Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] scrobbling from LMS with no Internet

2021-08-07 Thread Paul Webster

I don’t think the RPi will get the date/time from the Android phone
without some sort of helper.

However, adding a battery backed up RTC to the RPi is relatively cheap
and very easy (unless it is competing for GPIO pins).

Might need some work to have it running on pCP.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, supla
finland, abc australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread philippe_44

oshcar wrote: 
> there is a change i made recently that i would like your opinion on
> i have the picore on one pi installation -- lms and squeeze on same pi
> i had slow response performance from the LMS gui 
> i looked at the boot codes and swap to disc / card was disabled
> i enabled that -- thinking it might benefit lms and i assumed squeeze
> would still write to ram
> after that LMS gui ran much better and i thought i noticed a sound
> improvement
> possible ?

I’m not the maintainer of picore but in general enabling swap is not
going to speed up a system. It might be necessary to make it work, but
by definition you enable ram to be swapped out and in which is a slower
process that if you have everything in ram (see caveat below).

Now, these are complex systems and I can’t talk why the UI seems more
responsive to you, there could have been many reasons like some other
processes not running any more or some processes would be able to
allocate more memory and that would be a better option to have system
swap rather than developer-implemented handling of low memory /
allocation failures. 

Now, squeezelite allocates buffers and if allocation fails, squeezelite
will carp. It will not run with degraded performances, it will crash. 
The only case where you might have audio issues resulting of cpu
overload is when the rate of sample sent to the DAC is less than
realtime. But we are not talking anymore about sound quality.

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

2 new log files
1= locked at 24bit --- produces sound
1=locked at 16bit  produces no sound
look very similar to me -- just that first buffer is smaller with the 16
which i think makes sense
but 24 bit works
16 bit doesnt work

/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n piCorePlayer -o hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a
80:4:24:1: -p 45 -d output=info -f /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log 
[20:26:55.915909] output_init_alsa:933 init output
[20:26:55.916481] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 80
alsa_period: 4 format: 24 mmap: 1
[20:26:55.933240] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 192000 176400
96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 16000 8000 
[20:26:55.970199] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
[20:26:55.970463] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
[20:26:55.971762] output_thread:682 open output device:
[20:26:55.971968] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
[20:26:55.975293] alsa_open:422 opened device hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry
using format: S24_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
[20:26:55.975713] alsa_open:513 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size:
3528 period size: 882
[20:26:56.025586] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
[20:28:49.086917] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
[20:28:49.397440] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 71424
[20:28:49.397656] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 44100
replay_gain: 0
[20:31:58.889989] output_close_alsa:1030 close output

/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n piCorePlayer -o hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a
80:4:16:1: -p 45 -d output=info -f /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log 
[20:32:00.866069] output_init_alsa:933 init output
[20:32:00.866639] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 80
alsa_period: 4 format: 16 mmap: 1
[20:32:00.883348] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 192000 176400
96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 16000 8000 
[20:32:00.920607] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
[20:32:00.920873] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
[20:32:00.922112] output_thread:682 open output device:
[20:32:00.922308] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
[20:32:00.925605] alsa_open:422 opened device hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry
using format: S16_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
[20:32:00.926021] alsa_open:513 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size:
3528 period size: 882
[20:32:00.974201] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
[20:32:00.976886] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
[20:32:27.932498] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
[20:32:28.227368] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 56448
[20:32:28.227581] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 44100
replay_gain: 0

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

there is a change i made recently that i would like your opinion on
i have the picore on one pi installation -- lms and squeeze on same pi
i had slow response performance from the LMS gui 
i looked at the boot codes and swap to disc / card was disabled
i enabled that -- thinking it might benefit lms and i assumed squeeze
would still write to ram
after that LMS gui ran much better and i thought i noticed a sound
possible ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I'm going to give you my honest "scientific" response. I have a
> specialization in digital signal processing and information theory
> (grade 12 + 5 years) and 25+ years experience in software development
> and implementation. I'm not bragging or trying to use the "argument of
> authority" because the world is full of people much more knowledgeable
> and intelligent than me, I just want to point out that I take my
> recommendation from a mathematical + theory + experience background.
> So, any scientific response always wants to keep and open mind because
> it's a trial and error progress, but we have to think in term of
> probability and plausibility. If you ask me can I be hit by a meteorite,
> the answer is yes but it is *very* unlikely. If you ask me if the earth
> is flat or if the world was created 6000 years ago, the answer is no,
> period and here there no question of "opening my mind". If you ask me
> can a chip sound different depending on how the data is sent, the answer
> is very (very, very) likely no, unless there is something totally broken
> in the design. 
> And we always try to think about level of impact / importance / risk
> factor. There are so many more important reasons with effect orders of
> magnitude (10^n) more visible. Can CPU activity, network activity have
> an influence? Yes. When we do RF designs where we look at insane level
> of sensitivity (where we have 160dB of coupling loss for commercial
> products, so receiving 10^-17 watts), yes you can be sure that the
> memory bus layout to the main processor and every track can matter but
> even there the progress of chipsets integration and noise immunity has
> been amazing in the past 20+ years. When we do simple audio design, oh
> well, again, it is very very unlikely that there is any impact, unless
> again, the design is totally broken and that's going to blow up in your
> face immediately and all the time. Changing the CPU activity is just
> levels of magnitude less impactful, if any.
> I'm not interested in flame wars and discussion on "bits are not bits"
> for the reason I described above, with, but because you candidly asked
> I'm giving you my honest view.

thank you 
i appreciate that
i`m just going to make sure i have this running properly
maybe these logs will make me more confident or something and my head
will clear from any biases
what about these buffer sizes ?
lots of wild claims about those out there
i dont think i hear much, if any,  difference there

for someone with a pcm chip that wants the process as clean as can be,
not interested in volume control, equalizers, sox resampling -- any
advice you can give me on these settings would be appreciated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Have you any links to claims that padding 16 bit to 24 bit changes the
> sound?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

i was just looking for them --- i read them a couple years ago - after i
thought i noticed differences. havent found any yet, but was just
reading this in my search
i also found many threads like this, both a couple years ago during my
first shot at picore and recently after moving back

i dont want to search for this stuff and it is not my intention to
i am just wondering if there is something i can do to make squeeze more
to my liking or find out if i am doing something wrong

it is possible it sounds exactly like my rune set up and its all in my
head. i no longer have 2 identical players so an A/B not possible at the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread philippe_44

oshcar wrote: 
> ok
> serious questions - not playing games
> are there differing opinions on this ? -- a couple years ago in a
> previous software setup i experimented with i think an alsa setting
> which i thought just padded right before sending to dac. i have no idea
> what it was actually doing. with identical players in an A/B i thought
> there were noticeable differences. i`m not sure of the whole process --
> what you are describing here could be completely different from what i
> was doing. i try my hardest to not to be an audiofool - i give the
> benefit of the doubt to the scientist, but many others have also claimed
> audible differences with padding the bit length. the dac chips accept
> data in a few different ways i remember reading ( Correct me if i am
> wrong ) is it possible for a chip to sound different depending on how
> the data is sent ? if a computer program ran a set of data through some
> unnecessary processes, on purpose, but the data arrived at the dac
> unchanged -- is it possible to have a different sound ?
> would you say squeeze has a distinct sound ? if so, what would you
> attribute that too ?

I'm going to give you my honest "scientific" response. I have a
specialization in digital signal processing and information theory
(grade 12 + 5 years) and 25+ years experience in software development
and implementation. I'm not bragging or trying to use the "argument of
authority" because the world is full of people much more knowledgeable
and intelligent than me, I just want to point out that I take my
recommendation from a mathematical + theory + experience background.

So, any scientific response always wants to keep and open mind because
it's a trial and error progress, but we have to think in term of
probability and plausibility. If you ask me can I be hit by a meteorite,
the answer is yes but it is *very* unlikely. If you ask me if the earth
is flat or if the world was created 6000 years ago, the answer is no,
period and here there no question of "opening my mind". If you ask me
can a chip sound different depending on how the data is sent, the answer
is very (very, very) likely no, unless there is something totally broken
in the design. 

And we always try to think about level of impact / importance / risk
factor. There are so many more important reasons with effect orders of
magnitude (10^n) more visible. Can CPU activity, network activity have
an influence? Yes. When we do RF designs where we look at insane level
of sensitivity (where we have 160dB of coupling loss for commercial
products, so receiving 10^-17 watts), yes you can be sure that the
memory bus layout to the main processor and every track can matter but
even there the progress of chipsets integration and noise immunity has
been amazing in the past 20+ years. When we do simple audio design, oh
well, again, it is very very unlikely that there is any impact, unless
again, the design is totally broken and that's going to blow up in your
face immediately and all the time. Changing the CPU activity is just
levels of magnitude less impactful, if any.

I'm not interested in flame wars and discussion on "bits are not bits"
for the reason I described above, with, but because you candidly asked
I'm giving you my honest view.

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] scrobbling from LMS with no Internet

2021-08-07 Thread AndyTwizzle

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Also … with the Pu connected to the phone … where the phone is acting as
> WAP … then it should be possible to get the time by running the
> script … 
> So maybe a background script that checks every few minutes to see if the
> current date is less than 2021 then try to get the time if internet is
> up … then exits.
Have played a few tracks this evening with the Pi disconnected from
Wi-Fi and set as the WAP, and confirmed that Playlog plugin shows no
history of the tracks played - presume this also means the
plugin won't store up any Scrobbles.  Odd to think the Raspberry Pi has
no internal clock on the motherboard like PCs do - guess it's a space
saving measure to avoid needing to put a battery on the board.

Will experiment tomorrow to see if I can make the phone a WAP and tether
the Pi to that.  What would happen in the "cruise ship" scenario, where
the Android phone isn't connect to any mobile data or Wi-Fi network -
would there be anything for the Pi to actually tether to on the



- Synology D218+ running LMS 8.1.1 in Docker container
- 1 x Squeezebox Touch, 2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 x Squeezebox
  Receiver, Squeeze Player & Squeeze Ctrl apps on Galaxy Tab S5e &
  Galaxy A40
- Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB (with 7" Touchscreen in case & Flirc USB IR
  dongle) & Pi 4B 8GB in Flirc case, both running piCorePlayer 8.0.0 &
  LMS 8.1.1, connecting over Wi-fi to DS218+, or LMS library copy on 2TB
  USB hard drive plugged into Pi when no Wi-fi available
- LMS library of ALAC, ACC/M4A and MP3 files

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread slartibartfast

oshcar wrote: 
> ok
> serious questions - not playing games
> are there differing opinions on this ? -- a couple years ago in a
> previous software setup i experimented with i think an alsa setting
> which i thought just padded right before sending to dac. i have no idea
> what it was actually doing. with identical players in an A/B i thought
> there were noticeable differences. i`m not sure of the whole process --
> what you are describing here could be completely different from what i
> was doing. i try my hardest to not to be an audiofool - i give the
> benefit of the doubt to the scientist, but many others have also claimed
> audible differences with padding the bit length. the dac chips accept
> data in a few different ways i remember reading ( Correct me if i am
> wrong ) is it possible for a chip to sound different depending on how
> the data is sent ? if a computer program ran a set of data through some
> unnecessary processes, on purpose, but the data arrived at the dac
> unchanged -- is it possible to have a different sound ?
> would you say squeeze has a distinct sound ? if so, what would you
> attribute that too ?

Have you any links to claims that padding 16 bit to 24 bit changes the

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

so i ran this generic 5102 again with the format locked at 16 bit ---
still no sound -- but log appears different :

/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n piCorePlayer -o hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a
80:4:16:1: -p 45 -d output=info -f /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log 
[17:56:52.176958] output_init_alsa:933 init output
[17:56:52.177525] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 80
alsa_period: 4 format: 16 mmap: 1
[17:56:52.194860] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 192000 176400
96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 16000 8000 
[17:56:52.231846] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
[17:56:52.232108] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
[17:56:52.233358] output_thread:682 open output device:
[17:56:52.233665] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
[17:56:52.236813] alsa_open:422 opened device hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry
using format: S16_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
[17:56:52.237229] alsa_open:513 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size:
3528 period size: 882
[17:56:52.282637] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
[17:56:52.286906] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
[18:01:11.588147] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
[18:01:11.899281] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 97920
[18:01:11.899503] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 44100
replay_gain: 0

also found the "logs" tab -- big progress today

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

philippe_44 wrote: 
> As a result of decoding, flac returns 32 bits samples but tells you what
> the length of samples is (see So
> when it returns this array of 32 bits samples, they are right justified
> (i.e. if these are 8 bits samples, the first 24+1 bits from the left are
> 0 for a positive integer and 1 for a negative as it's 2's complement).
> If you look at what squeezelite does, we re-align these samples to the
> left in the internal buffer and then they are sent to the DAC/mixer with
> potentially re-alignement / truncation depending what the DAC supports.
> In other words, these left-justified 32 bits buffers can be truncated to
> 16 bits integers and then send to the DAC/mixer if it has been
> configured to accept 16 bits.
> But again, padding does not matter. A DAC configured to receive 32 bits
> and getting 16 bits data in a 32 bits word, left-justified and with 16
> trailing 0, will produce the same result as it if was configured to
> receive 16 bits and would actually receive the same 16 bits samples as
> before.


serious questions - not playing games

are there differing opinions on this ? -- a couple years ago in a
previous software setup i experimented with i think an alsa setting
which i thought just padded right before sending to dac. i have no idea
what it was actually doing. with identical players in an A/B i thought
there were noticeable differences. i`m not sure of the whole process --
what you are describing here could be completely different from what i
was doing. i try my hardest to not to be an audiofool - i give the
benefit of the doubt to the scientist, but many others have also claimed
audible differences with padding the bit length. the dac chips accept
data in a few different ways i remember reading ( Correct me if i am
wrong ) is it possible for a chip to sound different depending on how
the data is sent ? if a computer program ran a set of data through some
unnecessary processes, on purpose, but the data arrived at the dac
unchanged -- is it possible to have a different sound ?

would you say squeeze has a distinct sound ? if so, what would you
attribute that too ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread philippe_44

oshcar wrote: 
> are you saying that with flac there is actually no padding going on ?
> that 32 bit is how it streams in ( for lack of better description ) ?
> how does wav return samples ?
> how come i never see 16bit unless i force it ?

As a result of decoding, flac returns 32 bits samples but tells you what
the length of samples is (see So
when it returns this array of 32 bits samples, they are right justified
(i.e. if these are 8 bits samples, he first 24+1 bits from the left are
0 for a positive integer and 1 for a negative as it's 2's complement).
If you look at what squeezelite does, we re-align these samples to the
left in the internal buffer and then they are sent to the DAC/mixer with
potentially re-alignement / truncation depending what the DAC supports.
In other words, these left-justified 32 bits buffers can be truncated to
16 bits integers and then send to the DAC/mixer if it has been
configured to accept 16 bits.

But again, padding does not matter. A DAC configured to receive 32 bits
and getting 16 bits data in a 32 bits word, left-justified and with 16
trailing 0, will produce the same result as it if was configured to
receive 16 bits and would actually receive the same 16 bits samples as

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

ok slart and paul

think i`m making some progress

appreciate the help

have to take about 30 min off -- have 10 cats and dogs to feed

but will be back

need to review last couple posts again but hopefully i will be able to
play something then stop - check a log and see exactly what it sent to
dac ?

ssh seems easier -- is log like that available through ssh ?

the diagnostic page is info overload

also dont know if it matters but i`m probably the only person using a pi
A+ -- could that be an issue ?

my experiences dont line up with what i read from other people

sox upsampling, for example, seems horrible to me

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2021-08-07 Thread Aaron451

thanks for the simple instructions. I was able to get it all up and
running immediately.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread slartibartfast

oshcar wrote: 
> i have that done -- not sure what i`m supposed to be looking at
> also is it dynamic -- if i make changes it keeps updating ?

You need to update it manually by clicking "show". This is my log.


/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n piCorePlayer -o hw:CARD=E30,DEV=0 -a 80:4::1: 
-d output=info -f /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log -D 0:u32be -v 
  [20:02:09.272640] output_init_alsa:933 init output
  [20:02:09.272860] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 80 alsa_period: 
4 format: any mmap: 1
  [20:02:09.281713] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 768000 705600 
384000 352800 192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 
  [20:02:09.310762] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
  [20:02:09.310902] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
  [20:02:09.311469] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:CARD=E30,DEV=0
  [20:02:09.311536] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
  [20:02:09.312832] alsa_open:422 opened device hw:CARD=E30,DEV=0 using format: 
S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
  [20:02:09.312971] alsa_open:513 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size: 3528 
period size: 882
  [20:02:09.319737] output_vis_init:162 opened visulizer shared memory as 
  [20:02:09.340482] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [20:02:09.340838] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [20:03:27.988780] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [20:03:38.864892] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 12288
  [20:03:38.865020] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 44100 
replay_gain: 48640

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread paul-

Stop the squeezelite instance running from within pCP.   Press stop
button on the “Main” page of the web interface.

Then try again

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

paul- wrote: 
> Just enter this on your ssh sesstion
> > 

  >   > 
  > sudo /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n "piCorePlayer" -o 
hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a 80:4:16:1: -d output=debug

> > 

sudo /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n "piCorePlayer" -o hw:CARD=sndrpihif
iberry -a 80:4:16:1: -d output=debug
[15:22:55.789661] output_init_alsa:933 init output
[15:22:55.792267] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 80
alsa_period: 4 format: 16 mmap: 1
[15:22:55.795118] output_init_common:360 outputbuf size: 3528000
[15:22:55.797674] output_init_common:384 idle timeout: 0
[15:22:55.818639] ALSA snd_pcm_hw_open:1715 open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p'
failed (-16)
[15:22:55.820616] test_open:281 playback open error: Device or resource
[15:22:55.821764] output_init_common:401 unable to open output device:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread paul-

Just enter this on your ssh sesstion


  sudo /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n "piCorePlayer" -o hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry 
-a 80:4:16:1: -d output=debug

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

paul- wrote: 
> What is your full squeezelite commandline?  You can see it if you expand
> the "more>" tag at the bottom of the squeezelite page.
> If you are experimenting, the best thing is to run squeezelite from an
> ssh session  (Manually typing the commandline)   Make sure to stop
> squeezelite in the pCP interface first, as only one can be using the
> hardware at the same time.
> Run squeezelite with "sudo"

not sure i have the chops for this
shut down squeeze in the picore gui
connected via ssh
found some command line documentation
but nothing clear for the lay person

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread paul-

The Generic pCM5102a codec driver plays fine locked at 16 bit


  tc@piRate:~$ sudo /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n "piRateAudio" -o 
hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -a 80:4:16:1: -v -d output=debug
  [13:58:52.964199] output_init_alsa:933 init output
  [13:58:52.966520] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 80 alsa_period: 
4 format: 16 mmap: 1
  [13:58:52.970462] output_init_common:360 outputbuf size: 3528000
  [13:58:52.974155] output_init_common:384 idle timeout: 0
  [13:58:52.990370] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 192000 176400 96000 
88200 48000 44100 32000 16000 8000
  [13:58:53.028404] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
  [13:58:53.030515] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
  [13:58:53.035372] output_thread:682 open output device: 
  [13:58:53.035553] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
  [13:58:53.037863] alsa_open:422 opened device hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry using 
format: S16_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
  [13:58:53.038174] alsa_open:513 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size: 3528 
period size: 882
  [13:58:53.045032] output_init_alsa:1025 set output sched fifo rt: 45
  [13:58:53.049131] output_vis_init:162 opened visulizer shared memory as 
  [13:58:53.162577] set_volume:233 setting internal gain left: 20992 right: 
  [13:58:53.163059] set_volume:233 setting internal gain left: 20992 right: 
  [13:58:53.659033] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 7168
  [13:58:53.659222] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 44100 
replay_gain: 0

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

slartibartfast wrote: 
> You can set logging in squeezelite settings. Choose output=info from the
> drop down list then click "save". To view the log 
> Main page/Diagnostics/Logs
> select squeezelite from the drop down list.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

i have that done -- not sure what i`m supposed to be looking at

also is it dynamic -- if i make changes it keeps updating ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

bpa wrote: 
> Your last two posts are minimal - don't understand,
> You need to get logging working.
> If your command lines parameters are wrong - squeezelite may not show an
> error, may not stop and you may not get sound.
> Logging will show where you are going wrong.
> PCP is being used by many people who are fussy with their audio - IIRC
> this 16 bit issue has not come up so I suspect you are chasing an idea
> but not actually a problem.
> I'm now going offline for most of the evening.
> Go back to basics, 
> 1. get audio from standard setup
> 2. get squeezelite logging working (I think PCP has its own way to save
> these logs)
> 3. Understand what output devices can provide audio and get plughw and
> hw both working.
> 4. Start experimenting with the "-a" command line with the "hw" device
> and look at squeezelite log each with each test setting.

thx for all the effort / info

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread slartibartfast

You can set logging in squeezelite settings. Choose output=info from the
drop down list then click "save". To view the log 
Main page/Diagnostics/Logs
select squeezelite from the drop down list.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n "piCorePlayer" -o hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry
-a 80:4:16:1: -p 45

still wont play

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

thats what it is now --- playing
let me go back to f=16
give me a few sec

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

Your last two posts are minimal - don't understand,

You need to get logging working.
If your command lines parameters are wrong - squeezelite may not show an
error, may not stop and you may not get sound.

Logging will show where you are going wrong.

PCP is being used by many people who are fussy with their audio - IIRC
this 16 bit issue has not come up so I suspect you are chasing an idea
but not actually a problem.

I'm now going offline for most of the evening.

Go back to basics, 
1. get audio from standard setup
2. get squeezelite logging working (I think PCP has its own way to save
these logs)
3. Understand what output devices can provide audio and get plughw and
hw both working.
4. Start experimenting with the "-a" command line with the "hw" device
and look at squeezelite log each with each test setting.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread paul-

What is your full squeezelite commandline?  You can see it if you expand
the "more>" tag at the bottom of the squeezelite page.

If you are experimenting, the best thing is to run squeezelite from an
ssh session  (Manually typing the commandline)   Make sure to stop
squeezelite in the pCP interface first, as only one can be using the
hardware at the same time.

Run squeezelite with "sudo"

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

yep with the generic 5102 and 16 in that f field = no sound
happened with rune also

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-08-07 Thread philchillbill

The landing pages for the *easy-setup* configurator and the manual*
account-linking* have been migrated from CoreUI to native Bootstrap 5
libraries and have a new look-and-feel (with better responsiveness as a

Please advise of any issues.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

the dac doesnt support 24 or hw in general doesnt support 24 ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

oshcar wrote: 
> well after your last comment about cat not really showing you what is
> going on -- i`m not sure
> but
> ALSA f =16

This doesn;t seem right.
I'd expect forcing a format is done from the squeezelite command line
using the "-a"  - the alternative might be changing the alsa
configuration for the device (or creating a new ALSA device with 16 bit

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ppc LMS does not scan

2021-08-07 Thread Mercenary

It is this thing:
Compal CH7465LG

And maybe it is not an issue once you have full control but I think most
functionality is turned off by the ISP.

Now that everything is running I will most likely have it set to bridge
mode to avoid clashes with multiple DHCPs etc...

3 * Boom, 1 * Radio, 1 * Touch, 1 SB Classic, 2 SB Duet, 1pi with
picoreplayer, server and music on Synology DS718+
library ~50.000 titles

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

i will reboot into generic 5102 and see what happens

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

Example of trying to force 24 input on a DAC using "hw" which does not
support 24 

Squeezelite can't open the device each time it tries, but it keep trying
and doesn't stop - no indication of error.  Logging is necessary.


  $ ./alsacap -d hw:system,0
  *** Exploring configuration space of device `hw:system,0' for playback ***
  1..2 channels
  Sampling rate 6400..48000 Hz
  Sample formats: S16_LE
  Significant bits: 16
  $ ./squeezelite -a ::24: -d all=info  -o hw:system,0 
  [18:09:08.817367] stream_init:454 init stream
  [18:09:08.821199] output_init_alsa:933 init output
  [18:09:08.821220] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 
4 format: 24 mmap: 1
  [18:09:08.824210] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 48000 44100 32000 
24000 22500 16000 12000 11025 8000 
  [18:09:08.826790] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
  [18:09:08.826802] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
  [18:09:08.826870] decode_init:153 init decode
  [18:09:08.826885] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:system,0
  [18:09:08.826917] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
  [18:09:08.826917] register_dsd:908 using dsd to decode dsf,dff
  [18:09:08.826933] register_alac:549 using alac to decode alc
  [18:09:08.826941] register_faad:663 using faad to decode aac
  [18:09:08.826946] register_vorbis:385 using vorbis to decode ogg
  [18:09:08.826951] register_opus:329 using opus to decode ops
  [18:09:08.826957] register_flac:332 using flac to decode ogf,flc
  [18:09:08.826963] register_pcm:483 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
  [18:09:08.826968] register_mad:423 using mad to decode mp3
  [18:09:08.827043] discover_server:795 sending discovery
  [18:09:08.827184] discover_server:806 got response from:
  [18:09:08.827957] alsa_open:427 unable to open audio device requested format: 
  [18:09:08.827986] slimproto:898 connecting to
  [18:09:08.828044] slimproto:937 connected
  [18:09:08.828054] slimproto:948 local player
  [18:09:08.828058] sendHELO:148 mac: 74:da:38:a6:39:77
  [18:09:08.828063] sendHELO:150 cap: 
  [18:09:08.828594] decode_flush:236 decode flush
  [18:09:08.828604] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [18:09:13.828086] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:system,0
  [18:09:13.828273] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
  [18:09:13.831816] alsa_open:427 unable to open audio device requested format: 
  [18:09:18.831975] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:system,0
  [18:09:18.832169] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
  [18:09:18.835703] alsa_open:427 unable to open audio device requested format: 
  [18:09:22.738994] slimproto_stop:977 slimproto stop
  [18:09:22.839230] decode_close:221 close decode
  [18:09:22.843213] stream_close:508 close stream
  [18:09:22.937246] output_close_alsa:1030 close output

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

bpa wrote: 
> How are you forcing 16 bit ?

well after your last comment about cat not really showing you what is
going on -- i`m not sure
ALSA f =16

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

oshcar wrote: 
> but the 5102 drivers for the various pi dacs never work for me on any
> software i have tried when i try to force 16bit -- no sound

How are you forcing 16 bit ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

but the 5102 drivers for the various pi dacs never work for me on any
software i have tried when i try to force 16bit -- no sound

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

i dont think that 5102 does 16 bit

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

oshcar wrote: 
> "Interesting next log - as it show something I didn't expect.
> Same device, similar test (2nd stream is 44.1Khz) only this time using
> the "hw" - device is opened with S16_LE but re-oppend with S32_LE later.
> I'm not sure why squeezelite has changed device but shows you need to
> enable lgging to knwo what is going on."
> what are the implications of this ?

I found out Pulseaudio was holding "native" driver and when I stopped
and got access to Audio,0 - things were more expected. AFAIK -
underlying chip is a 5102 also. Interesting this time sample size format

Repeat of 1st test - squeezelite opens at 44.1Khz (default value) but
when I play a 48Khz - it reopens at 48Khz.


  $ ./alsacap -d hw:Audio,0
  *** Exploring configuration space of device `hw:Audio,0' for playback ***
  2 channels
  Sampling rate 32000..96000 Hz
  Sample formats: S16_LE, S24_3LE
  $ ./squeezelite -o hw:Audio,0 -d output=info
  [17:32:29.074970] output_init_alsa:933 init output
  [17:32:29.075029] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 
4 format: any mmap: 1
  [17:32:29.078434] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 96000 48000 44100 
  [17:32:29.081343] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
  [17:32:29.081358] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
  [17:32:29.081460] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:Audio,0
  [17:32:29.081499] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
  [17:32:29.082657] alsa_open:422 opened device hw:Audio,0 using format: 
S24_3LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
  [17:32:29.082686] alsa_open:513 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 
period size: 441
  [17:32:29.086060] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [17:34:41.484509] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [17:34:42.817065] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 12288
  [17:34:42.817150] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 48000 
replay_gain: 0
  [17:34:42.827251] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:Audio,0
  [17:34:42.827827] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 48000
  ][17:34:42.828729] alsa_open:422 opened device hw:Audio,0 using format: 
S24_3LE sample rate: 48000 mmap: 1
  [17:34:42.828749] alsa_open:513 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1920 
period size: 480
  [17:34:48.474701] output_flush:445 flush output buffer

oshcar wrote: 
> i can never get this logging to work
> i will put some effort into it today
> thx for this
> i will look through it and see if i can get these logs working

Get logs working or you'll never be certain what's is going on.
What OS are you using ? PCP, Ubuntu, raspbian, ???

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

"Interesting next log - as it show something I didn't expect.
Same device, similar test (2nd stream is 44.1Khz) only this time using
the "hw" - device is opened with S16_LE but re-oppend with S32_LE later.
I'm not sure why squeezelite has changed device but shows you need to
enable lgging to knwo what is going on."

what are the implications of this ?

i can never get this logging to work
i will put some effort into it today
thx for this
i will look through it and see if i can get these logs working

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

oshcar wrote: 
> ok bpa
> "Give specific exaplanations of the test "i never get 16bit output
> unless i force with f=16 ( Rpi driver ) " so thatit can be understood."
> just booted up with Rpi driver -- hw:sendrpi output setting
> everything else default
> ALSA setting 80 4 _ 1 _
> dont know if this qualifies as a test or not -- just playing a redbook
> cd flac file
> cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
> format: S24_LE
> subformat: STD
> channels: 2
> rate: 44100 (44100/1)
> period_size: 882
> buffer_size: 3528
> maybe ALSA is set to send highest format dac handle ?
"cat" is not really a test. I think this is showing the defautl value.

Use the logging value " -d output=info"  and when squeezelite
opens/reopens the output device, you'll see actual values.
test below using a DAC called "Audio" - alscap shows different
capabilities between "plughw" and "hw"


  $ ./alsacap -d plughw:Audio,1
  *** Exploring configuration space of device `plughw:Audio,1' for playback ***
  1..1 channels
  Sampling rate 4000..4294967295 Hz
  Sample formats: S8, U8, S16_LE, S16_BE, U16_LE, U16_BE, S24_LE, S24_BE, 
U24_LE, U24_BE, S32_LE, S32_BE, U32_LE, U32_BE, FLOAT_LE, FLOAT_BE, FLOAT64_LE, 
FLOAT64_BE, MU_LAW, A_LAW, IMA_ADPCM, S20_LE, S20_BE, U20_LE, U20_BE, S24_3LE, 
S24_3BE, U24_3LE, U24_3BE, S20_3LE, S20_3BE, U20_3LE, U20_3BE, S18_3LE, 
S18_3BE, U18_3LE, U18_3BE
  $ ./alsacap -d hw:Audio,1
  *** Exploring configuration space of device `hw:Audio,1' for playback ***
  2 channels
  Sampling rate 48000 Hz
  Sample formats: S16_LE
  Significant bits: 16

For example, the ALSA device is opened with 44.1kHz when with nothing
When I started to play a 48Khz stream - it re-opens with 48Khz setting.

The input stream is a 16bit 2 chan - so Squeezelite has opend DAC with
S32LE by padding out with zeroes as "plughw" supports it


  ./squeezelite -o plughw:Audio,1 -d output=info
  16:58:12.376066] output_init_alsa:933 init output
  [16:58:12.376125] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 
4 format: any mmap: 1
  [16:58:12.380868] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 768000 705600 
384000 352800 192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22500 16000 
12000 11025 8000 
  [16:58:12.384153] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
  [16:58:12.384168] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
  [16:58:12.384277] output_thread:682 open output device: plughw:Audio,1
  [16:58:12.384320] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100
  [16:58:12.385562] alsa_open:422 opened device plughw:Audio,1 using format: 
S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
  [16:58:12.385630] alsa_open:513 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 
period size: 441
  [16:58:12.387386] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [16:58:53.032739] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [16:58:54.235678] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 45056
  [16:58:54.235731] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 48000 
replay_gain: 0
  [16:58:54.245809] output_thread:682 open output device: plughw:Audio,1
  [16:58:54.246511] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 48000
  [16:58:54.247705] alsa_open:422 opened device plughw:Audio,1 using format: 
S32_LE sample rate: 48000 mmap: 1
  [16:58:54.247773] alsa_open:513 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1920 
period size: 480
  [16:59:02.475188] output_flush:445 flush output buffer

Interesting next log - as it show something I didn't expect.
Same device, similar test (2nd stream is 44.1Khz) only this time using
the "hw" - device is opened with S16_LE but re-oppend with S32_LE later.
I'm not sure why squeezelite has changed device but shows you need to
enable lgging to knwo what is going on.


  ./squeezelite -o hw:Audio,1  -d output=info
  [17:08:40.205122] output_init_alsa:933 init output
  [17:08:40.205170] output_init_alsa:973 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 
4 format: any mmap: 1
  [17:08:40.207744] output_init_common:432 supported rates: 48000 
  [17:08:40.209907] output_init_alsa:999 memory locked
  [17:08:40.209918] output_init_alsa:1005 glibc detected using mallopt
  [17:08:40.210011] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:Audio,1
  [17:08:40.210045] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 48000
  [17:08:40.211020] alsa_open:422 opened device hw:Audio,1 using format: S16_LE 
sample rate: 48000 mmap: 1
  [17:08:40.211041] alsa_open:513 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1920 
period size: 480
  [17:08:40.216404] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [17:09:20.976643] output_flush:445 flush output buffer
  [17:09:22.761033] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 69743
  [17:09:22.761118] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 44100 
replay_gain: 0
  [17:09:22.771192] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:Audio,1
  [17:09:22.777322] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 44100

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

the Rpi driver i am pretty sure was made for a board that used pcm1794
which accepts 16 and 24 bit

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

i previously used rune but no deezer so here i am
pretty sure those came through as 16bit
i am well a where of tricks of the mind -- and have been fooled many
times revealed during an A/B
bit padding was not one of them

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

wav file 16bit source = same

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

ok bpa

"Give specific exaplanations of the test "i never get 16bit output
unless i force with f=16 ( Rpi driver ) " so thatit can be understood."

just booted up with Rpi driver -- hw:sendrpi output setting

everything else default

ALSA setting 80 4 _ 1 _

dont know if this qualifies as a test or not -- just playing a redbook
cd flac file

cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
format: S24_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 44100 (44100/1)
period_size: 882
buffer_size: 3528

maybe ALSA is set to send highest format dac handle ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread slartibartfast

oshcar wrote: 
> but the dac accepts 24bit so no LSB -- those extra zeroes are not
> dropped -- doesnt matter ?There is no information in the 8 LSBs so it makes 
> no difference if they
are dropped or not.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

slartibartfast wrote: 
> No since the padding bits are all zero.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

but the dac accepts 24bit so no LSB -- those extra zeroes are not
dropped -- doesnt matter ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

oshcar wrote: 
> quote "It doesn't but if you have to perform an operation on 16 bit
> sample (e.g. gain for volume adjust) and then any 16 bit operations
> usually ends up with a 32 bit answer"
> i dont want to perform any software operations
> so why do i have to pad to 32 bit ?
In case operations have to be performed on the data (e.g. depends on
ALSA device and devices setup). ALSA is the API you are using to
communicate with the DAC. It is general purpose. It is a general system,
"you" don't pad - the ALSA subsystem pads input samples to 32 bit at the
start, it is most efficient as ALSA knows all data is in uniform format
and provide maximum accuracy.

> even if i set ALSA f at 16 to drop the LSB later on before sending to
> dac
ALSA will do whatever is necessary to send compatible audio sample to
DAC - if it is a 16 bit DAC ,it will make the samples 16 bit.

>  -- what do i do if playing a 24/96 file ? -- then i have to manually
> change f to 24 every time ?
>From Audio file format (e.g. Flac header) squeezelite will open ALSA
device with details of the format of the Audio sample (e.g. 24/96 2
chan,  16/48 1 chan etc.)
Assuming no resampling needed. ALSA will pad 24 bit to 32 bit internally
and when ready to output will send 16bit, 24 bit - whatever DAC can

> quote "Use ALSA "hw" devices and ALSA will not do any s/w conversions"
> it is my understanding that there is more to this driver setting -- for
> example generic 5102 = output setting hw:sendhifiberry -- something like
> that --- my understanding is that there is more in this driver placed
> there by hifiberry developer --- if you clear this field -- default
> values are used -- are you saying the default values are doing some kind
> of software calculations ?

"hw:sendhifiberry" is the device designation. If you do not specify it
the default device will be used. If there is more than one audio device,
it may not be the sndhifiberry".  The defautl device ios
usuall"default:" or "sysdefault:" which may be mapped onto "plughw" or
another ALSA device .  Use alsacap to show the capabilities difference
between devices.

Usually h/w supplier develops the driver to interface with ALSA.  There
is still a lot more within ALSA which user might want (e.g. 1 chan to 1
chan conversion, snoop, mix, resample) 

With regard to plughw vs hw devices.  With "plughw" ALSA make DACs more
compatible to input through software.  For example, if DAC only supports
44.1Khz - if you try to play a 48kHz file (e.g. using aplay) with the
"plughw" - ALSA will resample and then sent resampled 44.1Khz audio to
DAC.  If aplay uses the "hw" device - the "hw" device will fail to open
since sample rate is not supported.

> i have no desire to use sox
It will be used by LMS if required unless disable in which case
incompatible stream will not play.

> quote "So if you have a 16 bit input, use ALSA "hw" and have
> analogue/external volume control - then within ALSA 16 bit sample will
> be changed to 24 or 32bit by adding LSB zeroes in case there is
> processing and those zeroes will be removed when output to DAC - if
> there was no "processing", the 16 bit audio sample value will be
> unchanged from input."
> i am confused by this -- i never get 16bit output unless i force with
> f=16 ( Rpi driver ) -- this whole chain of events doesnt seem to be what
> is actually going on to me
> are you saying the 16bit input is being padded to 32bit by ALSA ( not
> squeeze code ) waiting to see if any processing happens ( by sox i
> assume ) then ALSA again drops LSB to match the value i put in ALSA
> setting f ?
Give specific exaplanations of the test  "i never get 16bit output
unless i force with f=16 ( Rpi driver ) " so thatit can be understood.

> whatever the case is above -- if i know that i wont be doing any
> software conversions --- why do i have to go through all this ? -- this
> goes back to my original post --- 16bit in = 16bit out , 24bit in =
> 24bit out[/quotye]
> Because you are using ALSA which is a general purpose Audio subsystem.
> It will not alter audio sample, if there is no need (i.e. mismatch in
> input and output device).
> > > > Also -- if i pad a 16bit input to 24bit and send that to a dac that
> > accepts 24bit -- have i increased the dynamic range ?> > 
> No. 32 bits are there for calculations/operations - it has not changed
> the input audio sample value.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ppc LMS does not scan

2021-08-07 Thread d6jg

Mercenary wrote: 
> Hi, 
> no. The pCP and the Synology were wired to the router and they are now
> to the old router.
> Music is playing :)

It sounds as if that new router had some sort of firewalling on the
internal network or it was just plain rubbish. I don’t think they are
sold here.

[B]Living Room* Joggler & Pi4/Khadas  -> Onkyo TXNR686 -> Celestion F20s

*Office* Joggler & Pi3 -> Denon RCD N8 -> Celestion F10s 
*Dining Room* SB Boom 
*Kitchen* UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* Pi Zero+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV) & Bathroom* SB Touch ->Denon AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s +
Kef ceiling speakers
*Guest Room* Joggler > Topping Amp -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
Everything controlled by iPeng & Material on iOS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

oshcar wrote: 
> are you saying that with flac there is actually no padding going on ?
> that 32 bit is how it streams in ( for lack of better description ) ?
> how does wav return samples ?
> how come i never see 16bit unless i force it ?

could some post a simple chain of events with a redbook cd flac file
running through squeeze, no sox, no software conversions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Padding 16 to 32 bits, if the source is 16 bits does not change dynamic.
> Now, there is a real benefit to use 32 bits integers as the internal
> representation when you chain calculations as you need a precision that
> using 16 bits interim results loses. If you take flac as an example, it
> always returns 32 bits samples. If you’re want to store decoded flac in
> 16 bits arrays, you need a truncation loop. 
> In addition, using 24 bits is a real problem for cpu. Integers are 8,
> 16, 32 or 64 bits but there is no such a thing as 24 bits representation
> and trying to “fake” one can complicate implementation a real lot. Hence
> we use 32 bits and truncate them to 24 bits at the very last stage.

are you saying that with flac there is actually no padding going on ?
that 32 bit is how it streams in ( for lack of better description ) ?

how does wav return samples ?

how come i never see 16bit unless i force it ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread slartibartfast

oshcar wrote: 
> does padding 16 bit to 24 bit if source is 16 bit change dynamic range ?No 
> since the padding bits are all zero.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Padding 16 to 32 bits, if the source is 16 bits does not change dynamic.
> Now, there is a real benefit to use 32 bits integers as the internal
> representation when you chain calculations as you need a precision that
> using 16 bits interim results loses. If you take flac as an example, it
> always returns 32 bits samples. If you’re want to store decoded flac in
> 16 bits arrays, you need a truncation loop. 
> In addition, using 24 bits is a real problem for cpu. Integers are 8,
> 16, 32 or 64 bits but there is no such a thing as 24 bits representation
> and trying to “fake” one can complicate implementation a real lot. Hence
> we use 32 bits and truncate them to 24 bits at the very last stage.

does padding 16 bit to 24 bit if source is 16 bit change dynamic range ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

oshcar wrote: 
> thankyou for this response. there is alot of good information here. i am
> still processing it. will respond again.


yes -- i want to avoid degradation

i understand the LSB

quote "It doesn't but if you have to perform an operation on 16 bit
sample (e.g. gain for volume adjust) and then any 16 bit operations
usually ends up with a 32 bit answer"
i dont want to perform any software operations
so why do i have to pad to 32 bit ?
even if i set ALSA f at 16 to drop the LSB later on before sending to
dac -- what do i do if playing a 24/96 file ? -- then i have to manually
change f to 24 every time ?

quote "Use ALSA "hw" devices and ALSA will not do any s/w conversions"
it is my understanding that there is more to this driver setting -- for
example generic 5102 = output setting hw:sendhifiberry -- something like
that --- my understanding is that there is more in this driver placed
there by hifiberry developer --- if you clear this field -- default
values are used -- are you saying the default values are doing some kind
of software calculations ?

i have no desire to use sox

quote "So if you have a 16 bit input, use ALSA "hw" and have
analogue/external volume control - then within ALSA 16 bit sample will
be changed to 24 or 32bit by adding LSB zeroes in case there is
processing and those zeroes will be removed when output to DAC - if
there was no "processing", the 16 bit audio sample value will be
unchanged from input."
i am confused by this -- i never get 16bit output unless i force with
f=16 ( Rpi driver ) -- this whole chain of events doesnt seem to be what
is actually going on to me
are you saying the 16bit input is being padded to 32bit by ALSA ( not
squeeze code ) waiting to see if any processing happens ( by sox i
assume ) then ALSA again drops LSB to match the value i put in ALSA
setting f ?

whatever the case is above -- if i know that i wont be doing any
software conversions --- why do i have to go through all this ? -- this
goes back to my original post --- 16bit in = 16bit out , 24bit in =
24bit out

Also -- if i pad a 16bit input to 24bit and send that to a dac that
accepts 24bit -- have i increased the dynamic range ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2021-08-07 Thread KillerRabbit

KillerRabbit wrote: 
> Hi,
> The only problem appear when I try to control playback from my network
> player:
> - pause/resume typically works fine:
> - STOP makes further playback impossible:
> + Roon stays in playing mode also the track doesn't progress
> + pressing PLAY causes only (without any effect in Roon or the
> player):
> The only way to proceed in such case is start playback of the whole
> track (from the beginning) in Roon
> - if I switch off (from remote) the network player than the result is
> pretty much the same as after STOP (Roon in playing mode, track is not
> advancing, restart of the track required to turn on player and start
> playback) 
> - SKIP FORWARD is being ignored (also nothing in the log)
> - SKIP BACKWARD stops playback like with similar output in log like in
> the previous cases
> - There are also some scenarios (but I cannot reproduce them easily)
> when Roon keeps playing for hours after player switch off.

Let mw rephrase the question. Maybe it will become less scary without
the logs :)

When you are using UPnPBridge with any musical server and playback
devices with their own playing controls what is the result of pressing

I'd like to understand whether the behovior I'm observing is expected or
not, and if not - is that Roon- or device-related problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ppc LMS does not scan

2021-08-07 Thread Mercenary

no. The pCP and the Synology were wired to the router and they are now
to the old router.

Music is playing :)

3 * Boom, 1 * Radio, 1 * Touch, 1 SB Classic, 2 SB Duet, 1pi with
picoreplayer, server and music on Synology DS718+
library ~50.000 titles

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

bpa wrote: 
> My point is, I think you want to avoid degradation rather than actively
> "improve quality"
> LSB = Least Significant Bits
> To convert a 16 bit auidio sample to a 24 bit audio sample you add 8
> zeroes od least significant bits.
> It is the similar as converting Euros to Cents - it is the same value 
> €1 = 100 cents  - 2 least significant digist have been added - no change
> in value.
> It doesn't but if you have to perform an operation on 16 bit sample
> (e.g. gain for volume adjust) and then any 16 bit operations usually
> ends up with a 32 bit answer.   
> Use ALSA "hw" devices and ALSA will not do any s/w conversions. 
> ALSA is a general system which can handle many device capabiltiies so it
> will do everything it can to avoid loss of quality in operations. This
> means doing calculations/operations at highest resolution for as long as
> possible and then dropping unusable  bits when passed to hardware (e.g.
> 32bit answer chopped to 16 bits to DAC).
> ALSA can do software conversion when required (e.g. input 24 bit sample
> but DAC only support 16 bit), volume control (add bits, volume adjust
> and then truncate as required), resample (e.g. 96Khz to 44.1Khz if DAC
> only support 44.1Khz). ALSA devices can also have other abilities such
> as snoop, mixers etc.
> SOX will do same job as ALSA because not all SB players have ALSA.  SOX
> is most often used to resample - in LMS user can have better control of
> resampling algorithm than letting ALSA resample.  Some users use SOX to
> upsample.
> So if you have a 16 bit input, use ALSA "hw" and have analogue/external
> volume control - then within ALSA  16 bit sample will be changed to 24
> or 32bit  by adding LSB zeroes in case there is processing and those
> zeroes will be removed when output to DAC - if there was no
> "processing", the 16 bit audio sample value will be unchanged from
> input.

thankyou for this response. there is alot of good information here. i am
still processing it. will respond again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread philippe_44

oshcar wrote: 
> does padding with zeroes increase dynamic range ?
> 16 bit to 32 bit to 24 bit
> doesnt 16bit to 24bit seem cleaner ? -- does it matter -- i dont know --
> i just want to try it to see if it makes a difference to my ears. or
> maybe just knowing that one step is removed will make it sound better to
> me. who cares. it will sound better to me.
> Changing a "32" to a "24" somewhere in the code cant be that difficult
> correct ? -- if it crashes on me then it crashes. no big deal.

Padding 16 to 32 bits, if the source is 16 bits does not change dynamic.

Now, there is a real benefit to use 32 bits integers as the internal
representation when you chain calculations as you need a precision that
using 16 bits interim results loses. If you take flac as an example, it
always returns 32 bits samples. If you’re want to store decoded flac in
16 bits arrays, you need a truncation loop. 

In addition, using 24 bits is a real problem for cpu. Integers are 8,
16, 32 or 64 bits but there is no such a thing as 24 bits representation
and trying to “fake” one can complicate implementation a real lot. Hence
we use 32 bits and truncate them to 24 bits at the very last stage.

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

oshcar wrote: 
> does padding with zeroes increase dynamic range ?
> 16 bit to 32 bit to 24 bit
> doesnt 16bit to 24bit seem cleaner ? -- does it matter -- i dont know --
> i just want to try it to see if it makes a difference to my ears. or
> maybe just knowing that one step is removed will make it sound better to
> me. who cares. it will sound better to me.
> Changing a "32" to a "24" somewhere in the code cant be that difficult
> correct ? -- if it crashes on me then it crashes. no big deal.

btw -- your response = "purley to save memory and cpu"  -- i like that
too -- dont see how that could ever be a negative thing

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ppc LMS does not scan

2021-08-07 Thread d6jg

Is you pCP on WiFi?

[B]Living Room* Joggler & Pi4/Khadas  -> Onkyo TXNR686 -> Celestion F20s

*Office* Joggler & Pi3 -> Denon RCD N8 -> Celestion F10s 
*Dining Room* SB Boom 
*Kitchen* UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* Pi Zero+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV) & Bathroom* SB Touch ->Denon AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s +
Kef ceiling speakers
*Guest Room* Joggler > Topping Amp -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
Everything controlled by iPeng & Material on iOS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ppc LMS does not scan

2021-08-07 Thread Mercenary

d6jg wrote: 
> The %2 s should not be there. Type the mount point in don’t paste it

Unfortunately that was not it either. After typing it pcP just said that
nothing had changed so I guess it was "correct" before.

But I managed to get it working.
I got totally fed up by the behaviour of the new router (Ziggo Connect
Box for cable) because it has about 0 enhanced options and the basic
functionality is completely unreliable - as this case has shown.
I am not even able to switch it to bridge mode but have to call the ISP
to do that...ridiculous.

Since I was still running my Orbi satellites and router for the Wifi in
the background I switched them back from access points to full router
functionality and let them build their own subnet.
Then I reconnected everything to the Orbi network, either cable or Wifi
and after switching a few IPs here and there...the scan works.

I don't know what is going on with this Ziggo router but it somehow has
been the root problem from the beginning I guess. 

If anybody has got an idea I would be interested to learn about it and
maybe it helps others who get into a similar problem. Who would have
thought that it is the router??

Thanks for all your input and attempts to help.



3 * Boom, 1 * Radio, 1 * Touch, 1 SB Classic, 2 SB Duet, 1pi with
picoreplayer, server and music on Synology DS718+
library ~50.000 titles

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Squeezelite’s internal representation of samples is always 32 bits. I’ve
> done a 16 bits version for the esp32 implementation but it’s purely to
> save memory and cpu. 
> Without questioning that you hear a difference, I can ensure you that
> padding 0’s is not the cause, you should investigate other reasons.

does padding with zeroes increase dynamic range ?

16 bit to 32 bit to 24 bit

doesnt 16bit to 24bit seem cleaner ? -- does it matter -- i dont know --
i just want to try it to see if it makes a difference to my ears. or
maybe just knowing that one step is removed will make it sound better to
me. who cares. it will sound better to me.

Changing a "32" to a "24" somewhere in the code cant be that difficult
correct ? -- if it crashes on me then it crashes. no big deal.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

oshcar wrote: 
> "improve sound quality" -- i have no desire to argue this.
My potion Is I think you want avoid degradation rather than actively
"improve signal"

> dont know what LSB is

LSB = Least Significant Bits

To convert a 16 bit auidio sample to a 24 bit audio sample you add 8
zeroes od least significant bits.

It is the similar as converting Euros to Cents - it is the same value 
€1 = 100 cents  - 2 least significant digist have been added - no
change in value.

> dac chip accepts 16 bit -- dont why it needs more zeroes, or why it
> needs 16 more zeroes instead of 8 more zeroes.

It doesn't but if you have to perform an operation on 16 bit sample
(e.g. gain for volume adjust) and then any 16 bit operations usually
ends up with a 32 bit answer.   

Use ALSA "hw" devices and ALSA will not do any s/w conversions. 

ALSA is a general system which can handle many device capabiltiies so it
will do everything it can to avoid loss of quality in operations. This
means doing calculations/operations at highest resolution for as long as
possible and then dropping unusable  bits when passed to hardware (e.g.
32bit answer chopped to 16 bits to DAC).

ALSA can do software conversion when required (e.g. input 24 bit sample
but DAC only support 16 bit), volume control (add bits, volume adjust
and then truncate as required), resample (e.g. 96Khz to 44.1Khz if DAC
only support 44.1Khz). ALSA devices can also have other abilities such
as snoop, mixers etc.

SOX will do same job as ALSA because not all SB players have ALSA.  SOX
is most often used to resample - in LMS user can have better control of
resampling algorithm than letting ALSA resample.  Some users use SOX to

So if have have a 16 bit input, use ALSA "hw" and have analogue/external
volume control - then within ALSA  16 bit sample will be changed to 24
or 32bit  by adding LSB zeroes in case there is processing and those
zeroes will be removed when output to DAC - if there was no
"processing", the 16 bit audio sample value will be unchanged from

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread philippe_44

oshcar wrote: 
> "improve sound quality" -- i have no desire to argue this.
> dont know what LSB is
> dac chip accepts 16 bit -- dont why it needs more zeroes, or why it
> needs 16 more zeroes instead of 8 more zeroes.

Squeezelite’s internal representation of samples is always 32 bits. I’ve
done a 16 bits version for the esp32 implementation but it’s purely to
save memory and cpu. 

Without questioning that you hear a difference, I can ensure you that
padding 0’s is not the cause, you should investigate other reasons.

LMS 8.2 on Odroid-C4 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 5xBoom, 2xDuet, 1xTouch,
1xSB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000, ShairPortW,
2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha
WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5, RivaArena 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

bpa wrote: 
> I think you need to be be more specific again about "improve sound
> quality". 
> It feels like you are concerned that somehow padding is degrading the
> original audio samples - it is not, it is adding zeroes to the LSB which
> are needed if the destination or a calculation requires it.

"improve sound quality" -- i have no desire to argue this.
dont know what LSB is
dac chip accepts 16 bit -- dont why it needs more zeroes, or why it
needs 16 more zeroes instead of 8 more zeroes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2021-08-07 Thread vannl

To day, I can not install UPnP Bridge Plugin to Daphile 21.01, Youtube
and Airplay Bridge plugin cann't install too.

Anyone having the same problem as me?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

oshcar wrote: 
> I am just trying to improve sound quality. something about picore sound
> has never sat right with me. i have played around with the bit length
> padding alot in other software and have never liked padding 16bit source
> material to 32 bit. when i suspected that picore was padding everything
> to 32 bit it just made me feel this was possibly the reason i am
> uncomfortable with the sound. 24bit i can live with in other software,
> so i would just like to try this. i dont like SOX up-sampling so i like
> to avoid it if possible. i know some people will say the bit padding is
> inaudible but i have A/B`d it with identical players, so .
> as far as ALSA goes, i just want the most generic setup possible - no
> software conversion desired. currently i am using the generic 5102 with
> the "output setting" cleared to blamk.

I think you need to be be more specific again about "improve sound

It feels like you are concerned that somehow padding is degrading the
original audio samples - it is not, it is adding zeroes to the LSB which
are needed if the destination or a calculation requires it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

also my dac chip, pcm1793, states in documentation that it accepts up to
24bit, doesnt specify 32bit but in practice it does accept 32bit. so who
knows what is going on internally there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

in addition to the als setup from previous post -- i also set f to 24
for the generic 5102
so 16bit to 32bit to 24bit
seems unnecessary

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ppc LMS does not scan

2021-08-07 Thread d6jg

Mercenary wrote: 
> Hi Paul,
> thanks. 
> So here is what I did.
> 1. install pcp 8
> 2. remove all the permessions in the Synology NAS
> 3. remove the mount in pcp
> 4. restart pcp and also in the meantime restart the NAS
> 5. wait for a decent time (10 minutes) - NAS was NOT hibernating or so
> 6. enter the mount point in pcp again and apply
> then it got this:
> 35427
> So behind, you can see in red that this caused a mount error, for
> whatever reason.
> Any more ideas?
> The funny thing is that I have not touched the setup at all. All I did
> was turn off the mains and then later turn it on again...
> As always thanks for your help.
> merc

The %2 s should not be there. Type the mount point in don’t paste it

[B]Living Room* Joggler & Pi4/Khadas  -> Onkyo TXNR686 -> Celestion F20s

*Office* Joggler & Pi3 -> Denon RCD N8 -> Celestion F10s 
*Dining Room* SB Boom 
*Kitchen* UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* Pi Zero+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV) & Bathroom* SB Touch ->Denon AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s +
Kef ceiling speakers
*Guest Room* Joggler > Topping Amp -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
Everything controlled by iPeng & Material on iOS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

bpa wrote: 
> If you could explain what problem you are trying to solve and give a
> specific example (including input file format, h/w and ALSA devices
> being used), it might help getting more explicit answers. 
> ALSA is an interface to devices. It has capability to software convert
> "input" and device capabilities using "plughw" devices or not to do
> software conversion using the equivalent "hw" devices.

I am just trying to improve sound quality. something about picore sound
has never sat right with me. i have played around with the bit length
padding alot in other software and have never liked padding 16bit source
material to 32 bit. when i suspected that picore was padding everything
to 32 bit it just made me feel this was possibly the reason i am
uncomfortable with the sound. 24bit i can live with in other software,
so i would just like to try this. i dont like SOX up-sampling so i like
to avoid it if possible. i know some people will say the bit padding is
inaudible but i have A/B`d it with identical players, so .
as far as ALSA goes, i just want the most generic setup possible - no
software conversion desired. currently i am using the generic 5102 with
the "output setting" cleared to blamk.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread bpa

oshcar wrote: 
> thx Greg
> at the very least it should be possible to go into the relevant piece of
> code and change a "32" to "24", so the software runs the same only with
> 24bit length instead of 32.
> I understand this may complicate SOX implementation -- for example :
> 28bit precision -- but that doesnt seem necessary if you dont up-sample
> or just want to up-sample 16bit source material.

If you could explain what problem you are trying to solve and give a
specific example (including input file format, h/w and ALSA devices
being used), it might help getting more explicit answers. 

ALSA is an interface to devices. It has capability to software convert
"input" and device capabilities using "plughw" devices or not to do
software conversion using the equivalent "hw" devices.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread oshcar

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Welcome :)

thx Greg

at the very least it should be possible to go into the relevant piece of
code and change a "32" to "24", so the software runs the same only with
24bit length instead of 32.
I understand this may complicate SOX implementation -- for example :
28bit precision -- but that doesnt seem necessary if you dont up-sample
or just want to up-sample 16bit source material.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-08-07 Thread cpd73

whitman wrote: 
> OK, didn't realise I had to actually make a folder and file. And then
> put the code at post 7656 into the empty file?

Yes, paste the contents into "desktop.css" or "mobile.css" - Material
will load the CSS file that corresponds to its current layout.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-08-07 Thread whitman

OK, didn't realise I had to actually make a folder and file. And then
put the code at post 7656 into the empty file?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ppc LMS does not scan

2021-08-07 Thread Mercenary

paul- wrote: 
> The NAS must be fully up and running before pCP boots.  If power outages
> are common.  You can increase the boot wait time where you setup the
> network mounts on the pCP interface

Hi Paul,

So here is what I did.

1. install pcp 8
2. remove all the permessions in the Synology NAS
3. remove the mount in pcp
4. restart pcp and also in the meantime restart the NAS
5. wait for a decent time (10 minutes) - NAS was NOT hibernating or so
6. enter the mount point in pcp again and apply

then it got this:


|Filename: mount error.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Picore - Squeezelite 32 bit length padding

2021-08-07 Thread Greg Erskine

Welcome :)

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