> have high-speed or unlimited access. Even the UK has lots of areas with
> only basic Internet access via dial-up lines, and plenty of people rely on
> mobile dongles to connect, which are most often metered and slow.
> On to the technicals of what you wanted us to look at, because I think
> this thread has become slightly derailed from the original question.

The original comment was that I had licked HTML5 History API + caching.
No-one has even commented on that part.

>- The 'Home: Downloads, Blog' link at the top doesn't work for me at
>all. I'm using Fx 3.6 on Fedora 14
> True, coz that link should point to the homepage. I decided not to spread
my content out over tons of pages, or to create redundant content.

>- The drop-down menu appears odd, with some items appearing over the
> That's by design but can be changed in the source quite easily

>- The products menu at the top does nothing when clicked on
> Same as the Home:Downloads,Blog link.

>- Other 'pages' take a long time to load in
> Strange, they don't here, and it should drop to 0 once the cache is filled

> Sorry, but it really doesn't look very professional when basic things
> (like links) don't work at all. I'd hate to have any kind of disability
> because I doubt any screen readers would work, and using your site with
> only a keyboard would probably be just as impossible.

You can probably use the links in the content to get around the site.
Sorry the menu isn't accessible with keyboard, but that's something I don't
feel like making my problem right now.
I want to create content sites with these components, not get stuck in code
issue after code issue.
But hey, if you want to improve the components, and send me the result
back, I'll surely credit you where appropriate.

> That might seem like harsh feedback, but I do have quite a strong view on
> accessibility.

Ok. As I said, the content links can be used to browse around. Not ideal,
but it will do imo.

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-17 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:

> On 16 Mar 2012, at 20:53, rene7705 wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:
> >> On 16 Mar 2012, at 20:36, rene7705 wrote:
> >>
> >> > On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Stuart Dallas 
> wrote:
> >> >> On 16 Mar 2012, at 18:57, rene7705 wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> > Hi Folks..
> >> >> >
> >> >> > I could waste a lot of text on what I've accomplished during the
> last
> >> >> > months, but the easiest thing is if you have a (another) look at
> (the
> >> >> > source of) http://mediabeez.ws
> >> >> >
> >> >> > I think you'll like my opensourced work :)
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Feedback is appreciated.
> >> >>
> >> >> I'm also having trouble downloading the ZIP file (Chrome 17.0.963.79
> on OSX - not that the browser will have anything to do with this problem at
> all). The download starts, gets to a few MB and doesn't get any further.
> >> >>
> >> >> And 52MB? Since I can't actually see what it contains it's hard to
> judge, but right off the bat... is your artwork necessary for the thing to
> work? What external libraries are you using?
> >> >>
> >> >> Just from looking around the site there are a few things that jump
> out...
> >> >>
> >> >> * The dropdown menus are incredible jittery, certainly nowhere near
> production-ready.
> >> >>
> >> >> * The background image gets squished according to the dimensions of
> the browser window.
> >> >>
> >> >> * Your homepage weighs in at massive 2.6MB. Nuff sed!
> >> >>
> >> >> I suggest you take the focus off the way it looks and concentrate on
> what it does. Tabs with animated backgrounds remind me of websites from the
> late 90s. You may have developed an incredible framework here, but I don't
> know because it's buried under >50MB of other stuff that I almost certainly
> don't care about, and that's before I've even been able to download it.
> >> >
> >> > ok..
> >> >
> >> > That being unable to download the zip file correctly is something
> I'll take up with my hosting provider tomorrow.
> >> > I've downloaded it in full and opened it OK in winrar just now, btw.
> >> >
> >> > The zip-file is created with winrar on windows 7, and according to
> Floyd Resler has to get it's extension changed to .rar, then decompressed
> with Stuffit Expander. Also something to look into soon, btw.
> >>
> >> That would explain why every zip decompression utility I've tried
> thinks it's corrupt.
> >>
> >> > As for my menu being jittery, it's not jittery on any of the windows
> browsers I tested.
> >> > And I have no mac-book available to me, not even from friends and
> family who are all on windows (on my recommendation btw ;)
> >>
> >> Are you ready for the shocking truth... not every computer in the world
> runs Windows, so unless you've developed this purely for the friends and
> family you've convinced to do so you may want to rethink your approach to
> testing.
> >>
> >> > As for my files and homepage being Huge, yep, it's made for the
> future or current fast internet connections.
> >> > Frankly, size reduction is not on my agenda. I'll wait for the nets
> to become faster still.
> >> > And the server should spit it out at 2MB/s at least..
> >>
> >> That may be so, but when my 100Mbit/s connection finally managed to
> download the file it took about 4 minutes, which is nowhere near 2MB/s.
> Your homepage takes 7 seconds to load - that's unacceptable in the real
> world, especially when you're talking about a server that's (and I'm only
> guessing here) not under heavy load.
> >>
> >> Anyway, your comment about waiting for the nets (sic) to catch up so it
> can cope with your bloat has convinced me to not bother looking any further
> into your project, but I wish you the best of luck with it (you're gonna
> need it).
> >
> > Okay, I don't wanna get into an argument here..
> Shame, because I'd love to see you try to defend a position that promotes
> wasting resources "just because they're there." This is not a new thing -
> ever-increasing computing resources have always

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-17 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 10:17 PM, Govinda wrote:

> Everyone makes valid points.. and depending on ones perspective, certain
> of those points are more important than others... but, because of my nature
> anyway, I want to just say thanks to rene7705 for bothering.   He is not
> trying to take anything.. but just share his creative process, in case it
> is fun for anyone, or useful for anyone.  He undoubtedly wants to improve
> too.. but there is the middle step where positive reinforcement is the most
> pertinent thing.   Rene, don't mind the tones here.. we all get paid to
> scrutinize, so it can be hard to snap out of that critical mindset
> sometimes.
> -Govinda


Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 10:08 PM, Tommy Pham  wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:
> >
> >> As for my files and homepage being Huge, yep, it's made for the future
> or current fast internet connections.
> >> Frankly, size reduction is not on my agenda. I'll wait for the nets to
> become faster still.
> >> And the server should spit it out at 2MB/s at least..
> >
> > That may be so, but when my 100Mbit/s connection finally managed to
> download the file it took about 4 minutes, which is nowhere near 2MB/s.
> Your homepage takes 7 seconds to load - that's unacceptable in the real
> world, especially when you're talking about a server that's (and I'm only
> guessing here) not under heavy load.
> >
> > Anyway, your comment about waiting for the nets (sic) to catch up so it
> can cope with your bloat has convinced me to not bother looking any further
> into your project, but I wish you the best of luck with it (you're gonna
> need it).
> >
> > -Stuart
> >
> > --
> > Stuart Dallas
> > 3ft9 Ltd
> > http://3ft9.com/
> >
> Yup... I think rene forgot the fact is if each client requests pull
> 1MB/s , his upload has to be at least 120MB/s for 100 simultaneous
> clients' connections.  Last time I check in ISP services, that
> bandwidth falls within OC-12+ category

If ya'll would take a closer look at my site, you'd see that most of the
size is in artwork.
If you want a simple site, use simple artwork.
It's _not_ my code's size that's any problem, as I mentioned earlier.

Enough for now, I'll look at this list tomorrow again.
Time for partying with the live mix at frequence3.fr now..

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:

> On 16 Mar 2012, at 20:36, rene7705 wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:
> >> On 16 Mar 2012, at 18:57, rene7705 wrote:
> >>
> >> > Hi Folks..
> >> >
> >> > I could waste a lot of text on what I've accomplished during the last
> >> > months, but the easiest thing is if you have a (another) look at (the
> >> > source of) http://mediabeez.ws
> >> >
> >> > I think you'll like my opensourced work :)
> >> >
> >> > Feedback is appreciated.
> >>
> >> I'm also having trouble downloading the ZIP file (Chrome 17.0.963.79 on
> OSX - not that the browser will have anything to do with this problem at
> all). The download starts, gets to a few MB and doesn't get any further.
> >>
> >> And 52MB? Since I can't actually see what it contains it's hard to
> judge, but right off the bat... is your artwork necessary for the thing to
> work? What external libraries are you using?
> >>
> >> Just from looking around the site there are a few things that jump
> out...
> >>
> >> * The dropdown menus are incredible jittery, certainly nowhere near
> production-ready.
> >>
> >> * The background image gets squished according to the dimensions of the
> browser window.
> >>
> >> * Your homepage weighs in at massive 2.6MB. Nuff sed!
> >>
> >> I suggest you take the focus off the way it looks and concentrate on
> what it does. Tabs with animated backgrounds remind me of websites from the
> late 90s. You may have developed an incredible framework here, but I don't
> know because it's buried under >50MB of other stuff that I almost certainly
> don't care about, and that's before I've even been able to download it.
> >
> > ok..
> >
> > That being unable to download the zip file correctly is something I'll
> take up with my hosting provider tomorrow.
> > I've downloaded it in full and opened it OK in winrar just now, btw.
> >
> > The zip-file is created with winrar on windows 7, and according to Floyd
> Resler has to get it's extension changed to .rar, then decompressed with
> Stuffit Expander. Also something to look into soon, btw.
> That would explain why every zip decompression utility I've tried thinks
> it's corrupt.
> > As for my menu being jittery, it's not jittery on any of the windows
> browsers I tested.
> > And I have no mac-book available to me, not even from friends and family
> who are all on windows (on my recommendation btw ;)
> Are you ready for the shocking truth... not every computer in the world
> runs Windows, so unless you've developed this purely for the friends and
> family you've convinced to do so you may want to rethink your approach to
> testing.
> > As for my files and homepage being Huge, yep, it's made for the future
> or current fast internet connections.
> > Frankly, size reduction is not on my agenda. I'll wait for the nets to
> become faster still.
> > And the server should spit it out at 2MB/s at least..
> That may be so, but when my 100Mbit/s connection finally managed to
> download the file it took about 4 minutes, which is nowhere near 2MB/s.
> Your homepage takes 7 seconds to load - that's unacceptable in the real
> world, especially when you're talking about a server that's (and I'm only
> guessing here) not under heavy load.
> Anyway, your comment about waiting for the nets (sic) to catch up so it
> can cope with your bloat has convinced me to not bother looking any further
> into your project, but I wish you the best of luck with it (you're gonna
> need it).
> -Stuart
> Okay, I don't wanna get into an argument here..

Rest assured, all the javascript for my animated widgets combined is about

The artwork for simple animations is about 100kb per button/menu-item theme.

The fact that I demo how to put video on a button and thus end up with
nearly a dozen button themes that are about 2MB each, is just taking
advantage of the fast links that are available in much of the world.

About me testing only on windows, you're right about that and I'll see if I
can do something to improve my testing regime. For now i'm dependent on
your patience and bugreports tho.

 And I had no idea winrar made such crappy zip files, I'll look into a
replacement very soon.

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:42 PM, Jim Giner wrote:

> "rene7705"  wrote in message
> news:CADegSEbpRnu47ub-XHyGF8JyK9BBcr7R=p157tO3R_k3+8RH=g...@mail.gmail.com...
> >
> > As for my files and homepage being Huge, yep, it's made for the future or
> > current fast internet connections.
> > Frankly, size reduction is not on my agenda. I'll wait for the nets to
> > become faster still.
> > And the server should spit it out at 2MB/s at least..
> >
> You don't care about size reduction??  You think the entire world is going
> to move to faster nets in the next couple of years even???

Yep, that's what I observed so far, not just here in .nl btw.
And I expect that trend to continue as they're now putting fibre to the
home in the first neighborhoods here.

Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Stuart Dallas  wrote:

> On 16 Mar 2012, at 18:57, rene7705 wrote:
> > Hi Folks..
> >
> > I could waste a lot of text on what I've accomplished during the last
> > months, but the easiest thing is if you have a (another) look at (the
> > source of) http://mediabeez.ws
> >
> > I think you'll like my opensourced work :)
> >
> > Feedback is appreciated.
> I'm also having trouble downloading the ZIP file (Chrome 17.0.963.79 on
> OSX - not that the browser will have anything to do with this problem at
> all). The download starts, gets to a few MB and doesn't get any further.
> And 52MB? Since I can't actually see what it contains it's hard to judge,
> but right off the bat... is your artwork necessary for the thing to work?
> What external libraries are you using?
> Just from looking around the site there are a few things that jump out...
> * The dropdown menus are incredible jittery, certainly nowhere near
> production-ready.
> * The background image gets squished according to the dimensions of the
> browser window.
> * Your homepage weighs in at massive 2.6MB. Nuff sed!
> I suggest you take the focus off the way it looks and concentrate on what
> it does. Tabs with animated backgrounds remind me of websites from the late
> 90s. You may have developed an incredible framework here, but I don't know
> because it's buried under >50MB of other stuff that I almost certainly
> don't care about, and that's before I've even been able to download it.
> -Stuart
> --
> Stuart Dallas
> 3ft9 Ltd
> http://3ft9.com/


That being unable to download the zip file correctly is something I'll take
up with my hosting provider tomorrow.
I've downloaded it in full and opened it OK in winrar just now, btw.

The zip-file is created with winrar on windows 7, and according to Floyd
Resler has to get it's extension changed to .rar, then decompressed with
Stuffit Expander. Also something to look into soon, btw.

As for my menu being jittery, it's not jittery on any of the windows
browsers I tested.
And I have no mac-book available to me, not even from friends and family
who are all on windows (on my recommendation btw ;)

As for my files and homepage being Huge, yep, it's made for the future or
current fast internet connections.
Frankly, size reduction is not on my agenda. I'll wait for the nets to
become faster still.
And the server should spit it out at 2MB/s at least..

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Jim Giner wrote:

> ?? Zip file ??  I see no zip file.
It's on the front page of http://mediabeez.ws, under the "downloads"
heading, but you're on IE8 which still has a fatal bug :(

Perhaps you can download and use the chrome browser to see it all..
Until I get that IE8 error fixed of course.

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
Sorry, I'm on IE9 and don't know how to run IE8 on my system.. :(

If you could get me those JS errors then probably I can fix the issue.

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Jim Giner wrote:

> **
> ie8
> - Original Message -----
> *From:* rene7705 
> *To:* Jim Giner 
> *Cc:* php-general@lists.php.net
> *Sent:* Friday, March 16, 2012 3:17 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,
> hey that's strange. I tested it in firefox, chrome, and internet explorer.
> What browser are you using?
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Jim Giner 
> wrote:
>> "rene7705"  wrote in message
>> news:cadegsebtv7ffuvcbxkothqzah3ethegdedyuarxene2d1mw...@mail.gmail.com
>> ...
>>  > Hi Folks..
>> >
>> > I could waste a lot of text on what I've accomplished during the last
>> > months, but the easiest thing is if you have a (another) look at (the
>> > source of) http://mediabeez.ws
>> >
>> > I think you'll like my opensourced work :)
>> >
>> > Feedback is appreciated.
>> >
>> Whatever it is - it doesn't seem to be working.  JS errors, no output.
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:30 PM, Floyd Resler  wrote:

> I'm having a problem downloading the ZIP file.  It decompresses into a
> cpgz file which then decompresses into a zip file.

I've never heard of a cpgz file... And with winrar I can open the
downloaded zip file just fine, as any other zip.
What browser and decompression apps are you using?

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
And could you paste me the JS errors, please?...

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:17 PM, rene7705  wrote:

> hey that's strange. I tested it in firefox, chrome, and internet explorer.
> What browser are you using?
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Jim Giner 
> wrote:
>> "rene7705"  wrote in message
>> news:cadegsebtv7ffuvcbxkothqzah3ethegdedyuarxene2d1mw...@mail.gmail.com.
>> ..
>> > Hi Folks..
>> >
>> > I could waste a lot of text on what I've accomplished during the last
>> > months, but the easiest thing is if you have a (another) look at (the
>> > source of) http://mediabeez.ws
>> >
>> > I think you'll like my opensourced work :)
>> >
>> > Feedback is appreciated.
>> >
>> Whatever it is - it doesn't seem to be working.  JS errors, no output.
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Re: Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
hey that's strange. I tested it in firefox, chrome, and internet explorer.
What browser are you using?

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Jim Giner wrote:

> "rene7705"  wrote in message
> news:cadegsebtv7ffuvcbxkothqzah3ethegdedyuarxene2d1mw...@mail.gmail.com...
> > Hi Folks..
> >
> > I could waste a lot of text on what I've accomplished during the last
> > months, but the easiest thing is if you have a (another) look at (the
> > source of) http://mediabeez.ws
> >
> > I think you'll like my opensourced work :)
> >
> > Feedback is appreciated.
> >
> Whatever it is - it doesn't seem to be working.  JS errors, no output.
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-16 Thread rene7705
Hi Folks..

I could waste a lot of text on what I've accomplished during the last
months, but the easiest thing is if you have a (another) look at (the
source of) http://mediabeez.ws

I think you'll like my opensourced work :)

Feedback is appreciated.