Re: [pinhole-discussion] introduction

2003-10-20 Thread Tom Lindsay

Super images!!! I looked at them all and was very impressed!

"Keep on Pinholin'", 
Tom Lindsay
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 08:00:32 -0700 "heather champ" 
> greetings all,
> i've been lurking for a couple of weeks and would like to introduce 
> myself.
> my love of pinhole photography began earlier this year when a friend 
> gave me
> a snapdragon 4 x 5 pinhole camera and a polaroid back for my 
> birthday. i was
> frustrated with my early attempts but my camera and i came to an 
> understand
> at burning man when i shot a series of portraits
> ( i've recently 
> increased
> my collection with a zero image 4 x 5 multi format and we're coming 
> to terms
> as well (
> otherwise, i toil by day in san francisco to support my growing 
> polaroid
> film habit.
> heather
> |
> "if i could tell a story in words, i wouldn't need to lug a camera" 
> - lewis
> hine
> ___
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] pinhole swaps + announcement for opening a new Pinhole Swap

2003-10-20 Thread Tom Lindsay
Dear Jean,

I'd like to be in on this if my health gets better. It seems like cancer
loves to bug the hell out of me. I got melanoma right after completing
the "Diagnosis Cancer" exhibit. I'm OK for now, and hope that you are
well. Drop me an e-mail if you'd like. I hope to see your name in the
guest book for my exhibit.

"Keep on Pinholin'",
P.S. New address is
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 02:14:06 +0200 "Jean Daubas" 
> Hi all !
> 1)
> It seems from the previous messages about pinhole swaps that all 
> people are
> ot speaking about the same thing : several are making allusion about 
> the
> 2002 and 2003 "new year pinhole swaps" with an open list of 
> participants for
> which it is about the right time to set a new list.
> Other ones are writing about the more formal "pinhole swap groups" 
> in which
> several of us participated in the years 1999 to 2002.
> it's important for everybody to make the distinction since the 
> "rules" and
> the organization of these two kinds of exchange are not the same.
> 2) announcement for a new "formal" Pinhole swap
> Our last "Pinhole Swap group" (for which I was coordinator and which 
> I had
> named "S2PP") was scheduled for spring 2002. Unfortunately, for 
> various
> reasons (some personal + "open" Christmas Swap + tasks for the WPPD) 
> this
> swap did not occur. Naturally, the desire  still exists for me and 
> probably
> for some of you.
> It' s why I am happy  to let you know that I am again
> ready to coordinate the
> organization of a new Pinhole Swap Group, of the same kind as those 
> which
> were fabulous experiences these last years.
> It will be called  "PS4":  Pinhole Print Spring Swap 2004.
> For those of you who should be interested in participating, please 
> reply on
> this list using  "PS4" in the  Subject line of your post. Then, we 
> shall
> discuss the rules of this new swap.
> Cheers from France!
> Jean
> ___
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] filters

2003-07-17 Thread Tom Lindsay

I've used a red filter and you get cool images. You can see an example in
the PINORAMA exhibit in the GALLERY on the Pinhole Visions site. The
image  of the old house on the hill was made using a red filter. A red
filter enhances the sky and clouds.

You can get a filter swatch book at a commercial lighting store. You'll
have to look in the Yellow Pages to probably find a store. But anyway ask
the store if the have any "Lee Filter" or "Rosco" filter swatches and
they give them to you for FREE! The swatches are LOADED with all
different filters, so have fun and try whatever tickles your fancy! You
can even tape the filters over a flash that you would use on a 35 mm
camera. It lights the whole area with the color of filter you choose. 

"Keep on Pinholin'"
Tom Lindsay

On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 00:37:29 -0500 Becky Ramotowski 
> Has anyone ever put red filter material behind the pinhole inside a 
> camera to use with B&W film?
> I wonder this because I use black tape as my shutter, and can not 
> easily 
> use a filter in front of the hole.
> Becky
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] Happy Easter!

2003-04-20 Thread Tom Lindsay
Happy Easter to you!

Hi there Guy, I'm wishing the best to you and your family as well! 

"Keep on Pinholin'', 
Tom Lindsay

I'm at  as well as my other address that you have.

PS Your camera and it's results are awesome!!

On Sat, 19 Apr 2003 10:29:43 -0400 "Guy Glorieux"
> Happy Easter to all!
> May this weekend bring happiness and quiet peace to you and those 
> around
> you.  And many beautiful pinole photographs...!
> Guy Glorieux
> ___
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[pinhole-discussion] OOPPPS!!

2003-03-31 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hi All Again,

I'm Just getting used to my "Honeys'" browser, which is Juno. I
discovered that it's not showing from whom the e-mails are coming from.
So I need to type mine out so you'll know where to send mail. I'm at . Sorry about that!

"Keep on Pinholin'",

PS It seems like I'm not "firing" on all cylinders today. Oh well, what
are you going to do?

[pinhole-discussion] Need e-mail Addresses Please

2003-03-31 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

I need to have some addresses from you that know me. I can't remember
them all. So if you don't mind send me your address. And while your at it
PLEASE check out my "new" exhibit in the gallery at
???/exhibit/cancer , and please also sign the guest book!

"Keep on Pinholin'",
Tom Lindsay

[pinhole-discussion] I need some e-mail addresses please!

2003-03-31 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

Hi, it's Tom Lindsay here and I need to have those people who know me
send me your e-mail addresses so I can contact you directly. I'm at my
"honeys'' house and don't have all the addresses that I would like to
While your not too busy, please take a look at my "new" exhibit 
http://www.???/exhibit/cancer and please sign the guest
book too.

"Keep on Pinholin'",

[pinhole-discussion] How do I get in on the discussion?

2003-03-18 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hi All,

It's been awhile since I posted anything at all and I'm lost here in
"what to do next land". How do I go about seeing what's going on?
And while this is going out, thank you all that have taken the time to
look at my new exhibit. Hearing from y'all does a heart good, even better
than soup!

"Keep on Pinholin'",

PS I have another e-mail address other than the 
address, and the new address is . I'm still trying
to figure this "JUNO" program out, so please be patient. I just need to
"play" with it some more and I'll figure it out.

[pinhole-discussion] We're Back from the Beach

2001-06-09 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

We're back from the beach, a well needed vacation for me and my
sweetheart Janet. We went to Oak Island N.C.. It was almost like Hawaii
and I can say that because I lived in Hawaii for a few years way back
when. I took 3 rolls of pinhole while at the beach, and just dropped it
off yesterday to be developed and will pick it up on Monday. I will let
you know how the photos turn out later next week.
I hope everyone is doing well, and out there doing pinhole whenever they

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Help me "Keep on Pinholin'"!!!

2001-04-24 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hi Tom,

I received an unexpected surprise in the mail. Your "slit" image is

I too like doing slit imagery, but haven't done it in several years. I
hand made a 4x5 slit camera several years back so I could use my Polaroid
back to see how I was doing right away. It is still in my closet and just
needs a little work to get it working again.

I will try to send you a pinhole photo as soon as I am able. I'm still a
little slow these days, but I seem to be on the mend. I know it has to do
with all the prayers that were said for me.

Thanks again for the terrific slit image!!!

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Tom Miller wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> Any good fortune that the man upstairs were to send my way now and in
> the next several months has been redirected to your account.  It's
> amazing how effectively communication with the Big Guy works these
> days.  Looking forward to your future contributions to the list and
> especially to your future excellent health.
> Tom
> ___
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[pinhole-discussion] Thanks for all the prayers!!!

2001-04-07 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

I'm out of the hospital and everything is looking good. I want to thank
all of you who said a prayer for me, I was pretty distraught and needed
a "backup so to speak". The doctors removed the cancer from the back of
my skull, but couldn't find the mass that was supposed to be in my
trachea. It may be due to all the prayers that were said. I'll have to
have another CT scan to verify that it is indeed not there anymore.
I only was able to shoot two pinhole photos before they put me under for
the surgery, I hope they come out looking good. Yeah I'm a "nut" when it
comes down to doing pinhole and I'll shoot on every chance I get.
Thanks again for the prayers and I'll keep you posted as time will

"Keep on Pinholin'",

[pinhole-discussion] Help me "Keep on Pinholin'"!!!

2001-03-31 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

It's been quite a while since I posted anything. What I'm asking for is
those who do pray, to say a prayer for me. I'm still going through
cancer and I am going for surgery on April 2nd and April 3rd. It will be
surgeries 7 & 8 for me since June of last year. I figure if I get a
global prayer going it just might get the Big Guy upstairs attention to
put an end to all the crap I've been going through the last few months.
I will be doing some pinhole while in the hospital if I have enough
strength. I will share the whole story with everyone later on this
Spring. That is after I get some editing help from the select few who
have been helping me already with this; and they all know who they are.
And I want to thank them now for all their help. This is the BEST group
on the whole Internet; and I really mean it too!

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Re: [pinhole-discussion] The world isn't flat

2001-01-27 Thread Tom Lindsay

I'm doing just O.K.. But I am still out there doing pinhole. The people at the
photo lab are blown away with my new pinhole work. Sorry but you'll have to 
wait a
bit before it comes out. I plan to do a small exhibit soon; the people who've 
some of the work are pushing me to do more, so that gives me a reason to get up
everyday and try to do something be it pinhole or just cleaning up around the

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Guy Glorieux wrote:

> Tom,
> I really like the image.  I should have figured out that this was KM's
> Pinoramic, since you have quite a few nice shots on his gallery if I
> remember correctly.
> I wish I could afford the KM Pinoramic but its really a bit pricy for my
> budget.  A beauty!
> Best,
> Guy
> P.S.  How is your health, by the way, Tom.  I recall the haunting
> picture you sent me in the spring just as you were waiting for your
> medical tests.  I guessed from a comment that slipped in one of your
> posting to the list that you were back on some form of treatment.  Are
> you going through it OK?  You seem pretty upbeat, that's for sure.  The
> Columbus story was quite nice, indeed!
> Best again!
> Tom Lindsay wrote:
> >
> > Guy,
> >
> > I used a Pinoramic 120 made by Kurt Mottweiler. I just aimed the camera down
> > towards the river and it caused it to do the "bend". That's a straight shot
> > with no altering at all :)) .
> >
> > Have a good weekend, and
> >
> > "Keep on Pinholin'",
> > Tom
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] Making Pinoles

2001-01-03 Thread Tom Lindsay

I used to use my Zone VI Classic 4x5 to do pinhole. But for some reason
I can hardly explain, it didn't seem to be as exciting as when I used a
home made pinhole camera or even one that was bought; like the
Mottweiler 120 Pinoramic that was specifically made for pinhole. Yes you
can WOW them with the cool Sinar and also learn how the different focal
lengths play into what you are trying to get. It's a great camera for
using a Polaroid back too, but other than that it seems to close to
being a high tech sterilized camera for pinhole. Now that's only my
opinion from having used a classy 4x5, and I stand by it. Pinhole has
something mystical about it, and the cool high tech cameras just don't
have a place in this realm except to learn more about what you'd like to
really have in a good pinhole camera.
Don't let this e-mail not let you go out and play with your Sinar, but I
bet you'll agree with me later that it just doesn't fit the whole scheme
of things that are pinhole.
Larry Fratkin's site is excellent for pinhole info, and you can find out
more by taking a  look at the Pinhole FAQ site too.

"Keep on Pinholin'",

"Dwight L. Brown" wrote:

> Can anyone give me some good advice on making good pinholes.  I want
> to make up a lensboard to use on my Sinar.  (don't you just love the
> idea of using a Sinar for pinhole camera :-)  Is there a good web site
> with instructions?
> Dwight
> "Then Comes the supreme and ultimate
> miracle:  art becomes artless, shooting
> becomes not-shooting, a shooting without
> bow and arrow; the teacher becomes a
> pupil again, the Master a beginner, the end
> a beginning, and the beginning perfection." Eugen Herrigal

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Happy Holidays

2001-01-02 Thread Tom Lindsay

Thank you for being interested in pinhole and teaching it too! The 4x5 film box
cameras were my way of showing you that pinhole was super easy and that we are
indeed a wonderful, fantastic bunch of fanatics, and we will do just about
anything to spread the word about pinhole. I'm also glad to hear that you liked
the self portrait "slit" image I did. Now you'll need to try "slit" imagery,
it's as much fun as pinhole! Have a great New Year!

"Keep on Pinholin'",
Tom wrote:

> Hey group! Although I rarely participate I often comment to my husband and
> collegues what a fantastic bunch of fanatics you all are. Thanks for making
> my year quite wonderful. And to Tom, thanks again for the film boxes and set
> up which I used in my classes last year. I liked your split head image alot.
>  Happy New Year.
> Barb
> ___
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] Motivations

2001-01-02 Thread Tom Lindsay

I can't wait to see your results!!! I've wanted to do a pinhole movie for 
years, but
just let it become a passing "thing to do", and never got further than dreaming 
what it would look like.
Way to go getting the Park Services stirred up and out to see the real people 
the images. If I get someone's attention while "pinholin'" I feel that I was 
to be there just so they would ask me the question; "What the hell are you 
doing?" And
then you let them have it with a short course in pinhole!

"Keep on Pinholin'",

"B. Roddy" wrote:

> Guy wrote:
> > One of the things I really like about this group -as opposed to other groups
> > I've been involved with- is the underlying "crazyness" of many of its 
> > members
> > when it comes to experimenting with pinhole photography and breaking the
> > rules... Each week seems to bring a new crazy idea and this is very 
> > stimulating,
> > indeed!   -:))
> I agree!  There's a wonderful lack of pretension here!  This is hard to
> find in such a knowledgeable and creative group.
> > Perhaps we could start a thread on the most crazy thing which pinhole
> > photography got us to do...
> >
> To make my pinhole movie I had to hunch over my cardboard camera in a park
> for hours every morning and dusk for a week.  Freezing the fingers that
> advance the film wasn't as bad as all the stares I got from dog walkers
> and residents.  Even drew the suspicion of the Park Service marshall.
> Bernie
> ___
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] basic question

2000-12-20 Thread Tom Lindsay

35 mm and smaller have been used in pinhole. Go out and have some fun,
pinhole is for those who like to play! And you sound like a player!

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Barry Muscavelli wrote:

> Has anybody used smaller formats (like 35mm?) for pinhole??
> _
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] cracker images

2000-12-07 Thread Tom Lindsay

Thanks for the compliment.

The light sensitive material was paper. I used Kodabromide F2-S. The image is
just a  bit larger than the one I posted. The exposure time was quite lengthy as
I can recall; I didn't write that down for later purposes. But I do remember
that the F/stop was in the 350-500 range; I took that photo in the late 80's so
I'm just guessing while remembering if that makes sense.
And you guessed pretty good, the image was hand colored; it was one of my first
attempts at hand coloring.

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Guy Glorieux wrote:

> Tom,
> These pictures are quite remarquable..  What was the light sensitive media
> (film or paper)?  What size is the image?  What kind of exposure time did
> you use?
> Nice to see that the picture is coloured.  Did you do it on photoshop or sid
> you use a coloring kit?
> Best,
> Guy Glorieux
> >
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > > It's dyslexic Tom saying that I forgot to put in the right URL again.
> > > They are
> > >
> > > http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/meloncam.jpg
> > >
> > > and
> > >
> > > http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/melonphoto.jpg
> > >
> > > Sorry about that,
> > > And do by all means
> > > "Keep on Pinholin'",
> > > Tom
> ___
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] cracker images

2000-12-06 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

It's dyslexic Tom saying that I forgot to put in the right URL again.
They are

http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/meloncam.jpg


http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/melonphoto.jpg

Sorry about that,
And do by all means
"Keep on Pinholin'",

Tom Lindsay wrote:

> Hello Organic Camera Makers,
> I just wanted to let you know that the watermelon has already been used to 
> make
> a pinhole camera. It only lasts for three days, but the novelty of it being a
> real functioning pinhole camera makes it a real HOOT!
> I will upload the proof, so someone else can do the pumpkin!
> check out  http://www.pinhole/discussion/upload/images/meloncam.jpg
> "Keep on Pinholin'",
> Tom
> Michael Keller wrote:
> > Pumpkin would transmit light through its sides, although if you used photo
> > paper which isn't sensitive to orange light...
> >
> > |-Original Message-
> > |From: pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???
> > |[mailto:pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???]On Behalf Of Andy Schmitt
> > |Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 11:33 AM
> > |To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> > |Subject: RE: [pinhole-discussion] cracker images
> > |
> > |
> > |I figure we could make an almost completely organic camera by hollowing out
> > |a watermelon or a giant pumpkin.
> >
> > ___
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] cracker images

2000-12-06 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello Organic Camera Makers,

I just wanted to let you know that the watermelon has already been used to make
a pinhole camera. It only lasts for three days, but the novelty of it being a
real functioning pinhole camera makes it a real HOOT!
I will upload the proof, so someone else can do the pumpkin!

check out  http://www.pinhole/discussion/upload/images/meloncam.jpg


"Keep on Pinholin'",

Michael Keller wrote:

> Pumpkin would transmit light through its sides, although if you used photo
> paper which isn't sensitive to orange light...
> |-Original Message-
> |From: pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???
> |[mailto:pinhole-discussion-admin@p at ???]On Behalf Of Andy Schmitt
> |Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 11:33 AM
> |To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???
> |Subject: RE: [pinhole-discussion] cracker images
> |
> |
> |I figure we could make an almost completely organic camera by hollowing out
> |a watermelon or a giant pumpkin.
> ___
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[pinhole-discussion] Cracker Cam

2000-11-30 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

I took a look at the image that was taken through the cracker and feel
like it's another bizarre thing that that little hole can do.
I also would like to see a photo of the camera. I'm in the "I'm amazed
at how sharp that is" camp.

"Keep on Pinholin'",

[pinhole-discussion] URL

2000-11-30 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello Again,

The URL is http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/divided.jpg
.And again I'm sorry the image is s big. I hope I won't make that
mistake again!

"Keep on Pinholin'",

[pinhole-discussion] What to do? What to do?

2000-11-30 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

I just uploaded a "slit" image of myself undecided on all these issues
that we are going through, like the Presidential election, and whether
or not to get our pinhole news monthly or not. Hope you like it?

http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/divided.jpg

"Keep on Pinholin'",

P.S. Sorry about the size, I should have checked that before I hit the
"Submit" button.

Re: [pinhole-discussion] The world isn't flat

2000-11-17 Thread Tom Lindsay

I used a Pinoramic 120 made by Kurt Mottweiler. I just aimed the camera down
towards the river and it caused it to do the "bend". That's a straight shot
with no altering at all :)) .

Have a good weekend, and

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Guy Glorieux wrote:

> Tom,
> This is all wrong!  If the earth was'nt flat, the water would drip away
> from its side and fall into the void underneath and the lake would be
> empty.  If the lake is'nt empty, then it means that the earth can't be
> round.  Can't beat that argument, can you?  ...!!  -:))
> In fact, I'm sure your picture is a counterfeit, like perhaps you bent
> the sides of the paper during the printing under the enlarger, or
> something like that, to get the bent horizon!  -:))
> Seriously, what kind of focal length did you have on your pinhole and
> what kind of "camera obscura" contraption did you use.
> The bent horizon looks about like what I get on my 35mm camera when I
> put my 16mm semi-fisheye lens.  So this is a super wide angle.  But how
> is it that you don't get light to fall off on the edges (Hmmm, perhaps
> something similar to what keeps the water from dripping away from the
> sides of the bent horizon!?)
> Then I can't quite figure the format either.  Like if you had used a 120
> panoramic camera.  Is that the case?
> Tell us more!
> Guy Glorieux
> Tom Lindsay wrote:
> >
> > Hi All
> >
> > “Last night I had a marvelous dream” said Columbus, as he was leaving
> > the flower laden picnic table along the river. “Word up!” said the
> > Queen; “tell me more!”
> > “Well Bella, I feel the earth is round and not flat as others might
> > think”. “Word!” said the Queen; “have you been smokin’ that weed again
> > Colo?” “No way!” said Columbus with a little snicker; “my dreams just
> > have been in pinhole!”
> >
> > look at  http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/colo11.jpg
> >
> > “Keep on Pinholin’”,
> > Tom
> >
> > ___
> > Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
> > Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???
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> ___
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[pinhole-discussion] The world isn't flat

2000-11-16 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hi All

“Last night I had a marvelous dream” said Columbus, as he was leaving
the flower laden picnic table along the river. “Word up!” said the
Queen; “tell me more!”
“Well Bella, I feel the earth is round and not flat as others might
think”. “Word!” said the Queen; “have you been smokin’ that weed again
Colo?” “No way!” said Columbus with a little snicker; “my dreams just
have been in pinhole!”

look at  http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/colo11.jpg

“Keep on Pinholin’”,

Re: [pinhole-discussion] OOps

2000-10-23 Thread Tom Lindsay

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Jarred McCaffrey wrote:

> just type in the url exactly the way it is in your browser.  Cut and paste
> is easiest.  For example:
> I typed in exactly ""; and your mail reader is smart
> enough to realize it should be a link to a website.
> Hope this helps!
> Jarred McCaffrey
> Tom Lindsay wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I forgot to tell you where to see the "51" Caddy. It's on the
> > disscussion/upload list.
> >
> > "Keep on Pinholin'",
> > Tom
> >
> > P.S. If someone would tell me how to do this the "correct" way I'd sure
> > appreciate it. Because I see other peoples URLs to their uploads and
> > wasn't quite sure what to do?
> >
> > ___
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> ___
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[pinhole-discussion] OOps

2000-10-23 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

I forgot to tell you where to see the "51" Caddy. It's on the
disscussion/upload list.

"Keep on Pinholin'",

P.S. If someone would tell me how to do this the "correct" way I'd sure
appreciate it. Because I see other peoples URLs to their uploads and
wasn't quite sure what to do?

[pinhole-discussion] [Fwd: "51" Caddy]

2000-10-23 Thread Tom Lindsay

--- Begin Message ---
Hello All,

I'm still out there doing pinhole!!! I drive past this "51 Caddy" almost
everyday on my way to radiation my treatments for tonsillary cancer; and
now the old girl is up for sale. I'm not going to buy it or anything
like that, but I felt like it needed to be immortalized in pinhole; the
fall colors really set it off.

"Keep on Pinholin'",

--- End Message ---

Re: [pinhole-discussion] Polacolor 59 in a pinhole camera

2000-10-23 Thread Tom Lindsay

Go to a commercial studio lighting company and ask them for a "Lee filters" 
swatch book
of the gels they use for lighting. The swatch book will have just about every 
you could experiment with.
I shot some Polacolor 59 a long time ago and noticed that it did need 
filtering, as
almost everything had a bluish tint. Thinking about it now I'd use a filter 
that would
change your image  by at least half using the Tungsten conversion filter; don't 
they are all marked. Play with the more yellow- yellow gold filters. Another 
cool thing
about the swatch book is that you can take a shot, let it develop and then look 
the filters at the photo until it looks right; and that's the filter to use. 
It's like
using filters to print color; that is if you've ever done that.
Another cool thing to do is take some of the filter swatches out of the book 
and cover
a flash for a 35 mm camera; like a Vivitar 283. When you do this you can paint 
light in the early evening or even night.
I hope this helps.

"Keep on Pinholin'",

ethereal art wrote:

> +AD4-By the way, has anyone experimented with Polacolor 59 4x5 sheet film in 
> +AD4-a
> pinhole camera?  I have obtained good results using it in my press +AD4-camera
> but haven't had good results in my pinhole camera.  Does it not +AD4-work with
> extended exposure times?  Any input in this area would also +AD4-be welcome.
> +AD4-Thanks
> +AD4-Sincerely,
> +AD4-Andrew Sias
> Try turning your press camera into a pinhole camera... Make life easy+ACE-
> Rosanne
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] new color images

2000-10-07 Thread Tom Lindsay

I really like the fishing boat image. It's as if you were leapin'
aboard!!! Cool, very cool!!!

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Claudia Smith wrote:

> hi all,
> I have posted some 35mm pinhole images made with a praktiflex with
> pinhole body cap.
> http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/fishingboat.jpg
> http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/flagboat.jpg
> http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/flagboat2.jpg
> claudia
> --
>  you are invited to visit
>  and
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] What wood you use???

2000-10-05 Thread Tom Lindsay

I have used "basswood", available at hobby shops. It is a great wood to work
"Keep on Pinholin'",

HypoBob wrote:

> I recently make a pinhole camera out of 3/8 inch plywood and found,
> somewhat to my surprise, that I was having troubles with warps and bends
> in the plywood.  I had always thought that one of the pluses of plywood
> was that the plies canceled out the wood's tendency to warp.
> Therefore I am wondering what woods, or wood-like products, others have
> found to be good for constructing a sturdy, light-tight box.
> Thanks,
> Bob
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] Slits...

2000-09-15 Thread Tom Lindsay

To do "slit" photography you have to use TWO slits. I recommend that the
first slit be straight and the second one  to have a zig-zag or serpentine
shape to it. Otherwise you are wasting time and film. A friend of mine in
Missouri has done panoramic slit photos. I got him hooked on slits and he
took it a little further. He has a whole set of different shaped slits and
just drops them in the camera as he experiments with different effects.
I'll get the one out that he sent me and try to describe how he makes them;
it's really quite clever. I'll also try to scan some of the images he has
sent me over the years that are slit photos.

Have a good weekend!

"Keep on Pinholin'",
Tom Lindsay

Sebastian Nieder wrote:

> Hi !
> I've done some experiments with slits in front of my SLR.
> It looks to me, that there is a difference between on slit and two
> slits.
> (that is contradicory to the experiments of Guillermo a few days ago)
> The image, that is produced by two slits seem to be clearer/sharper.
> (But this effekt could probably be cause by the wrong "diameter" of the
> single-slit.)
> Has anyone of you got some new experiences ?
> Sebastian
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] Iva: Flat black paint

2000-09-15 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello Kosinski Family,

I recommend using "Krylon Ultra-Flat Black" spray paint! The product # is 1602
Ultra Flat Black. I've used it for over 15 years and found it to be the
easiest to use with the best results. You just have to mask off the areas that
you don't want to get painted with old newspaper and 3/4'' masking tape. If
you have an area that is sensitive to tape and you think it might rip when you
remove the tape and newspaper, just take the tape and stick it to your jeans a
time or two and it will hold just fine and also come off without a problem. A
person that makes and finishes guitars showed me that trick a long time ago.
If you have trouble getting it just go to and I bet they
can fix you up.

"Keep on Pinholin'",

Kosinski Family wrote:

> Hi Iva,
> There is an "ultra-flat" black paint out there somewhere!
> It's not absolutely necessary to paint the inside of the camera. Unpainted
> cameras give pictures with softer contrast. Try it sometime.
> Best wishes,
> Jim Kosinski
> Starlight Pinhole Cameras
> -Original Message-
> From: lva 
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ??? 
> Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 6:36 AM
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Flat black paint
> >Hello fellow pinhole camera engineers, which paint or spray-paint is the
> >best and most matt for painting the inside of a camera?
> >
> >Greetings from Sweden
> >
> >Brahma
> >Korsnas Gard
> >14792 Grodinge
> >Sweden
> >
> >___
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Slit-apertures ?

2000-08-31 Thread Tom Lindsay
Hello All,

I made a 4x5 slit camera a few years ago. I made it out of illustration board
that can be purchased at a good art supply store. I made the slits out of the
same brass shim that I make pinholes in. The slits are spaced about 1 1/2 inches
apart, and then it is 4 inches to the film plane; for a total length of 5 1/2".
I used a Polaroid 545 back and experimented until I got a good result. I found
out that the camera was about f/180; and that's worked well ever since. I
haven't used it in years but just might go out and get some Polaroid film and

"Keep on Pinholin'",

William Erickson wrote:

> Eric says that the "traditional' positioning of the two slits is two inches
> apart and the one nearest to the film two inches from the fil. The slits
> work well if about 1/50 inch in width. I saw somewhere that you should be
> able to slide a sheet of photographic paper through the slit. there's an
> awful lot of room for experimentation with this.
> - Original Message -
> From: George L Smyth 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 6:59 AM
> Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Re: Slit-apertures ?
> >
> > --- Sebastian Nieder  wrote:
> > > Hi !
> > >
> > > Has anyone ever tried slits ?
> > > I've read in the "E.Renner-Bible", that you have to cross two slits for
> > > getting a disorted image.
> > > But there's no info about how far the slits have to be away from eatch
> > > other; what slit-diameters are the best etc.
> > > I've done several tries, but non of them seems to be perfekt.
> > > Does anyone have some formulas e.g. ?
> >
> > I tried slits but was not able to create a slit to my liking.  If anyone
> has a
> > good methodology for making slits then it would be nice if you could share
> it
> > with us.
> >
> > Cheers -
> >
> > george
> >
> > =
> > Handmade Photographic Images
> >
> >
> > __
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Re: [pinhole-discussion] New web site with pinhole section

2000-08-29 Thread Tom Lindsay

I'm interested in seeing this image, please send me the URL.

Thanks & "Keep on Pinholin'",
Tom wrote:

> guy,
> i must say that the photograph
> that pops up on your main page
> under straight photography is the
> most beautiful color print i have
> seen.  nice work!
> noa
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