Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-20 Thread pippin

Settings->Advanced->Squeezebox Information...
It's exact position may change depending on the actual server version,
it's a server provided menu.
If you are just after the server IP,that's also being shown if you
press the blue ">" on the server in the MultiPlayer screen.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] itunes half-stars

2011-04-20 Thread ajmitchell


Is anyone having problems getting itunes to work with half stars using
James Craig excellent itunes updater. I am going to try for a complete
install today, but so far I cannot get half stars working




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-04-20 Thread Sb42

bonze;626423 Wrote: 
> Happened to Radio4 in the early hours too.
> Sounded like they were broadcasting under water :)

Exactly rightthat happens ocassionally to me. I assumed it was
Auntie trying to remind me of my younger days tuning in my SW radio to
the World Service. ;-)


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] QNAP 219+ and the Squeezeserver QPKG

2011-04-20 Thread pol2711

Hi all,

Have a NAS QNAP 219+ and the squeezebox boom.
Installed de QPKG package on the nas and installing went fine.
The URL however which should provide me with the squeezeserver
functionality is not working.
Website not found is the reply

Installed it over and over again but the problem persists

anyone out there who can help me out on this one? Thanx!!QNAP QPKG


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-04-20 Thread majones

Sb42;626633 Wrote: 
> Exactly rightthat happens ocassionally to me. I assumed it was
> Auntie trying to remind me of my younger days tuning in my SW radio to
> the World Service. ;-)
I thought it was Vogon poetry, but upon switching from AAC to WMA I
discovered that it was John Humphries on the Today Programme.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Erland: Lyrics plugin

2011-04-20 Thread Nocko!

erland;626547 Wrote: 
> To disable, you can just insert a # on the first row...
> ...
> Does the problem only happen with iPeng lyrics screen or are we talking
> of some other user interface ?

Hi Erland and Pippin,
and thank you for your fast response and patience. 

1. Disabling Chartlyrics didn't help in any way. I only get fewer

2. So I enabled Chartlyrics again and did some testing. All the
following refers to the iPeng lyrics screen but I think (but did not
tested it) that the results should be the same in the web interface.

I hope I can express what I did. I took the already mentioned album
"End of Innocence", started iPeng on its lyrics screen and started the
first song with the app. Then I skipped through the songs one by one
for seven times using the IR remote control. After that I listened to
another album, waited 20 minutes and did the same again (column 8) and
then immediatly again (columns 9+10).
And here are the results: 
Column "1" indicates the track number, the seven follwing columns show
the results. 
"-" means "No Lyrics available"
"+" means correct lyrics shown and
"f" means fault or wrong lyrics. 

1   --+++-+ after 20 min. -++
2   --+++-+ after 20 min. -++
3   --+++-+ after 20 min. -++
4   ---++-+ after 20 min. -++   
5   ---++-+ after 20 min. -++
6   ---ff-f after 20 min. -ff  
7   ---ff-f after 20 min. -ff
8   ---+--+ after 20 min. -++
9   --- after 20 min. --- 
10  ++- after 20 min. -++

All lyrics were found by chartlyrics.
You can forget tracks 6,7 and 9. Obviously there are no correct lyrics
for these songs. But the other results are quite interesting. It seems
as if the results are getting better the more you try...

But there is no reason for complaining. The actual plugin is great. I
think this shows a problem with the search engine of the chartlyrics


Logitech Touch, Qnap 219+, iPad mit iPeng

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Erland: Lyrics plugin

2011-04-20 Thread erland

Nocko!;626657 Wrote: 
> H
> I hope I can express what I did. I took the already mentioned album
> "End of Innocence", started iPeng on its lyrics screen and started the
> first song with the app. Then I skipped through the songs one by one
> for seven times using the IR remote control. After that I listened to
> another album, waited 20 minutes and did the same again (column 8) and
> then immediatly again (columns 9+10).
Does the problem only occur when you skip through tracks with the IR
remote ?
What happens if you just start playing the album and let it play
through the complete album, does it always show the right lyrics then ?


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Erland: Lyrics plugin

2011-04-20 Thread Nocko!

erland;626577 Wrote: 
> If you look in the Song Info page in the web interface, do yo both see a
> "Song Lyrics" link and a "Lyrics: ..." attribute directly on the page
> that displays the lyrics ?
> If you do, the problem is probably that you have incorrect lyrics in
> your music file tags.

I am not sure if I understand this. Using the web interface and
clicking on the actual played song I can see on the left side this (and
of course the cover artwork):

Album: Something Wicked This Way Comes 
Artist: Iced Earth 
Genre: Thrash/Heavy Metal 
Year: 1998 
Save to Favorites 
Comment: Track 4 
Track Number: 4 
File Format: FLAC Duration: 4:28 
Bitrate: 1028kbps VBR Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz Sample Size: 16 Bits 
File Length: 34,577,245 
Location: /share/Recordings/Music Flac/ICED EARTH - Something Wicked
this way Comes/Iced Earth - Something Wicked This Way Comes - 04.
Watching Over Me.flac 
Date Modified: Friday, 9. July 2010, 18:14 
View Tags  
LastFM Track Description 
LastFM Track Image 
LastFM Song Tags 
Song Lyrics 

I have no own lyrics saved on my server. Right answer ?


Logitech Touch, Qnap 219+, iPad mit iPeng

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Erland: Lyrics plugin

2011-04-20 Thread erland

Nocko!;626661 Wrote: 
> I have no own lyrics saved on my server. Right answer ?
Ok, this means that the problem isn't what pippin suspected.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Browse not showing Custom Scan Last.FM Similar Artists

2011-04-20 Thread MillmoorRon

Works great again now. Thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-04-20 Thread VirusKiller

bonze;626423 Wrote: 
> Sounded like they were broadcasting under water :) Yep, that was it. Glad it 
> wasn't just me. Shame on the Beeb though...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-20 Thread Rob Stone

I just upgraded from 7.4.2 to 7.5.4.  Listening to an album, after the
first track, the album art is replaced with what I will describe a
silver disc (CD). This has always been the case with Slimserver and has
been a long standing documented bug.  However, this has never happened
in iPeng.  To be clear, while using iPeng, listening to any track, you
would always see the album art.  Needless to say, this is a big step
backward.  Album art is important as it goes to the user experience and
functionality of the program (iPeng). So, why did this happen with
7.5.4? Any thoughts? Is there a fix?  I will also say I am frustrated
with Logitech given that this bug has been outstanding for years.

Thanks for a beautifully conceived and supported application.


Rob Stone

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-20 Thread pippin

I'd say: disable iTunes integration.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-20 Thread pippin

Hm, can't edit my post...

I believe the reason for this is that iTunes only adds artwork to one
track in an album but embeds it into that.
iTunes is even able to fool itself that way: change the type of an
album full of tracks to "audiobook" and it will also only show the
artwork on that single track.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Is it possible to execute linux commands from the Squeezebox?

2011-04-20 Thread danny0085

Check out the most used ' linux commands '
( .


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Erland: Lyrics plugin

2011-04-20 Thread Nocko!

erland;626660 Wrote: 
> Does the problem only occur when you skip through tracks with the IR
> remote ?
> What happens if you just start playing the album and let it play
> through the complete album, does it always show the right lyrics then ?

OK, did a quick test on this without skipping but scrolling with iPeng
through the tracks. It works a lot better. But what do I do if I want
to listen spontaneus to a single track ? 


Logitech Touch, Qnap 219+, iPad mit iPeng

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-20 Thread Rob Stone

OK.  I'm not at the server, so when you say disable iTunes integration,
that is in settings in the server? And if I do that, then what is the
consequence of disabling iTunes integration?  While I understand (I
think your explanation of the problem), why is there now a problem with
7.5.4, where there wasn't a problem with 7.4.2 ?


Rob Stone

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2011-04-20 Thread tuc

Hi there gharris999,

Thanks for a great plugin that has been working nicely ever since I
installed it. 

How should I best upgrade from 20090615.00 to 20110417.170325? Should I
uninstall first or simply install over the old version? I run SBS 7.5.4
under Ubuntu 10.10. 

This was my question - below is the reason for asking (in case your
give a d... :-))


After upgrading to Squeezboxserver to 7.5.4 I am sometimes seeing that
the server doesn't make it out of sleep. It does wake up, but is not
pingable and not responding to pressing the power button (which should
shut the machine down) - at least it does cut the power when holding
the power button down for 5 secs - but that is hardly the purpose of
the plugin...
I run the machine as a server, so I don't have a screen on it, and I
have no clue about the state it is in. It is a WOL that wakes it up and
it works most of the time.

Now, AFAIK it could be a number of things going wrong. I'd rather use
the latest version and hope that I don't see the problem again, than
trying to figure out what is happening. In case I see it with the new
version I will try to figure out why.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MIP on a different IP

2011-04-20 Thread cparker

mbw23;626005 Wrote: 
> whoa it's sensitive to file paths?  hmmm that rings a bell.  been a
> couple of years since i've played with this :)  could explain my
> trouble

If you keep the file paths the same for both MusicIP and SBS then it
should be ok split across servers.

server1 (Running MIP) file path; z:\music or \\NAS\music
server2 (Running SBS) file path; z:\music or \\NAS\music

Then I dont see why it wouldnt work, never tried it myself though :)

cparker - Spicefly SugarCube - Taking Squeezebox and MusicIP to
the next level.  A hassle free non-stop journey through your music
library using MusicIP.  Plus the finest MusicIP installation guides,
enhanced MIP Interface and SpyGlass MIP the Automated MusicIP Headless

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-20 Thread pippin

Oh my...
The problem is that every second version on SBS handles this different,
depending which party last complained:
Detailed-Party: "I have carefully tagged a lot of my files to show
individual artwork and now SBS always shows only the album cover"
Lazy-Party: "I only have artwork on some of my files and I want all of
the files in an album to show that artwork"

In the end it comes down to conflicting interests.

I believe the "real" solution (it works for me, at least) is to have a
"folder.jpg" file for each album in the album's folder.

Regarding settings: you can set that in the web interface under
Settings->iTunes integration.
That said: before you turn it off, I would first make sure to configure
a Music Folder ("Settings->General"), that's what you have to do anyway,
and then do a "Clear and Rescan" of the library. Maybe this does already
solve it without changing iTunes integration.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: LiveDepartures screensaver plugin

2011-04-20 Thread mflint

Hello all,

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I have ceased maintaining this
plugin, as I no longer have any need to use it.

Unfortunately this has co-incided with a major change to the Live
Departures website, which this plugin scrapes, thereby rendering the
plugin broken.

I've put the code on github [1] if anyone wishes to fork it and get it
going again. The necessary changes will be to
"". I also notice that the query
URLs have been changed (although the old ones still work) but it may be
worthwhile changing those too.

I did start work on a plugin for the SBC (way back when it was still
called "Jive") which could be resurrected too.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2011-04-20 Thread gharris999

tuc;626702 Wrote: 
> Hi there gharris999,
> Thanks for a great plugin that has been working nicely ever since I
> installed it. 
> How should I best upgrade from 20090615.00 to 20110417.170325? Should I
> uninstall first or simply install over the old version? I run SBS 7.5.4
> under Ubuntu 10.10. 
> This was my question - below is the reason for asking (in case your
> give a d... :-))
> Best
> -thomas
> --
> After upgrading to Squeezboxserver to 7.5.4 I am sometimes seeing that
> the server doesn't make it out of sleep. It does wake up, but is not
> pingable and not responding to pressing the power button (which should
> shut the machine down) - at least it does cut the power when holding
> the power button down for 5 secs - but that is hardly the purpose of
> the plugin...
> I run the machine as a server, so I don't have a screen on it, and I
> have no clue about the state it is in. It is a WOL that wakes it up and
> it works most of the time.
> Now, AFAIK it could be a number of things going wrong. I'd rather use
> the latest version and hope that I don't see the problem again, than
> trying to figure out what is happening. In case I see it with the new
> version I will try to figure out why.
I would recommend that you uninstall first. I don't remember if the
version that you're using is "release" or "beta", but you definitely
want to install the latest beta.  Make sure you add: the SBS Settings->Plugins list of 'Additional Repositories' and
then install from there.

As to why your server isn't making it out of sleep, what operating
system are you using on it?  If it's some form of linux, you may need
to add "quirk" parameters to the suspend command.  For instance, on my
server, the full suspend command is:

sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend --quirk-s3-bios

Absent that "--quirk-s3-bios" parameter, my server exhibits the very
same symptoms as yours.

You can see a list of the possible quirks supported by your version of
pm-utils by ssh-ing into your server and running:

pm-suspend --help

That will give you a list of the supported quirks...which on my server


  ~# pm-suspend --help
  pm-suspend [options]
  Options can change how suspend or hibernate is done.
  Video quirk handler options:

Determining which quirk your system might need is largely a matter of
trial and error.  Unfortunately, the on-line documentation for
pm-suspend quirks disappeared a couple of years ago when suffered a server crash.  They've never restored the
page.  I managed to dredge up a google cached version of that page and
I've included it in SrvrPowerCtrl's help pages.

Again...all this assumes that you're running some linux distro.  If
you're running windows or if your server is a mac...then nothing I've
said applies...and I don't have a good idea as to why your server won't
resume.  But with both windows and OSX there are system logs you can
take a look at which might shed light on the situation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] itunes half-stars

2011-04-20 Thread ajmitchell

ok I have reinstalled everything including the latest itunes and latest
SC and latest itunesupdater. 

When I select half stars, they ARE shown on the player and the duet
remote. But they do not appear in itunes itself. Only the nearest whole
star is reported. Under itunesupdater the option for half stars is ON.

Please help if you can




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] itunes half-stars

2011-04-20 Thread ajmitchell

Well I found the solution after googling. Apparently v10 of itunes has a
nasty habit of defaulting back to full stars. 

In order to restore half stars and functionality of itunesupdater you
need to do the following modification to the iTunesPrefs.xml file (I
recommend you make a back up of this first):

1. Make sure you are closed out of the iTunes application.

2. Navigate to your iTunesPrefs.xml file. ItÂ’s normally located in one
of the locations below.

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple
Computer\iTunes in Windows XP


C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes in Vista and
Windows 7.

3. Open the file using a text editor such as Notepad or Wordpad.

4. Scroll down to where is says:

User Preferences

5. Immediately below that line, type the following:



6. Close and save the iTunesPrefs.xml file.

Now, the next time you open iTunes, you should be able to give songs a
rating using half-stars. The new half-star rating system is even
compatible with any iPod devices you sync up with.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-04-20 Thread Owen Smith

VirusKiller;626669 Wrote: 
> Yep, that was it. Glad it wasn't just me. Shame on the Beeb though...

I get bursts of high volume (at least double), either temporary or
sometimes long lived. Sometimes this is also accompanied by horrible
motorboat engine type garbling of the audio. When this happens I sigh
and switch back to FM (or DAB for Radio 3 since it has a higher DAB bit

Owen Smith

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-20 Thread Bryan Jan

pippin;626593 Wrote: 
> Settings->Advanced->Squeezebox Information...
> It's exact position may change depending on the actual server version,
> it's a server provided menu.
> If you are just after the server IP,that's also being shown if you
> press the blue ">" on the server in the MultiPlayer screen.

Thanks Pippin, yes this is where it used to be.  However, now under the
Settings-->Advance there is no Squeezebox Information. no Squeezecentre

Is it some settings I screwed up in the server side?

Bryan Jan

SB Touch+EMM Labs DAC2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-04-20 Thread vagskal

When switching between cover wall and list album view each view will
independently remember where it was in the album list. I was just about
to ask you for a change in this behaviour since I find myself constantly
switching from cover wall to list view and back trying to see all three
lines of text displayed in the list view (which is not working because
the list view shows another set of albums than the cover wall). I then
remembered that I actually had found it convenient to be able to browse
my very long all album list from two places at once by switching view
(if you understand what I mean). 

In hope that you might find these arguments reasonable I dare repeat my
request to have all three text lines shown also in cover wall view.
Maybe it is possible to show three lines only when you consider the
cover art to be big enough to carry the extra info for each album.
(Since you are able to scale multiple images at once like magic I hope
the text can be "scaled" as well.) In some of my Custom Browse menus
the omitted third line shows the album artist and I do miss the ability
to see the artist name when using the cover wall view.


2 x SB3 (wired), Receiver (wired), Boom (wireless), Controller, iPeng on
iPhone 4 & iPad, muso on remote computer running Win 7 64-bit | 7.5.4 on
Win XP

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